tsm TBRM &:-Jl.oO Pu Aloorx. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. J AMES V OLUME EDITOJl...t.ND PJl.OPJ!llTOR, Ni:w SDIEs. Nm.rnEB 506. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARI O, WEDNESDAY , APRIL 11. 1888. XXXIV. NUMBER 15. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDER MAN'S Rave opened out during the p ast week about FARMS WANTED. McCUA IG & M A INW ARING, EstatA and Financial A11:ents, VICTORIA STRE1J;T, TORONTO. Can exch»ngo a number of well rented houses in Toronto, paying a good rate of interest, ror .llrst.class farms free or mortgage. Why let money on deposit at ~ per cent. when judicious investm ent in Toronto pre>· perty will realize ten times that amount? MONEY LOANED on Jl'arm Property at lowest re.tns. "Ve can offer eevere.I investments In rented hou'Ses- cen tre.I localities, Toronto, paying ten per cent. on amount invested. By notityiog us dirent or by loaving notice at STAT~~SMAN OFFICE, Bowmllllvllle, or with P. 'l' REBILCOClC, Bookseller. Howman. ville, interviews ll'lay be arra.ngt\d with our representative, Mr. R C. SINCLa.IR. H 301 OOURTICE. !r1A.PLE GRUVE. KENDALL . Mr. Edward Cowan a nd fnmily are abo ut to l cca te iu the for off N ort h West. Mrs. J. Mat thews is sick. lo \V" expect to Htart seeding soon n ow;we 8aw Mrs. Ell. Osborne who bas been Ill is re11 frog J 1~at week. covering. Amon~ tho vh·i tors are M isses Hnt?o, ot Port Mrs. A.. E. Clemens, or Tyrone, Is vl~lt.ing Perry, Mr. and Mrs. J . Y . Cole, of ll:i.mpton. a t her fo.tber's, Mr. L . M. Courtice. The members or Ebenezrir Y. P , A... have Tho salA at Mr . 8. D obson's on 8111urday shown their liberal-min<l,,dnosa by olcot.lng a passed oJfvery well oonsid.,ring the a.·t cnde.nce lady us their presidinfl c>fflcer. Follow! g a.re The peon!e of this vicinity were pl01tsantly the office.rs elected for the prcPen·. term: surprised last Tuesday ev,·ning. llfr. S. DobPresident, Mias Florence Courtico ; Vice Pres- son arter prayer·m eetinll' arose and appointed ident, Mr. Wm, Rundle : Sec.. Mr. Sam. Cour- a chRirman, r oad a well w orded add ress and tice ; Treas .. Mr. W. I~. Court.ice: Organist, presente d the p astor with a. be11.11tifol 8 di.y Miss Cla ra L\ttlej ohns ; Rd itor, J\fr. W.R. clock for our chnrch. He expresi<ed great. Courtice; P rogram C· ·m. Misses K Short sorrow to havo to part from such warm und B. Sanderson A .nd Messrs. F . Short and friends. Arthur Perkins; R oom Corn., l\Iesst\i. A; J. D EXTER. Co&rtice, c. Worden, T . Perkins. THIM. Mrs. J o hn F. McMillan was ntricken down with measles last week. Miss Susie M cLean hlls return ed from Lind~ay where ehe h as b e en vidting. N.EWP..A.BK. Miss Hedge is also viilltmg throul(hout this sectio n , Mr. W. Brisbin is pr«paring to bll ild this summer, Mias Billings has been vi.itirig in the neig hbo rhood. Willie Brooks starts for Dakota the early part o f A pril, Verh er a n d Jim Cochrane have r.iturned home from the woode. Mr. Thoe. B risbin has re· urned h ome Crom t he shantit·s . Looks 1veU. Mr. Dwid Stunt h ad a wMd chopping bee·on Frid a y. It w.. s a g rand success, Mr. Th::s · .Bradley ia re covering fr om. long illness. K e.i p u p yuur c ourRge Tom fine weather is a . ' m nsr. h t!·O. HAMPTON. Mr, Joa. Ward iB very busy prunlng, Ce.pt. L. Leonard. or the S. A .