tant friend. B · 'II · h - b Spring is hero at lut. This statement . (L.A.TE HoSBACK & FIEJ~ _ D. owmanv1 e sprmg 1 iorse s ow w1 11 e held Friday, April 27th. is ma~o on undoubted authority and can BARRISTER, Solicitor, Not:ir l &e. be relied on. OOBOURG. ' Cut both ends of an envelope and it Office,-Armour Block, KinR Stroot. ·)c bo?comea a capital newspaper wrapper. It behoovea my young fellow citizens, 22. FRANI< M. F ·~w. therefore, to array th1mtselvee. in a man· Dr. Potter, cffice and residence, Prow- ner befitting the season. er's Block, King-st., Bowmanville. l-tf. A hat is the most important item of CURE SIOK HEADACHE. Apply to HI<JH. FOSTER. Votin~ on the By-Law to raise $13,000 · d d "f · b Id d I ti NewcaF1tl0. l!-tf f l "1 b . 1· k 1 S sprmg ress ao i it e o an u4 y ie or sc 100 ml< mgs ta es Pace on atur- wearer cannot be in tune with Nature. d 28 h · A purely vegetable Sugar Co!Lted RICK HOUSE TO RlTINl' on $cu!!og ay t m et. Undoubtedly the best assortment of C ompare th 1s ' pape1· wit ·1 · compe t' f d t 1· h s prwg an d S ummer street. Apply t.o R. WINDATT, I:>-tf 1 its t · o now an s y 1s Pill for Torpid Liver, Headache · d ont con tarn · fi ve times · h a. t s are t o b e seen n ow a t M . M.ayers. ' tors and see l'f it ll'UA'l'ION WANTED by a younit as much news. Call to be convinced. Billiousnese, Constipation, and all woman as houaemo.iil or light 110usowork. Mrss McG1mG OR, Bowmanvill·'. Address Our supplementary list of paid-up subThe latest and most stylibh things in 15·3w kindred complaints. 'b d M I1 S I1001 t re gents' furo1'sl11'ngs, sl11'rts, ties, c.,llars, c ~en ers an urc repor s a again crowded out. cufl:'s, gloves, handkerchiefs, cuff and OUSEKEEPER WANTED- Io .a collar buttons, socks, and summer underfarm house "'t once. to take full m"1HLg._ Mr. W . P. Prower, the new Town M , d ment. Apply to JACOB BRANCH, Courtfoo. w ... Treasurer, gives $4,000 eecurit.y-self wear are t o be found at M. ayers, an J52 w'* stnck, iP1plements, etc., {ln Saturday. Mrs. !VI'S, wife of Mr. W. H. lve~. has $2,000, other surety $2,000· selling very cheap too. OU,. E TO LET.-A comfortah!ti Ji Mr. Wm. Muir, of 'r oronto, was in boulo(ht Mrs. Anderson's store and dwellM iss Thomas has retnt'ued to town and In the Spring a young man's fancy, room house, with orchard and gf\rden. town last week looking after his property. ing on Kiug St. for $3,500. Mr. Ives is resumed her duties . after spending the I Fondly turns to thop ghts of style, in a flrat·cla·· loc11lity fo1 form labor. t\pplj> to RICHARD Fos1·1m, Newcastle. H·tf Try .J,-,hn Grigg's d elicious teas-3 lbs. to occupy i r, next month as a t ;1iloring e.s· winttJr at tbe Woman's Medical Oo1le"e And he goes t.o Mayers i<nd purchases 0 Removes Impurities of the Blood for $1.00. Equal to ihe best40 cent teas. tabliahment. · roronto. '1 A fashionable 'file. TORE TO LET .-The st< lre n o w o... A NOTE OF wA1~:-i1NG ·.ro Ir CANADIANS.. ·-· ··---copied by Mr. W. I-I. I ves, on King St.rM\;, and tones up the systtm. Me·srs. J. G. Henry, Alfre dE . H orsey · h The manv friends of Dr. B. Lammiman I m, w o j oin in congratulating him p IWTRCTEON. FOR M ERC:HANT~. - Th e two doors oas ot the P 0 . Possea·ion Ma;y and Ml'. John Humber have returned Mr. James Richard<1011, of '-i11gstc passing hii 011 10th. Apply to A. BUCKLER, Jeweller, has ju~t i·eturned from California, says Jinal cxamiaation at Trimty Medical followmg sens~ble B";!?gestwns m an ex:15- t t SANDHAM'S SARSAPARILLA removes from California. of the system Our readers can depend on getting a that three fourths of the Jlcople who go School with first-class honors. cIi a.nge are the 0 utl·nes . ' Pimples and improves the Complexion. , d d there expecting to make riches arc di_spursued by the Bowmanv1lle Board of EAS WANTED.