.. Qtaundiau Jtatt~tuau. WEDNESDAY, APRI'... 18 18SS ~-----'--'------ [Now FIRST PunLTSHED. l (ALL RIGHTS R ESER'. ED.) LIKE AND UNLIKE. By M. E. BRADDON. AurrroR OF " LADY AuDLEY's SECRET, W yr,LARD's ' VEmD, ETc., l!:rr valley and that broad deep str.,;·m which CHAPrER X L-A DANc: &uou s P1LoT. was the c hief glory of Belfield .ark. ..' he 1 Lady Belfield came next morrnng to fetch f her future daughter-in-Ia.w, and Colonel would stand for an hour looking out 0 this Deverill W!tS not di~pleased t o see his young window, far a.way over the vall·oy to t he daughter ca.rried off t0 a haven of safety. distan t moorland, thinking or dreaming, "ard room just as Helen sat thinking or dreaming in H e had a vag ue idea t hat the bi"ll1 the drawing room below stairs, lulled by at Morcomb was hardly the Lest place for 0 an. engaged girl, and that a kind of society ~~z-ai~,t~~t~cy :£~ ,d!:~, ~or!i::~h;;:gns ~yr which was all very well for Helen Deverill Schuina.nn or Schubert. was not good enough for the future Lady Belfield. In the heart of each girl there dwelt a "It iE a C!l.pital m~teh, and it would be 1~ profound sadne~s, a yearning for ernape deuced pity to burke it " thought the Col- from the aetu!ll m to the u_nreal. . onel. ' . \1.adge_ had seen y ~le~tine buL f?w tm.es So Helen drove awav in the roomy bar-1 Hn~e their. conversation m the_corridor, and ouche, sit ini< by L~dy.Belfield's side, wibh the!r meetrngs 00· those occa; ionu had been Ad1i lll se~ted;opposite. She seemed pleased acctdent~l an~ brief. Th e gir! would have t o go with them, and she had a q_uieter and p assed him witho?t a word, w~th0t1t a l~ok more thoughtful air, which charmed her even i but on their l~test meetmg .' Valentrne lo ver. That chastened ana softer nmnner was lll a con; ersahonal humonr, and he "I don't think I a m so very insig nifica.nt, " seemed only natural to a girl 00 the eve G>f a stopped her with a · ~trong hand upon her h~~g~~~d, drawing herself up to her fullest new life ; a girl for whom:the responsiblities arm. · " \Yell, Madge, how a.re y ou getting on 1" Mrs. B addeley and Mr. Beeching appearPUREST, STRONCES'r, BEST, of·womunhood were 80 soon to begin. It was early in April, the hedgerows wi:;lre " Very well, thank y ou, sir." ed upon t he lawn at t his moment. '.l.' he la dy CONTA tr<S NO :: Sir. _That~ rat her formal, ain't it?" in a t erra-cotta tailor gown, which w ould ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, bu~ding in the soft Devonian air, and there were violets nestling here and ther e along No, ~~· Y ou are a gen tleman, and a clo for t ennis or anything ; t he gent leman in or any injuriou s mi!~C riQ !s. the grassy bank·. The final meet of the st~~nge1. ,, flannels. They would only stop to shake '. fORON T O, ONT. E.W. GILLETT, CHJCAOO, I LL. foxhound9 had been advertised and people A stranger. Come, Madge- . hands and say a few w ords to Lady Belfielcl, l:!an'f'r of the CELEBllATE::l !lO'il'AL YEAST CAKES. were beginning to put up ten'n is nets on " I t-;:ild v ou I coul~ be nothmg. to you if and then beg"-n a double set with Valentine aspha.ltii courts, and to talk of the otter f I wasn t to b~ your wife. ~ could ncve; b,e and Helen on the s11.me side. hounds that were to be out in Jun~. l that, yon s11.1d- so t~ere i t ended. Can t Mr. Beeching dist inguished himself at Sl1e T1·ietl in v:un fo Get :Gidy Belfield was delighted with Helen's ! you understand t~at_ ? t ennis a.nd beh11.ved r ather nicely at t ea. more thoughtful mood. 1t seemed to brin S!1e spoke as aehberat ely. 1~~ . a man of He uubent consider ably and showed a aomeRelict· and bad quite · them nearer together, They Sl1t to etherg !msmess who w:ant s to be dec!SlV'c and de~n- what boyish simplicity, which pleased L 11 dy Given up nn Hope. fi .and worked and. tu.lked in the uiet g morn~ ~te about 8, busmess matter ; sho looked him Belfield. Mrs. Baddeley was superbly pa.t· ing hours, and in t he evening, ~hen Valen· m the face as