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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1888, p. 5

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--I "' "~ r, ~ "- x "'- "' \~· "'-..; --\, ~~\ '~ "~ " ~- Bowmanville Fair. Master Frank Hare, of Whitby, is vis· Sewing machine n eedles at 'l'ait' a. SEED WHEAT.- Mr. J'. C. VanS u b s crivt ions Paid. iting friends The t inware sold by J ohn G.igg is like stone's car of Seed Wheat from · · · th d ld f Manitoba, arrived here on MonT he Sprh1g Horse and Bull Fair on The following names were omit1ud Mr . . Harry C. B rit tain ia visitmg e goo 0 stock 0 years ag" : . day. Farmers req uiring good red Friday last was a splendid success in ex- from our former published lists: friends m Toronto. l\{urdG~h Brot hers ~re di>1 ng a big fife whe at for seed, shoul d c a ll hibits but the attendance was very lim itW. H. \'i7 il!i' (Wyebridgs), M rs, q _ Somo desirable house~ < U-e adver tised business m g11.r den and lield sends. and get some a s it is a choice ed, indeed. Farmers wero too busy seed- Hooper, Edwin N. Kivell, A. E. H·=n-r~ for sale in this paper, If you h l\,ve old iron lo sell dr op_ a card sample . 17-2w. ing to lose t he t ime. 'l'he display of im- Jo hn H altday, E VanCamp, W. !:i;: · Mrs and Miss Graham of Brampton to John Gngg, Box 98, Bownian ville. por ted Clydesdale h orses was never sur- Pollard, W . B. Allin, .John Mtller, W ni. \ are vis.i tino friends he re. ' ' Dr. P otter, dlice a.nd r esidence, ProwFarmers don't fail to r ead The W ilson passed we believe in any county show in H olland, J ames Brown. See Joh~ Gr igg's cottonacles- they a re e r 's Block, King-st. 1 Bow111anviU!>- l-tf, I Seal~ adve1·tise~ent, . Oanada, and the j udges conseq uently had CURE SICK HEADACHE. T h e By-Law Oarried . t he best money can buy. Bowman ville ScottActAssociation meets Mr. R.obt . B eith was the j udge ou by 110 means a desirable or en viable duty G;·tiat B argains in MilHuery and F ancy to-n ight at 8 o'clock in t he Queen-St. heavy horses a t Guelph Fair no T hursday to perform, :i.n<l it to k: th em a \'ery l ong The smallest vote polled m B ')wmall>Church School-roon1. last. time t o make the a wards, so close was t he A pmely vegetable Sugar Cog,ted Goods at ii.frs. M orn·son's. W Order Doors, Saslies, Blinds, Picketg1 J . Lyle has r emovetl across the st reet com pB tition. Thor o were 11liam P at ville for m ~n y years was :;be ooi· on Pill for T or pid Liver, H eadache .Ladies call anci 13ee the new spring to Bounaall's Block while his shop is teu!On 's Oliver Twist, .John J oil's 'l 'be Sat111·day for the By-law t o raise $ 13,000 . t M M i ~u' e tc., at Morris' Planing F actory, Liberty fi d 3 1:11ecto~ m111rnery a rs. orr13o-. s. street. R.H . Osborne, leasee. undergoing repairs. Archer , Jona than Por ter'sGnld n er and for school buildings. Only G Bi&: , . ...µsnesf, Constipation, and all A good second hand top b uggy for sale WI 111 · S · fi Id M h mo·t P ercy an d Young's Manfred and Cairn voted-46 for an d 7 a~ainst. W"at Wimt ........, · J Geo. Buck is positively goi ng t o clean l )' prmg ie · ass., t. e ~ B · A · d Ch t p ' G l 3. c1 ieap. A 1-'PIY to M· ~" · AMEs . favored city in the world 1 Because it has r<>gie gai;i an es_ er ower 8 en. 13 for 4 against N ort h \ \Tar d 28 a· c kind red complai nts. South Ward 12 and 0. N ot one pel'>!an Ladies' French Ki dB B oots from $2. 25 out his present stock of Gents' furnishings. Goop H OUSEKEEPING Wood-all fi rst class armnals. <.! G B k' b t t G reat bargains will be given in ties, shirts, l It was a very gener al remark ·· How in 25 in t he town kne w of t he voting or1 up t o ~P5 · 00 at. eo uc s 0 0 s "r e rubber co>1te, umbrellas, etc , durinq the R 1w.J?r.S. .J. H unte r, of_the Ce~tenery Joll's colt (The Archer) has improved " t hought of i t. It was absolu tely 11ece6M"'.Y Try .John Grigg's delicious teas- 3 lbs. next 30 days. l\~ethodrnt . Ch urch, H auult on, dred on I n fac t many present said ther e was very tha t the money sh ould be ra so~· ..,_ for $1.00. E <] nal to th e best 40 cent teas. The ca t apult nuirnnce should be stop- Monday q mte suddenly. little to c hoose between t he three prize opposition would have been folly. Young men and boys, read "An An· ped. A number of panes of glass Jiave Mrs. Wm. B ell, of Newcil.stle, former- winn.