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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1888, p. 6

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- ------~_!_"!i Tho light was bright as could be in the HERE A.ID THEB.1. still used in ornamental card cases and the in the window of the bakery as Johnny like, a.n.:1 is among the most durable ma· A declaration of sufficient pnnishment reached the door Mrs. Brown was at the for any article which h&s hard wea.r, deor and beconed him m as he was passmg. from a. defeated wrestler is a speech from J RNNY. The setting of silver, which is the fashion "It's a cold night," she said, as he enter- the thrown. "A penny's w 1n o' bread, please, Mis tered. Someway her eves looked as though now, even with rare jewels, is quite the The crank is the most obstinate ot men WEDNESDAY, :MARCH 28 1111. most elegant and rare, but some precious Brown." she had been crying. There wa.s a. quiver When he takes a. thing mto his head you "All right, Jolu ny. How's the baby a.round her mouth too. 11tones are very stylish when in this setting. can not turn him. gettin' a.loug? You're mighty proud o' 1t, Johnnie had his arms full of bundles, and The Indian cutlery with handles of fa.ncy I s'pose?" We attract friends by the qualities we his eager face fairly shone a.bflve them. Re china is very attractive, and is after all display, and we retain them by the quali The boy smiled, l\nd a. radfa.nce seemed to nodded brightly. more useful than ivory handles, for those fallen upon bis face. It was a poor, ties Vi hich we possess. " Yes'm See I've brought somethin' spot and spoil with ust 1 in a very short thin little face, but you forgot that when he J ok: nv a.bout her noae, a young lady said Against the Rainy Day. for the baby. Won't he be pleased'" He time. Do you feel dull, languid, low-spouted, lltes111Iled he as did then. held up the stick of peppermmt as though "I he.d nothing to do with shapmg it. It lesa, The newspaper reader often comes across nnd lndescn bably mlscrnblc, both physiThe pretty mode of having the card case "Its a. cunnm' little cha.p," he said, with it were the richest gift the world afforded. was a b1rthda.y present. " mention of the fact that the children of this and pocketbook to match is new here, and cally and mental!; , experience n sense of An irrit able man lies like a hedgehog f ullness or l>loatmg a1tllr eating, or of" gone11ond that king of eome foreign country are the ornaments of silver render them ra.ther grave dignity. " Mothe1 thwks it looks He laughed from sheer glad heartedness. ncs~," Ol'.' crnptincss o! stomach In the mornsome'at like me " " Mother'll be s pused too, won t she, Mrs. rolled up the wrong way, tormentmg h1ro- m instructed in a. trade, whether the obiect of a.n expensive but very acccptP.ble gift. g, tong ue co11ted, b1 t te1 01 bad taste m "An' you're proud o' that too, I s'pose ; self with his own prickles. the instruction be to bring them into closer Brown'" mouth n iegular appoht e, d1zzmess, frequent Those pretty silken chains of Japanese eh, Johnny'" headuc\1es, blm 1ed eyesight, " flout111g speckij" The good soul nodded. She was sympathy with the people whom they rule, The ma.n who wrote, "Hark, from the For a moment the boy did not reply. speakmg, she told her alterwards t he eyes. uen ous prost rntlou 0 1 eJ · 11ond ,many of whom work a.t trades, or make very stylish when used to ketip the tombs a doletul sound!" had probably been before huustion. nrit1lbllity o! temper, hot fl1 1 ·l1 !' Then he looked up earnest ly m the kmdly whether, kingcnft failing, they ma.y have lorgnette from b~mg lost. The chains go face leanmg over the eounter towR.rds him, To see that boy, with lns ea.ger face and hatenmg to a grave's tone altcrnntmg "1th chilly sens·1t1ons, P ~' b iti ng, t tuns1 ent pn1 ns h er e nud there,__... _ 1, hP.ppy heart, and know that she had to handicraft to fall upon for support in around the wearer's neck and well down to Are we to suppose that beca.use a. man feet, drowsmess !liter meals, " nkcfulnci or.and said: "Mother aeema g lad o' it ; but darken the pleasure, wa.s almost too much case of revolut1ona.ry accident, not being the waist. bappPna to be absorbed in a book, it is dist urbed ,111d uurcfteshmg sl~cp, cons·nnt, stated. Of late years also, we have a.11 It is not easy to tell the difference be I wish 1t could look more hke Jun Gregory. for her. lndoocribnblo fechng of dread, or of 1mpendprmted on blottmg paper ? "They're splendid, Johnny," she said, n1 , calam1t:s ? heard of the bold step taken by the wife of tween some ot the new pa.ate diamond shoe It's nice to look at a feller such as him. My son, when a workman begins to lean ft , ou have nll, 01 any cons1 dcrnblc number one of the princely Napoleons in opemng a buckles or hair ornaments and the real gems, Someway you <..on't feel like pityin' him. scarcely kno"'rng what to say. "And I agu.inst his house I hate to be p1t1cd." 