TBRMS :-fl.60 Pu ADU?d, OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST : THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES V OLUME ENNISKILL ~N. EDITOR A.Jill PM>rBIJCroa , NBW S:imnm. Nmm&B 503. BOWMANVlLLE, ONTARIO, WEDN ESDAY, MARCH 21, 1888. NEWCASTLE. Miss D unn is visiting in Port Perrv. We have a new baker- a fine looki··g one too. When will Ed. pl uck t he flower from t he Methodist choir 1 Mis~ Et.tie Col will is home again after spend mg three week!! in Whitby. The yonng people seem to enjoy them· selves skating on the pond latelv. Q11ite a number attended the Methodist church on S unday evening from English and Presbyterian, their own ministers both being ill. CADMUS. Mre. J. H . Devitt has gone to Dakota to visit. friends there. Mr. Robert McKee, of this place! was vi111ting friends in Fenelon. Mr. Wm G & lr.r·ith spent a few days a t the Commercial last week. Mr, J as . Williamson intends going back to Manitoba this month. Mia~ Annie Ginn ha.s gone O'l a visit to ber sister, Mrs. Kerr, Mariposa. Mr. Wm. Hu11h>'s, of Ma.nvers, was spending a. few days in Cadmus. Mr. George Harris h:>s returned from a visit tu hi~ d aughters in Toronto. Mr. Gear.re Waite, of Port Hope, is visiting at M r . T . D. W111iamaon'e. Mr. and Mrs. C··lin. of Leskard, were t he !i?llf'Sta <·f Mr. Wm. Watson's Cadmus. Mr. John Lattimore has moved b1ck North. While Mr. Lattimore was away from home some one broke into his house and took " good share of his meat. XXXJV. NUMBER 12. - TO- BETHEL One of our long looked-for weddings has come off a t last. Glad to see Mr. M . Garvin around again aftA r hi11 long sickness. Mr. Thomas Gibsun has been very ill with inflammat1on of the lungs. Mr. P. Stalker has moved into his fi ne new home. Where will the mate come from I Mr. W. Bowell gave a very large pa.T ty on Monday, March 12th a·;; which the guests enjoyed themselves immensely. COUR1'IOE. M rs. Short S r. has returned from a prol·> nged visit to Whitby. Mr. Gec,rge Short and Mias Lydia St.acey were married on the 15th inst. Muohjoy. ,Toho R. Clarke will deliver his popular lecture on "Gouqh in Dialect Humor and Elnquence" at Ebenezer on Friday even · i ng ~iarch 30th. The other day a hor~e ridden by Mast.er Arthur Gay, caught its foot in a. broken qu lvert. a ud 1hrew its rider over its head. What m ight have been a serious accident was barely avoided. A Jaq:;e surprise p:1rty descendecl up·ln ·hH t'..sid .,nce of Mr. Th ·mas Nichr,ls on Friday nigh t l~ s t. They wne heartily received a nd a v1 ·ry pleas;i.nt ev ning was epent in popular amas. men ts. Your New Haven correspondent is appar··ntly i nter ..ate.d in urono batchl'lors. Wonder if Skip is a lady ? '.l'Rrn. · TYRO.NE. Master Raymond Davey is very ill. Cadet Harper is able to be around 11gain. Miss Holmea, of Newcastle, ia visiting M rs Jns. Curtis Mr. W. H. Clemens is here again after a t .iur !O Michigan. The fl -g was hoisted at topmast on F riday of last week. Mr Howard Kenner lt'ft on Tuesdav with a team of horses for Pilot Mound, Mauitoha. Mr. Steph. Waahmgton, Bowmanville, pr<H>Ched a very profitable sermon on Sundi>y morni D g. Bt\rriey and Jabez took two loads of Mr. J. 0 . Yanstone's roller flour to Pontyv "ol ou l\ionday. · Mr. 8. Bingham has bought from Mr. W. McLau~hlin six acres of timber suitab1e for chair legs. \Yh.at is gm:ng to he the favorite ga'Ile this summer boy.? Some suggestions have already been g1v·en. The debate that was postponed will come off to-mnrrow n ight, wheu it is expected to be well handlbd. A jol ·y c ·'9wd from h ere vis ited Hamp· ton Di vi· i in Ji.st Wt<ek and were well treated by th.