-~atuttliau ~tatrsman. WEDNESDA.Y, MARCH 14, 1888 HEALTH. Pheumonia and Diphtheria. Whether or not pneumonia can properly be classed among the infectious diseases is The SuN and the Wnrn made a bet one day yet an unsettled question, but there appears Whioh would take from a man his cloak away. 1;ood reason to believe that it is due to a : germ either in the air or water. If that pre· " I've only to blow right strong, " said t he sumption is correct, then the disease is to a W rnn, certain extent infectious, yet not in the or· " And his cloak will go flying far behind." · dinary sense in which the t erm is used. .Pneumonia is now very common here in the "That trick will not work at all," said the East, probably much more so t han it usually SUN; is at thiH season of the year. According to "I know that the bet by me will be wen. Dr, Seibert, humidity, cold and high winds ue the three agents that chiefly promote "B11t do your own way, you blust'ring fel · l the preva.lencil of this d isease. If the qu es· low, 1tion wei e asked, " Vi'hat shall I do to T hen I will shine out, so warm and yellow. e~cap9 an attack of pneumonia.'! " only 1this geneni.l advice could be giyen : Keep "I'm sure I will have the best of the joke, I S'Umuch M poetlibl e in the open air when For quickly the man will drop his old cloak." the wes.ther permits. E x ercise frt>ely. The man, jogging along jugt humming a STATISTICS, Y oung House-keeper (to butcher): " Wh11ot; .Allow 110 opportunity for ex erc.ise to ! pass without improving i t. Walk all song, is the price of mutton?" j you can within r eason, and ride just as His cloak ta.st buttoned to keep him warm, Butcher : "]fourteen cents, mum. " ' little as possible. People who havo been W hen, sudden, the Wrnn blue loud and Massachusetts' dl"ink bill last year was Young House-keeper: "And Iamb?" 'l'he treatment or nuwy thousands or cu.scs employ et! all day withi~ doors i? warm strong : $37,000,000. Butcher : "Eighteen cents, mtlm." of those chrome wealrnesses and thstreSBmg· i· rooms ought, when returnmg to their homes "'Vhe-ugh ! Hello I w} .y , here is a storm I" Bllt twelve Indians of a tribe of l,OOO a.re / Y?un~ House· keeper (su~prised): "Is it ailments pe~11ltar to 1'cm~lcs, nt the Tn v~1li<la' at night, to walk the ent ire distauce, 1f it i3 Then closer around him !tis cloak was drawn- left in the Yosemite valley. poss1~le ' Why, a lamb 1sn t more than half ·s one di"vorc" to every twenty-five the size of a - er- mutton? 1 Hotel an<l Sm·g-ical Inst~tutc, Bufi'alo, N. Y., not too great and a t any rate lo walk pa.rt Strange Ooincidences. Stilt closer and closer! ·with head bent '"here 1 has atrordcd a vast experience in mcely adapt- , 'L ·d · Id f down -'1ng and t horoughly testing remedies for tile ' of the way. ong ri es Ill co cars are or There are as many delusions in life as marriagee in the United S tates ; in France . . . - .-. 1 curo of woman's pec11hnr. malac liea. . I all, and especially so for p eople of sedentary there are realities, and appa.rently they are He galloped off fast for the nearest town. one divorce to 150 marriages. A swmging sign ID ~~ont of a Chicago D1·. Fierce'l!I Favor.te Prc .lilCl'·lltion I habits, dangerous. Let alcoholic stimulants as necessary. Perhaps they form a part of h · I . 1 d k "ll d fift f b k store bears the legend:- The Truth Spoken · is the outgrowth, or result, of thl.S greut and ld th · Then the SUN shone out wit its go1den owa ra1 roa s 1 e I y- our ra o-men Here " valuable expene nco. Thousands of testimo- severe 1 Y a1one in co wea er is a ru1e that unknown ~hilosophy which lies like smiles , · am! m a.imed twelve for life during D ecem· mals, received Jrom patients and from phy.sl- which can with perfect safety rarely be ., ·· v all of clouds etween two worl·'s. b er, according to I' . AD"ISE ~o Mo·i·u~n~ Are you 111 ·3 · " · u And though it's away up-millions of miles"'l.l.1w..y C'omm1Ssioner ' '· ~~,. 11 ~~t!~ 'it~~ ~'t~~n~~~~e~e! wii~1:n1?i;Y ~~fftgct b;oken. Sleig~in& for almost e:t ry one furCoincidences we call them when we can- Yet it heard the traveller laugh and say : , Coffin, turbed at night and broken of y o ur rest · r skill, pro,·e it to be tho most ~onclerful . mshes a.lmost mdisp plea.sure, 1 · k c h"ld · · g W l"th tllel t . uta.ble 1 d h 1th and a not explain, by u.ny rational theory, their " Good horse, d on ·t } " mrry the rest of tie In Fra.nce, between 1880 and 1885, the b y a S IC l su "" u.ermg and cry m remedy eve« devised for tile relief and cu1e of 1 person m compara 1ve Y goo ea ' pro- cause of being, but the greater number, be· · f C tt · T + h o If d t "th . amp1e c1oth" way I shrinkage in the value of foreign t rade pam o u m~ ee u ' so sen a Su .. ,., ueri n~ 1':omen. lt l·s not rec.