----~ ..................---- - P. TREBILCOCK. Pictures Fr~med VERY CHEAP. A Ma.trimoml:\l Event. A CORRECTED REPORT. NKWOAS'J' [ E. From 011r "owa t?eporter." Newcaatle is going to ,.oom. Now look out for a. b ig oratorio. Wagstaff is 0n hand e11<rly and late. Miller and Bal.'fett lrnve their usual big s tock. See you can See quie tly flourishing next d oor . L itt.le Fifih er attracts the boys on t he opposite corner. F ot.bergi·l 's is about t he handsomest drug sto r~ in the Dominion . Miss Ida Walk er is at -h ome, frow Gra.venhu1 ·.,t., on I\ brief visit. Our merchants 11.re get ting t.hemsnlves into good shape fo r the Spring and Summer 's trade. Mr. John Rioch aud :Mc. S . Mason a.re bt>th con vale scent after serious attack a of sickne~s. ]i'uster , t he Butcher, has d eca mped-i n dt~b t, of course. Good opening for a butcher h ere. The n ewest thing in Newcastle is the Sons of England b oll. It is a credit to the Society. R ose's Agricultural Implement and Carriage em(1 oriucn is a prosperous instit ution. Rose is a live man. C1>pt. and Mrs. D llnison an d children a re home from Toronto spending Easter hohrlavs witti Mrs. Walbridge, A Mnsical Society is being established here, with she Rev. Canon Brent as president and Prof. Dads well aa leader Mr. George J /\cobs Jr. has returned again after a few weeks sojouru in the West. Mr. Fred., like wise, continues at h ome. Mr. Mattl1ew Garvin has again been incapscited for bllsinees from t he effects of au ugly fall. He i':I now progressing favor..bly. I would lilrn to say something about McClung t11, Bell's choice and cheap Dry G oods, b " t 1 suppoae that would be too much like free advertisir;g. Mr. Morris Br<m t has be:;n re moved from the Bank here to the Bradford agency. Hi· brother, Bert, is home again from Buffa.lo Coilege. . 1 should think i t would p!ly our m er chants tu advertisri in t he Statesman, it has a large circulation lier <' and t hroughout the Township of Clarke. One of our sweet songsters · is goin~ over to " Br itain." She p refers the "United" Kir,gdom. B ut d o you allow allow punnin g in your paper? Brother B mlthan has purchased a rcs idence. Bonathan is a grea t little man to sell sto ves, .\\n· l his eave-.trou~hin_g extend11 away mto tlrn o uthy1~g d_1s cncts. 1'he Nt,wcaat.le folk are drmkrng,pret ty hard 3ust n nw, at McClun!( & Bells celeb··ated Gift Teii. This community is becoming very much interested in this wonderful Tea. Just fon cy-a pound of good half dollai' T ea. fo r fifty cents, and a s .xty ceot present thrown ill. How can h be do 11e 1 ·we give it up. But we shall go un drinking the tea all the same . It is dd1cions. A SAD l'ROSPECT. -Ilow many weary broken down invalids there are to whom lite is burdensom i; and whose prospect ie sad inde..d. The n ervous debbty and general weak n ess of those afllicted wit h tingermg disease i~ bes t rem edied by the iuvigora.tmg and rest,ning properties of B. B. H. REW STYLES OF MOULDINGS IN A FEW D A YS. I am still cont inuing to give flve quires of Note Paper for 25 cts. Most excellent .value. I am going to surprise you all with my WALL PAPE RS this spring. One consignment already in. Those who know say I have p-ood tast e. Come and see. '· TREB 'ILCDCK. Qht ~nnadian Jtatti1man. 4, 1888. BOWM.A.NVILLE, .APRIL CROWDED OUT. Editorial mat.tAr, list of p!!.id-up 11nbscriburs, To"'n Council and school reports, and sevt>ra.1 smaller article:i iu·e crowded out to make r oom fo r a "Horse· man's " le tter on our la8t p age. They will appear n ext week. Darlington Council. ,n HAMPTON, Ma.rch 