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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1888, p. 3

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Feeding the Sick. plcnd1sh the dish t han to rnu t he nek of 1· ha:" her faults! Jud~tng bJ>: the some.what , WEDNESDAY, MARCB 21. 1888 In serious illness the sufferer must relv disgosting by offering too much itt oncA. 8p1teful r oflecttons ot a variety of emtnent " · _ · / writers. ]for insti:.ncc these : chiefly if not entirely upon liquid food to strength. It is important that the , CANDI.ES. Frun klin: He that tak es a wife takes Our latesti mporta.t1on has arrived f rom Fran ce, and we w ill J, 0 glad to see our friends and 1JC< 1usintancea ond those with whom w0 nurse should know how to give it aa skilfulcarr · have been in correspondence. in ft1ct any and all who nre in se1trch "' ly as poseible to n.void unnecesoary fatigue C HOCOLATE CREAM DRoPs.---Mb. nulf La [J 'ontaine: Foxes a.!l ta.ii and women first clHss PEl:WHElWNS and FRENCH UOA CH l.CH.S to look thom to the patient . The utmost skill and eare cupful of cream wit h ·two cupfuls of white c.ll tongue. over. We have an exception ..lly floe lot, and our siud is so Jari;:es in the pre-pa.ration of the food will be thrown sugar. ; boil and stir f~lly. l:ive minutes ; E ugene Sue : There is somethiug still · ha~ 11.II mey be pleased. We otf~l' the largest number and greatest variet:r to sel!'!ct from, All ot1,r ir;1ported sLOck is selected by MR, away if the invalid cannot be induced to take It off and set t he dish m to a.nother of worse to be dret>ded than a Jesui t a.nd that FARNUM himself personally rn l· ranee, a11d he accep~~ nothing but take enough of it to nourish him properly, cold water and stir until it becomes hard on is a J esuit csa. ' the best Horses of the mo n approved b1 ·eeding. and the nurse foils in her first duty who the edge, then make into b>ills about the F' Id' I th f · ff 1 f · d Our Home· bred Stock is all tho proi;:eny of se.lected sires a.a d dams does not devise means by which this sh all be si 0 f bl a d with a fork roll each 1e tng : n .e ormrng o ema..e nen · of tbe best form and moot desirable broeding. We guarantee our mar ea, m . nthe ch'.1colate, which . beau ty seldom recommends one woman ze ~epara.tely stock. :Sell on easy terms and a t low prices. accomplished. When the head cannot b e one ha.s 11hipa to another ' Ve w111 be glad. to answer all corres poudenoo p·omptly ; hu.t we raised from the pillow a. bent glass tube ca.n been prepared by steammg. Put them on ' . wou ld strongly advise persons cont emplating the, of a horse be used to draw the fluid int-0 the mouth. brown paper to cool. Flavor with va.nilla., Socrates:. 1:ruat not a wom1m when she or Per..,horon or French Coach. to get on the train a nd come and see us. If the end is raised a little as it is removed if liked. This makes about tlfty drops. weeps, for it is her nature to weep when Catalogue free by Mai l. not a <lrop need be spilled. 'Vhere there is she wanls her will. delirium a piece of rubber tubing may be l'~:ANUT CANDY.-Doil one cupful of suga.r R ochebrune: It is easier for a woman to substituted for this, as t.he sufferer aud one of molasses until it will be britt le defend her virtue men tha.n her PR.Ol'KIETORS 01" ISL.lND llOJtlE STOCJK l'A.RH, HJl'OllTERS AND BUE EDEltS, might break the tube and swallow a frag- when cold; stir in ha.If a pint of peanuts just reputation against women. Address a.11 communioations to Detroit, Mich.} GKOSSE I S LE, \V At'.NE CO., llUUHIGil, ment of i't, Feadin!? . cups of different shapes before taking it off the stove. Cut in squares ··· · cooI enougn · t o b reak · Ben Jonson: A woman the more curious are sold with and withr,ut spouts. I n usrna b ef ore l't ts " she is about her fa.ce is commonly the more them be cal'eful t o regulate the flow of lcE GRllAM three cupfuls ca.releaa a.bout her house. liquid, that it does not come too faet. of sugar, orushed or loaf ; a little less than When it is necessary to feed witfl a spol)n, one-half cupful of viuegar ; one and a half La.dy Montagn: It goes far towards r e· see tho.t there is not 11 drop in the bottom of cupfuls of cold water; a piece of butter of conciling me to being a. woman, when I r e· J it, p ut it well_ in th~ mouth and empty t~e the eize of a. wa.lnut; flavor with vanilla.; fleet that I am thus in no danger of mar rying contents slowly, A!wav~ plac(l I> napkm 1boil without &tirring \1Pt il its spins a t hread; onS.wlft: The reason why few ma.rriagee 80 under the cbin t~ ai;.~ch llhattce drops and then pull until white, dry t he lips gently with i b after the food ia , . . ., . . are happy is b ecause young ladies ~pend PURES1'~ Si ill O!,~'CES'lf',. 91EST, given. When the invalid is stronger and CREAM VV ALNV'J.'S. · t wo cupfuls of their time in making nets, not in making CON1'Alll.: 1'1 NI) desires to drink from a oup, the nurseshoulci sugar[ · . tvr<Hhl.rds c:ip1ul of wat~r ; _fl~vor ca.gos. ALUM, AMMONiA, 1.IM t, PHOSPHATES, pass her left hand u11der the pillow and with. mnon. o_r v?'1111la? and bod w1thc'!t Alphonse K arr : A woman who writes or MY Injurious materials. raise the head on it, holding it at a comfort· iatlr:mg un~d it :wit! spill a threa d. ~et. it commit.a two sios, she increases the number a.ble angle, while with her right she grasps . <>~ mtr: a d1Sh ";1th a. ltttle cold water Ill it; of books and decrea~es the number of wo· ILLETTt TOUONTO,ONT. E · W · "' VI CHICAGO, ILL. the cup, adjusting it so tho liquid will flow stir briskly until whit~ and Have men. l!an'f'r of tho CELEllllATED l:CYAL YEASTCAltilS. ea.sily but not too fast, some walnuts 0!'.ngh sh) ready shelled. Douglas Jerrold : What women would do A very sick person must be fed at least the cream mto . small, round cakes if they could not cry nobody knows ; what ae often as once in two hours, about four with t~e fingers, and press half a walnut on poor defenceless creatures they would be. ~he T1·icd ill v:un to Get ounces, or half an ordinary te1teupful, being side. For. cream datea, fresh Charles Buxton : Juliet was a fool to kill ReHe.f" and had quite given at a. time. If he is t aking milk and dl!tes, remove the atones, fill t he centres herself, for in three months she'd have beef tea. t hey may be a.lternated, one ration with the same cream. married again, and be glad to be quit of T fi t '11 b h d h Given up all Hope, of beef tea neing given to two of milk. It Philadelphia. claims to eat and make more Romeo. wenty- Ve cen S extra WI e C arge W en accounts run is safer to err on the side of too much than candy, in proportion to popula tioo, than any Campbellford, June 9, 188/j. too little nourishment. If it does not ca use oth er city in the country. There are Si Chesterfield : Women are much mere over one month. MR. E. MORRIS, Toronto, nausea, fiatu! enoe, vomiting or diarrhoaa, it manufacturers and wholesll.lers and 1,200 re- s.likc than men ; they have in truth but two d · t0 · iB b e!ng digested a.nd 1s doing good. When tailers, and they use more than $ 1,000,000 p a.ssions, vanity and love ; these are their l DE.AR Srn :feel it my nty give t he atomach is sensitivo the feeding becomes of cap ital and consume 100,000t ons of sugar u niversa I oharacteristica. you my testimony for the good I had a matter of great difficulty. Lime wa.te1· every year. Ca.r amds are a great speoialty R etif d e la Bretonne : The, life of 11 woma.n from your Dandelion Liver and K idney should be mixed with tho milk in the pr o- of the t rade in that city. 1' or other places Bitters. My liver w11s in a bad state a nti portion of four tablespoonfu l to the pint and much chocolate and wal.nut candy and many ia a long dissimula tion, candor, beauty, I wad a great sQffer e r.. I had tried in it shou ld he given ice cold. Tr:v one t ea.- gumdrops m~de. Six t;ons of gumdrops fresh ness, virgi nity, modesty-a woma.n has vain to get relief and h ad quite given up npoonful, if that is retained follow it .in were shipped fro~ P_hila.delphia. to P ittsburg P.ach of these but once- ·when lost, she must all hope, till a fri<md told mo of y onr fit teen minutes with a.nother, gradually m - the week before Christmas. Brooklyn maims simulate them the rest of her life. Bitters. I got a bo ttle at once and I a m. creasing the qu!l.ntit y. If it ~s rej ect~d, the most chewing gu~, it is said, a.nd Bos· · happy to say the .Bibters m ade a new wo· wait for hal t a.u hour and try a1ram. In d111- ton ea.ts the most of 1t. The Loneliest Suot m Europe. man of me. I can hea rtily recommetu'I rr~~·a., t h e_ milk should b e heated to t'1;e · One hundred a.nd forty miles from tbe them to any one troubled with liver com- boiling pomt _a.ud allowed to stand u.ntil S · t M . r8 northwest coi»s t ofScotland, and forty mi les PERSONALS. . , ADVISE TO M oTinrns.- Are y ou plaint. You rs truly cold before bemg u~.ed. Except. when ID a OCle Y anne ' from t heneuest la.nd--the extreme point of I turbed at night aud b roken of y o ur r est CARRIE STEPHEN&. ~tupor fr?m exh~ust10?, a.s 1 sd1 -r;et11l;s ncc1~s Wh1Lt iu t~o real secre t of being_ agree.abfo7 the H ebrides Isl~nds-lies a little arc~ipelThe Gian.d Duke of R·den wi·hes to take by a sick child suffering and crying with m typhoid fove1 , an mvul_ not e E~ery ~ne ~11shes to be so, .pa.rt1culariy .~t ago or group of 1elands, called t he Hirt or an American tour, but his ministers 0 uose pain of Cutt ing T eetli 7 If send a t · snou 60 · P. · -- - --- wakened to be fed . Di.u mg a. long sleep t;hJs social hme of yea.r. Is it a. natural g1tt ! llirst, and more commonly known by the h. f~od should be prep0>.r~d 1n r eadmess to be or C.\n it be a.cquirAd ! There are those who na me of one of the islands, St. Kilda. t e_ proiect. . , . once and get a bo ttle of "Mrs . Winslow's Good.News a t Home. g iven a.t once on .wn.kmg.· A convalescent toil and strive ~or it, but never it , and St. Kilda. j g almost a. lost isla.nd, 80 . far is· ~os~ph .Cha.mberl!l.lD s 0;Ue~tion of or · ~oothing. ~y:up," For children t eething: -should take. some hghtnou~ishmen~, as t here those who have it in gr eat perfec- it out in the broad Atla.ntic, 80 completely cb1da rn !us home, near Bmnrngha.m, its value 1s mcalculable, It wi ll relieve E. MORRIS, E sQ., - D 1u1t Srn,- 1 h~v J, of waxm milk, the ~.-st thrn g· at nigh ~. P er- 1 ion without the least apparent effort. deserted by the rest of the world, and so valued at $50,(100. the poor litt le sufferer immediately. D ereason to speak well of your Dandelion son~ who ar~ · very ill shoul~ be fed 1!1 the I The t o be agreeable is pa<t of these· 1 wildly beaten upon by the storms. But in Gabrielle Greeley, daughter of Horace, is pond u pon it, mo thers ; there is n o Liver and Kidney ~itters.. I ha'·.~- been earuy mornm?, ~rom three 0 olock l:!nt;1 five~ cret, provided _the wish is st.iong enoui;:h to ~pite of its remoteness, and the fac t that th.e almost as striking a. figure as her renowne.d mi~take about i t . I t cures ' Dyse ntery troubled for Aomo time with my K idney I The powers of life thc!l tt. th;xr I~wes. overcome our mdolencc, One w ho go~s to isla nd ha.a but a very small extent of oul tt- father. She must be hard upon S5 but is a n d Diarrhrea, r egula t es the Stomach and and a friencl of mine recommended them ebb n.nd ought to be. rem ore~ · dd . dnea pi:trty homstly determin ed. to contnbate va.ble soil St. K ilda is inh a.bit ed by nine- full of force and vitality. Bowels, cures W i nd Colic, so ftens the 0 to :µui aucl I tried them in my case, and c~ssaby, andext~a. ~over::igbut~\ ea. t e ~ his fair .share to the general enjoyment, t een famiiiea, .nu mbering, in 1881, seventyDuring the absence of Dom Pedro in G ums, r ed uces Inftammation, and gives f 0 ll11d them to work like a charm · there- t .e ed a n a n wa er o e puu o e rar tly f~ih to be agr~cable. That reBolve seven souls. Europe, the execut ive authority of Brazil to::ie a nd energy t o the '"hole sy~tem, · ' · feet. The ·tr auge " and lonely life tha.t those h as b een con fid e d t o 1us · d aughter, I'rmcees · " Symp ·· · fjfot fore I have much pleasure m recommendh I 1 t· t with a lid I causes him . to render . his person.a.I apn<>a.rance r .. " Mr9. Winslow's S oothing 1 f ·d· . th em t o ll11 perso ns who ~ n. mglda b ee ept pa ien of l\ an a.o pleci.aing as elf possible, and this of itself w th people live d h()re even for Isabel as regent' childre11 tceth1'n2 i ' s pleas·nt to the t .. ··.·,,. rng ~re trouble d food itee shou n ca~ mto mnu thfu 19 o impor ta.nt ment of success l is a t matter d t 6 dof· pity h b' t t f ~ ~""" 1 a.n 8 0 · any way WI 'th the ir · K'd · · and, f e d sow 1 l y, ~mp le ·t' e poor an a who mos have eser a large m a.and L:1dy Clmrles Dilke · th e p r eacr1p · t ion ' 1 oev. coi;iven1ent siza ime It is wonderful what spotles~· cleanliness the Hebrides, popu. is writ ing a book on an d JS of on e of t h e o ld m yo urs t ruly, berng a.Howe? for it to be ma.~t1ca.ted and and tasteful attire will do for people to lous r egion compared with St. Kilda. ? er r~cent travels wi~h her husband. ' ~he est and best fema.le p hysicians and n urses J. J. J oNEll. swall?we~ with ea~e before offermg the n ext. whom nat ure bas not been gracious. BeBut not only is the population of Sij. K ilda is tryrng to arrange 'Y1th La.d,Y Butler (Eliza- in the U nite d Stat es, and is for sale by Newtonville, M ay 3, 1887. Noth1!1g ts more likely to take away the 9ides disposing others to be easily pleased a.s larve as it was in the middle of the beth T hompson) for illnst:ab?ns. · a ll druggists through the world . Price a;ppe~ite 0~ a. weak person than to be bur· with us, it puts us in uood humor with our- century, in spite of the unhealthiness of the Lady_ Morell :Mackenzie, lll a.~dition t o 29 cents a. bottle . Be sure and ask for n~d m ea.trn_ g . It shou'.d _be. re~embered to selves, a.nd tha.t helps us to get in friendly people's wa.y of life and a very h igh death the India shawl she r ecently recet~ed from "l\Ins. W rNSLow's Soo:rHING SYRUP.,, to $Sa day · .Samvle.s and duty F REE brrn~ salt 'Y'th the food if l~~ed, to offer a.ccord wi'bh the rest o~ the company. rate, but the island ha.11 sent a few emigra.nte the Queen, ha.s several va.~ua.ble g1!ts from and t ake no other kind. Lines not un<ler the horBe'sfeet. Write a drrnk at mte; vals, _and t o anttetpate every Those clubs and sociables which agree to to Australia. the German Emperors and Crown Prm oes. BREWS'IER's. SaFETY Ii n:iN HOLDlJlt want as far o.s is~ae1ble. . meet without" dressing up, " do not gener The childr en all are subject to attacks of The reigning p rince of, who is Co.. HGll, Mrnh. . In aln;ost a ll diseases eol_ d water a.~d ice ally last long. 'Vhen people come together fits brought on, the doctors believe, by the now 70, is blind. H e Jives principa.Jly at ~T/t"· -·- are per.m1tted to be fr eely ~iven. It best for any ra.ti~nal obj ect , they ough t t o " dress pec~lia.r food given them. :F' rom the d a y of his Ch a.tea.u d u a.nd is rigidly H II~"' :·,.!I we th~ water when. it ca.n be ~\ oided. up." It is unposstble to OYerdreaa, and to their birth, they are made to swallow a de- careful in bis expend iture although h is for\~';~\/' If it B p ut mto.a sto~etntcher, or Jar cov: attach an un r easonable importance t o ex. coction of oil tak·~n from the petrel, 'llixed tune is $!!00,000 a year. Wben Bnby was sick, we ga"e her Castorla, . ;,....,,. ered on the outa;de ~nth a co~r~e cloth kcp. ternals ; but;, surely, t his ib an extreme leas with port wine. Out of every nine child1·en . . '\Vhen she WM a Child, she cried for Uastoria, constantly w~t, it will be _s~fi1cien1 ly cooled to be deplored than a boori3h indifference to born, five die in infancy, Prmc_ e ~:1.rnl1Ly of Rns1 a , whom the \ Vhen sho beco.rn<1 Miss, she clung to Caatoria, bl>'. evu.por1J.t10n. A del~r1ous, or uneon: t he impression we make on ot hers. St. Kilda is formed almost wholly of steep Czar dmmssed. from the ar~1y beca~se he sc1ous I1 erB . on shoi:l<~ be g iven u. spo n:~ful ?I It is not well to pu~ on clothes which cliffs, rising to a l eight of one thousand two J allowed hil'I _child to be christened m,_ the Wheu sho bad Children, she g:ne·thom Castoria, water fnquently if it can be_ swallow;-~1.. if costly beyond our means, or splendid be-1 hundred and twenty feet, a.nd access t o i t is Lut~eran fa~th, has now been 1:1ot1 fied .hat :;:;:==:%:ii not , the hp'l should. be mo1st_ e ned. . There yond t he occasion; but it is hig hly p roper , possible only through a cleft in t h e rocks. I the rnfont will be ta~e.'.'. from_hun unl!lse he 1 t h.i sensation of t hirst although to express ou~ r esp ect for the co~pu.ny we! Vessels approach it only during the t hree con sen~ t o have it r e -chnatened m the , may I t here l > n~ power t;> expl'ess tb~ want. enter by mium;g OllTSE:lves l1.S pleasmg to the months o.f ~ummer. Only during these three Greek nte. ! Small pieces of tee can. be chipped off. a eye as we poas;bly cau. months are any mails r eceived on the island· W ilkie Colline was asked the other day Unapproached fo:: 1e.nd for merly the case was still worse, fo; how he came by Count F osco, the only fat block by p ressing the pomt of t\ stout p~n Tone and Quality. nbearkthffc. edte ~· a /.ump j tfr>igm~ntsThill The Minister's Old Thorcu~bbred. ! t he loyal subjec ts of the queen at St. Kilda villain in fi ction. " He was au agglomera.rea- o i'? t e irec .· ior~ 0 !e gram. . ey , . · . I did not hear of King W illiam IV. 's death, t ion," replied the n ovelist, " and I m < CATALOGUES FREE. ~cr:p best Ill"' c?ver ed ~hsh with a stramer, Som~thmg ove: half a century a go. an ·~- / a.nd Victoria's accession to the throne until h im fat because a lady once the re· h k e a butter d1ah, w?1ch allows the . water tense nva'.ry exis ted between th~ mha~l· i t hree' ears v.fter t he event. ' m'l.rk to me at a dinner p'l.rty t hat no novel to s~min _away as t.hll ice melts., A pi~we of tv.nts of .Lttchfield and. of N~w M1lf~rd, tn ! Du;lug nll this time t he pa.ator of the hst could m' a really lifelike fat v" n~tt.rng bed ?vec a cuI> .and. holiowed ill the Connecticut, as to w h rch of uh<Jse villa!.(eB i ~hurch on the island continued to r ead the Lord Di~ngan, it is, has listened t o 1 middle to hold the lump will answer. The had the faetest horse. l t h r.ppened thM l prayer s for t he king's lifo reason, and, a.t the earnest entreaties of his 1 cup should be covered with. sever>tl folds of t he Rev. Dr. T aylor-a famous pre~cher of Some ii~e ago a dreadful tempest raged father, E~rl Cowley, ha.a consented to re· n~wspaper t? exclude. the air. th at d a.y, and r. warm perso.nal frien d of ) o.t S t. Kilda ancl the i nhabitanta having nounce h is marriage engagement to t he FREEJ.'ir.AN3S VVJ~en stunul~nt 1~ ordered , the exact t.he Rev. Dr. Lyman Beecher s- had an old , bst much 0 their property ancl b eing in ball et woman, Phillys Broughton, and I qaa.ntity ~o be given. i!'. tw~lve hours m ust th?rou~hbred h orse th'.·tcouldou t;rnn ev~ry- j distress and<r ssveral months to travel in America.. Some thousands of dolWORM POWDERS; be ascer~amed and divided mto equal d oses, thmg Ill t hat p a.rt of. Connec~icut. The b efore 'the mail-b;at would reach t hem, will soothe the young woma.n's broken t? be given every hom:, or me .re <!ften as young men of New M ilford, b~mg . greatly l wrnt e the stor of t heir anfferi n s, nt it Are plec.mmt to t::lre. Contn!n t helr own 01rcums~an~es ma.y r equne. . If wluskey or w~rked up by the b oast,s ,of t hen' J;1tchfield l in a bottle as l he s11rvivors of a. gwrrck at heart. J."nrgntivc. I s o. s::cfe, aaro, o.ncl cffoct c ml brandy 1sg1ven, anqualpart,of wate_r sh;ould n~ighbours, called on 'I:!r· Tayl or, and ~sked 1se& aometimes do and threw it into the '. fhe death of Gideoll Nye, U. S. vice· !Seatro_ycr or 'fJ'orma ill Chilfuun or .Adult,s. , be added u nlesa aomo other proparu.t1 on 1 ;ejex- him to let them have his h?rae for a t na.l. of water. ' consul at Canton, China, is announced. He pressly ordered, A st rong d ose of stum~- speed, Tho doctor ~hock his head, and said, , The bottle was icked u , delivered into was the oldest foreig n resident in Uhina., !ant more effe.ctual than the same qirnnh- ' My dear young friends, that would .never ( th e hands of the £rect ors ~f the ]free Kirk having been there since 1833. He amassed ty chlu~ed. . do . . .It would n?t anewe~ for a man m ~y ! of Scotland at Edinbur b to whom it was a for tune of about$6,000,000 and lost it all. If a stck p~rson expres~es a str1ong ·d esire position to be mixed u p 1n an y suc.h affo1r. a.ddressed, and a smalf steamer was sent to At the t ime of his d he was writing a for some article of food it shou.d ~e men- You can .~ee, for yourselves that it would St. K ilda. with su pplies. h istory of Uhiua's relations with foreign 1 t ioned to t~e doctor. :rh~se ~ravmgs aro never do. The y~1rng men h owevel' would The life of the s·t. K ild a people is so p rim· p owers. OF CANADA. -.D-Yofteu natures way of 1 .ndicatmg t hat the not be put off·· '.I hey a.rgu ed the case at itive that onlv lately have tea, sugar and Lord D ufferin, who has just come back tiapltal i·ald up, llH,~,ooo, Best, S:&oo,oo : sy stem lac~~ ~om~ const1tnent that the de- iireat length wi th the dontor, bu_ t he w'.Ls tobacco been sol::! among them. 'W hen the from India, is considered one ·of the luckiest -· sired f?o;I 1 s n_oh m. . mexora.ble. , He would. not be mixed u p ID merchan t who went there from Scotland to men in the world. He has !:ad the most This Bank le prepar ed to do Leg ltl a.m tnllyprepare.:. to n~tend Fu~ei·nleon In glvmg :9t1mu!ant or n ourishment to. a such Ml a.ffair. Snpposmg that t he case wa.a establish this trade arrived at t he island he comforta.ble herths in the gift of the govern· mate Ban k in g ln a.II its branchee, theshor t eet notice , atthe lowostpoas1blc re.tell delirou s or rnsena1ble person, wet t he lips hopeless, t hey at last t urned to go, when f d th t th St Kildaite ere t hr e ment, culminat ing in that which he hae F armers n ot es discounted ; D eposit 0asketeanc1 Burlal0asesready ons ho{t notlce i gen tly wit h the tip of the spoon; if this does the good doctor ca.lied out t o one of t hem, houn 9 b h'nd ~h · t t h 8 ~ngdom ~n j ust abandonde, and for which he r eceived 1 1 ll'irst-class hearse on vter ytlmodehra e d teFrms j not indu~e t he mouth to open, . i nsert the "John, you will find t he bridle behind th e . t .our ethe p·ate ~es a~ch t h ee ly t im £37,000 a year, including a.llowances. He received a nd Inter est paid on a.mount s < 0 S hrondaa.nilCofilnsconRan y on an . un 1. 1 fi tth · f t h lt'ps "nd b d ,,. Th t kth h' t ime,aa ~or sw , n e b d R . u pwards in Savings Bank D opa.rtmen· ~aloa.rdssupplied at once, Furniture Shop &; 1tt e nger a e cornet· 0 e ~ a.rn oor · e young man 0 e m ' piece on the fole.nd had lost that a.mount of is now to be s ;nt as am assa or to ome, in ~how Rooms-BounaaU'aNew B!ock, dra.w the cheek _gently a.way f~om _the ~oth; and al so the horse ! an;I the doctor's .old time durin the ni~e months t hat had inter - order to b ecome entitled to the pension DRAFTS pour in the Jiqmd slowly a.nd 1~ will .trwkle thoroug_hbred b eat his Litchfield competitor vcned sine! a vessel ha d been there. which he wo_!lld net &et a._s vice~oy, a.nd the [ asu ed and Collections made tn Euro( mto the momh between the mterstices of out of s1irh t. The less than fourscore people who live at ~overnment i s cudgelmg its to find a O'nlted States and Canada. 9 the teeth . '\Va.tch to see that one epo.onf~l St Kild a. are 80 infl uenced by the lonely lifo new honor for him. His earldom will be W . J ··TONES, is swallowed before giviog a.noth~r. ~t t,h1s The Use IJf Doves in War. th~y . lead, that the a.rrival of e. vesael with turned. to a. ma.rqui~a.te, and the:i the noble does not aucceed, close th~ nostrih with one · . . sailors and assen ers suffices to r oduce a lord will no~ lack ti lles. He will be marAge hand and the i;no, u th will bc;_ opened to It seem.s hkely that car: 1 er pigeons will sor t of viole~t col~ in the head, ~hich t he q_uls, ea.rl, viscount , baron, baronet , a lord . breathe: Sometimes the nourishment has play an important part m ~h? next great . IJat ivea call the "boat cough," or "eigh t lieu tenant, an F. R, S. , a D. C. G., LL. D., . ·· t o be given through a tube p u t down the Enr~pe:i.n~ar. The F rench M1mster_ for. V\1ar j daya' aiokn ese " which is d u.ngeroms a.nd etc. throat, or b y an enema, but Ill t hese cases has i ust given orders for the org0>.mzat10n of l t· fa.t · . 1 t he doctor will direct the opemtion. t he many carrier pigeon sta~ions throug~out i· solne ~~= ot ~heir hard struggle for exis· Charles Boz Dickens. ~he difference between a t ardy and a t he coun~ry upon.a more aatts~actory foot1Dg, te!lce the co le of this loneliest lace in . Charles Dickens recen tly wrote his name . rapid conval7soence depeud~ ver¥ o~ten _ up- 11nd unportance is atta,ched to! all E~ro e pi;hi~k t hat t here is no fu!e like a New York hotel r egister "Chas Boz I on . the n_oun shment. A. shght 1Dd1gestion, the. psrfectmg of these an :a.ugements, ~n St. K ildi and ,,.ould not exchange it for an on Dickens," and said t o a. frien d : " That was To buy F oot Gear for M en, Women a little d1arrh cea may brtng back t he worst addmons to lfi of these etations there Ill e thl ' rdiee - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - ---· symptoms of t he As much food as various pa.rts of France 300 pigeon flying a.r Y pa "' · a little j oke of my gra.ndfa.ther'a, who was B oys a nd M aidens, at prsen t a t my christening, and when my can b e properly digested !R required . to r e- societies owning among t.lls!11 l50,0CO '.'~om- - -- - - - -father, in r esponse to the clergyman, gave pair the 'Yuste caused by ~l!ness; but 1tmust era." : E 11;ch of t h societies has a. milit ary Pure Air. .· , . my nn.meas <Jha.rlea my gra.ndfather mut: ontinues to do ll General Banking Business be tak en Ill sma ller quantities a.i;id at shor ter orgamzat1on, and m case of wn.r all t he pt~ . . I intervals than if t he person werem health . A geons belon~ing to them would be at the . n?t b v afraid to go ou t of d??r s becau~e t ered ' Boz,' an d t he minister put it in. aBo wmanvill<> Br anch. DE li"OSI 'I ' S warm drink should be given at least as early service of the Intelligence Dep::i.rtment. it .ia a little cold~r then usual. 'rhe cold air This 1s my infor mation , at least; I do not · i as six o'clock in t he morning, a ligh t break- Germany possesses a.bou~ the same number w1!1 nothurtyou1f Y?U are properly protect- remember the circumstances myself. But :tecelved in Savings Ba.n k Departmen t and . I fast at n ine lunch at twelve dinner at t h ree of cllrrier pigeon station~ which cost £2500", a ed imd take exercise enough to keep thtl I a.m told that Charles is my baptismal ian and interest allowed at cnrren!'lrladtes. ~Ito! te-i a t six a~d a supper rivaling the breakfaat yea; to keep up and th~re are 350 societi~r. circulat ion active. On the contrary, it will do name." &0tlce of withdrawal ne cessary. "" epo& d· I t wi · ·11 p un_y 'f y~mr .blood , i ·t w1 ·11 payable on 1lemnnd, at nin e; after which hour no mvabd should with 50,000 p igeons, In Italy pigeons y on g ooL Teacher- "Yes, <hildren, the hai.:18 of our EX (;DA..NGE be out of bed . . A glass of milk or a cup of a.ctua.l y in uee for conveying de~patches be- s~reng~hen_yo~ r lungs, i t will improve you.r · , cocoa must be put whore it can be taken in t ween t he war office in Romeland t be garrisons d igest ion, it will a f:f? rd ?', natural sti- head all numbered." Smart boy (pulling ilonghtand sold and Drafts issued upon Europe the nigh t if it ia needed. N either t ea nor in Sicily a.ntl Sardinia. The ex perimen ts that ll'!ulus to you r torpid c1~c u~a.~1on, s~d en er - out a hair and presenting it)- " W ell, what's Jnited StatesnndCanada,alsoGold ,Si!verand coffee should be given at night for fear of have been made with pigeons iu H.ussiahave g1seyourwholesrste1!1· '.IhemJurywh1choften the number of this hair !" Teacher- "NumJnited Staies Greenbacks bouuht a nd s old, cau sing wakefulness. The tray of a conva.- not been very successful. T he birds imported ~esults ~rom gomg m to a. cold ~tmoaphere ber one, John ..y; and {pulling out severa.l {:@L l_i ~()".(· !C!JN'~ !escent should he arranged t o tempt t he eye from Belgium can not withstand climate and is oooasioned by a lack of protect1 on,to some more) " th ese are numbers two, three, four, as well as t h e pa.late. When the appetite is the native ones staying power . Sweden , pa.rt of the body, expo.sure to strong five and six. Anything else y ou want to Promptly made s t current rates up on all par languid and capricious n o means must be Spain and Switzerland all possess military draughts, or from brea.thlDg through the know?" S mart boy- " N -no, sir." of Great Brittain, the United States and Do Ou r N ew Stock h as arr ived, ar neglected to awaken the desire for food . citrrier pigeon stat ions. mout h, minion of Canada, prises some thing neat and p re1 The na,pkin must be spotles&, the china Teleg raph ~r1·ansrel's , . . . · · The Qt1een of t h e excela in the L adies, Good and Serviceable f < pretty, the glass and silver shining. Soup The qu_ est10n a.g1tat mg the Br~tish Gov- a:rb of producing barrels of fish from ha.ndMade for large or ema.11 s u ms on all part s of should b e ~erved in a hot cup with tiny and Boys, and Boots that R Be ernment 1S whether to make Parliamentary k erchiefs and causing coins wat ches and .Canada. This ia especially ad vanta.geou s to squares of, bread cut into delicate every m ember of the h o useh old. persons llvlng ln Manitoba or t he North·weel slices divideu into four, butter r olled into pl'Ovision for t_ he Pi ince of W afo~'s da°;gh ters 1 o ther articles so vani11h int o' t hin air, I n ae It makes the funds !\V'<ilable at once a.t the tiny balls with the grooved p ll.ddles sold for who are marrmgeable, ? r to wait tmtd t hey other words she is an adept at t he a.rt of place ot payme nt. conjuring. the purpo5e, and tomatoes sliced with bi~s eng il.ged to be married. TRllNKS, V A.LISES, d (SA TCB··:1,s, U · F or further partlonlars ea.11 at the Be.nli:ln of ice ;.unongst t.hem. Whatever is The oldest k nown bearded woman has Sleep is death's younger brother ; and so R ouse. .-.order ed Work and Rep~ cooked should be very hot, brought from the died in t he Pyrenees. She had ex hibited like h im t h a.t I never dare trust him with· T. RODIE, GEO. McGILL, out my pra.yers.- [Sir T homas Brown. S pecialty,. as u sual. Accountant. Manager k itchen in a. hot, cover ed dish set over a. herself in t he village fairs for s ixty years. bowl of boiling Wl\ter. Fruit and creams, ·lv D. D . --- ---:==:=:.'- ~- ~ik'TM'd1I~~~~~~Wd£11~.-a~ mi~'W' .J.'.~~~~mir~·~~~==~~ ·~~~~-!!!~·~·~·!!·~Cd!~!!!!ll~l!':!ll~!!!!!!!CR!!!!!n!!r!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!~!!!l ' · - -·- Jellies, ecc.7should be ~ery c:i.1. jl1s~ ta.ken i AND YET WE LOVE HER. _ _ REG I s TE RE D - - ~-·- !SI ~.Jt~p .Jt ,n, ~~ ,fl-fl~ · off the ice; only ,.. small qua11l.iuy of each ' , viand. should b~ aervcd. u is bet ter .to re- / It would appe!l'r t~at even lovely women Q Q ~~~-\~d·--.~-l.1'U·· ----~ --f--~-f·-: . :tU,_ \t'tt· --------IIEALTH·. -- PE R C H E R N H R SE S FRENCH COACH HORSES. I SAVAGE & FARNUM, _ p I McDOUGALL & METCALF, are ottering Coal as follows : Stove and Chestnut, ................ .. $6.25 Grate and Egg, ....... .................. ..... 6.00 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices.'. I McDOUGALL & METCALF. r fu· I I I 1 Q R $5 I BE . I ; · . ' I r , S 0R N UA Gvelph, Ont. :s. j I qp BELL &CO. I l £' i I I !a UN·DERTAKINC ·I LEVI MC:>RR IS . STAND AR D BAN K I I ° ·5 .N DUN eA I C P0 l THE COOK'S BEST f'RJ END THE ONTARIO BANK DE R 8 I ! ! I I 'I ' ' .. " · · I po Popular No. 1, Boot and SI EMPORIUM I ~hildren Ory'for P itoher's Castorla~

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