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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1888, p. 5

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LYMAN'S QUININE Fai·r 1 ·~. next Saturday, Whltby "prt'ng "" ~ April 2ht. See John Origg's cottona.des--they are l b est money c,.n b uy. tie The andent Order of United Workmen ; G ENUINE- .,.,.. in Ontario numbttr 14 475. Great B.rgains in Millinery aml Fancy Goode at Mrs. M orrison 's. Ladies call and see the new spring milliner at Mrs. Morri<on's. y . , . . Try .John Griggs d ehcions teas- 3 lbs. for $1.00. E qual t o the best .4 0 cent teas, M~. ~emy .Wade, S~creta.ry. of the -THE GREAT!"rovwcia.1 Agricultural Assooia.t10n, was rn town last week. Order Door _ s ,, BHnds, Pi.cket~, L b t . 1 etc., at _,,Morns Planmg F actory, l er Y ESPEOIALT-Y EFI!'ECTIVE IN . at;s,eet~: H . Osborne, leaaee. Obstinate cutaneous affections, / Mr. Fred. Gibson bas re · urn~d from and oertaiI,l forms of Dyspep- , Phi'aclelph·_a Dental College ~n<l 1s as·.1st· sia, Loss of app tite, ·ng Dr B11macombe agam m h is office. etc., .etc. () ii the 23rd inst· St . l\'[1try'a votes on h M Jl C f Jl)SO for ~~ROFIJ(,1'. and a by-law to grant t e ax:we o., 0 . ·. f" D cc't Parrn a bonus of $30,000 to remove their every ca~~ -? tr work~ tu that town. INVfCORATl Nc T0NI C t - -H ,d-th · f M (LATE HosSAOK & F~ELJ;). The concert given in the Town Hall, anng secure e Sflrvices o r. . . . k M t f fI umph rey & Notary .£:,c . last Frid~y night under the auspices of 1 M · ar u.s .i ~yer, \O .M · ayer ) 1 i BARRISTER' S 0 1im t or, .i: · · St Paul's Young People's Society and m add1taon to our old and well tried staff, COB01!RG. ·. . · ·t·· to hu"ld Harne 8 ' Office -Armour Block, Kmi;i: Stre<it. 1 choir was undoubtedly the best musical we are m " posi i in_ FRANK M'. }i'n::r, .· " 'j 22. ' programme to which our citioon11 have et11., on shorte! notice than any other I -· ·-·---:---- - -- -- -·- - -·- had the privile1,1.e and pleasure of listen-1 manufacturer .m t.he county. We buy \ BRICK HOUSE TO Rll;N'f 01~ ScU1.;·'fl !ng for a long, l oug time, and thi~ is say· for cash and give ot1r customers the benestreet. Apply to R. WtN D~'fT, 15--tf . mg much. 1t was pa.tromzed liberally . fit · . .,. . srrGATION WANTED bv a younq not 011ly hy our townsfolk, lil.ut a.lso by ~ We guarantee our Collai_ s. , woman aR hou~e1naid or light ho!!Rework. lovers of so1·g from Orun.,, Newcastle, ·t Ed M ,AS<B·Y & DAJ.~;, Address Miss McfYREGOll, Bowrnanv1lli' llawpton, Sol na and other ueid1boring oppos1 e sa11s s, · owmanv1 e. villal!es. 'l'lrn wh-·le seatin~ capacity of · - · -- TJOUSEKEEPER WANTED-In J\ the H ,11 was "res~rved" the tickets being Why does a Man Want a Good ..I._ . farm house .-t once, to t »ko fu ll 1nriungoaold a.I 35 cents, and f ·~ nearly a week Wife.? \ ment, .Apply to JAoon Bn.ANen, OOurt1g~w· before the eveuing of the concert the -· s~ats W<·re "taken," so th& t a large numBecanse he is m11rried for a lifetime s'l'ORE TO LET.-The et re now ooher were compelled to occupy the aisles and desires connubial happinPsS all the cupied by Mr. W. H. Tves, 0 n; · · · f 'f \ , two doors ea.a ot the P 0. PosseB8I<JU Ma.Y chairs hemg provided, and ..,very oot o way a.Jong. '[here are many ways of tOth. Apply to A.. Rtn:1n,En,.Jeweller, standrng room seemed 10 be cccupied as obtaining n. life partner, and often it ia 15-tr well. 'I'h"· people came expecting a real begun by a favor able impression made by PEAS WANTED. - 3000 bushels of treRt and ·he.v were uot d1s,.ppointed one's neat and ro~pectablo appear,.nce. s·nnll peaa wanten at the c ..1edonie.n Tht> sta" e was himdgomely decorated with What adds more to a man's good looks Mills. Bowma.nville, for which r,Ji., nory hio:hplan ts and fi,.w..,rs and the general effect t han a stylish a nd becoming hat 'I An es\ price will lu; pald. J01rn MAKA~z was most commendable to those who pre- honest couutenam;e uuder one of Mr. prieto!::_.._ _ _ __ __ _ · .t, · pared it. The progri<mme was rende red Mayer's n ew spring bats will be sure to COLTS FOR SALE.