"1IU\lllll!llfllll8llllllllMllllllllW. . .llllllllllllllllll!l~llllll~~~§~lilll~·~9!11!lillll~. ,M&Sd!!!!!!~!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!~~~!!~!!!!!'!~IUl!!~ ~ sr~~~~!'n!!~~L~!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~ll!!~!!!!~!!!!~!!llll~k~!!!-!'"""~!'~!!1!!!~·~·~1~1!111111~.-~~·~!!!!!!~~·~a~i*~~!!!!!!!~*'~~~!!!!~~~illlDt~ _. °!!!?71J !_ _ _____ IJFI . .llllll· "' ":: _ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN IS PUBLl8BED. -E'VERV,W EDNESDAY l'tlORNING 1 M. - BY- A .. J " AMES, AT THE OFEIOE 0 rost Office JUoclc, JHng S treet, Downmn· vi lle, 011tal le. T :El R :JY.r: S : $1.110 per Annum, or $1 i1' i·aitl in :ulva uce. (}); SU boorlber8 a re r esponsi"!iJeunt.i full.payment is made, · > au· ' J't ber s outside of tile county. Order s te ~tlnuc the paper m m·t bo accompanied by t hl).·..-ruountdue or t hepape wil notbostopped. P ayment strictly ln advance 1·equiredtrom 0 60 oO """'~ Wht1le Columnone yenr ............. ,.. o l!"'il!~ .. " Ralf year" ........... ~g 0 1 ~~ _ " " One quarter ......... 2 o0 _ ..:._ Halt Column one year ............ " ' 3G 00 " Halt year ............ .. 20 o " , Que quarter . . . ..... ..· 12 50 1 · Q~arter Colun:;.11 one yev.r .. .. . ...... 20 00 ·; " Half year_ .. :· .. ·· · ·· 12 50 _ 6 · ·· One quQ.rte1 ..... . .. 8 00i Ten lines a nd under, i;rst in~ertlon · $0 Ea.ch subaequ en 11n11e1:t1on ·.: ... (l 2~ From sh: to t en lines. ·f irst1nsertion 0 7:? · Each euboeque'.!lt insertion···:·· 0 3., 10 Over t en lines firstrnsertion ,perhne 0 .101_ 0 03 Ka.oh snbsequent insertion " The number oflin<ler to be reckon<1d bY <tile space ocoupied,_ measu1·ed bya scale of olld Nonpareil, IU.'f'ES OF A.D.' 7!ERTIMNG: 1';;; ~ o l- 1= 501 = 1 - · =- ·~ DRS, ltlcL .~UGULl!'i ·Q REITH, OFFIOE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BoWMANVlLLE. Dr.J.W.MoL&UGHT ,JN, Dr. :A.. BEITll, Gra.dti. ilcentiate of the !'t?Yal ate ot the 'I'oronto College of Physicians University Physician "nd member of the ' ltoyal College or Sur· Surgeon, &c. .geons, Edinburgh. I I DR· .J. CJ. l'llIT()JUU,L, M EMBEH OF COJ,LEGE OF P HYSICIANS a nd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner. eto. Oftloe e.nd Residence, Enniskilleu, U. ,V. S , OJUlllS'l'O:li, J., J.. U. Barrister Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. 'oftico, in Bea.yer Block upstairs in roomr:i formerly occupied by Dr. Harnden, 39 ··Bowman ville. DR. E. <:. HcDOWEJ;L. IC E NT IA TE OF ROYAL COLLEGE of Physicians, London, ]!;ng.;Member ot College of Physicians 11nu Surgeons. Ontario. "SURGERY AND R o:SJl)ENCl~:-Rear of Messrs. H igginbotham's Drug Store, Bowmanville, 6-lyr.* L D , l!UTRKE SlllIPSOM, 0 ARRISTEB., SOLICITOR, &o. MOPUIS !!JI BLOCK, up s ~air s , King _Street, Bowme.n° '1e. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank · i'rivatc Jttoncl'S loane~ at the lowest rat,ea, Jt~hn I.) Keith Gal braith. A RR IS '1' E R SOLICITOR, NOT .ARY UI P UBLIC &c. ' Ofllce-Bounsa.ll's Bloc,k King Streat'. ~?!'~anville~.o~y t~~d, J&OREJlT .&.Rl!l01Jll, R EGISTRAR WEST DURHAM ISSUER of Marria ge' Licenses, Barrister and Attor· nor at I.aw and Solicitor in Chancery. Money OQ.ned on Ree.I Esta.to. Office on R,ing street, Bowm.anvllle. :___ _ ___ WILT..11 UI WIGHT. County of Durham. Orders left at th e L ST.4'l'll:SMAN office or forwarded to Tyrone P.O. will! receive prompt attention. ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the 28:6m S. ·<J, JIIJNJUNG, v ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOE, · the Count y of Durham. Sales attended lo on shortest notice ,and lo west r ates. Address 00UBTICE P. 0 . 36;tf Pianos Tuned and Repaired. ' _,_,_ Tnned or repaueu can nave thom attendea t o by leaving word .at t h e DOMJNION OHGAN Co's O:ir1ncE, Bowmanville A ft:r;st-cl as man now !Jeirii;i in their emplo~· PA"R'l'IES WISHING 'l'REm P I ANOS DENTI STRY. HARNDEN, L. D.S. Graduate ottheRoyal Collegeot Dents.I Snrgeone, Ontario. OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. (}OLD FILLING A SPECIALTY ARTIFICIAL TEETH- INSERTE.D WITHOUT PLATESo Great Reductions in price on all Dental terday in a muddy street down town. A Work. Vitolizet Air, constantly in use pro· duclng Painless Operations. Particular atten drbzling rain was falling, and the p edestion paid to the regulation of Children's Teetil. triansiwho slipped and splashed along, their ·pr.ALL WORK WARRANTED.