~r;' 1ncnded . ns a per Jy pro t.e c ted w1 rng, ~an l ieve with the poet-cure-ft l, bnt as ft most perfect Specific for safely cnioy it with reasonable hm"W 'll t k ·t th" d amou nted to $265,000,000, or J5l per cent. once and get a bot tle of "Mrs. Win slow's woman's peculmr tulments. ! ·t B t · d th "Though inland far we be, e a e 1 more easy 1 s 1ove1y ay; of the whole Soothinrr Syrnr)." For children teethin!!, As a powerful, i11vi gorath1 g tonic, . I s. , u many n.ic less1 Y ex pose emOur ·oul· have sight of that immortnl seo, But first let me pu t t his hot cloak away." , ' . . "' bl I "ll . " Which brought ns thither." And the cloak CCime off"! and the rest of the 1 Soventy ·five thousand commercial travel- its va1u e is incalcula e. t w 1 r e11eve it impnrts strengtn to tho whole system, selves to very great d angers. We refer and . to the womb ancl its ap~ndu ges in to that cl£1ss who feel a "hot toddy" H er e areafewofthosestrangecoincidenri"de · i!crs from the State of N ew York alone. th e poorlitblei;uffer cr immediately, De· 4 uartlculnr. For overworked, worn ... out," t " , d J ,, I h · f·l"lm·down" clcbilitnted teachers milliners or a Iom an erry or two ne- ces: Who of us has not seen a well.known It huna 1<.nd swung at the horse's side. Fiye hun_dred thousand, it is estima ted, on pend upon it, mothers ; t ere is no dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-g1~ ls," house! cesaary to fill out the measure of the en- face and form coming toward us on the street ~ tlns Contwent. mhtake about it. It cures Dysentery keepers, nursing. mothers, an<! tecble w.omcn joyment vf their " outing." Such peeple are w ith a smile cf welcome in the familiar eyes. And the VVum hushed down, asha.tned to British i "In ports dur1 "ng the month of J ann· and Di~rr·hcea, r egulates the Stomach a nd generally, Dr. Pwrce's l<'o vonte Prescr1pt1 on f . h d 11 b f th ~ is the greatest earthly boon, being unequaled ' very 0011 ~ ' an no sma num er~ em, c; lt is Brown," we cry, "Brown, of whom to blow, ary wer e £3,860,COO g reater t han during B owels, cures Wind Colic, softens tho 1 ns an appetizing corc hal and rcstorntivc tonic. sooner or later, pay dearly for their folly. we were so fond in t he yea.rs that have gone, But the SUN shone on in a happy glow ; the same month last year, and the exports Gums, reduces Inflammation, and give As a soo t hing aud 1!1¢J·engthening If while a person is riding in the cold, he and how well he is lookiug. Why, of course While gayly the MAN went on his way, increa.sed £" h h 1 1 70,000. · nervinc, " F1tvor1te l'rescript10n " is uue- · 'i · k · 11 , 1 to!le and ener gy to t e w o e sy14em. 10t d rm_ qualed ond is m valnnblc in all>Lying and sub- m e? 1gea. ma 1 - eapecta ·. J .an a co- it is Brown, his own old self l" A-singing a song that seemed to say: The new quadruple press of the N ew " Mr~. Winslow's S oothing Syr11p ' ' ~for duing nervous uxcitu.bility, irritability, ex- holw stimulant- he 111 far mor e hable to He comes on, careless, smiling and passes . y k H i1 hauation, prostration, hysten 11, spusms and take cold aft er it than he wa.s before it, If - chi:mged into a grave stranger with no' "Jn a gam e wher e it t akes tlt e two lo p lay, or ·T orld p rints the la;gedst. num~er . of children te"'thing is plea sant to the taste other dlstrcssrng, neryous symptoms com- I people 1m:st have their " toddy " they will t T f t . fl t 1 d we S ·nn shi ae 'flls the bettei· o j the Wind any day 1' papers per hour yet attame Ill prmtmg a nd is the prescription of one of t h e old monly fttte11dunt upon lu11ct1onal and orgnmc . . ' amt tar ea. me, ow s range· an · · press manufactur e namely 70 000 d h . . d ,, '. ' ·, · est an bes L f em ale p ys1c1ans an nur s es disease of the womb. It induces r efreshing , do well to wai:; until they reach home. Then, were so sure it was Brown ! And then the heart gi ves a great throb. , . MOR.AL. The traffic r eceipts of the Grand Trunk in the United ~tates, and ia for s ale b y sleep 1incl i·el1cycs me nta l nnxiety und de- ! if they do uot cont empla.tc going out aga.in 1 BPJ)~~ei~i;;rce'r;i 1,avorlte P rescrit>tlo n tha.t night, very likely the stimulant will do How could it be Brown when we knew that s~, b )ys, and girls too, when you find your· , for the week ending Febrn1 n y 11th were all druggists t hr ou gh the wotld. Piico is a l egitim ate ine~iclne, cftrel'ully 1 t~em good. A cup of hot ccffae or hot tea he is dead-has been dead these many years! self rusty, $1lo9. 