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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1888, p. 1

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lt TERMS :-11.60 -_. === PER tsmnn~ OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES V o L U ME EDITOR AND P:aorruRTon, AnuM.. NEW SERIES, NUMBER 5 0 2. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1888, S ULINA . Mirn Mary }~Hord la visiting in Cartwright.Mrs, W . A . Tom i s viaitin[: fl'iends in Toron. to. Why do we not hn-ve a daily mall to thig yiJlage l Mr . W . Pascou had a vcry:successfnl wood· bee last w ePk . Mr . A. 'Nashinitton has been to Toronto lately on business. Surprise parties and quilting bees seem to be the i·age around here; How is it. the.t there are not largP.r congrega· lions at Church on Sunday nigh ts I M r. Herman and Miss Lilla Pascoe, of En· my relatives field, have be n visiting their m1 in this section, Mr. George 1 ,eaek lJas sold a verv prorni8ing ··Pride of 8cotland " colt to Me. Rosevcar. of Cobourg. e.t a big price, Mr· W. De.ker did not sell his farm on T h 1ua day last as he did not C<Jm!1ler there was Obis sale enough l>1d on it· He should ad vertiB in th-. ST.1.'l'ESMAN next time, 1\1i ss Sophie J a mes. or Ilowm·tnYille. has Jac>JC, bee n visiting her couoins here. XX XIV. NUMBER 11 . ·-TO- ORONO, M APL E GROVE. TAUNT ON. LADIES ONLY! COUCH, JOHNSTON ·-~ & CRYDERMAN'S Have just opened out two cases of LOVELY EMBROIDERIES · I~. ·ch th · ey l·IlVl·te the att· enti·Ofi · To Whl ' es who requ1" re really · Of all Ladl · d Th fid t o S. ey are . CQil en .: nlce go · . 1 W h 0 8Xam1ne Will proth a t a 1 c·e th ·· . em to be the finest lot of noun· Embroid-sries ever shown by us or o th·er H ouse in BowmanvilJ e. b y any· ht h b . . oug t ..·em direct . . h' a v1ng A nd £ SPQT CASH th 11 b ld : ; or · . ey Wl ' . e so · :a t very c1ose prices. ~~--~~o~----~- ,couch, Johnston &-CfJderman One Boor West of Post Office, Bowmanville. 8 owMANYILi:E; M~ 1.888. OUR SPRING M ILLINER Y to hand and will be managed by MISS M Y.RAE, from Toronto, where she has been in one of the leading Rouses for a number of years. In advertising w e cann.ot sta te a ll the articles belong in ·g to that department, therefore w e ext e nd a coPdial invita tion to al l our cust omers to call a nd see t h e nove lt ies, when w e w ill d e,e m it a pleasure to show our stock. - ---o --- - OUR STAPLE GOODS are coming daily to hand and will soon be complete. W e have a fine .range of · CJoths a nd Tweeds and G e nts' Furnis hing s, with something nobby in hats. o~n ~arly a nd see us. We will not disappoint you. Respectfully yours, CEO. LAINC. On Thmsday wePk a la rge & leigh load Fran k S. F airfield ha s returned l o Oro· Qnite a numhn of friends assembled a t no once m or o. George P ierc~'s last F i;iday evenin~ and a of t he Leask family 1·orth of here pa·scd Mr. W. L . Broad is recover ing from very pleasan t time was spent until the en route t o speud the day nt a d i nner party a L the residence of the·r tmcl~ wee sma' hou rs. h is r ecen t paralysis slowly . .hy, where As Mr . Wilham Alsworth was drawing Mr.