- H .< mptonians. Checkers seem t" be the favorite ~ame in the village at pr-' sen t. Who will yet nold th" champi ·nship is h · 1rd to tdl. Mr. T. G.-rdiner and 11ons, maso11s, have taken five e ·ntracts ..!ready f ..r this season Grt-at improvements are gomg on in this villag.,, Mr. T. H. Hancock sold his matched team of bl, cks-Duktl and Darkey- on Fri· day at a big figure. Arthur thinks there is nu danger now le being good ddving and a very fine day OU S,.bbath the following and oth1~r8 t9ok advanhge of it llnd came visitiug friends here: Mr. F. R11gers and wif., and Miss L ee; Mr. H. Rogers and wife, of E cmisk11ien ; Messrs. J. H. Kenner, H · K uight, and J. M. Richardson, of Bow· mauville, and Mr. Amos Bond and sister, Hamp1on . SCHOOJ, REPORT F OR FEBRUARY. - 5th Claao- A Woodley, M . Hodgson. Sr. 4.th C. Gardiner, E. Cade. Jr. 4.th- W. Bivgham, A. Mannmg, F. Hancock. Sr. 3rd- F. P .,nfound, A. Clemens, H. (1o!la cot.t, M. Jewell, A . Moyse, J . M .. yee, M . Harris, W. Jewell, J. Souch. Jr. 3 rd H. Emmerson, C, Suuch. N. Collacutt, 0. Sanders, 0. Branton, E Hancock, P . Collacntt, H Hancock, J . Simpson . 2nd Cl11.111- F. Kenner, F. Moor, M. Kenuer, A G~rdiner, L. Penfound, C. Moyse, 0 . Pollard, R. Jew ... lJ. P t . 2od- L. Cade, E Branton, W. S·, uch, L. McLaughlin, J. McLaughlin, R. Bingham, J. Scott, E. Wight, B. Welch. Pt. 2nd Jr- 0. Bond, M. Colwell, S. 8impaon. J. ODELL, Teacher. 1YiJ.PLE GROVE. Miss Aura Hall is nn the sick list. Miss Addie Cole is YiAitiog friends at Solina. Who is the young man that got left on Monday night 1 Our choir is pr,·gr~ssing nicely, especially on the ladies' side. There is to he an e ntt>r ainnt1'nt i n the school house on Wedo("S<fay evening, March 21st. Arlmis1iou, 15 eta.; do11ble t icket, 25 ctll. Come hoys, b ring a girl. Therl' is to be an eo t~rtai nment et Ba.se Line school heuse (S. 8. No. S} on l!'riday evening, March 23.'.d. Adrni11sion 15 c~s.; double ticket, 25 cts ; childru, 10 cts. Among the vfo1tnrs this W>'ek are: Mr. W. Goard, M · ripos·; Mr. and Mis~ Crum· mer, Pickering ; Mas er J<'rank Webster, Cam bray; and Mr. William Jeffery, Prince Albert. There is considerable surprhe over the cliaappearance of Mr. J .. hn Munson a few days i1go. No < me appears to know anythin!! of his whereabouts. lnforma tion of his whereab .. nt11 will be thankfully received bv his frit1nds. Dll:rER. 0 LAD 1ES ONLY! COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S Have just opened ou t two cases of LOVELY EMBROIDERIES I To which they in vite t he attention of all L adies who require r eally nice goods. They are confident that a ll who exam ine will p ronounce them to be the finest lot of EmbroidBries ever shown by us or by any other House in BowmanvilJ e. And having bought them direct for S POT CA S H t hey will b e s old a t very close prices. ------o Very p ractical and etftctive discourses were delivered in bath our churches yesterday by Rev. Messrs. McLaren and tialton. We congr atulate M r . \V. D. M~Laren , of our village, on 11ucc..ssfully paseing his first year's exam. at the dental college, Toronto. Our village was placed in about the same position by the g1·eat storm last week as New York and nther large business centres-entire suspension of business for a day or two. If the critical and erudite correspond on t in last w·ek's S~m desi red discnssion on what to l11m is a question of such 11erious import, why did he not sign 11fa 11wn Dame'! We presume be thinks he is well enough kn own without . One gentleman of this nf'iJlhborhood mh!ht have been seen on Tu.