· Whitby. spent a few days with friends h ere la·t wee k. Mr. Wm. Mart in i s improving hia res idence by 1.he addition ot new blinds, A fence next , William. Miss K erslake r esumed her duties as t each er i n the junior <livision of our school last week, her father being n a fair way for recovery. Mr, H:. Tronou1b has tt<ken tho contract tor the brick work and plastorln1e of a new chnrch "" Columbus. Mr .Ii. Pennington hr.a taken the contract for th,, wood· work. .All ehould attend Mr. Joh n Wilcox clearing sale on Thu·sdar l 2t.h inst. I will not fnrtber h ere explt>in, But Sam expects to wield the cane We congratulate our esteemed friend, Mr. R . J. Niddery, o1 'J'rinity M edical School. 'l'orout.o, (formerly teacher in thi· villag~) on hie succe~a rn passing his acc"nd examina tion with honurs. A la1·ge number from l1ere went to Bow· m ><nville stalion on :F'l'idiLY to pay their last t.dbute of re-poet to ·he lat e Mr H . T, Phillips, of 'l'orouto, formerl y of rbis place. T 11e be· ren.ved family oe.ve tho sympathy of the entire n eighborhood. SLOW Bor. BETHEL-CLARKE. We a re g lad t o see ll!r, M. Garvin aroun:i agai n. . A great m any famili es" .11er ea.bouts havo t he m ···asles. We aro s orry to hear th at Mrs. B ellwood is sick agsin. Our old nei~hbor, Mr. John Gibson, bas quietly gon" the way o r all flesh . Mr. 'l'hos. Allin i s moviog North, having rented tho Waddell Estate. H op A you got the little Bothe! organ over the rouii:h roads all safe. si r. Farmers are beginning t o work on the land again, 'l'IWUT· 2000 Yards of new Brussels and Tapestry - SPRIN G- --o-And with its adven t CLARKE UNION. Mr, James Berr y , teacher of Dalo, spen t Easter at home. Mr. Jamee U itdllan, of Br J wmanvllle, WttB a 11ue"1. at. Mr. B~rry's recen t.ly. Mrs, l\h ry Calctwell, or Michigan . fa visiting 11..r br,1thor, Mr · Ch,.s Souolt, We ho ·r that Mr J 11nie< B--r ry, Sr., fo rm er· ly o t his pla ce, but n ow or Long Sault, intends selling o 1u. On S ··t.urday 3lat ult., M rs. J ohn Sandercock presented her hu~band w ith a ftve danghter. Con)(ratulutiPna . Mr. John P<Uker wno has been une.blo to work on account of a lame slde, caused by a fall, is speedily recovering. I/IRS. IVE S has opened out a fine new stock - of- CARPETS - - ~-Newest designs and colorings and no b ett er va1ue anywh ere. URONU. Clarke Spri og Fa1r fa in Oronri on Thursday April 26~h. Mr. Rob t . G1·1~y a u d family havo gon e to Grand H a rbour , D ,1kota. Mrs . Hiram Eddy s l ipped on recently and broke her a n u. Laces, Embroideri e s, Plush e s and a lovely stock of ENN!SKILLEN. 'l'ho Sciopticon Exhibition of the "Life of Chnst" givtln by Mr. fJtruthers here last week w as very highl y ~polren of by tb.ose in attend· anoe. ):le, who ror very many years haa b een familiarly known in this neighborhood a s the .. 8q.uire "- He nry Sylv«ster. K-q ., J. P.-has p -1,oserl away to ·is eterna.I homo at the age of 7( yee.rs. The decea aed has bee1. in poor he..Jt.h for several years and some two yea.rs ago gave np fanning anrl toolt u p his residence in this village where he pea'1ef·1lly paseed a.way ' · n ·he 4th inst. 'l'he r emains wer. interred in Rowmanvlile Ue111 etery on th ~ 6r.h inst.. when 11.ll his famil y with numerous friencts and nel1;hbors paid their last re~pects to rh e de· parted. The tunerul aervices w111 ·0 cnnduc ~ed ·Y the Rev. A. MacLaren. Spnire Sylveste1· located in this ·' eighborboocl nearly hair a cen · t1u·y a.go and wae one of t.be earliest settler ,,. Of a kindly nature, a good neli;:hbor. a nd upright in his deahn!l h e was uuivers1!.llV r · ·1 1ecteii. AlwayA takin11: an active pa1·t In public aff,.irs he wae ~me o f th e prominent m en of thP Township, although never a~pi ring t·· any ollicial p<>Miti" n ot,h e r th1 .r n ·lu.t or u:;i gistrate, ,.n olllce h e Olle<I