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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1888, p. 6

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the eagles and not to its mother, ·~nd. he knew the ha.bits of the beasts and buds of ,the plains unusua.lly well. · ff ill' " -"Ail and bake ma hot oven. · p 0ll W0 The doe eagerly watched our DF.LICA'rr~ CAKE.-One cup of sugar, oneIndigna , i, Y . ' from the top of a. ridge near by, offeru~g a nv llURGA11.ET. EYTilmE. sr lend id shot at a.bout a. hundred and fifty ha.If cup of butter ; stir to a cream ; ~dd WJl:DNESDAY, APRIL I i . 1888. · , ·' ' ' 1" yards distance, but I would not allow the one-half cup each of corn starch and m1_lk, Of b t t f fl ·k1ng A tree toad dressed m app.e green one cup o · our, ,.,-o ea.spoons ~ guide or myself to ta k ead v.i.n t a.fie of a···1 o ppowder and four eggs. Sat on a mossy log portunity prompted by ~uch .feelmga. In a SN 'O"" I' uDDINf{,-One pint of milk, one· Beside a pond, and shrilly sang few minutes she trotted a.way, and I really · " Come forth my Polly W ogh 1 t half cup of sn<>ar, one-half cup· of corn- My Pol- my Ly-my .nr believe she was glad that ., · -th n og, t t e eag es, a starch ; let come to a boil a.nd stir m ~ ree p 011 W least, h!l.d not; been the cap ors. beaten eggs. Boil till thick and seb away to My pr<otty Y og, The litt!e fawn got tame very fast, and by Self·H.eliance in Children. cool. I've something very sweet to say the. time he had been fed once or he kind .parents, in this a.go ?f activJty COOOANUT BAr,Ls.-Grato a cocoa.nut and My slender Polly Wog. became friendly with all, and es;iec1ally so and hurry, eeem unmindful, while urg~ng mix with milk enough to make a paste, "The air is moist, the mJon is hid attaclied to the soldier who fed hnn that he their children from one task or occup.\t1on whitea of three eg~s, sugar t o awe~ten. Behind a heavy fog, was allowed t o sleep with him, curlin,11 upon to another, how indelibly the spirit of i:ul'.h Make into balia and bake on buttered tins. No stars are oqt to wink and blink the blanker near by, aud licking his protccand hurry ( unfortunattly too character1st1c A l'PLI~ Du··1 PLI~G.-One pint of flour, one At y ou, my Polly Wogtor's hand whenever he patted him on the of Ca.nadianl') is being impresEed upon the tablespoonful of lard, two teaspoons of bak- :M:y Pol-my Ly-my Wog, head. young mind. . . ing !JO" der, milk enough to make a douph. My graceful Polly Wog, While r eturnir g home durin~ the next " Hurry!" says the mother, ambitwua to Ibll out, place on sliced apples, fold up and Oh ! tarry, not beloved one, two days we did not confine tbe little fellow My precious Polly Wog. in the crate but allowed him to curl up on crowd many duties into short hours. "llc boil in a. pudding bag. quick, Bessie!" "I c:i.n't wait!" "What TAPIOCA PuomNG.-Soak for four hours the clothing' and bedding in one of the wagiu the wor'd you doing?" . one cup of tapioca in one quart of mil&; _acl~l Juet then u.way went clouds and the_ re ons and .Jeep and rest a.a tnU·)h as he want· She is a. loving, industrious mothe_r, with yolks of three eggs, one cup of sugar, pmca ]; sitting on the log, ed to. During our rest~-for ca.valry on the b~st intentions, elwa.ys planmng tor of salt; bake, and when relidy to serve pour -The other end I meim -·the moon the march go ahei~rl for one or twohoura nud home interes t. over the top the whites of the beaten Showed angry l'olly \Vog. . then rest for ten or twenty minutes-we alYet t·he children naturally are of nervous to a fro th. · ., Her small eyes flashed, ahe swelled until lowed him out of the wagon, and he would temperament and far from the .sort whose MOUN'fAlN PUDDI~G.-One pmt of m1hi, She looked almost a frog, go to any one tho.t attracted his at.tentiol!