"Thank you, sir, I_have no sl11·re in it the want of cordiality, the hums and haws, at present." and by and by the resumption of the unkrnd "So much the better !" iron1eal tone when Mar k an1 Annaple were Help the Boys. " But I am ve1y anxious al·ollb my mentioned; and at last, when she h ad C.i.rARRH.-A new treatment has been dis· Promise of reward overcomes 1d.leneseovi1red whereby u pernv.nent cure of. tlns WEDNESDAY , MAY 5, 1888 llY CHARLOTTE M. YONGE, friends" been readmg to hmi a letter from Mrs. Wileven the most p1onounced conatit11trnnal il.herto incurable <1 1 aease, 10 absolutely affectAh 1" B ut Mr Egrcmont 's td,tention liam Egremont full of anxiety for the 1 · ·d m from one to three applications, no matter was drawn off at the entrance of (,lie house jl young people, and yet of trnst m his kind- .i.zmess will yield t o mo11ves ntfficiently ,>Vhet~e1 etandmg one year or f01·ty years I his $ UHAPTER XXVII.-(CONTINUED.) by a new fashioned stove of which Mr. Dat ness to them, he exclaimed, "You've not strong. How th6 boy bend~ to his task omeuy is only applied once m twelve days, llat the ver y sight of her old friend , and ton d u:l the honours, conducting fother and been wri ting to her abou t this absurd pro under the promiee of a dime or a dollai. md does not m terfere w1tll busrness, Descrip· How the youniz ho,iaekccper rises to the oc pamphlet sent fiee on rcoornt or statn'l by Cleaned, Dled, Pressed and R ap!\ired by ~he knowledge that he was in the neighbour- daughter into the drawing room where ob posal ?" . ~ "'rive '·C>1onto, · n. Dixon & Son, 305 Krno- sti e-et west Canada. "' ' hood, filled her heMt with gladness, and vious traces of the old lades remamed, and "I have not mentioned any proposal at c11.s10n under the stimulus of responslhihty and ge~erou~ appreciatmu. If you wt·ut WHA.1 rs Cl\T.<\RRR1 seemed like a compensation for everything then~e into his own ~1tt10g room, smellmg I all. What d o you mean?" your c.hlld to feel that he 1s of no account CatEiuh is a dangerous d1 s11aao which thous 1 Mr E-;iremont was Ill a gracious mood, and pleasantly of Russia ~eather, a.nd recallmg " Why, tl11s ridiculous idea o ,bout t he ne.ver trust liim wi th any important 0011/ mds aro consciously or unconsmouslysufl'erin<> 1 !:'0?'1· It is a muco-pm ulont diacaarge oaus< d Dyer and Clothes Cleo.ner, readily consented to see Mr. Datton- the ftha.thinto whtuc ldh Nutttrn lhudb bbeen h wondt, be agency. As if I was gomq to puc my affairs nuss10n , if you would hiwe him become man- oy uhe presence o ( a vegetable para31te 111 th o f" d h db dhl ore ersc oo aye, ocnn yt ewm ows 1 t th h d f ·h 1 d een so p 1 easant an e ptu1 an, be t d b th .11 t t n o e an s o a man '~ o ,as ma, e such ly , make him feel that he ia capable ofmeeb llmng msmbrane of the nose. '1'he p1 od1spou\}oods warrnntcd to be as no one will know r1en w o na _, themfromnewwhendone. aLPans-anrlNutt1egave her pri vate in fu comde~rn1 rnl~e d.Y efi~ira tona amullofhisown" mg high obligation.. The chore boy, weary lug causes am a morbid stat e of tl1e blood t he ~ Corner or King and Ontano Streets, stru~tions to the footman to msure hia ~ic:edw~n a~i:P~u~. e ition e emaque, "But that was not lvfark's fault, papa. and footsore from hrn xound of duti ' e·, ·hould ~lighted corpuscle of tllbercle, the germ pC::1 son " " ?f s~pbihs, mercur y, toxonHB, from the ietenBowmanville. admittance. M DP . He was 3un10r, you know. and h,1d no pow('r be cheered by prarne if his work is praisti tion oftlla effete matter of tho skm, suppressed - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - Hrn card was brought m 3ust as the father r. utton made them sit and r~st, for over thM Goodenough." worthy. 'ro withhold money from a Cl cdi POrsp1rat1 onfl, badly ve,111la.ted sleeping apa· t and daughter vi; ere limshing luncheon, ai,rl this h~d been a good deal of exer?IBe foi "He ought , t hen! Never sail wi ' h an tor v.hvn due fa no mo10 re11 rehenciMe than tnents and the germmat10n of other poisona-rn he was rece1Vfd ~n Mr. Egrcmont's sitting ~Ir. Egremont' coffee was brm;ghtm, hav- unlucky captain No, no, l'.llarn:'s honom t thl ld b ,be )Jloo<l. I1ntated by theoe, 1he Jmmg mem·ti l room, where t he firat civihtws had hardly m~ been oidered on then arnva., and t~ere- able lady Wot1ld not let !um take the agency o WI io appro atton o! the ments of !t 'Jrane of the nos" 1s eve1 ready foI the recepespecially of a child. 