COLD FEET R1'..EVENTED RHEUMATISM CU-RED illf~~L:m~e Sewmg mnch:ne needles at T1ui."s. Dr. Potter, cffice and reeidence, Prow· Why would not a cannill!? fa··.1 ,nry for er's Block, King-st., Bowmanville. 1-tf. fruit aod vegetables pay i n this t"wn 1 Large . amount of money to loan on The new language called V oliipuk is fArm st>curity at from 6 to 7 per cent.attracting considerable atten~l·m juot F. H. MASON. now. Ttle B az&a.r P at terns for la.dies ' and We never know wh11.~ the fu t ure, and children's wear, fall and winter styles, at the merchant who never advertises have Mrs. Morrisou's. ,.. ' in 11torti. Call on Mrs. Morrison at her new J.C. Yanatone has purcha·ed 4,000 stand and (:?et Millinery, Fancy Goods, - ANDbushels of M anitoba wheat for his rolltir aud Berlin Wools at cost. m itls t1ere. Mr. Samuel Allin and Daniei Dyer, of BRAN and SHol~'r~ in any q uantity at Staff.Capt. Morris will lead the meetDa· li u11t:o11, attended the recen t Farmers' the O>iHAWA RoLLEJt MI. LLS. J.E. & E. ing in the bnrrnck~ oo Thursd »y night EoMoNsoN -<nd Ca pt . Berth" Smith will give her expe· I nstitute in Toronto. 7 _ 4 w. rience while in Lindsay jail and will be Busine~s is bri·k at the ST.ATESllf.AN Job lf any onc~ is fatigued the best restora· dressed in h er costume. Adm ission, 1-tooms, nil ha nds being kept very b usy tive id hot. mil k , a tumbler of the bever· 0 c-<nrs. and orders sti ll crowding. a)te as hot a~ can be sipp.,d. EDITOR STATES:IL~N, - Neither Mr. BY U8INO Fa~mers' lnstitue at Blackstock toOrder Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket~, C ·llac itt nor his son, nor anyone for m<1rrow-Thursda.y, at 2 p. m. At Bow- etc., at ·Morri11' Planing Factory, Liberty them,have ever made any proposal to me manvill" on Thursday, March 15th. street, R. H. Osborne, lea.see. t o settle the diffi cu lty in dispute between Miss Hollanr\ of BowmanvillE>, who 1f coppera~ and saltpetre water bused us by arbitra ·ion, »B 8tated in the West hns been visiting at the brime of Mr.J . Y. ar ..und p·ar trees the t ·ee will show the J Dnrham News. JOSEPH CoLWILL. Morton, Brantlord, h 's re1 u· ned h"111e. I If you w ..nt to save money cnll at M. effo<;ts in a large )ield of fruit . GENTS.- Gen. Buck is showing one of Hon. E .iward B'al;e, who is now at al Mayer't1 fur store as he is slllling his the stocks of Ties, Shi· ts, Colfa· a, wnt .. ring pl ..ce near Rom . "· wri tha t entire stock of furs and gents' furnishings Glovee, Umbrella·, e·c., in B wma.nville. his health is almost re · est11.blish~d. at and below oost from now t i ll March Rememb"r l sel l cheap for cash. Remember the re~ula.r me~ting of the 1st (bef~re a.tock t"k.iog) to make ro?m Mr. D oug!HBB Sinch1ir has returned to Court Pr:de of Ontario, N o. 6000, A . O. , for eprrng 11nporta.t1011s, Every thmg SOLE .A.GE~TS. Lindsay niter a. visit among formBr F., 011 t.ltis Wtiduesday night, March 7th. very cheap for cash. Darlinatvn, Clarke and Bowm:tnville The yelp pf a puppy whose tail is being READ THIS 1-:-1 have jus,t purchased a Full stock of' Eleclric A p- f· iends~ The boys wern all glad tu see a\·brevi>\l.t!d is the curt cur tail of e, cu r larg« st··CI.< of Boot.a and Shoes, at very pliances alwa)'8 011 ba11d. him. wh< >i" tail 11 curtailt:d tu make a curtailed c lose cash figures and will offer the sarn e The News sng~e11ts that tl1e Conncil cur. at such low ca.~ h prices t h at must bring proviele a 1c]Pph oue for the Clerk's dli('e. Th e dste of John B. R ns~ell's great crowns of cust··mers to my istorc. R e'fhe STt.TES:\l:AN seconds t'>e motion. The stock a ·· d implement sale is Monday, member t.h<1t as I do a atria ly c sh busicompany ·hould sup ply one free for the March 12 th-n ear Rampton. See bills ue!s, l will give bargai11s that. the r l!gular use ,,f t h e streets for their poles. for part icul o u ·s. credit deal er cannot give. I w·ll r tipair Bowma .. ville B oard of Tr! met last If we didn 't, know that this was leap boots and shoes got from m .,, Rips sew· Thursday ttight a.nd adj urned to m ·xl; yenr, we c uld toll