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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1888, p. 2

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J, \·· ." .. . ~ . .. .. " . . ' : t ated ductti opened. Asai result the epidem- Queen ·victoria t ravels now as the Count· ic, which wasrnaidlyincreasinginvirulence, BESIEGED B'f WOLVES. ess of Ba.lmoral. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25 1888. was stayed almost at once. In less than a _ Valuable caU!e have died in Cumberland · - - - -· week new cases ceased to appear. Typhoid AN ADYJrnTURE IN ii nRTIIERN RUSSIA. from browsing on the sprigs of yew trees. fever u ·ually results from the use of coataminatecl wa.ter. '.l'his case, however, seems to 1' are 180,000 liquor saloons in EngOn a bright summer morning there are land, 20.000 of which·are in London. confirm t he teachings ot an eminent German authorit y, tha.t the disease may be commun- few pleasanter pla.ces in all Europe than The Sultan has prohibited the exportation Drinking water at icated through the medium of the air. OI!e of the great pine forests of northern of Arab horses from any part of his dominHuasia. The wholo ail' is fragrant with the ions. · Opinions diffe.r, as . tQ the effect of the Notes. rich ocent of the woods, and stray sunbeams ' China now furnislies a third only of t he free ingestion at wa.ter ti.t meal times, but the vi'lw most generally received is prol>Dr. Cutler says that dyspepsia. is a physi. play peep-bo amid the lloating sht\dows, and tea used in England. India. furnishes th.e ably that it dilutes the gastric juice, and ological sin. bright-eyed squirrels flit hither and thither greater pa.rt. The lower crea.t nres, which we call brut es, among the trees, and birds twitter merrily It is rumored tha.i; tho British Govern· .·so reta.rd« digestion~· · Ape.rt from the fact for and thau a moderate delay in ~he p rocess is by by intuition observe those of health overhead, and every no\V and then a sturdy ment will try to est ablish a t ax on bicycles no means a disadvanta.l.'e, as Sir William which mil.n, with his intelligence, disobeys. little Russian boy, rouud·foced and yellow- and tricycles. R b h h · h" I f haired, comes trudping past, with a basket '. "Ca.'!torJDis so well a.dapt;ed to children that cuio:r111. cures Colic, Qollllt!pntlon, , __ l)_ __ e_i;_!;§__.. .aJL-1L9:WP ...!J\_ 18 E~p ~.nii>.1on ot Docto1· H_ B. Baker, Secretary of the of mushrooms in his J,;i,nd, lookitJ 0 <t up at ~;ranslators of French works so plenty · [ recommcncl ita.s suueriorto any prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhrea, Eri1ctation, the popularity . . of tea and coffee, it is more ,., , . l · "'t t B d ·II l h h ~ 'onof aoy . h th h it t _ mic ug"n"' a e. oar o, eat , as recen.,.. you as he pa.sses with wide wondering eyes. tha t £20 - now pays f or ihe t rans1a.ti ,. d b f !Clown to me." :Ei.. A. ARcHB:R u D Kills W ~mns, gives sleep, and promofA!a di· ' · ·· gestton, . .t i1an· . ou t u 1 w e . er..a.ny 5UC e cc ltl ly called attention t? the fac t that _quara_nBut the forest is a ·very different place new French novel, tll So. Ozford s-., Brooklyu, N. Y. Without; injnrious medication. in- ··reality produced. ingested durtme does .not deal with the most.senoua dis- ,~Jien the wi'nter wi"nds i.· · e how1-,·ng ·nd .the ·· -·--· ., .. ··--·· t · · · \Vhen d. d b 1 · · ·r w Since Sir Mor ell Mackenzie went to ·San Tmi: CE:<T.AUR COMPANY, 1"7 l!!urr ay Street, N. Y. mg meais wa er food may ··nd o ·g()o Y WM nng _ ox .lull ver_y few J w-1 'nter snows are Iy1 ·ng deep, and not a. Remo to attend J<:mperor l!'rederick, he has ·ge·tei by exposing tbe eases. .Cuol.era and sma.ll-p Out th0 a1 .. · ~ · ' people .m tbrn eouutry, wlnle d1phthcna. aud gleam of sunshine breuks the cold, gray, , ~ .iiid,igest~d put more thorou!