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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Feb 1888, p. 8

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------- ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~ DARLINGTON COUNCIL. by Mr . Thornton, the Reeve granted his DISTRICT NOTES. Clarke Township News. HALL HAMPTON FEB. 25th. Regula.r meeting, members all preaent. Minutes r ead and confirmed. Communicntions were presented from D. B. Simpson, Eeq., complaining o n the part of Mr. John Oke, of water turned on his land from the road. The Council are surprised t o find that Mr. Oko is still dissatisfied after all their eff0rts to please him, especially e.s the laat change was made with bis consent. The Comm unication was laid 011 the table . Also complaiuiug of an encroachment o f the fence . still existing on the road between lots 24 and 215, in the 8th Con. T he Council und er&tood that th e matter coµipla;.ned of had been remedied. The <Jon~munication was refened t<:> Mr. .f\.wde to ~xamine and rtiporb. '.rhe Committee appointed to er· amine into the validity of the Treasurer's security, reported the same satisbotory. Heceived and filed. From the secretary of the Commercial Union Club, enclosing paper on the subject. Mr. Thos Burrows made application for .the purchase of a street runnin~ from E lgin street, in the Village of Hampton. RPferred to t he l'teeve and Mr, Sm~le to examine and report at next meetina. Mt". Josia·h Lick mado ap plication to 1·ent a portion of the road a llowance between l<lt&34 and 25, in the 7th, Con . Mr. .Adwe gave notice of a resolution at next meeting to grant the request. The Clerk was instructed to write Mrs. W. Pooley to remove the obstructio n fr om t he concession line in fro nt of Lot 11, in the 5th Con ., and e.leo to not ify McGee & Jones and John Barton o[ the complaints as to the obstructions of the road between 24 & 25 in the 8th Con . The .Auditors present ed their report on the 'l'ownship accounts, which was examined and approved, and on motion of Mr. Smale, ordered to be published, and a copy to be sent to each rate payer. T h e Cler k was i11struuted to order ten road scrapers for the use of the Township. Moved by Mr . Smale, seconded by 1\-Ir. Brent,that the rear hundred of Iota 18 & 19 in the 8th Con. b e taken from ~'.Ir. Jamea Pye's road beat and attached to Mr. J. T. Pollock's beat. Carried. . A By L t>w was passed for appointment of 'fownship Officers. The Reeve was instructed to grant orders on the Treasurers for the follow · i ng sums:Wm. Courtioe,grave for indigent $3 00 .Jas. Darch, Drawing cedar 10 00 T hoe. P aacoe, " " 6 . 00 R. W mdatt, Registrations fees 17.00 Ii. Armour, searches Iteg. Office 75 Saml. Grandy, cedar contra.ct 200. 00 W . C!em ens,ServicesasAuditors 6.00 J as. McLean " " 6. 00 Indigent persons, Courtice $7; Luff, Weller, J~ewi~.Gayand Sproul, $5eaoh; Mallet, Cornish, Campbell,Orchard and Ouurtice, $4 each; Aldeworth, Lane, \VHBon, Robin9on, Trick. Dean and Sta~ey. $3 each ; Heard, $6. 2 rno11., :!Ire. Campbell, Gregory and Staples, $2each. · On 1't1otion Council adjourned t <:> S aturda)'} March 31st, at 10 a.rn. R. WnmA.TT, T. C. TQWN order on the treasurer in favour of indig1mts for sums amountillg .to ST3. Ordered that accounts be paid amounting to $19.ii5. ABy,lawwasdnlypn<i!!edappointingpathmasters for the current year. Ou motion of Mr . 