-, ambition rfquires constant goadmg. a pinch of saH, t wo eggs, three-fourth~ of a "How you call me, sir," she asked sucking the man's thumb and buttmg at it It would be wise to assigu a. shor~ task, cup ot flour; one-half hour. Sauce, "Your precious Polly Wog. in the most comical way. Even whenma.rchnllowino euflicient time for its thorough one tl1bleapoonful of corn sta;ch w et with ing we put him down alongside the wagon yet the excitable, mistaken cold water, butter and sugar to taste and "W hy one ivould think your lifo waa spent aud he followed us, bleating and mothe!' has unconsciomly so tr11.ined her one pint of milk; boil until thick. In some low muddy bog, ·. evidently much more icarful of JOsmg us chil<lren that lhe very thought of work or BREAD P UDDING. -One cnp each of sugar I'd have you know lo strange, young toads than he had been of having us catch him. a study mear1s restle<s haste. . and sweet-, in"1lk, one-half cup of two My'a Miss Wog. day or two before. I\nt we W< re " Haste mo.kes waste." No adage is truer te · Id t I · k d b rntable · ·poon· of baking powder, two cups of that he wou1 ge d uc i pfam . or learned a.t a cost of ha.rder lessons or w" h tt t d h' e · y some r so h . flo11r · , bake ·'nd serve with hard sauce. One wild, wild hugh t a. ree . oa gave horse or mu e, an is cries we e · more tired nerves. Instead of teac mg u. u h I d"d t ·t b t p 1 L- c~T'S'I'.- One cup of Ia.rd, one cup cf Aud tumbled off t e og · tive, that we i not ry 1 · u once. . " d f th · child to be in constant .... rea o e '" b k And on the ground he kicked and screamed 'W hen I got back to the p:ist I took tient "be quick !"the little one may? if the flour, a pinch of salt, two teaspoons 0 a · Oh Mary, Mary Wog, to my own hou !e to raise, named him 1 parent will discipline himself to be quiet and in!.' powder . Mix all together, hanrllmg as Oh, Ma. 1 oh, Ry! oh, W og, "Joker," and gave him to understand that patient, b" taught in th!! first ~lace, to rely little as pornible ; lay on ic.e in a cold place Oh proud Miss Mary Wog, he must make himself a.t home, au assurance 1 upon himself by listening attentively to w_ha.t for several hours before us~ng. Oh, goodness, gr11.cious l What a joke, which he must have fully comprehended, as father, mother, or trncher says to him; Hurrah for Mary Wog. I he certajnlv did Jnllke himself at ease. at while in the second place, a happy, hop3ful My Little Visit-Or. once, driving away all lonesomeness with way of planning the day's bake, assundly 1 his tricks and mischief. . . 11v MRS. A M. MARRIOTT. The fawn and the :Ea.g;les. For the first two or ~hree ~e_eks.of his hfe Iea.vea the child free temporarily, to develop, in a. natural and agreeable ma'.lner, his powOne summer while living in Colorado, I , . . j he spent much of hia nme hiding ID t~e tall ers of ac~o~plia~ment. . . frequently had the mozt charming little via.Some t~elv~ years ago w~ile scoutmg rLt:ss that g rew under a row of willows First,_ kmdlJ! but with firmne~s that ~tor you ever saw. You could ~ever gue_ss with soldiers m central N eb1aska near a.;1 glanted along a ditch running through my your cluld listen while you speak to him. ' "ht1t it was so I will tell you ; lt was a ht- pre tty little. stream_ ca.tied the Cedar, we i Pard. Here it was almost impossi~le to fi_nd Then in giving him directions do not go tie deer It l:elonoed to a lady living neat" saw over a d1~La.nt ridge a huge soa.r· 1 i'he little scamp, and securely did he lude 80 into detail~ unnecessarily. us. Sh~ had bough~ it from some Mexi_cans ing in the '."1r. As wo watehed lum he l tho.t once or twice I had given up the sea_rch Leave him somewhat of freedom. who had brought 1t in from the mountama a. da.rted feroc1o~sly d~wn,. and then c~me / thinking ho was lost, but if I got the milk_ B e ddini' e; sec to it that h~ u1, few miles distant. It was a light brown battling back rn the mr with angry sbrrnks 1 bottl'e and hold .it a!oft he wunld reveal hims~ands y~u_, try !o be reasonabl~ m g1vmg, oolor, with white spota on its side; and ha.d and !lappin~ "ings. to repeat the dashes . self. . _ him rnfhment time to ncc?mphsh :i.s he such soft hair and silky ears, and the most a.gain from time to time. He WM very quick to learn bricks, and I ought (not us some other ch~ld may be ab~e beautiful eyes I ever saw. At first it was "Tacklinl.' a. rattlesnake, ma.ybe !" "Got 1had him perform a number tho rewa.rd for to _ do) whatever you assign; and wait very shy, but in a. few days it grew tame, a gopher away from ita hole, I g·1ess r· I which wa.a usually a lump of sugar. :M:y patiently to see the r~u~lt. . gnt nccustomed to its new home, and as we Don't know how to get a grip on a hedge. house or "quarcers," as they termed One. means of aEststmg _children to pa.y lived near, and there was no fence betwi;en hog, pre bably J" were some of the many : by ar'my people, had a. wide poroh in front 7ttention to your "ords lij to return the the houses, i t soon got in the. way of co1!11DI.! coujecturc thi~t from the soldiers along . nearly fifty feet long. Joker _w ·B very fond ,, to seen·. It would come mto. the I the line. . ! of sugar, an/ would do a.nythmg for a lump Children must be seen and not ~card en whern I would be preparmg dmner, "Too much of. a racket forany such small· · or two used to make him stand upon 80 . say yoa.? With wisdom only can this rule and putting its nos;- in my hand, beg in its fry as snakes or or such varmints," ! his hi;d feet and the length of be . pretty way for a bit of or It remo.rked our gmde, a.a ·we watched the , the porch for each lump, holdmg 1.t three.or The cb1ldren muat mdeed be to was very fond '.>I vegetab_ es, .especially oab- eagle. "Perhaps, it's an elk . or deer some four inches from his nose and back1f!g_. love and honor. Nev~r was the filth. com- bage, and would ofte!1 go thro!1gh the whole Injuna have wctmded," he con.tinued. So he wa.lked forwa.rd. At firat I could ·only mandmen~ more .neeoed than now , .but house in scar0h of its favonte vegP.table, with this idea as the moat likely exp!ana-1 get him to rise up to get the sugar, then he ;ovwg obedience by love and pa.bent frequently going to the front part of the 1 lion, the guide and I rode over to inveeti_ ga.te, I learned to take a step or two and disc1plme. buildin!!, where my husband kept a store/ my thouohi; bent on finding a wounded fina'ly he would walk the whole iength of Do not permit a child to talk too contaimng all sorts of grocerie~, provisions I animal, ;hich would prove the exist~nce of the porch. From this as ~ ati.rt he rnon much when there are several guests or· and fresh vegetables; here the little deer felt hostile Indiana neai· by, as at that time the learned a number of other tricks. older perll.0'1~ forced to withhold conversa.- quite at home {unless there were strangers Cedar Creek region was almost unknown tion in order to listen at length to the boy in, when he was very shy), and would ~elp to white men, the. nearest settlement being -·- or,girl :vho may be too forward. hir.naelf t~ anything he wanted, sometimes sixty miles south. ' . The Scottish farmer's Ingle in former l'hat 1s unnecessary and usually far from gomg behind the counters, where he wo~ld As we appro11.ched the ·spot over which D bentficial to the little ones wh~ learn by hunt among the differe~t sacks of dried the eagle was hovering we noticed thab ays. . listening to well-chosen conversation. fruit for currants, for which he seemed to there were two of the birds, one of which The time is early winter-more particular·Be .co!1cise in ad~ressing your cjiild and have a.n ?special fondness, -~ore than once kept on the ground, and when the one in, ly, it is an evening in the "back-el!