r' f A:nv1sE :ro Mo'I'HE.lttl.-Are you disoff my overcoat and wrapped it around him, ALONE IN CEJJ.'f1 AflUCA. and stood between him and the howling . ·---turbed at night and broken of your rest tempest, . so a.a to protect him &a inuoh as -'" White llfan. .'Jii'fil'n'ii/i. Ille fiing(~ fn the by a. sick child suffering ·a.nd crying with pain of Cuttiug Teeth 1 If ao send at B·1art:'n'tt'fl'e 'Dmll· C'entlnent. AWild Night Amid the Ioe Caires of the possib)e. WEDNESDAY, }'EB. 29, 1888. "Just then, to my nfinite joy, li11hts ap· . ouce ·and r~et a bottle of "Mrs. Wins.low's St. Lawrence. peared on the ehor ,_ I shouted, although ·rwo yev.hlago."t_lli11.month Mr._F. S. Arnot, the chances were all ..gainst my voice being a young ~o1Jdh m!~l!1ona.ry who had already Soothing Syrup." For children ti:ethintf; relieve "If there is any person living who has heard. I tried to Jllfl.ke Cummings see the shown i'e1'n1>1r'ka.ble capacity for African its value i~ iuca{oulii.bl~. r~ ome pa.rticnli~r event in his life fixed viv- lights, but he had acppa.rently lost a.I! sense tra.vel, rea:clted the large Ga.renga.nM tribe, the pooi:· liLble sufferer im.n1ec1iately. De· ~re prepared to pay tha h iglHif!~ price dly in his memory," said George Penn, a of the situation. I knew that he had a wife almos't'exttctly midway between the Atlan- pend upon it, rncthar's ; there · is D'l . . . . reaident of Gananoque, " ~hat person is my· and five children a.t hoine, to whom he was . tic ·a,rtd Indian Oceans, in about 12 south mistake about it, . It cures Dysentery all kinda of Oram tlalh~~ at the self, and the event is my experience in cross- devotedly . attached. One little dti.ughter l'n.t'ltu·d'll. He decided to settle there, and Diauhcea1 t l;;_;ula.tee the Stomach and Wl f their Sool'e }'+ \.!! ' · ing the St. L~wrence River from G1mancque especially was his pride and delight. Thinlr.- hes lived a.lone in the heart d Africa among a.nd B owela, cui.'T;J:!l Wind Colic, softens H10 iar or ' .1!.0 .)o in town. · to Cla.yton, by the way of Grindstone Isfand, ing w· e.rouse him to some effort that wo'llld this interesting and hitherto unknown p eo" one night in February, eight yeare ago. I keep him up until the help I now thollght ple. ]'or some yea.rs t,he nameofthiscountry ~~~s~rt~ott~~::.g:nt~a1~;;eat~;~~l:11~~~,~~ - -- ----~ -·~--~-.Q,_,__,_--=--=~=:·--ft had been wanting to make the trip across was ourely on the way ·cou!cl ·auive, I ea.id has appeared. on the maps as Garanganja.. ·- , 1 the ice to the island for several days, but I to him~ Reichard and Bohm, av.proa.ched within a " Mn. Winl\low'a Soothing Syrllp ' ' ~!or · Wl\S afraid the frozen river was too tl'e~.ch" 'Think of Ettie, Geor~, and cheer n-o, short distance of the tnbe on the north a.nd oh'iMren teething is plea.sa.nt t.o tho taste · · · · · · · · · · · erous at tbe time, but when eleven men if you W!\nt to see her a.gain.' , ·the route of Capello and Ivens skirted their i!,nc} is the prescription of one of the oldfrom the island crossed over to Ga11anoque "He looked a.t m-e in surprise. ·Why,' he territory on the south, but Arnot ie the . est and best female physicians and nurv.e11 Do you feel dull, languid, low-spirited, life"h 1 · " · t d t d th" fi 'be the count ry .an d peop.e. 1 -le1!9, and indescribably miserable, both physi- wiu a oau o,, gns 'an repor e every mg he said, k>oking out ovei: the ice, with his rat t o d eacri in the U nited S tatea, and is for Sl\le b y cally and mentally; e xperience a sense of 1111 ri;;ht, I lost all fear, and :iuine,l them <>n hand moving nervously about his chin. 'I He is living nea.r the Lutira. River, one of all druggists through the wol'ld. P1foa fullileas ot· bloating nft\lr eating, or of" irone- their return trip. Among the pa.rty from see her now. Yonder she comes I Don't the head streams of the Congo, twe 'months, 25 cents a bottle . Be sure and a.sk for I De!lil," or emptiness stornucli in tbe mm·ning, tongue coakd,of bitter or bad taste in the island were \Villu.rd Robinson 11.ud George yori see her ?, Don't you aee her? Dut what J. nurncy from the nearest whit'0 station on "Mns. WxNsLow's SoorHIN'Gl SY.R'Ol>/"I month; irl'e;gular appetite, dizziness, frc<immt. Cummings. · makes her come out when it is so cold, I Lu.kc Nyasna.. It is the countrr of the pow· ; lJea.dacbes, blurred eyC'sight, "floating specks" " The party got rea.dy to Btu.rt on their wonder ?" erful Chief Moshide, who cordially welcomed and take no other kind, 9 ____________..