1 ihr.n oft he paraaito, v. b10h ramu1 y sprnads' up I passed befo1e the door wa.s ovened, and m wi vh Mr. _Dutton enter"'d on a~ exposition when he might have had 1t, and I am not person, Parents are often uniuat about the owner- ' e nostrils and down the fauces, 01 back' ot t.he i<fl'airs of Grcoulea! and Goodenollgh, going to l<.>t ti.em live upon me no1v that 1 trotted the golden haired boy, so be:mtifol 1 ~hip cf pet anime.la in whioh their children l~e throat, causmg ulccratwn ot I~ l throut; up WANTED. Per manent poeit1ons ) a child that it would hava been impossible : VI hich waa listened to with a good ~ea.l of they have nothing of their own." have taken gieat delight '.L'he et lamb be ~o~:i;~~c~an tu~eB, ,cauemg clo.,,fneos, bu,:. gni;io.nt<'ed with SALA.RY AND not to look at him with delight even foi 1mtere~t. though N11ttrn could not qmte de"Oh, pap~. but you almost promiaed 1,. h P · e voca ecrus, oau·mg J10arnene ·s· long t ti littl b . s o ~o e oy , e raised it and it is ~surpmg the propar structure or t~e bronch{a{ EXPEN::;ES PAID. AnJ determined man h ' t cct whether it were altogether friendly m"Al 1,f h · · can succeed with us. Pecullar a<lvan tages to t ose to whom his dark eves end sweet most e ropoated with his 1ron1 hts, ·md tne Jersey heifer is filS also but J ~ubes endrng Ill pulmonary couaumpt1011 and begtnners· Stock CJmpbte, mcludmg m!l.ny srrn te did not r ecall those that had once terests in Mark~ mi~fOitune~, or if there, cal tone; "that's a. word capable of a they are his only - so '1d to .ea.th. ,_ m name. One IS M.any mgenio11s f:llJetfics fo for th t tastsellmg specialties. Uutnt free. been so dear. were not. a cert~m tnmnph m the young good deal of stretchmg That is what h Address at~R'bWN r~E:1n~ pap 31 · Mr. Egrernont's voice took a fresh tone m~n havmg ruu mto trouble by re3ecting h!S you and that umbrella fellow have t e uutcher; the other drive~ cf! as 8. hil(h catarrh IJav~ been Invented, lmt "llt~o~~r:u~ pr1oe:l cow withou t even saymg, " By your oess, until a physician of long staudrng drnoov 0 Ntr.RSERYMEN. HocFIEsr ER. N. Y. "Ah' here he comes the old fellow "-and ~· D tto h' made out of my rot giving him a direct re leave, my lad." The 1noney is pooketcd by ~red the exact nnt \lrn of th dh1ea~e ;;1nd the _ d th ie-3 v he held out his hands ; but the boy was in b r u n_ exp1a.me at 18 present fusal on the spot. He may meddle with the father. Only appliance wh1 oh will permanently destroy - - - - - - -- - -- - · tent on bis own purpose. ~ JECt was to mduce the frien ds of the fam Mark's affairs if he chooses, bub not with y . the Parasite, no matter how aggravatod the ou ~ay r e.a.son with the ch1!d, tell him case. Sufferers sbould send stamp at once " Whc1e'sblackdoggie!" he asked ma iy ~opreventannoyancebypreserymg the mine. " silver bell of a little voice, but lisping a furmtureandpersonals ataval 11a 1 10n ;and Nuttie hadlea.rntace1 tainamount oiwis that he is a mmor, t hat everythm r1 at home tor deecmphve pamphlet on catarrh t o the uslness mana!lers A, H , D1 xo11 & ' Son, 305 good deal; "Wyn got penny for h im." Mr. ~grem?nt i eadily agre.ed to c.ontribute dom, and knew that to argue a point only be~ongs to his father, it costs a gre':i.t deal to ~ brmg up boys etc' but you cannot efface W~~ta~~~6Jl weEst,BTosro t nLo, Canada. - OF" Wynme must be a good boy K ies papa to doing this, though he said the szstern and made her father more determined, so she hie strong . f · t · H 'JI ' ev · cvenson BA. a Clergy 8 ense o . 1DJllS 10e. e w1 reman of tke Londori Oor·fcrer:ce of hie Metlw HANNAH BROOKS, Decease d. first and Mr. Diitton · remo~strat<Jd the stepmother were well able also to do their meiely answered, "Very well,"' adding in member thrn expenence as long as he lives dist Church of Canada, has to say in regard · ' ah·1e sieter ; and Alwyn obeyed so far as to sub ';", · a meek voice, "Theh furniture, poor t hings !" and tell it over and over. You often hear To A.El. Dixon&; Son's New 7'reat;nent for 'l' Ch 1 S m1t to his fothet's embnce and then raising And then to ~ive the young people a " Oh, ii,y. Their umbrella friend is m~k Catarrh, PDRSTAN to aptei lO, ection those velvety eyes to the 'v1s1tor's 111.ce he fre,3,h start," aclde.i Mr Dutton. ing a collection for them. Yos, I believe I men tellmg of their hai d times when they were boys. One rsmarked to me that he M ~akB Jans, Ont, Canada, March 17, 1883 36 of tho ItevISed Statutes Ontario, repeated Tl 1887, notice 1 s hereby given that aof ll creditors "Where black doggie. \Vyn . 