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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1888, p. 7

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with him upon any intellectuA.l, subject !eat A. Dreadful T rage ity In a WU<I Pa1"t ot he should discover her deficieoci11s· CATARRH.-A new treatment has been di Russin. ,ov1>red whereby a. permanent cure of thi "Dortohy Toffstaff was ta.lkia,g about A uss!an incurable disease. is absolutely alfe i huntr related the following iltberto -BYyour brother," she si\id to Adrion later, A.a · expenence to a newipaper representative : id In from one to three applications, no mat they sat over the drnwrng-room fire · m the ;vhetherstandl fortyyea1 s · . Thi " 0 n t he second day of our sta.y we were ·emedy is nly ngooeyearor applied once in twelve da 0 duAlr before going off to dress for dinner. o witnesses of a dreadful tragedy. It was md does not Interfere with business, AT :rniz: Oll'ElCE Deacri1: Helen hiid kept on her ha.bit. She had a a oloudy day with occ>J.sional snow squiills, :Ive pamphlet sent fr ee on receipt or s t amp by AUTHOR Oii' 'LADY AuDLEY's SECRET," "WYLLARD's W1n1m," Ere., ETC. way of sitting about for an hour or two J'ust Pest Office Block, King Street, Bowman· but no wolves 11ear us. At a.bout 2 "-· H. Dixon &; Bon, 306 King street, Weso. ville, Ontario. a. a she c.ff her horse, with rumpled hair , roronto, Canada. cIock while my comp:miona were ly ing and bespattered skirts. She was sitting on ° WH AT is CATARRHl down, I opened a slide to take a.look over Ce.tarrhlse.dangerous diaase whioh th ona t Q the hearthrug aImoSt a t her l OV'er,s feet, Bar · YNOPSIS OF PREV IOUS CHA P TER S. tween them when I am dead and gone, and · ng the h" d $t,50 per A.nnum, or $1 lf 11Rld ln ndvnnce. h are consciously or unconsciouslysufi'erin1t l! \ i t ·n 1g e way toward Toblo ky. r our s a t the fire m · au "di if their should be a radical change in the r 1 e reverie. L!\dY B e1 · miles the highway was over 11 plain, '.rom. It ia a mooo·purulent rlischarge oauseil trom requtred advance ln a.nd strlotly pent CHAPTER '. introduces the reader to Sir the condition of Ireland, the property may field had left them half- an-hour ago seated one couId see every moving object. Then Y the presence of a v ege t able parasite in tho sub tbel'll outsid e of the county. Orders to Adrian Belfield and his twin brother Valer.lning membrane of the nose. 'fhe predispos. It was not that be worth something. At present it is worth just in the attitudes. \nue the paper mut1t be a c cQm p ani ed by . dif' h e t·oad wa. a lost in a pine forest, which Ing ca uses are a morbid st ate of the blood, tho t ·d very muu ,, "bou t. It was nl"k the "L'k '1y best tnant is they ·I l e au d U I e " of the s tory. i i to t"lk little more than nothing. "' th- .. 4\.unt due,ortbeppe wl not bestop p ed. tme, 1· t re e a ong h d 1 s tc l I 1htod corp us cle of t ube rc le, the germ poison. f or a couple of mi · es. the ha,ppmess to Ad nan even t O bO lil Subscribers are re5pons1bleunt1 !nil payment!& There was 11 0l ose rescmblruice and vet a two years and a half in arr0 ar with his rent·, , toxomce, from th v rete11h a d sc\rcely pulled back the slide when an )f syphilis, mercur, . ade. They my worst h :>s threatened to olwot me tor preence o£ the woman h e 1OV'ed, t o have h er ,,,erence betwcon them. marked d tu :Ion of tha effete matter of the skin, euppreasod · obJect " c&.me in view on tho roild at the edge ,,,,rspira ions, badiy vent1 · t· - 1 ated s leepin g apo.r,. , h" b t' · 1 h t" t near were a 1 e m a u enc n mg crea ure, l"k · n th e f orm of tiie h ea<l and f a ce, e1 m Il ws , 1 i a THJING1 and ADVE"C in a vain F r windo taking out h s doors RATES Cl of th e and iu half a minute I had made 1i. 111ents and the germination of othe r poisons in · the outl' who se every t one was musw, · wh ose every feiitures, bu t · m ol ur ',ne m me of t · c 1 o - enveavoi· to eJ'ect him. But l won't plague · Whole Column one year . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60 oO !;; · ut the horses. A sledge waa c ominrr ou r ' he bloo d . 1rrito.ted by these, the lining memo u .. HA.lfyeur ... .. ..o .. .. . ... 36 oO .. ?: o ln!{ . and expresawn they were curi o us Y un- yon with these diRmal details, lfoppi ly you movement was grace. way, th e fi rat wh" , had passed s ince we rane of the nose ls e ver ready for the reee11" " i cri. One quarter . . . . . . . " 20 00 ;?! "" l1ke. The eIder one h ad th e pall"d "d that you and Va. 1ent" "She s111 me are ut· m ts o f ric h and generous, and y ou cu.u afforcl to I t· \lOn of the Parasite. which rapidly spreadsillll oo t up our station. k ··· 36 o o -.....· e W had ····.· u. year of ;he nostrils and down the fauces, or b ack o( one Half Column ill-health, a.n almost waxen brow, hair of a. marry a girhvhose beauty and grace are her terly unlike," pursued Helen, "and yet I " !l eld-glo.sses in the car, and I had no sooner ;he throa t , cauainl\" ulcera,tion of the th mat; u p Half year ... . . . . .. ... . . 20 oo h av heard _ your mothe; ay th 11t you iIet ; ·t pu.1e auburn, syes 0f a dark v· 1 was onlv dower." One quarter - . .. .....· 12 50 , " adjusted the focus than I uttered a shout he eustacbian tubes, causing deo.fnees; bu;. · the image of ea.ah ot l1er. only his intel 1 ectua 1 power and mnate maneowing in the vocal cords, caueing hoarseness· Q urter Colurc.n oue yesr ..... . ..... 20 o = approva assure e one Th d f th C 1 l' us I 0 ICh 0 8 ' "! believe we are alike in face and fiure wh" " 6 liness of feeling that redeemed Adrian's foaa .. Dalt year .....·. .. .. 12 50 urping the proper atructute of tile bronchial " .. r rowing dail g his moth better and seei BROUGHT MY COMPANIONS. g e One quarter ...... ·. 8 0 1 n ff y Valentine, on the other ·ubea. ending in pulmonary consumption and from e eminacy. with a difference," ..nswered Adrian with his choice, Adrian Bel field was pleas . Ten l\nea a nd under, first i nser tion . $0 to their fe haod, was altogether differently constituted. ed dreamily. "Our features were c ast from the . et. There were three horses r o s H:aoh subsequent insertion ...... O 2 completely h!l.ppy. And the die being cast, breast, _and they wee coming at a dee.d oato.rh r!::b°3u fi; eJ1bu ;,,\ o : u His complexion was of a dark olive, his eyes same sketch, but not in the mould. a. J'romslxtoten lines,tlrstlnsertlon 0 7,, . his friends and neighbours accepted the inYou "II ill Eee him very soon, I h ope, and run, while on both sides of the slcd7e l ooae, until a physician of long standing disoov· ! subsequent insertion · . ·_. . . O 35 - 10 of the deepest brown, with a wonderful evitu.ble, and congra.tulatecl him heartily, or j n e 0 10' =:s t i nsert ion, per.J.1 Over t en li nes, fir udge for yours elf. He and I have never could make out fierce wolves jumping up. ared the exact n at ure of th diseaee and t he capacity for expressing all the passions of 0 03 _ with seeming heartiness, on his engagement. ly applance which will permanently de 9 tr oy Each subsequent in sertion which self-willed ma.nbood i capabl e. His livod o lonl!' apart, and if I h,id not hi.d The teiim was a powerful one and comina )t\ a EV'en the Miss Treduceya and the Mi ss r v cd The number of lines to be reckoned by :. r1J. r 8 The you to give a ne N colour to my life, I should v ery fast, and in a minute m re I made out hea.d was the head of Hercules . \ o! of e l a c e a by Toffstaffs were gracious, ta.king an early 00· 'I space occup!ed,.measured a.tfectiona of Lady Belfield clung round her haV'e felt miserable without him. Even with th at the sledge was su rrounded by a great ror descriptive pamphlet on catarrh, to th·' Olld Nonpareil, casi n to cal l u on ady B fi ld a d to a k ine 300 & p Dixon II, A, wolves. of manii1<ers, k se Bon, oue Tho v"' was driver ae younger and athletic son. As the story o i s yot1r sweet companionship I begin to weary n el e L p if thia startling news was really, reiilly -----·while th Kin g st reet, west, Toronto, Canada. u he horses in a fren zied wa,y riding a. highfor his return." opens Valentine has been _ __ ..., - · - ·· · ' . at the . Rev. E. B. Stevenson,B.A., a Clerw true ' · di BEITH · DRS· JIc 1.,UJGlllll!i · t reports pro".ed 'Vli "1 'ake care ! I ahall b e jea1ous of anyone smok e and fl me and fam . . t cd h orae, much against th e w1 . shes of sp1n . m n of the London Conference of tile Metho " t is quite true, and I h my future his mother and brother, but returns from whostcals your thoughts from me-even of a that the occupants of the sledge were usrng h st Church of Canada, lias to sav in regard. OFFICE :-MORRIS' BLOOK, BOWMANVILLE. daughter-in-law stayin with me," answered l'o A.H. .Dixon&: Son's New Treatment for . . the hunt safe and sound, and with the brother. You mi:;st be very fond of each fire.arms to defen d themselves. "\Ve had () ' · Dr.J.W.M oL AUGHUN. Dr· .A. BEirB, Gradu cons ta.nee. "Sh e 18 out r 1a · mg · "th Adnan Wl h· u.arr two or three minutes in which to act. Each '-n and tamed. other ? ." licentle.te of the Royal ate of the Toronto Chesnut bea "" · I11 b e h ome t 0 t ea, "f you c n but they Oakla.ns, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 . . of us h d the ide that the sledge CHAPTER II.-A week after the wild ride a. dness W a i would College of Physicians a. can hardly express our feeling. "Fon h · n a a ct y P 1 UniV'ersity f Messrs, .A, ll. Dixon &: Son: stay and l!eo them " "nd member o the with the chesnut Valentine Belfield left for It is something more than affection. It i· a h a.It a t our car for prot.ect10n, or that t he · DEA R Sxus,-Yours of the lath Inst. to hand. Sur- Surgeon, c. eop e in it id Do char h ed," ould c thy l rt in y W s out a r hat leap and p '· e l w p e a l be t s·J a t t !t seemed ea. y l en route for " e that his vexations clos P aris, with a college friend, s m a hy almost too good to be true that I am !:i, Monte Carlo witb an "infallible " system· Toffstaff, who had driven her smart httle his pleasures move me almost a.a strongly a.s point. We opened one of the doors, got cured or Catarrh, but I koow that I am. I for breaking'the bank. In his absence Lady cart over from the heights a.hove Chadford, my own. I have never seen him out of tern- down onr guns, and a 11 were 1 eadyto leap aa.V'e had no return of the disease, and never DR. JI. c. l!llT(JJIELL, 'elt better in my life. I hnV'e tr i ed BO m a n y · k ed up M at1 "Id a T reducey on h er per without being agitated and troubled for out , wh en a d readful sound reached our e arn. things E MBE R OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS B lfield and Sir Adrian settle down into and h ad pie for Catarrh, sufl'ered so mu ch and for e l and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, ete. their usual quiet life. They hear that Mor- way. It was a long ride from Chad ford to hours a.fterwrds; and in all his great It was the shriek of a horse. I s.1y shrfok, o many years. that it is hard to real i ze that Omoe and Residence. En n!sk i llen ..:.___ 74._:_ c omb, a residence in the neighborhood has Crowsnat, b11t the Toffst,ffs, with heir in- triumphs-on t ne river, in the cricket field, for it waa nothi ng more nor Iese-a shriek l m really better. f con sider that mino was a vory bacl ct\se; it as elated as of terror ancl despair. The C<t11 s 0 wau plain been ta.ken by Col. Deverill, of 1'he Rock, exh1mst1ble stud, light of d1stanceH. at a steeplechase-I have been ·as aggravated and chrouio,"invclving the W. S, ORMISTON. L, L, B. 1 ed to be ev erywhere, and w ere to if I mvsnlf were the victor. near Kilrush, County Clare. The news They l.k Ycs I have as we 1ook ed out. 0 ne of the horses had hroat as well 1 e.s the nasal passages. and I Barrister, Bolicit_or, Convey a.D c er , &o. M_onc:y rather ·tartles Lady Belfield, for Daverill in be met with at all po ssible points within felt a thrill of pri de and delight fa; keener fallen when the sledge was harctly twenty 1hought it would require tho three . treatm ents, to loan. OJ:l1oe, m Be yer Block n stairs m th i r younger days was a suitor for her hand, twenty miles of their house. rods o.way, and the other two 'mt I reel fully cul'ed by t.he two sent me, and than common sympathy." e arniin· ly oc cup1ccl by Dr. a ankful that I was ever induced to send 'l'?e Treducey. stables were altogether .?n "I don't think sym pa.thy is by auy means but he wiis wild and she rejected him. o HAD DEEn DRAGGED DOWN wa°.!'i':f!: o Adrian ma.ha the customary cu.ll of courtesy a different footmg, a .nd tere were datly common," said Heleu, lightly. "I believe with him. We could not see t em, Yon are at liberty to use this letter stating h howo that 1'11e majorH of people are supremely 1hat I have besn cured at two treatments. and and finds twa ch arming ladies, Mrs. Bad- quarrels and heart urnmgs . as to w l DR. E. <C. ttlcDDWELL. ver, for the wolves. We just caught sight e emedy t o s om T OF ROYAL COLLEGE deley and her s_iser, Misa Deverill, engaged should have cattle to ride or drive. Thus 1t bdifferont to the joys and sorrows of others. h:;:r:i ;e · of two or three human figures in furs, heard ICENTI A E . L Mrs. Baddeley is h1\d ha-ppened o_f la that_ the Treduceys The world coul d hardly go on if it w ere of P hys icinns London. li:ng . ;Me mber or at_ a game of_ bil_Imrds. Yours, with many thanks, the reports of pistofo and the shouts of huCollep;e or Physicians ana Sur geons . Ontario. wife of a Maior m the Seventeenth Lancers, were always bemg ridden ID Toffstaff car· otherwise. We have such a little time to Rmv. E, B. S'l'EV'ENBON man V'oices, and then the terribl!l din made St?RO.ERY AND Rl'.SIDENCE:-Rear of Messrs. located in l nd i They live that we must live fast if we want to riagcs and riding 'I.'offstatf horses. And hundreds of others . He is expected home in by the wolves drowned all other sounds. liiggrnbotham ,s Drug Store, Bowmnnvil!e,* iss Toff- get anything out of life." inter. The two sisters give Adrian a broke in difficult for the M . the w . . 6-lyr· W e should have sprung out and gone to cordial welcome, and he is pleased with their staff · s, wh· notw 1thstandmg tbis, conId "ls it not rl\ther a selfish theory?" the assistance of the beset traV'ellers, but frank, oper;i manners, though e questione never_ b ? 1due to own the Tra.dnoey "I suppose it is ; but I frankly own to before we could move a foot, our car was D. JHl.RKE. SIMl'SON, t very aupenor1ty m r dmg. edu the ted his m num whether mother selfish. my is one c:a being Selfishness o f PFtIS surrounded by wolves, and a monst·er got / :> ARRIS'fElt, SOLICITOR, &;c. MO esence of renement, will care for these " They have very good hands," said eroue failings." BLOCK. up sta irs , King Street, Bovrmi:in-1 his head and shoulders into the doorway, girls with then· free and easy manners, a.c- Dorothy, speaking of her dearest friends, "!will not hear you say so. I know you and hung there for a few seconds despite the Ile. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank Gentlemen's Clothes Made to Order. I quired on the qoutinent and in th? Irish , " but they no style. They would be better than )'.OU know yourflf_," he said kicks from our heavy boots. \Ve opened the ..rivate lllonevs loaned at the lowest rates, - · home. He promises, however, to bnng her drea.dful rn the Row." tenderly, leanmg down till Ins hps touched slides and looke out, but all was over then . d .lehn Keith Galbraith, to see them. Style, as imparted by a fashionable rid· the golden-brown hair. Tho ou.rcases of the horses had beeu picked "'.!.'hat is u. delusion on your part. You to the bone, the harness eaten, and the ' ARR IS T E R, SOLICITOR, OTARY CHAPTER III.-Lady Belfield and her son ing master, at ll guinea. a lesaon, was Dor· · O fll ?ll-B'!:3:i\ 10£·k PU LI , Adrian pay their promised visit, and after-. othy's strong point. Sh e, balanced herself on ly know an ideal Helen, a Helen of yom robes from the sledge were being torn a.part o ng roe · _ ow_ ma "'..· - -·· ' wards Col. Deverill and his daughters at- airily upon her sdclle, stuck out her elbows, 01vn invention, fa.ti ltl ess, a bundle of virtues, as the wolves raced around. We saw Your attention is directed to the immense .itOBJ:RT A.RMOiJB, tend a dinner party at the Abbey, the Vicar, tosed_ up her head, or straightened her a cnca.tenati on of noble qu alities a.nd . lofty pieces of bloody clothing scattered about, stock of f.l EGI STRAR , WES'f DURHAM ISSUER l Mr. and Mrs. Freemantle, and their son Rpme m the_last approved manner, a.nd she feelmgs. I am not even a, blood lat10n of and we knew that the travellers had met a :\. ot Marriage LicenRes, Ilarrleter and Att or Jack heing the other guests, "\¥hen the I was an admirable horse woman as long as your Helen. I am full of faults. horrible fobe. We learned afterward that ROJ' at J,aw a.nil Solioitor!n Chanoery.MoneY Deverills have driven away Mrs. Freeman- her h rse behaved hi Lr.self ; but it was the "Then I will love you with all your there were four men in the sled e. o , g Ofiloe on King sreet , Eote.te. on 1 tle, in ans wer t-0 Lady Belfield, l!ivea it a.a Tradnceys' strong point to m11ster vice and faults. I have plenty of my own to balance The pa.c k - 0 f wo.ves, wh" leh soemed t 0 be e. . of every description at they decidedly danger- inexperience in their horses, end to miike them." her opinion th·t ·--------imv larger tha.n a,ny which had yet ga,thered, I "No. You have only three-three great hung about unt·l we knocked over· at least wu,LIA.JI WlGllT. ous, Adrian being, she thinks, already struck all the hunters they ever rode. JR And nowDorothyoffstaffand Matilda fa)t." he withMissDeverill. "fiftyof them, and then drew offtoreturn.D'fli'i@· = ICENSED AUCTIONEER for t ' Tra.ducey sat on side of the hearth an.d me know the worst . em. m N L " , a e th et i ght. at We Freemantle midn rs. M -kept V. AND u our position for . CHAPTER IV . .J County of D rhiim. Orders left at the First, you are too good for me. Se.cond- nino days before the men would come with ShIi has JUSt ?Pned out one of the largesb ST-'TESMAN office or forwarded to ryrone p.o. wa.s right in her diagnosis ; Adrfan was in coplunented Lady Belfieli on h er son s, ch 1ce. 28:6 m wU!l receive prompt attention. ly, you <Ue far to0 clever for me. Thmlly, the horses, and although we preserved the an d most styl ish stoc.ks ever brought 0 loV'e· MeantimeJ Helen Deverill ancl her . . , " . ae not a sportsman. " She 18 so pretty, " sa td D 00thy, "ne ' ·mg of : I to town, cons1st sister w ere considered by the county families . scalps of only three wolves, we estimated s. (). HUNlilNG, hardly wonder that he fell rn love with Te go odnes3 ad the cleverness m1gh t the number of killed at over eight hundred. a.a bad style, to be received and tolerated' can . JJI i i J i n c r y, .fl re S § i l ks I CENSED AUCT IO N EER FO}l. only, but not to be admitted to the inner her. B, I hope you like her, dea.r Ldy be eaaily got ove:, smce they belong rather - -·· ., L to your ide .1 Adn!l.n than to the actuii\!na.11. · ti( Coun t y of Durham. Bales attended sanctuary of intimate frientilahip. Velvets, &c., Adrian .Belfield · . A Good Joke. Dorothy wa3 prepared to receive a reluc 1rsh?otioe and lowest rates. Ai ss writes to his brother a.t Monte Carlo, but he I fear I can ne:r be a. sportsman . with a very fine stock of Feathers and . t I should have liked my husband to keep B3ys are often fond of playing prnctical replies that he did not think it was in tant negative. Floers. "Yes, I 11i1ke h er ver much; I love her a. pac o hounsl and o hunt f ?ur times a. jokes. . Such may sometimes be done, hut . Adrian to be such a fool. Mr. Rockstone, I . Pia.nos Tuned and Uepaired. . , r very mnch child of 1 Lady Beltield answe ed frank- week, sighed He.en, w!th the iur which a never to any-one's inconvenience, Jn one Call and m s pe?t rh; fin e the Vicar, takes especial interest in one of c n . t ly ome e ked ger fail tht ' has be"n aul 10 a a .ta.u_cy. of our collees a professor, who made hima ot o give sat1efacuon. .. hi parishioners, Old Dawley, as he is c alled, . . s ARTIES WISHING THEIR p I A.NOS L uc:k Y g1,' 1 .t.o hae sch a ch armmg M y d ea:es.: 1 can never b o t he .yp1ca1 self v_ery frrnn dl with _thA s _ tudentiJ, was, who gets his living by bi\sket making, P . . ·runed orrepa1reu canm1.ve1,hem attend . a e e [ other-rn-law, said all M t can u e $s w 'Iradu_? }' okEogh.;h sq ire' nor 1 I lo e ow h 1te T wa.lkmg out w1bh an mtelhgent scholar, Ye rs ago his daughter had b en decoy d R D1:a.;t_, ,!!., from her home, n one knew whither. Three \ mg_ round the noble Id draw 11:1g ro'Jm, love to spend. half her dys and neo.rly al! wh en they ea.w an old man hoeing in a corn. b h . t h rawmg a huntmg en t ht I l r u n & \Iii? 111 \ ill? 'U1i' · 'ii}. 'fiI1i' n ow i>elnR l n_t heir en:iplo; waut field. He waa advancing slow ly with h is fi cl ho g s 1:1 lu e room rn Q\le cl yeara aft er he r Hight D,,,w)ey, returning to 1c "' ;!!!, 0 his desolate hearth finds 1 child whos e ap- i F,bzabeth s time, and had ech.oed the ail· to share your hfe, Helen, I _want your com- work tow ....rcl the roiid, by the side of which I - --------As it wus nea.r S<ll!S&t, the pearance tells at a glanc'1 that she is the, ve1y tones of that great Rovere1g's speech, pa11y a ll day long-your mmd ! your heart, 1 Jay his shoes. VE'tE.Rl.N ARY SURGEO?l. 1 and the gra.vr a_ccents Burleigh. The and all your h?ughts and fancies. I would stud(lnt proposed w p:ay the old ma,n a joke. , ·offspring of the daughtei· who had left her · bbey rich o wa though trad n v s w ot h ed up e s o on t about dead a 1 1 s " I will hi!l hoes; we will coMeal ou r- l 1 n s rn o, e n or y t' t o t h ome. nwley accepts the c harge of th e A More horses aud hounds. selves behmd the bushes, and see what he little foundling without a murmur. At the and gone mona.r chs and senato rs. . " I have been brought up to care more wil l do." time the story opens this child now grol· ing \than one sovereign had rested there on a " o a n h t rs fo friends fou y ooted y hrou s cou west the h ha try. "No," Sfiid the professor, " it would n ot e n . t r 1 es r;i g t up to womanhood, gives evidet signs of an /ro al J?rog Perhaps vou never hd a f1e !1d who be right. You have money enough ; just Matilda Tcaducey had always adued he a,11- cons uming passion, and her father susSuch friends1p 1s xact. pt " dotl.;r_ in the man 's shoes ; then we ' pects righ tly that she is in l ve. He has Abbey. If there wa s houai: m which !oved you a.a I, do. . o s;i-?nfice3. will hide behmd the bushes, and se what j ob3erved evidences offatra.nge:visitationa from he would _rathe_r have ruled tha!l m another, 1 m!f: Helen. There must t a very not S ' .Must _ there? Well,_ it h il was tlu Rlrz'1.betha.n mansion: and _ It I l do." e w . a " g entleman" at the cottage - a smell of ( . ? . home of an Jr1sn gre1J.t sa.?r1fioe for a P?nm ess Ii:1sh g1r l to be The student agreed to the propos::i,), and l ";gentleman's baccy" iu the room , strange know that ,it was to e be ! footprints near the cottage_ but Madge sa.pegrace s uns oph1stwa"ed daughter, a your wife, a!1d to hve m this lovely old they ooncoiJ.led themselves accordingly. I When the laborer had finished his row of denies all knowledge of euch v isits to her, gn: who hd been .brought up anyhriw- house. It will not be my house, though! Miss Toff·atf alo felt I sh all only be a secondary peron. Your corn, he came out of the field to gv home. Asked to interest himself in the this was bitter. father. He put on on9 eh o<', felt something hard, girl, the Vicar speaks to Ldy Belfield on: that she had been cheaed. Sir Adrian was mher must al ways be tho.pest. . '*rtt.dn8.te otthe Roya.I College of D0Mt1.l " Y u do not mmd that? asked, Adr1 an. took it off and found the dollar. He looked the subject, and she offers to take her to re- the only good atch. m tat part o! the Surgeons, Ontario. . 0n, . .as around him, but saw no o n e, and looked up Mmd? No, I _ adore her. t::lhe is country- and his anuly and pos1t1 aide with htr at the Abbey. OFFICE O PPOSITE EXPRESS Ol!'FCE. an!-1 he1· wealth, they m1ght _ h av_e done any· much above m as 1 she were of a super10 r gratefully toward heaven. He then put on CHAPTER VI.-Made Dl\wley is installed : JOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY . the h ouseh ld f L d B lfi Id h . g, I thmg. And he was throwmg himself away clay-an angelic bemg out of my sphere. the other ahoe and f-:iund another dollar. 0 e ' 'I. ¥ ·in . upon a pauper. But I hall be Lady Belfield, too. Will He looked at it and looked all around him ARTIFICIAL TE E TH lNSEl':.TED WITHOUT h tu g c . ugh me Graduate orthe Ontario Veterlna:v College, y, c een e . 0 Helen cme in with h er lover while tlie not that seem strange? Two Lady Bel- but saw no on He then knelt upon th i PLA'l'ES. Registered member of the Ontario Veterinary a M enwI11 e t P er a. . gentle Dorothy thus mused. She was flush- fields in one house. We must live half the ground and retrned thanks to God for the M e dical .Association. e n 1s woo g, an Great Rednotione in price on all Dental S r e e s ian : P r ., ed with her ride in the cld c lear air, and , year in London and Paris, Adrian. We blessings that had been conferred npon h im· · 1 .a 0 m a.pac it S-Offlce and Residence. Newtonville, Ont. Work. Vltabzec Air, con stantl y in use pro H · 1 °h alf coneen e en Deven 1 in a. brus-que, · oo ked IOV'eIY m her neat ]"ttl i IV'es here. 'l 1 h at and must not rus t a.way our I' e fet ducing Painless Operati ons. P a rticu lar atten The listeners learned from that prayer that· Will visit Orono every Tuesd ay a.n djSa tur day ff h nd t " f why, t0 ac,e t h" im s her tion prud to the regula ti on of Chil dren's Teetll girlish habit, a little blue cloth habit made . "Do you c!l.ll this rusting?-' he asked, the old man's wile a. nd one of his children Office hours rr m 10 a m to 4 p m a. · fa at a s, no: gomg er. u v o e v i rn K w ARRANTIW. .._ 8 lllllir' A L], wr were siak' and that they were poor ·' 80 that Coulter&' Hotel Calls by Telegraph 0re00 or any o f by a.n Irish tailor. Mrs. Baddeley had her tenderly. s Y. dar 1. 11ed :1ove or ing, to be ca " · t iml!: ed'ateattention I H er hcad rested· . h er eyes the two dollars were 11 great relief sont to hun rnu gear from th e mos t" mst h" 18 k nee,' 1ona blo Branch office, Dr. Rutherford's Orono. kly y those e t pp 11 t" s are CHAF. GE MODERATE. B to rt a. J IO i habit maker in L'.>ndon ; but then Mrs. were lookung up at him, starl iko in the dim them from heaven l ca m e s y u a. m, an a. . B11.ddeley had her own bills, and her own re- li17ht o f the low wood fi re. "There" said the prefessor how much Ad ria.n. i: There 18 a whId bole me:mn m 5. "No, this ia fairy fand, dream·land, what better th ,sources, gre11.t or small, Adrian and his is than to have hidden the old 1:1r. w t w, w h e ong 10 ficmcee were perfectly frank and gracious you will. B ut it can not last much lon er, man's· "-[Christi!l.n Advocate d_ v l h an n a y ar 1 su ar e s 1 1 n · in their t alk with the two young ladies; not a moment ionger "-a.s the timepiece 1a_ ,, 3f Aa - . _____ ti la a. th' e wor uses. " nan "The1·e is ha.lfhad no idea of any leaven of malice lurking chimed the half-hour. 8 e. ay at que t, oons n s t bbey dur.Mar:riage, under the outw &.rd semblance of good will ; past seven, and I shall be late for dinner h e a bsence 0f er a :! er an sis er. accepted congratulations and good wishes as again." M.rrfoge should be waited for, not sought. "Don't if you can h>lp it, darling. I t is "vV a matter of course. ho knows," writes Miss L. c . .Moulton, CHAPTER VII.-NoT QUITE CONTENT. "Yes, we are both very happy," said one of the f ew things tha vexes my moth e r." "round what corner his destiny may be hid Adrian, smiling as H m she d ran at le his out o betrothed; he " I did e n a e a moue t t iug-at what unexpected turn he may come H 1e D . ever · u h ad been stay . ng a t the not think it was t:te common lot of man room. It seemed to her thav the re were a upon he face above all faces for him? To e . s e h d b t Abbey 01 n e_ar y th ree weel s e ' a 0 to knew such bliss." good many things which vexed La dy l3el- rrnt aide llS or as possible tbe thou f a :?ht of come d omesticated there, an d soemed a par. " y ou don' t liunt, now, do you '" ..: eId. n· l f wnn,1uT <r11ri'l'R 11 k" se d t r a t g e th n t u k . ' d aa rnor. e WITil ·rm11:rn. e o a 'In s e . marriage until compelle d to think of it by th .1 ) " I dyBe Ifieldfound h erd , Miss If 'II' ' f' <l:f · n .... "P.#r n U' "61 0o. " e fadl Totfstaff of Helen, "I haven't seen lady's teeth on edg e, and Helen w as the so me strong and special attraction towards s f · wn ermg . ow 6 e ha d. eyer manage · very spirit of disorder. you out for ever so loog." · i· } ..u, , .LU. \I · JL -'\. some spec1 be seek · al p erson ia wiser than to PURE8T,STOCESTBEST. · 9 her existence without tbe g1r1Ish_ figure a"No, I no t be n out. . Ho.If-way to her room she met one of the Adrian is ' e ing in every chance iicgua.intance the possiPJU.fl'l'f{:AL DENTIST, Ready for uso ln any qu:..ntity, _For ways a. i! h?r a1 a e , :prompt a nd s "'.lt t o wa1t a dvis ed not to hunt, and I don't care about 1 house-maids in a corridor. 1 tl making Soap, Softe11ing Water, D1s1n ble husband or wife. 'We shall meet the peoupen her in a. 1 nngs' and anticipa te h er OVER TWENTY YEARS EXPEIUll:NCii:, A a hund1·ed other uses, "Is that you, :Margaret?" ahe cried. . fPJcting·,and [it without him," i p e who are coming to meet us,' no matter can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda, want s and w s he , to cut the 1eaves f. h er all'oauOxtdeG:nsA.d.mtnistered for rutnles "That mus t bl3 a dr ea.df ul depriv ation "Come and help me I 'm awfully in what for off land their 1·ourney towards ue i s 01 boks, and t° a.rrang her crewe !6· t 0 1t J)ruggists, en and Groce1·s l1 8 Sold l>y a · though · to anYbodY who i f0nd 0 f spar t· " late again." o perati 0118' . 1 begi ns. Perhaps pa.rents are mora to blame . with an enraptured air to her music. She TORONO. ! 2, w. cu,,:r:T"I'. Th' M arg:.ret, a 1. ias M e two girls were ta k mg together on lt[(J(J.1.ffNG'S &J.OCli, OHlVE iadgP., was Lady B e - For worldly marriages than we are apt to ore than r c nci w ed t .1 th "d th e t a 1 one side of the room, while Adrian was en- fi eld's fast protrr·ee, the new girl who had think. How constantly we hear the term, a e oh er daug0hter 1 was to be 3:8 . . t h1 s gir m tl1e ' f u------b n t k g d th h" h ld f ch uh h he d M" s Treducey 1 'married well' applied not to <'haracter or tur. P rovidence for : h M ! le e;_ t l!. : he w a.s grateful to roned it r r a er sde t e t e rU g congeniality or true fitness, but to a com· . . h avmg given her sueh a d aughter. very amena. e bl d h d t k · t an a a en o m, · " I am veryf ond of sport' "Helen confess fortable income! And yet there is something · · ·· lt s he 18 · on1y as d evot ed to Adnan as ic d uf ies. H · d omest" er to be said for 'the stern ' of the nov.rn t Ii er m curtam "I can't help being sorry 8t she seems to be !" thought the mother. " If ed, with a sigh. o a e oor. Helen n the upper v pi inc w s <;> fl , e that Adrian can never be a hunting man. ls, with his'hard facts.' The old adage that she is only true!" no 0 alcl her o w, ws struck by when poverty cornea in at the door love i; There is always that doubt, until l ove I should so like him to have had the hounds. 1 1 · t e gir goo 00 8· and ad Ill a manner out of the window,' i8true only of small and . and lovers have been tried in the furnace of They say there will be some difficulty about · appropna ted h er services. She was much poor natures-natures incapable of a great a ma,ster if Sir Georoe h a.rd expenences, b Rollestone give9 them ' qm . ck tr 0f lll . t e 11ect and hai;d" ier altoge ther love ; but it is nevertheless true that to be Colonel Deverill and his elder daughter up, as be means to do; and Adrian would be · · than the average housemaid. " t loved i " t 1 s neceseary to be lovely, o,nd that it were s t"ll 1 in · p ans. Tllat l" ·ty waB the most na ural person to them· 1vely01 1 t's h W"th M l H Ie!lcontrive · d t0 sf .ep, e or difficult is . he pity a brothe to his "What belovelywhen ." not we are i ar m e r ,e ar . , . e J 'ust after th e tu rn ofth e J at its bot . . . . appear m the drawmg-room iuat two mrn- hard pressedb y want u,o d rendere11 . fretfuJ Maior Baddeley and his wife bad n umerous "Ah, Mr. Belfield IB a uap1tal sportsman, utea bef <>re th b tier an ced d' mner. by :;nd overwork . " They I believe," said Helen with a slightly regretfriends there, French and English. ' 1 vO N TUi · ) were sta,ying at the Grand Hoel, and they. ful air. _ .... ,.._ .., _ _ _ _ f were sf6lng everything. The Colonel had "Mr. B el ield is eYerything that Sir . Things Impossible. After spending much time and money, I am been IHs eager to go back to Devonshire, Adrian is not," replied Miss '.l.'offstaff senShavmgWater. WILL OURE OR RELIEVE now propared to fill all orders P,romptly. I To admit that our shoes hurt because they seeing that Helen was so happily placed tentiomly. A country vicar was recommended by a haV'e a. floe assortment of WA VES, BANGS, I too small. To listen cheerfully to a BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, "Nature ha.a been kinder to him. Poor doctor to take a. little stimulant, and a.t la,st SWlTCHES, COMBS and PINS very che a p. with her future mother-in law. Re had reSIA DROPSY plied to Adrian's letter, asking his oonsent Adrian I " reluctantly consented to do so ; for the go··d twice-told tale. To love a bore beca.use he I DYSPEP BANGS FRO :n..1.1: $2 UP. To remember debts as vividly as INOIGESTION1 FLUTIERING "But then, Sir Adrian is so clever, Mr. man believed in the force of example, and is good , Old Sw i tches co'orcd and made to look like to the eng1>gement, with ch:>racteritic can· OF THE HEA'RT, ' dour. Rockstone told me that he has read more hence hiid been an abshiner for many years. we remember debtors. To be grateful in JAUNDICE new. Highest price paid for long cut hair. ACIDITY Of " I must confess to haviog perceived which than most men of fifty." I So he decided to keep the bottle in his proportion to the intention of the benebctor. rather than in proporti<'n to what we receive. SALT DAiil 'ONIC wa.y you and He len were di.ifting, and to THE STOMACH1 "Yes, he h11.s surfeited himself with books. wardrobe, and take a little whiskey with To feel s deep i> remorse before as we feel HEARTBUR J Warranted to p rev ent tbe hair from falling haV'ing been heartily glad," he wrote. " S he He ia very clever." hot at the time at which he shav-d. N DR YNESS out and will make it grow. is a sweet girl, andwill make you a. sweet wife. This was spoken with a sigh. Helen was' When the lEacufapius called at the ond of a. after bemg found out. HEADACHE, ' OF THE SKJH, WI have also a fine lot of new St amping Of course you know that frorn a worldly point apt to be oppressed by her lover's intellectu- I week, the vicar's butler announced to him And eve:r,y s:pecifJs fila& ll It Patterns. All orders p11omptly attended to. of view, you a re making a shocking bad, al superiority. It wns a kind of barrier that his master hd gone mad. " For,"sa.itl Of course Solomon was tho wiseet man. A b'Q:tn disol!de:red x, ; KID N.J!J1l'll, , · D LOO "k B o match. I have not a. shilling to give my that kept them apart. He knew so much of he, "he's crying for shaving-water a.11 aa.r fellow with 700 wins has a cha.nee to get STOMACH, BOW1:. They will have my estate be books a.nd the man who had written them, long." N eads' Block, Bowmanville. daughters. 47 instruction. l!M"'--! !1!7!!!!.!!!.!..!...!._!_!.l!.:!·&W !!! !!!!!!! and she so little. She was of her [Now FIRST P11nLrsnso.) (ALL RIGHT RES·-RVED.) DRAGGED DOWN .!:SY WOLVES. ignorance, and thus dared not talk freely CATARRH. ·r HE CANADIAN STATESMAN S 18 ETERY WEDNESDAY ltlORNING PUBLISHED N.L A.JAMES -LIKE AND UNLIKE. ·' By M. E. BRADDON, , 511 g 1 d I I te:l!. . : : °;,f 0::;; 8 : :: M I , i &, <> :IJ: , 1 I ;!"\l!, 'Jr l· ) I i R. PEAT E, Tai ' lor. I :i :0· N'i6a.I · j' ! j j j I · I I I I J IA A D I s MI:LLI!\TE F1Y fll1"1Nn, f-i i (ii'1'.!1 !1L V i ' D ji l i H gt! I S 0 B 1]0'?[ Ji1ir.B,1;,[1: I l 1 1 j , ,TRY D E N T I \ 't ha I I ? I j IW -------------- --W rnply, dt"11 '1p f Ad 0 DENTISTR'Y. llC ,0B i :: 11t 0d f· i h · J , , 1 i I j ! I e j r , c ll ! 11 I t :; , I ti .J. "' , A 0 J M. . [,!) t l j j j I , 9 9 PERCENT Fine Hair Goods. PatronizB Home TRADE LADIES, I I I 0!d h'!; , (T ll I 1' ! Mrs. A. DAVIS, , I ERYSIPELAS RHEUM T. MILBURN & co., -'dlf M o '

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