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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Feb 1888, p. 7

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H EAL TH. a. - ------=:===WEDNESDAY, FEB. 29, 1888. \Ve commend to the earnest attention of Injuries to Knee-J oints. our readers the following extract from a letter sent t o us by a la.dy subscriber : _ Oni' la.test importation l;as a rrived from Fra.nce. and we will be "!!'or the last two years my fi>'e·yeam-old One hundred million cubic feet of gas is glad to see ,our fr1encls and acquaintances and those with whom we boy has suffered with a diseasl" of the knee· used in London in o:ie d11y cf fog. have been m correopondeuce. In fact any anrt all who are In search ot joint, re6ulting in the loss of the knee·cap, The B'rench mwigatiou compa.nie1.1 profirst class PEP.CHEHONS an d FRENCH COACHEH.S, to look them. over. We liave·a.n c.x;ception11.1ly lot, and our stnd is so lari;fo or patella.. He wu.s lately operafod upon at pose to diemis,s all foreign employees. · lrn.~ all may be pleased. "Vo offel' tho largest nnmber and greatest the Children's Hospi~a.1, ·Huntington Avenue. Tho owner of tho London '1'-irncs, 'Mr. vanety to sol~ct from. All ou'.r irnoorted s tock is selected by MR. "I! I had taken bun there two yea,rs ago, \Yiilter, is now on the verge oZ a poor.age. F ARNUM lu rnself personally rn F rance, and ho aocepte nothing bu~ the best Horses of the mo<t arJOroved breeding. he nught have been well to;day. .Now the Gen. Sir Evelyn Wood, one of .England's Our Home- bred Stoc·k is a ir the proR"eny of selected sires and do.miJ knee ~my be soveral y~a.~s ~n beah?g fnl~y, ' best, was nearly killed cut hunting last of tile best form and rncdt desirable breeding. We guarantee our and ":ill ~e 11 nearly stiff JOIDt for_ hf~, whtle week. stock. Sell on easy terms and at low prices · a.11 this might have Deen spared him it I had We will he glad to answer 1tll correspondence p-omptly : but wo known what a slight swelling of the knee A good many have been cut ap and built would strongly advise persons contemplating the parchase of a horse might lend to, and kept him in bed a month. A VALUABLE MADSTON£. ?Ver, b~t there arostill 44.4 burying grounds or ma1 e Pcruheron or French Coach, to get on the train and come and see us. Catalogue free by Mai l. "Your pa.per goes all over the land, <lllU m Lc.nelon, ., I feel it my duty to ask you to warn the Its Owner llu.~ i'tliule a F<H'tnne by Rcnnn~ An improved Lee-Bnrton rifle fis now mothers not to neglect what ma.y seem a it Out " thought to be the favorite of the British PROPlllETOJtS OF I SLA.ND no~rn S'l'O()K FARH, IMPOJtTERS AND UREEDEI~. slight trouble with the knee-joint, or, worse · Commis2ion. 'll "th th h' It l d t t One of the most celebrated madstones in at 1 , w1 e ip. may ea 0 ampu <>· Prof. Tyndall has reported a white rain- Address all commu nications to Detroit, Mich.] G·ROSSJ: ISLE, 'l'AYNI! 4JO., llllCHlG.t.N. tion or even death." this part of the world is that belonging to bow, and Lord Monteagle followa with the The joints, especially those of the knees, Turner Evans, of PL\ris, Linn County, Iowa. same observation. lia.ble to many affeutiims, some of which This valuable little ~tone was formerly own.1are dne to constitutional defect, 11nd some ed by a gentleman in Virginia, where it is The ll:rnpress of Austria, ha.ving been to other diseases, but; most frequently the said to have effected wonderful cures during forced