-sda.y 11f las t week. scouring his neighbors fiel<l 11 looking for lost 11a.rmen ts from th11 M· ·nday's wash. Should not have 111f t them out i n l!ttch a storm, as the wind is a great thief. Tho concert. to be given by t he Metho< lis· ch r·ir herP, next Friday evening, for th., purpose of purcha.ing new b..oks to be used in the "service of song," bld11 fair to be a great succeH1. Much time has heen s pen t in pr1<ctice und we fed confident 1 he performers will ~ive a g ·o<l account of th emselveo. Com" allcl hear our warblers. Half past 7, sharp. RA.MPTON. Miss H . Clarke removes to T oront!> this week. There is but litt.Je improvement in the condition of Mr. Ker·lake. Rev. E . B1trra911 !>reached an ex-:ellent SULJN.A. sermon, Sunday evenmg, on " Sins a.nd Are we to h ave a base ball team here Vices of the Times" wh·ch we h "po some of h is hearers will mark and inwllrdly di· this aomwer'I ~est. Couch;Jo hnston &C rydo rman One Door W est of Post Office. Bowmanville. COLUMBUS. .Mi11s Polly Morris h as had a painful attack of pleurisy. Mr. W. :Newton, of Oshawa, is the guest of Mr. Jas. White. Mr. R Hugo and daughters, of Port Perry, are visiting friends here. Mr. Juhn Solomon has r emoved from Geneva t.o h;s new r esidence h ;,re. Mrs. Perriman, sged 87 yt1ars, is now recvveri r- g from a. very severe illness. The Methodists have conclllded to builti the new church on the old ground. Miss. Conway, of Oshawa, has been spending a. week with her aunt, Mra, Garfxtt. Mr. W. PurYes reports a good season's business at his n.-~ store, ~here his pat r ons always find a choice st~. Mr. R Hodgson will resume the bmldin!? of his farm house, and Mr. R Hugo wi ll · rPct a mor1el stable for h is auperioT driv er in the spring. Mr S. F', foh11 ston, our enterprisin!t miller ··arrowly escaped a he·vy bill of costs by an indua·rious musk-r .. t workiug its !Vay through the mill dam. OSEI.AWA. Mr. "ncl .Mrs. Fred. W. Lee, of Kedron, apent Sunday here. Mr. Thos. ~\Verry, of Cartwright, was visiting here last weak. Mr . Altix. H 11oey end family ha ve moved from our village. Several froni hl\re attended the horsfl show, at Toronto, last week. Mrs. R M. Kirkpatrick: ia, we are s orry to l· arn, v··ry ill again. Mr. Edward Pascoe'.i wood bee wits a dec1 d1·d suoc~ 11s, indeed . The wood flew in a l1 dir"ctions. The receut storm has ma.de the ro11.da aronud heie rather bad, and, as they hiod to be shovelled, 11ome dog lightina, ohoak· ing, etc., "'as mdnlged in. '!'here iis. considerable talk over the receut kidnavping case irorth of here. The case is to b a breughi bef,.re 1he R iiih Court of Jll~tice, ac Osgoode H all, Toro nt o, so we understand. Reports of Baker's School, No. 19, for Jauu1.1rv: N"me11 iu ordtir of wen t:5tn- M. Smith, A. Smith, K. Argue. 