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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1888, p. 7

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£7,25'.J,00(}. !ter ling (over $36.000.00()). Its tonnage is n ow only inferior to that of the IS PUBLISllED German Empire by . about 55 000 tons, Glanders. To harden plaster of Paris, mix it with a.nd exceeds that of France, Italy Hus;ia 0.lTARRB.- A n ew treatment has been d lsEVERY WEDNESDAY MC)RNIN~ alum-water. :.ovorcd whereby a permanent cure of this This disease, kno\\ n also' aa farcy, prevails! Aush'ia,, oto. 'I'~e combined export~ ] iltberto incurable <l is absolutely affect· -BYJohn Bunyan, Daniel Defoe and Sir and imports of Canadian ports in 1887 id among horses, asges and mules. It is highly In from one to t hree a pplications. no matter Watts all lie in B unhill Fields cemetery, rtia.ched 7,640,000 tons, which is~ ery nearly ll'hetber sta.ndrn g one year or forty years. Thill contagious. It is characterized by a swell· I London. . ·omedy ia only a pphed onr,e in twelve days, ing and suppuration, of the glands, infl~m equal to t hose of all t he other .Briti ~ h colonAT THE Oll'EIOE md does not in terfere with business, Descrip· ma.tion, tendtng to suppuration of the mucous Ten cents an aore ~as all a farm of 954 ies combined. '.fi7e pamphlet sent free on receipt o l' sta mp by l"ost OJHce n1ock, IH11g lltreet, nowmaU:. membrane of the nose and respiratory organs, acres brought receutly in Greene county, A St. L 1uis p ork-packer told the U. S. \, H . Dix:on &; Son, 305 King street, West v lllll, Ontario. pains in t he j "ints, and grea.t prostration. l'Jronto, Canada. Ala.., when sold under mortgage. Congressioual commi '. tcs on agriculture the WHAT 1s C A TARRB1 There is no evidence that it ever originates .. ~ . TE::R.lY.I:S: There is a. five-year-ol d cow in Clay ?ther day that ' "hog~ afl'ccred wi ~h hog Catarrh ls a dan gerous dis.-a~o which thous· in man ; it seems in every human case, to have St.50 per A.nnmu, or $1 i f paid hl nthnuce, county, Dakob, that sta.nns 16,Z bands high cholera -.yere often cut up 1. m d packed in J.ode are consciously or unconsciously suffering , been communicated from a diseased animal. He h~d frequently trnm. I t is a m uco·purulont discharge ou.11sed · a.nd weighs 1,888 pounds. Circlls men ar e sla.ughtrmos hou.s os. Payment t1trictly ln advance required C rom It is b elieved t hat it is never communicat. "' ~Y tho presence o f a vegetable in the subsoa bers outside of the county, Orders io bargaining for her. dcne it him ielf, and had no doubt that eve1·y :InIng membrane of the nose. 'l'he pred1spo15. discontinue the paper muat be acoompaniod by ed by diseased emanations diffused in the Mrs. Sarah P. Bartle'tG, of Hope, Me., is pork-pa.cker in t he country h ad done eo. " h:tg co.uses are a morbid state of the blood., tho the e.ix;ount duo,ortb o pape wil no& be stopped. air. This in part accounts for the fact that And yet t hese infamous scoundrels who allghted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison suh·'}"ibors are responsi"bleunt! full payinen tie it is comparatively J"are among men, while 9:> years old, and hlLS jnst taKen her first thus deliberately sow broadc·~t the seeds of ~r syphilis, mercury, toxomoo, from the retenit is freq aent among horses, and has a strong - ""' illUde, spoonful of medicine. S he h1\s decided not ~ & Ion of tho efl'ete matter or the sk in, suppre~sod disease r aise a protecting howl and shout perspirations, badly ventilated sleepm;;t a.parttendency to spread. Horses are very sodto be a centonari:i.n. &ilTES OF A.DVl!m.TISING 1 ,O::.l: " William Tell's Prison." "retalia.tion" becaua.i Great and !llents and the germinat ion of other poisons In Wh >le Column one year ...... ...... . $60 og l~ ~;;; ablo among themselves, and as the morbid There ha.s h tely been removed trom a Four generations live in a house in Cen- other European coun tries fXchule their ;he blood. Irritated by t hose, tho lining mcm.. " Hl\lf year .......... .. 36 O 1 · :;., discharges from the nostrils and lungs are hill-top at Kussnu.cht, near J,ucerne, in tral l<'a.lle, K I. There are a mother, filthy and pestilence-breeding products. ~~~n~f0t1i~h;a.~~:ft~s ~~!' yeady .~?r 8 tho r3cjp'" " One quarter........ 20 oo ~.., pl'Ofine, they thu s easily inoculated. 1 Half Oolumn one year ....... ,. ...... SS oo - - It is plain, however, that man is not as sus- S witzerfand, tht last vestige of an ancient daughter, daughter's daughter, and da.ugh. . :he nostrils and do'wn tt'c ra'iiate~ ·Y 0 /r:: 0 : 6; " H a.lfyear .............. 