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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1888, p. 8

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E NFIELD. ..............,. . . . . . .-.~..·~-.... ~..........-..-............-...- : ........-...--- ONTARIO TOTlI E FRONT ! A MATTER ·O!I" V I T.<I .. l MI'O.R TANC'E. BowMANVILLE, A 1>RI L -..--------=--~ . N EJVO.A.81.'LE . . -------- 25, 1887. . 'l'he NewcRstle Sons of Ji~nizl a.nd nre ~tlin g up I\ grRnd concer t, for Ma'i' 2 n d m Foth,·rgill's Hall th ·t is exp<>ct<'d to emrn.l anyth in~ ever " iven in t he n l'\ce ' ' ,. ,., · T he b«st t'.llent from Cohourg, P or,t H "pe, Bowmai·v1 !le, Orono a nd Newc»stle has -boen eng-a);(ed. See b_ ills and progra m. I I I Seeding a.nd plougMng a.Te under h ea. dwa.y · ~1'·i F'B Mary .A.ehton 11as been v is itinK friends in Ha.111p ton. · flnr ln·chlne shop has some new 1uach inery on exhibitio11. There ;a enmc r.a Jk of our anniversary oom· ming off on t h e 21th· or May· Mrs. John Dy_ er hllB been v isiting in Ragla n. . How goes keepm11: b·.tch, Jobnl . . Mr. J . Hurl but, our pr>pular bln.cksm 1ib, 1s ver y bu& )' t l;leeo d ayR, ma.kh1g ha.nows . Mr Dou~lase.. north ot her e, lost t hree cattle n nd one eheepbv the Gtra.w stack railing on ______ __ · -·- _ _ 1 thmn. The follo wing u unolicited npinions from your friend 9 a111l ueil:(hbore, m en and women, wll~m y ou k now an d re· spect, ough t to c1 i.rry conviction to any dou bting m ind. These words of grati- OOURTJflE.- HAMPTON. MlijB 8R.n1lers on hn.s ~one to "\Vhitby to 11.t tettd Pa.rmers are busy seeding, the Young L 1 1dioe' C<>llege there. Mr. !RB.BC Clarke haft been on the sick list for Onr p·>p 'l lnr oon t.raotor, )\(r. H . s .. 1t.o· ', has 0. few du.ya .. bee n movinS< some barns for Mr Geo. Pearce. Rev. R. B. J{e· fer preeclled an C!XCellent Consldm··.1 ble scm'lin~ has b·~n dom1 in th!a sermon h ero on '"'nnda.y mo1 »i·,ll. I oclllit.y 1t11rl the fa.rmers are busily engaged in Miss Cynthia E C ryderman, of Bowmanvil!e, pntting- in t-he ·est. wa· visiting f rl~mls here ·his week. 1 While hl'win"' some timhor a few d>ivn Sl\'O Mr. R J. Nfdrlery returned rrom 'l'oronto an nxc in thA lu.inrl·· o r Mr. "V. R. Cuu rtice w~" k ... nd is enjo.i-ing h imHel r among glt·t1ced from tlrn timber· a.t1d made a gash in frie nds in 1l1h vicinity. Lis !ell. . _ We would cnn!<:r&t11la te the lender or the On f'undn y Dl.f!hl la.~: Hllv, .R, Sanrler·on choi r Oil rh~ go .. d singing on Sunday. "Vas it preRclie.d" ""~:<' 1nt..,restmwt ~ermon Oil amuse_- the ~yrup tbatnade he i mpr ovemen~? Next! ~1 f'.J1 ts 1 ~ whrnlt ll~ nnsp'!'rin~ly coorl~nine~~ H.=-v. 8. Salton proachc·d a. t,elliug eA rn1ora on MethndtHt rli.cnci"g and Me J,lr>dl"t C>Lrds 'l'empe1 ·1u1c.-. on Sunday e vonin!? ·iving- 8·ome e a w e ll 1>s ntue r amuAements wh1rh h 1i.vA b<'on · 1 d . · "u . 