abundantly, demand much p sica.l la~or duced from eleven hours to ten hours. .:J Hygiene. There are2,177 newspapers published in Dty Indio.n mca.l will make the hands fo_r their c?mplete c~msumptio . and wluch WEDNESDAY, MARCH rn 1888. 0 without this, produomg au mil.ee.lthy <: n - the United Kingdom 454 of which are in white. dition of body more or less · .. ~ompatlble J London. ' Our la test importation has arrived from F raMe, and we will 1. 0 It is sa.id t hat powdered borax in water with the easy and active exe· -.ll~e of the .1 , ., glad to see.our friends and acquaintances and those with whom 0 will render the face and hands smooth. functions of the brain. Fish is L ess satisfy. I Ihe IJ'lndon firemen are to follow their have been m correspondence. in fact any and all w ho are i11 searcll or A mixture of charcoal and honey in t he in~ to the appetite ~han th.e Jfoeh of either French colleagues in boi11g dressed in asfirst class PERCHERON'S and F'JtENCH COACHE RS, to look them over, We have an exception.,,lly ftne lot, und our stlld is so lani:e consistency of paste makes an admirable a_mmals or birds, as it contam~ a. larger por- bestos cloth. that a ll may be plo11se:i. We offer the largest nnmber and greatest dentifrice. t10n of water. The apes of the Rock of Gibraltar have variety to select from . .All our imported stock is selected by MR. One exp~.dmenter found himself we3tkcned increased in such numbers tha t they are to FARNUM himself 1mrsonally In Franco, and he accepts nothing but Eating and drinking very cold or very the best Horses of the mo3t approved breeding. hot substances ia verv injurious, both to by fisl:l diet, and he states ,that persons are be partially suppressed. Our Home-bred Stock is all the progeny of selected sires and dams teet h and stomach. ~enerally debilitated by Lent diet. When The Parisian women have a.t last r evolted. of the best form and modt desirable breeding. We guarantee our stock. Sell on easy terms and at low prices. Sage tea is the best solution known to jockeys are preparing for the races and A League for Public Morals h as been formed We will be glad to answer all correspondence p·omptly; but we prev mt hair trom falling out. Saturate the wish to r educe their weight, they a.re t o suppress impure literature. . would strongly advise persons contemplating the.purchase of a hortlQ placed upon fish diet. So much for curi·ent sea.Ip with it every day. notions that cause fish to be used as an arThe project to establish shipbuilding in or mm e J>ercheron or French Coach. to get on the train and come and see us. Catalogiie free by Mail. The right side should be the position ticle of genera.I diei; st1id to be wholesome. Spa.in by English capital seems now to be chosen for sleep, as it a.ids both digeiJtion perfect. It will begin ·at Bilbao. and circula.tion of the blood. The fift~enth footba.11 match between Ox- PROPRIJlTORS OJ!' ISLAND HOltU: STOCK FA.Rltl, JMPOU'l 'EltS AND BltElmER!!, The teeth should be brushed after every A Plea for the Invalid. ford and Cambridge Universities wae won Address all communications to Detroit, Mich.] GltOSSE ISU<:. 'VA1'N E ~o ·· JlllClllGU, meal, and the ha.ck teeth require more The impulse to immediately visit a person by Oxford by three goals to two. brushing thf.IIl those in front. who is ill has its origin in kindness, and while An association of L i dy Dressmakers has Cold food and dri.nks lncrcaao a. tendency often helpful in provincial localities is OC· been started in London in order to provide to cough and so should not be indulged in casionally so iu the city. But t here is need k f l b after a.II of a good deal of reform in this line, wo'r or a a.rge num er of high school girls. by people with bronchial affections. A collection of 132 letters of Richelieu was To p revent au ingro,-Ving toe nail, cut or and there is a need for even physicians and scr ape a groove down t he center and nurses and the invalid himself to better un- withdmwn at the Hotel Drouot because the pa.re the ends off equit.re. Never cut the dersta.nd that nothing is so injurious to a pit.