·Jam es A nderson, n ear Wh U D r. H arn den, of Bowmanville, visits t hey ha d a pleasan t time , and enj nyed Orono the first Monday i n every month. out post from the swamp last week he h ad themselves very much with vocal >tIJ<I in · The W oman '3 F oreig n l\ii~sion Society the m isfort une to brea k h is l eg. Dr. st rn mental music, interspersed with a so· Boyle se ~ L be frndured limb. will r,ive an en tertainment on Good Fri· cial ch it -chat. Mr. Anderson, wh ' wa8 M emhers of Division here went to in poor health some tiiu e ago , hu t is n ow C.av . D ivision on W ednesd ay eveni ng Orono Mias M ar y Ur quart loft on W ednesday much better, welcomed t hem all with a. fast for o~hawa, where she purposes last in two loads wl1en a very enjoyable tr ue open heart, and was ext re·uely d e'.l'y rone D i visi m was ligl1ted to see so many of his frif1nds t ime was spent. mak ivg ll three weeks' visit. around him . Mr. \Vm. And erson, t oo, The M embers of Maple Grovo, H amp· also thero. W e underet a.n d there is t o b e a school and t he Misses Ande ra<> D. did cve ry ·hing fo n and Tyrone Divisions visited Oro no Division last W ednesd ay e venin g. - enter.tain ment on ' Yednesday even in g, for the comfort of thei r cousi ns ancl D E XTER. guests. On F r iday, M arch Hl, at 1 p . m. , H ev. March 22. A Fras ~ r , will otfor for snle Ins horse ENNISK ILL"flJJV. N l!;WC.A ST LE. a nd rigs , h ousehold furniture, at hia reai· A mon g th e visitors the pas· few wee ks: denco. Ther e w ~ s a bread and butter social at 'rhe News bachelor list fail ed to even- Mr. J oh n Wilkinson's on Th ursday n ight Mr. A. Callander , M · r rickvilla, Mias tuate laot week an d the undt>r the auspices of t he L adies' Aid. It H oski n and Mea·rs. John L~e an d W. K l RBY. Br:i.y, B o wm ~n v 11le d1 -ar giris wan tim( to seo tho balancti wa s a p l~aa ·i nt affafr. R ev. E . B arrass preaclierl a very pracw~~d;,';. ';:'ri1:f.0 ~~;-;,ha~:d.Victoi·ia Chapman mus t patien tly wait . Lod ~ e N ewcastle N o. 4li attended d ih y e · curng las t .James Powers' team got loose a shed in - - - - - --- -vine ser vice on Sunday 4th i ns t., at t h e tical serm on he re o r1 S nn c Orono and smashed cutter aud hai·ne>s by COURTICE . English ch.lrch and heard a splendid ser- part icularly a ddressed to young men It wa s h ighly a pprecia ted . colliding withe. post. M essrs. W. and !J.M. Courtice have mon by R ev. Canon Bren t. One. if not tne most fashion>1ble weddings Tho Methodist choir are making pre p'I'he aona of the late J ohn Elliot t who that h as occurred fo1· some time vast, took !!Ono to Toronto t o atteud the fu ueral of aration for a, grand c·H1 cert t.o he hel d in ~~~-~~;i:::m'~e~.i~~~·~·~u~~d~~etbb cri8 ~,~:1n~~~I~;: th ei r aunt, Mrs . S core. was killed here la8t fall by his b me run· '!'here was a surp rise party at Mr. R. nin g away a nd coli i~in g w_it h a telephone tho Meth oilist ch11rch her<> on t h\l ovenfore a large circlo of witnesses, Mr. J ames Walsh and Mira Eli><> t 'l'yreman declared ulle· ·C_ 8 hort's o n F r iday even ing last . A ver y po_le have l ~1d a churn ngarnst our cor por - ing of F riday, 23 in- t . F urt her notice will he givtin. grieuco u n e to t he orl1er for better and fo r f im, 000 worse as long as they both di< l live. The cere lively and enj oyable time was spen t , the a tlon or ~vo, · vVe ha'le an und er taker 110 1v i n our A ve ry exciting gam~ of chechrs for mony was perfonnod about six o'clock p. m., ch ief amuseme nt btiing dancing. hood, or at least a. 11entl eman neighbor , J by rhe Clemence Rev. \V . "\was V . Walsh, from Ow iwa. The s " ome even 1 ·n ,, there 'vas auot l1er t h e oys ters t ook place at Mr. Wagstalf's groomsman and MissMr. M. · .W drol'0 off with t wo or t hr e c rps.i in his Walsh, w.,,s bridesmaid, 'l'he prePonte to the surprise par ly at M~. Geo. P tiarce'l3. Th is on t h.i 5th .. The n b.e ing 8 on sleigh the ot her d ay , no douh t i ntend ing bride both num el'OU R and costly. a rew of th e n or th Bl d e of K m~ S. t · agarns t 8 on whichwere we w ill endeavor ro mention :·- Silver was la rgely atten ded also rq1d a ver y to inter th em with tlrn uaual cercrno:iies. C like basket, Mrs. E . Cobbledick; Orient.