Sewing machine needle· at Tait's. SEJ~D WHEJAT.-Mr. J. Van- ; Bowmanville spring horse 1 ho·w will be ston~'"' car of. Seed Wheat from 1 held on Friday April 27th Manitoba, arrived ~~re on Mon- 1 . · . , . . . da.y Farm~ rs requiring good red 18 The tmware Bold by John ( · "r1gg hke · fife wheat for seed shoul»t call < "<.. the 11:ood old stock of years t1r;o. and get some as i~ ia a choice Jlxperienci:> having proved that the old fogy lllystem of long ere.tit \-GENUINEIf you hl\ve old iron to sell ,lpop~I\ card sample. 17-21v. on bu~·ineHR affairfl is a so11rce of loss to both buyer~ a.nd sellt·r.J afJ a. to Jnbn Grigg, Box 98-, Bow·ilanville. · wholP., f lia'Ye de!~id;ed to limit all credit accounts to day~ Dr. Pottt-r, cffii:e and re11hlonce, Prow· LADIES, MILLINERY l er's Block, King-st., Howmar.ville. 1-tif. C<immencing with thE\ lst of May, 1888, I will eel or1 ly fol" cash; or Mr. J. Carnf"igi<', of rtaglnn, has purOn Satnrday night last our fresh air m :10 d"'ys' ..ime, and will thus be able to sell fully 10 or 15 per cent. cltased the flour mill, saw mill and· reporter strayed ill to Mr Geo. J,,'a cheaper than on the ollll credit syst.f\m. Goods will be bnught for cash ber busi·ress at Pert Perry, forme1dy lltore and by the briilianey of the electric and the wholesa·le discount ohtained and my custom~rs will aet d b M T light, a. cursory in~pection of this ~ owne Y r.. rou~c.e. . fine store. The chief :lttraction was in full benefit of the red u:etion. I will not do business on the old trust Geo. Buck ts positively gorni;(· to l!:'lean the millmery show-room whe1··· Mies Mc- 11ystem any longer. -THE GREATnut bis prt·e(mt st?ck of ~ent"_' fu;niahi!'lga. Rae is in charge and seem" to spate no H · d · 11. f h b S f Great ba.rgams will be 11:1ven m Hes·; shirts ' 8.VJD2' · · ' end avors to m1tke her clspartmellt as " arranl!e · w1t.u some o t e est ._hoe l\ a.nufa.cturers in the rubber coat~, umbrella.a, et~' durw~ the beautiful a~ skill and can makH it, and Doniinion, I will keep in stock the I.. A.'l'EST STYL li:S anrl MOST next30da.ys. SERVICEARLE J h" h tb kt a:.· d d · l · The STA'l:ESMAN is not as. newsy, thi-J from th.., attr ,ct1ous in hats, bonnets and J . ' ~ . goo< s w . 1c e mar e anor s, an at ng .1t. prtces. ESPECIA.Ll,Y EFFECl"IVE IN week 11a usual, but much ef the matter dre~s is safe to say that the fe· In the ORDERED' DEPARTMENT~ will make only LadiC'~{and· Obstinate cuta.neoua a.:ffeotions, ;n t.his issue h>1s b0en held over for tJ~ree male who c1mnot find articles su·table for Gents' fine sewerl work. · the ad1.·rnment of hl'r pers· .n in this estab· and certain forms of DyspepAetbma ctired by the double treatmt>nt or four weeks wait ing for room, and this lishn.ent ie woet fastidio1111 indeed. But 1'be REPAJRIN 8 DEP ARTMEN1' ii< ill be oontinued as forme rly sia, Loss of app ,-tite, of Sout.hern Asthma. Cure is " common week W< - use it. why ..xp...tiate ? The c.oods are on exh1bd l d" · f llKlR W DICKINSON f h b · etc., etc. + DB!WRIPTION. - · Pl · sooth. ., to insp1·ct them un er t HI irect10n o m . · · , one o t e erlt repairers r1·mar k . . . + · easmg, · u1g, h · e1111 · ition and anyone desiring The wa.tering cart made its fir11t ap· in ¥, rt,lievi" g, curinJ.l, ie the description will be must courteously welcomert by Mr. m Ontario. Also Cor, and 011 every case Dtrcct pe·mmce of the ueason on our streets of Nasal Balm, which fa receivirig a na- Laittg or hi., obliging a·sistanrs, who will Everything .usuall.v found in a. First Class Boot a.nd Shoe Store will1\fond..y morning. tiom\l reput.at1on ae a cur.. for cata.rrb, tttke pleasure in showing the noveltieo of b k t . t l d 11 f 11 -. th" . . Debility. Mr. Humphrey Perkins and family left cold in the head, hay fever, etc, the season. e ep lD S OC C an a. ca rom a requ1nng any mg m my me IB In Lyman'o Qninine Wine the most Bowmanville station on Monday for Mr. Frank Bambrid~e, l&te of Tyrone, respPctfully solicited. italuable preperties of the Chincona Bark Appl1>gate, Sanilac Co., M ich. writel!I from Re1o?ina : I haveJ:oi ned the N. Harn.,,ssl Ha.rnet"s! Tha.nkful for the liher$1.