- rest1rved price of 20, 000 francs wt>s not aides. tient as seeing a. number of :ieople. 'l'he mo- r eached. The I t alia.n laborer is making consider· Keroaenc oil iii a. splendid r emedy for tive promptingthe visit is none t he less;gen6rPUREST, S'il"RO~·JCES:V, BESTu croup, and children do not object to ta.king ous. and kindly that it is a mistaken kindness. able trouble for the French laborer , in CONTAIN S NO it. ft must be used with caution, how- Especially if one who is ill is of a. nervous France. There a.re said to be not less than ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHAT!iS, and impressible temperament the presenca 250,000 Italians at work there now. ever. or any injuriou ~ m01terial3. of any one beside the neare~tand most fomil· The little dotterl veils, so commonly worn 'rOROliTO, ONT. iar friends is enough to.seriously injure him. Strit.nge a.s it may seem, more people enter E . W . GILLETT, by women, a.re a frightful source of eye 'l'he vitality and personal magnetism is eas- Russia. t han come out of it. Between 1872 CHICAGO, lLL. diseases, and often of headache and dizziness ily ~xhausted when one is below the usua.l and 1881 the number of emigrnnts was Jbt' f'r oithc CI:!.EBP.ATilll !?C?AL YEAS~ CAIES. as well. level of his energies, and the visits of 8,000,000, and the number of immigrants A new method of arresting a hemorrhage acquaiuta.nces a.re a. severe tax on the 9,450,000. Siie 'l.'1·ied in vain to Get from extritction of teeth has been discover· streui;ith. An inquiry made of the servants Some handkerchief hemmers in Glas<>'OW ReHet· and hiu:l quite : · hit is db;r a. compress of plaster of Paris to know if one can be of use, or if hie com· a.l'e on strike because t heir employer wi~ed 1 t e' ee mg cavity. pany is,desired,is';ar',mor e delica.telythought- to take sev.inpence off the p!!.y for every Given up all Hope, Provide a. good sponge and crash towels ful than a. precipitaw call into the invalid's h~ndred dozen handkerchiefs hemmed. The Twentv-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run. for rubbing in the bat h room, also a. little room, if the approaches a.re ungarded, when girls earn about $1.25 a week. " Campbellford, June 9, 188t. corn meal m a dish, as many prefer meal to he ia defenceless against any chance intrndover one monthJ soap when washing the himds, er. The exhaustion of nervous viti\lity by There is a well-patronized slave market in M1t. E. M oRRIS, Toronto, 'l'he leaves of the horseshoe geranium are the presence of any save the few nearer Ca.bu! for t he sale of slaves brought from DEAR Sm :-I feel it my duty to give said to be an excellent remedy for cuts or friends of one who is ill, or indisposed, is Kafrista.n. Girls bring higher prices than you my teRtimony for the good I had abrasions of t he skin. Bruise one or two a thing that should be sed.ulouely guarded women, and are sold according to height. from your DandP.lion Liver an d Kidney leaves and apply under a. linen compress. against. A clergyman living in a country Only Mohammedans are allowed t o buy. Bitters. My liYer was in a bad state ana Seltzer water is a new remedy for burns parish, returning from an absence, found his Three physicians have left Paris for AusI had tried . in and scalds, and is said to r elieve t he pain wife ill, and the pB.r ish, en ma.