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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1888, p. 6

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--- - REGISTERED - - VA.RIETIES. Couldn't stand to oee her hurt--purty J little thing like t-)iat l Made me think of- i them hooks an~ Jyes fr·' M'nervy's in my_;_ Hearts may be honest but they are always IS PUBLISHED ONE Of THE CHIP;;J. ooat." on the beat. ' .·. lEVERY WEDNESDAY ltlORNING The l! words ..vere homely and common· 'Nhen a lady is sewing, she is In re11.lity · place as hia life had boon. t h· t I -BYOur lateP.t importation has anivea. from France, and , e will bo "Jake !" The call was as sharp ~sit ~oil "But he clied like a hero I" ~he doc· no w a s l!:I s~ems.. · · 'd glad to see our friends and ucquaint1rnces and those with whom we ~1:. .i-\.MES~ eould be f'.·o.m a. mouth. half filled with pms, tor when a littl ~ later lte turned away from , Every weddmg n~g ~hat is _worn is sa1 have been in correspondence. iu fact any and all who are ot au;I the bI:-c~ ?yes .'~h1ch supplemented the the f _ ace that already ha.d taken on the mys-1 to repr;:sent a mans impertrnence and a AT THE O~'ICICE first class P EH.CHERON8 ancl FRF.NCH COACHERS to look them vorne by tne;r rn.qmrmg glances were sharp terious d ignity of < woma.n s folly. over. We have an e:xeeptionall~ fine lot, and oul' 9lud is so lar;;:e J>"ost omce Ulock, IUng Street, Uow11m11· tlia~ nll may be pleased. We offel' the largest number and grentost 11>;so. ~very qmck movement told th8.~ the "And he was onl.r 'one of the chips,'" Not every one ia happy who dances, says "\'jlle, Onf,n.ri.o .. vanety to eclcot from . A.ll our imported stoek ie seleetetl uy MR ;1Uage nreagma~er was a woman of b~~;ness. ia.ld Deacon Roger's voice, huskily. "Doc- I the proverb. The man who has j ast stepped FAllNU:W hlmseH pernona!ly in l!'mnce, and he accepts nothing bui ' :yhat on_ ei>rol~ ~xe J;O Uabo~t now · . tor, wha_ t must He be-the great Master· on a tac_ k knows this full well. the best Horses of the mo;t aooroved breeding. Our Uome-!n'cd Stock is all the progeny of selected sires a nd dams '(;Jl.,00 per Annum, oI· $1 if 1rnl1! in advance. Only tm~e~m , M nervy· a~swered lll '\Vorkman ·-seeing tho.t all the uuaelfiahnesa, . · of the be,"t form a nd most desirable breeding. \Vo guarantee our de.p;:ecrn.ung tones the obi ect of her compassion and love that ar e continually When a girl gets mad and rrnes from a Payment atric~ly in advance roqniredfrom elow, stock. i:3e_ll on easy terms and at low prices . bEcnbers outmdo of tho county. Oi·d cra t o search as he appea,red a~·oun(~ ,a corner. shininct out in our hunio.uity are but the fel~ow's knee," ~a.ys an exchau.go," b.ut ·we w1ll be gl>tLl. to n.nswer all correspondence p ~omptly ; but v- e thinks better of lo and goes b11cK agiun , scont\nue tho pape·r mu1:1t be a.ccompa nied by "Takes :i. goo(l deal cf tmkerin to keep f . t "',a c"io 11 0 f Him ?" would strongly advise persons contemplating Lhe:purchase of a. - .,. ;ie · · ,,arn re. e " ~ . that'a whll.t we ca.ll a rolapoe." earcount due;orthepape wil not he st o;;ped, things up ·~ ' . · · ,. Dr. Arnold silently, r everently hftcc1 his 01· marn Pel'.;herou o~ French CoiH~h, to get on the t.rain anil come and see us. '1bscribera ara " '"sptmsibleunti full paymeu (: la Qa,talogue free /Jy Mail. '.'I wish to good~ess yo~ ,ever a~d a~y- hat and looked upwa.rd, but lie spoko no Chorus of Tcronto" The sad· l iade, thmg _else l ~~on t _find tm.e to t1~ke1 I word of reply. dest wotds of tongue or's toe , R4T-~2 ®lfl' ll..IH/'HnR~:l!!