-One th11ee-yearh h . . ti f "d' d old anrl ono two·lonr·old - both ""'Y t roughout, ne1'er a Jar Ill · lfl arrange- c1tarm t e most tteti 1 0'16 1a y. goo.! and promising animals. Apply to W'J !l· Deb1hty. ment from begintJing 10 finieh, and everyUndoubtedly the best assortment of MAWOLM, lot 18, con 3, Darlmgton, l'lo~vmanThe callendar spring begins on March thiug fast·cla& a. The opening numl1er of new and stylish Sprmg and Summer ville P. 0. HLf. In Lyman's Quinine Wine the most. 2let, tho a~tronomical spring begins 'fhe T oronto 'l'elegram !(ives notice to was a pi<>n<) duet by Misstis Armour and hats are to be seen now at, M. Mayer's. ----- - - - -- ·- -··- - - - --· , MlSS MOLL EN is prepl'<r·'d to ~ valuable pr operties of the Chincona Bark aeveral weeks later, the r eal spring begin11 all aud sundry o f its advertisers and McLaughlin, giuen by request, and waa Call to be conviJJced. · d d th t h t. es dressmaking and s0wing by r.he da.y a,b are secur ed in combination wHh a pure, when it gets rea. Y· rea ers a · no more para~rap 8 · n o Jc ' splendidly played. N o. 2 was a song-" '!'he latest. and most stylish thini(s in ttrn houses of her j1atron·. May be seen nn11 rich and gicinerous win9, valu~ble in all Mr. Thos Reory has returned from or advertisements, r elating to business or The Army a nd Navy"-excellently sung gent!!' furnishings, shirts, fois, cullara, orcter· may be left at Mrs. J ohn BFock'~. cases where the syste1n requires to be British Columbia whPre he h11s be<>n with society a unouucements, or m.-rcantile by Messrs. J uhn Keachie ai1d F. Brown cuffs, gloves, handkerchiefs, cuff and the hill in the western po.rt of town.. l 5·t . hroth or G eorge for a year. H e says puffs will t>e .d in·erted in i· s d't columns d with- M rs ...,.T · · t of a collar buttons, sock s. and summer un d er- rrAIJ~OJtlNG. - Mr. Hindson, ·railor,invigorated and stren~thened. his b. f Th n 1choIson was t h e rec1p10n 1 nt .MciJJung Bros . ;s uow prnpi.x-cd 1JO B. ll. is a gr··at country and has some out ~~"g P~1 0 \ e e ~ or iyin th up hearty Mre .. tin.z on her first appearance, w~1ar are to be found at M . Mayer's, and 1 1 make a limited number cf suit6 for oounl.ry 01 1 . ·-·-· -···- -- - --·-·· ---- great trees. too. an de ~t"~!\v ~ ,, e ~·~stiof,. ~. w~:~ and she crPated a more favorable impresselling very cheap bo. buyers or from outside establi~hmeni s. an - - - - - - - ---·Mr. '\'.. T. ()liver, son of Principal wor s : e. a e ~ a en 1 n a ! iion each tn:ne a~ she reap 1eared, by hel' 15·ta" trance thron11h Q,uick & Co's storo Oliver, formerly of this t own, h · S been the ohilanthro i>1st .who po·· ches on news- 1 pleasaut expn·s~ion and rich, full and I HAVE HAD cat!!.rrh for twenty years, OUSE AND LO'l' ·ro [tEN'r 'J'hl\f; remo·ed from th" Brantford agency of paper preseives, and. who wants ~lOt on!~ well·cuttivated V" ice. "I~ is a Dream" and us ..d all kinds of remedies without sit.uated ho11se o}wosite ·Ill} the Bank of British North Am.,rica to t he earth but t?e rmi of the sky. H _ was her first nnu1ber ancl it. charmed tt1e relief. Mr. bmith, d ruggist, Little !'.'alls. Jl:nirlish Church. Possession Apr!I n"t.. Oooll the' ·nnipeg branch of tlmt institution. may ~e able 10 imprti·s other newspaper whol" aurlience and was rapturollsly en r t>oommon<led Ely's Ci·eam Balm . The g"rden and o,.chard-- ' acre land. Appl~· tn 13·tf, , p·opr.1.,tora as ~o t~1e ttbs..lute. 11ecess1ty of cored. Mr8 N cholson ackn .. wled!!ed th,· dfect of the first application was mugiclll CIIAS. K EJTII, Bowmanville J.he name of the youmr ·· Mr. ~ mau who has carrying nut h is wrn h es, b Ll t Ill f ti t ure h A ' enco1·e with a pret 1.y Irish bailad. allayed the i nfia111ma.tion and the n ...:xt DESIRABLE H,ESIDEN CE ll'OR If one Sponge C;)st!'I 25c. 3 Sponge been paralized from the eff·ots of a. f ·ll m.11st nut e:xp~ct to lo"d np the Telegram I Schuch w 8 a '1tile unfortuus te in his fa. it mornin~ my head was as clear IJS a bell. SALK- That very plea· nt reeideuce ·iD from a loft · t Mr.'s, west of Eh· «it~ d··~d-hcad advertts;·ments and vorii," 8 , ,11 ,,. "No <" urr. uder, " but made 0no bottle has done me so much good Kmg·s t 1'~··~t. nnw occupied by my"elf. will 1ll3 -will cost 75c; but we can give y · u l'nezer, is H t-bern William~ . He came t ~ sold immedinl1·ly on terms to suit purch11.