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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1888, p. 5

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LYMAN'S . - GENU INE- QU ININE WINE! -THE GREAT- INVICORATIN C TONIO ESPECIALLY EFFECTIVE IN ·Obstinate c utaneous affections, and certain forms of Dyspepsia, Loss of app.otit e, etc., etc. Also tot· !ll('ROFUrAA, aud eve1·y ca"'e 01· Du-cct Debility. -· In Lyman's Q11inine Wine the most valuabl e prop er ties of thti Cllincona Bark ar e secured i n combination with a pure, rich and g~nero u~ wiM, valu able in all cases. where the system rnquires to be invigorated and strengthened. ~----------- PROVE THIS. [f one Sponge costs 25c. 3 Sponges will cost 75c; but we can give you ·one Sponge at ioc..wbich will last as long as any t\,ree Sponges that you can buy at 25c. each, This is a special line of extra tough Sponges, imported direct from the Sponge Markct::i, of New York, SEE THEM.. STOTT & JURY. H otel Keepers, Boardinghouse Keepers. You (or any other person) can save 20 per cent by getting your SOAP from STOTT & J U RY. Local and Otherw ise. Highest price paid for eggs by J ohn {} · · rtgg. See what Stott & Jury eay at head of <this column- it will a.. ve y ··u money. . Wante d-200 tons old iron, rags and b ones. John Grig.;, travelling mercha.nt. FIRE, LIF .!!), ACCIDEN'l' Insurance. Re>BT. VIRTUE, A~ent, Bowmanville. tf. Mre Morriaon has remove d h er s t ock ·to the frame buildings, oppoeite B uckler 's .J ewelry Store. NEEDLEs.-H. 0. Tait has received a large varfoty of n e edle 6 a.nd i:an fit any .make of ae wmg machine Two v olumes of P icturesqLte Canada, handsome! Y bound, for sale at the S TATJ!SMAN office. '!hey would make a nice p r <lsent ' h l b tt OLD GE.NT,-Mariar , you 0 a~ e er ·1 t G o ~t1ck' boot store tak · · e tlia t f ;;m1 Y o .., · ~ · and ~et them shod. Buck's bllota give .satisfac tion, and his prices kRock them -e>ther fellows silly. Cosmio Emotion; als0 The T eaching ·of Scieuce, by Prof William Kirn~don Clifford, F. R S.; published by J . Fitz,gerald, 24 E11st F ou rth i::it., New York. :Price 10 Ct:DIS, post-free. .Among the · writmgs of t h e late p r(· f . 01·a zuord , th · e .essay on " Cosmic Emotion " holds a foremost Pl·C<i. It io a study of " t he sum <.of thiugs," the univerMl a~ it affects · part' ' as t h e emot .ona 0 f man, an d m tc u .ar ~t affects the miud a nd the imagination of t he poet · · The annual muoical and literary en ter· tainment ot the t eachers of the Toronto p ublic schools took place in Victori a Hall <(Toronto) on Friday laet. 0£ M rs. Cald· welt's siuging, 011 this occasion, " Satnr· day J:t6ht " says: "Mra. Caldwell, the popular, was the c~ntral s tar, and I _ ve nev~r h eard h er s i.1 1g better than -she did on this occasion. The large - a udience was fairly jubil!!.nt over her l\1rs. O·ldwell w1 ·11 st ' ng at the e"'orts." u ~ concert on Friday, .April 13th. ()oNSUMPTION C.A.~ BE CURED b y prope1· healthful e~ercise, and the j udicions use Of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and H ypophosphit tis, which contains the h ealing and strei,gth -givinu virttto! of these ., in their full est two valuabl.; apeeifics form. Mr. D. D. McDonald, Petitcoclial:, .b. N , B ., says: I h ave b ilen prescri mg Scott's Emulsion with good r esults. I t fa especially uaeful in persons with con· · toodenci · es. " p u t up m · 50c. sumpt1ve an d $1 si:11e. lio W To SAVE MONEY.- Always buy t he best because it is tiio cheapest in the end, . h a nd not only is llurduck Bloo'dB 1tters t a best mediciuti knowu for a ll chronic <lis· eases of t h e Stoma~h, Kidneys, L '.ver and Blood, but it is r <a:ly th .. ch ea?est as it 11 eed! Jess to cure and cures more quickly t h an any 01her remedy. 1 u·n11n S OA.P J>llOF, L·t"t"l'I s1 ltgbttul tollet tnxury ns well'.us a attve tor 11kh1 clheai;e, Is " tle· goml em: Sewing mat· nine needl e11 a t .Tait' a. Bowmanville Canton are drilling twice I a week, and are going to make their mark I The tin wa ,,, sold by John Grigg is like this summer. Their uniform will soon\ the ~ood old ~ mck of years ago. be ready and will be a gorgeous affair. If you h11.vt'. old iron to sell drop_ a card They intend visiting Bania this summer to John Grig" Box: 98, Bowmanv11le. when the Grand L odge is in sessi(·n . Of UY THE ll.!.RON, Dr. Potter. ilice and residence, Prowcoursa the Band will accompany them. er's Block J{mg-st., Bowmanville. 