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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1888, p. 4

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-THE- OUR PAID-UP LIST. We publish below t.he nnmea nf s!lveml perflons who h>id ··aid ·heir s11bFcrip·io., to THE CANJDIAN ::,T · TEBMAN 1,l'ior to the public,.tion of our fnrnwr li~t, bnt Wfl!O from differ.-nt caus~s 0111irtAd, qnd also t.he n11mes of Sflme who h&ve paid since t.hat di&te. We uever had s·· many sub·c·iher>< 68 we have this year, and we douht if we ever harl as many "clear on the honks" n'- this date. As a loci.I newsp·.~per and advertising rood1u111 'rHE STATESMAN W> ·B never m·1re popular th~n no~, and is P"tronized bv nearly all the be~t families in West Durha.o. Our ·nh~cription list is opeu to the inspection of anv 1<dveri.iHer any day of tho w"~k. Pert1ona"wbo have· paid for 1888 and whose names d" not appe·v on either list, will please notify us immiidiately. I THE SIXT.H GENERAL MEET£:NG Oli' THE SHAREHOLDERS OF PRBTTIBST I -o- The Western Bank of Canada, Oshawa, Ont., Wcd11t~!!!d;1y, lhe 11111 flay oC A1n·i1, lSS!S. WERE }'>RESENT :-Jomr CnwAN, EsQ., DR. MelNTOSH, W . F . COWAN, EsQ., T. H Mc:\'h11,A.N, EsQ., J. A. Grnso.N, EsQ, C. W. ScoTT, EsQ., I u HN McLAUGHLIN, Esq., Ro.BT. Dru;oN, EhQ., and L. K. MURTON, EsQ. Tho Pres: nt, MR. .JOHN CowAN, occupied the r.h «ir, and the Ca.ahior, lVfa. McMttLA~, .acted 119 St:cretary to the meeting. HAMI.IN, All desire my beau tiful patterns of THE FOLLOWING SHAREHOLDERS EsQ, Jt. S. EsQ., W. F. REMEMBER The place to get bargains in ALLEN, WA Lt PAPER. REPORT. T he Directors have mnch pleasure· in eubmitt.iog thoir Sixth Annum.I Report for the consideration of t h" Sharehnlders. The net earnings for the tini.ncial year, which closed on the 29th of F.-hruary, amonnt.·d 10 $38,110.10 of which ther<J was 11xpended on p ·ym··nt ,.f dividende Noa 10 and 11 tho surn of $22,895.56, being at th·· r"t" of seven per cent. upon the p~id up capital, !t·aving $15 000 tn be added to the Rest Amount, and $214 54, to be . carried to cr«dit of Profit ·nd LosR. Including this i>ddition the Rest has now reached t.he sum of $50,000. Althou~h the yra~ covered by the report has been one of 1>xc~p·i..nal finanr~illl disturbance in 1hia Province, 1,]i,, bnsmess of the Bank has 11·eadily increased. The earuing11 whilo in the maiu satisfactory would have been larger had i~ n ot been con· sidered prndeut to maintain the immediately available reserves for S' ·me time at a point much higher than the sum ascertained to be ample during fairly prosperous periods . A nother a;{ency of the Bank has been opened in Port Perry, the opportunity being alford··d by the retirement of t.he Ontario Bank from t.hat villo.!le. F1·nm the advant·ges afforded by its proximity to Q,hawa, it is confidently hoped that this new field of operation can be profitably worked. Arrangements have been completed for closing the Millbroo11: office at the end of the \.'resent month. All the a>!encfoa have undergonA careful inspection beforo closing the annual account, and the a11sets of the Bank appe· r to b;, oafely and actively empl ·yed. 'l'he employee~, hot.h at the · head_office and agencies, have di.charged their several duties efficiently and faithfully. It is acknowledged I have the best aSSOrt- Gilbert Anderson ' t an d pre tt·leSt )John I William Allin men Ashton patterns in town. 1 wmi11.m Ashton j Mrs. JS Besstiy Geo Rawden E Branton .Robt Byers Dr. Bliternan Francis Bradley W J B1mt Mrs John Brook Hicbard Bowen Baby Carriages, Wall Paper, Picture Frames and Fancy Window Shades, -IS- A Albert A Arnot R Ando:> rson Geo Allin - -<>-- 1 Mrs. A G C Brown E G B11rk ~illiam Bunt A 13owe··m,.n J.H.KENNER'S, Variety Hall, Bowmanville. Our 5c., 6c., 7c., Sc., and 10c. Don't fail to give me a call. P. M ..11. A Bowerman \'V11liarn Rel!r William BurgeH Thus Hr'\dlay Geo Bickell W H Broad W H Banbury TREBILCOCK. 