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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1888, p. 8

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A MATTER OF V r·r i L b!POILTANOE. c;=:!::;. The following 1111solM:ited ··pinions ,.sk for them as m11ch 3S it takes to buy ·rHE HORSE INDUSTRY. from your friendg l!.· ld neighbors, men 40 acrPs adjo nir.1g Y"Ur farm, and not be and women, wh·1m you kuow and re· considered out nf reas· ·n. T irn S T A"rE RMAN articles ou t.hia subj ..ct spect, ought to carry convict.ion tu any "DRIVERS" cover qn·te a wid10 range, · fiave fleen pu b d 11h ed, wholly or in Dart, by and vary in price from $100 t .. an almost doubting mind. These words of gratt· .(llr exchau11;es, aud are being favorahly unlimited sum, owi1Jg to the style, action tude are from those who have been afThey are not marketBble (bmmented upon by farmera and horse- and spePd. flicte d but are now well, and the perf!lCD in all directions. We are pleased to unities 5 ye11n ··Id, a r.d well broken to sous giviu~ tlltim are naturally solici· harness. If us.-d sin~ ' ". 1t ia nocess>1.ry (earn that r hia subject is attr><ctiog such t o have siiH- f O·u 1, 100 to 1,200 lbs. tiuus that othera,troubled as were they, .wide·Bpread a tte ntion and anything thin fo pairs, th se weighing from 1 000 lb11 may kno.v the means uf Cllre. There is can be done through these columus to upward are Uijual. no reason why you should btl lou~er ill The best J'esuH:s , fin·ocially,will follow .p ·omot e t he in ·erest iu h"rse-breeding fr.,m kidney. live1· or stom ·ch trnublea. s l1 all h a ve nur ~u t>p., rt. Jt ia o n., of the tho·e who b reed iu the draft l1ri .. , one of tlrn many ad v»ntage; h·in ~ th ·t you cnu · You can be c11red as well as others. Do f,-w t11d t1atries t hat is greatly helped hy almost !(row them 111 · w · yens, " nrl if nut luag.-r d elay t.reatment, but w day ·e>upeti tio11. Tho more who eng ·ge in good cults at that agP,, you c·i ·1 tind rear!y ob1arn th a t which will reM tore yuu to -t he br. edii·g o f one c la~s of hor-es in a s · 'e f··r th· m at lf11111111··rad ve 1-r ic · s. pe rui ~ n·wt he ..1t h a ud btreng,h: 'd1atrict 1}w better, because th e fact of Sutnt> men ·ay d1at thH .Jr, ft h nrse busi296 McNub t:lt . North , H .-\MIL'l 'ON, ne~s i~ h im)! overdone. Dou ·t be ,,Ja 1med t he r e bewg a large nu w ber t.f saleable Cau., .Nuv. \l 1886. -1 had btioll suJf.,1· at rnch f .. o!ishness. 'l' he d ay ha· not ~11 im .tls in a litIJ.tted a rea wiil iuduce buy 11tg f ur o v1:.r tWtllil Y ytiars from a 1Ja1n d><wued ; t.h1· infant h -s not :i.h,1t11lomJ<l era to seek £h>tt particulardistdcr i" great· i 's lung dres<, bu r h"s · l ready piti<l man) iu Lh tl b ack aud one aide uf the ht'ad, all(! i1>d1ge~uon. I could eat scarctlly e1· nuu,bers ; anrl thore i· u1 .t th e slid1t- ·~ mortgag" on a goo·1 farm . auyttuug , aud ever \ t hiug I ate d1aa,l(¢lt :lan,ger of ·h er" bein u eo many horses rned wtL11 me. I was attended by phyENFIELD. t:aised ss t o glut th e markej;. a1c1 .. ns w hu exammed me aDd stated We 1n·e t o!d th>!!