20 001 . Mr. flenry <;teorg~ 8 assertion that "the 1he throat, cauaini: ulcora.tion of t h o throat; up ceptible to the disease as are; but structure known as "Gessler'a c~stle," ter'e daughter's daughter. " One qna'Cter . .. ....... 12 50,where, tradition said Will~m Tell the T0 k t . . t "th l , rich ~re g rowmg . n cher a.nd t ho p oor are ilia !JUB~ac~ia.n tubes, causing. deafness: bu;. while it is thus rare among human beings, S Q1arter Colun:.n one yes,r ........... 20 00 . . · ' . d b h. · A DH ~ a 8 roni:r Jom WL g ne, n!e new growmg poorer " 1s not borne out 80 far as ' OWml!' m tne vocal cords, oo.lrnmg hoo.reenoea: " " Half year ........... 12 501 it is exceedingly fatal. _9:71ss pa.triot: was impn.s~ne . Y ~s usglue and m. apvl~mg first fi ll the pores of En land is concerned b the inco~e ox . ?surpmg t!te P.roper structure of the b~onchial 5 " ·· Oue quarter...... . . 8 00 1 T yh l t re ,ubes ending m pulmonary connumpt1on a.nd In most ca2ea, the affected person has tak· tnan t yrant. .rhe fate of tms rum, whtch was the wood wi th thm glue an d let it dl·y , and t g 0 f th· t T en !!nee andunder,!lrst insertion. 80 once the res1deuce of the b.lrons of Kussclea.n ofl' llo d l ·t t th . . t "th t 1·urns a oount ry. cse s 1o w that dt>r- en it by inoculation ; infected matter ha.s nacht is an excellent illustration of the l subsequent Insertion...... 0 25' n g uo i a e JOin WI s rong mg the p11ost ten y ears the.number of incom· B Many Ingenious speiflos for for th e cure or como in contact with a wound, a Ecra.tch, workings of Swiss thrift, l'rom eix to ten lines, first ineertior. 0 75 ··· The farmer to g ue. between $750 and $2.500 has increased cat!l'rrh ~ave bee!l _mvented. but without_ SllC· Ea.oh eubeoqnei:itinsertion ... _. . . 0 S51 =-..10 a ch:i.fed surface, or a. chapped hand. The · · · There is " J8 r J d h lth l · the t t t 0 t Th b t $" ~ess, until a physician or long standmg n1seovthe land belonged, the Swiss n~ws - 1 w ,,e an ea Y mor~ Ill wen per cen · . ose e ween "'·5.00 ered the exact nature of th diseaee '11nd the Over ten lines firstrnsertion,porhne 0 IOI poison lies inert from three to eight days, whom papers say, beca,me t ired of htLving great ?oast pf a saloon keeper of D :o1nv1lle, Ill., and $0,0011 have ~ot mcreased at all, while only e.ppl!a.nce which will permanently destroy Et>.0h subs~quenti nsertion " U 03 and sometimes for seve ral weeks. The numbers of sight-seers tramp over his .ha.t his two grown sons have never tasted th.ode between $v,OOO and $10,000 h ave the paras1te, no m atter now r.ggravated the The nlimbor of Lines to be reckoned bY _ wound may even have wholly h ealed; but land to look at the last remi>.ining frag- whi,key, never used tobacco, and seldo·n slightly decreased. These facts prove that ~aso d . S?fferers sbould send stamp at onco tb~ apace occupied, measnrec l by a scale 1swear t he spot at length b ecomes intensely infi.lm the te d f d d t' . E or e8c1lptlve pamphlet on Cfltarrh to the Ol'd Nonp1i.reil, ' . . ,. n ency 0 · mo ern pro u c IOU m ng- business ma.na1ters, .A., H, Dixon &; 'son 305 ed, and later ulcerates. The neighboring ments of Gessler's castle. So he struck ' lymphatic veseels swell, and become hard a b~rgain with a neighbor, who hap- ! A la,rg': copper m~dal, mmt ed Ill l\.mg land, at least, ts favourable to the p oorer Klug street, w est, Toronto, Canada. pened to nee:! stone to build the lower Ge_o~ge s tim~, an~ evidently worn. by some clt1,s see. , Wha t the R ev. E . B, S tevenson, B. A ., a Cle:rgy ·, DRS, H eJ, J.UGiltlN d; nmTH. and cord-like. ofl the London Oonference of t he Met/to art of a barn and the fr a<Yments cf t he I Bnttsh aoldwr m t h e Rsvolut1on, was They say in Bloominrtton Ill that Dolp ' !l,!Znt 0 The glands also enlarge, end the whole P 0B'FICE : - MORl<IS' BLOCIC, BOWHANYILLE· · .,. f plo h d ti · fi ld !\'[ . "" · ·· iur ch, of Oanada, has to sa11 in 1·egat·d, faded castle of the lords of Kussnacht have · u~ \ ; up recen Y Ill a e near 00· 1~ 1chardaon, w ho spent all his time in poliTo A .H. Dizon &: .'fon's N ew Treatment for Dr.J.W.MoL.t.UGHT,IN. Dr. A. BEHR, Gre.du part becomes swollen, then follow, general- been carted away, l\Ud been built inw a. roe, · · tws, out of which he made precious little Oatan·h, licentiate of tho Hoyal ate of tho Toronto ly, abfcesacs i:.nd ulcerating cavities. Tho Swiss peasant's barn. A ". s~z o ".in a coa~ is an inch l. in un?er- money, mi:ch to . the discouragement of his Oaklane! Ont., C~nada, March 17, 1883 of Physicians Colleae "nd member of the