>I&G 1 ~5- oon teil you; its solid, ha.rd work _wi.h me. many woman and not enou"h men." PR\H!'llUl'i'6!tS 01" IS.tAND HOlllE S'f~{\ ~{ J',~ll!IJ, HIPOR'l'Ei!S AND nmrnonm!, ,, . . "' . Wh ?!e C·>~Jlmn one y~a.1'. ....... ····· $60 1;::; ~: ·"Well, the . barn·door . or gn.te-hmges, or " .. Rah · ea.~,. ... ,. .. .. . 36 0 ~.,. what><:ver it rn, can wait now, for I want 'lhcrc rn a difference between the hpg of ACtdress all communica.tions to Detroit, Mich.] GB.OSS]l ISJ!,E, WAYNf~ CO;, ~UCIUGA.N, 1 0 .0 One qt1aner ........ . 20 o h · k , f H d , H . , , AN ANALYTICAL PRE"'ENT"'B 1IT d th 1· f · Hait Column one :rear ...... . ...... .. 36 oo - - some o<J s anu. eyes ram . o ge s- .oc1ge s m. -" · a young n:u.n ai: · . e !ps o young woman, " Rn.If year ...... ·:.... .. 20 oo mind, for thoy give six cards for a qna.rter. A 't'fell·lmown :Cirn!( J.·i·esi<leul; llteeom· but sometunes 1t is a vei:y small one. ·: One quarter·-. ·· ...... 12 And don't stop to 'tend to anything by the mcn·ll! 0111 Rules to 'KG>rng l!len. tieala sleep upon 1&.nd; they also do so 1 way." ~a~:to~ (,o!?rr..n on~ ycc.~ .. .. ....... ?O , ·fl.oatin ,7 upon their backs in t he aea. This 0 Ra.r year ...... . .. . . i2 o S'h ·! . l d · t th h d J l A t· n · d h 1t h ho ·n . . bth~y mostly rnaulgc · ' · · " " Orie quarter........ s ~O Ii e yv nr e m .o .e , ouse, · a.n a rn ny you o avmg goo ea. · w Wl hao1t rn when the Ten Hnes andunc1er ,first insert.ion. 50 JU d rew his sleeve ac:ross Ins persp1rmg fore- heed the following hints will have a right to weather is fiuo and the sea. calm. ". Illa.oh subsequex> t inse>:tion ·.,.... 0 2ii -· head, and slowly replaced the - old hat he expect to be successful in the best sense of The temparnnce people of Prince Edward 1Jl'.rom six t o ten lines, _fir.stt~ecrt1on 0 ?51:: had pushed back. He waa willing enough that word: Isll\nd have presented 11 petition at Otta.wa Each Bubsequent insertion...... 0 351 t d t t I l f · h b d eJver ten lines,f\rat;insertion,perline o 10·-10 o. go ·own e .,ree or any~ ie_re e se .or ,:..s tot 6 a y: that the question of prohibition for the Do· .. aubacquont insertion " 0 Oil= M1r;erva. .. He. nad an. a.dnm·at10n for her I.. Keep the person cl~an. minion be submitted to a plebhcite. " The numl:Jerot'linas to b.e recko11ed bY ~ thnlt and husmess capacity that amounted 2. Be a~ muoh in the open air aa ci.rcumThe ·1rrest of several men on a change of ~- Mis ;r.p-i.ctivii\3-U.Pied.,.meii.3ured byi;..acaleof to s.lmost awe. As for her failure to ap· stances will permit. "Olld Nonpareil, preciate him, he waa used to that ; he did 3. E!!.t abuadantly of plain, wholesome embraeery has demoralized the gil'ls all over the country. They think it will make the ~. -....._ not !l.t>Preciate himself very highly. food, especially of fruit. DRS. lllcLUJGHLIN &; ·nEI'!'llf. "She's the smart one of the family. Al4. Have nothing whc.tever to do with in- you!.lg men too timid to do any hugging. wa.ya ha$ lots of faculty, M'nervy did. 'Why, i;oxicating drinks. Don't try if you are an ordinary m11.n to f' QFFICE.:-:MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE· sh£ used to boss me round when we wasn't 5. Be in bed not later than 11 o'clock (10 occupy two scats in a crowded horse car. 1Dr.J.W.MCLAUGm,rn.1 Dr. A., BEHB, Gra.du neither of ue higher'n that," he was wont o'clock would be far better) and ri~e at 6. Only wemen c~ do that and look as innoi\ieentiate of the Royal ate of the Toronto to, denoting the limited Rtature by Beware of late hours; of temptations in the cent as a lily·of-the-valley all the while. <College of Physicians · . . . one awkward brown hand held near the streets; and at theatr es and balls. and member or_ the 1 Umvermty, l:'hys1c1an The reason that newly married men are Begs to inform ths inhabitants of Bowmanville and surroundinaground. 