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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1888, p. 4

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P. TREl1L'C0 CK.' TOWN NEWS CLEANED 1 AUCTION SAL c;S. Pictures Framed VERY CHEAP. DY THE BARON. NEW STYLES OF MOULDINCS IN A FEW DAYS. I am still continuing to give five quires of Note Paper for 25 cts. Most excellent value. I am going to surprise you all with my WALL PAPE RS this spring. One consignment already in. Those who know say I have vood taste. Come and see. - ----------- - --·----- P. TREB1LCOCK. &ht fLanadiaa cftatnmau. . BowMANVILLE, APRIL 11, 1888. TnE tea crop in ,Japan is a heavy one and wholesale prices have dropped 4 to 5 cents in CanadR . THE flour trade is said to be terribly dull and no improvement is expected till nevigation opens. ·-· 2k22 cs. Tim of this paper has never been suspected of stealing a bushel·anda-half of apples from his landlord. ; l\lont.realers complain because Toronto ia receiving the fine butter that formerly ~ound a ready market down there. '.rorouto wants to gobble down evet·y· thing. I ·' _ THE Governmen~ has decided to award the .Atlantia mail subsidy to the Allan and Dominion steamship lines, BO it is rumored. This will be generally satisfactory to the commErcial community. THERE is tiO It is reported that the Big 20 is about to llhange hands. Look out for chicken thieves, the woods are full of them it is said. Tho Cabinet makers fo the Furniture Factory are worki ng full time again. Mr , Archie Tait visited the flourishing village of :Millbrook last Sunday and Monday. Mr. Wm. Morrison has taken a situation in Mr Dickson's large Carriage Works, 'l'oronto. Quite a small n umber of farmers came in un Thursday to 1,1 ttend the stock sale on the Markd Square. Mr. Harry Tait is preparing for a large v.all paper trade, having had a new depository specially built. A full rehearsal o f "Ruth" by the Choral Society was held last night in the vestry of ·he c .. ngregational church. Mr. Geo. Smith, of the Organ Factory, was "Cello " player at the ".Accidentals" concert in Pon Hope last week, The funny man of the P ort Hoi;e Times broke out last week in the same old place, introdncing the same old cbesLuuts. We are glad to b& able t o say that Mr. Thos. 'Brodie, of the O ntario Bank, is improving rapidly. We h ope to see him a.round all right shortly. Mr. J ,,hn Squair, :B. A., of Toronto, waR in r.own last week attendinl! the funeral of the late Mrs. E. Prout 'vhich to< ·k place on t.l1e 2nd inst. It was expected by the D. 0 . & P. 0 (), Band that the G, T. R. would give them a special ra· e for Mr. Carey to visit the town once a week, but nothing could be done. Dr. Beith has moved back into his own dwelling on Church-st., which has been entirely remodelled a.nd is now one of the ·most handsome, commodious and comfortable re8id ences in town. Un Friday a team belonging:1to Mr. T. H. McM.urtry, b··ing hitched too long, the pole dropped frightening th11 animals and they got away. No damage was d une, except the breaking of the tongue. Mr. Jamee Darch, foreman of the Smithing D epartment of the Toronto c.. rr-iage Parts Co., was in town on Monday on busineEs in conneciion with the Bowmanville Ca{riage and Implement Works. Mr. Lediard, the Evangelist who WWI to preach in the Disciple church last Sunday, was unable to do so on account of severe illness in his family. Due notice will be given when other airangements are made with l1im. Con ton Bowmanville are getting up an eveniug'11 entertainment, to consist of mmic by the Quintette, 11ini:ting by the bPst local tHlent, and burleeque entitled "An Exposition of Oddfellowship," Encourage the members by your presence. THURSDAY, APRIL 12th.-A C ""ring sale of the eflects of Mr, J oho W; icock, Jot 2 0, ' con. 6, Darli11gton, nea· . Hampton, compriaing househol.d ful!·tt.ure, .about 100 loads stab!~ manure, " quantity of straw. hay, c:.,1.tle chains, etc.. l::lale Ht 1 o'clock. See bills for particulars. s. c. HU NKING, Aue. SATURDAY, APRIL 21.