few moments, skimming till lcar ; pour Bullets in the Brain. ----REGISTERED--into glasses, cover when cold. It has long been known tha.t fractures of C.· ArrLE JJ~LLY CArrn.- One ,)offee ~np of the skull, with consid erable loss of brain ._). Household Economy. sugar, one· half, cup of bu~t~"'· _two eggs ~ubs~ance, do not alw<\) s terminate fatally, Jn the model household nothing is wasted. beat en .separately, one cnp or rmlk, th!ee 11£ skilfully 1l'eated; but in ~uch cases the WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 1888 Everything is turned to the beFt account, cu9s of flour and two teaspoons of bakmg l injury is near the surface. A bullet, how- ~---and uses devised for a great many urticles po'Y1der; beat. well; bake m .ihree lay~rs; ever, fire_d into .the brain, generally goes Onr la·~st imp01·tat1on has arrived from Fran ce and we will he after most would thi nk t heir value departed. whi.e ~ot sprna d the appla Jolly between through rt, and rs often lodged against or glad to HO'l .our friends and acquointoncoa und thos'e with v.holll we havo been m correspondence. in ruct any aud all who are in search oi Where servants are k ept it is harder to do a!ld spnnk le powdered SU!l!H over the top. near the inside of tke skull on t he opuosite first clasH J>El{CllltJlWNS and J<'RJi:NCH COACHERi:3, to look L hem this, bat in most of uu t' country towns the ORANGE RoLY-Por,Y.-Make .ti pa8te as for side. Nearly all surgeons have shrunk from ovor. '~'e ha,ve an cxceptiona.lly fin e lot, and onr stud is eo !tu-,;:a mi~tn:ss of a h ousehoid t hinks it no disgrace apple dumpling and roll out, not over an handling sucl1 cases. 1 }1a~ all nwy be pleased. "\\fe ofte r the largest numller and greatest va1·iety to ·elect frDm. All our imported stock is selected by JM:R. t o do her own work, anu by o.verseeing inch in thickness; over this lay slices af Dr. F luhrcr, of the Hellevue Hospital, 1"AH.NUM himself personally iu }'ranee, a ud he accepts nothing but everything herself she C!!.U prevent a grea t orange, from which the peel and seeds have N ew York, has imccessfully treated a case the best Roi·ses of the mo>t approved breeding. deal of waste. Our Homc-brccl Stock is a ll tho progeny of selected sires a nd d1tr11a been removed ; roll car efully and steam in of the kind. A young man, havinF( shot In the culina,ry department she concocts a cloth for two hours. Serve hot wjth a himself in the centre of the forehead, was ot the beet form aud moot desirable breeding. We guarantee Olli.' & tock. Sell on easy terms aud at low prices. the daintiest of dishes out of what would be sauce made of two tablespoons of flour, brought to the hospital semi-unconacious, 1'Ve will be glad to answer all correspondence P"Omptly; but wo otherwise cast off fragments in leRs economic· three of sugar and a heaping one of butter; and with his right aide and limbs paralyzed. would strongly a dvise porsons contemplating th&;purchll8e o! a hol'l!e al households. Scraps of meat and cold po- rub these together till smooth, then pour or mru e Pcr~horon or French Coach, to get on the train and come and see us. The scalp having been duly turned aside tatoes are convertea by her into delicious boiling water over the mixt.ure, stirring all the wound in the skull was enls.rged, and Catalogue free by Mail. soups and ragouts, and stale bread and the time; flavor with half a teaspoon of vin· the track of the bullet explored. The probe, bread crumbs are used in many ways. In egar and some grated orange peel. ~aving p~se~ in six inches, indicated the other parts of the household the same econ· CAr.:11 BRAIN C1t0Qi::ETTS.