1e re are some ~en, WIio nro a I ways said I would contribu te." would ·h f 11 h' t h essrs. · · Dixon & Son· ca, er. o ow is son o t e grave DEAR Sms,-Yourn of the iSth inst t~ hand and other any debts claims or want t-0 see h11n buy bun " wantmg fresh Egremont, IIo t bloo d surged up wit · h' N uttie · at the h d d persons havrng I " · t th starts, said Mr. In than hi.vo him go through what he did in It seemed almost too good to be t rue that I e.a; eman s agamst tie estate or HANNAH "There t your fame has preceded you ,, JUB as · ere are some vesse1st at are ;i,1t t t d h b' h . · " , ·,, ways 11ulucky And if you observe it is con emp uous one, an s e it er 11p to his yonnger day~ . .And yet ]us fat11er was oured of Uatarrh, but I know that I am. I BROOKS, late of the 'J'own oe Bowmanv1lle, in the Connty or Durham. widow deceased Bllld Mr. Ei:;remont, or rnther) our dog a. th ' h . ' heiw down the answer for she knew Mr esteen.ed a good Christian man, ltvrng in ~~ii!1t~~r~~ r~turn of the disease, and nover 1 60 8 who med on or about the Fn"St day of .Apr11; "You shall see him," said Mr Dutton, JUBu ose men w ? are .~n the greatest h 15.ste 1 Dutton intended" to ca'll the next aftcrnoo~ all the propn~ties, but he did not compie- 1 things for Cata~r~~e.S\~Jr~r~~e 5;~:ch 8nn:l. r~~ A D , 1888. are hereby reqmred to Bend by taking the p retty boy almost reverently on to ~ang o.n expensive wi.e and family round for her father's uit1ma·um bef d post, prepmd. 01 dehver particulars tn VI ntmg. h ' k " b th th I ld their nec·ks." I ' · ore gomg own hend the rfgh.s of children--the boy i::atu e · 30 many years, that it 1s hard to reahz0 tha.t of their debts, claims or demands, and tho is nee, . u e 18 o. ome now. cou "I don't th' k A b \to M10klethwayte, where the crisis was fast -the reeds of the rrnmg genernholl ·· l I am t eally be.ter. 1 nature of the security 11f any) held by them, to not leave h im out on the street, and I did d f b m poor nnap e,, cand ;_Tac- I approaching, and she had so much faith m could well endure the hard work " con I consider that mine waa a -very bad case; i~ John K . Galbraith. of the 'lown of Bowman not know if I might brmg him m." cuse ~ emg e.x iaensive, papa, m i ..., ut· I his powers that sl·e dreaded t o forestal' him tiDued he " and the pe·ty trials ~ h ;v ha,g taggravated and chronic,'rnvclvmg the · · i;,, ome roa as well r aa the nitsal passages. and r ville, afornsald Sohcttor for Mre Mary Minos, " Oh ML Dt1tton l as if Monsieur would tie. · Only thmk, when WynJJJO has two by . d t d Al G , . 1 y a chance at ~chool. I gr"" up .hought it would reqmre the three "Grnatnients ,, · . the adm1mstratr1x ofthe personal estate of said b ' nurses always after him !her Willie ha 6 only an rnipru en w~r · as, regor10 hi<d I on, come, cried the N.utt1e of old the ·ti0 n " 1 tl '· "d d must have been on his guard, for, though deceased, on 01 before the 'Ihirty·ftrst day or n.ot s we1 Ill compe.rative ignorance, nob liooks ~ut I reelfnlly cured by the two sent me, and 11 May, A. D., 1888, at th0 expiration of V1h1ch times. "I only wish I ha.d ~t1pulatecl for t ko~ a .dit ~ mai · whi) oes 9' I Nuttie was sure she h sard her friend's rin~ merely, b11t of life and all its we ya, and at , am thankful that I waa ever mduced to sen~ 8 0 . · .o you. time the Bit.Id adruinrntrntux will [JlOCeerl to him, dear old fellow. " aor wor esi es. I at the usual time no entrance followed 1 twenty one I went out to face i ts keen re You at·oat liberty to use this let ter statir.g d stnbute the assets of the said deceased r " .l es, I never saw more resolute and Sh amoJ1g the p rtson8 ei1t1tled thereto. havrng Vi yn want to see him," reiterated the cheerful exertion than Mru M ..ik Egre I e weno up to P·tt on her habit to ride sp ons1b1litiea, to meet its sllarp intellectual \il.at 1 havo been cured a t two treat ments arid 1 w1th her father, and when she came dow11 force, to parhcip11,te in 11'9 amemties and {/hall gladly recommend y our H'medy to sow regard t o the debts mid c1auns only of which ehtlcil. mont 'e,, 'd M D tt · 0h who.· blunders 0 my frieynds who are snfi'e rer s. ~~~1~i,~1~~ ~h~~:;,~n~~~r~\~~:~i~b ~;: ~:~~~b'\~ 1 " N~~y I. take h.m to see, th7 perform "She ~~es£ i:;_·m ~01~:thing,,, im.id Mr. Mr E.~en~o.nt held o,~t a card with: the fill un honornble place. ours, with many thanks · · " . for the nssets so d1etubntcd to any person or a.nee? said Mr. Du.tton, ' I hve only at Egremont. "for she has been tlie ruin of 1name Philip Dutto11, and the pencilled I mad e, w h at mort1huat1ou I endured, how R !Gv E, B. sin:vE!!