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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1888, p. 1

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OlJR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES EDITOR AND PROP:RIE'.l'OR, TERMS :-$1.50 Pu AltlfUM. -=======================~~=-====-=¢=~=======-~================================:================================-================ VoLUME XXXIV. NUMBER 18. ._...;:.::'N:e:w S:n:nrns. NUMBER 509 . BOWMANVU,LE , ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY . l\1A.Y 2, 1888. . COUCH, .JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S FARMS WANTED. EstatA and Financial Agen·s. u; VICTORIA S'l'HKET, TORONTO. Can exchatlge a numbel' of well rented Jronees in 'l'oron·o. paying 8 good rate or interest, ror flrst·class f31we :free of mortgage; Why Jet mone:v on deposit at .l per cent. when judicious investment in Toronto pro· pert,y wlll realize ten times that amount? ll'tONEY LOANED on Farm Property at lowest rat"s· 'Ve can offer several invoetments in 1·ented houses-central localities, 'l'ox·onto, paying ten per cent, on amount invested. Ily notitying ua direct or by leaving notice at STATESMAN OFFICE, Bowmanville, or with P. TREBILCOCK, Bookseller. Howman· ville. interviews may be a rranged with our roprcecntative, Mr R C. SlNCI,Ain. H 3rn, ---------- ENTERPRISJiJ. ~tart CLA.RKE~UNION. ENNJ8KILLEN. Have opened out during the past week about 2000 Yards of new Brussels and Tapestry Bought direct from the celebrated manufacturers, John Crossley & Sons,, of Halifax, England. Newest designs and colorings and no better vaJue anywhere. .- . Cauch, Johnston &Crydorman One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. REMOVED! Has removed to Mr. McArthur's Store, SEO . LA/NB I NEXT DOOR TO MURDOCH BROS, _ "W"here he will be pleased to meet all his old customers a nd as many new as can make it convenient to call and see th rou gh his p lace where he intends to carry on Millinery, Dressmaking and Tailoring, Under the management of first class hands, with the NEWEST AND BEST MATERIALS suitable for season and locality. GEO. LAING. ll 'lW well adyanced. Rev. S. Salton preached a forcible ser· mon on Prohibi ion in the Methodist House·cleaning is now i n order. Church on S abbat.h. evening last. Prayer meeting started at :M'cCrca's Mr. T. Ferguson and family move to The annu·l rea of the Methorlist Chur ch church last Sunday evoniog. Midland this week. will be h eld aG usua l on dw Q11een's Mr. Albert Wrii:ht has settled down in The Rev. T Ma11ni11g, of M:rs. A. Samis is convaiescing of the bir'~h<tay. our midst like a staunch old man. measles ; Mi~s I . C. Souch has had the Oshawa, is to b e µresent and d1~1ivet" one of his justly famed a cl dre·ses. The Rev. Messrs. Brooks and Greenwood left measles, t oo. Among our visitors we notice Miss Dr. Carmim is to occupy th e pulpit morneomo time ago for Manitoba where they intend spending the summer. Williams ( "ho has been studying atea o· ing and evening on Sabbath 27th, in conMies Mary Blewett is visitin:z friends graphy at l'oronto), at Mt'. Jo hn l'arker's, necti~l".