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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1888, p. 2

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. WORJ.D. after all the other boys he.d looked at their Women desiring to enter the London So· boots and stood back; Robert recognized his ========~ own, and s-i,ld, "Guess, mister, I'll take yer A Ence of Heu l:nder , 1r Feet High- The ;iiet.y of Lady Dre~smake_s have to furnish ... -- --o-~"'-'---'--testimonials of their " social position" as five cents." Then fitting his foot mugly .Akkns, the Wo · 's Dwarfs, well <J.S of character, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4. 1111. into tho footprint, he acl ded, " See ! jiat a - - - - -- -- - -- - - - -- - -- fit; fork over, please!" At the last meeting .. f the AnthropologiA citizen of Newcastle, Pi>., dreamed th11.t " How abont that diamond ?" ca.I Institute, Prof. Flt· · ver, C. TI., Director he was fighting with a neighbor and kicked Robert threw up his new boot and showed of the N:1tural History Museum, gave a des· him vidently. The next instant he awoke tho figure in brii::h r. t.ack bea.ds. cription of the two skeletons of Akkas, late- with a howl, for he had splintered the footThe three l\dults exchanged astonished ly obtained in the Monbuttu country, Cen- board and broken his big toe. glances, thinking of the family he hailed tral Afric11., by Emin Pasha. Since this THE TALE A T.H.A.CK. George Harris and his wife, of Americus, from. '.!.'hen the Rtranger opened bis wallet diminutive tribe was discovered by Scbweinand gave the b<'y that wee offspring of the furth in 1870, they have received consider· G.i.., who were married forty yel'lrs ago, A STORY FOR THE BOYS, war- Uncie Sam's five cent note. able attention from various travellers and agreed four years ago that they would be happier to sep11.rate. There had been no "But the burtin'est thing is, mother's "II declare, Bob," gi umbled Henry, "yer· anthropologists, and general descriptions breach for and of any kind between them, but ·they sick: and she's a' awful good mother, sick a lucky feller." and·movements of several living individuals ha.d got ti_ red of each other. They did sepa\ or well, Hank. I guess 1 won't go. S'posin' "·well, boys," said the stranger, moving have beeu published, but no account of their I'd ask her might I go with you to make slowly about, with one eye on the ground, oateological characters has been given, and rate, and the \Jther day Mr. Harris, who is ' "CutoT>Jai~ no well adapted to children thn\ castorfa cures Colle, C'.onstlpntlon, frecommeud it as superior to any prescript.ion S<?ur Stolllach; Diarrl1fua, Eructation, Charley Norton give us maple-sugar, I know "here's the old track of another queer boot no ~pecimens have been submitted to careful 70 years old, obtained a divorce, and the same day went to Macon and married a lady lmown to me." R. A. Awm::cn M. D Kills W!lrIDS, gives sleep, and promote& d{4 what she'd say-she'd say, 'No, Da;niel.' -a i a ' r cf 'em-both left footers, and one anatomical examination. "· ' ., gest10n ~So. 0%1'.ord BC.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Without injurious medication. An' so I'm sure I won't go." run over at the side an' down at the heel. The two skeletons are those of two fully of that city. Thomas. Nast told a San Francisco report"You're a fool, Dan. Ain't that so, What boy11 fill these tracks for five cents" grown up people, a ma.lo and a female, The THE: Cn:w.r.Aun. COMPANY, ~7 Id urray Str eet , N. V. Stub?" And Henry Uncarfer aaunternd "Me I me I" eagerly answered Henry, evidence they afford entirely corrobomtes er that when he was in.Bismarck, Da.kota, it was so cold that he could not give his iJ. on, · followed by Stub, a scowling chunk of throwing dcwn the ba.g and shntliing to tho the view previously derived