____. . _.__ __ - f before the eyes. nervous prostration or c;~return trip about 3 o'clock, and were gh!.d "Then I saw thlt the end of poor Cumthe white stranger when he came to him ha.usUon, i.-ritnhillty o f temper, bot flushes, h v h' .Uter nating with ohilly sensations, shnrl'· to have me join t em. r.veryt mg went mingA )VB.8 near. Once more 1 ca.lled his 11.t- across the continent with a few :cative atPOWDERS~~~ -biting, tnmsll.'nt pains here n.nd there, cod well until we were within a mile or ~o -Of tention to the lights on the 3hore. 'See, tcndanta and asked leave to settle. Mr. foot, drows iness aft.er meals, 81 wul;efalncss, or Grindstone I sland. By that time it was George,'. I said, ·Th,e men a.re coming out Arnot haH built a h ouse at Makur u, the Ara plc!IJ!n:lt to t~lte. Conb.ln t.:!>!if\!'.<:m'ft' 6 distu rbed and unrefreshing " P· dark , and the wind, which · had to ·ave us.' 111.rge and straggling town of the chief. All Wben B:i.by w!M!I siclt, \'tl:l K:i.'l"e hir Ca.it<i7fa, 'i n<lescribable feeling of dread, or of t'orrnt:mt, impend- "rowing " a .?mgntiY~. Io o.. sc.fe suro. c.uc. l ,,,:i~cetaai'. ing eri.lam ity? been gradually .r ising, scrddenly began blow"He kept go.zing wildly out over the ice, the country is thickly popufated, and in a Wilen Bho WM a Child, she '<iried ·for Castoria, d e.stroyc!· o~ ·;ro.rn::, 9 ii:. CLi..1dro,,.<l!!1.Ai.l.:Uto. If YO"- trnve all, or nny considerable number ing a gale, and any one who has evec.r been with his hand moving about his chin in the two-hours' tramp Arnot counted forty-three When s he bec=e Mis·, she dttng to Caetoria, 'Clf these SJ' mptoms, you arc suffering from · S L R' I k h t "11 ·that m'Mt common of 11.mericun malr.dlL 'S- Ill a ' t. !1.Wrence Iver ga .e nows w a same stTa-nge manner. It waa heartbreak- vi ages. Wbe11 ~ho ha.d Child.relil, eh~'gav13 them Caetotia, l!'or a long time none of the common peo· :Bilious Dyspepsia, or 'rorpid T.iveL", associated that means. VV'hile we were doing ou.r beat ing to see him. )[ wept like .a child at the ·witll Dyspcpsin, or Indigestion. Tllo more to protect ourselves against the g~1e, and sight of him. ple deigned to speak to the white stranger · Jfl'(lllW« eomplioote d num yom· discnae hus bucomc, tbe urgwg the team tob the top of it;S "]'or tw'o morta~ hours I fought for the uni-es~ be first a.ddreesed t hem. They refer the ber uncl diversity of syrnpk speed, db t.o d toms. No nl.at.ter what stu.ge it hns reucb~'{l. our horror the ice ega.n to c1·ac an en life that he himself ha.<l nil longer th e power to the white man's country as the hell of OF CANADA. Dr. l"i-ercc's Golden 1n·cdical lil1fiic o 11ery beneath us. ' To lessen the danger of break- nor inclii!ation to save. The Jighta, mei.n- the blacks. Stories of t he cruel days of the Capital pnlti u~·. l!l1.ooe.01l&. nes~,.~Loe· will snbr'luo it;, if take n 11ccol'ding to < lircc- ing through the ice, we stopped the horses, time, h ad been movini;: . up and down the export slave trade have r eached their far 'ttons (!Q r a l'f!:tsonab le kmgth of time. If npt f I I · b d h'l f ~ .<:urod, .complioations mu ltiply n.l)(J Corisuroµ- took them rom t le s eig ' an w l e one 0 shore Jn a mea;ningleas way, bnt none of : inhnd home. They say tha.t the white 'fi1l11 Bank lll prepared to d o Legltl~ tion·)f t.l1e L LIUµ.'S, Si<iu DiseflS()~, JI PR rt Discn~c, the party led one of them a.nd another th'3 t!,em approached any nearei· to us. l<'inally : man'H land offers nothing but misery and cuate Banking in all its branclil.es. Rheum,,tisrn, !Udney Disease, or other gmrn othe r, G eorge Cummings, \Villard. Robinso~, ·<>ne b"" one they disa;p""a.red. Then all hope slavery to the negro. Mr, Arnot gradually F a rruera notes diseo1n1ted ; D0p011Us· m rd:uHes mo quite liuhlo to .s~t in and, sooner d lf h d th 8 l - h J th t · .