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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1888, p. 5

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ReY. Ju. Littl~, M. A· wa.~ in t.own , Why could not we as c1t1ze11a mana~e Good Friday, March 30:h. Sewing m·chine needlH at T11it'a. We· are 1orrv to hear of the illn1111s of The tinw,.re eold by John Gri11il is like laat week, the guest of Mr. Tho11. Pater- : t o get the great Gilmore Band her" 'l The 11on. dr11l 11hed as full as it could hold at 50c, · Mr. Thos Brodie. the good old atock of yea·· ago. The modern marriage notice ! "No head would pay. Stir up the q uestion. Farrnera 1e« eample Mauitobllo Barley at . Hot X buns for Go d Friday . Leave Cards, No Cake, Nfl Flowi>r&, No 'fhanks, Mr. Stephen Wri~ht haa resign.. d his STA.TUY.A?! Office. ~our ord11r11 early at Chea. Tod'p. No Regrl'tl!, Nobody'11 BuRines11 ." po1ition as foteman of t he m1tchiot-ry Miee Spear, of Toronto, i1 viaitmg her There is n. great den.I of sickness in town Mr Arthur 8ntto11 had the m 'sfortunt dep 1ntment of th.e Cilbinet Fact ory, in many friends here. especi ·lly amon~l!t the yotml(ur folks. CURE SICK HEADACHE. to dislocnte hia ankle, whi!6t indul .insr in j which he has been engaged for the last See John Grig1o(s cnttonades- they are Dr. Pott.. r, dlice and rt>ftidenc.,, Prow· the sport of tob1,ggoning. He ie slvwly · 23 years. the best money c1.m buy. er's Block, King-st., flowmanTille. 1- tf. getting rPstored. Wt>. are sorry to hear that Mr. Geo. A purely vegetable Sugat Co'lted Mr. Bert Brittain h1111 gone to Toronto If you have old iron to sell drop a card Re\'. W. H. Warrinf\r ha.s returned Lorriman , of Toronto, is very low. He t o Johll Grigg, Box 98, Bowman ville. Fill for Torpid Liver, Headache, to wm·k 9-ith his ·brothers. from Montreal, haoing delivered some ha.s been ailing for nome time p · 1st, and Hot X, hot X, hot X bun'll at Chas. Mr. Richard Field has heen oonfined lectures to the students of the c...n grega- the dodor11 have given but little hope of iBilliousnes~, Coastipation, and all Tod's le:ne y < mr o·ders early. to his ho01e duriug the past week owing tional Colleg~ the re. his recovery. kindred complaints. Ma,ter Maxwell Bry11nt h!l!I returned to sickness Mr. Stf!wart who was in Cooper' 11 We are 11orr~ to state that Mr. '.r. Mcfrorn a prolonl!ed vi·it to Torontc. Call on Mrs. Morrison at her new B11nkrnpt Stt,re, was in town last we.ek, Murtry, proprietor of thti Ceotral J,ivery, tl.{ t o S·' cnre broke one of the s1nall bJUes of bis leg. Try J . hn Grigg'e delicious t(' !ls- 3 lbs. stand and (<et Millinery, Fancy Goods, from Paris. O" t., t·n<leBvori < ·store herti, so a1 t rsta."t b uninaH ~orr-y T"'m's l(enial physog will be sadly miesed for $1.00. Equal to the best 4.0 cent teas. and Berliu Wools at c· st. Faro1er", before buying see those cheap Miss Arie Ha ' gith who has been vieit- he wa~ unsuoceesful, as he would make a. for a fe w oays . If the prt!lilPnt teachers of our 11choole &et'd drills sold by O. Rogers, Bo\\·man· iu~ h r uncle und fde ,.Js in Cambray a.nd good C·tiz<>n. . ville. Lindsay, returned home week. Mr. McGhie, of Knox College, Toron to, have 11ny ide· \ they will ever teach in the Coneult Dr. Sim:lair a· the Ruebottom Rev. Mr Gnnn's s " bject. fr n <>xt preached two ··XceJl, rn. ni c urses iu St. new school buildings, they had better let Remona Impurities of the Blood Hom... on Friday and Saturday, Ap1il 6ch Sa ha h, in the D·Pcii1le Church, will be Paul'a chu·ch 01.· Sahbath la."t, Re'Y. R. up on it at once. They will all bo old aHd 7th. " The Conversion of Lydia." Service at D. Fr~ser bein,· absHnt in Orono pra&eh. men and worn· n and out ot the b usine1111 end tones up the syst· m. ing in rh-· Presbyt erian chu·ch the ' e. long before that is a fact. John Douglas has hPeu appointed Chief 7 P. m. DR. SIN'CLAlR.-We call attention of What is the rea~on, and such a musical Constable of Port Hope, at a. salary of l'EED BARLEY.-T. H. Everson has a 8.ANDHAM's SARSAPARILLA remove1' $650 a y1>ar. car load of Mauitoba barley for seed 1>t oar r.