for over 25 yea.rs He was s rnsn ot 1octive busin.,s· h ><bits and a . ··l~aed a Jai-l!'e a mount of J> ru perty, a. good p,.r 1 of wMch, oont.rarv to the usual custom he bad divid"d amonl'! his chil<lre n us they rcquir,;d it, giving the t11 all a go.id starL in life by which ·hey bave well profited In pol1tlcs b.o oeceased was a Libe.ral Conservative, While the Epi11eo ..alian11 h eld service here r h" "Squire" wns a m ember ot t hH.t dmrch. ::'· nee thut 1 ,ime h e lrn.s aLteodod the Presby· 1 .t·rian church. Thede<'easml leaves behind a the ice l'.u.u. TY.RONE . Bou ght direct from the celebrated lAOlfS' fIN f UNDrnWEAH. manu factu rers, John Crossley & Ladies in want of a choice of fine Fancy Dry Goods, please give me Sons, of Halifax, England. a call. I have them in endle"~ MRS. IVES. .Couch,Jo hnsto n&C rydorman One Door West of Post Office. Bow manville. RE. MOVED! GEO. LA/NB , Bl .LLETT~s Has removed to Mr. Store, M cArthu r s · NEX TDOO RTO IURDOC HBROS, vv11ere he wil l be p leased to meet a ll his o ld customers arid as many new ones as can make it convenient to call and see through his place where he intends to carry on Millinery, Dressmaking and Tailoring, .·~ ·· MATER IA Ls NEWEST A ND BEST . Under t h e management of first class hands, with the suitable for season and locality. GEO. LAING. The p rodigal took another 11klp out laat week. Mrs, Smart, Peterboro, ia visiting at Mr. n. Hodgson's. JI.I.aster Freddie 1 1.foore has been very ill with ple urisy. Mrs Gibbtvd and Miss C. G ibbard, Napanee, are vioiting fritinds here. variety at slore, opposite S. A. Mr. ·r rewln and wire, Haydon, w ere th3 guests ot M r , T. Curtis on Sabba t h. Barracks. M r.J.H!ggiubot ham, liowmanville, preached B very profltable sermon on Sabbath morning, We artJ pleased to see Mies Janet Mcintyre i n ol!r midst 11gain after h or visit to friendu at Bowman ville, M a rch 13, 1888. 12 home. Mr. T. Hancock has pnrchased from 1\lr. H . llocke n a fine young coll. I tell you i t is a daisy, Mr. F . Barn bridge eYpect s to leave on Friday for \Vinnipeg a u hlack ·mith in the police Many persons wond er at the tlrod, worn f orce. and weary feeling that oppresses them wir.b Ca pt. s ud Cadet Harp ·re atten ded the b&n· oti ·DY uppa r.,nt cause. It. may be pover' y quet at Bowmunvillo liioet week also some of ot the blood or a d1snrd~r~d stomach ; ji, the soldier·. either ca Stl the s .:ome.ch, blood and liver are uot performiug their r el!'Ular functions . and. Miss Bertha Gardme r h a.a taken hor deport· with m 1 my persons. I.here will follow .... dull, m·e t o 1'oron·o for a short L ime, IU!cl Mias Maud heavy h eadache, nausea and many other E·nme r son has gone t a Bowmanville. symptnma that precode a well developed o~s... Another n ew citizen from t11e ~:le.ul t.. Mr. or Dysµepsia. Puriry the blood , cleanse :he T. McICtlight h as rented thtl hanae formerly sys1e m or the cl ol:!g"il 8£-cret.iou!I by using occup itid liy Mr J osh Branton a t t lJe west e nd. MEAOHAM'S MANDRAKE oving Wlfe L o mnu1·n h i s Jo:--a, one dU.Uli(ht or, The entertainment on Monday e veuin~ was \ l rs. Wm J0>·es, uf Port. P erry, four HOt.8, fairly MIXTURE, a ttended· Th" tit1·ut-hers exhibition Messrs . R icha1·d and Robr<rt S~· Ivester, w a.s nrst ctass and all t11J oy iL very m uch, It prep.red by J . B M e ...cham 133 Young stree'. Manufacturer., Lind ay. Dr. Goor1to l'.Syivos is o ne ... r the best e ll:hibi tions ever s hown hel'e ve11ter who Is In or the kind. a c hemist or ninetePn years' experience. Sold 1,.,r, Oalt, and M r. AlbtH't Sy '1 Prooeeda. ¥11.75. he 11aclli11e shop of his brat.hers in Lindsay. n Bowmo.nvlllo by lli1C1tinbotho.m &; Son. \\.t tl:.e nnnual teachers' me ting of th" ::I. S. Mr. ·wm. Viltue nnd family b a ve remove d h eld last Wedu~aday eveuing the follo wing tu USl:lll\\i". officers were elect 6d : Mr. \ V. n.. Clemen·. su µt.; Mr. Wm. Brent., 11.sat, supt.; Mr 'r. Creeper, l1brarltln; Miss L en11 Lane . a11at,; Nervous Debility. S eminal Losses &nd prema N.EWC.A S1'LE. Mr. J .