~ ~hti\'11 ill uot I\ Q~qa{i Mrs L evi Niddery waR visitiu~ friends that I had enlargement of the liver, and hl're la-t week . that it wa!! 1mpuasible to Cllre rne. They tao-bred sta!Hon left in thie county, tho itl·o statccA that 1 was suffering from Mi . .,,.'.1hn an<l f1 qnily have Americans !lave bought them i.ll ; but r<>turned to ll:nfie lrl a l(aln . heart dise se, iufiammtltion of the VIJ\ddtlr, kidney ji·aease, bronchiti11 and · ·f a.rmtct·a need have no ap111 e heusion ou Wond hees and quil·ing bee~ q~ve bee n I oatarrb , ~!ld that it was impossible fur oC;he subject of B'a lhons, as th .. ~ u ~;p i y of all the ral(e for s ome ti 111e. mti tu live. 'l1hily 11ttt_in<;l <;J d me three i.llll_:!·Jtrnd oiiea will rt1eet bi l the d eman<ld, Mr Dyer conte mpla tes m king ex< eu-1 w i,ek~ wi L hout urnking any improve Our local importtirs, Mess1s. R Bei·h & ~ive repair11 t o h ia h .. use this su m m~r mllnt iu my ouud1tinn. I ~ommenced veral of t he f ..rmeri! h >1ve t .puerl and takino "Wo.rner'e Safe Cure" and War Co. , and M~s ,rs. Percy and Yoong, h avtl «ev. ral v ..r y superior tnoro -bred Cl.>des- are making s u g·~r. They report a good nllr·s fe Pille," actiug strictly up to yield. directions as tc diet, and took thirty d ,.les, iu add1ticm to those w.11-knuwn six b11t1les, aud have had the beat of Mr D . Dyer h~s pnrcha·ed a 130 a cr e and popuLir animals owned by Mr. J<,hn fa,.m adjoiomg the farm he rece ntly pnrhe:.l t h ever Rince My regulllr weil?ht J .Jll,in Dulinl{ton,and Mr W. Pa.t..teraon chased from Mr. J. Holman . used tn be 180 lbs. \Vhtin I commenced W,.rner's :::;,,fo Cure" I ··1ily weighed i:n Clarke, and otlrnrs in this district. LUNG .'i.A UL7'. 140 Iba. l nuw weil!h 210 lbs . One d eplornble feat ure is that so many The roan with the sciopticon Views 9' s oung mares being sold to foreign did put in an appearance as announced, · buyers. The West e rn States is going to a ud di sappoin ted a la rge crowd. b e C1msda.'s gr ea ·est com1wtit1 ·r in snpMiss Fl··rtmce Bcac" m bas had a severe 'f>lying the horR e mark et, and every y1>11I1g a1 t Aok o f mea-1 s ST. CATHARI NES, Ont. , Jari. 24th, 1887. -AO·>ut ..ix. yei1rs a~o I Wah a tDare sold by our farm ors t u go out West A htde s ·n of Jlrlr. Robt. Byerts is laid gri;:at suftl!rer frum kidu~y drntd.B e , and is one rnure fact or a dded to the competi- up with the tliphth.e ria W <>S in u11s ry all thll whth:. [ bat·dly Mr. 'fhoe B ...acock h"s mo·ec.i into part had strength enouJth to walk straight -lion agaiDst them. If farmers wouid only s. r i1;u:;ly c onsic\. r the injury th··y ..- of Mrs. S. Thomµsou's house. and was tlshamtid to lo(o ou thti BLl'llt:'t. Business is brisk with our new black· 'l'hc pains acrosa my back were almost tng by ;illowiug themselves to be tempted smith. unbearable, .ind l was uuablti w find · IJy American gold they would 1mr-·ly try We have to chronicle the death of Mr. relief, even tempora ry. l begun the use tu keep tl1e youn~ mar~ · for their own and Mrs. Ed. Virtue 's only son, who died of " W 1uner'e Safe Cure," and inside lu rure profi t. ·we ~halt give a few ex- on the 9~n inst. 