·ad... rs t · tile ··i·it of that famed town, t· 'o, that n o orche~tra has betin Pimple· and improve1 the Complexion. Sine! tir, R ··eb .. ttom formed to accompany the si1;gers · in the Rov. Dr. McTn.vish, of Lindsny, haa B@wmati'Yille atation. Sample at 8TAT&S· apecialist, Dr. Hon&·', :Bowma·1ville, on Fr·day and sacred drama "Ruth " 1 When we have ,$ANDRA.M's SARSAPARILLA is most refused the call to Winnipeg, and will MAN Office. 1'he D 0. & P. Co. whistle has been Sa· urday, Aoril 6th and 7th. l'he doc- the talent iu town why uot use it '! Thia pow<ll'!r never- 'Yar1ee. A marvel OI beneficial for Eruptive Skin IJistiasea remain m Lindsay, t nr is tlld old et or th., name in Canada. Rather a p~culii1r instrumentation there purity, strength and' wholeeomeneee. M~ Order Doors, Sashes, Blind·, Pickeh, very gentle in its blowfog for several d11ys Co11011lt>lc1on free. and fur all 8crofulon11 Complaiute. just nuw, so they say. ccouomlcal than ~he ordinary Jtind~ , and C!lD etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty past. One of the employees, Mr. L. not be l!IOld in competition with th·e multltndeRet. A. Fras., r was in to wn on Friday Mr. Geo. Dobson has p urchased 200 of Smelt, lyiug seri<'u1ly ill,-in its vicini tylow test, short weight, alnm or phOBflhl!>te S ANDBAhl's SARSAPARILLA counter- strnet, R. H . Osborne, leasee . biddi1.g Good-bye t.o fri"11ds He shrte ac~es of wood 011 Pigeon Creek Vall··y, powders. Sold only in oans. ROYAL BA.K · .. nce the kind act h act· the ill elft>-Ot.a of·en reanlting from SALT .AND PLASTER. ·-The attention of t ··is week en rour.e for C 1moic B. C to Manvers, where he has orocted a saw NG POWDER C0.. 106 Wall St·· N. Y . the uae of mercurial remediee. farmers ia called to t"e fact. that McClel· There is a Bill befnre the House at. pretake ch "r~e of a Pre .. by orian eh.11rch mill and ia doing a large business cutting FRANK IH. FIEl,D, B. A . lan & Oo., Bowm ... t>ville, have on band a sent, which if it becomf's law. will make there. His many frienrls wis'l h "m and railro»d ties and lumber, tieveral urnn large qnantlty of land salt in bai;rs and i· 1tn off,·nce to shoot pi~eona from a. trap. (LATE Hos.u cK & FIELD. his wife gond lrnal·.h, and much euccess from this town at·e employed there. 'fho plast>-r in barroll'I at lowest et1sh prices. Thi& is ri, ht. H"P" the act m "y pas11. iu th<i now field of J,.bor. ARRISTE.R, Solicit or , N otary, &e . cnok fo r the p11rty is Mr. Aldridl(e, who Order bulk salt and pla.~ter early. Mc- We need it round htire. Pigeon shooting COBOURG . bPRI1'1G F ~ms. - F Jlnwing are dates i~ to he second 1o none at the CLii:LLAN & Co. is c·ruel sport.. Ofllce,-Armour Block, King Street. fixed for some of th11 spring bo.·se and busm1;;ss. 1 · · · 22. i'lU.NK M. FlELD. People must not lose & ight of the great Bv Hon. Mr. Fra~er's bill to resznlnte c11ttle showa to be h,.Jd iu tliis nei~hbor~be Sn va.t1on Army mtend hold mg clo~inf( sale . f dry gond 3 going on at the 'he closing of eh ops M i>rchan1 a can now hood this season: c ..bourg, Wednesday, their anmversaty senicea on the last two AN WANTED- 1.<' or general work West. End H· .use 'fhere are heaps .,f seou · e t he carrying- out of 1 he movem~nt April 18 h · Port Hope Saturday At,ril days of 1his me··th a.nd tbe first 1md sec" II n farm. Apply to J ACOB G AUD, lo~ - ..!.., ' U, con. 3, Darlington, Bowman ville. P. o. . griods left vet. and hh!ger bargains than by getting nu a pe·iti .. 11 and seohri"g the 1f one Sponge costs 25c. 3 Spong~ 2lst; 01 '.rke, 'rhur~dil.y, April' 26th; ond of April. I t was t "'e intention of the 13-2w ever await the public. Mr. McM ur·ry'H sil! na ures nf two· thirds of the m··rcha nta, Bowman ville, Friday, Aprd 27th. management. te procure C:avt. Ad~ Hin·· will cost 7.5c; but we can give you grocery branoh is supplied with the beet "" d presenting the p»titinn to the counTh · f d . . for the oocus1on, but anti is very ill and EAS WANTED. - 3000 ·bash els of cil which will pass n. by-law to that eff.-ct. . e suow 18 ii.e t . saopeanm(, and .1t cannot attend which will be a reat dissmall pee.B wanted. at the Caledonla.n Qlle Sponge at 10c. wbieh will last the ma.rk.,ts afford. Call soon. D . ~- Morris Mills. Bowma.nv111e. for which the ver y h[~h W11L-L WORTH TRYI?IG - A mooicme It is diegraceful to witness the amount 18 pleasaut to ·'-'e veluc!..