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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1888, p. 3

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~~~~~~~~~ ~~-~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '!'he E uropean Situation. One 0 f th t 'k' 1' · l ,. l e mos s.tri ID~ po 1~1ca. ar"tc es 18 PUBLISHICD CA.TABRH.-A new treat ment has been ctls· thab have·_been published m Pana smco 1870 iov11red whereby a permanent cure of t. h ia :EYERY WEDNESDAY MORNING appeared m the last number. of t?,e Rtvite ittberto incurable disease. is absolutely aft'rmt· - BYdeo D_tux Mondes, un?,er the title of France, id In from one to three applications, no matt er Ram~, a?d E~rol?e. Contr~ry t.o the ~ua ..-bether standing one year or forty years. '1' 1 1111 tom 0 · this penodical, the arti;-le is uns1 gn- ·emedy is only aj)plied once in twelve days, ·nd does not interfere with business, Descrlp· AT THiil Oll'E:IO:S ed, bu,t ev_ery page ~e11ors witness to the :i·re pamphlet sent tree on receipt or stamu by au tho_r 8 npe expenence and rrn1;arkable \, H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, Wes& Post OJftee Bl ock, Ytng Street , Bowman · AUTHOR OF" LADY AUDLEY'S SECRET, WYLLARD's WEIRD, ETC., ETC. vUle, Ontar io. sa.g_a.mtY'.. A~ regards home politics, the r.ironto, Canada. WHAT IEI CATARRB1 v.:nter 18 eviden!ly an <?rlea.nis~,. bnt his T E R :tv1: t:l : Catarrh Is a dangerous dlst-.ase which thous· CHAPl'ER VIII.-" No GENTT,EMAN Two strong arms were thrown baclt to clasp views of the foreign_ r elations and interests inds are consciously or unconsciouslysu.tfering $1.liO p er A.nnnm, or $ 1 tr paid In ndvanee. WouLD H.AYE .ACTED So." nd encircle her. She was caught and pin· of France ought to impress all Frenchmen, 1rom. It is a muco·purulent discharge caused Paymen t str ictly In advance requtred h:om T here hnd been but the briefest letters oned a.a she bent over the chair. h ~ha.teevctro for~ of g~vernmen~ they may by the presence of a vegetable parasite in the w subecnbers outside o f t he county. Ord~rs t o from Valentine either to Lady Belfield or to ilulng of the nose. The prediSPOI!· But in ·the next instant she snatched her· ".P\l n pre e~. It is these.views, at once d iscontinue the paper muBt be accompanied b y Adrian. He WM 11ot Monte Carlo, and he self back from those encircling arms, and Ing ca.uses are a morbid state of the blood, the c~1g1Dal and .weighty, to which we would the e.mount due orthe pape wil not bestopped. alighted corpuscle of t ubercle. the germ poison dir~ct attention. . Subscribers are'responsibleunti r un payment is intended to return in time for tha last of the drew back with an indignant exclam11otion, ~l syphilis, mercury, toxomce, from the retenEvents h! so shaped themselves s1!-1ce ~ion of the effete mat ter of the skin, aup1>ressed hunting. This was all that was known crimson with rage. ade. about him, and now the season was nearly "It is not Adria.n," she said. " How 1870 t hat for the moment the only possible perspirations, badly ventilated sleeping apartBA.TES OF A.DllEllTISI NG: l'ii~ and the germination of other poisons in ally of France is Ru_ ssia.. But Fr!l.~ce might ments over, and he might be expected at any t ime. dare you ? How dare you?" ~he blood. Irritated by these, t he lining memWbole Column oneyear . .... . ..... .. . $60 ogle;~~ His rooms were ready, his horses fit , his A tall figure rose from the w ith a pay too large a price for that a1lmnce, al. brane of the nose is ever ready tor the reoepu Hal ryea.r .... ... .... . . 36 O · ~= ~ho!1~11 hatred of Ger.many ~ow re~1ders ~er 1!on of the paras ite, which rapidly epreadslnp " " One quarter ··.·.· ·· , 20 00 l!! ~ own particular groom was on t he look-ou t careless, easy movement, an d stood before Half Colnmn one year ..... . ... .. .... 36 for his return. her, erect.. Taller and broader than Adri a.n's md1~c~<:nt to prudemial ~ousiderations. 'Ihe the nostrils and down the faucea, or back ol the throat, causing ulceration of the throat; up " H11olf year ... ... ........ 20 0 I t was a dull 11oftcr noon in Februa.ry, and figure, stronger- different somehow, and a.cqmsihon. of Cons~antmople by the, Czo.r <he euatachian tubes, causing de,.fness; b u ic g·· One quarter .· .· , ······ 12 s Helen was alone in t he library, her lover's yet so like, so like- that it was difficult to woal_ d be h~ghly detnmental tn French mt~r rowing in the voca.I cords, oaualng h oarsen<Jes; Q u rter Colnxr.n one ye11.r.. . . . ·. . ··· 20 00 t1aurping tho proper structure of the bronchial favourite room, the very sanctuary of his believe that this was not Adrian himself, eats m Syria a.nd throughout wester:i Asia, .. " Halt year . ....... . .. 