from extern&! t\ dog, always at his young master's heels, front. measurements that the .A.kkaa are among lustrated lecture, for the paints froze stiff, trying to cock the ears ti: at had been Mr. Agnew had already noticed on the the Pmallest, if not actually the smallest and the spectators were in a fair way to do cropped, and wag the tail cruelty had cut bag in Henry's hand a grease·Epot that look- people upon the earth. These skeletons are the In '.l'acoma the manager of the oil. ed familiar to him; so, while the other men both o[ them smaller th~n any other normal Alpha. Hall wouldn't permit Mr. Nast to FOR SJ.LE BY J. IDGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE 1 Henry was the most distinguished young and boys huddled about Henry and the skeleton known, smaller certainly than the lecture because there was an "Uncle Tom's vagabond of bis country communHy, the tracks, he stepped back and with his foot smallest Bushman's skeleton in a ny museum Cabin" company in town, and the manager provocation of school-masters in Winter, straightened out the folds the bag had fallen in this conntry, and smaller than any out of didn't think two performances at a time a young bear in the way of smaller boys in into. Behold l T he initials of his own name tho twenty -nine skdetons of the diminutive were just the thing. Summtr. There had been several days of looked up at him through a dirty face- !\ inh!1bitants . of t~e Andaman Islands, of One night recently, after a Buffalo man March thaw, and he felt Sllre that little charcoal attempt to hide them. which t,he d1m~ns1on3 h~ve been recor~ed _by ha~ bu_ng ~p his watch on its customary Charley would have to be "driviag the Of ctnrse, Henry Uncarfer took th11.t left· Prof. ]lower ma previous. commumcat10n nail, his wife set a pan of dough on a chair kettles" in his father's sugar-bush to save boottd prize; nor did any other boy seem to the An~hropologt~al Institute. under it. In the morning the wafoh could the extra. run of sap. Hence he had set out to wish lie wore such boots. The heu~ht of neither of them exceeds not be found. It had disappeared from the l "I'm sorr . y for you other boys," said the 1 2J 9 metres, or 4 te~t, while a living female nail. The dough was moulded into loaves, for a on the boiling-place. And mia..A_ chief, as well as misery, loving company, jolly atranger with a wink at Mr. Norton; Akka, of whom En~m Pasha has sent which were put into the oven and ba.ked, he had asked D.i.niel Downs to go <~long ; "but perhaps we can find something more 1ful measurements, is only l.16'1 metres, or and when one of them was cut the watch but the mother-culture in him declined. to try on ;" and he led the half-dozen to the b?-relv 3 feet. 10 inches. The results pre- was found inside. I t had dropped into the .A little farther on he found his mate in opposite side of the mound. v10usly<i from ~h:e measurements of dough a.nrl been baked in the bread . Robert Waters, the boy of a farmer in good "Why yes" he said with a laugh of about half a dczen hvmg Akkas are not A citizen of San llerna.ratno, Cal., baa standing. surprise ~s he 'reached that side "here's a quite so low as these, va.rying from 1 216 to ::."Good joke," he said, "to scare a kid and track there can't one of you fill: I'll bet a 11.420 metres, and !(ive ~.n ~verage for both succeeded in making a living off oue acre of swectc~ up the kidnappers in the <lark." dime;" and he pointed to an oval and divid- sues of 1. 