~ umbrellas ba.ttling the occ'!sional gusts, their feet spattered, their general air that of discomfort, looked as though they wished · Branch office, ·Dr. Rutherford's Orono. themselves well indoors out of such weather. Presently I met my . snowdrop of a g irlsuddenly - and we both exclaimed with plea.sure. Stte was buying Sunday-school candy, she told me, and I happen to know that su?h errands a.re \among the constn:nt happeumgs of her day. To care for an m · valid mother, to be eyes and ha.uds for a busy father, t o overlook the wardrobes, ma.nners and morals of lit tle sisters, and to h ave t ime to answer everybody's call at every and any ~oment a:e the s~oet d:ities accepted by this young g irl, who is my ideal WltllJUT fi:Srtll WlTf.I TEE re. of a daughter at home. · The daughter at home should stand qmetlybutfirmlyfortempera.nce,forgoodmorals, PJtA.CTl<JA.L DENTIST, and for reverence to God. If her friends !>Vllilt TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE, of the other sex know that Miss- - reoeives t roa10:rddeGas A.(lrutnistered fol.' Palnles ~oi;e to her fav~r who are opposed to rehg10n, that she will not countenance )'.oung Operations. men who a.re profane or of doubtful virtue, HCJ<:LIJNG'S BLOCll. OHl<:E Miss--will be a public benefactor. Very softly and gently may her influence be ex. erted, yet nevertheless it will be felt, if she refus~s to be da_zzled by any one, h?'1.'.ever agreeable, who 1s not known to be hvmg a ure life. P pound of ri1iaina, one el' <:h of cinThe Mother's Dream. - - REG I STERED - - n11mon, cloves anrl nutmeg. Heat 11] 1 togeth~r I I had a dream that wafted me up to the City of Gold; before using. This quantity will make SIX The walls of jasper fla·hed, ..nd the silver splendour Tbe Daughter at Rome. p ies. and will keep well if not o.11 u . ·ed l~t one :Vlost r~~l~~eam it was, for all J eaw was plnin, In none e.xcept a Christian land is the bakmg. ' t\s when I look on the landscape through my trellis'd daughter at home regarded as a. precious Coco.A.NUT CAKE :-One cup of s·igsr, onewindcw pane. Our l atest impnrt1tt1on has arrived from France, and we will be thing. Everywhere in the heathen wor ld, ha.If cup of butter, one·half cup of milk, in Oh gloriou 3 wa, the vision; oh wondrous was the gl&d Lo >' ee our friend:l and ucqnaintnnces and those with whom we if you have been born into the family of whichacupful ofdessicated cocoa.n " has been throIJg ! have be· n in corme.roondonce. in fact. a n y and all who are in se1-trch ot either prince or p~as·aµt, tf.iel'e would ha".e soaked an hour, two eggs, one ~aant tea Myriads on myriads waJking the shining_streets !irst clt:>s PE!WB.H:HON'l 1 mll FHENCH COA CHE R S~ tu. look thmn been t h e deepest regret and shan,e. It lS spoonful of soda and two t easpoonfuls of a.Jong; over. \Ve lrnve 1111 exceptionally ftne lot, and onr stun is so large 'hat all may be plcilSed. We olf~r the 111.rgest number aud g.rilatest very difficult to make Cauudfan girls u~dder- cream tartiw, and two cups of flour. Yearni~fs/off::~~. until !hero came the swift, soft variety '"'select fro n.1, All our imported 31,ock Is solec~ed by l\iR. stand the feeling with which girl chii ren CocoANU::r Pm :-Half a cup cf butter, one But net of sorrow,-for the sight still'li all my anxiou3 FARNUM h imself l>ersonally in Jrl'ance, and h e accepts n othing but are received among the people, for insti>nce, and a -half cups of sugar, half a cup of milk, fears. Lhe b est Horses of the mo ~t app,.oved breeding. of China or of India, where the principal u se two and a -h· lf cupfuls of flour, y olks of Our liome·br ecl Steck is all the progeny of selected sires and dams °' one whole egg, h 11lf a tea· I saw in one radiant square, m arc hi ng iu song-led · h · 1 · h of the best form a11d moot desirable breeding. We guarantee our towluc a gll' can b o pu t m er pa.rent 8' four eggs and tramp, stock. ;:5e!l-cn easy terms and a t. low prices. ·en, each holding a slender eyes is her future sale to somebody a.a his spoonful of crea.m tartaraud fourth t.easpoon- A tlnusaod little child1 We w ill be glad to answer all correspondence p··ompUy ; but we wife. Indeed, the whole home idea. is built ful of soil a. Bllke in four lauers. Beat the lnmp, , would strongly udvise persons contemplating the~purchase ot u. horse were or ma1 e Per..:heron or French Coach. to get on th o f,rain and come a nd see us. upon th e I ove 0 f Chr i s t · and home· as we whites of