12 6 5 life, as it were-the place where he read, One quarter...... .. 8 00 "How dare you," she muttered again, where France. has b~ei; for oentune~ _the tubes, ending in pulmonary consumption and " " Ten lines a n d under ,first insertion · $0 50 and t hought, and played, and lived his own almost beside herself with anger ; all her patron of. Latin Chr1at1a.ns.. Her pohti;-al ! Many Ingenious apei1lcs for for the cure of Eaoh subsequent Insertion ... ... 0 25 m~ue:ice in the Le vant,. which has carried ee.tarrh have been invented, but wit hout suesacred inn 'r life, with which the rest of the Irish blood boiling in her veins. From six to ten lines. first i nsertion 0 75 ..... oess, until a physician of long standing discoV· household had little in common, " My dear young lady, you must allow with 1t ~reat comme~c1al advantages? could E ach snbsequent insertion.... .. 0 35 _ 10 ~red the exact nature of th dis0a9e and the It was not 11 conventional library-not a [ me to observe that it was you who began not surv1v': the est1J.b!rnhment o! Russian ~s· only over ten lines fir st insertion,perline 0 10 appliance which will permanently destroy E ach anbsequen t inser t ion " O 03 place of massive bookcases and regulation the," said the stranger, with a most cendancy m the lEgean. and m Anatolia. the, no matter how aggrava.ted the France, therefore, accordrng to the R evue, Snft'erers should send st am1 sets of books. It was half a. music-room, pr ovokingly p lacid air, " That consideration The number of lines to be r eckoned by_ > at once the epaoe occupied,.measured by a scllle of w;i th O.J?o organ at the one end, and a. ~rand ought a.t least to mi~iga.te your wrath." c?'nnot a ffor~ to help ~ussia t~ke Consta.n- tor descriptive pamphlet on catarrh, to th.a olld Nonpar eil, bnsinesa, A. H. Dixon & Sou, 005 "To-to kiss me hke t hat I" trn.ople, and 1£ th.e two countries to ~e piauo m the angle nea.r the old-fashioned 1 King street,, 'f'oronto, Oanada. t: fireplace. Adrian had inherited his mother's He laughed at her rage, as if she ha.d allies, compensation should be look ed for ID What the Rev. E. B. S tevenson, B .A ., a Clerw love of music, aud pla.yed both organ and been an augry child. anothe! quar~er. . DRS, McLUJGHLIN di BE I'rR. man of t he London Conference of the M et ho dist Church. of Canada, has to say in r cuard piano. The books were chiefly of his own "Would you have a man's lips meet the But 1 f the Czar 1?-ust not plant lnmself on 0FFICB :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. To A.H. Dixon&: Son' s New Treatment f<>r collecting, a library of modern belles lettres, lips of beauty as if he wer e kissing his launthe_ Bosphorns, neither must _the Hapabur_g Catarrh, Dr.J.W.McLAUGHJ,iN. Dr· .A.. BEITH. Gradu in several languages. dress?" he asked lightly. " Besides 1 had Ha.1s~r·. Franc? is as deeply mterested as. 1s licentiate of the Royal ate of the Toront o Oaklana, Ont.,, Maroh 17, 1883 "You are so awfully learned, " exclaimed a right to kiss you-as your future brother." Russia ID avertin~ the transfer of the poht- Messrs. A.H. Dixon & Son: Hege or Physicians "No gentleman would have acted so," co.I centre of gr.a v1ty of Aus~ro-Hunga.ry to "nd member or the University · l'hysic!an Helen, after glanciµg at a. shelf of Ger man DB.AR 81Rs.-Yours of the 13th Inst. to hand. Royal College of Sur· Surgeon, &c. metaphysics. "Do you really, really read she said, still fuming, her light riding whip the Balkan penrnsula. Russ1an.o see that ~he Lt seemed almost too good to be true that I am goons, Edinburgh. ' those dr eadful books?" vibrating in her tightly clenched hand. Ha.psbn~g Government, once in poese~s1on ourod of Catarrh, but I know t hat I am. L had no return of the disease. and never " I ha.vo spent some t houghtful hours that What would she have given to have horse· of Sa.Ionica, would absorb th~ eout~ern Slo.vs b.ave DR. ~. CJ. MITCHELL, r~lt hettel'in my life. I have tried so many way, love. I won't go so far as to say tha.t whipped him I There were women in the a~d tend to become 11o sem1.S lav1c i;iower. things !or Catarrh, suffered so m uch and tor EMBE R OF OOLLEG·E OF PHYSICI .A.NB I understand them." world who ha.d done such things. .l!renchmen see that under such circnm- ao many years, that