0 d 1 1 looked up11n harmlea.s. "It isbofl!.'d. t.he Uov. ~ub " ecra.c tea " VISe on t e a. -important gc>11tleman w ill c ntrnuo t.he sul-·J~ct And ~ ' ®nine some anrnsAmenta which could witl1 Pro ~. H. J:I'. Mnrga,i1 and bis little daughter propr1ot.y be indulged in· 'L'RIM. "~·~iry" gave i~n exhiilition of their musical abth y on Hunday morning, which dehghte<l. the s udience . .ll-1 APLE GROVE. Mr. Wm Gilbert has been engaged to man· :Miss Addie Cole is v1siting friend.a in Hamp· ufacturo <:h· cs at Hampt..·n ngnm thia seA.son. wn. H~ will be busy for 11 fow d1~~· s i;... nvaasing Mias Mstry Je!fe~r is attending Oshawa 'lmong t l:e far111ers. 'J'he outlook sooma good :r .a 'es' U·>. for u p,roHper ous seuson, Mi!i Nellie Pa·coe, o~ lfampton, bas b oen L!\diee, pray don't ge t in a ti utter, listtini.? fr i onifs tv·re. .A nd WA.·te ~our Rt.reng1h ir1 ma king butter, HuL have your milk made into ch·ese. :l\tr. Ge ,·1g;, Co11tes. of Toronto, spent a fow .!'·or Gi.lbert never foil.; to please. & y· at. home lust week . Sr.ow B<n·. Tho hoy· from netrth seem to have quite an Rttr~ction dowu sontb. "\Vhoa, lla.ruey. CARTWBIGHT. We heal' that Mr. J ohn Snowden fa ab<lut l!llC>Ving into his new home. Get tb·e W ife fir8t, .l«~rmer a ha~e s tarted seedin g. John. Mr. \V. C. Ferguson has been very ill with :Mrs··T. Y. C<ilo. of Hampton .and Mis~ Hnl!'o, the me&·les. Qt Port. Pnry. have been visltln'l a. t l\tr. ThoB. Who did It J That mea.n trick to one oi tho li\!!owden's. Tt·ere have beon sovArnl changes arounil blndera 01.1 Fair day, Some mean 1mm. 'l'hishae been a good eeason for sugar m&k· ~re this ~pring: Mrs. \Vm Coate has move>cl 1 mader.good quantity · .t~ town. Mr. C. Cox h o.a ""wed 11n Mr. Gl'o. ing. Senne farmere 1 :0r·eson's farm. Mt'. .J. Spry ie coming into tho why is it thllt young men from a distnnce ~ou·e vacated by Mr. l:!. .Dobson an :\lira. will oome in a.nd tako a\V"'Y" our choice young 1s inoved on the farm ladies l l!Joates, Mr . .r. Corey lt> "O'll ca.tecl by Mr. Wm. \Vorden. 1\'lr. and Mra. O. H . I·'&llia lefi; on Monday evening. 161.h lnst., fo>1 theil- homo in Dakota., folio ·ved by the best wish es of their many I j tude are from those who h·i V0 been a f. flicted b ut are now .veil, a nd the per· s,o ns giving thtl m a.r e naturally solici· . tit1us that oth~ril,troubled a s were t htiy, may kuoN tlrn m eans of c u re . T here is no reason why you should b~ longer ill from kidney, live1 · or s tomach t.r<1ubles. You can be c u red as well as others. Do not lon!{er delay treatm.,nt, but to day obtain that which will re·t ore yon to permanent health aud strength; 2<JCi McNab St. North, H AMILTOY, Can., .Nov. 2 1886. - I had be.,u sufftir· ing for o ver twelJt.y years from a pain in the back and on e sirle of the head, and indigestion. I could el!J scarcely anything, and evur' t h ing I ate d isa.!{reed wiLh me. I was attended by phy sicians who exanu ned m e and stated that I had enlari:;emeut of t he liver,aud that it wae impossible to cu re me. 