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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1888, p. 8

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THE CARTWRIGHT MURDER. HISTORY o:F 1'Jil!l POISONING Ol!' EFP'ORl'S HERON- CLUMSY CAROLll'ilC TO COVER THB Cnurn. In the light of the verdict found by the ·ooroner'8 jury ait to the cause of tl1e death of Caroline Herin, and the implication of Mrs. William Heron a.a the poisoner, with William Heron Ml an accee~ory after the a~.the following history of thA affair. IM! eivm by a corre.opondent to the Lindi.ay Wa.-rder, will be interesting. CAROLIN!! Hl!!ION'll HI!i'l'OllT. The late Wm. Heron livP.d on lot No. 1, 6th con., Manvere, and bad two Hone and a dat1ghter. His oldest son, John, iij l iving in lUuakoka; bis youngtst son, Wm., lives in Cartwrigt t, the second lot west of the Hernn homestead and married ·ome ten vears a daughter of ' Vm Barton, of F.nniskillen. The rlaughtel' was woo'd and her a!fectinns wori by a young inan who bet.rayed and· deserted her; and tbe poor girl Caroline R eron, whoi;e death has caused so much excitement, was born She wa.e raised by her graadfather. Her mother afterwards married and removed to Simcoe county, where she died some yea~ ago. Wm, H eron, the elder, died two ago. He made a will, which, it ia supposed, was destroyed, as it could not be fon nd Rfter his dtiatb. It is said that by the will, Caroline Wl\R to have three hun· dred dollars, so the place was put in chan· · cery. sold and divided. But Caroline could only claim wages. Her grandmother, who still live~, and her uncle .John were w-niing t hat she should get two hundred dol!r.rP and signed a paper to 1hat eff~ct . Howev~r despite opooaition. ehe g"t the money, which Wm. immo·'iately aft~r tried · to borrow from her. She refused and 101111ed it; t o another, .After the DEATll Oz' mm GllANDJ'A'l'mm, Caroline brouµht htr Bf Wing machine, bed and bedding, china, etc., to William's.where they remained till her death. Meantime she Ii vcd out and earnfd all she cou\tl until about the middle of Nov. lnst, when she said she would take a holiday till New Year's and do some sewing, WI she was to be married next May She visited several of her triende in the neighborhood, and Caroline was always a welcome i:uest. She was ami tble, mod.iAt, cheerful. qt1ict, and beloved by all who knew her. During tho8e visih it has been proved, th~,t sh~ WE\~ M ch· erf11! ;i,~ ev~r. Wm, lii!l'on w~nt to h er while she was visiting at a neighbor's and asked her to visit at bis · thi n!{~ were there, ~he t>lace; and as he1 went about t.he 1 2 ~h of Dec., ten days before her death. During those ten days she oc· cassionall y visited nei~hbore, and was never more hopeful or chee1·ful; hired with a lady for two months, and ask her to do ~o wMh· :ing or hard work till New Ye111·'s when sho would begin aervicti. Qp. 'fln1r~clay e\'Q ning'. Dec. 22'1d Bii.& took ilt.iiJiii..'<i.l' ILL, ~·ith dizziness, jerhing,tw.itchini> and vomit· ing, contraction of muscles. etc. When Wm. Her@n, who had not been in eince noon.came home, he wished to go for a doctor, but his wife objected E1ayi11g, better Wait till He went before daybreak fo1· Dr. Campbell, of Black8toclr, and as the sufferer was eti!J gettin~ wnrse .Dr. Allen, of Janet· ville, was ca:Ied. Dr. Uampbell came again 111 thfl afternoon. the fit.a of twitching getting mC>re intense . She died about six o'clock hi the evening. Dr. Campbell again came soon after, and as be thought