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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1888, p. 1

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lt ~· flllRMS:-·1.50 Pim A.loo:r.Y, N:sw SERIES~ NUMBER 508. ,, OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES VOLUME EDITOi~ i l l ; P:r..Ol'llllt1'0li, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 18~8 XXXlV. Nm.rnER ; 17. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S Rave opened out during the past week about 2000 'Yards of new Brussels and Tapestry CARPETS' Newest designs and colorings and· no bettHr value anywhere. Bought direct from the celebrated lAOl~S' manufacturers, John Crossley & Sons, of Halifax, England. Couch, Johnston &Crydorman BEEF, IRON AND WINE. , One Door West of Post Office. Bowmanville. REMOVED! ----o---. .. .. · -~ ~1 BEO. LA/NB Has removed to Mr. McArthur's Store, NEXT~OOR TO IURilOCB BROS, .. 1 '"\:V/\:V7h he W 1 "}l b e p }ease d t mee t . ere · }d a 11 h IS 0 cust omersan d as many, Il8W 011.8S 8S Cail make it ient to call and see t. , h.,:e. o . ugh his , " . .z, l n t en d p t carry I . Place w b ere he On · Millinery, Dressmaking and Tailoring, ·table t season and }ocal" 1 y. Under the management of first class hands, with the , I 8 Ul .C, NEWEST AND BEST MATERIALS I .tOr GEO. LAING. glori:fietl Sou-that religion is ·· fraud. "If there ho tirst the willing mind it is · 'l'o embrace it is t-o embrace n. grinning accepted 11ccording· t.o that a ruan hath, skeleton. To a.cccpt the truo religion, 110t according to that he hath not." "Who· McCUAIG & Estat~ and Financial A~ent.s, l'··cuctu'd iu i;t, Paul's l'hurcb. Bowmun· which is aocording to this 'Vord, is to bo soever shall give to driuk unto one of l~ V ICTORIA S'rREtcT, 'l'OitON'l'O. -ville, on sim·luy, April 22, 1888, by Rev. born again to life eternal 11nd diviuo. t hes<J little one8 a CLtp of cold water only Can exch1rnge a n11mbe1· of w ell rented houoes n, J) 1,·a-.nser, Ill. A.., Pasto··· The apostle .James, hnving set 11p fl. 1 , in tho name of a disciple, verily I say un tC> in 1'oronto, pu)"i11g ft. good re.te of Interest, for · · · no w1ao · Ioso l 11~ · row:u-d. " flrst.-claHs farms free ··f mortgsgo. s t.11nd ard f or true rel" upon, next gives a ' you, Iio s h a11 tn Why let mc>trny on tiep'lsit at l p er cent. description of how true rnligion displays Last summer on Vancouver lslallll, I when jndicious investment in Toronto pro· The .subJ' ect of Mr. ·l!'raser's seriiiou was itself. Tq be. truly religious is "to visit. drovo through th c pine forest for 50 nillcs. perty will realiz" ten times that amount! "d ows in · th e1r · a ffiic· ,. 'll th c w1·y l "t was l"k · l es .' t i1c f a therIess and w1 i o t] 10 pi'11are d al.S. " I ' 1:actical Religion", the text })eiuL MONEY LOA N ED on 1" t1.rm Property at .1<tmes 1 : 27-"Puro ., religion and undefiled " t' S lowest rwt·"e· 10n nnd t o ]rnep oursclvcs unspott·cd f rom of some great ca th · e d ral . ·. uch trees, W'e can offer ae'lleral inv estments in rented lJefore God and the Father is this, to visit the world." t hose Douglas firs! 100, 200 , 300, 3GO feet ho0ae+-centr!lol localities, 'l'oronto, paying ten the fatherless antl widows, in thCir 11.iliict.ion It is to be compassionate; Gocl, t.he in height, tho trm1 lrn branchlesa /l,lld of onner cent. on amount in vested. arn'l tp keep himself unspotted from the F1·ther is compassiormtc ; H.e urnkes ormous girth. They weru all full grnwn · not,;tyin~ u~ dir~ot or t>y leaviog notice · · the discourse : ti .se upon th 'l ns we11 llti llie no sapI" . J'k ,\. in .' a.tBy S1'A'l'~;SMAN O~'F'ICE. Bowmauville, or W·o.vId . " 'l'lie fo 11owmg is · w sun t·o ri. · e evi mgs. 