356, or 4 feet a?t mch~~· But the land. Around the acre is a row of fruit Across lots at dusk strode the pair, with cd depression with a short handle at one numbers measured a.1·e not sufficient for es- trees from which he has real'zed $400 for a s~ub in their wake. Crossing an orchard, side. ' ta.b~ishing t.h~ true avera~e of the race, es- season's fruit. He put a quarter of an acre they skirted a mound of earth, cone-shaped, The boys all wondered and laughed, and pecrn.Uy as it is not certarn tha.t they were in strawberries and sold lj-200 worth. From the rest of the acre he took three different several feet high, witt here and there a Mr. Norton wondered out loud what it all pure bred examples. straw in sight. could be. According to Topinard's list, there crops of vegetables and Wl\B EO successful "Agnew-th' olc 11tingy-" said Henrv, "It loclrn," U.miel said, "as where some on!y two known races whi~h have a m_ean with.them that.he sold $1,000 worth, besides " 'e got some fancy ru8set"3 buried there, tll dog set down to wait for some other fel- height below 1,500 metres, v1z., the Negntor keepmg a cow, a pig, and fowls. bet." low." of the Andaman Islands (1,478), and the A young woman of Louisville, Ky., while ::Why .not open thl'. Vile for 'im, H.a.ak ?" " If that's so," said the strauger-" an' I Blish ~eu of South A hi ea (I. <ll 4) 0 £ the singiog before a large company the other A!} right, Bob, 1t a cone. You re my guess your dght, Muster Downs- you boys real height of. the former we have. 1~bun?ar.t eveniug, became conscious of a. shrill, harsh, sty~e. . , · must give t.he dogs a. chance. They say, a?d exact evidence, IJ,oth from ~tvmg 1nd1- mei;a.llic sound, like that made by the loose Entenn~ the woods of Canadian maple rou know, that · eveiy deg bas his day; VJduals and from skei~to11s, which clearly string of a piano. Sh~ stopped in the middle they soon halted, and H enry drew from his 0 ma}' he this is the chy of one of your dogs P . roves ~ . bat they considerably exceed the of her song, unable to endure the uiscor<lant poct<et au old black Bpron, I.ore i( in ~wu, Now, I don't sa.y a dog iii worth two boys; .A kkas. rn stat.::ire. That t~is ?s also the sound. The piano seemed to be all rigllt, cut rough e~ es and mouth m each piece, st.ill the dog that can fit that around-rest case with the hushmeu th ere is little doubt. and no one had heard the urmsual noise, She and a moment later the two boys Vl'ere ·if h~'s here shall have a dime,,"' ' Tne point of compara.ti ve size bein~ settled began again, and again heard the sound, ,' nd m11.skcd; and with a handfnl of mud Stub! "Heah, \Vatch!"" Heah, z~ck I" "Heah, it remains to consider t~ what races t.he had to give up her attempt. She afterward was soon made a dog of another color. Stub!" "Heah '.l'owscr !' quickly shouted Akk11.s are mo~t nearly a.lhed. Iuspe('tion ~olicilcd. discovered the aour ce of the noise, It waa They walked in ~ilence close up to the the boys to tnei; pets. That t~e~ belong in all their ea8euti~l a. brcastpin n hi ch shewore close to her throat MURDOCH BROS. k~ttles nnd young Charley Nort on, an<1 \Vatch came up first· and being told there clmractenstics to the bfack or Negroid and which, the setting being loose, vibrated Vicfo1·i:t Dui!dings. w~tbout a wor~ signalle~ him to b~ oft: But was money enough ~t stake to buy him branch ~Ethe human sp~c~es there can ba ;io 11. t certain . tones of the piano, and of course bis father.having told btm ~o st~y, ~e sfuck. bones for a week, he sat &own, like a good doubt~11! f~ct they exh1b1t all the essential the sound was heard plainly by the singer, One of his school-book msp1rahons had dog. .But he covered altogether too much cbara_c.enahca of that branch even to exag- though by no one else. bcen, "The boy stoo? on. the !:-urning deck." ground, and proved that the <log for the geratrnn. The form of the head ~s somewhat The B.iptists in England and elsewhere So t~e hooded pair seized each an. arm _of I <lime must be short of tail. So Master more round~d ~ban u~ual bu~ i t has b~en 1 Caeabianca the. seco.nd, and they tied )11!11 1 Tommy got laughed at fol' entering rnch a I shown that m E r1uator1~l Afnc~, ex~en<lmg are greatly excited over tho