>'SON w li~se debt or claim Rhe shall not have had the corner of :g~rksh1re Road and there's a rum " j r equest below to be allowed to fjee Mr. often I \Hshed I hacl never been born. It And hundreds of others notwc a t the tnne of such drntubution da,iry jt1st opposite where Jl,fo;sie11r has been ,,·Of 1 · ldl t · ,, Eg1emont later in the day. mu.tters not that I l.o.vc done well s·:'ce · h BoVi wan ville . .A.prll 20L IJ 1883 ll dt k h' ,, us wor y prospec s m one sense, ) "H h b · , - - ---- - - - - · ----- JOUN k_ GALDIHJTII a owe o eep up IS accomp11a rnent, said Mr. Dutton quietly; while Nuttie felt e a~ een demed I' exclaimed she in that prosperity and blesain$ ha.vo attended me. 1 still fed t hat I was aefrauded in my Sohc1tor for said .admlmstra.trix Alwyn's legN, v.rm~, imd vofoe, were all h ow m11ch better and wiser an answeritwas I co~,ster~atwv. . 1 Tailcv-~ cxc1teme:at and entrea.ty, and Mr. Egremont than the ind·gnant demal that trembled on Hem Before we go out, sit down and boyhood" ~ himself proposed that they should all oomc her tongue "'rhern can be no doubt that write a note for me." And he dictatedand VI itness the feat ; so; N attie in great they ma.de a grievo11s miat\ke m their chorne, "DEAR Srn-} will not trouble you to J3rmging Up Children Ratwnally. Ge11tleme11'sC!othes :M:ade to Order. A list of 1000 newspapers divided mto glee climbed the s+atrs with her little bro- and I unfortunately was concerned in lead- call aga n this aneruoon, as I have decided S'L'A'I ES ANJJ SECJ'IONS will be sent on ther to get r eady; and whea she came do.vu 1ing them into it ; bllt no one can see how 1on 1eflec11on that t here is no em ployment It is as nri.tural to a child to be happy as apphcat1on-FIUlE, - found tl~e gentlemen deep, not in'! t h ey meet the~r t~oubles wi.thout great re c!" my es.a ' t e s1i. t e d t o my neph~w, lr[a,rk i't is · a. ti ~b t o swim. B ut for tms 1 'l'o those who want thmr advertising to pa> agam, they naed 1 wo can offe1 no bette1 medrnm for thoiough Ma.rk Egremont s 11mbrellas, but m the gas spect and admiration, and I am especially' Egremont. a cer tain amc-unt of "letting v.loI>e." Iu 13 and effective work than the vanous sections and smoke grievances which had arisen II bound to seek fo,· eomc new openmg for ti "Ae I underst11.ud that you are raising a a gre11t mistake for parenta to nampe1· their ot om SelectJ.ocnl JJst . since t he lea.ac of the ho11se had been taken, them. I have lictle doubt that some oilioe family subscnption for rescumghis furniture children with foohah restriction. '\'V e pity GJ,o:N!~!~~~~~~ta:e::i~~i'ng Bureau, and in which sympathy might be expected I work;:m1ght be found ifor him in London !from the creditors, I enclose a cheq11e for tho little B's, our next door neighbor 's Yo u t' a.tten t ion ia dirocted lo the immense 10 Spruce street, New York from a fellow mhab1tant of the drntuct. but they are esee11tiaUy cou 11try people, and £50 for t he p11rpose,- I remain--" children, from the bottom of oti1 heart. stock L1ttle Alwyn was, however, plamly the lord it 1~ould be much better for them if ho co11ld "Yours-what-papa ?"aakedUrsula, with There is a picket fence in front of the house, of the ascenda.nt, and unused to see anythrng ha·;e some agency. I suppose tho s1tuatLn I a trembling voice, full of tears. and they are sca.rcelv allowed to go nea.r it else 11ttcnded to in his pn'scnee. He took you offered him before, eir, ie filled up?" 1, "Yours, etc., of coutse, Quite intimate lest they should climb alld hurt themselves' possession of Mr. Dutton'.s hand, 11.nd his "Not rca.lly," cried Nuttie. We have· enaugh for an ex 11mbrella monger. Here, 'l'hey cau n ot ~limb a tree for the ea.me rca · of every description at ~ngue went fast, nor did hie father or only a. common s01 t of uued11c~ted bail.ff, give 1t to me, and I'll sign it while you fill son. Thep may not skate or swim, o, have arnte1 seem to desire any better musfo. who would be much hettet· with some one up t hochequeforme." ag11n. The eonsequenceofth1s training1s tJiUtID '~ A:lt~U.