it by the i .. d .'peridant ed free of ch ··t·ge. GE" RTJOK. Mo11 rlay night at 8 o'clock, when every way in which t.he girls tnru up their coat Prof James Mason, member is requested to be present f ,.r collara, like the boys and march down the . the l'lection of officers and other import· street. \.; Member of the c ~nadian Phrenological ~ ant b usmesa. Don't grumble if your wi fe does loee Assocfation, Toronto, mernber of the We ha~e secured the sole agency for If you want anything in fura or gents' h er rubber in the rn11d occasionally jnst American Instit ute oi Phrenology, 775 fnrnishi ng~ c1ll ~t M. Mayer's hat and ·now; be thankful that shti don' t disap· Bro·dw.·y, N. Y., ie con1ing &Pd will fur store, t h ere's where you will get a pear entirely and l eave you to sew on d eliver hta cdebhted lectures on "He:i.ds b"rgain, as b'l is selling off bis entire vour owu shirt l:.utt·ms. and Faces, " iu t he Town H<ll Bowm· \ n.sto;k at and below ·cost. Now is the A medical man who bdieves that diet I ville, on Thursd.\y ( : o-morro~) urnning !!'AMOUS LINE Oil' time, everythi ·· g chea.p for cash. ruay be so regulaied as to m~ke a lean and the t.wofollowiug eveniuvs, be~iuuin.,. JI.ND PLASTER. - 'l'he attention of peroon fat me..:itions amnng other thiug~ at 8 o'd··ck, eharp . "' · " PROF l\bsoJS is a iHorouglily q u 11.lified formers is called to t he fact. t hat McClel· as p~rticuli,rly thsir.1bl~ , ·:.mashed potu.· Ian & Co., Bowmanville, have on haud a toes and w~ll cooked gnts. geutlarnan in his chosen profession, a Mrs. Cockburn has returned fr om a 15 ood Ppeaker, and a capable phrenologist. ' deslrlng clear eight, finest quality of large quantity of land salt in bage nod plaster in barrels at lowest cash prices. fortnight's sojourn in 'l'oronto. During - Ih mrlas Standard. goods and 11lasses that will Order bulk s< and plaoter early. Mc· her stay there she had a narrow e~cape P RO F, MASCIN, phrenologist, held three O:r.ELLAN & Co. fr;;m St>rions if not fatal injury, h aving me·' ·ings in w~l kertori at Smith's Opera People rnust not lose sight of the great been ko ocked down by a runaway horse Hall last wet:k. He had crowded h ouses closing sale (·f dry goorls going on at 1he attached to a curter. ~very ui ~ht, and entertained hia aud ience West End House. 'fhere are h eaps of Mr.dam M onzur wishes to n~turn thanks very a i(r e 1111bly. He is clever at tne busigoods left vet, and bigger bari(!Lins than to the citizens of Bowmanville for th,,ir ness.-Brnce H r.rald. ever await the public. l\'[r, McMur1ry'A liberal patronage to h.,r. She will be PnnF. MASON 'S LECTUR~:s on "Heads grocery branch is supplied with the best here t ill Saturday noon, Mar ch 10th, and F .. ces" were held iu Wicklifle Hall, the markets afford. Call soon. when she will leave fur Port Hope where and were largely attended and iireatly SHOULD GIVE US .A. CALL. We wish every woman in America would ishe will nmatn for ten days. app reciated by the auditmce. · Several t~ke that cllce!lent family journal" Good We take s.u bsorip ions at low club-rates cra1 1iums were publicly examined, much Hnus keepine," Clarke W. B ry·n & Co, for all the l ea diog daily and we~ kly ro t h e d "light of the audience .-Branffon l Publishe1·~. Springtield; Mass. It is con- paperR, including The Globe, ~fail, Ne"s, E xpo.<ito· r. ducted in the interests of the highe~ hfe Em.,ire, Advertiser, Witness and Family in endless Tariety and ~t lowest prices. FARMER'S INSTITUTE. of the househol·i, and is issu~d fort· .H,,rald. Also for the Live St·.1ck ,Journal, nightly. Lady r ··aders of the STAT&SMAN, Farmers' Advocate, R ural C11onadian, etc. 'l'he mce ticlg of t.he West Durham aer.d 10 cents in stamps for a sample copy Mr. R eginald F. V'.'orraker, of Toronto, and you will he delighted. and wife, have r " turned from L ondon, Farmers Institute at Hamp,on on TlrnrsSPRING CoMlNG.