· e. Ca·tls, secy ; Master A · thur Brent, ture Dtlc ..y prom pl ly and permanently cur"d b) asst.; Mlos Bertha Brent, O·Q'lllll$t; J. H. M.e&elea · Hicks, asst. Preparations wore alse macte tor the anniversary on Mt1.y 2,th, Horse-baok riding. Sprli..g bouse·cieaning. If the s un's ·ry rone oorre~pondo nt will kindly Mr, Banker A.ll& n ht~ Jaunohed his v ilhge explain wht1.t posai bl<> count cllon the r e l· be· tween·· having a. little to do" and ··being Dot>S not int.ertere 'lrlt.h Diet or u~ual ocCUP"-· cart. f rtl b "we would he much obliged. We fully t.iol' &nd fully restores lost v igor and insures 'i'he Musioe.J Society will m eet 01.1 T h u red<i-y agree with him when he Sil.J S .. it Is ·ou bad perfect manhoud. Sent to any address, posr. tne eoft w eath01 Jrns Sflt In " a s i t makes on.,'s paid on r eceipt of price 0 '1e Do 'lar per bpx, ev1miug a t the old l3io1·cle Club ltoom. The Misses Edith aud M'l.g;orie Allen of your boots mudtly. especially whe n out late, W e Sole a.goner, i::lCHOFUCLD'S DRUG STOltfJ:. City are now Ylsuio~ their U ucle a~ " Elw sdwire h ie charmh.g coo tness when h e ad· King etr·et, Toronto. huret ." v ises 11s to le..ve p ersonalities and · lnra alone. One of our ye11n;r an< l rising m erch .. nt~ h~s And t tie n p ocoeds to deal ou t to U3 a ve y lib· ju11t now plae0d a new g rd.o.d p i,.uo in his p <1.r· era! shar e of the sam e . He should practice what he preuchea and we would recommend !or. Prosperity love. mu·io. for his eu.rneat pe1·ua11l laat S unday'11 lesson , l ho,.r <h<>Lour l(E m ial Doctor Farncomba is ohortJY tu take a rew weell:'t· tour oa th e conr.i. nent, accom panie d by Mts s F<>rn co·n bf', his SULlNA. sister. Au &11.g lish cotHiu is. I belleye, w t ><ke c harge or the doctor's practi ce dariuii; his &b· Master Cephas Ward h as beeu quite ill ot ~once. la te. Two deaths to record. ThG familiar taco Miss IIoover is visiting friends in Bowmanand helpin g h a ncl of John Gibson are no long- v ille 1'1" S(len nrou1111 th" W mcl·or h 1.eL H e died at M rs. R . M . R irkpi\trick is imp rovin g s lowly, the h otel on Thursday j ,, s t a fter a brief !lines~. 1uJ<i was tmried at L h <l Old Chnrcl:l Cemetery w e u11d.,retand. on Sa·urd"'y afternoon. belnK fo1 low.id to the Mr. and Mr , 'fhoa. O·b orne, of .Pickering , PUREST, ii;rave by num.,rou· frie nds ,.n ;111cqu,,,int ..nc""· h aNe been visl tln!( at·ouud here. Ready for u se in a ny quantity. For The span llf hia lite was 62 vea a and 9 moutlls. making Soap, Softening Watf.lr, Dlaill· Since t be warm weather bas set in, b usiue39 I h ear whisper ings of a w edding that is not h!W been booming at [nil blas , iu thi> v lllag'a. Lectln~, and a hun dred otlter u8es. to take plac" in Ne wcastle. But it will tak e A can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda. Mr. W · .A.. 