25, l888 Re11 Go Brown W rri Brunt c Johnson Connellv John Colwi1 l ' .r os Chapm~n John V Cr>-cker - ...- - - - - - --===== Mrs. T Clemence Eilwa··J Cole L M Courtice TH& Scotr. Act WM rep1 <!4led on ihe 19t.h FT Coleman J ·.hn 1linflamon M F Christie · in flDVl· D eountie~ in Ont.sirio. When 1 .he Miss habHlle Cowie Geo Cockburn Act was paaaed five nf the·e co·mhes gave Geo Charter Qv·or a thouaaud majority mwh, and 11ow D Daniel Dyer five of ·hfCJw ~ave over a th~1usaud ml\:jority Miss S Devitt John Davey Chas Downing for repeal. What a c;:hun~e l D Deacon Steph1m Dob·on HOM THOM.Al! WRtTE, Minister of the E Interior, died u.t 0 tawa, lll l Sa.turday in William EdgrAr Geo Emerson Win E>t.r-1 his 68th yenr, " w..ek 'e illne::ll' of in- Samuel Ever11on Wr.1 Edger fiamtnation of the lungs. C.-na.da loses W £I Elliott A J Evans o ne of the most brilliant of her y1)1mger F>ns of p11blic men by his death. Rich Foley Staph Foster BoW1CA.NVILJ..E, Al'RlL WR Cole R<·ger Cole Amoa Cnbbledick S M Clemell8 WALL PAPERS are extra good value. - - - o -- - JOHN COWAN, PRESIDENT. Statement of liaoilities an~ Assets of t~e Western Ban~ of Canada, On the 29th ot· February, 18SS. Net profits of the year after r·,serving Interest due on deposi1s .. . ....... ~38,110 Which liave been apIJlied a11 follow11 : To paymt>nt of Dividend No. 10.................. ... ..... $11,405 73 " " 11.. ' . ..·····.. ' .... . ....... 11.489 83 Carried t o Amount ............ . .......··.... ·.. ... 15,000 00 Ba.l1111ct1 Profit and Loss... .... . . . .. ....... . ..... ... .... 214 M $38,110 LIABILITIES. To Catital paid up . .. . ... ..... . .. : ... . . .. .... . .................. . ·. ~329,534 " Reserve . .... ... . .......... . . : ..... . ...... . ....·. . . . . ·. . . . . . . . . . 50, 000 " Notes in Circnlation .... ... ..... .. .... . .. . . ............. .. .... .. 28G,910 " Dne Depositors ...... . . .. .. .. ..... ....... ....... .... .. . ........ 683,612 " Dividend No. 10. .. .. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 10 We are offering a good OIL PAINTING 18x30, framed with a 3 inch Fancy Gilt moulding, for $1.50. over our 11uccos11 in businel!ll!I and desp.Ur ovt-r his failure to dethrone .us in public estimation and to take away our have driven 'iV. R. Climie to desp<.rc~tion, and in his agony he is 111aking all manner of threats !lnd accllsations, but oonsoioW! of being ri{!ht, and having the l{O"d-will of the people, w e shall pursue our course fearless of what he may eay or do. We crui atf'ord to smile over bis raging and abuse, fo1· it is le88 damning tha.n his praise. J&A.WUSY - .. - A Ferpus'>n J am~s Ferris Dr .·T W Ferguson 10 ,John Gilbank John G·.lbert J'lcob Oaud .J Graham Thos P Goard Geo~ge G William Goard John S Greenwood .J J Gibson W '.f Gilbank H Moses Heard W Hu11:hson Allen _ H ayes Henry W B Hanson W H Hicks A E Harris S J Hoskin Isaac Hobbs Stt!ph Hog...rth Mrs. E Rurlbui 48 00 00 26 00 .. " 11..... ........ ....... . .......................... 11,489 83 " Reserve Interest.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · . . . . · · 4, 726 80 " Bw.lance at lJredit of Profit and Loss Account ...... .' ............. . 214 54 $1,366 622 91 CoME 'l[A~INSPECT O~Cooos·I J. H. KENNER. Food Te.3U!I In New York. · 0,F.