- 8 efot e F1>br1iary is E ug , after a ple·· sant weddini.: tou r ot day last weel!: was f~ irJy attended and passed away we have in ou r midst unm is· nea· ly fout· month~ in tlte south of Eng· much interest was manifested i11 the re1'heLeading Druggfat.s and Opticians. takable signs of Spring. How cheering land, and are visiting h is sister, Mrs. port of the Presideut, W. ,T, Roy, Esq., after 1he cold w<'a·her of the pust t-oo He,, r .v Jollow, coruer of Churuh an-i Ou- on the work of tha Central F ~rmers In· months t o be tol d ·hat spri· ·g is cowing. tario Sta., before returuing to the Queen stitllte meetin.1t h· Id in Toronto the pre· viuud week. He dwelt Pll the subject of It will :ilso bA che<'ring n ews to a ll, but cuy. . more e~ pecially to tl!e ladies, tr) le11rn 'fhe Minister of Education has intro- Cullege Insti t utes, Canada and the cheese tha.t Mr. John Hellyar, of the popular duce. d a bill iu the Legisla·ure govi)'I~ to Industry, and on l\'Ir. Shaw's proposals to. .. ......... ......-,.-..,,....., ....-....,..............-.....-. boot and shoe h nuse, has ~1re~dy r~ceived Iligh s~hool tr ustioes tho eame power of erect ~n Al,'(riculmral Hail i11 Toronto for BowMANVILLE, M ARCH 7, 1888. on of fruit, but.ter, cheese and opened for inspection his Spring expr opi ia.,ing lands for High School ~he accom.modat < Stock of boots and shoes for n:en and purposes as i;, n ow held by Pu ··l·c Schoel and other products supplied by the farm· GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. boys, women and girls. He h·.s rec~ived, B ··ards. He h<s also intimated that iup; co1nmuni.·y. Mr. M. Munday acted as Secretary tun, a very handsome and ch<·ap l·1 t of prob11bly nex:t y ear ull High Schools and BOW.MANVILLE STATION. tru11ks--somethinµ new in style. It will c .. 11e1o1iate l nstitu es will be requi,.ed to pro tem. p&v you, gentle reader. to call t o see charge a miniwum fee to all pupila in MEETINGS '!:0 DE HELD, GOING B:AST GOING WES T attendance. JJ:xpreas ....... 8.~7 a m Expreea ..··.· 6.2'2 a m John Hellyar's Spring Goode. , Blackstock,, March 8th at Express......10.30 a rn Local .........8.00 am · The Third P"ge of the Toronto D aily .A. l ocal paper tells its reader& abou t an 1 o'.c lock, with a view to t·xtending t he :Mixed ...... ...3 4.2 p 111 Exvress· .... .. 9.3! a m X,Ooa.l .......... 7.16 p m Mixed .........3.21 p m Mail is nuted for "Want" advertisements. iusane wom"'u, wh·>, u p to the time of benefits of the lnstit11te to CartwriiJ,ht. Bxnresa ...... 9:40 p m Ex1>reBB....... 8.48 Pm If you want to buy or sell anything. Jf her death, l abored under the delusi.m Addresses are t o be given as follows:1 Exoept Mondays. you want a situa·ion, a mPc>hanic, a busi- that she w~s only. 25 years of age, and " Farm.,r11' lmtitutes," by W. J. R oy, ·ness, machinery, l odgings, if you have as sh" m~intaiue:l h er youthful appear- Tyrone; "Rota ion of Crops," by A . lost or found anything, or if yon wan t to ance a'l along, the faith cu:e peopl". cite Tamhlyn, Orono; "Care of c,.ttle," by find out where anyone is advertise int.he he r case as proof for t heir docwrmes. Ww . Werry, Solina. The roads were badly blocked by the Toronto Daily Mail and ;end the a<iver- ~hy, we .know pl enty uf ladies wh" ~ave Every farmer in t he townsh ip i:s esb low ]a$t Tliursday night. t ist ments on the third papre of that pa-1 g1veu their age as 25 f~r the !~at e ight pecially r~q uested to attend. Bowruanvillo, Thur~doty, M:i.rch 15th This baa been a. genuine Canadian per. T he charge is two c·mts a word y ears, but th~y are look mg a trifle older each insertion. Address, The M11il, 'l'o· than at one t,une. If fattl1 would preserve at 2 p. m., when Mr. Ge,1.Gray, of Clark winter-mostly col d and pleasant. 42-tf · their youthful l ooks, how faithful they will open the discnRsion on the manage· FIRE, LIFE, AOCIDENT Insurance. r onto Canada. AN EDITOl~ CaNllD.