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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1888, p. 3

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LIKE AND UNLIKE. -----'~ WEDNESDA.Y, APRI '... 11. 1888. ""'7.i...? Adrian and Helen were to be ma.:rried in Ourlatestimportationhasarrivedfrvm Fw.n!e, and we , ill be " glad t o see our frien ds irnd acquainta nces and those with "ho, 1 we · AUTHOR oir ·LADY A u nr,EY's SECRKT," "\VYLLAtw's WEIRD," l NO., ETC. June-the first of June. The d a.te h a.d been hM·e been in correspondence, in fa ct any and all who are in sea , uh of fixed, the tromsea.u ha.d been put in hand first cluss PE HCHERON8 and FRENCH COACIIEHS, to look \.h em uuder Mrs. Biddeley's instiuctions. A foreover. We have an ex ception!\llY fine lot, and vnr stud is so lart;to 'hat all may he pleased. 'We offe» the largest num ber and gr'<iatest easiest get at S t. Austell, who must be woman from one of the modish houses in CHAPTER .JX.-(CoNTlNm~n . ) variety to select from, All ou~ impor ted stock is selected by MR. captured o.t once for display at Wilmington. London, came down to Morcomb to measure F 4HNUM h imself personally in France, and he accepts n othing bui It wa.s their first day t ogether, but not It waa not to be endured that there should Misa Deverill for her gowns. the best Horses of the moJt ap proved breeding. · their last. Mn. Baddeley was devoted to be a. nobleman in the neighborhood who "1 am afraid my thing s will cost a. lot of Our Home-bred Stock is all the proR"en y of aefocted aires a nd rlams of the best form and modt desirable breeding. We guaran!eo our fox-hunting, and her devotion was an excuse was not an intimate of the Toffat!lffe. money, L~o," Helen, doubtfully, when stock. Sell on easy terms and at low prices. !or Helen. ":Father must ask him to dinner imme- this Parisian personage was gone with her vVe will be glad to answer all correspond~nce p ·omptly ; bu t w0 "It is my last season," she told Adrian. diately," ahe thought, "even if we are ob- pattern boxes. would st.rongly advise persons contemplutiog lhe, purchase of a hor&e "I shall give up all masculine out· of.door liged to ask t he Morcomb people too." "They wiil cost a goodish bit, but wc or ma1 e Per~heron or French Coach, to get on the train and come and see us, iports when I am married." not ordering many gowns, you see. Those Co.talogne free by Mail . " Will you, cearest ? Then your self- CHA P TBR X.- CHANOEFUL AS THE WIND. we have chosen will be lovely, but not too sacrifice shall not be unrewarded, for I will mimy of them. There will be none to hang get you the prettiest yach l that can be built 'rhe Lamb at Cha.dford was a spacious, idle in your wardrobes, getting dusty and l'JtOPUlETOltS 01" ISLA ND H OJI~ STOCli. FAIUI, UIPO tn·;ms AND RREEDRR!l, at Devenport. Shall it be steam or sailing, old.fashioned family inn and posting·house, old-fashioned, as some brides' gowns do. " Address all communications to Detroit, Mich.] GitOSSE ISLE, 'VAYNJ; ()0.. i1JIClllG,1N, eh Helen ?" with long passages, good·siz ~d low-pitched "But the prices seem eno1 mous. \Viii :, Will you really? Oh, you darling. rooms, a, and a pretty view from al- fathe r be able to pay for them ?" Mrs. ~~d Yachting is my rnliog passion. Yes, you I most every wmdow. The garden wa.s on celey made a wry faee, which expressed ex may think I am mad about hunting, but my the banks of t~e Chad, and the house s~ood treme d oubtfulness on this point. "Some real lunacy is the sea. Give me a yacht-a ~lose to t he br1dg~, a.nd com1_rrnnd~d a wmd- one will have to pay," she said. schooner sailing nf course l hate stea m-, mg reach of the nver, the hilly high street, "Not Adrian. You will not let him ever and I sb~ll adore you." ' and the old Nor1'lan church whose chimes see those bills." 