·era,; . up for ii in his H ucceeding pi··C«B Every· that, I am convinced its use will effect a Apply to Da. HJT,LJ . .R. Bowm!l1nil,io. 16-2,..h n" ices. from Gloucestershiro, Eng. , only a mont f B 1 one Sponge at 1-0c. which will la Mr. Ge or~e Cock burn , o a, I body was on the qiii vnie when Mrs. . h h pet manent cure. It is BPothing. pl.,.asotnt , --- -:-;----·-· - - · ·- ·-- I 11 I rm A sister is the ' · Y r e ative e as Ont., was m town yesterday, havmg I Caldwell'tt number was reached and her at.d e11ey to apply and l strongly urga its "L-,4-RM Ji.OR SALE.-~>\. Bm"H farin .as long as any tLree Sponges that i~nada. · b ongh~ ·.f r .. m our 1 1 . M · '. · L. ] ~ JHAt ontm!e of Bowmanv1l1" will be eolil oca 1mporterH, r essrs. 1 appeara1,ce was u signal fur round afre':' use by all sufl...,re18.--Geo. Terry, ll t e, on very reasonable term·, on which nre r:r,i.· J:l.B _you can buy at 25c. each. This SAJ.T' ..A.ND PLASTER, -'!'he attention of R . Beith & Co., that noted Clydesdale round of appli< use, she having won the Fotlls, N. Y. Apply Bairn into each nos- house, barn and sta.blea. For part.}oukQ.'a farmers is called to t he fact. that McClelstallion, Abbot of Rerwick, the lucky hearts of uur people on a former visit by tril. :t I apply to Mn. W . 1\1, HORSEY, Bowmanv~ti.t is a special Jine of extra t ough Ian & Co., Bowman ville, have on hand a ...winner of the firP.t pdze-··a gold watch- her rich melody. ··L~ C11roivnl de Y uni0e" Sponges, imported direct from the large quantity of land salt in bags ond at the annual exh,bit.ion of the Clydesdale was her first. sona and most eharmiugly OUSE 1'0 RENT- Si uated on MARRIED. plast1>r in barrels at lowest c~sh prices. Associ~tion of Canada held in 'foronto was it rl!nctered, the silvery strains issu Beech .Avenue. oontainlng ten roo~ .Sponge Markets, ot New York, BHAG<J HOSKIN.-On the 11th inst., by Rev. s hard and eon watnr, andi Order bulk and plaster early. .Mc- last mo·.·th as a ~-J";' r uld , an~ .o.f the ing fwm he ' lips like the dulc~t notes of \Y. Kenner, at the resi<ltince or the bride's On l he preintBR i;rood stable, Possession m~y be ha.d on M SEE THEM.. CJ,ELLAN & Co. 6t8t pr:ze at th" l rovmcml Exh1b1t10n at a finelv et rung instrument. She respond parents.Mr.Frimcis Bragg ann Miss Catherine 20th. l!'or further particnlara apply to own · People must not lose sight of tho great Ottawa l F ...11, as a 3 -year-old. Abbot ed "°';dna. 1 urr.dly to a ronsing encore, and A., ilA.ughter or John Hoskin. Esq., all of JAMl!S C AilSCADlJEN· l+if Darlington. olosilll! sale of dry goc>1i 3 going on at the is a beautiful dark bay of lofty carriage the"'audience was zo delighted that t hey West End House There are heaps of and was sirn<l uy Bdt.-d l{ .. ight (1395). actuallv r ..cal1ed her a thicd time, to OOD BlJILDlNG LOT FOR SALE . FOR DELrGATE, SICKLY CHILllRE:N Scott 's - 'l'hat s11lendid building lot opposite I~ - ---·-- - - - - ---· goods left yet, and bh!ger bargains than Dam's sire, Largs Jock (444). is oue which ~he ve ry politdy l't sp,1uded with a Emulsion ia unequalled. See what Dr. residence of John Wesley E aq., on tho l\J;U,. ever await the public. Mr. McMurtry'e of the best horses that htt8 been imported bow and pleasant smile~ . Mr. Alf. Nlc· "'" St of Ibis town will be sold-on ver y reaeoDgrocery branch is supplied with the best by f!:!"ssrs Beith, aDd v.:e hope th? people Keown al ·~ aye receives a cheerful welco~e C. A. Black, o f Amherst, N. S., says : ·ble terms. Apply to M · .A. JAMES orJom. 13-tf th ,.markets afford. Call soon. of Nu. thumberland wul recog1.112e Mr. from a BowManville audience nnd th1e "I have heen acquainted with Scott'~ FLETCHER, owner. Bowma~ville. Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, with hypop-...,,Ssmuel Allin, of Providence, Du· Cockburn's enterpri~ti by liberal patron- wiu no excep·iun. Ilia violin solo, "La " Mr hosphitea, for years, and consider it one OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.- A lington, has added to his valuable herd of age. . . ,Juive," was very highly appreciated, and of the finest preparations now before the house and 1 acre ot ground, good orc:OO~ Short Horns, now numbering 18 head, Tho Toronb JVorld hits the nail square- received a well merited encore. Mrs. public. rts pleasant flavor makes it the ..nd smell fruita; good driving-sh9d and at,"! Sltuatt'I on concession l!!rt'et. A11ply on t some of whom are splendid animal11, a Iv on the head when it mys (and quite a ' .Nicholson and Mr. Schuch sang "Oh great favorite for children, ~nd I do high- prerni es to MRS. J, BROWN, or to Mn Tl very promisin~ heifer, ' ' Edith," from few people out aide of Toronto Haste Crimaon Morning" with very much ly recommend it for all wasting disea~es BAB8E'l'T. Bowmanvllle. 