-s on ·gam appointment 'to many. est price will be J)tlid. Jom1 MACKAY. P,ro· as long as a.ny tl..ree Sponges that which to know ;hat sprmg is com,ng. It d h" t b ·n as1s ·t m · h haa st.,od the test of iime for of drunk en~s9 on our streets. Amongst and b. 42-\t. en C' .Id ' he past we1ik wtth k+1et1 a?is wo oys w~ a_ t e ner 11rle&or. __ you can buy at 25c. each. This many , ea.ra und n.lwa:vs given the beet certain tavern riff.raff the hotel k··epers has b't" . · d M I . l'k l~ vi.1 es, 1 iud a groat rune 2s expected, bot h OL! FOR SALE.A heavy draugh t. 1 rng.wm s. a~c 1 c.ame in 1 ea ton musically and ot herwise. is a special line of extra tough sat1sf.ctio11 as Ima Hagyard's P~t-0ral eeem to be still d ..iag a ro,·ring trade. and ~till he W>1gs h1!\ tail. Get yonr garll'elding rie in~ S yea.r~. b y "Knight o !-' . . Bafeam is certainty well W<>rth trying fur Tbe Brewery and Distill· ry Wnggon may d~n 1mpletuP .nts ready fur Good Fridiiy A.not her large crowd m the Salvat.1011 Toll Cross." \Vetl b · okeu and k rnd d ie p oSponges, imported direct from the Coughs , Cold · , Ho... rseneu and all Throat be seen every week le;1.vi11g its cimsignsition. Apply ' 0 .TOMN CURTIS. lot 2J, eon. 3. UNCLE ToM CoMING -What i 3 said ·to Arr:1y B 11rracks .last Sanday b11th after- Darlington, Bowma.nville P. 0 . IJ-3w ' troubl"s for which it is hi~hiy recomment ,,f liq nor. And this is a Scott Act 80 Sponge Markets, of New York. be ona of ihe b"st Uncl.i Tom's 0 b. noc.n and ev~nmg. We :were glad. to - - - -- - - - mended. towo 1 C , . a m hear so much improvemeut m the playu·it: ULLS FOR SALE .- One 2 oM 'rhe 1u1nu·l mu~ical and literary enter~ A LESSON is to be lMrn't from the oni~any 11 ev~r seen hsre is ~o appear Ill of the band. We would like to hear llhe SEE THEM. o.nd two yearling Short Horn Bulls br:e<t tainment or tb1:1 teachers of the T;,ron·o Ri!(ht of a bald he·d. Fallinl? f >Ut and the 'J:o wn 11 OU Snt urday mgb t . The drums a great deal softer sfll k f rom Crookshank blood-imported stock. .A.Ill<> 1 th . proprietors !ne Mason & Morgan. s,,m h . · ey m~ e a good 1rnoeral purpose u. fine eu.;.le 0 public school11 took place in V ictori& Hall, P rmatnre grayness of the h can bG be t "f l l"th h' ·t d' Sil ffillC IHl180 yon Cl1.llnot hear the lll· driver. Prices to Bolt the Limes, H. H. Cot.1.· 'foronto, on Friday la-.t. Of Mrs. Caid- 11topp<Jd tf tBken in time. Do not let it au 1 ~ 1 ograp le .P10 ures. are ts struments always. They are to hold AOOl.".l", box 101, Bowmanville. G.2m played 11hop · anm · versary meetings · well'a i.inging 011 this occ sion, "S<Atuiday run on wirhour, making an effort to s11vt1 p --·------ - - - -·- - - -- 1 m the · f d wmdows · · E 111 town. b d t1 ie1r next Saturday 6 0 Night" sayi. : " Mrs. Culdwell, th"' ever it. Get a bottle of Dr. D orEmweud's OU SE AND LOT TO RENT Thal; opudar Pr11C; t · aT mtssion, very Y Sunday and Mondav, 1vhen Staff-Capt' M orns · and 1ns · l:J. ·ys are " expected. Oyalor · , pleasa.ntly eituated house opµoaitl' t h t> popular, wna the centra.l 1Jtar, and I have German " Hair Magic/' lt stimuhtes KO an eee . _,.nc1e urn. Enghsn Chu rch. Posses11ion April let. Ueoc .· never h eard her sing be1ter ihan she did the growth, gives tre'!h vi 1 11liry and ke..,ps Just at t h111 scasnn of the yea: every Supper on Monday evening , garden and orchard- ! acre lancl. Apply t,o. on this occasion . The lariie a'.ldiunce was the hair its natural e< ·lor, beside~ being lady wante a good foeh10n magazme, not CHAS. K Er.rH, Bowma.nvlilo 13· tt. The p r M · t t f ouly for the, but for tl>e \·aluable "ica ag1s ra e o .Newca~tle fairly jubi111 nt over her efforts." a 1mberb dreB11ing. All drul(giatB sell it. ARM FOR SALE.- A ~m"ll contain "swell. Probahlyone hwa1 . ~hshdo1 . :'tn mbore fforthhearauce llltldea.h ng Dare they do it1 The Whitby Chronicle 1f you wanr. to buy w : sell u form, ad· hints they ,,just ontsid!l of l3ow1na.nvillo will be scikl 't ·r t tl b f h ' " ur ers o e peaoe ian we f ti eays ; "Tho B··Wmanville STATJIBJILJ.N ' iii the Toronto Weekly Mail. That o ie Utl 8 · 1 no ie est, as 10n mag· wo Id if · h" ·rion. The house. on VllrY reasonable term~. on whleh are l'rSJ:fl)<} aziuea is the New'York Fa~hi011 Ba;.;cir $3 u we were m lB pns1 barn and st.