~se, flocking tra.lia., taking with them germs of chicken I wad a gr eat sufferer. vain to get r elief and had quite gi.,-en up and accelerate the cure. The ca.rbonic acid to see her and sit with her. At the risk of cholera. The Australians are about t o all hope, till a friend told me of yonr gas with which the water is charged is the offending foolish and thoughtless persons, a.dop: Pa:steur's plan · of destroying t heir Bitters. I got a bottle at once and 1 am c'hief agent in effecting these good results. he resolutely insisted that she should be kept i·~bbits, m the face of very strong opposiabsolutely quiet and thus l et na.ture have tion. happy to s!l.y the llit~ers m·1de 11 new wo· A prominent -physician discourages the the opportunity to build up the wasted enman of me. I can heartily r ecommend pra.ctice of putting children to bed directly ergies. The physician and nurse carried Count Tolstoi, the Russi&n Minister of them t o any one troubled with liver com- af~er s~tpper. He ad~ise~ that they have a oull this ph.n, and her recovery was rapid the Interior, has inbroduced a bill providing ADVISE To MoTHERs.- Are you plaint. Yours trnly slight mterv_al for exercise a~ter the meal. and genuine. An invalid, or a. person tem- tha~ pea.sa.nt proprietors shall be prohibited JOSEPH CB.AMBERLAIN 'S GUARD. I turbed at night and broken of your r est CA.RRil!l STEPHBNI.. He. also adv18es that each cluld have a bed porarily indisposed, suffers more from the from selling the land which was allotted to P··ovldcd by Secretary Dayar<l at t.hc Cost by a sick child sufferiD<>' and cryincr with: by itself. lviaits of well-meaning, but thoughtless per· them when, as sarfs, they were emancipated of About $2,000 pain of Cutting T eeth 7 If so S:nd at in 1861. Ventilation is a. provision of nature too sons, than is often understood. . Erastna Wima.n's friends in the Canadian once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's · often abused. Every sl.,epin!!' r oom should Justice G_ranth~m recently commuted the Good .News at Rome. have its windows open an hour every morn- j sei;itcnce of a prisoner t'o five years' im- Club were greatly i>stonished when they ~oothing ~y~up." For children teething, . ing and all the bed clothing laid open to the A Contretemps. pr1sonmei;it a~ ha.rd labor instead· o.£ six discovered, a t the close of t he dinner tha.t its value is mca.lculable. It will r elieve E. MORRIS, EsQ.,-DEAR. Srn,-1 havJ air,. _where, if possible, the sun can shine on y F h . . "t mouths' imprisonment and two fioggi_ ngs. the club gave at Delmonico's recently to the poor little sufferer immediately. D e· reason to speak. well of your Dandelion them. oung ·reno . ~ir1s · are ueua11Y <1u 1 .e ' He thou,ght 1il11J former sentence was more Hon Joseph Chamberlain, M. P. and British pend upon it, mothers ; there is· n o Live r and Kidney Bitters. I have been ·. equal to any condition either of good or evil I merciful. Fishe.ries Commissioner, that a Pinkerton mista~e about it. It cures Dysenterytroubled for some time with my Kidney Chapped hit.nds, ansmg from exposure .to ;fortune in which they find themselves detective hit.d been watching Mr. Cha.mber- and Dmrrhooa, reg ulates the Stomach and 1le I placed; a,nd no doubt this lady will manage . Watt~, the artis~, ':Vas o:ffere?, two t1~0l' lain all through the banquet to see that no- Bowels, cures Wind Colic, s oftens the and a friend of mine recommended them too. sud<;ien cha.n_ge _of temperature wh_ to me and I tried them in my case, and mo1st with persp11-at10n ma..y be cured wit~ to extract some substantial advant11.ge from sand gumeas ~or hrn picture of Hope. by body harmed him. Their surprise was G urns, reduces Inflammation, and gives found them to work like a charm ; there- cold Gream, lard, camphor ice ox spermaceti t he notoriety 11. very peculiar accident has a man who said he wanted to present it to greater than ever when t hey found three ointment. Glyco~ine ie frequently med, but suddenly t hrust upon her. Dut Mdlle. the ~an-0hester Art Gallery. Watt_ refused, fo r e I have much pleasure in recommend- d_oes not Bgree with all l?eople, an:I some- 1Loufoe J!'elicite, a Parisian young lady, is in but ma few ~ays presented tl1e pwture to other detectives waiting at the entrance of to~e and energy to .the whole sy<'tem. Delmonico's to guard the English M. P. on " Mr9. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " ~tor"' ing them to all persons who are troubled times only aggra.va.tes the mfla.mmat10n. 1ibout the strangest plight of any girl since the gallery himself. his way out to h.iscarriagc. One of the de- children teething is pleasant to th e taste in any way with their Kidney. Among antidotes for poisons ordinary the world began. Although a young woman By the will of Paganini the only man who tectives, wi ~h a revolver in his outside and is the prescription of one of the old-Yours truly, must1>rd is the best and cheapest emetic, and morally and physically it.nd in point of fact, was permitted to touch his violin was his pocket, sat upon the carriage box when the est and best female physicians and nurses J, J. JONES. simple warm water io often effective. - Medi- she is legally a young man, liable to military pupil, Sivori. The other day in Genoa, to M. P. started for the steamship U mbria, in the U~ited States, and is for sale · by N ewton.ville, May 3, 1887. cal aid should be sough t immediately in all J service and to the ordinary responsibilities which city the violin was bequeathed, Si- and three others, with more revolvers in all druggists through the wol'ld. l">rioe oases of poisoning. When laudanum, chlo- .of a ma.le citizen. '.!.'his awkward state of vori tuned it up in the presence of some their clothes, followed close in another car- 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for roform, hydrate of chloral or other a.nre3the-, things was -brought a.bout by it. blunder of royal delegat es, and after playing several riage and kept up a strict surveilla.nce of "Mns. WINSLOW'S SooTHING Svnup ·. " r to $8 a day. Samples and duty FREE tic has been taken, care should be exercised the registra.t ion officiit.ls at her birth, when tunes put it back. the M. P. until the U mbria was out in midstream. e.nd take no other kind. Liues not under the horse'afeet, Write to keep the patient fram goi ng t o sleep. her nam~ w~~ entered aa " L~)UiH" · i nstead A Manchester girl telephoned to her BREWSTER'S SAFETY REIN HOLDSll It was not until the day after the ·dinner Little blocks of ice given to fever patients j of " Lomse._ Con~e:iuently· ~n the ,eyes of father's office asking if her dog was there. Co.. Holl, Mich. 18 are mu-cl-1 more grateful than frequent drinks the ~e;pnbhc, she M. Louis Fehcite, a Curley wa.i1 there, and his mistress asked the that the Canadia.n Club members learned of water. The sufferer desires the cold to masculme .child of the Spa t e. The blunder man to hold him up to the telephone. She that t he detectives were present at the banq uench the burning fever, and the chill of was not dis.covered unti~ yesterday, when whistled 11.nd spoke, and told him to come quet by the special order of the American cold water lasts only while it remaius in the I M :Ule. Lomse, accompanted_ ,by her i;nothe~, home. C urley pricked up his ears, and a~ i:>ta.te Department. All four of the dotecWheu Ba.by was sick, we gave her Castorfa, mouth, while the effec~ of the ice remains : p r esen ted herse~f at a. mayo_r 11 offi. ce i~ Paris aoon as he was placed on the floor started tives were engaged by the Government- a When she was a. Child, she cried for Castoria, few d ays before the steamer that brought much longer. Another advantage ot the ice to get a cop_y of her ba1mama.l cert1fica:te, for home, · 'When she bec:imo Miss, she clo.ni; to Castoria, is that it melt~ into less tha'.l its frozen bulk and to publish the banns of h er approachrng Th l d" f th S " Mr. Chamberlain over in December arrived, l'k· 1 l d k mo.rriage. The -unexpected discovery of her e .a 1ea o e aristocracy of "· and they were on hand in a cluster when he h 1 Wheu she had Children, oho ga.vo thoru Castona,, an d is muc ess 1 e y to over oa a wea I .1 Pe1 :ersburg have organized a series of sleigh . I landed, and never l eft him during