the eggs to a froth,' and make still Oh fair waa thetheir sil{ht,bright yol:lng · faces, oh winsome · · Cal<ilugue free by Mail. · understand it, is quite impossible in a hea.th- with powdered ~ugo.r and a. lit tle flour. Put I thank my God for this visiefn from the holy land o! on land. Our daughter at home is the between each layer of cake the frosting, then ligltt. darling of her mothei· and the very light and the dessicated cocoa.nut. and frost the top. Fa1· on gleamed the twinkling line, and I gazed upon pride of her father'~ ey es. We will suppose each one; ' H'J.toPJUE'l'a,)ltS C H!' 11.SLA.ND IlONrn STOCR l'AllM, nu·Olt'l'El~S A ND n1:mm1nt!!. her to be where you'are, , 1\follie,justtripping CIWAM Prn.-One egg, one and one-half At length, with start cf wonder, I beheld my own Address all corrmrnnicatlons to Detroit, Mich.] OUOSSJ> J.S ILE, 'YAYNE t:O., llUCIUGA.N, gayly on in that enchanted ground where the cups of sugar, one and one· half tablespoons aear son. " brook and river meet." She is not very of flour, one cup of milk. Bake wit.ha bot. I looked and looked a ll trembling; hh lamp seemed · goiug out, for b eyond her childhood, yet she has not t om eras t omy. I crye11 "'orv o: anguish, of agoniz ing doubt. quite reached womanhood. Sr.range to say, C nocm,ATll. CAKE OR Pm : -Two cups of ehe feels older now in some ways than she sugar, one cup of butter, four eggs, four cups Oh! Willie dear! my own dear child, oh, tell me what mef.l.UB this, will feel by and by, o.nd she in sensitive to of flour, two teaapoonfuls cream tartar, one l'ach lamp hut thine burns llrightly, art thou not, too, a degree abo\lt being treated as :i. child, al- teaspoonful soda, one cup of milk, one tea· in bliss? He met my eye, ho ha~rd my cry, he named me by though now <!.nd then, especially in tlte half spoonful lemon. This will do for six tine. my name hour just before bed-time, she dearly hves Filling :-Two cups of sweet chocolate, Oh, mother ! how onn my hmp shine since thy teara to cuddle up to her mother and have a real grated, ouc cup sugar, one cup of milk; boil dim i ts fla.1ne? childish confidential talk. until t hick. For frostiJJg, tak e the whites awoko, but ne'e1 · a:;ain for m y dear boy to Thia leads to my first thought for you, of two egg~, t wo cups of sug ar and a little Then 1 weep, dear Mollie, and that is " Be sure to have lemon. Pralsini; the Lord, who thus lit up with jDJ my weary sleep, mother for your best friend. " It is not right rouim FRUIT CAKE.-One pound ea.ch of n dream, I know, yet a blessing it brought that wi you grow up and form other ties the _ flour, sugin, butter :i.nd raisins, two p ounds 'Tw.is hut tome, dear mother should be left nnt a.lone in the of currants, one-half pound of a!iced citron, For thoughts of the tear-dimmed lamp keep3 mv h en.it from mourning free. cold, timidly hovering in the ba()kground one ounce each of mace, cinnamon, gra.ted when you have comp any, and SEeing heraelf :nutmeg, cko vea and eight eggs. Hake in a I tell you my dream, oh mothers, to reach out a helpde trop in the rush and whirl of your gayety. paper-lined pan. B ntter the paper. ing h ·.m d, Girls would not ina.ke the mistakes they · deaohtc, childless, in your great sorrow often do if their mothers were in their full JELLY C OST.ARD Prn:.-One cup cf suear, As wistlul, ye Rtand, confidence. I cannot conceive of a girl's one and one-h a lf cups of but ter, four eggs, Look up to the City of Gold, and in the line of Lighb, carrying on an absurd flirtation with her one cup of o.pple .or currunt jelly; bake in By faith see your little ones plnyinl(, nor dim their Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts rnn lamps so bright. father's g111·dener or eloping with the coach thin pastry. man, preparing herself a whole life.time of ORANGE P UDDINU.-Six oranges seeded over one month. wretchedness through her silly sent imental· and cut into small pieces; sweeten to taste; RUSSIAN OOSSAOKS. isrn, if she wete in the h~bit of telling her add y olks of three eggs, two tablespoons of mother all her daily experiences and accept- corn starch, one ']_Uar t of bot milk. ; boil until 'rhe 1.1n vless, Dnl"ing, linprlnclJ>le<l Men ing that best friend's sincere loving advice._ it thickens, then set away to cool ; when nho <Joruiiose the czar's nody onard. The daughter at hom0 shou!a be very ready to serve, pour over the top the whites sweet and attentive to her father. Fathers of the eggs bea~eu to a froth. A Moscow letter says :-I see here and at ·ughters a.re often unt"ted 1 · n bonds of D &rnT p UDDING, - One cup of sugar, f.our St. Petersburg and d ~ h d only h aCfew soldiers k "d" in lthe "k the truest, most devoted attachment, and a tablespoonfuls of corn starch ; boil, stirring strcdets, hand tb e kas ing l~ssacf shn 1':1!? 1 e 1 girl misses something beautiful in life who constantly; add three beaten eggs, flavor mfa hon ?rae ac T~h re t~e ifeko t e mihitalryf does not know the delight of companionship o.nd sweeten; pour over it a custard made or t e wmtcr . e oss ac 8 are t e i e Rltl..l'l! All. I with her father. One of the moat charming of three eggs, two tablespoons of sugar, one gu~rds ~f ~he Czar, hnd are t h_e h~st tinteri!WI! C V "2U"'!. il.i. " women whom I have ever met acted during pint of milk, nutmeg and a pinch of salt. estmg o t e many c a.racters m t is s range ~~~--~~~~!11""!--"!!!"'~"".., ~-~~~-...,--~~!"!!'~~~~"""!------------a ,period of eight girlish years as her father's country· - - - - - - - -- ---·- ---- - ·----------,- ------- - -- --· . _...'5!1 ama,nuensis, writing h is sermons out for Notes. A genuine Cos~a.ck has n o more appreciaStag Hounds for Wolves, . AnvrsE ~o Monum s.-Are you dis him at his dictation, looking out h is refertion er droa.d of danger thn.n he has of his The Montana Live Stock Journal relates a Iturbe~ at m~ht and broken of yonr rest ences, and drinking deeply from the fonno It's much easier to love a woman than to vodka, a terrible rum, which he drinks like new plan for getting a way with the wolves by_ a sJCk chi!~ suffering and cryiog with t ains of old literature, of which he was fond, understand her, '~atei and which nmkes intoxication at sight. that commit rmch havoc with sheep and pam of Cu ttmg T eeth 1 If so send a t 'l'he ot her d:i.y I rei1d of a sharply-uontested The leading woma1.1 physician in E nglai1d, He was the original soldier of Rusaia, t he en.Ives iu that Territory, by the introduction once ~nd get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's I C ·se i·n the courts, ·nd was struck w;t' n the Mrs. Garrett Anderson, makes $50,000 a patron detective and the prime ~pirit in f h d f C 1 d ·h So tl F h"ld ~ ~ - ye·~. · l' · · "t u t" says ~ a t , . t o 1mg . y r.up. l 1 ' or "mply st·ted that "M1"·s - - · s1"t· by . m ak"rng 1 ·epuo wanms.1 ionsw h a t i h ey are. o l Btag t onn s r_om th o ora · o. l , th Id I bl c 1 ren teething, f ·ct"1 ~ ~ ·~ 1:r · d 1 (" d f l · cogs ge away w1 more wo ves t an con 1 s va ue ia mca cu a e. It will relieve . l "de, the mo t 1°nterested "11d 'The Indi"ana. women's p··1"·on "nd i·nforma ::ie IS devote to t le zar, an or l B l 1evo· I 1. . . f "th w· · t th her f·tl1er's s1 ~ u ' · ti" · hted'ID" ·l10 l:1 1·J ~ \i· t_ 11i _ same numwr o .m e.n w1 mcnes.d ·ers. e poor 1itt e sufferer immediately. De· 0~ t ' l egree, certainly the most interesting p erson in ~ the tory, near Indianapolis, is ~managed excluon lias b een k mg \T t · '.I'he acmo of the R ussian soldier is to become . ano~is range associations a.re now Sil.I 0 P':nd upon it, m others ; there is no room." There, · said I to JllYSelf, is an lll· sivcly by women. associated with the s ervice of the Crown and nave ?hose hounds. . m istake about it. It cures Dysentery stance of friendship between fother and Marion Harland says that the coming to b 1 ted b t h u rh I t is related that six of them were take_n and Diarrh~a regulates th St h d .11 h b k t · e oca a ou t e p a1uce, n en a t tl b ty f d ~ , au dauglltor. 1 woman Wl ave ier own an a()COUn '· Id" . t t" . . th . . "t f tl OU on · le r ange ya par 0 men an lll Bowels cur w· .e omac . As fathers gfow gray and middle·aged What>\ relief that will be to the p oor huso so ier rn s a wnca m e vicm1 y o ie lese tha.n two hours they had twelve wolves , es rnd Ooh?, softens _tl1e they long for the little tender attention.s bands. palace and it becomes k nowntha.t he has been a t b!l.y. The fight t hat eventually occurred Gums, reduces· Iuflammat10n, and give~ which no body can give so gracefully as their A slice of raw onions well rubbed over the r ecognized by the Czar, his reputation has is destJribed by eye-witnesses a.s follows:' to::ie and energy to t h e whole s y "'tem. daughters. The helping hand when father roots of the hair upon going to bed is one of reached t hezenith, and he iust o.ntly becomes The dogs