it Is hard to realize that a nd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. " Does anybody ?" "No gentleman ! Perhaps not, " said sta.nces the German and semi.'Jerman pro- l am really better. Omoe and Residence. Enniekillen. I consider that mine was a very bad case; it - ·-· · ----- And then she would t ake out a. volume of Valentine, " I have never prided myself The P erplexities of a. Foreigner Concerning vinces of Austria would become detached was aggravated and chronic,(invclvlng the Keats o.r Word~worth, and twirl its pages upon that spurious conve;itional merit of beHis .Elll!;lish, and gravitate to the German empire. The hroat as well r as the nasal passages. aud I , "" -,v. S, ORMISTON. L, I., B. "Dos is «o shtrange in der Angliah Ion· writer in the Reinie is a patriot, but he does thought It would require the three ;treat ments. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money for a little while, and declare t hat the in.g a gentlema.n, to which every grocer's I tee! fully cured by t he two sent me. and to loan. Office, in Beaver Block upstairs in poetry ~s quite too loyely. son aspires from his cradle. I woald ra.t~er guage apoud oop und down. Ven I readt noi; h esit. a te to say t hat Q.e rmany, au.~ment t111t [ am thankful that I was ever inlluced to send r ooms formerly occupied by Dr. Harnden , " Which do you hke best, Kea.ts or be a blacki;:uard, and a MAN. I am a bcmg apou d oop und down how sh!l.ll I take him? ed by most of cis-J"eitba.n Austria, would be lo you. 311 Bowrue.nville. Wordsworth?" he asked. of nerves 11ond muscles, p!l.ssiona and im- Vhen I cross de river hivh oop on a plank, made so mighty that France, by compariY01111re at liberty to use th is letter stating ." I _ don't qui~e know," looking ~p a.t him pulses. Whether that kind of thing can be you say, ·You vill be dizzy- look not down eon, would cease to pose as a great power. that I have beGn cured at two treatments. and DR. E. C. JtlcDOWJII.L. { shall gladly recommend your remedy to aome But To Russia, also, such increase of strength on > with mterrog11ot1ve eyes, to see which of. the gentlem!l.n!ike, I don't know and don't care, - look up'- und understandt dot. my friends who are sufferers·, f_ ICENTIA TE OF ROYAL COLLE G E two she ought to prefer. "They are both Come, Helen, don't be angry. 'Twas no vben I readt in der noosbaber aboudt der bi~ the part ot Germany. would be dangerous, Yours, with many thanks, of Phyeicians. London. Eng.;Member ot REV . .E, B. STEVENSON College of Pbyeiciane ana Surgeons. Onta.ri o. so sweet. Ii.eats is delicious-bat Words· stranger who returned your kiss just now- hotel dot vos purned-she pe purned oop, sit.ce the Baltic provinces of Conr111ond, Li· And hundreds of others .SURGERY A.ND R EiHJ>ENCE:- Rear of Messrs, wort~ ie-Wordswor~h-no, I cannot fin_d but your lover's twin brother. who claims und she pe purned down- ! know dot ish voni!l., andEsthonia wouldcerta.inlybeclaimHigginbotham's Drug Store, Bowman ville, the right wor d for him : but I can feel his the right to love you, Yon ca.nnot be der same- down und oop ish shoost der ed in the of tho Teutonic knights who 6- lyr,· poetry. ' gre11otly loved by him without being a little same un d ugsa.ctly alike. But vhen I read conquered and ~olonized the coast fr~m the . · And Adrian was content to accept this loved by me. "Ve are two halves of one 'dot der woodchobber cnt der big tree down, m~uth of the yiatul!l. to the Gulf o~ Fm~and. D . BIJllYll SIMPSON, k ind of thing, as the expression of 11 epirit- whole, and lam th~ stronger half. You und he cut i t all oop, dos is shoost a leedle lh~e real obJ~ct of the Re'V.ue articl~ is to · . ' _ .. _ .. ARRISTEU, SOLIOITOR, &;o. MOPRIB ual eaaence t ho.t had not been concentrated cannot b_e wax to him and marb~e to me;. tifferent. Uud vben I res.dt d ot der convmc;e Ru~sm and, Austrm that, .mstead BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman· int~ ~peech. · melt at his touch and f.reeze at mm~. Our I' r ich man is all proke down, und pretty soon 1 of playmg Bismarck s game by figJ:tmg ~ne Ile, Solicitor for the Ontario Bank Gentlemen'sClothesMade to Order. '.Ihrn afternoon, Helen h11od had the hbmry natures too closely mterwoven. To love I right he is all proke oop too I dink another, the. y should bot h combme with Prlva'6 lllonevs loa.hed at the lowest r ates. all to herself. since luncheon. Adria.n had one of us is t o love the other. Come Helen, dot is pretty much · der 'a leddle Frnnce !'g~in&t tile common enemy of all - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - .John Keith Galbraith, go?e a long JOUr~ey to Exeter, to lo?k at a forgive and be friends." tifferent. three : Germany. .All three power!! wou!