6. Have no personal habits, such as smok)Royal College of Sur· Surgeon, &c. He .wondered a little in his dull way, as ing or chewing or others that are injurious called. Bt1llcdict~ ia because they sup· Townships that be has opened out business in the old stand, formed; geons. Edinburgh. he went down the street that morning, why to yourself or disa.greeable to other people. posed on their ma.rriage to give up all the . b:c, J, C, MITCHELL, bad bachelor habi ts to which they had occupied ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door east of Standard Bank, and tee" faculty" had been so unequally divid- Have clean hands and clean clothes. .,MEMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS' ed. He had a dim consciousness that his will at all times keep in stock all good.s usually kept in a first-class 7, If occupation fo sedentu.~y, take your " benedicted." ' · and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. tinkerin'," as his Hardware Store, comisting of · ··Ollloe and Residence, Enniski.llen. , U. life h!l.d ·d been · t mostly" d f l" h' h sis· N exercise in gymnasium or in other ways, the Percy L1>velace (a suitor)- " Do you think t er aai , ·rns ea o simplest and chea.pest of which is walking. h. o accomp ld ish mg muc · ted I can ever win Miss Fickle's love?" Cynical . N· .,, · .,, · 1, one h. seemg 1m "'h won 8. Alw:i.ys give place to women in streets ]friend (a. fo . W . § , ORJ!HS'll'O ·· h t ave h expec f _ rmer suitor)-" Never despair, . C & M' anyu mg more. .i. e enes , eavy aae, or street cars. Bim·ister, Solicitor, or.veyancer, c, oney th t h d b t k'llf 1 th my boy. What roan has done man can 1 11-0 loan. Office, in Beave.r mock upstairs in e grea an s, strong, rt un~ u· e 9. Spend any holiday of da.ys of weeks in do." :rooms· formerly occupied by Dr. Harn~en, bent shoulders and awkward, shambling, the oountry or at aeaaide. . 39 gait told wlrnt he was. Dr. Arnold, stand10. Be not extravagant in dress-but, be A philanthropist who has "been there" :Bowms.nville. ." : ing in the doorway of the carpenter's shop, well d ressed, not at your tailor's expen0e, has invented an illuminated key hole that . : DR. E . <:. DlcDOWJELL. ·1 pointed him out to llis companion. however. will enable men to go home at 1my hour of I shall alw keeo a. well assorted stock of the best mar;.ufacturers' ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE " 'The workma.u is known by his chips,"' 11. By all means keep out of debt, and do. the night and be able to get in without , · oO'hy-siclai;is, Lonuo_n. l£ng.;Member .of said the doctor, with his complacent lauf!h, not borrnw for p ersonal expenses. rousing the neighborhood. Co.loge. of Phy_s\CJ1tns :urn Surgeons. Ontario. " There comes one of them now. '~Vhat :SURGERY AND · H .EsIDENCJ<::-Rear of Messra. grand Mast~r-W~rkman such . . to the niind: H t !I!ggin)Jotham'a Drug Store, Bowmttnville, as you would . e present-ed " lace coJIar t o the ob' JSC . -· · . O-lyr.* have me bolwvc m would turn out so much 2. If without education, try your best in of his a doration,and, in a jocular way, said. Stove Pipes, Mie.:i.s, &c. · rubbish as that? '\Vhy, <lea.con, if your some Wtty to get at le!'