- A social gath& rin!I( would bo. ment of hQrses. Mr. Albert Tamblyn, RoBT. VIRTUE, A gent, Bowmanville. tf. ot the maiubers .,f Mr. Geo. Wilson's In reference to the law suit between Orono, will discuss" The Prnpar!l.tion of Mrs Morrison has removed- her stock to t.he frame buildings, opposite B uckler's C hurch CLiss was held last (TueH'lav) Mess rs. Collacott aud Coll will, wa under- t he Seed." A large atrend,.nce of farm. evening, a the family residence, Walton ~·and t hat b .otlt Mr. Robt . CoJle.c<Jtt and ers is requested to attend these meetings. Jewelry Store. stn·et. when there were some 25 present. his son have expressed their williugabe~ls Capt. P. and Mrs. Rowe, of Pickering, .refresh1nents had been eerved, Mr. to settle the dispute in any rtiasona e T'-\3 R oyal A rcanum. d h ffi d t b · t th u :spent last week among friends in thra After E. A . Powers, on beh alf of the members, way, . ant avbet ot. ere b toh SU dcrn t e I town and vicinity. 1011 presPnted Mr. Wilson with a handsom~ q uestion ° ar i ra Y ree mn erSTATESMAN readers may be interested' NEED:LF.s.-H. C. Tait has received a Gold .lieaded Ebony CantJ, as a t;.iken of esttid parties. We think this would b e in the his tory aud character of this large variety of needles and can fit auy 1 heir r espect for tht ir lea.der, who for the f ·irest way and hope the parties popular benetici~ry Order. The Royal make of sewing machine more than twelve years ha.a htid charge 11f conce rned will agree to it, as more law Arcanum was founded at Bost~·n, June Mr. John Somers, lot 6, con. 2, Dari· the cl ass. Mt'. Wilson was ta.ken com· means niore ex p ense; and as the case 23i:d, 1877. It n ow numbers 80,000 ingtun, having rented h ie farm te M~. pletely by surprise, and was so overcome was as a criminal one, the members and is increaoing at the rate of will have to bo borne by the about 1000 p~r nl'mtl1. It fa nut a Thos. Jackison, will sell t~e whole of hia by his feeli .. 11.s that ho was uoable to expense d tht's ult' nes b ck . 11n· tely co1 w " proprietary aftair- a coldblooded, a0ulless :farm stock, imp!emen tP, etc., on Thurs· mak<1 a suit>·ble reply, but briefly ·hauked Count i es, an his frie uds for th" val uable meruen ro of on tho Ratepayers. corporation-but ita m emberd bound day, March 22nd. See posters. Farmers should attend Mr. Itussell's their good will. The cane was bea.u tifully . LaDI&s .-:-Pnt this down in your shop - together by ties of a noble bro1herl10od. ows :- "Present ed to tn15 boo~s-I m~st see G-io. Buck who says It h'ls met every just claim at 100 cents sale on Monday uext. The stock is well 1-ngrav~d as fol 1 on th e $. I t has paid to the families of li~ed, a fin er lot of C ·)WS would be h a.rd to Geo. Wilson, E ·q ., by the mernbers of th ..t hi: is, showl · ~ one of the fi:1est sto; b find. Implements of tlrn latest make and his class, Purt Hope, Ftib_ 28, 1888." A of J:adies Boots Ill l3owmmville . "" ~~ I · d eceased members during the pl\st t en very pleasant evening we.s spent in con· I wi ll be glad to see you and cona1de1· it y ... ars over $8 000 000. and is inw p aving l not worn out. Remember the date. versation, music and singing. -Guide. co trouble to sh.. w y ·U thos0 nice Bo,,ts to t hem every' ye~r about $2,000,000 on ' · t l!!>l 25 d e1 50 I S.1.Y CusTOlllER - Did you ever think On Friday ni ght last a deputat;:oR of a "' a,n .P · wurk e d b utto'.1 h 0 les; the low death ra re of Jes ~ thau nine per I that you by buyi"g from !inns who do a gP ntlemen, consi·tiug of M~~1:1rs. J . M. and the higher grade~ such as t'ohslt calf 1000. 'l'b e cost of a $3,000 benefit at the regular credit business, have to pay for Rea· n, .Toe. .hff~ry, ,J. 'llV. Dut t on, D. frorn $2 00 n p to 2, 7o h·nd mad~; then i.verage llge, (35 years) including assesslosses those dealers have to undergo. Re- Davia, J . Archholii . G Wright, T . Snh·lt, thos .. Lvely Douglas B Boots w11 h the ments, dues and all, is less than 8 cen ·s member Geo. Buck ch ·rges you for none S. Oke a11d J . J. Mason, 1111 w · 11 knnwn patent. bu· tou fly from $2 .50 up to $!. 00; per day . We are confideu t tlrnt t he o.f those losses as h e sells for cash only. poultry fanciers, · wenrted their way to and last hut not least those beautiful claims of rhe Royal Arcanum- its eorrect An arrangement h as b een eff~ cte d be· Curp'l A. Hobbs', the 11enial president ,,f Fr1-1nch Kid Boors from $2. 