(hly to the ac. scarlatm1\ c.11rry off'. thousands ev_ery ye!1'1'· lowedug sky, over which the great cloud s received a fixed weekly sum. ~ ,·~;, tilin of tile digestive ferments. · N t l t} h ,, g wlu ·h Mme. Carnot is to look not more Pep$ii1 is a. ·ca.talyptfo. body, a1;d a given o quarnn me aw is ioro~g ·,..01 .n c roll up thick ai1d dark, in grim warninJl of quantity will work alinbst indefinitely pro· does not e.xclude all contagwus diseases, as >,he coming st,orm. Then is the time to pull than "twenty-five." The Empress of Ausvided the pep· stones are removed aa they well as small pox , cholera, and yellow fever. your fur cap well over your face, !Ind.head tria. "cannot be over thirty-ti ve," say imFOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTH.AM & SON, BOWMANVILLE 1 -are formed. The good effects of water, Getting sick is like sliding down hill, ' as straight as you can for the nearest log pa,rtial observers. drunk freely before meals, has, however, and often fascinating. Getting well is like hut, glancing warily about you as you go, A coffee tree in the palm h rJuse in Kew is another ben·eficial result-it washes away climbing backing again. Often, too, th-3 lest you should suddenly .find yourself con- now bearing such a crop a 9 , a uthorities sa.y, tho mucua which is secreted hy the mucus health climber h1>s to drag alter him 11 heavy fronted by tho gaunt i;:ray body 1tnd sharp has been rarely known in tr opica.l countrie(i membrane during the intervals of repoee, sled load of S(l,nitary eins. white teeth of a hungry wolf on the lookout either for quantity ~r quality. an l favors peristalsis of the whole aliment. An . outbi·eak of tyrotoxicon poisoning for " s omething nic? for supper. " . A Swedish farmer has hit upon the id'3a. ary tract. The membrane thus clea.naed is from cheese, occurred a.t Hunting· So . thought Va.nm (Johi:ny) Masloff, a of light ing his farm by electrfo lights, and in a much better cor.dition to receive food ton, Ind. A number of persons were seri· Runsmn p ea;;ant _boy belon~IDg to the ham- has purchased a dynamo . i md connected i t a.nd convert it · into solubh1 compounds. ouely ill. One proved fatal. Chees~ is let of P<lvloysk, m the JlOrthernmost corner with a wo.terfall close by. The man intenc1s . The accumul11t ion of tnUCU5 is espeoially l air u_nsafe article of food, besides beiu_g h:i.rd of the Provmce of Vologda,. ~she struggled also to employ it for working threshing ma· C:S::I~ weU . marked in t he mor~ing, ~hen the to digest, and a promoler of dyspepB 1a. , h~meward through . the frozen fore~t at chines, and for similar work. ga~tnc walls are covered .with a t,hick, ton1 mgh~fall. He ! ad . been.sent on an etr~nd A Hampshire Justice discharged a honscac1ous layer. Food entenny the stomach at , . . by his father to ano ,her village_sev~re.l miles this.time will become covered with this ten· A f1ltenog Cistern. .ot!, and had apmt so much time ID ga.m~s m11-id who pleaded guilty to stealing a cloak, a.cious coating whfoh.for ,. time protectn it I I d ti · I h d" with soma of his play mates there, after his a muff, a fur boa., and a handkerchief be from t he actio~' of the gastric ferments and ti! yo tlfrs ab n . °r ler fiplatpe:s . atvo seen..,,, l· work was done, that the sun was se tting longing to her mist ress. The Judge B< ·. _ · rec ions <>r ui.1c.m g enng 015 erns. "or h h t · ~t d h. b ·k that she was only "weaTing " th e clot hes, so retards diges·wn 'l 'he t ubular cont n ).('t. t h b fi t f I I . W en ea '"' e on is way ac . ed stomach with it~ puckPred mu . ens Jini;·g · e ~nc 1 0 l 0~~6.;' ~i~·d 0 ~i? I t waa a dismal evening. The chillness and that was "a t hing t hat servants did and viscid ~ontents a noi:mal dondition i n experie1 i;ce;t n th' JUS ofu sti ~ ~ of the frosty air felt like a cold hann press- every day." . ' · . . water im1 ·S near e man u ac urmg, eoo.1 d · ·t V · · f t h h' b k !dary Richardson, aged 4, danghtcr: of a the mornmg before break fast is not suitable I d" t ,. 11 S t L 1 I b "It d e aginns ama s ace o pus Im ac . to receive foocl E x ercise bef~re par takiu" of smot~o ~s ~~76 1 ! ou \ one, fi~ The l ising wind moaned drearily among the mmer living at Monk Bretton, E nglitnd, wiw a m ealstimula.te'.l th~ cir~ul11tion of the bl~od fer in b 1:1 .t h lM coun Y ouu, 'f h. frozen trees that st ocd up w hite and ga unt playing with sever a l children r ecently when . , . · ' ·· · on a arm, at 1 1m e same manner. e ' d l"k · t k ' t d l throu ah the vessels A <>lass of water s· · L · · t · b . · t y on 1e some one entered wearin;:: a hideous mask. _ ., ·· u · · c "· oms c1s ern, a f t·er emg m use t wen d ' every · s1k e 1b e gmn 1 ths t e.e t h ons, an Id t b wt~~hea ont tho mucus, partially distends · filte .