I ou h!!.ve a.ny a'terwa.rds, and 1t was very mteresbng to IN THE BERMUDAS Nutt1e was not mistaken rnsnpposmgtha.t of 11fi., I do I wont have hsten to their conversation about church this first day would be a fatr sample of her tnmg to do with 1t If you re so set upon k h life, though, of course, after the first weeks gaiety, you'll have enoug of weddmgs a.t matters Hugh 1s very muoh struc wit DYS F >I your friend , he had heard a good deal of mournmg there were vana.t10ns , a.ud the fitter times I ' ; ,.. kl h b f d h t WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11 1898 return of the R ctory pa.rty made a g ood h was Lheold sneermg toe Nuttie elt about mlC et wayte e ore, an says~ a H AM ITQN, Bermuda, hfarclt 22ad - I deal of bnght enmg, and relieved her from partly confounded, partly nd1gnant and such a lay worker .is perfhectlyh mvalut thmk I left you m New York last week with the neces!i1ty of findmg compa.monsh1p and ternbly d1sappomted Sb.e lzd care f~r the able lt IB a. great pity t Pot e IS no the pt omise that we would re11.ch Hermuda convera11ohon for her fothe1 on more than sight of the wed·hug-her 1outhful llf!l!lts gomg on Ill the firm, it would make shor tly I t would have been a better ar ha.If her afternoons and evenmgs rnlhed enough for that hut far mot c it so much mcer for Mark, but he says r angement of my 1ett ers bad I given you a. He rEquired her, however, almost every now she grieved at nusamg I Ile sigh t of Mr he has duties towards lus new property desc11pt1on of the Bermudas fir st and sub forenoon, and depended on her rncreasmgly, Dutton, when he was going u.way, she knew I thmk he was sorry not t o find you at s£qliently an account of the tnp from BY CHAR.LOTTE M YONGK so tha.t all her anangmrnts had to be made not where and m1gllt per! up3 com e on pur home, but he phunly never thought it pos there to C.ma.da F or I suppose by with reference to him It was a bondage, pose to s~e her , and it also m~de her sore s1ble you <J10uld be at the weddrng I don' ~ the t une you get this letter you w 11 U UHAPl'ER XXIV -(Co!\TI~cllD 1 but not so galhng m the fact as sbe would gri eved at bem"' accused of tlmegard to her k1101v whether I ought to tell you this, but havmg fine weather m Canada A O.escr1p So Mark rode home, more glad tha.t the have 11xpected if it had been predicted to her mother She ~"8 silenced lwwfn < r and I thmk you ought to know it Thvre is a t10n of one of the fine1t winter climates m dec1s1on was actually ma.de than a t the a few months prev10u·ly In the first place, presently her father obsen< d , m the same lovely new w1eatb. of E11chan st !!hes and the world, while you were m the midst of a course it ho.cl taken His father was drnap Mr Egremont never demanded of her what unpleasant t()ne, "\Yell, ii you ve digested ma1aen }1au at dear Auno Ahue s grave, cold ii.nd stormy F<lbrua1y and a sl etmg and p omted, but could not but allow that it was was actually against her cousc1 ence, except your d1sappJmtment, peuh qls you 11 conde close agam t the rails at the fett, and Hugh blustermg March, would p erhaps have been t he more prudent arrangement, and Mr occasiono,lly givmg u{> o. Sunday evensong to scend to wnt e to the agent, diat I expect the told me that h<> looked out of hxs wmdow uad w1tb more mterest Egremont showed all the annoyance of a man read the paper to him, and tha.tonly when he h ouse t o be ready on the 21 I "ery e:u ly yesterday mommg and saw Mr Ihe I mte from an uptown hotel m New whose good offer has been reJected was more unwell than usual He was, after Nuttie got through her u10rmng s work Dutton a andmg there, leanrng on the rail, York t o P1et 49, North Rr\er, is aver~ un " Tis t hat little g1ggmg Scotch girl he all, an English gentleman, and did not aak she hardly knew how, though her father \\as wtth hrn bare head bo11ed between his a.ttract1"e drive Along Tenth St a.nd the s aid " Well, we are q mt of her , anyway his youn~daughter to read to hun the books dry and fault findrng all the Ltme Her e:yes htrnds You ci.n t thmk how it unpressed s reets runnrng mto 1t to the uver, the seamy Tis a pity tllat Ma.rk enta.ngled h1m~elt with which her mother had loathed Moieover, were so full of tearg when "' c "as relea·ed Hugh Ile said he felt reve1 ent towards side of New Yor k hfe is to be seen her, o,nd a mother m la.w mto the bargam l Gregorio was on Ins vood beh auour, per that she h11ordly saw wheH she was gomg, hun all t hrough that day;and he was quite rou:RTY, WRllrC