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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1888, p. 3

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und GJeam·ng Thi ckness that EfI'ee· Hea.lth and .Morals. w. t ually Shutw on- Vision. CATARRB.-.A. new··ut has boen dis· EVERY WED.NESDA.Y MORNING ovl'red whereby a permannnt cure o.t thla It is aBSerted that many a poor fellow To the mariner the fog is about the most iltberto incurable dlaease, In a bsolutely a ffect· -BYhas swung from the gallows simply because HAM fLT·)N, Bermu 1a, Mirch 15th. - The obnoxious of all tho conditions of bia voca id In from one to three app\i ,ltltions, no matter the Judge happened to have a fit of indigesErie Railway is the best road to New York tion. He is not likely to unde~stand me, ivhether standmg one yearm for ty years. Ttli.B emedy is only applied onoo m twolve days, tion. ·whether thiR be true or not, any one from Toronto, im.smuch a ! one is always then, when I speak ot its brnutiea; yet I md AT THB Oll'EICll does not interfe1e with busmess. Descripwho has v isited a pemt.entiary must have sure of making connections. The trams must assure him, nevertheless, that many ive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by P ost 011\ce B lock, Ii.tug !it1·eet, been convinced that many a man has been run on tim·, the track is a double one, in lovely atmospheric and other effects are pro !, H. Dixon&; Son, 305 Kmg street, West vtu e , On ta rio, sent to State-prison who ought to have been good condition, the are polite and duced on the water s by these luminous, en- r3ronto, Canada. WllAT 18 CATARRH1 T E R ::ti.ll: S : sent to the hospi tal. Old Dr. Abernethy obliging, and not above imparting informa.- folding bodies of vapor, the silence of whose Catarrh Is a.dangerous dis!'ase which thoUll $I.GO per Annum, or $1 i f p a ld. la advllnee. used to say, "Every aiJk man is a. ra.Ecal." tio11. to the pa.trona of the road. They will white caverns is violated in these scientific ·nds are consc1011sly or unoonsc1ouslysult'ering trom. It is a muco·purulent d1achar~e cauaed ·Te thi"nk ' he old do,.tor was r · tber bard on answer with tmvar··ing pa.tience the s·me tirnea by the h 'bl b · f t' te Payment l!trlotly in e.dvanoe required from \ " · v ; orn raying 0 ne 8 am the presence of a vegetable m the eubBo:!bers outside o f the county. Orders to the sick mau; nevertheless, ci.n extended question over and over again which timid, horn a.ud the terrified fluttering of the en- ~Y .in ing membrane of the n ose. 'fhe predispOij· disoontlnue the paper must be accompa.nled b:r experience with sick people has convinced over-anx ious and untravelled passenger s gine r oom bell. The kind of fog I have in Ing causes are a morbid state of the blood, the Uie a mount due.or the pa.po wil n1H bee topped, us that, on the whole, it is easier for a. well persist in asking. Their terminal facilities my mind is the snowlike body of vapor some· alighted cor puscle or tubercle, the germ poison in New York are equal to any road enter- times not ve1·y much taller than the Folk- 1f syphilis, mercury, toxomro, from the retenEub·crtbere arereaponsibleunti f ull payment ls man to be good, or decent, or pious, than fon orthe effete matter o! the skin, suppressed made, for a sic\ man, Good health does not aling that city. You will pay no more for atone cliffs, sometimes so low lying, indeed, 1 ~erepirations, badly ventilaicd sleepinir a.part· 'i.l!!l ways go with good morals, but 1."0od morala hi.wing your trunk transferr;id to your hotel that you may Eee the fofty spars of a. hig tnenta &ATES 01!' A.DTEBTISl!i'G 1 and the germma.tio"' of other poisons in ;.;~!;; certainly more apt to be associated. with from the Erie than f1·om any other railway ship forking out of it into the bli:.e air and he blood. Irritated by those, the lining mem· Wh>le Column one year ............. SllO " " Half yesar ..... ...... . 36 O :; "" good health th\l.n the contrary. station. You oa.n be l a.nded a t the foot of bright suushine, when the rest of the atruc- ~rane of the nose is ever ready tor the reoep·· " One quarter ......... 20 l'.!!A vast a mount of ha.rm grows out of the C hambers St. or at tho foot of Twenty third ture is aa absolutely hidden as an object llon of the parasite, which rapidly spreadsJup t.he nostrils and down the fauces, or back ot Ha'!Col}!tr.n ~ail:::;::::::::.::::: Zo _ - notion, which bas been extensively culti :~~ ~yw~e~g:~:~h~ i.:~~: of~{~ Eme;-s~.n; St . whichever you prefer. rolled u p in wool. As a rule very little wind G he throat, causm11; ulceration of tho throat; up 0 " One que.t'ter . . ........ 