4th- A. Gilber1, J . Clarke. Jr. 3rdW. Ban· er , G. Bryar· t, G. (.Joie. Jr 2··d - M. Gilbe rt, L . Gilbert, L Tordiff. P ..rt 2nd- L . Gilbert , E. Tordifi. A horse, driven by a Mr. Thompeon , of Hope, took fright at our te·np.1rance I na on Saturday and nm down tho atreet at a lively pace, but was fi.nally P··l orl up opposite Mr. J. Y. Cole's. Ou Sunday Mar. 25th Hon. J oh11 MacDonald, of Torouto, will µreach iu the Methodist Church at 10 :30 a. 11J. aud 6 :30 p. m. Special Collectiona. A g rand entertainment will he giv.·ri un G ood Fridey tivening. About for:y young people of this place eurp1·ised Mr. W. L . Wt'rd ,, nd ,, ife last Thursday eveuing. Aft(·r all we re comfortably seated Mr. W. M rt n ex1·1ained the object of th eir meetin.v. a 1 1d l)i<·led upon Mr. A. l'reuouth, wao ·ti beh,.lf ,.f the company read a very n .-atly wor,ied address to Mr. and Mrs. Ward, and Mr. W. Martin pres·!nt«d the youo,r couple with a mFgnitic\mt ··Family Bihle." Will't<. surpr1"e can be more euil:; ia1..~ioed than dfscribed. An eJLce ileut tea was pr ..vided by t he you ng ladies, to which all did ample justice. Visitors to our village this W'l"k : Mr. and Mrs. Fits», Port p .,r ry ; Mr. 0 . N. Ruse a nd fami ly, Bowrna.u~ j l e ; and Mr. i::;ww l:lov. Lewis Ruse, Toromo. OUR SPRING MILLINERY to hand and w ill be managed by MISS M~RAE, trom Tor onto, where s h e has been in one of the leading Houses for a number of y ears. In advertising we cannot state all the articles belonging to that department, therefore we extend a c o r d ial invitation to all o u r customers to call and see the nov e lties, when we will deem it a p leasure to show our st ock. ----o---- Mr. M. P . Warren is going to leave town. Mr. James Black, of W hitby, has been very ill. L '·Wes & Co. intend leaving town a.bout the 1st of April. lt is time steps were tali en to form a B~se Ball League for 03hawa . The roads in th.e townshipa are badly blockt!cl bv the storm last week. Mr. Joseph Drew, of Ardoch, Dakota, is v siting friund s in t his section. The report that Messr~. Doweis & Co. had aesi~ ned is without foundation. .All the participants in the Myrtle shooting af:fr..y have been d is charged. Mr.. Geo. A. Mas~on has l eft California for home. He is exveco ed in Oshawa in April. Directore of the Whitby Agricultural Soci111y will amalga.mate with the County Association. The Ladies of the Si mcoe St. Method· ist Church are making arrangemeu'Q for holding a B,..zuar. The Rev. T. Manning preached "B><o.kruptcy, " in the Simcoe St. Meth· odist Church, on Sabha.th eveniDg, Mr. H. Salter has taken ~he contract of µioving aev.,ral house11 this spring. He saye he can move the lo.rgeethouse, Mr. Thos. Guy, of 0Bhawa, has offered a silver medal to the bre~der of the Ayr· shire bull and cow which takets the first pri7.c a t the next Provincial exhibition . · The Commercial Hotel in thi15 tlilwn, owned by Dr. Eastwood, of Whitby, and occupied by Mr. Johu Woon, was totally destroyed by tire on Wednesday morning last, 'fhe fire wall disco vered about four a'cJoek a.m. in the uppBr story of the building by the inmates of the Hotel. 