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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1888, p. 4

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CLARKE UNION. laborers ; and for any loss that may be entailed upon the one-twentieth of the Spring'11 work has begun. population-for the monopolistic, com· Ml'B. W. L. Cobbledick bnn been ~ick binating manufacturers,-"few and short but ie recoverwg. Mr. Cbaa. Sharpie cngagnd with Mr. may be the prayers that said," for the very good reason that they have Jas. Fox for this !leason. Mr, Geo. Cane is with ua again. He made the most of th1.1ir opportunities, aud has come to st"y this time. have amassed t;heir " pile." Miss I. C. 8ouch has returned from visiting Bowmanville friends. AMMONIATED .BREAD. Mr. T. Ferguson h>is solfl bis h ouse and five acr"s of land to Pa·rick Cox. Ammoniated baking powdera- -that Qnite a nnmber from here attended am is, bakiu).{ powders in which carbonate Mr. Berry's sale at Long s~nlt. of ammor·ia is used aa an ingredient, Mr. H. I . P·.· inten, of Eufield but reand which exhale an odor of awmocendy from here, is very sick wirh inflam25 nia when h eated-are clai<sed by mBny eminent and sani· ma.tioH. Mr. J Sandercock nst a v11luable year tarians as superior to all others. P ·~o · old colt recently, and Mr. Edward Ball fessor Bassel!, of London, who 1a r·ec· lost a valuahlti h eifer. ognized os hif(he~t authority on the Mr H. Hill spent Satul'dtty at W. L. subject of food hygiene, commend3 m Cobbledick's. FAMA. · the strongest terms the uRe of carbonPAP E ate <)f ammonia as a lea\·ening agent, A---Happy Union. stating its great advantage to h.- in ib perfect volatility, which permits it to be, by the heat of ba.kinir, entirely thr<,wn One of the most hap py and interestiniz iuto leavening gae whereby the bread is evenrs that has occurred in t~is n ei4hborraised. Tho experiment with heat hood for a long tiroe was realized on Wedwould eeem to indicate the snperinr, nesday, April 11th, 1888, when a very not the inferior, value of such baking , large number of rtila1ives and friends ~spowder. The little heat that is impart- sernbled at the resi~ence of Joh!'- HosKm, ed to it when held over a gas jot, l'lrnp, Esq., 5t,h con. Darhngr.o n, to w1mess t~rn or stove. suffices to reHJlve the carbon- marriage of his third cl.. nghter, M1&s ate of ammnnia into leavening gae 1'-nd CharlotteAlvira, to Mr. Francis L . Bragg, 1 th1·ow it off. The first heat of balring, son of Thomas Bragg, E~q . , now of the therefore . effectually <. evelop I ail main r oad, Dariingt~·l. At 6 1·'cl · ,~k p. m., th e gas. thoroughly l eaven the loaf\o.nd tlrn fa. 1 her (·f the bnde a.ccompan1ed her ~tatnimau. dissipate t.he l?'iH producing in2redients to the alter and presented h er to ~he of o powder of this kinrl; Rnd ibis is th e groom, f .. \1owed by ~11ss L overly Ca~o~1r.e B owMANVILLE, APRI L 18, 1888. hi1?hetit t est of a. perfect bakin!l powder. Hoskin 11s bricl... sma1d and Mr. Wilham WherA other alkalirs nlo11e used Bragg as beat man, whe n th·· cc.remo11y "WILLIAM, THE CONFESSOR" they are not 111,frpquent!y r1-1ta.i11Pd, «ns · thornughly ~nd ,..xpeditioua ly P run~e~ol ved, t.hrough the wh~le proc0R8 fnrmed hy the Rev. Wm. Kerwer, t~<> F:ALLS FROM GRAC1E AND nf h11ki11s:r, .and remAin an uuwholeB<' e worthy past.or of th~ Tyrone Ctrcu~t, IS BROUGHT TO inp-redient in the finiRherJ hrAarl. Th a.·s·sted by t.he Rev. S. S><1 ton, of . E .. mscarbonat.e of ammoni& caunot. be used killen Aft .. r profuse congrutulatrnns f.