Umversity, l:'hya1c1an mucous membrane of the nose sooner or Perhaps the sight -eeers, a good many of j wea.r it ·~ 2 mc~es; m. a soc~, ~ rn~h; Ill a he.r~·workrng wife, wa~ cured of hi~ bad lfeBsrs. f!. B . Dixon&: Son: later inflames and ulcerates, as does also 0 Royal College of Sur- Surgeon, &o. t \and. that of tho mouth, larynx, lungs and eyes. whom are under stood to be Canadians, will , coll~r, ~ mch ; Ill a sh1rt, 1; men ; Ill shoes, habit very suddenly. One day he r ushed ltl~=~e~~:i;-;;~1~nrs of ~h: l~thtlns\~ 0 geone, Edinburgh. resume their pilgrimages, not this time t r>'! inc_h ; in p ants, 1 i_ nch ; in gloves, ! inch, into th? house and d emanded dinner instantcurea of Catarrh, b~tglokn~w th~~ I a am. a.°i Then follow a severe cough and p rofuse exthe hill top whe1·e the ruln used to sti>nd, and m ha.t s, of an mch. ly, so.ymg that he must be back to the poll - n~ve had no t·eturn of tbe disease, and n ever DR · .J, «;, JIU'.JCIU!LJ., pectoration. to t he peasant'i; barn ; for the legend of In order to cnre whooping cough in "Var- ing p lace in five minutes. H.., mt at the ;r,ifl'.lbet;er icn mtY l hife. I h ave tried hso mafnyK. L BER OF COLLEGE OF PHYBICIA.Ni'l In the early stages of the disease, imd also but ·11· T 11 · "t f th · d t f table and Mrs R' h d l d b f gs .or a arr , suffered so muc and or and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. · 1 t~m e ., ii:. ~pi e 0 . · tc a.r son Pace e ore ~o many, that it is hard to r ealize tha t e J U gmen ° I wickshire village, Eou., t h ey cut a piece of . when the disease is of a m ilder type, it is w 74'. diflicnlt to determine its nature. It may be h1stona.ns that 10 rn altcgether _a fa~le, _has 1 ha ir from the nape of the chil d's neck, chop bun 8: pitcher. ofw~ter and a platt~r heaped l am rel;'llY better. Oflloe e.nd Residence. Ennisk1llen. . - -····--- - - - - - - confonndod with rheumatism, typhoicl fever, a strong hold upon the popular 1ma.gma.t1on. 1 it vcrv fine, and spread it ou a piece of bread up with ele~t10n tickets.. Mr. Rwh o.r dson 1 I consider that mine was a vor_y bad _case; it In this cmmtry. however the story of d ' ·t t d saw the pomt, and has smcc devoted much b_as aggravated and chronlc,'mvclvmg tho W. S, OBJIJil!!TON, J,, L . n . or some other form of blood-poisoning. The 0 a.Aog. t of hie energy to providiug for his family. tb~~~tht6it;~1d1~9retqh~r~fi:~h~~~~~~:t~;1~1r I Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c, Money patient's relation to a. horse o.ffected with W illiam T ell is not so often formerly told I anJ gthveii 1 1 " · · h tl. h f th o n , l ma.r cree, o ,ower ,ee coun y .. t 1 f 1 to loan. Office, in !leaver Block upstairs in the disease is an important fact in the deter- t o t e young, par :I, per a ps, or e reason , G . di d t i f b h· ' Barrels are now bein m d f h d d uu ee fully cured b y the two sent me. and roooo s formerly occupied by Dr. Harnden, that it is no longer believed to have a found - : eo~gia, e r ecen 't roni a. ras~ arg a e 0 · ar an ! am thankful that I wue ever induced to send mination. Bowmanville. 30 , . ation u on fac~, and a.rtl because the momca, The .harmon!ca ~as :i. Chns~fl!aS soft woo?, each staye bemg of t he 10 you. \Ve said tha.t the mortality in mlln · · h" h 1:J Y f d f f , present, and in blowm" it t he harmomca. soft variety and sltghtly thicker than the You are at hberty to use this letter stating d p ., · DR. F:. «:. neDOWEJ, L. is very great. Yet if the symptoms develop · r ea era, m w IC a. ize orm. o oisoned his moutLi and lun 8 hard wood stave. '.l'he edges of the stave ;hat I have been cured at t" o treatments. and g · o,re cut ·q uar e ii.nd whP.n pl d t th t I shall gladly recommend you1· r emedy toeoine ICEN'I'J A'l'E OF ROYAL COLLEGE slowly, and are less severe, and the disease the story formed one of the moat attractive P pieces, a re no longer in use. I A n impervious ena.mel for paper wood form th; barrel the 0 ts'd e.ce oge er ~ )t m y fri~ds who are sufferers. of.Phy~iciane. London. J!:ng ;Member of assumes a chronic form, one-half of the pa.· ours, wit~~nl. tb:J'.n~si·J>vENSON . The story, a~ i t is still t~ld in s.w:itzerland, '. &~... is a solutl_on of she~la~ in me.thyla.t ed there isa V -shaped cra~k be~~:~~ ee:C~~~~e College of Physicians 11oa Surgeons. Ontario. tients may recover. SUll$1!!RY AND HllSIDENCR: -R e ar of M·Bftrl. that Gessle1 , ail Austrian b a1hff, at the 1 , spirit. A coa.tmg of tllrn IS applied, and . from top to bottom I th" t And hur.dreda of others OI course, the attending physician mnst ts . th t tl t t"ll l th h · . · n is arrangemen Higginbot.hum's Drug Store, BowrnanT!llo, ie co;iu ry was ~ x. unc er e j then anot er coatmg laid on a t a nigh tern- the operation of driving the hoo 8 forces the determine the treatment, whi :h should be t nne a 6- lyr.