l:IED NESS I wi.s a fool lo expect t o get any good out fect!y a.warn that there waa a famlly com and nearly ran agarnst lrnr aunt, who ang1y with R1sa11nd and Adela for Jestmg of him " bmation against ) 1m, and havmg C'ien re had JUBt walked mto the luill M rs E.;re because, when the shower began as we were and filth fev< rs and other mfechous diseases Ibis was said to hn daughter, with ceived a sort of warnrn~ from h,s master, mont was too prudent ti wom!l.n to let com mg out of church, Mr D11t ton rushed have ai;rrand d1stnct all to themeelves m that whom he was left 11;\one , for Miss Head worth but by no means m tendmg to take 1t, and her burst out there with her grievance, up with an umbrella, being t he only person part ofthe city could not bear to accept his hospitality a therefore abstamrng fro'li 1.my k iud of oJfonce but ma.de her come rnto the ten t room before there who had one, I believe Hugh savs Tne (~u bee S feam> h1p Company, whose moment longer than needful, a nd besides that could fmrnsh a. fu:fh handle agamst she exclaimed · He is gorng to take me you may be proud of such a friend I WlBh hev.dqua.riera, as tneu name would md1ca.te, had been so m uch shaken 10 nerves as to him , a.nu thus for the present, J)r IIam away to Londo~, he won t let me go to the I you co11ld hav., seen Hugh -Your affect10n are m the city of Quebec, own and operate suspect that an illness was commg on, and mond s regimen was well observed, and Mr weddmg ' I ate cousin, MAJWARKT E e tt l MONT t he only !me of steamers runrnng to the hurried home to be nursP.d by Mary Nugent Egremont was his better self 10 consequ " I am sorry for your lrn!)ppamt ment,' (ro IlE CONTINUED) Eermudas The Tr1mdad is the b~st of t he Canon Eetremont was obliged ho go back to ence, for, under hie wife a guardianship, the said her aunt quietly, "but I am old fa.ah two ste!\mers compnsrng the h ne, and wa.> Redcastle to fim sh lus res1d~nce, and bw perxlous habit had sufficiently lost strength xoned enough to be glad that such strong t he one whrnh we had selected to bear our -wife, who had been absent nearly a month to p re' ent temper and spm ts from mamfest re<pe·t and feelmg should bo sho wn for your Old Sam p:i.rty to the Summerland She left her from her family, t hought it really w1sesh to ly suffermg fro1r r..bst10er:ce dea.r mother I w1Sh A n naple had spoken '.there 16 rn the City of Coldwater, Mwn, wharf on tune to the mmute The s1ghmg, let the hther and daughter be thrown upon The first time Nuttxe found herrnlf obliged to me before a.>lnng you and I would h ave a forge soirel horse known as Old S!Lm He the hand shakmg, the kissmg, the cmbrac one another at once, so that Ursula. might to make any very real sacrifice to her fathe r's felt the wa) ' ! 18 the most popu' ar horse m the town I n mg, the p1'rtm~a and t he tears, m c1dental to have the benefit of her fathers softened will was on the occ~s1on of Ma.rk s marnage " I m suie it 1s not want of feeling, hrn younger days he was u~ed a.a an omm the sa.ilmg of ocean liners part1cula.rly, were mood at E~ster Thmgs had arranged themselves Sa.Id N utt1e, as h er tears broke forth bus horse, and Ile aud bu mat e, a large bay, not wantm~ on this occ1sion What a sense There could be no doubt th, the was soft very convemen~ly for him at M1cklethwayte, " I did not say it was,· returped her aunt,< \\ere 80 well tramed tha.t they would trot of lonelmee~comea over a huggable young fel ened, and that he had derived some im though it seemed to N uttie tha.t she only "but different generations have different 1up t o the pn ncip 11 hotel and back the omm low when he sees so much swee sorrow provement from t he year and a half that his heard of affairs there m a sort of d1st1mt notions of the mode of showm~ 1t , and the 1bus up to the sidewa.lk to let the passen wasted a.a two lovely New York girls say -wife had been with him It rmght not ha.ve dream, whd e such e\ ents were takmg place present certamly e1 rs on the Elide of neglect gers out without bemg guided at all by the goon bye hfted him up a atep, but it had arrested him as once would have been to her the greatest of euca t okens of mourmng If I did not drn er The Trm1dad 1s a very fine se1> gomg steam t hmk tnat Annaple and her mother ar e I One stormy mght the tram was late, and ship of about 2 500 tone, is well fitted up, m his downw11ord course Selfish a nd m dolent possible revolut10ns he was as eve", but] there had been a restraint iiun t Ursel reached home sa.fely, but