·r J U STIOB. as a suh~tit.11e to~ crMm of ta.rtar.tll' married c" uple by the nur?er N. Y Weeklt1 Tribune. ous frie1Jd·s, pr"sent, tho cnmpany rep1ured 'l'he past week has been one of unusu al to 1 .he dining r©om aud partook of a most. oxoitrment in towu ovr,r a fra.cas in CAR T W RIGHT COU N CIL. sumptuous wedd10g supper The rumainder of the evening was spent in journali!ltic circles. Mr. Climie seems to TOWN RALL, CARTWRIGHT. April 2, '88. social i11terco11rde . '!'hoc> comp1my return haye applied to himRelf one or more 'L'be Council met pursuant to adjournment. ed to their homes before midnight·, paragraghs that appeared in our last issue, Memhers all present . wishing the young couple lon g life and and on Frid11y las~ he foll.iwed us into The minutes of last meeting were read happi ness. and confirmed. 'l'be presents to the brid e wern valuable Me~8rs . Murdoch's grocery etore and useful. and num erous, ainong which were Mr. Robins presented a petition signed asked u11 to SllY to whom thc'Y were meant the following: lo apply. We refus1°d to comply .vith by M . E. Q11iefoy and others, praying to Pr 11:otd b1·& celets. enRraved. by the Groom. have a UPion School section i;sta.bli·hed his request, 1111.ying that we wanted noSet of p&tlor !urniture, tt1e Bride's father. wit:1 tho township of Darlington. China tea set. the Brlde's mother. thing to do with h im, or words to that Moved by Mr. Spinks, seconded by Mr. Pr. woolen) Jlsnkot11. r.. mlly bible and S large effect. After a Ys111 attempt to draw a Fallis. that inasmuch as the required n·1m- books. Mr. and Mrs. Thoe. Bragg, father and mother or the groom, satisfaotory answer from us, he made a ber of names from the township of Cart· Bedroom set, masters Jas, and Jno. Hoskin. cowardly attack upon us from behind and wright is not attached to the said petition, Crvste.l tea et:t, Miss Lovedy C. Hoskin, the mat· tbis Council cannot take action in dealt us a blow on the ear. We turned Pr. orystal fruit dish ea. Mies Martha J. Hos· kin. to defend ourself and received tinother tar. Oarried. Crystal fruit dish. water pitcher e.nd sugar Mr. \Vm. Toms pr.,sented an account ror b low on the left t1m1ple. We then bowl, Miss Emma L. Hoskin. $.:J.50, being half the cost of digging a ditch Carving knife and fork and bread.plate, "WfJ'tlt for him " and after a brief scuflle on the Reach boundary lme . Messrs. 'l'bod. and Wtllio.m Braglf. ~ot his head, " in chancery," ss ou r On motion the account was ordered to be Parlor lamp, Mr. H· Allen, Newcastle Crystal cheese plate. Mis~ Ada Allen, New· coun·el termed it. Wu had on our over- castle. · Mr.Devitt brought in and carried .through coat 1rnd gloves when attacked, being too . Pr. cr,Yetal c&ke sta11d1, Mr. and Mrs. S, ill thnt day .to work and was going home a By-Law to appoint Pathruastera, Fence· Bragg. viewers and Poundkeeperij, for the current P r. 1·egetable dishes, Mr. and Mrs. B&rrie. to go to bed. We had been under t h o Silver piclr.le cruet, colored, Mr. and Mrs. year. Thoa Woodley. doctor'a care for the previou11 three weeks On motion the Reevu signed orders on the Pr. silver salt spoone, pr. 1J!l.lt1 11.nd' pr. tea and was 1uffering at the time with a 'freasurer as follows :··towels, M·. and Mrs. S. \Voodley, viole~t attack of sick h eadache, in addi'.l'o R0bert Martin, as indigent aid $ 1. Pr· Lace Curtains, Mr. and Mrs. J, f_,, Par· sona. tion to t1 mor e serious a