-· d h ·· h d "" · b or Ju\er, .incluoo a tnrnl t er1nirrntion. an myse pus e e eig a ong, e res deserted me. I had kept up by the most game t e1r sympat y an auect1on y carieceived and Interest p&id on amoun.te of· . C r. \Pierce' s Gol<l <> n m :cdicn! 11'.H!ll~ ot the pa.·rty scattering about on the threat- strenuous exertions, buoyed by the liope of ingfor their sick. The potency of hismedfoal $5 upwards in Saving!! Bank JJlfl·padment; <lowc· r y actg pmve..1-fu ily upcn t.he Liver, and enin!\iice, to concentrate as little w eight a e keepingCll . mmings a.live until the eyn . ecte , d skill won him fame and fde:cds, and he now thr:oug .h tllu.t gT<·m t blood - pnrH.ri n g· or~·Rut · l t 1,h d k f 11 --.h h h I '11 . D RA.F'J'(llj cl'<'.auseA t.hc gy"t"rn or all hlood- faints ur:d im- poem e on one spo · · e a.r · neaa e rescuers reached us. I felt, now, that·all roe.ms t roug t e a.rge country at w1 , iinrltie;;, frnm whai< we1 · cause :u·isiug. Jt. is about us rapidly, and the gale increased. was lost, and that, do what I might, over- and no one disputes his right to do rui be ls1med and Colleotiona made ln Europe ·Cquil.lly ethc11e1011s Jn :wt1ug npon tho Kid- It wo.s not long before the dift'erent groups taxed nat·ure m1.1st sooner or latter succ·nmb. pleases. IJnlted States and Canada. ncy.s, nnd other ('xcri~t.ory orgaus. clei1nsing. of our stra.ggling f part y been.me It was now ten o'clock. Cummi'ng· h·cl It is a country of "arain fielde, where, etreugth~niri g, :~ud h <'uli11g thofr diseases. Aa h · 'Bf!Pairated l a w W. J ··"FONES, an a,·Jletizill g, restorati ve tonic, It prnmot<c~ and lost to sight o one a.not er ln t le grow- gradually been growing weaker and weaker, strange to sa.y, the meu themselves t iil the digestion nnd nutrition, f,hercby building up ing darkneaa. and ha.d sunk down on the ice, wlicre I wua soil. All the land is c11ltivated. The ma.rJlUPORT.llNT TO ALL botb llesh and strength. mnlnrinl clistr icts, "One of being_, led Ba.ld,or ha.ve this w~rndorfu! mcdic:l neInhas gamed greut d the D horses 'd H was d I by a 1'Ubbing hie hands .and f.a.ce, in what I knew ried men tell Mr. Arnot that it woulcl be Who a.ra h bl d 'fhin or d Grey -'-·"'Hair, or ruebrfty in curing Fernr nnd Ague, Chills and man name a.vi arwoo · an.,, le wa.s we.a a ·useless effort to he(\p up the circula- dangerous to go home after their day's toil w o a.re trou e with anu· .-u.u.'. l"<-vel', l)mub Ague, n.nd J,rndre<l diseC1Bes. the only one of the others that was near us. tion. Suddenly he sprang to his feet. He withont e. large bundle of wood to feed the \"'f!E~ND' o .... i·te r ce·s .G(~l<i.e n JU:edical Dls- We could inst see him as he went along, stretched his hand out, a.nd 'i\ith a. wall fire during the night. Woman in G aren · 1 ~oveT}' · . . and saddenly we sa.w the horse he wa.s lead- such 118 I never wMt to ·hear again, he ga.nze, it a.ppe11,r11, is not " down-trodden 1 HUMORS, 1· in~ break ~hr~ugh the ice, Harwood was cried: .: . menial, as in many ether parts of Africa. f rnrn 1" commou lliotuh: QI' Emption. to the st:Jl on solid ICe, but the struggfos of the ·"Ettie's going ha.ck ! [ 'am going to her I' She believes she h c.s rights, <la.res to a.ssert worflt Sero[ul".. Salt-dieum, "Fcvcr--l'!oree," hor~e to get out broke the ioe bener.th Har"'l'he next secand he ·ha.d flung himself them, and the miesonary credits her with 'I'o buy Foot Gear for Men, W omen,. BcaJ.v gh t:;,in,nt'<J \n conquered Sli<irt. nil diseas~E iu i'nto t·he · W't er. H~ di'sftppc·-red at once. I great talent and fluency wo a scold. One ,,,,.,. C!UJc<lut· byI tuu llnc1 hloocl hy th: . wood ' and we - could see him H atnaggliog fi w v -~ w ~ Eoye and Maidens, at ~om~rf11l. r11:rlfyiu:.r. mid 1111·i!!"orn tiog medi- the water wit h the horse. e Ul\Ily .rua.n· lay ili.t o·n the ice, pcerin11; down into the would 3\lppose from the immense quantity ~ oi1w. Gr<eut Bati::" CJh:i·' r s rn.p1clly heal under aged to draw himself up on a. large ce.ke of bl,.,,ck depths, in h ope tha.t he would c.'Qmo of grain tha.t t,here would a.lways he an c::; )> lts benign inunenee. .l's f !'"Jiull.v hus it m11ni- ice, and he leaped it ta hanother, up, .. ·nd tl1·t I 1 r11 ' ght dra.