.s~ t· knowiedge of "Do not let any one else rumple it, darling," v .. l >URKE !!\l!lU!l"<iOff, carpenter shop were 0,a full of misfits and spellinO', a.rithmetic and grammar, .for you No, d~ar," ~aid t he lady. "I wiil take it The 11na.11itutac_iure and putting up o:f' Ea~'C '.ll'rou ~ hs lt\l 1U 1·eceiwe §J)e dai aUcnHon · 'O ARRIS'rER, fJOLJCI'fOR, E~c. :MQ?RlS failures as this world is you would he thrown have little hope of succ~ss with< )ut. off" .fD lJ;L:OCK up ata irs, King Street, Dowme.n- out of busioos~. Who.t do you make of a 2. Ba careful what you read antl do not A Los Angeles paper announced a short 1 Us, Solicitor.for the .Ontario Bank fellow like that?" confin~ _vo.uself to newapa~ers. Do n.ot read time since that the" wifo crop in Gascom·de !l!'ri'pttc Itionets loane<l et -~-0 1.0weat rates.'... "Jake does as well as he knows how," :i.nythmg !n them ~ha.t is likely to be hurt- County yielded 15,COO gals." The next week John Keith $r·ll>raUll!t, answered Deacon Rogers, uneasily. ful, especially pphce reports. Read books the editor o; with an erratum-" for ., · . "Ol course." The doctor laughed a,nd magazines, <>nd a.s to choice cf books wife read wine. . ID A H lt I S 'r ER, SOLICI'.i.'Oil, NOTARY "'.fhe question is, why doesn't he know how seek all vice Jrom Read ])est novels, l 'I'. . . . . , ,· D PUBLIC, _ &o. Ofilce--Bounmtll's Bloo,k ~ "'h I h ,, humorou 3 and pathetic,. a,ud wnte for ·ou ~here .1a ~little gtrl m Yorknl.le whor,e Klaig Streat_;__B_ o_w _m __ arivill_ e_ ._ _ M _ onE'._V to 1!1:1::~.!. six to some . n in en wo.3 cabin ere 11ve or owii eye brief notices of the books you read. · - ··_ ·_ yeim1purpose ago he iivcd a little down commercrn1 1r;t erest s are s.o precom?us th , a t· on the fiats whci·e land was ches.p and m~l- Buy few books use public libraries. she rent,s furnuhed rooms m her dolls house . - ROBERT &JltM0111!t, Bowmanville, Ap1·il 2nd, 1888. flJfll: GISTR.AR , WEST DURHAM JSSUE,R aria free. He had a ;\'ife--a poor, tirecl-out, 3, As to public entertainments for recrea- to her msters for a fixed number..of.caramels ·WWWW W !£\.. nfl fa.rrlage l.iiceuses,-Barriater anil A.ttor- sickly creature-and two or three tow-hea.d- tiou in the evenings go to no place of seeing each week. 1 10> 11.t Law end Solioltorln·y,,Mon~Y ed chi.ldren, with faces about as expressive or hearing where you would not take yout· You see," aaidnH;ek old Dea,con Eding," O&n6d on Real I£ate.ta, Office on King street, ari his own. He worked like a slave to s11.p- mother or sister. If you k eep to t h' I when my wife wants a new shawl it's no use l3i>wm&nvil!o. is rue - - --- - - - pol.'t them, doing ari well is he knew how, you are not likely to be hurt. As to games, for me to object, 'specit\lly when she looks lVI!LB.lL'-lll WIGBl'l'. as you sa.y , all his brut~ strength with- avoid billiai·d saloons and gambling houses at me,' her foot and says, "Deacon, I ICENSED \.UCTIONEER for the out any judgment, taking hold of every- or parties. shawl have it!" 1 ounty of Durham. Or:tlers left !lot the thiug at. t he wrong gol a.t 4,1·fIf you are a clerk Je!l.rn shorthand.writB d.end - and letting l d t the h 1'ng you can. Bock agent--Row do you d <J, ma.dam. C 13r.ATESMllN office or forwar d ed to T yrone P .0 , wrong t 1n1e. Y iggmg ear y an a e e · b M l n 11 I 28:6m managed to fig;ht off starvation long enough A.s to Bu..siness : Will your ctog ite? a< am-\, a. · reckon ,wllll receive prompt attention. . . s. (J. Jil!Nlill'W, t-0 give t he miasma a chanco to finish its 1. Resolve to be faithful in everything, 2 . B eon Iiand among th t . . .. .L .