· edges cf the ho.r d staves into t~o suh ones · -- - - - of a. supporting, stimulating and soothing ~yranny. of Austria, placed his cap on a p olo pe1·ature and under great pressure. character. All who have anything to do Ill the village of Al tort, ii:nd comr.nanded a}l j A young man is digging for 11 red tin b :;x 1until the cracks arc closed, and t he extraD. BlJRKE SIMP!!f)N', with the p!!.tient should wear r ubber gloves, pll!ISC~s·?Y to bow b~fore it, as a sign of therr containing $600 in gold, buried in t b.e woods thickness of the latter cu.uses its inner · ' ARRISTElt, SOJ,ICITOR, &c. MOPftIB · ·. at V illa Ric.-, Ga. H e claims to have been j edges to lap over those of the hard wood BLOCK, up eta.ire, King Street. Bowm1rn- and lH very ca.reful of any scratch on the aubmisston to Austna. Tell, who was a famous marksman with , c~lled out of the h ou se to t he front gate of , staves, thus ma.kiIJg t he Joint doubl y se face. lo, Solioitor tor tho Ontario Bank Ge:ntle:men'sClot hes Madi to Order. the bow and arrow, refused to do so. H e , his yard by a ghost and told where to fi~d cure ) Prlvat~_Jlm1evs Ioaned at the lowest r&te&.:. was sen~e!1ced to death, but was pardoned ; it . ' Period of Incubation· .John K eith GslbraUI!, on condition that h e would ~hoot a.n apple In ~pi te of tne efforts to create the imL a,st wee_k a St. J:)utS \Vheelma,n had : preesion that the h ealth of the Empewr A.RR I S TE R, SOLICITOR, ~OT~R Y Most contagious and infectious diseases from his son's h ead. He made the shot, bu ~ 1 G essler noticed when ~he apple had been cut; a t"".ely_e-mi~e race with a grey hoLtnd, but, F r ederi 'k is improving, there are indica! UBT,JCJ , &o . Ofiloo-Bounsall e Bloc,k undergo a certain period ol incubation after S:!ng Streat, B-~~ ma_~l~l~ _.Money t o lend, exposure, before the first symptoms make in two by the arrow, that Tell bad &nother I befo:e six mt!~ had been mn the dog shol\·· 1tions that no such hope feH eitht:r b bimed mgns of fat19?e, and. bad to be watered salf or by t hose officially wit h Ycrnr 11.tten tion is directed to the immense ~@BERT A.JtJJIOtrR, their appearance. This p eriod is some- arrow in his quiver. " Why did you pnt; two arrows in your , ~:1d spcm?,ed. '.!:he .canine was completely him. 'fhe strongest evidence of t he truth s tock of lllGISTRA.R WEST DURHAM J S8Ulljjt what variable. A.s a. rule, the shorter tho used up at the fiwsh, of this is afforded by the decree shortly to ot'Lioenaea, Barrist er and AUOt'· period of iucu)Jation, t he more severe quiver?" he asked. "To kill thee, tyrant," boldly answered Four fishermen at Knoxville, 'fenn., re- be p r och.imed t hroughout the Empire aub·J' &t L&w and l!lolicitor ln Chanoer:r. Honq will be the attack. The following liet · port that whi~e cr?ssing th" Tennessee in a t horizing Crown ~nnce William to reprcCt,ned on Roa.I Estate. Office on King street, I includes the most common contagious 'I'ell, "had I slain my son J" · Tell was, upon ihis confess1on, a~a.m put small boat a fish like a serpent, and folly ten l sent the E mperor m tho transaction of offiof enry d escription at lhwmanvllle. - - -- - , dies:-~ in chains, to be ta.ken across Lo.Lte Lnoerne, ! feet long, capsized the b oat and broke it ! cial hnsiness in t he event of his father 's inWllLlA.M: WIGHT. Measles, seven to fourteen days. and thrust into the castle of Kussnacht; into pie1Jos, the meu barely getting ashore , ability to act for himself. Although t his C hicken-pox, one to t wo weeks. ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the Scarlet but on the way a terri ble storm arose, and ! with their lives. 1decree a.lone will not creat e a. r eaency it fever , one to fourtocn days. Count'/' of Durham, Orders left a.t the he 'l!as unbound in order that he might serve Mr. Brouardel, the French savant, says t will enn~ble the much-feared junk~r Pr!