from the fir·t that there were symptoms of poisioning, he urged Heron to have an inquest, which was consented to, and a mes·enger sent to a neiii:bbor to go for Dr. Allan. H eron then acquainted his wifo of the steps taken, who raised such objections that the me'll!engcr was recalle1 and the gid buried on Sunday. Heron's dog died on Friday night with all the. ldAllKS OF S'rRYCHNINB POIBONIN<~. A cat too was seen somu days before foam. ing nnd jerking an<l was never seen alive again. After the funeral Mrs. H eron told at least two persons that tbs ·'poor girl was not well for some time," that she was pregno.nt. As the girl bore an excellent character it was not believed, and suspicions of a foul murder were wbisoererl a~ound . so the body was raised on Tuesday 27th, a post mortem was held by l>octors Fish, Campbell and Coroner Allan,1tnd an inquest next d1>y. The doctors swore that the girl WM a puro virgin, with all the organs of the entire body in a healthy stat e, 11xcept such as would be affected with strychnine poison. fag, and gav11 it as their opinion that she had b~en poisoned by strychnine. The stomach, liver and intestines were aeA!~d in gbse jal'i! and sent to Toronto to be analysecl A great many witnesses were examined, llll of whom gave the deceased AN l!XCICLLENT (fHARA OTl!ll and those that had visited her when B iek, as to her oonvubions, twitchings and clearnese of perception. and ot her asking and won· ~ing what w.1.e the matter with her. As DO word wlMI recd ved from the analyi@t the inqutlllt W88 adjourned from time Mi time, and mome fresh evidence received. It was J>NlVed that Mr . Heron had bought stryeh· l.1ine abont a yey and a half ago, and al· though his w;fe Rwore that she llt!Ver knew cf poison being about the place. it wu prove.d that lniit fall ·he told a neighbor that '!here was poison sometime ago in the hoUS6 btlt she (lid not know where it was put. '.l'he one hundredth part of the Hiden°" canuut be . given ae the inquest hu been held four times. and from five to ten b()urs ·a.oh time. After the etwnd HiUing of the mquest.,Hurou cam" to ,. neighbor and askod him t.o go n.nd examine her trunk, etc., for that if ~HE .l' OI OONJID lll!11SI U ' · 1888, althongb she died i·1 1887. The other letter not addree·ed, is written to " Dear Ch..rlie," and is mixed npabout hi~ breaking his promise and her losing him, and going to pni~on herself. It says "the la~t time I heard from you, you were 1D Toronto," etc. Both letters are sigPed ··Carrie Heron. " When the man had searched everywhere and was going leave, Heron said to him, .. you ha vb not searched the window blind," When he loosed the cord out came a papar. It ebted, "I HAVB TAKEN POISON, on 'l'hursda.y evening. Farewell friends," etc. It too waa signed Carrie Heron, At tho laat sitting of the inquest, it was proved thi\t the ai~natureH to these papers werti not the deceased µirl's. 'l'he unfortunate girl was about Z3 or 24 years old . Tu.&."IOAY. 21st. Jury sat for the fifth time. The analyist Dr. Ellis was present he found no strychnine in the stomach, but very small quantities in liver and small intef!tines, out not enough to cause death; but he said that strychnine may be ab<lorbed by the blood, muscles, etc. Dr. Campbell was a1rnin examined, anc:l saiil that Dr. Ellis' evidence confirmed him in his opinion that strychnine caused her death, Severn! other witnesses were examined. 