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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1888, p. 8

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---------~--------------...-----. ·~· - =--- <>SIU WA. What are these Impurities. Onta.r10· County. Mr. D. Drew offers t o water 0dhawa The rPport of tht1 Ohio St> lte Dairy and · · 11treets for $415. F d Brooklin Council R o ritl Templars has oo C"mmission 011 baking puwdere now 105 members. Dr. Relt has purchased the 'b uilding in sh ·Ws a la·g.., amnu11t of residuum or im irhich his surgery is situat ed. µuriry to ··xi-tin ma"y of tl1ese articlc3. The Columhns wnol e11 mills are going · b h c ·on a re to resum" operarions in May. Oechr Dale is going extensively into Th e ti uure ,,,iven y t e ummiea1 · (mildiu!£ "P"rntious this spring. as fol!owa : The recent social at l\·l 1 '. J·.>lm Ashton's, Colnmhus, was a .grand rlUCCt-lll!. lltnall fort.u11e by O!Jening a brick yard in N All[E. IMPUI!ITIES diis viointty. \V" mu -t have one. on RESIDUUM. The Brooklin post office h >1s been dis· A Bnrnx: YARD WAN'IED - At the pre&Cl l d' 10 8 posed of. Mr. D. W. Macdonald, mereve an s. ·· · · · ... ... ·.. ... .1 pr ct. chant, is the lucky man . Z·pp's ..... ..... .. 11.99 ·· .e!lt time arr enterpr1si1.Jg man can a Mr. A. R . Ar.drewa . who lef~ here f,.r Sterling .. .... ................ l:& 63 " Mr. J ohn Cryderman. who is one of a trip to E nglaud fall, has returned Dr. Price's ........ ..... ..... 12.6() " oldest inhabitants of Brooklin, is very f;() Oabawa Furll·t City ...... .... ...... , 24 04 " ill and is not expec"ed to recover. There was an incipient fire on 'flrnre.. Stiver St~.r ......... ..... . .. . 31.81"1 " A $3.000 b111ldiug is being erected at iU.y n ight in ,. car penter's shop in r. ar of D1:1 L a· d'H .......... ..... . ... 32 52 " P1ckerrng 11illage for the agency ,)£ the M E. May 's sto re. llnrsford's ................. . 36.49 " ) Ont.ario B.rnk, by ~Ir. Wm. Westlake. 1 Ill.-. C P. Avery wh·1w1 1s here laa'-fall 'l'he qu.istion na. · u·ally a·ises ·ll the l\'l Ch .. s Holt won the tr..phy .. f the · f I 1 l Whitby curling cl ub, fur tho best curler w ith ref,,re uce to gr··Wi11g peas, died in mm.i s o '· 10u,. itfu co11·11mers, Of" lrnt · ~<"IV York on the 11th ult. "Ines t hi~ impnr·ty or r<>sid11 um con·i" 1 of 1888 in t hrtiu· 1'air of sroue match· s.. .Re 11 . I. ~l iddlet o u left h~t week f< ·r In the ca·-H of the fir~t .. arned powder Mr J·ames Bett"s has been aµpninted · ther<:> has bei-n recen tly given the r esu t Shn1 ff o · Muokoka. H ti WM wdl known · I reland. H e gueij to settle the esu~ 1 e of f l . d b p f F Ch -ted 111 p 0 ,t Per·ry w ~ ..11 a boy, tJiu ado" n. · I re1and . o an an" C ys·s m·· e y ro . · . l. . <\ll · u o "' ,..,i; l.a1e D e..n EI wood 1n ,, , ,f ·1r . "V. W.hi't". 1um hia Cu · lc~e, N. Y, l><te a 11 <l ier, ,,f " · o The Cc\ia-r Dale Works arc running Ul t1tnher oft .... N··w York t ..te Board of M G H 1 k' . t h Id h' 1 <tVer tiitie to fill orders. TJi ,, comf·auy E-J e"lth, which part.ially suppli s tl1e crn·s- J...rmr;,u~~:ite t ~e G~t::!.' 1~~:ta~i~1~~ Wni~~ h ave nearly a hundred men on their staff. '"g information, and a~ th" manuf11.ct11r- oy, to Mr. Johu Gr ..yer, 'fhll price was Tne first concert of the Choral Union e s of this particular pow<ler "re cont·nu- n··arly $l00 an acre. w ~ s given on Thursday evening in the nusly callinii; for th\J µubli catiou of all t11e Mrs . Perr eman, of Colnmbiu, one of Thi11 iJOWtler never varies. a marvel 01 M usic Hall, before a 111rge and approcia- ingred ients used in bak mg p .. wdi;rs, thtiro the oldest aud most re~pect"d renide uts, purity, strength and wholesomeness. Mo'l'tl ·liv<> audie11 ce. n b no obJ. 1· t 't t t b economical than the ordinary kind~, &nd oan '"' e ec wn o I s s·a ·emeu ere was rece11 tly ·ery ii.I but is now r '1cover · not be sold in competition with the multltndll What has become of our r ailway pro- Am"ng the rnipu rititts Prof. Chaudler inct. She is iu her 88th year. of low toot, short weight, alum or pbo11pbatll Sold only in cans. ROY.AL BAK· l' ect · "1 'rhe sc·ien'es · " should IJOt be dr' 1p· found Clevchnd's po..,der t · c"··t -<iu u 'r.AMARAC rs not an of'dinary mixture. powders. NG POWDER C0.. 