to give up hunting, has taken up -AT THEcause is injury from accident. This cause thti past 130 years. It has been in the fencing for exercist. operates especially in childh<.od and youth, hands of the present owner for over thirty A dcrgyma.n ha.a been caught making partly because this period is niore full of years. Dnring this time it h9,s been tested clippings from books in the reading room of exposures, and partly because the ten- several tiines and has always given entire tho .British Museum. dency to set up inflammatory action is then satisfaction, never failing to 1'1'fect a cure. The experiment is to be tried of connecPUREST,STRONCEST~BEST, My stock of COOKING RANGES con8ists of the at its maximum. . The word "cure" is perhaps not the word ting all the British lightehips with the shore CONTAIN S NO The surfaces of all joints are covered with to use in this connection, for if I am rightly by submarine cables. with the new Duplex Grate ; ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, a membrane the office of which is to secrete informed it is a~.ways made a point to use or any injurious materi:ils. e. lubricating' fluid. · nder this is cartil!tge, \tho stone as a preventive of hydrophobia.beParis is gayer now than it has been since Duches~, 'IORONTO, ON'.l:. f th tu 1 f th b the days of the Empire. The Faubourg, E.W. GILLETT, to lessen joit; and to render the play of the ore_ e a.c a a~pearance o . e re. ies. however, ia still offish. CHICAGO, ILL. For PARLOR STOVES, I have a large stock, with and without ovens, joints over each other soft and sa.fe. The Durmg. the past thu·tr years this stone has Kr.n'f'r of I.lie CELEB!lA'l'E:O ROYAL 1EAS'l' CAIUlll. head of the bones beneath the cartilage is been tried on not lco;ia than 750 persons, and The pnl'ification of the British turf has consisting of spongy, and thus more liable to harm. ~a .Mr. _E vans charges $10 for atria~ an~$~0 stimulated the 'J!'rench. Mr. Barnard has it sticks _fast to _ the wound, ~luc~ 1t _is been warned off at Nice. A.rt She Tried in vain to Get Disease, or over use, or accidental injury 1f _ have resulted in inflammation of the said t. o do if .t~ere is hydroph.ob1 c poBon m I'he most fa.moue cricket ground in the Also a full line of Cooking Stoves of the latest patterns, and for size. Relier and llad quite may synovial membrane. Indeed, it is believed tho syst_em,\hts mcome from this source m1;1st world, Lord's, has jnnt been enlarged by the weight and finish, are unequalled. I also take orders for the NovEL'l1Y that. nearly one· half of all affections of the be cons1derabl.e. In 1880 a gentlema~ with purchase of more land a t heavy figures. Given up all Ho1,e. knee.joint are of this character. If the whom the 'vr1ter was very well acquamt~d, S~. l'aul'a has just had a new rei·edos put STEEL PLATE HoT Am FURNACE, it is a powerful heater and very reasonable in price. Granite u.nd Iron Wares constantly on hand. Campbellford, .June 9, 188'7'. trouble is neglected, the inflii.mmation may was bitten ·by a. ~og thought to be ,suffeni;g in. costing £ 37,000. The old Cath.idral is extend to the cartilage and destroy it, le1w · from hydrophobia,, I refc~ to D. C. McGil- coming into fashion a.gain, and is crowded MR. E. MoRRis, Toronto, Eave Troughing , Roofing and Job Work done on shortest notice, and ing the bare ends of the bones to grate on !en, i:vho_ fo1merl;y: ~orkod ma h~rnoss ~hop e\'ery Sunday. DEAR Sm :-I feel it my duty to give other ; or it ma.y extend