'twon't be long before some iust know what your mamma. will say. It millinery shop, the 1mpovenshed daughter· so beautiful they and so fine m their ~I~ ,{ 1 6 Y~~/'n~';;;· Jr°~~~' i~~~e·~~1~nJ1~~ Jim Gregory was the rich grocer's son; other man geta a hen upon it. wouldn't be her if she didn't " B1l1011s DyspepSJ , m l'or p1 d J,1ve1, associated in-law of an English duke being to have workmanship. he was wall dressed, well fed, well educated. Northern tourists left $6,000,000 in with Dyspepsm, OI Ind1gestlon '.l'bo more Johnny nodded. He knew, too. The followed her "xample, and most of us thmk· Lemon color with white is one of the There was every reason to wish the new com phrnted , our disease hus become, the smtle lit up his face as he answered for her. Florida tlus wmter. In return they have g1 eatcn the nu mber rmd dn ing it was very lucky for them that they prettiest comb1Da.t1ons in both bed sets and ers1ty of symp"God give 'em to u8, she'll say I know received oranges and malaria. knew how to do it; white it was not at all table servwe in drapery and is little newer to look hke him, that one i;;lance torus N o rn utt "' ' I .1 t stig o i t hna i eachod, D · . P i m ce's Gol< lca Tllfedic.d Discovery an uncommon surmise m the days of the than oranve and white, which was hked so at Johnny's face did you more good than it, an' I like ter h ear her say it. She says A Howard (Ki>n.) preacher ha.a attracted will sub d u e it, 1l t 11' 11 nccm dtng to dneca. week's study of Jim. l'levertheless, the things so nice, you know." Second Empire that the beautiful Eugenie long. some attention by aaymg from his pulpit t1 011s f < H 11 rnusom1lHl length Of t ime Jf not baker's wife, poor as ever was Job's fabled Yes, she knew. She drew the boy to· that nobody but id10ts play progressive cm cd, complicnt1on . m nltiply 1 might yet have a.n oppotunity to turn her md Consumpturkey, but with a. heart that her husband wards her, and laid her browned arm round tion o f t he L UJ1g s , Sk11 1 U 1 sense~ J-Ieai t D1scL we. wonderful dress-makmg ta.lent to account. euchre. often told her was quite too big for her httle JthDwnntu;m K1cl m ' y D1SCl13e, or other grave lhe Woman in Black. his neck But the affairs of life no more precam:il ndl es me q w t e I al·I<· to set 10 nnd, sooner body and the big worl<l, felt a keen sense of "Thare is no virtue 10 vinegar," says a. "Johnny," she said, and there was some· rious for prmces than for commo11 people, There have been frequent notices in th er later , m du ce n tat ,t tm mmatlou J)i-, Pie r ce' !! G o ld.e n 1 Ued1c al Dig.. and it a prmce may lose his crown and papers of late commending the action o as she looked into the pitiful face raised thmu m her vo10e and face that struck .. scientist. None, eh? It does ,what m11.ny to hers m the early morning liuht that chill to his gla.dness, "Johnny, if God is so so called men do not do-supports its aged c o very n ets p ow 0 !11 1ly upon the fa ver, and throne 1md Jewels and civil list, a. mercha.nt Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher in reJecting the th1ough that g1c11t .1loO( l-puu tymg organ, struggled through the wmdows fronting the mot her. good to us all, and gives us what he knows prince may lose his ships and ca.rgoes and traditionary garb of mourninl? upon the cleanses the sys te n o! ,ill blood-tmnts 1mcl 1mIf you want to see a.n expression of severe pu11t 1es, tra in what ' c t c,t usu nusiug It 16 we need, do you thiuk he would do anything mgots, and thoae who are less than mer· death of her distinguished husband. It will narrow dirty street. This good wom,.n's heart ached for the eq1m.ll v citienc1ous 11 r wt rng upon t b(l Kid· simplicity and childlike mnocence ma man's to hurt us needlessly " chant princes can JUBt as easily come to be remembered that when M:r. Beecher died s and ot h<' r e 1 'to1y 01gans, cleausmg, He shook his hell.d. He didn't know why, face watch him when he gets $2 change out 11ei grief in tbe matter of their O"l'D small bank a of white flowers took the accustom- boy who wished his brother looked more sttcngthenmg , !U l <J lH nling t beu d iseases As account. Owing to the character of the ed place of the crape on the door. Thia in- like a well fed, and whose smile was but he could not speak . A ~eight seemed of a $1 bill. a u .tppet1z1n g , 1cstouit n e to1110, it ptomote.s hke the smile of angels, she firmly believed. dl.;e5t1on ,rnd nut11t1 on, theieby buildmg u p to fall upon him and shut