~ce ihe ha1 just opened o u t one of t he largest Dip~heria., two days to two weeks. SHJ'll!SlUN ofllce or forwarded to Tyrone P.O. and moat 11tylish s tocks ever brou ght as ~lllot.. that in eight y cases out of one hundred ty· 1of Pruss.ta. to thr.ust his hooks of st~el mto Sma.ll pox , one to three weeks. t1tlll reoeive prompt a.ttontion. !!8:6m Steenng the boat near the sh.ore, h o leav· phoidfover ill caused by polluted water . .M. thil.t ~.Inch he will shortly hold as hm ~wn. to t o-im, coneisting of :J W hooping-cough, four to fourteen days. !!. CJ, lllJNKING, ed npoa th., bank, esca.ped! lay Ill ambus~ m, Brouardel's opinion is fully borne out by Br1t1sh farmers are about to settle m a Jlillincry, ni·es s § illls Mumps, one to three weeks, a rocky defile thr?ugh which the Austrians I the exp erienot1 of V ienna, whore typhoid fc. · a~~? region north of the .di~trict where D~. ICENSED AUCT I ONEER FOR Typhoid fever, twelve days. Velvehl, &c., must on their way to Kussna~ht, and Iver has entirely disappeared since the town , Livrngsto~ began ~1~ '!11ss10na.ry labors m the Count'/' of Durham. Sales a ttendad lo on ubor~~·t notice and lowest ra.te1. A.ddr·ll Sout h Africa.. T h ia 15 m, the with a Tery fine stock of F e ather s and s hot Gessler dead aa. he po.e~ed .. J;hs brave has been supplied with pure wa.tcr. How to Save Doctors' .l:lills. 0~,.!!"10.m It. o. 86:tf deed ca.used the Swiss to rise 1n mourreo country stretching a lmost to the Zambesi Flowers. tion, ~nd the canton's were freed from tho J\lber~ l!'ra zer, a convict in the Michigan 1 that Grea.t B ritain took under her wing ~ N ever go to bed with cold or damp feet. Pianos Tuned an4 Repalr4'd· ' Aust1:ia.n yoke. . p enxtent1ary! escaped, a.nd a. reward w~s of· while ago. Ono large party are now on the (fall and inspect this fin e display which Never lean with the back upon anything Th1s. 1~ the sto!y! and a . very p10tures'-ue, le~ed !or .his capture. ~o commumcated way to t heir new homes, and another will cannot fail to give ss.tisfaotio~. and spmted one I t ts ; but 1t doP.ll not appear with hts wife, who wa.s ha.vrng a hard lltrug· follow nex t month. Each colonist 'll"ill ARTIES WISE ING THEIR p I A.Noe that is cold. Never begin a journey until the at all in the early Swiss chroniclell, a nd it gle wi th poverty, and induced her t o deliv-· a ranch a9 big as t he mammoth wheat farms 'l'uned or repa1reo can nave t hem atteude;d f.11 by leaving word at the DoauNION O:a114fi ha.a been eaten. does al?pea.r i~ the t~aditions of man)'. o~her er him up a!l'd get .the reward. So she did, , of D JJ.kota, and t ho Gov~rnment h e' p l t he 1 Oo'a 011"B'ICm, Bowmanvllle A lbet-elas tnfl,a ~ N ever take war m drinks e.nd then imme· countries besides S~itzerland. ~ta prmc1pal and Fr~zer is happier t han he has been for ! pioneers by supplyin)? ench w ith a house, 1 E' .. '!..!..W_!Join~ in th eir emvlo'!" feat.urea ari: found l~ the P ersian .p nem of. years. IO J head of sheep, twentv-five cat tle, two e e - - -- - - - - diately g o out into the cold. After Xercise of any kind n ever ride in .Fend ed -D1~ Attar,_ 1 .n the Icelandic .s agas, The cook in a c.:iwboy camp near Chey· . horses, and all needed impl em en ts. A part an open ca.rriage or near the window of a m t~e D.i.nrnh tra.dthonary .P ?etry, tu the enne w as told that he had d rawn a lottery of B echuanalaud, like our g1eat Nort!iwest, VETERINARY SURGEON. car for a moment ; it is dangerous to hea.lth 1 Eaghsh p opular song on "William of Cloud- p rizeof $15,000. H e at once invited the has been greatly maligned, aud t here is no and even life. es ly," and_elsewhere. boys into town, and in the carouse that doub t that t he industrious Aaglo·S·x·m iH Never omit regular bathing, for, unless . The Swiss seem. mere_l~ t o have adop ted followed spen t every oent thn.t he h ad saved d estined to thrive t hcro in a largo region the skin is in regular condition, the cold it, _and. changed I t sufficiently to fit It to for a year. When h e vot sober he learned wher~ L ivingstone found only t he untutored will close the pores and favor congestion or their history and geogrnphy. It seems to that he been fooled, and then he'llS ; but w hy not give the s~eep, cattle other diseases. be the common proper ty of the Aryan races; a dlsperate but ineffectllal attempt t o kill a.nd horses to set tlers in the Nort hern part but nowher e has the legend t ak.en such pop- himself. I ot Ameri ca. rnther t han in t he S)tttn · ern ' . M erel y wa.nn t h e b ack by t h e fi re, and 1 f 01 d b i d 1 never continue keeping tho exposed to u ar !1'· ,a.n. eccme . ao WL· esprea ' a.s 'l'he R ev. Bartholomew Edwards, rector part of Africa! · 0 the heat after it has become comfortably from. t~ia S~iss.a~apta.hon. It 15 so good of As hill, N oifolk, is the oldest clergy man '1 ·· ""'" · 18 warm. To dn otherwise is debilitating-. that it a pit.y it ts not true. i n EnP,land. H e has jllst completed Ins 1 Honey, ' . stand still in cold weather, es 1 ne· .._ - · - """ IOOch year. He has heen r ector of A sh. H A R. N [)E N L 0 $! . Never 