even to the m this 01ty. Inqmnes were made immediateKing J a,.J a, the African potentate who prices, considering material, as low as the lowest. you niy testimony for the good I had head of the bone and give rise to a destruc-. lly as to where the possessor of th~ m!"d- recently had to stand trial on board her Ma.stone could be found. As soon as this Lmn from your Dandelion Liver and Kidney tive abscess. The inflamed membrane thickens, in- County man was located McGillen started jesty's ship Royalist, ha.s been let off with a 3·6 .tr Newcastle. Bitters. l\ly liver was in a bad state 1md . race w.i th d eath , 1 . . no d oubt pension ot £800. . h 1s its secreticn iu quantity, and ca.uses on uwmg G creases I wa3 a great sufferer. I had tried in th t f l d (h d h0 b ) t ermany has now more than .seventy man. the adjacent parts of the knee to bulge out i a aw u ueas~ .Y rop ia. was ~ ufaotoriea of "champagne" Of . vain to get relief and had quite given up with fluid. This m11y been what first t~a.t moment sowmg_ its seeds of death. m " · 4 all hope, till a friend told me of your attracted the attention of our correspondent. hts system. . He arrived . at .Cedar Rar . ids 0 0' 000 bottles imported annually by Russia, Bitters. I got a bottle at once and I am There is, of course, pain-generally severe the same mglit, \ms h urried mto a ca.rr1age Germa.ny provides 300,000. happy to say the Bitters a new wo- and ta.ken to the " mo;dstone ma.u" as soon '.l'he Czar has refused to give the Comt-e man of me. I can heartily recommelld Of course a child may have a severe injury as possible. After his retur~ be gave the de Paria permis~ion for his .so_n and the ~<?n them to any one troubled with liver com- to the knee which may soon heal, withoat writer. mo~t of_ the ~...eta whieh _have been of the _Due de Chartres to Jom the R ussian any further ha.rm. But any subsequent pain embodied m t~1s a.rt1de. He sa.1d tha.t a.a Imperial G uard · . plaint. Yours truly 1 soon a~ hti ar~ived Mr. Evans sc_ra.tcn~d his The. ahootiDg record for a single day wa.s C.utRIFl STEPIIENll. at the joint in wa.lking,or any bulging out as 1 if from 11, fluid, should receive immediate ,arm with a. pm. (he hu.d been bitten m t~e, estabhshed at Lord Mansfield's; Pertbahire, madicll.l attention. Meanwhile, absolute hand) and applied t.h e stone. Before thlB, week before last. ]'ourteen hundred head rest of the parts, by a recumbent posture of , as 11 ~ort o~ prologu~, M r, Fvans had !nforrn· of game fell to eight guns. · Good News at Home. the body, is of th@ fit-st importance, and ied his pa.ti?nt that if the hydrophobic germ llaroness Burdett-Coutts is v.bont to esthis will constitute one of thtl chief me11tu1 , wa.s in his system the 2tcne would 1 01l f t t 0 h t h" h h h 8 d ta.blish workshops equipped with sewing E . MoR.1us, ·ESQ. 1 -DEAR ·S rn,-I hn .i toward the cure. a.a t e spo w ic e ma.chinea where poor seamstreBlles can no rea.so11 to speak well of your Dandelion scarified ; but if he bad not been inoculated ... with the fatal poison, it would not stick. and use them at a low cha.rge. Liver and Kidney Bitters. I ha·e been How to reed a Siok Person. In this case ll\Y informant "it stuck Forty-one thousand ehasublos formed one troubled for aomti time with my Kidney In serious illness the sufferer must rely like a leech," and that when removed it wa.s 1 portion of the Pope's jubilee gifts. '.I.'he and a friend of mine recomme nded them to me and I tried them in my, and ohiefl,v if not entirelY: u;pon liquid food to .full of a greenish ~uid th'l.t ~~ oked." like C hartreuse monks sent £20,000 in cash, aµd found them to work like .a charm ; there- sustain strength. It 1s imJ.