out the light CJf laws of in this country, a fortune, it novat10n was supplemented by Mrs. Beech Policemen have noticed that t he man who both Uesh and st.ength I n m11lmrnl d1 st11cts, hll.s long been a saying, ceases to exist alter er's refusal to wear black. Her loya.lty to She didn't auswer him, for a. customer was his hfe. sings t he loudest, '·We won't go home till t i 1 s " onde1 f ul med1 cme h as gamed great "Your tol d you that some time morning,' is very often the man who hl\s a oololJd t y m cu rm<; J<'o' co and ,\ gue, Clulls and the thud generation ; so that no matter how the memory of her husband is none the less entering, but she JUSt wrapped up ii loaf of her llest bread, and some cak s "for the E e\< i, Dumb Ag ue, ::ind kmdied diseases God would come tmd her up to the wife and doesn't to." wea.lthy you are, your grandchild i s quite that she appear in the colors that he loved D r.. li' ie. c e's Go l den Jnc.u c al DIS· capable of "going upon the town," m all and approved. Neither as wife nor widow baby," and poured a little milk into a pitch- beautiful countiy where he lives, and where The summit of a mountain is generally er, and sent them up to the half sta.rvmg there IS no need of food and clothes, and sterile, while at the foot it is fertile. So a. COVC I y .the great generality of cases; a.nd although has Mrs. Beeche· ever appeared a.a a high CURES ALL llHllriiliRS, that is presenttng the matter rather strong priestess of ion. If other women would mother who hired a room on the top floor of where no one has, or sickness, or- - " man may be bald nea<.led, and yet find that the same bmldmg, turning from the halfHe needed no further words. He st rug the corn on hie foo t thrives. frOlll a common J1Jotch, or l i 11J>tt011, to t he ~y, still the grandchild is in some danger of JOin her in this work of reform it would be wo1Ht Scrofula Salt-r he u n1~ n :E'ever-sores, c ommg to the pomt of being too proud to do an adm1ra.ble innovP.tion, since there are eager, half ashamed la.d to her other custo gled out of her arms and face.i her. The B~bby (listening intent ly)- " Ma, is pa Scaly oi Rough Sl,m. m s ho1 t, all diseases aught but suffer and starve in silent seclu- thousands of families in our immediate mer, that the boy should not offer her bundles were droppiug one after another onused by b11d blood are conquered by thlS His face was white as puttmu up a. stove m the parlor ?" Mother powerful, puu C from his arms. tion. For habits of expenditure engender- knowledge who are shrouded while living in thanks. png, nnd mv1 gorntmg med1Life had become a ha.rd thing to the -"No, dear; he is writmg with his new cme. Great Eat mg Ulcers r apidly hclll under death, his lips were set !LS it is not well for ed ID the children of the rich do not go hand the habiliments of grief, and keep their i ts l!emg n m tl ucrn:e Especially bas 1t mawin hand with ha.bits of accumulation, and dead always with tham, not as a. blessed Greens. Mrs Green had been able to sup a child's lips to be set. One would not fountain pen.' -[The Epoch. frstecl its potency m cur ing Tettm, Eczema, port herself and Johnny by sewing up to think of his smiling. The tlung to be organized now, openly E1~ s1pP.!as, Bmls. Cm buncles, Soro Eyes, Scrof. after the second genera.tion it ia apt to be memory, but as a. ghastly show. the time her baby was born. Her husb!l.nd ulous Sorns and Swelhngs, Hip-Joint D1soase, and above board, will be a thievea' t rust "Mother is, ~liso Brown !" all outgo and no income, although of course The writer of this a.rticle began life in had been killed by a fall from the scaffolding V Vh1tc S welh n gs," Goltt o, o r 'l l11c k N ec k, His voice too had cha.nged,- changed iike company. lt will be a rmg, but it will be and this is not mva.riable. black; at the tender age of 5 put mto "deep of a bmldrng on which he was at work as a Enlmged Glands Send ten cents m popular. Trusts are all the go, his lips. It was low and very quiet. In Europe, with the thrones and the or- mourning" by the death of IL dear grandstamps fo1 a Jmgo T1eut1so, w1tl1 colored p latl'S on Skll1 Diseases, or the same amount ders of nobility standmg on a volcano's mother who named me iu her will; at 7 ta.k ' bt ic&layer and times were conaeq uentlypretty " She is, Johnny." Cheerfulness is t he daughter of employ 01 1B There was no softening of the news. The ment ; and I have known a man to come fo1 a T1entisr on Scrnfulons Afl'cct1 crust, as their enemies claim, there is no a.b· en out of a pmk frock and at once plunged hard JUSt when the new baby came Johnny bad been kept a.t school unttl quite reoently, lad's kept back all that You must home in high spirits from a. funeral, merely " FOIR THE B LOOD IS THE LDFE." solute security or stab1hty of mheritance. into the black trapping of a grief I could not !n this country the chances for irregular feel for a. baby brother who was carried into thoughhismother,unknowntohim whatw1ll tell him the simple truth as he had a.lways because he had the management of it. Thoroughly clc,1nse 1t by UB111J Dr. J·Jercc's Golden If.