12 va.ted by a certain species of Sunday-school r. quo a.ion Now, that's a pretty good advertisement accompanies t heir appearances. Tho mass :be eustachian tubes, causmg deafness; bu.:. Q ia~ter Colurr..n one yee,r ·· ·" ...... 28 books, that a person must be sickly to be as :well. as. the icJea. we may be as much ncb- for the Erie Railway, isn't it? But I ha' e of delicate, smokelike, sparkling particles rowing m the vocal cords, ca.using hoarseness; aaurping the proper structure of the bronchial " " Half year ......... .. 1 ~ ~I- Ii good. Some ago the writer oaw in a er m dictwn as m thought. . f" pleiuure in r eferring to there good pohlts slides along softly, and ill is therefore slow lubes endmg ID pulmonary consumption and Te:llnee a~dun~~:.J\.~ir~:ertio;;; European pictme '(allery a painting of the Let any h.0 Y _lear~ t~ie descrrp,~on of tho m the Erie management, as many of them and tende1· in its revelation, aubmitting Ee.oh eubsequent Insertion. .... ~5 Madonna by an old arti&t,lin which the saint Venus of. Milo m Oln~ Newcome 8 letter to are conspicuously absent on other railways, nothing which t he matter of its dIScovery Many ingenious spe1tlcs ror ror t'1e cnril of l!'ro.m six to ten llnes, flrstlnsertior. 0 76 ·was representecl with pale and sunken Pendennia, and ,~e wli~ .never see ~;ven a. notably the manners )f the officials. I liave does not render beautiful. A man standing oe.tarrh have been mveuterl, but without sue· oess, until a physician of long standing rllscov· Ea.oh subsequent insertion...... O 1JS, - 10 cheeks and hollow eyes, looking as though a. plastei: cast of ~he divi~e oi;isla.ver that had occasion t o visit the·.headquarters of the on the deck of a ship in the heart of a soft ered the exact nature of th d ist> uc1d t ile over tenhnes,tl.rstmsertion,perline 0 l~O-there will not sprmg to hi s ltps the noble Each eubsequentinserhon " oo the artist had a picture from life, of a ,8 . E rie RJa.d a.t different timea to inquire about and gleaming t hickne< s may not be able to only appliance which will parma.nently d estroy the pa.ra.a1te, no ma.ttor how a.ggr11ova.teu t he dyspeptic. Doubtless this was words of Thackeray _noble m. mcl. missing lug.,uage and othel' things, and I see the me.i n mast from the distance of the woe-begone The nu.miler of lines to be reck oned bY A c las8 0 f s hool girls one lear ed 1 ease. Sufferers sbould send stamp nt once th~ spa.oe oooupied, measured bya scale of his ideal of the highest type of womanly . . e" n 'e~. have found that this politeness is not con· wheel. · c, tor deBcriplive pamphlet 011 catarrh, to the 8 ol!d Nonpareil. piety, There is a. great amount of this b~tim Addison c~armmg Spectator fined to the conduc ~ors, porters, agents, The silence is peculiar ; there is a certain business managers, .A., H, D txon & Son, 305 ~~~-----======~====~' sit:kly saintliness t o be found in the re!igi· pa.per on tne e.xer~ide of the fan. Then etc. You are received as though you were q uality of oppressiveness in i t; nor is this &:!ul{ street, west, 'roronto, Canada. ous sto1y books of the da.y. Almost a.11 of they knew {1-~dison s style, and nee~~d t,o not suspected of having come wholly fanciful, for though there be a d eep 'o/hat the R ev. E. B. S tevenson, B .A.., a Clergy DBS, ltlcL.\.IJGUf.IN ~BEITH, ma,n of the London Conference of the Metho tba good little boys cripples, or huncb-1 5 tudy no cntica.~ volumes about Adaisor; s 'l'O STE.AL A VJCOMO TIVJ; hush on the sea., yet when you emerge into tlist Church of Canada, hcis to say in r e(lard 0.FFIOE :- MORRlB' DLOCK, BOW:U:ANVILLII:. b11ocks, or consumptive ; and the good girl~ style, The dehca~e humor, .the eubtile clear air the difference between the stillness 'l'o .A.H. Dixon&: Son's New 1.'reat ment for Dr.J.W.McT,AUGHMN, Dr. A. BKITll. Gradu are homely, or cross·eyed, or have red hair, sarc, the, the polish, and ~he or a few miles of track, Y ou accorded you have quitted and that "hicb you h11ove Catarrh, Ucentiate of the Royal ate of tho 'l'oronto or deformed in some way. The good power of the. eighteenth. century .essayists the same conai.lere.tion as one of t he entered is iW3tP.ntly perceptible. Presently Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 ot Physicians · . College men become pious on their de=th beds, bccam;- a genmnc possess10n of their ~mnds. heat freight ou3tomer~ of the road. In there is a. little flflw, a chasm opens in the Mess-rs. A, H . Dixon &: Son: lllld member of tbe Un1vcreity, I:'h y31c1e.n DSAR Srns,-Yours ot the 13th inst. to hand. after having spent their lives in dissipation;, I ~ould suggest, make_ c~ildr~n, short, they