>ort.ant th~t the scum on a _pond m Aug?st. . This, ~he California f\ent a staff filled with gold dol· nurse should know how to give it as Bktlfully operator, was the poison virus whtch lars. Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run fore I have much plea.sure in recommendposs~ble to avoid unneces~ary fatigue ~o had been taken from the system _When The Platters rocks in Holyhead harbor ing them to all persons who are troubled as the patient. . The utmost skil~ and m l.~he stone had b3ensoakedfor a.few mmut_es are to be removed, and the L iverpool Merone month. in any way with their Kidnev, the pr~pa.rati?n of. the food will . be thrown i m -.a. bath. comIX>aed o~ a.bout on~ part nulk c&y says that a "powerful line. of American Yours truly, away if the inv~hd cann?t b~ mduced to i an~ three _of vater it was aga.m applied. steamers will make Holyhead its headJ, J. JONES. take enough of it to nourish him properly, I This operation v·as repeated for about seven ! quarters ,, Newton.ville, May 3, 188T. and the nurse fails in her first duty who hours, after which the stone would not ad· 1 · · . does not devise means by which this sha}l here, and the operator pronounced tho .I:ondo,n _ opera h~s rndeed gone down. ~er -- -- - be accomplished. ·when the head cannot be ' patient out of d.~nger. MeGillen described ' Maiesty s l'heafre is to be trans formed into to $811, day. Samples aml duty FREE raised from the pillow a bent glass tube can : the stone as u. wHteish, llpongy looking little immense coI)cert room, capable of_ hol~ L!nes i;iot under the hor~e'steef., Write be used to draw the fluid into the mouth. : thing, not lar~er than a filbert, cone· shaped 1 mg 4,000 ·tiera~:ie, and called H er Ma.Jesty B BREWSTER'S SAFETY R EIN HoLDlllll If the end is raised a little as it is removed · and full of fine -pores. A Mr. Bunce, of Concert Hall. Co·· Holl, Mioh. not a drop need be spilled. Where there is Mechanicsville, thin State, had the stone The famous Goodwin Sands in lihe Brit- - - -· - - -- - - - - -- delirium a piece of rubber tubing may be ! e>pplied something like aeven hundred times ish Channel are disappearin g. They have H 9 substituted for this glass, as the suffen,r ~ before a.11 the pd.son was drawn from the receded toward the Kentish coast half a 1 system, the t ime consumed for these opera- mile within a Bhort time, and show signs of · might break tho tube and swallow a frag. , ment of it: ·_l;~eeding cups of diff01·ent shapes ' tions being something like twenty ·thr ee generally breaking up. . · ·1are r.old with u,nd without spout.s. In using ' hours. Ignatius Donelly must publish or subside. t hom be careful to reg ulate the flow of li· j J. M. Estes, of Osceola, it is, is tha Dr. Masson Profes~or of Englfah Literature 9u_id, thi·t it does not co.m e too fost. When fortunate posaessor of one of these wonderful . in _ the Edinburgh Univemity, 11 peaks of Mr. """"=::'.l'\l, i t is n~cese!l.ry t!