75 np tu $G.OO. basis its representative manaaowent its 0 tween the p11stal authorities of the United the B. P A . The obJ · ect of the a ttack Then you, can look at our fine Oxford tie simpie and O[)en rne1hods, its wide fleld Kingdom und Canada for the ex·eosion ur)nn the veteran's he,.d-quarters was 1.he s h oes S·> t 0 th e fir· d 0f tiie ch apt ~r. of operat.ions, excl uding unhealthy dis · · -0f tlie weight of parcels to be carried by presentation of an ebony cane beantiful1y A gent Iem an caII e d t h e ot h er d ay an<1 tricts, i ts high s tandard of qua1ification mail in the futuri>. The maximum , here. can·ed and mounted in silver, bearing <' ll explained why lie lo<>ked so mebncholy : for membership, ih equitabl e assessment More hiu b ee.n three pounds. By the one side the head of a dominiq ue c ock -You see, I married a young widow who s cales, it· provision for sick or dis1r es11ed new arrangement t his has been increased holding in its beak a sickle and. livt d with her step-daughter ; my father hrothers, its prompt benefits to the wid ow to four pounds. on the r evNse side the followi n~ in"" ' ip· shortly after ruarried the step· daughter ; and orplrnus, and its other pntdential, A LESSON is to be learn't from the fr ·n : "!'resented to A.. H "bbs, Esq ., my wife was, therefore, tne mother-in- fraternal and social featuree--untt ing all 11W;ht of a bald be:id. :Falling out and by 8 ec'y B. P. A., 1.888." Surpr sea wtirti Jaw of my father ; I am tlte st e p -father elements of economy co nson ant with p~matu re izrayness of the lair can b& evid··ntly the order of the evening, for of my mother-in-hw, and mJ wife's step- justice and the permanency of t h e insti.stopped if tskcn in time. Do n ot let it scar cely had t he venetable recipient re· daugh&H ia my etep· moLher ; w"11, my tution, will r ecommend it t.o the favorable xun on without. making an effort to save c"vered fr,nn the tff, cts of the tirs& on· step-mother, t h at is to aay my father's consideration of e\·ery person whom a it. Get a. bottle of Dr. Doren weod's alaught of his friends, ere another was wife, and my wife's step-daughter h ad a sense of t ho uncertainty ,,f all things but German " Hair Ma~ic," Lt stimuhtes tendered to all iire·cnt in the shape of son. He is my stop- brother, of course, death pr<>mpts 10 make snre provision for t he growth, gives fre~h vi·alir.y ana k eop3 t he ar rival from Norfol k, England. of a but, b eiug the son of wy wife's 11tep · the suppo rt of his dependen ts after his ·the hair its natural cnlor, b esides bei n g trio of Arnla!u~ian 11 , which were closely daughter, my wife is, of crourse, hu; de mise. For further p articulars, we n su berb drosoin;;:. All drut.!gis ts sell it. I am hie grandfather as i·ef,,r ou r rnarlcra t o the followin~ officers scrutinized hy the connoias··Ul'B an d tJrO· ' gra·1dmother and · 8, for th e Ii yuu wunr. to buy u" sell a farm, ad- nounced to lrn perfect. Aft ..r snm ewhat well as his step· brother. My wife also of Bowmanville Council, No. 9G vertise iu the Toronto Weekly Mail. That reco vering, the Corporal iu his reply stat· h ·d a boy, My s tep-mother i;, conse· pr esent year: Pa~t R egent., T. E Hig· paper reaches 100,000 farmm1 homes ed that he wus too full for utterauo~ , hnt qu.,ntly the step-sister of my boy, and ginbotham ; H,eg(·' nt, J o hn 1\foSorlev ; ca.l p11weri, a ls" his ~rar. dwot h or beo~ u se ho is the Vice-R ege nt, W . C. W el ls ; Orator, Dr. OVery Wetik, and your »dvert.isement dieplaytJd 110 m~an r1 llhould me.e t the t·ye of somo oue who after which th e p .r ty partoo k o f a. "ump<.