-rs. J oll's P ride of Scotland, the alytical Presentim ent " on a n inside page. been broken ia town the past fo w weeks ly of t his t own, is visitin~ a t M r. J. sil·e of more good colts in West Du~ha.m T h e W1l,.ion Sca les. Mr. J. M . F erris, t h e county Police by boys who have no regard for other Adams', Wellington Street. t han any other horse that ever travelled R emoves Impurities of the Blood Magistrat e, favored us wit h a friendly people's windows. A few arrests would Anoth er Bo wman ville boy, Capt. John here, was on th e !i(~Ound, but was not We would call atiention to the ad ve111call last week. stop the n uisance. W . R addy of the U . S. Salvation Army enter ed for compet inon. tisement of the Wn,soN scales. \.Ve 1:1eland t ones up the systEm . D oNT FORGET.- That all hoots got from Mrs. Geo. f,orriman, of Toront o, was marrie'd at Biddeford, Me. , April 25: W. Pat·er~~n's Oliver T.wist look~d gay dom say a ny thing in favor (Jf arti eloo a~ SANDHAlc'S S ARSAPARILLA removes Geo. Buck will be repaired on the ehort- desires t hrough t he STATES~Ll.N to sincere- to Capt. Hattie Raum, of E llenville, a nd the_decision .o f t h~ 1udges will n ot vertised in this paper ; b ut we caunot :tGest notice, and rips sewed free of charge ly thank t he members of the Band for N . Y. lessen his popularity a b tt. frai n from aa.yiH { something in f..vor <>i P imples and improves the Complexion. Mr. Geo. a. H aines sh ipped a platform their i:;resence and kindly services at the 1 " Nat ures S tudies," by P rof. F . R. P ercy & Yo11ng's hand_some. importc_d t he improved WILSON sc~les, bera t18e OOj' E aton L '1we, aud others ; price 15 cents, Cly1~esdalee, Manfred and Cairn B~og ie perso n having any thin!! to d o wi·h seale11 $ .A.NDHAM's S ARS.APARILI,A is most ing democrat wagon to British Colum- funeral of her late h usband . . I t k I· h I th t . . " S f J F itzger ald, publisher, 2t East 4th S t , Agarn , showed well and wer e very highly will aclrn owled11;e r}HJm u.s a t rue standari:t~ beneficial for Eruptive Skin Diseases b1a 1 a as a A nbw ec hhon of th~ , uccess o ; ie JSew Yor k. Four hiohly interesting and rnmunended . as wee , w 11c. s1ows of cr>rr ectnese, and the largest cuncer!llf a nd for all Scr ofulous Complaint s. manufacturer he h as more than a local Gospel ;_ o~1 The. Failures of the New instructive essays on "' scientific subj ects Meeisra. Beith also had t wo of their stud in the co;mtry a m using the m in pr · fe.reputation. :rh.eologies, b T yl B1sh?P .Johllnb Fl. O Hnrst , writt en in a style fit ted t o capt ivate th~ on the grounds, the gr eat prize horse ence t o a ny other make. vVe would libt SANDHA:-.r's S ARSAPARILl.A counter1 e An Esteemed corrt>spondent complains rn ~n press. 10 pnoe w_ ce~its. most listless reader. Granite City and Prince of Kyrtle. They ev<Jry farmer to have one of them in b.i11 acts the ill effoc re ofte n resulting from th at a cor to another paper uses his new~ Wilbur B. Ket cham, p ubltsher, 71 Bible . h f h wer " much admired barn, and not tak e the wor d of the buyer ·t k N mind if he H ouse New Yor k Poop1e must not 1ose s1g t o t e great ·r here we1·a CL>! . ht _ . . fR d . t he u se of mer cmial remedies. l ems every wee . ever . ' . closing- sale of dry ooorh uoing on at t11e ent ries ~ o~ ster or every time he comes to to wn to sell his 0 0 doee : everybody reads it in '1.' BE STATESHis Excellency the G ov~rnor·~eneral, West E nd House . 'fher e are hea s of C.1ach horses. Tlu s class 1 ~clo~ed t~o grain. !>IAN first , and it is no longer news th en. L ~dy Lrnsdo,!"'ne and sm te, mll leav:e goods left yet an d bi""er barga.ins pthan classes of horses a nd great d1ssat1sfact10n ~~~~~~~~ A Jo'A~fILY - FltrnND.- Dear :::>i·e,- W e ·---·-- - -- - - - - - - · T he May number of the Eclectic Mag· Que?ec for Engla~d on t he steamship ever await th~ pub lic.- o Mr. McMurtry'e was expr es11ed Lh:i-t therii was n or, a sep! u·H a~yard 's Yello w Oil for so~ have used - ---- ~.; azine n ew before us is filled with in terest - P aris1an, on the of ltia~. Lord arocer branch is su lied with the best ate class f o.r carriage horses. . in g matt er for cultivated r eaders. The Stanley of P rest on , the new hovernor- 0 th Y k t ft' d PPC ll The lead mg man ufact urers of self-bmd- t hroet and colds, aud always can depe·ii:l . Lyon P l ay f air . is . a G eneraI, wi 'll S!ll·1 f or a a bon t the e a soon. . mac h' opening p aper by :-.ll' Hma r" e s a or · " Al b era wer e rep resent.e d b y t I1011· iues on it to c 11re. We also use it for sore very suggestive and illuminat ing study of 15th of .! ow I O 8 A -YE.::tIO!;'E\: . - w~ys uy t he and agen t s. shoulders on our h otse&. M rs. Willi;.tn 18 the effects of ap11lied science .UI)On trade. bl tl t " !es oua try best because it t he ch eapest m the end, Mr A Noden of P· ·rter's Foundry .Bow- Hughey, Wilberforce P. 0 ., Ont . 