'l'he bereaved pHeote of one week l found r elief , and tracts from an address that we have just h-i.vo the sympathy of the community in taking eight bottlea, I was completely cured. l'fad, pertinent to this qnestion, for the their Rad berea.Tement. Mr. Wm. Virtue has been sick for 11ome t>enefit of our uumtirous farmer r.-aders: time. Oid · ge i· b Pginning to tell ou the R "rses in tho market are che· i!ied us old g·mtle:nan. St· eett:1 s, Feeders, Expreae, Draft. Driv· Mr. Wm. McK1,ight ha~ removed to ers, Carriu.~·e and c ..ach. None are C·ill ei<lered marketable unless they llre strict - Tyrnne. Gone but uot fm:~otten . Mr. Ja.s. Berry's sa le was a success. - fy aound. ManaRer for American Ex prtlss Co. In the removal of Mr. Berry we lose a ' ' S'l'RETi.'.l'. E IUl" &re mostly used by streot 'foaoN~·J , (18 Division Street,) Sept.. md ao act ive worker in ~nil · ny companies. They musL "' eigh good neighbor 1 17, 11:187. ..:..t'111·ee .Vt·a u a~u l ust August · riot le~11 thau 1050 lba . up to LOO lb,; the church ~nd S,. bbath sch ·ol. 11nd tie not leas than 4 or more than 7 The barber mad e a l? O Od j nb on Yllnkoe my ai&ug luer l"aa taktJll ill Willi Bnght's oidl!lldll uf the k1d11.,ys. 'l'he \,.,et mild!· fUl\i S old. No r rs1 1·iction a " to color, but Sam's f.·ce. \Ve wonder who was the cal ek1ll m the mty was tasked to tll tJ t·t i11 t·ecesr;ary that they pos·es:; g-·Od b· ·ne tont10 ial artist ? utmost, but to 110 purp11aii. 8he was and fee t and the general appeimmce ..f a On Fdday a ftefl!oon last a n umber oj :io··d, durab le hor s·'· Tne aVll ·a~e pric.,, ladies and g'e nts mig ht have hee11 s··en rac klld with couv ul~iuns fur forty eight hours. Our ductur did his bt>4t, and f>nio for the m is $125 per h ·ad. This Wei.ding 1he r wayt1 towa. d "Glenl·· e went away aay111g the case w.. s h upt1l.,0a. '. · l!t· ck u ude1goA11 the most tl1orou>i;h iu- Farm, " th ti r es id e1.ce of h ·' targ" hea rt,tpec1ion, a nd all which ar.:1 11nijutmd 1·r ed old ch.av, W UJ . l:l oot·y E , q , tu pa rt11.:i- Aftt1r she camtl uut of the C·HJVUldiunM, -- c-·fu6e work, are to t·he ood hee. ehe wa11 ve1 y weak ~n d tlll her fell . t.o . .. . . 1etnrn1ld . . . ...... . d eal ~ate in 11· mon -ter q 11iltii. ir and w_ A g ..od lo· of WQ· Hi wa. · cut and the ladies o ut T11e <;loctor had left us 11ll··~ t a month when I concluded to t ry Warn . « F~E DKit8 ;; are t he draft hors e~ want~ did t~:- ~ i' part equally as well, for they er,s t:iafe Cure," aud after haviug t .. lrnn tDg iu flesh, weighin!.\ 1300lbs. 11ud up- chose sit1e11- tht1 smgle la.uit:s on one side six 01 11 t lea, along with several buttl tie -w ard , an d having fr»me aud bo1w suftic- and he m 1 nierl ones 1 .he othttr ·11kin!.{ a ,,f War uer a Safe Pil Is, ' I e ' w u. d ecided i~nt t o car iy ab u t 300 JtJS. D·O·e fat. quit ·. H·oh -w ·d a fter a vel'y ke nly co ncha ug., for tho bet ttir io her condir. 1 ou . 