'l'hornton, ~econded by Mr. Underwood the Cou11cil adjourned to meet again at the Town Hall, Orono, on Tueaday March 6th, 1888, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a.m., for transact. inn of general busiuees. W. L. BROAD, Tp. Clerk. PATIUlA.ST:ERS FOR 1.888. No.or No. of Beat. Name Beat. Name. 1 Jae. M·lCullagh M Joa Simpeon 2 Ar hur Parsons 55 Geo Wannon 55} S Billingd, 81:' 3 Robt Johnson 3} .A. Cotton · 5G Robt. Winters f>tH Robt Dest 4 Alf Mitchell ti&} Wm .Armstrong H R Rut.hf.'lrford 5 Jamee Wade 57 Wm Staples 57} Ralph Stutt. jr G Sa.muel Jonea ~ J·os ]'ox 7 N Sa.mi· 59 Hen Moyse, jr b ~.7lli r:roh. jr 60 J ohn ·B:lliott 9 Geo Kimball 6t \ Vm Jackson 10 'Th QB Barry 6~ 8 Alexander 11 8 Ba·kerville 63 John Piper 12 .Tames .A.dams 6i .A Rnlberford 13 Wm Argall 6i> Alex Ma.rr. j r 1415 S E'lil'\'I! 66 1£d Hl.rcl1 16 James Eilbeck 67 H.icb Rolls 17 J ob Cobbledick 68 Wm !'\tewart 18 John Otten 19 JomH! Harrison 00 Geo Quan trill 20-23 W Pon warden 70 Wm 1!'1·eeborn 71 Ed ltolison 2l Robt Burley 7lt Tbos Pa.tterson, sr 22 Chas Wragg 7U v\ m Luxon, sr 2J Joh11 Reid ·7>! .John Little 25 .11 Pa.t.terson 73 J as Bur11;ess 2(i W H Reid 7t Wm Thornton 27-28 Geo Staples 75 .A.If Griffin, sr 2<J .Tua Gr..h am 7G .Amasa Fuller SO MBarrow 77 Isaac Allin ~1 Ja.~ Gibson 78 'l'hos Linton 32 'Jhos Hibson 79 D Hell 3..1 Rich Bu.rrett 8081 M Robins 34 Thos Gibson 82 J R.a McKinley 35 C Crossley 83 John "'oskins 36 John Williama 81 '£hos Kennedy 36~ R l!'erg uson ll5 J oh1 1 Bovd 37 Vi' m Cowan 86 Geo Pat.terson 38 '!'hos Davidson 87 W Nm·thcott 3!J · Jos Hutchison 83 G W G1lbank 39k John Buckley 89 'l'hos Bradley 40 John Cameron 00 Itohtllu.iney,jr 41 \ Vm Colville 92 N Skeldon 42 Rob· Falls 43 Geo Itutherford !J3 Geo White 9! Alex Morgan H John Sharp !15 John McLean 45 Job n l\lillignn 46 Robt Cowim, sr 96 R Va.nnatto 97 Wm Williams 46~ Jas Waddell 98 John Dickson 47 'l'hos Vickers 99 H Renwick 48 Tboa Cowan 100 Ju.cob Cob!Jledick 49 F Squair 50 Jaso1 , Jerome 101 J as Brown 5l John llfoMuU en 102 Thoe He ndereon 103 P Bip:low 52 'J ohn White lITT Alt Wr ight 53 Wm t\awlcs 63} Joa Henry Eastern boundary line bet.ween Clarke and fiope. 3 Sandor Findlay 1 GB Bickle 2 H Gordan W ~.stern boundary line between Clarke and Darlrngt o n. 1 S Rickard 3 John Sandcroock - 2 W C Blackburn 4 John Law The Governmeut experimental farm for the North We~t, at Indian Head, consists of 640 seres. When you rest from Asthmatic troubles, Souther u Asthma Cure will at once relieve. D ouble treatment in each package. 1 Ice races, at Oobourg, will take place on P oe 's pon d , on Thursday and Frid1t.y, March let and 2nd. NASH BA.1)1.-Tbe only medicine in tho market that will immediately cure Cold in the head, and permanently cure Catarrh, Hay Fever, etc. :t: Upwards of twenty are in attendance at the evening class nuder the auspices of t he W. C. T. U., Whitby. DANGlm.-There are some who pay litt le or r.o attention to a cough or cold, and say l et nature take its course. Thfo is j ustthE1time nature should h ave assistance. The lungs are threatened. Assist them with ·ramarac Elixii-. t A n ew bu ild in<> for Nichol's Hospital, ., Peterborough, 1s abeut t o be erected . The coat is about $1'7,000. PART O~' THE HOUSEHOLD. - "! used Hagyard 's Yellow Oil with much satisfactiou, for colds and sore throat. I would 11ot be without it al any oost, as I look upon it as the boat medicine sold for family use." Miss E . .Bramwell, Sherbrooke, P. Q. Mr. John Dryden, M. P . P., h11s been elected Prtisident of the D ominion Short· horn Breoders' .Associat.ion . Mr. Noble Stevenson, an old and respected resident of Pickering, passed awa.y on Monday of laat week. DISGUSTING CA1'ARRH.