· k d d t . t . a.r 1>.enrng s Y s owe< a er e wou e The child screamed, ancl seizing a candle , k . I . years, t _nng smo y an coa1 11.s wa tr , more snow before morning d ran up stairs. In her frigh t she ignited her t h e stomacn, wa es up pen s ta ~is an p re - without any change or repairs and iM still a · ' . · a.ry canal for t he morning , f t filt , . · . dl t ' th ' t th Vama Wt·s a brave count.ry boy, accus tom- clothes and died from the bnrns. P ares the aliment . , . I por ec - er, u~ nee eos o so.y a ·e d t " h · t" · 11 th . d h I?eal: O~se1:vat10n nas show1\ that non -Ir · , cistern on a form in t.hio county is also afford· e o r ang l !n a :wea. .· ers' °'? e Eleven years ago the cashier of u, bank at ritatrng h qmds pass directl y t hron"h the"' · t t t 1 would have cared little for e.i.her WIDd or 1 · 1DgTsh "tubular " stomach "nd \;en if f~od be · wee w:a er! c t ear a~ <Jry bs tah. · snow had that been all. But t here was Tuam, count y Galway, paid out £ 100 by · ., " · e Dl'l>ID orn erus m o cases were h. 1 h" h bl" hmistake. H e WM compellerl t o p!l.y it back 1 only .mix with · i t to 11 sligh;; · t we.. ;ve f eeu · d eep and ·e1g . b'· fee. " rn - · d. e se im in install mt>nts. on March 21 one of the p reseat , , they · . _ : 1amet er, somet ·h mg , I w th 1cth' W· k· s t rou d th mg h . n · e 1C v~oo a,~ e was local priests handed the money t o the olerk, e:xtent. _Accor~ing t<J Dr·. L euf, who h11a ! capacity about 200 barr~ls each. T wo feet muc · rr:ore. made this a ~pecu~l stud~-, cold 1from the outside circmnference I dug a tmv~rsmg-;-a gloomy place even ,u broad i t ha ving heen intrusted to him for resti. t uwa·cr should be given to v4rsons who havo 151 1 11 . . f d df f t . d ay hgbt- 1t had grown 80 dark the moment sllffl~ient vitaliuy to rea ' t .o:'~d hot water l d ~ a treceibver sd .Ix h r.elu f~ep at nl o~r eef thm t he sun san k that even he, w ho knew every tion. , , I · rnme er, ore a o e rum 1e ev ge o e f t f th b h· t b t f th t While t he propodbion was heing to the others. In chronic gast ric catarrh it iS bottom o:f L~e receiver iuto the side of the hoo o ·le wa.y t y fl'eahr · . elg~n o k esi f r . hu. extremely beneficial to drink ·warm or hot · t a t d tl b th 1 - th e mus. go o t e rig iu trac , or t e reform the House of L-,rda t his advertiseln!!!pe<'tiou §olicited. · bms.,ctrn .a.l"d b wat~r before meals, and salt is ·said in moi;t 1 ce?1k en e · wml 1 't d enf snow-drifts seemed to grow <leep or and deep· men t appeared in the 'l 'imes : " Secretary"" d Uil a so 1 . nc . wa 11 , arc i ec ou war , o er as he advallCed ship, companion to gentleman, or any posi· 1 Vict.o . i ·ia Buildings. llllJRDO«JH DUOS .. a dd ~o the goo.d tnect pro need. - ho.rd (not gl azed ) brick, from t he bottom to . '. .. . tion of trust wanted, by a rep resent ative of [Bnt1sh Medical Exammer. t h? t op . o! th e receiv_ u, one ooi:rao of the This thought (1? 1~-~ elf anvthmg but a historic noble house. Unmarried. Can play = ===="====-=======-· .·, · , brick laid 011 the fiat, iu hydraul:c cemen·t, pleasant one) was , qm,l: ~Y. followed by a.n j using car~ t h 11t no cement covered the ed ges other even more d1equ1etrng. Out of the organ. Unexcept ionable r eferences. " Stat1st10s of Sickness and Death. The real cause of Emperor Frederick 's Some years a~<> the Statistical Congress at of the brick. T~e water fro.m the conduc- c<.