-! pka·tmt evenin g was paseod in variou s th e so u th, _e ach man havrng to play. fo ~tr case, ltev . W". W . Walall ; Crystal ·et. Mr. n. social !!amea. games aga inst each opponen t, makrng rn N E W BA VE r.t . Walsh ; <'ii paintings, .Miss M. Walsh > Doz. 1l (). h Th l b t eil.ver tea kmves, Mrs. J os. 'l'yrem,.n ; China \'Vh ile engaged i n shin"lin"' the other a 3 ~ jlame1:1 euc ' e nort ierners ea Can you tell us how i t i~ thero are so 0 ~ the sou therners by 120 to 1 HI · tea set, Mrs. A . Kerr ; Crystal set. Mr. J . W. Clemence; Silver cruet, Mrs. J . Uickaby; day, Mr. Harry Gf1y m et with an acci' man y bachelors m Oron o? A hanasomely tlowered ornament, M i s $ B. d ent. H aving carried a bunch of sh ingles COLUMBUS. "\N e hopetheAtHo me at " S ton e" h1trst " ' Cobl>led1ck : P air silver napkin rings. Mrs. up 'the ladd er he dum ped it on th o r oof Alto" Welsh ; a Large _Parlor, by Miss R. but the wire at one aide o f t he b unch b eMiss E d ith Colo has been visiting this w. ee.h will be well a tter.ded . fe w spicey speeches lt ev. Welsh. Atte1· W. w. Walsh and others and a flew lively olu comin g loose at one end caugh t him over friends at Solina and B owmanville. It is t ime our ba~o hf 1l! cl ub was reor· ~~~;c~i~~!~:e~ya~J·1fi!1d~~;pyl{~~~l3J~~eae~0~~; the e ar and cut it nearly L off. The Ont ario estimates this se2aion con· gauized. What abou t it Captain? for 1 ,he old 'l'yrernan homesLoad. whae we Mr. L . M . Courtico was honored on the t ai u an item of $..'l,000 for irnpr'l.ving t he M ra. Dr. D ouglas, o f Castle to n, a nd wieh t hem a 1.~mg lifo ~~y ~n~ (!r03 P(lrity. 9th inst.- his fiftieth birthday, by havir,g n aviitat10n of t he Scugog, p rincipally i u Miss Mack lam. of Br ight on , l\Te the EN l ' IELD _ : his family p resen t. h im wit h a h andsome widen in g t h a channel 11t "the cut. " '.l'bis guests of Miss Trull, "Maple V illa." -0hair and the followin g add ress!: is a t imely and judi6 al expend it ure for T here h as bee n a !lOOd d e!tl of fast 1}!188 Lilla P ascoe 16 visitrng fl'iends around , DK.AR FaTHE:r.., - We you r childr en h ere the important inter es ts con cerned. d rivin g O ll the marsh this winter. B ·1y a, ~~.aJaa. 'l'app has moved inoo Mr. Wlllio.m : :tssem bled . d eaire to . congr.itul~te you M ore i nt er est seems t o a ttac h t o the we hope y ou will pro ti t by the ee r mon llobb'shouse. most hear tily on r eaclung t he fiftieth an- b usiness a f Geneva Cheeae F ac t@ ry this y on heard S und«y evonrng. A One drove or fat catLle left this neighbor· niversary of you r bir t h while in th e en- y ear·. At the meeting h t!ld on Mond <1.y , Sign of spring-th,; crow3 h avl) made hood lttst Frida,y, M r . Matthe w I<:lliott was i deyment of such a full mea sur e of henlth Mr . L. Luke was r e-elected president their appearance. Covered cn ttora are the buyer. · · vigor · , E . Cole d iscar d ed. V eila'and wicle ha.ts