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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1888, p. 6

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'" fire iu y'('Ur room; you mu_st not leave it i mont, with all her love for. her da~ghter, le_ctual pursu_its, un~ess drawn into thorn by ~n~::cs~::e£.r~~r1 l~nm~~h=yba~; t~!e~::n~ ,pff now you are usod to it. My dear, I might find it a relief not to have to keep his snrroundmgs, h... ho.d dropped them en- 1 . k d b ._ Id t t £ f t h 400 p er oo e ·t e a l't l l t ' . . t' I an d- rea.d no' th' b~~" '" t"" 1 er as e ' u u cou no £750 ge freely ~ . ' . )"9\l won Id wr ·-w1s!1 .~ I t e a.po oio: 0 the peace between the fath er and child. trey, mg · "" euh · enl era. now wants £800, with offered. y our fathct, I 9ug1 1t not to ~o~o_eal , hat 1 " Yet, " she t o herself, "if Mr. Dutton controversial htcro.oure ox ,,.A po.~·ty, and not l ~,_ _ _ __ _ __ . . h e b tc;\lly very ungr)1~ u~!:l ! th:o:i: it .woul;l; were here, he \'l"OJJl<;\ b uve takeu b!\~1'&; inu~4 Qf th~t, foi; he waa teac.h1ng, pr~ach, . . , 1 --"~lil well if you eiJ>rei!flsd some regrc~, ~r '.! !·Po first Qi·y/>. ing! oxhort.ltlg, thro~ghout ~1s cpare time; · Babies for Orocochle Bait. nri · u' ~· ou c1,11not truthfully do that, ask b1s pa.r· wh.ile _ the vicar wa~ m too need uf h?lP ' "Babies wanted for crocodile LaH. ., don for vo11r· impetuosity; for YOU know hei I to_ ms1st on dee.penrng t he Bnutcil f_rnm which be returned aliH,," onnuot be cxpcc~ed to. realize :i1 t~:J.t do;1i' I CllAP rER XXII. his zealous assrnto.:1t drew. . A~ l\'Iiss Nui;e1'.t If uewepapers abounded in Ceylon a.a .Aunt Ursel is to ua. You ~il;;inot thmlt huw· . DISENCHAN'rMENT. obs~rved, teet,otahsm w t1s to hun what di~ei- m uoh iu crocodiles do, udvetrioements word--HEH. WHOLE STOCK OFkind your Aunt Jm10 h!!.~ ha:n W ii:H'l; I (:~rl ! , He prcmis2 d to b~v me s bunch, i b!u~ ribbon~.' pation was to other young ~;en. de likethe foregoi ng wou ld b e common in their not think 8he ~PHJ.f).1 been so tender. ! . (TO mc. CONTIUJSl!D. ) ' want culumr:s. As it fa, i;he Et1gli11h crocoT his is the flrf.t 1'ett~· I ever h~d to write to i S~. Ambrose's road was pe:-f.,ctly deh~~it- ·- -- . , -- -·- -d ile hunter lrn.s to secure his b11oy by per -! you , my OW!l dl~i.r cbi"~· I mi~s you c~·cry ' fol as lo~g as the!'e WM any. ex p_:ct_R~10~ Jf.I, anese Politeness. I sonal solicitation. He is often su ccessful, moment, b~t l'fr;~r all if is bcttei:you should ; of a spectly,recal'.. Everyday wn.s p.~mous · · ·P for Ceylon p:i,renta, as a rule, have unbouudbe away till: }'&ur fath9r llaa o\·eriocked thi.,~ ev~ry. nwetmg with 11n ohl f~_ce wu.s J~yful ; . . The men of Japan al ways excessivel_y e.d ~onfid~uce in the hunters, and wi_ll ren_t expedhion ol yourn. ~ 11111 P.ura11.i ~ould if 1 eac~ rnterchaog~ of \~ords . " ith Mr. ~pyer~ I poli te to one o.not~er. Tiley bend the~r their babwa be .uaed o.s crocodile bMt you wro~e hinM> T<l:J.i"Jnce r, tellrng how : or G~rard Godh ey was ho.tled as a boon ' backs and bow t heir heads and put theu· for a s mall cons1 derat10n. you were rlally frj l) tJtened, an d that it waa lnotb t?g \Vaa rei;retted but tho absence of t wo hands to back between tbeirkneee Cey lon crocodiles suff~r greatly from - - - - not a me'"' excuse. .~ Ppy do, r.nd then you . ~onsie_nr an~ his ~aster, and that the favour- and h·~ve a great time. But · the most en nui. They prefer to lie quite still, soothcau ccmc back HJ ~·our·lo ving litde rt:o~li ~r. . ite choir .b oy s voice wv.~ cucked. _ k h amuair.g thing is to see two old ladies in led by th~ sun's &littei;ing rars, .and wile · " A. E." / Btit when there was r eo.son tot1lln t .at Jv.p!ln meeting one another ou the street. 1 away their lazy lives 111 meditation. But 158 "Aa if I wo{1IJ oi· could" quoth Nuttie ' success had b.e en complete,d dhbn : T he sti·eet is empty, we'll aay, and they when a dark brown infant with curling toes to herself " 'A olo·'i;., to '1,iai inc'eM for : Hea~worth !~ad been persua. e Y s.ry co.tch sight of one p,nother three or four sits on a bo.nk and blink9 its eyes o.t t hem 0 · th. p · t" 'I 1 f ~ ' ! ' h I' t.hl.\t· it Wf.