--a rJ 'r lL{ "DCK ~ F · y: 1n .n t .1B ~ t_ _ l.\ fl l_ ' -- ~~ ... __ .-......... _____ Pictu r es Framed VERY CE:EAP. E mper or William of Germany d ied last F riday morning, and F r ederick William , t h e sick h u ·band of Queen Victor :s's el de·t rlaug'1ter , has bee n proclaimed Emperor, ~~~~~~~~ SCHOOL MATTE_!LS. The followin g was s ubmit1 ,1d b y Mr, C ubitt, a nd read a t the mee '. 1 ng of the Bo,,,rd, 011 March 2nd inst , On mo tion its considerat ion was 1 h1ferre d to the 16t h .March ins t . !1.'v the Oiuiii·mc m w icl Bom·cl of R ·lucation. The o.cconnt will fairly stand as foll ows, _ , High School Sal:trles., .,.,, ·. , ,.. $ 3.000 ;ranitor, 4 l'Ooms,. . . . ,, .. ...... ,, , $ l iiO }?n c !, 4 n ) 11m 8 ,, ., . ,, . .. ,,,.,,. ., ., . C1 n1t.ingencies, 4 rooms, , , . . , . . . !)l S 110 100 HEW STV LES OF MOULDINGS IN JA. FEW D A YS. I am still continuing to give five quires of Note Paper for 25 cts. Most excellen t value. I am going to surprise you all w ith my WALL PAPE R S t his spring, One c on s ignment already in. Those who know say I have p-ood tast e. Corn.e and see. -- -- -- -- --· - -- - Ooe of the Wllrs ~ bl izzards ever experie nced in N e )V Yor k prev -iil· d there on Mon day,an:l business, r ail ways and s t reet cars were a t a s tandst ill. The city was compl etely snowb ..lmd. Manhood sufferagc for Ont ar io. This is one ,.f tbe most d ecided steps in ad· vance ever taken, a nd the Lihe nl Government of Olivc·r Mowat is c ntitl.. d to all p·aise for t akin g it . No w the vot ing will rep re -ent t h e brain s, n ot the money, of the people. ---· ~ .,..__ .__._ GENTLIBIL:N,-Yo·tr Committee app"intf'd to prepare a Statement for publication, respeL>ting school . m atter, sub'.Il i', lie f- ,1. lowing for your approval, T otaL. .· ,,.,,, ... ., ,,,., . ... ,, . . , ,. . · $ 3,390 JhpeoseR sii.v t d by High School to P ublic School:Salar y of 2 Teachers saved ,.$1,400 Fue l of 2 roows " .,, .. , . 70 " .,. .,,, ,,nO { ;ra nit or of 2rooms Uont inp:encies 2 rooms " ,, , . , , liO P . c i - '1 (~ rr, i:t, G"·, a t. ' 'v. Q(JO 1... ..1.., ~ ::;.1~ r1.: l :' ' ·· y ,u:ldiug , ·! T a his W o1·shi 1> t he flfa? J01" crn d Council and lo ' A verage A tt ondance,,, ,,, , . .. , .. . ~O t he lllcctnrs of the 'l'own of Buw1 nactville. '.l'otul . . . .,.,. ,, ,, .. ., .. . . ,, ,, ,. ., ., .$3,370 GE:l' 1'LR~l l·: s,- The Board nf Ed ucat imi, The foregoing stat,emc 'n ts nncl est imat es havrng taken into se riuu~ consirler ation t he h we b"en ce-reinll.v p repitred anti are bl!!iev·' d very i mportant iu.tere.ts it i;, ~aUe d UP'·n to h j' 1 .h., Board to be perfectly fair and t rue, and suhrni t.ted wit h everv coufi Jenee that deal w it h . and th" lar~e sum of money it is t,!Jey will p1 -ovu s»ti> faet nry t » a ll inter eat ed com pdled to ns k fro m the R::1te-Payers. to a ,siet in the erection of School bui l din~ s. bd 1eveA it to bo it· duty to pl ace before the T own Council and E lectors, a fo ll, t rue m rl particular sta t ement in refe1,ence to t.lie School bnildiugs it proposes to erect. the r easons of L .h e Boar<l for the deci,ion it has a nived at, and t he cost of th e b 11 ldrngs as eat imated by ·the Architect. The Boiml therefore su bmite the f llowing for the in· 1 de formation of tl1e Jlaector~ : It bas bce1 cided to er ect a building upon t he old ~ite for the Pnblic Central School, t o