withdrawal of . h:>nd t o foot with bis own rope, then laid dog at tha.t prize-match. from the w_est coast far rnto. t~e m.tencr , ear Mr. Spurgeon from the Baptist Union. In h~m tenderly back upon the straw beneath Then the other dogs were looked over scatter~d ~tnes cf nei::roea _diatrngmshd fro1!1 the. course of the controversy at present bis own shanty roof. and Henry jumping at this new chimce for the ma1or1ty of the mhabitants of t he contl- ragmg over the matter, many very nent by this special cra.nial character aswell and some very hard thingij have been said. Coolly the novices at bulldc.zing now wealth coll~red Stub dipped into a barrel half the contents of the Stub' sulked and gr;wled that he wouldn't as by their smaller stature, to which the Mr. Spurgeon insists th!l.t .a great many of sweeter ke~~Ic, romcd the fire under it, aud take that chair, but finally was tripped na1;11e "Ne.grillo" has been applied ~y the Baptists ministers are unsound in the started r11.p1dly toward home. into tb11.t sand-mold c11.udal abbreviation It la to this race of the great Negroid bra.nob faith and are preaching a gospel which is no 9harley protested. vigorously. against and all, the stranger c', admitting" that he'd that the Akkas belon~, an~ they are not by gospel at all. In reply to thi~, particulars l)emg left there all n 1ght, but neither the lost as no hickory meat ever fitted its nut- any means closely allied, either to the Bush- Me asked for. It is to be very unfair to puir nor. the painted dog uttered a bark of sheli better. mm or. the Negritor of the Indian Ocean, bring general sweeping accusations against explanation. . . . "The two formers smiled approvingly, as except m so far as th.ey. are .members of the so large a body of m en a~ the Baptist minYet a half hour later the boys m veils sat Henry much envied by the other boys same great branch, distmgmshod among the istry without mentioning any names or l>y the boiling fire munching Roxbury rus- shoved that dime in to one of the vast pock'. ueneral character by their closely curled or epecifying any charges. Thie seems to be sets, while between them lay a grrun sack ets in his vast pants. frizzy hair. It is possible that the Negrillo but fair; but when ministers titke to quarelperhaps a !JUarter full of reserved stomach "That's a very truthful dog," observed people gave origin to th_e .stories of pygmies ling, they become somewhat unreasonable. ache. Mr. Agnew to Henry. "Do you an' him so common in the wntmgs of the Greek The inhabitants of A lbany. Ga., arc COil· For an hour or mort>, without a word , always go together?" ;:ioeta and historians, and whose habitations siderably worried over a curious insect that by turns they sat and m~mcbed, then 6tood "Y·e-s, s-i-r," drawled Henry. ··Us w~re olt;en placed 1near the B?urce,o of t;he baa taken posseasionof the cE metery in gr eat and drank of the syrupmg kettle. L!l.ter sticks closer'n twins- sleeps together. Doc.a Nile. The nam~ AKka, by which Schwem- numbers, '.l'nd which, if the description is Rober~, stretched! rubbed both hands is good stcck, and a short-tailer pays best f?rtb says the tribe now c:i.11 thenuelves! has accurate, is calculated to canse nervousness. over bis d1_2tended _waistband, and turned this time 0 · year, ye see, don't ye ; an' now, BlDgufo.rly eno~gh been rea.d ~y Manetta 'l'his is the description: "It is a most round, facmg out mto tlle· da1k of the miater, if ye don' min' a-dumpin' in them ~l\aha by the side of tho port~a1t of a dw~rf diabolical-lookiag insect, and appears - HER OFwcod~. _ apples you tol' dad we could hev for the m a. monument of the ancient E gypt:an to. ba a. c:oss b~tween a. grasshopper, . Suad~nly Ins eyes fell upon a movin<> fetchin I'll t ote'm home." empire. cricket, . a. wild Indian, a.nd an imp of dark- - -- --light, }ow ?own', and away i~ the directio~ Mr. Agnew ha.If.filled his own stolcn·~bag, ne£s. When &. funeral occurs these insects of th.fir prisoners hom_e. Quickly he touch- . with the nma.rk that he was sorry the aphundreds of them, assemble around th~ Sollle Biblical Data, ed his com~ade and pomted ; Henry looked, pies all froze-he should have to t ake better grave, climb up the tall grass and other foli· Verses in the Old Testament, 23,241. and even his m1u k frowned. '.!'hey knew it care of his fruit next f~ll · but if soon used age,, a.nd look up in to the faces of the asVe1·ses in the New Testament, 7,959. was Mr. Norton it~d ,his lantern coming to they'd be better'n no sau~e in springtime. ' eembled mourners with a leer that is horThe books of the Old Testament, 39. see why_ CbarlEy didn t come. ~ Henry whistled for Stub, and, without rible. They are a kind of wingless grass 'rhe books of the New Testament, 27. Catchi~g up the sack of unfinished apples, thanks for !>pples or cash trotted off· and hopper of large size, and the devilish-looking ·w ords in the Old Testament, 592,430. ~enry stlently led Robert and Stub again the other boys, all well lo~ded, soon fdllowfaces are streaked with red and yellow. Letters in the New 'f est.ament, 838,820. 1~to. the dark toward home, leaving their ed. · There is a sharp-pointed hump upon their Words in the New Testament, 181,253. vwt!m worse confounded than l>efore and '.l' · · backs. They are vci·y destructive to vegein the kettle they left th eir regret~. ' he ~ert ':ere aa.t1sfied, especially the Ohapte1·s in the Old Testament, 929. B efore morning the weather turned cold, su~stantial s _ranger, _ who, by ~he way, was L et ters in the Old Testament, 2,728, 100. tation. the mud froze, a. light snow fell, and the a._ v1lfoge cons~able, w1~h experience at trap· Chapters in the N ew Testament, 260. . Prince Oscar of Sweden has had his wish. marku of the night were covered .A f pmg rogues mto telling more truth than Tne word "Jehova.h" occurs 6 8G5 times. Ile ~1~~ secured a wif.e whon: he loves by · cw they meant to The middle book of the Old Testament is sacn~ cmg alt the claims. which he might d ays, later, however, the weather was again l:l h · . · warm, and F~rmcr Agnew went into his e wen~ om? that m ght, but ,:a.rly Proverbs. have m the way of succeda10n to the Swedish orchard " to fetch a basket of those crisp nex t mormng with worrant~ to arrest R obert · Th,e middle chapter of the Old Testament throne. And every sensible person will say russets from the !II pl~ mound." Instead and H~nry, ~Dd s.earch their home.?. 19 Joo XXI X. that he has done well. In these days thrones he fetched home wrath agahist the rascals Callmg t? mqmre about ron~s he d travel. , The middle verse of the New Testamen,t all d crowns iu·e somewhat at a discount and ALL! that had uncapped to t he frost' his twenty ~~ forty hmes, he ck oppe_d mto easy is Acts xxii., 17. peace, f[Uiet and competency with the wife bushels ohpringcomforts. H e'd catch 'em, 1 v1th the moLhers abou~ thetr boys, and dis · The shortest verse in the N e w '.l'eetament of one's choice, count for a goof! deal against be said; and they'd "ca.tch it." . covere~ that, on the ? 1ght of the trouble, is John, xi., 35. such showy and somewhat uusatisfactory exMeeting Mr. Norton the two went back both ~ud been out qmte hte! and townrds The longest verso in the Old '.l.'estamen·b is pectatione. But what a senseless, upstart to the orchard scenting scamp track~ · and mormng had come down w1th whl\t Mrs. Esther, viii., 9, shoddy law l '.!'here is some romantic story they found acme. They noted first thitt Uncarfer terr~~d "the crampinst kind 0 · Tue middle book of the New '.l'esta.ment is of the same kind in connectio11 with the la.te all the foot tracks wore boys' boots ; and collar. morpus. Also he found t he Agnew Second Thessaloniaos. Emperor