'l'htiy are b" u~ht by those making tt a t~ sted raue t he tn · rried laditm c . me out Al'tllr taking t ve bc,ttles thllr& · frn oin~ ss of fofldtng a nd f,.. teni11i.t h·Jrses, vie· orto 11"· l:J 1ir. n llvi,r < uiud g 1rlH, 'tis ·- Ul· stly by tirms in Ohio atid Penusyl- l··ap ye·r a·1d it 1a y11u r turn t o propose wa11 a C1Jmple te cure. My daughter hall now a. ep eodid head of hair and we1gb11 ""nia.. They p ·y f1om $150 to $'200 · nch 1rnd pMb ,bly y on c'·n g"t on t htl wirmiu~ lllor e tllan she ever did before. etipping th" m t1ow e an11 foedin~ lrom 2 Ride next 11me. A rter a·1 e' sup· jQ ! !!JUlHhS, IJta k ii,&; !J!Qr\) ffi· .tUeJ' "P. Q!!t' _;;~r h.;\Q bee<I "\)fV (;lQ the tiilt t uf t h tl 0 V<"ll · 0,.r i;Bail ad "!'d.'. '.'::'.i'y J.,.1<}er \>OUld by ifia was epent in ··rippiog the " ligh~ fan. tiandling 6 or 8 cara of horse11 lu N 1 1v - ta ~t.ic " g ··ffi··B · f VMl··US kinds 1 n 1d ijOfi Si! ember la·t thde was 11h1pped from my b. v R ··bt. and F , ed. Vi· t ue, each returnbHrn, 16 foed rs that cost an aver1>i..e hertl ing home in 1 .he wee s·n" hours having CiiATRAM, Ont.. March 6. 1888.- In of $187 50 p e r lu·ad. They wore sh1ppt'd had ,.. high old time. Below I will give 1884, J. was compfoLely run down l to Vhio. where r.hey werti fed until the yon a list of those who we re present :sult't.lred .must severe paina rn my b .. ck ·hst of :F ebruary a1,d s old to a New York ·rhero was Willie Hill itcrosa tb.e way, .I Juyel' for $325 pe r he,.d. E~tim.·ted co~t Who i~ a hi>nd·ome Y<!ung g.. n1., the lo.dioasay; a nd kidneys, eo severe that at times I would almost be prostrated. A 1011e of (lf feeding, bnyiug and ahippin~ , was $45 .· And lfarry :lo·u t . o. ~nect> rarther ou. -. h d · · t tit o f 'IP, c.1 3"" A jo ly good ma.11 you oan al ways depend on. ambition, a g reat desire to urinate, .,v per e~ , g1v1ugane pru "'v . wfollout the ability of so doing , coming aud ·1'her~ was Dunk Mc Neil a nd Junmle yo11 see, 40 for thtl 16 hi'ad · Good intllri'B·· , 'fw o JOiiy old bttcbelors as spruce as a hoe; from me as it were in drops. '.file urin e , ~· ages for t hree and a half m " nths time. And Tommy Mountjoy whose alfect ioae are was of a peculiar color ~nd contained · - Withe. be nt. . e o f wor k , l' f w m T o car ry on th!B 1m lady in Ca.rtwril{hthe Is quite content. co no1ide rable foreig n matter. l became ter, preparo a. good. warm bte.ble , as your An d younll Mr. Ramm a nd Al<'X. Soper as well 11at1stfod that my kidneys were in a con. fi 0r i;e wit! not take on flesh u nless kept Who amonii the la.dies nut quite a. swell ; gested atai.e and t hat I wae runninl{ ..,.·rm. S,J ,·ct good ~ouud i;(e]dmgs, wt1igh· Th~re were Archi~ l't10Neil who lives nt Brae· down r11pidly. F inally I co11cluded t o ·~ si· ~e, ing n ot h·sB t han 1350 !be. if thin i n flesh And br<we Robt. Y1r tue who'e in search or a try "Warner's Safe Cure," and in forty of good color, n ut lees 3 or more bride. eight hours after I had take n tho r e than 6 years old, with ple nty t·f bone , BUly Haycraft.. the butcher . as usu al, we.a there medy [ voided urine that waa as "'O<Jd frame. s tocky b uild, ~bort back, And jnlly Bob F ..llia who always deals square : black as ink, containing quantities of ~ The .. e was Mr. J . 