16-lf You (or any other periwn) can sa., the famous 'fhornson herd, Whitby. should cut. this ont and paste it on the satisfact.ion a~1 d were also encored. of children and adults. Put up in 50c. e wa~ sired by Bredalbane, dam imtablet of their memory):-"A n ewspap!'lr Part Se<'ond of the program wa~ .Mr. "E. 'l'AY~R ·20 per cent. by getting yom and $1 si-ze. po te..i,!_Ev~line. She is a daisy. is a n er.pensive institution t? run. It ed by ~liss Maude Fairb"irn who made wasbin~ ~t';~pa{:~0\~, 1~~n;n a~~fd:e~~ri~~ SOAP from A LESSON ill t o be learn't from the n~eds nrnch money to meet 1111 . weekly hl)r tiret appears.nee in public as a viol~n- ---·B -solicits t1'e public patronai;e, Orders ma1 :DfJ 0 ftirrht of a bald head. Falling out and bills. It has only twu sources of income: ist playing the "Huogaria.n Dance" w1th left at Messre. Stor.t & Jurfe drng atoro or .at n'h t" t f d t· · d J t"t ' f · l · f hiaresidence,PrC>llpectSt.,Bowma.uviJle· .· · p<'rmature grayn~ss .of the hair can ~& ,. a it ge s or a ver. umg ~n hw lU l a precision and slnll ul mampu ation o ()orrectcd by .r. Jlellorlry, every Tuesilay, u.sw topp~d if wken m time. Do not let it l!ets for paper . . That. l~ all it a~. A the bow and strings that would have ~one ·---·- - ·- -- -----··--- - ·- - --"'8 run on without ma.king an effort to save storekeepe~ derives Ins income from. t~10 credit to a professional. She was shght- FLOUR,~ 100 tbs . . ......· $2 10 to $2 40 F~~~~ ~:~~o~ti~~:Co~~ :c~~;u~:t~ · · it. Get a bottle of Dr. Dorenwend's goods .0 n h~s shelves, yedt no on o hthm cs ly nervous at first, but ga.ined confidence 'VHEA'.l', Fall,,- bush ...·· 0 80 11 0 82 ~ mile west or Enuiskillen. Frame hons · 1 ~IT IS A FACT." ' e German "Hair Magic," It stimulates of askmg him for a yar .of cot or a as she proceeded and at the close was ftl· 11 Spring, 11 O 80 11 O 82 rooms, cistern, new barn, good orchard, g . _____ --~-·- - -- ·-·· --------~- \the !!rowth, gives tre~h vit.nlity an<l keeps package er with r,1 ptnr·1 us applause, cl when ,.,. .sh, No. 1.... 0 70 11 0 00 crook farm. Lot Tei·ma eaST· " · lf of st<1rch fort nothing h d for } char- warded ·' Id B·RLEY, ~ ,,. bu Apply running to Wm through Gilbert, Sen., 25, Con. , ' I, -nf. .;a· . the hair its natural color, besides being ity. any one wans IS goo s ie ex- el'te pl ..y.,d as an ·encc:>re that grari o u 11 " 2 ... , O 65 11 0 00 EnniHklll en P.O. 49.3111 ~ t \!J.ll\1Ul'4.UUf. ~ i'"'Ul.AU. · a shberb dressing. All druggistBBell it. pects to pay for them. A la;·ge !lumber lji}elody "Home, Sweet Home" the render· 11 ,. ,, 3 .. . . O 55 11 O 00 - -- -- - -·- --··---·-- - - -- ··-·- 1<..-'~~~---~· - · . - - .,~,-~~-· NoTIOE TO ODDFF.Lr.ow 8 .-All members .. f worthy people, however, 1magme thbt rig of which bas a·> often bmught tears RYE, · · , ·· , ·· , · o 55 11 o 60 M y ~gus~ ON,_?~~llS.E. C~RN~ 11 ·-powMA.NVILLE,APRIL 18, 1888. ofFlorenceNightiugllleLodgeI.O.O.F. they are doing a newspaper a favor .Y tnm:myeyes. Mrs. Caldwell and Mrs OaTs, II . . . . . . . . . · 0 40 II 0 45 erillfo;'sale~t1J~~r~~tsol3so~~t~~llb~·;:::; ~ are requested to meet 3 t ·he Lodl!e room aski11g for the use of it~ c'?lumns for their Nicholson sang a duet' 'Beside the River," PEAS, Blackeye, W' bush ... O 60 11 O 67 on favorable terms J·'rom one·~ixth to threeon Sundl\y April 22 at 10 a. m sharp to r.nnouncements of one kmd or anotlwr. theircharmingaopranoaudmezzo·S<' II Small, II 0 ()ii II 0 70 h~~~~!'.90~~~~cr:tof,t;1,ng,a.Jn~~l~!phN-v:'.~\~~ par~dti to St. Paul's Churnh for divine If asked to p1>y therefor they foel hurt. voices ble11d1ug b~autifully. 1\-Ir. Sch ich II Blue, 0 60 " 0 70 Ofllce to lt, K . ORR· 15-l?w ·ervice. All resident me mbtirs of As we eaid bt f re the columns of u p11per sang in capital vnice and with very satis· BU'r'l'ER, best table, W lb..· o 20 11 o 22 Highest price paid for eggs by J olm Lodf!P8 are cordially invited to attend. .ire its onlv st.o ck-in-tfad<c1, ~lid t~ose :;ho f~cto1·y effect" rhe Fri..r of o ..ders Gr..y.,, LARD, ~lb .