[e(lic a l D1s c OV t)l'Y, a nd good money-makin'{ are so many, the speculative the' grave by six youths in long weepers. I not a mother do for her child ?- had many a told others. Lads a serls is volapnk for ladies and gen tligest1 on, a fmr skm. buo ~ 111! spll 1ts, vital time gone without food durmg his absence He turned aside and laid the bundles on tlemen, a professor says, and the phrase str ength opportumties are so tempting, that the cool- can remember, mite as I was, that I carried and bodily hcnlt h w11 · be cattlbhshed est hand is liable at any time to do the rash my first para.sol, an ugly black thing that that t here might be enough for the night, the connter, then went out of the room and J1pul ledakapik e ieval viet1k means the thing, and not even the man whose fortune shut out the sun like a great blot. I was and J ohnny not know how things were up the steep stairs. red headed girl and the white horse. The woman did not follow him. There is in trust is altogether eure of it. How very proud of it and kept my conscience in But lately he had ha.di to st11.y at home to whwh 1s S croful a or the LuugB, is arrested help his mother and do little errands to was that m lus face that forbade it . H er Do to-days duty, fight to day's tempta- and cured by this remedy, 1f talcen m t he much less, then, the woman I an uproar by wonde·ing if it was wicked to keep the gaunt gray wolf from the door. motherly heart was aching for him, but she tions , do not weaken and dist ract yomself ea1l!er stages of t he dJSeasc l!' rom it.s marWomen, it is true, are lcarnmg moro and be glad I had it. At 10 a. grandfather I had power over t lus ten 1bly fatal dISease, So they strnggled along, scai cely know could give him no earthly comfort yet. by looking forwa.rd to a.hmgs you cannot eee velous more of the management of busmess, of never seen died and I was again fitted out when fit st ofl'ermg t his now world-tnmed rem ir.Jg where their next meal would comt. "But the Lord' ll care for him better 'n and could not unde1stand if you sa.w t hem. edy to the pubhc, Dr Pierce thought ser1ousl)l' book-keeping, ba.nk1ug1 buying and selling, with new black and trie<.l to feel unhapp). of calling It bis "CONSUMrn oN Cums," but of bonds, stocks, mortgages, and the rest, At l'l, his wife, my gre.ndmother, died. I from, even finding it ha.rd to have any me," she sa1 l to herself, and the prayer that "I charged a bat tery myself once," ex- abuadoned t hat name as too restrictive for and are getting, a.a a. whole, better and bet had seen her and retained a lively remem "next meal ;" but keepmg up brave hearts went up from her heart was tender and claimed an ex sutler. " You did," replied a mcdicrne wluch, f 1om its wonderful comand wonderful faith in the love and power true. ter able to take care of their own affair·, al- bra.nee of the time she cuffed my ears. No bmutoon of t ome, or sti engt henmg, alterat1ve, Johnny's mother had died of overwork an old artilleryman who knew him- " you or blood-cleunsmg, aut1-b1hous, pect oral, aud though there will probably iLlways be a few doubt I deserved it, but child1en are not of t4e good Father who never needlessly af· nut11t1ve proper tics, m unequaled. not onlv "' "" and starvat10n 1 the pa.pern sald, and they charged our battery fifty cents a drink for ns helpless ones who had rather be taken care grateful for such favors. I wore black for flicts. a remedy fot Consumption, but for a ll mean whisky." As Johnny now entered the room with told the truth, though not t1u1te a.11 the of and who do nbt choose to learn. \Vomen, her, but I was away at school and was rath CJ1ro1uc :Diseases of t he A Colorado Judge has decided t hat a man also, are proverbially more conservative than er a small heroine among the Academy girls the thmgs Mrs Brnwn had sent, the gentle- truth There is a man in the city t o day faced woman lying on the bed in the corner is in duty bound to t ell his wife where he who could tell you if he wished thi~ t, men, and it is less likely than it used to be on account of my "affliction," which conthat their fortunes, where they them, sisted mostly in a. Atack of new clothes made turned her face with a snnle towards her through all his struggl es to a. wa.y for spends his evemngs Vi hen he is away from For Weak Lun.!l'S, Spitting of Blood. Shortboy, as though to cheer