-.blo~. ll'or pl\rtioulh:& .,ffors to puy the whole ex:pevse of an in- paper i·eaches 100,000 farm>1rs homee . h a' b G M · · mnnuer some of our tough young men apply to IC.11:. W. M, HoR1 n Y. Bowman ville. ¥011 (or any other person) can aave ve~tigation t.o prove that its bona fide every week, and your .. avertisement a y~n.r, publis e y eo. unro 17 to b th tr"k b ·11 · 61-\( 2'1' Vandl·Water-st New Yo k C1i ' S d car~y on w on ey ~ . i e t at VI age is 20 per cent. by getting your circulation is eq ,1al to that of any , wo 11hould meet the eye of some one who 25 cents f, ·r !\.) · j' b r Y· tin a dmgrace, ai_id the c1t1 z ns c!f ~ ewciostle rraILOIUNG. -Mr. Hi ndson, 'l.'a.ilqr, local papers pul·liohed between Toronto wa.nt11 to purchafte. AdYertis··ment:s of · · l rl _ num er. . are very foolish to put np with It. Two at Mcrnung Broe .. la now prepared !& So~\..P from and B elleville, with the .. xceptiou of the thts class nre in~erted in the T oronto Prnf. Carey hem~ unable to move h11 of our young toughs contributed to thll a llmlt.ed n11IUber of euit1 for eouni · buyere c>r from ou·Qide establishments. 'n · Chrm·-icle, Port a .. pu a1,i<U and Cobourg We·!k1y Mail for five Cf'nts a word each ~am1ly t o our tow.n n.t present, th<J Domin- treasury of that suburb last week , and trance through Qnic k__ & Co'e ~~~ World. N 1>w, he·r e is 8 great chance for iuseruon, or twent.y five cents a word fur ion Orgt1n. and J?tuno Co Band h us ar- the Magistrate rrnnouncPd his intention OOD BUILDING LOT F OR SALE the Whitby Gcu:ttte and other papers, who five huert.ion11. Address, The Mail, raugtid with him to tak~ charge of t he 1o1oing for the next victim with both feet. - That splendid building lot opposite th~ 1ve always tel ing advertising agents they Toronto, Canada. H~nd anrJ. hl.\Ve , tie pracl.lce Mcb. week We hope eo. reside11ce ot .John V\"ealey Esq ·· on thci hm. west or this town w ill1>e aolil. on ver.r reasonhaven large a circulation a1 the Chronicle, I . 0 . O. ]!' - From a circular issued by with lum, the balauce of I he week to be T he 11 1 · bl · b M s l J terms. Apply 10 M.A.. J.1.M.1r.s orJmu; Y 0 r .t a~ne bl' able --~rr- Is ·A FACT-."a to throw themselves. We venture t " say the Gr.ind Secretary of theOrd1>r we learn 11t his own disp11sal. This arranJ.(ement H ll 1 °~ " e ~iven 11 FLBTCHBR, owner, Bowmnnville. l3· tt . tabs l wee wade lml ~ htend 3oya e uo two of them dare take the STA.TESMA?I tlu.i.t the lndependenc O· der .,fQddfellows, is to continue until Mr. Carey can come a; 1 tl w1 r, .e arl!e an we 11g e room· ·1 h up l\l it11 offtr." of this Prriviuce, initiated, durine the an d resic e ··re perman~n Y· ARM ll' OR SALE.-50 acrea, be~g beiog filled with t he youth a1.d beauty of GRAND.,?RU~ RAILWAY. south oart of T....ot 21, Gou. S. Darling~ "I'll pnt e.wa.y my shovel and hang my mittens year ending December 3bt, 1887, 1,601 A l~cturo i~ connection with th?' Bow· the town. Awong the guests frum a ! mile west or Enulsk:iilen. l!'rsme bous11,;i higl!, memberl3. The r· ceip·e for the same n_ianv11le A_ BOWM.A.NVILLE STATION. rooms cistern, new barn. g<>Od orchard. g(J(J.°':. u x1llary uf ' he Women~ mis- dist1 mc<\ wo no· iced : Mrs. Sam. Hugh.-a There are varioua Indlcatlons that joyous period were $137,314 29, while the O"eek running farm. Terms ea~~· spring is nl!lh ; ~tonary B·:c1ety of the M<'thodiet Chur~h Lmdsay ; Miss Vfilliams··n, Tor onto ; A1>ply to Wm. through Gilbert, Sen., J,ot 25, Con);, The twitter ot the song bird, the ripple of the amonut paid out for reJh,f ~as $51, 657 85, lB t" be given i~ the Q ueen St. Meth11d111t Mr Hi. Williamson, Cobourg ; M'r.R J. Emlbkill OINO RAST GOING WEBT en P.O. ~9·3ri\' creek, of which the aum of $26,312 21 was for 1E111reaa ....... 8.87 a m Express ...... 