his entire stomach than repeat ed draughts of water. e15al sex w1 1 ·of course, defer the happmess I . . ·b· h h b h d . of the expectant bridegroom for a. little races ii;i w ic. t ey a.re to e t e mrers. eighteen weeks' sojourn in America and --!while, as he cannot lawlully marry another Ea~h will have her own color, and the comnada.. T heir work of guarding him was Valus of R est. man. -A specfal injunction of t he Civil petitors must be not les~ tb~n 20 ye11.rs_ of divided into towns, so that at least tw:. of · _. · · Tribunal will be necessary to restore the age nor I~ore than 40. Entn~s are hmited them could be in personal attendance upon T hem ts no better preventive of nervous / . ' bl to the a.ustocracy and the pnz11s a.re very . d k ·h him while the other two were a.sleep. exhaustion than regular unhurried muscu- poor gir1 to 1 ier sex, an m11. -e er e11g1 e "fi t ' ' . as a wifo magn1 cen . lar excl'Cirn. If "'e could moder~te our · Th E l Cl · h' h h Everywhere he went a t least two of the dehurry, lesson our worry, and increase our su e ~ !).T Y o~mg w tc , under t e tectives were within twenty feet of him, . per'V ISlon. of Sir Jo~n Lubbook _ has been it.nd on certain occit.sions all four were pres open air exercise, a large proportion of nervolis disease 3 would be abolished. For those :Enormous Oar~oes of Opium. mtroduced mto Pa.rlmment, provides that ent as a. body gua.rd. It was stated the day after Mr. Chamberwho cau not get a sufficient hoilday the best Opium smuggling a.long the St. Lawrence all shops shall .close at,8 p.m. on fi.ve days subathute is an occa.aional day in bed, Many ca.me in after the opening of the Canadfau of the, week and a.t P· m. on the sixth and Jam started for home that the Government whose nerves are const antly strained in their! l'aoific R:i.ilway. Tho town of Victoria., on !~at tne local authont tes shall l:Je. empower- had engaged this guard and kept it up so daily vocation have discovered this for them- i Vancouver Island, is supported largely from to _enact a. weekly half hc;ihd~y when stea.dlly because t he American Government oould not 1diord to hit.ve Mr. Chamberlain selves. A Spa.nish merchant in Barcelona I the profits i·ealized by importing houses that two-thuds of the shopkeepers wish it. FREEMAN~s t old his medical man that he alwa.ya went l are owned by professional smugglers. The There have been lately several importa.nt even run the r isk of being insulted, much to bed for two or three days whenever he I mer chant s of that town do not disguise t heir changes in t he German army. Count Wald- less molested, and it was said that SecrePOWDERS~ could be spa.red from his business, and he business relations, but boast th11.t they can ereee, formoi:ly Von Mcltke's substitute ha.s tary Bayard had engaged the detectives as laughed at those who spent theiJ: holidays 1 hoodwink United States Custom Houae offi. been placed in command of the Hanov~rian a protective measur e because he feared that Aro pleasnnt to t!:.ke. Conto.in their owtt , on toilso ne mountains. cers without any risk. One week I saw army corps, and Count Haseler one of the certain citizens who are ou tspoken in their !urgo.th-e. Is a eufe, sure, al1<1 cllectnal One of the hardest working women in thre~ ships arr!ve at Victo1·iit. l~ade~ with b~st strategists in the army, ha~ succeeded anti-English sentiments might engage Mr. d4i.stro.1f!Z' ot wol'JZlll i:t:. Clilldron ox Adul'.a. · E ngland, who has for many years conducted j notlung but opmm. You may 1magme the him. t;ount Blumenthal, chief of the Crown Chamberlain in personal deba.te in t he street a largo wholesale business, retains excellent value of such a cargo when a. piece of pre- J:'rince's staff in the I·'ra.nco-Prussian war, upon the Irish question. It is a fact that the detectives were ordernerves a.t ana.dva.ncP.d age, owing, it is believ- 1pared opium only t.he size of a peit. ia anifi- will r