\/;~~~ I~ V'~ They reauhed an okl walled garden, with over hun. You said so, papa" Chat Buen should be the first letter that their pa.rents have m!lde eowarda of Y !;,lb I hlac and l ..b11rnu~1 and !JOrae chestnut blos ."Did h; request yo11- to apply to me?" Nuttie eve1 addressed to Mr Dutton, since them all, with the exception of little Bessie Sh!l has JUst opened out one of the lamest sommg above a.na showmg a mass of green- I a>;1d Mr. Egr emont sh11orply, lookmg at Mr. the round hand one in " which Miss Ursula who is the mostbdaring iittlo mischief that and most stylish stocks ever b i·ouaht ery through the iron rs.ding that snr- D11tton. wished Mt, Dutton to hu.ve the onncr of a ever wore a sun onnet, and she has learned ,, J:?OUnted the low wall on the street II " .Neith.e r he nor she has the least idea of tee with me on my bu:thday, and I am yom to be deoeitfol and plays all her mad pxanks to town, comnstmg of :J 1nde, ;where Mr. Dutton halted and took my llltention; I only thought, sir, you nught effecte(l little Nuutie !" well out of sight of Iler pa1ents' eyes. W e lU ii! in Cry, .D i·e !! S §ilk~ out hus key, be w1llmg to consider how best to assist a She hoped to explain and lament. the next caught hei· tile other day walking the rail V I t & "Is this yours?" excla.imed Nuttie, "I have ! nephew, who has certamlv not been \I antmg morning, after church. He would surely ing of a bndge that crossed the track of a e ve s, c., Silver Street, Bowmanvil!e, so often wondered whoee it could be." erther in mdnstry or economy, and who come to talk it oYer with her; but he only rn!~·oad about a hund~ed feet below. The ivith a very fine stock of Feii,thers anrl " Yes, 1t was 8: co?n·ry house when I was 1bears your name." . . retur~ad a civil note. with his receipt, and rai:mg was,_11ot a foot widi>, and she tii umphl!'lo were, Is the cbeai)eSt place to buy a of the age 01 tins little man, th<mgh you "Well, I will think it over, " said Mr she did not seo h im again before his j IY ~old us .h:ot she had walked it while the Ce.II and inspect th·s fine dispiaJ h h might not think it. ' Egremont, rising to take Iea.ve. · departure. She was greatly vexed · she fr[J,m was paasrng undor, It was enough to can~ot fall to 0~· t 18f ' t '· w IO Steam Thi esbing Machine , or a "The increase of London had not been on The carriage had beim bidden bo awa it h15.d wanted so much to tell him ho w 1t was make one shudder. i ve sa v.c ion. No. 1 Steel Binder-!lomething that side," s11.id Mr. Egremont, " This must them at the door fot· thmr d!l.ily drive, and the<' came an rnward consciousness that f Don't fancy your boy ts made of gfo.s· - _ _ new but thorough IV tested, SOO be a very valuable property! and as ~nr Egremont lea.lit back wxtn she would probably have told him a gtea.t Grant, a reaGonable req.11e~t, and leu him feel -- And Nuttie pNceive<l t ha.t ouch 1m ia the fu rs digposed over him he obsflrvcd deal too mu.:h. tb 11 t 'II hen you iefu~e, 1t IS for lna own good. 1ii1'I' 'fi]/ W(i!!'(',j)l'V' E V 1 WOJ king last year , a new Double herita.nce made Nr. Dunten much more ~n ' That's a man who k nows how to take Was it t hat tire~ome prudeuce of his 1 Bet.ween the Jdlybys and lh.e Grnilgrinds W e W e ~~ ~~~ ~ ., Speed Mower-the best in the his eyes than an ex tll!'.tbrnll!I mon ·>er . hut J :are of himself. I wonder wheie he gets again that would think for her and prevent of life, child~en have a hard time of it. '.!'he ~ market , a Horse Rake that a _ no sooner was the tail uon gate ope~ea.' than, Jn~ coffe", I've not dt uuk any like it since I im,t>ula1ve and mdignant disclosures? It I youngest child needs some sort of ngr~eab!e l VETERINARY SURGEON. · 5 Mon.e1eur, beautifully shaved, withallhml wus at N100." And Nuttie, tho11gh well madeher brmg down her foot sha1p1y on ! gcupahon,andacertainumountof phy81 j year-old boy can dump 4 kinds curly tufts in perfection co.me boundmg to knowmt,; that Mr. Dutton's love of perfec t he pivement with vexa.t1on as she su~pect cs.I freedom, 1 There is nothmg more pam 1 of Seed Dnlls, cheap ; Sulk)' meet his master, and Aiwyn had his arms t10n was not self ~ndnlgence, was content to ed ~lrn.t he thought her so fool 1sh, and then fu l to_ youn g i eople than t~ ~~el th~t hfe is· Plows, Twin and Sinale Plows , a aroull(l t he neck in a moment. l\fonsieur a ccepL tins as h1g11 approbat10n, and a good agarn h~r h~11.rt wairned with theperc11ptwn hne dull,,routrne, and th11.u no~hmg ever J ., h nd m his hmo ben introduced to too many a~gury for Mark and Aunaple. Indeed, of self acnyrng caie for her. She tiusted 1 JaJpens, as we OU(:<i heard 11. dt~l!unsolate ; new kind of DiatL.ond Harrows ; childscn not to underataud the mtuation with M1 Dutt.on settled near, and with the t o t~at s1>nw pi u<lenco fer no delusive hopes remark. I Honey Fanning Mills , Spring and respond politely; and h e 11.!so rccoguised p rospect of a daily walk from church wfoh havmg beeu gmm to Mal'k