r esolutely as a mr\o looks at a ronising to the th ree young men, allowing W enty- V e Cents extra Wil be charged when accoun ts run Ca rnpbellforci, June !), 1887. t· h d · d ,_. b h ma.n them to wait upon her and administer t o me a 'cc;rrie rot er off. " L ;., · for pound ca k e and chocolate over on e month. M n. E. Mon m s, T or on t< ·, liai'tM0& · c· tn1s· · . B Hi 11 to the Id bil.,_ ,o, I can't, ,, h e answer etl , d oggedl y. h er appetite 0118 unce .m, e e c wou s1u " \\Th t . d T18h h d d l are made b "t It d th t t h D E AR S rn :- I feel it my duty to give down to her belove d piano· an·d play, while a, evi ar woo yo· . ·, ' ,, uscm s. was arrange a ey wer e her young companion. sat on a low chair of,..M.aage. I never met ~ wom~n hke you. tll play t ennis on the Abbey lawn every y ou my testim ony for t · c r.ood I lmd. close by", li~tening, thinking, or dreaming, , I know 1;1Y own mmd. Nome won:e;i afternoon until L J.dy Belfield gave them from yo ur D a ndelion L iHH :rnd Kiduey with_ her work basket standing by no.t ouched, don t know e\ en as much as th1~t. Thet e s notice to quit. B ittera. My liver wa!I in a bad s t at e and oi:·her book open in her lap. , one in this house th~t doesn't, a nyhow." " I am not likely to do t hat," said t hat I wad a great sufferer. I ha d t ried in · That d teainfog mood waa a new p hp,se in "What d) yon mean?" he asked, a.n,P'rily. lady. I am ve~y glad for H elen t.o be vain to g et r elief and har1 (]UiLe given u p Helen's character. On her former visit she "No need to say. You know well enough. , a mused. H er !tfe ha.s been very dnll hither· all h op e, till a friend l · !J. me of your had been all g aiety '.and '.lightness, full of Good afternoon, sir. I'm too busy t o stop ' to. ' Bitters. I got v, b oWe at onco and I am movement and fitfulness, here t alking," . Th.e t ennis afternoons were highly apprehappy t c say the BitterF rn .. l,., " t ew wo 'l'he mother loved to talk of her sons, She_ made a curtsey, and left him, ·J iated. J ac.k _ .l!reemantle a nd h is sister 13 m an of me , I can h eni-tity recom mend and she found a sy mpathetic listener in left him br oodmg, wit h-his heu.d down and ; Luoy were rnv1ted, and came frq_uently. them to any one trouble·· with liver com· H elen. She talked of both, but she t alked ~is hands in the pockets of his shooting The _Miss T cft's taffa and the Mi_ss T redu ceyi. ~ _ ,,, ....~ plaint. Yours truly most of Valentine; of his errors and fail- Jl.cker. put m_ an appearance, and Maior B;i.dd~ley u redit . ADVISE ~o MOTHEllS.-Ar e y ou dis ·. 0.A.r.RIE STEPHENS, i~gs, his wildness, r ecklessness, follies of a.II ! The corridors at Belfield Abbey were sometimes drove over to t he Abbey, 1:1ot to . . I t urbed at mght and brok en of your resfa kmds, but somehow or other the result of places to live in: low and wide, with / p~a.y, _he was too lazy for that, b u t to fetch An address before t he W ashrngton Board by a s ick child s uffer in" and · ·u· the mothe r's talk~~ to p rove t hat way· T_udor ~1indow~ deeply r e.iessed, and pro-' his wife. . . , . of ~tra.de, proposing_ t he abolition of the pain of C u ttin 'I' 1 1 ·If cryrng W l i ... - - ------------ ------ all ward son the most brilliant and lovealile of v1ded with cushioned sea.ts, on which p, man "I am bound to s.now my alleu1ance occa.· credit system, contams some astonishing . g ee : , so ~end ~t; young men. unconsciously, that favouring might loll a t full lengt h. There were old sionally," he said, and people agreed that s tatistics. Th6 national debts of t he world : once ~nd get1 a b~ttle of _ M r s. Wmsl<;>w s, · Good News at Home. love pleaded and apologised for him, 11nd pictures, old china j ara, old cabinets to the ~fojor'a devotion was very occa.siona.l. have increased from $7,627,000,000 in 1848 · ~ootlnng ~Y :UP· F or cluldren teethmg,, E. M ORRIS, E sQ.,-DEA R Sm,- 1 havJ spread a glosa over all t he dark spot in hia break the monotony of the long