are t o M r. and Mrs. M . .A.. J a= and ::M:aster , ana . . W e a ck nowJe d ge our d eep wit h M essro. Fi ran k Gl . a~pell and Norman, of Bowm1 invl!le been spending ' debt of gratitud e for many t okens of lov· ae directo rs, and Mr. W . H . Scot t as be seen. SKU'. a few da.y~ at Mr. Jcmath;,,n l:l· r ay's. : ing fatherly kindness. A.t th is t ime th e sec. ·treas. - - -----It is r~pborted that ollr eute~gdsio g bhreetl_ er , .,, 11d of half a century of your life, we 'I.' he "fothod ist con <?regati "on of thi" s A SOLEMN vow - Burna vow ed lo lovo · · . t. t t " " b is Highland M ary " wh ile grrass gr ows or thoro · red sroc1", l>. Dyer,,, 11ae ou~1it- th ' e. r,10.000 fa.rm from Mr. Joa, liolman. two ·1 HI1 t lt a 1 it m g 1 ;l we 0 ex pr ess 0 you p la ce have d ecided to erect a handsome · es wes t o. · c o.umvus. ' " · A s n ew church, an d ten ders are already and water r uns, " an d w long as nat ure m1 . oti r 11 na ba t·ed a fl'ocn· on an d r espec... ~n Weclneeday, yth inst ., e. l arge number C?f. a slip;ht mark of that ti! nl love and esteem a~ked'for its er ection. T hey intend pull· con tin nes to presen t these phenomena ib friends and r· lo.t1ves assom·bled ~t the res1.. 1 we ask you to accept t his chair wluch we is safe t·>b et that Impe rin.l Oro11,m T a.r tar dence of J\fr. John Ormiston to witness t he . inrr do . w u the ~. S bu ild in ~ g to make r oom B alu· n " p ow d er wi '11 ma k ou 111 "' i t , 1tnd will purchase some · e t h <' beat b is0 Id !~e.rri a s;re of I1Iso. · est d aug b ~er, A g_gl e, t 0 M r. t U·t ~ Y · 3 y b e 1un g s pare d t 0 eu .1· oy. for ad ditional lhoB. Hall, o~ t h1sdplace. \rheh·b bIJdo looke d Mr. Courhce alt.hough taken completely land froui an adJ 'oi'rii ' n ;· lot. cnit 1 very prettv m a ress o1 rid · ro wn Slit1n . . ,,, ornamente'd with orange l>lossoms. M L W m. by s urpris e mad e a s uita ble reply. -- - - - ----G..A.Jl1'WR IGH T. Grilfin acted 11.s groomsman and Miss Lilla - -- -- USHA. WA .Pascoe as brid esmaid. 'J.'J:te -ceremony W · B T YRONli. · · ltevival services have commonaed in in ave Y plet\B lllg T · k h 0 L perror med b y H.ev. S. Salton · marrner. Afte1· cougrate.lationsall repaired t" Mrs. F. ' Veeks is improvi ng n icely . wo rm soft e shawa Curlers beat otns. the dining hall where e. very sumptuou· suppev t h e Rowman ville Curl Ha on Wed nesday Wm. H eron wh o was sent tu gaol after had been preparnd. 1mdall· seemcd to do juotice Wt!ddiuga iue talked of. P ar ticulars by a score of 52 to 28. ail. 1 he i nq uest, is out on l> to the Q ccaeion. 'f he evening was spent i n l Mr Chas Mea rns son of Mr W John McA lister , Crnsarea, foll frnm t he games, music, daneia g, etc., until tho " wee arer. ~me.' hour s," when all retired to their hom es \'V ho upset B lako' s slei~h o n W ednes· · · ' · · bl· l £ l · · I £ having opent a mostenj oyablotime. 'l'.b.e brid e day n ight . M o ·r os, hardwar e merchant, h as gone to ata e o t anc 13 5eri;us y i n ot fa t.tlly Cadet H arper is ver y ill with neuralgi·a Chicago to reside per manently. hur t. and bridegroom hnve the best wishes or their many friends in this p a l't of the community. J oh n L at imer J1a1 &Ol u ·' .A.list ofpresente is not tohand,bntitwas one in t heh·a d. TheG.T. R . i ntend to erect e. new his p laco t o or the m nurueMus and valua ble lot of Mrs, B ond . of H ampt on, was visiting steel bridge, in the summer, over t h e Teas. Wh