-d".of the careful m y?ur requirem.ents. · ea~ing h.1s fill of them, '!lltil my husband the air an attack the ?ther wo~ld: yea.r wnen infant frosts beg1!1nmg ~o Spea_ § _with mod.erat1on, g.ramm11.hcally, "])wky" {that was . his name), must do assist, returning to its place m the high' bite. The farm lnbourcas are ~eavm}l the~r · pohtel~,-11·nd you will be repaid by th? effect better than .that, o_r stay out of the ~tore. grass as the other soared upward. various work. The herd, assisted by his upon tll.e youDg members of _your family.. Once durmg an illness that. k?pt me con· "I knowed it was a d~,cr they were dog, drives the cattle home from pa_ature ; . _ WhJ_!l you ask. .Y?ur child a ques.t10n, fined to my bed several days, D1ckr would ling," said my guide, as il.t a trot we ascend· the maid servants, who have bee.n wmnowtrain htjn ,to answer. that and not _ quite a come every day at about t~e sa~e time, and ed to the summit of a ridge and eaw a fine ing corn, are glad of the rest which _gloa1!1· differ~n~ one,. . sta.~p on the door step with his fore f~t, full·gr-iwn doe stan~ing at bay b~fore t.he ing br!ngs ;. and !hresher John, tire~ m This,_ l1.!d'6ed_, few of us older children are until some one would_l)pen the d~or for ~im, eagles. She was 80 mtent on_batthng w~th every hmb, is shuttmg the b~rn door. With· .apt to ao bnb~tually. .How f !eque?-tly one when he wou Id c?me m,. and commg stu1ght her winged enemies that she no attention: in the farm~ouse prepa.~at10na have ~een meets ··'\'OJI:~ tl~ffrool.~ in gettmg d~r~ct ~u- 1 to my bed, lay his hea."l m Il!y hand. I grew to our presence, although we took no care . made for their home-comm!/ ; the sp:i.c~ous ewers t~,.question~ JUstly~ put, receivmg m- 1very ' muoh _ atta.ched to him, but a.s the j to hide ourselves from her, and were only kitchen is clean and comfQrtable, there IB a ·s~ead, ~~n4ering, evasiye replies, uni?nen- / weather grew cooler, .he oft.en wandered two or three hundred yards a.wii.y. I huge fire of peat .a~d turf in the a.mple chimgiven. a.way from home, nnd would be gone two or "Sh. . d d 0 , course,, said the I ney and supper 1s JUst re11.dy. The goodman twna.lly blli carelessly 1 8 EmeP'l!'ol}!!iila.ya :· ' ,A' ma.~ ,.is' relieved.. !l.n.d j three-days, and finiAJly, much to the grief of . d, e wo~~ted'to view the'proceedings I him'self enters, and his eye bespea.ks appro. gay ll his heart into his work · his mistress, disuppearcd altogether·. Sh.e teseknow enough not to I val of the good wife's . " ilk.a and dcne Iils beat. thought he had been stolen, but I thrnk it ' th -. t 1 · g f 11 _ wn deer that is a.II I turn is handled to hia mmd. There 1s So V.:U~;tJiil lll4i!dr~p, give- them time to · yva~ only hi1 w!l<l nature a5ee.rting itself, or ri ~~~ :_~ :i~e asm~llg~~ the blood maddens I abundance of savoury kail brose, hot butterdo tbe1~ 'bes~r 1 ~ , .;. - · ': -· he had fallen 1n company with other deer,., g ,,· Jed scones, and home-brewed alemay b;. preferring __their S?ciety to ours. . One day eF ti eagles did not deign to notice Wee! kens the 2'Udewile that tho require to be ,s~lf r\il, 1aut, · ~nd as nappy Jn th~1i;,. durin.g tho followmg summer, while at suph .· vtent ieh b en our very conspicuous I A henrtsome meltith, and synd 11 k ~in-'"'ei "play time · · · · ·" · · eni g off from the store W a mus ave e Of nappy liquor o'er a bleez1og fire· wor ...,_ ! · · ;';; 1J - .-.- · · · . per, !-fl ad.rodv. m. thn k"t h th d 1.1resenco and angrily rallied their feathers w·uk and poortith downn wee! be joined. ·~ _ ;i , ,.:_ . · ' room, an n JOlnmg e I c en- e oors · d ' d f th r assult 'l'he one · , d t "~~ ·~-=-=being open clear through-a. large deer an prepare or ano e. · f ith I The entire house~old,. master an serva.n , aflw-ww~x· ~u ~tlft..,~ttllU. ~.tlU·,H·" I tea.9 poon of salt, .flour to I dough ; r~u out, cut in any make a light, desu~d · F.QLKS YQUN<i '.. · ·. . . ~ .... procee~1i:.irs HOUSEHOLD. t~ice for infants and Children .. l ltnown .o me.· rrccom;nend :; · -pti as s~per10r to nny prescr1 on IL .A, AllCIIErt, U. D., :f.11 SO. Oxford St, BrookJ;yn, N. Y. ""CaatorJaissowellad . aptedtoehildl'enthat I C1111torla. cures Celie, Constlpatioi:i, Sour Diarrhooa, Kills Worms, ~ives sleep, Eructation, and promotes d!