p r ____ ii litA ~auadiau JtattiGmau. CAr.currA, Feb l -E~rly the next day, 11UC&IDll> TO llll!ll 1' I W \lh1le yet cool, we visited one of the decided Is Life but a dream ot rorrowa, "hons' of t he city - the wurkmg eleptrn.nts. Vlltt1og o'er tho s&uds ol Tune? Forme1ly these wo· e very nume10us, bemg 18 1t but a hope that llorrowY From the unseen no sublime t the heavy workers rn the timber yards and Chtldren of the Household. !lreat sa.wm1lls. Ma.chmery has now bUp Is its pathway dark &nd dreary, The responsib1lny of parents m tra.ining planted them m eatr.bhshmentJ run by for Thiok with c~nke rmg cares o erspread ! Is there naught to soo~ne the weary c.b1ldreu to make successful men and women e1gners. Iu each of the native mills, where Do you feel c1ull. Jangmd, 101' -spu it ed, llfeIn the bounds beyond the de!Ml · is not realiz ed by many p iue11ts as 1t should small ordi;rs are fill£d, t~o of the noble leSll, nod mdesc11ba.bly m1Sernblc, bot h physibe ; but not upon them alcne does this ac beasts yet perform the heavy labor which cnce a sense of cally tllld mental!) , expe1 1 Is It but a time told story 1 fuliness or bloatrng aft~r eat ing 01 or goneIs i t hut au earthly t ht:1ue 1 count;ab1hty devolve, 1t 1s shared by all who huma.n ha.nds unassisted could f.carcely nc!lil, or cm pti nc ss c! stomach m t he morn Boamo 1t "1th but mo1 tal gory T are brought m contact with these httle manage. We us1ted some of these the rng tonp;11e co ctcd, b1 t te1 01 bud tuste in Are thrngs onls es the1 ·eem t gatherers of knowledge. There are c1rcum second time on our return from up couutry, m outh, ireeguhu appetite d1zz111ess frnquent headaches, bh11 u d eyesight, "ttoatmg speck.s ' stances sometimes beyond the control of a.nd w ere grea.tly mtcreated. They drnw Fades it a.e the summer flower 1 1 1cfo1 A the eyes ne1 vo11s p10st1at1011 ot ex ls the gravo its final goal ! pa.rents that modify and counteract the the logH, many ot them t hree feet 11i cha.me hnuat1 on n11tal ·hty of tempe1 hot flus hes, Is there here no unoeen power teaching of then· children and mako or mar ter a.ml thirty to fwty feet long, from the alte1 natlng w1t ll cln ' l~ sensations, shatp 00 with tho ·oul · Holding sea11 b1tmg t rnns1ca t pams here and t here, cold their successful mg.nhood or womanhood r iver, pile them up rn s·,stem1.1·1c order, and f c t, dlCrn sme i ·ftet meals, ' "'kofulncss o r Shall tbe epmts t imo doth ·eTer A child's brain m;i.y be aptly compared to when they are n eeded roll them to the ways d1stm bed 111d 1 mcf1eslnng sl< ep constant, Par b to meet no more a~o iu ! the eens1t1ve plate of the photographer It and assist JU adiu~trnJ th~ m for the saw I i mlcs 11 1ublc t cclrng of dreud, ct of impendShall t.hey put and p>rtmg ever needs but a moment's exposure to good or Lum her 1s not here s.>wed mto boards b11t l DJ" cal u n t.; Know 110 JJ!eaaure aud no pain ? H yon l In " ull, or nny co rnide1 nble number bad mfiuences, either of deportment or PL~M PUDDING - Oae pcund of raisms, the slab is taken off und the good stuff left 1 speech, to 1mprmt upon its surface the hoes onti pound of suet, chopped fine, three m lquare timber to be ripped up rnto boards Shi>'! no judgment trump <>wake them itt 1~~;s{}~~/nt,~,i~ J'f1~~:~11~~~;;u~~~fnJ1~~~ ::!ball no re·urrect1on mom tha.t mo.ke a good or baJ impression \Ve fourths pound of stale bread crumbs, one where consumed, This IS done both for Ilillfh l> Dyspepsn or 'l'orp1d T.n er ruisocu1 t~d Ia their e1lent sleep o ertaKe t horu a.re not as parents sufficiently alive to the fourth pound of brown BU,ll'ar, one fourth home consumption a.nd for exportation . r1 t l1 D ~ Bpepsl L 0t Ind1gcst1 on 'l: be morn Unto Ille etornai born ! co nphc 1ted l <>Pr d1scn.sc hllS become, t he fact, that tins highly sensitive orga.n 1s be pound of flour, one p ound of currants, one After the log is thus cnt the d epha.nt goes g1 enter the n ur11 bJ1 and divers1t} of svmpmg contmually exposed and is continually half of a nutmeg, grated, five eggs, one half among the machme1y, takes the slaba away, llhall not Chrl$t to glory risen toms No mnti t wh it Ata11e it hns 1enched, Re :>\\a.ke the du;t thai dies, recordmg both the good and bad alike, as 1t pmt of treacle, one half ?Omid of mmced and then ca.rnes the good tunber and p iles ,n1. :P.i.erco'r; 4,. oh l ou l'IIC<ltcal D1scove1 y And the eplnt from ioa prison w ill snb l n u 11 1 tuken tL<..:eo 1rl111~ t o dn ccis sub3ected to these mliuences ; and, too, candied orange peel, grated rind of one 1t up or lays 1t gently upon the ox carts to Btd tot 1 gher re1>ims nso · tion.s fen a rcasn nn.hlo lc ngt lt of tune If not like the sensitive plate, 1t gives the clearest lemon. Olean, wash, and dry the currants; be h auled off. A carpeuter we saw wanted cm e<:I <omp IC 1" on" n;i lt1 p!