1 egg pro em ta IJUZ?. c and not only is Burdock Blood Bitters th e : '. .' · If a hen a1Jd a half Jay an e<>" b d' . k f II h . . manv1lle, exh1 W. P ruvan 11 Mr. J. P ..Jaffray, editor of t he Canad.- ·eaders · · . . 1 '"' est me icrn e ·nowo or a c rontc ais- p t t H c b1ted · .one of ' J. k I BIRTHS. American , publi~hed at Ohicago, }V-aS and .a h alf ho w tm~ay egg~ Will si x l JO?lS l eases of the StomaGh Kidneys L ive r and d a ."nr - aytl arrers IO Th'sevel'al '.' '" If one Sponge costs 25c. 3 Spon ges ian 18 mac u ne mar r ied in that city on Wednesday ' Y .eek la y Ill seven days ? Anv person w 10 w1 Bl00d b t 1 ·t 18 · 1 1' th I ' t ' t "15 rom 10 arm>'rn. M~ "N ' " " ·- N ear O~lunva Lar1ies' Colle; tl, on 1 ' L l r ea. Y ~ c i~a oeu _as i wi ll ~nl? cl hay_ a:1d _ lO<Jse gram of e\·ery ~ii~U, M:ra. Wm. Manning, ot a son, will cost 75c; but we can give you to .Adel iue, daughter of J , G . L ittle, r- give t he oorrect ans we; to J ohn H ellyar, Bowmanv1lle, can oet a pair of boots and needs less t o cure and cures more q mckly descri pt10n \Intl His li kely to he such grep S1'.\ r 1 ETON.- Near Newtonville, on April~ merly of Oshi< wa. Mr. J a ffray was t one Sponge at 10c. which will last found er of t he Brantford JJ:venia g Tele- '"S-ho~r cheap 0 t h an a.ny o ther r emedy. ~ service th'lt we thmk it desen-es mo.., ·e --'-_ _ tl ·~ 'e ,...~ite of Mr. 'l'ho " E'tapletor., ot a daughteir. as long as any tl. ree Sponges that gram VouNG }lfUi.- Durir,a t he next :30 days ,.E> riz des toththe am_ o untf of ~2:>0 hdave _ b een than~ pass_ing no~ice. ~ v.ery baru shou tho,~i1fe':r ';,Z~~~~l~i~\~~~\i~~r ~11:.~,;~~t~!~'" · b d "' d d h't h' t o 1 1ertl to c pupt1so pu u w a u pnvate contam this ear n er 'llus l\fachrne hjl< you can buy at 25c. each. T his SALT AND Pr.ASTER. --'l'he atten tion oi f y ou-~an uyth a $lfloc OJ0 1 .atU1~ rbe llw · lf A s~o1r c schools, for the best Ori ginal tihort Stor- b· eu iu succes~ful ~om pet itiou \n t h tl\r PETE RS. I n narlingtoa, on the 28· h u t ., far mers is called to th e fact that McClel- or '/ oc. wor ' m re as or o · . ]!' t . cr.100 . 1 S d . - J..JIB . 11.He of Mr. Wm. p, t,ers, of a daur;:hter. is a special line of extra tough Ian & Co. ' Bowman ville, have on hand a worth ; 5c. ; suit of under wear fo r 75c. ies.' .;;,1 -;:0 s )T)rh17:ed1~ ~' ~~~cast1 ; ~ I'ch o u best rn ~he m_nr~ct for four seas~ ns pas HocKAOA v .-· N ear Ennlekillen. on the ~~th c::. OO 1 th' · tl G t ' 8 prize, ..,,o ; tr pl'lze, """)· e c. re1 · aud i ts sup ~r1or1ty t o all ot hers is p lacred u lt., the Wife or Mr. Frank Hockaday, or 11 Sponges, imported direct from the lar ge q uantity of laud salt in b ags an d " t 'or tl .1 h '".1 ' r t.nt e very mg_ rn iet ( e'u prominent Sch ool Pr· ncipal~ ha ye cnneen- beyond a d c>u bt. T he car possesses adv~h dirng~.!..W1::____ _ · . · d ges. p «r t ic plaster in barrels at lowest cash prices. urma lD "S a w1io1csa1e prices, a , eo. ' 1 - -- - --- -- - -1 to act a;; JU S ponge Market s, ot New York. "I ·[ B 1 , h" t t ee n ars may ta"es t1 1 be found m no other m t he mat"· _ .--... MA.i:t RCED. 1 an d P1aa t er ear IY· " cOrder b u!!t sat nc ' s c eap 9 ore. be learned bv arldressm!lTREASURE·TRoYr, k e~-bei1w automa·ic in i ts m·ivements, ' cLEU.AN & co. rh E wells comedY c 0 · th a t Co , 25 Clinton J ., -..G:1txAX))Jib flJ.E.\KJ,EY,- ln llowm anv-ilb , SEE THEM. ' e mma Place, N ew York. and h~s nenher spriug nor clutches liablty on April,, by }t.,v. R. D- }' rn. er. M. A .. at R ev. A. F raser, lat e of Orono, writ ing ga:·e .a wee.k s entertammenthh~re 1k \~O A I.ESSON is to he learn't from the ~o wei; r out or br~a.k. It is claimed th~ ihe residence of the bride·~ father, Mr. \ V in. us from Com ox, B. C., on April J 9:h years >i!!O, wi11 commence a not e1 wee s ai · rrlit of bald heacl. F ··l li ' iict c iut no d it has : y 1iry few JOmts ta \Vear ou t. H A leirn.nder . or D t1bique, Jowi>, (form erly ot I d . bl h T H II Th d ~ ~ ~ u M " ;, Bo wmanv~re, l to .Maria. eldest daug hter or says : After a p iea.sant un en.J.0 Ya. e progi"<tm 111 td? O\ h vn ··h ou . h urs ay, p ~rmat u ro grayness of the hair can be " reat solidity a.nd s trength, altltoug Francis Ble akley. Eic1·· of Dowmanville. 