· 1 cENSED AUCTIONEER FOJJ, slower <Vork, and then the" " all died of a . e fj 1rs. tainly. Sick 'im, 'rige; sick 'im l ~ low fever-the best thing they could have 3. Be among the fast to leave. ···. · tile County of Durham. Sal.~.s attended done under t he circumstances.. That ended 'l'hings one would rather have left un4 , Be quick to answer any ·call. on sbortest notice ana. lowest r11tos. Address h is · experience · · ·1y. What "d : I,ad y of the H ouse (arch' · oo ~our~tc>: P. O. S6:tf as tiie h ead of a f am1 5 . .Bo prompt to do what you art told. sa1 .iy ) - " M y is the good of a life like his? And he is 6. S;iy "iYes, sfr," and "No, sir," \\Hh husband's not at; home, Mr. noodcmough. only one of many." hearty expression, and say " Good morning" He's gone to call on some pretty woman .s'i! . f.,',..., As the shabby figure passed on the doctor M if you meant it. of his acquaintll.nce. " Caller-" Ah, I've "' , tC...J~ ,T - I"'S ~xrISHI"'T-" n rA.NG" looked after it with his suparior smile. He 7, Be not luzy nor alovenlv in any work given that ub Ion!! ago!" .. 11· · rl. n . '.l: .\."< '~ THEIF, ,. "" J',ii was comparatively a young man ; the gloss " · Tuned or repaireo. can nave them attende4 of newness yet lingered on h is opinions as you are ·set to do. Be alive. And r ernem" vVhat's that;" he asked h is fau<llady eos ::I it;Q by leaving word at the DOMINION OEG,\.~ h. ffi f .. H h d l . rh I be1·, no la.her is degrading. she placed his cup by his ple.te. " Coffee." :Co's OFll'lC!i:, Bowman ville A. Jlrst,clas man <Jn 18 0 ce urm.ure. . e r, )cen 1 ora · 8. Trea.t your employers with unfailing wa~ t he prompt and decisive reply." ~.h," he . . uo-w llelni.1 in their emvlo~· i ly ed!JCa.ted, had had his year abroad and respect and y<lur fellow clerks imd workera, innocently remarked, with an air of interes.t, ,,________ ______ his hospital experience, and now he was whether superiors or inferiors, .vith hearty and what is it made of?" 9 ,nd there was · lil ~. "" TRY~· settled !u this thriving village, with a grow· good will. silence around the table fo1· the space of Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run I -~ ing practice, a cosey home, the dearest of 9. Let no temptation to lie, directly or five minutea. wives, and a. child. The doctor's keen · a· · d uige , lil · or 1· .d 1 f eyes h' m ucct1y, or t 0 111 IS t Ell to ·t'lth 1 y A gypsy· mueicia.n in Hm12&r,~ going over one mon th . 1 h grew sud uen Iy ten d er as t at l o o 1a 'k u . h f. d ta , overcome you. from one village to another, · ,thron11h the d fi b y, 1n t h .h ear ,. t pa.eaed e careh" o its nurse, an l 10· B ea genti eman a I ways--f or 1 ·t JS · snow, was followed -by a large wolf. ~ k A t h e QJmple ngers t rew un a iss. A· quite · wit · h. m your a b·1·t It y. happy thou0 .,ht struck the musician aud he t ogether he was very comf orta.ble. H e con- · 11 . M a k e yourseIf m · d' bl t tspenM e o your began to blow his instrument with ail the sidered that world w~s chi<; fiy what h' h" emp,oyers-t , h. · poss1 'b' 1.s, t oo, is 1e. B e am- energy of despair. It had immediate e"'ect ·, . the d l it, an. he was satisfied with is b' · · h h· h d b · u h a(1. mace work. Why was not he competent to criti- it1ous m t c ig est an esi; sense. . hfa um\ elcome attendant sqm~ttecl down anrl 12 · Remember that i! not ;iow, you will howled like· a do[( at music. The gypsy cise the rest of the universe? hereafter have others dapendrng