~ bi ' s body b··' L o11 abundance of food. A lar«e _ 1 'C'.skd I.ta potency 111 curmg 'l'cttf't", Eczema, . h . f h' from Th h d aud b w w -" " pa.rt of the Q:! Ery1;ir><,b1s, llo ils. Carrmncles, Sot'e Ey('S. Scrof- w~ lo~t s1g . t 0 im. e orse . .a · Y the ice, and at lo1>st save t ia.t for his friends. grain, however, is u<.ed in brewing beer, ..... ulo11s Sol"es uncl t!wellin!fs, Hip-joiut Disease, t,h1s time d1su.ppeaHid beneath the ice, and But he never appeared again, which is stored in receptacles made of bark llJ """ "W bit.e Swelling-a," Goi re, or '1-'hick Neck, we supposed that Harwood had sh. ..recl the "It lll. i"mpo".";ble for me to descri'be the and holding thiny or forty gallons. Everyand gn l:trged Olands. Send ten emits in - f t N f th t f h ty "uetamps . fot' :t l~rge ·rre1ttisc, with colored ~ame .a ~· · one 0 · e. res 0 t e par feeling that posses~ed Irle for the next two body ·H free to drink everybody dee's beer :::iii plat<.'S. 01\ Skin Diseases. 01' the sam e amount WllS within sight or hearmg. hours and a half, aloue in tha.t field of ice, as long as it la.~t3, ancl in u few days the ~ .tor a TreAtis<i .on Scrofolous Affections. " Cummings, Robinson, O:nd myseU s.tuck with one of my companions dead beyond fruits of many weeks of toil are consumed. L )> ' 1 ..·FOR THE ll'llLOOD IS THE IL.IFE." to the eleigh. We had been forced out of doubt, and the other having probably met The beer does .not excite <1uarrnla, a.sit is I " Thoroughly cie!lnSH it l(Y using .Dr. !Pierce'@ the direct conrae to the iafancl, bui we a. fate equally as terrihle as his. The rock- chiefly somnolent. ~ Go.Id.e n fifc~ieaJ_ Di@covcl·y, .a nd .good struaoled on thinkin" we might soon be in!!' of the ice cake on · the wavca created a In October the land is spaded fo1· tha n ext · h ! 0 digestion, n fmr skm, buoyant spirits, vital "'" ' d d 'k · · Th h" f h' If f ti 11.U :)!trcng-th a.nd bodily bcalth wlll be established. a.hie to veer 11.roun an !Itri e 1b aga.m, de;i.dly nausea within me. I found, how. crop. e c 1e . 1mse o ten goes tQ 1e I This hope was suddenly destroyed by the ever, that the floe on which I stood had .fields in his Jitter, accompa.n·ied by his mu si- 0: .I 8leigh bre11king through, and we were forced lodged against a portion ()f the field which cianG, and watches the long fi les of his sub. l'l't: .:; wbieb is Scr ofula oftbe Lungs, is arrested to desert it to save ourselves. The gale was had 11ot yet broken up, and I was sa.ved the jects at their la.hors. He inspirea great fear I ~ and cumd by this remedy, if taken in t he now so stro:cg th1>t we conld not stand up additional horror of drifting, I knew not a.mong his people, for his government is se· . ·:.r~~~ ~~~~~ ~~e~~rh~iS:,~i,ili~~l i~s~~'.;!;~ a.gains~ it. We crept on r our handn 1md whither, among the ftoes thl\t, were con- vere, alt hfouub .he does not empdloy t or ture as JY~\~~~~~~~g~n~~~!;~lrefi~r ~~~S~1ff~Di~~f;~~:. l' Our New S t ock h as arrived, and coni- , wbeu first on:eriug this now world-famed rem- knees m the da.rkness. ' ' e could not see sta.ntly crashing to pieces around me. !n~an~ o pumahmcnt._ The ea.th penalty ates the growth of the hail', and in · caees of pria~s i;omething neat !Ind pretty for e<!Y to ~he P,u bli,c. p1:. Pierce thought se'ri,ously £.tty feet ahead of us. ~Ye had not crawled I could not feel the beginning of the 1s rnfl1cted for_ grave crimes, but not for ~cts ~a.ldness~ :wtwre thero a re the ahghtest signs ,dt Lad1ea, G ood a,nd Serviceable for Men -ol: ca.llrng it his CONSUMPTION C~~. ' but far before the ice gave way beneath us a.ad fatal inertia that presages the doom of sorcet·y, as in most parts of savage Africa. 