11 Helen "reproachfully. marked the progress 01 the hours for those "Adrian's wife, perhaps. M rs. Ponsonby "More than! donow,ifthat b8 possible." who lay at the L'lmb, . will notpreEsfor her money, knowing what " I will write to the builders this evening, L'.lrd St. An~tell and Mr. Beechmg shared a good match yt u are making." and afk t hem to send me drawing~ and esti- the prettiest sitting-room of the lnn, a room " But to Jet Adrian pay for m y wedding PUREST, ST~O S·H::~ST, BEST, mates' for the handsomest t wo-hundred ton with a bow window commanding the bridge clothea, directly or indirectly, wou!Cl be so · CONTAI N S NO schooner they can build." and th e town, and with French windows degrading, so humiliating!" ALUM, AMMONIA, Ll lviE, PHOSPHATES, "Two hundred tons, oh, Adrian, you are opening on to a balcony above the garden "My dear child, you can't be married or any injurious material!. only too adorable." . . and the river. They. sat in .thi~ balcony without clothes, and its my opinion your TORONTO, ON T . He smiled at her e<LgernES3, her childish after breakfast, smokJDg their cigars and. father bas not a stiver." E.W. GILLETT, CIIICA G 0 ILL. delight in the pleasures she loved. She had I hearing the dip of the oars as a b~s.t went "I wish I could win money on the turf, Kan'f'r ofthe CELEBRATED EOYALYEAST CAKES. ta.ken hi· gifts of jewellery a.lmoMt wi1 h in- J slo_wly by in t he morning. suna~ine. B ut Leo, like you." difference, plfieas~d wi~h thfe hglitter abndt I ne1thher f stl t . . At~stell tntohr hLlS fbnendc slpentl Mrs. Baddeley reddened at the aliusion dazzle at the "rat openrng o t e cases, u · 1 muc .o rnir 1me a. e am · .0 one "Oh, that is all very well onoe in a way, a She '1.'1·ied ill vain to Get sremi1?g to care :rery little to ornament her · \ ' peven,ll w~s too hospitable to le~ve his Ron- mere fluke. It is not to be thought of." Relief" and llad quilc ijelf ~nth her spoil. m-la.w s friends to mope a t an rnn. They "But ycu always 3eem to have money "'l'hey never 100k so lovely as in their ; were welco!D~. a~ Morcomb at all hour~. for everything. If Frank were a rich man Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run. Gi-ven up all Ho1·e. white veh·et beds" Ehe said. I With J3eechJDg 8 fivehorses, and St. Austell s you could not dress more extravagantly." 7. Campbellfor d, June Perhaps she kn~w that a. limp white gown · three, there was always au animal of some "My dear child, I a.m awfully in debt. I 188 91 over one month. and a d uster of D ijon were enough for kind. to c~rry_the young ~en t o Morcomb, or dare not think about my affairs. They are MR. E. -:Monms, Toronto, hei: fresh young loveline1 rn,tha.t neither gems they would ride home with. Mrs. Baddeley horribly entangled. But you are such a. DEAlt Srn ;....:..J feel it my duty to give nor gold could adcl t o ber beauty. ' after the kill, and have their drtss clothes lucky creature. ' Vha t can it matter who you ,piy ·:t!lstimon)'.' . for . tl:e good I_ had ' And so things went on to the · end of the brought over to them by a valet. pays for your trousseau, or when from your Dandelion L1ver and K1dney hunting. Adrir-n spent a great deal of his "We might almost as well be livinu here for. Adrian has offered the most liberal Bitters. My liver was in a bad state and t ime a t Morcomb, and the sisters came very altogether," said St. Austell. "I thi~k w e settlement. You will have six hundred a t ff rer I h ad tried in often to lunch or afternoon tee. at the Abbey. must be more trouble than if we were in th e year t o do what you like with." I 'Y11dta grtea l~uf e d · d "t . u Th ~ re were dinner parties also at both house" "Six hundred. It seems e. gr eat deal. I vam o ge re ie nn 1 la fllll e given P h · . H d all h op? till a frit>nd told nm of your 'JUSes. . Mr. ~eecl11ng.sa1d nothing. . .e accepte. shall be able t o help you, Leo." _ , b '·tl t dI j Morcomb was much gayer than it had everybhmg,a.lmostas Jf1twereh1s " Yon are very good darlinl{' but I hope Bitters. I got a ~" e a once an am !' been b~f~re the .advent of M~ Baddeley. Ii due. He was the most unemotion11.l you!lg I shall never be obliged to sponge upon you. C 11 happy to say the Bitte1s ~ade a new wo- not bnll1ant himself- and it appeared to man Colonel Deverill had ever e ncountered. Women were not made to prey upon each _ man of me . I can hearhl~ re?ommend Sir Adrian tha.t he was a good -natured dul· He was polite and accommodating enough in other. Man is our natural quarry." "C!!"'