'Tl . ia t ui 1 ·o th o c Irn1·.;u with ·P . 1 RE.BIL< OCh'.., Bookeuller. Howman· Religion means faith, worship, duty; to good, and sends His rain upou the just heaven, ull a r ri'lled at tha stature of }l(JJ:· viifle, inturv1ews 1l'l1ty be nrrnuged with our heHeve, to praise and pray, to serve. A 1md the unjust a like. God, the Son, is feet men, B ut here on enrth the ""Ople 1 ·ef}resentativo, Mr n. C. SlNCJ,aUt. H 3m. · H 1 un d · ' od · r ·----- ----·--· !. 'C.ligion withou t faith is fl. lamp without compass10nntc; . o to see\ · t o of a · aro l'l 1 \0 ··ne <.>f our prncee of woods ~il. A religion without worship is oil s:wc the lost. God, the Spirit,is compas- -somo full-grown <reeR, ;ioma of half -.without flame. A i·cligiou without a life siou:i.te. Ile had rnercy even on Christ's stature, saplings, litt.Ie seedlings of 11 yea.r's .of service is a without hc.'lt or light. murderers, uncl ou that day of PcntecC>st life. It is not irnccBsary to I)() perfect to Believers arc styled, "trees of righteolJH· brought some of thorn to a. better mind. be in tho right way. That babe in the · , .... .r ~'~ 1.~i~ , 0 · i .11oss." 'l'hey aro pl1mted by t.he Lord in To visit the great or the prosperous or crndle i~ a nmn-- only wait u. little I He . , , · / , ""t ' " . . . · . the soil of Christian. privilc!{OB and oppor- those surrouuded by a joyous circle (If who ie the rnerost babe in the kingdom ui tu;iities. From these they draw their sup- friends may be the merest solfishness. God, and who, wiLh n baby's strengtl1, js --o-1ibes thr01~gh tbo hidden roots of faith; You do., h oping to bo done by; ynu giv(1, walking in the w1ty of Ood'R commandthc iitern, with its :>j)reading, leaf·covcreu, expecting to get ; or you seek their com- ments, is 011 the same high-rond that led bmnchcs, may akmd for tlH: profcs>iion of pany for the delight it affords. But tu ];11ocli and Mosc8 :wd IClijali 11nd Is:i1a h And with its advent their faith before the worl·d and the ob- visit the widow und fathorlt·:;s m t,\mir af- and . P eter and Pnul and .John ho1.11e in s errnnce of t he urdin:rnccs of God's wor- ilicrion means true compassion. That is triu111p!t nnd t"' glor:y. ship; the fruit islwlylivingtoGod's glory always unselfoih. Thoy are helpfo8, to Rcmclllbor, b;,lo1ec1 l.i.reLl1ren, that and to t,Jie benefit of their fellow-men. re9niw. I ~ ' is len~ing, nut h(, b1 r,;. there cHnnot h~ flame w:iUwut. oil. Only The apustlc James is the ii.postl e of cmve anythmg agam. the love of Chn~trJhed :ibroad m the heart has opened Olit a fine new s!iock ~ruit. . :Lutlwi: culled his epistle ' 'nn ep· Compassion is of t.he vory 1o1s.;~mco uf by the Holy Spirit cim austain Sl1cli a holy istlc of st:rnw," beca.