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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1888, p. 8

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draught spring filly, at Toronto Industrial face; white fore pastern; wi.ite hind leg. horses, which this section of country r eExhibition, in '85,the only one shown there Sire, Strongbow 4045, v ,.1. 7 ; 1st. g. quires and must of necessity have-qualof his get, and at Mad,bam exhibition, in sire, Lochlibo 1468, Vol. 3 ; 2ml g. sire, ity, quantity, royal breeding and individ'85. He was sire of the 1st and 2nd prize Gleniffer 361, ·vol. 1 ; 3rd !! sil'e, Con- ual excellence. Their mare " Dream " is spring colts, imported, beating the colt queror 196, Vol. 1, etc. 1lam, Kno."'· one of the finest mares in Canada to-clay, that won first at 'ruronto, and he was also head Mare, winner of 12 fii·pl· pnzes; Sire imd the fillies "Maid of Bute" and sire of the 2nd prize spring filly in the of Dam, Young Surprise 10~1, Vol. 1 ; .1st '.'Bonnie Kate" were both prize winners imported class, and sire of the 1st prize g. sire, Blaze llI 7G, Vol, 1 . 2nd g. sire, m Scotland, and we felt what a golden spiing colt, Canadiau draugh t, and the Young B laze 920, Vol. 1 ; 3rd g. sire, 1 opportunity for some of our wealthy and lst priz~ spring filly, Canadian draught ; John Anderson ~y Jo 409, etc. ; 8th g. j enterprising f.ar11.1e!s to ~ecure an imported lie also wun 1st prize as sire of the best D am, the Lamp1t s Mare. L ofty ( 450) mare of rare mcl1v1duahty ancl very cheap five sp ring colts from any one horse and Prince (603) Clyde (155) Gleniffer (361~ breeding and conformation considered. ' tlte sweep-stakes for the best horse of anv Conqueror (196) Young Surprise (1034 In leaving we felt amply repaid for our age or breed, as well as first in his clas~ Clydesdale.Jock. (172) and Glanccr II (337 1 visit in seein!! such a magnificent lot of At Gnodwoi·d fall fair, iu '85, he was sire yere ~11 ppze wmners and premium,~t:-11- 1 horses as are owne~ by tl1~s firm. Hoping of the 1s t and 2nd prize spring c11lt~, im- 10ns m Scotland. "Look Here is a 1 i that they may receive a rwh r eward for OLYDlilSDALE HORSES. portr.d, and the ht and 2nd prize spring smooth, even, bl ocky, compact colt, with ; their enterprise and judgment is the wish colts, Canadfan draught, and the ht and a neat head, beautiful arched neck, deep ; of Yours Respectfully, & YrnlT TO irnssns. 1'.ERGY & YOUNa's 3rd prize s1wing fillies, Canadian draught, shoulder, good foream1, well sprung rib, i OLD HORSEMAN. STABLllS. and he also won the special as sire of the round lengthy body, short back, heavy · Bownmnville, April 2nd, 1888. b est colt of any breed foaled in '85, and quarters, an excellen t set of limbs, good, EDITOit S1'a'rns111.AN,- The farmers of 1st himself for the best imported aged clean bone of extra quality, plenty of WOMAN'S RELIE~'.-" Earth has no aor~hia diatrict cannot but b e highly pleased horse on the ground. Uxbridae fall fair nice silky hair, and best of feet and ob- row that heaven cannot l10al" whether with the recent articles in Tu.Ii: S:rATESMAN in '85, he was sire.of the.1st J)~ize spring lique pasterns. He ha11 a handsome car· arising from physical, mental, or moral ad vis mg them t o d evote greater <l.ttention filly and the 1st pnze sprrng colt, Canarlian riage either when standing still 01· when s ·ur~es . The promise~ and consolations tu the breeding of Clydeadah~ hornes, a.nd draugh t. Pickering fall fair in '85 he moving, and an extra good, stylish mover. of ttic g"spel fttruish abundant remedies the owners of stallinna in thfa locality was also s ire. of the 1st prize spring fllly vVo think from his breeding and