> ld black depths of tho fore5t. rose sudden. - t ors was turn'ld rnt,o the receiver or filter on ly . a hollo:v, long -drawn, c h smal s1>nnd, suffering a t San R emo, and t he diffcnlt y of L ondon Englan d deduced from the tables 1 of Drs. Farr 1md Edmunds, the following iu· t he side op11osite tho -0utlet into t~ie ci~tern, which ,Vania had heard to.o often n~t to getting a tube to fit the incision in his throat , terestin"' facts respeoting sick ness ar;d and had to pass through t he brxck m the know it at once for the ci y of a \\T olf, or Wil.S that the cut was very bunglingly done. T he windpipe WW3 opened at t he aide instead d eath, '~hich preach important sanitaryser - wal1 before entering the cist erns. A " man rat T ·hterboo f several wolveatoget her . · mons .without t he aid of commen t : hole" was left so that the d ust, leaves, etc., . h~ Y ~tarte.d to run, for w:1th such of in the middle. The operator, Dr. Berg" O! one thousand persons at the age of I could be swept up and ta.ken otit of the fil- enemies on lua trail there wv.s n.o t une t o. be man, is said to have been ex tremely nerv· thirty, it is probable that ten will die in the tor. It was a surprise to me when I Aaw lost. B 11 t any one who h11s t!ied r~nnmg ons. current :year; that there will be t en perma- that with 3,000 feet of roof, all the water th.r~ugh kn{de·deep snow _{espec1.a.lty with ~he Great preparations have been made ta nent invalids and an av~rage of twenty- sick that run into the filter in. the Heaviest rains stiflmg co, bof a Russian wmter takmg Shoebnryness for firing wh9't is k nown as· for th~ ye!!>r.' passed through the wall, after t here was,. awa.y ones 11t . every st~p) . knows the "Jubilee 8 hot." A nine-inch breech· ' ' Of one thousand persons at the age of head of three feet, without any increase of what foarfully exhauatmg work it 1a. He loader will be £red at an elevation of 40 seventy, it is proba.blc thv.t a hundred will ~epth-L e. it was filt er ed as fast as it ran ha~_ barely advanced fift~ yards when the and the carriage has h ad t o be much die during the year, and three hundred will Ill when there was a three.foot pressure hoinble cry broke out a~am, sharper,fiercer, strengthened. The range is ex pected to be be sick or become chronic invalids. Care ahould be taken that the bottom of nearer than_ before. The m_onsters had a little over ten miles. S trictly speaking, " b is estima,ted that of ever y thousand the filter is raised and sloped toward t he scen~ed then prey, an. d were lD full chase for a jubilee shot, the gun should have been cf population there will be fifty-seven sick, bottom layer of brick in th~ wa;JI that all of him.l . .' . _ elevated to 50 (.In an average, for the year, in ~"]nglancl and the water may run out lell.vmg its bottom Vama looked around hu:n as h e Tl\µ, with. l'heso are t he llla.trimouial experiences of ~cotland; fifty-three in Ireland; sixty· seven dry, ~tb_erwiae unless frequently cleaned, the a numb ~orror.such as he ~ad never felt ml<'rnuce; seventy· six in Germany ; ninety,. depos1t m warm wea ther may becoi11e fetid. before . t1ght~nmg round . h rn . bold h eart. the daughter of a P arisian wine dealer : 1. four in Aus tria; eighty.nine in I t aly and I I had ~t St. Louis a. sand and charcoal filter He ~as now .~a t~e very w. orst place of all.,-- Married a singer, 2. H e ran off with an ; seventy-one in Holland ; fifty-seven I made l!l t he bottom of my r eceiver, which a w1de clearmg_ID th.a ~ores;, wbero all the Mitress. 3. Divo~ced. 4. JI.I arried an ex . . She eloped. 6. Divorced , · 7. in D en mark; and fifty.five in the U nited soon became foul so that I threw it away , trees ha.d b een. f~lled excepo a i ew. If the priest. G States. . and rnbot it uted the brick wall. The adyan- wol_ves ca.ught him there, h e was lost, and Married n. M~y or 's son, the officii1.ti11g magisTbe most salubrious of these coun tri£s tages of this mode of filtering over any th eir y ells seemed to come ·nearer and near - t rate being her aeconcl husband, who showed -HER -WHOLE STOCK OFno ill·feeling n.11d j oined in t h e subsequ en t Irela nd. other I have seen are : The water beiug er every_ moment. "The average number of days cf sic:knesg filtered before entering, the cist ern is al ways All. at ~nee a. dark ~~mdow:>'. mass loom~d fest ivities, after d elivering a touching ex horper ad?lt inhabitant in the principal civiliz sweet. It. can b e ?Jeane~ a t any t ime when up right ID fron~ ?f hun, plam even. amtd tation t o t he happy couple. c1 JnI?tr1es of the globe, is four teen and two · the water m the cist ern 18 below the bottom the blackness a,,amst the ghostly ~h1te of The Morning Star is th e sma.llest steii,mer J ten the. ln the United