'l'he contents of the building were iu· sured for $2.300. Tho building was also insured. Oae of the unfortunate sufferers by the fire waa a Mrs. Allin, of Quebec, a guest at the Hotel, who . was ou her way to Chicago, to meet her husband. S he had a aick infaut with her and ehe s topped at Oshawa, to give it rest. She fost most of the baby's clothiug and a quantity of her own and her railwa.v tic· ket to Ch icago. She had no acquaint· a·.ice in town. To make matters wor~e after the tire, Mrd, Allin put up a t the Oshawa House, and while at breakfast there, some unmerciful wretch stole h er fur jacket. Her wa .. ts were looked after by the citizens, and she was sent to her destination. U g lltf·l tBilel 111xu r y "'vtvelllas a a&ive 1or !Skin «lliea.se· OUR STAPLE GOODS are com ing d aily to h and a nd w ill s oon b e complet e. We have a fine range of A Nuisaace m Toronto. From the Toronto W orld, March 8th. - - - - -- -- C]oths and Tweeds and Gents' Furnisl1ings, with something nobby in hats. Call early and see us. We will not disappoint you. Respectfully yours, CEO. LAIN 1·1un·. Lff.V'i SIJLPHIJR SOAP ·· a de· i.;t od eu;r · A lady friend sends in a r equest which can best be voiced by using her own language, which is as folows: Mr. Editor.- A lady wants to say a few word11 to the grocery mer chants, anci really it is a dtilica.te s ubject; to handle. You kn·)W it is near the time when our groce· ywen flet their vegetables outside on th"' pavement, and do you know there are mai.y tall doo os 10 town, and- and it operates as though 1.he" ,, drank from Saro.toga medical springs. Now, Mr. Editor, you must kn., w what I mean t o say, and if yo_ u v.ill help me out Y··U will do t~e Consumption Surely Cure<' public a great fa~or Wh:i.t we. want la DEPEND UPON IT accidrnts will happen the ve~etable& m bo:1.t·s 1 or in, other deepitt1 all car<:i and painful injuri1-1s euoh To '.l'HE EDITOR: words, ":.hove !ugh wa·er mark ..' For as Sprxine, Brnis<>s, Ont~ and Burns rePle_a~e inform your reaclei·a t h at I the good ?f 1h0 women amd mankm?, the 1 suit. Every family th~refore sh1;uld keep . a _ !JOSitive rem_ edy .for thll abc >vo u J!~oce1 s will please a t.t(md to it. Those 1 Hagya.rd'!! Yellow Oil on hand , i~ is the 1 disease. By ita tirooly U<o thou ,ar wir" screens th~~ use o~er ~,as~~t~ ~nd greatest family re medy for all J>arns, I hopoless enses have bet1n pennar barrels ar " not "'ater tig ht. lhis is a Cough s, Colds and Sore T hroat, Croup cured. I shall be glad to seod two l" d t>hcate mattor,,but, you know, when a I and Whooping C oucrh v!eld < uickly t o i of my remedy FREE to 1:1.ny of 1 lady _ glles ,·h·:ppwg for ca~bage and beets / this excellent remedy. · re_ adera wh6 havi: consumptw u if she aoesn t like t.o be obliged to get peas will send me their Exvress and also. Ple..ise put it in s hape so as to 1 address. offend aobo<ly. A S SWl.:li\T AS BOl!llllr'. l8 Dr. J.-Ow·s PleMfuspectfally· Dn. T .J1. SLoc r· ant "form !l!lrru~. :yet ntre t., tttstl'OY a1ul · · · · 'A Hous1mEEVER. expel worms. Yonge street, Toron to, 011t~ }'or February. 51h - M. Smith A. NEWTONY1LL8. Smith, K. Argue, 4th - A.Gilbert , J . C lemens & Cole aro goi 11 g to cl"ae out Clarke. Jr. 3rd-G. Bryant, G. 1e, \Y. Ba1.ner . Jr. 2nd- L. G1lb .. n, M. the balance of rho Lockh1>rt Bankrupt Gilbt1rt. I,, Tordiff. Part 2nd- E . Tor- stock h t>re ditf, L. Gilbert. F . .J. GROAT, Teacher. At once, and will sell by auc-tion on Friday and S11.t.u rday afr arnuon and evening of this "eek. P <1r sons w1 mtiu.,. bar0 ORONO. gains in t weeds, dry ·g.u1d~, 'l'he ·' News" has hit u pon a novel and Groceries, boots and shoes, hardware, somewhat clever way of makini:: its c.,J. tinware, etc., ehou 1d m ake it a point to um11 r eadtJoble and interesting by publish- attend these sale~, as eYe1·ything will be ing the names of the batch elorll in 1.h e sold withou t. restJrve. Customers '\re survilla~e aud surrounding cou11try toget.her prised at the big bundl.