!!!!!!":S:~~!!"!!"!!"!!"!!" ·.~-!!' . !!"!!""""!'"!:'~ . !!" . !!" . ..~ f !9.".!' _ !!"!!"~!'!'. !!"!!"!!"~...--.,.~ -· ---·. · .:s· them to any one troubled with liver com· la~d:-Fra~k Ba.ddeley was the s?urce of social intercourse, but hew.a s- or seemed to Helen. You should know her well enough A DVISE ~o 11-lOTHERS.- Are y ou dis· plaint. Yours truly hnll~ancy i~ others. The house brightened be-~s cold a3 stone. -As the days went by and the hunting sea- by this time to know that..., turbed at night and broken of your rest CARlUE STEPHENS. at. his ,< om1~g. H e seemed£ t~ be populit "1 can't think wha.t you oan see in him son drew to its close, it seemed to that acute "Oh, but I believe she would make any by a sick child suffering and cryin« with with his friends, for two o . t em a to like," the colonel to St. Austell one I observer, Lord S;. Austell, to whom the sacrifice for her son." pain of Cutting 'reet h 1 If so s~nd at the way from London, with a. string of night in the confidence of the smoking- I study of a pretty woman's sentiments wae " There is no sacrifice. She really wants , once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's horses, and put up a.t the old-fosh1oned fam- room· more interesting than any other problem, you." I ~oolhing ~y~up." F or children teething, Good News at Home. ily; inn at Cha.dford, in order to he near him: don't see anything in him, and I don't that. Helen Deverill had not quite so. ha~py "She ie too good, too sweet to me. How its value 18 mcalculable, It will r elieve These t wo gentle~en were J:ord St. Aus 1 like him particuhrly." · an air as she ought to have had, considermg shall I ever repay ·her?" the poor little sufferer immediately. De· E. Momus, EsQ., - DJu.R Srn,- 1 havJ !ell, and M.~. Beechmg, and th?n·ap~ara.nce I "Well, then, put it in another wa.y. I that she l\' as soon to be m arried to the man "You will come, won't you?" d . "Of course I will come. This lette.· is a pen upon i t, mothers ; there is no reason to speak well of your D andeliou m the hu~tmg ?eld w as not without mterest can't think h ow you can get on with him 80 of her choice, and the very best match in the well." neighborhood. It interested that student of command. Yes, I shall like to come," she mistake about it. It cures Dysentery Liver and Kidney Bitters. I have been to the na~1ve,mmd. The ll~rss '.Irednc~ys had met St.· Auste}l "Oh I can get on with anybody from character to perceive that the young lady added ea11;erly. "I have had more than and Diarrhcea, regulates the Stomach and troubl ed for 11ome time with my Kidney l about hdimC .b ~ir Satan downwards That's mytemper~ment. had often a preoccupied air, even in her lo· enough hunting, and this house is hateful Boll' els, cures Wind Colic, aoft ens the and a friend of mine r ecomm ended t hsm "in soc.tcty," and linew a.E! rist. Beeching is a us~ful person to know. H e ver's society, as they eat side by side in a I since ]!'rank's return." Gums, r educes Inflammation, and give11_ to me aud I tried them in my case, and!. had: been at. , ton an "I am so glad. I feared you liked the to:ie and energy to the whole syi.ctem. found them to work like a charm ; there- Church w1~h his Lords~1p s_ fathM.. ~t wfs has a capital stud. which his friends use corner of the drawing-room after dinner, or life." " Mr9. \Vinslow's Soothing Syrup "~foll fore I have much pleasure in recommend- almost .i. kind of cousmahip', _ati a a · pretty freely. His drag and his yacht are loitered in the billiard-room at dusk. f~cted to know the gentleman s hll!tory from both excellent and serviceable. and he has "How will you and your future brother"No, I am used to it, and the days go by children te1ithing is pleasa.nt to the taste ing them to all persons who are troubled h~,~radle. f d a kind of table d 'hote a.t his cha.