\B wiser on all accou nts not to mor- blocks opo.rt Thev immediately be ·,in to they throw off their cloak of lazinera :md 1ovtng e o.unu wllo oi ec or us w ien e t ·r Ar b efu sin u t he t wo guineas a ' · · ·e; ' · 1 d eserted u~: · Poer little moihE.~, sh e car.1't 1 Y .· ~ 0 ~, Y r . If , . make obei~ance at on~ another a_ n d they make then· preparations for '.l de icate mort realJ · GX cct i t of me Indeed, I don't lv;eekufleryd tor Mias g remont 8 expenses ' keep bendmg and bowrng at short rntervals eel of Ceylonese baby humarnty. When the Orde ~s . ky s hp ·t 1 'h t · · 1 · whena ·couple boxes clothes and books until they come together when they ma ke crocodile gets about half way up the bank thin e qu1 c u 1ov.·a W l\ s o.e or l d ...... ·i ~ of l U·· · l of found herself '-·ettl. . · '~ · ·' b I' i · B ·3 la arrl'li .bu. peculiar h iss bv w h e tlier s h e .t·k ~1 es me to e !lere1or au rt g o· d t ,...<>',- · l ~n< th te a till after Christmas that · " drawrng rn the breath the hunter' · concealed behmd some · · reeds ' ~ 1 M · b;;l· ·f · th t h · b II" ' '" ·· I··, Ill a ; u!Cli !l way · . ' and keep on sayincr "Ohayo" for about two opena up fire, and the h ungry crocodile has fi elll. 0 ; . y c te lS a e u ies ~ie·. oSS '~ he began tirat to adrrnt to herself tha.t '. M 1· . d r·f k "' t h · ' ' ll h . · h d mm utes. Ihe young thmgs, tne , oos- n a appetite an I e to. en away a t e.same w hen I am our. of thr· way bec11.use s ne 3ust l · ·· · ' 1 somehow the place was not a t at i t a · " ar e_very c h o.rm1ng · · t ime, · Th e sp or t su~an securea " the R k" d gives way to " !um, and does not assert any , b h. me.m, and gracef u l rn 111 an rinciple J'vo tri~d to .her up and once oen to er. b h t . their greeting of one another, but the old bev.d of the croeoa1le and t ho rest of the P . · use and 'I am sure I don,t ' want I I H . orna t e an<l ea. I b ora . t" m · th eir · a d - catcaaa . th e nat 1ves · . er mother was _ a aent ' t a was h one Ia d. iea a1e mak e use of. i t lll of no :rnch a wint~r o.s So I arr1 much. thmg. M;~: ~ugent was gon~: : at W~S . dress. And the lllnguage_~as been ~ramed ?-'his way of sec~ri ng _ crocodiles might ,be better herd,; · a.n d - as t o bogging par - anut~er. 1 h ete w11:a no Mons~eui 0 '. !-1.. with I\ vi~w to the_necessities ·Of p(Jlteu~ss ob3ect~d ~o by .Cana.dia~ mo~lrnrs. The . ; Do t ,on t-0 keep her JD awe of hts precision, ·nd of difference 10 rank "Are " with Canadia n mfant ima gm a.t10n m1"ht be ahat d on, w h en : I h ave d one nothmg wr ong , I ·1 h 1 h d t ·· Th, ~ · ' · " ·t· t l b0 d l even w 11 e 8 e a ug e a 1"" ere were a ccent on the e is t he verb to be If you tercd by the devouring gaze of a healthy · I. I am sure won ° P ease Lmy Y· o boarders to patroniz ~ and pl a.y with and · · ' · · h h ' h d h. d" 1 shall tell he.4: t((li:t she ought to know me n . h S h l ' are talking t o a coolie, somebody very much saurian w o asn t a i~ mner ; Jut we ,bette" r ~han t6'.\~i.P~c,t it!" h~r edu~ation at the ig ',c. oo _wo.e over. below you, " a!'e" is goode:iough for "is. " are cre_ ditably informed by certain Fnglish Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the But Nuttie~id_iiot ·show the letter either If she s~w a h~lf.clothed child, it ~~s not If you ar_e talkmg to ?ne a ltttle bel~w you, ~rocodJl~ hunter s t h8:t t~e '.lver Ceylo.n to .Aunt Urse! or l\fary Nugent· llOr d id half so mterc~tmg to buy an ul:er fm ~~e or you wish to be pohte to an un derlmg, you rnfont displays a passive md1fference to hIB !l~IV!ER, STO iUA.Cll, KID 1'1 1~Y~ & N D "BCt)WELS . she see 1ha;· iu which Alice h11.d ·s atisfied next shop, ~a it was to t urn °.ver 1 e a;ui Y use "arimas." If you are on formal t erms advances, and that the only t hing wh ich They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constit utions, anll them th1.1!i 4t m ight be better that her ra~-bag, ~~it,_ se':., an~ contrive· Somch~"'. with an equal, you say " _ gozuimas," a~d frightens him is t he r eport of the gun, da ht h ·1d . t l 1 . ·t J ·1 things !mil 11 weaunoss 1n them, and the h t whon you address a man h1"h above you m ani iuva.luable in all Oomplatnts l ncl<lent al to Females of aJl Agee, For ug E er s 'ft·\ phay lt1hcm a o~gdv1si, wt11 e t· tle excitements did not seem to be the ex- ro.nk you make it··· gozari~a.suru " It's an l\f r. Ohildren and the aged they priceless, gremuu s ea require cons an - "t d . h · th . d t 0 b, After · A n .Easy Place. tt d d th C ' 8 f ·1 · quisi e e 1ig ts ey use elastic language and p ulls out to almost any '· · a t eR duce, -an A :. o.hon h a.