'Ibey 1;bo stated t.hat l was sutferini; fro m heart se, iuf!mun ,1tiun of the bladder, kidnoy :iiooastl, brnnchiti~ and catarrh, and that it was impossible for me to live. They atlendtd tn l:l three w tieks without m a kin g any improve m en t in my condition. [ commenci:d taking "Warner 's 8afe Cure " and War· ne1 ·'s Safa Pills," acting strictly up to directions as tc d iet, aud tonk thirty· aix botdes. and have had the be~t of health ever since My regular weight u sed to b1' 180 lhs. W lrn n I commenced Warner 's l::lafe C ure" I on ly weighed 140 lb~. I now weigh 210 lbs. _ 0 j~~e~e~nrth'\' "Full Wan'SJl..-. n, T hA Cmnmorcial hotel has ch11.nrted ha.ndij. The class taught by Mr. John S taintou in Mr. Bell, of. Linc1·o.y. httll b ought .Mr. Bryans' ibc .:.lfot hodtst Sabbath echool, met at hll!I lease 11.nel t.ook possession Oil Monday. Mr. rel.!i!lenc«. on S!lturdt<y evening last, and pre- Bry1>ns hll.S l'e moved to bi d farm west of here. ·lC:Cttitl him w it.h a handsome gold 0011cil al.Id Dnnklng has b<lOn indulged in pret1.y freely ·'Ill a ddress ex pte·sive of their g ood will and late, "o.d we thi nk iC the Inso~ctor ,.,.ould :'>:lndly feeling- towa,.ds him a a a d evoted :And ot oease t h rowiug nrnd in Bowmanvill<' and turn -~l.llci ent t.1>ach··r, Tl1c yonn g people e 11 joyed a. his .. ttfJnrion b1 wk this way, the c lt.lzens of ~1·y plea.eant evening witb Mrs. and Mr. Blaukatock would be able to rest a little better. li!minton una family. . 011r spring fair took place o n .F'riday .~Otb CJncanoid persons a lwnya tire up when their was not Vf'l' Y large. The ttirscity ia quest ioned, Our vener&ble fl'iend , inst.· . 'rho atienilance was no&verv large. 'rhe show of ijic S-1m correspon<l.ent, is no exception. H e attcmda.t"'e hor·oa and oattl<J wa" \' ery good-- the bes· 've '4,ill pos.. s in the r ole of a lover of l ruth and ltave had for several Y""rs. T h e names or t.he rlgbt. He may b e ao, but if he e xmnplitt~.d it prinoi val exhibitars. appear in the vr>zll list. si-ra.,t.icallY. i n his corresp 11do11ce i t wonld Ther e w11a quite a ltnge exhibition of ma<ihm"1ei'talnly look b·.'tter ~·ar bo it from us to ary no leas th«n ·oven hiudera of d ilferont ·~Jsil to do h irn an i 11jury. as h e thinks we aro mauura.ctur··ra shown. There was 11.lRO 11orne~si1·oue of doing, or to chat·R'e him wrongfully th ing n ews spting whee lbarr ow whicb we "fl all are liable to be m istaken in judginent. think nn lm11rovement on tho old style· 4-9 t o 111.Jae sta·emen1 s in his corro~ponrlence PLO'W BoY . A :p. tile S·u n or t he 29th ult ., he sa ys : Jgt, That ~~ S'l'ATl!:SM.lN oorre-pondenl was annoyed : H.t1YDON. ~lft<l, '!'bat we did not like t he Rev. E . D&r aas' ~Irmo" : Qrd, 'l'bs.t w0 wanted a diecns"ion ; !lilly got left at the r a.ftle. ,~Ji. 'l'hat a.JI this, with all P· eviously writton, I<'armers are busy seeding here. '\'SS the tru· b: 5th, That it w as not on ly a ll true but ha could p ove it. AH the fir·t three Our< 1 h& s tbe ranch stocked al P.ti.tements llrc entirely fill ·e the t w o must rcudy. ~ccas1>ril t be so. H o still goes on in h is Mr. John Hockin bas rented l\lr. D. Boll's <:;U1Jtomary style of mhreprl'\aentstion. a.nd by farm. ciuoting t he text of Hev. A . Mac iaren 'e Bermon. Mr. W . H . CreejJer has purchased 11. styll sh q:ies io lCNYe the i u1pressiou t.h«t s&id sermon driver. ·1ta. on the hirth 1<nd not the r esurrection o f Did'n t the boy~ "it tlie-re at prosperous John's oJ our Saviour. When the public are info·m ed t'1a,t tltis .s ermon was preached nn Ea.s er Snn- raising 1 ·>y, they Ca · eo.