COtD FEET PREVENTED -AND- I R~EUMATISM OU-:RED BY USING Norman's Electric lllf~~L~~e STOTT & JURY ' # SOLE .AGENTS, '.E uH stock o.f Electric Ap"' pliances alway8 on band. suootaclos J --o-'Ve have 1ecured ~he sole agency for STANLEY'S FAMOUS LINE 01' Spectacles C.omfort, an~ tJeglasses. TJ&ose deslrl~g clear alght, tlnest quality of goods and glueees that wl11 Strengthen and Preserve THE SIGHT SHOULD GIVE US A. CALL. C 0 I 0 re d G 1aS SeS in endle.s1 varlet,. and at lowe11t prlce1. ST 0 TT & J U RY' Ti ,,Luuliny Drugguts and Opticians. ~ _;_~::._-=--------·---- BOWMANVILLE, MARCH 21, 1888. Local and O therwise. I The Army continue· to draw great numbers to their meetings. Mr. Walter Uhartran, tonsonarHst, ·o wns a -rery fine pair of hounds. Ladies, read Mrs. Cockburn's an nouncem1mt in another column. !FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. .ROBT. VmToE, Ai;(ent, Bowmanville. tf. Mrs Morrison has removed her stock to the frame buildinge, opposite Buckler's Jewelry Store. N1amu:s. -H. C. has received a ;}arge varitity of needles and can tit any !lllake of sewing machine The spring promotion examinations in the public schools of Durham county come off on Tliursduy, March 29th. Two volumes of Picturesque Canada, l1a.nd11omely bound, for sale at the :STATllSMAN office. They would make a nice present. The goes up from the gent&' furnishing man that he cannot stand the low price> pressur·e, but George Buck p ursue11 the even tenor of his way a.nd .11elll! as cheap as ever. Mr. John Somers, lot 6, con. 2, Darl.;gton, having rented his farm to Mr. 'rhos. Jackson, will eell the whole of his farm stock, implemente, etc., on Thursday., March 22nd. See posters. Bowmanville Board of Trade keeps a I Uack Book for the sole uso of the mllmbers in which is recorded the namee of people in the town and country who are "bad pay," "slow pay," and "doubtful" Some people's names are on that list that the world little dreams of, nor the people ... ,hemselves, perhaps. Two weeks ago we published an account .of the Dickson accident from the Times, i n which the medical aLtendant was .!l'eferred to in anything but a. compliment.ary way. We are pleased to be able to publish the report of the post mortem .e xamination exonorating Dr. Olver from a ll blame for his treatment. UNIVERSALLY ADMITTRD.-What every body saya is generally admitted truth. Then Prof. J ohnRon, the faith cure man and phrenologist, is one of the cleverest men that lrns visited this section of the country yet. He cures right and l1>ft men, women and children of their troubles independent of the cause. Rooms at the Alma Hotel. CoNSUMl"rrnN CAN BE CURED by proper healthful exercise, and the judicions use of Scott!s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and · tl h I . h H ypoph osp h ites, w h 1c contarns le ea · of t h ese ·ng and strength-giving virtue!! · f u11est two valnablo spedfi cs in I h01r form. Mr. :o. D. McDonald, Petitcodiac, 1 b ave b een prescrt "b' N . B., ~ays.: ~. ing I Scott's Emulsion with good resu ts. I t ia especially useful in persons with consumptive tendencies." Put up in 50c. ind $1 size. NA.TIONA.I. PILLS nlll not gdpe or sick· en. . 1 ct ·are ·ll &koroq;h catharUc; Sewing machine needles aL ·rait'a. A GOOD AUCTIONEER. Wedding at Taunton. Fa.rmer11 see sample Barley at STATESMAN Office. Compare the STATESMAN with other On Tuesday, 5th inst., Mr. George MR. EDITOR.-! wish to occupy a small Mr. W. Cullis, of Pickering, favored local papers for home news. Vandyke took for "better or worse" us with a call on Monday. Dr. Potter, cffice and residnnce, Prow· space in your valuable paper ~o sa.y how Miss Mary Ann Blair. The ceremony See if there is not something of interest er's .Block, King-st., Bowman ville. l '-tf. well I am plea:led with the result of my took place at the restdence of the hride's sale. 