~1sc he magnifies works l'cli)'!iou. "Put on bowels nf rnereie~" lifo a.s GNl demands of us. God will give --ofand 1111ya less of f111th. Luthe. r was too is Paul's exhortation to bolicvers. Tl:o thnt Holy Spirit to t.hcm tlmt ll.Sk Hi1r1. lmst.y. ,fames beJie,·eii in : f aith; bnt ho GoodSamaritm1 i~ the scripture model, or l. ljesoech you to e1rnhril1e the L l e.~1tx.l tsawantl'l us to re1dize that faith without the rich young man, if he lmd go11e viour in yPur hearts. Lay your s.ins ou works is cloud His mess:,ge was fl. pres- a way, as his mast er ba~c him, an,1 wld him; for His saho God wiH pnnlon yon. entation of th e practical side of rcli'lion. all that he hacJ and g1nn to t ho poor. Let your lovo cntwino itself nbout Hm; . "Be ye doers of the word," lie cries out, The Bristol surgeon ('V. C. I,ysaght, M. Mnkc him the of your lin'«. JA,~ and a lovel:y- stock of "and not hearc1s only, dcceivin~ your R. C. S.) who sucked the matter out of Christ dwell in y ·)U the hope of gl<,-rv. own selve:; ; for as the body without the the tube in the throat of a strangling diph- Only with Christ in the hea1-t e"11 y;;u spirit is dead, so faith without works is theria patient to save his life, and lost count youraelf rer.dy for death or ·for dead a lso." lt is with this pi·actieal side his own by the venture, was acting in tho j uchpnen t. Tho la mp of a mere outw11rd of religwn the text cloak.. true Cluistirm spirit. Jts 1·ule is, "Let profession will burn out as you t11ny. You It first sets up a standard for reliaion. no man aoek hi11 own, but each his neigh- need the oil of t.he inward p1·epart.tion as t o be ·pnrn"' imcl bar's good." An old legend clings to the well. Your lamp repleni.Shed with thi::, A very high one ! n is . undefiled before God and the Father,' 11 spot where stoodSolomou'll temple. "T11·., oil, you sh1Jll be ready for· the midnight flt1wless dia111ond, of the .s ame clearness brothers once owned harvclit fields which call, :rnd shall go in to the ore.'\t fo&llt' of rm<l brilliancy as the ligh.t, alx1vc the li<>ht lny. side by side, in a cortain part of .Pal- eternal joy, t.o dwell with your L o1·d forvariety at i;toti~, opposite of the sun, which beams forth frum the estme. The grain was cut and the sheavtJs ever. were sumdipg t hick on either field. AR face of heaven's Lord. 'Bai1'uack s. Tile Western Ba(1k. True religion must be able to emfore one of the brothers laid hi~ head upon MUS. f\\'~ES. God's eye. "Seeing thefr thoughts" seems the pilloW'at night he to hi1melf, ]£lsewbere will be found the rep,lli of a paradox. But why not1 A few lenses 'My doar Lrother's family i~ very large, Bowmanville, Ma.r-ehrt3, 1888, 12 . inµ· t ube, and our poor eyeH ci\n cuunt I rear " h e tnity not h nve b r ead enough for tlie procee<ltnflS of the u.nnu.,.I m~e;,in!l t'f __________ ___ _ ,, ____ yonder atars sct>tcered thi·oucrli ~pace in all. I will ariae 11nd go in tlw dark 11.nLl tlie 'Vestnn Bank wit.h tlrn atH.t<;ii;ent millions like glittering dust. '\ve camwt carry a few of my sho1Lves rover to Jiis there pr.,;sen ted. S .mie of Bi»wrua:. 