~ nucl Conrnm1>Life is here but 1 mperteot1on , impression of those things to whioh it is ex stone the raisins' m ix all the dry mgredi lumber from a cert11.m log which was under t 1 on or the L n n1 " S " " D 1sca9~ '1: Hea1 t D1 senso, We &t best but dnniy seo , Hhcu nat. ~P, K H 1 \ D 1 ocosr ot ot llet g1 ave posed the longest, and p arents are being ents thorouirhly together, Beat the eggs, several others One of tha monsters rolled 1 1 GO<l must guide the heari s cff1 ect1on, m l lnL HS tue q111 t c: tl)lo to set 11 n.nd, soouer da.ily shamed or eddied, often the former, add to them the treacle, pour over t hem the upper logs off and pushed the chosen Obrist tlte apmt s pilot be 01 la te1 in< tu c e ~ f r. ' l tm n un t t w n li>y the 1mpress10ns imprinted on these little the dry mgreJrnnts, and thoroughly mix stick to the null The wa.y wa.s not clear~ h. !Pie. cc'" G o lden lU e dlcal Dis· To Mlat hie of love tran9'>ending co ver y acts p o v c lolly u pon t l e Lncr, and ibrains coming to light. Pack mto greased small kettles or moulds the log butted against others He pushed All we dream of or behold, t in oug b t hat f H 1 tic> ) Q p uu ' ) nir 01 gan, Among the circumstances spoken of is an (this wdl make about six pounds), and bod these aside and gmded hrn piece through With ltl! boundle88 bhsa ei:tendmir <le 1nses tho ·ystt n o l o.ll hlood-t m ··sand nna tmosphere laden vnth the saymgs, doings for s ix hours at the time of makmg, and six t hem with a sago.city almost human. His In a tide of JOY untold J u u Ltes, ft um ' i Lt :rer cause u11s1ng l t 16 eq> mlly ellic1u 1011s 111 nctmg 1 pon the Kldshekb eca.me we d ge d H e push e d and tug a nd wearings of others ; need l say, matter hours when wanted for use. Oh, tho brig1'tness ol that glory I ll<') s nn I Oohc1 e u · to1 y 0 1gnns clcanstng, n ot cllolcula.ted either to enrich or ennoble ged ; it wonld not budge But at a. whisper Oh, the gmudeur of that hie I Rt cn6thf 111 n :> n 1fi 11 thni: t hen d 1 seusris As speaker or hearer ; the more frequently The Farmer's Case. ed word from the mahout and a. promise of !'ar too fair for mortal story ..n l lpputil':mµ-, l s t 1 tt ' o ton10, l t 1 n omotes With celestial raptu1ea rl!e 1 < li t"tlo ' and n 1tt t i m, tl1 cre1Jy IJuildlDJ up dealmg with the faults and follies of others, "I've always hollered for high tariff m a bit of mce food he bent to 1t Still 1t bot 1 1i<sl1 nm! a t rn11g th 1n rnala11al district.a, lilot to be mentioned outside the circle in order to hyst the public debt, but llOW that stuck ·. With a whistle audible for a.qua.rter Mu· woncl · tu l mod1cmc hns ., 1i 1 ecl great For no eye hath aeon ihat A1den , which they are committed and then with we've got the national debt coopered, I wish of a mile he got on hrn knees, U stra1 ghtcned C< leb n t y 1u c111 HlJ' } "e \. et nncl A gueT Clnlls and A.nd no ear hath heard the sound l< c <r 0 11111b A, ue, and kmd1 ed thseases 01 tho beav uly harps, o'erluden 1.111.ted breath, Of the authors of such Addi they'd take a little hack at mme. l've put out bis hmd legs, and put !us whole fo~ce to ll.h . u>im ce' u G oldon rut:e tl1 cal Dis · With thetr ayrnphomes p·otound son says , " A third kind of female orator m fifty yea.rs' farmm I never drank licker it He was succegeful We could n. moRt C OVl'.HY may be comprehended under the word gos in any form. I've worked from t en to 61 ht read his sat1sfuct10n m the gentle fill.p a of And no heart oonco1red the t reasu>e C~.HfiES AILL Htu~ ORS, si)? Mrs J! iddle Faddle 1s perfectly ace om eeu hours a day ; been ecc nomical in c~oz, J his huge ell.rs and the graceful curve uf his Of that hnppineas sublun ., Wb1ch the anirel spirits measure l ro , n com rnon Blot ch 01 l 111/1t1on to the phshed m this sort of eloquence , she and never went to a show more'n a dozen proboscis a.a he put it up to the mounted In that fair Nlcotml ohmo w o1st f::)cr o f11 l u Sal t 1l1c u1n "' e ' e r-sores, ' launches out m to d1aonta.t10ns upon the edg times in my life ' n1sed a. family and lea.rn mahout uskmg his reward. Scaly 01 Ho11g n Sinn, m shot t nl! diseases ing of a p ettrnoat , runs div1s1ona upon a ed upwards of 200 ca.Ives to drmk out of a Sticks over two feet thick and ten to fif Tlure shall we behold rn glorv caused b~ l1 icl blood mo conquered by t l11s Sp11 1 ts h·1 · th·t sorrows trod , (Jowe1f11l pu1 tfv mg, uid rnv 1 gu1 utmg med!· head dress ; knows every dish of mea.t that tm pail without blowmg their vittles up t eeu feet long are lifted up bodily upon the cine ( , 1< 1 2 Mre t h e ligilts ot l!lacred Story , t E 1t mg Ulce rs n tp1dly heal un doi: is served m her neighborhood ; and ent er their sleeves My wife worked 11.l ongside 0 · grea.t ivories, and are then earned off l.\nd I 'l'h·r· the mMtyred men o! God its ben ~n rn l 'tu " ce Eapec1.clly has it mam ta.ins her compl.