1\, 1 .hc StJed tna n, you know well coupled, 11.nd with ribs well spr ung Wlloile .,xcellent seed Ji:rain ie all the go. mucus, pus aud gravel. I continued. ~ut. Avo1id s.11 othel'S. Three qllarts There wore Will and E d. Virtue, our gallant and it w1111 net many hours beFore my e ats, 2 quar h shelled corn and 1 o r 2 yo11111( men. urine was of a natural str&w color, auar ·s dry br· n 3 tu.nes " day at regular \Viii has !"ente d a. farm you may g uess wbe.t althoug h it contaiued considerable sed i. ;,. d 1 f I t hen . ~nttirvals with a ha n fn o me& once a And ..ur genial Billy Patton who live s on t h e me11t. The pairu1 in my kidm:ys sub-day aud' a small all ·wance ~·f hay, wi!l hill, sided as I continued the uee of the re·incro·se your horse 100 lbs m 30 d ,.y 8 , 1f O'er 1.,ok lng Brimacombe's fawous saw-mill. medy, and it was but a Rhurt time before e n ordina ry feeder, and if continued 90 There wa.s Ullly Sproule,our n ea t little ar I was completely rdie vl'd, .My urine · '4.a.ys. a horse will more r ead i Iy b r1nii: And that world r enowned architect Mr.FGild· waa normal and I can truthfully say . :~50 t han $175 \'I' hen thin . Tum them . W11ll~e and Stanley wero therom their might that I was curod. · · in a lo t o ne at a time daih f. ·r an hour. The way th ey made the chips fly was really a C ont.inue t his up t o within three we1-1ke fr ight . · · b · And the V irtue brothers who live at High Bl!; ff before tnarketm:;;- no groommg emg Fur singing and good mu~hi th!>Y are stuff ·n eceasp.ry . Now lead them out and give '!'hero was .l-Iit.rry Hooey, W. .1£11..rle'H hcwt maµ . them a walk once a day, and ~i ve a thol'- 'l'o keep eTen with him is n1ore than Will can. -ough grooming after wal· k ing. Tht1ro was brother Edgerton who r esides on the hill. " D itAUGHT IlOR!:l11S" m ust r each weII Arod .. dont yon tor11et it," he's a comical pill. 0AL'1', I Ont., J aIJ. 27, 1887.- For -up t o 1500 lba and from tha t 1800 and .A.nil droll Tommy Gardiner. up from Tyrone abunt five yeara previous t{) two :rears .occasionally 1900 to 2,000 pounds. A Come all lhewa. Y ba<ek here toddling alone. ago last October, I was troubled with ~ood drau ght ltorae woighmg 1600 lbs is F or,vard four Allaman loft, as the mue!e itdld kidney and liver trouble, and finally I 8 ~orth $ 200, and for every 100 lbs of in- Tw~! J;y deliirhi to !ee the eight of those j olly wars confined t o my bed a11d.-euffered the ci:ease you can safely a dd $26. It was a Jade at ·lay. ""'mmon sayin", "No foot n o h orse." l never laughed so hear ty in the course o! m:v most excruciating pain, ·nd fur two woeka' time I did not know whether J. ...,... "' h life, :-Buyers o verlook or purchal!tl a horse wit All to see Bachelor Adams daaciaic with a n· was dead or alive. My physicians said .6 poor fo ot when he p o·sen e11 extra good other man's wi!e. I had enlargement of the liver, though . bona . bnt .l h~vft never kno wn one to 'l'he but not least is the fine horsema n they f;(ave me only temp orary r eliet. 0 0 ·purch ese a h orse having poor bone, Jlj~~!~w he;a a r attbr and can hoe it right Heating of tho wonderful cures o f acco unt of ~ood feet . .aown ; · "Warner~& Safe Care" I began its use, u E"-- ~RE.