~i Yd wei e having seen Pat'ie11ce at the Princess's it was length Success is obtained only by earnest effor t; 1 \ e cast e.h dn d er ul~s i::ke ~~~ not easy to o.void criticising a J?rovincial -·-- ··-·- -·· ., . and t his implies hard work of somo k ind ; a w~ys ope1'.- an e · s e co . Lady J!, and it Wt\B the like w1t!1 other 'I'h Fl . Oh' . and, when o. man is doing hard work, he Is an i nfallibl e remedy for Bad L egs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds Sor s ula s stay with th_em advanta:geous t? thei.r things of more importance. J<Jven the r itual e oods lll ma. j certainly cannot be consider ed as h aving 11 11d Ulcers. It is famous for Gont and, For dfoord er f' of tJ. .. ~lender means, without hurtmg their fee,. of St. Ambrose's Church no longer struck SAN FRANCISCO, Ma.r. 6.- The steamer ; found an eaRy place. I t · is thoso who do - Cheat it ha.s no equal.-. mg,s. . h Id b her o.s the ne plus ultra of beau ty, and only. So.n Po.blQ bo.s arrived from Hon g Kong and t not make 11 success who are always on t he Yokohama., bringing o. few additiono.r details i look -out for an easy place ; and, after they h ::>he told ~hem a.a ;:1'~9h· ..a~ ,8 · e con 'tuut Incited her to describe .London ohurches. f'or § ore 'l'h1·oats, H··oncbUis, Ci::mg-hs, C olds , t .er~t-;aa more 1t ~h n~ ivtmget~r::O.r:~ She r esumed her Sunday-school ~Jasse~, of the second disaster on the Yellow_R iver, I find themselves in poaitio~s where~ little mig_ m ow, ! y, ea van v.g . a.nd t hough sh e talked at first of their ram- wh ich occurred Dec. 4 and r esulted 111 t he , earnest effort would considerably improve Oh.ndnlar Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and gorw haf g~rne~ .oder th;\fattle-~~dfihi: ness u.nd freedom, she soon longed after the drowning of three mandarin~ and 4,000 Chin- j their condition, rather t han make the effort contracted snd 1Jtift' joints it acts like a charm. e rsd cleanliness, respectfulness, . and docility of ese laborers. The men were at work a t the t hey allow~ themselves to make an easy mas ter, urmg er ays 0 1 cold_weather had bro~ght 0~' a.~gertn the despised little Bri..igefordites, and utter- time r epairing the damage cau sed by t he pre- place for their individual comfort, and l et Manufactu red only 11t THOMAS Hor.LOWA.Y's Eatab !Jshmcnt, anxiety,_ nervous excitemen an 5 eep e?s· ed bitter t hings of_ Micklethwayte turbu- , vious floods, Two t housand b~mb. o rafts ' the chance slip. Many a young man, in an ~ess, wh1<:~~~e _ vale\!tad tdken npon hnn lenco, declaring- perliaps not without truth had been laden with stones in 01 d er to form effort t<> find 1m easy place, has allowed op78, NEW OXFORJl STREET, (late 633, OXFORD BTREE':r), LONDON · 11 ~fit .n~r,u~ 0 u~ l~r: ~a~i: - t hat the children had grown much worse a b reakwater, but t he r afts with all the peo- portunities to pass by which, if he would 8 0 1 1 And sold at ls. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. , lls., 22s. , and 33s. each Box or Pot a'lC a a rs ~~\\"!!. , er race in her absence. :· ple on them were engulfed as soon as t hey have t aken them up and !l.dded a few years may be h ad from all Med lcine Vend.ora t b.roughout t lle World. :. ' ~ffects, an~ ~nquired of Dr. Ham~~ndh:b~~~ And a~ Mr. Godfrey had been su~erinte1?'- ~eac~ed the midale of the river. Grea~ su!fer· of hard _we~l-directe~ _ labour, wo~ld have 0 ~~·ht Und;llmglyd 3 v ·qed t c.cothat thor h dent durmg the le.tter h11.lf of t he time, this . mg is reported from the flooded distncts., placed him m e. cond1t10n where, if he de11: the , d<ll'e ig ene ier~t an, ~d ~.· ~ . ier h to' 1 .g wa.~ a cruel stroke. He wantecl t o make Cold weather came on and the count r y was sired, he migh t take upon himself an easy th year ""lie muc . toose.n · · .. A.n d they never floo d e d , mak" · ·ble f o.