~ He held out his ho.nd, and she could_ not "Und vhen der doctor dell my leedle poy have much to hope for from a succeaful co. " D ARR I STER, SOLIOITOR, NOTARY of h~rses which he had been advised to Ul .PUBT,IC, &c. Q.ftlce- Bounsall's Bloc,k buy for his. mother's ba!ou.che. The ho!ses refuse to give him h_er o"."'n· . But the little he must take dot pitter medicine, he say, alition against the H ohem:ollerns. BisKln·IJ Streat. BowmaE-vl~~e_'.M:l>!-1~~~ -lend, she wa.s uslDg ":ere begmnmg to show s1g?s gloved hand lay supine m_his strong cl aa:p, , My leedle fellow, now you trink it all marck's empire might be bro~en up, or Your attention is direct ed +.o the imrnenae o~ wear ·. H& \'las not expected back. till and there was no such thmg as pardon m down· und den he say right av11oy to his rather cut down to the proportions of the stock of ROBJlltT AltMOUR, dd' , D 0 t 18 · t 0 t k d t North German Confederation In such a EGISTRAR, WEST DURH.A.M ISSUI!;R dmner-tlme. ,Lady Belfield had compl11omed her heart " l hav"e always beard that you are a 1 lmu 1. er, d al pravde poy ha e ~ oase the South German S tates. would fall to or Marriage Licenses, Barrister and A.ttor· of a headache after lunch, and had gone to her room to 'd , "bu t 11os you goot ope ta or ose s11o s uu vas so Austna, ' · " h , it . w1 ·11 b e rememb ered , .l I' n·:v at J,11w and Solicitor in Chancery. Money . . lie down· She had been h av- very st;r~nge person, " sh e sai to open his mouth nndseenntrink it e11oll oop' wh 1c . oaned on Real ll:sta.te. Oflloe on, mg bad mghts of late, und sorely wanted are Adrmn's brother, I suppose we must be dd · h t d would but for Frnnce Irnve a.unexed B11ova· Th f. h k f l · h . -un os is s oos er same. · · · · " . , Bawme.nvllle. 81 of e very d escription at eep. e ca.use o t ese wa en mg ts friends. " "U d d d · · l d rm m the last century. Russm might, for And wit h this not over civil speech she k nockn at ;:or p~~d !yv;:! u ~~; v~r~ her share of the spoils, take l:'osen, together was as far off aa Mon!e Carlo. The mother W II.J.IA.111 WIGHT. had been full of 11onxiety a.bout that way- Jeft himtohis reflections. b · i · te 'C · · 'd·"td , d h withthoseprovincesofE:1.sta.ndWest Prusyounger .aon'. wliose pro1o?ge d a bsence H.e t hrew b" . . b y the , o I ' ome mun , i poor own, un sick s e poy? say, sia which formerly held a relation . ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the ward . 1mseIf mto t h e oh air Dank you . how is dot leedle of vas. County of Durham. Orders left at the might mean m1soluef of some kmd. fire stirred up the logs and took out his I . t · · ht d 't "th · , ' s~lage tojPoland France on her'partwould She has 11 1 1 1 . . , · b v1 2 a.y a n1g un a1 oop Wl um · · . · d j ust opened h out one of t he larg est STl.TEBMAN o:tnce or forwarded to Tyrone P .O, Th? afternoon was dull and cold, with ctga.r case for. a com~ortable smok e etore und I say, how is dot? She vill ait down r ecover ~lsace and Lorra1~e, and perhaps an most s tylis stocks ever b!'ought .. 1111 receive prompt attention. 28:6m oc~as10nal sho'."e:s. Helen up her he went to his dressmp;-room. When the und she vill sit oop. Vill she sit avay high be vermitted to a?JlCX Belipum. to town, consisting of :J S. CJ. HIJNKING, mmd to spend 1t mdoors. She would amuse door was shut upon Helen- he had not oop on der shelf? Oh dos is t oo ridiculous! '.I.he R evue mamfestly thinks tha.t only by 1'1i11 i n C r y D S·! k "Oh I can nicht u~dersta.nd about dosa such a coalit ion can the perils of a German ' l' e S ~ "' I ~ ICENSED AUCTION EE R FOB. herself in t hat dear old room, free to peer troubled himself ~o open it for her-he laughed softly to himself. atrnnge' vordts down und oop und oop und hegemony be averted and the balance of V ~ I vets, &c., the County of Durham. Sales attended and pry about like an inquisit ive child. lo on shortest notice and lowest rates. .A.ddresB The delight of looking at things 11oll by "As lovely as her n amesake, and as down " ' power asur<>d for many years to come. In with a very fina stock of F eathers an d JOJIR!!~.8 P. 0. 