him with her love himself and she boy whom he so tenderly home. It would many a. man trouble ness of Breath, Chronic N asal Catn1 will become lcsse1ted when m their own with an allowance for growth. At 16 I went "l h, Dronloves and cares for, the memory lives and if h e would do Just; that wit hout any order eh1 t1 s, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and Jnndred hands. Still, accidents and misfortunes can into " second mourning," as the eldest of and patience. "Ready, John ?" it 1 s an efficient remedy atrectious, of Court will hve so long a.s life in him s1lall last, of not be kept away from everybody forever; the family, for an aunt I bad never seen. S0ld by Druggists, at ~1.00, or Six: Bottles. They boy nodded. a woman who gave her life for her sonand a.lthough t he case of one's homestead F or a. fe w years I revelled in the colors I The identity of native p ensioners- who for $1>.oo. "I'll have it ready in just a minute, sta.rved herself t hat he might have feod. have a tendency to be very long lived- in bemg swallowed by an earthquake, leavmg love- I often think I inherited it from my ~ Senrl tm:J.- cents m atrunp~ f~!'J\r P1A r ce'a Address, ~ one landless, is not a frequent one, losses am barbarian ancestors-and then I put on black mother Mis Brown give me a little milk Ther e is that in his face that speaks of a India is p r oved by man, as he makes book on Consumption. to go with the bread, so you ~hall have a. hidden storv, and the beauty of his smile 18 his annua.l app1 not impossible that are every bit as a bsurdly for the last time. I grew tired of changing mran.ce before t he paymaster, World's Dispensary Medical Association, ch1menca.l in idea as tllat ; and it is not the my wardrobe and so adopted black as a um. nice cup o' bread an' mUk for your !break- the wonder of many, but not even t he lad of bem g compelled to impress on the ledger his 663 m:alll st..'ALO. N. ]!'. part of imprudence to provide against the form for the reason that I ha.d not the moral fast. That sounds good, don't 1t? An' she his love quite understands the depth of hlB thumb smeared with lamp-black . This is sorrow. injury which might result from them. compared with his former mark, and t he courage to be the first of my tribe to ignore asked after the baby too " Again the woman smiled. Like Johnny's But t hose who are sick or in trouble know result determ111 However thr1vrng and" well off," then, a the tradition of mourning. And it 1s1out of es whether the man who man and his wite may be, they do their my experience that I would counsel other her smile was a. revelation. In spite of the of this man as even his dearest friends do presents himself in any particular year 1s ragged beddmg and the bare room, she not and never can know him ; and who cluldren a pasit1ve wrong m failing to do women never to adopb the insignia. of grief tho same who reportca himsdf t welve them a. pos1t1ve good and providing them or wear it on their sleeves for the daws to seemed an angel staying there just to gu ..rd should I tell · months previously. her boy. with a. means of takmg care of themselves peck at. " Mr 3. Brown is like the widow in the should thieves break m and steal or moth A Cure For Poverty. Immediately a.fter the war the woman in and rust corrupt"th eir treasures, For the black was the most conspicuous obJect on Good Book , Johnny, who shared her cruse UNDER THE PU.LOW. The other day I asked t he millions.ire son there are more means a.t hand of takmg the street. In deference to the sad custom of oil with the stra.nger." " Yes," said Johnny He rather re;rer- senator from California., "How would you this care than :ttir th~ daughter, more ways established by death, all women were black. abolish beggary"' Thlngs Wh1ch Hote l l'atron11 I.cave ror 'he marked ,out~ wore fi'ades; and there is al- The counters of tho dry goods stores were enced Mrs. Brown. "There is only one way," he said. "Dry Chnmbcrmald to Find. "Baby's getting on finely, Johnny Come ways the heaftby and natural occupa.tion of heaped with rolls of black alpaca.. It was up the sourceabolish the conditions that caring for the .IJl,nd, ·iIJif;o which he can lbe the r efuge of the destitute. All women wer e and see him. H e'll be a fat baby, I think. " make beggars. To try to cure p1Jverty by "Foun:l this under the pillow of No. 55." Shewassayin~ this to comfort Johnny, and initiated early and most unconsc10usly. But uniformly well dressed, for the goods sold in sweet ch1J.rity ia hke trying to atop a. hole in T he chamb 0 rma1d handed a. h andsome still there a great many clean and whole- grades that placed it within the reach of he knew it. He tried to laugh ga.yly, but your roof by moppmg up the