~bers which in-law suit each other," he said to Helen somehow. I shall be very pleased to get and is the prescription of one of the old· in any way with their Kidney. The ~t. Austells. had ~one to 0 x_or we all use. In fact, he does whatever we one day, when they were out with thl) away from home. " t db f I Yours truly, for centuries, but tJu~ ~ne is a Cambridge want, and makes no fuas about it." hounds. Mrs. Baddeley was not_ so pleased at los- es an est ema e physicians and nurses J. J. J oNES. ml!'n. He was a.t Tnn.ity, and came .out " I shouldn't think he would make a fuss She crimsoned, and was suddenly speech- ing her sieter. in the Uf!ite d S~atea, a nd is for sale by th1r~ Wrangl!lr ;"she s11o1d. "He went mto a.bout anything-not if y ou cut his head off. less. " Y ou put me in a false position," she all druggis ts through the woild. Pifoe N ewtonville, May 3, 1887. Parliament duectlr he lef~ c_olle~e. h!-'eopllfe I never saw such an unimpressionable young " He really is a fi11e fellow, and I don't said, "It won't be very nice for me to be 25 cents a bottle . Be sure and ask for thought he yvas goJDg t? dIStmgmsh imse , man!" wonder yon like him : but a very rough the only woman among all these men." " l\IRs. WINSLOW'S Soor HING SYRUP." "Oh, I don't know nbout that. Still diamond as compared with his brother, I "I thought you only car ed for men's so- and taJce no other kind. to $8 a day. Samples and duty FR~JC but when his. father died he went wrong Lines not under the horae' , Write some~ow1 ~acu~g, I eupp?se~and he quarrel· waters run deep, you knew. I have an should say. " · ciety. I have never known y ou to cul tiBREWSTER'S SAFETY REIN HOLDlilB ed .with lus w1f~I believe it was she who idea there are depths under that dulness of "Yes, of course Adrian is ever so much va.te women." Co.· Holl, Mi':'h. . ran away from him, ~ut I've heard ~y father Beeching's. He is not a fool a nd I believe more accomplished." "That was because I had you. SiHters say _he drove her -to it, 10 o~e collldn't help he could be a black guard." ' " Musical, artistic, highly· cultured, a can go anywherE> and do anything. feehnll' sorry f~r her, especmll~ as shk was So much for Joseph BeechiDg from his young man in a t~ousand," purs.ued St. Bnt J?OW I suppo~e I shall have to take Wben Baby .,.as sick, we gave her Caetorla, Lord Helvellyn e daughter-a~ we new dean~st f.r~end's standpoint. There was a Austel.1, cruelly p~rs1stent. "I believe you up with an ou.ts1der. Perhaps one of When 11he was a Child, sho cried for Castoria, her people. _They were ~ot d1vorcad - aed link between t he t wo which St. Austell had are qmte the luckiest young la.dy of my a.c- those Tred ucey girls would answer. They 'Vben she became Miss, sho clnng to Castoria, she w:ent to hve. a~road with an old a~nt. not tnken the trouble to u plain. They quainta.nce, ~iss Deverill." . seei:i1 to lik~ flirting,,with St. Austell, though . This to ~arJone Toffstaff, who listened were partners in a. racing stable. Beeching She was s1leJJ.t ; all th~ happy hght ha.d he ·is a detrimental. Whea ehe had CW!dreu, she gavo ihem Caator111o, · ~nwardly wr1thmg. It was ha.rd t o ~e. so found the money, St. Austell the intellect gone out of her fac~. Lips and eyes were (· ro n E cONTJ NU ~~11 ) mstructed, where as a young lady aspmng and social status. St. Austell had got grave and mute. St. Austell watched the - ---··- _ ·--·- to be in society she ought to have known all the commoner into the Jockey Club, and downcast fa ce with deepening intere~t. Life's Jot rney. By M. E. BRADDON, I wouldn't tell my husband lies. It oan't answer long.". "'\ till you have a husband of your own before you sermonise. Anything for a quiet lifo, Helen. 