hke you for a. gentleman till luminous body of whitr.nesa; the apace of Royal College or Sur· SurKeon, &;c. and the pious mother s are represented after even h~~le, children, narrate.. Ba.igau~ with they fiud out the difference, and as they water that glances like steel around the ship !t seemed almost too good to be ttue that I a.m ireons, Edmburgh. oured of Catanh, but I know that I am I the style of the Madonna of the picture gal- them, I JI tell lou a story if y ou will ~ell did not any discoveries in my case, I enlarges i ts narrow horizon; there is a have had no return o! the disease, and never OR. ;,, C. !IUTC,'llELJ,, ei·y. m~ one afterwa~ . :· I ~new this to be tned went away le1l\· ing e. good 1impreeaion, general bright ening of light, though all the 1 elt better in my life. I have tried so many EM.Bl£R OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS thin1u for Catarrh, suffered so m uch a nd for All this is mocke1y, unreal, and depraving wit h a cla~~ of clul<;Iren, and t~e r6sult New York is a wonderful place! Wonder· forward part of the ship ia still hidden in a.nd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. in its tendency. It inculcates in the.boy's was aurpnsmg. Stumbling, stuttermg, and fully dirty in the lower part, wonderfully the smother, and the only mast you can see !O many years, that it is hard to roalizo that r eally better. OJHoe and Residence. Enniskillen. H. mind the idea that to be angelic is to be sort embarrassment ~ery soon _gave way to. ease cl.ean iu the upper pa:t, particularly in ~he looks as if it were sawed off a few feet above l Iam consider that mine was a very bad ease; it of pale and sickly, and to be good and a_nd confidence m the telling of some simple district i ?und e.bou t tne two equares - U mon the deck. If the coast be nigh or ships be was aggravated and chronic,'m vclvmg the W. El, ORMISTON, L, L, B . piou 3 is the next thing to being angelic. httl~ tale er anecd.ote! and gradually there aud Madison. Wonderfully t ull of saloons, at hand, th ere will happen now a. slow steal- hroat as w ell 1 as the na.sal passages. and I &rrlater, Solimtor, Conveyancer, &c. Money Boys ought to be taught that i t is a good deve.oped the beginnmg ?f tha.t command one at each of the four corners of. most of 1 ing out of objects and the sight is one lhongbt it would require the three ;t1eatment'to loan, Office, in Beaver Block upat11olrs in but I feel fully cured by the two sent me, a nti t~et~own t~Vidn ~tr~~ts, ~a ~el~ at~ in r:idadnly which I think eve;y man who has seen it I am thankful that I was ever induced to send rooms formerly occupied by Dr. Harnden, and pious thing to be healthy, to have stal· of l~nguage afterwards so :nd1sr.ensable. wart forms and brawny muscles. There P ~Y w ord ga1!1es. \ erbarm.m, worJ. 0 e mos esira e 6 an 8 In ~ ~1 0 will re call with admiration. lo you. lBowmanville. S9 You at liberty to uso th ts letter stating is no necessa.rv r elation between h ard stea mg, the rhymmg game,_ oa.ppmg verses of _block. ~ have not the atatrntics by OJI Dover a ship I was aboard of s ailed I have been cored at t wo treatments. and DR. E. c. JlcDeWJJLL. muscles and hard heartedness and there is -these make words th_e subJect of thought, me to give y_ ou tue exact nu~be! of ea.loons into such a fog as I am d escribing and lay lhat [shall gladly recommend your rcmody to som· ICENTIATE OF HOY.A.L COLLEGE a very common association b~tween flabby and tho.ugbt 'lf t~em gives mastery of them. to ea?h man, woman ancl cb1~d m the com without motion for some hours in the midst lf my friends who are sulferers. of Physicians, Lont.lon, JJ:ng.;Membllr ot muscles, weak nerves, weak wills and wick· . In this ~onnect1on, t or a last and h.on:~ely :nerc1a.l met ropolis of tho Umted S t~tes, but of it. Any t rick' e of tide there may have Yours, with many thanks, College of Physicians ~na Surgeon!. Ontario. edness. A man who hB.s muscles stronf! bmt, cons~d~r where yo~ keep your diction· 1t must be _large. New York, ~oo, is a W?n· been kept company with the vapor. There Ri.:v. :u;, B. S'l'ETEI>TBON 2U:ROERY AND HESIDENC&:-Rear of Meesra. And hundreds of others enough to cope with a.ny man of his siz3, is ary. If it is on !ou hig_h a shelf, or too derfully w!cked place, more so m proport!on was no air, and the water out of t he Higginbotham·s Dru11: Store, Bowmrmvllle. equipped with steady nerves and a stronger !ow !1' shelf, or unCler a pil~ of !lther books, to popula.h?n probably than any oLher city t hickness to the bends with the polish and 6- lyr,· will and hence ia better prepared · to resist it will not be ea.av t o look mto it. on the contment. Morals seem to be at .a gleam of oil. '! 