} patronage L "(tended to me in the past, I ere secured in combination with" pu·r e, Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket'!I, W. Mounted Police, and as I wanll to l!et -mvite a continua.nee of the rnme, and hope by n1y square dealing not rich and. gr·nerous wine. nluable in all etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty all thH IMlile news, I must have your ~al· Having secured the services of Mr. only to retain old friend's but to welcome many new ones. cases where the eystew requires to be street, R. H. Osborne, leaaee. uable paper, I cannot be contented \nth- Markus Ml\yer, (of Humphrey & Mayer) invigorated and 11trengtbened. Fifteen cand1~a~e11 have a.ppl_ied !or I\~- OU' it. . .r . .. in addition to ~ur old and well tried staff, ~Remt mber the olil stand-First eoor Eaat 'of S. S. EDSALL'R mission to prtthmma.ry exammatlon m The K!nl.(ston News comes to us m a we· are iu a position to build Har:ne~s, Hardware St ..>i-e, Ne&.dii!' Btock, Bowmanv:ille~ the Toronto Methodil!~ Conference. new. spnng dress of lovely pattern and ew., 011 shorter notice than any other - - ---·--- -- - - --·--- -. f 1t.yhsh up. A new preee·a,nd f,"\1der manufacturer in the county. We buy 11 h DoNT ll'oRO.ET.-Tha.t.a nob got rom have b.:1 en addtid to give a more cheerful for cash and give our customers the beneGeo. Buck will repa.1red on the hhort· 11nd acc-.for»ted effect to tlte News. She fit. ----·--- - -- - -------------·--·--·--- ·-----·~ HEEP STRA YEDi-Stra~ed into my est notice, and ripe sewed free of 0 arge Jo.,a look spic·and-11pan a.a a. ne w sover£ ? We guarantee our Collars. PIELD~ D. A.. pr<'misee, Lot 7:Con. 5·Dri.rlln<(ton, ab~ut FRA N·li !ti· . A matchell game of ball, b· twet-n the eiJ,rri . MAsoY & DAi,E, ~h" middle of NovemberlLst. two ewi:ie. The ! property and ·BARRISTER, Soli. Piano end Orj!an men of the fact1)ry, """' One of the best sermons the people of opposite Edsalls's, Bowmanville. owner can have same hy provin1 oitnr, Notary, &.. µaylng me expenses. RICEIARD· FOJJli:T.Jj~T~e. played on Saturday 11fb·rnuoo, the fatter Bo .. manville have bad the opportunity ~··----OOBOURG. · If one Sponge costs 25c. 8 Sponges winning by a s::ore t1f 32 to 6. 2"J, Office.-ArmonT Block. King, of listenin;z to for some tim,., was given FoR DELICA.TB, SICKLY CHILURE'.'il' Scott'B Mr. W . J. Smith, of 9-:i P.,ter-11t., Tor· by Rtiv. B. B. Keefer, of Toronto, in Emulsion i~ un..qualled. See what Dr. will cost 75c; but we can give you HIT];W ASHlNG;.- Mr_ E. T AYU>R BRICK. HOUSE TO Rll:NT on Scup is prep1ned to uo all kinds of white· · A I to R w 1' architect of. the new Public School Church·st. Metllod·st church l'aat Sunday C. A. Black, of Amh,irst, N. S., eay11 : washing 8t ree.. e.nd kaldominrng· and reRpect.fnllv PP Y · INDATT·, _ --~=-·--one Sponge at Mc. which will last outo, Buildmga, Bowmauvill.,, haa received a eveni..g. Th., building was· crowded to "I ha vs heP.n acquainted with Scott'd solicits t~e public p&tronage. Orders may be SITUATION WANTED by a YO""'"' - ... long as any tl.ree Sponges that eimilar 11.ppointment for the new school the doors. Emulsion of C11d Liver 011, with hyflop- left at Meeera.·Stott & Jury's drug store or a.t woman ae houoot'&&id or light tiousewo· · Ii you wanr. to buy or sell a farm, ad- hosphite~, for year~, and cunaider it one his residence, Pro~pect Sc.. Bowmanville. J.l·3 w Adurelll! M10s llfo(.;;REGOR, Bowmanville. Y-Ou can buy at 25c. each. This buildings at Guvenhur1H. Mr. John Rice, jr., left on Saturday veri.ise in the Toronto Weekly Mail. That of the Ii neat preparations now before the - - -- - - -- - - -- -- - - -- ---- - ·15· 3w is a spe~ia.1 line of extra tough m '·rn in1r to fill a position in the Bell paper reaches 100,000 fanners homee public. Its pleasant flavor makes it the ARM FOR SA.LE. - 50 acres, bei~ , , , - .nart of Lot 21>.Con. s, Rlarllnll't'all. rO~E TO LET .-:The et· r! nc~w oosouth Sponges, imported direct from the Organ factory, Gu,ilph. Mr. GenNe evt1ry w ..ek, and your udvertisement g.rn:Lt favorite for children, and I do high- ~ mile west ot Enniskillen, Fr&me hou se,~ cu pied b y Mir. \.V_ ll. Ives, on 1~ IDJl :,;trMt, Lordmau also left town last W·'ek for should meet the eye of some one who ly recommend it for all wastmg disea~es rooms. cistern, new biirn. gQod onchard, good t.wo doors ea·' of th" P O. Poaae·M10n ]i,f.>i) Sponge Markets, of New York, Toronto, where h0 has secured e inploy- wants to purcha~o. Adve·rtistJments of of cl1ildren and adults. Put up in 50c. creek running through farm. Terma es.ay. lO·h. Apply to ,A .. Buc KJ,l:R, Jeweller, 15- rr Avply to Wm. G-ilbe1·t. Sen.. bot 25, Ccm. 'I. I ment in Heintzman's J'iano Factory. this c!a.~s are in~erted in the Toronto and $1 8 ize. Enni A kill en P O !9,3m · . -SEE THEM:. SALT ..l.ND PLASTER. -The attention of Wet>kly Mail for five cente a word each - - -- - - - - - - - -~ ~-·-·- 1 pEAS W .ANTED. -3000 bushels of RESS AND MAN.T11E' Mi.A:KING..- . Amal.I vea.e wantea at the Caledonflpii farmeus is called to the fact. that M" cOlel· i11seruon, or twen ty five cents a word for BIRTHS. MRS. COCKBURN begs to announco to Mille, B·)w.manvHle., for which the VIJry hli:-~· five imertions. Addl'ess, The Mail, .he public that ~he intends t.o roma.ln in B~· est price will be paid. .JOHN MACKAY. ProIan & Co., Bowina.nYille, have on hand a BROAD.- .A.t Elton. Man.· on the 4th inst .. tho 1 ' f eo f M r. na111e . rw . B road· or a11on. manville, and will be ple.-.eed t.o see ull her old . priet~----. 41J.lf; - - - - -- - - - - - · ------·--·----- large qaantlty of lanrl salt in bags and Toronto, 9·mada. w1 mlstnmern and ns many new ones a.s may Pee L'f ~ F n S E ri. Mr. J oe. Jeffory, Worthy President of STAL'l'ER.-·ln Oshawa, on the 17th inst., the fit Plaater in barrtils at lowest cRsh prices. t<> 1t1ve her a. call at he· old stand over the S Ot. · AI, .vne tbree,yoat. t on L od ge o f th e oons "' ()rder bulk salt and pill.II . ter early. Mc· W e II mi.( o f E ngI an d , wife or Mr. .A..1. Stalter, ore. sen. l:Jig.- 20. Appreutioes wanted immedia.tely. old and one two-yeu·old - both WJ\y AJ,J,MAN.-In on the 16th Inst., l2·tf'. good e.nd prom1elng Apply to \'9,",.... B ow" anv1'11 e, and st1vera[ o th er officA CLELLA.N & Co. rs \110 wlto of Mr. TDttrlingt.on, · .Allman, or & son. - - --- -- --"..;..... MA.r,c or;r.r, lot 13, con 3, Darb:agton. Bown1itbWe rPgret to atmounce t he death of the and inembers went to Oshaw" and attend IIowARD.- fo Cedar Dale. on the la th inst,. young minister Oil Pickering circuit, RAV. ed the funeral of Bro_ w .. Iter Stanlake the wife or l\'lr. R Howe.rd, or a son; \V. T Norman, at the homestead "'f Mrs. on Sunday bat. The l!' ire Brigade and --· _ . Ralph Mowbray, on Friaay last, April rn. thll Oshawa Band headed the procession MIND YOOJ\-OW:S- RUSINEss.-Thoee men H is death was caqsed by a short attack There was a large atte1~danoi:i of Jfoglish· always succeed best who mind their own ~ ... · LJa. .... the hill in the western Jla.rt or town. 15·tt You (or any other person) can save of inflammation. The remain11 were taken men and citizens generally. Deoeaaed business. 'l'he rea8on is probably because EXPENSES p,uo. Any oete.rmined man to Auror» for interment. Mr. Nol'man died of inflammation, being only a. few they meet with such little competition. succeed wit.hue. P~ulinr ad,..>lnt.ages to r:rAILORI:N'G. -Mr. Hindson, Te.iloi., 20 per cent. by getting your . w~s bP.loved by all ; and his dt>ath has d"vs ill. He formerly worked in Morris' Imperial Cream 'f.u1ar Baking Powder is ce.n beginners. Stoelc Cotnp.ltile, including at McUlung Broe., ie now preparecf'to . cast a gloom oTer the Pickering circuit. Carriage Works, of this t<'· Wn. the most :rnccessfol bakmg powder in the fa.steellmg specialties. OutfiL tree. SOAP from make a limited number of suits for count' at once. (Name tlli& paper. · Adurese buyers or from outside eBt.abllehment e. market berauae it attends to its own busi W e h ope to see t Iie d ay w I1en every ThertJ was a large show of entirli horses BROWN BRO'l'H:ERS. trance through Quick & Co's store {5· · h an t "IU t own wt ·11 f oIJ ow t h e b usmcs~ · a ne·s. It sells on its ow n lllerits, not bv Num1E 1n-:~w:N. RocrmsrEn. N. Y. at Cohourg Fair on 'Vednesday !wot, mere # 16i°l'I<' - M r . n" T. J ennmgs · ' bbusin" .' other similar prei:iarations, t OUSE AND L OT TO HENT -- T.tra,t · ' · every class being well represented. The prmc1pl e se t· f or tl1 rn "' pleasantly sltua..t ed hou86 opposite .t'l">& great attraction wae Mr. Geo. Cooltburn's advt in another column, because it ia ttle ..._ --- . - ---··-English Church. P ossession April let. Good Clydesdale," Abbot ef Rerwick," which correct system for buyer and eeller. As BOWMANVILLE ' MARKETS. garden and orchard- b &ere land. Apply-to CnAs. KEI'rn. Bowmanville t3·tt. won the red ticket easily. Messrs . R he eays he will be abl9 to buy for cash, -~'~IT IS A FACT.~ l d" ' cus t om _ Uorrected by .1. ltlcU11rtry, every Tuesday. Behh & Co. showed 1heir three year old save t .h e t race rncoun t , and h is __ ESIRABLE HE8IDENCE FOJl import~ d "PrinceofKertie,.' andreceived ers get the benefit. Mr. Jenniogshasa}.. . "~~ lOt o2 40 . 8AJ,E.- That very pleas..,nt reHldence !till 1 ws .... . 0 'IP0 82 K mg·st Eitst, now occupied by m y~elf. will 'l)e first prize. ·. Mr. Cockburn'11 Abbott won way" Ila d a h' J~ h repu t a t" ion· t' or fi ne b oo t s FLO-UR, ~ 100 11 ... b h ~ ·.. ·'W:t 0 80 · s l ioes, an d anyone w h o wi ·11 oaJI an d WH1'1A1', Fa ., ..- ua . · . . . 11 sold lmmediati>ly on terms to suit porch~!$-' anc1 O l ··, pri'ze at · Port Hope, too, Apply to DR Hru,1 n1, Bowm!1nville. It>-~ 0 80 II 82 ~" . h' ··11 agree Wl, 'th " Sprmg, " .1 .... 0 nddreos on the . mape1:t 18 present etock - wi ,.. b h N 70 0 00 Rev. B. B. Keefer's · ,. --- ------ ----- ----~--. --~~A~VILLE, APRIL 2!i, 1888. ~ th t t · h · rt 1 t · . B.1.&r.EY, ,.. us , o. . . . . " " l 18 a very c o1ce a.sso me 1 m II II " 2 0 6r,; 11 0 00 ! FARM FOR SALE.- A am,.Jl fll'Pm. f o1'lure ot the Scott Act, in the Town LlS --o~ deed. Anyway, read his new advt. · ·· · · " I j ust outside ol Bowmanville will b0 Hall on Mol.lday nhtht,was pregnant with 11 11 11 3 . . .. 0 55 11 0 00 .F a.rmers, Look Here! 111n very reasonable term~. on which are fr " . house. barn and stables. For partiot · If practical and compreheusihltt FoR 30YEA.It3 I have been troubled with RY:&, " .. .. · . ·... 0 55 II 0 60 i apply to Ma. W. M, HoRS~Y. Bowmanville. 11 · · · · · · · · · 0 40 11 0 45 We respectfully beg to call your atton· logic : just such common 10n11e dincussiun cata·.rh- have tried a nuru ber of remedies OA.TS, 5l-tf tlon to 1hoi Russf:!ll Ch1'mpion Fttnce (pat· of th·· subject as the people waut. 'l'he withnut relief A diuggist here recom· PEAS, Blackeye, ~bush ... 0 60 11 0 67 OUSE --T O -RENT on C·>ntr1butiou tr> the program by Mr. uumded Eiy's Ci·eam Ba.Im. I have used 11 Small, 11 ··· 0 65 11 0 70 ented 1883). It recommends i~s~lf by its Beech A 'f'enue. containing ten rOOffiti_ u Blue, . " . . · 0 60 " 0 70 11ilnplicity. cheapness and rlurab1l1ty. No M· -rga.u and Little Fairy w11re pleasiu,, only' on" bottle and I can say I feel like a On Lhe premises hard and soft wat"r. and & stakes or post in the gr1mnd to dttcay. · It espocially to the children. The selectiona new m im. My catarrh was chronic and BUTTER, beet table, ~lb... 0 20 11 0 22 11:ood stable, Possession m!1y b6 had oo Ma.:v by 20th. For further pa.r ticnlars a.pply to ow~ . . excels all ot1u1r fences introduced to the were not suited tho to a girl of 110 tender ver.y bad. I make this voluntary atate- LARD, 'Ill' lb .... , ·... , ...· 0 ·10 11 0 12 J.A..'lfli:S C.tHSCADPEN. li-tt notic" of farmers, and is ondorsfld and Y·'ars. · ment 1 .ha.t 01hers may know of 1 .he Balm Eoos, ~doz.············ 0 12 11 0 00 strongly recoinweuded by the best farmTHE LOVE THAT Ltvi,;~. -" Youth fade~, J . Mathewson, (L;swyer), Pawtucket' PoTA.TOEB, "bush., .··. ,. 0 55 11 0 60 OOD BUILDlXG LOT FOR SALE. et'I! and 11toekme11 of Ontario. lov; :~~6:;.!ha:~~:;eho~fe f~::~i~~~pt~~I~; R. J. O B l . . f . ' HAY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lO 00 11 12 00 Jr - Tha.t splendid building lot opposite t'l(e For Fat'm or Township rights for Durham 0 h d" I d Ely's ;1·e11m a m gives sat1s action t ILLINERY DRESSMAKING reei1lence of J ohn Wesley Rec1 .. on the hm. Coun·y applJ to W. H. WR.ALEN or .J. · all ". She WI·1 I not b " 1· ievo er imp e every ous usin<br it fo r cat.a.rrha.l troubles .r AND · west of this town will b11 B ()ld on very reaeoti,,. d I11 g net die The baby eyes lo ·k to · - Mrs Dingman Is prepared to do all n.ble terms. Apply 1 0 M'. A. JAMES or Jo»1' (J.A.lUUGAN. Howman ville H ' 8t ar f ' ml · a h . . h 1' - G. K. M ellor, Druggist, Worcest<'r, kinds of ·trnw millinery and dressmaking at FLETC HER, owner. Bowmanvllkl. i3·tl For Darlington Town~hip, apply toMR. her or he p- an t ~re 18 e P· " en Mt1ss. Apply Balm into each uostril. ;:: her,residence near cor. o! Ontario and Q11e·m to the nearest druggist and prncure Dr. r Sta., bowmanville. i 1-tt :PnruP TYL!iiR, Bowmanville. A OUSE .AN D J,01' J.'OR SALE.- A Pierce.' s G ·Idea M.,d,cal Discovery,_ and Why Don't You Get Married? ~PAPE.RS 'VANTED. _ ::\~;- riera;; house and 1 acre of ground, good orolu~ D , · w tD · ~' Yonr chil<l may be restored, for it cures 1 tmd email fruits; good driving·abed and s~bl1>. · whi ' chi ·· on'.y Ser··fula of , . 1>U t delay over so important a. matter . hE.Lving tyles of Tie c" i<rham .. ~w.~ ns\lm tl00 Situate on concession sn·t.1 et. Apply en tile co P ~ D d I f t l when edited by Mr. Jo~hua A. WllkinRon, will th h "f'tak n in time as readi y as . are to eta.n up and pop t le a. a g.ues- confer a favor by informing the publi·her or premi es to MRS. J. B ROWN, or to MR 'l'R08. 1 . e mgs, e . 'h t10n. Act now youn<> man. . May l s an TH E i!li·A'rEBMAN of tbe fact. i 7- 3w .BASSETT. Bowmanville. ic- tr 0 k Highest price paid for eggs by John it cures ecrnfula affectmg ot er parts and tl 'r ·r . it ____________ -·· · ---"· organs. Don' t delay. A perfect specific, u.°1uJc Y mmht 1 or rnarhnages ; , 1 you !l'ad HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALEG rigg. D S ' C t h R d ! tt11 une s e may c n.nge lier mm A valuable house and l<>t nee.I" the Wanted- 200 tons old iron, rags aml r · age s a arr .eme Y,Make love while .Apri l lasts, close .the Ca binet Faotory, H storey frame house, ne11.rly A li·t of 1000 newspapers divided i.qtu b onea. John Grigg, tra\·elling merchant. The church parade of Odc1fellows on cori1 r a.ct, and go to M. \'layer's for yonr new. 6 rooms and summer kitchen Fruit STATES A.ND SEGTlONl:l will be sent ·011 Sunday was att~nded by upwards of one. wedding bat. He keeps thti b est displa tree11. etc. Hood lot extending from Elgin St. applicf\tionntl>E, '*"IRE LIFE ACCIDENT Insurance h d d b b d th C t Y through to Lamb St. This is a good Invest· ·ro th0Ht1 who want their advertising to po.:. , ;() 1 ' · · un r·~ mem ers es1 e_s e. im ou of all the new styles to bo found iu the ment as the rent of the house will pay over we oan efl'el" no better medium fol' thoroutil:t RonT. VIRTUE, Ai;cent, Bowmanville. tf. members, who lookHl 1zay m their hand· district a nd fo, ge nts furnshin·rs ties colper cent interest on t.he purchase money and ·and effective work tba.u the various seoti'-O i;tt ' f T h wer t out 40 ' " ' ' eave a good lot to be soldor build on, if k ut our SeJecc Local List. Mr11 Morrison has removed her stoc some um orrns. · ere e a ' lar11, cuffs, e ·c., he cant be beat. There detimed desirable, For further pe.rticulars GE(t. P. JlOl't'El.L d; ue., to the frame buildings, opposite Buckler's men:iber~ down from Oshawa.. The pro- is no use in pala vering, ce.11 and our apply to FRANCIS MASON, Ktng Street l!Jast. Newspaper Advertising Bureau. cession mcluded three branches of the opinion~ will harmo nize Bowmanvllle. ....:~~ Jewelry Store. 10 Spruce street, New Yocii.. Order· Subordmate i u red, white an d blue ' - ---....-·----· - - . - -- - -.. , ---------------~~~---·-CAR.TWRi:"G'iIT"FA1&. NEEDLEs.- H. C. has received a re<Yalia; Encampment in Royal P urple large variety of need lfls and can fit any and Gold ; aud t h e Canton in uniform. make of sewing macbi:ie Capt. Young was in charge of the latter l'ltl7.E LIST. Liver Uomplalnt, Cleaned, Died, Pressed aod n epail'ed by Iiundreds of do llars ' worth of ladies' a ud Bro. Geo. C. Haines ably acted a~ HANN AH BROOKS. Deceased. Oyspe1tsJ11, French Kid B Boots, slippers and low rnarshall for the other two branches. ~t. Horses- Imported Dratt..-2 ent.ries, Ulllon~ueS<I. 11hoes have just arrived at Geh. Buck's Paul's choir rendered some Bppropl'iate Sick llen·laehe, , lat G raham,\; Park's Bright ; 2 nd, Gra Kidney Troubles, UB.STANT to Chapter 110, Section boot st ore, which will be sold close to anthems for the occasin n. T he excellen t ham & Park's Alexaudt1r J\bGreg!.{or. IU1e um11tt.m. 36. of t.he Revised Stat·1tes or Ontario, Dyer and Clothes Clea.ner. .cost. eei:mnn de liYered by the R ev. Mt·. ]'raeer Sir.In JHseal!es lmp,,rtod .Dmft, not over:} old, i887, notice is hereby given that all crtdltors and all Cloods we.rranted to be tt~ no one will kno '" Th~ SalvationArmy has been indicted as is published elsewhere. nnd other pf.\rsons having any debts. clnims or 4 entries, ht R obet·t Gra.ndy's McNair; lmpurlUes or the them from new when !lone. demands against the estate of HANN AH a" public nui3ance" by the Gran~ Jury The Toronto p apers l ast week contain2nd, Robert Grandy'! Mariner; ::lrd, .IHlOOh.8 *'IOO<I from. '\Yllltl· , late of t.he 'l'own of Bowma.nvllle, Cor ner of !{mg and Ontario Streets, ever e1tuse nl"i.sing of Quebec city. The Quebecers wish to ed 11ccounts of the death of Mrs. Wm. Major Hodgson's Abbey Prince. In the Counr.y or Durham. widow, deceased; Bowman ville. Fema.l<'l Weak· who dled on or about the }'lrst da.y of April. I continue their sleepy systeP1 of life with· .A wde, · ge.d 76, (formerly Mrs. Pelle, of Cauadian Draft. 2 ent,ies- lst Robt. ieeees and Genera.I A . D., 1888. arc hereby required to send by out interru ption from the music of the Newcast.lo) at 87 Augusta Ave. , where she Seatun's Young Enterprise; 2nd, Wm. 1 )ebllity. poet, prepaid. or <1eliver pa.rticulars in writing. of their debts, clalmt1 or demands, and the big drum. \Us found de»d, it appears by Mrs. E . T hompson 's Columbus J oe. l'ureJy Vr,geluble. nature of the secnrity lif any) held by t.hem, to General purpose, Z e ntries- 1st, .Mi- John h'... Gulbraith, of the 'l'own or 'Bowman- lllgllly concentrated. plcasau&, etlectunl, Mr.Stephen Dobson writing from Bran- Morris, formerly of Bowmanville, who M llfe villu, aforesaid Solicitor for l\f ·a. Mary Min s. don, Manitoba, to h Tm: STA.TESJI.rn lives close ~)y. Mr. Awde died M~rch 13 chael Chapman's Young Nctherby; 2nd, the administmtrlx or ths personal estate trf sald Wm . J. H olmes' P rince K ill bride. eont to him snys, I like this part of the 1884, l eavrng an es~ate ~or~h $ 30,000, deceased. on or before the 'l.'hirty·tlrst day or ! N ot.iee to \Vage-ea1·11ei·s General purpose. not owr 3 years May, A. D., 1888, at the expiration ot which DR. country very well so far. It is a gr eat the ~avenue from which his. widow \~as 10 will proceed to time the said ud<t1inistratr1x old, 1. entry·lst, Johr J obb's Ih Uer· deal b~tter _tha.n a great many Ontario r eceive as l ong as she remained a w1do\v: Take no\r. Sold e-verywhere. l'rle.c, UNDER T HE LAST ASSE8SMENT d atributo the uast1ts of the said decea.sed sea Prince. people unagme. Mr. Rob~rt Awde, broth~r ~f the. decea~ AOT. a.nd Act amending the sa.mti, 31t among tho p .. rsons entitled thereto. having 75 cents p er bottles. per·ons wiehing to be placed on tbs Asssssg to ·la;vs Roadster!!--7 entries- 1st, George regard to the debts aud claims only of which u · edwasaom . n ' f attendtoh!Sstster-m d h M r an d M rs. J amea B.arnes, o f St lUAn t Roll as waqc-earnera must first file an notice shall buvo been giveu as above rec1uired S terriker's L. H. D.i.niels ; 2 nd, Samuel · M .IIs, D evon, E ugl· nd nrrived burial, fll:' paplirs a · I a.flirmation with the Assessor. Blanks for and I.he rnid administratrix will nm be liable comb e ,t . ' " t'fi butf oun . amcm~ d t d D q 188~ Grnha.m's Sunshine; 3rd, .f. W. Cro· for the tlBHets so distributed to any JJeraon or . ·w d d · ...h their family cer 1. cate o marrmge a e ec. .. , u thatpurposoca,n be hai~~rmDEN, Asaessor. h ere oBn e n~s ay wti. Mrs. to Geo. Wray which had be0n kflpt fl. sewhose debt or claim she shall not have had zier's Jud ·Thomas . ' Bowmam,llle. April z. 1888. 1~-1w Mr notice a.t the time or snoll distr.ibution, ~mes . 18 af ,.8 .. onemAalfsoend, H obba. cret. Wray was found and took char~e n · Sold everywhere. Price, 25cents on<160 cents Coacl1 horses- '.? entries-lat, Wm Bowroanvllle. April 20th, isss. .varnes is a niece o r ~, f h f al b · h" ·r · Okti'a Highland Boy; :!n d , Ma ior Hodg d M A H l n of o t e uner , urymg is w1 e m a. cor· JOUN K. 6ALJlR.ATTH. · H bl per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers M ~s. I "· Solicitor for said hdmimstratrii::. - am Y an rs. · am Y · n er of tho Necropolis formerly dev>.>ted t o The liNION HEDICINE UO, Toronto C:an; son's Normui. this to wn. . .., paupers and without burial ser·11ice at the YouNG "<L EN.- Durmg the next .->0 da..ys grave. The h eir to t he estate lives at :Bulls, '.l'horoughbred Durham with you can buy a good lau.~dred wh1tA shirt St<>ctou-on·Tees, England . " I felt lik,e Opedigree-- lst. ,John Forder's :Fox ; 2nd, T llo above store is now is a position to for 7tic. worth $1.00 i Umbrellas for GOc. kickiug t h e man wlio buried my brother's '.C. A . Wri ght's Cartwright Lad; 3rd, t he public with a first class article or Sptluf: worth 75c. ; suit of underw~ar for 75c; wife like 3 dog," said Mr. Awde t o a re· T h omas W erry' sDnke of Argyle. I and Summer stock. wort.h $1 00, aud everythmg . rn the G~1ut s por te r. ha Ye purchased from one or the beat manuI Bull ca.If of 11'8G- -1 entry- lst, J'no racturiog eetablisllments in '!'oronto a la~o furmshrn gs at wholesale pnces, at Geo. Co.NSUMI'TION CAN BB cUP.lilD by proper Bennett, Valencia C hief. ll.BSOrtment of fine Boots and Shoo~. also a f!ii& Buck's cheap stor e. h ealthful exercise, and the judicious use article in Woman's Slippors in a.II sizes to tl;; B ull calf of 1887- 3 entries - 1st, '.I' purchallCl' w hich yot1 will fi nd to your adY ant· J. r,. Reid, of Port Hope, is en gaged of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil aud A. Wrights Polworth ; 2nd, James 1>ge to examine. '.l'hey marked in price t<> in t he prtlinunarv survey of the proposecl Hypophosphites, which contains the heal· Coate·s 8hirley Boy; ~:rd, Wm. ~airn's suit the times. - ATWeatern Central R ailway. Ha has start- ing and streogth-giviug virtues Qf theee Young' Manvers. I in stock Mens Summer Shoes from fill up; also Woman's, Mens and Miss' lt ubbers. ed from Aurora for S belbourne, Durham, two valuable specifics in their fu llest Implement5- I ron hurow11·-lat,Geo So come along friends and bring your cash Walkerton and Iverhuron, ou L ake form. Mr. D. D. McDona ld, Petitcod1ac, and you will decidedly get a bargain. S llggitt ; 2nd, Kinsman & McLe·an. l>ro)lplr: g:1 f rorn Ordered work and repa.iring promp1-0Huron. After concluding the above sur- N. B . , !!lays : I have bean prescribing Ka.snl pn~~-ageos in. Wheelbarro\v, J ohn Tennant ht 1u1d attended to -vey he return s to Aurora. to a d iri;ct Scott's Emulsion with good resulta. It 2nd. EASY TO USE. to the 1uroat nud Thsnka fol" the pa,s~ favors and soliciting " survey to Port Hope. Mr. R eid will is especially useful in p ersons with con· continull.Ilce of the 11&me, excessiYc e. xpectorntion caused by Catarrh.. S·cnt 1 IT V.lN 09 NO IU.IUI to try t' reemait' l5·3w probably pass through this n eigl1borhood sumptiv~ tendencies ." Put u p in Mc. W · H. DICKS, on receipt of price, uOc. and $1. Ad<lr«~s Worm PolYders when yilu r eUl!I. r.~ alUn · _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. : prr; FULFORO &, CO .· Brockville. Ont· Si,..n. or the Big Boot. in May. llrnd $ 1 size. renrbh or 0-elfal. ·Tytone, .April 2, I8S3. 1J·3n1 LYMAN'S QUININE WINE! IHVICORATI N C T0NI 0 Mr. Paul Nott; of Toronto, is home OD sick leave. · v"s"ting at M . 8 "th f P "II 188 m1 ,o , or., ope, 19 1 i Mrs. S. S. Edsall s. See John Grig11:'a cottonades-they are the best money can buy. Great B11rgains in Millinery and Fancy Goods at Mrs . Morrison's. Ladies call a.ud see the new apring millinery at Mrs . .i\Iorrhon's. M 1sa Bertha Mason , of tPeterbt,ro, is visiting at Mr. 1'h· s. Sherin'a. The registration fee on letters to the United ::lta.tea is now tlfo cents. Mrs. J . P. Hice hi in Gnelph visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. H , Kydd. ..,. .. . 'F I K"dB B f o2 25 1 .L1adtes renci ·, O(>tl! r·om..,' up to ~5.00 a· Gl·O Bucks boot store Try John Grigg'e delicious tt>aa-3 lbs. for $1.00. Equ>ll to ihe best 40 ceni tea11, I a. I I PA,ff· LOR BOOT AND SHOE STORE. ---o-;m r or + r . D 0v ETH p-q . Is · WM. JE·NNINGS. ~e S W as F s STOTT & JURY. D --·· :_:_ - -·-..---- · Hotel Keepers, Board· inghouse Keepers. co rm8a.A·~.~·RPY"~EN,mD· N· ~~:;iffi;~~~~Hif~~f~ s~ua~ n~tE-e.Dd· . wpE·;lsh TO BE STOTT & JURY - -.-- ------ ·· 0 H D I H UNB ! e 'v Al_JL p APER,S just received 3000 rolls of fine !" H -- Si"Ull.~ed w. M. Hy. C. Tait. G --o-fine line of Local and Otherwlse. BABY CARRIAGES to choose from H --o-- TO ADVERTISERS... PHOTOGRAPHS Notice to Creditors got up in as good style as can be supplied in this sectjon Gents' Clothing Q .T H s p E AT, P I HO~DS:~·sF~O~POUND. OR HOD DER 'S I COUGH AND LUNC CURE ------ -------· ·------- prN JRAL BOOT & SHO [ IJL [ l' \)TORt [ . r SEED_!I.ARLEY I Choice Seed Barley J. LYLE'S. . ...