· gestion Without injuriolll! medication. 'frut CEN'l'A.Un COMPANY, ~"'i !d:unay f>treet, N. Y. l!'OR SA.LE BY J. HIGGINB01'H.AM &. SON, BOWMANVILLEi perform~nce, pite~us_ly butt~r, ! M~ry ~o ~fra1d h~m Murdoch Brothers' N""E-W- CE:IN'"..A.. ::E1.A.LL., where are to be seen Q imp~- ~ I 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 50 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant desigJ).S, Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, 20 White Bed Room Sets. SEVERAL J::ASES SUPERIOR CLASSWARE JUST ARRJVED. Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and SaucArs, &c. Victo1·ia I co~ftesy. ~itch- app~1ed: t:_~ught I ~read ~~ke. g~phers w~ol~ Duildill~8. IHSJH~('tion e!o~e I Solidted. MURDOCH BllOS. forward~ I Special to Ladies ! MRS. MORRISON Has removed to the frame building opposite Buckler's Jewelry Spore, and FOR· 30· DAYS offers I I I AT M1 ·11lilSry, · C C >ST Fancy Goods, Be rlin -Wools, etc. h~~lil.e'bwf'put l},uf~re~~:::a wast~ ma.n~ge~ent, pl~ughs -HER WHOLE STOCK OF- Wi~iilef~l~ut~ing, th~-¥ taug~t, ~p I s~ir --· · · ·. step}lcd the da:s:t: _. rag dipped: attention to us: . ing cock in the a.nd when w1thm homely fare. The kail-brose of auld Scot · 1 in alco'I;'l?,f::; IC"-» ·- ·' " · -- ' ··"walked the .kitchen and coolly piok- 1ten or feet kept C1rclmg the 1 land is the "wale of food" both to work Iii lrot.. s!l£1te.L furniture to re.-· ed up a·in.;Ja.ll loaf of bread that I had just doe fa.cmg from it ap- ! upon and to fig .ht upon. It was the of move ~>ite~~oi~~ ·~ brou htJr ·m the baker's, and walked out at pea red, wl11le ~he_ eagle m the air s ow 7 ~P- 1 those heroic ai;icestors of ours who turned 0 ·1>lcohol. will remove When I had recovered from l: 1 to a the Romans, ove1·thr;w " !!rea~... potli from cloth. my' ·aatoniAhment sufficiently to think, I s ~ml{s a.t~. ~ec.;nt~ I om above th~t the the independence o t e. cobu t;Y· ~ . >_yeJ)t ·to the to nor 1 we him, butaee he un . on her -i suppert of - ---- - ----------- - ____L - -- -- - _ __,_..,_ table jf'ff - ' .>Q!l. wet r can g -b!'l' ti%]> en off with ifowhere to bdoor_ e seeu, ever h b' d 'th h hind ; promo e . . . a · ...;· . , · . a ·' S:in: He had rrown wonderfull ' but I feet and struck at t e ir WI .ore- cheering "bicker " or mug_ of strong T--=r Q ! ~: h '<IS1f·s1lk becomes wet;_. pa.tit lie, g ·t Df; k Y hoofs. A~ she rose, the eagle on the_ground The weather is always a.n important topic .L--:1. .L!-4 _. tween ' to. dfy am sure I rushe?- rapidly her, with country folks; and that, therefore, ' Leat ll·Cho.R-" sea.ta may be revived by - -came m a second, strtkmg at it rapidly they discuss fi rst, not as needless prologue rubbinlf' 'then'i with well -beaten white of , · Bndorsin!!; a Cheque. blows from her forefeet tha.t could be pLun- I to their after-talk, but as a . mat~er of. the 1 , ~ j ~.· ~ I act · , .rn : :-. . _, _. . . . . . ly heard by us so far (and first ma The rustic mmd 1a a. i I 1 ,,,g > . ,.. . Many. W9-ffillU otherwise mtelbgent are hoped) that she had killed 1t at first, it look -I which can furnish · t g · 1 1 \i:P:dl o{_ thbe 11ingularly lapking in business C!l.pacity, and ed so like a bundle of rumpled fe11.thers in past we11.ther, for yusingw ii"gm e when, as-often they are thrownon front of her feet but it was only "shamth ·n 'retrospect command aut1ffi ,ceane 0 water · th · ··' · the do tiot linow how d f II ·t many mon 8 1 ~ · · _. · · ··, · · · , · ,_ _ _ _ ,. ·· eir !Jw~_r,esourcea, Y . . ming," to get the eer to o ow i up, al But the dffoiencyof the register can only be p th -B . -1 d t" 'I 'i'-" n · · -" d f th It is said th_~ .Pr~.!lP~P.llS pµ.t m,.