her really uncomfortable at Lescombe, I should while waitmg at the station for passengers equal to ulmo.t any of the Nort h Atlantic on his nmuscmenta, and a withdrawal from expectations of illn°ss were realised She ha.ve told M ark that it \foS better taste to th e driver ftll asleep Old Sam and his ateamslnps The sta.terooms are large 1>.nd l11s wornt assoctates, sunh aa the st11ote of his took to her bed on arnvmg, and though she wait t ill the summer ' compamon, after standmg about as long as all lighted w1th the .health might contmue, above a 1l 1f Gregorio r ose from it. there waa reason to thmk she "If I might only have sta.yed a.t home-! usual, started up town on thei r own account, INCANnl!SCJ'NT F.Ll!:( £RIC LIGHT, -could be dispensed with The man himself had ho,d a. slight shroke, for her activity of even if I dtd not go to the weddmg," s ighed l backeq up at t he hotel m the usual way, as mdced the w hole ship 1e and the accommo had become aware of the combmat1on mmd and body voere greatly decayed, and Nu ttic, who had only h alf listened to the and then went over to t l.e livery stable dations altogether are first class But if you agamst him, and, t hongh r eckomng on his sbe was wh"lly dependent on M ..ry Nugent Canoness a wISdom where they were kept want to secure t hese first class accommoda maeter s mertness and dependence upon for care and comfort Mary, remembermg "Sm ee you do not go, it is much better Wben th.: war broke out, the c1t1z·ns of trnnsmake your arrangements 10 wntmgw1th lum, knew th ~t a. fresh offence might com the conseqnennes of the former alarm, made that you should be out of the way, said Mrs Coldwater equipped the Loomis Ba.ttery the l ocal trnket agent from v horn you secure plete his overthrow, and thereroie Luok ca.re the b·st of the old lady s condition, and Egremont "Is your father ready to see w ith some of the fineat horses that went mto your paasage Then c11oll at the general to be on his good behavior Nut~1e, a·ha.med of ha\ mg once cned me 1 j the Army, and amcng them was Old Sa.m agents cffice 10 New 1 ork and get that Thus N utt1e s task might be somewhi.t ' wolf, ' did not real He the true sta e of the So Nu the had to submtt, though she pout He was m a gr eat many battles, but ca.me a rran<>emen t endorsed by t hem '.I nen go l;ltuoothed , but the poor gu l felt unspeak case, nor 1t1deed cou.d she or would she ed to herself, feehug grievously misjudged, I out unhurt and at the close of the war the on bo:rd t he steamer, m terview the purser ably desolat~ as she ate her breakfast all j have been sp11ored to go to M rck lethwayte first as if she had been wanting JD regard to 1 soldiers bo~ght him of the Government and and chief steward and get t hem both to ii.lone 1\ 1th a dull poet bag and still rnore so 'Ihe next news told tl111t Gerard Godfrey, the memO\ y of her mother, who had been so' presented him to Gen Loomis, who 'first consent to allow you to have firat class when, havmg seen the housekeeper, who, at the end of the vear 1cqu1red by M i fond of Mark, an d so r<>JOiccd m his hnpp1 commanded the battery a ocommodatxous and sit atfirattable if there "FOIR THI( BLOOD IS TH E LIFE t· happily for her, W<>S a good and ca.pablo Dutton, ha.d resigned h is s1tuat1on, and at ne>s, and then tha.t hex vexation was treat On the return of Old Sam to Coldwa.ter, are two tables and there are sure t o be if 1 ~~1'J'~1:t111~i~1£~~~ 1 it:J>i';;~~t~~~~I !,\cr:e;~ wo.nan, and very sorry for her, she had to the cl ose of his quarters notice was going ed as mere love of gaiet y, whereas it really aomo of the people thought tney would give the ship is anythmg like full Then, per 41gestrnn a fan skrn buoyant Jp1 11 t8 vital 0 bethink hernelf what to do ID that dre[l,ry to prep~re for Holy Ordeis under the tram was d1s~ppo1ntment at not se mg Mr D11t him a r eception So they made r eady his I h ps when y ou fiaally go on board with etrongth and bod1l) hci.tlth w1ll be eBtt1l>hshed s1ttmg room dunng the hour when ahe had rng of a clergymau who would employ him ton, that good, grave, precise old fnend, \I ho old sta.ll, filling the rack with hay and the y~nr' fam ily and belong1og6, you ma.y, if your l"ON§VTTlMl"PTION. alwa.ys been most sure of her sister morher s m his p :u1sh, and uss1st him m r es.dmg up could not te named m th e same breath with manger with oats, then they me him at the chief s tewt1.rd 8 bre.,kfast '1.gree with him, .._, V ..!.V.11. , dear compg,ny How often she had grumbled to the reqmrements