11.illc's MEACf-Il\.M'~ . · hido,:our thoughts even orie 1rnother. .tielLL' And that same night as the other m··neyed mc r.i .:re lnr~dy int«re~ted iu this '"All things are naked 1 md opened uuto ln·other laid his head upon the pillow lie 11ro11r:~rous mo11ern ry in·titutrnn. '.l'he t.he eyes of Him with'· wno1n we luwe to said to himself, 'My d ear brother's field Vw <ilrn~·or Ray& : - " C<>ni;irlcring the If y are languid and weak, and your appe· do." No sham escapes the nll-socin<> eye is snrnller than mine, l fear· ho may not stormy ""lH:11t o f the pll.2t yc'1r thti rc&ult lt.e ooor · My n~er, Iron and Wine Is the tonic, ·bo sure. of God. With God, to s ee evil is to"'hate have bread enough for his little houflehold. of .tl~ e Y·-'iu'~ opP.r,.hon~ is remiulmbly As an invigorating tonic it is recognised by i~. ~o .religi~n which i.~ not pure·in mo- I will adso ancl go and caiTy H few sheaves S:Jtl·fo,:tor,1-. A b.rge res~.rV<J foud had ·he Mi:dical prores~lou as The beet etren11:ttwn· to be 1. ~p 1t; he nvnilable should ci1·c11mlnsc medicltie thus far .pPoduced. It is invslna. tive, m mtent1on, and in net can pr~ss the from my field over to l1is.' A11d· wl1at was the surprise of each of the brothers stance" · i:Jq ui: t' i ~ . and yi<t the bxnk has ble as a blo<>d &nd muscle maker, eapeciaJly test of God's eye. in those ca~es whore weakness i· the reeult o f 'frne religion answers t.o God's heart, to find that after having d one Lbis for n"t.. 011 !~1 bi:cu i.hle to p»y it.a :i.nnua; imperfect or in·nl!iici.,nt food, or fevers or exoeswa ot nny sort. It contt,ine IJ1e A father's h eart, Jillcd with unfathon1able several nighta in succes3ion, his sheavc11 d ·v1dt' iHt ·A ~e \"t1 D per cent.. , hu t to !Add nutriment o· Beer1 the stimulant properties or love! "God is love, and he thatloveth is ~YCl'O justairnbundantas oofore. Neither bf·een thousand dollars 10 its rtat account. Wine ..nd the tonic pow!lra of Iron, is ad· born of God and knowcth Gutl. ·· LoYc of them could understand it, until one lm.d, in tivoi e>xth year nf 1ta cnust· mlrably oalettlut"~ tu htlil<l 11 p t.hP. emaciat d in <il but nb.. ut fi·11 )'Ci<ra 0f ita ysttm, :Sold in .Mowmanvillo by Higginboth· to Uod, bec11usc He has rod-0cmcd UH with night tho two brothers md on the bound- H·C·\ · '\m Rros. the precious blood of His own Son; t hen, ary line between tl10ir lielcls, each carrying OJ»ntl lO~s. am ounts t o over tifte·X) }>1' love to the bret hren. H1>w tender i& t h e a great armful of sheo.ves. And the le- c· nt. ol th~ 11md up capital. The imexhortation of John, the apostle of love,- gend hath it that it Wt\ S on the spot which merliately a.~aifobJ ,: a~H tB ;1re ar; yet "Bel oved, let us love one anoth er for marked their mcetiug pll\ce, that 8olo- la> ~I'· bem11 ~ey nal to its paid up c>t.p1tal Nervous Debility, Semioal Los868 and prema love i11 of God; and everyone that l~veth mon's t emple was 11fterw11rds built. " and b bout 2n per cent (>f : h e b·mk'a enti:re ture Deotty promptly and ~ormauenUy cured by is born of God." Again this Boanerges Your Order enshrines thia spirit of mu- hab;li:y to the public tmd t () the 11 harecasts forth a thundel'bolt ,-"lf n llllUI aay tual helpfulness 11nd compassion. "1<,rioncl- b· ldf.ffd. The busfuesB sllows a hcalthv 1 love Ood, and hateth his br-0ther,he is 11 ship, love and truth" are the t hree links, and Rtcndy wowth . lts largo d<·poei"t liar; for ho that loveth not his lmlther n chain not easily \mJken. 1 fincl that ~110~·· that it , ha!! JUttly (II tM.itwd th(l Does not lnterfsre wit.h Diet or uaua.l occu. J)>t.