1 ·eached ou r destmatwn May 10th en rng e l Gt ' wit a ~om- stopped 1£ wken in time. Do not let it weighing ,, uJy a little over 20 )1Js. The ' l~io-BO'\-l EEc11: -0n A1ml 19,- PrimrOl!a journey, we have 1 safely ·r<nd rec~ived a cordh'l welcome. plet e change of program e vory w ghd t, r un 1 ,n wi" tliout 111a kinrt an efiiort to save catches are c< ;ntrolled bv the roller arms, Da y- at S t. Peter's Church, Aintr&,, by t~ · 11 -,. T I r " ttev.\.V, \'l'arhu rton, Mr.J<'ranois Moun ~d<m . of 1 1 M rs. F ; r aser s t oocl th e Journey we -'-' ew Pays, new scenery am ltW wa · i t. Get a bottle of Dr. Dorenwend's and have ne ver been k nown t o fail i n one the li rm of .11.r klo S;'Mou o~d n, Commission ana is in excelleut health. Will write robe. Wat ch for posters. . Ger ma n " H air Magic," [t stimulates smide i nstance in c irrying u p the lar~est Merchants, L:verpool. (and n ephew or Mr. you a letter soon giving par t iculars. CoRltECTION.- We Mr. Jenmng3 t he orowt h uives tre~h viralit.y H ild keeps loads, 1 ,i· M any of the numerous t est :g~~g.;1,!'\TaP;~ghg~h~7J~hnaL~ec~:i~sq:.r~z~f:i Inatructions t o correspondents : -Boil say, in his boot and shoe _ 11.dv.rtisement the hair it~ ~atural color, besides being ~rial s t o whi?h it has ~een s u bjected. It Cottage, \\·,,,·ton, E ag, down wha t you h ave to say. Don't drown la9t week th at he would maugnrate th e a auberb d reseinµ; . All druggists sell it. 1s not complica ted. It takes up less r oom - -- - - ---D-I_E_D-.- - -- - - a little struggling iaea in an ocean of de- cash system c>n t he 1st of May., It s_hould 'l'he next n umber of the S priaofield the ham than in any ot~er car, whi~h , words. Write on but one side of h at e I ead the 1st of June. 'I he :in s take Mass Good H ousekee mu will"' con ! m ~ow en d barns, or pas.stng b~ams, is a J,EA~ .-xe.---: a Pjckerin ~. A 11r.i 20t b, D.uitel You (or a n y ot her person) can save sultory t he paper and don't try to see how many was ours R ead wh at t he aclvertisem~nt l ain ~n offor of $ l OO in 0 11; priz~s fJ r decided advan tage. It. 1s easily m oved ~~~~tJe1:.1;-~Jii~~~n~~~J~ 3 mtntlls a ncl 3 dl:l,Vil. 20 per cent. by getting your words you can get on a sheet of paper. eays now! and ~ake advai;itage of the tirat r ecipes or treatment that shall ext ermin- f~o!t~ one b~rn ~o anotoer: '!'.he pr~J:ia · Wri te plainly and use care in giving oppo1·t umty to inspect ]us fi ne new stock ate or pr.,veut the ravages buffalo-bugs, b1llt1ca are 1~ WIH . laet 3: hfe-tu:ue. !'ho Whcez:ng, g a~piug su fferers f1om _ o\sttlSo_ \.'P from bed-b ugs, moth~. flie ~ and lfeas . Ev; r y track used with tlus car is the best. n ames of persons and p laces. Always of boots and shoes. ma recei re · ui ck and permanent r elief by usmg Southern Asthma Cure. Sold hy eend your real name whether you wish it . Cobourg IYorld office rules : Yisitord goncl housekeeper will rejoice in the en · TH E .PRIZ ~J r.1::;r. d r uggiate O!' by mail ou receipt of price. publish ed or n ot . Above all things steer to t h is <>ffico are reqpested to observe the terprise of Messrs. Bryan & Co., and t t b h H eavy Horses I mport ed- - J udges : _ 1 e ear o poe ry. follo wing rules : - Sub~cri e fort e pa per a wait with anxiciy the d iscovery of in- M essrs . ,J ~mes H eat11e, . J o1 i n D a vey an d · A MIDDAY P ROCESSION.- 'fhe usuaI and pay in a d vance; keep six f eet f rom fallible treatment. for t hese pests. J ames Leask. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. monotony of the quiet .veek wae broken t he presses; h ands off the prmter's copy; The Third page of the Tor onto Daily ,., t · 1 t J p , G ld ti ' d 'd f J t l . d 't t 'k t th 't d 't I en n es.--s ' . nrter a o n er ; ··orrnct n" ' '"~ · 1-. 11r( r" . "·v"I'"' Tue~··a~. 9°'IT IS A FACT.~ on F r1 ay orenoon as w ien a procession on a. 0 e co'llposi or s ; °,n ca b rlry Mail is noted for "Want" advertisements. 2 ud, vVm. Patter son's Oliver Twist ; 3rd, .... ~ ~.., '. .". . "~ .... ~ - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - of Darlingt on farmer s passed t broul!h off 1he exchanges on the editors ta. e, If you want to buy or sell anything. If .J<.hn Joli's Archer. t own, each with cne of the Little Maxwell and dont read the typo on the galleys o1 you want a. sit ua tion, a mtechanic, a busiHeavy H orse.