- th t.he anniversary sen·ice~. We welcome to our village Mr. D. G. in Peterboro. Master Arhur Blewett is 'jtle~sre. C. Rowe and· W. Souch. Bow· A usti'l, hon ·r'> r y gradttato of Ontar:io learning the painting with his br,, ther-in- man ville, and Miss C. M. Souch. Provi· . ,... deuce, at Mr. Chas. Souch s. Veterinary Co lleg-e, who has se ttled down law, 'Vm. Walters. Mr. H. Pointen who was reported siitk to a veterinary prnctice in our village. OOURTICE. of inflammation at Enfield is home a~d Mr. Austin is already well and favur::ibly FAMA. kn,1wn here, having bean assistant to Dr. Miss Sanderson and Miss Brooks were is recoveriug. Jones during the smmer of 1887 and will home from Whitby over Sunday. 'l'YRON e. much fPlt w ,nt. Mt·. Wm. Orchard found a. nest of R. Hutt\ t1son is sellin!l off at and beLook sharp Mr. Falcon , or you wil l get oung birds iu a field a fow days ago. low coPt. Ladies' H;xts, Ci loves, I'arasols. Mr. L. M. Courtice is the first in this left. Qllarterly meeting at Bet h esda next and hosierv below cost. Dress good eat ne~rhood to rep<>rt seeding done. cost und all other goods cheap. I am Sabbath. ~rs. Wm. Courtice, jr.· presented h er positi~·c ly g .i ng out of busin ess. Come Capt. Harper arrived b ack again on imd get b ·rvins. Cash p!),id for eggs. husband on the 22nd inst with a son. R. lf U TO HISO~ . ·r. John 13lair baa rented Mrs.Sqnires' Saturday. Mr. 'l'. 'J'. Jardine i~ spending a week farm. Now for a housekeeper, John. 11AM1'1'VN. Mr. George Tingle and Mr. R. F. at Baltimore. The Ha". n pion Cheeso Fa~tory will beHiclmrds have been improviag the ap· Miss Ada Barris, of Enniskil!en , wa· gin operations nn May 7th. pearance of their resid.,nces by painting home on Sab\:>ath. Visitors t.his w, ek ; Il.i is3 Walters, Tythem. A good examp!o. Miss B, Scott h::is r etnmed from her rone, and Mr. Thos . Oke, E ~rntcr. · e1·. R . Sandersor. continued "Social prolonged visit at. Port H npe. Amusements" 011 Snnday eveuing last, Mr. 'W m ..Jewell has purchased a I!AW Some pc1·son1 del i~ ht in pr.;facing their· tievoting considerable time to his strong Self Binder, The Little l\la:x well. rem ·rka wit h a·.111se, where a little kinddisappr.o,·al of dancing. Out-door sporrs Misa Hooper. of Bowmanville, wM 1h ,1 ne8s would be more beneficial. such 11s base ball, l~crm~e, tennis, etc., guest of Miss Kenner on Sabbath . · Slaog and abuse will do no good ,. were recommended, t.1u no iu-door And harshness crnrns pain; bl f · · Miss C. Cole, of Tor"nto S. A. Train· · amusements smtu e or wmtd· evenmgs . ff · · i . l . · We may by sympathy and JO \'e, iome 0 1 as 10rt ttme. were suggested with the exception of a m., lustitute is 1 Souls fo t· the M ;Jster gain. THE JEWELJ. . ER, few juvenile amusements, auch as "blind 'l'.be Sabbath School scholars are now Rev. B. B. Keefer, of Tornnto, gave prep:i.ring singing fort.he anniversary unHas been appointed sole agent for man's buff," etc. rm o!oquent lecture in thl} Town Hall TRIM. dflr the lea<lerahip of J . EI. Hicks, with la~ t week on "Wh , t he Scott Act is a. the celebrated RocKFORDWATCHES, J'ruf. PLE GRUVE. Mi·s .BertieBrent, organist. failure." Prof. Morgan and his gifted Our News correspondent, Mr. F., i~ daugh ter, F<Airy g we a n llmher of eelecthey are the best American Watch Who was t h e young man t hat got bout shipwrecked. His items la11t we< k tionKdudng th a enrniug. Fairy has a manufactured and are guaranteed left last Mond1\y night '! Ayci, who · was a were very acuce and out of t he se\'Hll good voice und· .her singing and reci tahe? · items live appeared in t.he STATESMAN 0-1 tions were much 1 from the fo.ctory as be~ng £nt-class, \dmired. Seeding is getting pretty well ad- the Wednesday previous. Call and examine them. We don't