upon you rei;',ched the next town uneaten. He forgot his arguments tor a moment in for support or help. il · · the peal of childish lauvhter that floated 13 Do n ot ,, to be iich before you A cobbler m a country town, who, m ad· H A RN DEN , L · D. $ . back to him, and he watched the little one's mar;y. dition to mending ~hoes, also profe;;sesto As to your du<'Y teach music, has the following sign over his flying curls and dainty ribbons until they GrnJuste oft. Ile Rcyal College of Dent<:.l were out of sight. But as he returned to 1. Don't suppos ~ : , 1 can do without door : Surgeons, Ontario!> his cffi.ce the thought of Jake recurred to Him. Ma.ny do think ~o, bnt they are not "Delightful task to meuil the tender boot 0 FICE OPPOSl'l'E EXPRESS OFll'CK him a.s an illustratien of his views fn his wise. They are not successful in the best And teach the young idea how to fl.ate." [KH..1 D FILLING A SPECIALTY next papet' for the Farsighted- a journal sense. 'l'he best men and women you know '.Phe news of the sudden des,th of Mr. that was liberal after the doctor.'s own fa. -are they Christiam, or are they people Matthew Arnold, which occurred at I,iver'ARTIFICIAL TEETH lNSER'fED WITHOUT shion, hy giving o.way a great deal that did who c:.rc not for God? PLATES. pool, on Monday, wasreceiv~d with feelings 2 . Cultivate the society of Christian peo· of genutne regret not · only here but every Great Reductions in price on all Dental not belong to it. He decided to spends. sp; half-hour in stndying his subject more oloseplo of both eexes--not merely professors of Work. Vttalizet:. Air, constantly In uso pro· ~E"'\JV"" where throughout the English·speaking .duclng Painlcfill OpClrat.ions. Parti<mlar atten ly, and so picking up his hat he eauntered religion-not merely members of the church world. Though it cannot be that he Cl.on paid to the regulation of Children's Teeth down the plcas11nt strcct toward the depot. -but people who you know are religious . ever enjoyed anything like popula.rity, his The long pfatform had n umerous occu:~. Get acqu11.inted with the Bible. Its authority as a nia.n of letters was !{enerally, .·l(!!'Jll"A.LL WORK W.ARB..A.NTED. ~ pants at that hour. The arrival and deparliterature will abundo.ntly repay your most though perhaps unwillingly recognized. At '. lBrancl1 office, Dr. Rutherftnd'a Orono. ture of trains always drew groups of idlers, careful study even before you its the time of his death he was the subject of an<l there were, besides, a few strangers. spiritual treasury, some very severe criticiEm by t,he American The puffing of engines, the ringing of bells, 4. Be a regular attendant at some church press, which bitterly resented the tone of . ·' : ·· \~ " . ., loaded trucks r unning here and there, and and join it, when you feel that you owe thi· his article on Ci-i-ilization in the United States hoarrn voices shouting orders, made up tbe duty to your Ma.ker. If there is a Bible cl~ss in the current number of ihe N'ineteenth Oenusual scene. Jake stood near the net-work connect yourselt with it. t~vry. Mr. Arnold was only in his sixty· of track, watching ib all with the wondering 5. Da not be to kneel at your sixth year 1vhen he was 3o suddeuly strick.