etire on accouut of age. ed t o keep at a dist11.11ce from Mr. Chamber ed, to her habit of taking one day a. week . cient to satisfy the hardest pipe hitter. The lain anybody who showed a desire to apin ·bed. If we can not avoid frequent agita- '\stuff in treated by t he local Chinese, and proach him in this spirit, or who evinced a CURIOUS FACTS. tion, we ought. it possible, to give the ner- then sent out to different points a.long the OF CANADA. disposition to do anything but doff their vous ~ystem time to recover itself between American l.ine. It goes up Pu!;iet Sound on tlapUal paid up, $1,000,000, Rest, $260,00 > the shocks. Even an hour'B seclusion after fishing smacks, and then a.cross·vVashington An engineer says: "vVhen you get a hat s in deferentiit.l salute to him . . The detectives watched him when he a. good lunch will deprive a. hurried, anxious Territory down to San Francisco. New cinder in an ey e don't rub it, but rob the Tills Bank' ls - ;: pared to do Legltl· The nerves can York, Chicago, St. Louis, and other large other eye as ha.rd as you choose. It will went to attend the conference of the Fisher"'1 1 .0 attend Funerals on day of much of its injury. ·Iaintull ies Commission with Secretary Bayard, a nd mate Banking in all its branches. . · thu lowestjlOS~i.ble rate· often be overcome by strata.g em when t hey cities it.re supplied indirectly through agents generally remove the cinder." t.he shortest n followed him everywhere in the streets at a Jase11t·ca1::r on!shal't notice r efuse to be contIOlled by strength of will. who are stationed at points from D uluth Farmers notes discounted; Deposits 0a.llkota &nd ' down to Ogdensburg. T hese frontier re'£he farmers of Southern Russia employ distance of a. few feet upon all occasions. received and Interest paid on amounts of , on very lri04$o~ term'll ll'iret-olaa .o:,con1;1.antly ~n; .Jui.:a.d , Fun ceivers are known to the trade, but the the St epanoff primaty battery to produce When he went to dinner in the hotel they Shl'onda ~n t upwards in Savings Bank Department; flt;, once. - !!'tn!n ~i~""Shop & eraloardu11. Fish an Article of Diet, ma.gnitude of t he business cannot be exag- cfoctdc ligh t to a.ssis~ them in threshing were right on the threshold, and when he noall'uNow BIOQll .,--.Snow i,toomeDRA.F'l'S · f h h gerated. · their grain. T hus they a.re enabled to keep received friends in the parlor they walked At t 1 us season o t e year, w en fish ill the threshiug-mit.chilies going night and day. up and down the corridor, keeping an eye haued and Collections made In Europe largely used as an article of food, often in -~ place of meat at the usual table meals, we The New York Association for the Pro- on the visj~ors. They pa.trolled the hotel United States and Canada, P, D. Armoµr 's Balance Sheet. motion ·_of Burial Reform proposes to do C"orridor when he was asleep in his room, ':_ · find it creeping into t he list of articles 00 W.J··TONES, 1the diet C!l.rd of the sick. Because hsh fur- Phil Armom· surveys his varied affairs by a.way 'Yith the chief ar~ument in favor of too, and one or more of them invaria.bly Agen skpt in an adjoining room to be on hand inm · nisf13: nitrogenotusfmatl~er withttea little oil anldl thhe airll ofdan oaccoundt _b t ook, sih x fefet wide l ~~:m~!~llg b~;:ye rwe~:tctoonfilnoa f·fuc~esrakeltss, aan ndd sta.ntly if he called for help. This surveil- --~--------------a air amoun o sa.me ma r, we are a w en c ose _ pene , 1 stretc es rom one 1 , _ w · well acquainted with and believe them to be end of h is little private office to the other. se_a.led boxes of_;i.ll kmds. ~n pla.ce of these lance was maintained with just as much strictness in Canada. as in W it.shington and r v, classed among the light form of diet, easily It is a novelty in the line of stationery. M:r. wic1:\ wra~pmg and pit.p1ermache boxes Nsw York, for when he crossed the border ll\. digested and full of a vital essence that Armour docan't ca.rry it a.round with him, are e use _· . · the detectives were informed that there Wllll l'he followmg is given as an efficien t mixcould not be gotten so pure and which is so nor does he even have it on his desk. But readily appropriated by the nervous syatcm;lwhen he comes to look at a summary of all turn for cleaning old brass: Oae ounce of a feeli11g of intense dislike for J 02eph there ~ND from a.ny other substance; therefore it is ro-l his different interests, he can at a. glance on Ci\mphor gm1!