106 W&l!Bt·· N. Y. *-ed w1tl1out first ·e. e 1 °na w1 ·1at ben~fit they lar<1e amou ut of Rochelle S .. lts, 5.49 per ·w · '~ -. ' ' · Tn fl.let 11.s prope rties art' entir ely differ· v011ld bt-i to th" town. cent. 11f lrme, w ith. alumina. st~reh a"'j eut from any p1·ep»ra.t.iun used for coul;!hs · d l as t weei< ' - a f · water, in (j1Janti tieo not "l!t«· ed Aluttt is colds, throat and lung troubles. M r . E . Carswe 11 r etume t 1 · N t" d a auh·tance decl~red by the highlat all· a. r. Inee mou ths t rtp to or .u an h · · b It 1 · s repor r.··d 1 .hat tl1er" are three to e hurtful. If the balance of 1rol iua, 'r e nncssee, o Id y irginia, t l or·1ties S outh C> · r~s1 "d in aII t.h e powders s-amed f,.rmers 11v1'11cr ' th1 "1 1 t-o of \u l1i '1 etus ., w1 ·· mi l"s v ;v K Qn t uc k y, au dN ew Y ork State. EXACTING is made up 1.. rgely of alum, as it is kno 1 11 n vale whose c11mbined wealt11 am.,unts t ·> !.Jn equalled SERVICE Miss Warren, orga.niat of St, G..·orge'a to be in som·, the public would like t , ha lf a millio u, aud they have all got elichurct1, p;ets muc h credit for the improv. know it. An .. ther official teot that shall gible daughters. m ent in the chuir. Mr. W. F . Cowan ~o q .. ite t o 1 .he bottom of tho matte A bl 1 · b d eu ppl.,mcnted her salary with $40, so r ERSO.N una e to s eep in e ' un· .,, d seems to be dem,.nded. able to work, unahle to take ordin1 n·y ex· . 1 u igh1 Yi~ he Pease · .. -...- - · ·-..--~-ercise from the· ff,~c· s of As:.hma until M r L. G. Cassells, teller oft.he Dqm inTHE NORTH COUNTRY. using Southern Aa·hma Cure. A sample ion Bank here, who has been removed to p.ickage relieved, three packages perman To ront o, was tenJered ll fal'ewe l1 dtnuer EDITOR STATESMAN. - ! readily acceed t<ntly 0 ,1red. t by his mllny fri ends a t tho Central H .. tel to yum· request fo,. further i ,.f.,rmat ion las t week. a.bout Ferrio Tow1.shi1 >, Nip1ssini.-: Dts· Columbus people are disappointed at thti u uiou of the Township with t he A room in th e Presbyterian Church trict, as I fu 11 y sympathize wi h y U "' d u C ounty Agncu · 1 · t10n, · · d O· tur al A·soci a. it ti a:; boeu hand~ornely decorateil by F siro that onr young et1ttle in pr1v . ..s t he v1.11 a ,_,e o f h avmg . c d I · kme" I should · t h e Spring .P a .te for the youn~ P"ople who h.v" tl.ll.\< a, an ttnn , i er e i a n o n eed t o llorso show there. · formed a You.1g MoIJ's Association of go tu thi; United Stares t» lo1 1 k for a Cluistfan Eude,.\'or. ilome, aa Cnnada offers a. Kre"t a i e .. of WHERE IT ENDS.- Nine-tAnlhs of the Th th . t d b terntory as well 1\s vadety of cl\.mat;:;, · di~e~ · e deuomiu»tfold Ca·a , rh is the reauh 1 1 1 . e o er m g l a 1orse aD. uggy .oil e1.o · to cho fr .. m of protract~d ..r .,ft. re1watod c - Id~ in ~ llWD e<1 1- -- Mr B ; 'J T Rog"rd Jr was ' As ' I have' onlv ~::, , fo the district. liead. :M aaal B aI 111 w1 ·11 give imm ediate TDE JEWELi.ER, ·~; - .~ ~J . : · · . · ' . " .. - 0 t "- !Jtolen ~hifat st:m d mg m front ot J1~Jder about tnght m..nths, and as my woi:k relit1f and pel'ri:ll\nimtly cures. .. Prosser s. .The horse. was found next day doet1 uot le!ld m " through t he unoccupied The Whitby Chronicle says there is a Has been appointed sole agent for . «iear the uu~on cemetery, part of the c ..untry, my knowledge of it good deal of blk ab1>Ut the Patterson the celebrated ROCKFORD WATCHES, 'l'he sa!11.. 