confor- for all spiritual or mental wnes, and the ~hould give you great crt!dit for yom· able and 1st pnze spring colt, Canadian mation ho will make an excellent breeder, Cr~at or h as st· · l'ed, in the kingdom of fl.dvocaoy o'f their intares:s. You aro on draught; these prizes wore all won in his dam being winner of 12 first prizes. Nature, remedies for every phy~ical ailihe right track. Go ahead, you will draught cl.asses, not in gcnen1l purpose, 'Ve were n ext shown the yearling ment. F or ages 'hese r emedies wer e alsurely be rewarded for your enterprise, and one Canadian bred foal from him "Crown Ruby. " 1'~oalod, J·une 4th, 1886; lowed to lie dormant, through the ignorThe breediug of Clydesdales hCj.s at- weighed, at l ess than eight months old, color, Lay ; 4 whit e feet and white face . ance of nrnnkind as to their uses, and for tained large dimensionn in this vicinity 1,015 pounds. At tl1e Industrial Exhi- bred by James Bt·own , Bamside, Holy- ages more but little attention was given on account of the vast amount of revenue bition at Toronto, '87, "Manfred" was wood . . Sire, Crown Jewel (2708), a win- to remedies for thti peculiar afflictions of . ::Otinuously being dis tl'ibuted in our exhibited for a. special pri!l.e for Best Im- ner of first prize at Kilmarnock, and first women, who was looked upon and treated midst by American and Canadian buyer&, ported Clydesdale Stallion and five of his prize and Champion Cup as best m 11le as a slaYe by lord ly, and then bruta.l man, who a re anx:iou~ly scourmg our co:.111try gets, ai:d l'l·as a warded 2nd prize. At Clydesdale exhibited at Ayr in 1884 ; 1st and ber suffering regarded with beastly ~o aecnrc Canadian-bred heavy drauo-ht same fair, the same colts were exhibited g. sire, Orphan 1498, Vol. 3 ; 2nd g. sire, indifference. In bter times, science and Jlydesdale shllions and nur«s for s~~"k and received 1st and 2ud prir.e, and one Young Conqueror 959, Vol. 1 ; 3rd g. Christian philanthrophy have coma to her ~ur;.,oses, a.nd h eavy draught geldings of the colts, a two-year-old, was awarded sire, Conquernr 196, Vol. 1; 4th g. sire, relief, devising remedies for her p eculiar md mares for the dray-wagons and c·nts bhe Si11,er l\fodal, as best Canadian Renfrewshire Jock 696, Vol. 1, etc. weaknesses, which liave been combined >f hrge cities, hence good fignres are praught Stallion, any ago. His owners Dam, Dell of Kier's Mill 5258, Vol. 9; in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescri ption, a :ieing realized by farmers in this locality justly, we deem, feel proud of him, from G. Darn, J£al'l of Carrick 265, Vol. 1; remedy 1 ,hat cures the p ·ins, aches, !Specially for both of he abo-ye classed of ~he fac~ t hat as t hey are beginners in the Sire of Dam, Royal George 731, Vol. 1; nausea, dtAplacemenrs, wasting and de· lOrRes. Oue fact stands out prominently unportmg business, "Manfred" acts as 1st g. sire, Prince of Kilbride ()60, Vol. bilitating afflictions t o which she is con<....that to secure big prices the fa1mers an advertising medium for them, bringing 1; 2nd g. sire, Larg's Jock 444, Vol. 1; s cantly exposed, "Favorite Presorip!nUSt raiije that class of horse that is most their name m ore prominently before the 3rd g. sire, Clyde alias Clyde Boy 574, ti. n" is the only medio,ne for women, .n demand, and conseq·Jently most· eagerly public, t han if they had owned almost Vol. l ; 4th g. sire, Scotsman 754, Vol. sold by dru!lgists, a positive guar1ought after-the large, smooth, heavy- any other st3llion in Canada. They in- 1. Young Conqueror (959) Conqueror antee fr:im the manufacturers, that it will )Oned, up-standing, active Clydesdale. formed us that several Americans have (l9fi) Renfrewshire Jock (696) Prince of give satisfacr.iou in every C'lSP, or mon ey [f it pays to breed at all, it pays to breed visited their stables just to see "Manfred," Kilbride (660) and Old Clyde (574) were will bti refunded. Th is izunantee has ;he b est. We heard a foreign buyer having he::n·d of him, wanted to see him prize winners and premium staJlions in been printed on the bottle wrapper, and temark that he had trav..l!ed this county fur themselves, and aft er inspecti.r10- him Scotland. This colt is the making of a been faithfully carrled out for many years. ~II over, but could not find but few large, from" en<l to end," pronounced hi~1 the large, blocky, solid horse, with immense ! . . . 1mooth, heavy- boner!, upsta11cli11g hors~s, best heavy draught stallion they ever saw. bone, very heavily haired, small beau, m d that he was willing to pay big prices Auothcrgentlornanandownerof stallions, heavy neck, massive shoulders, body and J>roviding he could find what suited 11im f~·om western Canada, whu had seen colts quarters, good quality bone, and nice VV rn~ what the market of to-day demanded. sired by " Ma11frec1," pronounced him circular feet ; avparently counterpart of .-.: :ffoduce t_~is larg~, s:nooth, heavy- L hc Lest stock horse in Ca!1":cla to-clay. his.famed si1·0,Crowl:!Jew(;ll, T<.>~!:~'One ~~-~.·~j'!IL.,.fr~~~ i~1 · ~unerl u·J·n·::muu .. active .1urse, w" must Another buyer from the l 1111tec\ St11tes, de~1rous of 11M.h--·· ··.1. ·t I . m'ser, to be a\ ., ,B'!§!f\ ~ng ~Ir · ' ~· , .1 '"' ,'I'· h · ··· .,ri ·'-- saw a colt sired from " Manf · · 11 , __ ·· J . - ·-··"\"Ha_. no 1 ' ~--~,~ .. EXACTING iseatalnouahavmg t ese cnan..... _ s,~"'"I···· ·· · ··-· .... .. -- ·--· ... ' .. _.JQn. '" 1 u larae heavy extrawellbi·edcoh, wom-···,-· ···· ¥IT ~ ~p..d c;u'\lifi<::1t\ons 1 because "lik~ i:~~- ~::Jm an impoi'becl. iiilli'o, sold for $1,500, vit~ their attention to C1;0\vn Ruby. ·~·~ocWo%.4.~~ SERVICE lue~a like," fi,i1(1 W oifr mind that sire and different cotts from "Manfred" and We next wont and saw the rn11rcs and ;h at can prorluce these in the graatest from Ca.nadiu.n-bl'ed mares, at two and fillies viz. : "Dream," "l'i'.f aid of Bute" :tegree is the sire that should receive our t hree ye1u-s old, sold from $500 to $700. and " Bonnie Kate." patronage and thus make it r emunerative Hi~ owners lrnve . had two o~ers for ~1im, " Dream, " Vol. X, was foaled, June, ----01---U·cd 1.J.r for his owner, so much so that no ordinary but they h:>ve wise])'., we thmk, d ~c1ded 18~3 ; color, bay; rat~h on face ; three the u. S. SurConst offer would t empt him to eell, for it must to keep lnm and give the public the wlute feet. Bred by 'Ihornas S. Thoms, \'E."r : in U. ~f neces~ity folhw- lhe more money the ben ~fit of his services, which we think is E sq., Auchenbothie, Kilmalcolm, Scut- s. Ob· flW!ler of a sire receives for his services, a lughly commend,ible step, and should l:md. Imported August, 1887. Sire, ~·crva.tory;b)' Locomot_ t ve gngi neors.con~h e more money the p~trons shall or will meet with a hearty support mid patronage, British Commander HJ81, Vol. 5 ; lst g. 1\uc tors. ~ "nd othet" receive fo r his progeny. One thing we and by this act they say in fact " 'l 'he . s!re, General N cil 1143, Vol, 2 ; 2nd, g. Railv 'tl' meu. The; 11.: e ~o . be congratulated upon. in this horse .that ~trangers want, we keep for sire, poncaster ~38!T Vol. 1 ; 3rd g. s~rc, district LS, that we have so many lmported our fneucls. Wellmg ton 906, v ol. l ; 4th ll'· sire, Olydesdale stallions to choose from, and Tl~e next .we., were sh?wn was " Caim- Smprise 846, V_o~. 1, etc. ; 10th g. sire_'s the farmer has tho right of private j udg- brogie Agam, · Vu~. X , color, brown_; d! m, tho Lam1)1~ s !