6.2Z a m warmt.botlhe sunbeams, \belittle pigil'ie'· sic · k p11rpol!!es. T h e assets · f he Lmiges Churc:h on Apnl 3rd t;y Dr... M,,c~".na:d. MacRie, Osh" wt11 ; and Mr. H. E Mc· l!lxpreBB. .....10.30 a m Looa.l, ....... .8.00 a m The~queakM.ALL FARM · ro RENT.-25 aeros 'Mixed ·..·.· ...3·~ p u> Exvrees· ··.. ·. 9.:1! am All tell to me the story th~ t·a been told so o!t in ·ested in mortu:a~ee, buildings and The t1t1.. of th.. lecture 1s. .A v1s1t !o Murt.ry, Toro11to. Any ·peraon who canon which are good hOn!l8 and out·buildingB. Local ........ . .7.16 Pm Mixed ......... 3.21 pm Ei.rypt a?d p ,,le~tme. This lecture will not fe ..l at hou.1e with such a hoat and 8rnr9!1·· ..... 9:«1 p m ICxvreSB....··. 8.43 p m Theb~':.fsome tale that spring Is nl1th a.nd lll1·ds, and ci1sh in banks, 1tmount to the be very mteresnug as Dr. Macdy·1ald h~s hostess us Mr. ~ n<l Mrs . 811.ll is ~erta.inly ~ood orcb"rd and well. Plowing done rc11~ for crop P<>ftsession April 2nd. Sit.uated of<iev ·Except Mondays. winter'n nearly o'er. har.dsome sum ·· f $578.615.56. trnvell,,d t?rough c~nnt1:iee. Sil- to be pitieil . T he ever popular Quinte·te by Maple Grove, 1f miles west of Bnwmal>·· .....::... - ·.. · .. -. .upif.d b y John MunS<,L. So now I shall hie to Jos. Jeffrey's The Viridicator very truthfully eay11 ver. collt:chous at the door lll tnd of t he led by Mr. M,:E we n supplica. the mDsic. ville, r11cently oeP Apply to CLAliKE W. TYLER. Bowroe.nvllle. g·nbl' fu1ni·h1ng establishment and leaTe that the··e are merchants in O· hawa who Hltf, Mr. Ed. L. Welsh, of the D. 0. & P. my rnea.. ure for a spring suit He has would complain should thel'r local p"pers society. Co., cel.,brated his 40th birthday last recr,ived hi11 new spring and summer suit· agitai.o for a cheap Satnrday rate to ToRESS AND MANTLE MAKINO'lBoWMA.t(VtLLE, MARCH 28, 1888. Tuesday ev;.nin~ by inviting his broiher MRe. COCKBu1u1 begs to announce tci ings , and th" pattern~ are very striking. ront, to give people a chnnce to visit the .h at ah<.' Intends to r1 ·n111ln in Bo>Wii· workmen to an elegant spread got np in \he pnblic 1 The Beethoven Quartette, of T ..ronto, city to purchase goods They would a so me.nvllle, and will he ple· sed to see all her Old fine style by h is eatimat.le wifo. He w~s cust·'mera and as many new one· a.a may !ICC gave nn excellent conc.,rt in the Town b·· u1"d if a city merchant advertised in consid.,ra,bly Rurprised bef.,re rhe evening tlt to gt ve her a call '" lier old st&nd over tbe H ·ll last Wedneaduy ni~ht, to a lar~e rheir local u -p;;r. Yet if a cheap Jack was over by bei ng 11alled to " stand ap " Big !IO. .Apprentices wanted immediately. l~·lll. _ Higheat price paid for egga by John audi,·nce u nder the auspices ot Canton prin er frnm the city vi~its Oshawa, he llY THE BA.ROK. when with a few well choseu w··rds Bowmauville, No. 11, I. 0. 0 F. The never returns empty h~mded. There are ·Grigg. OUSE AND LOT FOB. SAL&- Mr. W. R . Piggor.t pre·enttid him with .ir,;rTRE STA.'l' ESMAN will be given to Deo. 31, a beautiful gold ring with Odd Ft1llows A v..tnable house and lot near Uu~ Leave your orders early for hot X buns c.. mic songs by Mr. Jas. F!lX wue not alwsys some of our merchants who will Cabinet Jl'dctory. 1:\ storey fram e houee, ~i:~v the least at·ractiTe feature of the pro- give him an orde<, although the same 1888, for the beBt beading tor thio column. sent emblem, at Ohaa. T·'d'll. the 3 link11. He WM also the afttir re11.d!ng every Item in it. new. 6 rooms and summer kitchtin .l!lii'ltfo gram by any means. He i s a fu1my 111an, ' men would never think of patronizing in to this olflce .he wilole Unive·Be. Use poat&l recipie11t ··fa very handsome china cup and treeil, eto. Hoocl lot extending from ElgiD Bl Hon. E. Blake is expected home from a r al fonoy man, indeed, and the people home mliustry. To emih we wouid say, Open to 1 o..rds tor economy through to LGmb St. 