'f hrough the wide pnblicity given in our advertising columns. Charles E. Ewing, Esq., .of. H. M. through '£HE S·rA'.l'ESMAN a large number father in the presence of about fifty relaMrs. W. H. Williams is visiting her Customs, Cobourg, spent Sun.lay in town. of farmers and others were present not· tives and frievds. By five p. m., Rev. S. sister, Mrs Ewing, at C<,bourg. Tke Bazaar Patterns for ladies' and withstanding the inclement state of the Sahon, with the assistance of Miss Parks Peraons wantin~ 11enant11 should children's wear, fall and winter styles, at weather, and through the efficient and brideRmaid, and Mr. Alfred Vandyke,! · Mrs. Morrison's. advertise. Coat 26 oents a week. practical services and tact vf the auctioo- groomsman, was able to pronounce t.he An Orono bachelor's letter, our Eng- et'r, Mr. R. Hutchisnn, very good prices "two" ' ' won." After all had do;ie j usNow cometh the time when the pot r " t he comhunter keepeth his eagle eye marshward. lish letter and two pieces ' of original were obtained. Indeed] am <i::rceedingly tice to the "marriage suppA i n the forJY>. well pleased with the way he conducted pany enjoyed r.. th ird treat_ · There is to be a considerable amount poetry are crowded out. Many also who of reading~, r~citat~ons, "mstrumca ta.l and t Call on Mrs. Morrison at her new the sale throughout.. of building done in this town this season. Farmers, before buying see those cheap stand and Millinery, Fancy Goods, were pr<>sent spoke in high praise of Mr. vocal music, m wJ. ·,oh the "wun" took an ~ active_ part. : :ne-guests had wisht-d Geo . Hutchison as a'a a uctioneer. seed drills sold by C. Rogers, Bowm1m- and Berlin Wools at cost. Yours Truly, JonN B. R rrssE LJ,. and hi~ yo;,.1!1!!, bride suocess in hfo and ville. Large crowds of ladies and gentlemen Hampton, March 17th, 1888. were 0 ,.i their wayo bome before an m1The Misses Cole, of Bethesda, were are visiting the Lit~le World in Boun8all'11 rea ~Jonable hour, visiting at Mr. W. 'VI'. Tamblyn's laet Block. Saturday is the day here. tr'he following ilf ~ Hat of the tWeiiehtil;. S EED B,\RLEY.- T. H. Everson has a EllllIELD. week, ,~ffa.lf dozen silW!!r knives anC. parlor Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Y. Brittain 11nd car load o.f i\faui~oba barley, for seed at Mra. Hobbs, Taunton, has beeu visit.Ing 111-mp, Mrs. Yancl.fke, groom's mother· fa . mily, of 'l'oronto, are visitipg frienq~ in l ' Bowcn afli~ville station. Samp.e at STATES· 11.t her 11tin's, Mr. Wm. Hobbs, ' ~." 11ilver pickle cruet, Mias Balsam; h11nd'. B .11 MAN ce j · owmanvi e. · · p h I <'I'· A '.Mr!J. Ah!· ~!<i9~ll%gli has been visit· some crne~, Mr. and Mrs. Gifford and Miss Emma McO!ellan has returned ASTHMA.- er1tona W J:J P·'!'~ Bllr1tll'ilM · } ti -: . M h t son ; llolored china cheese dish, Mies from a pJ,.,asant · vi~i~ to Marshalltown, for_ years wi!h Asthm· will find a quick mg re a ives neai· ' anc, es er.. Adair ; half-dozen silver spoons, Mr. A. Iowa, and Ch\lt; Ont. relief and C1!.'te in the double treatment . ~~-Robert Niddery, of Mart~osa, ·was Vandyke ; crystal preserve dish, Mr. . D Bl' d p· k t of Si;uthern Asthma Cure. 1 VISltrng here a few days last weeoi. Parks ; wori:.;;! fa.tin a.nd plush whisk 0 r d er oors, Sashes, m 11, 1c e ~, M Th H 1 d' · etc., at Morriil' Planing Factory, Liberty Mr. David Morrison gave the D. 0. & r. os. ezz.ewoo .s ma.ny friends holder, Miss Parks ; colored glass set, P. Co. Band a supper on Thursday ninht were glad to see lum agam last week:. Mrs. Kirby ; eilvar pickle cruet, Mr. and st reet , R · H . 0 · b orne, l easee. " Thls powaer never varies. A marvel at' Farmers having ae.ed grain for !!ale last. Dave understands the art of enterM.r. Get·rge T~pp has rented a farm in Mrs. W. Mitchell ; large crystal water ptirity, atrength and wholesomeness. Mol'e pitcher, Mi6s Hall ; full glass set, Mr. coonomlcal ehouitl advertise in the STATJ:SMAN. taining and the boys had a jolly time. Maripofa and wil~ moire thera ~hortly. than the ordinary Jlindo, and Cllll and Mrs. G. Blair ; large preserve dish, not be sold competition with the multlt.nda There is a nreat demand for clean aeed. Yesterday was a great day with Cyrus. Mr. Charles Tait has gone to St. Oath- Mr. D. Blair ; fine set ol goblets. Mia.s I. of low testin , ehort weight, alum or phosph:i.te . "' r ' d ·ir He hollered to his heart's content ,,nd no erines to reside. Charles will be missed Rold only in cane. ROYAL BAX· powders. M 1~" McRae, ~n exp~ ience mi mer, one d1S1urbed ur made him afraid, as he by his m"llY friends and also in the choir Blair ; handsome parlor lamp, Mr. John NG POWDER CO.. 106 Wall Sl.. N. Y. from Toronto, will be Ill charge of Mr. d th h h · h d f t h h h b l d Blair ; bedroom set, Mr. Eli Osborne ; · , M'll" SI R ti1111 · passe roug t e town wit a rove o o w ic e e onge . L amg ANTED.-Two nppr(mtices, one tJ> china tea. set, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall and s L mery io\'r' ooms cattle. Forward ! · learn the m11ch1ne&t. and the other tllll There is a large nurnb·ir of bachelors Mr. and Mrs. L. Gitford ; tea cruet, Mr. season. moulding. Apply to PoRTER & NoDEN'. fio , Parties wishir;g to consult with Prof. in this district and old maids in search of J. W. '.l'hompson ; handsome crystal set, manville. 10·3\Y Farmers, bear in mind Mr. J. Somere Johnson will please call at his rooms husbands m;ght do well to hunt up a eale on Thursday, March 22nd. Every between the hours of 7 to 8 a. m., 12 to 2 ftiw of them. Catalogues aro not issued Mr, and Mrs. John Gibson. TALLION FOR SALE.-Ent:itJ.l Carri .. ge Gol.t. thl'O" yef\rB old, by ..'. thing will be eold. Att end and secure and 6 to 7 p . m., as all his other time is but if it becomes necesaary to issue them FAGTS WORTH KNOWING. - lu all dis- man" PASCO BROS.. ll't 1, Broken ll'ront. .,,....., barg.lins. taken up in active work. ll-3w. they will ba furnished to bona fide. hus- eases of the uasal mucous membrane the Whitby, Cedardale P. 0. Our readers will rej oice to hear that On the 17th nit. Mrs. Belson, widow of band-seekers freR on application. remedy used must be oon·irrit ·ting. Th" ERSEY CA1"fLE FOR SALE. ....... Mrs. (Mayor) Younie is recovering nicely the late John Helson, of this town, died medical profession has b<·e11 al.>w t <> learn Will ·ell any one or two or t.he follow~ from hei· accident in January, She can at the residence of her daughter-in-law, PnYSICIANS are usually averse to pro- this. Nothing sar.i·factory c"n be"m Jer·eYs :-Cow J y eBr· old. giving '"ilk: . .la walk a little. u· Nasa.l Balm is a. pliahed with douches, sn:iffs P··Wders, two.year old HA!fer. jnst oome In ; and n. ye1 <i:reenbauk. Her remains were brought prie, ory medicines. ling heifer. LEVI MoRms, l:lowmanv!JI,. specific for cold in the head and catanh, Clarke pi.ople who 'Want 1rood suits of to B.1wmanville for interment. sy.riu!:?e~. astriagents, or any similar ap11 2w"' tweed made up fashionably for very little Crowd& of customers ~re going to Geo. and having faith and evidence that it will phcat10n, because they are all irritating, ARM FOR SALE.-A sm··ll far.m money should call on · CLEMENS & CoLE, cure those troubles, we ask a ny court a · do not thoroughly reach the affected surNewtonville. Buck's popul~r boot and shoe store wit.h just outeide of Bowmanvllle will be sold fair tri1 .t of the disco"ery, and a full infaces and should be abandoned as worse on very reasonable term0 , on which are fr1t1na their money. They know hia prices and ·vestigation at thtiir hands. 1 hottse, and st.ati.lti~. For PMlfonltu.'8 Mr. lt. B. Andrew has been appointed gnodEi ar e right. Boots and sh1Jes got than failures . A multitude of persons apply tobarn Mn. W. 1\:1, BoRS.1:Y. Bowman1·il!e. traveller and inspector of agencies for the from h im, r epaired ; · rips aewed free of who have for years borne all the worry 51-tt HAYDUN. D. 0. & P. Co. Mr. Andrew is just the charge, and pain th11t cat"rrh cim inflict, testify rrAILORING. Mr. Hindson , '.l'1Lilor, man for that position. M G Mr. William Auuger's youngest son is to radical and perm,.nent cures wrought at MonJung Ilros.. is now prepared tD Rev. - . ·'·unn, pastor of tlie Disciple very sick with inflammation . by Ely's Cream Ra.Im. :t: make a limited number of Hnit.· fo1· countrv J. h C. Nosworthy has taken possession Church, .is pr .. aching a series of .special b · h d f M buyers or from nn!·Side e~tablishment s . ~· Mr. W . H . Creeper spent Sunday with "f t e usrness pure ase rom r. serm,.ns. His subject next Sabbath tranc" thro111i~_9,11ick ~Co'~sto~~ Horsey and is putting U P.W hfe into it evening will be the" Conversion of Saul." his mother-in-law, Mrs. Brown, at NewBIRTHS. ARM FOR SA.LE. -50 acres, bei~ already. Mr. Geo. Manning is assisting. Service commences a t 7 p. m. All are castle. MAYN.HIIl.-In Bowroanville, en the 20th ·south nart of Lot 21, Con. 8 , Darlin11:t.o11. a lust., the wire or Mr. · John Maynard. o! Mr Armstrong, of Niagan, and Mr. Long credit and big prices have ruined welcom". ~ milo west of Enniskillen. Frame h·mse;"li daughter. rooms cistern, new barr.. good orclu1rd, goO'll T. Evans, of Manvers, were the guests of many a. man ; then buy your b oots and Mre. Anderson, milliner, has removed WEEKES-Jn this town, on March 9th, Mrs. creek running throug'll fal'm . 'l'erm1< eaf!J'· Mr. J . McLau15hlin recently. H. J. \Veekee, of a. son. shoes and gents' wear from Geo. Buck, tu Toronto, but Misa Anderson will re· Apply to Wm . Gilbert, Son., Lot 25, Con. 1· Enaiskill en P.O. 49·3m Mr. Peter l\foConnachie, of Moosomin, who gives you biggest value for cash only, main h~re for two weeks to sell off the MARRIED. Mrs. ,V, Renwick and Miss Renwick balauce of the stuck of millinery, etc. Man., and Miss M. McConnachie, of MALL FARM TO RENT. -25 aciw have left the old h·imestead in Clarke and One dollar's worth of goods for 50 cents. Clarke, were visiting at Mr. .A.. McNeil's SH0RT-STACEY-By the Rev.J. E. Sanderson, on which are good l1ouse and out~buildiri last week. at the Pareon&<le, March Mth, M.A., ~ood orch,.rd and well. Plowin..: done 1 c are now comforbe.bly aettltd in Mr. W. Ladies, call. Mr. Wm. O. H. Short to Miss Pnacilla Stacey, for crop. Possession April 2nd. Situated cl · Mr. and Mr~. Joseph LaBelle, Mise both or Darlington. Shaw's fine new house on Centre St. in The Liule World, the greatestmechan· by Maple Grove, miles west. of BnwmRa· ville, recently oor1upied by John MnnilQL this town. icd wonder of this or any age, i1 now on Lizzie McNeil and Miss G. Branton, of .A.pply to Cr,a1tKE ,V, 'l'YLER, Bowmanvills. Bowmanville, spent Sunday with friend· When last heard fr0ru Hon. E. Blake exhibition in Bowm»nvitle in .Bouusall's DIED. 12t(.. " - ·-·-- ·was in Florence enjoying improved health Block. It costs cnly lOc. to see it, and in this vicinity. .JOHNSTON-In the of Hope. oft TOCK FOR SALE. - Ooe Superill«." Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Motley, of Toronto, Monday, 12th March, 'I'ownahip Be intended startmg from there for the STATESMAN a.dvi~es every man, woman Robt. Johneton, sr., aged British Lion !.fore. oomlng lll'll ol~: Venice, the Italian lakes, and thence to and child to see it this week. Everybody have be0n visiting here. Mr. Motley 93 years. one good mare in foal to Prido of Scothm·; gave &n excellent temperance lecture iu LASDY.- In BowmanTilll'I. Ma.rah 19th, }ilia one young cow just calved; fo·ll" steers nea·'rt England. is delighted. L11sbv, 8econa dangluer or John and rat. A .lso one ten·h»rse power ne·1rly netir the church on 'Vednesday eveniug. May Klizabeth Le.sby, aged 5, 6 monLhe and wh1ch I will eel! or exchange tor a ne ov COlll· The Organ B11.nd are get tin~ up a first. The Literary Society in connection blned seeder. Apnly on lot 16, Cfln. G, DarlirJll· class minstrel show. Look out for par· with the D isciple church held their for t.. M>orch, .vhen . about twenty.five 16 days. ton, 'l'Hu!l. McLEAN, lin.mpton, P. 0. 10 3w sii;(nerl the pledge. Keel) the stone roll· ticulars shortly. The orchostr11. will nightly meeting Monday evening. ] n - · - -------ing, friends, for the time is drawing near contain 12 good men. Wait for it and addition t-0 the regular program of piano RESS AND MANTLE MAKING. ONE GOOD rOlNT.-- Out of i.he many when a \"ote will be taken to try and MRs. COCKBURN begs to announr.e .t.o you :won't get left. S··los, singing aucl recitations, cake and r epeal the Scott Act, and no doubt every posseased by Burdock Blood Bitters is ihe public tl1at ·hi) in~enda to remain in Bo\f::S:&ED B.Ar.LEY.-T. H. Everson will coffee were passed around in abunchnc.,. e: ffort will be used 10 that end, for the that it may be taken at nil sea~ons of tbe manville, und will be plcnsed to see all her olil and as many new one~ aa may a~ have a car load of Mauitobt1. Barley for A large number were present. great constitutional lawyer says that the year, a.ud by either young or ola. In customer~ lit to give her a call at. h o~ old st.and over ~ seed at Bowmanville in a. few days Jiis. C. Nosworthy is goin11: to put new temperance people do not in their num· this way the three busy B's ·are al ways at Big 20. Apprenti<Jcs wanted imrnedlatol;r. Sample may be seen at the STa'.l'RSMAY life into the West End when he gets his bers seem to be able in any way to work &nd doing good. - . l~-~~ -office. Price very low. stock of shdf and heavy hard ware com. control the legislation or administration Boo1ts vs. E ::trEitIENCE.-Books are Persons wanting the best make of bi· plete. He is very busy aorting up and of the country. May the people of cycles or tricycles in the market at a. low will tell our readers shortly what he can Northumberland and Durham let him useful to add to uur knowledge, but pracfor the building of a nrov p·ic~, address T. Fane & Co., S6 Ade- do for them. He means business. He see that they intend to stand by the tic ..J expeL"ience teaches us that the best rrENDERS brlok church in r.lto of Columl remedy for all the diaeasE's of the Stom· will be laide-ot. West, Toronto, mentioning the i1 going to keep everything in the hard- Scott Act. received U'l'l to Saturday 17th ia · ach, Liver and Blood is easily to be had Speeific&tione a.t Mr. E. NanceKivell's, Coln· · Statesman. Fittin~s ot every kind in ware' line. Watch for hie announcement. bue. 'rhe lowe1t or a.ny tender not necesst1r!J:Y and is called B. B. B. KlRBY. atnck. The Choir and Y. P. A. of St. Paul's acne1>led, L, PHBLP!!, The, 10·2W Colnmhn$., S.ALT ANn PLaSTli:R. -'l'he att.ention of Church are waking arrangements for a Q11ite 11 large number of friends BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. farme!'s is called to the fact. t.hat McClel- concert, to be held April 13. Mrs. C~ld- gathered together at the residence of Mr. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.A valuable honse and lot near Ian & Co., Bowman ville, have on hand a well (Canarla's Favorite 1:5oprano) will sing J oho Rickaby on Friday the 16th inst., F.1otory. l!t etore7 frame house, uea.ilar11;e q11ant1ty of land salt in bags and as well as Mrs. Nicholson (formerly Miss to celebrate their Crystal Weddiug. At Corrected by J. Hellurtry, eTery Tneiidny, Cabinet new. 6 rooms and summer kltchlln Fr' lJ plaster in barrels at lowest c.tsh prices. Berryman,) and Mr. Schuch, of Toronto. four o'clock sharp, crowded sleighs and treea. etc. Uood Jot e:xtending from Elgin Order bnlk 'salt and plaster early. Mc- This will undoubtedly be the concert of cutti·rs might be seen coming on every FLOUR, ~ 100 lbs.········ $2 10 to $2 40 through to La.mb St. This is a g ood inv"~ WHEAT, Fall,~ bush . ···· 0 80 11 0 82 ment as the rent of the house "'ill pay ov"lr OLELL.AN & Co. the season. side, uut il all h ad arrived, and were nice11 Spriug, 11 0 80 11 0 82 9 per cent !nl.ereat on the pnrchase money autt Pwple must not lose sight of the great . A I.BSSON is 10 he learn,'t from the ly settled town to animated convers-<tion. BJ.JI.LEY, W bush, No. 1. ... 0 70 " 0 00 leave a good lot to be sold-or b11.ild on. 1l deemed desirable. For further parlionlats closini.t sale of dry goon 3 going on at ihe 111~ht of a bald he'ld. Fallmg_ out and 1n dut.i time all were iuvited to p-< ll II II 2 .... 0 66 11 0 00 apply to FRANCIS MASON, King Street E~l!I;. West End House There are heaps of p.-rmature 11:ra.yn~sl! _of the h iur can ~& of a sumptuous repast which had been ----~ ll II ii 3 ... · 0 55 II Q 00 Bo"manville. After fully goods left yet, and hiuger bargains than stopped ·! t1Jken Ill ~Lme. Do not let it provided by the ladies. ever await the public. Mr. McMurt.ry'a. ~un on without. malnng an effort to sav,e morll than jnstice h1 1d been done towards RTE, " ·········· 0 55 II 0 60 A 26-PAGE 11 . . . . . . . . . 0 40 11 0 45 ILLUSTRAT.EtJ) grocery branch is supplied with the best it. Get.~ b~ttle of. J?,r. Dore_nwend 8 filling the inner man, the Rev. R ., P:&A.B, Blackeye, ~bush ... 0 60 11 0 67 · PAPER · the markets afford. Oall soon. German H.air Magic, . .lt stimul,..tes Walker was called to the chair. The u Small, u 0 60 11 0 G5 the growth, gives fre~h Vllflli r.y and keeps cliairman made a few witty remarks and A very pleasant social was given in the u Blue, " 0 60 11 0 65 DesoriptiTe of the Soil.Cllmate,Productl4,1,W'f! ~ . Walsh to read Indus-h ·les and llln'~o.I Church-:it. Methodist parsonage on Wed· the hair its natural color, besides being then celled on Mr. D. l! BUTTER, best ta.ble, wIt. . . 0 20 " 0 22 'M11unfaetudng lVeitUla oC ' ' irgiuia. and other Soutlim'u a suberb dressing. All dru~gist11 eell it. an addre~s to Mr. and Mrs. Rickaby nesday night, under the auspices of the LA.lW, if' l:t · · · . · · · . . · · · · . 0 10 II 0 12 Slates. Write to On this Wednesday night the Beetbo- which among other good things said: lV. JI. BE\'11.~-' Gen'I P:is~, Ladies' Aid. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews Eoos, ~doz ·..·...······ 0 18 11 0 20 BOAN · KE, V.A., and Miss Lizzie and Master Willie suc- ven Quartette, of which Mr. Ohas. Kelly, F1ft.-en yeara ago to-day you starLed out PoTATOEs, ~ bush. . · · · . · · 0 55 11 0 60 Enclosing 2·ceni Stamp. on a new plane of life with much anxiety ceeded admirably in making their guests form erly of thi~ town, is leader, will i;:ive; HAY .. . · ......···..···· . 10 00 " 12 00 1 one of their grand programs of son~ in as to the future, but with bright hopes feel perfectly at home. DRESSED Hoa.s ...... . .... 5 50 ti 7 00 the T own Hall. They appear here under for happiness, and Providence has thus WELT. WORTH TRYINO.-A madictne the a·;spices of Canton No. 11, and the far favored you by permitting you to CLOVER SEED. . . · . . .. .. . . 4 90 11 5 00 Nervous Debility, Seminal Losses and pre.l,Jlawhich has stood the test of time for r,.served ·eats are' already largely taken. 11rrive at this milestone in benedicted ALSIKE . · . . . . . . . . . · · · . . . 4 00 11 5 00 tnreDeooy promptly and permanontJy cured U:i many J ears and always given the best Plan nt Big 20. Jas. Fax and Sim Rich· bliss. Hymen surely presided over your satisf;.ction as has Hag-yard's Pectoral arcls are of the number. Don't foil to at- marriage. Tho11gh each succeeding year U. FIELD, B. A. Balsam is certainly well worth trying. for tend the best musical feast of the season. bas added to your dome·tic cares, yet FRANK J (LATE HOSSACK & FIELD. Cough3, Cold?, Hoarseness and all 'l'hroat T ickets 2fJ and 35 cents. God has been very kind in preserving Does nQt int.el'fere with Diet or usual occupaARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, &c. tion and fully rest.oreu lost vigor!iJ\ re!I troubles for which it is so highiy recom· We believe the STATESArAN has a.larger tne family circle intact. We come this perfect mi>nhood. Sent to any addrciis, pqatCOBOURG. mended. number of bona. fide subscribers than any ev"'ning and present our congratulations, on receipt or prioe One Oo·lu.r per l)qx. Block, Kirn;: Street. CoLWILL vs. Co1,LACO'l".I' & SoN.-For two other weekly papers published be- not because it is so;netirnes ~ust.oma.ry, Office,-Armour Sole agency, ::lCHOFIELll'S DRUG STO~E. 22. ll'RAN.K M. FJELD, King str !et..'l'orouto. th0 information of tha public reapectin~ t1Veen Ilelleville und Toronto, excepting ~mt smcerely to ma?ifest the km:lly feelthe case between Mr. Joaeph CoJ,.ill and thtJ World Guide and Chro.Dicle and to iog and r~spect which we as a company EAS WANTED. -3000 bushels of small peas wantea at the Caledonlern my father and myself, l wish to say that test the dia.tter we challenge ~ny two I of frie~ds and neighbors have for you. Mills. Sowmanville. for which the very hi~h· I aaw Mr. Col will on Saturday last and publishers to submit their books to a Your lives and acts amongst us have lJeen est price will be paid. Jom:-r MACKAY, Pro· 42.;t. · ofir~red to submit our case to arbitr&tion, committee of three wlio shall investirrate 1 8Uch as to command on highes t esteem. prlctor. and abide by the d ecision. But as yet and report the result, the .s ame to,., be We ~ak ;rour acceptance of t.he a?com· AY FOR SALE. The undersigned he has not informed me of his acceptance published in all the papers concerned. pauymg gifts, as tokens of oi;ir ku:..dest has ahout 30 tons ot good Timothy Hay. iuantiLies r.o suit We will p1iy all the cosb of the invest- regards. ~he presents consiated of a which he offers for sale in c of my proposal. R. H. CoLT.ACOTT. purchasers. S. COTTON, "Erpingham Farm," Bowmn.nville Board of Education in- i"ation. We are anxious for this invest· handsome silver butter cooler, stlver.cake Bowme.nville. ll·2w. tend introducing the Smead, D owd sys- igation, on account of a few persons b.asket, p reserve dis~, set in _a beautiful tem of Jieating and ventilating into the having cowplained becat1se ot1r advertis- silver stand, ~ozen silver kmves, ha.udOLT FOR ::!ALE.-A heavy draught geldin~ rising 3 years, by "l:Cnigllt of new school buildings, if they ever agree ing rat es are one or two cents a line some water pitch~r, and a very large costToll Cross.' Well broken and lund dispoto erect them. The Lansdowne school, hi~her than some other papers. ly album. · The s1lvtir"'.are was all pur- sition. Apply r.o JORN CURTIB, lot 2t. con. 3, Toronto, has this sv. stem and during the chased fr,.,m Mr. A. Buckler, Bowman- Darlington, Bowmanville P. 0. 11·3w* - When 1 say Cunm I do not mean mereitt{, The entertainment given in the Town ville. After the presentrition eulogistic stop them for a tm:o, and tl1cn t1ave them rQ.~ recent cold enap when the thremometer H 11 d th · f ti w c T turn agaln. I Ml~·.N A RADICAL CuRlt. · and cougratulatory spAeches were de· a un er e auspices o ui . . ULLS FOR SALE.- Une 2 years old I have made the disease Qf stood at zero and a strong wind blew, (T b th h'ld f th B d f H and two yearling Sllort Horn llulla bred ., y e o i reno · e an <' ope livered by Messrs . J. T··reman, Rev. T. every room was comfortabl_v heated, the F ·d · I t t J n Crooksha.nk blood-imported stock. .A.lso Fl'!'S, EPILEPSYor on n ay evemng as was a very peas· Dunlop, W. McCormack, J. Cobbledick, fro1 l<'OOd general purpose mare-a flue sm,.,le the average warmth being 70 degrees. ant and successful one. Th11 program R. Brown, J. Davy, I. J ewe II, F. Brim- a driver. Prices to snit the times, R. H. COLL· FALLING SICKNESS;· 6·2m Mr. S. B. Jacobs writing from Osprey, wns composed of readings, recitationa acombe, D. F. Walsh and J. Brown. ACOT'l', box 101, Dowmanv-Ule. Man., says it has been almost impossible and sin~ing by the little folks and it is Among others who took par~ in the proto market any grain owing to the block- needless to say that one and a.II rendered gram were Miss B. Cobbledick, Miss ade on the C. P. R. R., and wheat has the.irrespective parts i_n a matter highly Robinson, c. G. Armstrong, H. declined in price, the best only brings satisfactory to the audience. Litt!e Miss E1liott, Jas. Newsom, Miss J. Newsom, 48 cents at Neepawa. But hold on a bit Ruby Gale_ deseryes spec1a~ me?tlon for and J. Matthews. The company were till our new Government gets rightly het· recitation which was given m a way · dismissed with the do x:ology and beneclicdown to business, and I think there will that would have done credit to a much tion be a change in this sort of things. We older child. Moth<ir Goose and her M_· B 0 0 b 1 . k . . · b edi~ ' who LS attendmg want . more railroads and we, ss a people, family, from New York, proved a very isss · the Eowmanv1l10 H1oh School spent a are bound to 11a"e . her parents - " ' recently · them, John A. or no interesting feature of the entertainment few days with John A-. Hu"ral1 fo r tl1e D"W Govern· and elicited storms of applause. The ' · · v ment uf Manitoba. ·rhe weather is all ladies of t he W, C. T. U; deserve great that co1ild be des1"red- - ,.., "ood slei"ghi'ng. praise for their efforts in trainin'g the f ANoTnER El O t lTE:II.'t Mrs. th tJ. IThompson, fli d We cannot do without the STAT.ESilCAN. children 'l.nd are to be congratulated on ma, n ., wn es · a s rn su ere f th · t from general weakness and was eo reduced 1 REMOVES THE CAUSE.- Many persons tie success 0 eir con?er · that at tiines she became almost unconsuffer from a. symptom of Catarrh that . '!'All~ARAc.-A cold will often cau~e _an scions. Three bottles of Burdock Blood causes nausea, more especially after eat- 1 irntation, dryness and soreness ms1de Bitters oompl!ltely cured her and ehe A particle le auplied into each nostril and ing in the morning. Nasal < Balm will the throat. The first doae of Tamarac now r~commends B. B. B. to her friends ~fr;:;~~~'i:ed;'[Jc~e~ots~en~LY! ~R(j~1r\1h~ cure by removing tile cause. :t Elixir will afford relief. J: ' nndneighbors. 2J5 Greeu wich st.. Xew York. ~nitoba. I I l 0 W S J F F S J,. S D I Tenders for Church. H ti I FR EE I .. ERRORS OF YOUTH, B P MM\~~~~- H I I ICUR E C FITS! B w. ° I I ·