11 f h . l ville just seventy-five years. R e is aho Children wo~ld rather eat b:'!o>·,-:l a~d I J · · · cm ya ter avmg ta. ten a slight degr ee of The Debut ofa. Soldier. the oldest hving Cants.b, h u.ving tak en his 1 h oney th an ~read a.ncl butter. One p ound 1 of honey will go as far as two pound~ of Gr&dnate oft heRoyal Collei;ceot Dent&! exer cise, and al ways avoid standing on ice Ther e was a younl! offi cer of the Nine- f Il. A. in 1811 _ He j g in good he!!l th and 1 Surgeons. Onte.r10. ~::ew where the p erson ia exposed to cold tieth Regiment , whom a casual observer still occasionally c~nducts the services at butter, and also h as the advantage of bem g OFFICE OP POSITE E XPHESS OFFCJ:. would call a strangely bright looking boy. his church. ! far more hea~thy and ple.a~ant tasted, and CJOLD ]fll,LJ NO A SPECIALTY When going from a w nrm atmosphere into N ow however - wi th pickaxe in haud- this M C l G f 0 . h M" h a lwa.ya r em<1.tns good, while b11tter soon be. 0 a cooler one k eep the mon th almost closed, ' · · r. arence anu, onnt · IC ., comes ranc'd and often produces · ARTIFICIAL T EETH INsEil.TED WITHOUT boy (C\s he seems) was <levotmg a migh_ty lu~s i;tta.ine<l notoriet in t he eaijiest ossible ' · cramp m of the Ontttrio ¥eter lnarJ Ool!eit1> . . P . so that the air may be warmed by ibs· zeal-z·Ja.l gcverned by knowledge an cl skill I b ':f h. b dl P . t l:e, eructat10ns, sourness and Graduate Registered member ot tbe Ontario Vekorlnari 18 LA.TES. · " age through the nose e1·0 it r eaches the -~o the cardinal purpose in hand. H e was , \\ay.,simp Y ,Y pnttrng _t . "' Y written d1arrh~a. l'ure h oney should always be lledloal .A.saocia.tion. Great Reductions in prioe on all P enta.I lunga. · h ( ld k )h d note m a . b!lrrd of apple., wl.uch "'.as ~pened freely used in every family. Honey ea.ten a"Ofiloe and Residence, Newtonvlllc, On t, 18 wor Work. Ynalizei!. .Air, constantly In- u.. pro· one w 0 o.s now t 1 nows a a recently Ill 0 hko h · "I w rite this line t o a 1 b d · b fi · 4uolnii Painless Operations. Particular attcu life c! warlike glory before him. Though frend unk no;en ;.0~·t the furst yonng lady , upon w ie~t r ea is ver'? ene crnl to Wlll vl~lt Orono every TuoGde.y a.nd!Satnrd1ty tianpa1dtotherogulationol Children'a TeeU TheDomest10Doctor. seemmg much younger ho was really 21 t h t . l ' b . h" b 1 . h h ealth. '.Ihauseofhoney m steadof sugar Ol!lce lrnurs rr Ill 10 a. m., to ' p. m., at .-..11LL WORK W AB.RANTIID·.,_., years of age Twenty·o~e ,,f age y et a 1l~s a.pp es ~ug tor t ~ a.~ _ to rig .~ in almost every kind of cooking is pfoasant ~ lllul ters' HGtel, Calle by Telegraph reeein 0 1 ims ediate attention. \ for the palate as it is healthy for t he Rubbing a bruise in sweet -oil a.nd t hen in already distinguished for the number' and me ad e g1;1 ~t ok t e crust Y 1 ma et ~o~ ~present 0 ; a.iy; CH.Al'. GEEi MODERATE. Branch office, Dr. Rutherfor4'1 Orono. spirits of t urpentine w ill usually prevent the the brilliaucv of his warlike service }'~u lie a. ar Btomach. In prep! >ring blackbeny, rll.sp-- - ___ ----· unsightly bla.ok-and-blue spot!!. -then Lieutenant- Woieeley had 'co,me out 0 0 1ous app es nex a. · berry or. strawberry ~hortcake, it is infinite· It is now the 1ule according to ' 1 medical to the C rimAa in th e midst of the terrible A French pl.yaician mentxon9 a curfou9 ly sul?enor. . . authority," not to abstain from drinking Winter. Within a few days ~f tbe t ime of case of left- handedness. One chil d in acerIt is a c01~mon expression tha~ honey ~a a water, but to take three and a half pints his landing, he h ad courted hardship and fa mily wa$ left handed, and a. second lt~x?i·y, ~av~ng noth~~ to do wit h the lif~ daily. work by volunteering to ser ve as an en~i - appeared at the age of l ye?.r a lso to be lefo- givrn~ pnnc1pl~. This is an err or ; honey 1s F oi· a cold on the chest a flwnol rag n eer in the trenches . and it is still ii,s an handed. It was then le:J,rned t ha.t the food 1~ one of i ts most concentrated forms. wrung out iu hoiling water and sprinkled acting engiuee~ thtLt \~e first see him busied mother iilw:i,ys carr ied h er child on her left True, i t does n ot add so much to ~he gro~th with t urpentine, laid on the chest, gives the in this eveuing of tha 7 ~h of J nne. It'rom a arm. She was a1.tvised to carry t he child 011 of muscle as does b~efsteak, but it does 1mg reatest relief. work- discontinued aoon afterwo.rd--on a her rig~t. Tno infant.' h a.vin_ g it.s r ight arm parv other pr.operh es no ~ess nece~sar~ to A hornet's nest which has been