31. Regular mee ting of Council. M a m b e rs prosent. Min1nea read and confirmed. ALUM BAKING ?OWDER. Communicsrious prnsented: from Mc· 3ee 1.md J 'unea, in reference to an enTmirn UsE lNJumous TOH!i:ALTH lo.ND THEIR )foachme1·t 0 11 road by a fence between .c te 24 and 25 in the 8th coo.; from Mr. SALE OoN1'r.AnY TO LAw. \rch~ r, claimrng compensation for <lamTwo men were receatly convicled in St. \ge to bu l!uy by 11n upset in running over Lawrence County, New York, for violaling ~log . Not t111er 1 a ined. the food adulteration laws of that State by A peti·ion was presented from E. B. selling alum baking powders in imitation Jryderman aud otners, against selling a of pure cream or tartar baking powders. :treet m Bnmp·on, a pplied for at last The law of Now York is similar to thal of this province in forbidding tho sale of fld· neetin{( of c .. uucil Received and filed. A petitioa from Wm. L ~w and 31 ullerated and injurious articles of food,but .thers, for makin~ road between lots 18 the courts had not befo1·e construed 1' in ,nn 19 in th,, 4th con , was presented. eo far as it related to the s11le of alum bak> f d h R · d ing powders. :we erre to t e eevA to examme an Tne baking powder sold by t Le accused ·e port . . was pl'oved to be made from alum, by A peti1ion wu presented from Allan Gillett, of Chicago, and expert testimony :rull, J oh n Cowan and James Murton, was taken to show t he uuwholesomeness of alum in bakiuf.I powders, br11ad or other - lt!avu to e ect wire fences on the road dfoiuing l ot& 31 and 32 in the 4th con. food. l-rauted. The Courl, in infiintiug the extreme Mr. Awde presented a r eport regard- penally of the h1w i..p~n the accused. ex\ g thtt ro < d b ..tween lots 24 and 25 in pressed iegret at not being nble to impose Ae ' 8th c·m., repro11" nting that there is a p uniRhmenl more nearly in nceordauce with \he seriousness of the offense. ot reasouable cause for complaint. The sale of alum baking powders is pro. .dopted. A peti:iou KH presented from David bibited by direct statute in Engl!lnd. It · should be tho eame here; yet our Jaws, if fontg·mi& ry, Wm. Baker and 'Vm. not 80 specific, are probably snfficien\ to ·rame, for· leave to erect a wire fence on put a stop to Iha business were \11ey rigid· 1e we·t ~ id .. of road between lots 22 and ly enforced. It is aaid th at manv brands ~in the 5th con. Granted . of alum powders are being ir.lroduced into 'M r. Trcnou1h was employed to white- t he Dominion, aJJd we b1;speak the aUea· aeh the i <Jt eri.o r of to\!fn hRll. tion of our public analysis l o the matter. ChlloU Ro~e "'"' *P"ointed '(>athmaster, ___."---~-, p lace of J ocob Gaud, re&igned; and LUNG SAU.LT. "'"' Henry a feucevie1rnr in place of Wm. ~nder, deceas, d . Mies Carrie Hughes, of Car twright, is The R e ~e;· w.~s instructed to g rant or· visiting in this vicinity. irs 011 t h ,,.'J'r··H· urer for the following Mr. Wm. Hambly is able to be around .ms :- G "· 'Wi.l<inson & Co,. ten road again after his recent illness. rapers, $?,O.; G. :~~, freight on do., The measles are r aging in this vicinity. i,90; S um l G.:a-fdy\;3'h alauce on cedar M r. J. Tape's family are all down with a tract, $23.,f5; R d: Woodiy, lumber th etn. ntract, ~ Joo 98,; Wm.- S-quires, sheep M~ssrs. Beacom and Hambly are doing mag!"- . $:l.33; '.Ph u11,·N i'Cbols, drawing some big work with their fam ous Eclipse far, $ 13 .7 5; Chas. Hooper, r ent of sawing machine id for l'Oad, $2'; indige1lt personsMr. W. J. Hooey sold a fine lot of urfice $7; (,uff;{;. Weller, G:.y and h ogs to drover Wight last week. Be d ad roule $5 .,..ch ; Mallett, Cornish, Or· but rh ey are bu stera ud, Co11rticP. and Jas. Campbell $4 Mr. Ed. Farrell r eturned lnst week lh ; Lane, Be&rd, Wilson, ~obinaon, from a prolonged visit with friends near ck, Dean an!'