'l'om h as been to Toronto in conplacu some where, and very soon too, a Jirnt· Sold by all Grocers and Druggists, ecdon with the dea th of his uncle, :.vlr. H. '1'. clas· Newcasue ttillow b ein g ·· o ue of th e co n. n P hillipa. I. GJWTr. · ~BONTO AND cmaAGO. tr..c th11t parties. Yes, Sir, oneo! our fo vorite 'l'he snlo of the late W m , L andor w en t of!' " bo;rs " b u.bom to cr os· tbe mutrlwo11ial 1lvod. We ·hall ..11 be pleased to see Georg., safflly very su coesst ully on Saturday last aud splend id over- althonl{b. he never dld any of us any prioes w ero realized . .Hunking a l ways gets good pri ces. harm. 1\lr. M. llobbins, of Hampton, has leased tho On Sunda.y morn in({ last. a t t our o'cloek 'died It n ever was intel)lled, BO tar as I can learn. h ome·wad for five yeart1 u.nd will wove 011 That eith.e r men or women were inr onded to .John Hlendennlng. at the age or fifty -eig ht. immcditttt.ly. 'fhe Mitchell farm was s old to 'l'hls ..nnouncom dnt will b<> ob.1ervod ,,V, th b e ba.l<l. I think you will believe me , indeed I'm s ure sorrowful interest by numerous read<:rs of Tm;: Messrs. A lin, of Sou th Oohawa, ::!'l'.ATESMAN for no man is more 1:onerally Mr. J ollow, or Bowmanville , has eni;ca ;ted as you wlll. If at the "Paris Iialr Works" you luwe called known in NeWC!iBtle and Vl<Ji nity tlum wus lortman wit h Mr. Jobn YanNest, J r., and has 1\'Ir, G lendenning. and I rancy I h t ar the moved h is valuaolee to the place commonly There ts one thing Nature thinks of- let us ~uppreased ejaculation oft rope::.ted - .. Poor known as " B rd ! eland." thank lier ror all we ce.nGlt;:n" A coupJti ot years a.go p.-ra lyeie im· We are pleased to cong ratulate our old and · trouble with our race; paired both his physical and mental facu lties S he tslces particula1 f ricud, Mr, U. L1 unmlman, ol th1e She knows a acanty growth of hair, the gray a nd dcpriv d him otthe p wer ot speech, and esteemed pl .. on paosing the recen t cx><mination n ;, and whlte.1ing loclta, re cently he has b~en as holp lese 1<8 a cnil<l al- thece Medloal College B:> succesotuily, Sh ake Will detract from the liea uty or the face. though at the time of hla d~ath h e had been Dr. confined t o hla bed unly tor a t ew days. John But Nature he.a h er laws eo strict that you Glendenning was. In his dill'. a genial and obZ ion Sabha.th School l1a8 aga in opened with must n ever err, liging " mine host " a eucctiesfu l manager, a the following ofllcers elected for t ile en s uing F'or you'd surely pay the penalty at le.st, yea r :- S upermtendenr., 'l '. C. Langmaid ; Rogood h ehi;hbor and s shrowil b nRlnees msn. Su otain it. that bounteous h e ad or hair H e will ho buried a t Port Ne wcastle, and the cordln11:·::3ecretary. J. lf, Tremeer; Librarl1>n. Dr. Dorenwend's Hair Mag ic's unsur passed. 'l'hoa. Stalnton; Secy-Treas., \oV , 11. Langmaid; tuner..1 wlll take place from bis late residence Bibl6 Cla ss Teache r. Alb ert W u.Bhington ; InJust try it vou afrlicted, you nevol' will r ogret· on K ini!' Strcei on Tueeday next at 2 p, m. termediate cl ass boys, Mrs. A . Washing ton ; YOUR "OWN REPORT .:&." The Ma11:ic was ne ver yet known to foil ; Interm od1ate class l(irls, Misses S ...ra Awdo And the g ood that It will do you will make \Ve are much obliged to the STATETMAB's and M. J. L:~ n der ; lnraut class g irls. Mrs. 'l' . you soon forget Newcastle llepol'ter tor the kindly m ention O. L ...ngnrnid ; Infant class boys, Geo. A.wde, T h o expenditure a bottl e will entail. made of our namo, and of our m erch ·n tdi se, ::!r. They ht>ve J ccidod to h old their S , S. 