-3000 bush els of good j 0 b done at Th · 08 P eate e, yer an appointed. Only a few are successful m Mrs . Johnston Kennedy, Po:ity pool, T iade, Lhe chief difference being that the small peas wanted at the Caledonian Sl.NDHAM's SARSAPARILLA is most clothes cleaner. See his advt. Mills. Bowmanville, for which the very eve n making a living. gave birth to .a twelve and a lrnlf pound B oard does not print the list, but it ia est price will be paid. J'oaN M.4.clrAY.hti.:hProbeneficial for Eru11ti ve Skin IJiseases Order Doors,: Sashes, Blinds, Pickets, .A Cartwright gentleman 11.sl;s, " What girl one evenmg last _week; . also . Mrs. kept in a book to· which every member prietor. ~2-tf. and for all Scrofulous Complaints. etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty are the duties of the Scott Act inspector J ames Masters to a pair of twms, gul and has access :-"A prurient step for mcrOL'l'S .FOR SALE.-One thr.,e -year· street, R .H. Osborne, leasee. for the handsome salarv he receives, and boy. chants to take to save themt1elves from old and one two-year·old - both " O i;( SANDHAM's SARSAPARILLA counterLAIJIEs-i::ee the fine .stock of boots why do we see so many drunks around Buwma.nville Canton, I. 0. 0. ]!'., in- bfling defrauded hy dishonest customers good u.nd promising animals. Apply to Wf>l· acts the ill effec rs often r11eulting from M AI,COLM, lot 18, con 3, Darlington. Bowrn&I)4o Geo. Buck is showing. The quality of darly 1 Answf\r- First. To prnsecute all tent visiting 03hawa on Saobath, 29th would be the formation of a loc"l protec- ville P. 0 . H~f. the use of mercurial remedies. the stock, and prices sell them ~t sight. Scott Act offenders. Second-Because inst., to attend the religious services to tive society. Societies c;f this kind ex1~t ISS MOLLEN is prep1md t<> do Mr. Laing has got nicely settled in his he does not do his duty. be condueted there by Rev. N. F. Mar· under proviacilll and st ·te patronage both dressmakrng and sewing by t.he d1t y qy new premises, n ext d oor to Murdoch Robert Tippet, jun., a younl! man tin, Pas· Grand Maater. here and acr~ss the lines, and seem to the houecs of her patrons. May be sceu and Bros. · Give him ~· call and observe how about 22 years old, 800 of Mr. Robert Mr. Burden chairman of the R ·1ads work successfully, and there is no r"ason orders mi<y be left at M.rs. John Oroek'·. on l5·t! chetirful the shop looks. Tippet, lot 8, 6th concession of Hope, and Streets C~mm1ttee, stated at the lasr. why a local institution would not ?e ?f the hill in the western part of town. Mrs. A . S. Anderson left yesterday for while chopping in the woocls had a tree Council Meeting that all petitions for c?rrcsponding bei:ent. ~he formah_ on is r r AIJ,OB. ING. - Mr. Hindson, T>lilcir;, 'J'nronto. Her place· of b11siness will be fall upou him. He nu.rrowly escaped changes in sidewalks and a·recta should s1mp~e, the work mg 18 si~ple and mexat Mc· :Jung Bros.· is now preps.red ~ make a limited number of suite tor count'l'V 335 Spadina AvE'uue. The brat wishes with his lifo. His left leg was broken be presented as S<>on as possible. pensive, and whe~e there is n?~ a shadow buyers ()r rrom OUI side OStabJiehruent fj, ;J;JJ between the knee and the ankle. M L G Q · k b b ht 1 t th of doubt as to its i.treat utility to the trance through Quick & Co's store "5·tf , If one Sponge costs 25c. 3 Sponges Of her many friends acoompa.ny her. r. b. eo. ufcM .· as 0 ~ ~ mercantile class. A printed list of all -~--- -----·~-· --L The Editor of this journl\l is a superior Richard \Valter, a former resident of · h J.\l;rn~ss ~sim}is o JJ.u·~re: t u~h reh persons knnwn to be dishonest or iudifOUSE AND LOT TO REN'!" -'fhat will cost 75c; but we can give you judge of carpets, so ladies say, and he Hope, ?ied on Frid..y, 30~h March, int.he I ayer a.n move:. in o e BM>p feren t a.bout meeting their obligations is plen.aant,!y sltuated house opposite ti~ r . given to every member of the society. English Chmch. Posseesi()n April lat, Hooil one Sponge at i!Oc. which will last pron11 unces the new displ"Y by · C0ucl;i, township of St. Vrncent, coun·y Grey. mown as '."es . auc 1011 room. garden and orchard- ! acre land. Apply to Jnhnaton & Cryderm& n the best ever Deceased gent.leman was born at Hart- . Humphrey will still be head workman. 'fhe list is revised four or five times CHAS. REITH, Bowmauville J:J'tf· .a,s long as any t1ree Sponges that made in t.,wn, quality, variety and price land Devonshire, Eagland, on the 3rd of Here is a Scott Act conundrum. \Vluch durin" the year for the dropping of some _you .can buy at 25c. each. This ARM FOR SALE.