of Germany. He however, chose Jocking closer they found only two pairs sack in the Uncarfer p antry, and a hal!The middle chapter and shortest in the differently. Hie lady·love we nt into a nunrepresented, one pair of which was mis· dc·zen sanded, unfrozen russets under Henry s Bible is Psalm cxvii. nery ai:O: he iu due t ime married a. woman .P urify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the mated, consistiag of two left foot boots bed. whom be did not love and with whom his r eone of them run over at the side and d Jw~ The mother broom-sticked the officer· latic;ms were always, in diplomatic, LIVEU., STOMA.CU, .KIDNEYS AND BOWE. L S, Preferred the Cash. at the heel. The other pair, too, wa.s odd but he only smiled, as thongh used to that somewhat str ained. Everyone to his t aste. having left the print of a diamond formecl clacs of mothers, then put onto the boy the The late J ohn B. Gough used to love to Perhaps in afte1· days Oscar may regret the They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and by ca.rpet tacks in the sole. handcuffs-- the "come·alongs"- and took teil this story. He had an engagement to sacrifice he has made, though i t is to be hop · are innluable In a ll Oomplalnts incidental to Females of all .Agee. Fo1 But the queuest track the thief had left him away. lecture at a suburban town in Illinois, a nd ed that he won't. But whether or not is his Children and tl1e aged they are priceless, b_eh~nd was t~1e impressiop. of !\ small dog Robert's mother bfgged for him, then asked a darkey cabman, who drove him from own lookout ~ml that .i.lone. e1ttmg upon bm haunches m the moist sand broke down in t ears. 'l'he officer didn't ChicJgo in his hack to the place where he l and forgetting to take his stub of a tail in ~mile that time, but said he was sorry he was to lecture, wh at his charges were. The Evansville J ournal of Indiana is reunder cover. had to take him. Robert himself was bad- "vv' ell sa.b," said he, "if you'd ies' gib me sponsible for a remarkable y a.rn of a remark, Is an infallible remedy for Bad L egs, Bad Breast s, Old Wounds Sor "A short tail," obrnrved Mr. Agnew ly fright ened, and at once confessed to both a t icket to de lectm·,' sah, I would be very able experience of the crew. and p~sscngers a nd Ulcers. It la famo us for Gout and Rheumatism, F or disorders of t ho "but it will help to unfold a long talc." ' the apple-ste11oliug and the eap -bu3h scrape. glad." Flattered by such a request from of the steamer City of Owensboro, on the -Chest It h as n o equal. · Mr. Norton mentioned the outrage upm. ~Mr. Waters drove right to to"'.n wit!1 such a source, Mr. Gough not only gave the Ohio River, near Mauckport. It was a For Soi·~ 'l'h1·@ ats, B i·onchitis, Coughs, Colds , Charley, and the presence of russet cores 1 h.obe~t a.n? the constable, and balled his cabman a ticket, but added another for his bright, clear day, but in t he northeaat and before t he fire, adding : "These troubles hor till trial day; but nobody offer ed to lady friend. He did not see his color ed south big black clouds l:egan to gather. Gl~n dula.r SweHmgs, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival . and must be t wins ; the cause of one is father of hail Henry, and he lay a week in j ail, friend nmong his audience, however, that " As they came nearer," Rays the. J ournal, contracted ancl HtiJf joints It acts llko a charm . ' both." l\.t the end of that time, there came into evening. Getting int o the same ca.b the "thun der r olled and l:e'ched forth pie1 ·oing Next morning Mr. Agnew rode about the court as witnesses all the men and boys who next evening he said to the driver: shrieks, while the lightning was vivid and neighborhood and told the Uncarfers the had been present at the trial of tracks in "How was it I did not see you a t the lee- cut