1oo.ts left it Wlll P.ro.du~o go?d:, crop.a of..ham "lld Bo" s, and Bon ts that R Boots for abandoned that name as too r estrtchvo for _ . · -h ' d It re~tores Nrey hau tu its ong na.l color and n " .a medicluc which from its wonderful com- we were strugg1mg m t e water among of the freezing person, and I tramped Here an there one sees group~ of te~ or is an excellent dressing · · ! every member of the household. binntion of tonic, strcn<~thening-, altemtive floating cakee ot ice. up and down the ice floe, and rested not a twelve men· faste:ced together with an ll'on DO NOT DELAY, If ycur hair is fa a 't'i eak' ·o r blood-cicnnsing, anti-b1liot1s, pectoral and "mb f th fi t t· th f 11 l second. I could not shake off the thoug ht chain while working in the fields. They are condition get a bottle a touce. . · . nutritive properties, is ue.cqua.led. not 'ooh· .L en. ~r c re ime e u io~:ror l }I' J b J HIGGINBOT:E"AM ·&"'ON 08 . a rcrnerl:v. for Conm11nptiou, b~1t for all of our position became apparent to me. The thn.t I would be rescued . . The wind bad t ms p~miahed for mi~or offences, Un!!ke do;·llsg e.,. '! t · A k f . , .· · "' · . 'TltUl'iJU! VAIJSES d: SA.TfJllEl.S, I N STOt:ti, 11 .()bl."onlc D rnoascs of the foe was not only weak ; it was actually ceased l)lowing, but the cold was keen and many important African rulers, Jlllosh1de a.n ru,.,gis s, s ·· or ··· . . ,. btea.king up in the river, and we were fight- intense. h!1s no ~dy of counsellors, but gov:eroa un- A. DORENWEND, S~t~ < Man.fr. ~Ordered Work and ·R ep.airing · _' ~ I. ·U7 ·· gI ing for ~ife ~n the midst an immens.e fi!3ld " At midnight l saw a light on the shore. aided, l:stellll to all who come ·t o him, and, TORONTO. CAN.A.BA. g . alt l .l!or Weak Lungs, Sp·i tting of Blood Short- of floatmg 1co cakes whwh were grmdmg So weak was I th!!.t this welcome vision al- in ·t he missiouil.ry's opinion, hfadecisiona a.re /\.. DcronweJ'.!d is th o leading mai.11\fe.ctnror peer y, ae usua · D D VIS ne~. of Brc:1t h. Chronic Nasal Catarrh', Bron- each other into powder on every aide. Onr moat overcame me. I called all my energy usually just and good. Casea are submitted of Hall' Goods Jn Ca.nudu. · A · · 0 11 !!, t s, Asthmu, &ivcre. Coug hs, und kindred cnly salvation Jay in ea.oh securino as large together, and gave a. shout tlu:.t I could not to him wherever he mo.y be, and at all hours 11u.eet1011s · .it lB n.n elhctent r<;> medy. . . "' t d · d t h Ith 'f I f th 1 I t t ' b · '·h S<!ild by Druggists, at $1.00 01· Sfx Dottle~ a floe as possible, and, ta.kmg refuge upon give o- ay m my soun es ea - 1 was o e ;:.a.y. n raneac mg uameaa Wlv fo1· $5.00. ., · / it, trusting to che.nce for its running sue- to receive a fortune for doing it. I repeated his peopic he has around him none of the ,,!!'"'Send ten ce11ts in stamps for Dr. Pierce's cesafully tho gauntlet of the "rinding crash· the shout at intervals, for I saw that the notables or aub-chiefs of his coantry, but · k on Cunsumptlon. Address, iog fragmenta that hedged"'us abodt. In light was moving towo.rd me. It catrie only his pa.ges and women, and he will not t hat case we might be able to withstand the steadily, but oh ! ~o slowly! After what t?lerate th? presence of persoL_e who attend 66~ · cold a.nd exposure until succor reached us, S<lemed an a.ge, and it wa.s ~ea.Uy a~ ho~, ~o mmply to hste!3 to th~ prn~eedmgs Unless ,,___ ' -~--1'Iai~~~"'}111!'~FALO. N.-1[, for wo felt that eome of our comrades would . blocked was the water with fio:>tmg ice, I they have busmess w1t,b bm1 Ire sends them au~cNTION surely reach th? island. in .se.r~ty, "nd ~t ;Quldh1r;i.~ the ~oya1 Qf th.;i J?o11t ~;;!in~t. the. qu i~k 1y o!i their wa.y. . . ·. . · lil!f'f .~ . ,. ' once send rescumg parties m boa.ts to pick ice and the coo.fosed murmur of voice§, .rh~ ca.Im 11.ncl pell.Ce ·wh1oh rei~th m the , 1 ~JI!~-~ '~ ~·~ ..ii , .tjQ BACK~CHE. l 1' up thQije whQ were less fortuna.te, When the boa.twas within hailing dista~ce country, ~Ir. Arnot sllys, are 'quiti), Nirt:a.r~· prnctic~l Jt11·1s J a "'h k 0 £ ·· tli t I d .. I shouted again, and I remembered nothmg able. It lB only, however, bEcau~e "1~sbtd~ s ,.. r·h·r· ·· .-!"!~ ' -1 e ca e ice u. secure was no. a.fter that until I ca.me to consciousness a.ta peo'{Jle are fn.r etronger tha.n their ne1ghbo~ 'lll ·.o a · r. ~E4S~ . ,, . I large. enough for me to stai;id erect upon, house cm Grindstone bland. who lead anythinQ but a peaceful existence. , "'"" 7Jjl ~?'" " l,;1t:,.,. , < >: been S<ll<cd by QM even If I C?uld. have done so lD the gs.le~ but .. Dayn elapsed before I was a.ble to be Moshidc often ~ends out expeditiena against the Largest and best .Assortment on hand 1 11 ;i,.0 mmn< 0 r· ·ed" s tmveoawe< i5nnd6L'Ol'ds Ithought1t11ughtbe lessapttogotop1eces h' · h'-f th 1 "'l ' " All th C N 0W 10 ~t I Y- " &n.ot.ly" w h ll.t eve1y F1m11er a nd Wood Chop. · h h } lt · t told what had been the fate of the party, 11! ne1g uvrs, Ol' e SO e pllrpose '0> p Un' Y eS. large lt .enoug me t .. :nfor a m~ b~ Poor Willard Robinson, who defied the children der. Thear'e men are killed, their women and a very XJ~te0 '0 ':i,ll~J"'o!ft'.rJuc;.t<Q-0µ-ne ·ent. Im.BE to nu : w e upo:r: dC . perilthatla.ybeforehimina.da.ringattempt dragged into qapti:vity, and ~ vn1·1 ... 