'here was nothing to break the devil in the guise of morbid appetites . Put Webster or Worcester ~r stout old very low ebb. The man who steals a. big the quiet but the distant faint thunder of D. BliRKE SIJIPS41N, 811.m Jo~maon on a ta.~le by hi!llself, e.?d su.m of money, even from a chur?h ?r .a the wash of surf, or sometimes the rem<>te A RRISTER, SOLICI'rOR, &;o. MOPRIS and sordid passions, The total depravity which we oiten bear children the habit of lo~,king to hir;n wid~w, and gets away to Canada with 1t, is tinkling of a ship's b ell, or the ratL!e of a BLOCK, up stairs, Kmg Street, Bowma.n· !le, Solloitortor the Ontario Bank talked al'out is, half the time at least. no for 0?unsel. Then ~ang~ag~ fit and fair oonsi?ered a clever fellow. ~he wor th of a little wmch in some nearer craft trembling Gentlemen'sOlot hes Made to Order. Prhate M.onev3 loaned &t the lowest r11.tee, thing more nor less than total indigestion. and Simple and su~nent wdl c~me to them m9:n is me:i.sured by the woa.h h h,e h_ as a.c - upon the ear like musketry. So good a. man as Calvin signed the;paper as a natural and righttul possession. quired, no m11.tter h~w, The. t ... k m the Presently there was a. movement of wind, John Keith GalbraUlt., which sent Servetus to the stake for heresy. hotels, street cars, railwa.1. trai_na and even and a.a the soft fingers of the draught of air ARR I STER, SOLICITOR, NOT~RY \Ve never could comprehend so inconsis01'. t~e w~~,to church is, He 18 woith t wo I tenderly drew aside the curtains of the mist PUBLIC, &o. Otnce- Bouneall'1 Bloo,k tent an action until wo learned that JUSt Take Care, Girls. m~lhons, Jones has made a pot ou~ of ~Ile 1 the pictures offered were 11,series of beaut1tul Kina St reat, Bowmanvill~~_!k_~ney t_~end, railway deal, "Brown struck n ch, surpnsee. · All a b out us <tood t h e w1nte i · fcg I y our a tten t" · d' h eoI oafter this atrocious action the great t 1'hera some things that a. well-bred th t h t ' tr t' has ,. ,. Th , 1t f 11 ion 18 1reoted to the · 1mmens~ JlOBEllT A.IUl81JR, 1 gian wrote in his diary that he had for young lady never does :!n a. w ea a;nsac !on, e e ers upon the sea in elbows and points, in seams, 1 11tock of 1 EGISTRAR, WEST DURHA.:U: ISSUJ!jJl s?veral weeks been tormented by a dyapep· She never accepts a va.Iuo.ble present from ~ th~ steel c?mbme wi!l ~ake .~entv md· 1riwines !l!nd defiles, like to the scarred and o f Marriage Lle-0nses, Barrl1ter a nd Attar· trn a gentleman ac'luaintanoe unless engaged to lions if they JUst v10rk it right, etc., etc, precipit ous front of chalk"cliffa, and now DtJ" a t J,a.w and 3olioitorin Chan::er1-.M:onw For parents who find their children still 1him. EVEN A PREACHER WILL TAKE A l'L\:ER the1e would ooze out a Httle rnmck whose Oaaed on Real Kata.ta, Office on Kinir · treet, . _ . . shadow within the vapor held you speculatungovernable, notwithstanding the fre-1 She never turns around to look after any . BJWmanTllle. of every description a t - - -- -qne~t use of .the r?d, we r~~om~en~ t~e one when walking on the street. ma certa:m stoc.k m which be has .received ing till the sunshine smote it into the proWILLU.M WIGllT. advice of a w1ae wnter, tha:t cows ,milk is She never t::LkE's supper or refreshments a.t the eti;a.t~ht tip from one of ht~ brok portions and color of some cutter or luggerICENSED AUCTIONEER for ~he a muuh better means of cunng a boys way· 1 a restaurant with a gentleman after attend- er p::i.rishionere. Yes, and sometimes he rigged craft, with reddieh mainsail gently County of Durham. Orders left at ths wardness than cow's hide." Many parents ' ing the theatre unless accompanied by a gets le!t, ~0 ~· Th., ?roker knows full well swaying and· a sou'wester or two over the ~J'&BMAN office or forwarded to Tyrone P .O, who give their children an abundance of . lady much older tht1n herself. ~ha.~ ~is mm i.s ter c~n t keel? a seci~t- and ~e rail; a.nd now, as the snowlike thick nel!ll She has just opened ou t one of the larges t and most 11tyliah stocks ever b roui;iht ..,fJII receive prompt attention. ll8:6 m wise counsel a.nd religious ~raining, send Sh d . . . iudrniously gives him the tip~ e.dvmng him was 1ent a.fresh some stout brig with black to town, c onsisting of ·f:Y 8. c. lllJNKING, their boys to the saloon and the brothel by 1 e ocs not permit gentlemen to.J 0'.11 her to buy wh~n he (the bro.ker) is l.oad ed up to or checkered sides and a blue vein of smoke the influence of morbid and inflamed a.ppe- 1~~q~~I sttreet unless t hey 11,re very 1Dtima.te the_ ~yes with the stoc.k m question ~nd 0D:IY going up ~traight out of her galley chimney Millinery, Jh·ess Silkl!I , ICENSED A.UCT IONE ER FOB tites, engendered by the irritating and pas· She ndoe.enaceso. t h b t waiti~g an opportumty to. ge~ qmt of it. and then arching over like t he curl of a Velvets, &c., the County of Durham. Sales atte11ded · t' 1 t" f d 'th h" h th f d 1 n wear er monogram a. ou Gold 1s th.e on,e a.nd only .thmg m .the aver- plume, would be unv·ei'led, ·nd no inntter loo;:; e11ortest notioo Al!