-Soak the brains !me of_ dtrectio~ pu_rsued by the ball, and l'ROl'RDJTORS OF l!UilND HOME STO('K FARH, UIPOllTERS AND B!UlEDDRS, omy of material is observed. Twine and in cold water for one hour wash them well the pomt l\t which rt would have emerged Address all communications to Detroit, Mich.] GROSSE ISLJJ. WA l'NE co., HICllIG.uv. newspapers a.re carefully saved. Old dresses ' b . f was marked. At th· · t th k ll t h· d ( are turned and returned and· renovated, un- an d ren:ove t h e memb rane, e10g care u1not 19 ~om to mar their appearance · put them in a . e s u was rep me a. til their usefulnes is departed, when they stew p"n with one quii.rt ot'water two table· circular piece removed by a trephine or · a.re consigned to the ragbag, there to bring spoonfuls of white wine vinegar'and half a. ~repan), and the ball was f?rmd a bout an a.n additional profit to the owner in the teaspoonful of salt and simmer for half an mch from the skull. When it had been exshape of new tinware. hour ; mince tho brains very fine with one tracted by a sm~ll forceps, , t he ,l>robe could Old linen rags should be saved as they boiled sweat bread, adding one salt spoon of be passed through ~he heao. 1 · lhe wounds are invaluable for the dressing of wounds white pepper, the yolks of two eggs, one healed, and the p!1ot1en~ was wholl~restored and cuts. You will not regret the saving of tablespoon of crt\cker dust and enough milk to health ; the para_lyHs passed, oil, and the them the next · time J uhnny or Bobby come make a thick paste ; set the paste a.way man resume~Y'or~ ma butchers shop. PUREST,STRONCEST,BEST, rnshing in with a thumb cut half off or a to ~o get very cold, and when firm make into The opern . wn m the aboye case la.ate~ head broken, and you know just where to crcquetts; dip them in beaten egg, roll in I f~ur hours. There was cons1dera?le !oss o1 CONT A I NS NO tnni for your bandages. In some house- fine crumbs and fry in hot butter or fat; · b_ood from a .wounded artery, which it was ALUM, AMMON. IA, LIME, PHOSPH.AHS. . · ' - -~ "emergency" shelf where > c m ish pu.rsley and slices of lemon. d1ffic~lt to tie. In .many cases, wounded :i-, ...,.. .,.. J! · arteries may be so situated l\S to preclude the Largest and best Assortment on hand ffICKORYNUT CAKE. -One-half cup of but · 1the possibility of arresting the hemorrhage. . , All the New Styles. , two cups of sugar and four eggs, beaten The London Lancet, referring to this case, "l.rately ;_three cups of flour, ono·htilf ~up 1says, "Cerebral surgery is in its infancy; a very large variety but th q~eet nnlk, . ; wo t?aspoonfuls of ba~mg j. the ~esults a lready at.tained h11.ve shown , South Sea Seal ar;.d Persian 4er, two cups of hrckorynut m?ats mmc· that it would not be w1se ...t present to set Laml take the lead. ue teaspuonful extract of vamlla.. any limits to its development , and we may UGHNUTS.-Three eggs, one cup sugar, therefore hope that even penetrating bullett~e latest im~roveme.nts-a very .int of new milk, salt, nutmeg and flour wounds of the brain may prove to be a.men· , cL01ce and vaned stock to choose gh to permit the spoon to ·stand upright able to surgical measures." ·ne mixture; add two teaspoonfuls of The Lancet adds another interesting case from . dng powder and beat until very light; 1 of a different character. The patient had >P by the dessertspoonful int o boiling ' received a bullet· wound of the skull three i. or four years previous, and had become in. ' 'lcCoLATE P UDDING. - Melb one-half · sane. '.l'he surgeon, haviog det ected a deA magnificent selection good and cheap. Call early for first choice. af butter and stir into it one pound of pressed fracture of_ t,he skull u~der the sc~r, ne-quarter pound suga.r, one pint of a presf._ure on vrhwn caused rntens~ pam, 1d the yolks ot three eggs. Thia rletermme~ to explore th': seat of the rnJuryA . can eit her bs steamed or baked. An openmg was found m the skull, and a on hand. Prices very reasonable. M BREAD.-Three ints of raham I hyr:ou~rmic nee.die bein& p ae.sed into the , cup_of yeast, halfpcup of n~olasses 1 bram m four di~erent d_ucct10ns, the last GENTS' F U RNISHINGS AND UNDERWEAR, A COMPLETE ipoon of ~alt; mix with lukewa.rm passage r es.ult ed m dra.wmg off two drams Display. Shirts, Socks, Gloves, Ties, Braces, Studs, itiff !IB yon can stir with a spoon. of ~!ear flmJ, proba~ly from 8. cyst, or sa.c, , over nia-ht and b!l.ke in a moder- . which had formed w1tl11n ~he cerebral au? Buttons, ~lits, Rubber Co9.ts, Umbrellas, etc. stance, the pressure of .vhlCh on the bram ' caused the insanity. ~Furs In less thaµ three hours a ll the symptoma A Burmese House. of insanity vanished, and the man gave a 1g ~treet, not too clean, trnversed by clear account of his injury and subsequent 1" ead1,' Block, Bowmanville. M.MAYER. .d brick-paved pathway in the middle, career. He recover ed completely. parallel to the river bank, losing itself --~-!