puddles that gold watch to t he clerk of the hotel, who some and pleasant tra.tles 1.eft for the girl, every one. But there was not a bit of color it was a faint laugh, a.fter all gather on your floor." locked it up m the office safe which ' she may, be ta11ght and with whose to gladden the eye., black, somber " Mis Brown said she s'posed I was proud I asked him if he would specify the con"The man who slept in 55 1s on his way practice she may be familiar, even if everywhere ; sorr?w and depression to have you think the baby looks like me.' dit10ns. to H amilton. I wonder I not had a she really neYet had to touch them after- m every household. Little children saw " I will be proud 1f he does look like and " Yes," he said, " I can vaguely indicate telegram from him. ward 1n the whole course of her life. Not the faces of their mothers always behind a 1s hke you, my dear. Did you tell her so?" them. L st me say, in the first place,that it "Do you have many things left by trio.vto speak of stenography and type writing, veil of crape It death seem a terrible "No'm, I told her"- and then Johnny is not millionaires that cause poverty. N 0 · elers in this way ' ' which, until the time when they shall be thing. Then a reaction set in and a wave of stopped. He had not intended to tell his body is worse offbecause theVanderbiltsare "Yes. 1 have a small museum in the made pa.rte of universal educ"tion, will a.f· color swept over the land. The blue of the mother this. worth $200,000,000. If they had not the safe. Jennie can t ell you something a.bout ford means of obtaining a livelihood, there sky, the green of the earth, the red of the "What did you tell her '" Mrs Green wealth it would not exlSt at all. It is only it. She has been here nine years a.nd han· \IETEil.INARY S URGEON, are va.rious house keeping, flower-raising, sunset back to us a.nd shone forth with smiled at the thought. S he was quite sure in those communities where millionaires are died a good many ost articles. seed-raising, bee-raising, and kmdred mdus- almosi. startling to the funerea.l of the answer. Johnny wa.s such a. good possible tha.t the average citizen has enoug h "I fiad a good many p ock et b ooks," said ON'r. ORONO. tries, all of which ma.y upon need be found drapery of the woman ID black son. '<>lea~. Now, whe.t causes poverty? the pleasant faced girl "The owners alfa.r ~e profitable than the music lessons "Wha.t Clid you tell her, dear?" A few more prominent, earnest women l Iguorance of bow to save money. I ways send for t hem and for gold watches, 11ond wild flower painting on which so many who would do as Mrs. Beecher bas done, ""Why, I - told her,"- Johnnyl had never found beg~ in C"lifornia in 1850, when One man- he was from Montreal- left a - THEof our young ladies rely for ekmg out their would establish the custom in disuse. practised deceit- " I told her I wished he any man could gQ out with a. tin pan and nry handsome watch with his wife's picture incomes, and beyond these there are always looked more hke Jim Gregory." earn $5 before When by woik- painted on the inside of the cover. I fout>d " Why should the children or a kmg the industries of the needle in dress making " Why, dea.r ?" Go mournIn!!' Ml their davs 1' inp three hours a day a ma.n could make his the wa.tch when I was ma.king the bed, but and bonne~ ma.king and tile hke. · He knew it would her to tell her board and clothes, there were always shift- I was ca.lled away before I coul d take it to I\ Already fashion has decreed a substitute Every girl who has the a.rt of trick JUst:wby he wished this, but he must tell her less creatures a.round whom the rest had to the office. When the man missed it, ~e ~C>'TTd:::::!""llG"W for crape, iust as black but less harmful · it ing herself out with nbbons and finery can lihe truth or nothing. His mother had taught enpport. It is the same way now. The came back and a.cted like au insane perror. ~ ' - ' t::::JJ..a::..a use her art a.dvantageoualy in ma.kmg and is ca.He? "Nun's veiling," and ha.s non~ of him that. soil is wonderfully fruitful there. Merely 1 gave it to him, and he hugged and kiss Th £ 11 · d d trimmmg hats, and the more ideal she may the poisonous, depresHing qualit ies of crape e o owmg reasons are a vance " I didn't mean to say it, mother. I 20,000 men produce all the wheat of the od it, and danced all over the room. He and tb is much cheapera blessing to the he.ppen to be in other ways, the more fa.nc1 didn't really," he burst out suddenly. He Sta.te, and export 1,000,000 tons of it eYery he wouldn't lost it for a thousand why you should deal with us : ful a~d " ta.king" will her bonnets be ; and wdows and orphans who, on limited in· set down the cup in which he had been year, and yet there are beggars. We ca.n dolla.,.s." the girl who ha.a an eye for form, a.nd any comes, persist 1n w.ea.ring unlimited mourn breakmg the bread, and went to her half cut, thresh and sack whea.t a.tan expense " What did he give you ?" Our Ordered Clothing is cut by dexterity of finger, will of herself a. ing as a token of respect to their dead. of one and a-half cent per 100 pounds, pota· "Nothing. I find some thingd that st~h l A lady, well known in this city, and who shyly. mantua.