1-tf. S 'k l . l t l In More later on. . · een any p1 e p aymt.? a e y, e H ~EED BAR1.F.Y.-T. H. Everson has a ·"· M R c s· .1 . f T Th s . l t t th f car load of Manitoba barley for seed at · : odr.F' .:; . . me air, o oronto, spent e ocia PM y a e res1 encc o n Lay m town. Mr. Thos. Bingh am List T,hursflay evenB@wmanville station. Sample at STATES· 1 Go MAN Office. Mr. Frt.·d . Roblin was in t own over Sun- i··g was an immensely enj oyable affair. d l k 11 l There were g1Jests from Trenton, Cohourg, FAcTs.-T!Jc public are fin ding out that I ay, 00 Ill!.( as we 118 usua · Toronto. Orono, and other places. D ane· Geo. Buck, the noted boot dealer, d oes \ .1\1.r. Th?s Fielding has been visiting mg was kept up until h.tif -pagt-two or not deal in trash , bu t, sella good g"c,ds, at fneuds tu Toronto r ecently. · three o'clock, and every one of the large the lo west p ossible "C,1sh prices." R ev. James C .. rscadd en advertises a party seemed to enjoy themselves. The Mr. Albert Hill will be at. the Ruebot- desirable r t!sidencl:l on Beech Avenue. Quintette furnished the music which so tom House, BowmanvillH, on Thursday, Miss Frankie R edman, Oshawa, spent f .·r as ~c now was very good. April 5th, t o b_ uy .100 m~res from 5 to s 1a few dayB wb h frin1d~ here w.;ek. Jl!er e was more stir on our atree ts on y ears old! wezghmg 12o0 lbs . u pward, Mrs. A. L . Vanston e and h er sia ter, Go ·d F riday than usual, t hat is among a for breedmg µurpos9s. M.iss Si11cla1r, are visiting Bowmanvill:C certain class. Dr unks were thicker t.lian / ever, in facr. tlu~ public houRes w<>re n ot PREVAII.ING SICKNESS -Rheumatism, frien ds . Neuralg.i a, S ore Throat, IIJfiammution an.d N -.·W is time to either l ie or hi!eyour J .rge enough\ _ so the C bu_rch -st. church Congest10ns are most prevalent at this old m ongl'd d o· Y the ass " s~or is g inir uis I sheds wer e utrh z~ d for passrng arnund the 0 0 season of the year. H o.gyard 's Yellow r ounds. ' ' · I b ot.tie purposes. One or two scrimmages Oil is the best exter nal and internal remM W S· . b . . d I tn"k p l~ce and Joto of loud talk was inedy for all these and other troubles. titr: Im . .tm pson isl ufsy Pth:untm an dulg ed in, but nobody was badly hurt. re cmg us steam yac it or e su m er Th. · s tt A c t t 0 1t11, an d " d'ont you DR. SINCLAm.-We call attention of trade. is IS _ a ,, co our readers t n the visit of that famed . . forget it. specialist, Dr. Sinclair, H.·1ebottom Quite ~number < !f .0 ~1 r ci ti zens ~tte.ndTfie· Match factory is t he centr e of at 1 House, Bowrnanville, on Friday and :d .h., gte~ Campamni concert Ill r uron - traction in t he South W~rd just no w. Thl11 powctor never v aries. A mar vel o! 0 1 Saturday, A pril 6th and 7th. '!'he d ocas t w ~ ·. On S ·> turday last it was visit eJ by d ··zens purity, stren~th and wholesomenees. More than the ordinary Kinda, an d o!l)l t or is the oldest of the name in Cimada. Messrs. Norman 'l'illey and W esley of our citizens, and they were shown cconomlca.J not be sold in competition with the multitude Consultation free. Jam~s. of the '.l ' oronto Normal School, through by M r. F . H. M ason, one of the of low test, short weight. alum or phosph!lte bPRINo F .am s.-F ollowing are date ' spe t -t h.eir Easter holidays a t home. p~opriPtors, _ w ho when ho wears one of powders, Sold only i n cans. ROYAL HA'KNG P OWDER 00 . . 106 Wall St.. N. Y . fixed for some of the sprmg borse and Mr. R obert Jacob3 leaves town this h is 10x14 .s1mles makes everyone feel at cattle shows to be h eld in this neigh ho~- week to take a position in t he H eintzman ~ome. T~1e crowd was trea~ed to some FRANK J U. FI IE L . D B. A .. 