krnHv whethH Capt.How:.rd, vanced arnund here ; some have nearly R ev. A. E. Sanderson is 1mff,,rmg from of North \V c 1 st ga.tling fa me, visited a eevere cold. H e was llll3ble to fill his We have also the fine st stock of finished. Black6tock l11st week or rwt,but Otll' Scott The 1mnual meetin g of the Sabbath appointment on Sunrlay. Mr. S. Wash· Act comtable , Mr. R. H. Bunt, when all kinds of Watches, Gold and school teacher8 wilt bt:' held on .I<'nel.y irigtoo, B owman ville, filled the Bllpply attending to oflforal d ·1ty in t hM villaae, here in the morning. Silver, in the town of Bowmanville. night next . met with a shm>;et· of sourn h ing, tlwngh The fourth ciuartel"ly meeting of th e n ot quit e so pe11etra.tin g as ~:rape shot, In J ewellry, we have an endless South Darlin2ton cir.c:ui(; will bB held at N f!JWOA /:JTLE. was equally effective m C< \Usiag him to. variety-Clocks of all kind s very Ebenezer on May 12th and 13th. Bev. 'V. F a rncombe, of Bobcaygeon r etreat. We th ink th" machinery for the h Som1> of the yonng people from her<) was with us rec0ntly. work ing of th,, 8cott Act is ven imperc eap. weht to Ebenezer last Sunchy eveni ng to I'rof. Ketchum's· con c ert l)n Friday foctly arrang~d . The iusµector i·cceives In Silverware we have tlie e':- hear Rev. R. Sanderson pre.ich on Social week was very poorly atrnndetl. a liuge srtl· ry for d,;iug ltttle or 110· hing, Amusements. wlnle a c rnstab!e who has to end,mger elusive righ t to sell for the largest Great interest Is takeu it1 tho singing hia lii:- an d p ·operty rec1:Jives mere 11tary. The young man who met with the mis- class conducted by Prof. Dadswell · firm in the U. S. The quality and for tune to break his buggy the other ::iickness haa brought Miss Ida. Morton, SLOW BOY . prices are the best a11d lowest in night liad better get a footman to hold his hQrse while the ladies get in. Whar, teac e in York c'Juutv, home for a time. this part of j.he country, We ask do you t · k about H, ladies ? The f:irst schooner of this seiuon arri\'ed Oi'IBAW.A. you to call and examine our goods Wh1 ea son of Mr. Wm. Folev'~ w s in p(Jrt on Thursday la><t week 11tfter a loud (li'rom the Ontario R efon1 ter.) of -ley for Mr. Lockhart. · b uymg. · ,rl:la.rrowing t he othe1· daJ"· Lhe · hr1rs Several farmt\r» in this section hu,vc finished b etnre J ohu Crawford sold by public auction seeding. turned ar ound too ehort, upsettiug the Mr3, II<nrr Nichols. of Oshawa. l1a.o gone on harrows and causmg the horses ti) run on Tuesday all his hotel A J,e intends Specs and Eye Glasses, Cases, &c. away. One CJf them was thrown on the movirig acrosa the ffects, a visit to her d "u~hter. M s. Henry Brown, of shortly. Chicago. we carry the leading stock, and harrows and cut very badly- i t is not exThe Cade proper&v, in Oslrnw'l, was otfered J. W, Tuff h ae bad his hotel according tor n le on Satnr<tay last. wne not sold t;; ed to recover. to notice clos ~d since Wednesday, and bolng guarantee every pair for 6 mrnths, bought ill !l.t $i,150, · DEXTER. haa now opened it out as the Royal temThe fast exore.ssiia. !<'fling and west, l!lOW-· if well used. If they q.reak we perance house. stop at Oahti wa whenever there are pi.ssengersc. ORONO. to get off or on. will repair them free of charge. Citfaens are r ejoicing at the thought Mr. Harvey Eddy, has returned h ome Mr~. F. W.Billinge and daughter. of Oshu.wo. that the Morris Co., of Brantfor d , will arrived borne on Mood«}" evonmg, troru a~ Call and get fitted properly. from California. extended trip to Southern Cnlifornia. Mrs.. likely commence business h ere in the old Billings has much improved in health. Miss Browo, of P llrt Perry, is vieitinrr Masf'ey Works. Oun REPAIRING D EPARTMENT.