36:tf herself-opening private drawers-turning spirited as K11ote the curat," he muttered. " I · its jndgment the Easter? questi?n should FI over books and papers- la. s ted a.bout half h ke her ever so much better f<;>r that flash ·· - · - .., be settled, first, by makmg Russia a great , o:vers. . Pianos T u.ned mnd Repaired,~ N earer Old Sol than we Thou ght. maritime power on t h e B~l.tic and N orth Call and m ape?t tlu~ fine ~1spl~y, which an-hour: Then she pl!lyed the piano a lit· of tempn. Upon m_y soul, Adrmn has n_ot tle, t rymg first one piece and then another, half 11 bad choice. I har dly gave him The r ep()rtof t he Commission a.ppointed in Se11oa, 11ond, secondl.y, by weldmg all t he Ba.l· 1 canuot fail t o gn ·e satl3fact10n . DARTIES WISHING 'lHEIIt PIANOS nev~~ getting beyond a page cf any com- I c~edit for such_ good _ taste. :Sut then t he England to sift th e results of the Eu lish kan principal.Hies into a strong so.nth Slo.vic 'C- Tuned ea oannav·et;hom attende\i pos1t10n before she was t ripped up by a dif- ; girl was fiun~ mt.ohm lap, as it v:ere. No obaerva.t ions of t he transit of Venus in ~882 Sta:t e, Obvi()usly, what t.h~ wnts r of t~e io Qy leaving word llt the DOMlNlON OI(GAN ficulty,_ and tu:ned the leaf in disgust. ( doubt Devenll came _here of malice afore- baa r ecently been made. It gives the solar article p~op oses ts a _parti tion of Prussrn I Co's 0P1'ICE, Bowmanvllle A ftrst-ola.e m(l.1' Wearymg of this, she tried the organ, of : though t, to plant his dau~hter upon my! parallax as 832" If then we take 8 now l>elnR in their emplo~ 7 912 bet~veen i ts three n01g hbors. But, as he which sh~ could make nothing; and then in i mot~er'~, son. Hark, t here's the :art, and, . miles aB the diam~ter ~f th~ earth, we' get pertin~ntly asks, .wh,at righ.~ .have the " ~fit of disg ust, she. flew to the bell and rang i Adrian. · . ninety-two million three hundred and eighty· Hohenz~llerns to O~J ecu to ~po!1ati~a-they VETERINARY SURGEON. it sharply. l He went out to t he p orch to rece~ve his l nine thousand five hundred and t hirt -one who r obbed Aust rm of Silesia., I.olv,nd of the 1'.osen, .nn.d France of Alea.oe-Lorraine? . B~" "It is miserably dull iri~?ors," she said; ~rother, who wa~ almost overcome with de- 1 miles and a q n11.rtcr for the distance I must get a good gallop. ; hg,~t at seemg him. 1 sun. · This sounds verv accnrate, but it ~ules, it is proba.J;ile_that unle~s. l:'ru~8111 _ is The butler appeared in the usu11ol leisure- l My dear fel low, what ages you h11ove , musb be remembered that the parallax above itself m a:fo t he victim of partitton, i t ~Iii , ly manner of a who iirnores any ill- been away. How glad my mo~her must i given is subject to limits of error which soon. suhi ec~ other powers to the ope:at~on. bred impetuosity in the r inging of a bell, by ' be,! you have .een her of course. mako the calcula.tiorui of dist ance uncertain It Will rle~rtve the .Hapsburgs of t l! eir h er · Not yet. I have only been here ~n to the E'Xtent of about a quarter of '.\ million man:spea.kmg pr_ovmces, and Russi il. of the being a little slowe1· than usual in answer- · ing it. · h~ur ; came by the slow a.fternoou train miles ; that is to say the sun's discan% may Baltic co&.i:;t. region. E il.t. t herefore, or. b e "Will you ask Dodmau to saddle a horse f1~m Exeter . Tiley told me my mother w~s 1be 250, 000 miles greater or less than t he eaten; th~t Is the substan~c of t h? warnmg 0 for me," she said; "I should like Mr. Bel · lying dowi;, not ove~ well, so.I ~oaldn t I figures given above. Notwithstanding the addressed by t~e French ~iplo~atist to the field's last new nhestnut, if I can have him. ; have ~er ~wturJ.Jed: 1 ve been s1ttrng over ! elabora. ~e preparations made for the obser- sta.tesme? o[ V ienna an~ S t. P~tersburgh. "yes, ma.'a.m. Will you r equire Dod the fi re lll the library, ~11olf a.a.eep. I I vation of the tranaib of 1882, and the genW~o.t IS here m?Oted I ? nothmg else t~an , m·otscd the .chaunel ~as~ ,~nght, and have! era.I success of the observers, i t 11oppears that a r evival of the t;1ple a.lltanceformed durt!lg H A RNDEN, I~. D. 8 man?" "I shan't require him, but I suppose I : be~,n travellmg ever s.mce. '" the results ar e nc. more satisfactory t~an the Seven. Years. War by F.rance, A<1.strta, Graduate ofthe Royal College of Dental shall be obliged to have him," said Helen. j "And you have not seen Helen· those obtained irom the transit ofl874. '.!.'he and R!1ss11J. a~am~t F re?enck the Grea.t. Surgeons, Ontario. It was one of her grievances t hat Adrian , . Ob, yes, I h~ve. Helen and I have made p.i.rallax is not very different, and the limits