-A gentleman from Mont1eal writes:-For years I have b een g reatly annoyed by Catarrh. It caused severe pain 1n the h ead, continual discharge into my throat, and very unp leasant breath. By a thorough use of :Nasal Balin I was co mpletely cured. t The arrangem ent for the parcel post between Canada. and the United S tates comes rnto force on the 1st of March, A REA.SONAJH.E HOl'E is one that is based on pr<>v1 ous knowledge or experience, th erefore those wb.o use. B. B. B. may reasonably hope for a cure because the previous experience of thousauds who used it, shows it to have succeeded even in the worst cases. There were u pwards of one hundred thousand dollera added to the assessment of L indsay la~t year in n e w buildings· alone. DEFINITEWARNING. -Neglectedcomzhs and colds so frequently produce s edous r esults as to constitute a definite warning. There is n o b etter, safer or more pleaaant remedy f,ir coughs bronc hitis, sore t hroat colds and all throat and lung t roubles than H ..gyard'a Pectoral Balsam. The Methodists of Columbus are think· ing of building a new brick church this coming summer if the site can be got to please all. I HAYE been troubled with catarrh for the past t en years and have tried e. num ber of r emedies but found no relief until I purchased bottle of Ely's Cr eam Balm. I consider it th'e most reliable preparation for catarrh and cold in the head . -George E. Crnndall, P. M., Quonochawntang, ' MONEY UNDER FALSE PRETENSES. CLA.:tKE COUNCIL. TO WN HA.~L, Orono, F eb. 7, 1888. The Po1mcil met thi'~ dtlY at Orono, in accordance with public nm.'"lce ; the R eeve in the chair . All cf the i."embers present. '.l.'he mintite~ of last meetin6 ' rea'.! and on motion confirmed . On motion of Mr. Thornton, ~econded by M·. Underwood, that the peti~ioii\of Me~sre John. Mulligan. John Sharp, and 2 .'~ others, :1skin g for Mrs . McChesney be g1 ~ted, that the n:>me be placed on the ind£gen .~ dur ing winter months for $4 per mon, Ui. Carried. On m~tion of Mr. J ackann, seconded by Mr. R all, That a petition having been ,before this IJouncil, signed by Mr. .Ja~. '.[.,_ochart, S. R . ·Tones, and 27 others, asking :v.I.ditional for an indigent Mre, E gihon . Resolved, that the sum~ of $2 per month in additi .n to what she already receives be made for the winter months. Carried . 01! mot'>ipn of Mr. Hall. seconded by Mr. Jackson, 'l'i;iat the Reeve grant bis ord~r on the tt'easurer in favor of Morris Stimton indigen~.for the sum of $2, and given James Loobart for the benefit of flaid Morrie Stanton. ,<Jarried. On moutio.' ot Mr. Thornt-011,seoonded by Mr. Hall,th.i.t l"o compli!mce with the re11uil-ementH of sectionb' 103 and 104 of tho revised statues of Ont arP; that the Collector of rateR and taxes. of t.\ e Township of Clarke for the year 1887. haa taktin the oath before the Treasurer of his bavi:'ll" collect ed a.ll taxes on his roll, save a11d exce1- ·t $1 dog tax and $8.35 rMl property tax, fo~ which a.mounts leaa is allowed on abatements 11f the same; 11nd further, that the Colle ·tor e.n d his bondsmen be and are hereby rcl~,ll<Sed from tbf.'lir bt>nds, and that for the effic.