.[ Stace.y $3 eacn; Mrs. i Ottawa. He reports having had an immpbell, Gregory and S taples $2 each. 1 mense time. )uuncil u<' j.iurncd till.las'. S at urday in Mr. Robert Virtue intends to remain ril, nt 10 a. w; R. 'VINDAT'l', on t h e farm this summer aucl li.1s decided Tp. Clerk. n ot to atteud the m ilitary Rc hool. But -------~---wi ll take a trip tu the n orthwest n ext Preas Notices of Mr. Schuch . spring, if he d on't change his mind. On Wedn!>sday evening, March 21st, a very large company met at the residence of Mr. James Knight, Broken F ront, Darling~on , t o witne;;s the marriage of hie third daughter, Sarah, and Mr. Jawes ]i' ranklin Osborne, son of Mr. Richard Osborne, Town Line, Clarke. The ceremony took place at 5 o'clock Mr. Knight giviu~ hio dau ghter away, and the kuot wi·s tied hy Rev. J . E. Sanderson, M. A. The brid · em id was Miss Miliie Osbornt', sister of the groom. The groomsman w&s Mr . H enry Knight, bror her of the bride. After a most exce>llent wedding supper was 8erved, tlrn eveuinu; was plea·antly spent in a social way till near midnight when the young couple were escorted to t heir new h orn» on the farm rnnth of Mr. R. Oabome's residence. The p resents to th e bride were a choice collection, and included t h e follow ing: J,arge album,Mi.ssMlllle and BerthaOsborne, :w ..miJy Bible uud Hymn book, Mr. R. 03· bo-·no. $10. in cash, Mr. James KnlQ;bt. China tea eet, Mra. James Knight. C"eam and water pitcher, i\Hs· .1£thie Knight. Crystal sot, Mrs. Wm. and Miss K11hcht, Pair curtains, Mr. and Mrs, W. Knight. Counterpan e, Mr. and Mrs. Pope. Scout bag, Miss \Vrigbt, Plu h album Mr J . H. Kenner. Sih·er Pickle crnet, Mrs. w. Allin llr, SilvrrfBntter cooler, Mrs. R . O~borne er. I ,emonadc set, Mr and Mrs T. Osborne, Silver cake basket, Mr. J. A, Kerr, Guelph, Silver pickle cruet. Mr, ar.d Mrs, W. J. Bragg. Cryotal cheese dish, l\'Cr. S. Bragg· Silver Pepper and ::;,.1t, Mr· and Mn. J. Osborne. Silver plcklo cruet, Mr, S. 8 . Edsall. Silver pickle cruet, Murdoch Bros. Cane 1ocking chair, Mr. R. Osborne'. China tea set., Mrs. A. Werry. ::>ii ver pickle CJ·uet, Mrs. W', Down. Urystal fruit dish, Miss Knil(ht. P~ir fancy va~es. Miss A. Oaborne. Glo>ss celery j ar, Mis" E. Knight. Bedroom set, Mr· and Mrs· W . t.l. Osborne, G1ass fruit dish, Mr. aud Mrs, Allin. Glass set, Mr. and Mra. Wm. Crago. Silver cake baske·, Mr. H Knight. Half doz. goblets, Miss J, Knight, Hanging amp, Mr. and Mrs, s. Stanley, Silver pickle cruet. l\fr. A. C. Allin. Toilet set. Mrs. Cornelius Oaborno, Silvercake btisket, Mr. und Mr·. Anstey, Bristol, Eng. Silver pickle cruet, Mr,S.Pet.hick, Millbrook. ::lilv<!r pickle cruet., Mr.J. H. Foley · Alarm clock' Mr. w. a nd Mias F. Iiellyar. Hilvcr butter co·iler, 1\fr. and Mrs. J. Somers. T able cloth, Mrs. '!'. Gib ·on. Bible, Miss Ida Osborne. Eight·day clock, M1·s. R. Grose. Newcastle. Cry· tal Ice pitcher . Miss Pollie Trenouth. A OARD. - -o- - New College Song Book, 75c. Sankey's Gospel Hymns, No. 5, 40c. JOHN GRIGG wishes to r eturn his sincere tha.nk9 to the people of West Dorham for their liberal pat ronage during the 8 y ears he has b llen i n business and alsv for the promptness i n paying him np so t h at he can pay eash for e verything . Giving him thl) very best chance a buyer ce.n h avll in tho wholes11lo mar1 1et aud f. S a r esult h e is able to sell