There IS no~hmg mcredible · about s~ch a OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. would not allow her to ride without a groom. , friends already. . of error are just as extensive. tra.nsf?rmation. It would be far easier !or (}OLD FILLING .A SPECIALTY She liked the sense of freedom, being ac· I He laughed a little as he spoke of her,and In one i-espect, however, all modern Austria to sunder her pre~ent con1?ect~on countable to no one for where she rode or the light danced merrily in his eyes. He meo.suremen ts of the solar parallax agree, W!th Germany and e~say, ID combmat10n G~adnate of the Ontario Veterlna~y College, ARTIFICIAL TEETH lNSE'RTED WirHOUT what she with h er horse. / wondered whet her she would give her bo- and that is in showing that we are a.bout witb. J!rance and Russia., to :-venge Sado~a Reglstercd member of the Ontario Veterinary PLATES. She had heard a good . deal about the trothed a. detailed account of their skirmish. three million miles n11&rer the sun than the t han i t was for F~ance to give up 11o poh cy Metl.lcal ABSociation. Qreat Reductions In price on all chestnut hunter 's evil propensities, and it The odd~ were against it, he thought. Wo- school books of the generation told us pursued f?r centuries and support th e· 1<r0tlice and Residence. Newtonville, Ont. W ork. Vitalizel .Air, constantly in use proburgs agmnst the up_sta.rt power of Branden- Will visit Orono every Tuesday andlSatllrday ' d.uclng Painless Operations. Particular atten was naturally on that account she wanted men are curiously shy ·about trifles. She we were. SlOn paid to the rel{U\ation of Children's Teet4 to ride him. would lock the story up in her own h eart, burg. Eu: one thmg the author of. t~e 0 111.ce hours rr m 10 a. m.. to 4 p , m., at Lord Dufferin's NLw Appointment . R evm article seems t.o forget, and this is Coultera' Hotel, Calle by 'felegraph reoeiYo d 0f t 0 and 11olways bear malice against him on ac· ,_...ALL WORK W .ARRANTJW·..._ B u t D 0 d man "."'as no t th e k . imE ecliate attention, m man . count of it. " that the little Prussia of Frederick the Branch office. Dr. Rutherford'a Orono. be c~ught nappwg; an~ he knew.that Sir "A 1 rk h ,,, k d Ad · h 1 "The news that Lord Dufferin is to 'go Grea t held its own against the three g reat CHA:E GES MODERATE. 1 8 Adrian would not put his future wife on an nc you e er . a.s e rian Y Y· t R ' ·1 1 1 h I"t ' I · . · · h h H -·--------·- - - - ·u d' d b te l'k th h t t S 0 ' " rhere has been no time for liking but o omo wi supp Y t e po I ice. gossips monarchies, and that smce t en t e a1 t h . iepHose l ru d e t teh 0 h esll n~ · h I ~dmire her immensely and I congra·t~late with alternate explanations of his enigma- heDzollerns relatively gained more wh be_ nt e de hntran owfn tob fo ah mf edr you on your good Juok ··' tical retirement from the viceroyalty," sa.ys strengih th11ou any of their enemies or rivals. _ a 1 an a , eager or e ray, s e oun "y . . I · ·8 b A d the St. James' Gazette. "M11ny people will s e not? the pretty skewbald Cinderella saddled ; es, sh~ 13 love :Z,· 1 n as see in it a confi.rmation of the rumour we and ready in front of the porch. dear as she is lovely. mentioned t he other day, namely, that the She Delights in Iniquities. · "Am I to ride that brute?" she asked, ! "Clover and accomplished into the bar- reasons which have induced the Viceroy's Mrs. Greenapple was exhibiting her It wa.s the hrute she generally rode with gain, I suppoee ?" resignation are strict ly priva.te, and conaectAdri11on. i " I doubt if you would ~all her either; yet ed with his d esire to qualify for a full diplo· daughter's collec~ion of curios, and was "You don't find no fault with her, do she is the brightest and most fascinating girl matic pension by ser ving a. further term as dilating the eupon with m aternal pride. you, ma'am?" aR ked Dodman, immovable . I ever met," to E ome foreign court. OthcrR "They are certainly very interesting, obas a. rock. i " I am glad she'11 not learned, or a para- may see in the despatch of a. diplomatist of served Colonel Mooney. "Some of them a.p· "No, except that she is a sheep. I sent gon in t he way of accomplishments. Every so much r eputation and 11outhority to the pe1.r to be exceedingly rare." WITHOUT TDll'l'll WlTll TJ:ll'ra . "I should think so," smirked t he old you a by Bellows. I wanted to step that a worrmn travels in t he road to Itali11on capita.I a confirmation of certain sus· "11111" 'M' "M' ride the chestnut ." ! mental p~rfection is a istep that l eads a.way picions of their own. They may hope, or l ady. "I can assure you thatGertie delights PUREST, STRONCEST,. BEST.. · .au,, J.IL . .