- A sm"ll farm 'dered. See for yourself, reader. May'. 1823, came to.Canada in 1850. He is the greater crime, to accept a premium nam~; and the addition of others, if just outside or Bowmanvlllo will bo so~ Mr . . Lyle is moving temporarily ac- leaves ·a wido\v, six sons aud three frotn a man for insuring his house and necessary. With a guide of tbis deocrip· on very .· is a special line of extra toug reasonable term·, on whioh are frcHlJB cross the street to the coruer store in daughters behind. He was a brother of pocket the money with.,ut insuring the tion th~re would be less giving of credit., house, barn and et.ables. lfor parti(lutftlii :Sponges, imported direct from th Bounsall's Block while his old store is Mr. John ~alter, Hope. MR. W . M, HoRS!i:Y, Bowman ville. apply to house, or to accl'pt a "handsomti salary" merchants would eave them·clves from 51-tt being torn down and rebuilt in modern Jac~b Young, son-in-law of Marv~n as Scott Act inspector and pocket the the trouble and vexation of many a had .Sponge Markets, of New York. style, the intention bein~ to make it the Kini!, Pontypool- late of. _ the township money without performing tht1 duties 1 debt, and those who from a habit of buy. OOD BUILDC KG- LOT FOR SALE. - That splendid building lot opposite tll.d SEE THEM. finest grocer.land provisio1111torein town. of Hope:--got .on the, tra.m at Newtoni\.t a special meeting of the Board on ing with the avowed inten1in~ of never residence of .John w.,slcy Esq., on the rim. 'M~ -PL.A.STER. -'l'he attention of ville, and wanr.cd to get off at- Newcastle, M c mday nillht the plan of new school paying for th~ good_s they receive, would west of this town will be sold on very i·c neon· farmers is called to the fact. that McClel- but the expr<:s11 did not stop there. In buildings submitted by Mr. W . J. Smith, be forced to hve with .less extravagance, Rhle terms. Apply to M. A. JAMES or J'OHN 13·U' Ian & Co., Bowmanville, have on hand a jumping he f.ill UDderthecars, the sleeper; architect, 94 Peter-st. Toronto, was a·c- and only g11t such thmgs as they were FLJ£TCHER, owner, Bowmanville. large quantity of land salt in bags and and several other cars passed over him{ cepted almost llnanimously. The Build- able to pay for. HI'l'~WASHING.-Mr. E. TAYLOR. - - - --pla11ter in barrels at lowest cash prices._ comple'tely cutting of one of his legs aria ing Committee will suggest somii changes W is and prepared to rlo all kinda or whi&&Order bulk salt and plaster early. ~fo- influcring other injuries, that it is doubt- in the plan, however. Estimated cost, A BARREL l:'U'LL OF MONEY is a good washlng kalsominrng and respect!ullr ful if he 111<18 ,000 · thin!!' ·. cO. . will recover. , w ., to have, but health is better than solicits tbe public patronage. Orders may.be C LELLAN (~ lert at Messrs. Stot.t, & J't1ry" s drug store or ai ·Great credit is due Mr. Horsey for 80 Only two 'weekly papers in Bo"'.manA terrible acciclent happened on Mon- wealth. Preserve your health by eating his residence. Pro.;pect Sc.. flowmauvillo. promptly closing the Central on the ex- ville hav(l over 207. bona fide sub~cr1bers, dajf"fo-a..,.y_ o,u_ n g nun only out from Eog- cookery made with Imperial Cream Tnr· H·!w pirin~ of Mr. Fi~her's five-y ..ar's lease One paper _ prints weekly one ream, or .· hnd a month, hired with .Robert Cour- t~r Bakillg Powder. :t ARM FOR SALE. -50. acres, bear which was on April 1st. He wa~ power· 480 copie3, but gives away free a con-" tic~, jr., mar Ebenezi:1r. He foll from . e()uth vart of Lot 21, Con. s; 'Dnrlinµ:t:O\I: BIRTHS. You (or any other person) ·can save leas to close it till the lease expired. sibei:able number . of those. But th1 the loft and inj11red hid spine so that the / " ~ mile west of Enolekillen. Frame hou se.aJ May he succeed in renting the builaing three mercha!1t11 who are compal!ed to,_ lower part of h 's body is totally paralizejlf' lluGtIEB. - On Good Friday, at 5S Henry St.. rooms. cistern, new barn. good orchard. goQll 20 per cent. by getting your for a better purpose soon. advertise in it in order to get their pay\ and there is no hope of his ever hav~g 'l'oronto, the w1ro of Mr. James i.. Hughes, of creek running through farm. Terms 081111 Apply to \Vm. Gilbert, Sen., Lot :15, Con._~, Peopfo must not lose aight of the great for goods obtained by ~he publishei;, payi the use of his lower extremities again. ·· ,!Ul~~T;ON.