\ny a whole afternoon with me sewm' new seats on the boys pan es, latd upon the gangwa.ya so gently as not to 1est1'1 its 1 >01P11cy m cuuug 'lcttPt, E~z cma, E1 ) HI p< 1rn Ilmle Otu bunclos, Sorn Eyes, Sci of· T'Je.,.e ten th ousand voices si"ging the wit of her little b)y before he 1s able to skimmm' milk, and even helpin' me load make a 3a.r . One stick twenty two mches u lolls :so1es anrl Swellings, Hip jornt Disease, Loud E hall souod the Saviour e name , speak." hay. For forty years we t oiled alon~ toge thick and twenty two feet long we sa.w car · Wmte Swellings,' Golt i e, 01 '.Unck Neck, And the Court; ot HeaTeu nog11 g It 1s very bard in a mixed household to tber, and hP.rdly got hme to look mto each ned m this way In carrymg this the b east and l, nJu ged Glands Send t en cents ln L ove and JoY and 11ea~ prool:um keep the watchful eye and ear from seeing others faces or dared to stop and a-et a.c J had a path not three feet wide among masses se w ith colored sta mps f o1 a large 'l reat1 plates on Skm ll1seascs 01 t he arune amount T here ohall tlow the Crystal RITer and hearing much that 1s ha.rmful Pond espe quamted with erich other. Then her health of loose logs He had to plaut lua forn feet tor a :r1ent1 se o 1 Sc1olulous All cct1ona lly the Throne ct that ira1r Land, ciully where there 1s a Mrs Fiddle Fa.ddle. failed. Ketched cold m the sprrng hou se, u pon these aud thus wa.lk a conmdern.ble · n whoso shinmg shores forever " FO~ T!IE Bll..OCD IS THE LIFE." That the continuous hea.rmg of this sort proba.b'ly skimmin rmlk, and washm' pans, distance. He looked as if he were were Shall the Tree o! Lila expand, ThornuAhly cleunso 1t by usmg Dr. Ple1 ce's of "eloquence" is pe1 nic1ons to the young a.nd scaldm' pa.Us, and Epankrn' butter walkrng upon his hrud legs. '.rhe corner of · t o put it mildly It soon b ears f ru1 t , the Anyhow she took Ill a long brnath one day I a. b g,m b oo h ut stood m Ius way H e 1tftecl Whoae fair fruits ·ho.II heal the na.tlon9 Golde n J Ued1cal D iscov er}, and good is From a.II sorrow and all pain , digestion a fun slo n b uoyant sp1u ts v1tal little one, 1f she be a girl- and girls are while th~ doct or and me was watchrng h er Ithe log over its roof, and bent his body so From all teara and lnn1enbt10ns strength , nd b > dtly health will bo establIBhed more impressed by this kmd of talk-begms and she says to me, ·Henry,' sa.ys she, 'l'v~ tha.t his sides gently scraped the corn er of In thut L1fo of endleas reign to say of a visitor, "Mrs. M. ha.don a blue got a chance to rest· aud sue put or e tired the h ouse and did not shake 1t A hun Christ has opaned that bright porbl, overskirt ," "Mrs, T. had her hair banged ;" worn out hand, 00 ' top of the other t ired: 1 Idre.dth p ..rt of his weight would hove c1 1us llot our captive spn lt~ tree , which 1 s Scrofula of' the Lungs, IS arrested and cured by t his i emcdy, i f taken m the "F1010nce has the measles , ' and telling, as worn out ha.ncl, and I knew she'd gone edit to topple from 1t3 pile foundation Won tor us tbat life unmortal Ou the Oroi3 of OaJyary ember stages of tho disease Ft0rn its mart h cy are rememb ered , conversa.t ions a d where they don't work a.11 day and do chores I H e was ord e1e d to carry o ff a pi le of 4x 6 velous power O" et thlS teu 1bly fntal d1sense, nciu1eum, fit only to be hea.rd by grown all night."- [Bill Nye. pieces 10 or l e' fret Jong He ran his t u sks Ilr.J 11: PeLiooll, Il A when fhst offermg this now world famed r emJ under a few, Themah out t olrl h im t hat Queemtown, Jan 6th, 1888 people, and they tbe F iddle Fa.dales. The edy to t ile public, Dt Pierce t hought se11011aly of ca!lmg 1t hm " CONSUlltPTION C u m ;: ' but llttle rnmd thue continua.Uy exposed, the Progress of the .Eleotnc Industry, j was not enough H e t ned agam, and pr ob abandoned t hat name us t ou n istr tctive for Quicksands and Tig ers m India. faculty grows, these thmgs become second ably doubled bis lu 1d H is driver gave him a mcd1cmo which, from its wonde1fu l oom na.ture, and 1f radical measures are not Little was added to our knowledge of olec- a fierce prod with h1g uon hook over the bmatiou of tome, oi stieng' henmg alte1ut)ve, or blood-clcansmg, nnt1 - bthous, pect oral, and t aken to countera.et these tendencios, m tric1ty durmg 1887, but t here was a remark- 1forehead. Wit h a shriek of iage he sent The ship has anchored m s1de of the Hoogh nututlvc ~10p e1 t es, 16 l.mequnh ct, not only coming years another is added to the Fidole able d evelopment of its practwal apphca- his 1vor1ea under the pile and threw hlB ly River, one of the many estuaries of tne ~1~~1~~elriitg~stfso~~ui~Et1ou. but ror an Fa.ddle family. tll)us. One of the most important scumbfic ' snout over the top. He had to get 00 his : Uanges 'l'he moon h as Just come up from Anoth er error made by pa.rents, and d1seovene~ was tba.t aparks m tubes d1a· , knees to ge t the load up. It was a decent over a. low isla.nd to the east The air is lea.ding t o the same r esult, is laugh1ug a.nd I aoc1a t cd 1odme, bronudo and chlorm? dray loiAd, As he passed us, perch ed on a : balmy and