~ 1,,~est rates. A.ddree· sion s imu a. m~ 00 wi w 10 ey ee 1 ·her person or stick it ?Y'3 her !otters and A 1f I 18 w :»oul!il'>CB P. o. 36:tf them at the dmner bble. Somebody had envelopes menca.~ s 1 e. worshipped by how ugly the era.ft we.a t ha.t would ba thus with a very fine etock of Feathers and t. well said, "There is religion in a loa.f of She ne~er accc t a , t f tl everybody; i ts power 19 felt. and a~know- suddenly confessed the witchery of t he sbinFlowers. Pianos Tuned. ant! Repaired. ' ~read" (providing? of course, that the loaf man in a street c~rswit:~~t tha~k~n~ehii:: l~~ged from th_ e 10 "!"est strata. Ill publ~c, po- mg i;:round of cbud ent6red her and Oall and inspect this fine display, which is a. good one). It 1 s equally true that there She nevor f rgets h b 11 l~tical, and social life to. the very highes~. submitted her as dainty and delightful, full oe.nnot fail to give se.ti~facticn. ARTIES WISHING THEIR p I ANO" is. infam.y and lleridition in mince pies, ments or refue:s to da:~9 .:,itho~:e egU::fiee: 'i ou are looked upon with astonlllhment if of a. grace that owed nothing to form so \I ""'loed pickles ginger snaps and pepper you suggest that such a. man or woman ia that even a wretched little CO"\llter w' i'th Tunedorrepall'encanna.vethemattendetl -r ' ' - man and immediately dances with another. tt b b ht h h h ' to by Jeaviag word at the Dolll!NlON One.+.fl sauce. . no 0 e oug ' w en every p erson a.a is boom foresail a.nd a suit of canvas as many Co's OvJ'IOE, Bowmo.nvllle .A ftr~t-ol&s m611 It is high time that those who are seeking · She never anubs other young la.dies, even price in their opini~n. And r ea.11}'. they ~re color~d as J os~ph's coat met the eye clothed now being in their reform the world, should b egin to preach !if they happen to be less popule.t· or well not.far wrong, iudgmg from what is commg with beauty from the buttons of her trucks ~ ~ f t 'l?ffl'Ti?'lill'V' - - -- - - - - - the i;,ospel of h. Instead ol. sending i favored than herself. . . t> light dally. down to the tremulous sil ver of t he rnfiece e ~~ ~~~ l!!.11 ~--TRY. missionaries to the K sffirs, Hottentots, KaiShe never laughs or talks loudly Jn public Th~ churches do not seem to have the tion of her S!!.ils under her. VETERINARY SURGEON. Q mucks, and Fiji Island ers, let us send a few · places. . . dral'l'.IDg pow:cr they formerly had. Week Then presently glimpses of t he l!tnd were messengers bear in~ t he glad tidings of good 1 She never ra.iaea her lorgnet te and tries to evemng ~ee tmgs are attended rooatly by the to be had, t he of sun ward 6 tarin g win. health to tbs great "unwash ed," badly.fed, p eople &he doesn't know out of count· women, m fact very _few men are to be; sei;n dows :a~hore, the vivid green of verdure the poorly slept, t he generally neglected, jenance on the street. a t any of th~ ser~i~es e-i:cept ,~he pubhc ~loping to Lhe edge of the white, abrupt, a and physically depraved multiludes of our She never wears clothing so singular or Sa.bbath mormn g mmIStrahon. Lo. walk up steamer wit h rakmg funnels cautiously com· great chics, A clean skin and clean morals striking as to a.ttre.c~ particular at tention in Fifth Avet.m & on a fine Sunday mo_rnmg when ing out, the twinkle of foam upon the m a.rare not invariably concomitants, but we !public. t~at fashtonable thoroughfare is r~owded gin of grayish shingle. oould never subscribe to the doutrine taught I S he never speaks sli~htingly of her mother with 0 by one of t he "fath~ra," t hat .the "p~res,~ I ehe ".don't care" whether be- 1 TJIE Er.EGA~TLY DltES3ED MULTITUDE A ROYAL BARBARIAN so1:1ls are ~o be found m the d 1rtieat h ud1es; 1bav1or meets with maternal approba.t10n or , on foot and in carriages going clmrchwards · __ ' nenher sncmld we be .fou~d ,among the ad- not, I is a sight that would ml\ke a stranger t hink l Remlnl· cent of the Shah's Visit te the Gel'· c. NA~ !"'!. .:!>. u:m era of that oth~t aau;1· ~ho waa con- 1 the New Yorkers were of a verv religiou3 man ()npUlll. n. 1 LP ll:""a , · LI· ~ , sidered to be pre emment Jn piety because turn of mm<l But if they cl~ t H u out 61radnate otthe Ro::ral Colle!leot Dentl\1 he allowed his hair t o olot with <;lirt, and Ought to Refo:rm the Speller. 