'l'hat is my motto," - - RE CHS TE RED - - - PERCH ERON HORSES. FRENCH COACH HORSES. SAVAGE & FARNUM, p l I I McDOUGALL & METCALF, are ottering Coal as follows : 1 Stove and Chestnut, ................. .$6.25 Grate anal Egg, ... ..... .... ............ ...... 6.00 tUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. .. I i M DOUGALL & METCALF I "i I 1 $5 " BELL" she i;v rnm· ><Ac K. said carelessly . . ,, l fancy I have heard society- a. set on which rovalty had been sh1p ped beauty. . . "l will work aud st1 uly, I will not fail," 11 I th 11 st d t 0 th1 k h t th t Cried a m1id fair, ol tender years: - Unapproached. for ese o. c · ones. known to smile, and every member of which _uee ~ er 818 ?,r e _mos "I will work and win," ~nd the blue eyes ~~~~ Tone and Quality. Bnt 1t· was m! clear presently tbat Mr. was on the ro,,_d t o mornl or financial ruin. beautiful woman I ever met, he said to f..onked daunt.lea·, bani> hing boding L ar~. :roff~taff, .who was s itt fog o.~ the roa~ .si.d e Sir Adrian Belfield sll.W a good deal of himself, " but ~his one is lovelier . There ~s She toiled l\nd won, tho p ·ize was here, CATALOGUES FREE. rn lus pb re!;on , pretendmg to cnt101se t he two men He liked St. Austell who more ·of the wild rose-the pure and dellShe felt ehte with joy ond prirle, I f h h d d"d t k now I was eminently . likeable, and never showed ' . h" h blooms a.~d d" . _a And, ushed·teep, with victory, sought to climb t 16 appearance o t e ouu s, 1 no cate per fect10n W IC . 1es m Thoflhigh, rugged mo1 side. Lc rd St. Austell, for ther e wa~ Mr. Beech- the cloven foot except to his intimates· but day. true to her type this girl ought The ymrssped on but ti-ought to her ing introducing Toffs taff to that noblema.n. he did not like ~fr. Beeching still lea~ did not to liv'e to be thirty. And she does not Nothin~ out lalm, toil ._. d pain, 81 0 Toffstaff and Beeching were old friends. be like his future sister-in iaw's manner ?! a rap for Sir Adrian. Belfield, ".nd s~e, jj~~ :1~~~;~%~:t~t:~ :~J'T~ v~~~. prayed, Toffstaff had made his money out of colonial with that young gentl eman. is over head and ears m love with his · th d ·h f t t brother A troublesome complication in l will car ve " name, cmed a danntlesg girl, p rod u ce in_ e _ay~ W en or unes wer e_ o It was not that Mrs. Baddeley openly · ' . " I'll carve wiLh m y pen" lasting name b 3 m~ds In The Beechmg flirted with hi m or encouraged his atten- the pre~ent ~tage of aflairs. . She 3 hould On the glorioug scroll, ·mid honored names, fa mily bad gr own ~ich on the Sto . ck Ex - I ti . one. She only' allowed herself ~o be wor· have '!lllted till sh~ was m~rrieil." , '.rhat st an1 enshl'ined ~a the niche of l"ame I"' change Mr. knew all about the v d b h " · 1 h' f ll h b t Adrian was not Jealous either of L ord St. The ~ auntleBS.·l·.·· as b1,w e nod l> l11e · . d h" s ·.1ppc y 1m. et 1m o ow er a ou A t ]] h b d · d B h As in the ch1ldieh days Gf yore, 0f M money marke t, but he had never soile is like her dog, and screw himself insiduously · use 'w om . e_ a mire ·or r. eec · The raoe so rnsolut· and s:roui:, ,., fingers with scr ipt. 'rhe Beeching fortune into t he chair nearest hers on all occasions. mg, whom he d1shked ; but the at~oaphere To maiden fai r resemblance bore. had been growing and quadrupling iteelf for Sh h d h · · f b · t t of M.orcomb was not agr eeable to him after And they sre om . nut y«w.i lrnva po.s·ed . . . B h' " de _ a a c a~mrng !!'Ir ? emg o a 11y t~n- Ma3 · or Bnddeley's arrival. The house had Sine.· flu shed with pride she won the prize, t h ree goner i\ t10ns, _ smee eec I?,,, gran_ conscious of his ad11nrat1on, and almost; ig. nut still the same strong purpoae stands l',rttayed on br ow, nfl'1 liprnnd eyes. fa.t he!,', h~d made his great coup !n the rad- uored his presence ; a nd yet Adrian felt in- too much the tone of bachelor ~hootm? way ma ma. year, J oeeph B~ ecb1og was an stinctively that she knew all about him and quo,rters. Every room wasst. e epedm tobac· " I will rect cJnt en· , - ceied the woruun gray, only son, and was reputed to be fabulously his fee lings for her a.nd that she tacitly per - co; foi: although 1!1en wer e $Uppoa'.d not to " Though night hasolx cured my uoon-d y sun, rich. His wealth was a standing joke amoLg mitted his adorati~n. smoke m t he dra.wmg r oom.or mornmg room, o~. i~y be~<:lect k?ees, O;. trnc~ 1 ]16 to pu,y, · t· 1 · f · d H d.d t · db . there were S'J m any except ions to that rule Fathe· ' " He.wen, T a.r will > e done ! h is par 1cu a1 n en s . · · The eam o blue oyca, thou~h sadder now, e i no mm e "I wonder Baddeley doesn't see what is d ..B fog chaffed about his millions- took the · . . . . ,, an ··HS. adde1ey and her sister were so Enhanced the pale and gentle face . · ·\thing quite calmly. lodlDJ5 on and g ive his wife a hint, thought r eady to recind it upon all occasions, that, That proudly resolute h iid se·med, ' "Hang it all y ou know a fellow can't rian practically there was smoking everywhere. Butnowb-resoH0w'd 1a-ldened trace. · · I t · B ut ]'r ank B adde1 . k ey and water were the No longer proudly does sh e boast, . t dF . help it if he comes of a mouey · makmg ey was one of t h <Jue es- c· 1 garet tea 'and wh1s But meekly be de her hrnd to bear 11 0 1 ·Iamtullyprepareo we.t en unerai · · 't' bl · t d d" "t' h d' t h Wh t th I ' the shortest notice, a t tbe iowestpoeeibleraMI . ancestry. I know its deuced vulga r t o have 1 1ma e, easv empere me 10 cr1 1es w o perva mg a. moep ere. a .ever e ;our The world 8 \'al? ,n har,h, .unfe eling seom, Oaske ts andBurialCaaesready on short notice plenty of cash now-a-days. One ougln to be never do see what they ought t~ see ; men or the occa:aion. there was ge~era.lly a little And ~onso at1 on seeksm pmyer. ll'lrst-olaes hearse on '\·ery moderate termW ruined. Every ~entleman is hard up. To who so long as t~ey have good dmn~rs and ta?I~ lurk1og m a corner with a brace of An Ottawa Boy on Corn$S)ll·ouda and Coffins constantly 011 hand. Fnn ! own oneself rich is to confs 3 oneself a cad · 1 good horses to nde, and pretty wives to spint decanters and a syphon. The talk, era'ioardssupplled at o~ce. FumUnre Shop a: i only I'd rather be a rich cad than a poo; smile upon them , think that life is as it too, had the same m asc>uline flavour, and The following is the prize essa.y of a small Show Rooms- Bounsall sNewBlock . cad, if it's all the same to you." · should be. It never seemed to l<'ca.nk that rang(d from the st able to the kennels, and boy in O tt R.wa. The prize was a whipping J,ord S t. Austell and Mr. Beeching were a wife who was, so invariably s_miling and fro~ hilliar~s to baccarat. Remin!ecences from his mother for not studying his lessons received at Morcomb with the open hand of com~lacent coula hardly be_ser10usly fond ?f high play Ill L?ndon ~lubs or foreign cas · instea.d of writing the essa.y : . friendship. Colonel D averill had a.n Irish· j of h im. H o never asked hunself '!hether tn<?s were a favorite subJ ect, and the sharp " Corns are of all kinds, vegetable and man's ideas of hospitality considered it his j l.ove w.:>uld n.ot ~ave brn_n mor? exactrng and thrngs that. had been. done on the turf _by anima.1. V eget able corn grows in rows and duty to receive all come; s in and out of more fitful lU its mamfestati.ons- whether men of ~1gh standmg wer e a perenma.l animal corn grows on t oes. There are sevseason. The enter tainmei; t might be of a :ha~ monotony of sweetness m1g~t not mean source of m teres t. ernl kinds of corn ; there is unicorn, Clprisomewhat scrambling and slovenly