·. ..·...·.· .· 0 10 II 0 12 RESS AND MA NTLE MAKING-Mus. C·.>OKUURN begs to announce~ ·Grigg. A . .M:tTCMEL, Secretl}ry. 2 w. wish to use them oug it to uy t em, J't;t:rs Nfrholson followed with a pretty EGGS, 111' doz · . ······ , ...· o 12 11 o 00 ·he pnblJc that Bite intends t o renrnln in B · Over two columns of matter crowded ~b h o 55 O 60 man ville, and song by Verne called "Half pa~t Kissing p will bo plesBed to mee all hor and l'B many new ones_as may allb customers ln hu1 article on "Where to Spend the Time." :Mr3. Caldwell sang "The Ra·ny O'l'A.TOI~s, us . . . . . . . . " 0 ciut again this we.ek. S "b er's for Apr1·1 Gen HA.Y . . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .10 00 11 12 0 fit to ~Ive her n. call n.t her old sianrl over ttte" · S ummer, ·m en n · · Da"" in which sho showed wit,h great H 5 50 7 0() Wanted-200 tons old iron, rags and Big 20. Apprentioca wanted immlldiately, · 1 officer mal'es a pro J DRESSED oos. · . . . . . . . . . 11 · } f s1gna y, cue · "n ' th yeor success the wonderful compaes of her cul- Cr.OVER s EED....... . .. .. 4 90 u 5 00 bonee. John Grigg, travelling merchant. G ree1 ·ys -· · --------· - ···----~~ d 1 llottest P h esy as t o tiie ~ u ~ BY THE lJARON. tured voice and h~r excellent comm~ocl 00 11 5 00 :fIRE LIFE ACCIDENT Insurance. 1888. The Detroit J owrrial, taking the of it . A violin duet by MiNs Maude ALSIKE · · · · · · · · · · · , · · · · · 4 HOUSE AND LO'l' FOR SALE.RoDT. V;RTUE, Ai:ent, Bowmanville. tf. mat·er up, has offered a prize of $fiOO to We are glad to see Ml'. Thos. :Brodie Fairbairn a nd Mr. McKt<own the rendiCatiinetF;c~~';;~\'! s~g~:; r:~~e ~~u~:,a~eii~ · Mr11 Motrison has removed her stock t.lttipersongnessingc· ·rrectly,beforeJuno backauainathispositionin the bank. tionof which won storms of applatt!e, RENEWED COW FOlt SALE.- new, 6 rooms and summerkltchon F to the framo buildings, opposite Bt1ckler's l·t, what the three clays will be. Gen. and "(l .d Save the Quet'n" brou!1ht to a Apply t.o .JosrePR G-ALDR.UTll, I.ittert1 1.ree;. etc. Good lot ext<lndlng from ~lgi11 , · d' t I t 1 l I is guess The ice in the marsh is all gone, and -Street Korth, Bowmanville. 15-tf through t<> Lamb St. 'l'his is a good inv~ Jewelry Store. G rePIY 1mme l~ e Y e "l!rap ie 1 1 h ' l h close this admirable program of song and ment as the rent of the house °\)ill 11ay o~ · · · n acco.rd with his reasons the muskrat huuter hes ··.·er, 1 NEEDLES.-ff. C . T ait has received a ~o the .p ~ , b h l ow, w 1 e e music Mrs Going (ne Iola M 11nr·1e) of APPRENTICE W ANTED.--A good 9 per cen tin t erest on the puroh aae money a · ID S cribner's for Ai1 ril. gs ·ly war les on is rat <·coy. · · · ' ' ' leave a p:ood lot to be eold-~r builcl on, large variety of neerlles and can fit any has taken 'l'or<'!!to 1 and Mi·ses A1·mour, McLaugh in sr.out boy to letLrn Cards~ blacksmith· deemed desirable. For fnrlfler partlcnlai'lf al~s ce, uf Winnipeg, and Ge .. rgie Fairbairn assisted during tho ing. Apply at MORRIS' C.ARRIAOE WORKS, apply to l·'RANC1s MASON, King Street Ett\K. A Puzzle,-Here is a leap year p11zzle ' Mr. make of sewing machine "A ' a situation m the Qr.1an Factory As a Bowrnanville. ·--- lG:-1"_ ' Bowme.nville, O tf . ' ., · evenin11, as 11ccompanyista. Two volume11 of Picturesque Canada, pr,,pounded by a good yonng man : SHEEP STRAYED.- Strayed into my handsomaly bound, for sale at the yoUlll! lady has made ll proposal to me, ?larmet p la:yer, he i·anks second to none School Reports for March. premiaes1 Lot I Con. 5 Darlington, ab"ut w,;;. ., -SrATESMAN ofllce. They would make a. ancl I have vromised to be her husband. m the Provwce. S hould I allow lier to kiss me before we Why ain' t that horrid vernndah either the middle or Rovember 1,.st t~o owe11 The nice present. OWll tlf Cilll have ija1ne by provin<l property and A list of 1000 nRWsI)~Jl~l'il iilTidcd into NMul~S IN oP.b:Ek ot· l.liiiiii:·r. parinitmeexpenses. RICHARD FoL&ir,Ty~one, ST.A:rE~ AND S:!];QJ'!Q~l:J w!l~ -w ~ent Or> Among the twenty recruits who enlist- are m~rried?" No. surely not ; it would fixed up or pulled down ? We mean the 1 16- :lw apn)!~; 1on-FllEC. ed last week for a fi ve·yt.ars' ttirm on theN. be scandalous. Do all the kissing your· one on tbe market S'J.Uare. It is a dis· [ ::i. l::l. No. 5, DARLTNGTON.