for adm1ss10n to a theo V!Lmty Moreover, she could not help sus railroad station , and after greetmg him w1tn get what you paid hr and w ha.t was pro wWch is se..ofula or the Luu gs, is arreatod 1 1 at berng called on to prnctJBe duets for her logical college Poot dear old Gerard ! It I pectmg that respect to hc1 mother was three cheers, turned him loose, and watched mxsed '.lhe fa.ct of the inattet is :~i~ru~:g~/0}hlfrn ~~~~ HF~~~ ~~nn{~0 fathu " evenmg lullaby I Sne ~upposed ehe gave Nuttie a sort of pang of self reproach af1er all only a cloak to resenbment agamst to see what be would do Teloua power ovet this terribly f atal d!s<>wie ought to get somethmg up, and she pro eed t:> own how good and devoted be was, 11.od Mark and his marnaire F1!'st he went to the hotel, where he used THE 1 ASSA GE 'J:O BI RMUDA when fi1st o!fe1 ng tlus uow worl l fa'med 1em ed to turn over and arrange the mi:s1c with yet so narrow and stupid ttiat ahe could However, she bethough t herself that her to s t op for passengers, a.nd looked around a 1a, though short, an exceedingly rough and ~J' ~~~~Piibf,\~ 1?(j ~';~~'i.i~g~ggt~:·o1:;i::t 0 a sort of mck loathmg for whatever was con never have been h·ppy with him vVa.s he I mother had often been d1 sappomted and had httle Then he went over to his o'd home, uncomfortable one from 1st Ddeember up to ntmndonP.d that n nmA as too rcstuct1ve for nected with those days of imp:i.ttent mur too good, or wa.s he too dull for her' Had borne it ch"erfully, and after havmg done walked mto his stall, smelt of the hay and lat April After the latter date tt is almost n medicmo wh ch, from its wonderful com murs, whwh she would so gla<lly ha.ve re she forsaken him for t he worlds eake, or was I what Aunt U rsel would have called "guz oats 11.nd gave a. loud neigh, as If to express alw<>ys &moo th water and delightful sailing blnattou of tome, 0 1 stien~then111g alternth e called Everythmg had fallen m to diHorder, 1t a. sound mstmct that had extmg1mhed zhng' m her room for an hour, she wrote his 'sa.tisfaotwn that everythmg was r ill'ht, S till, nohody wants to go thero from Canada ~~t~iifv~ 0 ~~~~~fte~~!1 ~; ~ig~~al~~ct:;~1 ~~~ 1111 Blanche and hhy had left it t he last time her fancy fer him' No one could tell, her note to Mrns Ruthven and endeavoured and then b egan ea tmg as 1f he had been or the Umted States after the first of April, as n rnmedy for Consumption !m t 1'\ir qll they had played there, and the over lookmg lea.st of all the pa.rties cencerned He mwht to be as usual, feehng keenly that there was away only a few days, mstead of years and if you want to secure comforb on board Vhrou ic IIhl!lca10c,. of tbo 1t, and puttmg aside t he pieces which she be f.-r above her m spm tual matters, but he no mother now to perceive and g~atefully ship you w1ll req uire t') do a.s I ha.ve directed could never use alone, occupied her till was belo w her m mtellectual ones, and commend one of her only too rare efforts The passage from N ew York to the Ber Gregorio, very meek and polite, came with though t hey would always feel for one I for good hnmour On ot her grouuds s he No News from Stanley Yet mudas was ma.de m sixty hours If there For Wettk Lungs Spittmg of Dlood Short. a message that Mr Egremon t would be ii.nother that peculiar tenderness left by the wa.s very sorry to leave Bridgefield May N t f M S 1 d were a ship like the U mbria. or Etruria on the ncea of Dreath Chrome Nasal cat.m rli Bron 0 glad if she would come to his room ln posa1bilaties of a first love, no doubt the had m her trouble tha.wed to her and they E pew~ comed ye rt°mf r h tan eylf u route the voyage could be mademJUBt about ~~i10~:tl\'1~ a~e~lif;ie~i~~~eda y n<l ld ndred some dread, some distaste, and yeL some qu11.rrel over the blue ribbon had been no wer~ becomrng re~lly all'e ctionate and m I ~m llus a, an a nxN Y or t exrt wl ar e half the ttme, and I am almost sure with a s 01 pity and some honest r esolut10n, she made real misfortune to either tunate compamons, by force of prnpmquity ) :~ ~ran!w~ncr~~s~~xs c~s:~;sb~c:::ie: f!rea.t d ea.l lcss discomfort, for the Trmidad for ~~Druggists at $l oo, Six Bottles her way thither The next t1d1ngs we·e still more surpr1s and r elationship, as well as of the views more ominous of evxl There 18 not how is a frightful roller Perhaps not more so ~Send ten cents in stmupsforDr Piel'ce's There he sat, in dressmg gown, smokmg mg Mr Dut ton was leavmg the firm that Mav ho,d imbibed from Iill"'b. Conda f than a.ny