·maker of more or less meric, but She drew him into h er arms as only a t oes cost only he.If a cent a pound, and flour tie me- a loaded r evolver, for inst ance, 't e 'Oll Y first-class cutter in t own ; equal to a. livelihood on necessity, with, possesses great beauty, came nl!ir losing her mother will, and leaned her hea.d tenderly 1s only $4 a barrel, and yet there 1s want. or a set of teeth; we often t hose left." our Ties are t he most f3~hiona.ble moreover, the advantage of being able to eye ~ight and being disfigured for life, by against his. An important cause is unthr1 ft. People do " Do ladies leave articles under the pil· · instruct and direct her own dress maker if pe~sistently wear1n~ over her face a heavy in town ; our Collars, Scarffs, Hats "Never mmd, dear. Just tell me and not understand economy or pra.ctise it ss a.I- low ?" she never have to use otherwise the art she veil of black crape. Physicians said you will feel better," most every rich ma.n ha.a had to do al some "Not valuables very often. A. woman and Underwear a1 e t he most duli'has, learned. However wealthy, however that there is poison in the insidious fa.bric He kne w that he would. He was only time in his life. I r eally believe that t here will leave a Bible, or a bottle of toothache finely educated the young girl may be, she Whether fashion or physiology has decreed thinking of her. would be beggars in th e world before nigat drops, or a photograph, l\nd occa.sion11lly able that can be procured ; our will find it surely accrumg to h er comfort that 1t should lie worn thrown back- if " l wished i b 'ca.use- 'ca.use then he if $20 gold pieces were to be sown broadcast ri.n embroider ed ntght-dress, but, as a rule, R d d Cl h' and good in the future if her friends have worn a.t all- with a. face mask ot dotted net wouldn't be ao thin nor hungry, you know, every morning, ancl so distributed that enry they pick up very carefully. " ea y-ma e ot ing ii; as nicely seen fit to give' her,.! in addition to all else it will be equally beneficial in its results ~ mother. l'm glad- ever so glad-he does man, woman and child wer e certain to get The girl went away with her broom e.nd made and cut as well as other dry th3y may have given, a trade, or something women. pust pan. There is another item to be considered in look like me," with a sudden burst of elo some. W111wering to a. trade, with which she ca.n "2. rhe sa.lA a.nd use of liquor. As long "She is thoroughly honest," said t he goods houses that advertise ordered quenoc, " only-only I don't want folks to earn her living in case of need, whether the the question of wearing mourning- its exas there are ten times as many ea.loons in clerk, " and brin ~s m a lot of estra.ys every w ork- they peddle your cloths a.11 pense. A cheap elnzy black garb is pitiful. pity him." need ever come or not. She understood perfectly. She lifted up this country a.a there are of both churches week. Some of t hem have never been ca.11 It shows a struggle with finances, a.a colors never do. Commg on the heels of a long his quivering httle 18.ce a.nd kissed 1t. Her and schools, a.nd they are ma.inly supported ed for, but we keep them in they might ov'9'r town to a number of tailors Household Fancies. by the very poor, the sources of mieery be. We had an amusmr circumstance hap sickness and great expenditure it adds to a eyes were shming. H er fa.ce was beautiful. pretty obvious. pen here last week. A young fellow who to be made up cheap, so call upon "Never mind, dearie. It was just like Spanish point or English curtain lace burden already heavy enough. With the "3 A of manual training. This slept i!' No. 49 raised a great hue ~nd cry IVES and get y our Clot hs your um elfishnes~ to wish it. And we painted in water colors make very pretty nch it may be a capriJe , but it too often vala.nces, scarfs and edges for, as takes cre~ture comfort from t he homes of know, don't we, that God will look out for nee i is most ser ious. If so many p eople that his clothes had been stolen durmg the well as for tidies. t he ma.Jority. baby brother a.s well as h 1 bas for u i, and could be taught trades that the ent ire pro· ~ught. As a fa.ct, his pantaloons were mies duota of this