>ily see wha t would likely b11 Mr. John l\icLnughlin i a putting an addiU1m die them e for ·hat d ay. S llr ely the ooutin ued to his barn. c:Pld weather did not lead our vene r ablti friend Mr l"o~t er Dell has r ecovered from an attl\Ok ·~ !rnasd ue h we.a CIJristmas. of 11:.tlamma.ti·;n. H.. H utch ison ia sellin~ off at and be- Mre. 8. Siemon hna h:Mi a r elapse and is very low co1<t. Ladies' Hats, J loves, Par..sols ill at time ut writing. M r . ·\v, Trewin's son, who fell and broke his ;uid hosiery b elow cost. Dress good sat collar bone. is r ecovering. ~st SJnd ull other goods cheap. I am Get your flohing tac kle ready, 'l'homas, for p06i~iv ely g· fog out of business. Corne the soa.iion for ·uoker· ..nd pike is oomin1e. ,.~ . gilt 1M·~~i?.1!- CaYh paid for egg11. Mr. Jumes flerrv. or Long S tiult, ha.e mo· rnd into a house b elonging to Mr. Joh n Hookin. 1lP'fQt.!H'l9~~ Mr · W . Cowling, MMter Albert. Aunger and!"r J·1h !ln\Q tJookln iHIV\I ~!~o 1 111\ln QU SVJ./J;NA. 1be ~lcli J1st. b~~ i'\!~llVl'l'ill!r· Seeriln g ia not voey fat a.d\'"n.hcedarciundLor~ Mrs W. J. H"Jcra.f Lhas been !lpenciillg n few y-et. da)·s with fr ienda at Myrtle. and Mrs. W. ll. MiEa Se.rah Ann Qlrord, or Toronto, h!l.~ been Cre ~per with friends at Newcastle. visiting here. 1>fr. W . .Annger, \lroprietor of JO:ve,...,rreen ::\Ir. ]), MQ!ltgomerr ill f l)covering from f& Y i1111, LJ:ttenrls s~arting busineea on tile l st of t!il"Miill!I illnooll!, May with Mr. Geo Brown f18 f~remall, . !· ·1 k , · ill · h I We wond e1 when the sub.e ditor or the Sim, :Mn~ ttlr IC! .ll ·- & er ·B qu1t-e wit conge~· 1 twho r. aidefl in Hllydon>. ia gomg t<> give the dab of the Inn Ke. owner 01 rat-ta·! another racket. Billy hll8 l'tir. Wm. Bak.e1· intende building & hou'~ on purohaeed" mhtQ for ro.t ta.ii. his farm, east or Solina. . " · Mr. s. Wi.ldoak, leaeee of Ha:rdon l\tm. ~r. A. i;iogarth, took thll'll pr1Y .o on 1. oung i~tendn q11it.t.111g b1rniness on the ht of Ma.y. Prlllcepa' at '\-Vh1tb:y !air . S moe he has been with us h e bll!I many QuarfAr!y m eeting will l)e h eld at Mt.Vernon frl011ds. W e w isll him s ueaess. "Jll iho first Sunday in !tfay, OSHAWA. '.l'he Eldad S S. do not intend i.oici.!ng their = uiveraiµ-:y this ye!lr. IV.h.llt & pity! · (J'i"l'cn.'t th.e 0.1 tarfo R eform-tf'. ) Mr. P. H. Frayn bdA moved n is ef!'ec ts t o o. Ji". Farewoll. or tlault Ste. Mlirie. Is spend· :0:1ookl111 , con st:qmin~ly the eas; ond ·hop -is a f e w day~ here v.itb friends, <l§"Oherl . Mr - L. Prudhom, formerlv of Oeha.wa, d.led Me~srs. V ice Bros have tiommenced work ~in, As usu~! they have a very large at W oon sook et, l~ I .. on tbe l(li;h, Mr. J . w. Provlln, Oshll\Va, shipped a car r!C"1l.