6 1?., a. decrease of ~50. 432 compared 25 cents a bot tle . Be sure and a.sk for oompo;.inded by un ox 1Hen enccd a1,1d sk1.llful ' will, however, do tbem equally as much Another curious thing : I am talking to And fretty and fussy and cross grained and, with the corresponding week la~t year. " MRS . WINSLOW'S SoorHING SYRUP.,, physi~ 111n, nnd mlttp ted to woman s dc;hot~te good. Tbe people in the far West h ave the Jones and thinking of Jones yet when gusty, A private communication from a European d t k th k " d 0 1 '/JX:i~~~;~ig::· m;~ '" i)cf?t~~ll~ ~~~·~1~l~;~ :~ ~~ habit, which is gener al, of drinking in I am ~bout to speak his nam~, I call hi,n Just r«~ cmber the tale of the 'VIND and t he resident in China to the London Times says an e no er :n ' effects in nny con e 1tion of the Qystem. For inwnsely cold weather very freely of coffee. Simpwn. S uN, . that the loss of life in the Yellow River dis· ?m 'Yhateyor During a blizzud of the fearful intensity of 1 Simpson is in Australia. W e were great The MAN and the cloak, and the way 1t wu aster is but little Jess than 2 000 000 mo.-uing sick1H!SS, or wiusen,_fr< h· h ' h h t t d . · dons 1 cause nr1s111g, weak s{,ornacb, md1gcstio11, dysp et>SiIL and kindred sy mptomR, its u se, m small , w IC no person W 0 as 0 <? e?coun ere friends, w e t hree. But I havo not thoug ht · Over $50,000 worth of potatoes were shipdosos. will P}"O\' () vc1y beueo~a.11. . · I one can ha".e mo~e than a fomt ide~,. they of him for a long tim e and now liis name is ped from Halifax to the U nited Sta.tes dur" F>avol"I te D>re!leri v tio u " " ' 11 )lO~·a take to tho1r cab1Ds on the first susp1c1on of r A RAINY MORNING b d D b Wben Baby was sick, vre g;we her Caetoria, 1ng Ias t 0 ctob er! N tivc curo Joi· 1ho most complit·ntecl nncl ob- . ·h d h ddl d d fi on,1,ny ips. . . " ' . ovem. er an eoe'? er; ' rrl 6 h 0 Child 6 h . d C st!J1iitc cas~s of Jeucorrhen, excessive flow mg, , Its. approac · an · u e ai:oun res, He must be thmkwg of you, says . . . and lllrge quantities continue to be shipped, ' ten w:.s a ' e cne for astoria, 1 t . _ painful menstr1111t io11, 11nnaturnl suppressions, ' ~irmk strong coffee almos~ contmually dur - Jones lightly, then we are both silent for a Oh, .the ra m I how . t did pour 1. al~hough Th f th r: When sbo bocamo Miss, she clang to Caatoria, the children on the pmzz ~ were Wlbhmg for eJe were no ewer. an 3·40 9 n:ia rl?U p,rolapsus, or,talhng o t t bo w_omb, wcnlc b~ck, , mg tho waking hours, until the stor1n has moment. · fo~1tle weakness," 1~ntevcrs10n , rotrovcrs!on, , passed These people very sensibly prefer _ "\YI t d "t th tl 1 k a fair day. The house was handsome and lated students a t Ed1Dbur g h U mvers1ty When she had Chlldrou, llhe gave tllem Ca.storia, bea1·111g-down sensnh o11s, chrome congcst1on, ' · . ia oes 1 mean a iear some wee s · 1 ' last year and the value of the scholarshi s inflrunm"twn and 1llcernlion of th" womb, in- j t hat comparativ.ily harmless and yet effec- later that e.t the moment I used his name su?stant1al, t.ie_grGtmds were well kept, the 1 db ' . h" d" d f P llammntum, pmn f!!1ll tf'nilcrncSB,.ill oviu·1es, tive stimulant to the " r aw stuff," whiskey Sim son died in far .of! Austra.Iia ? ch~ldren were mcely dressed! a.nd the very 1 an ursaries w ic1l were ispose o was aocomµamcd wiU1 mtcmal heat. and the like. AP . th . . t th · wh" ·I rain-drops that came pattermg down must £8,000. A@ a i·egulatoi· n nd pr omoter of funcgai n, ere comes mo e car in 1c 1 · · j Ch·. l\fll W h" tional ~ction, al, t hat e1·1Cicul r 9ri?,d,of chnnge "!"neumonia gener ally comes on after some we are trnvolmg, a pretty girl wit~ rosy ha~e be:m as~omshed at the t~lk goml] on.. a~rma.n 1 s, at as mgton, ~ays ~he from ll"'Ll!!ood to womanhood, I·.n o11te Pre- chill tLnd e)(pasure. Therefore, a careful cheeks a nd e. saucy mou th. "Jeame," we I~ ts 701Dg to clear off, the wmd ts l9omm1t~ee Wa.ys .and Mea.ns will bnng ser1pt1on is a perfectly snfc remcclml ngcn~. avoidanc:e of such a cause is indicated and crv "Jeanie Clark 1, , but she only - miles changmg, 1 announced Ned. Ill a Tariff Bill reducing the Internal revand cnneftlcacious produce only good r esults. Jt 1 s it is naturally suggested that one should · ' 1t . 