contain ten ronms, properly heated, vent ilated a nd equipped . (Jost as eBtimated hy Mr. P ost, Arcbit1 ·d b e ~t ed , ventilnted but not equipped,. .,,, ,, ,,.,. ,,, ,,..,..,,, BLC 000 T o repa1ra on SQuth 'Vard School. $ L500 in t be caui!e nf Education in this Towu, a nd i hao t hey wi ll convince thd r readers t h ;J,t , w i l.h a (l ne reµa rd to ec) nmn y, t he l1oa1tl New College Song Book, 75c. Sankey's Gospel Hymns, No. 5, 40c. Crossley's Song Book, 25c. Whyte Bro's Song Book, 25e. Songs of Redeeming Love, by Sam Jones, 30c. Gospel Hymns, I, II, III and IV, combined, all with music, (cloth), 50c. Sent to a n y addre ss o n receipt o f price. -~ __ P H R ENOLOGICAL S CI ENCE. L ast week Prof. J ~mes M ason , a clever exponnder of the Mien ce of ph r e nology, was in Bowmanville an d lectured three nigh ts in s ucceesio n in the town hall, au d each l ecture was replete wit h ecientdi c a nd pr ac tic ti l in forma t.ion to til l p eople, but e~pecially to pa1 ·ents. W e ca ndidly adr11i t t.l1at newsp a p er mfn as a rule· a r e not mnch b etter versed in scientific subjectR t h an other p eople, being too bn;,y in <>Ur ow n lint: t o att1ompt such stu l ies, and t h er efore we val ue hi!!h ly s u ch an ,,p portuni·y as was affor ded by Prof. Maw n's lectures toge.t a great amoun t of \·aluabl e infor mation for a nominal price. As a rule we take very little s t ock in t he trave lling ph r1>nolog ist, bu t a fter liste ning to the clear , d efinite and practical exposit 'o n of its t eachiugs, we de sire t o publicly acknowledge P rof. M a.sun 's skill in h is chosen profession. H 1s invariable accuracy i u describing the ch aract er of the wbj ect s who \Vent on tho platform each " ven ing was , truly wo nderful ; a r,d the cou nsel au d guidance wliich he gi ves bis subjects in reference to their health , the rig ht contr ol and nw.nagemont of their talents , skill, force and faul ts, and the openings ,ind suggestions wh ich h e gives 10 t hose who wish to i mpro ve thei r r e · lations to life by pur3uing oCJcu patio ns to which t he y are by nat ure adapted ar c worth a n incalculabl e amount t o youn g men a nd w omen stin tin g ou t in life. A ny of our read ers who h ave the privilege of h earing P r of. M as on should not fail t o take advantage c>f t he oppor tun ity. ha· devised & p lan for the acc11mmoci:.i.tion of our schD ol µ<>pnl..tion t,lo;, t, mnst obtain thP. rnppn rt of t.honel:.tful an rl intelli.:ent readers And t h o flnarcl coofi <ieutl ,I' hopes t hat t he >y-law about E lectors will, lly paksi ng the I. to be snbmi tted to ' h>'m t o raiBe m· mRy for School Buil rhn ga. a.i d 1t in its a.nxion'-' en - dea\·onrs tn relieve the school children from t1ie evils of cnnfinemeut in the present cloR c, e room&, crowde< L i il-ventli ated, unwhules·>n> 'fhe lloard ~ an sol<·muly cl ec lnr <> that it h;ts cnn~cientionslygeu d~avored to di"charl{e it:s rlut y in respect to fornisbirig ·chool ac· comTn.1 da.t1 iou , U; at t h e ~n :dous desire of )t.'i membC'l'd b to '< cl 1 'ance the Clause ·> f educat ion in onr 1T1id;it., and to gi ve to the chil<lren J. H. KENNER, TT'"' .,..; a+.'TT -r B OWMANVILLE , MARCH 11, 188.8 Hun. J . Il. Plumb , Speak er of the Cana clian Se,, a ·e, died suddenly a t h is r esidence, ,.,.... ~Niagara, on M ·mday, in h is 73r d y ear. $ 17.i)l'O Total, 'l'o be obtained t hrough Council ,, $13 000 1500 l u8urauce money , . . .... . ,,.,, .. . , . 