order, mdtfference.. He was a sleepy krnd of man , The & ist ers seemed in no wise ou t of t heir corn, field corn, and the corn which is t he the dinner might be ver y good or very bad, fond of commonplc.ce pleasures, ~d not on element in thia barrack room society. They corn ycu feel most. Corns have kernels, a feast or a famine as the colonel said, the the alert t o find a th?rn among his roses. . spent their days in idleness, sat about among and dome colonels have corna. V egetable · ·. wine migh t be abundant or the lust bottle _ H ? hl!'d been ~ httle perplexed_ by his the men, fir st in one room and then in a n- corn grows ou ears, but animal corn grows out of the cellar . 'rbe colonel was equally wife s <liai;>lay of Jewellery .one evenmg , a nd other ; played billiarda, pool, or pyramids on the fee t away a t the other end of the at among his " U ests a nd equ11.llv de- had questioned her a bout 1t as t hey drove with skill and success, asked no points from bDdy. Another rival of corn is the acorn, lighted to have them"' r oun:l him. 'Vhat he 'i tete·ta et .e in a. fly t o a dinner at the Abbey . any one, and pock et ed a pool with the eas - and many s ma n who has a corn wishes it . was an acorn. If a fa.rmor manages well he -----------· · - ·- --· wan ted most, perhaps, was an excuse for "Wh~re did ,you ge~ thos~ ~iamonds, iest in the world. enjoying himself and forgetting bla.ok Leo? l'. ou hadn t them Ill India. To Adrian the whole thing was hateful. can get a good deal of corn on one a cr e, but No house could be well cond ucted where "No, I l eft them with father. They are He could not tell Helen that her father's I know a farmer that has one corn that l ont!nues to do a General Banking Bueinose the going a.nd comino- was always an uncer - my grandmoth er's diamonds- old Lady Led- house and manner of living were detestable, makes the biggest acher on his farm. The aBo wmanville Branch. ta.inty, and the num'ber of ~ueste at dinner bury's, don't you know." nor could he ask her to live a life apart biggest crop e>f vegetable coru a man raises, DEPOSJ 'I'S a riddle thnt was only solved when they s11.t "Oh, she left you her jewels, did she ?" under her father's roof, 01· t o put on a.n air the bet ter he likes H, but t he biggest cro1?. down. Neither Leo nor H elen pretended to " Some of them. I was her god-daughter." of exclusiveness which would provoke r idi- of animal corn he r aises, the better he doesn t l All h Id d d tb :teoelved i n Savings Be.nit Department-11.nd 1t1.l'i. a nd interest allowed at curre11t r a tee. ~ o any t alent for housekeep ing, they left every" Ah, to be sure. But you've had them cu e. e cou o was to try an gc er like it." iotice o! withdrawa.l neoessar:r. All depo1lte tbiug t o Brady , t he butler, a.nd to an old re-set, I suppose. They don't look a bit away from that obnox ious abode. payable on dema.nd, Irish cook a nd housekeeper who had been old.fashioned ." He came one morning charged with a letA Cucumber Lee;end. EX()llJl.NGE in the colonel's servbe ever since his mar· "No, t h ey are just as they came to me. ter from his mother . A. cucumber seed and a mustard seed lay riage, and from whom he bad n o secrets. Diamonds are never ol d.fashioned." "Dear Helen,aide by side in t he cold, damp earth. Pres· 3-0nghte.nd sold and Drafts issued upon Europe Lord S t. Austell rode by Mrs. Ba.ddeley's H e asked no more questions, perfectly ".Adrian wants you here again, and ently t hey sprouted. A friendship spr ung Jnited States and Canada, also Gold,Bl!Ter an d side when the hounds moved off, while M11.