1s . " I sul?pose I "t WI ·11 c1ea~ o ff w h en 1 "t get a , enue by $25' 000 ' 000 and th e Cust oms R ev· equally und vulunbJe in its effects e.nd' does not answer. · Why, we know 1 when tak~n for th ose d~sord~rs and dernnge-1 always be sufficiently warmly dressed. Pure Jeani e! We used to take her to singing ;~ady; it always does, retorte~ Jae~; enue by $~0,000,~~0. . . ment.s lrn.illcnt to tluit I.ti et and most crltica.1 air at all times in the working living and sohool and sing out of the same book She but much you know about the wmd. Im J The Umon Pacific railroad bridge across period. !mown as·· The Change of Life." . . . . ' . ' . · ld th u and I see no signs of "t ti M" · · b ·1 Bl u ffis 8 1 0 "Favol"itc Preecriptio 1 1,~' wh cn taken l sleepmg rooms 1s of definite 1mportl.nce m wa.s the miller's daugl::.ter. er. a~ yo ' J ie 1 ssoun river etween ounc1 in connec~1on with t~0 . uso ol Dr. Pi?rqe's the prevention of pneumonia. In fact, all "And she _had grown so dear;-so d ear." ch~,ngmg. · ,, and ~maha was opened o~ the 2nd to gener~l Golden Medical Disco~er y n?d small laxft~ive the surroundings ~hould be healthy the We look agam and memory ~1ves us areBoys never remember anythmg, put publtc travel. The bridge has been Ill doses D r . l'tcrcc's P urgative Pellets !Little . . 'these belhous · . ' . is . not our ea.me. · "'l in M0 lly· ,, "I was reading yesterday in the Jcourse ' Liver of Pills). cures Liver, Kidney rmd Badder dramage perfect, etc. If one enJoys dig. This "~e of const ruet" ion for t wo years, and diseases. . 'rliclr combined use nlso removes favorable conditions, is reasonably cau- would be a staid matron of 40. We ar e alma.na.c. cost over $4,000,000. The wagon tracks are blood bu nts, nnd nbohshcs cnncerous nnd tious lives sensibly and has sufficient good again the victims of a delusion. "Oh, yes, you have always been readmg on each side of the double r ailroad t rack, 1 scroC11 louR l1nmors from tbc 6ystcrn. ' ' d have but 1· A_ · it · ~hat we a.re c_onsc1 ·ous o f in t he ·11 b e ch arge d "J,' avoritc Presc l'it>tion" is the only wholesome foo~, he nee 1tt1e nd how 1s ,, almanac or some -" other r emarkable 1A t oll of t went Y· fi ve cents WI mciliC iJ!() ror women. so lii by druggists, UU<ler fear of pneumoma. havmg done the thmg we are domg, of hav- book! ret~rted Ned. w~~t has that t o teams and passengers. n po111tnro !;"uarante c, .from the; manuD" hth · · d" h " h ing said these very same words oh such a do with this nasty weather· A syndicate of I 11.ncashire cotton spinner& 6 f th ~::~~~r,~~(~:;;; ~;01 1 ecll"1'·~lu~~j~J~ 0t~?.~ ~u~~:;z ~lea~ly d~;:nd.suC:o n°unsa~it::;~a:~d~io~s. long, long time ago. We kno~ ~e nev~r · 80 o~d kdow if y~u wer1n't,~uch a dunce are negotiating wtth Lord Tredegan for the · 0 a.nil e~;7; ~reke se. tee has. been prmtc.d on the bottle-wrapper, · In other words it is due to tilth. Either were here before, that every foot of this m h purchase of a tract of land in t he vicinity of 0 and faithfully en.rricd out for many yea~. the peculiar p~isonous mat ter- the germ ~round is new to our vision, yet we have " h, we ' I o? t "now as muc as Cardiff docks, on which it is intended to Largo bottl c s (100 doses) $1 .00, or tux h· h · · t th d · fi d filth certainly seen it defore and a strange wave yen, I am better-lookmg. build eleven cotton mills each of which is bottles j o;· $5.00. w IC give? J ISe 0 e l~C~se.- ll ? _a f h . k 11 ' rk . d " And I'm better-tempered than either of ! r' · For Jn.rge. illustrated Treatise 011 Diseases of I hotbed for its growth, or m 1t it has its on- o omes1c ~ess ro s over us 1 e ~nm e- ou,, u~ in Jack "If 1 don't hold 011 to hold fifty thou~and spmdles. Ih1s r epreWomcn (180 pages, paper-coycrccl), send ten , gin It is of no consequence to the reader finable longmg. We are here agam, but Y 't P · b ·. t d ~ 1sents an expenditure of nearly £()00,000, cents in stnmps. .Address, whi~h of these two theories is corr ect He where are tlwy. \Ve feel that once we be- ap8:r 'you ~ 111 e.m a regu1 bar ea ·an · ?g and the projected works could employ at Are prepared to pay the highest prioe w....id's Dispensary Medical Assoc'tal'ton must remember that if he and his family !onged to thi? scene, bi:t. wh~n-how_? · I t sAcrimm ape mh!lokt!~e, and t en wnat wi11 Ilea.st three thousand persons. 1ane t ID · OUll ' ' h h" h · filth d is like a. cravmg of exquts1ts thirst for hvmg unt · 0 ne of the m~ataatISfactoryreports · · Main St. DlJFFA.LO N. Y. oc?upy a ou.se w 1c is y, amp or con. f h" What the pattering rain.drops thought issued 663 all kinds of Grain d eliver ed at the _______ '------ _ !