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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1888, p. 7

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·_R~ ___ , ~--~~~,z~-~~~~Mt~trt~~~~!!!H~'~aw~~il\ft"'~~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!~~!!~wm=T~~~~~~M~ll~IU~i'lllll~B~lll~~3~§~!!~WL~~~-!-~-~~~&~~-~~~w~!§~¥~~~!_!_!_~a~tl&~~&ZiZJ&liL.~~~i.i5iliW~~!!~U~h-~ .ADVISE TO l\loTHERS.-Are y ou ditt. issue of her mor tal career, mak" or mar for :FOREIGN NOT.ES. .About Coffee .Rouses. herself. Upon her pretty, p a.lpit.ating palm A correspondent in an En;,ilish pa.per asks, turbed at night and broken of your r ont JlY MARION JIARLA'ND, lies the millet-seecl of po~sibilitv, th:it.;:iay The Sulto.n went into mcur11ing for Em " \Vhy is it that coffee houses are so una'c· by a sick child suffering a nd cryfog wii li hold Prince Ahmed and h is statF»Y .P'.l.VJ. ic m , peror William, although it is con'Grary to tract ive, both ou tside and in ? They oain of C u tLi ug Teet.11 ? If eo send r.t Aa a rnle, fathers reluctant to have or may, when opened, choke he· wi ~h bilt<>r Turkish custom. established presumably as a counter 11.t trac once and get a bot t le of "Mrs. \Viuslow·IJ WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 , 1888. their daughters ma.rry. The mothe1· who dust. The weilrht of t he new ironclad Nile is tion to the public house, why then are they Soothing Syrup. " For child1·en t eethin10 knows for herself what are the trials of a - - --+-6 ,:!00 tons,"'a thousand t ons heavier th8,n any not as bright out.side and in as the gaye81 ita val ue is incalculable , It will r elie\ ; THE INVASION OF TH£ ORI.ENT. other Ji:oglrsh ironclad , gin palace? The outsi<le is usually :painted the poor li tt le s uffere r im med iahily. DDwife's lot, r.nd upon whom the. separation of the girl from home and fom1ly_ folla ~ost iu t he most gioomy colours, and inside th1 hea vily, yields her up more ch~ermlly. The A German paper av.ys that 11 company compound called coffee is too often unfit t o peud up on it, mothers ; t here is n o · t l d stock ~ivilizatlon in tlrn 1ias4,-Woil{le1·tnl 1·1·o- hM Jileen formed to manufacture watchtis to match· making lS a a a e an drink." The same questions mi ght be asked m istake a bout it. It, cures Dysentory joke with the misogyufots, hut who ever grcss of the IE11glish ll1rng11age. be rtm by electricity instead of a spring. of too many of the coffee houses, both in the a nd Diarrhrea, regulates the S t omach and heard of a ma.nrouvring papa? Yet the When the Siamese princes were in .Amer· A n tw war vessel has been ordered by the United S~ates and Canada. While there i;re B owels, cur ea W ind Colic, soften3 the astute provider in foreca~tiog the fnture ica last year, tbti King's brother expressed Britioh Admiralty, which is to be named the sorrw that bright and attrac~ive, neat and Gums, r educel!! I n flammation, and give3 should see more diatinctly than his spouse the opinion that, while we Burpaused the Bia.kc, of 9,000 tons burden and 20,000 horse homelike in all t heir appointments, i.vhere to:ie and energy to t he whol e ay,,tem. the of the day whan sheltering Orie11tal world in our inventions and other power. the delicious cup of coffee carries one back " M rs. W inslo w's Soot hing Syrup " f\for walls and arms will have fallen away from externa.l adjuncts of civiliz'.lt100, we had not A repeating cannon invented by Gruson to the home table and the coff<>e that children te ething is pleasan t t o the taste the lonely spinster, leaviug her the fo>.-lorn- a whit more of the essence of culture than has been tried at Bros~cha.rt in Belgium, mother 'Dado, a re also the gbomy, and is t he prescrip t ion of one of the old est being aliv(l-al ways and evet-ywh~re ex- the peoples of the He admitted that which can throw twenty-seven shots a min· forbidding onca, with careless and tardy est and best fem ale ph ysic ians and n11niee oopting a confirmod old bachelor. , . we had more knowledge than the E.astern ute. serving and une11.table, undr inkable com. in t he U nited S tates, a n d is for sil.le by In spite of foresight and worloly prud· world, bnt not more wisdom; and while the Queen Victoria offers to sell her villa. at pounds. I t is noticeab1 e that where t he ence the father of many daughters and nar· Siamese might learn from u9 how to better B>lden·Baden for £ l O,OOO reserving "a W. C. T. U. women have taken hold of this a ll druggists throu gh t he wo1ld . P ifoo row ~neans frowns and sighs at the sugges· till their fielt's, he thought we m!ght p er f d ,, h t t branch of work and have themselves :person- 25 cents a bot.tJe . B e sure and ask for th b den th!l.t may der 1"·re fro1n them "Otne u·eful hmts on the · metre o groun w ereon o erec a ·1 . t d d . t d l £ l ._, f tion o re tw rom e ur , " memorial of her ownership. a 1 y 2uperm en e or mapec E t ie " Mns . WrNsLow 's S oor n rna SYRUP." come throuoh the marriage of the girls. c~ltivation of the mind. The gist of his at very short inter vals, t he best results have 1tnd take no ot her kind. They may be exbravagant and undutiful, a r " ument wa~ that the Oriental conception The British Society is booming. At tho been obtained conoi.dering the expense in. but they are his, and he grows savage at the o!"'civilization ia fully on a lsvel with that of last weekly meeting of the council of the so· volved. But t hese workers are a lraid of thought of giTing them into ot~er _men's tlie West and that we had advanced beyoncl ciety the Secretary nport ed that there were debt. They do not gather money as easily u n- the East ~nly in our manifol d contrivances upward of 200 papers waiting to be read, as does the saloon k eeper, and they have not kooping. There is no affectation m hta _ A blind man died recen tly in Chich ester he funds on hand in many ciises to expend willingness or savagery.. ~o well estv.bhs~- to augment uhe convenience and enhance the 'Wben Bnby wns sick, we ga'\>'e her Castor!