> frc~ with 11 opoon, s~? that stones. . . · (of Mr. D&nnelly's cipber as" mieera.ble driv· ---=~~1 · ~ ~here i~ not a orop in the bot;tom of it, put 1 Another rn in the possess10n of ,John/ cl · drivel endmg in a Lissue of Mithmetice.1 . it well in the mouth imd Empty the contents Nelson, of Sava.nnah, Mo. . conundrums which would be hisse<l even in ' slowly. Always place ll. napk in und. e r the i In Ma.y, 1883, Ei ede1ick Remy, of R ed j Bedlam." chin to catch chance drops and dry the lips oak, was bitten by a ma.d dog, as were also Oxford's ban es in the · b t U napproached for gently 'ii i&h it the food is givc'n. \Vhen six others of the same city, all of whom wi"th Cam'· ci'd eo 're co "deomdrng oa ;~r ~ ·· · . ~ he .mva · Id · s t rongtlr t·ml t.·oS ] ll'~s · t d · k . . Lean, the uI g a poor. c Tone and Q ua11ty .l is o rm. . went to try. t h e virtues of t h .e M" issoun !'resident ofn~1 theere Boa,t Club bhas DAILY GLOBE, Morning Edition, $6.00 per annum. , from a cup, the nureo :;hould paos her lelt stone. I believe Remy was the only one 1 ·uat died oft hoid fever th t ' · 3.00 " CATALOGU£S FREE. ~u,nd un.der ~he pillow and rni·e the head ~m i that died of l1ydrbpbobiu.. He wa.a biuten ~ng now oar r:laid u with : ~;ra.f:~X::~<l " " 12 o'clock " ~.oo it,_ holdmfl it at '~ comfort!Lblo augle,, wl~1le , May 18,_ and showe~ no symptom8 ot th.a T itberington tho stro£e of last year refuses " " 3 " " 1.00 WEEKLY GLOBE, · with her right ·ho grasps tho cup, adiusting dread disease for thirty-four days, or nntil , to row · · 1.00 SATURDAY DAIL\' GLOEIE, . · ! · it BO the liquid will flow easily but not too Juno 21. He died after three days of terriA · h . . 1 l fast. · Ible suffering. l ara unabl e to toll you where · n . Ant ropometnc · Labor~tory, w~th 1 In feeding a helpless patient with solid the m~dstone is iound or how pr nduced, Fr~nci.s Ga.lton as Pr~sident, 18 now belDg The different editions of The Globe ca..11 be procured from all News Dealer11 food it should be cut into mouthfuh of a. that is, to any degree of certainty, but be· !>ndt m South Kensm7ton. !he purpose throughout Canada. convenient size u.nd fed slowly, ample time lie~-e it is found in the b ladder of deer und is to mea.: ure everybody s physiqn~ and sen 8 6 being allowed for it to be 1na2ticated and other animals of that kind, perhavs iu the ~ ~~ va.noua ag~s, to record family pecti· · · THE CLOBE SPECIAL FAST TRAIN - · · swallowed with ease before offoring the next. gall· bag instead Gf the bladder. At any ll!lrttls, and gam much useful knowledge Nothing ia more likely to t away t he a.p · rnte, I think it is.found eome p:ace under of the human ra.ce that we have not now. between Toronto and Londo:i, which has been running daily since 3rd March The Gretna. Green to which En~lishmen . · petite ?fa wea1r. p erson than t o be· hurried the akin o~ t..ia.t cla~s of animals '!<hen found last, will be continued throughout 1888. This t rain arrives at London at 6.4cr m eating. It should be rem em bex-ed to at all. It is r&.-rely 10und, howcveJ. Thoma.a usually took their dccoased wife's sister a . m ., making conne ction with all the early .trains fr?tn tha t P?int, securing fut' hrin~ ea.It "':'ith the food i.f it ia l.i~"d· t.o olfer .J:'!l.ddon, one of th_e b~at· informedmen in t1!-e when they wished . to marry her, the Swiss The a delivery throughout 'llVestern Onta rio hours m advance of ali a drmlt at mtc:-vals, ~incl to aut1e1pate every South, ss.ys that 1t is frtJquentl7 found lll canton of Neuchatel was disestablished by To~onto papers. want as far as is poas1hle. ; the South, but that most of t ie so·called the Great Council on N ew year's day. The ' madstones a very low gride, ~nd are inha.bit u.nta ar e much cut u p, for t hey will Little Th.iugs That Kill. ; us?d on t~e bites ot snakes anl s~mgs of Jose the trade of about twenty As an advertising medium, The Globe has no equal in Canada. Its poi.sono~s m s;-cts. He also lea·1 es the rea~- oouples a year. circulation which appears at he;a.d of its editorial columns daily, is far in At 'anons ti~cs t~ - newsr>'.'tl have er 111 blissful ignorance of when the stone is Th b d .