_ ta.ms foul air from any source whatsoever, Wl\ters, and k':1owmg no o_th~r n~me _ or t rn was never told for ·ust then mamma called from Ottawa this year comes from the In. then diphtheria is liabfo to occur among strange semation, we call it imagmatton. f h h 11 · " Jh"ld · h · land R eve nue Department Its excellence Wharf or their Stv<'e H ouse in town. But we k v it is something beyond this rom t e a : C 1 ren, run lll to t e . . .-· . the~. Th~surest way to escape t h at d read · no' b ' kitchen and dry· your damp clothing by the 1is derived from the fact tlia.t it shows a. deed disease ~s to make home healthy. Abso- an occult k~owledge t hat h:i-s n~ver _ ee~ fire. Uah ! Jiow it rains Jcrease ~n the consumption of spirituous and lnte clea.nlmess must be enforced, and not a taught us. The poet has voiced it foi us · Th "· tt d f t d f t · 1 other liquors in the year 1886 87 of 64.0 000 single source ot filth should be allowed in or Om olrth is but a sleep and a forgetting-, t h e ;ambpa. eret. .£ds ebr a.n th as ~rt Ill g eef I gallons compared wit h the consumptio~ in b 0 t th h F · 11 l 00 k t th The soul thnt rises with us our h fo"s 6hr a. av1ng een no ICe y e mts ress o a ~ e ouse. .specin Y · a .e Hath bad elsewhere its settin'g, ' the house. The children ekurried, grumb- 1885 96. In the ear her year 3,500,000 gal· dra.1.t:!s, and see not only that they are Ill A~d con~eth from afar, lin , away, and Aunt Jane, who was stand· l?ns wer e consumed ; last year the consumpO F CA N A D A perfect order, but tha.t they are perfectly Not 10 entire forgetlulnc·s, · gg ' the library behind the shutters now t1on was 2,86i,OO O gallons. The temperance · vent ilated It would b9 a very wise plan And not rn utter darknesa Ill m ' · "d t i k " ·t lf f 1 flapltal paid up, lill,0 00,009, Rest, $26U,OO . · . l3ut trailing clouds of glory'do we come closed t he window and followed to the base- move 19 evi en Y ma mg l se e t;, _ ,,,, _ f~r.eve~y householder to keep some dficien t From God, who is our home. m ent, where she found the t hree children It i~ now s aid that 7,000,000 of China· Tills Ba.nk !e p repared to do LegHf· drnm fectimt always °'~·~and. There are ll alf a century a.go Oliver W endell Hol - appealing to the domestic to k now which, men were swept out of ex ist ence at d'ne mate Ban k ing ln all its brimches. 111 t ~flny use dfi;fl age~ts w dic. 1 cto hst d bu~ a mere mes shocked or thodoxy by a speculative in her opinion, was the wisest, which t he stroke b y the recen t overflow of " China's notes d i ' scounted · , D eposits l one ts use In . his . novel, " E lsie . Verner · s " t h e H oang-H o. M or e by a b out F armer· w I r11e ' nn d 0 ft .t . t e "b ram te s regn h t - sentenoe m ," b est, and w h" 1ch t h e h an d somest. · d dI t t "d on ou n t s 0f 1 orrow, t~r Y fnt f e~h 1 . wi11 tecon (~ u 111~~ when he asked where was his hero's spirit This was A unt J a.ne's first visit to t he one-half t han t he t ot al populat ion of t his iooeivo an n el'es pal am )h e eY h? d e r m.ma . 8 ' .' 0 i fh ra ~ve1Y while he lay stunned and u nconscious from k itchen, for she had arrived from t he for Dominion ! I t is a good ex ample cf t he t 5 upwards in Savings Bank D e partment; 1 i 11eai l{ t ~-:ti /vrn ~ ma a1-1e~th Y. ome a fall from his horse. N e w E ngland wa s West onl:I' t he evening before; but she ciist mind's power ot forgetting and cuddling DR A F'!l'S i1 ena, un- shaken to its center by t his new confession her bright black eyes ab out t he room, wi~h- down in comfort able conviction of personal t asned a nd Collections made in Eur ope a ve tl u 1 e 0 . e~{ rom 0 : · es~. ._iey ~~~ t~ r;cd .Y expo~~ t ; person of faith, and that from one wh o was t he son ed Bridget a pleasant good-morning, and safety that t hat frivh tful catastrophe, t he O"nited S tates a nd Can a da, b a !dedse; A a ' ob codrsef of a minist er, and had n o mherited right to moving a low r ocking-chair near the bright grea test of h ist ory, seems t o have made so 1su enng _,. c hanlgtl e nc.ra . tY ~avo l t 6 f. sour doart. 0 question t he unquestionable. That he could cooking-stove, sat down, and put her slip· little impr ession on the public oonsciousness, W . J . ·TO NE.S, ca. l Ill 1 s c1 rcu o r ecommen a ions . d f eet1i:at · · rttle. I as1~g t" · · Ageo says ~f diphtheria. :a.r It maybe conve ed ~ot ~ nswerh1sown qu ery wasno argument pere the _ ed ge of t h e oven, saymg sol an. 1 mpress1on ata.ny r ate, i """" · i~ I d" tl · th t f k" · h.Y i 11 lus favor. slowly, as 1f talkmg to herself- and t he except Ill Chma itself, It has been ever 1 1 186 0 1 ~ ' · '· " g · ' ~~~· Y Ill . a c ~ d . ~~g,b co_u~ ~~ \Ve havo never yet succeeded in giving children all ceased their clamor t o listen: thus. A man k illed in t he next township -r:'ETERI NAR Y "' URGEO"'T snt i . 