States it is t en and of the r eceiver. All the extra cost is the the snow. J:!e knew ~t once th~t it must which bas ever made t he run between E ng brick wall and the two feet of sewer pipto ; be ~he h~ge pil~ of split logs which he had land at:d the'. She waa <lesigned by fiv e-tenths. "T~c aver~ge loss p~r Jent. of i.ncome tor th~ receiver ju$t so ~uch_more storage noticed m tha~ afte~·noon, and he her owner, Capt. R. Duncan, of L ondon, s two cap~mty. It w ill last a hfe-t1me. When sprang up it like a wildcat , but he h9.d ancl was built at Leith. She IS 26 tons, frcm awk ness m the United States 1 and nine-tenths ; ill England, threo ; in th e brick b·e come <lrv the pores are reopened barely re?'ched the. top. when . th~ gloo.m yacht measurement , is of t eak, copper fast . JTl"ance, three and five . tenth~ ; in Germany, au~ they !"re au~in r eady to do their work, around hi~ w as alive wi~h wh1skin.g ta.Ile e.ned, and is cl.-ssed A 1. . H er leng th i.s 50 t.hree and n ine-t enths; and in Russia, five ·and the cist ern IB always clean.. W e never and gnashmg teeth and fiery green1sn-yel- feet between, 01er all 56 and five-tent hs." have t o pump out the wa.ter to clean the low ey es. feet, with 11 feet 2 inches depth of bold. cistern. Use harq salmon brick for the The next moment the wolves were Milk and Meat. wall. up 11t him on every side ; 'out luckily t he The Chinese authorities were offici ally woodpile was too high for t hem to reach t he not iJled of the last eclipse of the' moon, and A precep t of the Mosaic 111,w prohibited top with one bound, and Vania, snatching were inst ructed what to do when t he event the llse of milk and meu.t at the same meal The. Package Sells the Goods. · of wood, struck so fiercely among took place. They wer e to wear court dress, up a piece Ahtlld eas b t t h is 5,~ems td · ~ have been t he idea, the scrambling monsters tha t at every strok e Lea.t gongs, and save the moon from b eing The bu3iness of canning butter for sale t o a woIf d ropp~ d b ack 111to · e y t1 ' e .L a mn 1sts· and now t ·· ugl1t · ·· t h e snow, howling swallowed up by t he sun, as mual, a.a long a.ncl p racticed by orthodox Jews and Jewish foreign couutrieo is chiefly carried on in with pain, with a crushed paw or a b1·oken as the moon was above the horizon. W hen HF.~ALTH rabbis. T h ere ha.s lately been quit e a lit~le J:?enmar k, wher e, to jud l'e from the report h ead. sh e disappeared they were to make one low diacu~aion cf the question in N ew Y ork , by of the A merica.n consul at Copenhagen, the '.!'he yells of the wilcl bee.sty & nd th e hhouts obeisance, but neFd n ot both er to save her ra.bbis, chemists, doctors, and journalfat s, business has grown t o large proportions, not of Vania himself such a din amid the · any longer when she w as below the horizon. withon_t gett ing at the root. of ~he matt er . so much from the excellen t quali ty of t he d ead silence of the lonely forest that the . . . u?t_less, a phys1olog1cal reason but t er as .f rom its con venient form of pac~r- boy begi;,n to lto e that some one mi h t hear B~b Moody and. Ins son-m -I!l'w ]~illy There 1e, clo_ for the _ p roh.1,b1tlon. Meat d?es not geMrate a15~. I t _is a fact we~l k nown ~o exp erts ~n i t, and come to tis assistance? BLit ~he hel Berrie wen~ out huutrng niceu tly m Mame, gerl!'a m m11k, au one ch~m1st asserted, hut tm~ busmess t h.a t .t ins convem en t ~orm m for which he was look in sectned likel ~ and each k.1lled. an old bnck. Moody's deer a m1x '.ure of meat apd nulk undergoes d e- wh1c~ th? h.utter .1s offered for s.ale 1s m?re come too lat e ; for the c! nst anl; scrnm~in wouldn 't h o s~1ll, so t he young man. 9ay with great i:eadrness ; ~ncl .w he~ pla~ed ~ffective m it s d:sl!osal thu.i;i high quality of the woh-es up the sides of tlie wood - il! ?Yer . ~nd emptied the oth er ba~rel of hts gun Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of t he ID a etom~ch not proml?t m its d1gestn:e 1B when the form ~s mconvem ent. A 100 or and V ania's v iolent lea s t o ii.nd fro 0 pi~ mto 1t, and w ent back to his. owI?. Mr. processes, is pr et t;y certam . to undergo Eept 1c pound tub ~ fthe very bes t butter ever t op had begun to loo!:in tne log h I Moody started to c.u t t he deer 's. thr oat , and LIV !