and his wifo. Tooth Cultivators and Harr ws . U1 2ula, and l(e.ve unmistakable proofs of him, she felt 1mch a c1Jmplete conteut and (TO Im CON'.rINUBD ) ,, Home Decoration. ~ ,, 0 >I bemg glad to see her. trnst as shii had not known smoe s he had · . Ihe 10.se pillow now takes the place of the Farm en: Scales , Horse l! orks , Then the halfpenny was pre~ented to him. been uprooted from Micklethwayw. ---pme needle bag fo,· makmg a perfumed he!l.d Sheaf Slings ; Machine Oil and , H e wagged his queer tail, rmulecl with his - Amel!otms BXl)ect to Ut1 lize 119 000 Hoise- re~ . Binder Twine i' intelligent brown e~ es, took it between his I CHAPTER XXVIII. p f tl ,~ II t - 't f '.! h ~oe is now pamted with water colors and ' · t eeth, and trot~ed acroes the street ID the 1 ower 0 18 .ca s, a a 008 O iee very .effective results are produced. The A B:&<I.YE H:&A:&r F ", , II d . t b .., most businesa like wo.y, the other. following, I "One furnace lllzny tuues the go~d o,nd bad ma , M1Jhons. pamt l~ n;ixed w1t11 gu:n arab1c or mucilage arn1 - s ca an Jnspec e iore but d etamtog the boy from keepmg too hold, l '! 'he migh ty and .ces1stless power of the before it m used for tlns pllfpose. pl 1ur g your orders. c!ose They found the creat 11re sittmg upYet Tctll?t consumes the chaff will only clc·nsc tne I<'a.lis of Niagam 'Hnu longer to ~o t o waste In the dccoratio.11 the ~able a partfalitv nght, tappm1.7 the flo or .with his tail, the go - .1. fohbisho 'l'·Mich but 1t is to be utilized for the prometion of ~or ~e~o~.1rnd v.hite rn notrnoable, and go!d centre of rnlptudrous admuahou to all t he J'.I ever was there a trner verso :han that man'e industiia! enterprises. In 1886 a bande <.hf1t ula adnd thrkeads of lemon colOL' m Graduate oftbe Ontetio Veterinary Coile;:;o, com an was in cor orated in the Ste. f or e1s o le a.mas are seen. Registered member of the Ontar10 Vetermary eust omers a rea y Ill the da.iry ehop. He Medical As8ociat1on. received his bun, and demurely dropping wh10h tells us that Ill see}nng d11ty we find No! yJrk to comu1iumate this nd ate ~ T he lo'l'I old fashioned ~ofa, which of late WOfllce and Residence, Newtonville, Ont. on h1stront legs, walked back with it to his I pleasure by th., way, and mseelung pleasure is now stated that enou h monee h~s ntee~ yea.rs has dropped out of s tyle, begins to maste1, and crossed the road with it uneaten I : e n.eet ¥·a~n t It m1 f ht be vaned to apply subscnbEd to JUStify the'lnecess/ry vvork of be seen in all comfortable rooms; its broad Will VlSlt Orono every Tuesday andlSaturclay rather ~o Alwyn's drnappomtment, Lut Mr'. I o our aU icrII~' i~n~ o e~Joym~t or the re- consirnction beir g commenced in J uly arms ai;id high back make it a r estful piece Omce honrs fr m 10 a. m., t o ~ p. m., e.t Coulters' Hotel Calls by 'telegraph r eceive Dut ton said he wo11ld p1obably dfopose of it I ver~e. · rsu a ia em r~ccd ier 100 as 11 'l'he scheme 1 antic m its natl' e · · of formture. imr. ed1s.te attent ion i in some hiding place in the garden until h is I necessity, and f?und it enlivened by a good utilize the f~rc~ go£ t he Nia. 'O.ra j{i;el~ ~o A very handsome portiere and the r esult CHAF, GES MODER.A.TE. evening i>ppet1te came on. It wa~ well he I ~ian! Muns1])n{ no:irs; ·~hd wtenJhe looked constructing a. tunnel fro~ t~c water lev!i o~.much. time and patient work was macle of was a dog of moderat10n, for there was great po , r . ll cons ne1,., bor ~o a~ a con below the falls a.bout 200 feet u nd r th b1.s of ~ilks, sewn together m long strips temptation to rapeat the ent ertainmeut more , ~mu~ ~~u~c.et of delight and satisfaction, s he. high bo.nk of the river and extend~ g I~ and then interwoven checkerboard fashion. than "Ras wholesome for him. ofun ll da_ I gaye rise to a contmual course' parallel with He shore of the r1' en r· for The res11lt was a rich, desirable curtai11, such 0 · ' .. T h ere, " Vj'nme, ,. sa1d N uttie . m - l\ voice o Isma. 1sapporntment ·1y d uprica t e d . th fi l h "'d 'I nearly two miles e.t a depth cf 100 as could no t b e eas1 of momt1on, "Monsieur doesn't eat. all his n e rn b ~ace, e d1 not wa.lk home feot below t he ~urface of th th A scrap 1ar should be m exery r oom. goodies a , once, he keeps them for bedtime. rokn dhfurc~. w~th h~r every m~rnmg. She j ~ud at a distance of 4'00 feet f:o:a~he We knew of ~ lady who was visiting an It might be perceived t hat the over I oo e .or im .n vam, even w en she knew n1wi able v;i:;,tcr of the river with h' h ' t elegantly furmshcd house, and oomplamed supply of ~weets wv.s a m11.tter of anx iety to he Sas dn town. d H~ only appeared ther e II w ill te connected by mean; of con~u~~ I that she carried an prange peel all day in the elder e1 ster To the nurse, whc waited I on un ii.ya, nu at mtervalo w?en he had late.al tunnels The conduits are to lo ~ ~r her pocket, because there was no stove, or in readmeas, Alwyn was consigned for his Asotrnfie etspeh·c1alth1easolnt fhor speak,~ng to her. wells eun'r to t he t unnel and m these"!. 