· Sets~ ntereat that such displays of energy and bedside every morning and every evenin17 en down. might a.lways a.wakened in him. The awfui and pra.y to God. A young man well known nbouh town power of tho great locomotives was a never (), Give yomseif to the service of Jeeus made an eventful oall on a la.dy a few ovenceasing attraction. The doctor, meanwhile, Christ the Saviour. inga ago, and it is said that he is not very watched him purposing to go nearer, as soon 7. Commit to memory 12, 15. likely to " call again" for some time t'l as the bustle 8hould be over, and draw out " WI'l:HOU'.f T.3KTB come. It appears that he was very well J aB.e s views of life- if he had any. acqul1<intec1 with the pretty servant girl, Suddenly, above the confusion of sounds, Tommy's .Enthusiasm Explained. who generally answers the door bell, though. a woman's piercing ~cream rnn~ out, drown· ed instantly by the deafening shrieks oi a A lady who had a Sunday school in '.l'o. he wouldn't have his friends know it for the . ' PRAC'l'!CAL liHfl\TIST, steam whistle. ronto tells me that a few Sundays ago one world. On the evening in question h e rang ()VER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIICNIJPJ, ' ' 'What is it? O- !" of the younge it boys among her scholars the bell and then stepped behind tho door;O ::IdeGas for Palnles A cry <Jf horror ra.n through the crowd i>s took pll.rt very heartily in singing the hymn that remains statioll!l.ry and waited. PresOperations. a white-robed, childish figure was discovered with the refrain of " Gathering in the ently a. hea.d appeared around the door and JllCCLliNG'S JCI.OVF.I.. directly in front of an advancing train. 'l'he Sheaves." She happened to approach this the young man leaned forward &nd impreesed ID!!iil(~('tiOU Solicited. little one h ttd s!\pped away unnoticed and young vooll<liBt during the singing of the a kiss upon the fair one;;11. lip9. A shdvk paused, bewildered, in the very jaws of .h ymn, and was surprised to hear the words followed. The young man thought he kiss- Victoria Buildings. lVIURDOUB. {)S. of the refra in as sung by him altered to ed the hired girl. But it was not- it waa "My baby l O God !" " Ga.thering in the Shees." The ohauge the hostess. Involuntarily, as in~tinctively as the was unmistakable, so a t the end of the '==============================~ humblest believer, Dr. Arnold threw up his hymn the teacher called. the little boy to The Montreal people are becoming excited '. hands in agonized, passionate appeal to the her and asked him to repeat the words of over a proposed statue. It seems that the Power above him as he recognized that lit- the hymn. Sure enough, when he reached Roman Catholics wa,nt to erect one iu .,< . "' ·. ,_ tle golden head. He pushed his way to the the chorua he said, "Ga.thering iu the honour of their patron s, the Virgin front like one demented. '.l'oo la.te; he Shees." Mary, and that the Protestimts protest knew it. "What do you mean by that, Tommy?" ag!tinst any such desecration of the public Another had seen and sprang forward,. ashd tbe teac~er. · grounds of the city. Surely the Roman ~" and a murmur of mingled admiration and "B1inging m the girls, of oourne !" wam Catholie3 have plenty of ground a.rounu ~~7- ·:--··· terror f}ollolwhed hi~, fod .r it seemed that the Tommy's instant reply. ~tnytrpe~iv~~:~~d~~\~:i:atya~~~~gofu~~~le~~~~ ., , "' r ,. crue1 w 1ee s ac two victims instead ' Af' :it. ~. . . ~Ji, t" ·'- d ,:,-· :: . of one..- No'! .\ Vhat was that white 'bundle A very Fine Pam:age. to erect as many statues as they please, even no:rp~·~~~r~~ _u u ,:aif:.1~r~~rs ~~if.~Jdv~, . tossed ·safely backward :Wit h a. last de~per. It ia related of the late Bishop \Vhite- till bhere were as many aB ever there were in trenching on public · ' wA~""S n NGS ate effort' Some one picked up th f lhave a ftne a· -oL . . · ,,.. . . A · ·· ' · e ng ht · house that, hearing a. sermon once from a ancient Athens, without 1 1 8 1 ..' very opinionated but siodly incapable clergy· T HE lllAR.KJE'J.