has t he sweet odor of the land tacitly encouragmg the children when such Immense improvements have been ma.de 111 pile of logs, I moved a.way , for I thought Light clouds move lazily .across the ruddy For 'Veak Lungs, Sp1ttmg of Dlood Shortsmart(' ) observations-in the very na.ture the construeuon of dynanos, motors, ac there was blood in lua eye, and t hat he face of t he queen of n.1gh t A ~ell born ncBB of B1eatb, Chrnmc Nnsnl C.ttnn 11 llroaof the above- are made, mstead of admomsb cnmulators and secondary ~enerators, and migb.t dump the load 00 the foreigners. daughter of thl!.t far off island whwb m ies ch1tis, Ast hma, Sc\ ere Coughe., 1tud kmdred affect1011s it is un ethc1e11t 1 emcdy ing or passmcr them over m silence m consequence the electric hghtmg and But when h e came bacK he stopped before nearly a tlurd of tho world by her bram and Seld b y Druggists, at $1.00, 01 Six Bottles It cannot l~e too sbrongly ms1Sted u pon, working of railways aud tramway~ has us, got on his knees, bowed three times, t hrough her well filled coffers, is playmg f or $ 5.00· · ~hat a.a the twig is bent so will the tree bf' e~tered upon a commer cial and useful stage. 1and h eld out his snout to u s for a gratmty, 1;;1th geutle touc~,the sweet vu.r1ations of the W' Send t en cents m stampg for Dr P1ercc'a book on Co11Sumptio11. Address, mclmed, and 1f a 'child bieu.thes an a.tmo· '.Ihe apphoatlon of powerful electnc curr ents I pitched a com to the ma.hout. H e whis Mockmg Bird R efin ed gentlemen and sphere l flden w ith dissertations on the edg to smelting, a.a Ill the Cowles process for Ip ered t o t he beast that his elephantsh ip gentlewomen loll or walk sortly abou t the World'S'Dispensary Medical A ssoclaiion , uig of petticoats, w h11.t Mrs Sm1th or Mrs producm g alum mum, and to weldmg, as 1would get a p art of 1t, Tlus seemed sa.ti£ dee~, h stemng to tbe musw. l t is hartl Io 663 lU:aun St., D U FFALO. N. Y. Jones said, what they had for dmner, and proposed by Ehhu Thompson, 1s ga.mmg factory, for he snuffed up a pmt of dust , realize that a few m1le3 up this broad nver perhaps tmetured with malice- or a t least ra.pid progresa, whil e the use of enHmous blew 1t over his rump and march ed off foJ a I S a b ee.ch outwa,rdly a.a mild as a meadow uncha.r1tableness- m coming years io will dynamos for t he deposition of pure copper bath m a mud hole 'not far a.way. Each 1hikelet, but whose bottom is a sh1ftmg develop a fondness for t his sort of edification rom 1mpui e e>r es 1s gammg ground with Imill h as a pi!.lr. They work only w ~hor t quwksa.nd, to touch wh1 eb is almost cer ts.Ill a.nd this sort of people, to the ex clusrnn of giant strides. N ature quotes the president Ispells, and take then rest when feeding 111 destr uct10n to the bravest s teamer , W1thm those nobler thoughts and feelings that go of the lnat1tut1on of E lectn ca.l Engmeers a11 1g rass grown mud ponds a few months two fine ships of this company authonty for the sta.tement that there a.re J In Ma.ndala.y we saw cpu te a. number be have been s ucked 1n by the sands She 1s t o m il.kc the perfect man or woman. "' A Different Thme;. at lea.st. 300,000 persons m Grea.t Britam longmg to the English Commissary D epart almost erect. I am to ld its ,m!l.sts stand a. Useful Items. depend m g upon uhe electric mduatr y for ment They were formerly Kmg Thebaw 8 few f?et out of the water. '.Ihe siAnds suck "Good mormng, Mr. J!Jditor," Bil.id 11 POLISH bnght iron work with rotten their daily bread.- Ex. One of them had a httle baby only thirty in slups as leeches take Ill blood, and a.re young man IT.I a big fur coat, stepping m to stone and oil, if 1t is runnmg machmery. four inches tall The moth et wa.s cha.med ever ready for more Vessels ate p iled one I the office of the E'lsex Bugle. " I h aTe That Awful Microbe. to a tree. The ha.by toddled to us and held upon the other, swallowed never t . o be d1 brought you some beau tiful snow- - " IN some forms of beada.che, a. towel or a t d C f 1 110 t d d l ht napkm wrung out of hot water, as hot as can The mIBcro he theory seems destmed to be Iout his snou t 1 tried to catch it . H e gave '!ea e · are u P age a n ay ig a.re A t errihle expression passed over the fac~ , a whistle I feared the cow would brell.k n ecessar y to a.void the hungry monster. It of t he ed itor as h e gr asped the h eavy office I Id bl f 11 h ll h fl Mns1 Vc or al tFe I sht at t~s1 l ~s loose-sh~ seemed so uneasy and stramed ao is h a.rd to realize that ou yon low 15Ja.ncl, shears b e borne, and wound around the head, n.f- h1e. toresp0 ford relief. e1r · ernem, a <renc s01en !St, is JUSt - der the I ly t · now engacred 111 collectm g statist ics winch I at her charn But I got my h and on the Uu ow m g moon, 1gers are "A11ow me to exp 1am," cont mued the FoR the dyspeptic fried oysters are for t ~b t' f th t k lit tle fellow's ha.ck and scratched 1t How more a.bundant t han Ill any other p art of t he youna man blP.ndly " I h a.ve brought you 1 0 bidden. When roasted m the shell oysters ~rovet oc Jaw Ih e wriggled with pleasure The mother uu world The kee pers of t he signal station some" beau tiful sno~Jlake po tutoes m pay is obn ea J\i'ict:°~h a.re delicious, and can be digested with ea.se, b a:bl s nrsc~o ~ af t a VISease is l , derstood the t h m g a.nd eased up When hve withm r 1gh brick walls, and dare not ment for my last ye.lr's subscnbtion to 0 10 ~ven hy a w eak stomach f thviru en tnth i~ ~~ h~h tr. ernetu~ we started off the calf wanted more rubbmg g o a hundred yards beyond t hem. R efuge the B ugle" 8 0 Eaa SAUC~ - Melt one fourth cup butter, hur e; a.seer bi°' f ~h \ ~ respec be I and followed us The cow blew a whlStle houses are built a.long the coa~t on hig h In another moment the t ears of th e editor 18 add two tablespoonfuls fiour, and pour on ods~h :~:po~si ~Jr d 0 e 1oc ~10f 0 ~' that made ns hu"rry T he lit tle fellow t hen piles close to the water. Canned food, 400 were s hmmg upon t he shaggy front of the slowly one pmt h ot water Season with :1a.l tb:t ~~~ ~?:_tch~ 9 ,? ~h~ a3ise ~~~ u T~'e toddl ed back and took a pull a.this monung g allons ot wa.'-er, a cha.rt with full directions young man's coat, and the twam passed out one hulf t easpoonful p epper Then add one b1t 0f h h f It . bottle how to find 11 port and a. boat are a.t each aim 1n arm to 2 ee a mao 0 fourth cup mor e of butter and two ha.rd 1 e k a bortse,b e t s~ys, m t ay t en r etsu 10 On the stea.mer going to Mandalay a Mr And great placacds are stu ck up warm ng _'_ _ _ ___,_ _ oo ia.w, u a. i e is no neoe.ssary o com th ·k ed man t o J)eware o, ' the t igers f SURGEON, boiled eggs chopped or s1iced t ti d d f h Lacey aupermten dent of the <>rcat Born e Bh 1pwr eu In a. Hurry. · · mumca e 1e isease, an owners o oraes ' "' <l t t 0 tt t t 0 t IY' tb d ge ou excep Y 11oy, ffi f t ta a emp A l·ndlord m~t. t en·nt w· g, A SOLUTION composed of i.lum, two d b h bi>y Tunber Compan y , was a fellow passau a.o no 1 60 d bl t l 2 su ermg rom e nus a.re imp ore y t e H l 600 1 h d and a.t no time t o vtnture m t o the Jung le " v ·· ~ w ONT. d t poun 8 ; we. er, ponn s; ue v i no · scien t ist to quarantme them so that neither ger. e emp oys e ep an ts ra.wmg Th · I d d d l l ' And sa.1d, "'V1thout a d oub t, sir, pounds· gelatine one pound · acetate of · b t h ll b d d M V teak logs to t he cr eeks several hundred e is an an surroun 1ng mam a.nc are 8 lead b~lt pound ' thoroughly ' mix ed, will maniorf ea.sf u t~ eln anrre · f her mlle.s up one of the branches of the Ira waddy swampy, and the low JUnglea are s aid a b U n leas y ou pay up, Mr Bragg , - THE nrev'ent mildew from afl'ectrng wood cloth· ntheui ret ertsh ofr ptatrhia I c on rmationto is H e has been here m&ny years and gave m~ solutely to swarm with tigers and croco You 11u1ely must ge t out, blr." !'" > eory o e a.c ao oCl<Jll.W mos com · d 1l N th I th t d I Then prompt ly did the other s y WP' fabrics, &c. 1 tt k h h , d · h sevexal cunous anecdotes sh owrng the won " · es o m g ess an a 1 a wa.ve seems mon ya ac s p ersons w o a.rn to o wit f 1 f h t A able to drive them a.way H is tono his hurry proving : · CASTOR OIL - The French method of ad horses the great proport1ou of ca.see bemg er u sagacity 0 t e grea.t moos era t "Excuse me, sir, I'm rushed t o da.y, min1stermg castor 011 to children is to pour those ~f stablemen, coachmen and g rooms, the ~ost of b emg prolix 1 will give my h ttle And really must be mcvmg " the 01! mto a p11n over a muderate fire, break and he 1s confident t hat he will yet succeed da.ughter t wo of them Coal Mmmg Near Banfl' -.:::lr'C>,.."T~ "1!:i"'8 an egg into 1t, abd stir up. When it is done in wrestmg the lockjaw microbe fro:n his A mahout (elepha.nt k eeper) was add1?ted ..&;";;&. " ' - ' t::. ...llL;:.m fla.vour with a little salt, or suga.r, or cur ludmg place on or in the bod of a. disea.sed to the use of opium Orders were given OTTAWA, March 19 - A N orth W est AS . T , , ant lly h [N "" T Y t hat when t he elepha.nts came into t own for m ember says t hat great activity now pre pemman est 1momaL The followin g reasons are advance d r - Je · l t th t h it l orse. · i . imes. supph esthisman should remam atafn li°ut lj t1~a A;a~ face n;w coa kmedn~at "How d oyouhkeyournewtyp e·writer?" why you sl10uld dE a l with u s: CocoANUTPUDDING-Grate the m ea.t of a. fa.rge cocoa.nub Roll five fine biecmta a.nd S1ber1a. station some miles away·· The wily e ow an h d 330r1fa. ts odpe is Te1 hng s1 m an as 1m qu1red the agent " I mmensely I , was , mix with the cocoanut add milk enon!.'h to . · had a long talk w ith his elephant-they r e<1.c e ee eep e sea.m is seven t he enthus1aat1 c re.spouse. " I wonder how O ur Orde r e d Clothmg lS cut by b d t f j f b tt B t ti S iberia is one of the finest undeveloped seem to understand Burmese - and told him feet six m ches and the qu11.hty of t he coal is I ever got along w ithou t 1t ' "Well eat, a~d a easpo~n u 0 u er d b ~e countries in the world, and it is really d1tfi· 1t o go t o town a.nd f!et l11m some op m m OJI j the very b est antbra,cite. The mme 1s bemg 1 1 wou ld you m ind g1vmg me a h ttie t est1mon' the onl y fi.rst-cla1,;s c u tter in town, 1 1 0 eggs, a d a cup a e e cult to exaggerate t h e enormous -weiAlt h of h e went, and, r eachrng the village, tore worked mght and day a.nd six tons an hour 1a.l to t hat effent ?" " Certam ly not ; I'll do T th t ± ' l · bl sugar, mix a.n a cstar L . . f Jrbl this g1ga.nt1c reg10n T he soil 18 of almost around like mad TM v ilhlger8 went to I a1e bemg taken out of the t rial slope. A s 1t gladly !" So he rolled up his s leeves and our ies ai e e mos a s u o na e 8 1 . BfLO:BIDE OF IhME fl a.nfm a it e P reven mexhaustible wealth, a·1d the cr ops a,re !the trees The eleph!.m t nosed around, smelt soon as t he new machmer y is in place t he m an 1Ucrediblyshor t space of t1me hep~und m town o u r C ollars Scarffs Hats 1our as ma.gm tieen t . There I S h ar dly any I1m1t to where opmm was stored, took a b a ll, a.n d d atJY ou t pu t WI 11 b e 1arge, prob a blY f our ed out th rn- "afted U smg t hee au tom atig t i ve or rats ' a.s t ey Itee h rom s octh ' ' ' ld i b fdrom a.hpesth i1ence. d 8 oud h e t r bown the produ ction of the lallli T b.e Russians trott ed to hts k eeper '.J..'h1~ was d ono a. hundred tons. Althou? h t he wea.therm t he 1 l B~ck a.c t1011n ltypewriter torthre emont hs£ and U n der wear aie the most dur1eb rua.ry was unf avilrable, y e t I and Over 1 u dheR own th t e1r o1 es b a.n sprea ld k 1 t a ou w er e d th emse1ves h ave b u t an imp er fect l d ea of second t un e, when t he master ga ve ord era m on th of F 1t1;ttmggly prono nee it to a b l e that can be procured, our 1 efy cb. ver ld ey wou d e . 1 t '? h ctome, a.n the immensity of tbe1r natural wea.lth, and that a small piece of the dru" should be colli!1derable sh1ppmg was done Ahont 97 I be al a.d even more tha. n the Mllllufacturs 0 1 s ou )e reuewe once a. or mg h ! t ·d R l 1 d 1 "t t h ' l f h h t I · · our R ea d y-ma d e C l o~ '- h ing 18 · as n1ce,,J h. B J T k b t d f ot er p eop e ou si e uss1a. cannot rea 1ze1b given t he b east whenevo, he ca.me to to 1 vn c1n oa s et e nnnea, " o w tc wen t o 1clam1? for 1t During t he t ime been m l EEF EL:Y ~ ~.at on ~fe .poun ot at all. 8 1\>en a.1 Bl far from bemg a r egion In this Wl\Y the mil.bou t was kept on very W innipeg ana 63 t o San lfranc1sco and t he possess10 n i, three monthz l id h as noxe d d ean, JUICy ec · cu 1 111 0 sm& pieces, pn of desolation and of death, is a northern short allowance for the elci.>hant did n ot Pa.c1fic coast The ou tlook for tra.de to '1 t h a.n than paid pa.id for 1t£elf m t he Save ma e an c ut as w e ll aH other dry r~o cold wat:f fld le\ h oak for t Ont h~ur. Australia, with larger river s, more extensive seem to comprehend the n ecessi ty of gd t10g Califorma. is of ttte most p10m1smg ch arac ing oF t ime an d la.brr ?_ John ~ Smit h." good s houses t hat adv rtise o r d ered en put on he r~ WI ,one p m do wft~j'> I forests, and mmeral wealth n ot rnfen or to a ball but was satisfied w ith a snail bit ter. The extent of t he market van har dly I "Tuer c y ou are sir !" "Thanks " said the easonmg d wit dsa l1 t' ptepper, ant a. d 1 d e tha t of t h e island contment. At ~nother time an el ,ph a.nt camp got ou t b e i eal ·zed and will tax t he energies of the ; a.gen t dubiously' ' work- the y peddle y o ur cloths all e1er y see an e 1 stew no i 1 re u ce d · th wo thirds; stram on a few b lades of mace. -·- · -tof ~uga.fr It w Ch as near a trdall wTh hrnh ahpontsy company unng e connng see.son over town to a number of tailors e h t Oommg Cnihsa.hen. ram rom ma pa.sse · e ma ou The R1p;tlt Sort of Sermon rv ueGA~ 'c ooxrns.- Two eggs, one cupful of T 0 knew.a h am was near at hand- one of them An Odd Accident. to b e made u p cheap, so call u pon . he hmet:e mm1st er 1ately accredited to explam ed to his brute what wa.s wanted At a recent ga.t hermg of Umtarians one IVES 1g!l.r, one £half cupful of buth t er ,f three tabf l e a !ell.cling Eur opean court was takmg lea.ve of and sent him to inter cept the t ram H~ S N ~a.r Siou x City a pa.~senger tram 00 t he Jar ak er recited an anecdooo which admits of and get your Cloths 1 1 1oonfuls o sour cream, one a t easpoQn u Tery emment Englishman, a nd, p1t·mg him d 1d d d tl t th t d t l aul railro,\d W !l.S runnmg at a. r ap id s toge and van ed applwation I t W" " the ! 30 r so, and four cupfuls of flour These ~ an scare le men e r.ees te h t he e gz e umped the t k I "~ , cod·, w beca.use his wife ha.d gone to E ngland for the tt d th l d 8 0 f t h Th a w en n n J rao ' s oe1y of a min1ater who prea.ching on ex· e p om es d any oth er cookies should be thoroughly education of their children, said, " You sea. ere e oa e b roke loose from the tram and went rn; o a change, said some s trong' tbmga a.bout fast e 1xed Ill t he bowl so as not to r eqmre must be v er y lonely. Bu t of course you elephant f~und some sugar baskets, ate Ins ditch l'l lth ou t d isturb·ng the m ils.. The 1horses He was told a.f ter t he sermon that Yours sin c e 1e l y , eadmg. Roll out, sprmkle with sugar have a number two" "I t ried to explam own fi lJ- ,hey ar e v eiy fond of swet:ts cars kept on, pll>ssed the scene of accident , ! he rai touched one of t heir best me mbers d r oll h ghtly , cut ll1 s ha.pe and bake to him," said the E nglishman, "thii.t t hat - and ca· Hed off a b asket to his k eeper. r ounded t\ cu rrn and ca.me to" stz.ndstill. j on a t ender pomt " Well," saHl t h.e l\.n excellent substitute for gum arab1c IS wa.s qmte out of question My wife would Each elephant has his inch ndua.l keeper, Tb.e p assengers rn·h ed t o the doors, only to ! p r eacher " I cannot change my sern1on for de as follows T went i ts of owdered but when they go mto cit inp at clofe of day fi d ti t t h e ! 1 d d18ap ea. d f · y n la eir eng m a. p re rom }um " In t he cvenrng t he man was m t ro · r b oiled wit h seven ~aparts of frpesh m1llr, be Ill a i age if I took a second wife, and my they a.re sent oil o.lon e to the JimgleB for dr_ ----- -- - w ,., Government would punish me severely" d d f l b h . sight Various suggestwna bordering on duced to the mrn1stct, wh o said, " l under l thIS then mixed with 50 parts ot a 36 'l'he Chin ese diplomatist was astomsh ed · , woo ' a.n n ev er at to rmg t e riroper the superimturr.l wer e ma,do a s to the m an , btood t ba.t wh t I b· 1d t his morning tou ch kmd From ma.Dy thaws told me I am l f th I t · ~ " ~'" cent so1ut10n of Sl 11Ca.te of so d mm, t Ile but 11.fter a pause he said "You Europeans l t d d l l " d d l ner anc canao 0 e ocomo ive s mysteriou s ed one of your weaknesses. I assure you ture b em g t heu cooled to 122 l!'ahr > hav'e $()much mo:e mter~o11rse with Chmll. a mos plrtsua e 1iey h<\~ 81 Cl ltfaSOht d isappear;j,DO·, but after wallnng down the : t ha.1 I w as altoirether unconscious of t he 1 a ie:, a~V a.' e tnf " d ~hp y ~ug track and around t he curve t hey found the weakness when I said 1t " "Ot1 , do not p oured m to t m boxes, where granular now that we may hope ~on will soon become ~ng kqb sea will gradually separate which look! sum.ciently c1v1lised to act 11.s we 'lo." ric sf y IO el t R e w a c ief t e per d isabled mach me Ill the d itch troulJle y ourself," said t he man. " It is much h ke pieces of ""llll ar a.bic. anoe o severa a augoou or wo or ree ..,. -·- hours, and saw endeuces of sagacity fa.r " bb d b · . a very poor sermou that does not h it me IOCOLArE MARDLE CAKE.- One a.nd one Fogg says he loves to go into society, for surpaesmg the little tricks done rn t he men A.eha Y coat is no iagr ace, ut it is a , somewher e " cupfuls of sugar, one half cupful of but l:e always sees ther e so many fools Lhat he agerrns Tile ml1h ou t si ts on a. houdah on gr eat tmpediment the su ccessful n egotm- l _ ___ _ _...._ _ _ one egg one cnpful of milk one tea. returns home wfth qmte a good op1mon of th l k 0I tl h I H 1 t rnu of p, small loan, sa:ys an exchange, but J An English t raveller t old a Bel!lla (Ilm a.re p rep a.red to pay the high es t 1mce ' h ' h lf e )ac e iare Y what if we try cur " Uncle'" ie uge a.mm~ lful of cream t artar, one a.lf teaspoon 1mse spe·k s loud enough for one to hear him a l d uras) newspaper m au that he had e ..ten a. all kmde of Gram delive r ed a.t the ioda F la.vour with _vamlla. ~hen One Sabbath afternoon a worthy mmister, few feet off Mr Lacey believes t h ey We h ave b een rei.;ilm g up ou ethn'?logy of " scorp ion p1e " while m M exico, and that he mixed, take half of 1t m another drnh, observmg by the time h e had reached the understand B urmese One day he prl!.lsed ln.te and find that .Adam was an Irishman, liked it 'T he natives told him t hat young Wharf or their Store House iu town. tir into it one Equare of melted ch?co third "head" of hlB discourse the drowsy one of t heelepha.nts m this la.ng ua.ge The s he see med to have b een Eve icted J scorp1ons were frequently ubliseil for food H ave .your tm rea.dy , aud put in a d isposition of several of hlB hearers, qmetly animal showed evident pleasure He then W e ,1 we been reading up on ethnolovy of for the .lower cla.ases, who dig t hem from ful of h ght and d ark alterna.tely. remarked : " In the first place, those of you spoke duparngingly of him. T he va.in mon· late, ii: find that Adam was a.n Iushma.n, t heir nest s in hundreds, remove the st111g, T he new Mm1stry of Sweden 18 decidedly D CAKE.- One cup of butter, two of who are a.wake will notice," etc. ster gave sach unmistakabl e 1 11gns of being all h e 8< ms to ha.ve b een Eve icted. and make omelets of them. protect 1om st. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1888 HOUSEH OLD. sugar, four of sifted flour, one of sweet milk, the yolks of eight eggs, two teaspoonfuls of cream tar tar, and one of soda. Stir the but ter and sugar to a cream; bea.t the yolks, a.nd add to the butter aud su~ar ; tiift the cream tartar rnto the flour, dissolve the soda. 111 the milk. Put m half the flour, and whe11 well mixed add the rest of the flour. Flavor with lemon or vamlla.. T oin shell11.c varnish that ha.a been allowed to settle tor a few days, and the thm upper layer then ta.ken off, m~ kes a clear lacquer for brass work The great trouble with amateurs 18 that they try to use lacquer that is too thick. It should be 50 thm 118 to be pa.rtia.lly tri.nspa.rent, nnd us clear as good wine. H ·at the articles a httlo hotter than boilrng Wl).tei, and lacquer qmckly. If the work looks foggy or streaky, the lacquer IS too th1ek or there was uot enough heat Sometimes it ca.n be made clear by placmg the work lll a hot stove O\' en for one or two mmutes. l~OI steel colour on bra.sa, dip in a solution of chloride of platmurn -· 1UU EM mm 1 1111 2£LE&& zw ELE PHA l!TTSAT WORK. now Tllese Sagaet· as A.nJmals J·e-rform ·he ,'fHk or Men zol ·he Lumber MUls. angry that the mahout asked J.<1.cey to desist to prevent danger. - u WIT AND WISDOM. The Query of Lift I I I I I I I I I I A Georgfa farmer ma.de $100 off an ncre planted in watermelons, and a phys101an m the n eighborhood made $2L0 off t he same a.ere. Advice t<J wives-Man 1s very m uch like an egg , keep !um m hot water and he :s bound to become hardened M tss Sangbleu (indignantly)-" W aiter , you've got your thumb mmy s oup I" Green watter (assurmgly)- " No mat ter, miss , 1t. isn't hot enough t o burn me" A Flo11da hun ter says t hat an alligat or will eat anything of t he food kmd known to man, a.ud t na.t four ounces of p o1so11 wont even make one of t he r eptiles feel a httle bad At a Texas hotel-Guoot (to colored poxt er)-" I want you t o be sure and vr·ke me up at 5 o clock " Porter-" All yer has to do 1s to pull de hell when yer wants tm be woke." Two SIDES OF IT -Striker (connng home at 11 p rn ) "Biddy, p hwere'a me su pper" Wife "O.'ve strucK Oi cant "orrk ~wmty four hou rs a day w hm yersilf won't put m t in. " The different kinds of laughs they lrn.ve Dudes -Ha 1 Ha. l Farmers - Ho 1 Ho ' Team1;1ters --Haw ' Haw t Baloomsts H1 1 H1 l Feed dealers -Hay 1 H a.y l W o meu - H e ' He ! The grefl.test elevation ever attarned by man is 37 ,000 feet a@ove t he level of the sea-except when his wife blows him up for carrymg clo\ell m lu s pockets T hen his altit ude 1s somewh at higher. The young man who will "hug himself," even when he is very happy , don't deserve to h ve in a. count ry w here ther e are 4,000 toboggan slid es m full bla.sf every day and evenmg - D etr oit Free P ress An estbet1c Chicago tailor sends to his patrons m lieu of bills a. beflutifully colored prmt of forget me not. He says the scheme works mcely and his patr ons never p aid up so prom pt ly and cheerfully befoie A New York graduate of a school of orr.. t ory a.dvert1Res " to give special lessons 1n bobolmk tones e.nd baby cries " By the openmg of sprm g her p11p1la will probably be rivalmg the native sougsteu, both bird and bab y, 1u t heir melodies A city qui, writrng to h er coutm 1n the country, said she t hou:;:h t i t mwht be mce enough on a farm rn the sum mer tune but she d idn't 1ma...,;m e it was ' ery pleasant m the wm ter wh en thl'y ha d to hHvest the wmter wheat an d p10k the wmter apples I t was a. typical Par1sienne who once aaid to a. fair friend m a burst of confidence "Oh, ma chere, there is, believe me, n oth m g so aggra.vatmg a.a a i ealous husband ; but theu, you k now, I C !Lnn ot 1magme anythrng so h unuliatmg as a husband who m not so 1" Magl6trate (to p11soner)- "You say , Uncle R !l.stus, tnat you took the ham because you a.1e out of wor k :i.nd y our fa,mly are starv mg And yet I understani that you have four dogs abou t the home. " U ncle Rast us - "Yes, sll.h, hut I w uddent ar sk my famlly to eat dogs, yo' H onah !" S ' tJ1 _ ~ " Mflmma," inquired a. little Keutncky boy, " w ha.t was Adams full name ?' ' ' H e only ha.d one name, my dear , simp ly Adam" "And did Eve call him Adam ' " " Cer tam ly. W h a t cou ld s he call h im ?" ' She might have called him Colonel." "M ar y," said J\'[r~ Blank to her ma.id, " you can tell Bridget tha t she excelled herself in t he p ies we had for dmner to day," A little later M rs. Blank went down to the kitchen and found Bridget very sad and solemn "Why, what is the m t~tter " asked t he lady, v ery much sur pnsed. " Shure, mum, ' came the answer, "d1du't you tell Mnry I cou ld go sell m yself with them P'ff· ~ ' HAT - - I AILS YOU? ..... 0 g ; I C ONSUMPTION, liver, Blood, and lungs. I I I M d JdW I I I I I 0 !ct ECLIPSE 6;' I ! I f I I e: 3 N A· ° p RQp E RLY MADE I W. H. IVES. 0 ° r thm I ! GI-t AIN ! Jno. Mc]liurtry & Co. I I U:, 0 I I