1..rgely ,it that.time they do it all u~ at the While in Berlin the Shah attend<id r.. gala surgeons, OntarIO. I had three hundred patches on his panta- / "I notice," said one li)emocratic Con· one service and get filled up sufficiently to perform~bce of the ballet,, "Sardanapalua, / lo~ns, . gressman to another, "tha t Delega.t;e Voor· last t i.em till next Sunday mornmg comes and sat m th? cour~ box octween th~ E mOJ!'FICE OPPOSITE EXPHESS OFFCE. (}OLD FILLI;N G A SPECIALTY . The beat foundation for good morals hees , of ~aabington t erritory, bas intro- around. A v. alk up the same avenue in t he! press and .l:'ru~ce Karl, and here be _did one _, IB. i;:ood bei..!th. The man. who - ~esp.ecis cluced a bill for spelling rnform evening will discover the churches either Ol' t wo_barbanc de!lds that smo~e with. h orARTIFICIAL TEETH lNSEitTJ!iD WITHOUT hunself sufli.c10n~ly to. k.,_ ep his exterior m a "How?" asked the other. closed entirely or only partly filled with half- I ror consternation a.!l those dist~ng~nshed Graduate or the Ont11.rlo Veterinary C1>llege, wholesome condition is 1_1kely to be, by t~a.t PLATES " Well, he wants various oh a.nges made, he11orted worshippers. Even our great and persona w~o wi tn~aaed th.em. \!Vishmg_ to Regtetered 1Me:ifb~ 1e~~~i~ri~:lo Veterinary Greai Reductions in price on all DentGJ. s~m.e self-respect, restramed from pollutmg so that s pellin!!' will be easier.,, much thought of Dr. Or mist on, formerly of call tho Empi:ess attention to some th mg ~-office and Residence, Newtonville, Ont. Work. VIta.l11rnC. Air, constantly in usa pro· his mner man. \Ve never .knew any young "I'm hang glad o1 thu.t;, How'o he going the Central Presbyterian Church Hamilton t hat was ta.kmv place on t he stage he """' . · h t 1 t t ' S d ' reached over and l h is hand on her arm Will neltOronoevery Tuesday an<l:Saturdoy ducing Painless Uperat1one. Pir.rticular &tte11 man to be thoroughly wicked, who t ook to do it .1., tlon paid to the regu\11.tlon of Ch1ldren'11 Teet'll d f h" b d f th 1. t · preac ea o a mos emp y pews on un ay 'Wh h · h , to 4 P m at 10 18 0 Y·~ 0 !1-0 ~ R goo care o e .,es "I don't kno~ exactly, ~ut h e's got evening. N ot that be bas lolilt any of his ' ere can e hav~, been broug~t up'." 061 Ooa~~ers!'~~t~f. ~aUs tym Telegraph ' r eceive _.,ALL K W .A.RR.A.N:]&]), .._ omens f~r t he fut~u~ gen~ra.t10n is th~ fa.ct some plan. Foi· m ata nee, he will spell aohe, former fire and spirit; indeed, with added ~sked one great. lady. An Empress ,,arm is imi: ediate attention. Branch office, Dr. Rutherford I! Orono. tha~ qijite a. m_ai~nty of the Sta t ea m the a.-k -e." age have come added wisdom, strength and 18 not a sabre hilt to be clu tched at. CHAI.. GES MODEUATE. Umon, wi th_ m the last three Y?ars, The other member looked pu zzled. power, He has one of the wealthiest conA few moments lat er he c.alled fm a gla~s passe~ a. law makmg the study of hygiene, "Well," h e said, & lowly and reflectively, grega.tions and finest churches in New York of water. It was brought him by one of his - - - - -- - -mclu~mg temperance, compulsory. I guor- after a minute's t hought, "I don't see where city. Cana da lost a thorough Christian, attendants. H e drank the con tents at a · , a.nee 1s the greatest foe to good he~lth as there's much reform t here. '.Chat's the way and the Presbytelian body a bright a nd gulp and_ calmly h a,nded the cm-pt_y goblet w ell ns. to go~d !llorals. Let every friend of we always spell it, aio.'t it ?"- Washin{Jton shin1Dg lit1ht when Dr. Ormiston left. Dr. to the l'rmcess Karl, wl~ose patucia~~ coun · !rnma.mty JOlll ID the good work of sprnad- Critic. H.l.inaford, lat» of St. J ames's seems t o have I tA;nance as she mechanically. took ~u from mg abroad the gospel . of health ; an~ ~he bettet· success in k eeping hia congregation him was ?' stud). for c. phys1ogn:01mst, and re~ult will be a thmnmg out of the p ils, . a.bout h im St Geor e's cl:mrch in Stu . n ot l ess intereatmg was the facial expr es prisons, poor-houses, asylums, and boapi· 1 B.ow to be Miserable. vesa.nt Square ~nd sii teentb St ' is alm!st sion of the !!I.dies in waiting and chamber ta.le, such as would astom sh the world, How tew be m1s'ablc I Well, I allow always we ll fill ed a.