· whom he seen, h ow can he love God vour book of niles declares t.hnt '·the c.,nfide1;ce of il1e p1lb!ic, 1U1 w..11 al! the tiofl and fully restoreH lost vigor and . insures } d · f 0 ' l I Tht.; DMlk perfect m11.1J hood. Sent to any addresa. poet· w iom he hath not seon? " By sweet per· great uties o our mer, ;y and t 1rough llJ.>prov&} of busin(·Sll mn1. psid on receipt of price One Oo·lar per box. suasion and by flashing rebuke the 811 · which we nim to improve and exult the nae (·Vetcome the foit1aJ diflfouJtiel:l e>f iE~ega:t~~~L·~~~~~t!~B:LD'S DRUG STOH.E , prerue place of love is shown forth. character of our members, nre five in starting a new monetary ent..rpri'l'· has ·- -- - - - -......_ ___ _ ___ ".Faith?" Ye~. "With<!qt; faith it is im· number, 1st, to visit the sick; 2nd, to u. uumber of protit~.hle and we!~ rn:uiaRel1 possible to·plei\ae God. " "Hope?" Yes. bury the <lead; 3rd, to relieve tho dis- brnncht>s. 1md de?e.lopi,'d an wm·e aeing The Ca!!hier, without hopo, the anchor of the soul t he tressed; 4th, to educat e the orphan; 5th, " nci profit,,ble buanrnBs. wild stom~s of life would drive upon' t ho To aid tho widow. " ln so far as you Mr. 'J'.B.l\foMtl·an, 1md tla1 Preaidt>ut. and rocks of d~sconrageI?ent and despair. But fultll these obje<.:ts, 1 can but wish you D1reetor~ h1n·e 11how11 therus·lvt>s ah!.e to tl:)e crowmng grace is love. "Now 11bid· a hear ty God-speed. The expenditure successf ul ly C·' n riuc' a l·ank as th· y bad ,eth fait;h, hope, and love, t hese t;hree, and by your lodgo last year < )i r;7fi7 for i;he d a Loa11 C"mpany, 'f> l.ioh i· Ila.) ing 1\ purposes named 1Lbove ia in itself an elo- good deal. Th1· shar1·hold· rs are to b<i .the greatest of these is love. " True religion conforms to God's law. quent plea in your ·favor, and your accu- com:rat.ulilte<l upon the result of the Tlmt is its standnrd of duty. Witnes~ its mulatell wealth of $6,63.l means perman- yeai 1111d 1;pon tho prosi,eds before them. dirst word m tho mouth of Saul of Ta rsus, ency. The rapid growth of your Order, Tho possesdon of two 1·uch fi1.1111eial in'·'Lord what wilt thou have me to do?" which u ow, on its 69th Anniversary, em- sti1ut1omi are a gr·t;;a r !·: on.. r, as Willi as a PURE:ST. STRONC£S1', BEST. lts testimony is, "Thy lflw do 1 love." braces G5 Grand lodges, and 8,334 'subor· great profi t, to t he to wn, and ali, l'ho1 her ;uo'Ugb t o be tinancially inter· Ready foi; use in any qun.ntlty. For ,Lt receives t he ten commn.ndments nf Si· dinat e lodges, 1111J 1t membership of 600,· fm·tun;;t e · ma.Jt1ni;: Soap, Softening ·water, DiBlll~ 000 l · lmA been e~ted or n ot, m t1ht rtijoico :;t tl1dr enc. fectlng, and n buml'reu othl!r nses. nai, and each one of them,us bindiiw. It , s lows h ow widc !\nd general A can equals 20 pounds Sal 'Soda, takes Christ's interpretation of th\J "com· tho respc;ct which your principlm1 int<l ce~s. 0 &>l<l.byaUGrocersand Drnggfsts, roandments,-if even in the most secret pr&cti~ have comm:mdetl. I tnist tlrn.t Commr.uptiou S urely C nrsd . & W.1llt.LE1':1'. · 'l'OllOli~ AND CIIIOA.®. phwe of the henrt th e comuU1tlfil.ment is you rnay continue to prosper. '.I:on will brokenhycvildesire,thereisguilt. Tmc dososolongasyoueontmuei1·uetuynnr To THR E I>1To11 : religion, i n 11 word, nccepts God's law as avowed objects. · l.,1 ...t1Alo iufo.rm ;your readem that I hove C0fiV8Il.;, . ' rev.cale<l intheword,andnsconfirm~lhy Theinspirednpo.