'f his is a good inv11a~· 11auc~ r from Mr A. Tate.Mr. Welsh was Europe by the end of April. N. It- " The Ha.ron" hereby cantlon1 all men t aa t be rnn t or the house .., ill pay o~i: seemed to want all the fun ihey could give us a fair chance. local and foreign news.pirates not Lo make considerably t aken ahack, but soon re- 9 per cent Interest on the purchase 'money iQJ,1 See what Stott & Jury 11ay at head of get ou t of him, for he was recalle~ oa he"; ast week was rife with changes any change in these items when appropriating covered his a· If poas~ssion, thank..d thf'm leave & p;ood lot to be sold-or build on, ) f ·t}lia column-it will s .. ve y <1u money. tnem for repuh1ic·.tioo t1.s original m ,tter, as deemed desirable. For tn~· ber pa.rticu.1!4r>' ~very a.pp·' arance or t1mes1·1 · town. Mr. Geo. Laing has t11.ken eve y item is copy·writed. and "tre·p&<1acn ve ry cordially for t heir beautiful gift. apply to FR.·Ui C18 MASON, King Street ~riOur firlit Dominion Day was July let, Mr. Ch~A. K ··lley was m gren.t ~e·tle. orac1· Gretiley'e advice and i;:one west will be prosecuted according to law." ~ tf The evening was spent i n a pleasant Bowmanville. <1867. Next Su11d11.yis Easter·e~gSunday. at1d del1gh· e~ everyone "s. usual. wu.h h~s 111 t 0 Mr. McArthur'!! store, next to manner. Messrs. Gilber t, M11.itland and 1 Murdoch Bros'. Mr. J. J. Mason has i The West End band improving un- Windsor furnished abundance of instrll· Wanted-200 ton11 old iron, raga and solos aud guitar. .M r. ~ims R1cha ·ds I moved ea~t iuto Mr. Laing's former shop, 1 d tlr t he tuition of Mr. Wm. Hughes. ·hones. John Grigg, tr11.rnlling merchant. a good tt"nor, but lus VO!Ce was weak.11.u mental music, while 'l'uney Mitchell and · T attley. Es11.. Chief A r:ent of ·ll·<: FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT lnsnranoe. husky, the result of a ~old . . M1~s s a11d Mr. Jos. J effery, of the Star H ouse, others kept up the vocal end. May he 1:o RW111. oyal ftts11.r ,, n ce Cmnp (tnlJ, of Jtngum·i·. Don't mies hearing Mrs. Caldwell at have many such gatherings. "ROBT. VIRT~, A~ent, BowmanYille. tf. M"rell and "".oods have ~ice vo1cn, :1 t mov ..s east into the store Yacated by Mr. for Ca n ada : st!·ong, bn t f1ur l_ y ~dl ~ultivate~ and s1.n MasoR. Mr. Jas 0 Nosworthy has sold the Prcebyterian coucert 11ext month. ,. SiR,- 1 reiurn my thanks for the prompt 11-n<! Mre Morri.lon ha!! removed her stock with ple~smg eflect.. Miss Minme Ma·hn, out t.he hardwart3 busine$S, bought from liberal manner in which yonr Company settle·~ ThA band boys were out or pocket by Open Air Concert. t () the frame buildings, opposite Buckler's my IMOses by tire. i:J.e.vin11: reo·ived a cheqae h>. a chu.r mm ~ uioc l ·st yunng lady, and. of Mr. H11rs"y only l11st week, to Mr. Geo. the Eli Perkins en tertainment. Saturlull throu11:b your agent, at Tyrone, Mr. J 1>1>, Jewelry Store. vrr~ amusmg ~am .er· ~layed the & ccom· ~nu mg . Mrs. A. S. Anderson has gone day uight was tho S<'aeon. The D. 0. & P. Co. Band will give an Blngha.m. I have much p!eo.mre in n1oomA sagacious psrson will sometimes be- pantments cap1to.lly. 'J:he concert was a t Teronto toc.-·l'ry on a millmery businees t.he UoyllJ te tll.e public as a reliab}f! meadit·K' A notl ier lari.:e social party on the open air concer t on Good }friday af ter- one in which to lnfture ))'. A. W E;EKS. 'have like a. fool by being irritated into s ucce 8~· the e A yotmg man was here als" last b d · h' 'l'yrono, March 2~, 1518. 13 !IW'" noon at Z p. m., Wt<athtir pern11tting. a rguing with 1.·ne. Pot NTER F OR MimcHAN . TS . - What. week ]'o;k~· g for an opening for a bani!.· oar s one evenmg t ls week, given by oue of our prominent citizens. PROGRAMME. ' Answer to Farmer Jlihn. Short Horn d1fferencti, usks the P. H. T imes, Lll there rupt stock s ore but he did no t get Tlte B owmanville A gricidtwr((.l ii now us~d iDRtead of Durham ss applied between transient traders coming from suitc-d, we undor;tand. ·watch thl:l pot hunter brigade move March,- " B rigadier". . . . .... . Le '1.'hierc Selection,-" Marino Faliero " . IJume:.:etti to a breed ~f caltlo. and Carrfoge W 01·k.~ Com'l.'01011·0 ands· liiu~ goods, and _ d rummers Everyb11dy knows that music noi ouly next Frid~y morning. Gas pipe will be Waltz,- " S cliunater Tag" ·..... . . G1 mgc NxEDLES.-H. C. Tait bas received a corumg from the city and takrng orders hath charms but it giveth ta~te and 1at a premrnm for a day or two. Polko," Blue Heard" . . , ... Meyer L ub ptrny, (Limited). This is very manifest if you ; Mr. E. Bounsall goes to Hami,l ton this J.arge variety of ne edle~ and can tit an'y for printinl! 