deserted p a.rt of t ho ground further east he wa.s eum- free bega~ t,c grasp obJects w1.h 1t, and soon health ,!lnd v1go~ous physical and· by the hornets, bound on the throat with moned t o r eplace an engineer ofJicer whohad became r ight- handed. tu al ac tion. It gives warmth t.o t h e srstem, a piece of flannel, w ill care the most malig- b.een killed a.t the Qllarri~e, a;nd thenc.eforth In 1855 Charles Strong came to Boston ar ouses n~rvous en~:gy an~ gives v igor ~o nant sore throat. till the mornmg h our which found him ex- from G ermany and b egan t rying t o m ake a~l the ntul func ,1one. ~o the laborer it WJTa: TJi!B rn. srness .man m~nbl When hoarse, speak as little as possible changing all other toil for the toil of e. des- a. livi ng by repairing clocks. The other gives strengt h , t o t he bu_ n:r~ n ot like ordmary st1 muPUREST,STRON CEST~ B~ST. uutil the hoarseness is recovered from, else perate fight, he sh9,red in the strenuous ef- day he was found dead in the h ou se when~ force Its effects 8 ll:M<ly for u se in any quantity, For the voice may be p srmanently lost, or diffi - forts by which our people w ere striving to he lived alone, Four rooms were full of, such ~ sptn ts, etc., but p~o.duce a PJtA.t::TJCJA.L W.ENTIST, m aking Soap, Softening W, Disin· connect th e works newly cap t ured with Eg- rags, one heap serving as t h e miser's bed. action, t ho r esul ts of wnw.h o.~e oulties of the throat be produced. fe<ltlng,ancl a hund1'0d other Ullcs, A OVll:R TWENTY YIU.RS EXPll:RIIDN<JE. orton's Pit, a.nd to . form, befor~ hreak of Gold and silver watches and c.:hains, a gr:eat P t .lea.smg and .pern_ianent- a sweet dispO SI· oan e qual· :JO pounds Ssl.Soda, troa11UxldeQasA.dml·lsterod forJ>~inlea The following is a sure cure for chilblains day, what, however imperfect, m igh t prove number of old and n ew clock s, copper come, 1on and a bright m tellect. S old 1,y ~11 G T"ocers and r,,.~ -g~~.?'\~., OperaUon.1. - take a h andful of dried peach leaveP. and to be a. t ena.ble lodgment. The loss of blood and other like articles were strewn aroun:d - -·- :E~ '$7 r lllCJCJ:LlJJi'G'8 B:LCHJK. ponr boiling water on t hem, and let them caused by a. wound received at an earlier t he rooms, It ia said t h!l.t Strong lef t Gipsy Shrewdness. Qftl(Jll stand until cool enough no't to burn the hour did nob slacken his i;owerful ener gies, property worth a t le<>.st $70,000. -· - - - - patient, th·m place t he feet in tho water for and, although he wa.s destined to touchI t is imp ossible not to oe struck by the fifteen minutes, Do t his two or thrne times; w as destined even to pass- the actu al phy'!.'he paper doors now coming into use originality and cleverness ol the panish and it will effect a cure. sical limit, of what angry nat ure a llows in claimed to p ossess t he advantage over wood gipsies even in the ir vices. A gipsy man ·1 "" t h 11 of neither s hrinking, swelling, cracking, .uor was at con fession one day, and wh.l st he was tho way of b od i Whoever drinks tea let him do in we bs a "th not see 80 · . bb d f }Y · euor t , th I warping. They are formed of two thick pa.· confeesing ho spied in the pocket of t ho s reng y ei er t i e . to p an· mouk's hnb1't n s1 ' lver snuff box: ·~ '"d stole moderat ion. Do not take it between mea.h h i m ro e o .u s h h t th h per beu.r d s, stamped an d mou Id e d m w ~ or on an empty stomach. Allow it to form wor k or the fi g htmg e c ose o go roul' . tl b ' t f h. t ·1 h d b h d ele, and glazed together with glue and pot· it "ll ie o Jee o oi a T' een Irea.c ·e a sh , and then rolled through he!l,vy r ollers. ·"Father," he said immediately, · a p ar t of the r egular meal. Mako the in- t i -.,,,. lt · is t " I fusion by steeping- .ne\:er by b.oilinu. Those and the ui...i cu vic ory won,- " e nvasion After being cover"d wit h a waterproof coat· accuse myself of h;,ving stolen a silver snuff who. are troubled w1~h msomm a shoulcl n ot of the Crimea. iog, and then one that is fireproof, they are b ox." use it any form. Brnrn wor.kers cannot af,.. - · - · p<>inted, varnished, and hung in t he usual "Then, my son, you must certainly reford to overwork on the s~1mulus of stnng A Chinaee lady m!ltchmaker had a good way. store it." tea.. The poor and scantily-fed cannot af- looking but humpback ed girl t o procure a It 1 k "f tl d f ti L · 1 t' "Will you have it you rself my father?" ford to tt ouch it . , Tod dyspep~ics we say, teda , huaba.nd for. S he d iscovered t hat there was I Cha.m.:r ~tNew Ilru~~!:::k ..