1ng , snd ec k e this vag ue p h ilosophy a tang ible name. "Once on a t im {l, upon a ~ 1111, r ainy to-d ay is a. more inter esting even t than eezmgt; orlm ireck.Y yhm d 1 · ·.., Jc-, ar1c an er· . s secre t s, or b·d·t · t· k"Jl · a h " f es use t ,as '.l'h owes, · nap li ms, 1 "th t W e cannot capture it 1 1 ;c11 summer mornmg , . two m d" 1ppers wer e 7 ,000000 , 1 e d a f ew week s ago 1n 0 ~'t et 0 R 0 NO. 0 N 'I'. c t 1 c. e potts.onl c ifnf g s w. t gr ea d our fortunes, or aid us in a.voiding fat e, standing upon the shelf back of the kit chen country some t h ousands of miles away . enaci y o rooms, a r 1c es o urm ure an f · . b . , h · f I fi ld 1 · h h h dl clothillg, and ma.y occasion the disease even · or ~t 1 s u t a w1 11 o t e wisp o tie e s r ange ; one was a~g~, wit a s ort an e, - - - ----- - -a fter t he lapse of months. This last state- of air. the othH small, w ith a long hand~e, a~d A Nice Distinction, -TH E .n tho m"inds of all, for 1 .t At length the man perceives it~ ie away, both we.re " B l"l "d get, t h e h ouse Is . ,·ery cold . I rea1· "llould si"nk 1 ment ~ And fad e mto the light o! common day, th very th . com.mon, ordmary tmk dip bl . has been fatallv proven true time and again . 'I'l · · h pers, wi no mg m any wo.y r omar a e ly think t he furna ce must be ou t. I wish 1 B efore moving into a house, a ma n wit h a iese SJJint vagaries come nearer ome ab~u t then:. . · . . you would s ec if it ie." "ly of ch1"ldr eD ought to 1 "nqu1"re well i"nto t o us w hen we meet them as super stitions . The ram_wa. _ s drip, dnp, dnppmg o.u t B "d d d I d f ·m1 fw in our folk-lor e, and gr avely ask why a side and w1t h1n the t a ll clock was ttck ri get saw an reporte to the a Y 0 J'REEMA.N9S ' t J.e house. its h ist ory. 1f there has even been a case chair should rock when no one is near it. . ' . . "Sure, mum, the furnace is all rig ht.' ' of diphtheria in that h ouse, he had better or a pic ture t remble violently on t he wall'. t~ck, tipkmg, and the teakettl~ fiz, fiz, fiz. WORM P OWD ERS~ The follo wing reason s are advanc e d kept out ' f i t. U nd er no circumstances Any unseen or na tural ea use might oc~asion zmg. risentl[i o~e ~~the t 1PJ?~rs sptok~ The house gre w colde1 and a.gain the mis· 0 e as oms m en ° t ress r eferred to Bridget . h h 'd d l · h should he occupy it until he was sure that t h It b t up comp acen y, Jl.re:plea.nnnt t otn.ke. Contn!n the!rowtl W Y y ou S Olli t a wit US; it ha d been tboroughly fumiga.ted, "ove1 ·l~~e~::~;'pe~ b;;,s dropped from my hand :~hl _yellow cat asleep on the rug, and " Are you sure the fur nace is not out?" ,!'n:r:;;atiYe. Ia c. ~:: .fo, suro, aud e f f ect ual Our O r d e red Clothing i s c ut b y ha~led," e~c., and, i~ fa~t, every change and stuck q uivering in the floor. Aa a pen " c" How large I am ! I could hold every inquire the lady anxiously. de.11tro,yer o.t' wormli ill Clilld.ronor Adul~a. . l tt . t . which promised protection had been made, it is ruined, but t he sign is infa.llihle- some oue of these little drip, drip, dripping r ain- " Sure I am, mum. T he furnace is t here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - t h e on1 y fiISt-c ass c Ll e r i n own , one is coming a long way to see me. drops, I a m so deep. It is a fine t hing to all roigbt. It's t he fire t lmt's oIJt, m um ." our Ties are the mos t fas hionabl e Coffee and T ea. b e large and d eep I I would turn my back , , if I could upon t his shallow little ladle. I A Long Walk. 'l;e' in tow n ; our Collars, Scar ffs , Ha ts We ar e indebted t o an interesting article Don't L end Your Keys to Strang ers. think its handle must have been bought hy She was very stout, ver y j olly and a lit tle in P op"lllar Science N ews, by Maurice D. The wiles of the criminal cl a·ses ar e of- the yard- ha I ha I but what does a. long t· d h h d" ·u . D D d and Unde rwe ar al·e t11 e most duL·- Clarke, M. D. , for the substance of this " h dl t t "' sarcas ic, an B e was c 1 mg "u r. e oo ten so ingenious that I can't help bel1 "ev1 "ng a.n e amoun o ! for not peak1 "ng to her ·t · recept1 " th To bny F oot Gear for M e n, Women , abl e that can b e pro cured ; our article. t h ..t if those who practise them were to turn "'Because my handle is lotJger than · ~ on e The essential brinciple of coffee is the h · · · h h d t b ·t f 1 ' · d day before. Boys and Maidens, at Ready-made Clothing hi as nice h lk 101 "d a t e1r energies mto ot er courses t ey would yours, you nee no e so sp1 e u , pipe up "Aw, Miss Laura, " he pleaded, "I " a a caueine, ut t her e is also developed attain no small meed of honor and fame, the little dipper. 