· two ounces of alcohol, two also. On three occasions only in the whole To buy Foot Gear for Men, Women, ---~-c.._ - ··-· co~mended as an a.l'ticle of food for the sick.la single page of this very broad book see the jounce~ _ of spirits of a:monia., four ounces weeks of his travel did the detec-- -- - - - ---------a.na convalescent. It is of doubtful propriety bEtlances taken from a score of different. of sp1r1ts of t urpentine, one pound of eighteen tives have any chance to make themselves Boys and Maide ns, at !naking it 11o_ sole ai:ticle of 1!itrogenous food ledgers. The book was devised by the skill- star candle~, oi:e ~onnd. of tallo~ and one known. One night in the first week of Mr. _ _ . . m the ordma.r:y lme of diet, great care ed accountant who a few years ago had pound of_tnp~h. · To mix firat d·ssolve the Chamberlain's sojourn he came out of Dell' ontmue~ to .uo ~eneral Bank:mg Busmess should be exercised when erdered tor the sick. charge of the Armour office. Its purpose is cnmp~or ll:UJ? m the alcohol, then melt t he monico's cafe a.nd entered his carriage. A eUo wman'Vlllt> 3-'l.~eh. It is said, even at the present day to save the millionaire the labour of going other mgredients and mix. man followed and t hrust his head in the Dl \ ' OSJ'Jl.'S ~hat fish eat ing pe?ple are ill ~ourished,_ and from one ledger ~o o.nother to fiD:d out how It ~as be~n stated that soft soap with carriage door and spoke to the M.. P. 'l'he ;taeeived in t\Vhs Bank ])epa'l't.meut a.nd ID east~rn countnes are part10ularly liable he · stands at his banks, at Ins pa.ckmg half its weight in pear lash one ounce detectiv~s 011 the carriage box insta.ntly orft.11;,and int.em&. cl'owed t·t cunent rates. No to become leprous. "I am inclined to think houses, in his sp()culations and his invest· ol mixtui-e in about one' gallon of dered him to leave, and t he stranger looked t0tfoe or w1~l)d1>\1sil nece~·;u.r:v. ,A.U depos l·~ ! tho.t if this be ao i t must be met with in such ments.-[Chica.go Herald. boiling water, is. found of great prac- up in considerable astonishment and turned pa.;vablo o tl. ·:.~n,~ pove.r~! as prevents ~he inhabitants from tical value in engineers' shops, in the drip- on his heel by the singular courtesy. On ' · 1 1 4 " Il l'~ GE obtammg a prope~ variety of ~esh food _an.d :English Footballers for Australia. pans use~ for turning long articles bright in another occasion when Mr. Cha.mbelain, vegetab~es, showmg. to my mmd t hat it 18 wrought iron and etee1. The effect of this was walking on Pennsylvania. avenuer and ~W!{~~~!~1; .;.i;:-J::~l~~~o~~~ffi~~~~~~ n?u des1ra.?Ie that fish ~hould be the only The Rugby football team which will leave mode of tre11otment is that the work, though after he had been pointed out by several ilt:it~d Sta~es 1 'Jaoks honeht nnd sold, kmd of mtrogenous ammo.I food eaten by England for New Zealand and Australiit. on constantly moist, does not rust and bright ·washingtonians who were p romenading, a. any one; and further, I find t.hat if milk Thursday next wil! consist of t~enty-one I nuts. a;e imm!lrsed_in it for day~ till wit.nted, citizen stepped up and spoke to him. The .-t·:: 1 Id){.' £:('.:<j·g~~ ll.i~ and eggs ~e added t hereto the Vigor of such pla.rers, ri;pres011tative of each portion of the I reta1nmg their polish. two detectives who were walking behind t persons will not be equal t o thu.t of t he flesh Umted Kmrrdom, and although the claims him instantly rushed to hts side ::.nd order1 ,irr~~f~tYB~t ~, ~~ru:'.