~R, STOMA.UR, IiTD NEYS AND DOWELS. c?anges. This. is cbi~fiy because mill~ is made will not sell f~r more t han a sli,ght ad- we;e alrea.d tott~rin ; and must !~a: :~n s~uck the kn_ife· ~brough, w4 en t he deer digest ed h1;1t shg!ttly m the Btomach, beu:~g vance :ipon the ordma ry mal'ket price, be· down altoge~her, fiingf ng the poor lad ri ht k1ck~d out twice, 3nmped up and r an, swam They invigorate and restore t o health Debilitated Constitutions, an~ ~?re r co.di'.y t;11e;est~d by ~he pancrea.tie ct~u~e .. it cannot r ea ch the buyers who are among the bloodthirsty i·aws t hat were ~ _ t be nver, and got away, . u e inv111uable in e.H Com.plain ts Incident al t o Fema les of a ll A g ee. For JUice. Meat rn chielly digested m the st omach. l w1llrng t o p ay more money for a somewhat ing and g nashing f h' b I g p Th tr . t t f · b · 1 , , 101 · 't · 8 C h ild re n and· t h e aged t hey are p rlceleas . · k t · e . ea m an The milk in ret ained in the stomv.ol-. l inferior quality put up in small parcels. But J ·uat when alyr im de ow. t? · f etafe t ~ e i,1:"~ Y ~ 0 01 10 0 during the thxee to fi~·e hours n quir ed Small pack 11ges of fresh sweet but ter of no ed for way of ~ca . see~~ r er, a,n ~n 1 .t- t r e(LlVd a p)rB w · a ·kie' e 8 TH E~ for the digestion of t he mea t. mor e t han 5 pound weight have sold for 75 aAlf A pal e gleape 0~ en )· P~:sbn ;e k . - C ·an on onT h oal or s t ~m ~. ~ ~0 1 When t aken by itself, milk leaves the ' cen ts or a. dollar per pound, at the sa . mo thr~ugh the gath 11!- 8 :noon d rh a . m~ h r ossness. d f e 1 1 .e? ~~c t~.tirren d Ill 8 Ia an infallibl e r emed y for Bad IJegs, Bad Breasts, Old Wouuds Sor sromach in about two hours, a.e shown by time !hat butt er of the same churning pack· our her o a singlee~mg ~ormd:c cub sh~ dO\\te h . a. five a wonT ehr u 1 m hg srn t. c m fg an t.Pur yi Dr Beau t 's xpe · St u ed in tu'1ils haa b u ht I 30 ... lb ree s an 1ng e ID · e ID uenoe. e evo u ion o gas s -irs up ; e . ~nd U lcer s . It ls famous for Gout a nd R heu matism . F or disorders -0f ti. .. . · mun e runenes .upon ._ iu ar · · r o g on Y · cen.., per · wood-pile, and only a few feet away from it. liquid , t he nascent oxy gen is brought int o ·-C h est it ha s n o eq ual. tm. The unnatural delay m t he s tomach In tho r eport r eferr ed to, and to he found Cot>l d he ma ke a · d l t I1 00 f ·d · t t "th t ' 0 · -t · cl ca.mes the milk t o fer ment, and the mea·t i t - in t ho most interesting volumo published by t he . branc' ies and sprmE; an h. 0 u 1 °f ? to rdap i tc h· on ac wi. 't D: impuri ieds .tan d re d. F o11· So.m·e T h.Jt·oats, B a·o n c lliU!!>, Clouglts, (Jo.his )f · 1 d t l d -t· lth D t · t f St t tb. · . · ' , so sw1Dg unsc u p m o ncee em, prec1pi a1;ion is expe 1,e an o unc ergo ecomposi .ion a ao. e epar men :a e, ere_ is !1° eVI- t.h e t r ee, he would be safe. the whole cl eansed. ·I t is to lie h oped, says se . 1~ e This 1a the dence that Gatberi'nl! all l"t u t · cos· · wi ·11 no · t swamp t h' · d oubtless h. h 1 true d expla.n11.t10n of the te - shown f b t t t he tin-packed l" . ti ·Da.msh h . f bu b.t · · s at reng Lb u f or t h e pen·1 ous J.· a ure, tha.t t h e is Ql.q.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival. : nd ea a many _ persons t o ·.r 18 0 an~ e er _q~a i cy rn.n t at 0 t e leap- for he k new tha.t if the first attem t new and u seful field for electric1t , .axpen ence w IC c ont r a.cted and stl:ff jofntll l.t aots like !?. ch a rm . ' suppqse that t hey cannot use milk. T hey best American dam es, a nd yet 2,000,000 foiled he would ne r t . t · t~ y say it makes them "bilious," wh ich means pounds of it are t ak en by t he E nglish mark · darin l ad shot outv!l\ 1 ~h 0 re~e,a . ite Hook·swinging and widow-burning in M a n u factured only at THOMAS IloLLOW.A.Y's E stab lishme nt, simply t hat t hey .have_ indigest ion wh im t hey I ets < UJDU8,lly. It is clearly a case in which wolve~ yelled and lm po d .e emr ;r-.a tr.b Tn.