\fare. Dam,. Ma~gie ment to make his own selection, ratch on face ; 4 white feet; foaled, Avril 1194, Vol. 5 ; Sire of Dam, Garibaldi III 0 ,rn dey last week we, in company with 11th, 1885. ll~·ed by J·ame~ Mor~on, 31.6, Vol. 1 ; 1st g. sir.e, Youn~ Ga1:'ibaldi THE JEWEl~LER, t~voral otht rs upon invitation visited Holms Farm, Kilmarnock. Sire, Cnirn- 972, Vol. 1 ; 2nd g. sire, Gar1bald1 312, '.he stables of Messrs. Percy & Yonna brogie Keir lf)!:J3, Yol 5 ; 1st g. sire, Lord Vol. 1 ; 3rd g. sfre, Clydesdale Tam 172, Has been appointed sole agent for :nd were hvorAd with a p ersonal inspB o? K eir 1200~ Vol. 2; 21:~ g . . sire, Tichbun1e 4th g . si1:e, Lothian Tam 506, Vol. 1, o~c; ; t he celebrated ROCKFORD ATCHES, oion of all their stock and for t.he benefit 874, Vol. 1 ; 3rd g. SLre, Lofty 3345, Vol. 10th g. Sll'e of Dam's Dam, the Lamp1t s , of the readtirs of 'l:HE STATESMAN we 6; 4th g. sire, Young Garibaldi 9· 72, Vol. Mare. Dream is a large, liandsome, they are the best American Wat ch will give a brief summary of what we'sa.v, l; 13th g. sire's d_am, the Lampi~'s Ma1·e. blocky, and attractive mare, with a neat if ycu see fit to vublish it. D am, J _ean by Prmce Al~ert 616, _Y ol. _ l ; h ead and neck, b1·oacl, c~eep breast, deep manufactured and are guaranteed In Lhe first place we might ramark in 1st g. s1~·e of clam, Premrnr 595, Vol. 1 ; shoulder, well spru_ng ril:>, body :md back from the factory as be:ng fin t-class, (!aSSIIlg, we could not help noticeing the 2nd g. si:e of dam, Bob .Burns, 105, Vol. 1; all that can .be desn ed m a brood mare, Call and examine them. isolated and heahhful location of their 3rd g. sire of dam, Victor 802, Vol. 1; unmense hmd quarters, extra quality itable~, a v~r_y importa~t nece$sity in a 4th g. si~e of dam, ,Farmer 284, Y ol. .1,; clean har d bone, silky hair, obliqu~ pasata ..Ie contatum" h1<th-or1ced and valuable 10th g. sire of dams darn, the Lamp1t, s terns, good feet. Supposed to be m foal \Ve have al so the finest stock of 111'.limala, especi~lly where these animals Mare. 'l'~chbo!ne ~874), Y1!ung,Guribal~i to ~fanfrecl. To any one desirous of all kinds of Watches, Gold and kept exclusi-vely for stock purposes (972), Gar1bald1 (3U), Lotluan 'Iam (506), gettmg a mare for both show a nd stock lfl".here health should be of paramount Clyde (155), Broomfield Champion (95), purposes, Dream will fill the bill, as she Silver, in the town of Bowmanville. consideration. Having one of their cata- Glancer .II (337), Prnmier (595), Victor h as that rare combination quantity with In J ewellry, we have an endless .Requires more room for his Grocery, Flour and Feed and Grftin trade,. logues vlaced in our hands which we (892), and Glanccr (338) were all prize quality, (will weigh about 1900 lbs.), cona nd has determined to openecl we found No. 1 to b~ that ceh~- winners in the princival shows in formation with pedigree. Hor sire, variety-Clocks of all kinds very brated ' prize-winner, both in Scotland Scotland, and also premium stallions. British Commander, wh om she strongly cheap. a.nd Ontario "Manfred" (No. 1758) From the foregoing pedigree it cim resemhles, was sold for £700. who was foaied in Mav 1879 aud wa~ be seen at a glance how royally bred " Maid of B ute, " Vol. X, was foaled In Silverware we have t h e e:;;.and extend his Grocery into the premises now occupied with bred by Sir Michael Sh;~-Ste~art Bart. is "C&irnbrogie Again." His sire, Cairn- April 12th, 1885 ; color, brown ; st ripe cln sive right to sell for the largest DRY GOODS. H is sire was Keir (11()7) by Ne~stead brogie I{ier, was imported frol1l Scotland on face; near fore foot and hind leg (559) by Byron (101) by Lofty (458) by to the United States, where his career in white; whito spot on off hind pastern. firm in the U. S. The quality and To make a clear sweep, everything in the Dry Goods department a so~ of P rince Ro;al (647), by ciyde the show ring was most unusually success- B.recl by T. Barr, . E skechraggan, Bl~t e. pnces are the best aud lowest in alia~ Glancer (153), by Broom field ful. He ,.,.