--We friends Mr. B. Shortlcy. or Peter borough, District in and around Orono. "' Consumption removed Mary Aun Hoy Deputy Oru,nd Mast,er or Dt~r.rict No. u. A. F c~n only go over the same old sayMr. Peter Connell, is h ome on a visit wife of Mr. Dawson, Toronto, and daugh· and A. M.. paid a n oil1cial viait to Cedar and Lodges. of tlli·. town, on '1'Llesd"y ing, that we repair Watches, Clocks for a few days, after which he will lea ve t er of Mrs. Syms, on S llnday 15th ult., Lebanon evening last. A number of Brethren from for the States. Bowmanville and Whi·l>Y w·,,·e also on hand tn her 33rd,.y~<>r. and J ewellry in the m ost skilful to welcome t.heir superior olllcor. · In the Breach of P romise case, Rior~s Mrs. Thompson was stepping out of Tbe benefit o·>ncert hdd on Monday ovenlngmanner. We aie hoked upon at1 dan vs. Galbraith, the jury returned a the bu~gy on her arrival here from near last nuder tho auapic a or the Iron l\1ouldera the only reliable Watchmaker in verdict in favor of the plaintiff for $1250 Peterborough to attend the fun ~ral of Union. of thi11 town. was u decided euccess the defonclant payiag a ll cost!!. ' Mr. Glendenni ng ~he slipped and foll, upw1>rds of $GO being r"alized. All the per: formers acq<1tc.1ed tnemoolve~ in a m11inner this part of the country. :M:ere Some parties entered Mr. R. B. Thom - ~such inj uries as tJ confine her highly sa1.Jat1tctor/ . bm the Bowmanville Or· gan Company's Ba.n·l de~ur veB sp~ol11il men· talking can't do the work, but. tools, ton'~ garden on Mondby evening last and for ·some fame. t.ion !or the choloti >i"Jeciiona rendered, a number of bis young fruit The Methodist choir as sembled at the The late Geo· Weekes. who~e remain9 were ability and experience combined mutliated trees, and cut down a quantity of residence of Mra, Brown, and presented interred in tle.rrnony Hnrying Ground. on the 10th inet . was b"rn in Oevon~b i ro, England can, of which we have plenty. straw berry vines. Mr. Thornton a fow Miss Annie Browtl with a beautiful pre1800. Ro came to Can1tda in t 11e spring days ago was appointed a Scott Act Con- sent and address f,ir the past service in 18!8, and ·ettled iu E ·St Whitby, where he re· stable and has recently been ser ving sLl bp- she has rendered, on the occai:.ion of sided until hi· dear.h. D.;cea·ed for some tirne tmst has lived with t11r. and Mrs, 'l'. G. .Allin renas to a number of witnesses for which He was always an iudustrious, hardworking 44. The Jeweller. action it is thoui::ht tho depredations to her ~eCSJ.ruing fully subject t o Brittain. man. and a 1wotl 11eighbor. . In ,.u political conra. Arga ll, who has been poorly for tests he ca~t in hi" l~ t with tho Liberal party. his garden wer:e perpetrated. some time, di ed very suddenly at her 'l'he likelihood of once more seeing the idle Our hotel kecp~rs were rather taken home on Sunday. It appea1·s that she ate prop~rty in roll occup11tion with busy workmen by surprise on Tue:iday last by the lllldd;'.1m her brnakfa3t as usual o u S unday morn· is ar. encournging pro,.pect for Oshawa. Quiet. appearance of Inspector Olimie, of Bd\w- ing and was sitting in her chair about ly and