l t r aight He was a large placid m an, with a brc.ad t o $23,236,000,000 in 1880-an increase of its valu e ~s m calculabl e. It will r alievechara.ct e1. pasaagea ; there were thick damask cur good -tempered face; a man who liked t o over 300 per cent . in 32 year s. The interest the poor little SLllferer im mediately. D e-· reason t o spe·ak well of your Dandelion "I am sorry yon and he are not better tuins to keep out the colcl. take everything easily, and to whom dinner on the Eur opean part of this debt is $800 . pend u pon it, moth e l'S ; there' is no· L iver and K idney Bitters. I barn been friends," said 1:-ady Belfield, a.fter one of . " Trust a jealous~ wom!l.n for .. scenting al w~s the !ead_ing event of ev_ery day. _B e ad· 000,COO a year. 'l' he principal constit utes 'a. mistake a bout it. It cur es Dyacntery t rouble d for some t ime with my K idney these conversations. rival," mut t ered v alentino flinging bim· i m u ed h is wife as much as n was m his p ow- mortgage of $30 on every ac.i:e of land,. or and Diarrhooa, r egu lates the Stomach and: and a friend of mine recomme nded them "Oh, but we are excellent friends. ivlr. self upon one of those comfor.table window , er t o admire anybody, but be had never $103 per h_ead of ; he populat~?n· Tu rnm.g B owels, cures W in d Colic, softens t he . to me and I t ried them in my case, a n d Belfield was ;ery kind to me out hunting. eeats, and t aking ou t hi~ cigar case. "Yet I k nown what it wa.a to feel 1.1.pa.ng of jc~lousy. to t he U m ted Sta.es, the na.1onal debt 1 s Gu ms, r ed ucea I nflamma t ion, and g ives fo und them to work like a charm ; there- H e was my pilot through some of our best thought I had k ep t thrngs vt.ry dark and H e had far too high an estimate of his own $27 per head, and_ t~e State debts $4 p er to:ie and energy t 0 th 0 h0 1 5 t . fore I have much pleasure in recomme nd- runs." . w that no one but my angel herself kne~ the ! merits, and bad never met with a better fel- h ead , and the mum c1pal deb ts $16 per head " M · ,8 e Y" em · . · Sooth m g Syrup " nfoi'I' " A dangerous piloi;, I fear, child, But sta.te of the caee. She knows. She knows 'j low than himself. H e was v~ry p adicular - total $47. T ile Unitetl St ates railways . r~. Wmsl?w 18 in g the m to all persons wh o are trouble d you a.re so very distant to each other. " I'll swear. · I've seen it in her face when w; as to wha t kind of cha mpagne he bou~bt or owe $4,000,600, 000. 'l'he binkera are crcdi- clul~ren t eethm g p leasant to t h e taste. in any way with their Kidney. 18 "Are we ?" !alte~ed Helen. "Perhaps rode ovei· tho break neck ground together- I drai;ik, but .he ~as not over choice in t he se- tors for $6,000,000,000, and, of course, ar e a nd t he p r escript.ion of ono of t h e oldYours truly, we have very httlc 1n common except our once when I was leading her across a fence , lection of his fnends. So long as they a.inns· d ebtors for about the same amount. The est and best fem ale p hysician s and n urse&. J . J. J ONES. love of fox· hunting. M.r. Belfield cannot that might mean broken necks I looked ed and served him he nev~r st ooped to con· mortgages on A merican farms amount t o in t he U~ited S tates, and is for sal e b)? Newtouville, May 3, 1887. care to talk to an_ ine;icp~rienced gil'l." . b ack as my horse ro~e for t he leap, and saw I aider whethe~ t hey mi'lht ?r might not be $6,000,000 or $~,000,000. T hen t here a.re all druggists t h rou gh t he world. Price; "Oh, but I thrnk 1t is you who k eep him h er eyes. They said as plain as words can . worthy a.ssociates for b111 wi fe. In a ,word, small deb ts owmg by almost everybody to 25 cents a bottle, Be s ure a n d ask for- -·--·----------at a distance. You might be a little more· speak, "I don' t care W1 follow you to' v<mrl1 he was !rankly and unconsciously selfish. everybo~y_: else t o the t une of seyeral t~ou- "MRS. WINSLOW'S SooTHJNG SYRUP.'" to $8 a day. Samples and duty FREE sister}y in your !nanner." death." Yes, r saw the Jove-ligh t in those, Lord_St. -:1nstell had vanished from Chad · sand m1lhons. In all, Mr: P rice thmks and tak e n o other kind, Lines not under the horse's feet. Write "I 11 try," sa.1d Helen, "bnt as I never eyes, and I knew she was mine. Poor Ad· ford wit h his hn 1ters at the end of the eea.