'ety but 1 0 -oo.~ u'~,;J t ... 31 i $ u"!..':i!'f~1:'G-ctri_~i-~:'fif 1 dt:nee mghposi\ton. m;on im bl u~nmmg: to reach the shore and send resc1.1ers to Cum- their ivory ~s seized. Mra. Hore recently · " ·· "" · ' South Sea Seal ar;,d Pers1ani. ...,,_,,.,_.___.,:._;· _;__ _ 1----'L-·_ ' __ · hrew t e kmd s e .vesthupont argle ik o bc s, anit minge nnd me was never heard of again. wrote from Ll\ke 'i'a.nganyilio. that the 'evils L;;ml 't.'-t"-.e 'L 1.<r.1e ' 1~;,d.. . ... ,. { t eyb'r oe e ld m de th wa er ' hours of etruggle with · the of th e s1IJ.Ve t ra.d e, as th e wor '·lcl ~eea · thein u U.li ul 1::.,. .' I. ; , · d he Ioats. d d The othe11,1 after 00 wa.s . UMbated · an efury. wm We_ ow had e been own broken the Island, d all a.long the COB!fta, a.re upon trifling compared with ·c '·',: t 1 , i"' e ' .· '·',-'. ~ ~·c ·' all. th.e latest im~rovements-a very -_ :I ~pon itter us w1!h th f . ice' , ' had d reached h t d H . h of d the misery in'fl.ioted scores of "unfortu- :~aua4iau Jtattsmau. CAUGHT IN CRASHI_ NG IOE, RAL GRAIN HAT A I Ls wm Jno. McMurtry & Cch.. ° · u Yo I Q FREE!UN S WORM 1 ~ " " STANDARD BANK _..,,_ D, DOREN. '. CURES ALL Z ::c s .. Cl <C Q Popu 1 ar No 1 Boot and Shon EM PO Ri·u M ! . CONSUMPTION, 1 I or Ll·ver Baood and l ungs· o! l I l ' ' THIRTY 'Y,,E ARS · IN · BUSINESS World's Dispensary Medlcal assocjalillil, NEW l 1 .Jr.I. g , : .lt_I_ .A YE_ R, lar ~e I i:;.,;,~'.'L'No ~:,1~·%'~~{"~~i~'ifut~~~:t~i~"c~~o.;r"e a.rg~r ~~e.p ~:sa. '·G·'e· ·n -. '·: " ts' F:· .u '-···r Caps l· . 'F . . :'a : 1: '..D.. [:<Tats ' L-a· s · · The 'Furrier calls attention to the follow-. nc · hes of hi's ne · w Fall Stock . ~b. i Rn tb~e tos~1 hng tfiodesf but hi: shflortt. t1mbeloc wkhenf a ~:ribl:eJ!lo:~neye:x:o:;a t~~t w::t:o~f w~<l 1nate tribes b y the internal 's lave t rade. Mos· !.; ' choice and vaned stock to choose' ," o waters . . . he : ·In. ·des · · I '· · t l d d f ~, U;, I "o. rnson s ou e rom is oa lDCY "' and crasb1ag ice, For a mil~ ll a\ e oar.a.Ya.ns, a.re sen m o re s o . rum . >/,> Le · ' n I . t , t 1 t 'k f made his way from cake to cake, somehmes 1 milos we3t to Ih he. Arabs who have reach.. oy, m cnu 0 ma ·e a.1 . 11 e i·i 0 or floa.thw for a.11hour at a timeo11 a floe before ed his co11utry also purchai:ie ·many of his 1 ..fr.zrr:~~· ·(< ' shore. t h;irc to an hour, he coii'li mami,ge to aet to another one. captive'a. A6 all his hn!na.n c11ptives a.re wo~ h1 fib·eeze tod~c!l'th · ,. and I m1g t etter t'll ie m ryrng save my- Several times · - cake "' h' ..... 1. a 1 ld . th e f ,e m1\1ea of" . fi cent se1ec t' d and ch cap. C a11 1y 1 ·or :fiest ch 01ce. · 1 1 d d'. w·u the upon w ich ie c.ung ... en "'n c 1. re.1, ua.reuganze A magni ion goo . ear d 8 1 5 ?1£ ~ha~ tho ata~ i a n H. you j went to pieces and left h im struggliag in the l~rgely outnumber the ma.le population, a.nd r11Jk 1~ look.:d wit me' ·l · A · ehx ' t ens1hyie. · Ihy ·pr~c.1ee · t' d f· h A laro:e"I ~head over the crowd in<> icy cha.nuel. By alternate swimmi.ng an d po~?,;ga.m . )" m I 1:: 1 . . , . f · h·"" leaping from floe to floe, constantly m clan· , ;.ur: , r.n<;>t.. i\s 11. g opmton o t e ea u . , ) s tock; rashmg, 8 "'.a.ymg mass .0 ice~ t 110 w ite ger of being ground to a. pulp among them, brity of ,t l;us country ll.rouncl the ohi.ef head · · bl order of which be darkof the ,Congo. . He is apparently one on hand. Prices ve1y reasona o. d It traced l k d m the 'ld d H a.rwood , a ft er a s t ruggIe of e1'x · hours, ,sources . · . . l could f ness or sever\ ro :[' could~'te s!c:n-::o~ a: reached the I sland. He was so badly frozeh ,of the ~xcept10mil wh.1te me!! who,,cun hye GEN'rS' F UB.:NISHI N GS AND UNDERWEAR, A COMPLETE. trev,chcrous t at . p thathewasnearerdead.thanaliveforda.'ya." n.ncl thnvem ~quatorm1Afnca. 