~ India have been abolished ; but it is said 1 1 ·n se milk. · . "the p ackage sells the goods." wQs too · late v " ani'eah.e.d u~. ad t b i m, u t t hat ID t he Niz!lm's dominions ther e is a. 78, NEW OXF ORD STREET, (late 533, ox:inm.D STREET), LONDON f tl 'th I . d u · a a seize . e neares t · . h" h h f t h b 'lk M .1 agrees _per ec _Y w~ ru1ts an bough. i'he slender limb ben t and cracked c~s e m w. 1 0 w en any o · e mem ers grams, less satlsfocton ly wit h ve.geta.bles. t erribly benea-th h i e· ht b t ' t d'd t dies a fi!:lg 1 s at tached to a bamboo, and the And u e.rwld i.\t ls. l l d., 2'1. fld. , 4111. 6d. , lb., 22s., e.ud 338 · each Box or .Pot .,._ We have met hundreds of per Bons who 1 Scarcity Of Water In England. give way and in :n:t~! ~o: ~t no bamboo gi ven to a man to hold over t he mr.y l)e h a d f:i:om. a ll Vondor11 t nr oug h on t t h e world . ' . . f ' h . r . n e_ e was I corpse of t he diseased . Then, having r et hought they could not l\Ee milk, but who j mrPn ll' !ll~aseH hon~d ! ooiK at tll0 1'a bel on Ut e Potii and ~oxe~. H ti~" r «llre -; wer e able tc use it with impunit y as soon as · The scai'clt~ 0.f w?'ter m ~any large towns :h~l!m~ff ~f el lug her branche~, JUSt a.a t he tired t o a con venient dist ance, the m rn of lil n /:033. ~txrord $ t ired. Lon·~Ml, they a re svnrtoua. they leamec1 an d avoided t he use of milk' Gr~at Bn~l\lll is caus1Dg mu?h ala; m . p · ogs came crashing down at i t he ca.a te open fire on the flag, prob:i.bly by ..:.;;.~~ and meat at the same meal. Milk is a' lhc ci ty of L1ve!pool, a nd t he sister city, once, bury1~~ three or four of the wclves j way of showing distress iind of h elpinr.' the ~~~~~~~-wm.n;.~c 0 · '. . · Manchester are m great cfaoger of a water uuderne11th il·. b na.tura.I food for man.. F lesh is an u uuatur · ! , _ h 0'f . ' h T. . t · Bu t no . th t 't t' . t' ; soul of the decease<l on its Journey to t he The Press in Ja. p an. He %ok fiv-e. . al d iet, for wh ich "'n ai t ifical appetite has \ .an: me, t .c~mer aung .o n1Y a on ten . w a 1 ie was 81; mg up on '118 other world. It somet imes lmppen3 tha,t been creat ed by indulgence. ! clays·. nupply ID th;i rea~rvo1rn. A p roposal une.a sy perch, _c:r nmped an~ no Iongt1! kept the man holding the fla" fa shot and an vVe feel sorry for ~he Emp~ror of .Tapan. 1 ." l'.i.per, sir.~" he called as a dignitied, to brmfS st;,a water m m uns !rom t he coast to warm by the v10le:it ~xert10n of beatii;g off or der has been . i ssued. t h e Go~ernment N ot long a.go he d ecided t o give th e newa· , stiff back old uent paP.aed the corner. No T h 'd F ft S G the la1ge rnlaml t owna of E ngland h i1 s been t he wolves, the p1ercmg cold of th e wm try h"b"f fi · t ti il · f t p n.pers in h is insular empire a litble leeway. notice. " All about t he fire sir !" No Y P 01 ever ·om ewer · as. made by Mr . Ellis Lever , of Manch~stcr, and I night began t o t ell upon him in earnest . j p ro 1 1 mg rmg a i e . ag Ill u Ul'e. The fir st thing t he newspapers d id when t he · not ite. " All about the war ln Eur ope 1" An outbr.ea.k of t yp . hoid fever recently cc- , hii,a been n:ceived w ith muc:h favour 'Qy t he Vania was a true R ussian, and coul d bear Miss Leila R obinson, the womau lawyer , mailed h i1.ncl WM taken from their throa ts cont inued the lail as he followed along No curred at the Industrial School located at 1 press ii,n d p ublic. Mr I,ever'a proposi- w it hout flinching a degree of cold t hat was aome time a.go the assis t~1nt coun~el in a. was to a,ttack and 1idicule t he Goveru me11t. notice. ".All abotit t he. ecan-<la:l l" s l;outed Adl'ian, Mich., in which t-weu ty:one girls and J t ion ie to fay pipes for sea water , side by would have killed a n!),tive of a wa.r mer case in which an impor tant witness was a And n ow t he E mperor h as p ut his bi~ r ough j' the boy itt the top of his voice. " What 1 one teacher suffered from t he disease, which side with t he fresh wa ~er supply , and tha.t clim& outrigh t ; ])11t even he now begin to man who ia in t he Massa,chusett s State h and on t hem ag&in. The cause of free scandal!" exclaimed the stiff-back as h~ was of a very severe type. I n five Cf!.Ses, the 1 the s10a \\Tater should be used for baths, f eel t hat he could n ot stanl m uch mor