~nt e.r.d faithful disch1m~e :if his duties the tb>."ICks of thl<! Conn.ii! are due and ace hereby te.'\der td. Carried . On motion of Mr . Thornton seoonded b v 11fr, Hall, the Re~ve was inst;ucted to Hpect 3rd concession line between 14 and 16 a11 to the quality of timber thereon and if he oorusiders it adviRable to sell said t imber,and teport at next meeting of this Council. On motion of Mr. Tboroton, seconded by Mr. Underwood. the ReevA granted his order on tho Treasurer in tavor of Horace Moulton for the sum of $90,in full for eervlces !IS Collector of rat~s and t&Xee for this Mnn.icipality for the year 1887. On motion of Mr. Thornton, .H econdecl by Mi" Underwood. the Reeva we.a inetructed inquire into tbe validity of the Treasurer's bonds. and r eport at nert meeting of t his Council. Car ried. On motion of Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. J11ck8on, the Reeve grant e:i hia onler on the Treasurer for the sum of $1 in fiuoar of Richard Barrett, dog tax oolle:.1ted in ermr. Also t o David Walsh error in dog t11ox 1887. Carried. h u etion of Mr. Undt.a'!l"eed, aeeonded u:;. On Monday morning last, Robt . H. Collacut, of the town&hip of Darlington, was brought before Capt. Snelgrove, .I. P., Cobourg. on an information charging him with obtaining, hy false preteases, the sum of 3300 with intent to defraud. .A great deal of interest was taken in the case, as the cow· plainant and defendant are members of two of the most highly respectable families in Darlingten. Mr John W. Kerr, Couuty Attorney, condncted the proHecution tor the Crown, and Messrs. W . R. Uiddell, (Co~ bourg) and D. Burke · Simpson (Bowman. ville) i.cted as co1msel for the defendant. The evidence cf JoHeph Colwell, the private pro· R. I. B ecutor, showed that early in t he month of The Grand Trunk Railway Company, December last h"' made a bargain with Robt it is said, will rtin a passenger and freight H. Collacut, tho defendan t, for a piece of steamer between :Midland and Duluth woods, the property of the defendant's fath- next s111nmer. er, in the 5th concession of Darlington . ORIGIN 01" SWE.l.ltINO.-The brother of Collacut told Colwell that his father had the fairy Pari Ranou was only thirty inau thorized him to sell all t he t imber outside ches h igh. His beard was thirty-two feet of a line marked by three blazed trees. On long and exten ded h orizontally m front of t he taith of that statement, Colwell pai<l him as he walked. He invented sweariog the defendant $300, for which he got a r e· to expre s his feelings when poor biscuit ceipt in the followin g t erms:---" Received were set on his t able. His wife could al from .Joseph Col will $300, for all tho wood ways make biscuit to him by u sing ontside of father's line.--H.. H . CoLLA.CUT." Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder. :t: A few days after Col will had paid the money, Mr, Angus M cKay, late of Pickering, he went t o t he woods and found a line of stakes running outside of the line marked has been chGsen Superlntende ut of the hy the blazed t rees,- an elm, a basswood, branch of the Experimental farm for the weat Terrt~uri es at Indian Head. and a maple, -bu~ was tolcl by the senior Nor th · Collacutt that bAh:1d not authoriimd his son Tl-ie fahing i ndust ry is looking up i n to sell the tim her by the thr ee blaze? trees, the vici ,,ity of " eterborough. One dea.l and that if he (Oolwill) was not sat- er at Chemong Lake p urchased and sold i· 'Ued. t hey would refund the money. over 12 ,000 pounds of .fish during the Co1 'vill, however, r efused to take back hie season. WJ:LI.'