'I shine more t han you wanted to, but you wouldn't reoogni:r.e me. mad e and cut as well as othe r dry ~~~n!ff!~:s rz:s!~~g t~:o!:ti!~:ilri~k!~o~:~ Some little time auo, for example, a burglar do, at"!ld ifI I d on ft't bring has m~c ~ wa t er at Really, don't you know, I walk eu all around was caught r ed ·l1anded Jn · ·~·ong room, one 1me, go o ener tot e cf.a.1. you but yot1 wouldn't ·e ~ me" · d rt1se Ol' e r ed different in time and chara.oter. Caffieone 1 · s ~ ""' "Th · k · ~ De · Dood ?" she g oo d S h Ouses t h at a d V' c ' opening a safe with a k ey tlmt could not have e r am ep t pourtng own, a.nd t h e " ' Clear around me, Mr. wor k - they p e ddle y o u r cloths all speedier and mor e transien t t han caffeine. been more p erlect had it been supplied by sound of its drip, drip, dripping must have said sympathetically . " H ow tired it must It r educes t he a rterial tension, and thus al- the maker of the lock. The man al ter hav- inspired a few drops of water that had been have ma de you." aver town t o a numbe r of tailo r s lows a. freer flow of blood aBd a more rapid ing been convicted, "\U s asked to say how spiled upon the shelf, so they rippled out: action of the hea.rt . H ence itstimulates th~ he had obtained the key. "'I never h ave h ear d th" . 1 s s h eJf say a to be made Up Che ap' So Call Upo n b ram , renders t he mind cle.i.r, and promotes d f ·t lf b t I d 't k ... I t 1 wakefulness. "Nothing easier ," he r eplied, "We world b or se 'f u fonh nc .. wdia Judge (to sheriff} - " I wish you w ould 0 0 IVES and g et your Cloths Caffein e, on the other hand, slows the knew who carried the key and what it was wou te h c.ome o t p se ~~~isy ipd · make t hose men s top firing off t heir guns out me ! h 8 heart, and expends its main force 011 the like, s o me and my pa.ls got into the same pe~s at ! r;:omer:t ~~ Y~~t. dn e coulh on the aqua.re." Sheriff (soon r eturns)spinal cord. To this fa.ct is due t h'e shaking railway carriage with your manager when no rem:un er e m e ig t an wa.rmt " Y our H onour, the McJacobs and O'Ha ras hand of the invet erate coffee-drinker- to he was going home one clay. One of us had fdor anf in~ltla.ndt, Atelt hoiugh I lam d al useless a.re k illing each other." Judge-" All right. 0 1 which we may add the marked tremor a bag which he couldn't cpen. ·Had any one rop · s£ th wa d r ~~ g a f \~at 1 can I thought a party of idle fellows were firing Yours sincerely, which, after a few hours, sometimes follows a irey ?' he asked. Your manager produced apprecia. e e goo qua ities 0 t e pump their a uns to make a noise. I didn't know . b h d I h h d · h" that drew me up ou t of the deep, dar k well, . th t f t h d t th k "t h that business was being t r ansacted. Call a copious draught when the stomach is h is unc , an my pa, w o a wax ID is 0 f th empty. palm, while appearing to open his bag took e pai1 :1 e c e me 0 e .1 c en, the nex t case." Our N e w Stock h as arrived, and comB11t ther e i s a nother effect of the caffeine a. likeness of the key of the safe. There's ~ud ot the dipper- I k now not which one B b · E · I'" D f the secret for you " it was-that brought ~e h ere, where 1 can u er, m mporia, >..an. - o you ee1 prises som ething ne at a nd pretty for trhe sales at the London auction mart dur- it checks the too rapid consumption of nitro· look abou t, see somethmg of the world , and the razor, sir ?" Condemned man in chair : Ladie s, Good and Serviceable for M en ing 1887 have not been quite so numerous genous matter in the system, and thus, -·- · hear the drip,drip, dripping of my sister the "I feel something, but it feels more like a and Boys, a n d B oots that R Boo ts for as in 1886, t he fig ures for '87 being £3, 989, · while not nutritious in itself, it possesses " Charley is coming to see me to -nigh t , ' ra.in. · nail grab than a r azor. Lem me look at it a eve ry membe r of th e household. 