·, Canadian Bred.-- 3 en- FLOUR, 11' 100 lbs ··· ·· . . . . !(1;2 10 t o $2 Self Binders in lus wagon and with small t he matt er on the pr oof sheet.. n ess, machinery, lodgmgs, if you have t ries : ] st, Wm. Patterson's H ighland WHF.AT, Fall, 'II" bush ... . . 0 80 " 0 2 II Spi'ing, II · · · · · 0 80 II 0 2 baner ettes tluttor iug in the balmy air of Ii yo u want to buy o~ sell a. farm, ad- lost or found anything, or if yo u wan t to Chief ; 2nd , K S. Dear born's Gen . Duke BARM' . Y, 1r bush, N o. 1. ... 0 ';O 11 0 the second warm day of spr ing. This vertise in the Toronto Weekly Mail. That find out where anyone is, ad ver tise in the 3rd, Wm .·Toll's Solina Boy. I· " II 2 , . . , Q 61) II 0 {)() procession has become an annual event paper reaches 100,000 farmers homes Toront o Daily Mail and read the a dverLight Horses- Judges : Messrs. J ob II II J . . .. 0 55 11 0 00 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. which goes to sh ow that the good roputa- e very week, and your advertisement tisements on th e t hir d page of that pa· Dickinson, A . Polbrd and W. W. D ckey R n:, . . · · · . . . . . 0 55 " 0 60 t ion of the M axwell Binder is berng s hould meet the eye of some one who per. The charge is two cents a word v. S. · . . · · . · · . 0 40 .. 0 45 BOWMANVIL LE STATION. maint.aioed notwithstmiding tbe keenness wants to purchase. Advertisements of each insertion. Address, The Mail, ToItoachter or Coach Horse, 9 entries ; OATS, of the competition t o which it is subjected. t his cli;ss are inser ted in t he Tor onto ronto Canada . 42-tf lat, Asa Choate's Norfolk H~ ro, 2n'1, P us, J3lr.di:eye, ~b ush . .. 0 60 ·· 0 67 GOING JilA.ST GOING WEB'.!' 11 Small, 11 0 65 it 0 70 Mr. R. H11tchiso1~, Enniskillen, is the W eek ly Mail for five cents a wor d each On the first l!'cid1. 1 . y in May, Arbor Day J l)n . Porter's .Josh Billmgs ; 3rd, W. M EXPress ...... . 8.37 a m Express ...... 6. 22 a m 11 Blue, 0 60 w 0 70 agent for this L·cahty. inaert10n, or t wenty five cents a word for will,\ by appointment of th e Minister of Foy's Young V anderbilt. Express... .. ,10,30 a m Local ....... ..8.00 a. m BUTl'Jrn, beat cable, ~ l:b. . · 0 18 It 0 00 :Mixed ...... ...3 '2 p m Express~ . ..... 9.31 a m We have t o thank the Shepherd Pub- five insertions. Address, The Mail, E ducat10n, be observed throughout OnBloocl Horde, 8 entries - 1st, John LARD, 1!" tt, . · . . · · . . . . . . . . 0 10 It 0 12 ~a.I · .......... 7.IG p m Mixed ......... 3.21 p tn · tario. '.rhe day ha~ now become a r egu- Wyllie's Bunham Wood ; 2nd, J ohn EGGS, ~ doz , .. .. ... .. .. . 0 11 ,._ 0 {JO Erorees ...... 9:40 p m Jllxpress. , ..... 8.4.3 Pm Jishing Co., 'l'oronto for a copy of that Toront o, Canada. ..Except Mondaye. realistic story ,; Widower J ones " by EdA county editor is one who reads news- Jar inst itution in the Province, a.ud we Wyllie's Top Gallant; 3rd, Leo11ard PoTATOLS, W b ush . . ... .. . 0 60 1 t 0 70 mund E Sheppard author of " Dolly, " papere, wri~es on a ny subject, s licks trust t hat th11 r equest of H on. Mr. R oss Thompson's George E xtra. HAY .... _... . .. .. . ...... rn oo ,. 1z..tlo -F a r m e rs, L ook Her e! "Farm Sketches, " etc. In the author's t.ype, folds p·pern, makes u p mails, runs that evel'y t eacher i n the P ublic Schools, Bulls- Judges, Messra. John B ussell own words we say : 'I'o those who fear ~rrands, saws wood, works in t h e garden, especially in the r ural regions, should be· and James Stanley. We respectfully beg to call yo ur atten - "father will marry again ; " to the wife 1 is blamed for a thousand t hings he ne ver t ween now and t he anniversary inculcate D urham Bull- 3 yeard old and upwai·ds : tion to th e Russell Champion F e nce (pat· who thinks h e!.' husband may sometime t hought of, worlrs hard all dny, i& subject the beaut ies of tree and flower planting 1st, and sweep stake Samuel Allin's Sir B ARRIS:'.::.ER, Solicitor, Notary , &c. ented 1883). It r ecommends it.s~lf by ils "ive her children a st~pmother; to t he to spring fever, helps people int o office into t he minds of the pup ih , will be re- Arthur ; 2nd, W. B. Allin's D arlington CO BOURG . s implicity, cheapness and d urab1hty. N o husband who wonders how his wife would who fo rget all abou t it aft