- s of gouds they with a brief sketch of their pecul iar traits get for a very em .U sum ol money. of character. The boys appear on t he Everybody a1tend a " d eave mon ey. who le 10 take kindly to the inouvation A very aori·>UB injust·oe WM u uintenand 110 doubt the ladies will thank the tht·ughtful editor for thus r ecognizing tionally on onr part done t '· Dr. J. B. their leap year privileges. It might not Olver in the acc,,unt of the death of W. be impr per though or detract from the Dixon as given in the 8TATl!f5MAN two value of the sket.ches to say that the one weeks ago, copied from the P . H . Ti.mes, whom he dubs as "su11piciouM" of ·he and therefore ia addition to what the lair ones is slightly encrus1ed with sus Ti mr.s 11avs by way of apology we give picion toward some members of the other the findinl{ of the jlvy. which was : s«ix . But bv 1 .he way why did'1H he grace "'.l.'bat William Dixon while rlrtving home the list with his o "'n r1ame ; he is in the from Port H ope ·>n the eventng , f the market himself for1ioo1h. Al hough of 24th F ebruary, 1887,being in a state of diminutive siabure Sam i~ a bomptions d - intoxication, lost coutrol of !t is t eaw, and low 1md t o r ead his cditori..Js is to be receiv"d such imemal injuriea as reve&led convinced of h is nbilit.y. He is n"thing in the Post Mortem examination as to if not keen, perceptive a nd t al( nted. produco death, a i·d th11ot Dr. Olver is R~ ad if you will his articl ..s on K.wern fully exonerat ed from any blamo in the and diplomatic affairs ; his close acquaint- matter whatever." ance wi1h the bewildering io.rricacies of The inques t over the exhumed remain: internal disruptions in Bula::aria, Rouma- of the late Wm . Dixon, of N e wtonville nia etc. and then pronounce. l:lis pliyai- on Satu_rday, brought ~ut the f_~ct1 a cal make· up cannot be extolled too high- 11ta~d m the T1mea 10 r e<lotdmg th ly. He htJos a prrt little head and when accident. We are. very ,.,I. d to be a ble t robed i.1 his Sunday habiliments look11 as r eay than any 11uap1o·on of improper trea. dapple as thongh ·he had emerged from ment in connection witht he dect>ased l a band box. He differs from his guild by 1Dr. Olver haa bc.e~ cl_e ..re<i awu! by ti being hhorn of pomp and ostentation. 1J08t mortem exammanon, at whwh the We commend him to the ladies for bi8 I were pre11ent the following m" dica.l m deft glib unaseurning manner11, bis C··mely be_al?e11 Dr. Mitchell, t:< e coroner: D · phiz and well rounded nhysiq u'}, his s11ge Hilliar and McLanghlm, B owrnan·iU 1· and enduring counsels and for h is hilari ty p owere an d Clemes h a, p ort H ope ; F'a· with a premonition of the fate of a mod"ru comb, Newcastle ; Leach, .K endall ; a D d p I Th "fighting " editor. Any young woman rummon , ontypoo . e physici11 poase~sing the qualities of heauty,chaa1ity, we learn, agreed th?-t .D~· ~Iver ba<l ~ aruiability. 1hapeline3s and candour with sued a u sual oollrse m i113ectmg morph; peach bloom on her chaeka and love-light ~md that it had ~ot been injected . in in h er eyes need not. fear the go-by. improper quantity. The examma Yours trnlv ' showed that thA interior of the rn · ' b d l d b b di · d T IIE " SUSPI CIOUS" naTCllELOR OVER '.l'lHl 0 y 1a een a y lDJU?e · aud WAY. liver and right lung bruiaed,- 'fnrns. c.. 0 ! I I