· . -..B-Ywarned the public aga.mst awvllo l'Jrng the found e o Y of Mrs. F ox, v..ife r.f the quartadvance C:r all other Canadian papers, and it is the intention of the Jllan~ · seedsofgrape1:1,oranges, etc., bec.,.useofthe 1 - - - - -- ·- -er~aeter_of t~~' Connaught Ra11ger~ . was ment t o alwa ys keep The Globe in its proud ponKion as the u:ADlNC , 1 danger of such aubstam:os getting into a. ' The Use of Pain. buried with mi)~,ary honors a.t the ~iht~ry NE\'ISPAPER OF CAl·ADA, both in point or circulation anl!: influence. ... I an::t fully prepared to D.ttend Fnner11.l1 on ami:.Jl intestinal bag, or c'.11-d e sac, called by cemetery near Lortsrnou th on Jan. -5.. She 1 the shortest notice, at the lowest possible ratel '. tho doctors the appendix vermiformia. Thia . o,~ r. .very c:xtst.~uco dev.enls uix:n our had been da.ngerously ":'cun d~d durmg a. Oaskets andBurialCa.eea1·eady onehortnotloe ; is a litt le receptacle formod a.t the junction senbibihty_ to ~uffe1~ng._ '\ ithrnt ~he wa~n- Boer attack upon thE< regm-,ent m t he '.l'rans First-class hearse on very · mode1·ate terll'.111 i of the large aud small intestines; but its n~e mg of pam .we m1gb.t lose o;e lo.nb vaal in 1880, and fia11lly .died in conse'eet no ph~· sicinn knows It has been another until we had none let; · we nnght quence. · Shroudr>and Cofllneconstantlyon hand. Fun or obJ eraloardeauppl!ed at once. Furniture Shop&; " . · . ·work till we dropped dead fron sheer phpaL rL. · , · 8\iow Hooxrl<t-Bounaa.U'eNewBlock. . thought to be a rudimentary or rncomplete . 1 h t' w· 110 t . " b t ord V<Jlm Campbell la.ely a.pphcd to formation-or possibly some meaningless · IC ~ ~~ -10n. it· u P'.lll a. ~rn the L ondon Court of Banki;uptcy for a cer· survival of a lost anterior type. At any child . would uot d~ea.d th~ fi: e, and _might t ifice.te that bis bankruptcy waa "caused by ~ rate, its existence, while .presenting no ap- ' be. consumed by it. "'.itb:mt pam we 'lnisfortuue without mfoconduct 011 hie part. " ·; "reason for being," a.s the J!'rench . migh~ all_b~come dyepeptica an~ be ho~e- Three t housands pounds of his liabilities · say, ia, on the other hand, a positive and ' J es~ i_uvahds b?fore we were a \\ are of it. a.rose· from the costa of his divorce suit · constant source of danger, because of the Pam is the sentmel that "'.atcle~ ~erpetual· agaimit Lady Colin C11rnpbell. The certifi· liability of its becoming the receptacle of 1 ~ over our safety, an? gives no~ioe of the cat ewas rnfusect. . some undigested seed or ether indigeatible first of,the d.iaeases wht?h are our The Ga.ikwa.r of Baroda. £240 for a . substance. In that case it produces a stato first enennes. R em.o\e tho ;ent m el, and mont h's r ent of apa.i·t1nenta in Paris, . and l)f infla mmation which in ,nearly all cases : the foe would eurprrne us be.o~e we we~e was present~d afterward, wit h a bill of £ 1, proves fatal. l aware that he wa.s 1;1ear, a.nd wonld ~ l1l 120 for repairs and damages. The P rince · . :Fortunately but fe1" 1>ecds, among the full and ~a.ta! posession of the very citadel left, !l.nd his tru,in was stopped at Belfort by g reat number so heedlessly swallowed, 1.1e. e m of our exietence befo_re '!e conld i:na.ko the a Judge's order to detain the Maharajah's · to ~et mto this little death -trap- although least attempt to r esist him. ~his. wardt r baggage t ill £ 800 was deposited w\th the - ·- ·- ·- - --·-·-- .........