-ln East Whitby, on the 3 rd inst., Ennhkill en P.O. 49.;am. SOAP from _ ro be F?15Jn..l:ih&edition of G eorge P. Rowell tho wife or Mr. Thoe. Wotton. of a daughter, closing sale of dry good~ going on at the $40 a co}umn for their advts. y HOUSE ON THE S.E. CORN"1if. West End House. There are l1eaps of ".bled" so ~i;dly must make the three_ feel & Co's" American Newspa;>er Directory, ' ' DIED. of Ontario and 'Vellington Streets l!J barg"-ins than tired occasionally· published April the 2nd (its 20th year), geode left Yet' and bioger .. "' ll f d FAREWXI,L.-At his residence, lot 3, con. 1, at.HI tor sale, but if not eold soon will be rentecl ever await the public. Mr. McMurtry'e If you want to buy or se a a~m, a - it appears that the Newsp"pera and East Whitby, on the 2ad met., Ackeus M. on favorable terms. l"rom one-sixth to threo'l.. fourths of a.nacre of land as desired, with tb.8 grocery branch is supplied with the best vertise in the Toronto Weekly Mail. That Periodicals of all kiads issued in the Farowell, aged 77 years. -· ."Apply o.t \V, s. ORMlSTON'S Law the markets afford. Call eoon. paper reaches lOo;ooo farmers home& United States ·and Canad~ now number Dunaoumts.-At Brooklin, on the 2nd in11t.. house. Ofilco to H , K . ORR· . 15-lhv a-"IT IS A l!'ACT."'a · vertisement ' Joseph Burroughs, aged 32 years. NoTICE TO 0DDJ!¥LLOWS.-All members every week ' ·and your a d . 16,310, 6howing a gain of 8 90 d11ring the OaDEN.-rn Lindsay, on April l~t.. Ssrah ~~ -------- -- - -- ---- - of FlorencA Nightiugale Lodge I. 0 .0. F. should meet the eye of some one who last ·12 months and of 7 ,136 in ten years. Ann Little, wito of Francis Odgen aged 26 MALL FARM TO RENT. -25 acr.e1t d t0 t 8 t h8 L 0 d wants to purchase. Advertisllments of R R D F M A B years and 9 months. on which ai·egood house and o .ut· bulldlWe, g:ood orch><rd and well. Plowing done re are requeete · mee 1. ge room tbil! cla.ss are inserted in the Toronto. . ev. · · raser, · ·" owm~n Cot:cH.- ln Darlington, on the Gth inst., Jos. ~au,ruliat for crop. Poesosslon April 2nd. Situated c e on Sunday April :22 at 10 a. m. sharp to 'V kl M . f ti t d h ville, preached at the prepa-ratory service Couch, aged years. 66 . ~~~~ Mapltl Grove, It miles west or Bowman· parade to St. Paul's Church for divine . · ee Y ai1 or ve cen s a wor eac in the Presbyterian Church last Friday --------~----====~ by by John Munson. ville, rooeatly ocnupied 0 service . . ·All resident m<lmbers of sister rnsert~on, ~ twenty cents;hwor~ f~{ week. After the sermon tlie Rev. Mr. ~:.Apply to CLAllKE w. TYLER, Bowmanvillo, ' BOWMANVILLE MAR.KETS. Lodges are cordially invited to attend. ~ve rmertwne. ress, e al ' Eastman, pastor of the church, r"ceived i~tr. A. MITCMEL, Secretary, 2 w. roronto, Oimada. . . 58 pt<rsous in full connection -Ql on cl d <:orrected by .J. lllcll11rtry. every TncNday. RESS AND MANTLE MAKING,_ M r. J · M · H aw k ms, 0 f p et e~ b It is stated that an egg "combine" . oro, 16 vrofessi<>n of faith, and seven by certifi· MRS. Coc1rnURN boge to announce to the public that she intends to remain in lloW.· has been formed in this province to keep sHuddeki;ily hond ~atur~ay ~ornu~~h l Mrt cate. The n <'w membera were briefly adFLOUR, ~ 100 lbs ....·.... $2 10 to $2 40 Highest price paid for eggs by John manville, and will be pleased to see all ner <t.d d()wn the price of eggs to tha farmers. A aw ms a een rou e w1 . . iear , dressed by Mr. W . H, Scoot on behalf of WHEAT, Fa.11, ~bush ·..·· 0 80 " 0 82 customers and as many new ones as may f'Jl;o Grigg. " Spring, " 0 80 II 0 82 fit to give her a call at her old ett>ncl over m o .Wanted-200 tons old iron, rags .and n~1inber of the larger dealers in dis.,as~, but no fears were eo~ertamed' of the elders, and by the paator. The at. It is supp'>sed tendauce at the communion on Sunday BARLEY,~ bush, No. 1. ... 