~on'a work. Dr. J,o.mmimau has returned f rom Toronto lolld of hay forks. la.s t week . t o t he - est. On Sabba th e-renin1~ last, wllile !;Jrs. F . Gil· 1'Jld ls pra<1 tislni.: lor Dr. 15'ish , at. Blac)CSLock, bert w a s going to c hurch, she caught her foot ~rahwdQ· · Several trom here attended the funeral of in 11. ! 0000 plank and tell. breaking tht1 bones tile loltB W . W. 8ta.nlick, Oe.hawa, formerly o! of b or foot. '!.'ho Ladies of Simooe S t . Methodist Churoh \'!)is v11Jago, on S unday. · 'Jhe Falvation A rmy intend holdi ng a grand will hold a. ita.zaar on, Thursclay, Friday and tjl.l.lleluj a.ll jubilee , at the Sona' bull, un \VodnelJ· 8aturoay . M"'"Y valut<t>le H.nd u seful a rticles w ill be olfer ea !or sale. dJ>.Y evening, .M11y 2nd. 'Thr~e la d s lousenod the r ope which h eld the Thi~ being an exceptional good season for r.iJ.Uking maple 8Ug a.r, some o! ~he boy s ha ve eleotrio lamp on lli ntcoo l::lt . N .. rih, the lamp fell 1o tho gronntl 11.nd was b11dly broken. Th<>f been taking :id vuntuge or tho sugar buahe 11 a t wm pay fsr tho clarn~oo cone, whicb will bea nlabt aud h elp ing tbemaelvos. leooo11 tor thom. M r . \ Valter Vice's wood bOO, on the l:lLb :Mr. Walt· r, oupenter, died of ini:nat .. w as ,. very successrnl atr~tr, indeed. A tl!t.mmation of tb.a l u ngs, on Frlday, &fttir a ~tY p lt a s ant t ime was apent i n the evenin i;c very lllness. Ho was of sober habits, and · i i $rnmes. c hit-Chlit, etc.. ~he bost himself en- his mbmif .. n ~ friend; in Os hawa, \t' hitby, u.nd el6e · li!n "u; i a ~ the crowd with his usual w it a nd where will re( ret h is doath. b'lrnior. 'rhere are now ~7 men, 11 bo1s . an<l altotH lO .TACK . g ir la, om ployed in H UatilnotFactur~. Tl10 g1rl8 arB e mployed in caning oha.lre. 'lhe bY· TYlWN.M. 1... w r equires Ml'. H ea ps to employ :ia . hands, }louw cleaning is the order of the d ay· !or an i>ver age of nine montlla In ·ht: tlrst 1ear Home Circle 'Deet s on Fricll.t.y nig ht 11,,xt . so t h u t the contract is bein1-1 more tha a fulfilloo. 'l'he farme.r e are hllBY seeding in this localit y. P arties int.eree1ed in t he no w· Industry to be ata.::-ted h er e, with their 10roh!Lect, registered :i'tlr. Sam. Bina:ham's f&ctory dam wa.e under- &L the Queen 's on W e dlll,sday. Their visit to 1~QJ1>K re11..irs laet week. Oeh..w,. was ml> to conclude plans for &lterMr. J . Robin8on . Bowmanville, wt-.ea gs.est illg 11.nd e n largi ng the Joseph li!l.ll Works ;i;t :a>Ir. Geo. "Velch 's lll8t w eek . vroporty, whic h , it Is d eal1?11ed , when o&lried M r. :h:d. Moee6 and w i fe, or Bowma.nville, ont, will mtlke it tlle largest aBd m"8t 01tmtmv11 been spending a low days here, plote factory i n Cane.d&. J . H . Hiclrn h 11.· an he~ ·a e~ whieb mea.suree N earlv a ll the tiotel-keepers i n south Ontario ...~ h1wo been fi ned on Lh e 20th for v iolstinc the f:I by ()inches a nd weig b.e :\ O?~ B~at thc..t w ho ::lcutt Act. John F e r11ueon, license inspector. o!fUl. Sticurnd convictions an !ollowa : J . W. R &y, lia.ster Wm. G11.rdine1· has returned from Osh .. wa , $00 ; Pat 01 e ighton, 08hawa. ·oo ; .I. ' l'laui m oro for thea11mmer. W'ill repor.te bnsi - .M ·· tJrooka, Oaha.wa, ~; Mlohael Fuie~an. ·J.ella quiet. Oshawa, $60, James BlMJk, Whitby. $;)(); John· Mr. F. ~·\,Weeks h as sta>·ted to use the l>rusb. Lualie: ~ .t..itby, $00. K ~··mstrong, Wh1tb)·, · iWIWl .