~ Wllter to condtt'c't the most ordma~y bu~mess 1 temptation 80 gre~t that the angered beast maintained b constant use; so the genial un y e 00 , cori·ec a 1801' ers 0 & t ight k eg and sunk under water will keep transaction. _ '.fhe woman mentioned m t¥e did finally make one or two savage leaps at/ h f ·a~shed summers nnd the deD 1'f y t-1.ND ·o i ;, _., ,- . \ __, ;, , it, but Ll\rER, ST01'1A.CU, Kl .1. E . S ·O\'VEJ_,S. Mix JfRri!.Jlri)H_li w,ith soft and-coffee was evidently la.cki1,1g m busmess trammg. escaped, seemmgly iust by ' the sklD of its are recalled to reproduce the feelmgs they They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and to give a bright luster, and avoid the ei;itered n bank m order to a teeth," bnt none the lees As formerly evoked. 'Chen follows the news are invaluabla ln all Complaints Incidental to Femalee of all A.gen. Fo:t f_ rorn p.l1.f _ i11\_.. ihg ' . ··. -. , ·.." ..- 1 ca .1sl1ed, _ s_ o sh,e ,w~n~ t~ tl~e rece1vmi;r_ tellers , thJJ deer rushed forward, the eagle rn the of ki'rk and of market-the approac'1iug d d h d h · I ·· · JI - · -i th sand :-vind ow d rn t t The teller shoved th t h Ohil ren an_ t e age t ey are price eea. \ To scouiw\ l ID. · air downward on. e spo ere mar.rfage of·Joek a.:nd Jenny, or, i.t may be, o ··_· 'T ,-;1J wet with 'wa.'t'clr · a.nd 'l'ben.riuse I it ?.ac;t ,i . · ,. "d h · · the ammal had been standmg, and qmck the misfortune which brings Marion to the .L .o J.:'11 "th 1-JX;,·;; i:i.. Jvra.fos ·wn~er "1 " '_' ,. . Nex.t w1!lder,- BM e-, . . · a fl'!.sh she wheeled from her short pursmt cuttystool The children 1.1re now (i t1iet, wiTo polillh·rpick~l·plated · ·' · ·goo<¥.!~fte! ' ' -bei?ol!-1' · "Next winter! ' ·r ' no and madeof for the new assailant · · to · t h eir · eldersIa an j afo.llible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds Sor winter l" exclaimed thecant lady. wait till next I doubt her aucceaa this ti1~e. There was hstemng - . !ng black and W?rn, rottge br whit"1 eaid ,nex-t winqer." sh!i,uted .the . " Good !" " Well done !" went up from " The ri,e nt han·n1es and Ulcers. It la famous for Gout and Rheumatism, J1'or disord ere of tJ.., mg on irr.1g·w1th a httle 01!;· . . "w-i-n-l\·p; w .. ~nd,,r l.l'tot~e1~"1'~B?er." . . /both of u~. as we saw the feath~r fly and Forn the1rnnger a "' th.eir huoger gune. -Cheat it has no equal.To gi_ ve ;a go?d to a, floor "O.h# thu1'is too rJcemng wm· 1the eagle go screaming into the a.1r, the other They are seated t?/lether m_front _the fire, For Sore 'l'ln·oa·.s, Ba·ouclti tis; Coughs, Colds, wash in a solution :j,<i,~ ~oand of.capperas dow, illn tit ! ".._-... . ., . : hopping away to a. safe distance. which, with the d1mlyburmngcrtime, sheds dissolved lye. _' _ _. "Yes, cllri't "There's the whole thing in a. nut-shell, an enlivening butunstead¥ light through the Qlq,ndulo.r Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival ; and nd 1 Milde\v- can be' l?y soa.Iling' in g?. pg it, am t I · . Lieutenant," i·ema.rked the guide, who had apartment. It is-now that ancontracted and stiff joints it aote Ilka a charm. butter-m~t~Q>f,Wn~·JX)inon·jnicCiittnit'-eitW h ." No~1-hQr-c 1IP"?· 11;1n t ' ' Ir,' to t~e othex eyes like a hawk... "She'E gob a little fawn crnnt granny opens to. them the su_penmtural u on it, and exposing it to the hot sun. wmder, lady; he,!l fix yoTu.-.--- ··- ' ,..,. with her, and them varmints ~re after it for world, of which, with. her w:rmklcs and PT ke'N iliiJllet 'bf; 'f ' h , 11o t; ·u · - ·T¥e _ l';'dY she 'Yent: all they're worth. There's the little her cracked and q1mvermg .voice, she her· Manufactured only at 'fBOMAs HoLLOWAY's Establishment, res w rn, JO; 1' and,iihovtid uf her cherk·, l'ne polite official · d 1 h th" th t I k self almost seems to be a denrzen. Her tale a · 1 11 00 8 jt ,up:';·l>aek· ."It's n.ot r:k . .. is of warlocks and hobgoblins and ghosts, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 1'533, OXFORD STREET), LQl'TDON covered'~,, ~£iiv.l)'l1'bpp~ a}l,p~i_s.qn()~a g,\\tWS, said h!l. · ; ' · -. , ' · · ~. ,. · · .. · · ., . . . of drear glens and silent churchyards. The And are sold at le. lid., 2a. 9d., 4a. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33s. each Box P~t, l · ' To dili'ko.J~ht . mah~apyo ,.an~ --cher~·t.' ,_. "Not endorse'd ! ·What clqes 1~ha~ me;i.n ?" My field-~l!l.sses soon ver1fied hIS discovehy effect which her narration produces upon 01 bichroma.~f .{lot~~!J- .?i~solved in 'Watet'rs· ·i '«'ts;yQn,r 1:111--m~ ',Pucke{'!" _... , " .. : . and the ob1ect of _ J;he eagles. It w~s t e her listeners is picturesquely noticed-" it may be h&d from all Medlclne Vendors throughout the World, ._. ~ excellentf~l~~-giveis""ii'·._\ili_!) J~PP~!'rl!.nctt -of- · " \Vell~,whli.t'if it' Is?'~ , r · , · · , part of one ~o stay ?D t~e ground, while the touzles a.' their tap." It is a. view we WPurcllasers hoald look at lhe Label on the Pots utd Boxe·. H tile r ddre ag~-· --- --· -- - ~ -- "Is. this :your m\me'· here ~.P. tqe }a~~.of_I other hung m the air d1~ectly o~er tl1e doe. get of them, against the glow: ?f t)1e fire, I·· 1133, 4lxtord Streflt, London. Utey are ·o11.rlo11.a. stain th j;;;al:(l_p:l,r , ·and .old mar, be the check~-',:,'.'. · ,.-·. · '.. ' l . If she attacked the one m t he air, the other Granny's belief in fiends and !a.mes is firm, '-removed goocfa wf;th" Yes, it 12." · , · · · · . W<YJ to and get ;he , antd and in the mischievous develnea they work An :Enineer's . ·- of the Pullman -c: r c ompany. WI en chloroform. cover the spot with olive "Well,,.therr, y-0u ·· '!as too about a. form. 1o ow 1 , feahvrng _ , oil or butt..·,,_,,._..~~1' .·, , . ,,. ·:'l ,7,-, -,,, ., -.;,i.· " That's what vou said: before. : u _ u a't-'c eb 11.wnT.l lt t" - - - -- ---- - - a relief engine arrived 'the wrecked enp_i~ll 1 · ___ _ ean n.,. -:i- r · · !. .!--~ · , attacks o t e one a. ove ·· . 1ese a erua rnu The Pittaburg Pres8, ~arch 13_ says:-] was pulled away nnd the poor engineer.:::_ ' a;, ~~ ad~· ' .J .:' · ~ f- ~;t-fbu ·fililii~ : writli' ynui· name a!'rQSI! _the attacks were k_ ept up until both were well Rooert G-a.rdner, the engmeer who was kill- - leased from his perilous position \v&,.~ ~o't!'!' ,._._ipes:< 0 ~ , ' ..._. "b c\. f jf'.:; : ,, cu· " · ::..::JJiW or the·doe succ-essfully stnick one of Why He We.a Sad. ed in .the Pennsylvania. rail;o!"d wreck near quickly carried into a Pullman car. ' PresUP. ..::.:_Bo1i on/' __in 11... -. ,wpen_ tjleyretl.·11at to Visitor" And so, my poot man, you Hnntmgdon yesterday, exh1b1ted rare hero· ently there was a. slight twitch in the three quarts of w4iftii-?"-·Wt~fi:· ilt ·hss bi:Jrl-ed "o~lhe front That ain't enou"h . it their breath or stta.1ghten out tbeu- d1s- are truly sorry for what has brought you ism. Passengers and railr~a.d !Ilen who saw mu~cles of his face, his eyes closed, and he three liwJJ; I(~ iwo cmiooi~.:tw'o:·fulllipsf! -~\!-st P'!! a rtiif t~i"<iM_" l f ~ !ri~'-&- " J hevel'l'ed feathers . . How long they h~d been him rnffer and vyatched his hfe g_radually whispered, "L~y me down easy, boys ; four potatoes c~:fiiJt!?,'tWortii:l5le11jl6?n" obU ~elt~.r ~ 1 it)·~~~ toil it"i;n'( cop.tend~ng 1was~ of . course., only CODJecture, here ?" going out speak ID the moat touchmg man· e·a-s-y," a.nd wich the last word his life P1hone1· -" Yes, indeed, ma'am." fula each of,l!~llf'.llrM··9tfli1 ·!!~Boni '}Y;iitih' careful.ff wrJe·her.'11: ibll'f'ii'!iM~do 1'n f'os.!I" fiuti dthf them looke~,:wel: tired o1?t. Visitor (aympatheiica.lly) ;- "What was ner of his noble conduct. Gardner stood went ou.t. ealt and pepper.· B~i~_!~~_:'. ~g-~r._ the bot'tom of the check and handed it in. "Well, L\{lutennpt, s.u~ the gmde after bravely at his post, and was wedged tightly it?" 1 SAoo 'DiIBXM: ::::Yelks- of ~~e Jlggs,,_ O.!,l~·; · "yo_ u endorned it wrong, madam. " the}~a~ end~~ \V,Jth tile ~o~ II sucbetween the engine and the tender. His Priso~er- " Gettin' found out, ma'am." ha.lf cup of _ft}ff U">~tl(~f milk?)!~Jh I "H~ did :t know.:.,ho)V you ,,wanted. it ? ·~~...... ';V-e ,m1gl,lt:J;11S~ _AS well rope Ill tha.~ leg was crushed. The brass steam guages 4 The " How dared you sell me bad fish yestcr· of the boiler were buried in his thigh. slowly one~f'-'fi'oi:tf'; sweeten to taste ; Why !IWI\~~·~q-ll.