- Hh class-E --·--------~,.,._._...,. e ~ ·ro those who want tbeJraavN·tiehirbto p~ W. M ..unr.ed police wer" Thos. Frayer, s elf. But it will be quite in order t o grace to the town. All right Mr Trustee . we suppose you :'\male, F Blackburn, W ed orer DO ~cti:r m~inm t>r t orot~']i~ Caesarea; A. N. · Murphy, l'ontypool ; · take y1:ur young Jedy along with you to 8 F Hoar,-~ Somers, 1 0 G :Po11~ Ser~lte!: lo~~i ia~t t e various sectlo If' and Frank Bambridge, Tyrone. The in- M. Mayer's to assist. you i n 11,.lecting a would feel m o;e at horn~ .w here you were ~r~~~f.~ £'A.jfi~:·w ~r!~~-;-~ ~1}~~J: )~ 3:d. GRU,..;,~w~~~!~~'it~i~t!'rng Bureaq, speotor savs they are a splendid lot of becoming hat from l11s fine assortment of brought np. 'l'here i~ 110 accounting for - U Alim..I1 LaiuK, :,:J Prout, K ~lackburd, R. latest styles. tastes _'__'. Don't cher know.". R!11~~;~ ~ t~~l~i:i;~: ~ <f:1~~kieurn~n~ <&:g~;;i':. 10 Spruce atreet. New Yor.Jr. men. The Third page of the Toronto Daily s tabbing affray occurred in t he W H oar, R 8 . malc. A l3 a t t.Ie, l' Elrord · S ~ ~ :t The following plants, trees, and shrubs ~u~NanTtEeeD d wP1.tohrmSaAnLcnAtlpYoei.At!Nonue A 26-PAG El-, "J . df " 'W t" d f t 0 F I k b t t Dawson, J, M, MANNIN<1, Teachet". EXPENSES PAID. Any determined man are now allowed to come into Canada M a.i is note or an a ver ts~me~ rgn.IJ ac·ory ast wee e we~n wo IIA:llPTON.- Senior · Divieion. :ith class- L cttn succeed with us. Peculiar u.dYantages to from the Uni ted States free of If you want to buy or sell anythmg. f boys. the result of too much tomfoolery -ElliB, M J lmiot.t, A Stonehouse, \V Cryder- begiunere- stock Complete, including many IL1LUS'rRA'I'ED duty: appi11, peach, pnr, plum, cherry, you want ha. situati on, ~ mec~afnic, a usi- bon th~e part ot those wbho ought to know ~J;.!~~h!r~~~:; ~ ~~-~~~J~~;,c)U;,{d tastselhng specialties. Outfit free. , · PAPER odgmgs, I you ave !?t t an torment oys tl1e way they Hastings. w Coleman. Sr. 3rd-Io Ellis. Lillie Address at once. (Name this paper.J quince, and a!l other £r ,1it trees ; goo9e· ness, mac mery, 1 ' BltOWN BllOl'lfERS, · Descriptive ot the !loil,Clln·ate,l>J'odudlomJ,. berry.l\r aspberry, c itrra.nt, and rose bush- lost or found anything, or if you wan to <J ._ MnLean. J,anrn Sa.lttr,, 8 McLean. Jr. 3i;~-N NtrR£;~~nYMEN. HocHRBnm,. N. \' . lllnnllfl\eturing IJulu~ tirtM and .MiucJ.~".I 1"11 tm~o th~ t1·me o f year· 'I t gay ancl J Moyit .. [ McLean. E] Jtnnon ursler. B nn·rnroN-Sr. L!!.w. G. W. --·- - - - -- -- -- -- Hi - 311· 1Vea. 'tin C l'l I i es; grape vines, l!hade, lawn and orna· fl n<1 out wl·;-re 1111:1:"0 n e . is, adve1·t1'·e ~ · .i:ot. w 1·· ~ v. " la ,\MlP.SON. TeAcher' u rg 11 ·~ l\n d o ther Sou t"'=··· Toronto Daily Mail and read the adv;- festive parasite, the tramp, st arts out. 2nd- H C1·yderman, ·r P.onnington. L Hastm~s. States. Write to trees, shrubs, and plants. 2 on the third parre - Wl!y cret th em a lot of ~tone to break ? A Coleman, Ella Jr. Cryderman. nd-I 'J'aylor. Sr. E c.·yde-ma.n, ~ w.. Jl. Bli1Jf~Jjp~·v1s.~. ,(gen .. Fumere in Durham ond Northumber- tisements , . '"' of that I d N .not 0 ] \ [ \Vllco x Pt. 2nd -E O · othmg makes a tramp fight so shy of a Clarlrn, T Stonehouse, A Martin. F McLean, L I E~losrng..::.~nt ~-:'.1.~~land cutmties should acquaint the mselves per. rhe charge 18 two cants a W witli the lllanv a<lvautages claimed for each insertion. Address, The l\fail, T o town a s a big stone heap. Only five in Jr. Pt. 2nct-E Pariah. H Hooper. '1' McJ_,ean, 42-tf hti-lG "kup last Thursday ni,,,oht. JI 1\loyse. ll>tt claas- E Clatworthy. JMcLean, TY'.Fl.C>1'TE. i tho " Canadian Patent Fence," a few r onto Canada. v W Ollvor. (P Hor , and W Cale) equal. E1'Tl& o I lleing cheapness, strength, ilurability, P. M. PERRIS IN \VEST Dcmru:u.-~ i~us pleasure to announce that CAMrnELL,Teacher. 'l'heabovestoreis:c:;i;:-position t ·l supply , 11implicir.y ; it saves nail~, fand, labor, Yesterday was :.i field day in Ntiwcastl~ Mra. Y~u ie is able t o be .ont once m ore. .rt1a~t~'.\~'!(j0 i;r~~~h,sw.~1~.?_Ja~;;::-;Yi,~~~~~.'.'..1: the oublie wit~n~ ~~~;~i::~tg-~~'.cle of Sprrng j Cleanetl, Dieu, Presa·Jd anll Re paired by trouble and money. JonN HAnE & Co., in Scott Act circl es. P. M . F.,rri~, tlie Last Fnday she took a drive up town ta Cawker, H Cawker. Ilert Oa.y, L Bulson, C I purchased from one of the best manu· Hampton, will give all particulars. newly appointed magistrate, held I is Mr. R. Windatt's residence, accompanied Pearce, L Nichols, M l>enfound, G Coleman, racturing establishments in _'roronto 11 large b ti 1\1 d b tl1 11tt d d h 0 D Coleman. Sr. 3rd Class-Maud . Oke, E assortment or line l:loots and Slioe3, also a llnc · JJ WILL WAIT.-" Bowmanville wants to first court in Durham, and called befu e Y ~e ayor,an en e ~ c~n- Cochrane. F Morrow, Hedley Oke, J Nichols. article in Woman's Slippers in all sizes to fit llyer and Clothes Cleaner, Cort m the evenmg. A~thougl~ still ~p11te F Cornish, W Salter. Jr. 3rd ClaRe-Arthur purcha.ser which you will find to your advant· put iu wa.·er-works as soon na the new him the hotel men of tho West Iidiug t · f · f th 1 e she a1Jpears to be 1 111 lJl'OVHll! 11 1cely Gay, Fred .liaison, Jae Balson, Maud Tooley, A age to examine. They are ma.rked in price to Goods warranted to be a s no one will ltnow school buildings are erected, but the answer to cI urges o f m · Salter, s Baleon, H Tingle, Thos Veal. Sr, 2nd ract10n o e suit tho times. them from new when c lone. latter don' t c~at a very deep shadow yet. " Act. ·witnesses were subP.rnnaed in all There was ·~ k irnl of go-as-you-please Class-H Hancock, L Skinner, A Lymer, U I have in stock Mens Summer Shoes f1·om $1 · tho so f rom Or0 n 0 race, in · th e wes t en d the cth er d l\y JJe-· .Tr. Corni~h. G Tooley, J Cochrane, W Stacey. up; also Woman's, Mens and Miss' ltubbers. 0erne1· of King and Ontario S keete, .-...Cobourg World "Arid then after the tr1e caees, b llt onI Y in Zn<l Cornish, M .Mitchell, R So come along friends and bring yonr cash Bowmanvmo. school is built Bowmanville will were any called, the other defendants all tween a prominent citizen and his cow. 'J'ingle, c Nichols, W Hunking. J. H. ALLtN, a.nd you will decidedly ~ot a, Ordered work and rega1ring promptly until ehe . can get rid of her debt by admitting the charges. R ··uben Bennett, Citizen held his own very well until the T~acher. C,t;:SAlllCA.- Sprmg Promot.ions :- .Jr. ard to attende to representations of poverty before she of the Windwr, J . Tuff. of the Royal, firs t q 1iarter-pole wa1:1 pasaed, hut the 3rd :,:Jr.-.J Brown, M .Johns, 'I' Crozier. ~Mc· Thanlrn for the vast favors and soliciting a goeB into an ex penditure involving three and J. Crawfor d , all of Newcastle, were cow, backed by the mud, several clbgs, !foul!, N Lansing. Sr.2nd to .Jr.3rd- G Joblin, continuance of the 2amo. thousand dollars ex:penditure annually." each fined fifty dollars and costs, and and a few friends, got the best of it. I Oldfield, Ji' Joblin, P Frayer. M Wo.tson. A W. I-I. HICKS, After procuring help, the animal was 0 r·ot a.,ucock, B Lambkin, J Crozier, B Pr()ut,, J. Si1tn ot tile Big Boot. - P. H. Tim£·s. Is that what Cobonrg Messrs. Hall and Beer, of Dar!inrrton, ,., f;ordon, C Spinks. Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd-·A 'l A ·1 q l888 lr. 3 ~oti~e to Wage..ea1.·ncn were fined similarly. The Orono oases home through a. back ally. Hanan. D Harran 8 .l:leunett, D Wilson. B 'yrone. 1 m ~. · ·"" m and P ort Hope did 1 Three charges were laid Hulbert,O Ji'order. Part 2nd to 2nd- E Crozier, SUDDEN DEATH.--Ae will be seen by were unusu"l. · d' 'l' Mason, Ji' .Johna. Part lat to Part 2nd-R NDER T BE . LAST ASSE.SS.Mll:Nr WhY D On't y OU G a t M arrie ~ orth ~ Watson, .J Vincent, B Bruce, .J Crawford, J" our death n<1tice i n another column, ag-ttinst Lewis Bennett, of the N ACT. and Act amending the same. lilt American hotel, aud two against James Don't delay over so important a matter. Dleakley, F Crozier. I. BARCLAY, Teacher. persons wi!hing to be J)laoed on tho Robert Bniley Thompson, brother of J, mP.nt Roll as wag~arnem mustJlret Ille L. Thompson , ditid fluddenly last eveuing Hallatt. The first against Bennett was Dare to stand up and pop the fatal ques· - - · - -- -affirmation with tho AeseBflOl', Blank9 o~ and the other two adjourned, · A M · C t" S I C d at Victoria, Brit.tsh Columbi!I.. Mr. dismissed that purpose can be had of 18 while the first a11ainst Hallett wns proved tmn. ot now, young man. ay an \ onsump ion ure Y ure · s. BUl\lJEN, Ae~aeor. 