~ bot h service~ I th; nk Vlho had n ever befor e witnessed such There'$ prenous fJw ruo1tlls ez ham't learned how 1 't ' · a blood chilhntr breach of etiquette. But . . llfcbbe tbere'a ·ome, tho', oz bevn't enioyed worse remamed behind. Presently t he IS PUBLISBJED THE CANADIAN STATESMAI M . A.JAMES , I HEALTH. Q ro 601 - og og the ft1omily circl" in Great Ormond Street. When the write· 'e father, Sir George Tre velya.u, first j1>iJJ.,d it he says he could not imagine who ~ pe the queer people to or about whom tho family were talking. At length he discovered that they were the oharo.cters in novels, chiefly those of Jane Austen, wi th whom Macaulay and his sis ters were 80 familiar that t hey ta.lkecl pages of her books. DartJy and Eliz11.beth Bennett, Jane and Bmgley, were constantly 1Dtroduced in their own very words; and who uoubta that to this memorizing and quotmg of Jane Austen Macaulay owes something at least of his rich store ancl treasure of d R k . . b" wor s 1 us in, m bis new auto IOgraphy, a.scribes much. of his knowledge of English to ~he pati~~t storing aw11oy in his mind and d aily _repet.ition of ~ba.ptcr after c!ia.pter ot the Bible in the Kmg J a.mes versi.on ; a.nd we a.II rem~mber how Pope spe?t his boy~3 h days shtdyi~~ over Spen~er until he ha~ ~im by heart.. By necessity:, by p;ochvity, IN THE BERMUDAS. BY 8 · F, A. Soft ENGLAND S OWN FOG. CATARltH. Q ° og- $0601 0 -- = I. I M 1 L R. P EAT E, Ta1"lor. B B L A DIE s R I MIL L IN - - £ RY L MRS. DONNELV'S :J L p P _ _ I I DENT I z w w I I HA N l I I I I r:o I I ; D ENT I S T Ry ' ------- I 1 1 Hmts for the St udy of English ~c"n."' 0~1~~ ;~u~~!; ~~~e,;~\~.~~~~~;,~ know is the caption of aJ.1 article in a recent num- Their most e ~psct1 shus r oute tew go 'M' f'i 'Ill" "ll:."l ber of the <jhri,ftian Union, whhicb is :worthy i~;t~~~·i:;~1;~.~h~~/!;,: ~~~~~~:"~ay · .IU.1 m. \.I .Ill. Eds 1t he attention c a ll. 8 ure1y t el'e rn gr eat 1Tew .. get thar Eh" 18 t ew "'t l"KAtJ'flCAL DENT U!'I', need of impr ovement in t his direction. A~ 1Clean over 3 ou'r bead,.;,. eei; in dei>t, OVKB TWE".NTY YEARS EXP~:Ril:NOR, we move about in eociety how few do w e (T~et s a lust c lass " st.rt~r".to'rd leeIm ' glum, find who s~e'1.k iu elegan t, exllct, discrimin-1 An almost eknl 1'.0 , gtiz~ 1 '.11 n.m I) ~roa1ox:r.leGns Admlnflilteredfor Palnl'ilW t" E .l It . d . ht t 1· , t Ez a second purc. <dm, Id t hmk a lot a mg < ug m l, 18 a e1 1g o is.en o i 'Bnut ther things I ne ; d ed ::i.n' hadn'c got, Oper ations. those who are mast ers of their mother r l'd say mean tlnngs of my feller m en, OHlllll J!iltJ(JJ.lf1'11G'8 JUOUJi.. tongue and vi e feel it would be well if in all my grow long au' ·haggy, ·n' theu, l m ore a t t entionwa.sgiventot · · h e Find l"d erlow boots to run do" n at hoc1s, oursch'oos faultmy withthequahtyolmymeals 1 study of Euglish, and also if parents would i hi short I'd uct cz uglJ ez sm, ' 0 themselves be more particular in their I{eep the sun.hine. out an' the sh~dders in ; 1l ~hoice of language, and would by example 1Ilye!olng ol this with a stc"~!a·t Wiii , t : "a well as precept ao instruct their children. Yew km reckon on reochm olc l>hserl ville 1 I The writer referred to urges t hat child ren and young people should not only rrnd g ood poetry and good literatnre but sh ould in adAnother Miracle. dition memorize good Eno;lish. \ Ve quote According to a story told by a L ouisville f 9ome paragraphs f rom the a.rt10le : paper , and v ouched for by a minister of i It is not enough for children to road t hese the Gospel , a. miracle has lately occurred in : things; they must learn them. Hire t hat city. During th e Moody me.etings a J children t o learn "by heart." '.l'hey will young lady of Hebrew parentage was con· ! than k you for it. Little folk often earn verted to Christ ianity. Soon s;fter her con ·· pocket money by picking up pins, weeding version she bouglib a New Testament and the garden, shoveling snow, and the like. took it homo, anrl, going t o her room, sat After spending much time a nd money, I an1 , It is l'(Ood to give them a little mental exer- 1down before t he fire t hat filled the grate and now prepared to fill all orders promptly. I cise in the same way I remember well was burnin" brightly and began t o read heveaftnenssortmen tof W AVES, BANGS,! ' . . lformot1er l " fi · ' t hus engaged, was · SWl'l'CllES COMBSandPINSvery cheap. Jwhenthenurseryfundswerereplemahed m her 1 l3.ANGS FROJY-I: $ 2 Ul? this way. A dollar for repeating perfectly gre.,,tly enraged, and seiziog the book threw Old Switch ea co!ored a nd made to look iiko ",The. Deserte~ Vi;~age," a dcllar for the it in.the fire. The young lad~ buri:d her new. Highest price paid foi· Jong cut hair. 'Ancient Manner, aeventy-fi ve cents for face m her hands and wept. 