~g H o RHllfl selected from De.vie Oruha.m Is a hustler to pla y the violin. ·'-· A.nd h e can use the bow as handy as u. fish can andafter 1 ·had taken t wo bottles. I · l·ght draught class , chor.1.11ag the its fin; noticed a change for ~ho bllttP.ft'. 'l'he · 11mo0thest, b est q uality, and tln se of And now friends, adieu I'll env to you. pains di1appeared,and my whol.e sy ..tem .g ood action only, rej ecting bad colors, Atter Hooey's mouster jolbficati_c n1 seemed fo feel the benefit of the reme dy ·aucb as d un li.,nt sorrels Ii~ ht gr ··ys, Jfor Wm.'s the man to UM )OU we.1. . · t' · "' h 'h h b Id Nomat ter wha.thlslanguage,creedor natior·. I have oontinued taking "Warner's ate. , and re using t ose w o ave a a BxTsY B OBBIT. Safo Cure" Bnd no otber medicine f ace. a glass eye or a. white foref? ot. , since. ! consider t he remedy a gre at They sh_ould be shout 16 hands lugh, CRITICISM.- A lc1dy in Brockville st at es boom, and if I ever feel eiu t of sorte f rom !) ro 7 years old. and from 1350 t~ - 1 w11.s ind uced to t ry N asal Balm fur a " ' Varner's Safe Oure" fixes me 1450 lbs ~n m"rk~t, which m eans from long standiu g cul d in my head t llat '_Vas ·all right . I weii!>h twen ty-four pounds l 4DO to loOO lhs i n the country. They pronounced catar rh . The Bal m gave 1m· heavier n ow than before. b cmg from $175 to $225 per head. mediate relief an d permanently cured " C1ARRIAGE AN D Co.~cH Hons.a.~ " are me. It was so pleasant an~ a~r<Jeable t?, tlie moat difl:kult ct~ss to obtain, while use that I :it fi~ai t hought _ it no good. the demand is constantly on the increase. , I now use it with all my children for co!ds 1 R ange, ~fae, color, action an d disposition I and stoppage o:f t he naeal passage~. 1 . . KF·WMANVJI,J,E, APllJ·. 18, 1887. are the necessary requisites. 'fhere br:oing no "·tahlished pr·ce. it dependi< lar~ely on houv well you pJ,..ase y··ur CUS· tomer'a fa· C\', or t.nw mu· h he is willing to pay. 1f th ..y first class, you c ·n ON1'ARIO To·rHE FRONT! -· -· .. ~ +:> ·~ 0 c tr.I c 0 OJ ..c (/) ·..-4 O'l ~ ~ CJ) .r1 · . ·....:i Q) 0 Cf) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .D ~ ~"U +:> c: ""d ;::> GU c <:.) ~o E 0 c Q) ~ " ·~ ~ P:} E-f tII ~ 00 ~ · GU ~ .., "' !#) · ~ ·- B ~ · (/) (/) rn Q) Q) c 8 ... Cf) I = ~E eQ) ... ·- ·.....:> Q) p 0 z 0 ...:I 0 ~ :) ~·f: >+:> C1j (/) _,...) '!! s.. S.. · c ~ = c ..c '"O +:> f-4 c .-- - <D ~ 0\) -~ :a :::J ~ 0 1 \.. .,<!~·; t ho 11. S. H 1::rt Snri n u. ll·oo.l b:I' = fl! fl, .~..N1tv 1LI /no:i7A~ ~ ,/lu/lfiJP- J ·ict ora :·.J1d othe r ~ l"!" ~.: -;!ng-inceT.1J CoT1- .!rvatory :b1 .ooomoti·o Ob· ~ o+:> 0 -0 ~ 0\) 0 ....... --1 ~r-C f · tren. Th<";r I ....:> Cf) = :u · -..c ~ Tiii~ Jl~WEl,1 ·. ER, ~ Q) Cf) Cf) C1j Has been appointed ~ole agent for the celebratecl Roc1rno1m· WATCHE8. they are the beiit Ameriean Wa.tch manufactured and are gm1ranteed from the fact0ry a>i be:ng fit., t-class, Call and examine t hem. We have al so the tint!st ;:; tock of all kinds of Watch es, Gold and Silver , in the town of Btnvma.nvil le. [n J ewell.ry, we have a.n endless variet.y-Clucks of all kind;; ver) ch..,ap. In Silverware we have th e e-cln~ive right to sell for the. .largest. tirm in t he U . S. The quality and 11nces are the best aud lowest in this part of 1.he c· )untry , We ask you to call and examine . our good" before buy ing. · ~ t) ~ ~ ....... (;\) (I) +:> ~ Cf) :::J s.... ·~ ..c Q) ~ +:> · rn ~ C\) if) ..c (1) . _ !2!