10s of som.e postmasters are:- is no t v\)ry complete. Ta king the dis- foundry starting iu that town again. A Oshawa, $ 1,820; W.lnthy, $2,040; Bow- trict as r. whoh·, it is hilly and 10 some number of wealthy residents in the town they are the best American W atcb -'!lll'mv1lle, $1,360; Lmdsay, $2,000; Or1lha places rocky but contninin" largs tl'acts have t1'ken stock in the business. manufactured and are gua1·anteed ~,600; Myrtle, $J 0.4; C'.,Jurnbus, $120; .,f land mo~e or lass stu;';y and hi!ly, BABIES AND CHILDRRN.- They are al:Purt Perry, $990; Pick.. rm!{, $340. Must of Ferrh is of th« last-mention"d w~ys ca.tchmg cold in 1h0 head, place a. from the factory as fint-class, Call and examine them. As Mr J. R . M·ckte was driving his description, especially t.he yet unuccuµied ,.m...,U par·icle of Nasal Balm in nostwo dau11h ter9 to sc hool one d ..y recently part. The laud is covered wi h cedar, tril at night, also rub well ovi.r the bridKe Ito accidently dro11ped onl:l of the l n1es birch, hem lock '~" d sumti rna.plti, ta.'"a1 isc .,f the nose, . a nd let us know h ow they We have also the finest stock of nud his horoes started to run away. He and JJlll tl. are in the momiug t all kinds of Watches, Gold and -told hie dau8 bters to jump out, which It is G ·\"ernrnent land, y .. t as in all An elrn tree on Mr. Wren's farm in ·tJ:1ey did, hut the seco11d d aughter, ag d n e w countrie~ some of the sett!n-s will be Sc ·tt, measured 22 feet, 4 i 11 clrnB in cir- Silver, in the town of Bowman ville. .a bout fourteen, caugllt i11 the wheel and found w1llin" to llell ou t t" t hose who cumference at its t>ase, and 50 felft higher In J ewelhy, we have an endless .fell on the hard r11ud on her side b r.,ak- w .. uld likH t o buy small improve'I!ents. up l8 foet, 3 inches. Its fi rst limb was ing h er thigh bone close t o t he j 1Jint The majority of the s,- t1.lers are Freach, 60 feet l" n i(. The tree is suppo-e i to be variety-Clocks of all kinds very 'The oldest escaped unhurt. bu t, ·h~ English-speaki·li( f ·rm the more the larges t in Scott and i! about 400 years cheap. In t he d 11 atb of Ackt·ns Moody Fare- 11.Jlu~utial part of the population of old. _,.,en, which s"d event too_ k place in East F .;rri_a. . . . H ow TO SAVI~ MONEY.- Always buy the In Silverware we have the e-::::Whitby on Monday las " ths town·hip . It 1s diffic ult m new ?ush . countnes to h d clnsive right to sell for tho largest 1osi-s one of irs oldest sebtlers. He was give the amoun·s of gram raised p~r acr.i, best because it is th" cheaOM St int e tn ' b k d l t 1 .rnd not nuly 1s Burdock Blood B i tters 1h e firm in t.he U.S. The quality and t.he thh-d son of ·he late A M Far.,well, ut .we now .that Oi<·S an . w iea were heat rnediciue known for all chronic ais'"id l:irother of t "e late Abram Farewell, oultivateri h.ffi 111ghly satis . f ..ctory re· eases ,.f the Stoma.Gh, Kidneys, L ver and prices are the best aud lowest in I .w1 d 1 I ....... M. P. P. for S uth On·ario. He w,.· au ts. t th 1s l out f t»thra1·t1 peas, .,.,. f d on d Blnod, but it is r "a ily the ch.ial)est as i t this part of t.he country, We a1:>k 0 0 n><t~re 0 born April ~9 Ll1, 1811, rn Harmony. He account 0 grouu a u ueed,. less to cure and cures more quickly ·llla.rricd Martha A. Shipman, eldest 011. liCCount _ o f milde:n. Puta.toes w~re you to call and examine our goods hi ht d th b t than any o·her remt)dy . daughter of the latt1 Caleb Sh1µm~n, Nov. s~1 d t o be ig e Is y~a'" ll in ~any before buying. 