-·- ae jungle at either end. The houses Hot Bed. j at irregular b terv11.Js on both sides of ·d are all built on ii1iicli' the hiLr" ~ r·lan, Please tell me how to prepare a small her they be erections ot ba.mboos and. I· ~.'.J t. cl nor hot-bed for early spr. iug vegetables? or-like; Moung Da.w'a-more sub- . G:&EEN liAI<;:;:::"_'!:R. - ' ' '£he fh·st and most -AT THEally construct ed of beams and planks. nnporte.nt reqms1te is ::!lough good, frHh --~-=1raiz0 varies much, for every one builds manure to baild the bed a loot ;\UU a half "-._...... .·; j h is own residence and does it as he pleases, hi_gh. L itte1· mi~ed moderately througil ~: fore . / , -?--.__ ~for since in this happy valley there are no wifl not be detn:nental, but ru.ther _beneing them to alipersOriSwno a -·--- - ·<ret;m,---.._-~t<>r rs provided, municipal regulations or local government ficial. The quantity of the manure will dein any way with their Kidney~- ~m-wne m the house toils on with the same rules to curb the exercise of a taste which is pend on the size of the bed. Fork over and My stock of COOKE~G RANGES consists of the old utensils of a hundred yea.rs. sometimes a little eccentric. Before many shake this manure well to start ferment&· Yours truly, It is economy of strength to hove every houses ther e are ba.mboo frames upheld by tion. Then build the beil, with a stake J, J. JONE'!!. appliance of a l~bor:saving nature i.nd?ors, poles, covered with luxuriant creepers which driven i n at each corner, in successive and Newton ville, May 3, 1887. f;>r every formers wife k~ows that it is no produce immense pumpkins. Their own even layers, trodden oz; beaten most coml:tght task to d'? tl~e ordmary work of t_ he stalks are insufficient to bear their weight pactly towards the_ outsid e. ·rhe bed should For PARLOR STOVES, I have a large stock, with and without ovens, household, anrl rn s1ekness her cares are m· 1l ong before they ripen, so the cultivat ors be a foot 01· two wider and larger than the consisting of to $8 a day. Samples and duty FU.EE creased. Lighten her labor as much as poe- brace t hem neatly up to the framework to frame which ia to rest on it. Place the Lines not under the horse'afeet, Write -· BREWSTER'S SAE'ETY ltEIN HOLDER sible, for on her health and. sttengt l1 dE· prevent their falling. This is the only gar· frame on it, with the eash in place, and in Co.. Holl, Mich. pend the comfort and happiness of the dening indulged in within the village pre- one or two days, when the hea t is strong, Also a full line of Cooking Stoves of the latest patterns, and for size, whole household. cinct · outside it the reare some ill-kept in- put on five or six inches of fine, r ich i;;arden In regard to economy of time, most wives closu/es where a few co!lrse vegetables are mould. In two or t hree dlloys more plant weight and finish, are unequalled. I also take orders for the NoTEL'l'Y confine themsel~e.a too closely to the in- grown. The interior of a llurm~n's house t~e seed. Some_ ex_perience is r equired to STEEL PLATE HOT AIR FURNACE, it i8 a powerful heater and very door work, allegmg a.e au excuse, that they conveys the idea that he had only enough give proper ventilation, and to prevent the reasonable in price. Granite u.nd Iron Vin.res constantly on hand. "have n o time to go out." As a natural material for one entire floor, and by way of you11g plants from being burnt and destroycousequence they become faded, old, and obtaining variety laid the front half two ed by the sun's rays as the hot morning ad· Eave Troughing, Roofing and Job Work done on shortest notice, and worn boforo t heir time. Make time for feet from the ground and the r ea.r