1 h ood this season : Cobourg, Wednesda~ Ban d of Toronto. We wish h im success. fine se le.c~ious on t h e tm wlustle by one ( LATE Hoss.ACK & FrnLD, April 181h · P ort Hope Saturday Anril ~11y qua ntity of". ood h ay coming into of the vrszt nrs and one of the empl oyees. K f J'SL~ la resi gnft~ d h is ' ~osr ·rron B ARRISTER, Soli.cit.1r, ' ' 21st; Clarke, Thursday, .April' 26th; t own this spring . "Evbry one h vld ing fo1· " Buster" l - I COBOU RG . Notary, &c. Bowman ville , Friday, April 27th. bisz prices, but people get·left svmetimes, on t l e e ectr·c ig t .1a · , and rs n ow ~ f th M ! t Office,-.A.rrnour Block, Kinµ; Street. . one o_.,, e_ ate 1 opera m es. . .,, ""KM· FIELD· 2" I r· you want to b uy O ' s e11-a f arm, a d - ehi . ~. "··~ " vertise in the Toronto Weekly Mail. That Mr. Gao. Lt\n6don, of H!impt on, had , The Cen tral Hotd m ade its exit on Ji paper r eaches 100,000 farm~rs homes an attack of paralyses on Monday whi10" '8atu··~ay. m~ht. It has been a great S every week, and your advertisem ent h<~ was a 1tending the funeral of tile la e place Ill i ts tune and tl~e wo~der to us Apply to RWH. 1<"0ST8 U, should m eet the eye of some one who Mrs. P ro ut. has J;>aen that the c~ u ucrl or hcen~e Com- H·tf Newcastle. wants to purchase Advertisements of M J h S d h b ir d $ 00 m iss1(1nera sh ould give such a nuserabl e - --- -- - - r. o n an o as een owJre · bl d k l' · STALLION F 0 R S ALE . · this c1aas . Ii ne · ·f a rm b u t J olin c n t d tum e l ownl r oo ny . - E11·i..,. """~ · 11 are inser ted in the Toronto pet· acr<l f or Ius ll a tcense h. k to open 'l l its Cs:rria ~e Colt, thren years old. hv. " R itl",.· ' b e s~ · f arms · ly il'.· Ia1·1 for fi"e cents a word each see 1 ·t· ours, w . is ey. 'iey mo.n" Pt.sco ~ 'veek · · · . H e lias one o f t 1 1e Id 'tet I' a one se fi, I· Bnoa.. Jr,ot 1, Broken l!'rnnt E ti.e"\ b 1 rnserL!on, or t wen ty five cents R. word for D nrlii·gi on wou n 1cense a u t·c ass ~ a oon, ut a Wh it~:.:~:'_ cl_ a_rd _ a:~_P_. _o _ .- · 11·3w. Addn:ss, The Mail, . ", · · ,, . 1n"serable low gi·oggery l ike t hiLt could five inser t.ions. ·· Eli ·got th.ere, and people are gettm., g,e t onB or sell witho i .Jt just as it. pleased. HOUi'.E TO LET.-A comfortable G Tor onto, Canada. r oom house. with orchard and garilen, " uc k 8 pop u Iar b 00 t 2 t ore evury c~ p f J0l h f · h · t 0 G eo . .... · Hffe 1 ms been a p ile of 1'10lley spent in a first·clas· locality tor farm la.b ur. ApDJY .ro · m ston, t e ~it cu.r e man, is tim" t o buy their boots and shoes a nd 1li ro..,_as a good many poor wives, moth- to Il.rcH.aun FosTttR, :N"owcastle. H·tf · 8 b usiar than. ever, me~tm~ with succe s Gent's furnishmgs. ers and " famlfies of this town k n ow to EAS W .ANTED. -3000 buahele 91 apparently tn everytlung he undertakes. M L V . f 'l' f their s r 0 The way· that he s ticks to his paHen ts r. ..·r anstone: o . oronto,. son,, _o o r w_ . - - - - -- · B ' '"'ll pe1~s wantect ut Caledon\an wh en h e undertn.kea to cure th ew is very S . . 'a usto~e, d this tuwn, 18 q .ite .AFTER TRYING nu merous ao·called rem- Mills. Howma.nville, for which tho very high· est price wiil bo pai<l. JOUN MACKAY. P;.-ucreditable and very few indeed would h ave ill at his f,.ther 6 · \Ve hope to h ea r of edies and 1ece1ving no benefit I waa Jin. prictor. <2·tf. thought him so worthy of t heir confi- h is speedy r~cuve ry. ally induced to t ry E ly 's Cream Balm, OLTS FOR SALE.-Ooe three-year deuce. People that were afra id to trust M.r. L . Smelt whoEe death occurred and after taking one bottle I take grea t old and one two.year-old - both ve>Y him with live dollars when he came to l ast Friday wa3 taken to the family bury· pleasure in recom mendmg i " to all suffer. good and promieing a.uinials. Apply to W)lr. , lot 18, con :>, Darlington, Dowma.ntown first are n ow ready t o ri8k their ing ground, Uxhrill ge, last Monday mom - ers from catar rh. - N. L . Gorton, wi th S. MALCOLM vil!e P . 0. Utf. lives in his hands. His good work is inf( on t.he 8:20 ex.prees. (forton & Co., Glou cester, Mass. s ufficient to recommend him to th., sufferB,md llvyb,for t he comin g s ummer you I was a sufferer from cat<&rrh for fifteen C OLT FOR 8A.LE. - A heavy draught ing p ublic. should h an electric ligh t in your b .. n u yea rB with distre8sing pain over my eyes gelding rising 3 Y<lan, by "Knight or 'rh · Toll Croes." broken and krnrl dlsPD'l'he Third ptlge of the Toronto Daily stand and do away with those measely e d 1seaHe wor k e d cl own npon my I un gs. aition. Apply \:V toell Joa~ cunTis, lot 2±. eon. a. Mitil is n oted for "Want" a dvertisements. torches. Do you hear? l used Ely's Cream Balm with gratifyin~ Darlin11:ton, J3owm11nvil!e P. U. H-3w· If yc1u want t o buy or sell anything. If Mr. ·~' 1' lso1·1 Neads ha· b~urrht the fine r esu lts . Am !lpparently cured .....,,Z. C. NG ~ ' · u .., U T R bl d \ Tt rru.ILOR! . -Ivh . Hindson, Tailol', you want a s itua tion, a m r.chanic, a busi- heavy dr..ught teum belonging to the·D . n arren, u t an ' · ..I at McUJung B;,os .· is 1u1w prep3 red CG n ess, machinery, lodgings, if you hnve O. & P . Co. $375 wi:s the price paid. .'i pply Balm i nto each nostrii. 1 make a limited number of ei:Hs for counti:y lost or found anything, or if you want to "V1 'Ja knowo a "oo ·' horse. - ·- - - --- . - . t buyers or from outside s. 41l·~ · ~ w .., u trance tllro ugh Q .uick & est.u.blishruent Co's stor11 tr find out w . is, ad ver tise in the O"r P olice · Court opened ~Ion da" :BIRTHS. -··- ···----·-----·- - - - -d ver- moa· with a delegation from ~1e " H OUSE AND LOT '.L'O HEN'!' --Tl~ T.or onto D ally M.atl . an'l r ea d t h e lh t istim en t·8 on the tiurd pa" ·· il house np11os!te ti~ ,,e 0 f th a t pa- South Wllrd to intervitlw His Worshi · ll:nglish Church. siLnate Posseosion Ap,.il 1st. Gooil per. The charge is two cents a word the subiect of wife beaimg. g11l'den and orchard- t acre land. Apply to each inser t ion. Address, The Mail, To· Eld G t f CHAS. K i,;1n1, Bo\Ymanville I3·t.f. For securing a valnable piece of pro42-tf er unn, pa.s or o ····-··- ---- - - . - ·-··- - - - - . r outo Canada. perty in the centre of the Town is chm ch, h11s cmuracted a se ver e co~ld, B OLLS FOR SAI,E.-Une 2 yesrs old offered by Mrs. Anderson. H er store TORONTO TAKES THE CAKE.-Who would1 ,. h lcn m .. kes it soniuwhat difficult fo r im s nd two yearling Snort Uorn Halls btt1li and dwelliug h ouse 11r e for sale on ham th ought zt was lefL for Toronto t o - - - --t rom Crookshank b:ood-imported ~to ck, Alcio - - -to discnarge hi; dut i~s. MARRIED a good gener£11 pnrposo ruiu·o- a flu" sm..;:ia easy terms. produce t h e greatest the world ever knew ? F d . . t ht . .t .d ~ · driver. Prices to 811 tL the r.lmes, n.. H. Co~·;,. 0 0 hut auch is the case, Imperial Cream armers "siring :.m er Y r es r · B'-LL--·HAMPTON.-On March 28, by the Rev. AOOTT, box 101, B()wmanville. 6·211\ Apply before Friday on the premises T artar Baking Powder is the moat won· enct:S by puic hase or excllange should S Salwn. at the parsona.10e. Enniskillen Mr. _ ____ _ _ - or to-i-uad J.\lts&rs. McCuaig & l\'lawwarrn.,, 's Charles_B.-11 and Mia~ Emily Hampton, 'both F ARl\1. FOR S 'LE.A. smi·ll 1-nr~ de:rful e.-er invented. It makes the moBt ~ ~ ot D1irlrnirton _i ""· .. JOHN II H. JURY, Drug~ ist . card in this p. per. 'l'hey are reliable. · ' ~ just outside of Bowrnanville will bo so. elegs.nt biscuit ever eaten. Sold by groFALLls-PoWER,- On Wednesday. .March on very reasonable terms, on which are fr8 .n1JJ cers. ;:: 'Vhat is the r eason tliere IS no electric 28th by t)ie ,R.,v. R. Ho.ssard, at the res1deuce house. barn and stableR. ~'or vartfoolil.!Jt The balance of t h e st ock of Millinery - -----·------·--Jirrll o at th .. G. 'r. !{., sta tion1 Sur.,Jy we or.tho bndes ra.iher, J11r. Charles H. Fallis, or apply to Mn. \V. M, HonsEY, Bowman ville. ,., M1Jt.,n, Dakota, to Miss Lu :y 1£., youngest ·51 .tt P ersonaIs. and }'ancy Goods is heing run off reneed a light there as badly a s anywhe re. daughter OI( John L . Power, Esq., ot Ca,dmus. · gardless of cost as Mrs. A. lelLVee for Wilt sonieone answer this conunclruw, MoGNT.T OY-BHIMACOMBE.- A the residence F ARM FOR SA.LE. - 50 acres, beiqg Toront o next week . 1w Mrs. H, J . Not~, of 'l'oronto, is visit- please? <If tha bride's parents, on M-.rch 28th, by the south pa.rt of Lot 21, Con. 8, Darlin1?to. 1i_ . '. · f · d · t . . Hev. W. Kenner. Mr. Samuel Mountjoy and ~ milo wost of Enniakillen. Frame honse-,'Jj mg rten 8 in own. Mr. A. B arber, Pnactpal of Cubourg Miss May Jane Bnmacomba, all or Darling- roomo, cistern, new barn. good orchard. go<ie Miss Lillie Boyd, of T oronto, is visit- Model 8<.