as cheap as anyone in the trade t hat p ays 100 cents on t he $. His dry go,,ds are uew and new patcerns and the best tha.t can be bo ught. Ile says he i s coming again as soou us the roads are good enoogh, with the best and l a rgest l!tock he ever had on the road. F our wagons, sah·sm<en as follows!: l\ir. David Gri~~. in Clarke ; Mr. Wm lticharda, in Darlington ; l\fr. Victor E. Col e, in Ca.rtwr ighr., 1md a wagon in t he t own and villages. He earnestly soltci!s the people's p atr onage and int en ds t o take Farm Produce in exchange for goods. H e wanta 200 tons of every kind of old i ron, rags, bo11as, etc. 100 li1 s good geese feathers for sale. Also a light E i ngle wagon to trade for a heavy on e. Your humble servnnt, Crossley's Song Book, 25c. Whyte Bro's Song Book, 25c. Songs of Redeeming Love, by Sam Jones, 30c. Gospel Hymns, I, II, III and IV, combined, (cloth), 50c( . (ALL WITH MUSIC.) Sent to any address on receipt of p rice. J. H. KENNER, Variety Hall, Bowmanville. J OHN GRIGG, West D urham Travelhul{ Merchant. Bowrnauville, March 28th, 1888. 13-5w*' To Farmers and Thrashers I --o-- HARDWARE ! HARDWARE I ! Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils. ____;.~~-o~~--~~ J s the cbeape:'lt:. I place to buy a Steam Th1 es hing Ma.chine; or a No. 1 Steel Binder-s ome thmg n e w but thornu g hlv teste d, 800 work ing Jast year ; a n ew Doubl e Speed Mower--the best in the market ; a Horse Rake tha t a 5- Begs to inform ths inhabitants of' Bowmanv ille ancl surround i n g Town ships that be has opened out busines s i n the old stand, formerly o ccupied Ly Mr. W. M. Horae y , one door eas t of S tandar d B a n k, and will at all times :keep in sto ck all g oods u s ually k e pt in a first-class Hardware Sto re, con~isting of 11 b d 4 I· d year-o c oy can ump ; qn s of Seed Drills, cheap ; Sul ky Plows, :rwin .an~ S i ngl e Plows ; a n e w kind of D1au.ond Harrows ; . Honey Fanning Mills ; S pring ) Tooth Cul~ ivators and Harrows· ; Farmer!'. ~cales · Hors e Forks: · , . · . . ..;,[ , l · 0·1 d' Sheaf Slmg:s ' Ji, e tc ~me l an Bnider T wme. Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, P utty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c. I shall also keen a well a ssorted s t ock. of tho best mar:.ufu.cture r a' COOK, HALL & PARLOR STOVES. Pipes, &c. Sto ve Mic'l.s, Farm Eors call and inspect before pl .cing your orders . The 1uan11Cac2n1·e and putting up o.f" Ea1'e T .r ouglts will r~cetve s p e cia I a Uention. Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared to sell goods at small profits and prices will be C. ROGERS. cut close to suit the times. @mQ~@~ H~Nflfl(lf(@~ CURES Ltver Compl"lnt, Dy ~ pe psla, B owmauville, A pril 2nd, 1888. :me Kidney Sick llendnd·e . Troubles, n11eun1atlsw, Skin Rlllou s n e~t1. AUCTION SALES. W&bly COllCtDh'nted. ~nre s.,TURDA.Y, Apr il 7th.- Tlla farm stock, implem e i.ts, etc., of tho late William Lauder, lot 30. con. 6 Darlington, arid one ,,f ·he choicest h rms in c... nada . bei11 g 73 acrea of l ot 30 con. 5, Darlington, wi<l be aold by public auction . Much of h e stock is thorobred or high gr ..de. Saie a t 1 o'clock. See posters. S. C. HU.MKING, Aue. TnURSDAY, APRIL 12th. - A clearing sale of the effec·s of Mr J ohn Wilcock, lot 20, con. 5, Darlir1gton, near H 1 1mp ton, compriliug household furniture, about 100 loads stable manure, a q uantity of stra w. h -y , o<Lttle chains, etc, 8ale at 1 o' clock. See bills for pa.rticulars. S C. HuN KI.NO, Aue. SATURDAY, APRIL 28.-Big sale of lands, h ouses, etc. in Oshawa. S. C H UNK· A INO, uc. AUCTION SALES.-S.C. Hunking, Ci-urt · tice, Out ario, Licelllied Auctioneer, for Darliugton and Whitby, Bowmanvillo and Oshawa, Appraiser, &c. All business attended to promptly. Orders may be left at the STATESMAN office, Bowmanville, , Mr. ancl Mrs. Ed . Virtue's wood and or Reformer office, Oshawa. dr. Schuch is a bauo cn.nlante of fine rag b ee on Wednesd ay last was a g reat eence, and with 11. voice of r emarkable s ucce~ s, everybody worked with a will SATURDAY, April 7th.- Ther e will b e sold onauce aud power. It is excollently and the j ob was 8 0 011 coropleti>d . After on the premises, M aple Gr ove, one mile ~hated ; ~nd his s inging is ch aracter · all h ad s atisli ed the cravings of t h e inner west of Bowmanv1lle, t he whole of the l l>v great t.1ste and feeling, the great irnrn the commodious dining hall was l<'arm Rtock , Impl ~mente , and House1pat~etic quali·y ~n?- power of exp~es · clea; ed. When con servatism, liberalh old furniture &c., t h a property of M r. 1.bemg rem-rkab.e m so large a vo1e~. ism, rh eumatism and a dozen other isms S Dobson . Having sold the lease of his were kn ocked into em ilh,u eens by the farm, he intends st&.rting for Manitoba CmJl;ston N ews. 1 :he "Friar of Orders Grey" was alone intrnduction of a huge Sc·1tch reel by the the Tuesday f !lowing. The whole ·th the admission. As suag by Mr. fat hers of confederation. After wards tll6 wi·l be sold withou t reserve. L . A · Tou~, Au ~ . .u ch it is the musical embodirrieut of c ~ nn y young lads eng agecl m their favor ickin.: good uature.- Guelph Herald. ite past.ime and evl1rythmg wen t merry as H . Hutchison, Licensed Auctioneer for 'he effect of M r. Schuch's "No Sur- a m ;1rria~e b ell till the little man's old the Townships of Darlingt on, Whitby, ~er" was ehcttic. The p:i,triotio im- B uff Cochin a cross the way proclaimed Clarke, Manvers and Cartwr ight. Sales BETSY Bo11mT. attended to promptly and at reasonabl e 1es of the audience were stirred to the break of day. rates. Wher e it is not conveni ent to see ir depths by hie noble voice.- N apan ee Consumption Sure ly Oured. me, arrangements can be made with the .ver, [r. Schuch san" "No S urrender," a Editor of theSTATESMA.N.- R.HuTCRISON, '"' h · h h' THE EDITOR : Enniskillen 16 mag- ·roPlearing song; to justice.w tc se 1 ·nform your readers that I have N .n O ur a d vert' · ' ><mt baritone Toice did full Pictuu o .ismg ra t e f or auct ion a l)ositiv~ remedy for the above named sales, wh en we do not print t he salt' ies. disease. By its timely use t homands of bills, is 25 cents a line. each insertion. h e singing of Ml'. E. W · Schuch w11s hopeless eases have b een permanently finest example of masculine vocalism cu red. I shall be glad to send two bottles A FA.AlLLY FRIEND.- DeRr Sire,- We r h eard in Paris. His r endering of of my r e medy FREE t o any of your have u sed Hagyard's Yellow Oil for s ore ie Friar of Orders Grey," "Simon the rearl ers who hllVe consumption if they throet and colds, and always can depend .a rer" and "A Hearty Laugh," made will eend me their Express and P . 0. on i t to cure. W a also use it for sore m.oet morose in the audience lau~ h address. shoulders on our horses. Mrs. William :pita of themselves ; and his "No R esp ectfolly, DR. 1'. A. SLOCU M, 37 H u11:hey, Wilbe rforce P . 