16th, 1836, wh·i still survives him. In places they were a very fiue crop rl1rTim " Wes;, ern Bank of Canada h iR youc1ger days i\llr. ]farewe ll followed mps, mangl.-e, ~·ltit~. car n ts, e'<~., were open.-d a br anch at. Port Perry, on 6lie wa·er, sailing in diff.. rent vesse·s, both · U CCtJ s fully cultivated . Hay forms tlrn Mond11y "'eek, ta.kiug 1h e bu8iness of the Spec<i and Eye Glasses, Cases, &c., for his father and hinHelf, but shortly a~aple expor t. llorn and be~ns have ale.. Ontarw Banic, wh iab has withdr .. wn from we carry the leading stock, and &fter rrHHri>we s··t tlPd ou rhe farm where r ipened year aft1-·r year, wlHch r ..futes a tha t place Mr. W. McGi1l, Mo.nagor of Ii" died. H';i acc1uired considerable pr op· com~ou. error about thi~ district, ·iz; 1he late Cen· Bank Ill Port P..rry, is guarantee every pair fo1· 6 m< n t hs, 1>er·y, was stricr.1y a teetotaler, a staunch .that 1t 111 unusu,.lly IJUbJect to summer t h"' M ma.ger of 1he n ew branch, and Mr. if well u sed. If they l).reak we W. Smith, of the Western Bank, Oshawa, will repair them free of charge. L iberal and a c11neiatent member of the fr··sts. C ti.ri5tian chu·ch. Conceruing the winter t <impara.t,ure, I will be the accountant. Call and get fitted properly. .___________ . ... .. . ·· ; am uot yet very fully i11form d, hu· I can CO!!HlUMl'l'ION CAN BE cu:&ED by proper say that the mercury reached about the h t>althful exerois.i, and t he jud1cions use REV. J . B. EYNON· limit of 42 d egre"s bel11w zero this winter of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Oun R EPAIRING D EPARTMENT.-- We ':\ . · -a.t North Bay, The ~now has been about, whichcou tainsthe beal- can only go over the same old sayOn S:_,~urday, Ma~ch 2~t~ 1888 Rev ..J. 2~ feet <leep-- ;:;hich is no w conaiderably ing and stre· g th-g1ving virtna~ of thtose H . Edyuorl1,~et~od~st ~mieter, ~llBD Ill- r etl.uced .·- I two valuable spellifics in · heir fullest ing, that we repair Watches, Clocks t~i-rfl at Be·., 011 .~ , urym~~groun },: ·' ar· Allow me t o correct an 1"rror fo my f ..rm. Mr. D . D. McDuna.ld Pditcod1ac, and J ewellry in the most skilful linitton. Re\ 8 · N. K~~ne. , J · W .··twck former letter ; Callnnder (S. Bay) is l's. B., l\ays: I ha11e be,, pras cribing E . Barras!!, S. Sal_ r on, 1· H. Hull and H . not in this towm hip, but is qnite near Scott's Emulsion with good nsults. It manner. We a1 e baked upon as fi urley t 11 ok p~rt Ill the sole~n s~rvrnes., the boundary. is e.specially useful in persons wit h con· the only r eliable Watchmaker in The d ooeased gentleman w~s. m his 8 7 ·h I have sent you, as I promised, a.ll the aumptive tendencies." Put up in 50c. this part of the country. Mere ·~~ar, and :e~tered the 1~rn1stry of t~e information I could get ou the p·>i11t~ and 4!!1 sizti. fhble Chqs 1an Church lll E11Ntimd ln j d d I h0 'ti' q ueatlvile , an can refer you t·· t Wh1tby isabout toiookforna.tural'gaa. talking can't do the work, but tools, 18.20. Ile "'."8.son. by rhe said .1' 110 mio- 101lowing parties, who, although they 'l'h~ Town Council will a t once as k the 2 at10~ us· a misewna~y t o Canada m 18~ .. may not write for publication, will give Goverument as to their inte n t.ion regard· ability and experience combined In. lus voyage to ttusco untr.v he was twice you the information you desire: Mr. J . i ng the de velopment of oil and natural can, of which we have plenty. driven ba?k by contrary winds, and lost "'iV. Ca:npbell, Mr. N. 'l'rickey Mr. g"e in the bituminous Utic!I. and Tr1;nton mos t ~.f h is W';lrl?ly e~ec~. He was the J . Shields, Nosbonsing, Ont. Mr. F. shales, yeilding rnch rich r eturns in Ohio, Jirilt B1bhi Chnstian .m1s m1 n~ry to <?a~a- Hassold could give you more information .