appear to work on an understand- " Winel?w's Soothing Syrup " ~for puts on his heavy coat, the last little settling the very b est things for 1.i.ny unwholesome t he admiration of the entire people. To get ing, and their movements indicate as much clnl~ren teeth mg is p leasant to the taste . ng "· str"y speck of dust befoi·e d" . t . a promotion en SU'ite--that is, into the direct . h b . ld h"b"t d th . . f touch renlovl 111gence " ~ · o f t h e C?.!l.r-is · to acquire · t h e h" ol . r . an'" JS d b e prescr1pt10n o one of the old· ness, tl1e k 1 "ss of welcome con G it1on o it. t th " ts f service ig h est inte H . . as uman l themgs . won . blex b he floes to '·us1 reen, greener, greenes are e tm o h ·n· R · Id' · t untmg 1 .n coup es, ey 1nvana.· y _ring e. s" an e.s t f emale physicians and nurses u When he returns ·t evenin>t, o1tght t o be part th f t d th l t b t th t onor a nu ion ussia n so iers asptre o. d th 0 f th 11 th U e u ure-an . e 1a or onne. a esIn all the wars Russia has fought from her own e1r game'. . ne o . ~m Wlo ~eize a m e mted States, and is for sale by of his daily lifew w ith his iiirls. ·c, Ki"tty or Sus1·e ought capes a green bow, upholding a. spray of organiz;i,tion the Cossacks have figured most ~olfhby thebncfck ahnd tkhrow hunl twe!11"y1f.eet all druggists through the worldo P tice If he loves musl always to be ready to play for him and sinq flowers, will be somet hing in the nature of a conspicuously. '.l'hey especially did the m dt e halr _ he ore e d nowsthw mttha1 s uibn, 25 cents a b ottle . Be sure antl aak for 0 er gra 8 " nfRs W I NSL ~ rarity. bl d o J when Napoleon came over from an w en e comes own ' S . S " · to him. Many a time I shm.tld think t he Both hats and bonnets grow larger - ·" 00 Y w Irr 2 d d him and pulls him limb from limb. In the ow 8 . oo:r.HING ' YRUP. 1 big fight spoken of this p lan was followed 011 ~ ~ take no other km<l. good man would have a little speculation in· though architecturally their lines are eo .i<;·ance in 81 an attempte to con<1uer tie his heart a.s to where all t he money had much of the last season's that the effect is empifeir T'}:g~r·tFfe1:1{\Gen;ralfouJ1d~~s by the dogs, who went at i t like veterans, =-"TM"""'TM"""""·"""""""' gone which he had spent in paying expen· that of looking backward through a magoi· ment .ak ibng kaJth 1 e lal w ien ebw!"s unad 0 and they had fi nished nine of the wolves · ve m·ste1·s , s1'nce h1·s pretty a· aughte·· was f · 1 sos n e ac · e enemy a1wp.ys em/l un er h h h d 1 d t al ~ " b u~ h ·Wh ack" w en t d e ot era turne so at a_ loss when asked to pla,y simple airs y10g g a.es. s h e 1· .er. It was con t"!D.Uous mg E' h th tat anl go away. t A Louisiana. lady, w ho was once famo us t"ll · t beg~n · , w h en th e C ossac ·k s ·very now w en e r anc lers wv.n 1 t h e re.rea. . 1 f ay h or sing simple songs. If I wer e again a girl, J th d ~ d ·t ·a 1 ld k h for her wealth and the numl~er of her slaves, rode out 40,000 on horseback and shot dC'Wn 1tt e un t ey ta ~e e ogs ou,,, an l IS h I Wb,en :Baby was sick, we gave her CMtoria, a.n d a d aug ter at home, won now ow now earns a few cems a d ay by picking cot- in colcl blood almmit twice their nn mber in n ot long before a wolf i; scared up. The 'Vhon sho was :l Chikl, she cried for Castoria, , . k to play what my father liked, I would learn ton on tlie pl"nt"ti"on that waa her own be· N .,, t . th hounds -re fed on corn b reo.d and butt er· 11 . h 1 w w i1po1eon r; r i!.n s. J! or cen unes eee peop1e . . _ . ., _ , , t h e games of ch ess or ch ec k ers w h IC P eas· fore the ~ar. . have heen the p redominant inhabit.ants on nnlk, and t~e only taste of fl esh they get ia I ·when silo became MiM, she clv.ug to Caetoria., ed him, and one or another way h I im, would Although a woman can't throw a stone, bot.h sides of the \i ()]ga., a.nd th.. first to t ake when they mp a woli. 1 ' When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, myself toin entertain and amuse so set that tho home evenings should be full of ino or sharpen D, pencil, or climb a tree, she ca~ np a.nns i n <ill tile Crime:. against intruders. -.- . terest and fascination. sit on her feet in cold weather, ar;id t hat s Nearly half a. cen~nry ago, the C;;a'. rew.arded , Pmnmg a Gopher, This would be partly for my brother's ~om_at~i~g a man can't do to ss.ve his blessed! t~e tr~bo by i:iak1~g all Cossack a m h12 fer- ! 