- -- · -..--~·- any ono seems likely to lodge there. P er· on_ the walls of our human: habitation may police 11,g ents. He has made a formal pro· haps more ca.sea of inl!a.mmu.tion of the I often annoy us by awaking us from our teat t-0 the Presid~nb cf the r epublic. · . . · bowels than t he cloctora suspect may be in ' ~o~fortiblelsleep a~d p~as~~~fret£~; ;1;1t At the canonization of the new saints in <. ontillues to do a General Be.nking Bneineu reality due to this obscure and disregarded j e 1~ a oyat se~van a 1 u ~ie~ t::' R ome after t he Pope's apeeoh the elbrdisBo wma.nvillo Branch. cause. One sad, which t o d lty produces : :-o~~?g ~fi ~h :t~n h ~u~~ v~s e ~! p~esented his Holiness with the custQ~D E PCJSl'.1' S a. feelinr, of d eep r egret. all!ong thousands, · msi ioue i 8 a es la eir 0 · a.~y uifts for the ne:.Vly c11ononi.zed i11unta, 11,nd which plunges a fa.m1ly mto overwhelmwhich consisted of a. thick wax candle two lecelved in Savings Ba.nk Department and Mother and Children. , bowls one silver an·l the ether gilt · three 1ali and interest allowed at onrrent rstei5. No ing grief, occiined recently in the lamented Th th h ·h h h"ld t cages ' one containing p igeons a'n other 1otill11 of withdrawal necessary. .A.II deposlt1 death of J. Robert Dwver, the muchesteemed adjutant of the Governor's Foot e mo . b~rbw °tbwis ·eds er c t i dren j dove;' and the third ca.narieP 'and green on. rlemand, · t grow up wi .. ea1 y mm s mus en eavour Guard - a man w h ose · p 1ace th a t a.noien t d 1 · ht ' th t h · · cl · t he finches Ther e were also t wo small barrels .EXCllA.NGE corps cannot well make good. His ease co ot · ea tang t t"~ ht! e1trh·mbmd~' JUS h'. B one fill~d with wat·r and ·the other with w as a nves o rea rig y e o 1ea w ic ~re . , 3oughtandecld and Drattslssued upon Europe ha.filed the physicians than an auto had and that revealed a iece ol~anut I equa.l!y her care. In the cas_e of some child.vme. . . . . . Jn!ted, ancl Can11da, 11,lso Gold,Bilver and in the appendix vermilonnis. p ren, h ttle need ~e done for either. In o_tber I Cremation must 10 q uietly str~d1ng foraheil J nlted State~ Groenbaoka boue:ht and sold, oases, both reqmre mo.~t careful handlrng ; : ward. At th e first monthly rot10tlng of the ~J01Ji.EC'.l'i4JIN~ -~ -b - - H b'·t and no one can understand mental needs Church of EDl.!;lami . Burial, Fuµer11ol and Th T 0 1 · I . . . aooo . e a · without sympathy. Sympathy does not Mourning Reform A ssocia.tion, presided P r omptly made ~t curl'ent rates upon a.11 PB.!' It is a fact which can~ot .be d~sputed, , mean fussy questioning, st ill less encourage- over by C1>non lllwyn, the motion was ;,f Gl'eat Brittain, the United States and Do that boys who a re 11ers1s~nt c1gar~tte / ment to stl c ·analyaia, which is oven more a.greed to : "That .n the present condition minion of Ce,nada., · smo~ers do not reach . perfect ~atur1ty. . injurious than neglect. It tloes mean a. of t he public h ealt; it is imperative t hat a 'l'eh~g1·a1·h 'l.'rans:re1.·s Their g_ r owth, both phr1~ally i1nd mtellect - 1watchfulness which w ill at once per ceive combined effort sh111ld ba ma.rle on the pa.rt tor Ia.rge or s:nall sums on a.ll parts of ?ally, i:o; ret arded. '.I:heu nervous. ~ys~em if a .child is depressed, and try to discover of mi.1.1.isters, of religious memberj!:of,the medi Canada. 