~s afterwards exported to Sire, MacLean 2991, Vol. 6 ; 1st g. s~re, snow being ~old AT AND UNDER COST. The goods are all :first~on (95), by G1ano1;1r 2nd (337, by Glancer Scotland agam where he was purchased Magr egor 1487, Vol. 3; 2nd ,f{. sire, this part of t.he country, We ask class, carefullJ selected for the regular trade and no old culled b>ankbt (336), by Glancer ahas Thompson's for £1400 by th~ D.uke of Portland. L~st Darnley 2?2, Vol. 3. Dam, Maggie 1922. you to call and examine our goods 1·upt st ock, the public can understand the immense advantages of:eiack tlorse (335), foaled about 1810, year he was aga~n 1m~ortod. by Galbraith ':,ol. 6; Sire of Dmn,. Duke of Rothesay fered to purch asers of this stock. Everything usually kept in a before buying. and whose dam was " 'l'heLampit'11 M are." Bro~., of Jaue~v1lle, W1scons1i:, on ~cco~nt 214~, Vol. ~ ; 1st g. sire, Lo~ne. 50~, Vol . first class Dry Goods establishment, and i·equired in the Clothing· ~ewstoacl (b59) the grandsire of "Mau· of Ju~ popu~ar}~Y as n ~10ted sire. Carm- ~ ; 2nd !5· sue, Youn!! .Lofty ,)86, ' ol. 1) fred," was a first-prize Highland Society brogw Ag~m, we tlunk, ci:-1mot on ac- Brd g. sire, Lofty I . al!as Lofty 1st 450, S pecg and Eye Glasses, Cases, &c., and House Furnishing line, offored at AWAY-DOWN PRICES. winner and on the dam's side he was a count of lus grand conformation but prove Vol. 1, etc., 9th g. sire of dam's dam, we carry the leading stock, and Call and get Bargains. Cleari g Sales for Cash only. Positively brothe~ of Mr. David l'tiddell's illustrious "a worLhy son of an illustrious sire," the Lampit's Mure. " l\'Iaid of Bute" e ry pair for 6 months, n o Reserve. Everyth ing must gon Call and satisfy yourselves that flo rne ·Darnley (222), their dam being beinga v~ry gra.ceful,stylishand.attrnctive gai~1e~ Lhi_rd prir.e at John_ston in 18~7. guarantee ev. Feg"'Y by Sampson alias Logan's Twin colt, havml! a clean, handsome, mtelligent Tins filly is one of extrnfimsh and quahty if well used. If they lj:reak we the WEST END HOUSE is givin·g gre:iter value for a little money (741), ;.,.hich was also the s ire of the dam head, a bright eye, a nicely arch ed neck, throughout, with good circular fee~, ob- will repair them free of charge. than any other hou se in the district. It will pay you to lay in a. 'u f Drew's Prince of Wales (673) of the deep at the shoulder, h ead and neck kept lique pasterns, the very best quality of year's supply;(lls such goods cannot be repeat ed at my prices. Call and get fitted properly. dam of Old Times (579) of the ' dam of well up, immense shoulder and fore -arm, bone, and b eaut iful silky hair in abunSteele's Prince Charlie (G28), and also of s~1ort back, well sprung ribs, good coup- dance, lumdsome h ead and neck nicely the late Anthony Grierson's Benicia Roy hng, h eavy quartc~·, and very heavy, clean arched, bro11d, deep breast and shoulder, OUR REPA.IRING DEPARTMEN'l'.--We (:Jl), well known in Dumfrieshire as a bone, ancl wol.l haued excellent feet and round, smooth body, broa.d, heavy qua1·t- can only go over the same old sayeupcrior breeding horse. Kier's dam was pasterns. 