erwa rd, and Durham Bull, 2 years old- Wm. Olllce>,--"'l.rmour DJo()k, King Street, 221 111.,mber ed. There would ne vr.r be a s t akes or post in t he ground to decay. It act if he were dead : to those who car e freq uently gets ch eated out of his, but, ~carcity of t imber, wil h its de plorable r e- Werry's L ie utenant. Durham B ull, 1 . , _ ':! , .,... excels all other fences int roduced to the for pictures of r eal life with its sorr ows t he man t hat b uys his boots ancl shoes suits, ia t hese parts if tlte tree-planting year old- 1st, Samuel Allin's Y e.ndyke; BR(C~ L OU SE '.IO R ii.N! on Sctl@g notice of farmers, ancl is endorsed and and Joys, its peculiarities and preten- fro m .John Hellyar gets fo ll value fo r hia day of t he year was properly observed on 2nd, Hobt. R o we's Prince Charles. str:e'..:_: l\pply to n . WuwMr, U- ff Stronuly l'ecomioended by the best fa rmsions, its heartach es and laughter ," we money every time. every farm in the lan<l, ns it migh t be, H ereford Bull-·-h t , Tb (l~, Ormi~ton's i FOR CASH-On lot 20, con .- .. ers a;;d stockmen of Ontario. ecommend this b ook, Price 30 cen ts. The entertainmant given in the To wn wi·h much benefit t o the country, and at ;\ nnexation ; 2nd, Enooh Steven's Secur- 1 Ditrllni;:ton, weighed at ltamvton . . ~VM. For :Fa rm or Township 1·igh ts for Durham r l\fay.J?s.had at-S~S)fAN' office and all Hall last Thursday n igh t drew a very very small initial expense t o the farmer . ity. F at Cow-1st., Alfred .Allin : ~ud , LAW.'!'.' ~m~tou: ___ i i;._,.;?w County a pplf to W. H . WHALEN or J . bo listores, smalll audience. The Quintette played Attenti0n is fix:ed on Germany . Ono Wm. Cann. TORE TO LET .-The eto1 ·0 n ol'7 QI· OAllRIGAN. Bowmanville Mr. J ohn R. Reid, Grand Master of so~e lively airs. Mr3. ~arrett, Miss veter an ruler , the E mper or William, has cupied b:y. M r. W . JI. I ves, ou H.iug 8 t:r® , F or Darlington Township, apply tolVfa. t wo doors e~.s' or the P. 0. l'ossea~ion 1\11'1.1 Cla r ke Fair . Lhe Independent Orde r ,,f Odclfellow~, of Wr ight and Messrs. Keaclue and ~cC.ulj ust passed away, and th e gra ve is e\·en Pmr,11 · Tn 1 m , Bowmanville. 10t h · ·1n 1iy to A. B COK LER, .Jcwollcr, Onhrio paid an official visit to F lorence lough sang a vocal quartei,t e ' ' .·h ihan now ready t o r eceive his successor. The l~U h Nighti n'gala L odge, No. 6u, on Wednes- Lyre, " Geo. Peckh~m s m g a com~c aong crown will rnst on th ree heads i n a single Thursclay Ja,t was r eally the liL'&l spring ,, , -. 7 , - ; - <---·- - --: day hist, when them was a n exemplilica- and encore, a nd Messrs. Keaclue :;in d yeir. There ill'e element3 of deep int er - day this y enl', bnt there was a smi\U tum · ph .">~ i v AH TED.- ilOOO bushels DI · · · t} · 1 sma~l pou.s wa.ntea at t.lle Caledon.iw t ion of th e new Jloor work of the iniba- Brown s;\ng a due t.. Mr . John R . R~Jd, eat in a rcqn like that of the E mper or O? t . a t O 10 ~0 to mspe~t Le a ex:- Mills , .f!.own»u.1vllle, for w hich tho very h~ , · lligheat price paid for eggs by John m y cleAJ'ee, a nd enjoying a sound of G rand Mast er I. 0. 0 I~. , of Brock".ille, Willia m, who·e life cover ed most of our 1 11b1ted. 1I be show ot horses was e:xcell- 1 est prit' e w:J; b o paid. J o1rn ll'LAo KAY, · · j slil1r4;._apeecl1es , ...... an a dj ournment was gave an addres~ on th e Hlms and obJ~C~s st irring cent ury. The s tor y can be r ead en t. T he prize ! mt : Impor ted Olydes-1 pr iet.!>1 G rigg. :: _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42·~:_. xT Hall of Oddfellowship that surp:i.ased any s um- in a fin ch· illu. tra.ted art icle in :Pra nk. dal~ stttllion-l. \V. 1~at terso!1'~ ,Oliver C OLT~: FOR SALJ;;, - Oirn thi·ee-yeiir· l l · e y·t 111. made to th e R uebottom Dininrr 0 1 T o ld ress on t · ' · lt~s e ve r Leslie's I~o J 1 lSb. 2. J os. Oilapman 1 s Chrnr Const :\dh e, l., ews ias receivel c 1 0 1c whe n 1.1 grand b&nquet was given m honor l as ac ne sub JOCt t h at it pu l ar Monthly for l\hy. ·'A 'Iw o!d 1mu one two-rcnr old - both very see s · . . . of the Grand Ma@ter 's visi t. The chair b een our pleasure t o h ear: The ·1u mtett e Week's J a unt Among th e Lake& of Cen ble. :{. P ercy & Young's Man fred 1 good and promising animals. ~pply to \.¥)1:. 1 The m s1de pnges con tam muc.1 valuable was ahly filled by Dro. Ji'. F . McAr thur opened the second par~ mth a valse, after tral New York " is d tivo ted tn a neglected .C anac lian J?i·an g~t -1. W . Patrnrson's ; !