half six vances, while the attendant haa forgotten to prices, consid ering material, as low as the lowest. plenty of out-door exercise daily, even if by j feet higher. T hus a man standing on give an openi ng to the sash. Give enough so doing you are obliged to neglect some of the front and lower floor has above water. Want of air will give slender, long. your work, for, for it pays in the end. A, him only the rafters, and the floor of legged plants. You m ay pls.nt in the bed 3G .tf brisk wal k, or a pleasant drive sends you ! the r ear half has nothing below it but the the seeds of radishes, cabbages, lettuce, ba.ck to duties fres.hened and !nvigora·t ed, bare ground. The space betwe_en the two cauliflower, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, and you can do twice as much m the same ; fk>ors is left open altogether or 1s protected &c. For a new hand, the bed may be most U napproached for ef time as you could before. '! with'Ia.ttice work, a.nd a !:light of rude stairs easily mad e by throwing out a foot or so of Tone and Quality. amount 'l'his may not be household economy, but enal>les the family to pass from one story eart8' a little larger than the s'ze of the it is health economy, and without this you to the other. The upper one is screened frame ; then fill this with successive layers CATALOGUES FREE. could do but little. It is not economy of from public view hy a partition, and is of rn<1>nure, a. little above the surface. Thia time to rise before light to begin w~shiug or used a.a a general bed chamber, beingwalled ~equires less care a11d eki_ll in building,_ and to prolong your household labors mto the in all round with a window or two on the 1s lf.ss exposed to cold wmds. F or a srngle eve~ing. . . 1 floor level. ' The lower floor is gener11lly h~t-bed, or wi tho.ut 11 succession of bed~, it "The nwht wns made for coolmg shade," 1 open on all sides, and Lhere the o~cupants will , not be adv1sabl ~ ~o stD.rt. the _plan~s says a poet. The old adage s~ys that I may be found during the day, cookmg, eat- moon. before the first 01 April Jn this latiotrer1n~ "woma.ns' work is never done," but the! inµ, lonnging, or working, in full v iew of tude. " work should if possible be done before even- '. the passers by. The vacant space below the An Englishman's Palace. ing, that she ma.y by thorough r est of mind bed·chamber is utilized as store-house, pouland body ga.in strength for another day. I try-ya.rd, and cat tle-shed ; so the owner George Fay, a n eccentric Englishman, wl:o ha3 his worldly goods under his protecting is said to be worth $6,000,000, is astonish· .t C k' R · . eye at all times. The conveniences of civi· iog the inhabi tants of M exico by the erec. . 00 mg ec1pes. Jizcd life find no place in euch vil_lages ~a tion of a nine·storey pa.bee at Gua.najuat<'. BROWN BETTY . - -Cut several large apples this, and the people seem t o get on m their He w ill have hanging gardens, built accordinto t hin.slices ; h lve ready a buttered di~h; . qniet way very well without them. The ing to the traditional lls.bylonic style. Each into this put a layer of grated bread crumbs, post·office is an institution unknown, for no room of his p alace is to have telephones, then a layer of sliced apples, and over this one writes or receives lettere. There are telegraph ins1rnmentR and electr ic lights. sprinkle sugar, and so on alternately, bread, 1no policemen, for there is nothing for them Les.ding from every window will be a broad apples and sugar, until the dish ia full, l et- ~to do. No goats trespass on the road to terrace. Artificial gardens, lakes and springs -BY"ting the top layer be of bread crumbs; pla~e 1 K<>nnee, to be caught and impounded by have been constructed at a great cost, and three large lumps of butte1· on top, put in the stern tervantsof the law; and that, as thousands of dollars have been spent in build\oven and bake brown. Serve hot with but- everybody knows, is the,occupatiol! without ing hills where they will improve the view, Wlam fnllypreparedto attendFu?J-ere.lson ter and sugar sauce. which in the busy town, the native peeler and removing thein when they hinder it. The whole structure will be supported by the ebortest noti!le, at the lowest poasib!e rates APPLES WITH RrnE. -Peel and core as'many would be a lost mar. iron columns of immense girth anc l height. Oaskete and Bur1e.ICaeeeready on short noti~ I apples as is required. Pllt them in a ba.king --------First-class hearse on very moderate terms d" b. · h 1. 