~tle James f-brth er<le. ' , It never was ln,tended, eo tar as I cBn foarn,,lrc and by the spirit of Ood in t.h e clares in the te:xt that pure l\!Hl undefiled a !)<~ltl~S reme<ly for tho abo ve nruned Thti.;ee~:!i_~:meuorwomeuweroinleudedto heMt,i.n:illitslcugth rmd hreadth and rcligionshewaitsclfinpersonalpuritv:"T,, disea~e. By its timely w1e thour,a.u d11 t>f t mid dctJth. Its desire is to know k eep on eself unspotted fro111 the world. " 110pdess e11ses }mvH been perm:<ncnily I thl n k you . w lIl believe me, indeed l'm sure heiu-h. · . n l l you will what the will.of the Lord is and t-0 do it. " I n tie word, but nut· of tlie world," is cuH·d. 1 t1h ...I1 !J.a glad to aend tw o l't(Jttks 0 If attlie "PlrisHai~ Worka"yonlu1.vecallod . True teligion takes God'sS011, the pel'· ChrL5t'R own descript,ion of the portion of of my r<'me<ly Flt.EE to auy of your : (' ! 'here is one thing Nu.t.ure thinks ot-- let 118 feet man Christ Jesus, its it~ !llodeL The Hfr1 sorva.nts; antl His prayer for them, e··s wh& have cowmmptiou if they ·· · th1rnk her for all we oanlofti'"Rt !IOU! that evo r occupied p, body of " 1 pray not that Thou shuuldat take them will rn.nd mo their &prcfls and }'. O. addr·ess. She take~ µarticula r trouble with our race ; fl h h t f tl Jd b ti t 'I'} h Id She know· ,.. scanty growth or hair, the gray . ~s ; t e one perfect num ! The scoffing ou o · 1e wor , ut · ia · iou s ou st Rf,sp~ictfully, D:a. T. A. SLOCUM 37 ari<l white.1tng locks, Pilate may answer for all scoffors save the keep t hem from the evil." '.!.'here is no ' .r Will w t tact from tb.0 beauty of the taee. basest, -"I find no fault in this man. " virtue in shuttiug oneself up. Stone Yengo strni;t, Toronto, 0.Lt. · IBut Nn·a<'e hae her ao strict thti.t yon His blameless speech, his spotless life walls and harred windows cannot keep ualet. nevor err, .1 f or tiie Ing · Iiest ntfamt\ble. · · ' on t sm. · Tl rny mny, m ' d eec, 1 e ncourage Why does a. Man W&nt a Good · 1"or you'd surely pay the penalty at !sat, s t an ... Wheu su~tain it; th..t b?unte:oue he!'~ or hair w~ shall see him in glory, we sh~tll be like it. St. Simeon Stylites, or "The Holy Wife. ? l>r. Doreuwend eHa1r llbg1c s unsurpll-~sed. F.huJ. One of t he promises to the faith · Bird, " as he was called, is not.the Chris· Just trY i t vo11 aJUicted, you nover will regret· ful is that they shall walk with Hirn in tian's model; 37 years spent standing on B'1eause h e is merried for a lifetime A~:~:!'-':~~dw~"~ei~e~~r0~n~~~ \~rni\~ak.e wl~ i te in the world above. To bo !Ike a y iillar in the open air, first G cubits in and desires connubial hapFin~ss :ill the / yolt 80011 forget Him, holy, harmless, undefiled, separnto height, thfln 12, thon 22, then 36, Jlnnlly way. a!ong. . There ai·e ways of · The e:x:pendimre a bottle w!ll entail. from sinnera, always going about, doing 40 cubits, hiB neck 11.ll the time loaded obtam mg a Jifo partner, and often it is This uow famous preparation for invig· good, is what !;rue r eligion aims at here down with nn iron chain, his lips moving begun by a fovorable im pression made by orating sud stimulating the growth of the and now. . in constant prayer. That is not to be your one's neat nnd respectable