0 ., Ont. render " and "Eve ry Bullet has its Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. et " fired the ps.triotic feelio11:s of 'Y:> ne' preeent. - .Paris Star-Transcrip. FOR DELIC ATE, SICKLY CHILDREN' Scott's Ir. Schuah's voice is a· rich sonorous Emulsion is unequalled. See what Dr. tone, full of sympat.hetic feeling, and C. A . Bl&ck , of Amherst, N . S . , eaye: iinging ia mar ked by ex tensive culti- "I have b een acquainted with Scott's ENDERS will b e received by the on·" (St. Thoma& Times.) Mr. Schuch Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, witl1 hypopunderslghed up to sing here 0 11 Friday April 13th. hosphi tes, for yearR , and consider it one SATURDAY, APRIL 14th , - - -· · -- of the fi nest preparations n o w be fore the imes H. Gilmour, of T. Gilmour & public. Its pleasan~ flavor IJlakes it _ the tor watering King Street, Bowmanville, from Scugo11: Street to Thoma.s Hoar's blacksmith Wholesale Grocers, B rockville, 11~ys great favorite for cluld r en, and I d o high· shop. have used Tamarac Elixir for a eevere l y recommend it for all wasting d_iseases THOMAS BURDEN. Chairman Roads and Streets Committee. and cough, 11 hich it immediately re· of childr~n and adults. Put up m 50c. Dowma.nvlllo, .April 3, 1888. 1'1-2w id and cured. ! ' and $1 b!Ze. Dbenses nnd all lm1mrlllcs of the llloocl from wbatovc·r cause urlslug Fem ale Weak· 1eaaes and General ·lob!lity. l'urely Ve:r;etable. l·lCR!HlBt, e lleetual, Think Carefully,~ Decide ·w isely, Act Promptly. ------o ASK FOR We possess the facilit:l and inclination to give satisfaction. Having bought for prompt cash, saving largest discounts given, from the most reliable manufacturers, a well assorted stock of Ladies' and Gents' DR. HODDER'S 75 cents 11er bottles, COMPOUND. Tnke no otl1er. Solcl cvcry,1·here. rrtce, OR. HODDER'S Sold everywhere. Price, 25cente and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and m3nuractnrers The IJNlllN MEDICIXE 00, COUCH A N D LUNG CU R E Toron to, C11n. liiYi~mii~iNiiiiiiil SD OT HI NG, CLEANSING, HEALlf~G. It C uree BOOTS AND SHOES, In Styles-The Latest, Qualities-Excellent, Prices-Low. CATA~~ H, Gold in H ead, STOPS Dro ppings from Nasa.l pn ~snge~ in-- HAY F E V EB. TRUNKS ' EASY TO U5eE. to tllc throat mH l excessive expcctorutlon cfi118etl by Catnrrh. Sent pre·pnid on receipt of :price, Mc. nnd $ 1. Ad<lrcoa FULFORD & CO ·· Brockville, O nt· AND VALISES IN GREAT VARIE1:Y. JOHN HELLYAR. We want you to call and investigate goods and prices. ~ -- ! l When I say cur.;;: I do not mean mereiy tD cton th em fol' a. tii r:o, n.ud then Jiave them returi1 af:!ain. I 1'1ll:AN A. RADI CAL OiJRll. :K have made t he disease of !"1:TS9 EPILEPSY 011 ll:. ,ALLING SICKNESS, .h. lifo iong stt1d:v. I WAR1 1Ah "T my r emedy t() I O-un11 tho wo1·st cases. Because others hr,ve The following preparations are care. . fully prepared and will be . found useful Ill every house. N asal Cream, For Cold in the Head, Catarrh, etc. Dispensing Chemists. ----o - --- ~i~'dd~~ gg[e0i:~~~ £i:ii?.;e'~1~d~Jr'i~t;~ih~~~i~ of my I Nl" AT,L I BL:& R ll:M:EDY. Give E xl)1'G~.S ~.nd Post omce. It cos ta you nothing io;: a trial, ar:d ! twill cure you. Address Tir, H, (:h !WOT. 3'/ Yonge Bt., Toronto, Ont. ;~~~ Rose Glycerole, For all Roughness of the Skin. Street Watering. Corn Cure, BRE AD made of this Y east took 132 F irst l">ri:leS at Ont:1rio Fall Shows in 18.. ~. Over m,ooo Ja<l ics l1avc written to T For Removing Hard and Soft Corns . ever used by them. It mnkcs t he lig l1t cst, 'vh it.est, sweetes t b read , rolls, ln·ns Qn d lrnckwhcnt pancakes. B:!.kcrs in rH:~rly every to\\'Il in c~tn ac.ht arc us iug- i t. i.l!:!!::::!~~!l PRICE FIVE C ENTS. say that i t surpasses any yeast SHORLEY'S 1~1PROVED FOOD ALWAYS ON HAND. - -o--Agents for the ,, Argus " Spectacles and Eye .. glasses. - - --o----