0 70 II 0 00 Big 20. Apprentice& wanted immediately. l:i'one11. John Grigg, travelling merch_ a nt ... Onta.rio with greedy proclivities have, it his uh1mate recov~ry. 12't;t· appears, formed a.n organization, and if that tl~e death of hts. mother, Mrs. J. M. was the largest evrr known in this cou" " " 2 ... · 0 65 ti 0 00 . FIRE LIFE, ACCIDENT Immrl".rice. ·'-ey can sqtieeze cent or two cents on Hawkms, Canion, Jn a great ' me~sure gregation.-Vindicator. 11 11 3 o 5:; 11 o 00 11 ARMS TO .RENT. -PMt of lot 24, RoBT. V;:itrtr:rr:, Agent, Bowmanville. . tf; "" . · ~ hastened his And. He leaves a widow, C h ld .. .. v con. 2, Darlingt()n, containing 51 acree. the dozen from the farmer they will have B b 0f onsump1.1ve peop1e s ou drink all RYE, t1 ··· , , ··· ·· O 55 11 O 60 Good b()uee and outbuildings. Als() p&!'t of Jot Mra Morrison has removed her' stock a handsome revenue. daughter of Mr. JamPs rownscom e, the fresh butter milk p()ssihle A Kin11 OATS, 11 0 40 t1 0 45 30, 2. Dorlington, contaiuin11: over ·,o >\cre1t to the frame buildings, oppo11ite Buckler's Port. Ilope,- a.nd two childreu to tnourn ston woman .pro-no1'r1ced fa·."11.y i "ll \"l rl1.. .~ b h . ·· 0 60 0 67 on con. which are good dwellinll amt f1.rm build· A LESSON is to be learn't from the the death of a devoted husband and father. · ~ " P11:..1.s, Blackeye, ,,. us . · · fl ings. !mmediate possession, 4~piy to \!HS. Jewelry Store. ~ight of a bald bond. Falling_ out and The 'l'hird page of the Toronto Daily consumption heard of thie remedy and t1 Small, fl 0 65 fl O 70 RICHARD oQUIRE; at .llfr. P}llllp Tyler .1. r1oar The School Boat'd h:i.s decided to pro· p··rrnature Rrayn~ss _of the hair can ~& Ma. . noted for "Want" adverti"sements. began drinking. In a litlle while shtt t1 Blue, 0 60 fl 0 70 Maple Grove, or at the BTA·r ~,.,q-~1'1 u1r.oe, 1118 ·14 ·.f cure a more suitable room for Mies t 0 11 d 1f t k t1 Do not let it began to improve. A few days later she BUTTER, best table, '°lb·· . 0 20 11 0 22 Bowmanvillo. . a en m . me. s PP , If you want to buy or sell anything. lf wa· out of dang·~.r. A week elapsed_ and L "" O 10 · 0 12 '.f:homas' Divi~ion. run on wnhout making an effort to save , , . h · b · ARD,,,. rn · · · · ·· · · · · · ··· fl HOUSE AND L OT FO'.t SALF.A valuable house and 'fit near 1.h·J NuDLEs.-H. C. Tait has received a it. Get a bottle of Dr. Dorenwend's you want a situation, a ffil'l' amc, a US!· 11he was on her feet and about the house. EGGS, W' doz ·.·...··.·.·· 0 14 11 0 00 large variety ·of needles and can fit any German " Hair Magic," It stimulates ness, machinery, lodgings, if you have And now she is again a bust.Jing, bnsy POT.A.TOES, W' bush .... , , ,, 0 55 11 0 60 Cabinet Factory, I ! storey frame IHJlSe , no>.· Iv lost or found anytl1i . ng, or if you want to t t b t · ti H 10 00 12 00 uew, 6 rooms summer kitchen. r ·t'; .make of sewing machine the growth, gives fre'3h vit.alit.y and keeps woman, no s rong, 11 ln apparen Y AY · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · fl treoa. eto. Goodand lot extending l'.rom.Elg11. !" _ the hair its natural color, besides being find out where anyone is, advertise in the good health, with nosymp~oms ofa dead· DRESSED Hoas .. ... ...··. 5 50 t1 7 00 through to Lamb St. '!'his is a good invo ...~· Creditors of the Central Bank will re· suberb dressing. All druugis . ts sell it. Toronto Daily Mail 'and read the adver- ly disease lurking around. There is no CLOVER SEED., .··.. . . .·· 4 90 fl 5 00 ment as the rent of thh e houeeh v.ill pay O llttt: -ceive a dividend of 67 per ceµt-one-half n 9 per cent interest on t c pure ase money arit1 ~ "' t !Bcments · - d pacre 'lk cure d ALSIKE . .. ..... ·. .....·. 4 00 fl 5 . O ,.. of thnt "' pa· doubt, she says, .1.Il!l . .b.ut~er-mi 0 !en.Ye a good Jot to he aold- or bDild on ~t on th e th'r ..!.,. of which ia to be paid at onCI): As the merchants and trad~sman of per. The charge is_ two cents a word her. As physicians say '.'it Went to the r . deemed desirable. For further particu,~·ll :I Two volumes of Picturesque Canada, Bowmanville well know, it has never each insertion. Addre~s, ·The Mail, To- sp 0. t ,, 11011rished her poor famished body apply to lfnANCIS MASON, Km·. Street I· , 42 tf RENEWED OOW FOR SALE. - , Bowmanville. 