11~ open fireplace, nor any other place to put walk · while, h. foth ~r and 818 . t er accep t ed Jazy or ' s Ollt s eOf health o11g i t o eh!!.Ve nmstthus ..ave grown · ' lS dro ed Wl11 be placed turbine Wheels which Will"be it' by Mr. D 11tton s mvitation to look ro11nd h:s h' Id M' kl tl t h b't 1. t PP j operated hy the weioht of water 1n the --d omam. bIt won Id h ave b e.en smaII m · the t ime is o she diacoverf 1c .e iway c a 1 s uu after a w ells. '.I , he estimated · · 0olleoted · d by ace;deu't that he freca.pa,city of the tunnel Kec1pes. 1 country, ut it was extenane for the local d · . will give 119 COO horse · h t · ity and there was a erfect order a d t · quente another church, open ab ast1llearlie1 "d . ' p ower, Whic , I is C:aE.A.11. Coou111s.- One cupful of thick aom nede about t he shave~ 11:1wn the ht~le { 1m hour and a little fartliet off, andehewas forced Bt\l ' 18f ~~ea~r tthdanSt atll the bo~her water cream, one to:aspoonful of saleratua, one cup0 tain in the midst the fl.owe~ beds to come to the conclusion t hat he acted out of, power 0 e m e . a es com med. 'l'he ful ot white sugar, a pinoh of s~lt, caraway Ready for use 111 any quanttt1·. r or ·1·es forget m'e nots and othgay w1lh conl struchonh aeed, it vou like. Mold until you can roll m aking so.1p, Soft<onmg ' Vater, Dhm" er ear y hrn character·stic precise scr11p.1ios1ty which II (;coOsOt ofanc cnoug Is put t down at h $3,000, b J t ect1ng ,and a ilund1 e cl othc.1· n~c~, .t.'!. Pan beautrns and the fr~shly rolled gr would not consider it as correct for her to ' . d t d' pda. ronage as een 011t . Put a large raisin on the top. can cqnalo 20 poun tls Sal <;oda, --o-1 1 ' home iy d · promise o payand a xvi end onro that a.mount paths, that made Nuttie excla m : " Ahave I I walk d d 'd every d " hd 1 , e ~h a fe. B oth Clevelai.d Buffa.lo ose to use . DouonNUT~.- 0 ne cup o~ sugar, one cup Solcl · _, -.;1 (.,,ocer"~ "ncl] '·~[ folc, , with h 1m. Sh sho11ldhaveknown t hia for yours anywhere. hn en e . dt e hear oldd mdan . a httl.e m the power in hghtmg their sfrelts b rich buttermilk or sour milk, one egg, one I: ,~1 "l h11.venothadmuch to do t o it "hesaid er own mm' ten en e with a sigh. ltricit All that is want d . y eec tablespoonlardorbutter,ahttlegratednut"My old aunts had it well kept up, eve~ Wa.s there any one who oared so much about the sri~eme into effect. e now IS to cany meg, a little sa.lt, mix ver y ·oft and fry in when they could only see it from their win what was proper for her? And, after all, I het l ·rd. <lows. The1roldgardenei still lives in the oot I WQS he really older Umu Mr Clarenca Fa.ne, l VINHGAl~ Prns.- One and a half cups good ta~e behmd the tool.house, though he is too I wh om everybody Ill her fathar's set called A Hopeful View, vinegar, one cup of water, lump of butter nfirm for anyt hing but beiu wheeled about I Clarence or even Clam, and treated.as the boy ~ t , size of an egg, sugar enough to sweeten to - -o- n the sun in their Bath ~hair ,, of the party, so that she bad tahn it as quite 1 M o ,dBM.s Ben.l_Y·:- Ha' e yon heerd how the tl!,ste · flavor with lemon · put this in a " Y 011 keep a lar go Mnonnt l 'i n 'idle b ! n& t11ral that h~ ehou~d be paired with I is rown is g1_;tm' on? . ' stew pan, 'and set on the sto;e; now take ft BIA(~ ~ r eteoinina it as it is,, s·id Mr E~ref t y [her. It was qmte a drncovery I I Old Mr. BentlJ --Sne ~a.a do1L1 very well, five egfla and beat the yelks with one cup ~ MF 11~1 ~ " '£ru~, but it is' well to pr~sc~ve ~~no·asis There was aucthe~; and more serious dis- : v.n.~ alth~~gh hne ~ung ~a go~e, the doctor of water and two heapin11 t~blespoonf!lls of ' here and there." appo1.ntment. Mr. E gr_ emont had not seem I ~al .he ou¥ t s e imght h ve for so!llo flo11r When the vmegar comes to v. boil Nuttie knew well that it was not for him- ed dmnclmed to consider .the givmg the d mei buJ !