'Vil! male, when matured, a er~, and suppposed to be m foal to th~t Lilly by Hercules (378), a horse which 2000 lb. horse. I?rm~e of stock getters, l\'la~·ifred. Tins ing, that we repair W atcbes, Clocks eecured a high reputation in WigtovmThe n ext wo inspected was "Adven- filly ts a ve~·y smooth, even filly through- and J ewellry in the most skilful sbire. "Manfred's" dam was Lilly (650), t ure, Vol. X, color, bay ; white l1ind out, and will make a large brood by Drew's Prince of Wales (673), by pastern. Bred l)y Mr. :Brown, Auchen- wh.en fully matnred i a filly well tho~ght manner. We am b ok ed upon as G eneral (322) by Sir Walter Scott (797) h essnane, Penpont. Foaled, 1885. Sire, of m the Old Country, and much adnmed the only reliable Watchmaker in Old Clyde' (574), by Scotsman (754) '. McNair's Good Hope 2140, Vol. 5; 1st hero, and ~hould from h er breeding and '.fhe showyard career and extraordinary g. s ire, Darnley 222, Vol. 1 ; 2nd g. sire, conformat10n, nmkc. rm extra broo<~ mare this part of' the country. Mere brccdin11: qualities of Drew's Prince of Conqueror 199, Vol. 1 ; 3rd IS· sire, Loch - bot!~ for the show rmg and brcedmg es- talking can't do the work, but tools, \Val"'B (673), are as familiar as a house- fergus Champion 449, Vol. 1; 4th g. sire, tabhshme~1t. _ ability and experience combined ,h old word to all fanc ers of Clydeadales; Salmon's Champion 737, Vol. 1, etc.; 11th "Bo~me Kate," Vol. X, color, bay; can, of which we have plenty. and his sire and grandsire, the General g. sire's dam, the Lampit:'s Mare. Dttn1, one wlute fore foot ; small rntch .on face. and Sir Walter Scott, were also Highland Sally of A uchenhessnau o, Vol. X ; Sire B!ed by N ?rm1111 McCa~lum, .Millhouse, THE OEST L1JBRICATOR IN THE JJIA.Rl{ET. Society first,·priiie winnerd, in add ition to of dam, Farmers' Fancy 300, Vol. 1 ; 1st T1?,hnabruaich, Ar~yleshire. Sir~, Duch~! which Sir Walter won first honors in the g. sire uf dam, Blythe 81, Vol. 1 ; 2nd 27v7, Vol. 6; 1st g. sire, Sovereign 1535, When buy}ng Coal Oil a.ak your dealer for the New Oils, The J eweller. "14. a.ged class at the Interna.t1onal Show at g. sire of dam, Lofty 455, Yol. 1 ; 3rd g. Vol. 3 ; 2nd g. sire, Pride of Scotland sea in 18()2. Combining the New- sir e of clam, Farmer's Fancy 298, Vol. 1 ; G02, Vol. l ; :Jr~ g. sir.e, Clansman 150, COA~ etea.d and Darnley blood on the sire's 4th g. sir e of dam, Clyde alias Glaucer 153, Vol. 1 ; 4th g. sire, Prmc~ ~f Wales 670, Try it once,.and you will use no other. Bide, and that of Drew's Prince of Wales Vol. 1, etc. ; 8th g. dam, the L impit's Vol. ~· etc. ; 12th g. sires dam, ~he on tho dam's, "Manfred " uuites two of Mare. F rom a perusal of the above, it La,mp1t's Maro. Da~n, Sally of M1ll1'1ctJOLL BROS. & tJO'Y, To t·onto~ the best known highly prJzed and will be seen t hat "AdYenture" is dos- house 4781, YoL 8 ; S1re of tl111n, Heathfaahionable strain~ of blood in the Stud cended from the purest and best blood of ~r J ock 1155, ~r ?I. 2. ".Bonnie Kate " Book. Personaily h e is a horse of good the noted Clydesdales, being a grand son is a very pronusmg yearling filly, and the § A26-PAGE size and symmetry, while he has splendid of t.hat world-renowned sire, Darnley 1mil~mf{ from all appenra.nces of a large, ILLUSTRATED feet and pasterns, with capital action. (222). A side from that fact, he is in him· stylish b1·ood mare, havmg a. neat he~d · PAP ER His color is brown, with a ratch on his self the makiug of a notecl horse, being a ~nd n eck, deep shoulder, broadimcl deep Descriptive of the Soll.Vl.lmnte.1·roc111cU~.s, face. He has proved himself asuro etock- largo, commanding :md attractive colt, m lhe breasb .and shoulder, good back, M:muf&e Jml1u tl'les and lllhl l:'f'l glitter. He was winner of tlie aecoud solid bay in color, with the exception of a 11·ell sprung nb, heavy.quarters and f~ur 'Veallll or YlrgtnJa