· child of h er step-so11, and my fath er Is Bnyle; 8eey. , J . B. T aylur ; Collector, w. J. Jones, l\'llnts to purcha~e. Adve rtis~ments of uons re µast S ongs and sµeech es folio·\'- the lorother ·i u-law uf my son, who is t.he P . Trebilcock ; Trensnrer, · I am my Manager S tandard B an k ; Chaplain, M. tbil:i cla~s are inserted in tho · . roro to ed and fun and jotlicy reigned supreme s on of ruy s tep-moth"'r. rattJd moth er's brothct·· in· la" w, my wife i· annt James ; Guide, W. Quick ; Warden, W eekly Mail for five cents a word each uut1l midnight, when all sep < ly pleased . them~:'lv"s tind of he" own son, my son is the grand-son L . Geo. Qui. c k ; Senrry, A. J ..'r.,dgham ; insertion, or t wen t.y five cents a word for mutnal. h er, aft .. r 11·1shrng tle1 r hust and of my fath1or, and I am my own grand· !Trustees, L. Munson, . J. C. N os worth y five inaertions. Address, "The Mail, on 0 kno 1 hoJtess '.1.)1 e<n'ty good night. . and Ja ~. Deyman, or J. 0. LaBelle. , 1 fath er. Toronto, Canada.. Mr. a~~ Mrs_ T Sherin returned from a ns1 t to Per,erboro. It is remarkable how scarce boys are in town. The assessor is (Jn deck. FARMEUS I look h ere , Twine at l.3cts. per lb. C. RooERS, Bowmanv1lle. Mrs. John Y. Cole, of Hampton, has returned a fter a w ek's visit in town. John B. Russell has four of the best !! cows in Darliiigton. Sale, Mon· day 12~h. I R ~GHT ROYAL PRESENTA1IJN. B RT S. f'TUART.-At Napiervfle. Feb. 28th, the wi f4!l of ll~J. W . Stu~.rt. or" ~ on. ...efiaR1'RAN .-In Bowm nvil'e, on Saturde:v, n '1~rch 3rd. lhe wlte o! .l'ir. Walter Chartr1m, ofa son ~Y -Jn Bowmanvlll<>. on the 15th ult., the wife_ot John H. J ury, of a daughter. 1 - SToTT.-On the 15'h ~'ebrna.ry, at Hampton. t~t Mr.:_ ~:_ 1:1:..~~tt, of twm sons. Las' Deceml:ler the employees of RuFe's Temple of Mueic Toron to gave a supper . ' ' to Joseph Ru.ea Esq.,formerly of this place, the founder and builder of that well known bua111eaa house. l'bey there e11rpr1aed him with a very com~limentary address ex.preasive of their esteem and l\ttacbmec t, bu~ told bim that the address mnsl be illuminated before be could fiually claim it. On laH t Saturday evenitJg tbeaesame em ployeea galhered al Mr. Ruse's residence, and for merly presented him with the completed illuminated address, and surprised that gen·leman more than he ever was before in his life. The address is prononnced by artisls as the finest and most elaborat.J of its kind ever before executed iu Canada, In size wilhout frame, it is 23x30 inciles. The tex\ of the a<idrese is in old Euglisb, with illuminated r,11.pitals, and is signed by his form er employees,each in his own hand. amo11g these iR tho !lame of Mr. Jami;s Ma1Uand, who has but recently taken up his residence in our town. W., cocgratulule Mr. Joseph Ruse as the recipient of t his right royal presentation. '.!.'he work ie by one of Toron to's most celebrated artists, R. Holmes Esq. and took over aix weeks con. slant fobor to complete and perfect it. . . :( I H _ MARRIED. MING&AUD-· McGA W - At the residence or Dr. Wild. Torou L o, o n. .Ft1bruary 25111, 188b, Mr' l\rtbur J. Mingeaud aud Mrs. Christm11. M c· 1 G-a.w all of Bo-wmunville. DIED. M-iRr.;--At Little Britain, on the 25th Feb.. 1888, Mitry Mark, rehct of the late Jo un J.\lt1.r.k, in her 89Lh year. Norman's Electric BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. C&rrecte<l by J. Mcua;y, every TueMday. STOTT & JURY, l Spoctaclos ! ·~ -- --o-- STANLEY'S S~ectacles and EJeglasses. Comfort, Strengthen and Preserve THE SIQHT Colored Glasses STOTT & JU RY, liir. Chas. Holt, of the Whitby curling seven' Y two years old, aud cb~llen ges any man of hie age in Oanadt1 to curl a. three-pair stone match, to shoot pigeons and to piny chess. The party winning in two 011~ of tl1.0 three games is , declared t he winner. '.l'he Salvation .Army in Peterboro are bnildiug a new llltpple, of red brick, two storey; high. The parl of the bni!d. ing will have seating acaommodation tor one 'houeand people and in addition quute~s will be provided for the officers and apartmenta for the divisional staff. KENNE DY, TlIE 8C01'TIRH Voc.l.LIST. - The "Life of David Kennedy " has been jus~ added t.o the Me~h anie'e Institute fJibraty along with ".Amos Barton" and ··Middle. much" by Geo EllioU, "J&rnes Stepbnrn" by Sophie P. Veioh, "An Algonqain Maiden" by G. Mercer Adari1 and E. Wetkerall and "The Gallery of Nature." SCOT T AC T A s~OC£ATlON. -1'he annual meeting of the Scott A..:t Asaocia.tiou of t he rland