1 1 d The walls will be built of asbestos, brink and Shrong.s and Cofflnsconstantly on hand. Fun IS wit a itt e emon pee1 an . a syrup of paper. Mr. l<'ay hs.s been in Paris .inspectA Helpfol Society. ".; ~taleardesnppliede.tonce. Furniture Shop&; sugar and water ; cover the dish, and let Show Rooms-Bounsall'sNewBlook. the apples bake very slowly until done, but Among t he many societies and organiu· .n g the oon~truction o the J3abvlonic tower they must not be the least broken. P lace tions formed, with the object of benefitting wliich wil: s,ctorn tne centre o.. tbe gr<'und~. the apples on a dish, fill the middle of each mankind, is one composed of young women - : i:'hil~ctelon .a t>uiletin ? with boiled rice, and on the top put a dried with the aim of helping in various ways all A New Lease. cherry or a little preserves. Put boiled rice ! who join their ranks, but ·whose chief en· a.round the apples, and pour over them the deavor is to do all [in their power for those "Miss Clara," he said, can I speak with syrup in which they were cooked. 1who ar e strangers in~Toronto. The society, your father a moment before I go?" "Certainly, Mr. Sa.mpson," replied the LEMON PuDDING.-Three cups of bread j ~hie~ i_ s called the Yo~ng Women's Christcrumbs, one cupful (scant) of sugar, ~wo. ran Gmld, ha~ a room rn Shafteabu!y Hall, girl, blushing, and with a wildly throbbing liberal tablespoons of corn starch, one lemon where there is a thoronghlr effio101:1t and heart she sought the old man. "Oh, papa.," she began later, as tho front juice and rind, two cups of milk, one heaping faithful you~g wo~an contmually .u~ atteaspoon of butter, scald the milk and st ir tendanceto give advice on mat!ers_spir1tual door closed. ·· What did Mr. S9.mpson Having thoroughly refitted and added a lot of new Machine1y to the in the corn starch wet up in four tea.spoons or temporal. A w;eekly_ meetmg is he~d at want?" " I'm his landlord, you know. I let him of cold water. Cook, stirring all ;;he time, w~ich the~e are a d1scussi~n. of the b~smess above Mills, I am prepared to furnish until it thickens well? add the butter and of ;,the society, a short religious service ~nd his bachelor apartments, and he wants anset aside until cold · beat the eggs liF-t l a few well chosen and well rendered musICal other three years' lease." add the sugar, the I~mon juice and grated i selec~ions. T~ere are classes held in the peel, and whip in, a large spoonful at a l even.mi;;a to which all members are welcome The Sauoe He Wanted. c ontinues to do a General Banking Business time, the stiffened corn starch milk. Bake ! and ,where they ~an lear1:1 the element~ cf sBo wmanvillu Branch. in a buttered dish. an English education, _besides. bookkeepmg, " Worcestershire sauce, sah ?" asked the · . phono.,.ra.phy and mu010. Besides this there attentive prospective f ee·ee, in an insinuatDEPOSITS GINGE11 PouND·CA:KE.-S1x cups of fl.our, . · <."h~utauqua Circle in connection with ing tone, !teoelved In Savings Bank Deparimentand two cups each of butter, brown sugar and ( 1~ aG "ld ia.A e.nd interest allowed at om·rent rates. N o l'I!olasses, eig_ht eggs, a tablespoon each of t ~heUlso~iety is not altogether exclusive, But Foodlebright, who had been vainly 1tOtfee of withdrawal neces~ary. All deposlh endeavoring for some time to separate a cmnamo~, gmger and so~a, and two nut· t as gentlemen are allowed to become life- mouthful of steak from its gristly parent payable on demand, m?ga ; dissol".e the soda m . a cup ~f sour : members, some of Toronto's most prominent stem, answered emphatically: No ; two mllk. In bakmg, take partwular pams not ' b · n the li'·t