~e ?'; ;. - ~ ,.- :: 'l ! i· ~(>ti,~li;. 't'?,~· , f?! ,,io._~ JUS~ a me~~· .matte~, 0 when cold add the whites of-the eggs, bea.teu "1 · t'hoiig'liti did; here, ~rife i:t across I t1fne~lien· t~em ~~rd111-~1ll ge~.}"; t~.e) ~~ da:y ?", .asked, an. angry housekeeper of nn steail". and heat was cooking his crushed leg, to a fr~. -. , , ~ 11 , - --, tlietop\'so's " and the teller painfully showed made, up their n~m~ ~o haye it or rea - itinerant fishmonger. "'Twas your own and in this condition he remained for almost GEM __j!'.,'{ e her, a® with much grudging she complied. ' fast.¥-,·, we".trb}dtecf f care!h u lly oye: tohthet fault, I offered it to you five days two hours ; but little complaint was ma~e. · V'll ..,_ "'" _µ,,.-,,, ' ... ' ;. d h:_e h ·thi ' ' an r01n ·· ere tn a s or · He seemed t o recognize the fact that l!fe and ii e , , -tod ·in our betore." was only a question of a few hours with 1 tea.spoon ;one quar..,r up , , h · ·d l<- ion but I must confess it was some.· and he directed t he trainmen and p!l.sbutte!..k!lo~§1JJH!P.l?ftS 1Q~r.b11rking.q.;o"'#er:: ,,i _to "e ~; e .t 8 e 8111,,' ,', 8!isst the·iexpense of my better feelings; SUET Puonrna.-One cup each of ramna, him 1" ·! ~l 1'W 1 sengers to give :their .atten_ tion. to th!_>s_e !n· . bake " ""' -"' T ' ' ' "" _,,. ;y; -l'I h ·. , 0 ... tl(e h c}, Jade a.· m$t lieroie currant's j\nd suet chopped fine, three cups jured,· not to him. His hand still mamtai1,1MOLASSES Co io · !H) icked w; ;::; conti?ued 0 one o( milk, two teaspoons of ed a death grip upon the throttle. ~IS he!!.q rested upon the knees of Robt. Gib!:coh 11.s ·.,,.:,.... .. !to insist th11.t to leave tp boil two houri!. Cle~;-pia.~ ~~-witlffe,a!ll>oft ~-. J><· i!RJl~$ol~\lS0t;estions., . O!V~f- ~~~~~6~· eari~;. wmu~h ~u[iJto ~~to h!o~e~ea!~recoi:~~ou°tn ~~~~d ~eockn~nd11.:;r~~f~i!g::~l~e 1:8~~h.t-[ ~~lt:e:; s~;~e~ai~e:i~od~~: ~fte~n ~t barn-y~r~, ~hcl; '_ :)aJ·::~e'solve\l It1 l<!gg13t~s >- ·-· ·. . '· ;,·· -o , · aroun~, wha~ver q~a.rt~r the:~o.Cik d~or. ~roa.i:hed ;vith~~ ~~ tt:~10~%l~e~~lkls! towa~d. ~r ~he Da.n~s, andA7~n Orders for Stamping will receive prOII!Pt attention. al~. A large variety of -Stamping Patterns always on hand. ~t:-:,al:l'l·a ailv~r lookdf~dr h~as ~~:npcr:~: de~~ i~~~ea. ;~~d~nly cdohberyentth~ongve~i~~hr:flu=~~~a, ~~e ~!~B quick~y;, ' ~~vas ic~----occur~, ~nd ~o'!'n ·~he' w~th be Whj~1W' pa_\ed·r~lb' pahi!1t~ m~y ~way: Ithoug~t ni~ude. ~a~~eo;:;g~':tail=g~~ ~~e I ~ ~ ALT H l' fil~ 11~ I I~ I; m ·~IP' :l?:l1If I I~ ~ · .&!I11l. ·· ~ · i .· Ic..~ IJ F R A LL THE PII IS 1· i ~t 1' ' ·r sound~~\l,":~?~C.r:. ·So~p f)~jif';,.j;~inkf~om<WOOd, a.mmo,n.i~. s"t~"':\'l ~lit u~e oa~.--.colpr: l,{ollojv,i!1gi~oident,;ia.ri:a.tedb_y-a.nexc~ai;ige, A?sr ~,he ~~t cheq~e ,'t,~ ~us ~-e;s; .?ut 'j sw~oped etrikingw~th it~ forefee~; ~he bi.1d ' :tr~~:iv~s;a.tesofwell-remembere~wintera effectual!~. ~ ~ T' "· H ···,,_,E _. ._.:·, · N ·. .T ' '" M ,..,,.,..,T cle~k; ~none &,¥~"fr~ng ~efilrve'd. ' p1,p.~ 3 ~cheep'~ ~'~~ng ~he no~: t~e "Bu~ I ~. ~utyo;i ~ r~c~~v~ get.~Y. lno?-~Y h~.~e." ~f s~adowy aterx. -bedroon:~"~,iglit :~<I:·l~~ r~fii'# ~.ltlli!till qpce~ta~, bu~ endo~ed,·m_adam,'! ~~=c:ltttl~ ~:~~c~t0 , ~~~d bea~t from!ld~<iilo,H~<Ulm ·~st ·- ~ mi:s~ ~ndorae -~~ .BEJJ~ t I1 ,~ry succe~tmlg, ~o~~g on~, f ~~ ~~h e~p ~~np~s:dr t~ie w~uld .reg~in B.e~~~~m:- . - l -~o:,~- . sma.11.,?~ef_ ~on~ B~~~f'irf'dli'fiili'ft'ifnid'f."-,,_M f the~ I I t one-haILtt,_~;ps _,,Ill~! !~.eU:!fir:~~~~: ; :~J!J;~i1~ ~llif'g'ltir; L ~~·" !;11'~1!!. "' ~1rl'. ~t~~~·~a.~~ap ~~;:r,~~~i:~;,a~ $ - !£;p~qns ~, ~ ~itfga.r, ~-, ~;~ ~ ~-~q 1t;g~lf:r ;g~~sh~dto~kve i .- ~~ ~·'nd!!'e ,r~~~ewi ;~~:~~ da?~~i sd-:m··h&~ 'th:~ littl~ ~'" ~ r m~rm. ~apd dliJmt,g.· .,~ ~I d:~e~~~~.iai,,!J.t~~gh t~,e·gui~e fth i~1Y!\~,;~:4el\'Ve,1t ,·lia~rng_pow~~r, ! fi_o~~· cu~

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