£ FLORIDA PEOPLE LIVE ON. mone) · .~nd contended that if Mr. Collacutt, ' ' What do you F lorid,1 people live on Sr., had . 'lot authorized Mr. Collacut , Jr ., in the summed', "Fish " ' ' Wh at in to 8 ~11 the 1 ' imber, then the latter was guilty the winter?" "Yankeea:" Alas! h ow of obtainin~ · money by fal se pretence. many northenere draw. their last breath CoJ.will's evide. '!!Ce wa11 substantiatt>d by the in Florida, slain by that fell destroyer, t estlwQny of his hired man, James Pooley, consumption, who would have lived, had who w.~s present when the bargain was t hey used at first that mar velous ap~cilio mDdc an,i at other · meetings between the for commuption, when not t oo far adparties. V f hen the t.'..ther of the defendant vanced, Dr. Pierce's Golden M edical Dis· was c1'lled, h, ~ swore that h e had blazed covery- bettt1r than h ypophosphites and onl.f t wo trees, .and th& it he had nover seen cod liver oil, because m ore nutritive and the third bi-"Zed t,·eo uni ii last Wedneaday; tonic ; also an invaluable liver corl'ective he did not knL 'W w, lio hnu\ blazed the third and blood purifier, cleansing away all tree . He further te~. tilied that be. had ad. scrofulous humon (which ca.use consumption), and all other imp urities of the vised his son to sell ah the timber outside blood, curing gl1 mdular swellings, goitre the hne of the two bl~·~el\' tre tis, and that he or th·ck neck, old sores, uloer11. Of drugcould have BQ\d all the \·iru.'>·r on the place, gists. Don't hawk and blow and spit, if he wished, without an 'V ohjection from but use Dr. Sage'11 Catarrh Remedy. · the witness After beari~g · t.he· arguments :t: of counsel, the magistrate disL °'\u.' ~l!td the case on the ground that when the dt ·t,:mdan~ sold AN UNPARALLELLED the woods to Col will he had t he a '1thor1ty of OFFER. his father to sell and, therefore, c, '~d not be guilty of obtainins money by a fa, ·e pre· tence with intent to defraud, 1'he case was N o. 1.- The STATESMAN ···.·· ··. $1.00 k an AgriC1ilturist, ably conducted on both sides, and was ch. ..r· No. 2.-'17·e Amer· post-paid, tor 1888 . .... , ·· · · · 1.50 a.cterh-:ed by Jively po.'.!8agoe arms betweei. ' No. 3.- " Christ be.fore Pilate," 22 the opi:osing lawyers. It will probiobly f~r· by 28 inches fo size, photonish ground for an interesting civil v.ction.- [ etching . . · · · · · . · · · · · · · . . · . . . · 1.00 (JoboM·'{! Wo ; ld . 4.- " Chriet on Calvary," 22 by .'N .2 ~inches in eiz e, M eiszo-grav. T1'CU llREATH o~ a chrouic catarrh patient Tl.~e '· · · · · · · · · ·· · ···· ··· ······· 1.00 ie oft,'n so offensive that lie cannot go in· H om cs · How to to sooiL'tY and he b ecom es an obj «ct of No " 5 ··- , " Our 50 1 ·11 us t.r a'Bea:\lt · Y Th . em, "' 1' disg ost. After e. tim e ulceration sets in tion~ , b-~und in doth. And gnld hhe sponf).J' boaea are attaok ed , and fre'. ,\ bfa1heL\ Decem bar 20th, 1887 1.00 quently, ei'ltirely d estroyed. A constant 1 l -s ource of d}ecomfort ia t he drippioa of the purulen t s · c retiou5 into t he 1.h ; oa.t, '.f( ,tal. ·. · " · ·: .. · · · · · · · · · · .... $5.50 som6times prnL'ucing in vei erate bronchitis \V , will ;{urmsh a 11 the ab ove, which in irs t ur.u. ha~ been t h e excitin g o:t .. paid, for . . .. .... .. .......... .. . $2. 