\ -Old Q t h ' ..-...i "" " " ' .... h tl h t f th b th m. a.n, he WP, S asked by the prea}her how he wrongly thev reg:trd as a proceeding c1uite 'I' HE BE§'J.' L m J!ilHlllf&'1 Al. 'Yll'~-"R ~w1,~ ea..c~>..,,-.'ill}i¥;µ,;~ook4ike .<inseeip,e '-\crns mg · 1e ear-so , e +ea - liked it. He Eaid, "There wa~ one very · '.lD>lli.~ ..,,. :.o...._v new. highEl_~f;,Prt~.9, Pa,i,\\ ro~ fon_g_p~t hair;, Jess wa;tobers. Slower and more slowly·it as idolatrous and offensive as was the creefine' passage. " "Yes," said the delighted t' f th It t th l G d t r When buymg . k d l f' h . D · I :'lfl "'/ ""'O.:N I«'.)_;; ~ moved ; and ,, stopped. The forca tlfat had cforg' yma.n. . , "and which was that?" ion o ·.ea ·ar 0 · e un ·noh wn · 0 · o Ile oa1 0·1 l as your ea er or t e New Oils, ~"' ' .JI, ' · · = - · done strnlt fearful work was controlled at Apostle Paul. They have t e power, how· 1 Warrante~ ~~lJ~v;}~~:e~1: '(t0ln f$.ll~n~lblast, hA crusht¥J. ' and mavgled . fornt was ;~;p o~~p~:,s:g:~·yri~l~~1 t~:i:~:ia~~· "from ever, by reason of numbers,. and apparently 1 itarI have 8,TB . .,_ ~ ,, , r oug t to ~hE? p 1atfor m by tender handl'!they are bound to have their own way so as !Patterns. A.If' ~~ng ' "You gave your life for my Qhild," said to make Montreal ae ooirnpicnous for MariolT ·t J "l h . th·e father, breath coming in the heavy . The latest figures 8how that there are 16,- try as ever was Ephesus for the worship of 1 1 once, anCt you Wll use llO Ot er. '·"~.,.t·I'"' .sf!!bs,. that only a strong man can know. 447,990 Sunda.y schoolacholara in thaworld. Diana. . . .· di.7 c¥ Bo~~l!XW"" :,i$he dimming eyes turned toward him. lll1cUOl..1L BROS. & tJO'Y, Toronto. · 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN A. J YOUNG FOLKS. __ I I " PERCH ERON H 0 RS ES. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 1 ... r I og S.AVAGE & FARNUM, 1 g8 = Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils. Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, floes, Spades, Shovels, &c. L As COOK, ~iALL & PARLOR STOVES~ t Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared to sell goods at small profits and prices will be cut close to suit the times. ~~~1;(@m ~-~ 111~Jt1rmr1u1r®~ ' L ~DOUGALL ETCALF, gh~o~~!~s ~zo!P:;;n~;li~1idJ~aa:~ct~~~ are orrer1ng Coal as follows : , P tove arid Cl1e ···s·"tnut................... $6. o . G rat e an a Egg, ....... .............. ..... ,... 6.00 -~ D .E T M LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD ..A.lways on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL & l\f1ETCALF. nrd ch rothers' CE:IN""-8... EE.ALL., where are to be seen D E NT I 0 T Ry 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 .China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea elegant design's!{ 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. 20 White Bed Room Sets. J.M. BRIMACOltBE, Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. BR Fine -~ Hair Goods. LADIES, .~ Patronize .Home . TRADE, THllESHERS AND FARIERS u-sE ONLY McCOLL'S a· 1 A _ . ~:.::~ShP~:~:~.N~.;e~ . c'P .he~~: 1 ·l:t~~~Z_·!~;l _s ~ha~ .rdt~~~ f0~~~~:~~da~ei~~~!;~. 1 M rs :·. h~bl;:!Tsa~f ~~: ~:;;, R~~t~h;~o;~:~~~; i~i~ MACHINE OIL. c ~ '1"1.-~c.?·,~~· ' . ~i~ IFAM ILy SAFETY ' & SU NLJ G HT COAL OIL. 1 ry Children Cry~fo~_Plteher's Castoria~

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