&~0 week she hetched cold, wh10h put in the eggs n.ncl fio11r, stirring till well oelf alone and the entered the little I agency to Mark, and N uttrn had begun to ev~ ope m pneumoma. cooked. Ho.ve ready four pie tins lined with 118 conservat~ry, and her on the row I thin!' ~ith gxeab satisfacti<:u of .May Con ·~)~·~_;s· Bit~r ~w,ith yellBiVe hopeful cruat, into which po11r the filling, and bake. · · · of whit e hyacinths, the ve1y scent c;;nied d11.mme s ?ellgbt m welcomrng lnm, ,md of nc , ,1, we . , ~ s ? s on y got one lung Now beat the whites to a stiff froth, w ith lll her back to the old times and her eyes grew the good 1nflt1ence that would bo brought she can t have 1t ~ery oad. two nea.pmg tablespoons of white sugar. WILL. CURE OR RELIEVE moist while Mr. Dutton' was C lltting a bou- t 0 bear on the dependents, when m;d T'h S - - - , . When the pfos are done spread on the 1 quet for bet in accordance with well known c.enly there came a coolness She e oul of Uandor. whites and set in the oven a few mmu > es. BIUOU8NE88, DIZZINE88, ,,. tastes. She could trace t l,e mo~ent, and was sure . A .Sunday school teacher began h is ques UnoooLATR - Very few people make good IJYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, "I shall put them i n my r oom. It will that 1t wa~ when Gregorio became awaie of t10mng at the end of one year wi th the chocolate His a. waste of time to grate it, JNDIGE8if/ON, FLUTTERING :Nervous Debility, Semrnal Losses and prema- feel like home," she said, and then I what was mtended. He hc;d reason to dr~ad query : and it hurts the ta.ate. It is not necessary JAUNDICE. OF Tf.I": HEARi~ ture Decay promptly and per man en tly curnd by s~e saw th~t alrn hau sa.id what her father! !'!a~k as l!- 0 enemy! and wa.s hk~ly to wish "Are you ]Jetter than you were last year?' even to break it Put it m a bowl, eet on ERY8!PELA8, AfJ!l)fTY OF did not hke; for he was always sensitive as I ee~ him ,\ta distance' and it had be.en A good many of the little fellows had i eplied t he back ()f the range or over the tea kettle, SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, to any refe1ence in her early life. U!suh\ a great hop~ thllit an absolute promise "Yes, air," but a croupy boy on the back with h !!.lt a cup of b()iling water added, and HEARTBURN, DRYNESS Mr. Dutt'='n, however, took this opportlln alight have been ~1ven before he heard oi the seat had the courage of !us conviohons. "I lat tt melt. Then stil' till a smooth p aste. HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, ity of saymg that he had been backwards i ~:n ; but ~r. Egremont was al l'ay.a slow to ham't no better nor I ever wuz " he aaid Have eq11al q ·ie.nhties of milk and water m Docs not interfere with D1ct or 11sual occupa - and forwards to Mwklethwayte severo.l 1 ke UJ? his mmd, except when dnven by. a "but," he added, by way of softening th~ an open sa11cepan ' Vhen bo1lintr, hard, add And every l:pecles of disease arlgJng frol\\ tioi· and fully r estm es lost vigor and msurcs times i;his spring. disordered LIVER, l( IDNEYS, 13TOMACH, sudden impulse, and had never ac~u~lly sHd harsh sti;.tement, " I got'e sorest froat of gradually t he paste, and boil five minutes, peifect manhood, Sent to any address. post· BOWEL S OR BLOOO, "I hope you a1e well out of the concern 1 that ~he posb would be offered to hi11 nephew. any body in t his clv.ss- I - I - I most "Gt dip- stirring all the time. Sweeten while boiling. paid on receipt of price One Dollar per box Sole agency, SCHOFIELD'S DRUG STORE, the1e,,, said Mr. Egr emont, N utt1e only detected the turn of the tide by eria." " Ser ve as soon a.s possible, "'1th a spoonful of QT MIL81J~M & Proprleto..,,, __ ~ '.!!!. , Y }>\ ~ ,, TORQltf.J!t, Kmg atr Jet, Toronto. whipped cre~m on the top of ev.ch cupful. Ml 'lrU'>fdl·n \tU a;;' ~tl;tt~rllU\l'tt+ ~-" ff M -"' ~ -""' I NUT TIE' S FATHER, _1 I A* 1 HOUSEHOLD. CATARRH. =================== . . _ t ' Cl h · I G011 ot " lflg T H 0 S. p E AT I j I I ° SA LES EN \J BWo 0 I°'. I , . . . I l ! r .C0 t C d"t 0 fe l Of$ Notl I l I" fra £° l of L ' · 1 1 ! ! TO ADVERTI SERS. I I R. PEATE l I or T 0 Fa rm e rs and Th ras h ers I --o-- I I M JL L I N E R Y ~II'&~~ tha~ lfY(~~- ~l) C .· ··-RoCERS' I I j I n , I I I I ! I I C. R OGERS. I . I . I I ! o! TO BE HUNS! --o-3000 rolls of fine just received I l I I !f I I I Hy. C. Tait. A fin e line of I 99 PERCENT 1!: I o:i , I BABY CAR RI AGES to choose from u TIA n u n U U t\l P ot up in as good style I g as can be supplied this sect1 on ~~RORS ! I I oa I !-sc fell I OF YOUTH, +muaawC11lu~1a+ I I l no Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria~ -~-~.O...