itfield. ,John goes t o 'Vlon :fee ~~~~~. pre!ients we h.a1Ye · had the pleae11re h ere last week . . str eam west of the sta tion. m ou th . Mrs . Hoid ge, Bowmanville, is t h e g uest P eople in Sou t h Oshawa are ver y in · Mrs, Heron was t oo sick t o bo r emoved II.A YDON. · · d igna.n t at t hen· Coun cil for no t giving and is still att ... nded by a d octL1r and of Mr. F , Wet ka. Miss H annah Emmerson is visitin 0"' t hem another electric ligh t . v·atched by a con5tablo. Miss E . Brolld, oi Enniski!llen, -is visiting a t frien ds at Ash burn . Mr. J. S. Lark e has b een stumping On e m ercautile fi rm has ch1 w p1Jd hands Mr. s. Soper'l'I. M r. Alox, Por teous and family left last week Our east merchan t is now at N ewton- W est Middlesex, Ill th e interes t of D r. Mr. B er t F erg uson havin g- sold h ts int er· for MichiL:an. ville d i8posing of a bankrup t stock. Broome, the Tor y caudidate. est in tho fi r m t o Major H ughe8. Mies I.. Broad, of 'l'yrene, -0pen t ·S unday at Mrs . Cooke of Moun t Alber t is visi t Mr. J ames L. H ughes · lectured on Died at th e r esidence of h~r parents Mr, W ' l:lroad's. Mr. and Mrs. A , Hooey were,vielting in this ing her motbe~, Mre. O. Stock. ' " P resen t D uty of P rotestantism," in S ou th Manvers, Ger tie May Sheckelton, vicinity last week. R ev. A. E. Sanderson d eli vored a dis- M nsic B all, on Monc rn.y evening last. y ou IJ_gest daugh t er of ,Jose ph Shec kelt on. Mr. R . Hill was in Orona on F riday attend· course on Temperan ce on tiund ay n ig ht . . One or ~wo rPvivalfa ts have boen hold ;.. ..r-TWo of our m in isters, R evs. Creigh ton in ir a meeting of the Gra;nge. Mr. W . Hooey, j r.. ls ;.ble to · be a round again :Mr. F . Bambridge h aving w ld out his m ~ fo r th m O~hawa on th~ four corners ~n d Hassard , who were unwell. for soi;rie after a eev~re attack of the -mee.sels. bus t.nel!ls. at Scar b oro is v isitin g her o for B~ . urd· y evenm g, b ut t heir efforts are ~~t un~, are b ot h able t o fill their p ul pits Mrs. S. Siemon who hr.a been ·B ick with in· a sb o-~t t ime. succtissful. \_, aga1~. ftammation of the lungs is se>me ·better. T he mem bers uf Tyr one Division were The A . S. Whitinfl! Man'f'g Co., are ~... A. social under th e a uspices of the l'r!e Mr. S. Waldock's eldest' <laughter · has alee been on the eick lis t but ta im pPoVling slowly_ more than pleased with t hoir viait to n ow sh ip ping large q uantities of ~oods. t h odi11t ch urch , was held in t h !J Son's Ou Tuesday evening about IHty friends and O.rono Ia~ t week. T his y ear 's shipment will exceocl any h all, L ot us, on th.i 23rd Feb. Pr oceeds acquaintances assembled at Mr. D. ·Grw ham's $22. 50. and gave him & complete s"rprise. Mr. Gra· ' Vhat was wr ong with the torches on other one year 's sh ip men t. ham, was havin~ a soeiablega me of-dominoes Saturdlf n ight that ·~hey wen t ou t, . was A basket socivJ will be held in connec On T hursday nigh t b nrglars ent ered with e. neighbor wllen a rap we.a heard and in n church, Ballywalked t b.e invading host and took posessio n it the exp erien ce of the foolish virgins ? th e boot. a nd shoe store of Mr . Robt . Mc· tion with th e Presby t;e r i;1 Gaw, and s tole ther efrom abou t ten do!