&IL ' "You couldn't ride that 'oss, ma' ; from feminine loveliness. A beautiful wo- fea.r, according to t heir temperaments and in iniquities !" Ready f or u se In any quantity. For l"RA.CJTICJA.L Dlll!i'TIST, H4s t oo much for any lady.'" I man should be only b eautiful. All the r est principles, t hat the appointment of Lord And then there was 11 sudden silence, and m aking Soap, Son.en ing W a t e r, Disin'2VBB TWlllNTY YlllARB EXPlllRIICNOJC. "He wouldn't be too much for me." 1 is outside her ephere. Ima.gine 11 lovdy Dufferin to Rome will be the b eginning of the colonel was just 11obout to up a. focting ,aud o. hundred etllel' u ses, A "I should be very sorry to see yon on forehead that has got itself wrinkled over intimate and confidential relations between few new remarks about the weath er when can equals ~O pounds Sal Sod a, : Darwin." t he Government of t he Queen and that of harmony was restored by the explanation of u o·10 xldeGas A.d m iDJst ered. forPatnle· him, ma'am." Sold by all Grocers a:nd Druggists, the younger Greena.pple. Operatlo:ai. "Ob, _ y ou a:re mu?h ,to~ ?11oreful. You ! Hera.ttledonlightly,withhiea.rmthrough King Humbert." J;:, W . GII,T~ETT, TORON"J.lQ., O D I CJll antiquities!" "Mamma. mea.ns 11100L1TNG'8 BLOCJK. h11ove spoiled Sir Adrm~ s r~drnfl and now I i Adrian's, as they went into th ~ house and - - - -- --- - 1 suppose you want to spoil muie. up-stairs together. Wha.t Brouitht Him There. Dodman wa.s too superior a person to ! "Not a. word to my mother," said V alen· Dina.h t xpla.lned. Jud ge"Richa.rd Quimby, don't you feel notice t his unworthf petulance. He flung · tine, as they parted ; "I w.a nt to surprise ashamed of youreelf?" While at cbarcb an old lady ha.ppened to the young fady into her s!Ml.dle, a.nd gave her when I go down to dinner." " I do, your honor. When I think of my sneeze, and immediately every eye was her the bridle without 11 word, and then he · "I aha'n't see her till then. I've only kind pa.renta and my brilliant opportunities, turned toward her . W hen she reached mounted behind her and followed her a.long just time to dress. the avenue. l Half-an-hour lo.ter and L!Ml.y Belfield was and t hink of what brought me to this home she said .to Dinah, her color ed maid· of-all-work, who had been her companion ab She punished him for her disappointment · sitting in her accustomed chair at a respect. pla.oe-" "I know what you would say. It was church : "Dina.h, why didn't you take the by taking ' the skewbald over some of the ful distance from the drawing-room fi re, worst grounds in the neighbourhood, and at with her book-table on one side and her t he demon alcohol that laid its destroying blame of that sneeze on your shoulders ? a. breakneck pace. She did everything work-ba.aket on the other, when her two finger upon your brain and lured you on to You s hould have made i t appea.r a.s though she ought not to have done in the course of sons in together, more like than uau11ol ruin and disgrace. It was that demon it was you, not I, that sneezsd. " T he next an hour and 11 half of hard riditig. It was in their evening dress, which hardly varied t h11ot h a.a blasted so many lives that brough t Sunday the old la.dy sneezed ag1in. Some you to this." of the young folks t ittered, and there was a six o'clock when she went back to t he in t he smallest detail. " You're mistaken, sir. It was that broad smile on the faces of the congr egation Abbey. The mother rose in a t.umult of delight to . · ' ba.ndy-legged policeman over t h er e." as the simple-minded, fai thful Dinah arose ·· Tl.iere was a good fire in the library , she r eceive the wanderer. · After spi:nd!ng much time and money, I am s1:1w the red light shining t hrough the lat" My dear est, how could you sti>y away and said : "I t akes de bl1:1me ob dat snecz.e WILL CURE OR RELI EVE Very Considerat e. now prepared to fill all orders promptly. I t ices, and the emblazoned gfoss of t ho upper ' so long ?" sh e asked, almost piteously. my missus hab jest sneezed en my own BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINE SS, have a fin e assortment cf WAVES, BANGS, . Sh Id f h 'd · j "A d' ·t· d h · SWITCHES, OOMBS and PINS very cheap. mu1110ns. e was co a ter er n e m truant 1spos1 10n, an t e perversity "Well, John," old man J ordan to shoulders I" DYSPEPSIA DROPSY :S.A.JSrGS FRO]l..I.