ilment, so that " Hobeit Edgerton, do ~a. " 1\frs. Longhead. do. $ L 'l.'able lintm, Mrs. Charlotte Reed. wi;re decidedly not in fighting " J,.mes Annie. do $! Crvet"I tea set. Mr. and Mrs· A. C. Allin. ""fettle." After wo had ~ot h;a head " Mrs Kissack. do., giveu Mrs. CrawHand-pulnted panel on plush. Mies Rhoda ford. $i. under o ur arm and his wrists as firmly " Wm. Crawford, shovelling snow on tho Colten. Carving knife an fork, Mr, W. J. Elliott, gxipped as onr etrengtb would permit, grJ.vel road 9-0e Hope. ·wool bracket, Mrs. A. Gully, Bowma.nville we said to the onlookers, "Gentlemen, I ·· Wm. Toms, diggiu~ a < on the Reacli" bounda.ry. $3 '00, Granite tea pot, mounted, Mr. Al bort and Mise .Annie .Allin. am 11ick tu-day, and do not want to fight. " .. Hart & Co , Municipal blanks, $2.43 . Crystal WatAr pitcher and dozen golllet11, We were then parted by Mr. T. Burrows, On motion, the Council adjourned, until Miss Li7zie Cann. of Hampton, and Mr. Johu Irwin. the first Monday in May next at 1 o'cloek, Crystal et:i.nd, Mias L~ttie C11no. Biscuit tub. Mr. and Mra. J . C. Vt1.nstooe. W ti laid infor111ation before George p. m. WM. LucAs, Crystal preserve dlehes, colo~ed, Mr. and Ifaiuea, Esq., Police Magistrate, aud Town Clerk. /-:::,..._ Mn. Wm. Brunt, t doz. cryet..111 and water piLcher, Mr. and Mr. Climie w·s tried on Monday for C:mcn:ET.-Tbe annual meeling of the Mrs. J. Colwell. M11auh and fined $2 and coats, $5.95 in Bo msnvillo Cricket was held laat Friday Larite crystal fruit dish. Mls3 Rhode. and Mr. all. Hio Worship expressed regret that e~eaing, when the following officers Thoe Cole. Stlvor there &hould h a such n.n unfriendly feel· ere elected for the curren& year. Pres. 'l'oronto.salt stand, Mr. and Mre. J. R. Hoid~e. ing ..xis1 .ing between two respectable T. Brodiii; Vice-Pres. W. Ford; Sec.-TreaP. Crystal wa.ter, W. Q'1ick &;Co mer· cb ..vta 8owmi>nville, citizens, but did not " give a l~cture to ( .J . N. Gordon; CommHleeof Management, Crystal water pitoher. Rev. S. Salton. Ennis· the E ditor of THs BTATF:SMAN," as a 1 W . S. Ormiston, A . Mcfornghlin, G . Peek· killen. 2 oalra of satin and plush pin cudhions, Miss oorre!!pondent to a Port Hope paper has h11m, J. B. Climie and F. Wesley. Tbe Bennett. Bowmanville. stated. Other reports of this disgraceful !llub decided at tho meetiDK lo join tho Parlor lt1.1up. Mr. l3&&e Couch and sister. affair that have a ppeared in the outside Western Cricket Association, &he clubs Mrs. Brownings, " poems" Mr. J, .A. Stewart . press, Juve been f.(r ossly misleading and omprising this district being os follows : PM~ tis.tin Pa.nel hd. p"inted, Miss Olive Gulley, false in Ill'l! l Y particulars. Osh~a, PJr& P er2', Whilby, Picketing, Bowm~ nville. &wmITTrvttln:-Butter lr.nlto. Mr. Thos. White, Hops. Some persons think that, if the para- , Jl',.ncy mirror, Mr. H . c. ·r ait, Photogravbor. graphis in our last issue did refer to Mr. ~ Bowmunvi< le. AUCTION SALES. Crystal fruit dish and toilet set, Mr. and }{rs C!imie, they were uncalled for. Be that as it may, THE STAT&lilllAN hau uot eon- SATURDAY, APRif, 21.- Mr. Lewii1 Lyle Louie Jobne. Hampton. Parlor lamp,1Mr. and Mrs. D. Montgomery. who is giving 11p bnsmtiss as teamster tain od au unfriendly r ;;ferenoe to him will a~ll his two fine m .. t ched t eams, Crvstal fruit disb, :Mr. a.rid Mrs. Jabez Moore Maj olica ohoe:<e d1sb., Miss Annie J. Mollon· from 0ur pen eince t he 2fi th of January wa!:(ons, sleighs, h1 .1rness, p lows, harSilver butter knife. pickle fork, and sugar rows, chaff cutter, truck, bags. furni- spoon,, na out· readers well kno1v.. Rut how Mies Laur >\ Mollon. Bowman ville. has it been on tho p ;r t of Mr. Climie ? tu re, and various other a rt icl<'s . Sale Brase pl>lque hd, painted. Miss Georgie and at 1 p. m. adj oinin g Lyle's Elevator, Mr. John n. Col"· Tho .Su n's record is qui te different. There B <>wmanville. S ee posters. s· C. Crystal tea. set, Mrs. Donnelly, Bowmanville havo been abusive, elanderoua or libellous HuNKINfl, Auctioneer . Crystal bros.d, Miss Minnie Dunnelly, articles abuut the Editor of Trrn STAT.ES· SA'rURDAY, April 28. - M r . Barry Hill, Bowm...nvilla. .,. Carruthers, Co Amber oneese plate, Mr. MAN in tho follow ing issues of the Sun . w .d ern · Bo1md ·,ry, North 0 8h a wa, bourg. Amber lemonade set. Mr. Chas. " .-· Warm, this year: Jan. Gth--2 oolumns ; 12th- ! will .eell h h farm _ s tock, implements. " 1 . 19th l I . 26th J.. 1 . F b I furmrnre, etc., w1thoot rt·ser ve , as Cobon rg. Silver pfcltlA ornet, Mr. a nd Mrs. Ed. \Vhite, 3 cos · · co ·' . - :i co · · e · prop rietor is going to England. Sale 2nd - ! col. ; 9th - 12 lmca ; 16;h- J col. ; at 1 p. m . See billa . S . C. IluNKING, Bowm11nvllle. Silver cake, Mr. and Mrs. J. McCluug March 8th- 15 Hues ; 22nd- 14 lim s ; Auctioneer. Bowman Tille_ Silv.,r cake basket. Mr. and Mrs. J . A. 29th- 12 Imes; ApI'il 5th (the issue SATURDAY, APRIL 28. - Big sale of lands, Cha.rlton. Toronto, preceding our last is~ue)-25 lines ; April houaes, etc. in Oshawa.. S. C H UNK· Silver dinller cruet, Measra, s. V. and H. C' Hoar. 12th - 16 lines. Y et a few peoplo nw, A ue. . $i>.OO oalh. Mr. Henry and Mr. Fred Rundle. . · · , · . AuCTlON SALES.- S . C. Hunktng, C< urtb lame UB for I e'inVirtff the ~Id f~ud . v _ er) tice, Ootario, J,icensed Auctioneer, for (ow poople see tho S'Un m this locality, Darlington and Whitby, Bowmauvilfo A WoMAN·s DESI'AIR. --" D<lat.h would b ence their mistake. and Osh&wa, Appraiser, &c. All business attended ' o promptly. Orders may be be preferable to this awful dragging-down left at the STAT.ESMAN office, Bowmanville, 10n~ation and aching back," despairingly complamed a suffering mother. " And WHAT IT MEANS. or Reformer office . Oshawa. t h e worst of it is " she added "tbere seems R. Hutchison, Licensed Auctioneer for n o cu·e for it " "You are mistaken," the Towaehips of D.arlington, Whitby, Cali it Unrestricted Reciprocit y, or r ep;ied t h e ~ympathizmg neighbor to Cli1rke, M1mvera and Cartwright. Sales whom the sutfo·er complained. " I sufwhat you will, it is at all events good atte nded to promp tly and at reasonable fered for years just as you do. and found common 11e nee to be n eighborly with our rates, Where it is not convenient to see n o relief till my physician finally preneighbors, and no one 11ee<l fear the bug- me arrangements can be made with the scrib<>d Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre~cription a-boo of Direct T .. xation. According to Editorof theS1'ATESllr.A.N.- R.Hu rcmsoN, which cured me, and 1 have evtir since b een well, and the wealth of India woul.d the policy outlined by t he speii.kera on Enniekilleu N.B. - Ouradvertising rat e for auction the Opposition benches, it ie q uite salee when we do n ot print the eafo not induce me to be wi·hont the remedy, if a. like affiiction should return." Favorpossible to "run" the Dominion machine bills: is 2u cents a line, each insertion. ite Prescripti'>n " ia the only medicine with very much less that $35,000,000, A FAMILY FltlEND.- Dear Sirs,- We fur . 'Yemen, sold by druggists, under a and at the slmo time t o reduce the h ave used Hagyard's Yellow Oil for sore poa1t1ve e:.uar~nte~ from. the ~an?factur sfaction in every e:x.horhitant and iniq11itou 11 imposts now t hroet and colds , and alw&ys can d epend ers; t hat it will e;1~e eat1 levi"d on imports . H educed cost of 011 it to cure. We nlso use it for sore case, or m oney will ~o refunded. This shoulders on our horses. Mrs. William guaran teo ha a be~n printed o~ the b ottle· living me1rns the increased purch asing H h e Wilberforce P. Ont. wrapper, and fatthf.ully carued out for ug y, ' many y ears. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pnrpower of a dollar, fo1 · 1hose of our fellow A.S s1n:ET A.8 llONBY Is Dr. J.ow·11 Pleas- gstive Pellets- gently lax ative or actively citir;(' lJS to whom a dolln is worth someant \Vu..m Syr11p, 7et aure to dhtroy and cathartic a ccording t o dose. l thing, viz.; farmE><rs, mech a11ics and , expel worms. li. TREB IL! CtDCK. Pictures Fr amed VERY CHEAP. To Farmers a n d T h r a s hers I - -o- VARIETY HALL Cont ains a large assortment of NEW STYLES OF MOULDIHCS IN A FEW D A YS. C . ROCERS' Silver Street., Bowmanville, I still continuing to g ive five quires of Note Paper for cts. Most excellent value. I am going t o surprise you a ll with my W ALL RS this sprin g. One c ons ignment already in. Those who know say I h ave f"ood t aste. Come and see. Is the cheapest place to buy a 'rh 1 eshing M.H ch ine ; or a No. 1 Sted Binder- om.. thrng new but thoroughlv te;;t<-'d, 800 work·ng JaHt year ; a nt:w Do11b!e 8pP.ed Mowm· - the best in the market ; a Hnrse Rake tha t a 5~team .,, ear- ol. t b ·y can dump ; 4 kin<lt:i 11f Seed l>r;lls, cheap ; Sulky PJowii, Twin and Single Plo ws ; a new kind of Diau.. ond Harrows ; Honey Fanning Mi·lii ; S1)ring Tooth Uultivators and ff-arrows ; ~'urrnero, :-icaJes ; Horse Forks ; t>heaf Slings ; Machine Oil and Binder Twine. Farm &r~ P. TREB l l COr CK. She @tlana4iaa ~._,..._,, call and ins pect before pl : n;g your orders. will C. ROGERS. ....._ , ..._,..._...../'-r"--r~ A-O ARD. --o-- J OHN GRIGG t ·· i·d nn h is siucere tha11ks to the !·eoµl e of W~ st D:Jrha m for t heir hhtlral µ ..·ronal!e durin,,r the 8 ytiMS he has been iu business and alsv fur the pr"mptneas in payi11g him op so tin t h t~ can pa.y .i~sh fo r everythiug . C i v iu ~ hi uo rtrn very best chance a. bny .. r can h~ve in the wh olesale marl· 1 .. nd us a result he is able to sell as c h ~ p as any unA in the trade tlHJ. · pays 100 cents on the $. His dry gll,><ls 11rti new 1rnd new pat· .er11s and the best th>1.r cttn be bought.. Hti Hays he iii cominl{ a2<i11 as sc>on 11s the roads are good en ough, wit h the heat and largest ~tock h e ever had on tho ro:td . l<'nur wagon8. aal>-sm ·· n as follow11!: Mr. David Grigg, in Cl;,;rke; Mr. Wm Richards, in Darlington ; Mr. Victor E. Cole, in Cartwrighr., and a wagon in the town and villa~es. He earueatlv solicits thti peo· pie's patronage and intends to take Farm Produce in tixchange for goods. H e wants 200 tons of every kind of old iror1, rags, bo11es, etc. 100 It.a good geese feathers for sale. Also & light fiogle wagon to trl\de for a heavy on e. Your humble servant, JOHN GRIGG, West Durham Travellmg- M..,rcha.nt. Bowmanville, Mar~h 28th, 1888. 1<1 wi~h BABY CA RR IA.CE S, Wall Paper, Fancy Window Shades, Express Wagons, Picture Frames, etc. All of which are being offered at prices that. cannot be beaten. C ome in and we will prove it to you. J. H. KENNER, Variety Hall, Bowmanville. 13-5w"1f tlver Complnlnt, Dyspep~l11, OUR.ES R lllCIUSHCM . HARDWARE ! . HARDWARE ! I Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils~ we Sick Hendacl1e, K idney Troubles, IU1 eumntb111. :-Okin DlseRKe& 1n11111rl t1cs or the and a.II ·Uoud rrum wlm'· ··vt·r e1mse arhln& Female Weak· eases and General '"bility. "&.rely Veitetable. H l111tly co1tc··Jttr11ted. pJ.e11sunt, efleetunl , SEO.£. MANN/NB Regs to inform ths inhabitants of Bowmanville and surrounding 'l'ownships that he has opened out business in the old stand , formerly occupied ly Mr. W. M. Hort;ey, one door east of Standard Bank, and will at all times keep in stock all goods usually k ept in a first-class Hardware Store, con.. isting of . safe ___ ___ ASK FOR DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. 'J'uke no uthP-r. Sol d everywhere. Price, -~ CCH t8 11er b11Hl c11. OR. HODDER'S Solil everywhere, Price, 25cents and 50 cents per bottJ.-.. Proprietors and m ...nurac1 urers The lJllllON HllD l(1JNE f'·O , · Toronto Can. COUCH A N D LUN GC U R E SOOTH INO, ClEANSINO, HEA LINO. It Cures Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c. I shall also keeo a well assorted stock of the best man.ufacturers' Having purchased cheap for cash, I am preparec l to sell goods at small profits and prices will be H AY FEVER. cut close to suit the times. 8TOPB Droppings t roru @:mQJ~@~ ~~ Jm~OOOOIOO@e Nnsal iu· Cold in Head, pas~nge& CATARRH, Stove Pipes, Mic'ls, &c. Tile ma.uutaclu re and p11Uiu;c 11p _.,. Eave Troughs ' "ill 1.·ecelvc ~ ··.,l'ia l allentiou. 1 COOK, HALL & PARL( OR STOV:ES. to t he throat nnd exce1!iVe ei.:pectorntlon caused by c ..111rrh. Sent pr e-puid on receipt of p rice, ~Oc. and $1. Addre21 , EASY TO USE. Bowm anville, .A.pd! 2nd, 1888. F ULFORD & CO ·· Brockvllle. Ont· ICURE . ._ When I se.y Cu1n: I do not me&n merel:v to lltop them tor a time, and then ba.vo t hem return ap:aln. I MEAN A RADIO.AL (JIJl\& I bavo made tile cllsease of FITS! Think Carefully, Decide Wisely, Act Promptly. ~~o-~~~- We possess the facility and inclination to give satisfaction. Having bought for prompt cash, saving largest discounts given, from the most reliable manufacturers. a well assorted stock of Ladies' and Gents' J'Tl'S, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS. CURE the Allfe longstudy. I WAI!llAlM.'myremedyto worst cases. llecause others failed Is no reason tor not now receiving a cure. Sond at once for a. treatise and a.Fnn E BOTTLI2 ot lJlY INFALLIRLlll R !t?traDY. Give E xnress 1..nd ros~ omce. It costs yo11 notlling fo1· a. trial, and 1t will cure you. Address Dr. JI. G. ROOT. 37 Yonge !:lt., Toronto, Ont. BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES IN GREAT VARIETY. We want you to call and investigate goods and prices. I In Styles- The Latest, · Qualities-Excellent, BREA D MAKER'S Y E A ST. this Prices- Low. 13z Prizes Ontario in B R E AD ma<le of Y cnst rnl.1'1'.LLl..ll ' "" took Fir" t nt F a ll Shows 1SS7. O ver 10 ,c.oo lndics h ~vc w ritten to say that it s urpassc~ tu1y yeast e ver lised by t hem . It ma kes the lig htest \vhitcst, s weetest br~d, r olls, h uns :1nd buckw hcnt pnncakcs . Bal< cn; in ncar lv ever y t own i n Can:u~a :ire us ini: ;iL o. lU!~!J;Yj PRICE FIV E C ENTS. JOHN HELLYAR.

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