other ship of her size But she 18 on Consumption Address ' C 1 w1 th the gl i ttermg T liough h is f ~ ther h a d d ied msoIven t ' and mme Moreover N uttie felt her aunt'a Smee ever, senous or from a1a.rmMr at preaenb World's Dispensary Medical Assoc ti a ' a.nd blue spect aces, he was reasons last heard Stanle a good s t aunch s h ip, near1y new , and Fe ruary sunshme c11.refully excluded He he had had to struggle for himself m ei\rly watch over the baby a great assistance to h b d t t th h h b ~ TIIERE IS REALLY NO DANGER 66S m: 1 s D looked worse and mo~e haggard than when hfe he was connected with wealthy people h as a o rave1 roug a reg10n Ill a 1te a n ' ·· UFFAL01 N. Y. iibe bad soen him at dmner 10 the cvenm and chan e and de~th amou these had er own ignorance , by scattered and diverse t u bes, the very Before we hod been out twenty four hours marle up for compan:), and her compassi,g~ brought ~Im a fair share ofg riches An However the Canouess had reingn country through which it is easiest to force a there was a prett y woe begone lookmg lot increased, especially as he not only held o::it uncle who h ad emigrated to Australia at the ed · to the p oor h ttle heir the per 1 passage and ha.rdcst to send back news of passengers, not more than t hree pei cent his hrnd, but seemed to expect her to kiss j time of the great break up had died without I feev and trustwort hy nurne, whom B<1o j Moreover, while 1t would reqmre a form1d es caped seasickness Many la.di~~ fes,red lmn, a tlung she bad never done smce their other heirs, leavm lum what was the more I sli had outgrown, and who consented to I able oppoa1tion to stop the progress of the ex ! they were gomg t o d ie, t hey felt so horrid first recogmtxon ]t was not pleasant ID welcome to him t~at Micklethwa te could the transfer on condit10n of bavmg her pedmon, any cne of a ohonsand n lles might 1A li ttle later on they fea.red t hey would not itself, but 1t betokened full forgiveness, a.ud I never be to him what It had h!en m i ts nursery cstabhshment entirely apart from mtercept a solitary messenger H Mr Sta.n die, and n1amt a1ned that they would not llldeed he had never spoken to her m his golden age Ho hii.d realised enough to ~he rest of the houaeb~ ld Her reaaona were 1 ley reachE1d Wadelat safely six mont hs ago, obJect 'II ere they at once consigned to the sneermg, exasperatmg voice smce her I enable him to be bountiful, and hxa a.rt I known though un·poken, na.mely, t hat the j as is reasonably believed, it 1s not strange 1 watery deep Most of the children escaped mg g ift to St Ambrose's would ~om I I 6Ject10n of oi e or two valets hignly i:ecom Jthat no definite ne'I\ a has reached us Such They did think t hey W<'r e sur e of bemg swk m ournful return home "Have you seen the boy?· he asked lete the cnurch but he himself was mended ha.d m11.de it pla.m that there had neNs would have to come either by , and were out on deck enJoyrng the t rip 1 " Yes they are wnllnug him u and down ~mdm u the ' artuershi and with / been no dislodgment of Gregorio 'Ihe strong, way of Za.nza.ba.r or by way of tho every moment of daylight wllen th~y were under the 11outh wall said Nutixe, thank I drn\Hn~ hi~ mean~ from J;eenlea.f and 111lcnt obJ 0 ctlou to b1m of all good female l Congo The latter rou te is, a1 has been ! not e11otmg Alter crossmg the Gulf S tream 1 ful that slH h 11 1 peeped under the many Co lil :ff~der t o qo out to Australia to deoide servants was one of the points t hat told I said, unccrtam The former is still mor e the sea 13 less boisterous and mnny secured wraps as he was earn ed across the hall w nat to io with his new posse.sswns J mu~h against him Martm and the h1rnse J so With Uganda and U oyoro Ill a state of 11. htt'e munh needed sle.;p What a God " Here ! I want you to rMd this letteI tor Mark E remoot u rchasea a number of keeper JUSt endured him, and stayed on fo r u tmost disturbance, i t will be almost 1mpos send lB me A ma.nought to be rndicted for wn trng I the shares g t houg n, pto g·atify tne family, the present chiefly bec~use their dea.r la.dy I s1ble to send a. d ispatch from Wadela1 to the THE o:si:.n CON SLEEP BRINGS suoh a hand t I the shelter of the G reenleaf veiled his had actually b·gged them, not to desert her Ea.at CoMt It 1s to t he Congo that we are I Blesslllgs on the m'.l.n who rnvented sleep I It was really diatmct penmanship, tnougo name under th'3 , Co , and a.iio hei, al J daughter if th1 y could hep it, at least not to look for the