aucc&sslully ne1wtiatioos have been on, aud are now completocl in every . manville, with a Constable and warrants noon when she a u<ldenly fell back and carried detail, by which Oshawa's numerou~ indus. t.ries a re to bt> increased by one of the 1. nd!ng to search the premises tor liquora, whic factories in tho Dum1nion. The that Sa.turclay i.adit was thought t hey kept contrary l o the - - o -May, tho ~ l h, 1 .ho li't>Ople of 0$huwa will On 'Vednesday last a nnrn b er of friend!! in prodsions of the Scott Act. Wo under· have in their power to maKe legal tile bY-law, stand then" search was rewarded by find· of l\ Brown assembled at her residence which, we are sure, they are ready to approve i ng some liquor at the. American Hotel, to witness the marriage of her daughter of. Mc. Coulthard paid the Reformer a very hi11:h wieh~s to return his sincere thauks to the but were not so successfol at Th e Prince Annie t" Mr. E . B tittain, of Toronto, comvlimenr., tld au adverti.sin!! medium, tn the Her departure Vindicator last weell:. In 0 1;r last. iseue. to formerly butcher here. people of West D urha m for rheir h horal of Wales. him that ws were n{)t aa bad ·fello\ve as patronage durinoi the 8 y ears he has been Elder S hoults preached his fal'0wcll will be greatly missed here eapeciall,y show he accused us of being in charging double mtes in business a nd alsv for t h e promptness sermon on Sunday evening l ast to the in the musical circle as ahe ranks second fo1 adver tising. etc., we gave him a !too adver· in payi1;g him np so that h e can pay eash members anti congregatlon of the Chris&- to none in the country as a singer. 'l 'he tiaomont by statiug th!>t ho was selling 1<eeder11 $45, al!hough thoy wero catulogued a.t gs;,, ' for enr-y thing . Giving him the very ian Church. The Rev. gentleman durin"' happy couple wer.i followed to the st11tion at He now ti.funnd the editor or our cotem. that · I best chance a buyer can haYe in t h e the fire years residence amongst us ha~ by a number of invited guests and others om· free advortlsoment caused a great r ush for machines, and " that in a short tiwe there was wholesale market and as a result he is by his kindly manner, earnest and sym- as they left for their new home. not a spare machine left on t he prnmises." \Ye All the talk now is the Sons of Eng- accept able to sell aa cheap as anyone in the pathetic work, endo1u·ed himself to all the compliment with thanks. trade t hat pays 100 cents on the $. Bia class·e s of our citizens, ail of whom will land Grand Concert, Wednesday night, Death has removed from our midst another or the ploneei·s of this county, in tile peraou of this week. The large number of tickets dry gouds are new and new patterns and deeply r~gret h ia departure from this Mr. Thoe. J. Eck, an old and highly esteemed the best that can be bought. He says he village, and join with us in wishing him already sold places t he success b eyond a resident of Oaha wa, who died at the residence peradventure. The 11ersonnel of the pro- o( hie son-in·law. Dr. Lundy, PreHon, on Tues· is coming again as soon as ·the roads are God speed in his n e w field of labor. gram is worthy of note ; M iss Mabel day last, in hia 81th year. The deceased orig. good enongl1, wit.h the best and l a rgest .----.