1 There is none. These cultnre. Quadrille,- ' · Royal Bottdoir " ..... . Coote · tran~c1ent 1 ra~e rs pay us no taxes, do take a )Jet>p into Morrison's tonsor- week to at tend the Marble D e«lers' Con· ·nl.ake of sewing machine Waltz, - " Amovelteo Tan ze " ..... Gm ige Two volumes of Picturesque Canada, nothmg t? build up the town or ~o fur· fol parlor, on T t:mperance St., opposite vention which takes place in thai; city. Selection,-" William T ell " . . ·. . .· R ossini AKE NO'rICE T HAT TEE STOOKWe say with .. ut pre\handsomely bound, for sale at the th~r its m tereijts ; they do nothmg to th<> 'l'own Hall. Charlie Kellev waa around tow n on "God Save The Q ueen." DOLDERS of The Bowma.nville .A.gri<:ni'STA.T·sMAN office. They would make a brmg trad.e 10 the town. Neither do judice that it is the 111ost cosy, attractive Wednesday la.Rt· renewing old acquainttural and Car iageWork:s Comp&ny.1Limited'!, prmte ·s. The towu newc.paper3 and tidy barber's shop that we have ever ONE GOOD POINT.- Out of the many are to meet on nice present. d o all these things . They do more in a seE>n for many a day. We only need to anceships. The old two-and-six· ·"Worsening" is a new word invented :f"3:r for ~he town t han all the xuarch an~s add that the paint ing and decorating was pense . by Burdock Blood Bitters is "a~ A~r'1I, 1888~ possessed U U 'by the T ·ront,o Globe. The word comes m i t do m five . Yet the m erchants i f done by Mr . Thos. Kirby to substantiate Several musica.l tourname nts this sum- that it m ay be taken 11t all sea.sons of t he year , and by either young or olii. In · ·naturally enou~h, 11ad to that extent is a they can save one d r,Jlar on a teu ·dolfar what we say. With such a clever and mer in differl'n t part11 of the i:ountry. this way the three busy B's are always at at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, bettering or the language. job, or even fifty cents, (and they pl easant s taff t o "execute all orders We hope our boys are keeping up their work and doiog good. at the Ofilce3 or the C!>mpa.ny, in the Town of l'lowm11.uville, to cone1der a By Jaw pa.l!8e<l bv The Sc l~ ool Boa.rd at its last meeting save nothinl!) will send their work to promptb; " a11 D.- 1ve and his lieutenant pract ice. · ·------~ ~he D1rectore of the Comp~ny. in which i; d ecided to build a twelve-room building 'l.'oron tn. A drummer was in t own the Chartran, the public cau depend on so.tis· Archie V irt ue, formerly of the 'Sault, ' i~ resolved that mortg-i.ges he given to Willi1un on the old sit·,,. P erh;1ps they will rescind other day and took a number of order11, faction bdng!giVt'n every time. Send in b ut now from , BIRTHS. Crawford, secUr1Dg to him the repa.y me11~ cf t he State of Michi~an, did ,,_,-. . . , tho sum advanced by him to the said Comri" this motion at thei1· next meeting. Many som_e from those m erchants who are now your head on a trial trip. the town last Tuesday and Wednesday B.1.r.soN.7 ln Darhnirton, fhursda.y, March n;r of lf.3,211.21 and intereat from t be 5th y ·hope so, at least. ot March, 1888, by cha.Fging the real estate .d 6rl:f,"t be wife or John Bat.on, of a eon. callmg on us to go for these bankru pt DEATH OF AA.RON SANDERSON, E sQ ,.- Enough said . HARDING.- In Darli.llirton, oa the 26th ln1D., plant and tuMhinery or the said Companr Al'PLES IN E NGLAND. On March 7th stock men. h this fair ~ 'l'he town In the sudden death of Mr. Sanderson, and also Cb " r~inir the pernon&I estate st t li.; Mr. G ao. Smith visited friends in Port the wile ot Mr. R. Harding, o.t a daughter. Messrs J. C. Boughton & Co., Liverpool, papers mu~~ fi ~ ht the mercha.nts' batt~es, on Sunday last, Cramuhe township loses ·---~·----- Company. as is ·et out in said By law; .ant!. Hope la11t Saturday and Sunday. Be MARRIED a.lso to pass & Dy law con.tlrmlng the same e.nd cabled that apples fiold that d11y as follows: defend their V·terest, and hve on air ! one of he most prominent oldest and · euipowerlng the Directors to giYe eaic1 mon~ Dece&s·d was i n the says everything is vuy quiet in that C11~pimon .B..ld wins. 12s. to 14e.; good 'l'he next time one of t hese merchants, honored farmers. Poor Port Hope . haml<<it, BARRIEBRAGO.At " Braokdald," the re· g!l.goe. ' ·;' .