- satisfied with the explanation; but that I want you just as badly. I lost my new up b 9tween them, and as their leaves un· Jnited Sta~es Groenba.cks bou11:ht and aold. jor Baddeley followed , in conversation with night, when the sisters went home after the daui;:hter just as I had learned to feel that folded t he cucumber vine tenderly clasped Pa.tty Toffsta ff, who was social and loqua- dinner party, Leo followed H elen to her she was a p !!.rt of my existence. Come back, the mustar d plant and said : cious. Mr. Beeching rode alone, and talked room. doiii:. You have had (1uite enough hunting " Let us go on throue;h the world insepPromptly made at current r a tes upon a ll par to no ':ody. H e was not a part iculaily "Helen, I've got somethiag to ask you." and exci tement of all kinds since you left us. arable a.a we h ave hit her to been." at Great Br ittain, the Unlte d States and De agreeable looking young man. H e had a " What is it, dear ?" Come back and le11.rn to reconcile yourself " 'Ve will," r eplied the mustard plant. minion o f Canada. " You k now the old garnet necklace Lady t o the quiet life and the grave old house And now wherever the cucumber goes the low forehead, a pug nose, a large j aw, and '1.'eleg1·aph '1'1·an sre1·s that must be your s in t he fut ure. However mustard is almost certain to follow. altogether too much of the bulldog type for L edbury left me?" " Of course I do; but you never wear it." happy you may be in t he old home with your Mo.d~ ~<!lr large or small sums on all pnrls ol beauty ; and ~his dark sallow countenance Oanada. This Is especially adva ntageou1 to ~nd sullen expression contrast ed curiously " I told Frank she llft me diamonds. father, dear, I think it must be better for Still Sea.rnhing. persons living In Manitoba or the North·we·I with St. Auat ell's d elicately fair skin, blue Don't l et the cat out of t he bag, t ha t's a you to be in your new borne with your as lt m.a.kes the funds a.vailable at _ onoe a\ lhe eyes, an d pale auhurn moustache. St.. Aus- 1 darling. 1 didn't want him to k now that I mother. Mrs. Bj ones - " I hear that young Mr. plaoe of payment. Sisay ia still in search of a wife ?" " E ver your affect ionate, tell had the air of ha.ving j ust stepp ed out . had bough t t hem out of the money I ·Won For further particulars call at t he Bankln of a picture by Sir P eter Lely. "c . .B." Mr s. Jsmith- " W hy, I t hought he was backin~ horses last spring. He migh t n't 1 Bouse. " You have made her write th is, Adrian." married!" Miss Tojfstaff was extremely graciou~ t o like me to bet." T . RODIE, GEO. McGJLL, Mn. Bjones- " So he was. She's left Mnjor Baddeley, but she was debating in I "Of course he wouldn 't like it. No, I " Made her I My mother is not a woman , Accountant. Manaa·r her own mind all the time how she could won't betray you. But if I wer e you, Leo, to be made t o write what she does not feel, h im , She's Lhe one he's in search of." ·Iv ORGANS a.b.~u~ ~~l~~V~n!~~ffth~; !::~;\im," ~~~c~ c:~~~':nfe~t ~~~l~u~~~:s~::;nc~~:o~f ~~fe:~~~~,h=n~a~e ~::~ !~':. ~v~~v~~~~ 8 I I.,. . ,, . .. . I l'REEMAN11 W ORM POW:i) ERS J .' pler.3nnt to t lll<e. Coutaln their oW!l /nrgati vo. l3 a s afo, aura, nn<l eifccm a.R deat.n>J"Ol' o t wo.r.;;iu in Cl.lildreu oi: Ad~l;D', RTA KIN C UNDE - .:BM-YO RR IS LEVI STANDARD BAN K OF CANADA. 4Japltal paid n 11, $ 1,000,000, Rest, $2tl0,00 l I I )' s DUNN B A KI N I I ·5 This Bank h prepared to do L egltl · mate Bauking in all its branches. Farmers notes discounted ; Dep oalte 1eoeived and Interest paid on amou n t s of upwards ln Savings B an k Depart m ent: DRAFTS (ast1.ed and Collections made in Europe united Stat.ea and Canada. W. J. ,TONES, Ageo THE COOK NTARIQ BANK THE O DER P0 W 'S BEST FRI END To buy F oot Gear for Men, ·women, I I D.A ris' Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM! Our N e w Stock has arrived, and com· prises something n eat and pretty for Ladies, G ood and Ser viceable for M en e.nd B oys, an d Boot s that R B oots for every member of t h e h ouseh old. TJUfNKS, Y AL I SE S, dl[S~~TCllELS . IN STOVI(, Boys and Maidens, at · I , ~Ordered W or k and Repairing a Spe cialty , a.s usual. D. DAVIS ~

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