- Mr. L ewid Lyle who is giving up bus·ness as teRmster Silve r Street., Bowmanville, will sell his two fine mat ched teams, wagons, sl'"'ighs, harness, plows, ha~ r ows chaff cutter, trnck, bags. furni - Is the cheapest place t o buy a t ure.' and various other articl .. s. S ale S team Thr eshing Machin e ; or a at l · p. m. adjoining Lyle's Elevator, No. 1 Steel B in rle r-~omPthmg B"wman·llle. S ee posters. S · C. new but thorough lv tested, 800 HUNKING, Auctioneer, working year ; a n ew Double SATURDAY, April 28. -Mr. Hany Hill, SpH ed Mower --tbe b~st in the w . Etern Bound ry, North Oshawa, w ill aell hi· farm stock, impli;iments. market ; a Horse Rake that a 5fu rnit.ure, etc., without rPaer ve, as y ear-old 'Q . iy can dump ; 4 kind s prop rietor is going to Englund. Sale 1 ?f' Seed Dr;lls, ch eap ; Sulky a t 1 p. m. See bills. S. C. HUNKING, Plows, 'T'win and Sin gle Plows ; a Auc tioneer. n ew kind of Diau!ond Harrows ; S.ATURDAY, APRIL 28.-Big sale of lands, Spring houses, etc. in Oshawa. S. C H um c- Honey Fanning Mirls ; Tooth Cultivators and (farrows ; ING , Aue. A ucTION SALlls.-S.C. Rllnking, c, urt- Farmer£ l::lcales ; Horse Forks ; tice, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer, for :::iheaf Slings ; Machine Oil and Darlington and. Whitby, Bowma~ville BindP,r Twine. and Oshawa, Appraiser, &c. All busmess attended 1o promptly. Orders may be Farmere call and inspect before left at the STATESMAN office, Bowman ville, pl cing your orders. or Refol'mer office, OshH.wa. To Farmers and Thrashers I --o-- VARIETY HALL Contains a large assortment of C. ROCERS' SATURDAY, April 14.-Mr, G eo. D obson, Jot, 14, con. 1, Darlington, will sell bv public auct,iur.. his valuable farm stock, implements, etc , without reserve, as h e i s retiring from farmiug. Sale at 1 p. m. See bills. L. A, TOLE, Aue. R. Hutchison, Licensed Auctioneer for the Townships of D .. rlington, Whitby, Clarke, Ma.nvers and Cartwright. Sales attended to promptly and at reasonable rates, Where it is not conveni~nt to 11ee me, arrangements ca.n be made with the Editorof thtlSTATESMAN.-R.HuTCBISON, Enniskillen N.13.- 0uradvertising rate for auction sales, when we do not print the safo bills, is 25 cents a line. each insertion. Fon DELICATE, SICKLY CJIILDltEJO" Scott's Emulsion is un11qualled. S ee what Dr; C. A. Black, of Amherst , N. 8., says: "I have be11n acquainted with Scott'11 Emulsion of Cod Liver O il, with hypophosphites, for years,- ano consider it onb of the finest preparati<'>us now before the public. Its pleasant flavor makes it the great favorite for children, and I do high· ly recommend it for all wasting diseases of children and a.oulta. Put up in 50.J. and $1 size. Miu Annie M. Coleman, Bowmanville, Miss Harriel R. Sutherland, Cobourg. and Miss Cbrislina .A. Mitchell, Porl Hope, were amongst lboee to whom certilicales were granted al the Tornnlo General Hos. pilal Training School for nurses. NEw,PoaTAL ABRANOEMENTS,-If any of our readers are remitting registered letters lo lbe U . S., ii should be· remembered lha1 the registry rate has been reduced from five cents to two cents. &. nnifo1m rate now prevails over ~be United Slates and Canada. -On Tuesday evening, iu the Queen St. Methodist church, the Rev. D. McDonald, M. D., (<;five a thoroughly interesting and iustruclive lecture on Japan . Nearly fift.een yenra ago Dr. McDonald and Hev. Mr. Cochrane were sent to oven a mission there, and the audience was favored with a racy and graphic description · of the couutry, the people, lbcir political, educational, .,soeial, moral and religious coudilion, Their im· provemen I in all these respects is really marvPl:ous, and lheir eagerness for Wederu civilization gives promise of rapid progress in the fulure. The missionary work now carried on hy lbe Christian churches was forcibly presented 11a a c'hief factor in the grand revolution, and special cr;iilt given tot.he Woman's Missionary Society. Dr. MaDonald eltpaots to return lo Japan in lwo or three montha. LECTURE ON JAPAN C. ROGERS. A OARD. --o -- JOHN GRIGG wiahl's to return his s inc,.,re thanks to the people of W(< St Durham for 1h.,ir hhoral pa·rona!,Je during the 8 years he has been in business and alsv for t he pr;imptneos in paying him np so that he can pa.y 0 for everything . Giving him thtJ very heat chance a buyer can hijve in the wholesale mark et and :is a result he is able to sell as cheap as anyone in the trade that pays 1.00 cents on the $. His dry goods are new and new patterns and the best that can be bought. He eays he itJ coming agl!.in as soon as the roads are good enonf!b, wit.h the hest and largest titock he ever had on the road. F1-.ur wagons, eal..sm1in as follows!: Mr. David Grigi.:, in Clai:ke ; Mr. Wm Richards, in ·J)adington ; Mr. Victor E. Cole, in Cartwright, 1rnd a wagon in the t own and villages. He earnestlv solicits the people's patronage and intends to take Farm Produce in exchange for goods. He wante 200 tons of every kind of old iron, rags, boaes, etc. 100 lhs good geese feathers for sale. Also a light single . wagon to t rade for a lleavy one. Yollr humhJe servant, BABY CARRI ACES, Wall Paper, Fancy Window Shades, Express Wagons, Picture Frames, etc. All of which are being offered at prices that cannot be beaten. Come in and we will prove it to you. J. H. KENNER, Variety Hall, Bowmanville. littfo demand for American It has been suggested that if the Dand can ~pt\re their stand on the Market Square, to have glass put in all around Mr. Resigns. anrl wax work tigurell of the present School Board' taken and placed therein At tho reKular meeting of the as a fi·ting memorial of their stupidity School Board the Chairman, Mr. R. and cuseedn~as. Windatt., p laced his resignation before the Board, givi··g the following reasons: 1\Ir. Alf. McEwen went to Oshawa to I am one of the members placed upon assist in the cnnteta"Daughter of Jairus." the Board in the interest of the High l-l e is e"gaged to ph~y principal violin in School. I have therefor.i felt it my duty the Orchestra. Has our Choral Society throu~ho ut tbi 11 protracted and unhappy procured an orchestra yet 1 If not it is wr&ugle to insist that in the School a strange thing in a musical town like accommndation to be provided, the inter- this to be without one. Will some one eat of the High Schoo·! should receive due in the business 'I conaiderat1on, I have ·~ought no advant· The Dominion Organ Co. Band began age for the [ljgh over the Public School, their seasons playing by giving the fil'llt · but that <'qual accommodation should be open air concert Jaat Monday evening, provided 'for b< ·th and in harmony with pr<>bahly it was the cold chilly air or the the policy of the Education Department, pflor lights, Cir the want of practice, but and the more so a~ I h> shown, 1 think, the JJlaying was bad, however u. b ~ d beeuccessfnlly that in 110 doinl!' no additional ginning makes a eood ending. When is expense w1·uld he impoped on ·t.he town. Mr. Carey coming1 Hitherto this Hoard has borne the unenThrough the energetic action of the viable distinction of haviug, so we have Chief of Police, the entire property of the been ropeatedly told by successive High Bristol drummor was rescued from the School inspectors, the worst H. S. ac- clutches of the vandals. Great credit is eommodation in the Province. l had due to the entire police force for the wished that ad·rnntage would be taken of prompt mannt r in which action wae the present cr!ais . in our history to rid taktin in regard to the matter, especially <mraelves of t.h1s d1sgr<1ce and to do tardy as no cine could be obtained. justice to our High School Bnt no. By ( . . the resolution ,.f the last meeting of the' The Salvation Army turned o11t m full Board this disgrnc" is perpetuated, the fore~ lust Sunday afternoon. They are a 1nterest of the H. s. utterly ignored, and credit to the town r espectable,_ clean I am forced to the conclusitm that my and. orderly ; and whe,n accompam.ed by usefulness is ~one, and that I can no the1~ band, we doubt if any town 111 tlie longer remain a meruber of the Board provmce c~n turn out a finer corps. The without the sacrifice of mv self-respect. I prePent offi.cers are well hked ~nd the must therefore respectfully request you Saturday mght and Sunday meehn~s are to accept my resignation. always well attended. R. w·rNDAT:r. The 7 o'clock closing movement does not work exactly like clock -work V"'t. A Ma.n Caught Kissing a Lady Som11 people are afraid of th<>ir souls. that , their n tJighbor will take in lOc more than After this reaches the eyes of the 12,- I they do, so they just wait to see if Mr. 600 ruders of THE STATESMAN, and not ' So·and·so h as closed yet, Mr. So·and-so having in his possess,on one of M. May· I is hanging off to see if the other man er'11 Spring ha1 .s, should be brought be- across the way has closed, and so it goes. fore His Worship, Geo. Haines, Esq , That's what's the matter with the townPolice Magistrate, and be heavily fined. too many small souls in it. Thse new and s tylish hats add so much Mr. Geo. Lorriman, of Toronto, who to a m11-n'11 respeotability that the above offence should be C<1neidered almost un- was reported iu this column last week objectionable, when one is worn,especially as being very ill, died on the 1st iF1st. His bndy was brought here . for burial, if the offttnder does not use tobacco. the funeral taking plaee from Mr. Johu F or all maidens younq and rosy Ruddock's. Deceased was an ardent Rad1er enjoy kisses that student of the " Art Divine," and out of Are given beneath ·h e shelter respect tu bis memory the band turned Of a new and At.ylish hat· out and escorted the remains to the A FAMILY FRIEND.-Dear Sirs.-We cemetery. Mr. Lrirriman was insured in have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil for sore the Canadian Order of Foresters for throet and colds, and always can depend $1,000, al'ld in the Royal Arcanum for on it to cure. Wo also use it for sore $3,000. shoulders on our horses. Mrs. William The concert in aid of Trinity Church Hughey, Wilberforce P. 0., Ont. held \\1 edne8day evening last was a success, financially and otherwise. Quite a number were turned away on account Consumption Surely Cured. of the seats being all taken. Those who To THE EDITOR: took part acquitted themselves very Please mform your reade{s that I have credita··ly, especially Miss Shaw, of Port a nositive remedy for the above nan1ed Per ry, wh1J at once became a favorite disease. By its timely use thomands of with the audience. The euphonium solo hop !lless eases have been permanently by Mr, Geo, L orriman was rendered very cured. I el1all be glad to send two bottles well, indeed, H e played a composition 0£ my remedy li'REE to any of your by the late Dr. Hartman, entitled, read ere who h in ·e consumption if they " Artist's Polka. " Miss Lizzie Climie will eend me their Express and P. 0. and Mrs. Odell were the pianists. We addresa. hope to hear of anot her in a short time. &spectfolly, DR, T. A. SLOCUM, 37 You can always depend upon Trinity Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. 1 having something gooq. grain iu Britl\in that New York etoamship lines are cnrrying it free to Liverpool for ballaet. This is bad news for farmers as well as ehipj)er11. The large Russian wheat aupply has demoralized the market. JOHN GRIGG, West Durham Travelling Merchant. B owm1mville, March 28th, 1888. 13·5w* HARDWARE ! HARDWARE I ! Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils. . DR.HODDER'Ssj CURES Liver Complaint, Dy8pep81a, llUlou~ue~. BURDOCK ·; ' . 11>' ':ITJ I I ·ebility. 1·11rely Ycu::ctable. lllglaly concentrated. pleasant, eOectwal, R:lfe \~ _n1/q, Fem ale Weak· \ COMPOUND "'~ -eases and General ·/ \\~~PAn11~1 A N D' Sick Uaaduche, Kidney Troaables. K111ium11ll·m. !<kin Dbea~es and &II lmparltfes or the 'Uood rrom " 'hat· .- v.-r c1tusc url.~tng --o-- BEO.£.MANNINSBegs to inform ths inhabitants of Bowmanville and surrounding Townships that he has opened out business in the old stand, formerly occupied ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door east of Standard Bank, and will at all times keep in stock all goods t1sually kept in a first-class Hardware Store, con~isting of ASK FOR DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. Tu_ ke no otb11r. Soltl everywhere. Prlc-e, 1li 1:e11ts per boltlcs. DR. HODDER'S Sold everywhere, Price, 25cents and W cents poi'. bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers The UNION MEDIVINE (JO, Toronto, f ;nn. ~iiiiiiiil SOOTHING, COUCH AND LUNG CURE CLEANSING, HEALING. I t Cures Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c, I shall a.lso keeD a well assorted stock of the best manufacturers' COOK, HALL & PARLOR STOVES. Stove Pipes, Micas, &c. Tbe n1anuf~1elure We clip Iba following from the Toronto Globe in reference to the death cf Mr. H. " ' ill receive spt>cial atten1ion. and putting 111· ot· Eave Troughs T. Phillips, well known ail through this · didtricl,:- " Mr. H . T . Phillipa died at bis residence, 98 f\fcCaul street, Toronto, on Tuesday, aged 57 years. Mr. Phillipe was born in England, and came lo Ibis country when quite young. For more than twenty years be resided al B11mpton, Ontario,from whither he came qui le r~cenUy to Toronto. He leaves a wifo, two daughter's 11nd one son, Dr. Philli p~, of RocheAter, N. Y. One daughter i~ married to Mr. Joseph Ruse, of Ibis city, and one to Mr. S. M Cle mens, me1cbant, '.l'Jrone, Ont. Mr Phillips was one of the best known men in WesiDllrham County. H is strict integrity and broad libemlity made him the friend ot all, no maLter what their po!itioal or religious oreed. He amassed a considerable fortnne. A.bout four years ago he was at· t acked with acute neuralgia, and since lhat time was a lilera.l martyr io eufferiug. ' CATARRH,, Having purchased cheap for cash, I am preparecl 1 to sell goods at small profits and prices will be · cut close to suit the times. HAY FEVER. @m~~@m m~ n~mmrtm@, STOPS Gold in Head, Bowmanville, A pril 2nd, 1888. c:rce6eive e:x:pcctorntion caused by Catarrh. _ Sent pro-paid on receipt of price, 50c. nnd $1. Address · EASY TO USE. Dropplcgs f r"m N nsnl pnssnges hi· to the throat and FULFORD & CO·· Brockville. Ont· ICURE '- when I say ounE I do not mean merely tiJ stop them tor a timo. nnd then have tllem return aA'ain. I MEAN A. RADICAL CUlUF.. l bave made the disease of · Think Carefully, Decide Wisely, FITS! Act Promptly. ~~-~o---~~- Caro. of Thanks. T o Thmnas B-ingham, Esq. , Agent for the Jla1-tf01·d Ji'fre In$U?'<1n ce Co.- FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, ,A.ll:elonitstndy. I WARltANTmyremedyto CUR"E the Sm.- By a unanimous vote of Victoria No . 37, A. F . cf.: A :M:., G . R 0 . I have been instructed to tender )Ou the tllnnks of said Lodge for the prompt c.nd liberal manner in which your Company settled their recent loss i'y tire, having given a cheque for the amount in less than a week after the fire. We t ake great pleasure in recommending the said }-fartfm·cl Co, to the pubE<i. Yours Respectfully, · W. E . PlllTHICK, Sec. Lod~e. worst cases. Because others. have tailed Is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Bend a.t once !or a treatise auda.FRE1 1BOTTL!l of my INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Express and l'ost Office. It costs you nothing ! 01· a trial, and it will cure you. Address Dr. H, Ch ROOT, 37 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. satisfaction. Having bought for prompt cash, saving largest discounts given, from the most reliable manufacturers, a well assorted stock of Ladies' and Gents' We possess the facility and inclination to give BOOTS .AND SHOES, In Styles-The Latest, Descriptive of the so11 . 1:11111ate,Pro1l1tetlon~. JtJ11n1tf1rnt.nri11g Jndn·trlcs and Mlnljrnl lVc nlth of "t'irglnlu and other 8outllern States. Write ti) l'f. n . BEl'ILT., Geu'I rasa. Agent, Enclosing 2·cent Stamp. ROANOKE, VA., FREE I 8 ILLUSTRATED PAPER A 26-PAGE BREADMAKER'S YEAST. DREAD m:«lc of t his Y east took 13z F ir s t P ri zts at Ontario F a ll Show5 in 1887. 0 \·cr xo,ooo b e.Hes h!1.VC w ritten t o s ay t hat it sur passt:.s any yva:st C \ 'Cr u sed by the m. It makes t h e li g-htc~ l, whitest, sw<!etcst brcud, i-ulls, Uuus and buckw heat pa nc akc!-i. fbkc:·s in n early e v ery t own fo Canada arc us ing-"it. Qualities-Excellent, Prices-:.:I"'ow. TRUNKS AND VALISES IN GREAT VARIE'IY. We want you to call and investigate goocts and prices. !H!!::!:!!:~!!l PRICE FIVE CENTS. JOHN HELLYAR.

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