~i1~i~L(;~· .ot ]!J, con 3, Darhngt'on, Bowl~~· r eading mat ter. . a.nd the usual loyal a nd fraternal toasts which a burlesqu? ent itled " Fraze~'s D~; part which elsewhere would. furnish a H1g blanJ Clnef. " · ·- - I - - - --·--\VanteJ - 200 tons oltl iron, rags and were drunk and d uly acknowle cl~ell. In grea or tho Imtiat wn of a Candidate · thousand t hemes t o t he poet and painter. Blood Stallion-·- !. .Tno. \\'yHi"" Top 11\.lf'ILL l NilRY A.ND DRESS ~1AKCN(,}. .i,W..L - :d:-o. Dm~an iB vrep11·etl to do Jl.ll b ones. John Grigg, trayeJling merchant. responae to t he toast to the G . L , of On - was presented by som? me mbeys of the Dr. Y an Fleet gives a deligh tful s tudy of (h lhnt . '- · S l[' c· · "-' . ktndB Of s:mw milJlnel'y and dreSSlllakl!lg at 1e of th e b est Order t o the delectatio n of tno small our nati ve Warbler s. Another article Ca rriage t a ton- 1. A. i:.oatu & ·., Ol- her res;O:et: ce neni· cor. of Ont arlo and Q11®n I n surance. tario ' Bro . R eitl deli vered 01 ~ LIFE ACCIDENT - t was ever a ud'rnn ce. I t is . a mat t er f or regre t th at t ells of "Prje1 R F I RE v' t B' ·11 tf speeches to Oddfollows tha ralski's Adventures in Cen- folk H ero 2. M. J. ] 'oy 'e You ng Va.a - Sta., llowm&n·1ille. l i -U OB'r . IRTUE, f(en ' ow man vi e. ' given here. Speechca were made d uring there wer e so f_:iw ,Present ~o enjoy such tral Asia," showing h ow B ussia. is laying derbilt. 3. Geo. Bing!1am's ····:·d ·--·-··-T --:-1 " · - - -11··:;:·r0 --=~~-----H 1 :'l... 11 -0 .l' l;f. l.~..t r. 111 ... son . a1 vr, Mrs Morrison has r emoved hor stock the eveni ng by Pnat Grand P atriarch a pleasan t e ~·emag s entertamment. her plans for pushing her sway to the FAlJ{ NOTES. at :\1 c (.Jlun g Bros .· ia now prepared lo N EW Musrc.- We have received from border.s of China a nd India, or p erhaps t o the frame buildings, oppoai te Buckler's Dt. l1ae and District D ep nty Gm ndl\fasmake a lim!tetl nt1mber of sulta ro1 · Cl untry Mr. .John Wyllie haa t aken fi r11t prize bnye~a o: from Olltside establlsh.ment s. ~.!l Jewelry Store . ter , J . l". Tamb~yn , E sq., of Oshawa, R ll'llARn A. S AAltFIRLD, 41 U nion Sq uare, beyoncl them. What with all t his, and trance thror;.gb t).t1lc k & Co'e store 45-ir. NEEDLEs.. -H . C. '.!' has received a R ev . . Br o. Warrmer, a nd Bros. Mason, N ew York, the following pieces of Music: stories by Mrs. J G. Austin, F. B. Hall- o!l his t horo'-b red blood h orses at Whitby , OUSE AND L OT TO R ENT - Tha· l arge variety of needl es and can fit any P ethwk, Welch, W eeks and D r. M cDow- "Rockaby Lullaby," by Chas. H. Wil- owell, Etta W. Pierce and others, t he Bowrnanville an d Clarke fai r~. T hey ar e pleasantly situated J1 ouso oppoeite thit make of sewing machine ell. Songa by ~roe..M::.C ullough, P eo'k- Iiams ; one of the prettiest little song 9 i t magazine giyes a n e ndless amount of in- dandiea. English l"t1 .' rcll . Possession Apr il 1st. GOi!ll !I Summer swooped down upon us with ham and A. M1tcl~eil mtersi;iers?d t he has been our pleas ne to r eceive in some teresting and attractive reading. garden f,nd orchnrd- /. acre Janet. Apply lo Why Don't You Get Marr i ed'l 01as. E1. ·:-ri, Bowmanvil!e 13·tf', A SAD PR9SPECT. - H ow m any weary great warmth last T hursday, Friday and speech es. The ch1'irman was m his us_ual t ime. ·written in a simple way it strikes Saturday . Straw hats and parasol11 came happy humor a nd ·:~used many a ~oarmg us as one of t he best "Cradle Songs" we broken down invalids t here are to who m Don' t delay over so impor t:mt a matter. HEEP STR AYE D.-Strayed into my also. P?el ~ £. l~nghter ~~rmg . t ?e evenmg by have ever seen . " The Old Love Story," life is burdensome and whose prospect is Dare to stand up and pop t he fatal ques· prem~sca, 1.iot 7 Con. 5 Di!.r llngton, ab lldt Jacob Young, of Pontypool , whose foot Ins witicisms. I he dmmg r oom. was hy E dwin Christie ; a song written by ead indeed. The nervous debility and tion . Act now, young man . May is an the middle of Novomber two ewes. Tber can li&vo same by D rovinil property and was crushed by jumping from the train most elabora tely festoone~ ancl decorated the author of " S weet Chiming Bells of general wei;kness of those afflicted with unlucky month for mar riages ; if you wait owner pa;ringmee· penses. Ricnt.RD l<'uLEY.'l'rrono.. at N ewcastle, on the 3rd of April. died and the .supper was a credit to the(ia~erer · Long Ago," and one of t he b est h e has linger ing is bast r e medied by the till J tms sh e may ch an ge h.:ir mind. 15--3w on M onday, 16th ult., from his inj uries. Br?. R eid l eft by tho afternoon r~m on ever composed. " White Sails in the invigorating and restgring properties of Make Jo ve while April lasts, clc;se the "t.J --iAR.M :F·OR S ALE. GO acre!!, beil}g contract, and go to M . Mayer 's fo r yonr H undreds of dollars' worth of laclies' Friday and was escorted t o tho s tat ion by H arl>or," by J . P . S kelly ; a splendi d B . 