'fhe case went to th~ jury, wl·o returned a ver diet " That Caroline tleron came to her death by poisoning from strychnine. and we believe that the poison wae given by Eliza. b3th H eron, who felqniously murdered said Caroline tleron . Ancl that William Beron was ac~essory after the fact." The jury was composed of 13, only 12 of wh om signed the verdict. THE COUNTY AND DISTRICT. The Happening", In Fifty Miles Boiled Down. THE FRESHEST NEWS IN OUR COUNTY AND DISTRICT EXCffA!WES PARA.C:RA.I'HED l'OR OUR READERS. / Oue of Illinois' many editors bas a great belld, H e ia a philosopher, for be writes: Never judge by appe..rauoes. A shabby coat may contain an editor, while a man wearing a high.&oned plug bat and sporting a dnde cane, may be a delinqucnl sub . scriber. · CHILDREN FOR CANADA.- The firs& party of boys for the Marchmont Home Belle. ville, lo be placed out among farm ers and others, is exp~eted early in April al Belle· ville. The girls follow Jaler on afler the St. Lawrence opcns.-Some will be young for .id option, and others will be old enough to help a liltle wilh swall chores. Appli· calions wilh ministers, refercace are now being received by Mrs E. A. Bilbrough Wallace, Marcl:imonl Home, Belleville, A Cnntcmporary utters this mild protest. A ~1oclor will eit down and write a p.~e· Mripliou; time llve minutes,paper and ink, l cent, and the palient pays $1, $2, $5, $10, as lhe case may be. A lawyer writes ten or twelve lines of advice, and gets from 610 to $20 from lbe client. An editor wrilt!e 11 biilf <:olumn puff for a man, pays a. man from 50 cen\s to $1 for pnltiug it in type, prints ii on seTeral dollars worth of paper, a.ands it to several thousand people, and then surpiiaes the ruffed man if be makes any charge. The Regislra.Uon of Births and Deaths in municipalities is muoh negleolod, ilOtwilhslanding that those intarested ore opon to punishment . Tbe Regi ~trar-Gen· · era! bas issued inatructione to assessors for this yo ir to make enquiry regarding births r>r deaths in tho family of th(I pnrty beinl( asrnssed and if any have not been registered. to record such on his roll, ~ he Division Registrar has also been instmcted to ca1e1ully ~xa mine the rolls upon their return, t o see ii there are any birth a or dentbs marked na uol having been registel'· ed . Should thP clerk find any he is immediately to notify the }Jllrlies who are requiwrl to make the re1dstrations to do so wi1:io11t delay, and in c11so of their neglect or refusal, to proceed against them, rn accordance with Seo. 28 of the Registralion Act. Mr. Windatt's Answer not Satisfactory. EDITOR STATESMAN- DEAR Srn. - Mr. Win<l11ott's answers to my question in your issue of Feb. 22nd are by no means satisfactory to the ratepayer s of this t ownship. We want no secrecy in public matters. 'l'be councillors, clerk and treasurer a'i'e our eerva11t11 and to aay t h e least it does look suspicious when we are d enied inf.,rm .. tion hke l Hsked for. I am only one of many who d esire this particular information. Again I ask th11 Clerk or Coun cil to publish for the satisfaction of th e. rate payers of Darlington answers to these que~tson11 : 1 . What amowut of securit·~ the Treasurer gives the Council 1 and 2. The flat10-e of . these securities 7 RATEPAYER. That Water Cours e. Rev. J ohn Curri11, of Perth, ·will be U1e new pa.tor of Orilli · Bapti1t ehurch. The Sunderland grist mill was t <·tal y destroyed by fire early on Thursday morning last. TAMARAC E.1.xxm is no~ a<iver,ised to cure cou11umption, bot it has made some re~ar_k~ble cures of person' supposed to be m the first st11ges of t hat di~ease. 1 The Scott Act fines paid into thA Peterboru town treM ury sincA t.ho Act came into force amuunt to $10,050. The lodge r oom of the True Blues, at Pet.. rboro, Wl\8 entered recen rly and stripped of all tbat was valuable by parties uuknown. NASAL BAL~!.