>huvl, Lvvrt!d us with a call on. creek running through farm. Terms eas,. As we constantly h ear rumors of a ing Miss Effie Glover . S·'turday H . e th1 ·11ks our "chool "uard WELsn - Mtrrro:N.- On the 28th of March. by Apply to Wm. Gilhert, Sen., Lot 25, Con. ,;, the Rov. J, E, Sanclersoo, at the Enniekill en P.O, :t9·3m l(reat "ar in Europe which, b eginning on the Russian frontier, may involve all the Mr. Victor Hutchison, of Toronto, will make a tremendous mistake f they Parsonage, Mr. Mr. William Welsh, ot Dar. Powers, it is inter esting to know h ow spent Easter at home. erect a U 11ion School buildmg. ~ifi~.~n. 10 Miss Carohno l\fotton, or Bowman· MALL FARM 11 0 RENT. - 25 acr_e1 on w hioh are good house and out. bulld!n~ France has prepared for her next struggl e Mrs. R. D , Davidson has been vis. iting M1·. '!'hos. Paterson, under sk1llfu A RTIN- WES'.l'AWAY.··- 01> the 28th inst.. at L\'Ood orch,.rd and welL P lowing done rea with Germany. ··Frauce's Bulwarks." in her parents n.t Canton. trea1ment, 1a impr oving rapidly. It is tho residence of the brido'a parents, Hampton. for crop. Possession April 2nd. Situated cl' " by Maple Grove, H miles we3t of Do" maJi. F ran k . L ealie ' 's p opu Iar M onth iY . f or · m" n tu b e cun ti ne d t 0 Miss byRev. E. Barra.s8,M.a., Mr "Vm.Marttnto Mrs, and Miss Gibbar d, of Napnnee, h ardfvr an a ctive Ma.rgar·etAnn "Vearaway, da~1ghter of vi lle, recently oenupie<l by Jobn Munson April, 1s a remarkable and careful article, are visitin11: Mra. T. Biagham. th e hou se as he is, b ut another wel:lk or so Mr. John Westaway. Apply to CLAltKE w. 1'VLER, B()wmanville. IZtf· ~howiag the n ew Iin~s of defensive works! . Mr. Rhys Fairbairn came down from wiil se6 tum around once more. - -- -- -- - - - - - - - -- m that ?ountry, evident ly from careful the Cit t o spend Easter at home . The sucker fish man h as cvmmenced to DIED. RESS AND M A NTLE MAKING..and cau tious study. The whole n umber y . . . . put on his war p~int. Ile lives in the Pmr.Lil'B.- l n Tor<.nto. on 'l'ue.sday, Aprll Mas . Coc1{BuHN begs to nn·1ounce }r is bright and interesting. Mary Titcombe 1 M Metcalf, of Cobourg, ls VISitmg Wt:st Ward, 31 ,d on the m~tter of eu ckera 3rd, :flen.ry 'J'hom Phillips, formerly of l:J:c,mp· t he public that she intends to remain In Bo~" maLvllle, and wi ll he plcose(l to eee nil hci: old tells of " The Ways aud Words of A meri· h er sister. Mra. Robe rt 1\f o Dongall. . . d th . ll q ue t , n, rn his 59~h ye9.r. 1ie ls a rccog1;11~e nu o~~'Y. on a,, S· Funeral 011 Fnrlay, at 3:30 p. m.. from the customers and ss many new oneR as may ~<'Ill cun Lawyers.,, Noel Ruth ven, in "That Mr. Frank Matthews, of \Voodbridge, tions pertamrug to that cnt~t:I", tl:.'l'. u. Station, Bowmanvillc, t.o the Cemetery. fit to gJve her a call at he;' old stand over thE Eccentric Engliahman, " portrays the un- is visiting !1is uncle at lho Methodist Mr. Wy man .Andrus, of Orono, left ({H,ANNON.-In Darliugt<?n, on the 27th in11t., Big 20. Apprentices wq.nt~ imml;ldintely. 12-tr. mistakable Briton on h is t ravels. '· 'fhe Parson,.ge. last Molluay moning for Hamilton to Wilham Channon, 11.g ea 86 years, OUSE AND L OT FOU SALE. .... .h inst., Rothschtlds a nd th eir Milli?ns" gives the Mr. E. T. Hoidge, of M imico, h as J'vm the uase ball club of that czty. We PE.a·rre.:-:In l'owmanvll!e, on the 27 1 st or y of t_ ·h at famous fam1_ly wl. 10, now l<>)eut hi3 E~ster . h olidays in Bowman ville . . George P0a,te, son of Mu. Hlchard Peate, aged A valuable house and lot near tl'\c t l!ope he w1l1 bti as euccessful tins season 39 'urs. s 1PoB. Cabinet Fa.cto1·y, l ~ storey frame house, IHJarl~ ennobled iu several countries, w.111 pro- and Da.rlinirt on. new, 6 r ooms and summer kitchen. lfraj.f b bl t I t b th 1 k d ~ us h ti was last. lie h 11.s a good record. · PoLLoc1 r.- At Lenyleer, :n J ohn stniet, trees. etc. Good lot extending from Elgin ~ a Ya as uy .emse ves a · m g 0 ~· Mr. ,V, H. May, of St. Thomas, h as 'fh b d l b t "'t' · I k I t Hellensburg. Gl,sgow. on tho 2nd ult,. in hi through to Lamb 8t. This is a &ood invAs~ unlesa they deem it better to b e mort· received many a h ear ty shake frv111 Bowe rt)(a e movec a ou o c oc as 86Lh rear. John Knox Pollocl!: bro&her of Mrs ' ment as the rent of tile house -..ill pay ov~ gagee than owner. A . short . sketch of man vi lle friends t he past few da s. Friday mornin g. '!'here was about 2,000 C. Gardiner , Bowmanville. ' 9 per cent interest on tto purchase money snJ. Mahommi'dRn Women m I ndia, a l ady's . Y ib ol uon C;ffried up and [down the EYNON.-.AtExe·Fr,on the 22nd ult., Rev leave a good lot to bo sold- or build on. 1: account of B u· ·nos Ayres, Colonel Chaille M r. and M.ra. J a~ob Pollard r~ach~d marsh Jake shore, all day, and about 2.} J. lI: E-y~on. in th~_s 7:1t year of h ts a'..(c. · deemed dcsira.blc, For fo.rllaer part.icula.f; to F RAN CIS MASON, King Street Eu.:'t. J,ong's account of "America n Soldie rs in h ome on Saturday night fron~ California lb of game was carried horr.i e. G rand ~.'[~~;?'f}i:~{'.' b~l~,;~'d.-~~ife ~fn :i~~a~~tl1pr~~i ' apply Bowmanville. 9 t[ Egypt," wit h sketches and si.ories by C. where they have spent an enJoyable wm- spor t., uh? Sr.. aged 70 years. ' Hildreth, M. A. Dennisrm, M . D . Brine, t er. The progr a m by t ha Organ ba.nd on Lo.nRIMA:-<. - At w~ Clinton·st.. Toronto, The Bowmanville Agriculturd S . B . Edgecom b e, B . CG M r. 'I'. H >..r·11 an, o f th c S tan d . . April !st. G~ ore:e I,orr1m formerly of Dar. reen,A .Lccher , - . M ci.u1 · ar d Fnday afttrucon was cut sh ort on account lington, aged H ye;, 11au, mos. and Carriage 1Vorks Com David H er, and oth ers, make up a maga· Ba~k. T~ronto, spent. a par ~ .,£ his Easter of t he cold aud storr11y weather, as it was OD·.LL.- ln Port Hope, March 2Gth. Abiel gnzine which, for varie ty and interest, h olidays m Bowmanvzlle whcro he has a found almost iwpus, ible to play. A larg" Odell. in bis 77th year. pany, (Limited). h as not an equal among this month's h ost of fri~n<ls. crowd t urned out to gr eet the ban d on J,.aRKWORTHY.- AtCb o.grin I<'alls. Ohio. t;. · d 1ca ' Is. . fi rs Lappearance. 1S .. oaof t.hel'5th ult., Ann Larkwonhy, beloved per10 Rev. J. Hogg, of Victoria Un iversity, ttrn1r wife Mr. .James L9.rkworthy, in her 6iloh The can ta.ta, "Ruth," is makiog excel!· was a guest ut the Ch,1rch-st. Parscmage Read what the Bohcaygeon Ind eptond- year. The deceased was a sister of Mr. Sam. . of I as t week · H e preac h ecl very accep t av ~ 1 y ent bus to say a b out C on11rrnrc1a . 1 U uron . , W. Sanders, of ch:s towra. rrru1rn NOTICE '['HAT THE STOCK en t progress un d er the con d ltc t orsh 1p .I. HOLDEU.S of 'l'l10 Bowme,nvillo .Agrt..a l\ir. W. S. Russell It is a splendid fur Rev. Mr. l\'iiltthews t he past two unresuicttd r cciJ:.>rocity or wh11tever y ou t u re.! and Car,.iageWorks Company. (I,iroiteii:) m usical wol'k and the choriste rs of the Sabbaths. 1ikti to cal l it , and you will got m or e go,·d are to meet on OW FOR SALE. - A new milch Cl}W different churches are ably helping Mr. J. M. Ferris, ex-M. P . P ., of soliu h orse se nse t o the E quare inch, 1han -goocl milker. Apply to .TA~tE:S CAilSCADD1JN, Beeoh Ave., Bowmanvillo. H·tt to mako it a success. Tho practiaes a re Campbe llford has been ga zetted Police anyLhmg in that line yet. - --·------·- - - - - h eld on '.l'uvsday evenings of each wet·k , ~1.e:gis~rate for . the Un~ted Counties. The U ncle Tom's Cabin show on SaturOUSE TO RENT - Situate d on at tbo hour of elev·e n o'clock iu tlto forenoon aud any singers not al reacty h elpinf{ are .rlns.. is a capi.tal a~pom:mcnt. Mr, day h ad a r ather poor h ouse . · but they Beech Avenue. containing ten rooms. the Of!fovs of tlrn Company, in tho 'l'own c. r equested t o join early. No foe is Fer~ls has been .a p nhl,IC m an for m any up for that, in shou trug, h ounds On t he premises hard and soft wat.,r, und a at Bowma.nville, to conBidcr a By Jaw passed. tJ' l{ood, Possession may be had on May the Directors of the suid Company. in which t charged and all music is supplied. The )'.eats an d comi_nands t ue r~spect and con· bayin g, aud fir ing uf pist ols. M oro rackat For farther particulars apply to owner, i resolved that mo?:"tgages be given to \ Villi&\!' following is 1he dramatic persons required Jid ence of all" ho know !um. to the ·ou ar e inch than any show w" ever 20th. JA~lKS CARSCAl>DEN. H· t! Crawford, securmg to him tho ro;iayment lJ to sustain the music : ~1 tho sum advanced by him to tho eafd Compa M Th I had in town. Give us a rest, U ncle Tom Ruth- The Gleaner,..Mrs. M. II. Odell, Soprano .ARING suI;E. ere are manypeop e ny of $3,2il.21 ancl interest from Lile 5th d~: ASHING.- Mr. E. TAYLOR o! l\Iarcb. 1888, by charging the rosl est.ate aUI Naomi- Her Mother·in-lo.w · · · · ··· ·· · ·· ··- ····· · who adopt h ealth and diet rules when please. is to do all kinds of white- plant and macilinery of t he said washing anp kalsomimng and ....... ····· · .Mias A. McGill, Alto attacked by d isease of the stomach, liver Young fol ks will tind " The Tale of a respectfullv · ··· ·· ... and nlso ch·rging the personal estate of t Zulelka- Q11een ot l\foa.b, ..... . .. . ... ... .. . ...... T k" . "d f th' solicits tbe public pa.tronage, Orders may be ...... . .. Mrs. E. s. Jlieath, Mezzo Soprano or bJwds, this is qui te right, but. those rac on an 1ns1 e page o rs paper left at Messrs. Stott & Jury·a drug store or at Company. as is set ont in said Dy la;v · a · also to P8:SS a BY·la.w conftrmin~ t he same ,ij\1 Zillah- A Shepherdess...... . .. .... .. ..... . ..... . who add to thfo treatment the use of B. very interesting. "In the Bermudas" by his r esidence. Prnopect S t., Bowmanville. empowering the D1rect()ra to give said mon . ................. Mrs. .R. Barrett, Soprano B B d. d' M W ·1 ·u . t t Id and young l1·3W g~gcs. Orpah -Siiter·in-law of Ruth,. . . . . .. . ..... .... . . . . aooor m g to 1rections, make 11ure r. I' son w1 m Hes o Dated the 26111 day of JI.larch, A . D., 1888. ..... . .Miss Lottie Glover, Me7.zo Sopr11-no of being quickly and easily ctlred. Youn g l adies should re'1d ' ' Take care, ARMS 'l'O H.ENT.- Part of lot 24, VTl.LLlAl\I lJHA W"OlW, Hndas~ah and Timna·-Ladiei or Elgows Couri. gir ls." . Indeed the eelections on out inside Mu. J. Me.son, MlssA.Wright,Sopr.,Alto Preis<leut of the CompiU;iJ con. 2, Darlington, containing 61 aores. . Three Angels, ...... .. .... ...... .. .... ..... . ...... Honor Roll. pages are a ll v.ery interesiing . Good house and outbuildings. Also part of lot D. Uunrrn: SatPSO!I, 13. Solicitor for th6 Company. and Alto voices en · i"ckeri thei "ves arc quit e numerou~ in 30, con. 2, Darlington, containing over 90 acres S. oprano, Mezzo Ieraelithh Woman, ...Soprano .... Miss Byron, Soprano 1 on which are good dwelling and !arm build· . , town this spring . Boal(- .A wealthy citizen or Bethleh 9.m,. ..... , . Mrs. n.. Washington, Haydon. 1 , Look out for your ings. Immediate posseasion, Apply to Mns. 1 l:ltcHAHD <!QUIRE, at Mr. Philip Ty ler's, near MEACHAM'8 B 1 " 'ci '" .. ii:"T ··... 0~ (· fj· ¥Ydoff, Tenor Ed. Thompson, Cadmna, .,. !um ro .. s ta. Mr. Larkin, of the Sou th l'llaple 18 Grove, or a t. t he STATll:SNAN oftlce, ° ~ara an-............ ··11: ow~ Mr. Henrv " P an ... . ·.. .Baas .. ... Ward, had a c1uarter of beef and a pi 0 v's Bowmanville. . ...... Knight. John F oater, Bowmanvil!e; 1. H-tf. i'i:glow- Klng ot Moab, .. Mr. J. Keachie, TeI>.Or A. Bowerman, Haliburto1>, I. head stol ~n from his wood.·shed the other Hassan- An Egyptln.n Artificer, .. ··..... . ..... . Sam. C. Hunking, Taunton. 3. I nigh t. Very l ikely there is a clue by ............. . ,Mr. Wm. llfoCullouliih, Bass , f I H Y are languid u.nd weak, and your ap))f Tubal- An aged Minstrel., .. ... . .. .... ...... . . .. T __ S___ -- - b , I t h is time, but we h ear o on y one arrest lte poor 1 .. .. .. .. ..... . . ..... ;Mr. Geo. Smith, Tenor HANKFUL.