'l'bia is e< pecially advantageous to 1~ but imperfectl:l'.' developed ; d!gest10n, and remove the cause by natural and·'healthy cal profession; a nd persons of.i11fluence gen persona living in M·nitoba or the North·wee i !\B lt make· the tund1 a.t once at the stg~t and. ot~er impo~ta11:t. funct10us are . methods; and it me11ns a readineBll a.t all erally, to put a slap to tl1e repulsive, dan· ~erroualy 1mp!u red. lrl'llab1hty of t he heart! times to enter into a child's interests and gerous and utterlj indefen ijihle practice of place of vsyment. 0 Forfnrtler particula rs call at the Bantin is one ?mmon conse9.uence of . the use of! amusements, and to aid a.nd encourage every atoring up in t he neighborh~od of large poa.11 / innocent e, knowing that the more pnla.tiona vast accnmulatiqAa of human r etoba.cco 1ll any form Ill early hfe. L et _ S:onse. boys who use tobacco unde:i:~tand t his ; : occup&tion~ a child can cr eate for itself the mains in every stage of &treated and proT. ROD:E; GEO. MCJGJLL, th_oy can never h ope to become men. They ' better, longed deca.y." .lOO{IUUtant. Manager will grow old, and iirematm:ely old, !Jut ·lY I true, ma.nly development a.nd vi(l·lr they can never attain ; a.nd for their cba.nces of success as students and scholars, .iven the mild use of tob!!.cco impairs them, !'nd the · t en t uae w h o11Y d est. N ever, pereis ·roys them. .. before the of twenty-one ie roached, should tqbacco be indulged in, and itB use migh~ more wisely be dd!lyed until thl) body h iis l>ccomc fully and o.:ompletely de· veloped. Pa.rcntu should ace to it, and, if neccssa.ry, law~ should be enacted, that this rule be &trictly enforced. There is a,n awful responsibility here which all should feel , and do their u tmollt to sta,y the degeneration of our youth, wlilich is threatened by this, one of the greatest curses known to us -the tobacco habit in boys. FOREIGN NO T.ES. lately inl"eeted. One hundred a.nd seven thousand JM.upers ar e now in London. r\Vs.r fui.'1oons cost £500 a.nd Rmssia. ha.a - -- R' IJJ:C"t IS TE:&· ED' - - - ~ER CHER ON HOR SES. FRENCH COACH HORSES. PD 6'JI SAVAGE & FARNUM, STOVES, STOVE CHE.AP FOR CAS::f-I. l ER I STOVE AND TIN DEPOT, NEWCASTLE, . u Jewel Range, also Grand Grand Universal and Diamond Range. Garlands, Universals and Art Sultanas. W . T . BONATHAN ' M~DOUGALL& METCALFi EOVT:M:..A..N""V-I LLE., are ottering Coal as follows : I I · I Stove and Chestnut, .................. $6.25 I I ! Grate and Egg, ........ .. .... ................ 6.00 over LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & GORD WOOD A lways on hand a lowest prices. $5 I?'" B EL L' . McDOUGALL & METCALF. S G 0R N A Guelph Ont .. l ! THE ! THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF CANADA " ·· . BELL &Co I I I .. .. .. .. ·· RT AKIN·C UNDE LEVI MORRIS .. · · TO ADVERTISERS - · · · . . · 0 I . .. THE CLOSE PRINTING CO. BA Kl NC THE s D U I~ N TORONTO Special to Ladies ! MR.S . MORRISON DER Ow P COOK'S· Bf.ST FRIEND THE ONTARIO BANK I tu t Has removed to the frame building opposite Buckler's Jewelry Store, and FOR 30 DAYS offers - HER WHOLE STOCK OF- °i 1 ' a;: I AT COST Millinery) Fa11cy Goods, Berlin -Wools, etc. I I A large variety of Stamping Pat.... terns always on hand. Orders for Stamping will receive prompt attention. I Children Cry for, Pitcher's Caatorla.'

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