-ud wluch are reµo rted in Logan's geoThe Jeweller. 44. dA who succei;ded m formrng socltltieB a lJout the wE1st if desired. Ili11 address logical survey of Oaoada as t h e f orruation o:nd bui Id . iugc h u~ch es. H . " b e15an diMiovo is Nipissin~ Junction, Ont. of Whi1by. :md 1i: hia extensive trnvela north of BowIn conclusion let me say that the ~anvil!~ and west to E xeter he end ured amount of vac><nt land ii; Ferris rr>ay n "t ONE BLACK DROF. -Byr on was wise Alumerous .hllrdsh1ps ~ud r eceived small s taud long ; but there is good land at no when he wrote, ··A drop of Ink may -cemum·ration. Mr. E ynon was a real great di~ta.nce from it, 111 Cnisholm, make a million think." This is indeed - ll~ro, 1hH heat of. bU!llmPr .and the cold of Pbilipo, or Lawder, of which I may send true when the bl ack fluid is used to en· ir·uter could not deter him fro m prose- you something lat~r. li~hten the world 011 the m<irits of Dr. 'ug: his_Jabours. ~~ had a noble coad· W, J . OoNOLY, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Let ', l ·~.' m h111 ? !ll?ved wJte, who was a hero· Methodist Missionary. consumptiv~s e\"'erywh ere h ear the g~ad &ve m the m1s~wnary cans<;. I n the year Lake Talon, Ont., March 27 , 1888 · t idings '£ry it all, who breathe Wlth 1859, failmg health, especially deafness, !! and t·· SS in fever through. the long eompe,llecl him to ask for a superannua.ted nivht h ours. You will find the cough 11· lation. In his 1etirement. he first sett· A SAD l'ItoSPEC'.r.- How many weary go~a and sleep as batmy n.s a child's win !'.ed t Bethesda. aud latterly at .Exet er, broken down invalids there are to whom visit :y our pillow. You will thank the LITTLE BRITAIN, January, Ul, 1888. where he died When the late M .it ho· life is burdensome and whose prospect is drup of ink. that brought the lll tl8Bage of MR. s. P&niuN, dist Umo!l-- was effected tha Bible Oluis· sad indeed. l'he nervous debility and mercy to you. iitJ.11 -·Church comsisted of more than 50 general weakness of those afllicted with $ 500 REWARD. - So c rmfidenL ore tho D EAR Sni,- Sen d m e another gross of 'Ulinisters, and more tha n G,000 memb~rs. Ji11 aeri11g disease i~ best r emedied by the manufacturers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem- of your now celebrat.ed PINK TARCORDU.L. - -E . B . in Torvnto Mail. invigorating nnd r estGring properties of edy in their ability to cure chronic naaal I h ave b een selling i t two years past, and B. B. B. catarrh, no matter how bad or h ow loug its increasing popularity fa very gratify· DE.A.TH O.F A Cll.Rlf:ITIAN mmo. Oshawa n ow has a first-class salvage standing, tlmt they vffer, in good faith, ing, sales b eing more than doubled. CusThere are very few persons in Ontario, corps componed of leading citizens. T heir the above reward for a case they cannot tomers Pre d eligh ted wit b it; in fact, we living torty years ago, who a re not famil· duties are to control t h e chemical engine, cure. R emedy sold by druggists at 50c. look upon it as t he beat 25c. cough prepar~: . atinn on our shelves, and their name is liar with the name of Rev. "'Father" Ey- which ha11 been placed in a thorough state legion . Yours very t r uly , --------~non, the great promoter :mu pioneer of of repair, and is furnished with ch emicals W. H. Poaui~. th,e Bible Christian denomination in old end hose to act as special constables at a. H O, For The Old Country~ ct Canada 'West" or Upper Canada, fire and to aid the tire brigade iu the save 11 Father" Eynon is gor1e and thousands per formance of their dnties. Oshawa has Having experienced such great benefit will mourn his death. Mauy in. l\faripo- now as well an organized Brigade a! any and tll\ t