( $2 UP the. wind and rain, and she went to the lib- : of my favorite color: Never mind, mother. his young friend, "you have just married, INDIGESTION1 FLUTTERING Old Switches colored and made to look iike rary with t~e idea of enjoying _ herself for ; H ere 1 am and here I m ean to stay till yon I heard." The Artist T ells Her His Secret . JAUNDIC E, OF THE HEART/ take me up to London for the season." new. Highest price paid for long cut hair. half-an · hour m front of the burmng logs. ~·Yes, sir," he answered, w it h a spring ACIDITY OF Lu.dy- " I like y o\Jr pictures so much, . ERYSIPl'-:LAS, HA.JR TON She did not expect to see Adri11on t ill din" I am so glad. I am so happy. How morning smile ; " JUSt a month ago, and I tHE STOMACH, IC ner ·time, but to her surprise t here he was, , well you ar e l ooking. You must have en· want y ou to go up to dinner with me to· and I would dearly love t o be an artist. ! SALT RHEUMJ DRYNE SS Warranted to prevent the hair from falling sitting in tho low ar mchair by the hearth, ' joyed yourself very much t o stay away so day." W on't you tell me t he secret how to do it ?" j HEARTBURN out and will make it grow. fignre and face both in shadow, as she ap - !Ong." ,' OF THE SKIN, Artist- " Moat willinply, ma.dam. Y ou j' HEADACHE "Have you got a cook ?" a"I have also a fine lot of new Stamping proached him. j " Oh, I was with very goed fellows, and "No. " have only to select t he right colors and put .Azi.4 evaey species of di se(J.Se al'is: b1 11 -- .Patterns. All orders pnomptly attended to. She stoic towards him on t ipt oe, bent · t he sky was blue and the wines were ~ood, f:rom d i s.or der ed L IVER, .KIDNl!fY~ " Well, my boy, s'pose we go to a restau· t hem on the right place." 1 "Oh thanks awfully. I sha.11 go home S TOMA CB, B OWELS OR ~L O OD, over the of his chair and kissed him. ' and we had a y acht, and knocked about a l"ll.nt this time. You must remember I had 4.7 Neads' Block, Bowmanvllle. ['he kiss was r eturned wit h interest. good deal in some deuced rough weather. a young wife once myself. " now an'd comm:nce r ight away. & ,_Pro;pn;6~~N:ro. · THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M . A.JAMES, [Now FIRST P UDLISRED, l (ALL R lGBTS R ES.m1"VED. ] LIKE AND UNLIKE. By M. E. BRADDON. 11 og =:--- = = C . o l I M - --------- 'I·. The Meditern nean isn't all jam. Bat al · together the life suited ~e. There were plenty of pretty women, bu t not one so· pretty as my future sister-in-law" he added in an undertone a.s Helen ent~red, in an reathetic frock of p!lle blue cashmere, with short sleeves and a short waist and a babyish bodice which' set off herper fect shoulder s and swan -like throat. She c11ome into the room more slowly than her wont and· a sudden rosy flush swept over her fa.ce and neck as she drew nea.r the spot where the two brothers were standing. "Helen, let me introduce my other son," bevan Lady Belfield. "We ar e friends already," answered Va· lentine " Are we not Helen?" " An'd will be more than friends- brother and sister in the future I hope ,, said his th ' ' ' m~, ~:;;en to that sweet prayer. Come, mother it is my privilege to take you in to dinner to night, " a.s the butler m11ode his an· nouncement, "and I sh11oll astonioh you by the justice which 11 man who has been fed on kickshaws at a. Monte Carlo hotel can do to your old.fashioned English fare- your in evitable saddle of mutton and your elderly They went in to dinner, a snug little party of fo ur. The room looked all the brighter for that fourt h J:-resence. Their triangular dinners had been marked of late by 11 gentle d 1 uLna.'::;· Belfield was in hicrh spirits enrap· t ured at the return of h:r young;r born,' 11ond Valentine was full of talk about h imself and his adventures, good luck and bad luck, tne people he had met, and the women wi th whom he ha.d :ll.irted. Helen was unu9ually silent, a.s if somewha.b oppressed by tha.t exuberant gaiety. Valentine was right in h is surmise. Not one word did she say to her betrothed, on that night or afterwards, a.bout her skil·miah with Valentine in the library. (TO BE CONTINUED.) 1 CATARRH. L 1 B i I l R P E AT E Tall Or L ADI E s R M I L L I N E RY f!r L I -- L I w· D ENT l· ST RY. z J -- l I I ! l I D ENT I S T RY- I GILLETT~ POWDERED r BR I A'C0 BE LVE 99 PERCENT Fine Bair Goods. LADIES, Patronize Hom e TRADE I I l Mrs. A. DA V I S, l T, MILBURN 00., ~--- ~· · t ·~ .J-- .

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