9 · ' · · · ' 110.ndsomelv bound, 'f or sale at the been our custom to get into their clebt in ronto Canada. filled up _ t he dned-o_ut_ t1saues, and gave Apply to JosEl'H GALIHUITH, Liberty - - . .STA'XJ!SMAN oflice. · They would make a order to compel them to patronize us. The man that makes the greatest frur~re hei:_ strength and ~oura.ge. · Street North, Bowma.nville, i~·tf Tl!aI!~f?~ 1 But folly one half of the business people nice present. . fa not always the man who does the most The fourth anmversary of the advent ·--·--,~-~-No person '1Ver accused us of pocketing on King-st. have told us that the reason business. There is John , Helly~r, the of the Salvation Army to Bowmanville FOR_SALE.-A new milch ,cow To Wm . T attrey, 1£.,(1., c·Me/ .Agent oj ihr, the premium paid by a · man in Toronto· they patronise a certain printing office in boot and shoe dealer, for instance. He was fittingly and successfullv celebrated -g . ood milker. Apply to _ JA:-.rns CARS· Royci l I1<suro.11ci;. Couipan:y, of England, · d t- d t t" t . CADilEN, Beech Ave.. Bowma.ov1lle. H-tf . ,°'. Can acla : for insuring a house in this town and not town is because they cannot get a.ny · · 10us, is very mo es an unpre .en u on Sunday and ~onday, Apnl 1 and 2. .. si'.t~. -I return my th anks for the prompt and money out of the concern and they do insure the housti ; but we have heard of ch your _company eottletl not hke to refuse to sell nor to let their hia bminess is increasing as the years r oll The Sunday services were very largely HOUSE TO RE NT - Situated on liheral manne: in whi_ 11uch a pase. by. He is doing a. capital business. He attended. Major Glover who fired the Beech Ai'enuc. containing ten rooms. my losses by iire, ha7lntH'ece1ved a .cneqne m . . . , h l d h · · On the prnmises hard and soft wa . t,,r, and a fl~ll throui:h Y0'1r 1~gent, at 'l'yrone,_ Mr. Jbf1 , ----OLD ' G.&I'IT,-Mariar, you had better goods go and get nothing for them. It b uys th e b es t goods alld s ells a t t iue iinit sho~ ere, ea. t e exercises, assist- i:cood at.able, Possession mg.y he had on llfay Bmg~am. l haye much plea3ure 10 recomtake that family to Geo. Buck's boot store requires a tremendous supply of gall to lowest living prices, and he is one of ed by D . O. Morns . On Monday one of 20th. For further particµlars apply to ownet·. men~ng t?e Ro:s:~J to tue public as a rell~tile .and get them shod. Bllck's boots give ruD a business on cheek. those men whose word is as good as his ti bes' teas that we have ·een i·n thi"s JA)!ES C,inscADDE.'i· H ·tf one 1n which to rnsnre. F . A. Wm;:1~a· ~ ie · n Tyrone, March 21, 1888, 13·4.w·· ~atisfaction, a nd his prices k1wck them ST. PAUL'S CoNCER'.1.'. - - The Young bond. Tho~o who deal with him once town was served to a large number of citPeople' Society of St. Paul's deserve like to go back a.gain. Such a man will izens and visitors from the surrouuding -0th er fellows silly. A n ew Building Committee was struck praise for their efforts to provide such a always succe~ d. Being a Eensible rr.an, country. The tables did look mo8t inat the last meeting of the School Board, hrgh clase concert as the one on Friday too, h e advertises liberally in the STATES· viting, the taste displayed in setting them T'YR.C>JSTE_ · -o-0omposed of Messrs, C. Tod, J. Lyle, S. riight next promises to be. We do not NAN, and is well pleased with the custom meriting special mention, and the young Burden, J , P. Rice and W. H. Horsey remember seeiog so many seats engaged it brings. ladies and gentlemen who had charge of The above store is now is a. position to Eupply ,_,_age...~aJi.·111ters Many olct Darlingtonians now residents the wai ting were · very attentive to their the public with a first class article of Sprmg Notice Mess:e. Brimacombe and Labelle take in advance, which is an evidence that the 0 the places of Messrs Bnrden and Lyle on citizens duly recogni:i:e the great musical of Victoria county will learn with regret guests. The proceeds were sufficient to 1 have purcha~~~ ~~~~~i;:-e"~r t; 0 best ma.nu· treat i.u store and fully appreciate the en- of the death of William Channon, Eeq., pay off the balance of d ebt incurred in lacturinit estahliahmeots in Toronto a. large NDER THE LAST ASSEi:!SMENT the Property Committee. AC'r. and .A.ct amending the: · ;;;';tQ0, alf It m11st be very humiliating to a proud terprise of the Society. '!'owns folk sel- who for upwards of sixty years resided ' putting in furna.ces. The evening meet- assortment of Jlne Boots and ShQcs, also a fine persons wishiug to be placed on the Ase!lSS· article In Woman's Slippers in all slzee to fit printer when buying goods to be met dom 11ave the privilege of hearing two near Tyrone. Deceased was eighty-six iug was one of special interest and purchaser which you will find to your advant· men t Roll as wage-earners mnst first 1lle :i.u with a pay-for-what-yon-already-owe such noted vocalists as Mrs. Caldwell and years of age. His aged partner is still spiritual profit to those who witnessed age to examine. They are marked in price to ·.ffirmation with the Assessor, Blanke fut· · that purpose can b e. had of ·kind of a look from a merchant who ha,. Mr. Schuch. Our re:~ders who enjoy lidng, at the age of upwards of 70 years. the solemn consecration of the newly aphave in stock ~~~~h~J~~!~ Shoes from $1 S. BUROEN, Assessor.- ~ Bowmanvllle. April 2, 18&~. U-lw learnPd from oft repeat ed experience that music should not miss I his grand concert. His children are, Edward, >1on-in-law of pointed sergeants and other officers. up; also Woman's, Mens and Miss' Hubbers. he is beiug bled for an advt. in a sheet Programs are now ready. Seats may be Mr. Michael Thorndyke of East Oakwood, The second annual Basket Social of So come along friends and bring your ci<sh - -·----- ----···------------ .. and yon will decidedly get a bargain. reeeryecl at Big 20. that ha~ not 300 su b3<iribers. ?f 'fyrone ; Mrs. David .Bingham, of Mar- Church-st. Methodist ch·1rch congregaOrdered work and rep,..iring promptly As we 1tated last week, the Lander . · r Oakwood; and M_rs. James tion was held in the vestry on Gond Fri· attended to After THE STATES'.IUN had gone to 1posa, nea tho vast favors and soliciting n. 11ale was one of the best of the 11eason. press last week the sad news of the death H.oI '!1es, o f Bla.ck stock , Car t wng h t. M :· day evening. a very large number being Thanks for continuance of the same, Cleaned, Died, Pressed and Reuaired by HuBking the auctioneer got splendid of '\{r, H T. Phillips came and we stop· W11 ham fChhanndon, ofdEaeht.0 akMwoodJ, 1s in attendance. After suppe.r had been W. H. HICKS , 1 1 ;.rices. Implements sold high, cowl! ped the press to insert the notice. In an- nep1 iew o t e · ecease . w 1 e r. om served Rev. S. I-I. Matthewa, the pastor, Sign of the Big Boot. ~,.. ought from $40 to $82 and other things other column we re-produce a short obit~ Dames of Mariposa Station is step eon. ~ called upon Mr. J. M. Joness, pew stewTyrono, April 2, 1888. 15-3rn fo proportion. T ohl prnceeds,over $2,000. uary article from the.Globe. 'l'he funer· \Vardtir. ard, Mr. 0. M. Cawker, Treasurer, and Dyer apd Clothes Cleaner, The farm was sold fur $6,220 by private a.I on Friday was very largely attenclecl TUE P vnLIC SrrouLt> KNow.-That it Mr. A. Younie to give a reporb of their Goods warL·ante(\ to be a.a no ono will know sale. by old friends and acquaintances, inclu is a rule with publishers to charge advcr- respective departments and particulars them trom new when doDO. 'fhe Vallejo (Cal.) Chronicle of Mareh dmg his two brothers from New York, tising rates for all announcements of of the financial standing of the church, Corner ()r King and Ontario Streetei; 27ih ult-. says : "There is a prospect of Dr. Phillips and Mr. Geo. Bantel, of meetings where an admission fee is which was most satisfactory. Addresses Dow man Yillc. a new rn.ce park, with pavilion, grand R ochester, and eeveral Toronto friends. charged or a coll.ection taken. Most were then given by Messrs. Uawker, -:o : stand and other necess(\ry irnprovemente The pall-bearers were Messrs. John Wes· people understand this, and yet a few Younie, Young, Drimacombe, Jamee and beino built on Dr. Trull's tract near town. ley, F. F. McArthur, Col. Cubitt, John have gall enough to try to smuggle such Rev. Mr. Hogg, on matters pertaming to A la~ge ~uwber of busines~ men were out McDougall, R. R. Loscombe and Thos. notices into our columris as ordinary the church's work. Mr. W H. May, late to-day t~r ·:-iew the location, and are much Elliott. Mr. W. P. Prower w11s the fu. news. A man who would be guilty of Superintendent of the Sabbath School, ENDERS wm be receh·oii by tho - ATplease<l ith .the idea of having a park neral conductor. Mr. Warren, curate of such a mean act would steal sheep, or now of St. Thomas; who was present also nndersig1.ed u1i to convenieut to the town." The Editor St. J"ohn'R (English) church, read the milk his neighbo1·'s co·ws, or rob his hen gave an interesting address. Musi'l waB S ATU!{.DAY, APRIL 14th, thanks Dr. Fred. W. Trull, the proprie· burial service. Some beautiful wreaths roost. Correspondents of THE. STATES- furniseed by the choir, and Messrs. Job· tor for a complimentary ticket of aclmis- and floral tributes from loving relatives MAN are requested to er.el ude from their lin, Brittain and Rev. Mr. Hogg. Mias\ for watering King St.raet, Bowmanvme, .troin .sio~. He will ba pleased to " view the adorned the cofiln. 'fhe bereaved wife l~t.ters all matter of th? na~ure of adver- Nellie Joness ga.ve ~recitation in a. man· £cugog Street to 'l'homaa li'otn"s blacksn1ith !lho11. ·l ocation," to<J, when down that way. and children have the sincere sympathy hsmg unless · the parties rnterested are ner that was pleasrng to the aud ience. THOMAS R1Jnn:rn.-t. PRCtF, r,ow·t' SllU'lllJR SOA.l" 18 a de· of the people in thi~ district in their loss 15-3w willin!.{ to pa.y ten cents a line,- the price Altogether the gathering WllS a mo~t euc· 1 Chairtl\an Roads and Streets Committ«'"· lJ111btfnl lollAt lo.xnry a~ well!as a iiood CW' of a kind husb1md and affectionl\te father, our merchants pay for similar notices. tJ. l :l·\l\'f , :QTe. fer 1111.lll dheuse. cessful a nd enj oyable one. - - · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · nowID!HIViUO, April '.J, lS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , Th · Id b J Grigg is like Read this paper, then mail it to a disA Bit of Good News. i FR .a iwK -. Fl.... LD, S ANDHAM'S } LIVER UCAR COATED p l LL S WEET LITTLE Sewing machine needles;at T.. a it 11. e tmware 110 y o ago , Housekeep'e r wanted at' o~ce. See the good old stock of years 1 d. d dvt. If you have old iron to L rop.a ·car 8 a . B "S B manville Dr. Sinclair was in town on Friday, t 0 J 0 h n G ngg, ox" , o ·· . · but had very few calls. The c1ti?.ens of Bowrnam: lle will never pass a by-law for raising $J .500 for that See John Grigg's cottonades- they are the best money can buy. park. Great B.<rgains in Millinery and Fancy Eli ' 'got t here," and people are getting Goods at Mrs. M orrison's. to.Geo. Buck's popular bont store every time to buy their boots nnd shoes and Farmers and tlireshers are requested Gent's fnruiehings to read Chas. Rogers' advt. FACTs. -Thepublicaref-iudingoutthat s for waterin" Kingst. are ind Tender Geo. Buck, tho noted bool. dealer, vitE·d by l\'lr. Burden, ,.. Reeve. d d oes not deal in frash, but sells goo gnv d, at La.dies call and see the new spring the lowest possible "Cash prices." millinery at l\'lrs. Morriwn's. h" h . The Baptist Convention,1 w IC was b t m f Mr. F letcher advert.ises to sell a desir · se·sion at Guelph last wee.· ' Y a vo e 0 a.bl.. buildiug lot on King-st. W. 33G to 252, B l'lccted Toronto as the loc"Mr. Geo. Dobson h ·s biasale of farm ti.on tor the McMaster Univernity 0 0 l ttr. l 'W lfA .:. on Seed Oats for Sale. S B. H H San~ham's Sarsa~arilla l · · S P C M -~ PROVE TH IS. Tt, , 1l H F G STOTT & JURY. ·Hotel Keepers, Boardinghouse Keepers. F STOTT & JURY. M . ·tu ftate,uu.. S f:;': Local and · Otherwise. D F 0 I 0 0 '. Q Icow ·· - ·· . ·I Card Qf ...., CENTRAL ~001 &SHOE STORf, I I to. U 1 Gents' Clothing _ TH OS. PEAT, SEED BARLEY! Choice Seed Barley !-street Watering.- T J. l YLE'S.