a.nd U nited (;~unties of Nort'.mu,bH Durham, was held in the Sous' Hall, Cobourg. on the 22nd inst. '!'he f<>llowing officers were elected for the rear 1888_ Preei· dent, Robert Knox:, EECJ. , Orono. Vice. Presidents, D. E. Pickwor th. Esq .. Wm·k · worth ; W. ·1~. .TohnHton, E~q. , Grafton ; George Wilson, Esq , Port Hope ; Robert mo . Secretary, George Moment, Esq. , Or· A. Greenway, Esq ., Oobourg . Assistant Secretary. A. Barber, E"L. , Cob·rnrg. Tre&aurer, O . \V. Powell. E,;q., Cobourg-. The Associ,.tioa decided ta perfect the organization t hroughout the U nHeJ Counties, and to this t nu the secretary was inBtructed to send to each Vice·President one hUDdred constitutions of the Association. Por.T H or& .\ND K.tNCABDINm RAILWAY.~. ------ - - 10 t o $2 40 80 " 0 82 80 11 0 82 70 " 0 00 65 JI 0 0() " " " 3. . . . 0 55 " 0 00 RYE, " · · · · · . . . · · 0 55 " 0 60 OATS, " · · · · · · · · · 0 40 II 0 45 PE.As, Blackeye, tJl' bush ... 0 60 " 0 67 " Small, " 0 60 11 0 6f> 11 Blue, 0 60 11 0 65 BuTPER, beat table,~ lb... 0 20 11 0 22 LARD, {" lt ....... .. . .... 0 10 " 0 12 EG-0s, ;iii- d oz .....··.·..... 0 18 JI 0 !?-0 POTATOES, tJl' bush ..·...· , 0 55 11 0 GO HAY . .· · · . · ... .······.. 10 .oo " 12 00 DRESSED Hoas ...·.... . .. 6 50 " 7 0{1 GLOVER BEED . . . . · . . . . . . . 4 90 " 5 00 ALSIKE · . . . · · . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 " 5 00 FLOUR, tJl' 100 Its.... ..... $2 WHEAT, Fall, ~bush ...·· 0 " Spring, " 0 BAnLEY, iV' bush, No. 1 . . .. 0 fl II II 2 .. . . 0 -4Klf4G POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thie powder never va~1es. A marvel M purity, strength and wholesonieneee. M oro economical than the ordinary Kind~, and Clln not be sold in competition wit h the. nmltitnde of low test, short weight, alum or phoeph11te powders. Sold only in cans. ROY AL BAK· NG POWDER CU .. 106 Wall St.. N. Y . -----------~------- F llA 1'l i J U . l"IEl.D, B · .A. ~ _ ~ As is well known by moal of our citizens I Local and Otherwise. and very many of the residen' a of Durham, petitions have been circulated by Easl Dur· ham's energelic, Mr. H. A. Ward, praying the Dominion Goverumen' l o grant a charter to the Central Ontario Railway to rnn from Por' Hope lo Kinc1mline. Th~ road will pass through the counties of Dur. ham, On,ario, York, Simcoe, Grev and Bruce to 'he harbor of Iuverburon. It will catch the trade trow the unper Areat lakes and will be a quick t ransi' to Oswego and other ports along the south shore of Ontario. Through muoh iJf &he country to be passed tbero are now no railway facilities, and to these ' be road will be a boon. No bonuses will be asked from the mnnfoipaJi. be Government bonu& of $3,200 per ties; & mile, of course, will be asked for. Col. Tyrwbitt, :M. P ., of Simcoe, is working with Mr . Ward in getting the charier. The Bev. Obas. Ohiaiqaywas received by gor-d audiences t..& his course of lec,ures on t he di1feren' phases of Bomanisim. In t he Jigh' which Uhiniquy 'brows around a we are constrained to trample the prej udice and rancour wi'h "'hieh we regard ou.r Catbolio brother under our feet, and t urn to him with compassion and love. The lecturer's first effort dea1' principally with his per. sonal struggles with his in tellect and con· science wbioh were rebelling against the stultifying priMiples o! Rome. He described graphice.lly the oft fonght battle be· tween truth and error when man is alone with his conscience end his God. His ( LATE H oss.Aon: & FIELD. BARRISTER, Solioit<>r, N otary, &c, COBOU RG. .· Oflice,- Armour Bloc k, Ring Street. ·'" 22. FRANK M. FIBJ,1). ANTED.- Two appr,.ntices, one k> learn the machinest 11.nd the o her the mnulding. Applv to PoBTER & JS'on e:N. I'! uvmanvllle. 10-:lw EAS WANTED. -3000 bushels {)f . small peas wanted at the Cu.ledonlan Mills, Bowmanvllle. for which the v<·rv ht<d1· est price will be paid. JOHN Pi::uprletor. · ~2-tr. ARM FOR SALE.- A sm·ll f,.rm just ou&elde of Bowm11.n ville will be soft! on very reaeonable term', on whlclt are fr<\me bon·e. barn and et.a.hies. For particularw apply t.o Ma. W. M., lloHSll:Y, Bowrna.nville. W P F 51-tf .. " f 11AILORlNG.