817 500 ' r ,.t alt l'o build a High f:chool with four OlaaR Rooms.cost as estimi<te<l by architect,jinclurlinl! site,. .. $ 8 ,t C O From ln"urance money $4. 500 To be ch arged t o cnr rent acconnt, ., .. , . . . S L 000 Thr·e annual payments of $ t 0110,.,.,, .. ,, . . . . .. $ 3,000 $8, 500 of Bowmanvill~ ad vautar.i "s t'qnal t o thoec of any other 't'own in Canada l!'. ,UUDITT \V . H. l ·oucrr F , Bu~ · K LEY .,~ L ITTELL's LIVING AG E, -'l'he number3 c T he Li ving Age fnr 1"ebruary 25th lVb· ' 3 r<l c 11ntain D ,irwin's Life nnd L et ters. ~ Cll.iJ,.t's Life of Eruel'sou, Q·1 arterl v; P ei nal Expmie11ces of ul ~ai'i a and 'I'be Jj), Jution of Hnmor, Na·ioual Home Rule Norway. N enPt eenth Centnry; A A J ~c.. ·r, F ortnightly, M·ry Stnar t, il bea.n Courti< Rcotln,nd. f',}ackwood; A NiK ht in the .Tuugle Macmilbn; ::\ome Wiccnmical Ht'tniniscen ces l'. ud The Rnrn:tnce n ( History- f\:iyanl '£emple Har; U n$er F rilz, T ime; T har eray·~ Brighton. All th·~ y c .. r round ; ' " ·I. T um bier of MLl,," "Th e F ive "10' h o·~ " and poet ry , _For fifty t w,) n nr or "ixt y·foU 1' Ja,rge P« ~ t'8 each {" l' m t r < ' 3 ;;011 1·n.2 es a year) the rn hecr iptior 1 $8! i~ low; while for 8 10 50 t h" pul offor to send any one of t he l\mGric' m o at h !ie3 oc weeklies with Th" Li\'i for oc ye11r, lt1.t.h po~triai d, L itt ell B01·tc)Il, 11re the puhl i~hers, I Tm: P iclie iog N ews h11s again changed li11n da, Mr. A lex. Richardson who rece ntly pu rc hased it from l\fr. L. S. Ack erm·~n , l1aving Bol d out t o M essrs. \V. J·, and .T 'l'. Cl1trke. The N e ws i s one of our beat co untry exchanges and we wish the n nv P'oprictors even g reater s uccess '"1;n, n thoir pred ecessor s. ,,,,,-~- ~-- A resolnt.ion had under a misapprehend on bi,en passed by t he Bo::1rd, for the er1 ,ct,ic1 n of a U oi,,n School t o contain 14 room~. U pr>n a rec1.nsideration, t ins re,ol uti·m wa ; rescinded, it bein" fon nd that even from a n econom ical point of view t.hc cost to the 'l 'owu wnulcl he a trifl ~ ]e,.s for a ~ep arnte High School and a t ea room Public Fcbor> l Mr. Post , tbe Ar ch'.tect, esti m ate~ the cost !lf a t e n roomed building-. and a fourteen ronmcrl hm lrltng at t h~ ·~me pn ce per room. 'J'hus t <m 1'n 0 1Ls at Sl 600 per room $ J6 (·00 l:leparate Hi gh Sch()ol and Site . .. . $ R.500 ............ ~_,,.~'""""~ O NF. gr0at fault i a our sch ool s is t hat children a re t oo aoon introd uced to an extenai ve list of st udies and t he necessary in their le·s ·ns ia loaded down aud intermixed with the useles~ instead of their lwing t horo ughly taught t hings wholly wil.h i n their compre h ension. T he resul t is t hat they do not mak e such progress in eisentials as t h e expenditurP., t ime ttlld. · ffo rt .. ught t o insur e. R eform in t his <lira ct ion is urgently needed, Tim P1t A.rnrn F AltMER of M a rch 3rd iG m ainly d .,votod to "Far m Re ·iting,'" containing the b est available informat ion, drawri o nt by librral cash prizes and prepared by m any i ntelligen t farme rs, i oeludi·· g the rel "tive right s of owners a nd tenan t., , t h e proper r en tal , or shares, m od e of r en tinR, contra.cts, etc. There a re 5,000,000 fariYJS i a t he United States and a t le:tSt 1,3oO. 000 are leased. The in fon na t.io n cor.i ta1ned i n this 2ingl e nu mb e r would be wo r~h $2 if printed and bo nr:d i n n h Pok E very farmer 11hould & end 5 cen, s in sil vcr or stam ps for a copy t o On A:::iOE J UJ>Il, Editor, 150 Monroe-st., Chicago, Ill. Baking P,o w d c r s . 