and other f:outfl n prize in a large class at the Highland hind ankle white; good circufar feet, good legs of extra ~tmthty of, ~v~th S tates. \Vrite to ,V. 8. BE\'IL!' , , Ge11'J P:i ~s . A gent, Sociot.y's Show at Olaeoow in '82 and a.t oblk1ue pasterns, extra quality bone and an abundance of mc.e, silky ha1r 1 .,obhq1;1e 0 ROA.NOKE, VA., t d l I f t B e L1Tn.E BRITAIN, January, 10, 1888. th e Royal Society's Show at York in '83. nice flowin g silky hail", smooth, heavy pas e~:ns an f?OO< 01~cu ar ee . . onm Enclosing 2·cent Stamp. B e won t he Casrle-Douglas Premium in quarters, d eep, r o und, shapely body, Kate won first pn~e at Houston MR. S. PERRIN, --cardof- Than:ks~--'82, and the Lockerbi~ Premium in '83, short, st.rong back, well coupled , deep socon.d at Johnston, m Scotland, and 18 DEAR Srn,- Send mo another gro38 of and from the excellence of the fo~.Js ltift shoulder ::mcl l1 eavy n~_ck, shapely h ead, fu~l sister to Norsem~n, v;mner. of first of you r now celebrated PINE TARCORDIAJ,, To 1 -Vm.. Tattle11. Ear,.. Chief Aoent of t he by him in the Castle Dou"las District c:trryi ng his he:icl and neck well up, and a pnio at Toronto. Sprmg. Sh~w m 18~7. I h ave been selling it two years past, and Ro11a l I n surance Oompa;i y , o( Enaland, fm· Uanatla : 11hould prove a valuable ac~1 uisition l o good mover. 'l'o auyone objectmg to ·~o ?'nyone wa.nt m g a cholCO fi.lly. to rai~e its increasing popularity i~ very gratifySrn,- 1 return my thanks for tho prompt nnd. Can ,,diu.n breeders. He a:sci took first white markings, we think "Adventure " first cl.ass pecli~ree i:.tock, we mvitc thou.· ing, sales b eing more than doubled. Cusliberal manner in wbicb yom~ Company settled prize st the Pickerinrr Society's Show at is just the h orse, as h e is a rare corn.binn- attcnt10n to tins filly. tomers ore delighted with it; in fact, we my losses by fire, having received a cheque in f ull th rough l ' our agent, at Tyrorn'I, Mr. Jas, BroµRl)am in '85. "Manfred" has been t1on of r1 u1intity with quality, ' Vill weigh Ono thing which st.ruck us pnrticularly look upon it as the best 25c. cough preparparticle is apvlied into each nosti;ll and Bingham. I have much pleaa11re in recomrecog~1ized by compet ent judges as the best') when. fully matured over 2000 l bs. was if ~essrs. Percy ar'.d Young . arc ati~n on our eliclves, and their name fo isAa1rreeable. Price 50 conte e.t Druggists; by m e nding the noyal to lhe public as a r eliable 1". A. WREKS. Clydesdale stallion in Canada. "Manfred" Next in order came" Look H or e," Vol. now hegmuers, th ey have m <',_;r estima- legion. Yours very truly, mall registe~ed, 60 cents. ELY BROTHEHS, one in which to insure. Tyrone, March 2!, 1838. 13· tw" 1 2J5 Greenwich St.. New York <(1758) was sire of the 1st prize Canadian X; l<'o:tled, 1885; color , bay; white on J t.i on and opinion brought that claRs of , W. H. P oGUE. I POSITIVELY l~Clll' I ROI' Stand A 1 for the following goods: For MiUinery; For Jackets and Man.tles, For Dress Goods, For Prints, For Shirtings, For Grey & Wh ite Cottons~ For Men's Clothing, For Boy's C lothing, For Men's a nd Boy's Hats, For Tweeds and Cloths, For Carpets and Curtains. Th e B i g g est Ba rg a 1· n s ·---o---- I -- on re co rd 'x r1· 11 be g i· ven W ITCHES du ng th1" s season by FORD I j M C CLUNG BROS. · MAYNA RD, w McCLU NG BROS.. ABSOLUTELY QVITTING The Dry Goods :Business I 0 JOHN McBURTRf Close Out His DRY GOODS BUSINE88 JOHN McMU'RT:RY. by THB.ESHERS AND FA RM ERS USE ONLY McCOLL'S ::L A R D :I N E:: MACH I NE OIL. FAMILY SAFETY& SUNLIGHT MAYNARD, O IL. FREE I I ChHd ren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria~

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