~r.~;re,~t~r~nn a~t P~r e8:ting_ persons," says Sir H . T~1omson. of business ~ud the length of the tour preed the ma.n off. Fi!lally, when the M. P . Our New Stock hae arr ived, al'ld com. mlr Jon ot C1 j.,.. , .1<> Fish 1s looked upon as a t hera.peu tw food, elude several very clever exponents underAu Outward .Bound Bridal Couple, was in Philadelphia a. ma.n stepped up t.> prises something neat and pretty for Tclt i;·..; Jtll 'l'waJu.ters f~r we find it particularly r ecommei;.ded in takin?, the t rip, the tea~ _w_ill be yery powerMr. Newtie (on the tour)-" Why mv his carriage and e.gsayed to address him, but ~ chseasea of the nervous system and Ill con- fnl. The Northern Divmon will meet at dear , you look pale a nd worried. What is was promptly ordered away by the detective Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men and Boys, and Boots that R Boots for Made tor I · ·· ·mall. sums OD. all parts valescence, from low fovern, brain workers, Not.tin<>'ham the dv,y before sailina from it, love?" on the box. every member of the household. ~:;_.~~~:· · ~.r~;1~~~ ~~~!n~~~~~~s to n~urast):ienics, and the wholel~1!e ofalliedd_ is- Londo;, and i;- b~quet in the metropolis to- , Mrs. Newt.ie- " Oh, nothing, love. " !:Ill it make r,d s ava lb ble at once e.twt°t.t orders? mconse51uenceof~hewwel_yentortam- ,morrow cvcmng is "on the carpet." A Mr. Newtic-" Not homesick already "Oh, I've got to assault somebody, have place oC pa, ,l "' ed f>ehef tha~ fish contams. cel'l:am elemen ts lengthy p rogr amme has been arranged in dear ?" ' I ?" remarked the vagabond, and forthwith F or rurther 1 \oulars ca ll at t he Bnnkin wlnchadapt 1-~~n an especial mauner to ~e- N ow Zea.Jand and A ust ralia, but noth~g. is Mrs. Newtie-" Oh, no, not a bit, (Re- knocked the sergeant off his stool, and TRIJNKS, V lllSES, d:!SA'n.:HELS, I N S1'0CJIU House. !1ovi;.te the b~ .,m o.nd nervou~ ~ystem, g1v- yet :lefimtely kno~n as to Shre!1bury a ln· lncti:.ntly ): I was just wondering whether whm the astonished officer picked himself _--order ed Work · a.nd Repairing Ill T. P.ODIE, GEO. MoGILL, mg it the vital essence of lif_ e, and ~o to teutlon~. Red, wlute and blue w1ll 11roba.bly 1that stupid looking reporter would spell himself up again mid quietly, " Give me ~ 8 .A.ccon~t. M&na.ge r . B?pport mental la.bo~. '.!'here is.no founda-jbe the colors of the travellers. , 'tulle ' right fo describing the wedding" good a bed as you m.m mister, 'C'anse I don't j Specialty, as usual. ·lv : t1on whi>tever for thrn vuJw. The value of ' feel very well to-night." · D. DAYIS : 1~£URIL§__ __~!?!.~-~ ~~ - -~-~ --~ - ~~!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll'.lllllllll!!PJ!!IE __ 11111 __~~~~!11!11~~~n _·~~-;ie:~!lll~S~·~-"'!l~ll~ilti~~ll~llllll~ZZ~~~~ - ~iiii~-~l:~!!!!....~·u!_ _~n~ ......... '!!.!!..~~~'.!~'r-!'!-~ .-!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!S:i hf \t'U'ltd;"'U HEALTH fish to the brain worker is due ri ply to 1' FOREIGN NOTES. _;;,, ~Jl " -"-"' ~ -" "1~U-U~ . · fact that it contains in smalle1 _Proportion , -----REGISTERED - - - th11on meat, those ~ateriaiS ~ i~h, taken The - working day in Paris has biien reQ Q c . =-= .:.--- --- - --:::::::::.:.___ ~t\tt·h~Ht\t'U. ~he I p £ fl C H E R N H R E FRENCH COACH HORSES. SAVAGE & FARNUM, p M~DOUGALL &METCALF, I are oner1ng Coal as follows : Stove and Chestnut, ..................$6.25 Grate and Egg, .............................. 6.00 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD' .Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL & METCALF.. I ,'ifs. I I I . . $i) I I 1 · I I ! I c.. iy I I I WORM UNll STANDARD BANK ·5 S F ·"THE C D I, . N I,. _ · , N · E._ i 'SBEST.FR1 l '1 · ! THE ( rlTARIO BANK I I I Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM! 1 11 1 0 or! I I Ohildt'©n Cry for Pitoher's _ Castoria;