1~10 S ' GJ 'f' B St d cour~ge t o trust mys.elf up~n it, M1d to~d - - - -- -·----·· sionarfoa left the coast months ago to join D isplay. Sb1rt_s, "'oc1rn, · oves, ies, races, · u S, ~ohnson so. Cummmgs said he couldn t, The Wildc~t Grune. him, ~nd bllfore this, it is pr.obabl.e,· that t~e , But tons, Mits, Rubber Co~ts, Umbrellas, etc. either . , . · . , . . most isolated among the wlute SOJonrnel'll m · . · . · · · ' 1'.'ou d ~ettt~ not try tt, W1l~. SMd A Mar?letown, Ulster C.'Ounty, ~arme:, Africa. has ha.cl the plea.sure of aga.in grett- ~Furs Cmmnmgs. 'Ve 11 be re~cued 3ure. not Jong smee found that he w a8 losrng his ing men of his own race. · +'. R ur · ll JU\,11 : ~~ -·. D r~· i~'i» "But R obinso!l was d etermined, and took fowls so fast t hat his roost would 11oon ~e i.Or aw .I.: N , ·~ llF' ~ ,~~ 1"' \!L .~~-J off his coat and boot!l. · · depopul11.ted u:cles_s a stop was put to it. Why Twelve Hours. N eadt>' Block , Bowma.nville. M.M.AYER. VE'rEUINARY SURGEON, "' eep up your courage, boys," ha s111d. Whet.her the stealmg was doue by a. ~o.n or Wh ru-e the dials divided into lZ divi· . 9 .. ·I'll have a h . oa.t back for vou before two an animal he could not tell. He decided to . Yf fi . t 1l M .., ~======!.'!"."'~=~===~=========~=========="'! · ' · G d 1· · ·t d h te ·t " s10ns o ve mmu es eac1 1 . ear r. "'· ,,, 0 ft 0 NO. 0 .N 'l'. hours or you'll never see me ago.m. oo · ie ~ ,,wai ' an w a ver 1 w~s, man or I Grant Oli hant : " We ha ve 60 divisions ou k8 d t.ch b u : by ,,, devil, to attack. One oold mght he bun- h d' 18 Pf 1 ,; H e plun,.,.ed into the river among the dled up in horse blankets, robce and over- the lllld okur ~oc an ;;_.a. · eah eca be ; i 'I'HE ' crashing ice iakes \Ve could see him fi ght- coats, and hid himself near the hennery. It' e 0 · 0 as to -p ing his way ancl him up with words It wa.s a long, tedious wa.tch, and several ives :: tlie Behn! 0 ?11 uryt e fre k .8 · 1 1 0 0 ' .; . . · ..·- :· , .. · .· of encourageme11t until he was lost in the thimes h odalmost debcidded Hto trudge tob fthe ~~~i~that :y· s~e~ ;:inngs~:x:ngie~i~~l ~ ~~~ darkness 1<,inally after a silence of a ousa an go to c · c nevu e o1·0 Bab l . . t d '··h . 1 omantes wberet fa.cquam ·e .WI· ~ rn,. ( \ q uarter ~fan hour 'which we interpreted to realized who.tit was to ste.nd picket guard. . Y 1 '"11::.Y' . C>' . -.·.~ ..IC:::f .- ~ l b ' f JI ha.db d H ha.cl heard old veterans talk about it o1ma sys m, u or common or pr&c oica ~ _ . ..._.., t::::::3' ~ mean that tie rave e ow een grouo e · d' purposes they counted by sossi and B a.ri the Havill!Y thol'Oughly refitted and added a lot of new Machinery to the · cca· i·11 the ice we heard him shout but ha.d no idea there was a.ny grea.t har · t' . ty d th ' ·:x:t j a Pl ·· reasons are a dvanced to ~ ' · · h h b ·· h sossoB represen mg e1x an e saros s1 y The fio11owmg back to us. He had foughthLSwa.y success- shSt ot er t a.n emg 8 ot ~t. · times six-three huntlred and s'xty ~'rom above Mills, I am p repared to fumi-sh why you, . ,s hould deal with us: fully across the wide strip of broken ice t~at ust as he was a.bout to give up and leav~, H ipparchus that mode of reck~ning found · . lay between as and a. stnp of unbroken ice, he heard a sof~·footed ;itep, a.nd.sa.w an am- its way into t he v;orks of Ptolcml- about li'iO 1 'Onr Ordered J:Jlot4ii. 1a is cut by and had dra.~11 himself upon the .fatter. ma.I of some kind movmg over the .snow. to· A. D., and hence was carried down the -. , o After a few nnnutes he shouted a"'a.m, and ward the place where the fowls were roostmg. t f · a d i'v1'l1'z·ti "on · nd found ~h I fir t I ~te · . . we . could . . v01ce . above the"'wmd, . al! I l' d th h a h 01e an d d isappea.r ' ed s ret\m o science n c '~ ~ e on Y . s -c ass e n~ r ln t own ,, hear his · t s ippe . ·roug . its wa. to the dial plat es of-~ our cloaks and T' th · t f h. bl the gale bore the words to us, saying that m the bmldrng.. Then, by the suppressed t Y ,, 1 0 .our ms ar~.. .e-. ~~s as iona e he was about to make the attempt to wee.th- squeaks of the hens the farmer was con!i?o· wa. ies. - - -- -· - - ]n town ; ~µr. C-ol_.lars, Scarffs, Hats er his way through the ·broken ice that lay ed tha.t the depredator ~e ha~ been wa~bmg One Glass of Wine too Much. .. ·' .: .. . I be ond. for wa.s at work. Graspmg h is club with a . . . and Underwe1'r are the most dur~ 1 Y h b bl k. th firm grip he went to the door, threw it A glass wme, for mstauce, changed the , 8 7 0 c100 m · e ev~n- open, a tl' sprang inside. He heard a. wick - history of of l th t ". A '1) . · · d . ' . ' . t ~~ t e~ pro a. Y l!'mnce for 11early 20 yeo.rs. Louis 11 .a b e a . ~~J,l:.