75 P '°sta.1 to 75 l BTOa.dwa.y, N ew ca.use of pulmona.ty d16eaee. The brilliant r esults which h av,1 attend ed its nae for S end 1 wecimen copy of t he A met·ican Y"ars past pr1 .per)y· desil.{na·e E ly's Cream Yor~, for· ' t 11 am ple pages of ·· Onr B a.Im a s by far the h est, if not the only .A9ncult1tr1 \~ t o bea11tify them," full i eal cure for h ay fevt.1r, rone cold and cat· Hom~s :. B l of the pictures, " Obrist b e · arrh. t d escriptions " 01 · t c al vary , " - - - - - - - -,. I fore P ilate" i \ tn ld!fonkaesy, \rts on th e painter of 10.'i'iONAL !?ILLS will llllOt gr!J>e Ol" slclk· ~~d p @ r t r ait 01 ts. c-. yet ure a tllr.rour,;h cath11rttq:; .,.,eae g reat wor · KIRBY CBIPS.--Mr. Richard Hughson has been unwell for some time paat ···· Mrs. Isaac Chapman, 6r., is still very ill. p"··.Mr. A · · Morrow has returned from ontlypoo1 ..· Tt1e measles have visited near Y every house in this sect ion.·· · .Alex.L:mg has decided to go out of the merch ..ntile business ·.·· The funeral serf th 1 t J h H · b d monSabb1<th o e aweek e o by o the arr1s was 'f. preac e last !tev. Dunlop, to a large congregation. KeNDALL Dors.-Mr. Hugh Scott, despite all medical aid could do, died on Feb. 6th after an illness of s i:g: day·, of in.dammation of the lungs. ,Mr.Scott waa a man of robust appea·anoe and great physical atrengt<J, a loving father, faith.· ful frfond and a kind neighbor . The remains were conveyed to 0 1ono Cemet ery followed by over a hundred conveyances. Mr. Scott was born in Clarke on the 11th F eb. 1840 and was nearly 48 years of age. H e was married abouL sixt"en years aero to Miss Isabella Halliday, who, with fi~e children, no w m ourn their sad l oss. Mr. Scott has three broth ers and five sisters !ivin~; one, brother Mr. David Scott aad three sisters, Mrs. Jno, Roberts ..n, Mrs. Ja.s Waddell 1md Mrs. Sa.en'} H alliday still living in Clarke ·... Mrs. Jno. Palmer died on Monday }'eb. 3rd of iufl1:1 m · mat10n after a very short illness . ·.· wrs. Wm. Hillen, of Orono, while visiting at Mr. C. Cowans was taken ill with t he measles .. . . Revival services are being condu cted in t he Methodist church by Mr. Wm. Rich and Rev. J. Whitlock. ORONO OHIPs.-Mr . Wm . Ohapple left for the N orth West last week wh t-re he will seek to better his fortune .· ·· Mr. R B. Thornton was a delegate to tho Grand Council of the R. T. of T . in Toronto week befor e la~t ..·· Mr. S. F. Newsom closes hie s tore ah~rp a.t 8 p. m , Why don·t all oth er merchant· d<J it 7···· A fine audience greeted Geo. Belford, t h e celebrated elocutionist, on his last appearance here. A ll his sP.lections were good .... The Nor h American Hotel here has changed hands, Mr. W. ,J. Henderson having retired in favor of, Mr. L. Bennett formerly of Port Newcastle .·.· Mr. A. To wnsend h as gon e to Toronto for med ical treatment . . ·. Mrs. A . Tourje ts ainking rapid ly u nder th>1.t moat fatal disease -consum ption ·..· Mr. W. L. B road, township Clarke, while s ufferiBg from general debility and a severe cold, wae stricken down recant ly with. par<ilysis of the right siue, but at the time of writing is in a fair way for r ecovery · . .