earliest news, and each On such occasious with what a bencdxotrnn nunute, but, as Nutt o found, her father 1ready m the firm, possessed of a bunmesa at first steamer coimng down will be wa.tche~ for 1docs sleep descend uud steep ones senaas m d id pot hke to avow how ht·le available 1 hke appcllatwu ga~ o de·t<Ynation to the Nuttic bound over her cousms to give her eagerly for t1d1ngs of the great exp orer t forgetfulness were Ins eyea B e coul d wnt e bet>er thau firm as Greenleaf Goodenough and Co a full :i.ccount of the weddmg, and both of The next steamer that can bnng auy such Late S turday mght t he hgh t from Gibbs be could read, but he kept her over his cor j Mr Dutton s ~ell kept house w tb the them wro·e to her Blanche's letter record message ia the Stanley, which is due at L eo H ill lighthouse one of the finest 11gh ·houses 1 respondenue for t 11e rest of the mormog an lthtle conaervatorv a.nd the mainolm wa.s td tuudry sca.ttered par twulars,- as t o how poldville about March 15 I t will mform us the world, was sigh ed We were then sweung some of tne letters of condolenc~ for 1 Judged suffic1ent for preaent need·, aud the J 'i\ ell t 1 1 e rowau trimmed tulle dresses looked Whether MaJi>r Barttelot at Yambunga has a.bout for ty miles from Bermuda Some ·vETERINARY SURGEON, him m her own name, wntmg those of bus1 ease was ta.ken off his ha.nds so that all I --how ever) one was packed m~o the car heard a~ythmg of the expedit ion which set hours later t he blauk plot clambeied up 0R01'ti O. ON 'I' ness, und fold1og a.nd adressmg what he wa.s m order for the marriage of Mark and I r1a,ges for the long dt 1ve- how there had out from his cu mp rnto the w1 lderneRe If over the side of the slup ;uule a t 1emenuous himself contrived to wnte Her na.ttve Annaple i mmedia.tely after E.1ster b een a trrnmpha.I Men erected over t he I he had not, anxiety will be enha.nced But soa was 1unnmg E ..rly Suuda.y mormng q111clmes1:1 stcod her 1n good stead, and, be L idy Delmar had resigned herself to the B luepost Bru1ge itself, ana Aunaple nearly I hQpe will not be destroyed nor even confi we came to aoohor 111 Grassy B~y ~nd our J mg rather nervous, she took great parna, and mevitable and t he weddmg was to take 1 choketl with laughmg at the appropriate dem:e shaken -N. y: Tribune t rm1s were over Al-out saven 0 clock a seldom stumbled, mdeed she only once m place a.t L escombe N u'tte whose chief ness-how, to her deh,!lht, a shower began, hasty breakfast \las served oo board , the ..,_:J"" J cu,.red an exclamation of >mpa 1ence at her re'axat1on was m hearme; all t ne pros !\nd and the procession out of t i e church actual W T t M t tenders came alongside and we left t he ship stupidity and slowness cons from May and Blanche, was 11.·ked to ly cried ou t for umbr ellas- how papa, when ar ill wen Y mu es, with very h t ule regret tnd were soon safely Sh" gt essed nghtly that thrn forbeara.nce be one of the bnclesmMds by Ann,, pie, who perfo1 rn1ng the ceremony, coulcl not recol · The war of the r ebellion, said Gen hncled on t ile dock on Front St, Hamilton, was owmg to tender persuu.awns of her l1ad come ove1 to t he R ectory ma droll m lec:t tha.t t he b.ide s p roper nt1.me \ms Anna S 1 t:kles the other evemng, · was really a B rmud!I mot her an' did not guess that a certam I scrntable staue of m1·ch1ef, d eclarmg that bella. and would dtcta.te it as !Ulna M11.na, whiskey war Yes, whiskey caused the re N ext week I will be able to tell JOU some tear of herself was nuogled with other I she had u asperated J a net to the ver ge of S ir J ohti correu, mg hun canh time solto toce I belhon I was m Con111ess pncedmg the tbxag a.bout the Islands A.ro prepared to pay t he h ighest prioe motives Her father hnd gro'i\n ueed to I msamty l:iy decli\rmg that she should h nve - how Basil aud little H ilda Delmar walked I w11or It was whiskey m the morm 1g - t he womans mm1strnt1ons, he needed them for j little umbrell11os 1ke those 1n the Persian m together anJ "looked lLke a couple of ducks,' mornmg cock ta 1- a Congress cf wluskey all kmds of Gram deltvered at the h is precious little heir, and he knew his 1 ooupt10ns on her cards, and that Ma1k wi\s I wt.wh, it was to be h oped, was to be ta.ken d.inkers Then whrnkey all day , whrnkey A Watchmaus £ xtraordmary Adventure daughter more°' er for a. Be\ tllo JU dl!e, and j to prese,nt all toe bndesmaxds with neat m ataphor1ca.Hv- h )W dreadfully hard the and gamblml" a ll night Drinks before Con A amgulai, and at t