e of P rison on a life sentence. The unh~ppy pr ess and universal enlightenment h Gs t hus halt ed ; " y ou may give five copies iny disease was fata~. An invest igatio? shown - ~ closet~, w<ite!ing. st.reets, f:lushi.a g sewers , t his,. and must either drop d own a mo. n g t he wret ch had not b een ~ut of dur~nce for r eceived a severe check. P erhaps one of son ?" ' ed t hat t hrough improper construct10n of the, 1J.nd m flrtmgmshmg fires. For all this, wolves or be frozen where he sat. seven teen years and a. sight of a bit of t ho therie days t he developing people of ,Japan 1 - - - - - - - -- - - - A fiash , a cu ck, a sh 11,rp cry from the world, even t hough that bit was no more will care more for free newspapera t han for sewerage system, sewer gas was a llowed to and many other p urposes, sea water is more escape into the basemev ts, a por tion of d!iciont t hau fresh water. The object Mr. nearest wolf, a lusty shout of several voices cheerful or at trac tive tha.n the Court-room, ii,n E mper or.- rN. Y . IVorld. ·y. I Lever has iu vi ew ie to economize the fresh at once, an d a b road gl of light t hrough filled h is whole soul with a wild joy. R e wh ich is in each building used v.s a laund1 Each of sever al buildiIJgs was found to be: wate1 · B n pply. The question is forcing itself the gloom scared the cowardly beasts int o a wa.s w t horoughly deligh ted t hat in a mocont~mina,ted with newer g!ls. !rhe effecti:i ' upon i;he att-0ntio1t of. the British P arliament general acamper. '.l'he fast of them had ment of rapttlr e he- threw his urms a.bout Adroit. of t he sewer gas was int enailied by imper - [ u,nd a propos,1 ie· being mo,de to app oint a hardl y va n ished into t he t hickets wh en Mfas Robinson and kissed her fervently iis a "Pa.trick, did Mr. Brow call ?" "He feet construction and improper m~imgcment . royo.l commission t c.' enquire in to the water Vania's father , t hree or fo ur other peas11nts means of expressing his appr ecfa.tion of the of the ven t ilating system. I nstead of taking 1 aupp:ty of Gxeat Britain. The King of the with a.xes and pine torches, and the village d istan t glimpse of liberty he had, through did, sorr." "And did you give h.m an e<rasive ansnir from out -doom, t.he steam coils were: Belgians is also alive to th e impor tance of watch man with his gu n, canrn just in t ime means of the su mmons t o t he witness box, 1 supplied wi~h air fro;u the basements, which ! t his subject, and has offered a. prize of 25,· 1~o catch the ha.If.frozen b oy as he fell faint· en joyed. T he m~n apologised humblz when wer?" "I did, sorr." -= " \Vell, what did you sr1y ?" " I axed \ 1--!l' was contam1Dated with from the sewer 0 00 francs for t he begt treat.Isa on water ID{' among them. · remonstrated with, but p lead ed tlmt he him was hia grand mother a monkey, aorr l" _ and from other aourcee, supply of farge towns. · , ' DAVID KER. could not help it. ::U:;;U :;;t;;~t:~·:,·',~;-~r-s~-vd-ew-8-i~-~-~c-i:n-ea-dt-e~~n~ !~~~;-·-illl_·__ - - --·----- ==========·· YO _ a_ a u _:·-:=-G -· ~Zis . ----- 1 ·:;No_T_E_t·· ·.m,_.,!llllLZar: llll ILlllC ,,. llilBlll 11 1tJJM- M ar;' HEALTH. Infants I ' Children. : ' ·,..,,: , lj ' .. ' · ,: · \. ' :' ,. '. · -' · · ' · c I ! Murdoch Brothers' N'"E\N"" ..A :S:..A..LL., where are to be seen I yot L · th. (C:Uh ) 21 Dinner Sets, lovely pat terns, 30 China Tea Set s, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs,. 50 Superior Printed ·Bed Roon1 Sets, 20 'White ·Bed Room Sets. SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. t; I I Large variety Hanging· and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and SaucArs, &c. ° I pecial to Ladies ! MRS. MORRISON I °, '° °. Has removed to the frame building opposite Buckler's Jewelry Stor~, and FOR 30 DAYS offers ......., I I A..T Mill" Ille ·C O S T r y ' Fancy Goods, Berlin !s "Wools, etc. I A large variety of Stamping Pat- terns always on hand. 1 Orders for Stamping will receive prompt at tention. FOR ALL! 0 ~m·mmmi r_..s THE PIT ... ( ) INT ME N T ) 150 i· I d f !Cfd f ·i . ti f 1t d u. ° I I j »~ I h :i: ___ l l I I I j I by I I ·- I I ! - !

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