country were doubled next mg with his money m the pock ets. We A new ,.glass -from the manufactory at Men do not indulge m the luxury of not let him want for u.r·ything it will be y ear, the wages would be doubled, eit her in sent ouo and found a p air for him and had Nancy is very loveJy and its figures in relief weeds to any great extent. And it is hard well for him to have \Ve must be brave, incr ease of money received or m the smaller the detectives m t o mvest1gate. While Yours sincerely, on a. splash gr~un4 have some suggestions of to find a. man who will declar e himself in Johnny ; t hat is what p a.p!I. said, you know, cost of the neceas1ties of life to be bought . they wer e t al king matters over, the P'irl cameo glasa. . ' favor of wearing mourning. " I don't want and JUSt do tb e b eat we ca.n. You are More capable skilled hands- t hat is one of went to the room to make up the bed, and Enamel!ld; gfa~s iii rather a prettY. ideJJo my family t o go mto black when I die," hungry now a.nd so am 1 ; let's have our our greatest n eeds My great hop e is m my Bhe found t he missing ga.rments: between t he which is ca.rr1 ad out in fable ware and when is a remark frequently heard from t he head breakfast " - - ----She l au!!hed and made him la.ugh ; and umversity, which I wish to build so t all and mat tresses H e had noticed t he ~mght be. gold as well atP Oolor is used m it.s dec'o ra' of the house. llut his family do not desire deep and broad t hat t he rudiment s of every fore t h at they bagge<.l a litt le at t he k ~ ees, e.~ " , ' ~ . to be considered penurious or heartless in by and by baby woke up an d haa to laugh useful t rade and occupat ion may be taugh t. had p ut t hem there t o press them, and t he t ions it is v~ attr1lli4f 1 Golden iia:ir'pins ~re the lat~st fre~k and the event iif his de ~th, and s.o his expressed too, to see how J ohnny was hed and drefJsed W hen everybody knows how to do some I next mornin~ hacl fo1goiten an abou t i t " · , wil!li 1s disobeyed. him under mamm a's car e , and t hen J ohnny bid fair to b e the most populaT sort o~ aa The depressmg effect that the woman in went out to look for sometl11n~ to do as he d ifficult and useful thm~, -pover ty will ,...,,.,..- , , . . ,...~,,,,..............,_.,..,.,.~ rapidly d1minieh. "- P hiladelphi a Prui. orn ment Jil."'lr h h f 'l h Id a I~o be t aken Wlls in the ha.bit of <.loiug lately. which att f~ those ~ ' ~ wh.o, b ;,_, have _,, , fa.1r, ·h1 ·1i.1r-t9 ~ · r). a.s .on ei; am1 y s ou ~n o,. ~. Y e _ura.wn. . \ " 1 mfo cono1diµ-at1on. We all see;i a It was Saturday afternoon, a ad grocers Mcl\~urtry A new use is found for large ant ique shoe A feather du:.sti01--forr fine bric a br~e li!i:s' ~t!).er 11i w eeds of woe sitting Sunday after were busy get tmg out t heu orders ; so J ohn a ~1lve1 or car ved ivory handle; and is a. Sunday m htlr pew at chnrchl a livmg l'Ilonu ny hadn't much t r oubl e t o get errands te do. buckles and young la.dies who can fortun· j & re pr epaied to pay t he h igh est pr ice t hmg of be ~ng 1Jy, a jl~tr:~ llnt t o her husband·s memory, shuttm g I t was lat e when at l ast he ~ta.1 ted for home ately command a couple of t hese heir looms, " " U;tiet!f ~ i · ~ ~U.e 1 bon on th sunlight of r esurrec t ion from the wit h prov isions for t he next da.y and a mce wear them at the t hroat and belt of the F ed· all k mds of G r am deliver ed at the sweet st10k of candy for H e was ma era.I vests. The coa e·_ _ _ tf&l.~fs · A'. }.iJl,1~ch1ld1~n at her side. . . . litt le diahea of all sor t s Silver platt ers and hurry too, for he knew his mother worried T~e quest10n, to b~ decided is JUSt t his . ver y attract ive can est icka and t he lilrn W h a.rf or their Store Hou~'a-in t own. which ma.k{!, ~ $uil;j\blP o; nangmtal or useful ~If. .it anybody s basmess except our own abor\t b1m whan he was later t han usual; ar e ve1y stylish and make a charmmg show on th1.o d mner or lunch table W eddmg or bat ht. l aughed even as lie hurried along, for a.r t1cle foia.Jiei;lroam a oc'fuiudo'irs,l' · · ~·t~~r~ we'advlirtise our grief to the worlcl Matt hew Arnold says th1 \t t he Am ~;r;;;n ~·1!'11l · a l'.l , ·J _ -~ b:v;,; W~.J1,r1~ ~\Ml!>., or .keep it m t he sa.nctuary wouldn't she be surprised when she saw hohday gifts m11y be of t he attractive and " f unny men" are a nat ion1<l calamity. elaborate sort. E mb os~.-.~~iiel;"b:L.a.n alltitj:ii. ueaign of·..o~ hear ts.? .. · · .. wh~t he had brought ? YOUN""" FOLKS. HAT HOUSEHOLD. AILS YOU? ';':gst 0 0 0 1 CONSUMPTION, liver, Blood, and lungs. JOHN SPEt NClER, E c L I p sE lp R0 p E RLY MADE· H. IVES. I W. I GR A I 4 I J no. & Co. ,. ' .. ) +., T' ._.,,.

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