through the clouds with appalling frighb Manufactured only at T HOMAS HoLLOWAY's Eatabllahmeut, '-· Downses, and other poor families th~t he the orchard ; and even S tub came to tell t ure last evening?" "\Vall, sah," he answer- The clouds were all rolling with rapidity to'78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD BTREET), LONDON ~ was going to open his apple m;und that his tale. But after Robert's confession and ed, "I were not dar; you see sab, I jes' sold wards one another. The sun wa.s shining afternoon, a.nd if t hey 'd Jet their boys the constable's story of the tracks, t he sack , dem tickets for 006 dollar, sah, 'cause I down brightly, but the opening gradually An cl &re sold at ls. l jd. , 2s. 9d., 4o. 6d lls 22s and 33 8 .eac h B ox or Pot, ien,, ., ., ., come over with bags he'd give 'em all snug and t he applea put to bed, Henry se.w that didn't k now much 'bout lectures, lessened, and in anot her instant the mys may be h a d from all Medicine Vendors thr oughout the World. loads. further lying wouldn't win, a.nd he too own· and tought I'd rather hab de cash, sah." wer e obscured. The voluminous clouds WPnrchaseu bould looll. at tlu1 l.abe l on the Pots and n . . So afternoon found Messrs. Agnew and ed up. . - - · - ·--- came together wlth terrific force, and a I 1133 tl oxes. lit t h e r adrlil 1 n · · · xfor·I Street. l.on1ton. they are ~1'1!1.ll'lo!ills,. Norton, and one rnbstantial, jolly-lookintr '.!.'hen the little cour t pronounced its Sumter and Sumner, deafening roar drowned the earth and shook ~"""' _. 'A"f'"W:" ~ it as a seismic shock woiild. The boa.t stranger e~rly in the. orch11.rd. This after· i rnlemn sentence upon each of the boys ; a 1 ~_-z _mmtc noon the an· was. agam frosty, a.nd the old fine of ten dcllai-s llD.d costs; and, in defaul t Abou \ the time of the firin g on Sumter, a plunged about on the high ·rnnning waves · Gave it a Rest Occasionally. If George W ash ing ton neYer told a lie *racks stoo.d up m good shape. of payment, six months in t he reform South Carolinian naval officer, who had & .chairs were th1·own over and p:1.sseuger: Brown-- " J ones is t he greatest talker pr obably Mart ha. never asked hiin if he Henry U ncarfer soon came up slapping 1school. warm friendship for Sumner and'great confi. hurled about t he deck. Almost instantaneloved her just a.s much as he used to do. year'~ weeds vi_:ith a grain pag ; D..i.n- / · Robe~t's father, of coume,_ at once paid dence in his judgment, came to hirn one ous with the crash d the clouda and while ever heard." tel Downs came with a pillow case neatly · his bo:y s fine, then hurried him home to his day in visible embarrassinent. "Whv.t shall the lightning was vividly flashing, an imRobinson- " Got t he gift o' t he gab, A Montret1l citiz·n wh 0 h d d hasn't he " ' ~ ·v a agree t o· folded, i>nd his pants neatly patched ; Billy sorrowmg mother. And he said to his wife: I do," he asked., " if my ship is ordo-cd to manse object was seen shooting eastward. 1ease a certam " , · _ house on U niversity s treet Pond, and Johnny Shepherd and Tommy " S arah, gueEs we'll know aft er this where the South to coer ce my own people? " "Rea(. It appeared to be about ten fe11t in Ien<>th He s worse than any I th aver was. considerably stii·pi·'ised wh en h e · woman h' ' · · tark also was there. . Rcibert W aters Bob is o' nights." your commission, sir," was the repl y. " But and four in diameter. J !'rom all sides of' it h t ar d · D oea h e ever give . 