· Moffatt, of Colborne, is visiting at Mr. A. T ourje's · ··· Mr. T b.omas lJronkhite, of Alliston , who was tormerly proprietor of tbe woolen m ills here, is paying l1is old friends in this vicinity a visit: A :a.11.RE _ _c _ O _ li -~N.A~ .10N. .:=Tlrnre is n o other remedy or com bi1,ation of medicines that meets so many r eq11iroment.s as d" oes Burdock Blood Bitters in i~s wide r ange of power over such chr oriic diseases as Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney C omplaint, Scrofula aud all humors of' the blood. CASH II KING ! Money is Power ! - ---01---- WE MUST HAVE IT 1 ·, -T ::S: E - ~fi~rn m& ~rnrn ~rn£~m~J IS NOW GOING ON AT l~CLUI' ~-o---- Sign of Golden Sheep, King Street, . BOW MANVILLE~ Biii' During February and March Dry Goods of all descri p-· tions, Clothing, Carpet s and Furs will be sold at prices that must attract attention ' as we want the Money a nd must have it. If you want good Goods at right prices, with the best stock in town to select from, you will save both time and money by going direct to McCLUNG BRJ .,,, OS. . a WATCHES EXACT/NG FORD . ERRORS OF YOUTH, Nervous Debility. Seminal Losses and premat ure Decay promptly and permtLnenUy cur ed bT ~sEnvicc +RJUMICIYXtl~IB+ Does not lntorfere with Diet or uaual oocupat.iOJ· and fully r estores lost vigor and insnl'Oil perfect manhood, Sent to auy address. postpaid on receipt of pri(le One Do'lo.r per box. Sold agency, SCHOFllllLI>'S DRUG STORE, King street. Tor onto. f,j ve r CURES ()(Jmplal11.t, J>yspep H t11, il"lllcms ne8!4 . SJd1 Uendache. Kidney Troubles, 1u,..mmatl..!im, Skh· DIMeru;e~ and all l111pu ritlc~ of the ·llootl f°l'Olll W llllf · t!Vcr cause arltilnf.t Thie powder never varies. A marvel of purity, st;rength and wholesomeness. More than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sol.I in competiti<ln with the mult ltnde of low tent, short weig!at, alum or phosphate powders: Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAK· NG POWDER 00 ·· lOBWall St ·. N . Y. ---- - - - -·- - - - -··-- - - oconomlo:~l We have also the finest st ock of OR HODDER'S · For $ 10 vre w ill insert ·\ lines (3'J words) in all kinds of Watches, Gold and One Millie.a copies of Daily, Sunday or \Veekly Newspape1'8. Tho work will all be Silver, in the town ofBowmanvil!e. done in 10 d1 ~ye. Send ord"r and chsck to In Jewellry, we have an endless Sold everywhere. P ri<',e, 26ceotn an<lw c1int15 GEO. P. ROWELL & 00., variety-Clocks of all kinds ver:y I pe~ bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers ·rn srn ucE ST. , N, N, T J·e llNION !IEIUVlNE «JO , · Toronti>, Can· 17G page N rnvspaner Catalogue sent by mail h c eap. for 30 cents, - - - - - - -In Silverware w e have the --~ mnmi~ ~·~m, Al IOTHER WONDER. Ctl tA\\lSH'iGJ elusive right to sell for the largest It never wiw< i ntended, Ro far rui I can learn. fi · t h · u S Th l't d ViZ.~W~G" That eitbc·r men or womon were intended to rm m e · · · e qua 1 Y an lt Cm·M be bald ' th b t d 1 I think you ·will believe me, indeed. rm sure prtces are e es a:u owest in CATiHUU~~ Ifa~~ho'Y.~ ~~risHairWorke"youhavocnlled. this part of i.he country, We ask D old in H nad, There is one thing Nature t,hJnks of- lot us· you to ca.11 and ex.amine our goods thank h er for all we can. She takes "artlcula trouble with our race ; before buying. HAY FEVE R . THE ART OFADVERTISINC Has been appointed sole agent for : ·e:S~:Ua~~ o~ i!