'J'H l.: , LAi ' f:ST OFFIOIAJ, T.EST~ AS 1'0 THEIR R E f,ATIVE P U lUTY . T1rn L ondon corraspondent to t h e Globe, f'1·ys that inquiries concerning tb e p r ospects of e migr a tion t o Canada this season le " d to th e b elief that t h e movem ent will be comp:uat ivel y s mall. Tho t·eviv11l <if t rntle is s11fficiontly marked t he re to m :.h') t he· d,1m1ind for s killed and un , skilled b\lor better than it has b een fo r some year s pa~t, wh ile t he raadjust m~nt of renh; «IHl wa~es h ave br ought the agr icul ,ur:!l c';igse8 The 0 ;lil N t io n auspforn Gf the fair t o b H very do wn t o a n ew b 9a.riog. of children under the diffor ent socie ties bids b rge. From prcs, nt T he r ec Pnt official t Pst s in t h e StatP.s of varit>n s a · ticles uf food h a ve attracted much atten t ion from tho public a nd ca used a wid e disc urnion in the newspapers, The frauds in the manufac t ure of baking powde r g, a nd t h c 1 d etermine<l effort s t o force v,1rio us brands of .,Jom powders u pon the imuker, h a ve caused the authori t ies of se ver al of t he States to l nnk p art icn lady after t h is class of go tlds, The Ohio State J!'nod Com rniasion bas exam im' d thirty diffe rent br ands, and of th"se fou nd tw·,n t y m'lde fro rn alum . Such a l arge number was n ot suspected , nor was i t supposed t ha t so me of the c ream of tart ~r and phosphate powd e rs, whose man ufacturers a re r epr ese n ting them t > ' h e pu hlic as pure and w hol~ some had becomlol so deteriorated as thP.y were foutJd to b e from the use of impur e in As gr edi en ts in their compou nding. many of these a i ulte rated b r:mds are s<1ld in the Dominion ,the r eport poss esses a loeal inte1 'est. T h e O hio Commission m :Jde tests fo r stre ngt,h and pmity, and d1Jclar ed that baking powd e r the best-as of cnu rse it was the pu rest - which, b eing of effocti ve s treng ·h, contained r es1dnum in sm'alles t quantir ies . In the ba king powders named the followin g pe rcentages of r esiduum or in er t matter wer e found : rER CENT. Ol' NA ~IE. RESID UUM, ETC. will h" s ·nt to C ·nadit this y ear. ~:<;== "· app~a<arices ae·;eral tho usands of children ~~~~~~~~~~~~'. , .<.~~~-~~::~ ::.::::::::.::: g:~~ R oyal , (Cream of T artar Powder ) . 7.25 Cleveland's .. . .. ... .. .. ,. .... . .... ........ 10.18 Price's .. ... , .. .... . . ., . , ... ... .. ,. . .. . 12.Ci6 Jersey (,1lum) .... . .... .. ,, .. , ..... .. . . , .. . lo 05 F or 0st City (nlum) . ... . .. ..... . .... ,, ... 24 04 S ilver S t ar (al um) .. ... , . .. . , ... ... .. . ... 3L88 D L a nd's ... ... .... . ... ... .. .. .. ,..... . .. . 32,52 H orsford ·s (Pbo:iph ate) .. . ... ..... , ., . ;{() 49 K enton (alu m) . . . .... .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. ... 38, 73 The n 11t ure e[ th e r esid unm ben,rg d i ~~c tly_ upo u th ~ quosthm of t he ~eal th, I ha t rn .R oyal is decla r ed t o b ' pe1fecr.ly harmless, I u t h e case of the alum pow d e rs it is con~1dered hur tful et t h e y t ar b ,r a mount fo und in three cream ' of po ivde r s - Clevel an d 's, Dr, Pric.,,'s and Ste rlini;;>-ave ragcd more th11,n that in the Cryst al, a n a lum powd er . , t a ncll o f th e 1n , f or ma t ton . con, T h e impor veyed by t hese fi g uers can be besL under s t ood by a simple com parison . T ake for iuPtance t h e t wo firs t n a1mid ·)o wderst h e R oyal and Clevela nd's. -T he ine rt ma tter o r resid uum found in Cleveland's i s eeen to be abou t 3 in 'l mo re t han in the other , which is a differe nce of 4J · p er cent.· , t h e R ··yal being pure r than Cle ve land's by a corr~ spondiog figure. T he rfllarive purity of all t h e brands can be comput t d in li ke ma nner . UONSU MPT ION CAN DE CURED by proper h ealthful e xer cise, an d t h e j ud icious u se of Scott's Em ul sion of Cod L i ver Oil an d Hyp o pho~phitre, w hich con t ai ns the healing a nd s t r e r g th-g1ving virtuoe of t h ese two valuabl 0 s pecifics in 1heir fullest for m. Mr. D. D. McD on ald, Petitcod1au, ~ . B. , ~aye : I h ave been prescribing Scott's E m ulsi on with good r es 11lts. It is especially useful in p ersons with con s umptive t e ndencies. " Pu t up in l)Oc. aud $ 1 size. I D r. Ar.L puh! i"he rs of r e putable news· pitpers clt air e that fn ct s on ly eho uld be r el <tte<l i u 1we ry n e ws ii etn, and as far as p o;;si ble t!rn e<'h tor seeks t o guar d against pi·ej ·:d 1ce, mali~e, ignorance a nd e rror. It ha p ~e ru' :i; nmitimes,_ h owe ver, that the m ost c .. r 6 ful are ltd m t o er ror by false . .' , . . - rnform At JOP- - JU&t as courts and Juries I h b es. · a · ·t· . tie I m ·e-a n d w , H . 1 t " · rnpost i on m ;ifl ou t inaccuracies, d o n o t world to 1 ahvay a s ucceed. In su ch inst ances pub. . . I tSh er s two m· r e tl111u wdlrng to corr ec t , th~ e r ror an<l re-e stablish tha truth, T h e public s ho u [.:) unders tand t his and whim a ny m ;;n hus a grieva n ce agai ns t a news,1>aper, gover n himself accordiui:;ly . 'fRE N ·ir th B r itish A gr iculturis t declarea 1li11,t " a,mid the wreck of fortunes tmd tlie ·mvlh of falling prices the d airy i ndus try h ~ s 1still maintained its position l\:J eomt: t ili ug tllat pays." T h is is e ncou r11gi ug, b ut no r a t all s tmnge. Dairying e s a n ind ui1try h as always paid ; it has ··l i ad its u p:; aud dowM, p er iods of d epreaai on and pi'" R per ity , like oth e r indust ries, when it h M pa id som etimes m ore a nd s o metimN! 1.-:sa i h 11n the average, but i t l111s always p ~.id. Individun.ls h ave foil ed i n it fo r waut of ada.p tability of surroundings ·o r p~·rt() nal h~ bi ts ur m et h ods, b u t i:t h :i.s nev,,.r fai led, ancl wh ere a dis trict ltaa largd y ad»pted d airy ing .a s its lead· iug incr nstry it has becom e signally pros11er ous. I ----.. ··~· ~..,..._... ___ f everish or fretful.· ~Vorn1 i'll'(; AN DO NO llAIO I h tr,f l' r eemnn ' l' ouders l vh en your e llild Is nHin T oto,l $ 21 500 Uuion School, 14 rooms. at $ 1..GO O, jj;2~, 000 E x · ra cost of High School. ,. .. ,, $2. 100 Accordm;: t o the Minister of ]~<l ucation , r ' HO, For T h "' Old Count the ·eparatc High School will draw a grant of $ 200, a year m01'tl than if the H igh Hav ing PXpPrienc ed su ch g reat 1\ School were in the same building aa the Public Schools . 'l'h ns 8200 additional per to my heal th by t he ocean voyages year, would be within a fraction of t en per soj ou ·n in t.h e Old Count1·i es t h e p as , cent npon the $ 2 100, fXtra cost of separate summers , I hav<' about d ecide d 1 11· ct\ High Sch, ol buildings. Not a bad invest· the Atlantic ~gai n i n J.une or < > arly 1 ment when ~h e o,H'poration bor rows mom y .J uly next,.. ~::<!; :,v1it:v tng that. I can r e at lesBtb an 5 per cent, Another pro pos ~l which received mu~.h , .d :::1' valu11ble assis bmce. 1 shall be plea: favour from the Bmtrd. ,v,,, · to build a t \1 h <ar frohl a nyone 11011 t e mplating separate High Sch~9l . &r.ci a t welve roomed voya ; e this y··ar . 1 c in o htai11 lot Public i5choc!. · T he Ard 1itect estima ted ··at "'S ,,n steam~h i ps ·nd railr oad s , Re-.~.. tb at a t,welve roo med bn:ldrng contd b u 'IJuilt nt about $,)(). per room cboapcr than e.rs of TH E S T ATESM AN will C'lnfe r a fa \' Ol' ' H ither rL ten or fo urteen roomer.I buildinf!. by g iv i ng this illfo·mation t o persons in'l'hns 12 ronms nt $~ ,550 would cost ~ I S,f.00 te ndin g t o visi t G ··M t Bri tain 01· tho conT en r ,ioms at $1.600,,. ,, . . . .. . . . . . ,., $ 10, oOO t inent . !.\'L A. J ..urns, P 11 blish ei-, Bowman vil le , Ont. · Difference. ~ ~ 600 'l'hti maj ority of the l:loa,rd came t o tbe conclusion, that a.s t en rooms \\·ill fu rni< h ample acc<>mmodation for th · J P ubli~ Schools, i t would b e imrrudent to exper.d $2 000 uµon two t·ooms for which t here will 'It uever was intended, so far as I can learn, Tha.t eit.her men or womeu w ore intended to be 110 1 n anner bf use b"'lcl. Wit h respect to the High Schou!, the I thinbe k you will believe me, indeed I 'm sure Hoard on 'two sepe1ate occasions most urgent· you will, If at t h e " P aris H air Works" you have called , l y an<! una nimously requested tbe 'l 'own Oounc1! to rai· e or borrow · $~ 500 for the 1' bore is ono thing Natnro thinks of- let us erection of a separate High Sc tiool, and pnr· t.h<Lnk her for a ll w e c 1.1.nchaee of sit~. A few members of tho H··ard S lrn takes pa.rr.icula · trouble with our race ; 11ow fav our a Union Sc!'J.ool, lmt th e mn.j ority She knl)W S " scant,y growt,n or hail·, the gr a y nud whi~e.1in g loclts, l iaH no hesitation about u<lopting t he s~pat'" \ Viii detract from the ueauty of the f.tce, ate Hi~ h School, seeing that even from an economical point of view, thP. diJfere11 ce in But Nature ha~ het· la ws so strict that you :,;oat, if any , will be very trif\:119'; whilst un· m us i-. n 5 ve r e rr, For you'd snrely pa y t h e penalty a t last, lees w e disbeliev" men who ha ve made the subject of Public Education, a life stndy its l:\u ~t ain it th"t boun teous he11d or hair Dr. Dorenwend's Hai Magic's unsurpassed. adv antages over t be U nion School system arc many and l(reat. T be venerable Jt.-;erton Just try it von afflicted, you oover will regret. 'J'he M>t>!ic w 11, na ve;' yet kno wn t o fail ; llytJrson,t he fouuckr of our B ) atorn of Public E ducation. a system which has r eceiveil And t.he go1>d r,b a,t it w ill do yoll will m a ke you soou forget the hiKbest praise from En ~lish , Am erictn '£ be c::tpendi1.ure a bottle w ill entail. and Cuntincut:.l ~~d ucational a11tborit ies in t he early rlavff of his great work instit,uted a T his now famous p re p ara t ion for inv igU nion of High and Public Achoola,but after or ating ,, n ! stilll uhtmg t h e g rowth oft.he 20 years experience uf their working waa con ·incticl that the Public So,hools were h ait- i8 u mv er&»lly a cce pted a s the most A ll much injured l'> Y their connection with the val ud.ble specific oa th e m ar k et . calp are eithe r retie ved or Hiµh School ~. a nd t o a }eRfi extent. the fli~ b dise ~ses of tho B by the Public, Dr R yn son, therefore ob- pe l'lnaue .. t ly c nr"d A t ich and r apid t aimd an act of the Ontario L egislat ure for- gr nwth nf lrnir will folluw a fter j udicions ,tiou of Union Schools in and reg ulur tr ea tm en t. biddint; the form o I t r d rrnins with future. ,Following Dr. Ryer.son, Clverv Minister ot ~; ducl\tion , P.Very Supcrinten<l- the U d e r a lon e t, , secure the desired eut of the Educati.·nal depar tmeut. every · esults Dr, Dor en wend'd "Ha ir Ma~ic " Inspect0r of Hi!;l'h Schocls, every H igh is sold by all d ruggists a t $ 1 pe r bottle, School 'l'eac ner of ex µerience,have been a nd or si x bot t le· fo r $5. If no t ob tainab le still ..re opposed to t he Union ayste m. in yot1 r l ocd!ity send d ir ect to rh " sole e::::z::: _ _ _ Surely in face ·.of thiRcon·Pnsus of opinion of clever, wt ll educated men, whose huei· m a n ufact urer, e n clo~ing priC">, A. D o RNness Md prtifession is t hat of Public E du- wEND, Paris Hair Wor k s, 103 and 105 For s" l e by J, cato1 's, i t would be a rgne ignorance or pre- Yonge St., Toron to. sumption on the pare of th e Rnanl , were it H iggiurot harn & ::ion . a u d a ll dr1Jggid·s. to continnc the conrlemned Union syst em when snch a good ovp01·tumt,y is cff11red of arlopti1rg, the advanc, J R e1 Hrate system. 'cl to the and would properl y subject the Hoa1 ridicule of the more i utd i i ~ ent and progres· sive peo ple of this a nd other plRce·. Some peoplt> iwa>{ine that H i;,;h Schools are eR tabliobed in the interest of t he wealth· ier claSS< 'S of snc1cty; olhH IB, alth oa~ h in favour of a High ::icho·1 L ha ve been permtUd· ed by 10i-0bievous nnd uut ru thful reprcsent111iu11s. that the objed songht in the sepal'" atiou of t bt1 High from the Public School, h t o exclude M much ns possible t he child, ren of paren ts who are not well off . N ow R equires more m om for his Grocery, Flour a nd F eed and Grain trade, this is 3.ll wron:1. and entirely contrat'Y t o tlrn truth. and bas det ermined to :Rgerton ltyeraon's chief object s in bis system of P ublic Education. which o ~j~cta lrnvti been fai thfully kept in view by his A particle is o,pp!ied into each nostril a nd succe·sors in t h.e depart ment of E dum t tion, agrecahle. Price 50 cents a t Druggist s; by were to place "' good education wit hin the is and ext end his Gr ocery i nto the premises now occupied wi th m'\il rc ~ ister a rt . 60 centa. HlLY Bl:WTH ERS. reach of every child in ·lnt ario, without re- 2,J5 Greenwich S L New York DRY GOODS. spect t o rank, class, riches Ol' poverty, th at every school maintain~d at the Pnblic ex· To make a clear sweep, every thing i n t he Dry Goods department pens£<, shall be open to t he children of all U \·cr Co1111llntut, alike, that all childt·e.n ·hall be rE<ceived into snow being sold AT AND UND E R COST. The goods are all firstDys1ui1·s!:i, these schools on a footing of perfect equality, IUJiousu e ss . class, carefull3 selected for the reg ular trade and no old culled bank the on ly ni.nk known being that ohtained by Si c k ll e1tdn d 1c, good condnct, i nclnstry a nd ahility; iu short K idn ey T1'o uhles , rupt st ock , the public can understand th e immense advantages of1u1e 1 uu:1Usm. 1 that every child in this Province ·lrnll edu , Si ri n IHs cnscs fered to purchasers of this stock. Everyth ing usnally k ep t in a cati0nal ly :iave a fair start in the ra~e of and all life. and that every ta.x payer shall be corn , first d ass Dry Goods establishment, and required in the Olothin 0 ot1n p n 1·1tte9 of th e palled to contribu te acc , irdin~ t o bis means , tUood fro11t nlwt· nnd H ouse F urnishing line, offered at AWAY-DOWN P RICES. to the support of puhlic Education, t hus tWCl" C:tUijC :ll"l~ing while the a.dvantages are equally open t o all, Pe male 'Weak · Call and get Btirgains, Clearing Sales for Cash only . Positively the rich are properly m~de t o pay the ·1 eBses and General no R eserve. E verything must go, Call and sat isfy y ourselves t hat ·ebility . grnater part of the cost. t'llt'cl y l 'crzctable . 1 1 t he WEST E i\D HOUSE is giving gre<tter valu e for a little money Th ~ aunua,l espen·e, of "o rrying on our H igh School, will be very litt le to the T own, U lgltly cone~ntrat.cd . 11 IN1sanfc , ellcctnaJ, than any other house in the d istrict. It will pay you t o lay m a ns th~ f,il!owini:i estlm.i.tes clearly pro ve R:tf'c year's supply, a.s :mch goods cannot be repeated at my prices. the work of th.i & th and 6 h form< of the [ A S :U: FOR P ublic Schools is done in our Hi){h School. DR. HODDER'S COMP OU ND. This means that if there were not a High Sr:hool in Bowrnanville. it would be compulTnke no other. Soltl.cl 'e r y wl!.c r e . l' 1 ·lcc, sory upon 1he Sch'>Ol Board t o pro\·ide t wo , 75 ee" t~ 11er bottl e~. more roomsa nd two more teachers to ourj PnbOL L S FOR, SA.LE. - One 2 y ears old a nd two ye11rlrng S nort Horn llulld bred lic School, I Lis plah,therefore, tbat ~he cost from Urooksha.nk bloucl·i mpe>rted st ock. Also . FARM FOR SALE. - 50 acres, b ein<> <lf these t wo rooms, expense· a nd the SRlar· a good general p11rpose mare--a fine s111,,le south oart of Lot 21, Con, 8 Darlin~to~ ies of the two t eachers "honld be credit"d t·J driver. P r ices t o s nit the t!mea. R· H. C0t.L· ~ milo w est of Enuiskillen. l~r~me house 6 the H igh School . seeing- that th~ work ig I 400TT, box 101, Bowman ville, G -2m rooms, cistern, ne w lmrn. good orchard, goocl dene hy it. $1400 won Id be below the aot n;il Sold everywhere, Pl'ice, 25denta nne1 60 eent s creek running t hrough farm. '.l'erms ou a;i>-. D.mount re~uired for t he sc1laries of t he t wo per bottle. Proprietors and manuract ui't'.rs NATIONA.L l'fi,J,S wU l 110t c;tri:pc or slclt · A vpJy to Wm. Gilbert, Sen,, J,ot 25 Co 11 If principal 'Ieachera in the P ublic School. Tile CNION MEDICINJ<l CO, Toront o, Ca n · e11, y d nrc 11 thorough c11th11rtic. J~nnillldll en P.O. ' 19·:Jm ' .~..-~~~--~-------,-~--· .JJJ1-d!~~-·-!f---· c - - - ·o- --D ispen sing Chemists. ---- -o---- --- ANOTHER WOND ER. J. HICGIN B OTBAM & SON, The following preparations are carefully prepared and will be found useful in ever y house. Nasa l Crea m, F or Cold in the Head , Catarrh, et c. Rose Glyce role, For a ll Roughnes s of the Skin. Corn Cu r e, - --- o---SHOR LE V 'S IM PR OVED FOOD ALWAYS ON HAND. ---- o--Agent s for the " Argus " Spectacles and Eye· glasses. AB SOLUTE L -Y F or Removing I-lard and Soft Corns. QUIT ING The :Ory Goods :Business ! J OB I\T MclUUBTRI - I Close Out llis DRY GOODS BUSINESS ·~-·---·--~-· CURES ! ! I OR. H ODDER'S B I J OHN IvicMt1RTRY. COU C HA N D LU N GCUR E