he D ! Une time seno did no· wa nt to ahena.te her and lose her parasols If crmohnes had not been gone out ce ' n the weddmg ca.ke was, so that when 1 gress opened its mornmg se~sion drmko coimc, accident ha.pp.,ned to a Pan s watch se1 vices , so they got on fairly well toge th they could all have been dressed appropn"' e Anua1 le trwa to cut It the kmfe slipped be tore it adJourned Scarcely a committee man named l'urnot on S unrlu.y mg h t Par .er, a11d Ehe shared his luncheon, durmg 1 ly Now they must wear them closely furl u.nrl a little white duve flew away and lat 1room w1t haut its dem1John of wh1skfly, o.r,d not w ·s employedneur t he CMmps de Ma.rs which a message came up about the carn ago , 1 ed All this ban her was har dly liked by May, which every one said was a ~ra.ud l the c1rnk of the glasses could bs he~rd m t o loo'( after eome biuldrngs which were m .i.ud i:.s tl er e had been a.n apphca.tion for May r.nd Blanche whose little !listers were oman t hat she should be the n°xt bnde, I the Ca1J1tol corridors rhe fights-the course of constructwn, and m order to keep son e nur~cry needmen\ and moreover bl..vk laughed at agam for needmg th e assurance bride, whi'e of course A nnaple was per fect J angry speeches- were whiekey The atmns himself warm durmg the mght b e put som -0dged envelopes had run short, there was tha.t they "ere reall) to wea.r while and ly helpness with mirth Every one said it , phere was redolent w1lh wh sk ey, nervous plauks over a ca.uld1on of bo1lmg bitumen, JU&· p111pose enough for a drive to the little rowan Jel\ves and berries-the R onmsglen was the merriest weddmg eve~ seen, for the J excatement seekmg rehef m whiskey e.nd and cmerm~ himself c&refull.} up wem to town badge Nuttie wno had drawn mu ch nearer brides only t ears were those of laugh ter 1 whiskey addmg to nervous excitement sleep on them Dunnathe mg ht t he planks lllui;bfrl.c1 ll ~ p 'I hen Nt,thc read her father to sleep with 1 to May, renam ed from rellltmg this pa.rt of I Wh<J.t Nut ~ie reully cared for most ca.m~ Yes, t he rebell1cn was launched m whrnkey gave way by d egrees, ~nd the man shd gen '1TC nllrlcll4 the nel'l:spaper , ru shed round the garden m the story a t 1 10me, but was much d1sappomt I JUat at the eud, and not much of that 1If the French Assemoly were t o d11nk some t ly mto the bit umen Under normal cond 1 SE !!::D the twilight tc stretch lier young limbs ed when, on tellwg ner father oftho r equest, 'Your Mr l>utton IS JllSt gone H e got on mornmg one half t he wh,skev consumed m txons he ought to have baen boiled, but t he ANNUAL 1 tried to read a. little, dressed, dmed with Ehe w tts ans1rered at once famously v.it h Hugh Ca nc amme, and I for any one day by t hat Congress France w ould bitumen was i ust begmmng to foe! the ef Fot 1888 hei fat! er, fimshed v.hat h e I.ad missed m I , Hem l The 24th ? y 0 , 111 be tn Lon got to tell yo i that ne has gnen Mai K such I declare , wa1 agamst Germany m twenty fects of t he frost , and so the wat chman wa.s will bo roo1loo the paper, then offered b.un .nusic, and was don und a very good thing too, a Jolly present , a. lovely silver coffee pot, mmutcs eaved from a horrible dell.th Unluckily, FR EE 1 0 ALL nppl oont " ud told "it she pleased,' and a.6 she played I "'Ar 6 we t 1 go so soon, JUst the one t h mg they wanted, and Lady howevei, the bitumen before t horough ly to Jast s e i. ~01 B custom ers v1,.,h :she ll'lU$ed whether this was to be her f " yes D i ln t I tell you t o take that D elma.r s11.1d he d1dn t look near so hke a l N otss on Noses frcezmg bad adhered to Paruot s clothes and out ordenng it life It looked very dull and desolate, I house m Berksh1rn Road from the 20th 2 tradesman as she expected I see M11.y is Man l8 the onl ammal that blows his nose flesh, and about 4 o'clock m the mornmg he lnrnluabletc a ll, imd what~ as the good of it al~ 7 But there j "I d id not thmk w e we1 e to start so writing too, but I don t know what you will The allt a.tor ha~ a nose l!earl two feet Ion was awakened by cold which seemed to have Evmy por.:::on US1.D/l Carden F·eld· Flower w er e her mother s words, Love him I soon I s there any p s.rtwular reason' get out of her, as Hugh Uondamme came for and he ~ever blo ws it To~ ele hant c: n emered the mairow of lns bones Ou en How fulfil them' She could pity 111m now, J " Yes Tha.t St:ot ch irl ( Ught to have the da.y l h d k l h Pb d d eavormg to get up he found himself glued ~ SEEDSs~uinAcre~~ but oh ' how could she love one