13. B. 00\1th pn~t o! Lot 21, Con. 8, Da.rlingtefn. wedding hat. He keeps the best display !r mile - - -- - - -- --- - sever al of. t he ) Ile wa~ much song and chorus. The latt~r in " Wahr. -o west of Enntsklllen. .F'rame J\on i F rench Kid B Boots, slippers and low pleased with his visit t o Bowmanv1lle. 'fempo" exceedim?ly takino " · " Pret t.v as H a rne ss! Harnees! of all the new styles to he found iu the rooma, ciete~·n, new b&rn. good orcharil. g d shoes liave just arrived at Gec>. B uck 's ~ creek r;mr>.in g through fa.rm. 'l'erms e ' , dist rict , and for gents furnahin:i;s, tic~,col· }Joot store, wh ich will b e sold close t o CoNSUMPrION CAN BE CURED by proper a But t erfly, " (Schottische) by Ne weomlJe ; .Apply to ·wm. Gilbert, Son., Lot 25, Con., , Having secured th e ser vices of Mr. Iara, cuffs, etc. , he cant be beat . There Ennisknl en P.O. healt hful exer cise, and the judicious use an adaption of the popular Song and ~lt-3n:l 1hrey & Mayer) is no use in palavering, c11ll and our cost. of Scott's E muleion of Cod Liver Oil a nd Dance ' ' P retty as a Butterfly, " and like Markus Meyer, (of H um1 The newly elected ofticers of Canton Hypophosphites, which contains the heal- that foll of 'go' and 'esprit .' "Tripping in addition to 0ur ol d and well tried staff, opinionerwill harmonize. OUSE AND LOT FOlt SALE ..;.... A vntnable house o.n<l tot near tho :Bown:ianville are : Comtnttndant, N. S. inu and strengt h-giving virtuee of these Through the Clover," (P olka) by E d . we are in a position to build H arness, Cabinet, H s torey frame house, nea.rly THE BALrnrnRE PosT 0 r ncE.-Jl don' t new, tl S'aotory, Young ; Lieut., W. E · P ethick ; E nsign, tw "' o valuabl e specifics in t heir fullest H olst ; this piece writ ten by on e of the et a., on f!hort er not ice than a ny other r ooma and summer k ttcJ'u m. F .l:.lli t lVm. M cCullough ; Clerk, H. J. WeeKs ; form. Mr. D. D. McDonald , Petitcodiac, most successful composera is in style manufacturer in the coun ty. We buy care wh o ia appoin t ed to the Baltimore treev. eto. <..load lot estending from Elgin st. ~o IAm?J St. '.l'his la i.\ ~ood invii~ Accountant, N . M. Gage.; S tandard N. B ., eaye : I have been prescribing similar to "Tripping Through the for cash and giYe o ttr customeu t he bene· post oflice, said General J ohnson t o the through as the root ot toe liouso ·~ iU puy ov~r P resident, b ut I do insist t hat my oook meut Bearer, .Joseph :Bryant ; Guitrd, J . May- Scott's Emulsion with goQd results. I t Meadows ." Without being difficult, it ia fit. per cer.t in tereei on the tmrchase m oney nifd use l mperial Cr eam Tartar Baking Pow- eave a good lot to ])a 0011.l--Ol' b uild on, }.f nard ; Sen tinel, J. Mcintyr e. is especially us e.fol in p ersons with cou- very brillinnt. All these retail for 40 ~"" \Yo guarant ee our Collar s. dealrt:\blo, Ji'o:r 1'rn·thcr uartl.oulff.I der. I n.m done with the p0w<ler contain- deemed M.aso:s- & D ALE, ASAY AID to latermd r enwllea f1'r skin sumptive tendencies." P ut up in 50c. cents. Sent post-paid at half price, ($1 to li'R"-NCH.1 ".l'.h ecN, .lLn:;r Streot Ea , T appl;y uhc!llsc~. Dr. Lo" '11 Snlr h ur Soni· prons and $ 1 ~ize . for the lot.), or 20 cents a piece. opposite E dsalls's. Bowmanville. ing nlnm ancl ammonia. Diio.Ow ii ioi miiiaiiiiniiov ililiii ll;o;"m. ·~ ...., ·..... ... ,..,.,.. -:.... .. ·;,;i ·~-~. · }!;,;, ., ' s LIVER UCAQGOATED j p JL L AND HAM 'S ) WEET LITTLE s I San~nam's Sarsa~arilla ' PR0VETH ISI 1 STOTT & JURY. 0 Hotel Keepers, Boardinghduse Keepers. !n f - TT & JURY . ST() lltt 4l!Jauadiatt 511\U,UllU. 7 " ., ., E ..... I I I l H AY S Local and Ot erw1se. I . . A I, ·r -··;H .J '\J S -·----------- --·-----·~--~ H T.try Talna llte.

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