'Th ' f · f · · in 111.!!t w~k's issue, and in respon8e lo llis a.nniver"ayy as usual on the first S unde.y a nd . ls n ow amou s propnation or rnv1g - gentle hint w e now proceed to ad vortise. Monday i n J uue. orating 1md stim ulating the g rowth o f the .Newcastle and Olarke 'l'ow11ohip, then, will On 'l'hnrede.y evening, Mar ch 27th a largo hair is unive r sally a ccepte d aR the m ost please t a ke notice t ha t our addres e io, "The party prooeedcd to tlw resid ence ot i\1r . David l'ost OIHoe, N.iwcast le"; that we h a.vo now 1 Y.1.onticomery on the Squire F ield fa rm, s outh valuable specific 011 the market. A ll ready tor inspection 1uid p urchll.!!e a. ne w, Eaat of Solina, and gave L h&L gentleman aud diseases of the scalp a re e ither relie ve d o r choice, extensive, well-a.asort"d e tock of gen- wife a genuine om·pnse , Mr. M. had oniy · h d d era.I Dry Goods ' that our Dress Goods are oC ) A n c an rapi p e rma-nent Y cur,,d . specially good value ; that our Cottons, Prints, muvedin,. few day· before and th e p~ rty W«~ the no.turn of a weicome to the il· new b e>me. g rowth of hair will follo w aftor judicious GlnKhams.Sb!··tlngs.Cott .. nades,L1g lu 'l'weeds ot During the evl'ning Mrs. Montgomery wus · · th &c. ..re all bemg otft:red at the lowest possible pre..en l d t t I t ted with " very h an dsome c umbinod an r egu ar r eaime n · r emain s WI prlcee; 1h11to11r'l'cae and Coffees are disco vert h o u ser a lone t u secure the d esi red ed to b· eo excell~nt m q uality and so unap- dinner and t , a sot, a ccomp<>nit>d by a very k indly worded a Cidress. ::!hart t1 p ceche~ were result.a Dr. D o r en·ve n d 'a ' 'Hair Magic " proMhable in flavor t ha t they a m finding their m a de by Messr s. Joht< Hosk in. W . Werry and ld b ti d · $1 b tl way into households beyoud Orono, Ne wton- l::l, Nonhcott. M e· .lliontguwery Jltt! ,gly a c· I i s 8~ Y a r u. g ¥1sts at · p er . ot e, villo, Le kard and Klrby, ..nd that their popuknowledged the handso me t ri ·ute of esteeru or s ix bott lea for $5. If not ob tamable larity is s till increuol ng, We s hall con tmue in a rew feeling rt>mt<~k~. A sple ndid aup ~ a,· in yo ur l oc.tli ty send dirP-ct to tlv' s o l e t t> g ve nighe~t mar k et pl'ic~~ for Butter, F~gge was served by the la diee iinll. a r e markably e n· &c · &;c. evening was spent by all present. Mr. manufacturer, en~loai ng prictJ. A . DoRN; There ia one oombino.t lon tha.t la looked upon joyablo a nd Mrs. Montgomery a re very bigllly tis teem· WEND , Paris fl air Works , 103 and lOo with f !ivor, and thttt the public is not "do ~ n ed by the.Ir n elKhbms, being a lways r ea d y to Yonoe St. Toronto . For an.le by J. / upoc ," and th" ~ ls the populur combination of ren der an)" aes1st ane" in t h eir power a t all . " · i. h ' & S d 11 d · t stren11:th, sweotneso, fii.v or and oonsummata tunes, · H 1gg1n1 . ,ot am on, a n a rugg1s s. deliciousness c onta ined In that 11ublim<1 m i. -::The poalti·y t hief is on the warpath a.g o.in. b e ture Known as McOluug and Bell's Gift Tea. h8.S been aeen l ooking around barnyards. He An elega nt present wlth every p :mnd, A sk h as not le rt tu rkeya e nough in tho neighborNATIONAL Pll.l.S ulll Dot gdpeP:or 11lck yon!' neighbor a bout i t·, en, ye& are u t h orough oathar.tic, hood !ct· breed ing p u rpose~. J AGK. Mi5s Jennie McC ul tag h ia horne a fter a p l eauant vil!i t in Toronto and S tratford. Mr. P e t er 1\foConnachie, left h e r e. last week fi,r Moosomin, N. W. 'I'. H e took with him three very fine atallio ns. Mr. Geor~e L. Fergus on is h ome fnm Kings to n Mi.li tar f c .. 