~i the celebrated Roc KFORDW .A.TCHES, !. ·ebility. l"u rely \'egefablc. they are the best American Wa.tch Highly concentratNl. 1·Icnsnnt, dle1lt1111l, manufactured and are guaranteed Mut e ASK FOR from the factory as being firrt-class, DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. Call and examine them. Tnke no 11t11er. Sold e·'cry"ft'hflre. Price,. '15 cent~ per bottles. I COUCH A N D LUN CCURE She knows ··scanty growth o! hair, the gray a nd wl 1ite.1ing locks, Will detract from the beaut y of tlie faoe. But Nature has lter laws ao strict that you must never arr, at °· For you'd 11ur11ly pay the penaltl at last, it. !bat bc>n>nteous head 0 hair Dr. Dorenwenci's }dair Magic's unsurp11ossed. J ust try it you atnior.ed, you never will regret, The Mal{!c was ne,·e·· yet known to fail ; And the good that lit will do you will make you soon forget T he e:.:pendhure e. bottie will entail. Specs and Eye Glasses, Cases, &c., Droppir.l(S from ==="'Nasal pasm1ges in~ we carry the _leading stock, and -~ ~ASY TO USE. t o t he ibro" t ·mt guarantee every pair for 6 months, cxces~iva czpOICtnr'llilon ca11soo by Cab .rrb.. Se" t. if well used. If they 4.reak we f>t'e-p:>id on receipt or pri~. 50c. nn !.l $1. Adllre~s will repair them free of charge. f' iJ§.!-OIRD & CO·· Brock~lle, O nt· Call and get fitt ed properly. STOPS 1r 1 Oun REP A.IRING D EPARTMENT.-· w e Thia now famous p repar ation for invigcan only go over the same old sayor ating 1md s timulatlng t he growth of the hair is u nive rsally accepted as the moet ing, that we repair Watches, Clocks valuable s pecific OL\ t he market. A ll and J ewellry in the most skilful dise11.ees of the scalp are either relie ved or perma ueiitly c ur-.d . · A rich and rapid manner. We are bak ed upon as g r owth nf hair will follo w afte r judicious the \< r eliable Watchmaker in and regular treatm ent. I t r em ains wit h t h e user alone to s ecur e the desired this part of the country . Mere results . Dr. Dorenw~nd 'a " Bair Mai:rc" talking can't do the work , but t ools, is sold by all d ruggists at $ 1 per bot tle, or six bottle~ for $5. If not obtaina ble ability and expel'ience combined in yo ur loCd.lity send direct to the sole can, of which we have plenty. ma.nufacturer, enclo8iog pri ce. A. Do1rnw E NJ>, Paris Works , 103 and 105 Yonge St., T oron to. For sale hy J. 1 Higginrotba m & Sou, and all d ru1rni.$ts. 1 44. 'l'he J eweller. M EA C:E-IAM '8 BEEF, IRON AND WINE. If yon.are laQguld and weak, e.nd your appe· t1te noor My B .,ef, Iron and \Vine is t ho tcnie, )e liure : AB an invhrorating tonic it is recognised by the Medical profes·ion as rbe ~est st.ren1t:tbeninS>; modi cine t hus far produced. I t is inyalnable as a blO'ld and muscle mal<er . cepecl.l\.lly in those oases where wealt· eh8 Is the reR It of impe rfect or ineoffioltlll food, o<· ..,.autlug fevers or ·excosae~ of any riort. It contalns"1.he nutriment or Beer, the sUmulant properties or Wine aud the t.ouic pow10f19 of )ron, und la ft.d.. mirably calculattd t o bolhl np thA emnciat<>d ·ystcm. ~old in B-Owmnnvlllo by H lgglnbctlt· am 1.lroa. P ltOF, L O W'§ S~l'llUTl.t i14U.P b n Qt>· ll11:btf n l toile t h n.a:.1U'JI M n ·1Jlll·t\I n ;;"Qt! cuJ.·· cU~imre. MAYNARD, . llYc toa· skin · . Ci, 14.~fen Cry fol" Pltehe.r's -;0 .¥ .t(U:ia;

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