· . We hope to ~e mo.ny h ou sef! look l$~0 ; (,. E -~ay, Vi· p.ttby . $fl0; JO!Sepl! A . Ba.udlei:R>L £er as a result, $100; W. Ji oy. Wh1tb;r, $100. ,. :\lr. u. R. H . Kenner le~ last week, for . ·····- -- - · - - - -- _ i farc u s, to ~ke a Bitt1at.ion in the hl.ti:b school 1 E R u"rES 1888 i .[\erc a s a ssistant. HORS 0 , . Mr. E . Bingh am, la.te or the On t. Vet . Colle Jl'e, ; -l(ltt !or A mhe rstberv., on MMdll.Y , toa 5sf.8~Dr. I .. l-Ouc& 111 tllie season'l!I work . HIGIILA;";D BoY, J&.- Wilham Oa.kes, 1'he m eetings nt t.110 B~rracks ttiie week w ill Propriewr, lot 33, con. 1, Clarke, will b<i conduct·d by tl~e fe m,.le ~old iora. On Satur- h ave "tauds t his season : Monday noon · <UY Clipt . Harpel' 1s el<pected l;ael<. H B ill . h . ' ·~e ·c h t bl nek amt"th' .. " -·· d R uebottom o uee, h owmanv E e , .t kence Mr . Geo. -y u :;t8 lJil'rCu."'13'0 11 i:to stock o r t.he Long ::la.ult blacks mith a.t a i;1) Hampton for .t wo · urs ; nm· 1 till &l))od figure. R u.shing buBine38. George. all mght. Tuesday, A. McOull11ugh 's, En· I n the a.befl1se of our s . .A. oftice1e Private fie ld, noon ; Rag lan all nig ht Wednes· lfo !Jre. led the. niarch on ni;:ht. day, Manc liest er, noon; Danc~st;ir'M Port 'i."be a1n"'"" was p1tcl1ed into a rnthllr h1gh key p en:y, . m ·g lIt. . ·rhurs d ay, ·. i'r'l r· B row a · ·8 , bout X sha1·p. Sic k . n ess in var'ona forms prov~i,le in _this c·:n . 4 Oar:. wrigh t, n oon ; Bla?ks tl)ck, all Jllaco. Mrs. F . A. Wee~s. Mrs. T. 1. J·rd100, nig ht . F nda.y, .Jas. M o Ke., s , eon 4, 1rJ'.xe. J os. Mo01e and J,illv S nndcrn b i ug _ t.h o . noo n . Wi lliam son's Ba;lly duff t W< l h 1urs · .sn:tforors. Masi er Fred.Penro1111cl i~iruprGvmg. ' ' , · ' . · · ' .... jlreat dJSCU8Sion will t· ke plooe at tbe Cuulter ~· Poutyp-001, night. s;turday, :Oiv i6ion, ou Me.) 17th, ?n . tho Sc:utt .Act i:s. Ben ·i ett s Or .n o, n o1 Jn ; ~ ~nno1tt_ s, No;1wJ,Jcensc S}stem. T!J.fl ~ncus <i on J.8 open for oas tle two h .·ure · ow11 stable till Jl..Ton · \~111bera ef oth~r d1vls1on· to CC)!l.1e «nd tiik0 d ' . ' ' ilii,n.. S pe.lliug ma.tell to·rollrI'aw night. ay n101 mng. E NNISKILL.MN. fri1;nd9. ·. z M J--..1 S:r. CATllAIUNES, Ont., Jan. 24th, 1887. - Abou t six y ears ago 1 waN a great suffe rer frnm _ ·kiduey diseaso, and waa in misery a ll t he whi le. I hardly hs d st rength enoull'h to walk ·straig ht and was as ha med to go on t he s treet. The pains across my back were a lmost 1rnbearable, t\nd I was unable to find relief, even tempor~ry. I began the use of ' ' Warner's S:Afo Cure," and inside of one week I foun d r elief, and taking eight bottled, 1 was completely cu red . MAYNA RD, ...:l 0 'I:H E JEWE Ll.iER , Has been appointed sole agent for the celebrated Ro cKrorm W.A.TORES, 19 "\ they are the best American Watcb \,,,,/ manufactured a.nd are guaranteed ~ from the fact ory as be~ng £int-class, Call and examine them. . Manager for American Express C o. ToRONTo , (18 Division Street,) Sept. 17, 1887. - Three years ago last At:gust my daug h ter was taken ill with Rng ht's diee1&11e of t he k idnt1yi!. . 