- that tbe peo:i;le of the U m ted Stat es owe BREWSTE R'S SAFETY R EIN HOLDER l1ad a brother, I hardly know how brot hers rian. H e's so absurdly fond of her that it son, lm t Mr. Beeching and his string of hor- $28,000,000,000. Co,. Holl, Mich. are to be treated." · I s eems a pity t o come between them ; and ! ees still rem<lin~d at the ·L amb, and t here Mr. Price then lliecuases t he cost of the "If you liked him there would be no she hasn't a stivcr, aild it will be altogether was no t alk of his d eparture. credit syst em. He ehows t hat a cash buyer difficulty," ans wer ed Lady Belfield, re· a wretched match for me. I cer t ai:oly (· r o llE CONTINUED.) ha.a an advantage of from 5 t o 25 per cent. Wbcn Baby woo s ick, we ga;ve her Ca.storli»t proachfully. Helen hung her bead and said ought to light it out , and give her up. " over t he buyer on credit. Yet t wo-t hirds 1Vhcn ah e w a &a Ch ild, she cried for Castoril" never a w or d. or three-lourths of the world's business ia Constance Belfield had been struck by Th.:, t hird week .in April began with south· Th Fl Ki d done on cr edit. The ability to ob tain ·w hen Ahe became Miss, she clung to Ca.ator ia, rnm· ,t:J ing strange in her t on's manner t o w inds and sunny skies. The old oaks a.nd e owery ug om. credit fosters a spirit of towering specula· When she had Children, 6he gave thow Castoris,.. bis b1 other's betrothed , ? .nd in her manner beeches in Belfield Park seemed t o smile in Tho price of Chinese carts in P ekin is on and creates lega.lise<l gambling in ma.ny to him. There was not tha t fra nk, easy the sunshine, though not a leaf showed verv generally fixed a t t en oents an hour. t irms, Yet, what is to be done ? T he whol e social frie!l <diness which the mo th er would have upon t h eir rugged branches. But t here was Yet one cu.n never be engaged, if the price liked to see ; and knowing Valentine's di:ffi· the purple of ripening leaf· buds, there was I is discm sed in advance, wit hout at least system is founded on the confidence of man . in man t ha.t induces one to give credit to cult t emper and onrweening pride, she fore the warmth of reviving na.ture, e-veu in half an h.~mr's argu~ent. saw trouble in the future. things tha.t seemed still dead. If one_ 1s taken wit hou t prev1?us agreement I another. T her e is but one very large busiUnapproached for The Abbey belonged t o L ·~dy Belfield for It was glorious weather for tennis, and ll~ t o pnce, and at t he conclusion of the ser- ' ness that is condu ct ed on a ca.sh basis. Tone and Qua lity. her lifetime, but.it ha.d been agreed b etween every body at Clmdford and in t he neig h· Vice ~he_ proper far., be o[ered the driye~, Strange to si>y , th s.t is t h e most objection Adria.n and his mother tha t he and his wife b ourb ood seemed to be seized with a t ennis h e will m van ably dem:i.nJ. more. If th1~ is able of all businesses-the retail liquor CATALOGUES FREE. were to live th ere, and to be mast er and mania.. All the young men and w omen put refused t he driver will gener ally go quietly tra.de. M illions dt\ily pass from hand to mistress in all ·thin gs. Constance Belfield on flannel garments, and met at ea.eh other's aw~y. Bu t .if through ignorance or mista.- hand for liquor. In most civilized. countries would slip into the second plitce. S he could bol!ses, and played r;vith a.11 t heir migh t and k e_n geu~ro~1 ty a larger sum be offer ed the a debt}ncurred fo rliquor oa.nnot be r ecoverdriver lites m to a r age, throws _ the money on e l. Yet the business grows in m ost coun leau her quiet intell~ctual life jusL as happily mam, as queen dowager as she ha.d done when she 'rMre was no tennis club at Chadford. the ground,~ demands t hree t imes '.l's much tries_ ~ore r apidl_y t han the popubtion. The was queen r egnant. She would have her ' There h ad been talk of such an institu t ion, and ~ t hreav to ?'ppeal to the poh ce ?r a:n aboh~10n ?f credi t ha.a not destroyed the lij own rooms, and her own occupations, her but no one had been enterprising enough to hours argument 1s necessary before q uiet is I 51uor trafhc, .but _has, pe~hap~, ~trengtbened FREEM AN'S own old friends. set the thing going; 80 play on private r estored. . j 1t by const1t11~1~g a. liquor lnll a debt of A wealthy Amen can gent leman, being honor an_d b y g1vmg the seller a P'OOd r eason " Every bodj will nat urally look to your lawns, a nd tea drinkings after t he plu.y POWD ER S-~. young wife as the principal personage in wer e ei. 1:inent ly popular. Valentine excelled in Peki_n in bis journey ~rouu~ the world, I for i:efus_rng crec;lit wh~re he d-J.es not '!ant t his house," said Lady Belfield. "It would at tenm s, as at all athletic games ; so di- comp!~med .eo me of t he h tgb prwes charged t o g1Ye ~t: This bt~smess ~avmg su ~v1ve_d JI.re ple&en.nt to tti.ka, Couto.Jn their own never do for h er .to be secondary in anJthing. rectly the hun ting was over, he had the by Ohm~se rnn-keepe~s for rooms. He had the abd1t1on of credit., the mference is ~air ,>Ul'gntirn. Is a. ec.fo, 1mr o, au<l et.fccfual She ha.d bet ter begin as sole mistress. Sile ground mar ked and the nets out and in- so he said, offered $2 m payment for a s mall that the sun would n ae t he next mornmg ~e.11troyei· Qt wcr= it! Clill<lxun or A.dtllli&. will fall iuLo her place mor e natu1-a.lly , and Yited Helen t o play with him. '.!.'hey played room withou t bedding or furnitu re in a even though some benevolent despot should · - - - - · - - · ·-··-·---· ·-.----fill ' it better i n t he days t o come, Wit h all the morninR, anrl a. messenger was gent wretc~ed inn; The landlord d em;i.nd ed $5 appear an~ brush away all deb ts with a such a houseli eep er as Mrs. Marr able, she to Morcomb to invite Mrs. Baddeley a.nd for a smgle ll!ght. A long wr<1.ngle resulted, stroke of his pen. can have no difficul ties. .".s for myself, I M.r. Beeching over for th'e afternoon. ancl finally t he gentleman o~'ercd $3, which From the. fig ur~s given above it fa plain shall be quite happy when I am no longer " D o you k now, tlmt surly fellow, Buch - t he landlord, after more worae, hti.d concent- that something will have to be do11e to re. st rict credits. It may be that if the subject sovereign. And! shall not_be too continually ing, is a. crack player ," said v~lentine, at ed t o accept. OF CANADA. - :SV -a with you. I am contemplating a cot t age by lunch. T he customary pr wc for suo'i a r oom, is let alone everyth ing will work itself out Capital paid up, Si,000,000. Res t , $ 260, 041>1 the se~, somewhere on the coast of Cornwall "I'm r ather sorry you've asked him over, food not included, is t wenty cents, and if all right. Bu t it is the par t of statesmanship ···. n · -a "'.1ld , lone(y spot - Whre l can take an however good he is," answered Adrian "I ~he gentleman had offered t ins sum it would to discer n the points of weak ness in our This B a n k ls~r:pa;ed to d o Legit(... W lam folly prepare(} to attend Funerals oz:.! ' O(!<;as!0!1~! r~~~ from 11oll £oclet y, ' dillU~EJ ):iim intensely1 a.nd so I think 'does j na".; )?een acce,pted \vj th<rn~ !JIU.Ch discus- mercantile system and apply Tmedies wh ich :!lat e B anking ln all its b ran ches. tile shortest notice, ~tthe loweat JIO~s11)zerajes ' ~ · .Dear iil.otlier, do yoii su ppose I could '1 Helen." eioil, ~ill v r evcnt a collapse, Farmers notes discounted ; Deposlt&i " Ile eer tainiy is i:to ·favorite tlf tnin 0 ,, Stee1:yards are reguiarly made and sold i n QasketaandBuria.lCasesready O~!lhO{' ~ottcn ever have too much of you, or Belen eit her. received and Inter est pa i d on amounts 0 erm'll She will look to you for help and coun~el 2 Flrst-claes he arse on very mo er a · n d H l ' b ] · l ' the k t h · t t f d -·-·"'°" =·~ - "" -- -- - - Shrouds and Cofllns conet e.ntly on hand, Fttn . . agree e en, ' nt ·'rank see!Jj.11 da<Jp. y at · · mar e ·B avm g wo se s o poun s meg, · upwards In S avin g s B a n k Department~ ... .;.~a.I oardss uppliedat once. Furniture Shop & ~11 ti: rngs. ~nd when yo~ s tart your Corn- tachefl to him. Frank haa always some sured on them, one for buyin l( and one for Two for .One Dollar. DRAFTS i:fhow Roomll-BQ l:l!lll!l<n'sNew lllocll , iJ!h cottage, i t must be big enough for all friend of t ha t kind, wit hout whom hc seems , s 3 lling. I have seen a respectable Chinese 'f iie other clay as D r. Blank was particu · fsaued and Collections made In Europe.. th~~e ot us." . , har dly a ble t o exist. " gent leman and a fisherman q_ uarreling over I hav,e. onlJ one d1f1ioul ty about the " Oh, but one doesn't p,sk for a certificate the price, or the~ t he weight of 11>_ l~ve larly busy he was called ou t to see two gen - D'nite d S t a t.es and Ca nada. · fu t ure, Aa~ian. of character from a man who is wanted t o carp, each havmg lus ow n steelyards, which t lemen of I rish ext raction- " e:xtraction " W. J ··TONES; · :: \Vhat IS that ?" . play t ennis," said V alentine, contemptuou.~- ~!lde a difference of a p ound _and a. 'quarter is good in t his connection- who had business 1 Aget>< l'. our bro~her Va.enti!1e has ~;en used Jy. · "All I ever inquire is ca.n the fellow m t he weight of t he fish, ~hrch at the u t · t hat would brook no delay. ::la.id the one of to .: hrnk <?f t~1s h ous.e as hrn hc;ime. play, and will he help me to k eep up my most could no~ have we1~hed oyer four the two who served p,s spokesman: 11 How much fer to p ull a tooth." ~nd it,~1ll be ~is home still, aft~r I am form. Ther e's no use in playing against pounds, unless, m'deed , Ml t s sometimes the 11 One dolla.r," said tho dent ist . marn~d .. I here will n ot ~e t he slightest one's inferiors." case, t he hon-est 'fislierman had forced a H 1 pound or two of coa.rse gr avel into its leseenmg of hrn freedom. You know wh1\t d V 1 t" · t II t 0 t h 1 "Wan daller ! B e the powers, ye hP.ve he and I have been to each other, and that .e e~ an a en m e wen e awn stomach yer money an' yer fun, too. Well, Pt1.tsey,: 1 I could hard! live withou t him ,. agam directly after lunch. It w as hardly . . b t L , d B 'fi Id weather for sitting in the garden yet or In buymg Van ous gr ades of cotton-wool t urning to the other, who was evidently the . Yt . f t a ac ory.' - u Sh a y Id e1 e . ' 't he one ge t s a v<>ryrng · T h is was sa 1 Adria.n would have sat by and wat ched nu mber of ounces to the suffer er, "what will ye do ?' h a d a l nrking d rea d of evi 1. e cou not d t · A . . d .If ti , To b uy Foot Gear for Men, Women, .. '.1.' he two men held a whispered conversahelp t hink ing t hat there was a silent an p 1ay. . s it was, ~e str.olled up and do:"'n po:m · f 11or ied~o;rse g~°: es one lf?~ s ~\ t agonism between Valentine and H elen. an adJacent p<tth with Ins mother, stopprng tteen, a u h .Plou f n_ t'hor me fi1u m qtua 1t1es t u t ion for fl. moment. It was evident t hat Boys and M aiden s, .at ·' I'h· h h. . · · h . now and t hen to look at t he playe~s we1ve, w i. e · or e very nes twenty· wo t hey regarded t he fee as pretty steep. ere was sue a c 111mg resene m t cir "H 11 8 h l d h · ' f 1 ounces are called a pound. " Begorra., I have it !"said the spokesman mann:er towards each other ; they seemed so . ~;"" w~ e P ays, an ow ~race u . . . · scrupulously t o avoid all occasions of friend · s~e i e! · S!l.ld L ad.y :Bel~eld, wat chrng t_he . 0£ cousc such varmti?ns, regula.r1y estab - all at once. "Wud yo pull two for the ( ont.innes to d o a General Banking Business ly c?unt e1·balance daller, d octher ?" 'ly companionship. Valentine seemed t o slim girlish figure m a simple cream-white hshed by custom, i?ract1cal_ eBo wmanvilltl B1·anch, The dentist smiled. " Yes," he said, " I t~ems~lvEs, ~he price varymg m a~cord_an~e , ta.kc a diabolical d elight in withdrawi!lg gown. DE l"O~i'l.'§ A drian from the society of his betrothed. "Yes, she is like V alentine. She excelo wi~b. t.r:e wc1&h~. At the s_ame t ime it 1a guess I could pull two for the same price." ~eoe!ved in Savings Ba.n· k Depart.men t G.nd " All right, Pa.tsey, t hat's what ye d o ; There was always an excuse for ca.rrying in all ou1 ;-door sport s, in all gamea of ~ill. qmte _1mpoas1b.e t_o find either re!l.son. or tail and interest allowed. a t cnrrent rittos. N 'O !f a.n ex~la.nat10n have two av yer teeth pulled fer t he de.Iler, iotfoe of withdrawal neccssa.ry. .A.rt dep08!H him off somewhei·e in t he morning ; and in She plays billiards better than many young ~ense m such practice~. t he svenin g ther e was t he billiard room men, Bnd she rides better than any woman is a.sked of t he most mtelhgent Chmese ~e and there's another out again the next tocth· ~a.t:i.ble on demand, which at the Abbey was an exclnsiv-ely I k now. She is just t he wife for a country ~as none to g ive beyond the remark that it ache. " EXCHANGE matcuhne apa.rtment. Valen tine smoked ·quire. I only wi~h I were better fitted for ts a.n old cuijtom. ~ought and sold and Drarts· issued upon Europe t here, aud smoked furiously. He kept his making her happy. , I have oft en been trap ped i nt o the pur J nited Sta.tee and Oa nada, also·ao!cl ,Silver a.na guns and single sticks t he1·e, bis foils and Bxcuse Not Accepted. "My d ?arest Ad rian, how can she fail to. chase of ar ticles which I did not wa.nt in the J il!ted Sta:;ea Greenbacks bou2h t n.nd sold , fencing apparat us, and had contrived to be happy with you, who are so k ind and following manner . A d ealer in "curios, " as Police Judge- " You are accused of havstam p the room with h is own individuality, good t o her?" _ they are called, old porcelains, C!\sh, bronzes, ing snatched a handful cf small change from "At1, bu t g oodness doesn't wunt for very etc. , would come in and offer some object t he t ill of a grocery store." T he billiard r oom was as m uch h is peculiar Promptly w_a.d~ a t ourren.t rat es upon all par den as the library was Adr ian's. much in this life, People would rather have· for ~ale, making a little speech about i ts Jim ' Vebster- " Yes, yer honor, I knows Our New Steck has arrived, and com· :Jl Great Br1ttam, the Un ited States a n d De Ma.d ge h ad been more th11,n three months congenial tastes. I t is a constant trouble' rarity, be.. udful form and color, and close by I did; but when a man is h ungry, and ha.in t prises something neat atid pretty for minion or Ca nada, at the Abhey , and she had given no reasou to me that I cannot share the pleasures saying t hat t he price wv.s only fiv: dolta1·s, had nu ffin ter eat for more d en two days, h e . "J."clegr apb r1·1·an!d"er!& for fault- finding in either Mrs. Marrable or Holen love!)- that if we arc to be much to- Not wishing the art icle a.t any price, I am a espel'it an' crazy, and he <loan keer Lad ies, Good and Serviceab le for l\'fen and lloys, and Boots that R Boots for ' Matle tor la rge or small sums on all parts of the upper housemaid. She had worked gether by -and-bye as man a.nd wife, she would say : " I'll give you ten cents." what he does." ; Canada. '.!.' his is especially advantugecna to well,, ~nd had_shown hsr~elf quick as_d may feel like a snared bird, t hat has been "Oh, look a t it, see how fine it is!" says "But it appears t hat at the time you stole every member of the househ old. .pereons lidng in l'>famtoha. or the North ·wes' clever m learnmg the duties of domestic accustomed to its liberty, shut np in a the mercbanh. a handful of small cha.nge, you had a fivell.11 lt makes the funds available at onoe a t the service. She w~s very quiet in her de- cage. " "Can't, I'm busy, don't want it," I say. dollar bill in your pocket," pla.oe of i;Jayment. meanour, kept !1-erself to her~elf, as t he "She will never feel that if she loves "vVell," says the dealer, "I wan t to sell " Da.t am so, but I did not wanter bust a TRIJNKS, 1'A:tJSES, &'.SATCHELS. I N STOCK! Fol'f\lrther particulars oa.ll at the Baukln other servants said, ~nd was not good com- you." fi'Te-dollar bill. As soon as you busts a it to you very mnch; give me $4.50." $<..~Ordered Work and Repairing m Honse. five-dollar bill, hit melt s right away." pa~y. She 11ad a little room of.her own "Oh, I know that she loves me. I have " No; go a.way." T. RO])lJll, GEO. McGILI,, Special ty, a.a usual, Jim ·Webster melted away for it term of m the ~reat gabled roof, a r oom w ith a dorbeen aure ·of that from the first ; but I don't " All right, it is yours for ten cents.".A.ccou:ntal'lt, Manager D. DAVIS; mer wmdow t hat overlooked the wooded know ifI a m right in accepting the sacrifice Youth's Comprnion. six ty days. ·lv PD I she will have to make in marrying a man - - REGIS 'r E RE D - - who may be always something of an invalid -forbidden to do this and that-a. dull companion for a high-spirited girl." "B11t as a wife her whole naturt will undergo a cha.nge. You will not have a hlghl spirit ed girl to deal with, but a woman, ful · Our la.test importation lias arrived from Fran !e, and we will b glad to see.our fnends and ac9u~intances and th 1se with whom w2 of loving care and womanly thoughtfulness.' ' ~ave been m correspondence, m in.ct any and all who are in aearch ot " Do you think so~"' he ask~<l wondering· fi rs t etas? PEl:WBIJ:TWN~. and l!'RENCH COACIIERS, to look tbeii ly. "Will not that be asking too much of over. Vi e have an e:xcep,ion'l.!ly fine lot, and onr stud is so lar!C t h a~ aU may be pleased. Vl' e offc1· the l».1 ·gest n umber and grcatea~ her. Th1tt a!:.e should pass all at once from v1mety to sel!'!ct from . All our imported stock ls selected by MR ~irlhood to wo~anhood, from the holiday of F.AllNUM lu mself personally in F rance, and hll accepts nothing buj:. life to t he bearrng of burdens. She is so the beat Ho1·ses of the mo ·t aµ proved breeding. ' bright a creature; she does not seem ma de Our Home-bred Stock is a ll tho proi>:eny of selected i ires and dam" for thoughtfulness or care." of the best form and moot desir!i.ble breeding. We guarantee Olll' stock. Sell on easy t erms and at low prices "Oh, but she has been much more serious We will be glad. to answer all correspondence p··omptly ; hut wo of late I h k d h . · ave seen a mar e c ange in or mru e would strongly adv1se per sons contemplating the purchase of a horan, Pcr.;hcron or F rench Coa~h, to get on the train a.ud come and se'e us. her." . Catalogue fre e by M ail. " Yes, she is certe.inly more serious." A ripple of girlish laughter c;ime like a mocking com-mentary upon his words. H elen and Valentine were finishing a single PROl'ltlliTons o~ l~ LAND JJIOlllE S'J'O()K l 'ilRM, Ull' OltTEltS AND JUtEEOJ.; RS. game in wild spirits, be playing as if his life .Address all commumoat1pns to Detr oit, M ich,] GROSSJ: J S:t E , w A l'l'llE co .. llll.U.:B.IGA..'i, depended upon the game, she flushed and excited a t her own success. " Y ou play as if you were bewitched," said Valentine when t hey had finiohed. "I never saw such strokes from a bi t of a gi rl like you." PER.CH ERON FRENCH ---- HOR'3ES COACH HOR-SES. SAVAGE & FARNUM, CO OU GALL & METCALF~ are ottering Coal as follows : Stove and Chestnut,.......;...~ ... ...$6.25 l Grate and Egg, .................... .... ..,... 6 .0 0 ,. T 0 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOll Always on· hand a lowest price&- ~im I MoOOUQALL & M ETCALF · I tl I i $5 ~ BELL" I ~ORGANS BELL &co.] Guelph_,~ I I I WORM -- UNDERTAKING r: 11 1s· · LEV I M0 R STANDARD BANK 0 to on DUNN"S BAKIN I :a THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND POWDE R THE ONTABIO BANX °· Popular No. t~ " Boot and Sho·e EMPORIUM!