'l.'he gopher is qu ick and impudent. An sake as well as for my father's. 'l'here comes superc1hous soul. vice his sp ecial. life guard. 1'-lthoug_h t he Eoglish tourist, while staying at a wayside a period in the lives of grown-up boys when .l:'t1shi?n has decreed t hat a woman m.a y ~·)St b rutal _ and ignorn:nt, the Co~s~ck 1 ~ 1 l:us station on the Cana.dia.n I'a"i fi c Railway, ;~a.w they strain a little at t he le<~sh which binds now go mto a restaurant and order her dm- ,,t~en the most conspicuous positwn m .ill an amusiug contest betweEn a cnulllng them to the fireside. '.!.'hey resent control Iler wi ·hout being accompanied by. a male tnis grm~ army: W~enever Y,0 ~ see AlH· gopher, and a smart Indian. 'l'ile go · and regard authority as intrusive and in- escort. The absent male p erson is ahead ai;ider ~I!. you ~eo a swar;u of Cossa.~ks abo~t pher, b :ing fat, was rn!U'ked by the Indian, suiting to their m11.nlinesa. Now is the sis- the amount of her check-unless he happens him, n?in.g ov~r pedestria?s, ·lashmg th ~ir hun r for ii. breakfas t as it entererl its tor's hour. She should be a person of re- to be her husband. sabres m th~ ali', il.l,1d holdmg htgh and M '?t t - hole~ y ' Out in Syracuse, 16 miles from the Color- rary autho~ity: .They have complete pnvi· H e crept on his stomach along the gro und, sources, making t he evenings attracti ve, ?ringin~ p~easant young people i!1, m~na.lil- ado line, on the Santa Fe road, the town lege and exermse ~~ .to the fullest ex tent. . and cau:.fously approached the hole, and mg aff?-1rs 10 s~cl~ a way that w1thouo his council is composed entirely of women. , A _Cossac~ s0ldieI_ is granted complete 1m- kneeling over it, waited, knife iu hand, for dreammg hoW ·lt is done her brother finds They ai·e bright, active, · energetic business ~umty a&amst p~ms?ment fo~ all bnt the the gopher to appear. the home attractions superior to any which women, and it has been said of them that highest crime, whwh1s mur~er m cold blood. But the cuunmg animal had two entrances :FREEM:AN'S can be offered elsewhere. . they are doing better work than the body If he ~ant~n.ly murders an t~nocent_and un- to its underground house. ·when the Inc lian . The_re are light parts cf the housekeel!ing of men who composed the previous council. offe~?mg citizen or co~pam.<m be 1s court- held the knife over the front door, the goph· WORM POVVDERS~ m which the daughter at home can relieve It is the only council of womtln in the United ma1~1a.lled and pro~a~ly nu prisoned! )~ three er, wHh a Equeak, backed into its hole and her mother, as in the ca.re of the p arlors, of States. or s1i::: mo~ths, but i t is extremely d1Jf1?ultto in a moment was looking out of the other cnJI.re pleMo.nt to t:ikoo Contain t hoir own the silver, the making of desserts, the mendd d c?nv1ct him when ouc~ arrested. . He is fur- trance. f urgtttizc. I 3 a an.ta, anro, aml ellcc tnnl ID" the teiMJhing of the younger children. Mi's. Solly, who has lecture an written mshed a horse, clotbmg andrat10ns when Foreeveralminutesthis sortofhide -and-seek do.etroyer ot wormtS ill Children or A.duJr.a. b' d lD · a c1 ·ty, b u t IS · given · The sweet, pure foce of on e such da.ughte.r much on -the subJ'ect, lays down six rules for s t at" 1one_ no sal ary, went on between the hungry Indian and t he ladies toTguide t hem in carrying l rises b efore m e as I write. I met her yes- young conversation. hey arb :-Talk as little on as a n d rat ions on_y w1 ien h e canuo t f orage. fat goph er. Suddenly the knife flashed, there - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- -- - - - -- HOUSEHOLD. foa.~poonf~l l PERCH ERON H 0 R SES. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 0 SAVAGE & FARNUM'/ cOOUGAll & METCALF, EO-W-M.:..A.N"TILLE:i are ottering- Coal as follows : Stove and Chestnut, ................ ..$6.25 o ······· ·· · · : · · · Grate and Egg, .............. 6.00 0 LUMBER, S H INGLES, LATHS, POST & C ORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. 0 D ('\ U *"'II l & METCALF, 0 s " 0 0 · 0 0 ' · I :iw:r9. ° 0 L 0 I I I 0 ! I I l l 0 DENTISTR Ym r. M. BRIMACOllBE, Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, T RADE, Patroni ze H om e After spending much time and money, I am now pr epared to fill all orders promptly. I have a fine assortment of WAVES, BANOS, SWlTOHES, COMBS and PINS very cheap. :S.8..NGS FROJY.I: $2 UPOld Switches r..olored and made to look like new. Highest price po.id for long out hair. JIA.IR TONIC Warranted to prevent the hail' fi'Om falling out and will make it grow, « I have also a fine lot of new Stamping Patterns. A.11 orders PllOmptly attended to. 47 M rs. A . DA VIS, Neads' Block, Bowmanville. Ohoice Receipts, CELERYSOUP.-Cut up three or four sticks of celer y small, and boi l till quite soft, then drain it. Make two qua.rts of ~ilk hot, stir in two ounces of hutter and rnme salt and pepper. Add t he celer y , and serve in a hot tureen with a dish of fried· bread-cubes. EGGS AND MusrmooMs.-Wash some mushrooms well in cold water. put them into a stewingpa.n with two ouuc~s of butter, half a. tea.spoonful of salt, and a little white pepper ; st,.nd them over the fire until they a.re thoroughly heated, t hen t um into a ~hall~w baking-dfoh, and. break over them suffiment eggs to cover, bemg careful to k eep the yolks whole ; sprinkle ove1° the top stale brea<\,cru~bs, dust. with salt and ~epper, and ~ake m a quick oven five mmutes. 8erv1> with buttered toast. MocK MINCE MEAT.-Two cups of sugar, one cup of molasses, one cup of rolled crackers, three cups of water, one and one-half cups v inegar, one-half cup of butter, one-h&.lf I possible about y ourself; do n ot monopolize About one·iourth of them a.re t~usmpplied was a squeak of p ain, _and the gopher lay t he talk , but aim to lead others to talk; never by the hands of t he Cza.r, wh1~e. nearly 11. pinned to the earth. The India.n had earned contradict ; do not allow a pause in convero hundred t hou.sand of the~ are pr1v1leged to and gained h is break fast: sation, b ut do not exhaust the subjec~ ; do go abou_t the country and ID the name of the not jump from subject to subject, but lead Czar pillage an~ plunfu>r. They !1old up Th S f N 1 ' G . .1 f to ther strangers, commit burlJ:lary sometunes and e ource O apo eons ·enIUS, easi Y rom one a.no ' · dema.i:d at _the hands ot t~e p eo ple the best N apoleon, as all.tho world knows, ate very In spite of wintry breezes and nipping there JS.to hve u~on. It is :iseless to make plain food ancl very little of it, though always air, we women are beginning to t hink about coml!liimts of t hen· depredations, as they are .vi th hunger and rap idity. A little claret our spriag gown11. !tis well to decide what legalized. Tl?e }leople have to keep t he C~..ar j Wll.b all he dra.nk; a single glass of Madeira we are going to wear now, before warm and guard h~s lif_e ; they must prot ect b1m ! would flush his whole countenance, He weather occupations come crowding upon a nd all hta m~erests, and he holds 1 was neither an eater nor 11 judge of ei~ting, us, t o say nothing of the a.dvantagea gained tha~. they ma¥ inst c..a we~l ;do some of 1 wrote Careme, but he wt>.s grateful ( waa he ?) by getting the sewing out of the wav. A the~r ~cts for the. eipJ?tre a preaer· to M. de Talleyrand for the style tn which visit to on e of the big importing dry-goods vahon d ir ectly, by .m.am_tammg a b and of 1 ! he lived. H e d iffered widely from that poor houses will enable us to form a shrewd guess marauders, as to do 1t mdrrectly through.the Stanislas of Pola.nd who fondly studied onio ~ as to the prevailing styles for the coming channel of the trea.~ur~. ~t docs not follow soup in the inn k itchen'.a.t Chalons. Napolseason° th11t becau~e a soldier is a hfe_guard he m_uat eon had a strange theory about his bile. The m~rpbia. ha.bit among women is much be at t~e s1d~ of t he .on~ he is employe<l to · There is no persona.! d efect that a. man can . more common in Phila.delphia, says The protec,, Hrn ~e~d is m an~ spot .he can 1not get himself t o be vain of for one reason Times of that city, than m any suppose. locat_e effort t o IDJttrethe ~m;pu·e o! 1tsCzar. \ or another. " Don't you know," said he to E ven in the late severe weat her women, He _is a aecre: or pi;bltc detective, <;r a. the ComtedeSegur,"thateveryma.nthat's young and old, could be seen hurrying to soldier, accordmg to his purposes. or desires'. worth anything is bilious 1 'Tis the hidden the drug store11 and in most cases the only ~e goes ~bout, when no~ under direct order, fire. By t he help of its excitement I see medicine t hey were after was morphia in its 1i;i ~h.e muform ot ;" soldier or the dress of a clear in difficult jun~tures. It wi~s me my different forms. The most fashionable c1v1han. At St I eters~urg, i;ot ma~y. d~~s ! ba.t tles I" Ca.reme h unself ate