'f he best medical skill iu the city waa tasked to the utmost, but to no purpose. Sh.e was r acked with conv ulsions for forty eight h o ur!. Our doctor did his best, and wont away saymg the case wi<s hopeless. After sh(') came out of the convulsiune, ~he was vor y weak and all her hair fell out T he doctur had left us a month wh en I concluded to try Warn· er,s Safe Cure," and l\fter having t aken six b1>ttle s, along with several bottles \ 1f Warl!m; ~ ~~f(l Pills," I 6·,w a decidl;ld -ehail~e for tho better in h er condition . After taking twenty.five there 1 T a8 a complete core, J\ly daughter has now a apleudid head of hair and weighs more than she ever did before. I J We. have also th e finest titock of all kinds of Watches, Gold and S ii ver, in the town of Bowmanville. In ,rewellry, we have a.n ·endless variety-Clocks of all kinds very cheap. In Silverware we have the elusive right t o sell for the largest firm int.he U. S. The qua lity and prices are t he best a:ud lowest in this part of country, We a sk you to call and examine our goods before buying. QVITTl:N a ·The D7y Goods :Business l ABSO LUTE LY Specg and Eye GlaB..'lefl, Casee, &c., we carry the leading stock, and guarantee every pair for 6 m1nths, if well used. It they 1-freak we will repair them freo of charge. Call and get fitted properly. J OHN ·McBURT Bf Requires more room for his Grocery, Flour and .Feed and Grniu trade,, and has determined to Ouu R EPAIRING D E1>.r nnrnNT.--We Ont .. March 6. 1888.-In 188'1 1 "'as c o mpletely r lln do wn. I sa!fared must severe pains m m y b ok aud k idneys, so eevere that at tim011 I would almo~t be prostrated. A l uss of a mbition, a great desire to urinate without t he _ a bility _ of so doing , coming from me as it werrHn drops. Tnti· urlue wafl of a peculiar color a nd contained conuid er able foreign matter. [ became ea.tistied that 1by k idneys were in a con. gested state and that I was running down rapidly. Fin11lly I concluded to try "Warner's Safe Cure," and i n forty eigh t hours after I -h l\d taken the re· medy [ voided urine that was as black as ink:, containing <1mmtities of muc~s, pns and g ravel. I continued , an~ it wae n c;t many hours before· my urme waa of a nature.I straw color although 1t contained considerable sedi'. 1~ ent. The pains in my kidneys aubs tded as I continued the use of the re· medy,and it was but a short time before I was completely r elieveod. My u rine was normal and l coo truthfully say t hat I was cured. C H ATIIAM, C lose Out His DRY GOODS BUSINE88' and extend his Grocery into the premises uow occuprnd with ca.n only go over the same old saying, that we repair -..,yatches, Clocks and J ewellry in the most skilful manner. We ar e boked upon as the only reliable Watchmaker in this part of the oountry . Mere talking can't do the work, but tools, ability and expeJrienc· o combined can, of which we have plenty. · DRY GOODS. MAYNARD, 44. The Jeweller. 