·,:'wins, l(ls. t ·" UJs. ; good Greenmgs, whose name i~ on a list we have, asks us J113t half of his seventy-eigh1h year and sidence or 1ha bride's p&re11 t 8 , on March U th l.lated the 26t~ day of March, A. D., 1888. \ \'n ,L 1AM C RAWF ORP . '1"'· · to 20s. ; Golden Russe ts, 14s. to 20~. to " go for 11 transcient tradera we will until wi thin a week was on his usuai and The Organ Company are building a by Rev, J esse 'Whitlock. Mr. William Hugh Barrie, and Miss MaTy Grace, third d&ll"'hter D B P reiJldent ot the Compan:\'". talk p~ainly wi1h hin!-. We do not think familiar rounds. He was always noticelarge vault iR their office. Mr. ··Th 8 B UoNSUMPTION CAN DE CURED by proper E Jl t Cl " . URKF. 8l)IJ'SO~. o.. os. · raRil'. sq., a o a.rite, Solicitor for tl10 Company. .13. healthf1~l ex ercis~, and the jt~dicion~ use transc1ent tr«d<'rs m one merchao tile able for uninterrupted good health activ· Wesley's private office is an elaborate DIED. ·Of ScotL·s Emulston of Cod Liver Oil and brand:i should be. cried out a~11inst, and ity, and a high deg ree of cbeerL1lness one- nothing like it in town. llypophoaphit <::s, w hich coo 1ain11 the heal- those m .annther hne should be received which mado his presence a pleasure to all A L E :'i'.ANDRR .- ln Oshawa.. on March 19th, A general move is reported among our ing and atre··g th-gwing virtuee of these w~th open l;\rms . . Let tho merchant$ look with whc1m he c11me in contact. lie business tirms, and Mr. Horsey isfit1 ing Alexander Alexander, aged 72 years. Nervotlll Debility, Seminal Losses e.nd pr~fr.. fairly at this suh3ect. leav ~:s a widow, ancl a son, Mr. G eorfie 'l."l',-ln Oshawa, ou Sunday, March ISth, ture Deca.y promptly and permanently cured l;y NU two valuabl .. specifics in the ir fullest up two srores in the Old Fisher Hotel, Martha. Bate Nutt, aged 81 AN· TllER ITEM. :--Mrs. J. Thompson, Sanderson , and a dau!!h t er, Mrs, W. R. ·form. Mr. D . D. McDonald, Petitcod1ac, which is one of the beat moves yet. N. B., eay· : I have be~ n prescribing of E lma, O nt., writ es thiLt she suffered Climie, of Bowm11nville--each and all TALLION F 0 R SAL E.- EntiMi M r . Ed. Meath, leader of the D. (). & Scott's Em'tl!sion with good r 1>aulta. It from ge~eral weakness and was so reduced sharing in the warmest sympathy ' of a Ce.rri,.ge Colt, three years old. by "Ri:l!e.ia espooial~' usefu l in persons with con· ih_ah at t trues she b<c,·me alwoat n ucon· large 'lircle of friends and acquainta.uces. P . Co. Band, was in Kingston last Satur · mnn." PASCO BROS . · h.1t 1 , Broken ll'cont. 1'.:lil!t Doe!! no& Interfere with Diet Qr usual ooottj)ii11·3w. sumptivti t e 1 nden ciEfl." Put up in oOc. sc1ous. Three bottles of Burdock Blood The r emains were interred m Conklin's day, imerviewing P rof. Oary in regard Wllitby, Cedardille P. 0. tion and tully restoreM lost vigor a nd lnf!lll'OO Bitters compltt ely cured her, and she burying-ground, on Tuesday last followed to takin11: charge of t he band thi~ ye a.r, pe~feoc manhood, Sent to any addree>!, 'i,.. ao.d $1 si:.rn. 1 AS i!l \V Ei;1' A..; llDNEY Is D r . L.ow's ..leas· &Id Dll receipt of price Oae Do·lar per "· NA.TIO!U.L PILI.a wUl not g.t"IJl~:or· now r~oomm.,nds B. B. B. to h er friends J t o the grave by a. .l arge con~oursa of We buve not heard t he re:1ul t, bu t hop e au1 1vurlll Syriu.p, Jet sure to dbtroy an.d ~~e a ,cency, ::!OHOll'lELIYS I!.RCG STO ,"!!:, andnelJhbor~. friond1 .- Colborne E ';lprtss. odia, Te& a thnro1 1g1l catbr&l~ it is satis'actory. expel wurms, Kwg ~tr ie~. 'l' S WEET LITTLE ANDHAM'S } LIVER UOAR COATED p l LLS I Sann. ha:n's Sarsa~arilla PROVE TH IS. B M P C STOTT & JURY. a.. B Hotel Keepers,UBoardinghouse Keepers. H g F fa;p_; STOTT,& JURY. G F I S ---------.--.- -· --- -·- Local and Otherwise. l B.N.E.W.S. D H fo·:: Card of Thanks. ..... T · Mon"a1, 9 .th I of ERRORS OF YOUTH~ S +IUDIU~(IYllJlff· ;F · ·,,

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