-Mr. Hindson, Tailor, .I at Mcl'lnng Bros, Is Dow prepared t,o make a limited- number of suit.a for Munr,,..r buyers or from ou·side establish ments. ~~ntra.nce through Quick & Co's stort> 45-tr i mile west of Eonlekillen. r1)ome. cistern, new barn. · gnod orchard, good creek running through fa.rm. 'l'erms easy, A1Jp!y to Wm. Gilbert. Sen., Lot 25, Con. r. Enni.J.:ill en P.O. . l9·Sm FOR SALE. -50 acres, being F ARM sout.h var&ot Lot 21, Con. Darlln11:1on. F rame honse, 8, l1 LYDESDALE FOR SAL"fl:. - .A.n entire colt, rleing 3 years, got. bv Pride of Pert h and reiri·~·r d 111 Stud Book as Sir CharJeq, No. 116. He is a darkbay with star in forehead and white hind feet. Must be sold - on lot 20. con. 4, Darlington. WM. l ·AW , owner, Hampton. O ·!lw TOCK FOR SALE. - One St:1perior British Lion M.l\re, coming Jlve yesrs old ; on,. good in foal to Pride ot Scotland ; one young ' ow jnst calved; ro11r stcero noa rlJ fu.t. Also one ten·b ·rse power ne·rly new I will sell or exch ... oge for a ne"' coo1binod eceder. Apuly on lot 16, oon. G , Do \rlingtou, THOS. Mt·LlnAN, Hampton, P. 0 . 10 3w C S 0 I Tenders for Church. r:rENDERS for the build ing of a. new bl'ick church in t.he villnge ot Colum bu~ second subject gave bis hH·rera en insigM · will be 1 ·eccived 11~ to S1'tur<lay lith inst. Specillcatioos at Mr. E. NanceKivell's, C1>lllol· of that giant and terrible power, which is bus. 'l'he or any tender not necess ..rily. ever on the alert to gain control of people, accepted. loweatL. PlUi1LPS, Tho Pnreona.go, 10·2w Columbus. of lands, &nd nations. A power the\ never slefps,a power wi1b one united o!Jje'ot- the agracdizement of R~me and the displace · ment of the heretic. They are oar enemy·a -----------------·---~-- NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. by tniticn, Our Uatholic brnther is our enemy uot by choice, not bec ause he halos us , but because his God through the priest ,forces him &o be. The Rev. Gentleman in his third lec& ure showed why Romnnism fights so doggedly and desperate for Separale Schools. He showed where it is not a riaestion of religious toleration, . bnt whether a man shall be in tellectually free or a slave. The prime objecl of Rome is to kill tba inlcllccl , to deslt oy God's noblest and grandesl gifl to man, beciuse that iq the keyslone of her power. '..l'o be perfect io the Church of Romo, yon mt1st become as a brule, jas' as if God bad not endowed you above the docile RDS. Mr. Obiniquy is possessed of wonderful vigor and power at his advanced. age, (seveu';i>· nine). and he ascribes a good del\l of ~ ' to the fac ' &hat since be was twenty·s~"en years of age, he bas never drank 8 drop of i ntoxicating liquors, Altogether ltev. Chas. Ohin iqus 's advent in our midst baa been a decided success to 111! aolloe.rnei . \A. 01'ICE is hereby given tlrnt the partnership heretofore existing between t h,1 under·i1 :med, under the of TA.IT & MORR.ISON', as Station~rs. Photograph11rs n.n<l Barbers, in tbe Town of .Bowman ville. bas t his day been diAsJlved by mutual c1n · sent. · 1·ho undersigned H ENRI' C. 'l'Alr will pay all liabili&ies <'f ·aid firm, and to wham all claims due t o·said firm are to be pai11, and who will carry on for biA own bendll; the !:lt ationery and Phof,o~raph Businessi and the unelersignerl D AVID MoRRISQN wil carr)' on for his own benefit the Barber'11 Businesa. Tlatecl at Bowrna.oville, this twenty-secon<I uay of February~ A.D., 1888 JIY. 0 . '.l'AI'T'. D .\.vrn MOltRISON .. \Vit negs, JoB.N :K. G .UllR.\lTH. In connection with the chani:e of BuRineSfl, the underslgntJd takes this npporturi'ity of returning his sincere t hanks to the fri nda and patroos cf t he lat e fi rm. for the vory liberal p atronage extendt1cl to t hem io tti past, anrl wonld etate that hav in ~ purch·.scCl Mr . Morrison's interest at a favorable figuru., be will be enabled to dispose ot the whu],, stock at very low prices . H oping for a con· ticn!\llce of the same favora, I remain Yours etc, N u. a. 'l'.Mr~ ·