1s mou a l to s1pn. the · 0 fi n d th a.t a c Ia.use h a d ~ t ?" " had not been invited, for bis peor le were But there wasn't any body present who suppose my ship is orde red to Charleston? " burst fort h a brilliant light, which, silhouet· re~ , . . ,, )een mserted forbidding · him to play the not of the " pocr" nor himself of the sus- thought it would be worth ten dollars to the "Rl!ac l your commission, sir." "But, Sena - ted against an inky heaven, presented a Yes, when he ha.a a cold Ill his head. piano play cards 0 ,. open t h · d pected. But, passing the or chard, he saw, commu.nity to "Hank" Uncar£er at tor, what if I am ordered to fire upon the grand and marvellom sight. It w as like a " On ! he gives his mouth a r est when he 8und~y. H e did~'t ~ign e wm ows on ~be boys, hopped over the fence, and was · large six months right through the fruit and city of my birt h ?" Reo.d yonr commission, . gigantic sky r ocket, though it s luminous has a cold in his head ?" · ;velcome. wat er melon season ; and to the reform sir." This officer, stiH living, rnmained true power was a thm1sand times greater. It " Yes, he t alks through his nose t hen." Just as he came up the "subata.ntial , school st raightway be went. to his fi e,g, a.nd fortunn.tely, his loyalty was struck the water nearly thirty feet in front itranger " was saying, in an off.hand \'iay \ The sap· bush Mr. Norton 811id he'd never put to the t errible t esss which he of t he steamer and in mid-river. The wat er A. - " I hope you arc not goiog to any with a :fi11ger toward th e diamond track' hold over the boys for goocl. behavior. fear ed. Some of Sumner's si;.ymgs used to closed over it, but a heavy smoke r emu.iued "Boys, that's the print of 1. rather neat _ _ __ _ _ _. be quoted as good things. above, The clouds dropped back, gr ew balls during Lent." 13.- " No, indeed ; the 0 only balls I intend t o pat ronize duriag Lent boot- tha.t Eqnare toe and that tack dia - 1 M F d f . ,. thinner, and in anot hf)r . minu te t he sun 'Jlond on the sole. I 'll bet a. five-cen t e~ers. rem:y an erneui1 0 Pans, Ihe G~noa, N ev., Cou rit1· teils of a. tcugh br oke forth, s hedding its resplendent r ays are fish b~lls. " Isn' t it good for m an to be alone? J ust ;hinplaster there isn't a bo her e that can ch~mists, bayc mforn eel the AC'arl.emy of young squaw who walked through the vi!- broadcast. The Captitin and passengers natch that track. " Y that t~ey . ~u.cceeded m pro· lage barefooted the othel' day when the were dumbfouncled1 . and fina.lly, when they t ry to shave and have your eldes t male off- , N R b b ducrng real rubies by artifi cial means. The thermometer w11.s 8 below zero. She turn- h..,d r ecovered, their faces were 11.shen white spring pl aying round your ankles w ith ~ 0 e~t adn tper1!'1anently forgot tEin tests show. that th_is is o. fac~. ~he biggest I ed up her toes a little t o keep t hem out of their knees trembled, and it was w ith diffi'. piece of string and the second one 11sking 1 ~a 3:, ~enmg ofdmNischief, but he thought I y_et 1!'1adc is the e1ze of a big pmhead, but the snow, but othe1·wise paid. no atte ntion ~ulty that they could maintain a stu.nding you to draw an elephant on the dre£sing table with a nai l, and then SEe ! · es~.q. gnew an .Lorton had, and the size is a matter t hat can be r egulafod, to the cold. ·.ion." &~ranger, of couree, was not interested. So, TH"E SMALLEST -.EOPLI: OF THI: MlSC.ELLAN.EOUS IT.EMS. YOUNG FOLKS. or infants I Children. Murdoch Brothers' N"'EVV C:S:IN"' :S:.A.LL., where are to be seen 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR CLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. ' 20 White Bed Room Sets. I, I Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and SaucArs, &c. I I Special to Ladies! MRS. MORRISON Has removed to the frame building opposite Buckler's Jewelry Store, and FOR 30 DAYS offers AT COST ( ,. r f WHOLE STOCK j Millinery, Fancy Goods, Berlin -Wools, etc. A large variety of Sta1nping Patterns always on hand. Orders for Stamping will receive prompt attention. HEAI. .TH FOR '- THE PILLS - '1..,HE OINTMENT ! 1 l l I 'J I\I ,· J°':e I 'r . I I °

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