sparmglyand method of indulgence is ':iy hypodermic in- ago, I saw a Cossack m private 01tize_ n s drank nothing-a sort of Moses of the Pro· jection, and some of the syringes used are dtess on ,t he street, walking in hot h aste. ~-Io mised !,and by choice. gold and silver mounted and both expensive wore a long ulster, buttoned up to the chm. - - -- - - - -- and elaborate. He was ~n the r ole of. a de~cti ve In a little A Great Commander's Astrologers. . group of men ~e espied h1a. gam~-a _slender In Resmi Achmed 's account of the wars of An bxpens1ve Army.youth. Hastily u nbuttonmg his grnatcoa.t T k "ti R · h . f eigllt · . he drew for th a. bugle. A single, short call I ur ey WI 1 usaia e aaaigns 0 !1° 0 Do you know th:i.t there are a:bout e1gh~y I and at his side were three or four of the . r easons for the su ccess of t he R ussia n ~rm~ to thousand commer?tal travellei:s ~n the U mt. fiercest-looking Cossacks soldiers I ever saw. t~e fact that the Turks marched ou~ to ~ar ed State2 ? S urprised to here it 1. Yes, m?~t l '.l'hey co.me in a twinkling, wore coats-of- ' :when Sa.turn a~d. l'l'Iar~,we;e m CO!lJunct1on people are when t hey <>:_c told 0f it; but its m ail caps, a n<l at their sides and in their w_it·h the s1pn of Cancer .. _ So. convmced_v'.as a faet, nevertheless. You may also be sur· belts were pistols, knives and maces sufficient hrn master the Sllltan ot. the mfiu~nce.of ~he p rised to learn that each one of them spend& to start a band of Texas highwaymen. T he stu.rs t_hat he sent. Rernn to Berlm with ID· on an aver age $3,000 a year o: a t_ otu.l of arrest was not resisted ancl t he display atruct1 ?nB to obta1~ from the ever ·f.ortunate $240,000,0?CJ. If you add to tl11s t heir salur· seemed entirely nnneceas~ry. Freden ok of Prussia the s:cret of his success iea a.veragmg at the le~t $1,000, you hu.ve and tbe loan of three of his best astrologer s. a t~tal expenditure by commercial travellers Frederick took the ambassador to a window of $3 20,000,0~0 a year. This is naturally Questions from tre Jury. of Lis :aal ace which commanded a square filled spen_t in a ll l?arts of the coui;itr:r ; but the "Gentlemen. of the jury," ea.id the Judge, with .soldier s , " To lead :hose t~ vic~ory," hotels a:i;id railroads get the hons shar e of as he concluded his charge, "if the evidence L~ sa:1d ,_"I have ~hree advu;ers-hxpenence, it. Durmg the las~ t en years there bas shows in your mind th,.t pneumonia, even D1sc1plme, and Economy. Th~s".. and those been a g~eat change m the ch arncter of !he indirectly, was the cause of the m an's death, only are my astrol<;gars; n:ud,th1s Ill ~he secret cornmercrnl tmvelle~.. Th: old .Bohemian th~ priso~r cannot be convicted. " which you _ are quite at hl)erty im~~rt to type has a.lrnost. en~11ely disappeared from An hour later a messenger came from the my goc<l friend the Sultau Mustapha, the road, an~ drmkmg men are much more jury room. rarely met with there than for merly. "The gcnf;lem en of tl:e jury, your Honor," Some fifty years a.go a certain Frenchman's he said, "deaire information." upper lip was graced by a flowing mustache . 0 h . t f "d ?" In China it is not customary to give credit. " n w at porn o ev1 ence. of such extraordin11.ry len~th t h at it was l. us 1\foney is obtained from lenders, who exact " N one, y om· Heuor; they want to know custom before a meal to tie it, with the u t an interest of from 8 to 12 per cent. B ueii:ess J how to spell pneumonia," · most gravity, behind his head, that there is ne,.rly always conducted. on a ca.sh basis. might be no impediment to the full enjoy · ment of his food STANDAR D BAN K · , OF CANADA. Capltal paid 11p, llll,O!,O,ooo. Rest, $260,00 Thia Bank ls prepared to do Legitimate Banking ln all its branches. Farmers notes discounte d ; Deposits ieoeived and Interest paid on amounts of $5 upwards in Savings Bank Department ; .DRAFTS [11Sued and Collections made in Europe lJnlted States and Canada. l W. J. ,TONES, Agao I T o buy Foot Gear for M en, Women, Boy s and Maidens, at 0 Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM ! Our New Stock has arrived, and comprises something neat and pretty fol· Ladies, Good and Serviceable for M en and Boys, and Boots that R Boots fo1· eve ry member of the household. TRIJNKS, v A.LlSES, ~":s.&.TCJD:J,s. L"i STOCK.. _-~ordered :o Work and Repail'ing Specialty, as usual. D. DAVIS~ Children Cry for_Pitcher's Ca'.s.to~f.a~ ------