'l 'o make a clear sweep, everything i a. tho DJ'Y Goods department is now being sold AT AN}) UNDER COST. ·The goods arc all first· clas.~. carefu11y selected for the regular trade and 110 old culled bankrupt i>tock, the puhlic can undf'rstand the immense advantages offered t o purchasers of this stock. E vm·yth1ng usually kept in a first class lJry Goods esta blishment, and required in the Clothing and House Furnishing line, offered at AWAY-DOWN .PRICES. Call and get Bargains. Clearing Sales for Cash only. Positively no Reserve. Everything must go. Call and satisfy youraelves that the WEST E~D HO OSE is giving greater value for a little money than any other hou se in the di strict. It will pa.y you t o lay in a y~r's supply, as such goods cannot be repeated at my prices. , JORN MoK'tJ'B.'.t';tt,y. ·~ ~ ~~~ ~· ~ ~~ ~~~ i!W~~~~&~ &o ~ -o---- Lll'l'LE Mi~. B1n-.r.u~, s. P E ltRIN, January, 19, 1838. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & 8011, D ispensing Chemists. . D EAli Srn.,- S end m e another groaa of 0 .H1', Ont. , Jan. 27, 188'7. - For nbou t fi ve years .previ.ous t-0 two years ago last October, I was troubled with kidney and liver trouble, and finally I was confined-to my bed and a uffered the most excruciating pain, and for two week&' time (did not kno w \vh ether l was dead o r a live. My _physicianB said I had enlargement of t he liver, though they g ave me only t e mporary reliet. H earing of the wonderful cures of "Warner's Safe Cure" I began its use, imdafter I - had taken two bottles I noticed a change for tho blitterr. The pains dia&ppeared,aud my-Whole syste m seemed foiool the benefit of tho remedy I have continued ta.king "Warner's Safe Cure" no othe r m edicine since. l t'Onsider the r emedy a groat boom, and if I ever feel eiut of sorts " \Varner 's Safe Oure" fixes me all rigltt. I wei)!.h twenty.four pounds h eavier now than b efore. of your now celeb rated Pnnt T3.&CoJtDI.i l. I have b een selling it two years past, and its increasing popularity i~ very gratify· ing, sales being mor e than d oubled . 0 1111· tomers ar e d eligllt.ed with it ; in fact , we look upo n ib as the best ::l5c. congh prepllr· ation on our ehoh ·es, and their name is legion. YG ura vory trul y , I ' I I I I c ream' . .......RRH ELY'S C,... '-.:7. v 'S CRE AM BALM N asal . Gi.·-c.: mlfrfat For Cold in the Head, Catarrh, etc, Rose Glycerole, For all Roughness of the ~kin. W. H . PoouE. The following preparations are care. . fully p repared and will be found useful in every h ouse.' Corn Cure, :E . :ta I For R emoving Ha:r:d and Soft Corns. ----o -- -- /J.. va.rticle ii) a.pp lied ineo nostril and ia a.gree~ble. Price 50 oont·a · at D1·u.p:((lst~;__ by ) mail rogisterc< l,,_60 o>!n':.S ~ f!:LY BRO'l'HE1tS. 2.l5 Oreimwiclt io1,. , ;>;ow). or.; SHORl.EY'S IMPR OVE DF OOD ALWAYS O N HAND. Agents for the " Argus " Spectacles and glasses. ------o~~~- Child ren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.

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