- Deafness caused by Catarrh is quickly relieved by Nasal Ba.Im. Headache caused by C11t arrh is q uickly cured by N ilsa! Ba.Im. t T he Spring Aseize Court opens at Whitby on Monday, 12th March, Judge A rmour pr"siciiug, Cba.ocery Court will be held on 3rd April. John Wright, of the 5th con, of Whit· ch .. rch, ·ook enough st rychnine to kill h alf a dozen men, bnt for1unately the over dose was too muoh for him. No one can describe the sufferingi< caused by Asthma exce11t t hose troubled with thtt compJ..i,. t. One p> of Southern Asthma C ure will relieve any case, D ouble treatment in each package. :!: l there migl1t be poison around. Now tho same trunks had been O.'\refully aev.ched hy two men the day after the . funeral, when taking an i'nventory of her tfiectn. and thoee t wu men eaw I)O poison or any lettera but 'her own that she bad received from friends . The second search revealed two etialed letters in.her trunk and a. paper of P ariB green, another package of a white powder and ~wo bottl tP, One of the letters waa ad<lresse<I to a. former companion of hera, and it telle )rnr that she is abc .nt to takt: J10ison, ) etc., ete . ThiM letter ie datod Dee. 21st, EDI:ro1i STATEBMAN,- ln reply to a stat ement made in the minutes of the last council meeting, regarding water turned onto my land with my cons('nt, I ~eg ·o eay that it is a. . great mista.ku on their part. The first p etition pr e&ented by Mr. B. Trull, siqned by five or six others, t o t ur11 watei; onto my land wos be.1ten with a ·counter petitiun, signed by three times tho number of r atepayers asking that it remain as it was, They did n ot pay any attention to it, but ordered the pathmhster to ·put in a sluiceway which I forbade him doing. Then I preeented aIJother petition signed by a large number of ratepayers to allow part vf thia water to go weat on its old course and cross my home farm in its usual course. They ihe Ghange west for a few rods then across the concession line iii t o a field of Mr. R. Cour·ice, sr., then into my land again wlticb would iro through my tillageablf· land for over three-quarters of tt mile, and backinf.! up into t11e cellar drain and flooding the cellar of my h ou se. Not only this but went some dis'tance below the eluiceways fill ed up the di tch with dirt aP.d stones far above its level in order t o back up water coming from other land. I spokt1 to Mr. C. W. S mith on the questioll and hb said he was not a.ware I will leave the of such b eing done. readers of this p a.per to judge whither I hav e b een fairly dealt. with or not. Yours, ~tc. , J 0 '11 N" '0K'F.. Courcice, March 3 rd , 1888. Mr. Glenny, of the Whitby, branch of the Outar10 Hank, has been removed to Aurora, his place being filled at Whitby by Mr. Ridout, of Newma,.ket. Boox:s vs. E xl'l<:RIENCE.- Books are useful t o add to our kno wledge, but practic11ol experience teaches us t hat. the best, remedy f"r all the diseas1s of tho Stom· ach, Liver aud Blood is easily to be had and is called B. B. B . Mr. W. Stewart. known as the K incar diu e giant, is twenty yPars oid, 6 feet 8 inches in height, we ;gti~ 240 lbs. and ineasur es 45 inches round the chest. Mr. W. E . Caiger, .Advertising .Agent fot the Toronto News, says-I was induced to try Nasal Balm for a severe and troublesome Cold in the Head. Once using it literi.lly washed out the cloggt:d Hecretions, and left my h ead clear as a bell. 1 Incendiaries set fira to two buildinL'!s it Cobourq on S unday of last week. The buildings we1e both burned and 4 h orses and. a cow perished in the fhmes. . . . Some of the Western Poh tic1an .s collect the seeds of n p lant .. powder and ~·ft the.m, and then bake mto cakatt, which ' they sme11:r w!t~ oleo~rnrgarine ancl eat. In preparmg this article o~ food they use a n artlc?e 1 nown as Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powd<>r, that ie acknowl(ldged to b e the best in the world. :t: Whitby Council is willin g to exempt the stock. anc\ factory of H. D. Baker, of the Standard Whip Company , Hamilton, ivr 10 y ears, in the event of the going thflre t o establish a factory. W EIJ, WOltTE' Tit.YI:s'G. - A m~dicrne which has stood the test of time for many J ears and al ways g iven the best aat1sf-.ctiou as h as Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam is certainty well worth tryin~ for Cou~hs, Cold-, Hoarseness and all Throat troubl es for which it is so hii?;hiy recom mended . A large specimen of a Canadian panther was shot on the 14th con. of E lma., in the county of P tJrth, on the morning of l<'eb. 22. Tho animal has been a t error to the neighbors ot that settlement. .An abFent-minded farmer living n ear Hano~ er forgot the day of the weok imd started with his trnm to take a saw lo~ to I he mill a week ago S unday, when h e was r l' minded of it being the S<>bbath day. AN ·THER ITE~1. -Mrs . J. Thompson, of E l ma, Oot., writes tbat she suffered from general weakness and was so reduced thab at times she became almost uncuuscious. Three bottles of Burdoclc Blood Bitters completely cured her, and she now recommends B. B . B. to her friend~ and neighbors. A new district of th e K nights of Labor will shortly be formed, .embracing the counties of Ontario, Durham, Victoria, Peterboro' and Northumberland. The first meeting tor orizanization will be h eld in U xbridge i n a coupl e c.if weeks or so. D EPEND UPON IT accidPnts will happen d espitd all caM and painful injuril'S su ch as Sprains, .BruisPS, Cuts and Burns result. Every family t.h er eforo should keep Hagyard s Yellow Oil on han d, i:; is the greatest family remedy for all PainH, Ooughs, Colds and Sore Throat, Croup arid Whooping Cough yield quickly to this excell ent remedy. J B. Lawlor, a pr ominent insurance man, of Vanle"k Hill, Ont. ; committed suicide in the Ros8in 1::1.ouse, ·Toront<1, 011 Feb. 24th. He shot him11elf in the h eart wi ha. revolver, death beini;c immediate. Fi11ancial troubles were the cause of the rash 11ct. Deoea.sed was a brother-in-law of Judge Dartnell, Whitby. FASHION, and society, impol!le many privatsoIUI upon tho female Sf'X, in the way of dress. First it iii one freak, and then another, and from the fact, .that many of tl~em are unhealthy in the extreme, it is small wonder t h11t many women succumb, and tha t "female we'lk · nesses" are ·t h e too frequent reault. Dr. Pierce's F ;worite Prescription is the only posttive cure for these complaiuta in existence, and thon sands of women can bear witness to its efficacy. ··Favorite Prescriµtion·" i.e & legitimate medicine, cuefully compottnded by an ex:perienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's d elicate org1mi;r.'l>tion. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guar r·ntee, from the 1nanufacturcrs, that it will gi ve satisfaction in every case, .or money will be refunded.. T his guarantee h aa b een prin t ed on t he bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried o;it for many year!l. Dr. Pi ~rc~'s Pelleta, o r A.nti· bolioua G ranules, Laxative or 0-tth .. rtio accerdiug to size of dose. :t P urely vegeta.blu. .Alti.ough 72 years of ago, Mr. Chas. H olt, of t he Whitby Curling Club, chal· fen 11e11 sny man of hie ege in Canada to curl a three pair s t-O!le match, to shoot pi_geo_n s a:nd t o play chess. The party wmamg m 1we out uf three games 'is de· clared the wiuner. UONSUMPrION CAN DE CURED by proper healthful exercise, and the judiciom use of Scott's Emuliiion of C.od Liver Oil and Hypophosphi~s. which cou rains the healing and atrorgth-giving virtue! of these two val11abl.- specifics in their fullest form. Mr. D. D. McDonald, Petitcodtac, IS . B . , says: I have be~n prescribing Scot t's Emulsion with good results. I ' is especially U!efnl iu persons with oon. sumptive tendencies." Put up in 50c. anrl $ 1 size. Nt>gotiations have been goina .o n lately in Whii by w·th t he Mowatt "'Manufacturing Co , Toronto, to induce that eompa"Y tu accept 1he Pat.ter·on Joan of $10,000 and PXem. tion from· taxation for ten, and commence m ·nufaccuring i n the foundry. No arraugement h as been come to as yet. The oom µany · tate if the citiun, of Whitby take $15, 000 wurhh of s iock besides the P atter.on loan, they will sta· t business a t once. l 1HVE been a sufferer from catarrh for tho past eight years. Having t r ied a nu wber of re medi"s advertised ag "surt> cures" w1tho11t obt~ining relief, I h 'td r esolved never to t~ke any other patent medicine·, when tl frieud a~visecl mei to tak., Ely's Cream Balm . I did so with t<rMt ro uc!ance, bu1 c~n no1v te~tify with pleasure that after using it for six weeks I b.-lieve myself cured. It is a most agreeanle remedy-an in valuable Bai rn. - Joseph Ste wart, 624 Giand Ave. , Brooklin. :i: Simon Miller, Esq .· of Unionvilfo, has in h 111 i;ossession the first Crown Land deed given m the old township of Mark · ham. Jt WdS made by p .,t ,·r Russell. Admini~trator, to Nicholas Mi!lt1r (Mr. Miller's grandfather) and wag lot 38, 1st con. Township of Matkham. of Yonge St. , und d:i.ted .Au.~ ust 24th , 1796. Mr. M:1ll ~r settled on the lot in 1794, but could not get a det-!d any eoc·ner. Mr. Mi c ler shows another curinei y in the form of au accouot of J. C"meron with Nicholas Miller, af ·resaid, that was run· ning from 1800 to 180Z. It would appe1 u as though they had a N !l.tion·l Po ;icy a.t t.hat time, - Factory cotton wa3 5s . or $ l per yerd ; nail ., 2s. or 4oc. per lb, cotton handkerchiefs 3~. 5d . or 70c. euch; t ea. 14s. «r $2 80 p.-r lb. ; soap 2s. (id or 50c. per lb.; and most of the n ecessa.ries at prices proportiou11oto. NORTH CARTWRIGHT,-Mr. James Siewart is about to move a conces·ion sc>uth of Oadmus, on M r. Ed. Ginn's farm. Mr. Tholl . .dryans has also left us and flitted to Bethany. Mis~ E mma ~acksoo , who went to 'foronto _A short time »g,,, had h er leg am · mtated Just be l ow the knee, and at present is lying ma very critical conditifm. Mr . · J . W. Philip having got tho required Illlmber of cow~ h as st ...rted to make r eady to build his creamery which no doubt will be a profit. able speculation to him as well as llis patrons. · Clarke Township News. SPRING Announcement, EIGHTEENEIGHTYEIGHT. l~ClUI' BRO!' Have received their first shipment of New Spring Goods, Embracing: Choice Prints, Novelties in Dress Goods, SilK.s, Satin Marve'lie~:ax, Together with a full stock of Grey and \l\Thite Cotton, Shirtings a nd Cottonades. Also new Spring Tweeds and Suitings. ----()---- - -· l ---- An early call solicited. McCLUNG BROS,' Sign of Golden Sheep, King Street, BOW MANVILLE. CURES ·- - · -- · KE:!<DAI.L. - Our young ladies are much sought after by Urouo l>achel urs who rn eet ttnr CompJaht Uysvepdn, with favor in tho eyes of t he 1 1au ghters of I UUou1111e&S, the vnlley. Thid verv naturally causes ~ l ck H enclarJa4l. Kidney Troable~ ~ great indignation among the Keudall lt1>c11n1ntll!m, ba~hel ors an d ·hey th re11ten 10 get tht ir i\ki n Dise&JOell pedigrees p ublished, knowin~ if they d o and all 1numrUJe11 er U141" that Urouo blood will suffer. W<~ wait Uoo d .fre1m wllatM in breathless silence for the Kendal l cat· ·· v.-r cause arl&h.1·1;. alogue. Female Weak·eeses and Genel'al NEWCASTLE lTmrn.- 1\'lias A. Drum·ability. mond h as been visiting friends in Toron i>ureJy Tcgctab}i!, to .·· , · . Messrs. J uhn Steen and Pool l' ..flAl<!null, left for Ilamilton on Thlusda ' week . ... Wm, Creeper, of Haydon, r c·centlyvisited ASK FOR his ro other·in;law, Mrs Goo. Brown . . .. DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. Mr. Howard Chandler, of Toronto, 11pent Tnke no other. Sold trrerywkl'l'll. J>rice, S unday week at !us fath er 's . .... Tbe 15 eent8 J>er botUes. vlSitora to our t own frum Bowrrrnnville week got ~o be very jolly before r e· turuimi homo. If you get so IJext time our cob will surely 1v something about 'l'HE JEWELLER, it PoNTYl'OOL SPARKS. - On Friday Eve, Has been appointed sole a gent for Sold evorywber"· Price, 25ccnts and OOoents 24th ult., an oyster s npper was servt1d at the celebrated ROCKFORD WATCHES per bottle. Proprietors and manuraoturers . W b' 1 The 1JNION ltlEDICINE CO, · Toro1110, (';an. the Coulter house, it beiuu the evont of ate · chartering a m ,w L oyal Orange L odge, t h ey are th e b es t Amencan with a m embership of 122 . . . . The wed- manufactured and are g uaranteed fnn~Jiiii~iiPiiil SOOTHmG, ding of Mr. Wiison and M ies Williamson took place 011 the 16th inst., at the resi- from the factory as b ein g fin tMclass, CUANS ING, dence of the bride's father Mr. Jason Call and e x amine them. HEALING. Williamson, by the Rev. Geo. McK. y. A lttrge number of fri ends were present. · We have als o the finest s tock of I Tht> bride received n·any beautiful pres- all kinds of Watches, Gold and en ts . ... , . Ae the revival m etitings are ,, Id· u ,1 clo·ed ov.e r forty porsons names are en - S ilver,in the town ofBowma.nville . uO !ii n8Cl1J, tered upon the Church bo"ks for proba- In Jewellry, we have an e ndless tion .... . . Mr. Wm. Coult~r who was 1.llltl' rin g with a severe attack of variety- Clocks of all kinds very STOI'S mation i< recovering .· . , . . Miss M cChes· h Dropvtu i::~ from 1 ney is visiting friends at N owcastle. ... C eap. ~asnl pns._o\ge· in M1ss B olewan ha11 gone to Bethany to In Silverware we have the e-::· .,, EASY TO US E. to t ile throat 1111<1 hold rtivival meetings ; from there she · · c:l'.ces3ive expectoration caused by C<1.i.·n ll. S6n t will go t o l.otue,- Ncwa Oor. clns1ve right to sell for the larges t prc-pa!tl on receipt of price, 60c. aud $L Adu N u Krnn'l DoTs. - The La.dks of t he firm in th e U.S. The quality and FU L FORD &. CO·· Broc kvltle,, 0 ~ MAYNARD, OR. HODDER'S COUCH AND LUNG CUBE I CAT JHUU1, HAY FEVER, I I I I ' Methodist Church gave a Parlor social at the residence of Mr. R.. 'I horn ton on Thursday evening· R~freshments were served and "good program rend"red. .A. m<>st onjovable evening's eIJter1a1nmen t was gi ·· en . Mr. G. M. L ong, of O .r<iio, wa· chairman. Amon g rhose who t ook. Part in the pro{lr&m were n~v. T. Dun· lop. Mesara. R. Moment, R. R. Knox, 0 . G-. ArmstronJ?, Mi~M!s P..eed, Odell, · 'l'a.mblyn a nd JJ. Pow11rs. :Proceeds about prices are the bes t a:ud lowes t in : this part of i be country, you to call and We a s k e x.amine our goods I E BSTE R'S Unabr~d~etD1C_110IlafY. . . , Mrs. H enry Birch is vi11· if well used. It they lJ;reak we $14 iting at her father's, Mr. Rolli11eon, Kin· will repair them free of charge. M W J ll d f mount . · · ·. . re. . . en ersnn, o Call d t fitt d I Orono, has been visiting at Mr. Thom1111 an ge e proper Y· H en<leraon'11 ....·· Mre. G. Staples, of L ondon, is visitin~ h er sister, Mrs. R. OUR REPAIRING DEPARTMENT.- - We Brown ··· . ·. Mrs.James Powers has been can only go over the same o ld sayvery unwell but isoonvalesce1,t . ..·· . Mr. m'g, that we repai'rWotches, Cloc' - H . Thornton is ab<>ut to 11011 out and .. ru5 move West . ...·. Mrs. A le..-oc, Marr spent and J ewellry in t11 e m ost skilful last week in 'l'.ironto with lier little daughmanner, We are bokod upon as ter 1Vho is suffering fromsoret.yes. CanMus P1rnBONAL.-Mr. J. H. Philjp the only reliable Watchmaker in is visiting at Mr. S. S . Powdrs', Cadmus. thm part of the country. Mere Mr. a ud Mrs. Potts of Poni.Ypool, were visiting at Mr. Ed.vard Giun's. Mr. talking can't do the work, but tools, Ge··rg" H arris of this place is on a visi t ability and e xperience combined to T ·.ronto. There aro quite a number of cases of measles h ere. Mr. Wm. can , of which we have plenty . Edger ton and his daughteraro h ere from tho West visiting O..dmue and Cartwright friends. Mr. H enry Gibson i.11 very poor·, Th.e Iv at prcsen b. I 44. oo ...... before buying . I I S d E Gl C & 1 pees an ye asses , a.sea, c., carry the leading stock, and. J 0ntee every p"~ g uar"' ... £or 6 months, ........ we I j ·~~)'~;d s19~~~fyHl~~ .,~.h~g,tH1R.~"~~Y.· ,:,.:12 I v 1 ALL IN 0·1E t' BOOK. c "·~ "" hlw·at·onal-.1font hlv , 1~,rr,,,fo. i~ ht'l'..ll d }Jol? I AO ICTIOnARY, ~ GAZETTEER OF THE VJORLD 118,1)()() WorJs, :lllOU J·: nl-(rnvin>(;, - of :.i,·,,ooo T i tl e·. nu.t ,, ' I j \;;~!i~~~g~~c~;:;;;~u~~~;;~~~~;;,}~~~~;ta;,:~J;:;· ------·-···-·· --·----······in cvc rv r;1·hon l in t lh ' J.k.1 u : ni~..1n~- I 1 1:.·,t l · 1<·u<mnry ofthc luu ~11,,.:;·:.-1.'""-"' " n ·,, " o. ~:: <'. ~u;1u: LUl f,; c o ., t ·u:>lh h<' r <., ~11 ci u;,;.:Pl<1 , l1la :·" ·· L . :.i··i . CAUSE AND EFFECT. Many persons wonder at. the t.i.rcd. wqrn and weary feelin·g that opprcll8C8 thern mtaOU' a.ny apparent oause. lt may be povcrt7 or the blood or .a d1 sm·d,n·ed etcmauh 1 'in. either Iba stomach, blood u.nd. liver ar&· not performing their J:egulttr runot l.Oll.9, anil ~ with mo.ny persons, there will follow a dull, heavy headu.che. nausea nnd many otluir symptoms that precede a well developed case of DyBpepsia. l'nrify the blood, clen.nP& th<> system or the cloisgl'd secretions by UJ!l.qg M EAOHAM'S MANDRA KE MIXTURE, a chemist of nlne·cen yea,.!!' e:1;perilmoo. Stilt\ n BowmanYiila by Hi p,~inhot h a m &; Son. p1·ep a.i-ed by J. B Meach a m , 13:i Y oong'eat . MAYNARD, Chifdren Cry for Pitcher's Oastoria~

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