1lt!ge . G eor ge c11rr1es the characteristic military appuarance. Oro n o :piviaiou, S·ins of Tewp~ranee, has be en m a ver y pro·pero·n condi; ion durin g the p a.s t q u~rt·ir aud prornise11 well fer the current quarter. Dr. Spencer and ~r. Wm. Waddell whi!o in M ontre al. purchased two very handa<'me Freucb. ·Canadian lwrsea w h ich th ey b r o ug ht home wit h them. Mr. Geo. K. McD.:>well amt Mr. Hy. Chapple, of Trinity M edic·l C ulltl~tl, a nd M r . H nrry Armatn>n~, Tot oi.rro, were i n town du r in."\ t h e tt aster holidayll. Mr. James McComb and family, and Mr. '!'ho~. McCo:u b, of P ., t erbor o , spent a few days hem lately. Tl:iey ar" c ,, rryiug o n a li ·dy b usiue sa in P .,t e rhor o. J as. Cvnnell at.td Joh u l.Jav1 e of his vi!lage h ave j oi n 1·d t h e Mouute11 P olice recruit s for ser vice in th. N .. rth West. George 'Vimble s, Cob· .u rg, A ~ Ha1.na , Bethany, and Willia<ll 8 L·w dar d , P o rt H o pe, h ave also e nlisted. Mt·llY more a.re wanted. The Citiz ens of Orono are ug ..in talk ing up a d emonetra uon for J u!y first on a mammoth scale, calculated to surpa ss previous e ffort s. Wit h tha1 . t.·bject i n view a m eeting wilt be held in the ]<~ire Hall, o n Friday eveni ug, 13 ·.Ji inst., at whioh all citizeue are eame11tly i n viwd t o be presen t . CAUSE AND EFF E CT. ERRORS OF YOUTH, .+IUIH,~(1YltlHa+ - ---- ---------------- LYE A t a nuietiug · of the 111ock h o lders and patrons of the Orono Cheese Co. it was uuanimorn1ly · decided t o continue the manufacture of chees e, and a committee c on s i sting of ; Jau1e11 · u n er, A. 'fam blyn, D. Tye rm.. n . au·.I G. M. L urog, was appointed to make all pre limiuary arr angem ents. Mr. A. H Erintnoil writes to the sT!~c!~.R ~[;Ii! N ews: If parties in r1Hch of the Orono w. cheese fact ory g ive it t h e s..mti consider· ation they do to other hrar;ches of fa rming and make f~ ir c o mparisous a s it 110 1v s tands, th.,y will find that the part of t he farm wh ich i a d evotod to pwd u cing milk pays far b e t ter t h a n g r .. m , J a .: , or b eef, Mr. C. G. Armstrong says: Peopl e of Orono are beginning t u get interested in the new railroad that is t o run fro n1 In\ er· huron to Por t Bop1-, O ro110 will n<· d o ubt he immense ly b enefi ted by i t., W e would l ove to see t he day w h en w e would !mar 1he l oco lfiotives whietl~ in o ur midst and hear t h e tinkle of the 11 ·r eet car bell a s our t o wn would grow Jarge1·. The fun e r al of the lat o Mary Jan e ANO T H E R WONDER . H enry, wife of M r. Albe r t Torjie took place o n Mondo.y, 2 nd inst., fro m tho family r eeidence to the cemetery. Sh e died on S a t urday afte r a I iug oring illn e ss. Service was held at th e h ouse by Revs. R. Walker and T. Dunlop whose r ;,marks on the s o le mn occasion were v e ry impreaaive. Many frieuds calleii t o p!ly their last sad tribut e to o n e whom i n lifo had b een r e · pected by all who knew h e r. A l arge oo noo urae of sympathiz in g citize ns follo wed tl1e romaine to the gnve, On S unday wtjek, while i\lr, Jas. Oofo and a com p anion wera d riving wit h a h o rse and cutter over the road we.st of Tuc k er's mill, a n d while croseiu g th e bar e g r o un d o n the m ill dam the Dutch collar cho k e d t h e horse w hich plunged and r oll ed o ver the emba.n kmeut. M r. Col e a nd companion mana~ed to deqwh him fro m the cutter l efore h e took hia perilous descent . 'l' h e ho .-se's d c. wn ward co une _was happily im peded by a ttee, oth e rwise lie would have l anded i n tho floom bel ow. It was with c .n siderab le ddlic ulty and the aid of men a nd r opes t h at t h e a nimal was tin ally r escu ed. AS SWEET A.S DONEY b Dr. l.ow'll P leasa nt worm 1Syrn1t, yet sure to dbtl'oy and expel worno, \;).