'l Thompson was born in P ort Hope, on unlucky month for marriages; if you wait 1 - -:o:- Bowmanv1llo, April 2, 1888. U-iw the 2Dth of August, 1853 ; emigrated to aud tho fo~e of $50 imposed, the second till June · she may change her mind. I To 1'HE E m roR.: I---·- - ~~---· ---- -~----~------. tlie Pacific coast soooe 15 years -ago. He charge being adjourned.- 1... H . Times. l\1ake love while April lasts, close the Plea.Se inform your readers that I ha ve I was unmarrie d. His body will be '£HE ELECTRIC LJGHT. - It is a stonishing contract, and go to M. Mayer's for your a !,)Ositiv., reniedy for the above named brou"h t here for in· erment. His age d how rapidly the efoctric li!{ht is coming wedding hat. He keeps the best display diseaso. By its timely me thousands of r - A 'l.'- mothlar , brothers and sisters have the into general use. It is being employed of all the new styles t o be found in the hopeless oases have been permanently :ro Wm. TaUl.ey, If.9g., 0-11.lcf ..4.rm~t o/J,.he RoyQl I1~8UN Me CN111:J)ai1u. rJI .lm~il*· symp 'ithr of all thel.r friends in their· for publicly lighting our la1·ge cities. It district, aud foe gents fornshin:rs,ties,col- cured. I eball be glad t o send two bottles 1 f or Cmiada. · bereavement. - Times. Dec~uaed was a. dazzles our eyes with its splendor as we lars, cuffs, etc., he cant be beat. There of my remedy f'llEE to any of your Sm,-I return 'my thanka·for the prompt 1 u ft liberal manner in which your O:lmJ;MUly '-46~· brother of Mrs.-W. B. Couch and Mias pass along our ~hocoughfares at nighb, is no use in palavering, call and our reader.a w h& have consumption if they i my lO!!ees by fire, having :weoeivea a Dhe\lae·bt Thompson, of our town, who have tho But witl1 all its spltindor and utility, it ie opinions will harmonize. will s end me the ir E x press and P. O. I full through yo11.X', at Ty:rone, sincere sy mpatl1y of our citizens. lllngham. l mnob J)leMU1·e ·tn r 11ot as light sud beautiful as the hisc11it address. 1 i5-3w mending the Royal to the ];lu.tlli(l a,s a re ITVAN l>f) NO R ,Utlll to try Freeman· Ri;spectfolly, DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 37 PRCU". """ ' ·· ~llLPHl. 'IOA.P L~ 8 Cl· made whh Jm1)erial Crea m Tartar Baking one in whicll to Insure. lr· .A.'W&li:ltlf. Worm Powder· wl1enyo11r clrlhl bnllln Ugbtto.· t.-Hf't lu'.l<:11·J' "s a ri:ood C11l' Powder. revcrtsh or rrettu.I, 1 Yonge street, T oronto, Ont. '.l.' yrone, March 2l, 18S8,· , tor 11kln 1Use111e. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -=~~ ---~~~ --= -~ ---~ ---= · FllELD, --~ --·- ·-~· ---? -· A~ . I Bowman.n.11e . horse s .10w will' be St. Paul's Y. P. S. G°'ncert. I Harness! Harnees! i FRilNK 1'1. D. Sewing m&chme nee di ea at T., a1t a. I sprn~g WINE! I I held on Friday, Apnl 27th. . . . · gg · hke The tinware sold by John G- 1 1 ~ ' the good old stock of years a.g( · to sell .1 op o. card If You hl\ve Old ·ron l · · to J ohn Grigg, .Box 98, Bow1 .anv11le. Dr. Potter, dlic<e and reeideilce, Prower~s Block, Kiug-st. , B?wmau~il_l~. 1-~f. The Tor.,nto lo d ustr1~l Exh1b1t1on will be held ~ept. lOrh tn 22n?, 1888._ Live stock will be on exh1b1tion durrng the second week of the show. Durit11! their stay in town last we.ok, Mrs. Caldwell was the guest of Miss Fi-her, Mrs. Nicholso11 of Miss Armour and Mrs Going of the :Misses Allen on Beech Avti. Ir· yuti waiit to buy ·>r sell. farm, ad.. u vcr· isc in the Toronto Weekly Mail. That paper reaches !OO,OOO farmers homes eYery week, and your r.clver tisement should nwet the eye of some one who wants to purchase. Advertis<'ments of this cla·a are inserted in the Toronto W k M ·1 f fi t d h ee ly ai or v e m·n s a wor eac inserttou, or twenty five cents a word f ..r five insertions. Address, The Mail, 'roronto, Canada. 11 17a· 'f" PR0VETH I S.. I I I 1' H H STOTT & JURY. J:!e G ·Hotel Keepers, Boardinghouse Keepers. H STOTT & JURY "' fl'h till , ··WMANViLLE-MARKETS-.- Local and Otherwise. TOWN NEWS c LEANED D 4 .. u ! Y" s A L Es ME " .N ' I 0OT & sH 0f STO R [I IT-·--··A ·- DVE -R -T ·--,·s_ ri_ R _ s'0 . ca.a F -R -E · EI L:;: c..r NT RA l ,_,., , . Gents' ClothI·ng 0 TH s p E AT ° SEED BARLEY I U Arre Choice seed Barley Card of Thanks. I I I J. LYLE'S. Mr& · +

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