~~ n~%~:r~d~ "I ! Cer tainly not," a.ns~ered the con 1 , , es v<>n, an ma.ny < cure a humpbacked youth who had also found. Th l' · f h p · h · d ed fessor · by disusing it. Persons troubled. with con- l difficulty i n obta.ining a wife so she set out I e rleta_iier -0 th 6 Hrovmc~ Aa~ rntr blo u~ ' "The fact is "prcceeded t he gipsy "that .After aPe n ding much timo · d I t' t "0 I ld t "t ·th . k J ' · . i a. reso ll ion m t e < lUSe ot e~em y aim· to its owner a.ud h e ·h11.s r ean money, aru s ipa ·i ~ s iou no u se 1 ei e1 wea. or to arr«nge the match bo t as both parties · h b 1· · f h L · I · C I have olfer ed it WILL C URE OR RELIEVE · . · ' ' h 1 mg at t e a o 1t10n o t e egis at1ve oun. now 'prep1ued to till all orders promptly. I stron have a fine assortment of W A VE::! BANGS , . g. were very eligible Ill other r espeets, eac ' cil at t lie close of the -present Parliamen t fused it. 61LIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, SWITCHES, COMBS and PINS viry ch eap. ' '.l'epid water ia :preferable for every sea· respective p arent insisted upon obtaining a I a nd if the Government insist upon it th~ "Then you can k eep it w i th a g::>0d con- DYSPEPSIA DROPSY BANGB FRO:n.a: $2 LJ;-Pson of the ye~r. ~!ilk bat~s haye bee~ in snrrept~tious view of their da.uuhter in-law i "upper" chamber will go. T he Council, scien ce," answered the father, lNOIGESTIO~, FLUTIERING Old Switches co'o!ed and made to 10111L: lilL:11 ; favor fro?I ~imo immemorial _ w ith 'la.dies, son-m -law. .It w~s arrang~d th~t ~he : though m ade u p of highly respectable gen. 1 new. Hl,gh<:~L price paid for lonii cu~ llalr. and ~othmg 1s bette: than a. dally hot ba~h g1 yl should be ·?-torviewe_d while _spm~mg ' tlemen, has outlived its u sefulness. It is an Bathing the eyes when t ired or weak in H AIR TONIC of f!11lk. Mme. Tull!en was a~ong ~he h1.s- with her hump inserted rnto a _mche mto expensive appendage and deserves the fate warm salt-wawr will soothe and st1 ·engthen SALT RHWMJ THE STOMAQf, torwal women who bathed m milk, in the mud wall, and the man was 11:.troduced that Premier F ielding Las marked out for it them. HEARTBUR N , DRYNESS -u: Warranted to prov!lnt the hair from falllna- which she added crushed strawberries to as he was lea.ding home a water buffalo, · OF THE SKI," out and w ill make it &"row. i give an agreeable perfume. I have also lee.ning over i ts neck with a raincoat thrown Canada now holds fifth place among the PoTA:ro PIE.-Pour over four grated cold HEADACHE, ~!r~:veA'tl~J"e!n;~otptJf n~t' ~tdmtEIRtr heard of an old l~dy of 80 who retained a over his ba.ok . The ma.rriage took plaoe, I ma.ritimo nations of the world, o.nd very boiled potatoes one quart of boiling milk ; .AAd onioy specl1s ot disean ......... ,) JDD~~-. Dm A'T aven 6 girlish complexion like cream and roses by and it was too late for interference before I nearly forth among the commer cial fleets. add when cold three beaten eggs, quarter of .from diamcleioed LIVJJ:R..~ ln'OMA. C.11, B O W'.IZS O.B :BLOjij;> I always washing in the j uice of crushed the humps were discovered. I Its fleet gauges 1,218,000 tone, valued at a oup of butter a.nn anga.r to t11.ste ; bake wit h a bottom crust only. IJ Nead·' BloolL:, BowmanT11lo. strawberries and nothing else. But we o!Wl · rHE CANADIAN STATESrAAN }}{. A. JAMES HEALTH. for tunately keer our skins hcalthv and fair without 1esorting t o t h ese oxtr;·111e measures. For a iull length bath t· bag of bran will wfte n the wa;ter a 11rl make the skin delicioasly smooth a111 l fair ; but let me h ere remark that no bu t 1 1 is per· feet in its results without the l"ng and brisk friction of hands or a cou,1'8e t owel afterward. Friction not only stimu l a.~es circulation, but it makes the ffosh firlD and polished liko Paria.n ma.1 blo. It ia sometimes astonishing to see the change made in an ugly skin by friction, and any lady who wishes to possess a healthful body, firm to the touch > nd fair to the eye, with the elasticity of youth well prolcnged into old a_!(e, must give wiiliugly of her strength to the task of rubbing the body t horoughly. MISCEL.LAN,EOUar lT:E:M.S. CATARRH~ I 501 ofl = I I t '"'. I. I .. I I I I * M ;s L I l ~ I j R PEAT E T a1lor. · B l . I I I I . , . R I ! is LADIES MILLINERY '. L MRS. DONNEL Y'S 0 L I ! I P I w w D1 ENTl &.TRY. I z I ---------- I, . 0 I I l 1 e { w DENTIST RY~ I G.ILLETT:S .. POWDERtO LV. J. M:. BRIMA COIIBE, 99 PERCENT 00d SI Fine Hair G LADIES, I Patronize Home TRADE I l ! Io: !~~~1i {{i<s, ACl~t/~~ HEA~, I . A . M rs. I 8. · I Chlldren CfJfor Pltoher's Castorfa. T. MILBURN & CO., -~~~=--

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