- b oa.tato ruu. pace. 1 t he b d 0 f fl"e>'if · otr .~--· ·a ····11 li' .b"t h erreveree h er opmiona m g "t i imposs1 .,,._,.,,,.,..,,..._........,,..,,.~-~TM"""""""'~ 1 e hn ts u e·~....: ~r~n~ met withou t "Now, Ursula, don' t you r e- !tis estimated that sacks of millet y~t t \ a . lir d~t :1t~~-~~ . ;~ ·member J em Burto11 putting on 1'1'-isa Pope's stalks will be needed to stop t he great gap, Cold Kerosene as a Cure for frostbites Q'&X 6,000,000 pgQf.lE USE P unve 1 s v "" ,:. " . :ll ..o ~' f., . ... .· 1 each sack reqt.iring fifty large carts to o~ing ~ ' : 1:.~.n Q specivii;cli;s, and gri11ning Jtt a.U". 6 .:o.pi,tu:p.-e Ill?.. vm ~.'. ~~ry "Yea ; Mr. lf:),uttmrb:qiugbt him it to t he spot. So far the utmost exert10ns I Jo~nny E ok, 0 ?ore boy for ~· J_. Kenn~dy, t he confirme _ ~... ·u;;~~ EEDS h'!pe at the ~me - :ti ,pe?.3i~Y, llp',fio'beg her pard·;m. _ N !;>W, was' q,ny not;ice, ,have not succeeded in collecting more t han of Rib La~e, W is.· froze Ins h ngers ID a. H&s r eceived her new stock ot :,::). ll.M.FE RRY&CO. !11ight be erifi:e!y " ha~:·tli'i, llll>keil wh en that lioh'l'd, ·bo;v'..::...I li,i:>.n'.t .know thirty' sacks a cto.y. Eight million to.els have ver y peculiar rr,ianner a few days ago._ He aro o dmittcd to bo the imp!ovem~nt .~ e, ~!'l'P ~ , - ~liJ:t:~d .[a:';n~-turned 'the hymn._t,!i~Y 'fl'e~~ -sa.y· already been expended on r epairs. h ad been workIDtlf at the barn, a.nd hab1ts .whi<: ~ __ _ -~-~ ing to h er i:Q~O "fl'oin1ny; .midrqrxomn for :_, . ,.,..,., ·~ . _ __ _ _ ered . upon entenng the st ore that several D. fil. l'ERR.Y;& OO'B ~nd invites the Ladies of Bow a11d raise h1 " . ro~. - · - " - O!l~l!J.e ?' " ' ": ' " ,, - " , . ~:' ..'. : "" h D gfi h of hw finger~ were frozen. · A barrel of llhu1trnted, Dcscrlp Could she havEf~f . f G~oi~M r ,;..~,..AiJ.b~ r.o;1: Ii J(t t~ fi ',· doing · · .. Strug~le it ~ ~ s · kerosene had 3ust been rolled mto_ the store t11·e rmd Pdce4 wou! d have : 1 ,V!b'si If ' , :v~p.f~~-<1,~\ aliyl!l;i'"~ )lo him, !' h e w<lul'd go i'; & nee,to A giga.btic dogfish, weighmg 10 hundred a.~d tapped and _ as Johnny ~elieved that SEED manville and vicinity to can a.a it was, ,;(l~ .. ~~~n-" . ub .thil.P.r"ilhitive&." , · :· ·.-.;;;;l.\_i:. ,., ,~ ~-.,. · weight, wa~ hauled o.shore by a fisher at oil was 8: sovereign remedy _ m all cases and see her Pattern ANNUAL , solutely Ill , 6r,~ pa.r~l '. . "L'&il-}iiht !" · ' · - . ::'~/<1;,; M;azargu~f>m the Dep3.rtment of t he Bouchea 1of frost-bite, and unde r all ctrcnmstances, F'or 1asa out of~ spi . . . , _ . y(bm. ¥,II \ " .t li"cannj>t iua)wliirii' it'~cWsnie.~·; ' du:Itnone, the other day. The anim~l made , ?~ im~ersed _ his fingers up to t he k nuckle will be mailed ~asters torp1il·:1irllt~:tllf\ll~J be ua~ ~"',p: woniter what he~ no·w !"' l lesperate,strnggle oi;i th~ bank,!and i!11 h ead J?lllt 111 the ml. A s t he temperat ure of ~he FR EE TO ALL applicn.uta, nnd his own ady,~~Wg~~r1i>'!tt!,~ )VM 1~~"'9.}ri ' -d~s »Miss Pope perfectiy..Jirovo{fes h adtobebatteredinwithaclubbefore i tpould oil was many degrees below the freezmg and a.ssortmeu t of t-0 last seuaou's certain tha4; his : s,mtm~~l ~IJ\"'A~t'I , _ ~yde." , " -· · ._...:...:~·~.... · . l bemastered, A~onsterof a'simifor kind so~e I point, the na.t?ral r esult was t hat, i_nstead customers with· out 01·dering it· made h!3~ hu111.!~~ ~.~1:::·"~I1~l~Ji;or,.e, \\' ~ woulditt give lier worli> -tblf ~~t t. t imtr agl'l had eaten up a boatman and his of the frost bemg dra"Yn out of t he finger s, ·va luable t o a ll. any rehg1?uso!!~'& n ·:or:.,tl:>i.P~rmiJlhll., /i < i ·~ .. .... . . , boy whoi;e boo.t bad beei: capsized ~n ~he t hey were frozen s?hdly. At first it was Every person usmg to draw lum~f~ &]~nee._,,._ , _ ..,, ·-~~jai-gtrme~t' /.JlA'il)i ,mii b\.:00 ve~y river · . . Shreds of_t he clo~h~g ?f ~b.e v:1Ct m~s feared that ampu tation of t he fingers w?uld Carden,Fiel<.l··l!'lowe r l!'ll'4HU!: :-SeeondDoor West of Willlamll' "The battl lit ?~~ ~Jo ·.~Whtl' ' · :_ ;'l!fe_tjlcftneU~ ,_0 f. ~rov:M,~"t.i?ll, };mt it had be,e~ .found m t he tish s m a1de after it I be nec.essary: bu t hopes are now entertamed S E'E D ss~tu~d~d~!~~ ~uac11er st.a n · ~entle worn ~I),! · .:f1 8!I'<!l.': e '~ed1ous when r ecurred-t-0 at every was captured. of s11vmg them. D . M. FERRY & CO·· Wi111dsor.Ont. anon an arK, tlie meeting. N nt tie began to wonder when m t he s trugg only persons who could have given her the ! Monks Horten wo_ui.1 be i~ha~itated o.gain, Australian Prosperity, slightest aid, were both at a distance, even I and how much not10r. Lad) Kirkaldy '!'.ould The exhibition in Londoa, which brought if her loy11l heart could have brooked confes- take of her, and she ,vas ~good deal caL isapd - Australia. a.nd!l.ns into favorable sion to them a.nd she only hoped that pointed when Miu b, tol d her that or notice to the Old N orld has caused a vast -- - - --·· --Nuttie would' never know of it. Only aid Kirkaldy he,d been l·e!lged to undertake a influx of British capital for investment, from abovo could be with her in the daily, diploma.tic miesi_ on wlnch would keep them chiefly from insurance offices and the_ like, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2 1 1888. hourly effort of cheerfulness, patience, and abroad all the wintor. · to be lent out 011 l a.nd. To add to i t all, a.II the resources of feminine affection, Tnere was "' cer tam wearmess and want i Queeml ..nd which a3 I have said , is one c.f to o.vert the temptation; and she well of intere~t. ~t was not ex~ctly that. ~here our lii.rg-.Jat ~ustomers, has been experiencing. knew that the presen ce of the ardent, wa.s nothmg mtellecmal gorng on. I A VERI"'AllLE MINING BOOM. unst~bduea, opinionative girl would, alas_ I were the lectures, but they were on chem1s-1 . ~ ; only· double the difficultes. So she a.cqul- try, for which Nuttio cared little. There' Gold and s1~ver, diamonds and al_ I hs.vo been ~seed, o.t least for tho present, in Nuttie'a were go<>d solid book9, and lively ones too, suddenly d1scovered-also an mducement CHAPTER XXI. - (CONTINUJ!D) g,·a.nd achievement of ha.ving broken away but they seemed passe to one who had hea.rd f?r Bri tish capit~I, which the pa~t year ho.a "Poor mothe~ ! he has been sneering o.t x.rom all the we...luli and luxury .of Bridge- them discussecl in town. Mary and Mrna literally flowed 1Dto the colony hke water. us all in his dreo.dful cynical way, and field to return to her aimple home and good Head worth read and talked them over, 11nd The consequence is that where last ye1i.i· she for & and knocked her up into one of her awful head- old aunt. Mark was a good deal vexed, but pcrlm~s their opinions were ciuite as wise, was on ~he verge ?f iusolven~y, ~he is now ach~s," said Nuttie, who felt extremely Nuttie did not care about thi:.t, attributing and Miss Nugent's conversation was ~qua! undergomg a per10~ of prosl?enty almost 1i.ngered by the grave tone of r ebuke in the this displcv.8 ure t o E!?remontclanship; Mary to that of any of Nuttie'a :London friends, unprece~ented. This has stunulate~ her · "Casto:rfaissowelladaut.edtochlldrentha\ Cantol'la cnres Colle, Constipation, letter, and tossed it over to her aunt with- Nu"en c, was do ubtful ,md anxious, and but it wo.a only woman's talk after all-the j trade w_1th ~s, and we are,, therefore, dJrect[ recommend i t aa superio~toanyprescription Sour Stom . ach, Diarrhrea, Eri.lctatlon, ·-own to me" TT · A~""'"" 'I D Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promoflea dl· Qut ;i.u~olutely rea.ding it a t a.II. Mili.i HeMJ· tho~f'ht h her duty to reconcile herself to brilliancy and piquancy, the touch and go, 1y sharmg m her prosper!tY·. In our own """" · LI.. a.. .......~.... .D · . , gestion 1 worth was a good deal distressed and anxioua her t':i.ther ; but Miss J:ieadworth, who, be she had enjoyed m Lady Kirka.ldy's draw- . colony the enormous nee m t m and co~per :Lll SO. Ol:tord St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wi&hou5 injurious illlldlcation. 1ho.s produced a co~plete transformat10n. to know wnv.t Mrs. William Egremont it remembBred, ho.i reason to have the worst ing-room was lacking. TBB CENT.Aun CollPA.NT, ~·~·Murray Street , N'. Y. meant; but Nuttie positively declared, impres~ions of Mr. E g remont, rej oi?ed in Mr. Spyers w~.s too much immersed in ! Fo~ year s Doppe.; with us has_ been o. sadly "Oh, it is her heu.daches I You kaow she her yomw niece having ea~aped from lum for p9.rish mattern t o read anything secular, o.nd J l?, here your mrnea on ; ~, ··1 .. ~ . ·. ·. .- . . \, . ~. always had them moro or less, and thq t tie time, ~ud onlysiehed oi·er theimpo>Ribil- neithei· lie nor Gerard Godfrey seemed ever l Supe1·10;, for 1ns~n:11ce, i:ould make copper have grown a great deal worse since ·he l<aS ityofA!ice'adoingthesnrne. And when Nut- to talk of any thing but parish matters. .i p&.y a.t ohe prevMlrng price of th~ last t ew ~ken to 8itting in that horrid, stuffy, ver- tie described, as sbeconstimt ly did, the var- There was nut t·he slightest interest in any- years, our p7opl8 sonh~ not. Mmes were fumy, cigar-ry room, and doesn't take half ioua plcn.surcs she had enjoyed during the tU~gbeyond. Foreign politic3, E~ropeo.n cele- i closed down in a.ll d~rect10ns a.nd abandoned. FOR SALE BY J . HIGGINBO'. fli.AM & SON, i10 WMAN VI LLE· exercise. tmou~h." past vear, the good old lady secretly brit1es,- th ngs in wnich N uttie had learnt to !I To-da:f, however, wit h copper cabled a.t £84, And when Miss Headworth showed herself viewed her as o. noble Christian lake wa.: m:i atereat whm '!'ith the Kirka.lclys, a.s. ago.mat t he £4.0 of a few months back, old much concerned about the st ate of things, heroine for rcsi·, ning all this in favonr' were nothing to them. Even Mary.wonder-! mm_es h?'V:e been re-opened, and are even Nuttie coaxed her, a.nd decl ared that blle f th . · , J'· tl ·~ 1 me ·t Mi.cklethwayte ed a.c her endeavours to see the day s paper, , paying dividend~. Shares have gone up and o e q uieu t. · e 10 ~ 1 · . · · th I fl' · bl. · th e .sh ou Id f ancy herself unwelcome, and h ave though r eticent before her, and discussed and she never obtained either 1nfor10at10n . e .ong su erm g pu w ar? reapmg to go and be;1 a lodging somewhere instc11d hei· excellence whenever she was alone with or sym,p atiJy unleash she came across M.a~k. , be~efi t as well 11.s o\\ a'ncfrs· fo thm d, no~tc11 bled 1y nc epos1 a i1we of enj oyini:: her r epncve. And Aunt Urse! M , It seemed to ber t at Ger.trd less for at"' , some won er u 1 wo.s tar less impervious to coaxing tho.n .~he N~; would Miss Nugent vex her with the peace or war of an empire than for a 1 been st ruck ~n this colony tl:c last_ few used to be whe~ she was the reSJ??lliltnle contradictions or hints that what Nuttie t ipsy cobbler ta.king the pledge. The : months, a.n? wi~h ch~ap J?OD~Y .here JS no head of a bo~rdmg house._ She dw most was ivin, 11 at resent might be I\ dull monotony and narrowness of th" wodd : lack o~ capi~al, E>speciallf 111 view of t~e very t~otoughly enJOY tne affact10n of her great , hous~, w~ch pher !iiothcr engrossed by a.n where she had once been so happy fretted \ temp.trng price of the m~neral, to assist the _A_ niece, an~ could not per~uade herself to ?e irritable ~emi-invalid, and ttie few gaieties and wearied her, though she was ashamed 1 opemng up_ and ~evelopu~g the finds.. T~e angry with her, especially when the g irl to be en · 0 . ed b the help of the Uo.non's of herself all the t ime, a.nd far too proud to 1 Broken Hill silver mme-that m10e ID looked up smiling and said, _" ~f. the _woret 1fomil 11 ~ ~edc!1!tle, She did ask the girl allow that she was tired of it all. A:unt , w!1ich the shares ~~r~hed s~a.d ily up,m~nlh came to the worijt and he did d1Slnherit me, I· h t{ M. E emont being avowedly U rse! at her best had always been a little by month, from £20 rn Apr il, 1886, to £ 200 18 '1 gr the t hing would only right itself, ! always teqi~rt , ·,,ht n'ot need her a""· 18 · dry and grave an a.uthority over the two , in the middle of 1887, holding betwee n 1 1 · · b M 1 " no Ul " we ' m .( ~ ' '.°cant to give it . aclc tu l ar c. . . . tance; but Nuttio vehemently disavowed nieces ! a.nd ~houah . ao~tened, . s he was not · . £'190 o.nd £ ·:195 now f or some. month s .. All N? great aunt 111 t he ."'.orld could. fall to jbeing of any pol'sible use to her father; he expimai·e, did not mvito confidences, and i !hese are imp?r.tant factors m our p1 esent admire the .generous sp1nt of the girl who 1never let hel· i·ead to him 1 oh n.o l he ca.lled home was not home without the p!a.y-fellow ; !mproved condi t~on, and now tha.t confidence came . back from .the great world ,· ach oo,g1r 1 · ly ! is restored , that1mprovem' .lntshould be even ·nfl'tcti"o11 - mother. I L bl of luxury, d lh er music , · mere 1 d h" i;io lovi~~ and haPI?Y rn ier .mm e surrou~ - · he never spoke to her if he could help it , And most espema.lly was she dauy tired ; more pronounce t 1s year.. · ~ngs. The only ~1ghs were for p~or 1:h"'· Iand then it was alwaya with a sort of sneer; of Gero.rd Godfrey I H ad he, always ta~ked ! Another ma.rkedly good sign 1s in the hands ot a whom Miss llead- I ahe believed he could not bear the sight of of nothing but ' the col?urs, chants, l<;. C. 'l'HE REYIY.A.LIN EEAL ESTATE. wot th knew so m?c~ evil. If she . we~e uot her, ~nd was .. ~ht\m~d of it, as well he U., clasae~;and teetotalism? Whatever she ; Till lately, for the last two year a, the real wi:ctched and a vrntun - and Nuttrn did not mighh i,ie 1 For Mr s. H ou.ghtou's disclcaures began al~vays back to ~ne o~ other of estate husinesg haa been practically dead, I t~i~k h. e'. r such-s.h e must surely be " get- bad rankled. eve1· s!r1ce within her, and had these obJects, and when she i~pa.hently I with values, especially of suburban ..nd ~m,,. spoilt and worldly. ;Her dau ).tter I been confirmed b y her au nt. clared tllat she wa.s perfectly slCk of he!l.rmg country properties, deteriorating 25 11nd 50 implied of , this k:n~, ~et who 1 "But t J u.t. is v~ry su.d," said Mary. "I of ~he U~e of Sar~m, be lcokecl at her as per cent'- The yearn 1882, '83 o.nd '84 witcould r~ad her letters o.n<l t hmk 80 · · am s<> ROrl' V for you. Ollght you not to try gudty of a profomty. neesecl auch a.n uun!l.turally excited bud N uttie was fortumi~ly to1 o much m ~we · h a.rd to conq uer his distaste?" P crhiips it wu.s tru.e that he was narrower ' market that it Wile clear the reaction must 1 of the_Canoness to w~ite al., th': pertne>ses I "I-- -·why, he car es for nothing good !" t hii:n.ho ho.d ~een. H e Wt· S a g?od, honest, come a· o onf. r or l&'er. And it did come with th at trngled .at h.e~ fiogera ·m:la, 11.D:d ~nc "Nav," i::miling. "Not for your mother?" rehg iously-nunded ~ad, l,ut wit h no ~i·ea.t 1a vengeance, r ather sooner too than aangJiO?t a a nd lairly_ n~~tlk let,ter, lUv!lll: I "Ohl She's pretty, you 1'.GOW ; besi~es, depth or graHp ·~f mtellcc.t; Uroufa li:grc- ' nine specnlo.tors were counting on. But atmg, h?\\ ever, that ahe was uni/ too li<ipp) ; she makes h ei-self a. regular to him mont had born Ins eompa.mon first and then · while the thr·e months in this as in to remam at Mwklethwayte. o.nd truckles to h im in evcrythin,g , O.ll I could hie r?nH~nce, ?-nd 1.he .atmosphm·e of t he c_ o m- i other commercial ~eutures, ims seen a grad-1 ~1--aucers, It was two or three d!l.ys more before she never do" mumty m wnich he ltved had been st udiou s' II · b tt t ··· ' b d aga· · d . , d't· R , , lH> y growmg c er one, Wlvll more en· lT. . ear m. P erbaps eb e is overcomin_g evil wit h 110 lute, 1 i g-~n t. ! 8 expe i I.on to eaca.s · quiry and wit.h more buyers a nd fewer 'i I '.'MY owN DBARcnu,D-They have let .m e good. " t~e ha.? con_vmced !urn th .. t _the yonng lad_y . anx ious sellers in the market, it bas rellSpC('t~Oll Solicit.ed. '!"rite at _last, ll.nd 1 can ~a.y bow mu~n 1 1 " I mn it is more lik.e beirrg ovw- live~\ m r. ·h!forent wodd,entirel:r beyond his . mained for t he last week or t wo to brinu' Victoria DuHdings. ml Ull DOCll BROS. like to thmk of your nestling up ,to ctea.r , come of <wil. No, no, dear Misa M11ry, r ercn, and lll the rea<!troa 0 .f Ins hopel~ss- i abou t soma ex~raorclinarily heavy transac-1 Aunt Ur.sel, and Mw glad I '."m to !1,nd th~t don' t be shocked. '£h~ dear fotle i:i<ithpr negs, h~ had tl!r~wu h11::1s .e}f mto . the excite- i tio::::s both hem and in Mel bourne. A syndi· she w as _well ~nough to enJOY you. I t i s, never would be anyth:ng but good 111 her ~ellt 01 t he mtsb1011, and it ha~ worl~ed 01! cate h a.a becb lately formed, consisting i,f almost hk~ being tJJ.e~e ~ hear.of you, and . own . sweet self, but _it is he r ni..ture not to hnr a zealous P_ll~pose t.~ ded~c~te htmsd, '. c1\pitalio.ts. i~ _the_s.e two. cities, '".hose Ill B ' the onlJ: thrng L h ..t grteHs me i s that Y';'ltr , stand up for anythmg, yott know. .She tot&~ly t~ a rehgrnus h'.t>· givmg up a~l speculation Ilea m buyml?' up City p roper father IS Ye.ry much vexed a.t your s~tttng seems to me just like l\ Christian wom!Ln wor,dly utm 3, a~d e_mployrn!'( t he smo.!I cap!· II tief. The other du.ya in t his city dfi~ tbo.t sudd~n wa;i:, and at my bemg ao i that has lieen obliged to mu.rry some Puynim ta! he ?0 _uld cal, hia ?wn 111 prepa.i:mf? for with a of 200 feet to the pdncipal foolish about it. Hy eyes have be?n knight. And it perfectly provokes me to aee the mimst ry. l\fr. ~utton ha d . ~naisted ! st,r eet oh!Lnged hands for t he large sum of v . ery bad , and be ~issed me .so.dly wlule her qu~te gratified at his notice, and r eady to t.bat . h e sh~uld test his own st~adta8tne~s I £215,000, or $!,075,000, a pretty bulky sum. I w as laid up. V\ e · are .neither of us S!!.crifiq:e anything to h im, now I know how a~d reMolut10~ by. !\nother yeai s work m j Another piece so'<l for £ 43,000 and another very strong, and we. thmk- 1f A~nt p rsel 1 he treated her, If I had been in h er place, Ins p resent 1 ntu!l.t;1 on befoni · he t ook any · for £46,000, ou side streets. But can k eep you for a litt le lo~ger-1t will ~o I wouldn't have gone back to h im ; no, not steps. . . . . . while, so far as the bigness of the transaothem, as it if he ha.d heen ready to crown me after I He had s?bm1tted, but still viewed ~1m- tion is concerned, the first named involves be.tter tor you to sto.y on with _ 1 m!ght be as d~ea.ry for you as it was la.s t was dt>, like Ines de Castro." . self as ded~cated, and s~ far ~s bu~mess the larger amount of money, some sa.lea \nnter, esvec1:i-lly as t~e Rectory ~olk w:iII "I ~on't kuow t h11.t you would had hou~a p ermi_tt ed, 11ave his Eer,v1ce~ hke a . have beeu m ade the w eek iu Melbourne /loon be going mto residence. l will write much choice in th·\t ca,ae " clerical pupil to ::>t. Ambrose s with t he at over £2 000 or , "My very gho~t wo~ld lrnvc rebelled," ~reatest energy, and perhaps somewhat less TEN ;HOU~AND DOLLARS rmi 1"00'1', . , to th'3 . ii; about it and persuade them to ta~o B omethmg for your board so as to make it said N uttie l" ughing a little · Judgment than if Mr. Dutton h ad been a t t t r. £ F .l easy for th~m. And t.hen you ca.n have a And Maty ~oulcl believe that Mrs E gre · ha nd. Being wit hout n atural taete for intel- 1 one_proper y ac ua 11 rea tzmg 3,000. or · ' "" ·'<tt11adhtu Jtattsttutn. !!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!~!!~!!~!!!~~!!~~~!!!~~!!!!~!!!!!~ !!-!"!'!"~ ~! -!"! ~ !!! "'! -! .-!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!~!!!!!!!!!!! . · """'" " ~~;-.·w,,~.,..,. - r.-..... ·o:,. 'l'f'," ' :' . ·..--:· "-· ·--:··~ ....- ~·~ _,,,. .., ... ~,.,- .." ~ ......... ,., ·~~ ! NUTTIE 'S F ATHER. I I I tlfants I Children. y; f ' · I 167 1 ordoch Brothers' :HA..LL, where are to be seen I N9E'N"" O:S::IN"" I'N IA! , I ! l I I · ·· · , I i ?e· 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterl'ls, 30 China Tea Sets, v ery pretty, 15 Print ed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 I Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, I I I ILarge variety Hanging Sets~ SEVERAL GAS ES SUPER IOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. 20 white Bed Room ! I " and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware Bohem1·an and Ch1·na Cups and &c. I ======,, ================ I . L d t . pecI a 0 a I es · MRS. MORRI SON I I I I I 1 r _, _ Has removed to the frame bu1"ld1·D g oppos1te Buckler s Jewelry Store' . FQ . R 3 Q D YS and A 0.LJ.~ers l A T I COST ·11l· n er y, IM .1 Fancy Goods, Berlin I -Wools, etc. ------ - A large variety of Stamping Patterns always 0 11 hand. . for Stamping will r eceive promp - a tt ' en t ion. ! Q l FOR ALL1 I H' rrHE PILLS I T HE OI N . TMENT I thc:1 i· t :w I i. · Ji r· a>{' . I .... WISS ~ cT AVISH GOODS., w· ;w, i·y' (. I I ! i BO NN E1WS, HATS TRI~1MINGS Chtldren Cry for Pitcher~s_&,9a!tor!aj

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