hand-saws, well sharpened." . b read . n erng o · '1onghtandsoldandDrat'tsissuednponEnrope t l e t t h e cak ~scoreh , f or gmg_er is of meWe are told th at· they are about to start Jnited States and C11onada., a.lso Gold, Silver and cakes the easiest to burn. Lme the pllons devoted to the interes· of the Guild i.l'nitedSta~esGrcenbacksboµ11:htandaold. with greased paper a.nd put brown pa:per ~~~!':~m be called "Our O\;n Gazette." ' Sweets to the Sweet. {)@LL ~fJTIOl'fg over t?e top to pr..vent the crust formrng The organ iz!lotion deserves the most hearty Irate guest- " Sir, I have not had a de. . too qmckly. . 'su pport and their is no ?oubt that ma.By cent meal since I h ave been in th is house." l PromptlYB.ade_ at ~~rr nl[o.Je~~f 0 n a.II par R YE DROPCAKES.-Two cups of sour milk, young women employed m T oronto, espeJ,andlord-" What do you call a decent 0 at. G_ri;:-~f C~~~:f~ e n e OB and D~ one well-bea.ien egg, one tei\spoon of soda 1 ~illly those whose homB are far a.way, Will meal?" mtlllOT I . . J '111' ..., disa.olved in boiling Wi>ter and enough rye 1 a.vail themsel ves of the Christian atmosphere, lra.te guest- " Why, a docent mei>l for a always on . C egrap l 11. ral!S;.i c1·8 meal to make a batter. M.ix together the 1h ome iufiltcnce and moral aid of this worthy decent man." ' ' ' ' ., < · Madetor111;r~eorsrne.ll. s~ms on all pa,rta ol· , milk, mealand egg,_add t~e soda and beat institution. Lan~lord-"Ah ,th atopensup aquestion Canada. '.rh1s ls espec1aliy adva.ntagoous to tboranghly. bake immedui.tely on a hot regardmCY yourself." 1g L' . · 0 persons living in Marnto~a or the North·west griddle, or in gem pans. Brown-" Yc'u ht<.ve a happv disposition, _ __ 5'1litmakesthetundsavailublea.tonoeat the . . Dumley; alwa.ystbesame, iuliquororout." place of payment. APPLE J 1 cL!'Y.-Use fair, sour apples; . Dumley- " Yea when I 'm sober I'm gl!ld The jilted young man who goea to the For further particulars call a t the Bankln slice tbem, sk10s, seeds and a . 11, and simmer I t· h~t I'm not d~nk, and when I'm drunk I'm bad inevitably ta kes to ga mbling. After · · 1i7 ~ I 'm not sober. reasonable · T el eph one commumcat10n, ,..cruse. with a half cup of . water ti11 well cooked glad I'm a philosopher, 1 e.11, it is only the old, old question of choice 'l'. RODIE, UEO. MoGILis, a.nd soft; then stram through a cloth, sdd i Brown " 1between the lady and the tiger, Accountant, Man~y;r a pound of sugar t o a pint of juico, boil a \ · _ 43. '~llUlldilnt: Jtatt.\inutu: j '.~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·~ . ~- HOUSEHOLD. PE R CH I-i: R 0 N HO RSE FRENCH COACH HOR·SES. 6'JiKl~C. POWDER SAVAGE & FARNUM, THIRTY YEARS · IN · BUSINESS .Jrl. .t-1A YEH, I ¥ ! The practical Furrier calls attention to the following Branches of his new Fall Stock. I Fall Hats Gents, Fur Caps . di· es' Caps au La Ladies' & Gents' Fur Coats, Cutter-& Carriage Ro bes, ~t~!: altered and repaired. Highest Price paid for Raw Furs. 0 .. STOVES, STOVES! . CI -IEA.P FOR CASH. __ STOVE ._AND TIN DEPOT, NEWCASTLE, Jewel Range, with the new Duplex Grate ; also Grand Duchess, Grand Universal and Diamond Range. Art Garlands, Universals and Art Sultanas. $5 " BELL" ~lORGANS W. T. BONATHAN, Newcastle. I BELL &CO., Guelph, Ont. I l MCDOUGALL & METCALF, are Coal as follows : TA K UNO ER ·· I ' . , c IN . I I I I --- Stove. and Chestnut, ..................$6.25 l Grate and Egg, ... .... ....................... 6.00 over one month. Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run LEVI MORRIS· I LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a .lowest prices.. BA Kl NC THE COOK ' s N U N D McDOUGALL & METCALF. DER P Ow 'S BEST FRJ END THE ONTARIO BANK CALEDONIAN I l Roller and Stone Flour, Oatmeal, Rolled Oats, Split Peas, &c. Farmers' Gristing a specialty. EXCHANGE Pearl and Pot Barley, '° I I l I I Bran Sho1·ts BarleyFeed Corn &c hand H ' h est pr1·ce pa1 ' d "'o r G·ra ·in of all kinds ! I 0 d d to all parts of the town r ers fi.11 ecl and d el' ivere . . P 1·1 ·ces JOHN MacKAY. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria~