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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1888, p. 1

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tsman~ TBRMS :-$1.50 Pu .AmrtrM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD .All"l'ERWARDS. M. A. JAMES &no:a ..urn PltoPRIJIJ1'0lL, VOLUME NEW SEBu:s. NmrBEB 504. BOWMANVI LLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCR 28, 1888. Darlington Taxes. Mn. Eorron.-As the Bill of Abaten1ent this year is unuRually l .. rgP, some of the rai e·payers are very properly anxious to know how it is . I will tell them how this nmount Ii! made up: Errors in assessments and amts. remi t,ted by Council. .......... $109 ()0 Nou-resident's lands............. 12 22. Dog ta:xea not collectable·. · . , . . · 10 00 Total.. ................. $131 22 JAMES Cl!.YDJ!RMAlf, Collector. Hampton, March 20, 1888. XXXIV. fli UJ\IJIEJ< 13. - TO- HAMPTON. Mr. J. H. Brown who has been attending Jefferwn CollPge, Philadelphia, for th., winter, is spending a f.,w day11 at the Old Home, the re;-idence of Mr. I. L. Bro IV!l. 'l'he sale of Mr. ,John Wilcock's stock. etc., last week was a groat success. Hunk· inµ is the man. Those who may have etock to eell, Sam's the boy can do it well. Measre. Trenouth, Chtworthy and .Johns, of this pl<ce, have taken the con· tract to build a fine dwelling house for Mr. W. M1111 ning, eou ih ·west of Oshawa.. Hampton will soon be too small a plac" for those skilled workmen. Ae we have not been able to study our '·Almanac" much of late, we the WrODj! date for Hon. s.,nator McDoni1ld's visit to this place. EasterSunda.y, April lat, he will pt·'l\Ch here mor .. mg a.od ~vening, don't fail to hear him 1 On Go<d Friday evening, Mr. A. W. Stiuth1Jrs, of St. Thomas, will give a Smopticon Exhibition on the life of Christ in the Method·at church in this village. This exbibition has been pronou nced by all who seen it to be one ()f rare iutere:it, Admittance only 20 cents. SLow Uov. LADIES o N · LY! COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S Have just opened out two cases of BROOKLIN. Our music class nulllbtirs 31. Scott Act Association meets here Mar. 28. Social at M:r. Cuttle's Good F1i<lay eveuing. ·Mr. E. Bickle, of Donnville, Virginia., led Mi·s Minnie Allerns, of this pl,.ce, to the altar on l\'.londay, 19th inst. 'fhe ceremony W3.8 perform~d by Rev. L. Ph.,lpe. of Columbus. The happy pair left soon aftennrd11 on their wedding trip. A. long and happy life to them. LOVELY EMBROIDERIES I To which they invite the attention of all Ladies who require really nice goods. They are confident that all who examine will pronounce them to be the finest lot of Embroideries ever shown by us or by any other House in BowmanvilJe. And having bought them direct for SPOT CASH they will be sold at very close prices. --------0-------- __Couch, Johnston &Crydorman One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. REMOVED! ------o---- SEO. LA/NB Has removed to Mr. McArthur's Store, NEXTDOOR TO MURDOCH BROS, ' ' VVhere he will be pleased to meet all his old customers and as many new ones as can make it convenient to call and see through his place where he intends to carry on Millinery, Dressmaking and Tailoring, Under the management of first class hands, with the NEWEST AND BEST MATERIALS suitable for season and locality. GEO. LAING. 'fhe social held receutly at Mr. Foley's was only a partial sucoesa on account oi the storm. But m1 only half of the provisions bad been consumed, a eecoud uoe was arranged for on the Monday evening followiog. The evening being fine the attendance was large, the provisions were ·11 u1wd up and the aumof$34 w·e r aised. The sinuiog, the 11peeches, &c. furnisheJ entertainment for the young "'nd tho o'!d. · All appeared to have a good soc al time, a.nd we think, tbat n few more such TAUNTON . gatherings in this place and in other Mr. A. McCready, Po~tm11Bter. Harris· plac..s would not ouly h f,lp the funds of t.on, Ont., has received a letter from the the church, but improve the social e!emeut Uni· ed States m1·kiug enquiries aa to the among th11 friends of the churche11, present residence of 1ho widow and family OOURTIOE. of on e Joseph Mit,,h,·ll, who re,ided in Minto during the years 1857 to 1861or2. Jno. R. Clarke at Ebenezer, on Friday He removed to Oshawa, Whitby, orsome ni~ht next. place in that ueighb11rhood, and died Mr .. Sid Brooke left his horse to stand some yMre ago, It appe11rs t.hat some by its~lf f,,r a few ruoment8 one day last proverty in England has be~m left to the week, aud a1 a result he hi.d a bug((y and widew, if livmg, or to the family if ehe is a b.aruess in need of repair11. rleacl. are, mnst proba~ly, S<.>me in . , The soft weather of last week caused the towushlp _who rem··w~r him a.nd may our er. ek to ov1·rllow ita banks, and when be able . to give the required_ 11.ddr~~B of the frost c"me it gave UR ·a good ak11Ling 1he pa··ttea. anv_euch rntorm11.t1on '" 111 be µlace. Th 11 ice, on Saturday night la.11, thaukfully rece1vtid by Mr. McCrtm<ly. j waa covered by youog a.r.d 'lid enjoyin!! It has,been rep?rted that the_ family are· a ~ort of carnival. Grand athets who 11ad near 'Iaut.ton, m tho Township of Whit- not used ak ...tes for twenty-live or thirty by. y no.v atr11pped tbem on and enjoyed R.A YDUN. once moro a gamo of" shiuny" on the ice. Middle·agl'd ladies practised once more Mr. Aunger 's son is still very eick and sliding and sleigh-riding, and all were n_ot t xpectod to r ecover. h11<ppy and found 1t hard to le1we the lco T:anc. Miss Autiit1 Brown, of Newcaslle, is even at a lat" hour. ~isiting htir sis·er, Mrs. W. H. Creeper. R.1mEEMING PotNr11.-N>111al Ba.Im doAa Tis reportt·d one of our yount.? b1tchelora ia 1<0iIJg 10 take to hirnselt a wife e'er th111 no r. irritate or o..use eueezillg, does not r··quire ~ny inatrument f..,r its use, does appe. rs in print. nut have any ill · ffecte, relieveB from the Mr. Jos. Hawkey leaves this week for ti · st, and one 60c. buttle will cure au hia new homt>, at Tyrone. He will arouse ordmary case, with no other ex~nse atthl'l native11 with his morning call. tached. : Mr. Neil and Wm. Colville and Mrs. Jas. Colville a <d d aughter, of Clarke, LUNG 8.AULT.. .;" were 11is11 ing in thi11 viomity last wetJk. / Mr. Richl\rd Staples is on the aick list , Mr. Jae. Mann lef1, on Monday, to wi~h erysipelis. take UP, bis abode i u Boi'lman,ille. Cnp!ain Brown is vieiting friends in e has gone to some distant clime, w~ teru Ontario. Far, far a.wayMas,tir Raymond Davey is improving May the joys ar.iuod his pathway ahine al9wly-aftor hill severe illness. Like bu!!a around a ta1er vine, Mr. 'V. Farrel has leased :Mfaa S. In that sunny, sunny t own, Farr.,J~ farm for ~ term of years. Far, far away. · Mr. A. Virtue is visitinl:( the scenes of ORONO. bis childhnod, aftor an .. bsence of three He is looking as llpruco as a Mrs. Jas. Herd, 0£ Orillia, is visiting frie11d11 here. Mr. S. Wright cuts quite a. swell with The W. F. l\L S., will give an enter · his fine cu~ter, a r1:cent pnrch -ise Crow tainment on Good 'F riday. rhe celebrated carriiige work.s of Creeper A rou~ic cla·11 of a hout 40 members has & Trewin, Haydnn. been or1rnnized here by the Ke.tchem ConMr. Farre', of Ea8l'port. Mich., is visitcert Co. ing his uucle, Mr. W. E'arr"l. Ilti l1as Mr. Brintne;l made an unsuccesaful purcha~ed three tine brood mares to take attempt ro dri·e bi.!! steam buggy last back with him. We wi&h hlm -.uccess. week, He'll try a11ain. Who w11a the young man that drove to William Henry jr. l1aa gone to Victoria, Tyro11e for tho .. bject of hia afft ction, B. C., and Harry lrnott is going to Walla wb1:.n he heard the ud tidings that \O ·walla, Washii·gto · Territory. New Park sh" h<d gone, and hither he Mr. 0. Newft, when 1B the· balance of went, but could not find the baln1 of that bachelur Jiat going to appe>l.r1 Sur· Gilead to cure a lover's miod, a1.d was ely you are not goiL·g to boy-oe>t the other heard to Bdy : Oh where, oh where 1s my eligiblti youn;; wen 1 awe~eart goue. Revs. 'I'. Dunlop, J. H. Shoulta, and £.very plea"ant time was spent at Mrs, Mesara. R. Knox and R. Moment wMe ~ Vtrtue'e, on Thurad«y evening las r, in .. ttendance at the Dominion .Alliance rivtien 11he gave her frieuds an oyster meeting in Toroni o la·t week. ? suppn. The1 e were re{lresent.atives from Mr. and Mrs, Jas. HnntP-r were pre· Solina, Hampton, · yrone, and New Park. sented with a handsome Sideboard, ancf a The best of ha.rm .. ny prevailed anti all Jasge amouut ,.f Glassware, on Friday er.j .yed themitdve. to 1heir utmost ca eveoing, the 16th inet., the t.nniverJ.ry The haµpy hou1s w·re wiled of th .. ir weddivg, by their many friends. away tripping the light fantastic, and all A p;ood 11upper wits partaken of, and a weude I. ~ir "'"'Y home aa Joe Byer'a most eujoyahle evenii·g spent. ~peckled roo3ter proclaimed t he break of Rev. A. Fra.·er preached his farewell day. BETSY BonDtr. sermon in the Presbyttirian church, Sunday morning, 18th inst. to a very large congregation, alld during t'le week the " WooDEN-HJU.DED. "--When a wooden ladies of the congregation preaen t-ed >\1ra'. p:\«ement waa desired outside St. Paul's Fr«ser with a h ~ · daume sum of mon"Y· cattJedral, ~id 11ey l::lmith eaid ; " if the Mr. and '1rs. Frnse1 left on Tuesday 20th canons "ill simµly 'put tbe'il" beads to· for their new fidd of labor, Comox, V .. n- getner,' the thing is doue "l Th,·y werti conver Island. n ..t Jia ·f so wooden-hendtd, bowo11v~r, ae i t would ··e to deny the meritofDr.R.V. DEPEND U PON IT ae<:id~nts will happen Piere· '11 Golden Medical Diiicover1, which deepit~ all car.., and painful injurit:s such bub cur, d ma1·y thouaat.da of li1er disea·e, as Sprsins, .B.ruisP11, Cuts and Burn11 re· , impure blood, king's evil, salt-rh.eum, suit, Every family therefore should keep dropsy, chr nic ffections of the th1·out, Hag yard a Yellow Oil on band, i~ is the bronchial tubos, a1 d lungs, Mthma. catg1·eateat family remedy for all Pamlle arrh. 1nflueDz· , neuralgia, dyspepsia, con· Coughs, Colds nnd Sure Throa.t, Croup stipa.tion. a.ndallskindiseases. Druggists. and Whooping Cough yield quickly ta When everyt.hlng elsa fails. Dr. ~age's, this excellent remedy . i Uata1rh Remedy cures. '.): I N l!JWO.A STLE. Miss A. Brown is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Creeper. Time ha11 again come when farmers are gettiug their rne-n hired and preparing for e.p· i1og work. Messrs. l!;d. and F · ank Betti; are home again after the cold winter haa passed a.way. Mr A. Col will ia er.ending a few days al. borne Albert ia impro· ing since he went to Belfoville. He will, no doubt, make his mark iu thia big world. BETHESDA. I OSHAWA. The New Skating Rink has been clos1id "" D . 111 A '11 0 p "' 0 ~.1 C' p s "' ' for tho season. .1u. " · .. · · · "" " ··· · · · . ...... T@ronto, Lnst year $5,642.10 worth of postage 235 Berkley St., stampe ·were aold in Oshawa, Mr. T. Jamee left on Wednesday la11t, Sp ~ ciRlht for the treatment of all to till a sitaation in Toronto. Chronic Di-eases, Private Die~ Mr. Willard is goiniz to erect a new eases, Diseases of the Brfiln a.nd Ne1ve, Di~ ases of t..n... Heart and store at Raglan, on hie old lot. By actu"1 ooun t dugs in Oedardale out- Lurg ·· ~.ositively treated suooess~ fully, nnJess too far adva ... oed. n11m ber the people. What a cur-ious ---o-pl~ce ! Dr. Sinclair will be at thB Wm Kerr, Mary St. on Wednesday )apt., fell on some 1ee, and broke one of his legs. BOWMAN Y'JLLE, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Mr . ThoLllan Eck, one of our oldest inhabitants, is very ill at his son-in-law, Dr. Lundy's, at Preston. Cnneul1atlon Freo. .._.._ J. F. Weir & Co.. of Trenton, are re- ,,_. moving to Oahawa, where they will enKlH.BY. gage in the dry ~oods busiu08s, Pop ulation on the increase on the 6th The form···r residence of Mr. Thomae Eck, corner Coutre and B11.C?ot Streets, lino. No sooner has Miss Meaale1 left than w1111 eoid recently to Mr. J . D. Storie, Mr. Wlloopwgcougli has come. for $1,BOO Mr. J . Clemence, from Michi::ca11, ·1s The dte of baptism was to he administ ered to a number of adults last Sunday visitiug hi.i brvthor, Mr. W. Clemence. evening in Medcalf St. Church by Rev. l\ir. Henry 'l'hornton ha~ sold hia fine Newton Hill. residunce io Mr. Al,,x. Laug, for $ 1,100. Mr. Ortsselis, teller in the D ominhn The congrel{atio1n of "ur chorch pre· Bank here. has g"ne to Toronto to join eented Mis· R . Thornton witb the Hum the head office eta.ff. Mr. Cruso succeed· of $25, on ::innd«y eveumg IM t , fur her ed him h ere as teller. services ren<tered as organillt in tho ch1iir. Rev. N ewton Hill has r eceived a uniinMr. R. Lint·m sold ont1 of his fine im1·Ull ca.II b· M ·rk11am Me thodist church young ho1rsPs ·a·t we.;k fur Lho haud11ome The c11!1 h .11 been accepted subject. to the sum of $190, aud bo11ght a b111.1dsome approval ,,f Cunforenoe. brood mare, the s me W dl k, for t he enRev. R. D. Fraser, M. A., preached a ormous ~um of $250. Buoine11s, eh ~ serm"n preparat.ory to Commnnio11 in the OL .1.RKE UNION. Pre~bytt1riiln church here on Friday evening to a large audience. Wood b11ea are now tlrn order of the Whitby curlera are silent about being day. charnp1ona of th·' diatrict ain e beiog heat· Misa Icla S)uch is visiting frie·1 ds near en by Aowmanvill., aud Oshawa. It is Bowman vu le. best not tu "crow" too loud, for curling Se\lora.l from here attended Mr.Somer'il is a Rlippery game. sale on Thur~d ay, 22 .1d inst. Mr. and 'M:ra. Uunliu, LeskarJ , were Tho Oddfellowe, of 011h11.wa, have secured 1 he services .,f Rev. N. F. Martin, guests of Mr. Chas. Couch on T h ursday Chatham, Ont., Past Grand Master of iaat. Mr. Ge1 ), 0'1ne, of Whitby, who has the Order, to preach 1heir anniversary b1Je11 viaitiog here of l11te h>1ob i·t:iturued sermon on Sunday, April 29th. The M.edcalf St. Methodi.t Chnrch an· home. Misa Liz:11ie Allin, of Grow>, 8pent >a niversary held on Sunday and Monday last. was a decidod succes». L 11r:;ze num· few days at borne aC<:Ompa11ied by .Miss hers putook of t ea, and the addresse~ by Nellill H ·.·ckiu. Mr. Obas. Sharp ha~ retnrne<l home R ev. M1·ssrs. German and Sanders .n. wert< very interesting. . " after si:'e 1. di1 · ~ two mont11s with Mr. The lecture dtilivered by Eli P erkins Powers, of Kirby. Mr . Alfrt' d Bill, of P·irt H opf', a.nd Gn Tue11day eveniug last, in th e Mu3tC H.11, under the auapi·~es of the Mechau· Mr. Clrna . Hill, of Whithy , v1sit<'d t befr ic11' In.titute, wa~ well attended, the sister, Mrs. W. L, 1c<10u1ly. Mr. lh1·b.,rt Pointon h ·u hired with lectu1e wa8 oce of the most entertaining Mr. McCu:lou;;h, uf EntiBld. .h'AMA. ever g1vea h Pre. Rev. J. W. Totten. of Markham, h11s tJULlN..4. received from the M.idcalf St. Church, Our e as1 end blacksmith j 3 going to o~hawa, a. Ul·&l.timous in vitat10n t» tlrnt ch u ch DPXt y111\r. Mr, Tott n has l\C- leave th rn ~illage soon. cepted eubject lo the deci11ion of the sta~ Mr. '\V. VauNest has sold a val uable tiourng committee. entire horse t o the Yan kees. On the 7 ·h March a man who was st>llMr. W. A. Tom has purchnsod Anot her ing jewelry, hired & team of hors·is and cow. We wonder if she v. ill be ablu t o cut·t1r for a few days from l\1r. L. M. <'limb stone w.~n1. BJOob, of Ollhawa. The mt.n has not Visitors i.11 tbti nei~hborbood last week: ~et returned the hQraea. Oce horse W4.11 Messrs. Joha and OliYer and Mis3 Annie grey &nd the other sorrel. . Pascoe, of WtJst Whitby, a,nd Mr. J. Rob<>rt Woon & Company, Oshawa, A wde, d lle ll.,·ille.. are m .king prepara.tirms that wiU e able Mr. W. A. Tom is doing fl. rushinri: them to carry on an extensive business business i.n the wood shop , b e ba vin.g ill f!(eneral and agricultur11l maohmery, sold thr~e wagons this spdllg . H e is lllso rep11oirs, etc., havmg purchased all the doing a hi!( busine"s in r>J·sh:1oling s eed patterns, templ.,ts, etc., of the .Toseph drill feet. Hall Muchir.e Wurke. There ha~ been quite a change in and Th" Masson Manufooturing Company around the viilage l111ely by mo ving. Mr. h111t been ·ellioig quita a large l ·t of soud· S. Sh11rtrid!.(e has lll··V<-d iHto t ho house ing machines to the Mttssey Manufootur- lately Vrtcated by Mr. A. Hoooy, l\'.h. D. i 11g Co.. , of Toronto, and bavo giveu .l\1ontgowo;uy ha'S m .. vud on to his farm them pa·t of the Province of Q·1ebec, all lately occupied by Mr .T. .B. Rnse0ll, of N.,w Brun·w·ck and Nova l::lcotia, as a anti. Mr. Jno A.tihton has moved into · ight to sell. This d al .. m, we e:xpeot, Mr Montµo mery'11 vaca.n r . hourn. mean from 400 to 500 machin·s a year. The sermon on Sanday evening last They have also had several good deals WM very good, no d vu t.i t, if i t Wal! so for Manitoha. it could be heard. J ACK The small audience to h~al" R ev. Prdess .. r Chrke o n M< ·nday, wel"e deTAMAJUC.-To etlectually cure a bad lighted with a l t>otllre of somewhat tm- cough or cold, and 1io it. quick, use Tnmpromia ng IDil..teri 11 .,f an "l leuory, "The ar aa Eli:ur. It btnt es 11t t,bo r · O' of the Watt>r. Babies," (by the Rev. Kmgeley) trouble and gives imm01iiate l't!lief. t written for the edific .tion of children. .BNNISKJL[;MN. Tb11 extracted many beautiful truths and charmiug cullceptions, ae well F'atber Gilbert delivered 11 ve1·y inas some eharply-po1ni:.ed Chriatiim and structive and inte1esring se1mou in the moraL,teachings. Methodiat church hero, l ....,t S unds.y eYe, Our <Jricket Club hns held their annual Mr, Strut her, of St. Thom ·.~. givoo a mee in11 when the offictirs elticted wer1J : lecture on "Tha 1-1fo and 'fim e of -Hori. Pi-e"ident, W. Smith, Esq., M. Cbri~t," 1Huatratl)d with a be~ utifu.: Beries P.; Hon. Vice-President., Dr. F. Rae, of Sciopt.ioon vunn, in the Methodist and R S. Hamlin, Esq. ; Pr.isident, A. church here, ·rueAd ' Y evening, April 3 rJ, Hindes; Vice-Presiden1 ,0 L.Cr·sswolle1·; prox. H ia v.,ry highly spok..n of. Secretar~. F. 1\1: Hollancl; ~reasur~r, E. Among the viait,,rs last week P rnf. J . I. Rows_e · Ca.p· ain, R. Dewar, Com~ittee, Brown, fo.rwerly of the D ed and Dun:ib h p d" l Geo. Rice, A. Henderwo, T. W., .r t. t p tt b . 1 ltU e, · s urg , a ., no"' a mt ica dA M b I d "d d t athn 0 ' '.'w r~yk. t At wn~ ti~ci e 0 JOlD student, of Philadelphia ; f}l,o Messrs. J. e nt>ll'lO 0 ric " ssocla on. C. Callllnder and J. E . Bin~ ham home Mr. aod Mrs. Hy. Dearborn, who mo ved from the win1or session of On·atio 1 frNn this eec ion to Hudson vii!e, Michi- V eteriu.ary Colle~o, and Miss Carscaddmi , gan~ about. nine ye~ri ag1~, ars her~. of Cartwright, the inv·tauun of_ thei r relatives !"ud fr1e~da· It i 8 not very crt>dihble to the eongreto ceilebrate their go.Iden weddtng, which ation of t.he Meth.ud1st, churr·h her th t h appy event tcok place on Wednesday h t d h. . e a · t'it'I '{'· 0 Id h t d Af t e a ten t1nce at t o cuncurt g1ve11 by evenm~, a ; _ _. etr omes ea · ter.. tho choir laet Friday oven11m Wl\S not pa~rakmg .,f ~n exct-lleut supper, prep ·rod larger. Tho pro"lram was eirn";;n.,nt accl fo1 tho OCCf',Jll~n. Elder Prosser, on bt,half rendered in Suell a wa1 as to reflect very of the ~u.-sta, prnsentt?d th~ venerable much credit, on the p~rformer1!. Thti couplt1 with a p11rse of gold cotn amount- h · · 1 ·1 d f 1 1 11 iog to over $60 besidea other gifts c ".ice muiuu urnia ~ rl·~ to t ' congr_e.. . · , . . gation evury Sunday eve111.1g d »eerves m On Fnd..y ev:eum~, lGth a.l><.1.ut 9 o clock return at least a liberal supply of books ns Mr. S. Treww was appro11chmg the gate from wbich to make selections n.nd it leadiu~ to his residence, he was attacked would have .. been a vory s:na,ll 1thi ng to by two mE'n ~ho struck hi'Il.,On the back have shown thmo,{the choir), h·iw they of thl! neck with what was ~pposbd to be were appreciate<l by l;(iving t hem IL foll a. sau\}-bag. A,lth .. ugh sn1ect for a mo- Jiouss and tile receipts theref¥Om. mi;nt;11 he wasj1.ot knocked wn, and ho _ ···. tur?ed on hirf:assa~iauts at\ e same time BooKB vs. EXPKRIB.sos.- 8 ooks are g1vwg au alarm. The. woutlbe-rob bers ; useful t\) add to our know led:{u, t> 11 r, practhen ran a.way and dtallµpeared in the ; tie11l exper1ooce te·ohes us th at the best, grounds 01 Mr.. G. S. Scutt . No doubt remedy f,,r a.ll t he di3 eas..,8 o( the Stom~heir i~tention waa to kn~ek Mr. ach, Liver and mood is easily to be h ad meens1ble and then rob 111m . and is called B. D. B. ·IDR. SINCLAIR --o--- RUEBOTTOM HOUSE, APRIL 6 ___ A ND 7,

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