- d uff, on the 16th, when a good t im e is or his house. When everytl·ih g been a r. M , 7· L l · , b "! t f ranged In apple pie order Jl>[ P. and Mrs. ·Gra . · r. ; eo. lavrn g . ou., l a arm expect ed. ham wore iuvltod t o come forward wbon l'irr in Manposa and ren ted his farm h ere to Ia ra and sovora l pair of b oots. W_. J . Haycraft re·<'.! e. suitable address and M r. Ed. Ohann ou inte nds moviau t here Between 70 an d 80 members were re· The friends of t he la ta J ohney 'l 'ol bct ceived in to full membership at the morn- l11tve enter ed a s uit in ord tir t .., b reak his ~i?: !'~~~~~ !!~:1i~~re~gk~~~rg~~~~h~~~ f t his week . ' ~ his ser vices as violinist, and Mrs. Graha m J\'.lr. T . Bennett who fo r so me time hae ing ser vice of th e Medcalf St reet M eth- will, as he left all to t h o ch t1 rch a nd with a beautiful 6et of china. Mr. Gre.he,m ·b etin " at Mr T Creeper's left od ist C hurch last Sun day week . not hing t o his r E!lations. maao an approprmte reply thaukinl':' hi s " · · ' friends tor their k.indnes· and :hoped they 1Jlere for Toront o on Saturday. T homas Profess or Clar ke, of Tri nit y College, T om McGarrel was fined t wen ty dollars w:ould enj Q y themselves. which ~e think th.ey j ,was w1>ll liked by many while here. Toronto will give his popular lect ure, an d cost, for drawin~ a revolver 'lt A . . did. Tea was served by the ladies about mid· night to which all did amp le j usti ce. The pa r. I Mrs. Henry and d augh t er, of Bowman - " The Water B abies " in th e M usic H all, K eenan, Mel!srs : Spi nks and Pa r r were ty dlspe!sed at a_ n earlr hour at~r having a v i·ll ~ moved b 11 ck to t hll old hGJ me- on M onday e vecing , Hlth March. t ho magistrates. Tom had M r. Loscombe very enJOYablc time tl'lpptng the lucbt tantue' S . , tic. W _ ishing the happy cJuple many years of · , unnye1de Farm, where they pur· T he Oshawa cabinet fact ory star ted to defend him. 1111alth and prosperity. .p011e .stayin g this summer . A Literar y and debating eociety has Monday m o.rnin2 in fu ll blast with a large - - -·- - --·- ·- Mast er A . Stock is to b e t h e ex·Reeve'a nu wber of hand s , a nd the p rospects been organized in L nt us, which wo hope L A KE VI EW ( CARTWllI GHT. ) h.e this summer in t he place of Mr. ab e~d of it for th e comin g season are will be can·ied on successfully. T he officers are P r esiden t It. Bancroft · vice!\Tr. and Mr·. ·w eir, ot Howick, and Mr. and J osh. B m n ton who goes to li ve with Mr . good. Mrs. l!'ai r, of :F'a ir ville, have paid a visit to Ed. Ohaim on. T,.kti care of Duke and T he largest audience tha~ e ver assempr·sidont, M ajor Hugh~s; secrtltn·; , J no. <friends in t.h is section r~cen tly. k bl ed in Oshawa to hear an elocutionist Naismith;.,treasu rer , W. H . F~ rguson . A petition has been for warded to tho Post· Dar ·ey, Arthur, master General to ha Ye a post otnc1;1 e·tab· A te a in connection with t he ch u rch greeted M r. G eorge B elford , the emiT he B yland esta te ovas sold a t B lack· llshed i n our midst. J Gis badly needed and we here will be held on Good l! "'riday, whe u nen~ English recit er in the M usic H all stock fa st week ; T he h fa r m hope to have it. a good p rog ram consistin g of re adi ngs, last Tuesday evening, cnntainin g 100 acres, brough t $62.00 p er M aH s Em me. Jackson, daughter of Robort 't · · b l l Jackson. Esq.. who lie.a been suffering for rec1 at10ns, mu a1c, et c. , y oca and for'l' ho an n iversary services of Medcalf St. acre, and t he sw amp 50 a cres was sold some time witb her leg had it amputated re· eign t alant will be r ender ed. P articulars Methodist Churnh, will t ake place as fol- for $UGO.OO. M r J ohn F order was the ccntly i n 'l'oronl o, and bas re·.urned homo la. er . lows : - .On Sunday 18th, th e R ev . T . L . purchaser o f both lots. '.l'he M anvers' again, \Ve plensed to say she is doing e.s well as can be e:Kpected. Mr. J oa. Sot1c 'l is busy moving h is i.m- Wilkinson , of Parkdale, will pr each morn- far m was not sold. ::Mr. Hin ton. ol Darlington, has moved to pleme n te t o Mr. J ackson's far m a t Salem, ening. On M o nd ay 19th, the T her e ia t o bo anothor meetinc:r of Oart Ce.1twri!(ht and is preparing to start e. shingle t be place which he has r ented. Mr. J os. ia g aIJtl e Y a nniversary t ea will be held when a ddress- wright Branch of the F arn1ers' I nstit u te mill 111 this locality, having purchase<! a cedar H k H rarr;1. There being e. large quantity of tlmber a w ey, of ayd on, is d oing like ~is o t o es will be delherod by Rev , T. L . Wil· on Sat urd ay evening l 6 t11 ins t. to com near at he.nd the enterprise will b ' welcomed hie place, now occ upied by t he former . k inson an d others. ma uce at 6 o'clock . All farmers me m by t he neighborhood. J OLLY J oE. 'Velcome back J oseph. bers o r not , are in vited. Come a~d lear n in 0ct benefi t some thin g that will be of las L '11.,l MAR A.C is an Elixia carefully prepared ~· · ·- - - -- by an experieuced chemist, with the well· CATARRH I N N EW ENG"LA.ND. - E ly' s D EPEND l:PON IT accidents will h appen to the f ar mini:: commun i ty . kn o wn Tamarac as th e fund11.num ta,l Cl'eam Balm. The best remedv for its d espit., all care and p ainful inj uri~s s uch J\faasles are very preva.len t in t hia vi. principle, a nd all the other ingr e die nts purpo3e I have sold . - J ohn · R ooker, as Sprains, .Bruises. Cuts a nd B u rns r e- cinity . P :Low B llY. su it . Every/fami ly therefor e should keep in its composition a ro of t he pures t, and Di uggist, Sprin gfield, Mass. best t;a]culated t o relieve all cases of An article of real m erit .- 0 . P. A lden , Hagyard 's Ye llow Oil on hand, i~ is t he vVEL L s1·0KEN OJ' . -" I ca n recommend :t D rT uggiat , Springfield, Mass. greatest family r emedy for all ]>aine, H agyard 's Y e ilow Oil very h ighly, it Co ughs, Ool<l s and Lung t rou bles. h ose who use i t speak highly of it. - ICoug hs, Colds and Sor e Thr oat , Crou p cu red me of rh eumatism in my tingors ONE CJ OOD l'OJNT. -Out of t he man! J Geo . A : Hill~ D~uggist, Spring~eld, Maas. a n d Whooping Oough yield q uickly t o wh~n I could no t bend t htim. "- l da P lank posees3ed by B urduck B lood B itters is / I believe 1!.:l v s Cr eam B alm is tho b eat t his exceilent remedy . Stra-thr oy, On t. A medicine fo r ex t ernal that it may be rnk e u a · , a ll seasons of t he '! ar ticle for Oe.tarrh eyer offered the p ub. - - - - -- ----and i nternal use in all pain ful complaints. ye .·r, and by ei th er yo11ng or old. In lie. I t has giveu sat isfaction i a e very this way tho t hree b usy B 's are al ways at case. -·Bu sh & Co. Drugaiste. W orcester . AS sw1mT As llONt~I' h D r . .l.o_l~'s l'leasl'ROF, I.01\"M ' Sl lLl' UIJlt S OAP b a d e· . , "· "" ' "' ' i. ' expel .mt \Vor111 S-yrllp, y et strre t-O c hstroy u1ul llg hl h tl t oile t Inxn r y as wcll!ns a g oCJd cttr wor k an d d om g goou. ~·~ as s . worms. nt h ·c tor 81l ln tlbcase , I I .. ' . . ' I I I

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