096, as against £4,120,044 for '86. Going an indirect n ut ritive value, This, and its r emarked E lla. "I don't k now why I feel " ' Dear !' me said the shelf, stret ching minute and I'll tell you." back ten years, however , the difference be- mildly stimulating character, have ma.de it s o ner vous about i b , but I have a present i · it self with delight; 'I only stay righ t here, Cit izen to coal-dealer - Say, I wa nt a ton tween the sa les for '87 and '77 gives a de· the chosen drink for breakfast, and a st aple ment that something 's going t o h appen." day a fter day, but I tr y to be useful, and I of coal. Coal d ealer- All right, Shall we TR1JNKS, l'A.LISES, & .SAT()DEJ.S.IN STO()K, crease amounting to the sum of £7,749, 783, supply for the army and navy. F ive hun- " Oh, ther e's no use feeling nervous about t ake note of what is going on. Th a.t leads send it up righ t away ? Chizen- 0, no. If .__ d d W k d R .. thus showing the enormous decline that has dred million poun d s of coffee wer e imported it if you've macl e up y onr mind to do it," me to say t hat , first or last, every a rop of it's anyt hing like the last I'll j ust call for it .fl"= 0 r er e or a n epairmg a ta.ken place in the salability a~d value of int o t he United Stat es last year. answered Clara. " Very likely he'll say yes, wa ter serves some good purpose. Even this on my way home, and carry it up in my Specialty , as u sua l. ll\nded property. To t he chemist, coffee and t ea are much hs wo.s always sQft ," little pool that has run off the dippers is . overcoat pocket. D, DAVIS. ! l ! I I ! the same thing. Their t wo ~lka!oids caffeine and theine-ar e indlst1ngu1shable the one from the other. Ea.cl· also contains a volatile oil. '.l'he differencP to our taste is doubtless due to subtlequaUl.ieswhich the chemist is unable to detect. While, however, coffee ehechs waste, and is a virtual food the same th; 11 g Cilonnot be said of tea, the ~pecific effect ol which i~ to quicken respiration and the vita.I functions generally. Both these drinks are liable to dangerous abuse, but those who over.indulge in coffee are few compared with those who drink tea to excess. In both cases the injurious effect is dne as much to the volatile oil as to alkaloids. "It is an every-day experience in the out patient departments of the large hospital· for sufferers toapply for the relief of sywp toms reasonably attributable to the abuse of tea. Either from excess of tea, or for some other reason, she loses her appetite, and gradually comes to loathe food. In this extremi ty, she seeks solace in the cup, and thus increases the condition she is a lready bewailing. She applies for medical aid, and, it is needless to say, usually SC)rns the suggestion t::i go without tea." YOUNG FOLKS. The Bun and the Wind. (An Old Ji'able Vers«/ied.) s oaking a spot of grime from my face. I ; H e Didn't Like to be Floor ed. should be a sight to behold were it not for "Say, Cholly, I was wcally flooawed en. wat ir.' day, don't cher know?"' "As if delighted at that fine expression of "How's tha t, Gussie~" appreciation, the rain poured fasi er and "You aee, I twied to convince de Wak11 . faster. Oh, what a drip, drip, drippillg i.ngton he,a a fool. Twied most !In houi. w, there was! and as if to help on the racket Weally quoted two aw thwee legal authOil\. the tall clock in the corner began to strike, ties at him ovaw and ova w-Gwaudfat h!·w a nd instead of striking nine, as its hands w.i.s a lawyaw, you k naw- -till I was paw. indicated, it rang out, 'Be·kindly.affection· fectly wawn out. But the stupid fell,.h ed·one to-another·with·brotherly-love.'" couldn't gwasp my aw!!uments, don't chcr The children look ed at each other wit h lma.w. Fwightful la.ck of mental powaw in wide·open eyes; at Bridget, who was smil- W ashin', poaw fellah." ing over her ironing as if there was some" Hard lines, £hat's a fact, Gus. If you'd thing very 1u~usi~g about it; at _Aunt Ja.ne only tried to convince him you were one you who was lnokmg rntently at t he tm dfpper s could have done it in two minutes." o~ the shelf . !Jack of the stove. All was I "yon don't say, Cholly 1 Da you weally eilent~ excep~mg th~ tall c~ock t_ha~ seemed think 80 ? Tl1en I'll endeavaw to pwove to be mdustr10usly tick, lick, ticking over that to him to·mowaw A fellah hates to th? 1iwe.et ol~ injui:oti?n, and outside the sta.y fiooawed by such ~ fellah, don't cher ram dr ip, dnp, dnpp1Dg seemed to add, knaw ?" " In honor preferring one another."-Ilar· p er's Y ou ng P eop le. ln the Market . ! I I ! a I I I · ' · o! I I I I c "r° I I GR A I N ' Jno. Mc!.iurtry & Co. I I I I I . STAN DAR D BAN K p I ,:t· r: ° i/ Viti Nc lfR JOHN I PEI ECLIPSE I i 1 . . ,.111us 0 A 1 PROPERLY MADE. Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM! W. H. IVES. 1