£Z!. C\) ~ (1) t) ·~ ~ 0.. ~ ~ ::J ( " ; ·....,.) ABSOLUTELY -,;: . QVITTIN~& 'l'he Dry Goods :Business I I :ipec,., and Eye Gla.Hse:i, Cases, &c., we carry t he leading stoek, and guarantee every pair for 6 m· nths, 1f w ell used. II th ey l}.reak w e will repair them free of charge. Call and get fitted properly. OUR REPAIRING DEPARTMENT - -We JOHN lUclUURTRI .Requires more room for his Grocery, Flour and Feed and On1 ,m trade,. and has determined to Close Out His DRY GOODS BUSINE88 and ext end his Grocery into the premises uow Qccupied with DRY GOODS. 'To make a clear sweep, e very thing in tlrn Dry Goods department snow being sold AT ANlJ UNDER COST. The goods ~ire all firstclass, @refuily select ed for the regular t rade and no old culled bankrupt stock, the puhlic can understand the immense advantages · of. fercd to purchastlrs of this stock~ E verything usually kept in a first class Dry Good;=i establishment, and r equired in the Clot hing and House Furnishing line, offered at AW A Y-DOWN PRICES. Call and get Barga.ins. Clearing Sales for Cash on ly. Positively no R eserve. E veryt hing must go. Call and satisfy y ourselves that the WEST END HOUSE is g iving greater value for a little money than any other hou se in the distr ict. It will pay y ou t o lay in a yeal"s supply, a.'3 such goods cannot be repeated at my price!i. ·;;s.:- can only go over the same old saying, that we r epair Watches, Cl(>Ck:-i and J ewellry in the most skiltul manner. We are b ok cd upon as the only reliable Watchmaker in this part of the country. Mere talking can't do the work, but tools, ability and experie~cc combined can, of which we have plenty. MAYNARD, 44. The Jeweller. ----o---J anuary, 19, 1888. LtTTL E B RI TAIN, J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SOI, Dispensing Chemists. ----o ---- M:&. S. PtmRIN, Srn,- Send m e another gros11 of of y our now celebrated Pnrn TAR C ORDIAJ,. I h~Ye b een selling it two years past, and it11 iocreasing popularity is very gratifying, sales beinit more than d oubled. Custom ers er e delighted with it ; in fact , we look up on it as the bes t 25c. cough prepar· ation on our shelves, and their name is legion. Yours very t·uly, W. II. Poum:.. DEAR The following preparations are carefully prepared and will be found useful in every house. For Cold in the Head, Catarrh, etc. For all Roughness of the Skin · ..... CATARRHGRE:MYBALM Nasal Cream, LY'S the Rose Glycerole, Corn Cure, For Removing Hard and Soft C9rna. - - --o---- 2J6 G~ceawioh St ·· New Yor k A. pa.r u c1., is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. P rice 50 conte at Dr_ugglR~i, m 1J11l r e11:istered , 60 cents. B:LY BROTH=S. SHORLEY'S IMPROVED FOOD ALWAYS ON HAND. --o--Agents for the ' Argus" Spectacles and Eye· glasses. 1 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria~

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