ownship were once intimate "frie:uda town in Canada. ru:id brethren under Mr. Eynon. Well do"we remember hearing hi-m for the first 'l'rrn UfUAL TltEA'rMllNT of catar rl1 is iitme. His fresh, pleasant face, and rich, very unsatisfactory, as thousands of d esfull voice, lent power to his slrong, prac- pairing p11.tients can t e_stify. ". On t his qeal reasoning, a nd created impressions point a trustworthy m edical wntdr .s ays : · till freah in the memory. W ha t a change "Proper local treatment is positively Ontario has undergone since he, a miss- nscessary to succeBfl, but many, if not fonary , tra · ersed the woods and forests most of the remedies in general use by By U sing carr.v in~ the " glad tiding5" t~ dwellers physicians afford but t emporary benefi~. in humble shanties and Jog cabrns ! The A cure cannot be expected from snuff~, El .. Y'~ good dune by the olcl veteran is immeas· powders, <louchea and washes" Ely's ..urable. ' How many owe tlieir present Cream Balm is a remedy which ill' icolesa posses3ion of Christian virtue combine~ the importa~t requis1t~s .of quick A particle i e applied into each nostril and ' llID<i tpo coneeq uent sranding. in society action, specific curatI11e nowe~ with per· IT (JAN DO NO H 1 UU'll ro try "'r ccman · is 11.greoable. Price 50 cents o.t Or11gi.rlet9; by tA> th~ k indly yet powerful mfluenco of 1feet safety and pleasan tness 1,0 the pat- Wor lD l'owders when y our Child. lK allln \ mall re~istel'ed, 60 cents. ELY UROTHEP.9, Jevcl'IS1t or f.retfnl. .. 235 Greenwich St.. New York Mr. Eynon !- Lindsay Warder. I icnt. t POSITIVEl Y l~ClUI' BRO!' tt4 -1"0 Absolutely Pure. Stand A 1 for the foil owing goods : POWDER 0 ROCK 1 luick·Train FORD WATCHES For MiUinery, For Jackets and Mantles,. For Dress Goods, For Prints, For Shirtings, For Grey & \i\Th1te Cotto·n s,. For Men's Clothing, For Boy's Clothing, For Men's and Boy's Hats, For Tweeds and Cloths, For Carpets and Curtains. ·----o---- MAYNARD, The Biggest Bargains~ on record -w-ill be given during this season by McCL UNG BROS. ----o---- l\1cCLUNG BROS .. ABSOLUTELY QUITTING The Dry Goods :Business 1 \.---- JODI MclUUITII .Requires more room for his Grocery, Flour and Feed and Grain trade, and bas determined to Close Out His DRY GOODS BUSJNE88. and extend his Grocery into the premists now occupied with DRY GOODS. ' :.-- ··· ' · ·, · ·· d" .· MAYNARD, To make a clear sweep, everything in the Dry Goods department snow being ~old AT AND UNDER COST. The goods are all firstclass, carefull;y selected for the regular trade and no old culled bank· rnpt stock, the public can understand the immense advanta~es of·fered to purchasers of this stock. Everything usually kept in, a first class Dry Goods establishment, and required in the Clothing and H ouse Furnishing line, offered at AW AY-DOWN PRICES. Call and get Bargains. Cleari g Sales for Cash only. Po'3itively no Reserve. Everything must gon Call and satisfy yoursel'Ves that . the WEST END HOUSE is givin·g greater value for a little money than any other hou se in the distifot. It will pay you t o lay 1n a y ear's supply, as such goods cannot be r epeated at my prices. JOHN Kc M'UBTll.'!'. . ' --- o---- J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, Dispensing Chemists. ----o---- The following preparations are care.. fully prepared and will be found useful in every house. Nasal Cream, For Cold in the Head, Catarrh, etc. For all Roughness of the Skin. Rose Glycerole , Corn Cure, For R emoving Hard and Soft 9orns. ---- o- --- SHORLEV'S IMPROVED FOOD ALWAYS ON HAND: - -o-- Agents for the " Argus " Speotaales and Eye· glasses. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. -

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