}'l()U.L AlULl'SIB O:U BAIUNtl l'OWDERtl-- Goo Hanry J G Heory Isaac Robb11 Rich Roidge Ed Haggith · ASSETS. By Specie...... ...... ... ... . . . . .. ....· ...... .... . ... . $ 22,891 " Legal Tenders.... . .. . .. . .................... . ..... 30,913 " Notes and Cheques of othr:1r Banke............ . ...... 5,G62 " Due from other Hanks in Canada. . . . . · . . . . . . . . · · . . . 243, 984 " " No.,., York A~ents ...·....... ; . . . . . . . . . · 5,469 " " A1.1enta, London, England~ .. : ... ~.. . . . . . . . . 11,499 ° Cash Assets immiodiately available .·.· . : . ....... .· · .. " Bills Discountud Current ... , . .· ..·... ..... .....·...· Loans to othl;lr Banks secured ... · ·. . : · . ... ....··.... " Office Fur..iture anjl Safes . ...... ........ . . . ... . . · .· ' 68 ADUL'!'BRATIOJCB IN' CRRA.M 01' TARTAll. Wilham L e11ch CW Len~ pal'&tion of huwan fo·1 d. J o~iah S Lick Alum was f. und i11 29 B&mples. This R:Jben Ludlow Mise Kate Lee clrog 1 s employed in b ,.king powders to Ira Law Jr! chaa.pen ·.heir o·>at. The presence of lime iJI att.ri.buted to the impuri. cream of tar- Richard Moses Capt. R D Mutton tar of commerce usod in their manufac· !'hos Moffatt Mrs. W McDonald ture. Such cream of tal'·ar wa.s also an· Wa.lter M,,ffatt Mrs. Kliza. Mason &lyz<~ 111·d fonnd to contain lime and otner J Montgomery. MDJ·,Jm \'litchell impuritiea; in 11 ·me samples to the ex- Mrs. Thos Moyirn W Malcolm tent r.f 93 1 :wr cent. of th n1r entire weight. James Moorey TH McMillan All the b kiuu p .. wder8 of the market, W H May John McSorley with ·he sin ~ Je excepti··n of " Royal" ( not Wm Muir Jae McLean iuciuding thtt .· Jum and phoephate pow· William McGill ders, which not tl10 virtue of even 0 an impu ··e crti·. 0t of tt~rtar), are made from Mra Robt Ormi!ton Thos Ormis~on the ll.dult·;rai..,,d c·e~ m of t~r tar of .comEli Osbornt'l Rev J H Okc merc-., i<r:d c"nsequently <'-Outain lime to U oder tl1e dire.ction of th.e New York State Hoard of H1dt.i1, eil,(hty-four ditfer· e11t, kir.d~ of baking powders, embracmg All the brand~ that CO\lid be foLind f«r Mle in. the", were enbmitted to examination sud a ,,1 ,Jy .. i, by Prof. C. F. Chandler. A member of the S' atfl ~rd and Presideut of the 1'oew Ynrk City Boa.rd of Health, a.··i·t-·d by Prof. Edward G. :Love, well· kn,, wn StattB Government cbemiet. The d!idal r<>pmt shows th·1t a lnrgo number of tho o owders examined were f~11nd t-0 contain alum or lime ; many of them to such au exhnit M to i·ender them seriously objec' iona hie fo.r use in the pre- S J Hon<'y Rd Ha~!!t1th Mrs Eliza Hill James li<'al, P, P. Mias Maggie Hambly M isa M bly Chaa Hutchison Jesse Henry 00 51 28 80 97 $320,511 24 947,573 31 81,819 33 6,770 74 4,67G 69 fi 171 60 $L.366.522 91 HARDWARE ! HARDWARE ! ! Stoves and Tinware, Paints and ·Oils. ... Thos Bill John J'nhns Jamee J ,. ckson W Jennings J SB .Tacobs JM Jackson H nrv J etfery Geo Joll Thoe Jacksnn I." Due Billa.....· ..· ............... .· ........... I "" Past Other Ass.-.ts ...........·. , ... ... ... .. ... .......·.. W H Jenuinga t.oo L11wis Johns WW Jardine, MA Wm Jewell & Son SEO.£. MANN/NB Regs to. inform ths inha.bita.nts of ~owm.a.nville ancl surrounding Town?h1ps that he ha.s opened out busmess m the old stand, formerly OC".cnp1ed ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door of Standard Bank and will at all tiroes keep in stock all goods usuaJly kept in a :tirst-~lasEl Hardware Store, con..isting of K T. H. McMILLAN, 0SHAW.~, AC King 1' Kelley CR Kmt John N Kivell R Kirkpatrick Willi,.rn Knapp Jawe:s Kelley 20th Feb., 1888. CASHl&R. L Moved by the President, and seconded by t he Vice-Pret1ident, that the R eport as read be adopted, printed and circulated ameugst the sharehuld.:rs. Carried. MR. Mel,AUG11LIN, seconded by MR. Sco1'l', moved, That the thanks ot the shareholders are due and are hereby tendered to the President, Vice-President and Directors of the B·. uk for thA manuer in which they have conducted the affairs of the Bank duriug the past year, and that the sum of $500 be appropriated to the u~e of the Board for their services. Ci.rr1ed. MR. GrnsoN, s~conded by MR. ALI EN, moved, That the thanks of the shareholders be giveu to the Caohi"r and oth1ir officflra of the Hauk for their attention to the interests of the Bank. Carried. MR. DILLON, seconded by MR. MURTON, moved, Thr,t; this mee do now proceed to elect by ballot seven Directors to fill the pla~e of those r~tiring, ~nd that Messrs. C. W. S oo'l'T and JOHN M c LAUOULIN be scrutineers for said dect100, and that the poll remain open for one hour to receive the votes cf the shareholders, b<1t that should five minutes elapse a.t any time without a vote ha.11in>! been takeu the poll shall be declared closed, and that the scrutineers be paid $4 each for their services. Carried. Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, · Oils, Varnishes Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, · Shovels, &c. I shall ahlo keeo a. well assorted stock of the best ma.1mfacturers' COOK, HALL I PARLOR STOVES. Stove Pipes, Mic'ls, &c. The manufacaure and putting up of' Eal'e Troughs " i l l rt·celve !>ipt·cial aUention. a oorre.~pondlll)! ext. n~. p Geo PeRraon The 1 .w lv baki,,g powdel' Y" t fonnd by E G P<Jwer Mi·s Pearson ehernic"J . ..,naly·'i~ 10 b ti entirely free from H.obt Phtlp and absolutely pure is tht1 ··Hoyal." This I .John P t:ufouncl Mrs. John Pooley fr« Pearce perfecl; purity l'tlMllts from the ex:clusive Mr:;. D Ph·ch 'iVrn Parsumt use of cream tif tartar 11peoially refined Nrirman Parker aud pi:,, par,.d by p a t0<1,t IJro-0eeses which Humphrey Perkins totally 1e1ntove f he t.i»tmte of lime and R ~her 1mi;urit:es. The cob~ of this chem- J E Ralls Samuel Robbins xca.lly pure cream nf tar.1 ar 12 mnch !l;rea~· Mrs. 'l'hns Rowe Ed ward Reeson er tl1.,11 11.ny other, 1v·d on ~cc~unt of tlns :Mrs. M Richards ,fas Rettie Qreat~r . C(l.St 1s us.·d !II nu balmig powder L· · R b' ..lbert. R.iindle b t h " R ·" ev1 oo tn11 .o. " u 1 e «yM. . Mrs .John Reid ,John Reid, jr. Prof. I,o\>e who urnde tlrn analysts of S f) powder3 for the New York St:\ e Norman Samis Boar" ot Hea·t.h, as W(;ll! c.s for the Gov- J'olm S!.arsel W Sar1 cltiroock er11ment, ea.ya 1.f i.J1H pnrity nud whole Rtl Slemen R S iute aome· ·e <s of th a "Rnval " · Enoch Ste,"ella John Sproul "I tiud th.., Roy» I Baki~g Powdtr com- Mrs. Stevens John Smith pOBed of pu.reimd who' e~ome iDgredienta. Miss :-;quair Jo.a Stuart H is a. 1:r .:a.m of ti<rh1r powder of a high Tnos Shortridge Ja.s S Stark degl\-e of merit, 1rnd rtees not contain Wm Squires .J W Sparling ~t~er :i.lum or phosphaooa o-r other in· I J "a II S1utt JUr1ous s ub~; a, oo· E . G. I..ove,Ph. D." 'l'hoa J Scott It iR hi~chly s;,tisfachl'l'Y te the houaeT keepet'8 of this vicinity, whel'e the Royal !~rank Trull D Thompson Ba.king Pow<ler is in u.eneral urn, thst the Mrs. G H Tilt S Thompson inv&-itig~tions ~·Y the analysts iu Mase., Thomae '.l'rick Ed Thompson New Y orlt and Ohio, the 0t;Jy States that W W Ta.rublyn, M AS.unuel Thon:1pson have t lrnR for taken aciion upon t.hia im- W A Tom W a.lter 1'odgham ptKtiwt su hj.-ct, Rli:ree in classing it as HT Thornton Sl\mUel ·raylor l The scrutineers reported the following seven 11.entlemen as having received the unanim··Us vote of the shareholders, viz: JOHN CowAN, EsQ, R. S. HAMLIN, EsQ., I \V. F. CoWAN, EsQ., DR. Mc[NTOHJI, W. F. ALI.~N', EsQ., TauMAS PATr.RsoN, EsQ, I and J . A. GrnsoN, EsQ., who were declared duly (;llected Directo1·s for the en~uing year . A vote of thank8 was then tendered to the Chai mum for his a.ble comluct in the Chair, and the meeting adjourned. At a subsequent. meeting of the new Boar~. JOH}! CowA.N, EsQ., was unanimously elected Pr'es1dent, and R.. S. HAMLIN, EsQ., 'V 1ce·Prt1s1dent. ) e_ _. Having purchased cheap for cash, I am preparecl to sell goods at small profits and price_ s will be cut close to suit the times. · @mQ)Jt@g ;ge H~llOOEII@~ Bowman.ville, Ap1·il 2nd, 1888. I To Farmers and I Thrashers I I I l ic. ROCERS'i t Silver Street, Bowmanville, --o-- ICURE I tlie pure.-t aud roost efficient baking pow- Andrew Tyerman der in 1h,.. market. · John Trewin .... Three !oundiod and one pereons united with the Brid~e St. Met.ho<iiat Church, Belleville, l!18t. S1111<lay, thl~ r esult of the revival servicea cunducted by M1Jesrs. Cro·e'y and B urit.. 1'· .Ail the other churchhave li.>r:.:e acoos·ions to t heir membership 11a wdl. It is estimated that o ne thous6.D.d persun.11 heve been con·erted in the .Oity of the .Bay d'u ring t.b.e past few weeks. AS SWll:l:T i l DONEY b D.r. l.ow'JI l'lea&e:xi,iel wer11111. -------- ........ Wm T ordoff, Jr v Itd Vinson John VanNest, Sr. Is the cheapest place to buy a Steam Th1eshing Machine; . or a No. 1 Steel Binder-somethmg j !'I'!'S, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKl'iESS, new but thoroughlv tested, 800 · Allfelon~stndy. t WA.1Uliln'm'.9'remedyto w01·king Jast year ; a new Double CURE the worst cases. Bec&use others failed ls no reason for not now receiving a cure. Speed Mower--the best in the Send at once tor a treatJseaadaFREE BoTTLn market ; a Horse Rake that ~ 5- 1 of my INl!'A.l-1.ID.LJ: REMltl>Y. Give Express nnd Post Oftlce. It costs you nothing for a year-old boy can dump ; 4 kinds ! trial, and It Will cure you. .Address of Seed Dr;ll..i, cheap ; Sulky \ Dr, Ir. G. ROOi', 37 Yongo St,, Toronto, Oni. Plows, Twin and Single Plows; a ! new kind of Dial.l.ond Harrows ; 1 I - When I say cmuc I do not mean merely to l Etop them for a. time, and then have them rlliurn ajraln. I MEAN A · RADICAL CcmE:. . I bave made i11e disease of ! FITS! Think Carefully, Decid.e Wisely, Act Promptly. We possess the facility- and inclination to give satisfaction. · Having bought for prompt cash, saving largest · discounts given, from the most rel~able manufacturers, a well assorted stock of Ladies' and Gents' BOOTS AND SHOES, In Styles-The Latest, . Qualities-Excellent, Prices-Low. TRUNKS AND VALISES IN GREAT VARIETJ. We want you t~ call and investigate goods and prices. JC Virtue Samuel Voden John V t\ale ]!" \V Vanstone George \\'ilson Francis Waldon Arthur Werry A J Watson Lucius V ..nstone w AL Vanl!ltone Mre. R Washington Albert E Werry Rich A Wickett Honey Fanning Miils ; Spring ! Tooth Cul~ivators and Harrows ; Farmers ~cales; Hors~ Forks; j ~h f s1· . M·ne Oil and IJ ea mgtl , l .oder· ·rw1· ne Bl ~ 1 BREADMAKER' S YEAST. . sw eetest bread, rolls, buckwh('!lt pa nca kes~ }JWl ~ .ir;i;·:WiiWiii;il BREA~. made .of this Yeast t<?ok 132 l't~>t Prizes at Ontario l·all Shows IU 1SS7. ever used by them. 1t makes the lig htest, Baker s i n nearlv cycry town in Ow.r 20,COO ladies h!l.VC writt<>n to say tllat it any yca5t .aud y Dr. R Yonng, VS Farmers call and inspect before pl .clllg your orders. all& Worm s;r...p. ;rd ~ to ctistrey a.nil A Younie 0. ROGERS. Co<na<L'l. nrc using"lt. QI!!:;!~;!:!} PRICE FIVE CENTS. JOHN HELLYAR"

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