'Ien mmutes l'&Tf" Gra.v'a "Elegy, " and tifty cents for "Burned late1·, o.ttcr her mother had gone from the DAIR To111 lll.J Marmion's swtuthy cheek like fire." '.l'his room, she looked up, and happening to Warranted to prevent the hair from fallin&' money was well invested, and has brough t glance at t he grate, saw her 1'eatament lyout and will make it grow. fin a. ccmpeund interest of pkasure and ing there unburnt. She snatched i t, in sur KIJ'I have also. a fine lot of new Stamp111g · gratitude. prised Joy, from the fire, and lo I the flames P&tterns. A.ll otders promptly attended to. I Cultivate the habit of quotation. had n ot even scorched it.- [Rochester ~!f In his " Life and L etters of Lord Macau· Democrat, /..7 Neads' Block, Bowmanville. lay" Trevelyan g ives a cb!l.rming picture of WITH Tll:Ern. J BR I 'M' A 0 WlrR ~~-r TBl<'rl!I B I I I I I · H G d 00 s F Ille all LADIES, P tronl Z a e 0me TRADE , H I I I rs. A. DAV IS, A V.ERY EXCELL!!:NT cudro.111. shah cleared his throat, once, twice, thrice, he has inangurate l, th at of keeping bis with ever v igor, and then de. church open a.II day every day. A no· libel'!.1 tcly- hspath in hthe stallsd. A eb udfd~r P UREST,STRO~CE SY,BE ST. tice in a p romment position near t he door r an t 11roug t e ouse an eevera air '.l:'lea..l y for use Jn any quantity, For invites anyone to come in a nd rest a while l adies of fashion hurriedly took their d e· making So:.p, Softening Water, D1s1n· ancl pray. '.l'hey don't seem to imagine that parture. feutin :.;,aud a in111d1·cd ether u sos, A sh u.ngera will run off with the furnace, the can e q ual.; ~ O pounds Sal Soda, Bible or t he orJ."an. · Sold b y a ll Grocers and llrn.ggists, Order. l hine often wonder ed why the churches :E, W. GII.!.ET'!'. '!'ORONTO. in Toronto are kept so religiously clofiled on Thll ha.hit of order is much more far l'each· k d d "t h S d · 1 ' ng th"n i's "ell r lly supposed I t e wee a.ysan aterea.o un ay ser vi le. " ,., ea . gov rns -----------------No one who has not t ramped a big city over a.ll arrang?m.ents, th~se of time as well as a ll d ay looking at the sights can appreciate of place ; it mfluences thought as well as a cC>mforta.ble seat in a q uiet resting place, act10n, char acter as well as conduct. L is Then, too, a stranger is glad to 1ret a look the constant preventer of waste in every into a. chur ch, evm if i t is n ot a particular - l direction. No d isorderly person can ever ly famous one. Many, no d oubt, would [ be truly economical. H e may work hard pray even from gratitude for t he seat if and spend little, but economy d emands the such a boon as open churches were t.<> ob. t beau results that ca.n be oblained from 11.ny t in Toronto. But where cau I given source, and these can come only through orderly a nd sygtem:>tic arrange· A TIRED S'l'&ANGEK ments, The ma.n who has acquired orderly find a placv to res~ a few minutes in our city he.bits. ;will so ma.n?'ge ti~e t hat it sha.!l oxcept ina hotel or sal oon? and it is not every-! be fruduL B~ will neither idly p!body's whose inclination leads him in that nate nor h urnedly scramble through hIB directi on, notwithstanding the fact that I work. H e Will neither put off to day's duty "the bea.rt is deceitfal a hove a ll things aud' until to morro ".17 nor force to morrow's into WILL. OURE OR RELIEVE desperately wickecl. " j to day. H e will p rovide for leisure as well I lia.dh oped to geta.wa.yfrom .New York a s for ac"ion,_ ,. f or r ecrea10na? t" mLIOlJSNESS, DIZZINESS, we ll as f or DYSPEPSIA DROPSY in thia letter o.nd tell ) ou all abou t t he vcy - I labor. H e will respect the tune of others INOIGESTION1 FLUTTERING age to Bermuda., but I find I cannot do it. as well as his own, neit her breakin~ enga~C· JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, 'l'be Bermuda climate is too much for me. I j i:i:ents n?r foron~g p~ople to spend time with ERYSIPF.lAS, ACIDITY OF have already become acJlima.tized and mope h im agam st their will. around and take th ings a.3 easy as the nati'1e ' SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, Bermudian, Nobody hurries h ere, "What is J A cit"zen of Doylestown 0 whose hens HEARTBUR N DRYNESS 1 1 the u se of hurry1.~g" they sa.y, "when wo were dl; appearing each. ~ight from their 1 HEADACHE. OF THE SKIN, have to-morrow ? · house with discouraging regula.rity, while Anet every species o:/ diseasf) a.rtlPu . In m r nex t I hope to send you a descrip making a careful examin ation of the coops, 1 &om d i:(prdored LIVER ~ IJTOMA.CJ1, BO W'J/:t,S OR BLOOD. t10n of Bermnd!t. I found on the ftoor a pocketbook containing _ $85 and the name of a r espected neighbor. !'roprl11tor1, 1 I I I I ! I Children Cry Pitcher's Castorla.· T MILBURN & co ' ·1 -~ _ WOBON~O

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