·: .~ prpcure ' our ~ng. Oun;im1nge and I were encrusted with ed growl, a stealthy catlike moveme11t, sa.w Philippe, King of the French, h~-11 a son, 1 Ready-ma.tie:QI:C:>thing i1:1 as nicely ?e· R~bmson h!l'd bee;. gob b_ut:;, sho~t two ha.Us of fire in the dark, and then he the Duke of Orlean11, and heir ~ the throne . c . ! · · ~ ;;. , -. J i . · · · ", tJ.IIJ.e w en my piece 0 ice ega.n .,g". 0 struck with all his might. The blow wa~ who always drank only a.certa.m number of " .made and CU~, as ,~~11 as o.t her <fry :p1eces. A moment. later I was stru.,glhmg well aimed for it str uck the wildc'lt be- glasses of wine, because eve11 one more. ' advertise · ordered m the water ' ' On a. memorn · bl e mormng · uoods houses that Ii among its fragments. beh' d At1t at d tween the eyes and , no d oub t, k'll 1 ed ·· it at mad e h. im t ipsy. .o , '. ,_ " . -. . . . . : mo1!~11 ~ t e moon came out lll a.<: 9u, · the first blow though the man continued to he forgot to count the number of his glaE aea work-thqy·~~dte '·yotir cloths 'By.its C1ight I. saw that th~ block of ice on rain down bl~ws for a minute or more. He and took one more than usual. When enter· 11 . . ·- _' ·;-- :- .. -f · . which ~mmmgs was. oa.tm~ wa~ a. .roomy dra ed the carcass to the house, and the ing hie carriage he stumbled, frightening the ·()Ver town~.to:.a .. .number 0 -tailors· one, and formed~ th1~k, solid white ice. I n'l::C~gmorning, for the first time, knew wha.t horses e.nd causing them to run. In attempt. to be mad~ up Ch<iap ·so call m a.~e my way to it ';11~ a1 grekt e~~rt, ·a daU:gel-ous anirua1 he had killed. ing to 1ea.pfrom the ca.rriagehis head struc1r on hawl. , .. __ :' ·' ' ' , · , : . 1egs were so c~am~e y on~ nee mg. . · ··· · the pavement and he soon died. That glllt~ ~ 11 IVES ,81nd ·~etyourClotbs . ' re.ic~edCummmgssper?ha. succeededm Worthy of His Hire. ofwineoverthrewtheOrleansrule, confispullmg myself np~~. it. When . I ha.d cated their preperty of £20,000,000, and Pi . J. R ·. ,l,·l ..... re.covered myself si;tn.mently to. notrne a.·lJyStl ·ra.nger(to bboy)k - ,Boy, can you direct me sent the vhole family into exile. 1 l l' -~ ~ thing !!188 I was h01·11fied to dtecover t lat tot le Dea.rest an . r d ers fill ea and oe ivere d . -t 0 a11 part s 0 f the t own. Prices _ . .· , ,.,.' ; , Qumm~ngs was surely perishing. The moon Boy-I kin fer twenty-fi cent!!, . ' . 1 Youd s1nctftely, . shone brightly upon us, and I . ea.w that Stranger-Twenty-five cents I Isn't that Necklaces of colored stonee, 1\8 the sapr caaoJJable. Telephone communication·. . . . . " Cunupings's face was deadly pe.le. There hith pa.y? ., , phire altirna.tingwi~h the ruby of the ei;ner<;].·'. ·~'iiiJ'& st,ra.qg~ look .in his eyes, and ~e did oy-Yes sir, but its bank directors whatl a.Id wit~_the tudrq_uo1pse,_have lately clr1vext 43· i :' .ia,..- · " .:m·~.- ,llOt lll)ein. w .,n otice my presence, l 11tripped git~ high pay. · out the ~ta.moo m arts. !j I !- aps 'r-,,_, . ' & G ent s ' F ur c· Lad ies oat s c u tter &' c arr1age ·· R Q b es. - . . altered and repaired. I rms-1 J , 0n . r: ,n E I .. II1ghest Price pald ,, , E C .+ -_ I~ c - sE - ~heered t~ee ° dnom~r, !~pre chri i 1 I -A c LED ONIAN urs. Ml.lLS.. - l I I I I lRoller and Stone Flo.u r, I Oatmeal, !=tolled Oats· Split Peas, &c.. Farmers' Gristing a specialty. I lPearl and Pot Barley, Corn,. j Bran' Shorts' BarleyFeed, . . &c.,, always. Highest price paid for Grain of all kinds. o· a:\J upon m1 · · p R0 .; :,Y _ . ,·. M .A 'n ·E . -. n r - w ,)', '['.]"' !V'.1'.il . JOHN MacKAY.. , , ,,/->' - t< , ~ ·: · ! · I ,