-· <>r:iie t me ago eiag v~ry , so far.:l!y Beef, Iron and \Vino ie tho tonic, be s:lrf J ephonnh- Boaz's hoad servant,·... ...... .. .... gr eatly twubled wi th colds an d cough mg · Cleaned, Died, Pres2cu and Repnired by As an ·invii;:ora.tinr. tonic it ia recognlseii b . ...... , .. ..... Mr, Frank brown, Baritone I went 10 th e d r ug store and got Hag'\Vhy not. t urn out those school. trustees r.he Medical profession as tJ-le best. at,r e11<"t.ha?l in~ medic.ine thus for p roduced. lt is invall~ The chorus of forty voices r epresent y ard 's Pectoral Baisam. I n a short time ·and ful thetr p laces with fem~les? If t hey 1 ble as a blo')d anil muscle maker. flSIJeciall eoldiers, r.iapers, glean ers, citizens, I Wll!I we ll. I have found it a sure c ure wou.dat d u b etter t h an wlat wo ha~e · 1 in thoae caees where weahneas is tho res'Slt companion maidens of Ruth, maids of and a.m iha nkful that I used it and now n o w, cuu nt us out. The man who said Drer and Clothes Cleaner, imperfect or insnfiloi~nt food, or wastlll fevers or excesses or any soi:t. lt c.o nta:ins ~J:t h onor, elders, Herald's officers of the would not be wiLh out it. E. Schaeferl "Th<:>y are worse_ than a lo~ of old wome n," Goods warranted to be 118 no one wm know !l';'!·riment or Deer, the stimul .ant pro}lertiea i watch, etc. It is i ntended to give a Berlin, Ont . had better ta;ke 1t bacs:, or thore will be them fl'Om new when done. \' me and U.10 tome pow era of J rnn nnd ls ai bl' t 111 · th 11 'I' H 11 t \ t b l0 It 1 l th ol 1 women mlrably calc11lated to ouiX{\ up. th,,' e·mw!at pu ic concer own a· a· a NA.'l'IONA.I, l'ILLS w:IJI not ~tpel:or sick rou :, ~ a s ur on e ·< · ComEr o:t King and st ~eets, ·:ratem, Sold in Bo wrua~·lllel:ly Wgr:!nliot1 future date. en, yet are a thorough cathartic:. Apolog~~· !\:hater. Bowmanvllle. *'1u Bros; - See notice of Wm. Lander's selo in another column. Farmers see sample Manitoba Barley at STATESllUN Office. See John Grigg's cottonades- they are the best money can buy. Great Bargains in Millinery and Fancy Goods at Mrs . Morrison's. Ladies call and see the new spring milliuery at Mrs . .Morrison's. Wage earners, read Mr. Assessor Burden's n otice to you in another ~olumn. Try .John Grigg's delicious teas-3 lbs. for $1.00. Equal to the beat 40 cent teas. Farmer~, before buying see those cheap seed drills sold by C. Rogers, Bowmanville. Coneult Dr. Sinclair a t t he R u ebottom House on Friday and Saturday, .April 6th and 7th. Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket~, etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty stl."eet, R. H . Osborne, leasee. LADIES- See the fine etock of boots Geo. Buck is showing. The q uality of the stock, and prices sell them at sight. Mr. Geo. E. M anning's ad vertisement is in another col umn. He is prepared to do a large trade. Give George an early call. Elder Ledyard, Onta rio Evangelist, will preach in the Disciple church next Sunday April 8th at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m . All are welcome. Farmers one of the best farm stock sales it will be your p rivilege t o attend will be Lander's, Partio11Ian under "Auction S.1!es . " SALT .AND PLASTER. - The attention of farmers is called to t he fact· that McClellan & Co., Bowme.tiville, have on hand a large quantity of land salt in bags a nd plaeter in b a rrels at l owest cash prices. Ord er bulk salt and plaster early. McCLELLAN & Co. People must not lose sight of the great closing sale of dry good 3 going on at t he West End H ouse. There are h eaps of gcods left yet, and bigger b argains than ever await the public. Mr. M cM urtry's grocery branch is supplied with the best the markl:lts afford. Call soon. inging of Mrs. N icholson, " '!'he B (form erly Miss Berryman,) of Toron to, formed one of the pt'incipal features of the philharmonic con cert, " (Ba.rrie, Ma rch 13th.) " She p roved a a cquisition, b eing well taught, well intention( d an d conscientious." Mrs N icholson will sing at the concert on Friday April 13th. A LESSON is to be learn 't from the 11ight of a bald head, Falling out and permatllre grayness of i.ho h air can b& stopped if taken in time. D o not let it run on with out making an effort to save it. Get a bottle of Dr. Dorenwend's German "Hair Magic," lt stimulat es the growth, gives fre'3h vit.ali ty and k eeps the hair Ha natural color, b esides being a suberb dressing. All d ruggists s!)ll it. B.N.E.W.S. ·a I i Absolutely Pure. I G DE 'h 8 Seed Qat 0 10P Sale. S 'l !'1r. P C M "" A Rare Chance l Q · ."' '-' S D I H I C , H Mono ar, Btn Oa~ of Afrll, IBB~ W COom1·1 I F I BEEF, IRON AND WINE Gents' Clothing~ T H Q S p E AT s A'. 'I

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