·. -·· iually came frnm the State o! Pennsylvania, stock h e e ver had on the ro:;irl. Four "'l'rrn llfERRY 111AIDEN AND THE 'l'An." Brent, Miss E gan, and Miss Flo. Helm, and in hie younger days followed the milling Newcastle ; l\11 ss Monaghan and ~'.Ir. T, business. About the time ot the Rebellion, in wagons, salAamen as followef: Mr. David She was merriest before she "strutJk" the he moved to the Township or Mariposa. Grig't, in Clarke ; Mr. Wm Richards, tar. Her spirits sank as she b eheld h er Monag han, Port Hope; Prof. Dads well, 1837. near Little l:fritain, where he purchased and in Darlington ; Mr. Victor E . Col e, in new white gown blackened by the tar. Cobourg; Mr. C. G, Armstrong, Oron o ; wot'ked a farm. Aboui th<J ye.. r 1850 he purchased 50 acres of 11tnc1 on t>imcoo Street north Cartwrig ht., and a wagon iu the town and This tar h elped " wagon run instead of Miss Armour and Messrs. John Keachie, just outside th<: oorpr>ratiou of 0 Bhi·wa. where Yillages. He earnestly solicits the peo- h elping run a ship. Just so a thousand F rank Brown, H. Knight, and Mr. 0. he lived a short time. and then moved to. Osh. mt a year ago plo's p atronage and intends to t ake Farm trivial accidents and neglected " small Smith, Bowmanvil le. D on't miss this awa , where he resided unri l ab1 Doors when he went to live with Ur. Lundy. Ho al~ P roduce in exchan ge for goods. t hings" take t h e merriment out of the rare treat. Ticket3 25 cents. ways took a detJp iutere"t in munlc1pal atfnirs He wants 200 tons of e~ery kind of old lives of young girls and maidens. Par· open at 7 :30; concert at 8 o'clock. and in 1862 and 1863 was elected Councillor' m1865 1 e was Deputy Heeve. During while iron, rags, bo11es, eta. t icularlv is t his the case with diseases connection with tho Osb .. wa Oonucil he took. 100 Iha good geestt feathers for sale. peculiar to tl1eir sex which take so much CANADIAN CLIMATE.- T he Canadian cli - an actiYe part in improvi~g the> street~. antl to· Also a lig ht single wa~on t o trade for a enjoyment and happiness from life. How- mate is particular ·y producti ve of C old in gether with the late D. l '. l:lurke, who wi·s 1865, planted a la rge number of trees h eavy on e. Your humble servnnt, ever a remedy is f,.tmd in Dr. Pierce's the Head ·and C.itarrh. In fact Catarrh Heevein which are decoratinl( tbe town to-day, M~" JOHN GRIGG, Favorite Prescription for all female to-day is more prt>valent than any other Eck was a con~ieten t member of the Methodist' West J?urham Trnvelhng 1'-forchant. "weakn \lssPs" or irregularities, nervous- disease. The d iscovery of Nasal Bahn Church. a Liberal in politics, a kind neighbor' Bowmauv1lle, March 28th, 1888. · I n ess, n e uralgia, and uterin e trnubles. places within reach of a ll a cer tain m eans and a good citizen. :t 13·5w* A11k you ~ druggist. Di·. I'ierce'e Pellets cf cure. Tuu.uAc.- Tamarac Elixir is a prepar. ,, --- -·--~-~-·:···:-.-. o~ Anti ...bilious G·ranules, h ave no eq ua1a: ation contaming 15reat curati ve proper ties 1 "111.illO ' MEN, lUANJ.- :IU~DS," but 111l 1tte n for Cough s, Colda, Influenza and '£Ill-oat S'llBJ&ORN CRlr.nREN rcudII~ '··ktc J> d. , 2tJc. a_ vrn_l , · one a .d" s. e. _Cure h eadach e, :md 1'on"s '1'orm !lyr1111. It .t1lN1~cs tile · 11 11 all 111i111h ngree n~ to the merits or :nu1 ilcstroy~ the " 'Orllls. const1pat1 on and md1geat10n. :t: Rnl'docli an d Lung Complai nts. :1: J>JlJ·, sma ll nntl sng-ar-co:tletl, Mr. Alf. Wright will .McCUAIG & MAINWARING, gan shortly. for .Michi- Seeding is I MAYNARD, o r A OARD. JOHN GRIGG

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