app earance. hair is univer611l!y accept.ed 118 tho mo 11t The standard is a. lofty one,-D od ·s eye ambition or mme; but mthor th1>t we What adds .more to a mitn's good looks vnl11sb!e specific 0 11 the ruarket. All God's hc111t, _lo<l'a law, Gocl'sSon; but, as should be like that carpenter nt his fa th er's than a styhsb and b~:comi1.1g hat? Ali diseiises of the scalp are eit~er relieved ?r ll/hr~%fan,. I ~an . aim n.t notl1ing less. bench, that guest at tho Cana marriage honest countenance u nder one of Mr. permaneutly cur..d . A rich and rap~d Notlm~g less will lift men up to the place feast, tlu.t tcncher among liis _ dull tmd lVJayer's ni,w "Pring hats will be suro t o growth .,f hair will follow after jndicions for .wh1~h ~od made them. .We are form· unbelieving disciples, that hcalel' iu charm the m1,3t faatidio<is lady. and rer>ular trearment. It remains with cd m His unage; we shall never be what the midst of the diseased and sinUud,1ubted. 1y the best ;;saortment of the u~er ·~lon11 to secure the desired i we may be until. w~ cmno into that image. niug multitudes, that disputer witJ1 of no w and stylish Sprmg a nd Summer "" results Dr. Doren wmid'a " Hair Magic" J Of what uge is it, brethren, to alltJw the lrnughty rulers in the temple, t hat h~ts are to b " seen now ~t M. lli<1yer'e. is 8~k1 ,by a.!! druggist3 at $1. per bottle, ourselves to be y~1t off ,~ith anything in friend in th? sweet Bethany horne ; and Call to be convinced. r ? r six bottles .for $u. ~f not obtainable the n~me o: reli g1~n winch does not 1'0;1ch yet all the t~me pm;e, B,Potlesa, 1;111dcfiled. · The late1;t and most stj·li~h things in __ . . m your 10Ml1ty send d1rt>ct to th" sole t he standard I have but o ne life. robe holy, a~ Christ i.s holy, is a corn- gents' fu n isJ1ings, shirts, 1ioo, c,,J(:i,rs, · I manufac turer, euclo~ing pric"· A. lJoRN· Row short, l 'ltl kuow not. At its close is irn~ndmcnt lu~d tlf}~n ovory follower of cuffs, glo viea, Irnndkei chief., c uff and ji WEND, Par·s Hair Works, 103 and 105 ' t he gate of I t opons. Tl.iei·e I ha. Such is Gods standard nnd such coila.r buttous, soolrn, imd summer undiii Yonge St. , Toronto. For imle hy J. I st~nds God. A religion that, cannot moet the life of those who aim at renchinf~ it. wear a.ra to bo found at, M. M;;yer's . l I HigginI· otham & 8011, and all druggists. H~s eye untremblingly! that doc~ not D o I l1cscribc 1111 imposaiLlo life? If I sdling very cheap t· o. ' ,trn linng our hea:rt-beata m to tmiaon with : assort that no one is religious who has n ot -NATIONAL rnLS will not '"rtiic:or sick His, that has JlC)t filled up the mcasuro of ' rc!icheu t he stn.ncfard I < l··· Dut ho is r e- 1.r; , 1' U1 0P, a.uw·s SIHJt· tHI& :st:1 A.l" il! " de· 1u. .. · l'r· l ' . l· . . . · -. - · . . .' o I IC>llod lu~~n'y as well a;o n ~-01)(1 ( r 1m, J'C& arc n tllorongh e&thart'lc. . ts . :iw, t11,i,t c nes not trn\kc us hke H is · hgwus who is )ltmmg :tt tlie shmhn.1. Hvc tor ~Jli.n ~use:lH~. u FARMS WANTED. I MAINWARING, ' SERMON TO ODOFEllOWS. SP RI N G . 'W:M\~~l· .... .. . ~ Op N& MRS.IVES Pltllshes Laces, Embroideries, fIN f UNDfRW£AR, " ERRORS OF YOUTH, . j +muan~c11i11~1a+ GLL~!!! ANOTHER WONDER LYE 9 PER CENT - -·· ·- -·---- 1 I I "e. I

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