from wl om g I Nutt1e however had more hopes from reac 1 over 18 nc se an ' 1c e is m 1egs, t b d f d t d h t <l t D. f11' l.FER R'\f&CO .Wmdaor .Ont. known better than to ask ) ou 1.1 yoUI deep I ' ' and he often does but he never wipes it o t> e o a a.man , a.n B ou e energe 1 her whole nature recoiled, when she th ough t mourumg I thought women mac le a. great I May H er le ut er ce1t111nly was fuller of in The blue nosed b~boon lu s a cerulean ro cally for help Hiil cries attraoted some <Jf her mothers rumed life Mr Dutton pomt of mch t m ga · terest, if shor Lcr boscis of which t he noblest annnal mi h~ be mat utmal murauders who were prowling too had h eld her ne w duties up to her as "Aunt Jane did not seem to thrnk it "MY DEAR NU'J:TU:-Blam he has BO doub· roud but it oes unblown '.[he d~uble around t i e localtty for plunder, ~nd t hese "' capablu of bemg ennoblea Noble ' To wrong,· aMrl Nuttie, for she r eally told you a'l t he cx tei nals I suppose there ~osed' omtcr ghas immense ca a.cit for worthies mstead of helping the unfortunate r ead aloud a aportmg paper she d id not w ished much for consent. Not only nevf.r was a brighter weldmg tor as An blowm: bu~ he nel"er will and ~he o~ster ma.n ont of his b1tum111ous bed, eased h im Hae received her new stock of 0 want to under tund, to be r eady to play at had she grown fond of Mark and An miple keep3 her mother with her, t here was whose ~ose r eaches clear ~ound his back of his wa.tch, a. pnrEo contmmng a small sum cards or b1ll1ards, to t ake that dawdlmg naple, bttt she had never been a b·idesmaid, no real rendrng asunder of ties Indeed I r efra.ms from exercismg it Mau alone has of money, and his kmfe, 11.fter which they drive day by d ay, to devote herself to the and she knew t hat not only the Kiraldys al most WIBh her exc itement did not always reached the height of a pocket handker 10dulged m uurea.sonable cha.ff as to his m eelfish exactions of burnt out d1ss1pa t1on b it Mr Dattou ha.ti been rnvited , she had show xtselt m la.ugh1ng, for it preventa peo chief and he proudly waves his cambrio as ability to "nae wit h the la1 k," and finally and invites the Ladies of Bow '\-Vas this noble? Her mother had done all even ventured an offdrrng to lodge some of ple from understanding how much there is a sufh ient evidence of his superionty l eft him to his fate Pa.mot was nearly froz manville and vicinity to call this, 1md never even felt it a cross, because the overliowmg g11eSt{j of the R ectorv r lll her en to deii.th when the workmen a.rrived and of her great love It must be Nuttle s cross "Their heads are all turned by th11ot pov (Pla.mly Hugh Condamrne had been extricated b1m from his perilous position and see her Pattern If it WIJ.s her duty ' but could the love and erty stncken Scotch peerage, ' returned Mr m ther scandalised by the ' ~ igglmg Scotch Recolleot1on H e had to be admitted to the hospital as an honour tosh1bly come though she tned to Egremont, "or the Canoness should ha.ve g irl ) F irst Ba.Id Head- Thats a beau tiful piece urgent case, for not only were his feet froz pray m a.it ? some sense of r esp ect ' "D ld L d R d ht the orchestra is pla.ymg en, but he had senously mJured him elf m and a ssortment of ear o "' Y onmsg1 en was e11g his ener etlc but meffectual endeavors to CIIAPTER XXV T G S N utt1e s wishes were so strong that she ful If there w ere any tears, they were Second B ald Head- Ah, it 1a one that will rise g IIE IGGLING 'COTCH made one more attempt, "I n eed not be p, h ers a.nd Lady Del mar was very cordial aod always haunt me nu.. br1desma1 d They would not mmd 1£ I wore 1affec tionat e Of course Hugh aud Mr Dnt " Why? For every Lamp that trembled here, my bla.ck ' tc;n missed much that one would have liked " It 18 the only one that my daughter The man who makes a ~reat deal of you And faded m tho night, I l k " often expects to make a good deal out of ITORB s- Second Door Well& of WilltAllll Behold a Star serene and clear " shou d, then I" Sa.Id her father curtly 1u a wedding I drove back with them nows h1Uller Sta JJ you Smiles on me from the height ·- n M "If they don't undere1and the proprieties 1 0 NUTTIE'S FATHER. HAT AILS t YOU? 6 0 I l l I f I f I 0 I I I I I 1 0 L·1ver, Blood, and lungs. <?l'i I 0 ::J; ~ I I · ° 1a on, I I I - I I I I I I I I I I I Im JOHN SPENlClER, r'"'<I R A I N I I ' .. I I l l 0 Jno. Mc:n.iurtry & Co. I I I I I I I I I GOODS, I I BONNETS, H ATS G TRIMMINGS Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria;