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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1888, p. 6

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secure, and ID thereetlesa 1orrowof his mas ' IN THE BERMUDAS. nothmg to sUit you,' and the fellow' ter over the blow tha.t h .11 ta.ken away a.n -never stirred from rtJS position The New only brother, he a;dnumstc· cd aooth10g drugs Row the Islatulers Obtain Drlnll:tn.; Water York man, hardly behevmg the test! under another name, so tli 1t Ursula., ID her - Some CurJons JlpUnphs-1l'hlll ls <:cm· mony of his own ears, said, "I wa.nt WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25 1888 'Vhy, c oser in mme a.h, clo er, mexperience, did not dete t. what wa.s solDg te11tm~nt "'-'lhe dtue!ltlon A.llswered by a pair of shoes, let me look at some ' I press d bis w·rm soft hand -LOll'.G> RLOLW on, a.od still fancied that I he habit had been " The shopkeeper, with an mdolent yawn and The agony of a firm like Greenleaf, Good renounced All she d1tl k now was thllit it without movmg a hmb, said, "I have noth llY S F W enough and C o could not be a ra.p1d thmg, was entirely useless for her t o attempt t,o ex rng to smt y u, and there 1s no use sbowmu and Mr Dutton nved between London and ert any authority over tha valet, and tha.t Every drop of ram w&ter th11..t 1t is poas1 them t.o y ou ' The would be purchase1 left Mwklethwa) te for several ~eeks, havrng the onlv \'lay to escape msolently polite dis ble to catch rn ca.ught here and uL1hz·d ior the store, thmkrng wha.t a fortune he could / much to endure on all sides The semor obedience was to let him alone Moreo\er, dtmkmg and cookrng purposes Iu 11dd1 make BY CHAP.LOITE M YOUNG partners thought it an almost ma.licrnus plans to winch her fath£r had agreed, when t1on to pipes from the roofs, large spaces are EXHIBITING THAT CURIOSITY and decidedly ungrateful thmg ID brm not broached by her, had oft.en been overthrov. n laid out ou the s1d· a of the !nils or built on through the States They will never to throw m his mea.ns, or at any rato, offer after l11e valet had been with him It was level ground so as to slope to on.e pomt where any thmg to day that can be put off ·111 to CHAlHER XXVI -(CONTINUED ) las Pnara.ntee to tide them over their d1ffi a hfe full of care and d1sappomtment, yet they <ue carefully diamed mto underground mo1row They evu:ymtly thmk with that "Miss Nugent says that you set every cult1es Goodenough s terg1versationa and there was a CH ta.m sprmg of trust that kept t,.nks tank is carefully ventilated and other S ut herner whom we have all read thmg n~ht that you do but look 1it, Mr concealments needed a practised hand a nd U rsula s youth fiom bemg dimmed, and kept clean and the water 1s surpt isrngly s1veet about, who, when asked by his master Dt1tton," she s11..1d, " so we are prepared to a.cute head to unravel them, and ofte11 de enabled her to Jet a fo1r share of happi and fresh Where wells have been sunk a.nd ~~ hmry and fimsh that p'oughmg, r eplied, receive you a.s a good gemus to help us out oe1v~d Mr Greenleaf h1rnsdf, a,nd w hen, ness out of it, though she was very sorry water obtamed, 1£ It is fresh at first it soon What is ·he use of r.:ishmg so, ha.vcn' t we of our tangle for a tune, he was convrnced that the whole not to be more at llridgeport, where turns braclush and finally quite sahy, so got t.o morrow 1 Mr D atton ·was a£ra.1d that the tangle state was so rotten that a craah wa& m she could have worn:ecl with all her heart the Bermudians are forced to d epend upon There only about two thousa.ud acres of was far past unwrnrlmg, and, of courne, the ev1tab1e, his wife a lamentat10ns and com with May Cond!l.mme Moreove1, Lady the clouds tor t heir water supply One or two arable land m the whole!, and if it we1e trnatmeut of mnny ti o l!Sarn1, of: CUSCB details, so far as, yet known, were discussed plll.mts of Mr Dtitton would undo the Kukaldy's absence from London wvs a great fammes tang ht them the nec e~s1ty of savrng not for the money the Eaglrnh Government of'.l'be thoBe chrome V1c alrncsB1 s uu<l d1enc88mg ff'here was, m t rnth, nothmg for whwh whole, and 1t was as 1f he were domg them loss to her, for there was no one who was an ab undance and there 1s now little darigei and the v1s1iors spend, the people could not ailments 11eculla1 to tem11tes n t t! e lu'>1lads und Sui 'J"lCal Institute llutfolo N y Ma.rk could be blamed He had diligently an IDJury that the pair accepted the uom so kmd or so ava1la.ble m takmg her mto of their wantmg tor water exist They only export omons and pota. Hotel hM >L!fordcc l n v LSt cxper1cmce m u1celv ndapt attended to hrn ():ffice work, which was mere fortable prospE ct he was able to offer them soo10ty , and Nuttie, though nustresa of h<:.r Oranges of rather an mfer10r qt1a.llty, and toe> But they do that so successfully tha.t mg and t horoughly tcstmg reu edi~a ,01 tbe routme, and, conscious of hrn own mexper1 m Australia. fathe1 s house, was not Jet twenty two, and lemons not as good as we get, are to be seen 1t is a n especial treat at the llotels when cure of womans pecnhm ma ladrns Dr .l"HH ce·s l!'avorite 1·re sc1 lption ence, and trnstmg to the semor partners, He would have made thehke proposaltothe strongly felt that ahe must keep withm g1 ow1ng and nearly mature on the trees, Bermuda potatoes and omons are placed on the outgrowth m r esult of tbfs g1 cat nnd he had only become anxious at the en<! of Eg1emonts,but found thatMarkhcld himself careful bounds, and nobattempt to be her ulong with the frn1t blossoms Almost all the bill of fare Very fine fish are to be JS valuable c µouence l housands of tcetm10t he year, when he perceived Goodenoughs beund by lusprom1~etohisfathernotto em1 own chaperon the v~neties of had most genenlly m abundance Whether nmls rocen cd it om pat10nta and from physimane who have tested 1t m the mo10 aggt'&avou'anco of a settlem ent of accounts, and gra.te,and thoughtohome kmd of office work (To BE CONTINUED ) the catah ha.s been great (lr sma,ll the vatod and obstmute cases which hacl bni!i6ld detected shuf!img He ha.d not underlltMd Before trymg to procure thrn for him, how TROPICAL FRUITS price right at the fishe1men's boats is theu skill p1 o' e lt to fJe the most woncle1ful enough <>f the previous lmsmeas to be aware ever, Mr Dutton mtended to see his uncle and vegeta.bles can be raised here Among fourpence a. pound '.they would rnther remedy over devised for the relief and cm e of of the deter1orat1on of the manne1 of dealmg a.11d t1y whether the agency, once rejected: Women as Rulers of .Men vegetables ttie cmon and espemal throw them ~way than sell fo1 less There sutrcrmg womeu lt lB not l.ecommcuded us a with 1t, though. he did thmk 1t scarcely could still be obtamed for him Learnrng History does not encouiage us to consion ly prohfic The best cabbages and turrups over one hundred d11Ierent varieties of .. curo -all ' but as a Jn( ~t perfect Specific for woman s peeuluu mlnwnts what he expected If he had erred, it was from Mu!B Nugent that the Egremonts were the State to ferna.le rule England owes o~e are also grown fish, among whi·h are the cow fish, ha.vmg a Al!! a 1>owe1 fnl, i.l.ll v i!O"oratiug ton tc, ~ acting too m1tch as a wheel m the ma m town, lie went up thither with the pur cw1l war to the temper of Margaret of An The road to St G ·org s ia one of the head with httle horns and a fa.ce almost the it unparta stiengtn to the whole SJStcm q::JMuy, keepmg his thoughts and heart m pose of askmg for an mterview JOn, and another to that of Henrietta. Maria loneltest drives unagmahle 'Io go by the exact counterpart of a. cow's The hog fish and to the womb tnd lt.s appenilnges For OHt v. orked woa n out," his o~vn happy little home, and not throw There was a new church Ill the immediate Mary was an nnpeisouation of liability to South shore and return by the north has a p1gg1sb face a.nd brISt!mg fins \\ h1ch r.a.1-ticular rllUl down deb1hr.ated teachers nnllm<ll's ing Iumself mto the spint of the busmess, neighborhood of hi.s house in a. state of clerical mfiuence Anne overturned not only drive, takes in a very large portion make it look very much like its land name dreaemakora seamsttCSflcS · shop gn ls house: m the ways of those concerned m it, so that g1owth and dovelopment congem~l to the a M1rustry, but the policy of the country,, (·f the lBlands '.Che view of landscape sake The porcupme fi·h 1s set all over with keepers; nursing moth cni and feeble w()lllon Dr P1ei cc s Favo11te PH sc11ption he had been 1n no degree a controllrng St Ambrose tra.10ed mlDd, and here Mr and robbed the nation of the fruits of its vie and watersca~~ 18 simply enchantmg at cer sharp bones ab<iut an mch a.nd a half Jong 1>enetally, IB the- greatest eaJthl~ I oon bemg unequaled power Be had allowed bis quality of gen Dutton, after old M1cklethwayte custom, tor1ca to gratify the spleen of a favourite ta.m pomts '.!:he roa.d is smooth as a. floor, and the head and shape of the body of th~ appet1z111.r uoidtt~I and restornt1ve tome tleman t-0 keep him an outs1de1, mstead of was attendmg the ca.rly m!l.tms, when ID wo.1tmg woman Under the results of re and a.a we bowl along our colored coachman fish could not be mistaken for anythmg but A,8 a soothu1g and strengthening llCl'v·no, la\01ite Prescription is unelllaiimg st to raise the general level of the the alternate verses of the psalm, he he~rd cent researchee the r eputatwn of Eliza.beth entertams ns with many little stories and the p-0rc11pme fish The rubber fish has qualed and IS mvahmblu m allnyrng 1 ~ ,sub. -ihv&nsactlons, so that the whole had gone a fresh young 'oice that seemed to renew for states nanship has colla.pse I It was her legends of the cnuntry One of the yarns GRI'AT ROUNU STARINt; E"i.1£S dulng nervous exc1tab1 ~1ty 1 111tab1.h"ty, exdown 111 t he hands of the uru:crupulous those days gone by, and lookmg across the good luck to give her name to an en of na. he related was that he knew an old woman, haustion prostration hysteria spasms and Goodenpugb I central aisle his eyes met a. pair of dark ones tional greatness, but her own political char I forget whether she was lus own grand and a. sk1D hko an old worn out rllbber otl1er rlistrnssmg ner.v<iHJS symptoms comA.nnap le listened a.nd knitted qtnetly I which gave a sudden glitter of gladness at acter, as it now stauds revealed to us, 18 that mother or his father's, but at all events she shoe '£he angel fish has a body shaped monly nttend1iut upon functional and mgnnlc not unltke our aun fish, but its C.Jlor sh·des dlaease of the womb It mduces reficshmg while the affa.1rs were on either the encounter That was all he saw or of a. false and hettrtless coquette Her ill waa one hundred and thirty n1De old, f ~ sleep and relieves mental anxiety and d!j. hand Mark had had one sertons talk with to see He did not take m the fimshed treatment of her servants, such as Walsmg and could see to thread and sew with tae rom the deepest md1go blue to the pa.lest spondency Di Pierce '" Favodte Prescri p&ion George !keenleaf, and both ha.d had a completeness of the very plam dat'k dress j ham, was not Jess conspicuous than her pai finest cambric needle In fa.ct I can t under peacock blue, and 1t hn.s the most soft n l egitunato n1edlc100, cruofullr st<>rmy scene with Goodenough Then M1 O.lld hat, nor the woma.nly air of the little tiahty fo1 handsome acoundiels hke Lernes stand why a. woman, 01 man e1the1, for the angelic a.nd peaceful expression of coun' ·S by tu ex perienced am! slollful oornpou11tlud t 1 enance and long wmg hke fins 01 a phys1c1rui itnd adapted to woman s clelicaw Dutton had telegraphed his arnva.l, and fi"ure, until they clasped hands m the porch, ter, or danoe1s llke Hatton Her neglect of matter ot that, born, brought up and res1d beautiful canary color, t hat wave alongside organlmtwn lt m pmolv vegetable iu ite Greenleaf had met him m London with and m the old tones Nuthe exclarmed the na.twnal defences on the eve of the mg here, cant go nght along hnng There behind it as It fl.oats along so in compostoton and pcrfcctl;v hmm less m 1ts jiopes bred oi long and m phc1t tru;t that "I've been hopmg) ou would come to Lon 8pamsh mvas10n W!lol! little short of treason 111 nothmg to disturb the scremty of t he and th 1 elt0<.>ts m anJ condition Of the systmn For e a most air like water Then the devil rnouung stckui>as or nausea f1om whatever h is sll.~.J.citY. and perhaps hio wcnlth ~ould don How JS .Monsieur?' able and the n»tIOn sa.verl itself m ts sov mmd, and no sudden variations, or no van carry the old house through the cns1s "In high health, thank you, the darlmg ere1~u s despite, Ca1olme, the Q;een of ations t o speak of at all, m temperature, to fish frequents these waters, and, so it IQ stii.t canse m JStuJ w1 ak: stomach rnd1g(}st1on dysed, is very fond of dmmg off these deliciou" pepa1i1 and londrnrl symptoms m i u se in smull Bt1t Mr Dutton, tbougu reservmg lus of the ste11..mer both gomg and commg I George II, did good service by uphold1Dg ravk the body l t l 1 fi u cloee.s will pro e' e1 y beneD< ml 1 t e ange sh lheae fish I have men "Favo1 ·te P ir <.1sc1 iption" is a l>OSl· 3udgment till ihe books should have beeu hope your cha.rgea are well?' Walpole but she did it ma woma.nly way However, it seems they do quit this mor tioned all very good eatmg, but would hvo cuuJ for t he most co111phcuted and ob thoioughly examrned a.nd t 1 ie hab1ht1ea "My father is tolerable, iust as ttsua.l, If we lo;k to the history of other countries t \l frame here, form old St Peter's church, be much more appreciated by those who lrn,<l s tlnatc casPB of le icolfhen excessiv e flowing completely nnderatood, was evidently ID and my little Alwyn is gettmg more deltc we shall find its testimony the same In St Georges, there are tablets erected m not ta t d fi t h pa.mful rnem1t1nat ion unnntuu l su 1 pi essiona s e our rm an11 oot some white wolupt;us 0 1 lt JlJllg o f the " omb w e ik back clrned to believe that thrnrs had gone too 10us every day He will be so delighted to France the Regent Anne did pretty well, commemora.uon of fish, lake and river salmon, and the delicate ' :femrlo Wt'lu.kness lLnt(H crs1 ou ictiove1s1011' !far, and tha.t the names of Greenleaf aud see Monsieur I have told him ao many because she put herself mto the hands of TIIE ILIUSTr~rous DEAD, little brook trout be&Iing d mn senan110ns cln omc congestion' Egremont could only be preserved from stories about him I Ma.zarm, but Catherine de Medicis and the as well as obscure graves m the church yard fi intfou11mtbon and ukuratwn ot the womb Ill· A f , rl ew ays ago a cent oceain g01ng fian11nahon 111un and ton te1nem m 01 ai'les aotuai dishonour by gomg mto hqu·dat10n, "Do, you thmk I may c!!.ll on M1 Egre Pompadour did far from well That fem~le of those perhaps no~ so noted The fol ' d1ssohmg pa.rtne1sh1p, and thus gettmg mont? rule is not' essentially favorable to peace, the lowmg, ID memory of Governor Popple, steam yacht, almost as hrge as a small a.ccom1nnwd with m tcrnal Jl( at Allan !mer, au1ved in port She 15 owned >J..r.i n 1egnJator und p1omoter of fun.,.. qmt of Goodenough "Oh do I He is ready to be called on exploitsofthreenearly contemporary (~u.eens, I have copied verbatim from the ceno1aph by Cla.ik the fa.mous PMsley thread ~nal act1on nt tuat c11tic ~l pe1,od of change man .uvm gulbood w womanhood Fw,11 te J>re' h Mark ltstened resignedly, Aunaple with between two a.nd three, and we alwayirhave Ehzabeth of Spam, Mana Theresa of Aus on the wall of the church H e is d 01ng t e At1antw leis11rely, in com soription is :.. pe1fcdly ~ltfe 11 rncdml aocnt an intelligence that made Mr Duttcm tlunk Wynnie downstairs then, so that you will tria, and Catheune of Russia, are proofs Died a.t Bermuda November 17th 1744 pany with h1a wife, aon, daughter and a and cnn p1 oduc( only good i~sults. it JS 119 age her th~ .JPOre clearheaded of the two, though see!h1m too And you have been at Mtckleth enough l!'ema.le amb1t1011 or pl),ssion, if it m the 46th year of 1 small pn.1 ty 0 F fnenda. His l hip is a be ty eqnallJ ellkac1ous ancl \ alunble m its e1!ect,s still she could not refra.m for her little wayte I am ·~fra1d you found a . great takes a warlike turn, 1s likely to be render ul,er l d·vs illuca; of" Bilious~ eve1 cl au ' wbe>1 takon t or those cl1sordo1s and derllilgean ments Incident t o thnt latet uud m ost cntiClll Jokes "I'm sure I shoul(!, not mmd how change m 4unt U rsel " ed more danqerous by the itrespons1b1hty of IJ~~r.;~~~~erEs~ 1 lllAl>VEL Ol I IJXUR\', T1er1ocl !mown as 'The Change of T 1fe A liquid he 1f we could only run off " Ye~ ; but she IS very peaceful and sex Isabella of Casttle is the paragon of Dunog the comae of his o.dnumsta ation "hlch to G· 1Fav o1 1te Pu: cs ct iptio11 ""hen tn.Jreu clear of Goodenough," she said happy fema.le govllrnment , but she ha<l Ferdmand, the u11consolable grsef of tho rnbalntants, e l egance and completeness 'Ihe crew con in 00111 ect1ou w1tb the me of Da Pieices s1sts of fifty five men. She almost tluee Golden Mecheal Discovery md smt ll laxative "You know what it means? sald her "And 1 ha.veto her altogether to at her side and she established the lmqmsi Coutmued but "'" yeo,rs 18 h\tsbu.nd dear excellent Miss N ugont ltaee ms very, tion Mr. Mill thmks that Cha.r Jes y show Ol the nnny stra.ugero who resorted hither for their hundred feet long d b t th t ti doses of Dr r1u1 ce a l'urgat 'e Pell ts (Little a ou Ir Y ll Ce Live1 Pills) cmeB J, ' e1 K 1drn y and Blnddor · a!l ~~ "Oh yes, I know wha.t 1t means It 1s very wron~, b utl cannot help it' And how led his high apprec1at10nof femalestu.teama.n The observant eas1lydiecerncd 10 t roe, beam, and will ma.kc an avera!(e of about dlfJCUSea lhe.r cwn luned use also remo~ea the fi ne word for bemg sold up Well about MarK o.nd Aunaple?' ship by setting women of hIB family to gov Under the graceful \ell of modesty thirteen miles an hour Shill Clark doesn't blood ttunts, ·ind ahohshcs eauocro11s and look as happy and satisfied as our ne ,ro sc;iofulo 10 hulllors from the syste m Mark, never mmd, we are young and strong: "I, thmk she 18 the bra.vest woman I ever lern the Netherlands, but Cha.Ilea ha.d no Au underntt\ndrng & abihtJes equ:.l b t Jh bf b 'G1favor1teJl>.-ese1iptaon"1s theouly met fh f 1 l bl f h To a more importt\ut trust ancl 1t will not be a bit the worse for the men o 1S ami Y avai a. e or t e a:ppomt The Gay & Po·1te were charmed "ILh tlie unoJfected oa man, o nson, e ore referred to It medlcln.e for 11 omen sold by di s under " Then things really go1Dg badly with ment, and the result of these fom ~le rn Elegance 1>nd t>m1' ble a11nphc1ty of h1~ manners, muat ta.ken a great deal of thread to a pos1ti vo i;-mu an tee, from the manuB illy hoy m the end to begm at the bottom budd such a ship factm ers tlrnt it will gn o satrnf wtwn 111 ovary ot e~e~ythlDg ' the dea1 old firm? ' genc1es, though little of the blamo may be And n.11 were cheer d It d ' t t h case 0 1 moucy wlll b i etunded Lins guaran"I hope- may I ask- is everythmJ em " I am' hopmg to talk to Mr Eg1emont h due t,o the regents, can sca.r.::ely he said to By his hospLhllty difffusLve benevoleuco wh1<h oes n appear o me t at I am gettmg tee has bcon pnate<l on the bottle wrappe11 Steadilyand flo" ed n.nd und1st1 tbed b t much of a descnpt1on of Bermuda m and faithfully earned out for many years'; foarked m the poor old firm i ' sa.i Mr a ou lb ave set the se3.l of success upon the expen all On the road to St George a we pass Dlltton with some hes1tat1on, " Ah !" ment It is childish to talk of the good from0the Large botltle!il (100 dose.s) $1.00, or six 1 heart a.long an extensive and well constrltcted bottle!ii f 01 $ '> 00 ~ "All that 1s mme," srud Mark, with his Nuttie paused Towards Mr D utton she government of kmgs or queens who reign To prarne ~J;~ f,'!0 ~~;:dbis Mrnt i;tone causeway connecting the two islands Women For Im (160 c 1llust1atcd T1eatise on D1ses.aes ot elbow on the table and hm clim on hisha!\d always h ad a stronger 11npulse of codidence but do not govern would be but too sons1blo a reproach pages co, ernd1 send tea It was b UIIt h y the g overnment some yearn eents in stumps Address "But I've got a hundred a year charged than towards any one else she ha.d ever --------ro thehv111g on poor old Ronnis&len's estate,"' ~~ a~id .An b met, but she felt that he nnght thmk it un aud to enumerate the many rnre \lr~nis "h1oh shone ago at a cost of about thirty thousand MIAl'ld' ~ Tempted Lond umted on the 00\ ernor pounds, and IS a very substantial work mr11 s 1spensary e ca! naple "AU the others gave theirs up when ecomrng to sa.y that she ha.d perceived a. on of this Little spot they married, and I wanted to do so, but ce1 ta.m dislike on her father s part towardg It 1s grea.tly to be feated that bettmg and wore to tell how mt>ny gre<>t talent3 Around the hai bor of St Georgl'! s are I 66S Iu:ab.t St., Dfill?ALO, N. y. 1 suppose a couple of score of ' my dear mother would not let me, she said Mark ever mnce the reJection of the agency gamblmg are i;ssunnng proportions more and and xcellent Endowments are I h ... J better try how ! got on first. Thmk an~ the marnage which.perhaps was reuard more 0 er10us Here we may appeal to tJie facts Whom the~~~;:~go~~~~:eol Eortune OLD CONDEMNED HULKS, 'l>f that, Ma.rk, a hundred a. yea1 1 Why a. IeJect1on of herself He had a h abit brought out by the pnvate rnqmres of a exposes that gn e the place the characte1 of a marine old Gunner or Thorpe would tlnuk them' of oepe·1dence on Mark, which resulted m newspaper comm1ss10n The B'l'/,tish Wei!.Zy In more elvatcd and conspicuous stations graveyard It seems strange they not selve5 ro!lmg ID nches 1f tliey only heaid personal hkmg, when m actual contact, but has been publishmg a series of artwles nuder 'fbere were others quite a.s queer One broken up or destroyed m some way Ha.m that they had a hundied a year t" m absence t h e distaste and offence always the head of " Tempter! London " lieve extnlhng the " lovely figure and the Ilton harboNs also smular ly adorned They " y on won't find 1t go far t ' revived, fostered, no dou ht, by Gregorio, we read that " 1t JS diifi cult to realize how " drcamm~ face ' and "fine eyes" of "one mterestmg old estabhshments to v1s1t " yes, I shall, for I shall you h ve and Ca.non Egremont s death had broken the wide a hold the ha.bit of bettmg has upon ot the bectJUt:ful wwes ' of another Governor \Ve clambered over a great ma.ny of them o n porridge, w th now and then "' sheep's link which had brought them together the young men of London , Begmn1Dg Then there are numerous tablets to as they lay bleachmg on the shore ID the head for a treat I Besides, t~ere will be However, for hie brothers sake, and for the with sweepstakee-111 almost every ware sun The old musty cabms often contamed somethmg to do It will be workmg up sake of the name, the head of the family house shop, and office-for the Derby or the NAVAT, !\ND MUlTAliY O·FWEiis, agam, you know But simously, Mr Dut might be willing to do somethmg It was Oxford and Cambridge boat race, it dm; elops many of whom died of yellow fever After the log books, which were worth lookmg ton, I ha\e some thmgs here of my dear one of Nutt1e s d1fliculties that she never mto an eager huntmg for "ti ps' from readmg these, herla.ctyshipmqu1redanx1ous over Some very qllamt old figure heads What stones they mother a that really belonq to Ronmsglen, coull calculate on the wa.v her father wollld "horsey' persons and" know1Dg' barma.ids, Iv how soon the next steamer sailed tor New adorned theu bows. and I was only keepmg till hll cotnes home take any matter Whether for better or and mto absorb1Dg study of sportmg newspa. York, or anywhere else, When she was m could tell 1f they had voice, of howlmg for worse, he always seemed to decide m pers, till m servant men and clerks and shop formed that no deaths from yellow fever had storms, seethmg, bo1lmg waters, boisterous, S hould not they be got out of the way i · " My dear, we are not come to that yet 1 diamctrica.l opposition to her expectation men 1t often culmmates m fraud, embezzle occurred wiohm fifty, she concluded hello wmg wmds, drownmg, stra.nge harbors m d1sta.nt lands, q uamt old com I hope it ma.y be averted I cried Mark And, as she w11s certamly less impetuous and ment, forgery, theft, disgrace, and final rum she would remam a little longer But Mt Dutton a.greed with the young more dut1fol, she parted with Mr. Dtittol,1 Gambling, too, with all its consequent evils, The old sexton shows with great pride the pamons, as they lay m porb aide by side m wife that 1t would be much better to send at her own door without any such hmt is greatly on the 1Dcrcase " There 18 scarce massive commumon ::;erv1ce presented to St early long before you and I were born. these thmgs away before their gomg could These three vears had been discipline a district m the metropollB m which gambling Peter 11 by Wilham HI It is worth a VlBlt excite susp1c1on There was only a tmy such as the tenderest, wisest hand could not clubs do not exist FromRa.mpstcad to Cam to St Geor!!'e s to see it alone This church silver saucepan, va.lued as a gift of" Qtieen" have g1ven h er, though 1t had been 1Dsensi berwell, from Bays water to Clerkenwell, m was founded early m 1600 and is consequent Cmde1s rn the £ye. Clementma to an ancestress ' p.lso a sliver tea. ble She had been obliged to attend to her s1deatreets and h mam throughfares, 1tlllnott.oo ly the oldest I u a conversa t ion some t 1me ago with a b f Fu.nuy, C h t h h d church d d f ontthe islands pot !\1ld some old pomt,a.nd sonienotvery val fatner and watch over her httle brother muc o say t at w erever you ma) be over a un re an or Y years e ore Chica. l18t ' t th Ch ' r ~v'ETE1UNARY SURGEON, uabla all well able to go ID to a and though neither task had seemed con' standing you five or ten da. settled tthis church on Th this little l i go ocud 'a wri fer m f e icago voiir 11 b3eweller), h M t lkare f not moreblthan h I was d t t 00 · ,ia; ece1ve some use u1 m ormatwn about ORONO. O .N 'I' · gettmg railroad cmders and other mdtes out sme. ox, w ich r, J)utton undertook to de gemal to her d1spos1t1on, the honest endea mthmu des "a d brom a gamh mg ouse In istatnh twaslmt ac itvhe oper en,t a idon )l>OS1t with Lo1d Ronmsglen s ba.nkers He vor to do them rightly had produced the ese ens, an y them, t <.'usa.nds of men a. a ear Y ime cRe is1 an s were qui e an of th b 10h lth h was struck with the scrupulous veracity affection boru of solicitude towHds her reduce themselves, aud, what 18 more those import ant portion of the earth's mhab1ted should ~Yj; w a oug tt ~not new, w1~u which Annaple decided betweeu what father, and the strong warm tenderness of dependent on them to various degrees of I surface Eor about thl\t d~te Sir George habit o( ~ra~~l~~g yt~;:rlh~~~~:r ~~f~n tth~ 0 h 11a oecome her own property and the heir the true mother sister towards little Alwyn wretchedness and misery' - ..d.1 chderu:on Somers, the Governor, aent corn ~o the the 6 el d d h 11 c l oom,, tho11gh what she claimed might pro Ursula. ,, L gre · f th l"arrar starvrng mhab1tants of wha.t is now known proinyt i tsh are rt ge fm sitcll way as to mon. was one o ose th te f V Ab t h oe e mo1110g o sma pa.1t1cles to natures to winch responsibility ls the bsst as e ::s,ta 0 irgrnia ou t e ward the mner corners of the e es where b a bly b e sacrificed to the creditors Ma.rk could hardly endure to see what t rammg If sh 1 d h d t0 d time a Spamsh ship appeared m the offing the d t h h1 d ·~ hy ' t bl J Th e ia a any one gua.r .Russia and Bulgana, and proceeded to soundmgs very much uc opens w ic ea 8 ID"" t e nose d th m ha eld he C"IBIS sc. orn Y rea " at I or restrain her, she might have gone to the t th t f h n' d This 1s the particular fa.ct on which his te ou broueht If the coming of sprmt is all that ha.a \'V o dewconsent erna.t1on ermu ians advrne is b ase d , ana w h ich alao s h owe the f h "h you to this h " he said utmost limits b efore sh e yielde d t o the t0 hoof tth e m h 6 0 "t;O 1ns wi e, w en t e1r v1s1tor & a at 1ength cu~b As it wa.s, she had to take caie of been waited for by Rnssrn, efoi e develop10g r as 8 eac e n pans es extreme folly of the method usuall ted ~re prepared to pay the lugheflt price bidden t hem irood mght herself to be·r d f b th h f th her Balkan pohcy its disclosure cannot be uompnsmg the islands that one man was re to "If b , , ~ an or ear w1 er a er d t f h ht f ex t ract cmd ers f rom th e eye YTh is pme { " we egm at that work,' said Auna.pie, to walk wanly with her household, and t~ far off l'e1haps o. first step m this develop qtiire a once rom e:i.c pi!.rIS 0 rem orce thod is to double np the :to1efin er and all ~mde of Gram deltvered at the it was I who brought you? I often be very gua.rded with the society mto which ment ma.y be tra.ce<l to the reported request the gai-rrnon When the additional help gouge 1Dto the aflhcted eye until it~s ;ed as t h ought sm<;e it was rather selfish not to she was thrown from time to tune It was no made of other powers to withdraw then ~,sked ±o~, arrived, a. gun wa.s fired, when the a beet and suffused with tears Some horri Wharf or their Stoie Houae m town have uonsented to your helpmg poor Ursula sudden change, but one brought about by diplomatic repres('lnta.tives from Bulgaria. bta7, wir fl~azmg alacrity ble contortions of the countenance are thrown - -- ------ -- - - --- - with her heavy hand fut of a. father I ] t experience An outbreak of impatience or because the prmc1pahty has refused to reply set sa.i an precipitate Y e m, ns if to assist wa~ e.11 money grubbmg and gra.bbrng, and temper towards her father was Rure to be to Turkeys note decla.rmg that Prince The population of the ISiands 18 now a.bout Now, the onl effect that such a course 2iu;r 6.000.000 Ef:.Qf!.E usi::; if we had thought more <>f our neighbour followed by his gallrng sneer or by some l'erdmand s assumption of power is 1llcg11.I fifteeln thousand, three fourths bimg colored can is to glind the omder into the cor than ourselves we might have been luxur mort1fica.tion to her desires, a~y act of mis Ilut Russia has several times before peop e It is somewhat smgu a.r that the rngat1ons of the eyelid, and kee 1t there for latmg at the Home Farm, or even if your management towards the servants hrou ht requests en this subiect which the other popula.twn does not mcrease fa.ater, consider a week until th., mfi~mmati;n subsides U.M FERRY&CO. """ ndm tted to be tho uncle had quarrelled with you, he would its own pumshment, and 1f she was tem~t powers found themselves unable to grant mg the fact that iuxteen is by no means an '.Che proper way to do ia to catch np thee e' e..artf:ef)~i~'b~rs.·en not have devoured your substance I ha\e ed by girhsh sp1nts to rela.x the quiet stiff In one recent mstance she wished England uncommon number for a family, and I hd by the skm and pull it a.way from lhe D M FERRY&CO S thou!!ht so often, ever smce I began to see courtesy which she observed toward~ her to 3om m declaring that Pnnce Ferdmand actual!) saw and conversed with a colored eyeball gently 'and repeatedly Thiw t Ilh stmted Deti"r p th~~ commg " fathers guests, there followed Jests 01 semi must "go," but England ve1y 3udic1ou.aly man who was the fa.thei of only mstantly rehevee the pam but p~~ il'r0 wllJlcod h My dear oh1ld, you,,dun't meo.n that you patronae-e, or a t·ne of conversation tha.t declined to do so until the powers should r:amrY EIGHT ClilLDm1', motes the sh1ftmg <>f the cmder i~ the right SEED a~eMeen this commg I offended her, and her repent it Hap first agree who wa,s to come in Ferdmand's twenty one by hm first wife and seventeen direction In almost every case thJS will be h Y pro~het1c soul I Whv, Mark, you pily, Mr Egremont did not wish her to be place Illegality JS bad enough, but by his second wife The woman was still m found a speedy and pamless remedy F"orlBBB ave as goo as mferred it over and over otherwISe One day, when stie had beel anarchy may be worse Bulgaria., on her the en 0 ment of ood hea.lth und had on! mllbemniled aga:!1h ve felt i1ke ,scratch1Dg that Bade betrnyed mto rattlmg and gigglmg, he spoke part, has now found, quest10ns to ask, one a few ~fys beforegprcsented her lord with~ F"R EE TO ALI. 111 phcn.nts and nou"' w enever me, him m the street I to her afterwards with a cuttmg uonywh1ch of them bemg why Tuikey 18 puttmg tioops I fine irl bab Still the arc all vcr ha Not if We Know Ourselves. t fast senso 1 'a must mdulge myself by calling him so for buterly angered her at the moment and m the town of Mustapha Pasha Tlus that~sthein~a.bit·nts a~d take life vye ppl y, N ew Yo1k Formn Ca.nada belongs geo · ustomers witb u 1ti 01denog 1t once m strict ~ ' Onecoloredmim,wh<'.I ry ei graph1ua.lly, to the Umted States, and ' will w h ICh sh e never f orgot E ach1rl.some 'duty, er IS d irecti Yon t h e b ord er of E "You havepllvacy ' <ast em surelyandconteutedly Inv 1tuabletoell onl thou gl1essed it all the time, whil~ privation, each d1sa.ppomtment, eai h Ronmelia, and the presence of Turkish wa.s iowmg us about the harbor one da Im time grav1Late to the Umon \Ve do not Evo1y DEr.eon u.smg 1 ":&ot to ght low unconscious you were. recurrence of the sweepmg sense of desolo troops there seems to pomt to more activuy was maulgmg ID a quiet chuckle to lums{if need her, we do not want her, and there Carden >-.e do Flower 1old Bsaydstup1d, constdermg all you lat1on and loneliness had had one effect-it m the B!!.lkan problem with the openmg of when I said "you seem veiy happy t da. 1 , arc many, very many tea.sons agarnst the EEDS '1t.11dA~~r:;~: th me f es\ ea, what would have been had sent her to her knees She had no one sprmg "Yes boa; I 18 and why shouldn ~ I ~il 1 1 adn11ss10n 1Dto thQ Amencan Un10n of D. M . F IE !iH! '11' &co.. Windsor.Ont. 1 bef~~: g ~nd 1;11°],nmg and bemg else to go to She turned to he1 Father m I has' my boat for and I ca.n make foreign States on an eq llahty with the States could lap h ed imc or t my pa.rt, heaven Sometnnes, rndeed, it was m mur A Wise Busmess Rule enough ebbery da.y to keep me com'fable that h.ave grown upon a nd been educated Qf Goo~en ~) h au ds ~vennow a i.>ettmg l l murmg aud compla111t a.t her lot, but std! 1t Visitor (to convJCt) - What you m for, and I don t want aothm ' Rie wardrobe under our system But terr1tona.l contigu C ome Ma 0k g; an 't 1 bJaunt~,°us au 1 was to Him and Him w lone, a.nd repentance .ny triend' consisted of a ragO'ed o'd of trousers an ity and identity of commercial mte1ests will you'll see ~ i won e so a a ter all, sooner or fo.ter to aid her, while re Conuct-Bmglary apology foi a. shirt, and a n old plug hat that J ID tune lead to political identity We do Has received her new stock of "Nothw b , b d, h freshments 8prang up around he1 -little Visitor-Rob a bimk? h<>d collapsed like an old pair of worn out t not need to buy the Mantune Provmces 1 as GOODS~ what y cu a~e~~y Na:~. a W 116 you are successes, small a~hievements, plea.sant Convwt-Excuse me, str, but I have al bellows, till stopped by his cramum He 1Mr Atk1s~n suggests, to settle the fishe 11es " Ih t ht Wh hours, tolrnnsthat her father was µleased ways made it apomt never to d iscuss my was as rwh or richer than Gould or Vander d ispute The great magnet of the Umted 1 other a:d8 th~g Bill b 11e WJ° 1 .iave each or satisfied, and above all, the growmg private busmess a.ffairs with stra11gers bilt, as he wanted nothmg, ...nd they seem States will eventually not only attract them, &nd invites the Ladies of Bow much T1!ete to want the earth [he d arkcy certamly 1 b tit all the rest of the Butish Amenct\1 and manvme and vicinity to call Y 0~ uot ung ma.tters ch,arms of httle Alwyn and that good II P1ent{ °fi do~~ in us both lhe specml~nevance, Gregorio's mfitienco Bioken Slumbers was not guilty of the sm of co\ etousness put an end to <tlsputes through a fusion of and see her Patte1 n he doesn't tlantw1 1 l or us or, if had ~carcely dwelt on h er at first <>S it had As an mstanoe of how leis 1rel:Y life is lived mterests stockmgs ~~eselY~h:ui'~o;:d vthe ~mt done on her mother 'Ihe ma.n had been Dumley-You don t look as if you had en by the Bermudians a New Yo1k gentleman - - --... - - - How JOll:g tli t would be Imaome Jun r[ 'Very cautious for some tim~, knowmg that Joyed a very good night s reat, Brown went mto one of the largest booi; and shoe Instead of we1ghmg m pounds and ouncf s BONNETS~ aue 8 his contmuance m his situation was in the J3rowu-I d1dn t A crncker kept me s tores rn the town of 'on, and asked a newly rnventen scale mdicates the value of foce Therf' that's n ht 1 as h~r and assortment ot e voked a smiie,.;!'~h;n1J 'fie asban:i!1d~~c~~ ut~~stfieoha.rdy, ;n: Mr Egrelilont had, a.wake most of ~he night to see some shoes '.I he proprietor, who was l articles weighed For exa.mple, 1f a man buys unhappy abo~itM ~~ 'r d Ill e res ness o is grief for his wife, Dumley-l shouldn t thlDk eBtmg a crack s1ttmg tilted back m a chair aga.mst the f butter at 40 cents a pound nn mdicator 18 0 saved and ,vnr,n thci~ i:Ua-9l\e;s~g ~~m;~: bstam~ ~01:: ~el~psmg a_nt the habits er would mterfere seriously w1tl>.) our sleep wall, looked down at ihe mans shoes, and 1 ·placed at 30 Tlus so ad Justs the scale that pooi,' she a dded Ill a lower voice ten~ ;om w i:h a wedned 1m. 'Vhen, Brown-Oh, I didn't eat the cracker. The E atd, "You h ave a better pair of shoes on! tile lower md1cat or shows the value of any k1ssmg her husband's weary brow' er1Y owdevter, e Ganon wash ea · andfhis son at baby ate it m bed. your feet than I have m my atore I weight of butter at that price that is put on !!T6RE :-1\\econd Do Gr West or WHlfam · a is a.nee, regor10 cgan to eel more 1 the scales. lntcher Stall CAAPTER XXVII TlIE llOY Ol EGREMONT "And the I oy that \\ulked beside me, He could not understand · NUTTIE'S FATHER 1n I I I I 0 D' Mdi Association, I JOHN SPENCER, b d GRAIN ' · Jno. McMurtry & Co. I rs5EED.S ANNUAL l 1 I di:i:::t tf J 1l~IS McTAVISH ll a:: HAl'S f Ce fRl MMINGS Children Cr~ for Pitcher's - Castoria~ ........ _,

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