~, ed is the anomaly that it·s the mother, lll pleasures of life. . . . \ Vorkhouae, E ngland, who had been au in· in a showy outside, in plat e glass and plush When sho w"s :i. Chili.!, she crietl for Ca.storia, most " oases of the heart," who supprernes We may find in the views of this Siamese mate of that institution for seventy years. curtains, m t iled floors ancl marble oouotors, her jealousy of the stranger "".h~ ha8 ro~bed prince a reflection of the sentiment s of the He entered at the age of nine and pateed his and so are a t a. disadvantage i n a compariWhen s}.ie beca1no Miss, she clung to Castor ia , PU R EST,STRO~©EST,~ES~ her of the firatpla.oo in her child s, affect~ons, best men of the Ea>'.lt, who, so far as they ac - whole life there. son of outside ar.d inside decomtiona w it h W heu s ho had Childreu, s he g;ne them Castoria, CON'fAINS NO aud becomes the !young peoples mediator cept the fruits of W cstern science and know· A Swiss watch manufacturer has just in· the modern saloon. Yet we venture to ALUM, AMMON IA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, with her iratl) lord. From th.e ledge, do it not boca use they believe we are vented a watch for the blind, on the dial of affirm that if t he food is appetiz_ing, the tea or any injur ious malerials. of the ordinary observer, the s1tu:i.t1on is so more civilized than they, but because they whfoh the hours are indicated by twelve and coff?e first.class (and t here is n_o reason TOTIONTO, ONT. nearlv phenomena.I &fl to provoke specula- are o.t last cmvinced that in the rnierjex ter- ro"ccting pegs one of which sinks every why t his should not be) there will be no E. W . G ILLETT, OHICAGO, ILL. 1 lack of patronage. tfon "and queHtioning. The latter is met nals of civilizi!.tion they may to some extent J_ ' Very often the remar k l!au'f'1· oft!te CELEBRATEDP.OYAL YEAS'l'CAltES. 0 with vagnest evll.s~ons. The ~atl~er "doesn' t vrufitably follow in :mr ~ootste~s. T~is a c_1£ter Frederick dies t he Germau Empress ~e heard "I would walk twt? blocks farther want to lose hia girl. There IS. t1n:e ~nough counts for the favor with whwh railroad will receive a fortune payable by the reign- for my luncheon every day if I could get .a O,OOO a year, and the :eally good cup of ~offee. " And where t his Slae 1.'m·ic(l in vain to Get -she ia c;nly a baby yet. He lS w1lhog and projects now received in Siam. ·No in Emperor, of $l B to care of her. Wha.t does she morv us~ of the Palace Chadottenberg and an· 1s regu~arly provided re~u!ar c~etomera Benet· and bad quite glD.d want with a better home?" .And a d ozen SWNH'ICANT ILJ.USTRATIONS other palace at Potsdam. gladly ~1any ~V. C .. T. Un1~ms Bra et ceter!ls tha.t throw no more lighv on the can be given of the progress of W este:rn:in., . · underta.kmg this wors: agMn, which has Given UJ, aU Hope, true inwardne11s of the case. ventions in the Orient . than the nulroad _Two ] renc.h la.dies lately agreea upo~ a bc.~n for a few years neglected through the A li tllle while ago I "interviewed" the which is about to be built from. Ba,ngkok _up tna.l for a tnousand francs to see which pressure of other needs for cemperance en· Campbellford, June 9, 1887. father of one dauphter, and she passing the rich valley of the Menam River, crossrng could t alk the faster. The conteso was to deavour; to such perh1>.ps this hint may be lair, on the whole of S1'am fr-om north to so . u.t h, a.nd endure for three h?urs. OneEt1gen~ pronounced M v, . ...... '·· MoRRJS, Toronto, d d f om t1e . of service. i· ·'" TiiHO v;sxED AND 'VEXATIOUS ronn~. connecting with the proposed Bntish lme 20~ .,, 5"0 D wor s, rea mg . r , d ~ Stl - - ---........-·----FFUEf~D D EAR. Sm :-I foe! it my duty t o give He is a man who understands himself and f;om the Bay of BengJ.l to C~1in~. Thi~ en- The other pronounced 206.311, an won ie you my teatimon)'. for . the i:;ood I. had knows how to say what he mean .,s , ~o when terprise, now certain of rea.lrz~tion,. '!ill be prize. Authentic Information. from youl' Dandelion Liver and Kidney his open brow darksnad at a, hmt that influential in stimulating the industries of There seems to be little doubt that there Some people try to persuade t hemselves Bitters. My liver was in a bad sta~e al'.d hfa girl might not a~ways be, _his alone, I the populous little. kingcl~m. whose outlying was an intrigue to prevent t he succession of 0 I wa3 a great sufferer. I ~ad ~ned Ill pushed inquiry. It did not SMl$fy me to be r egions i t will bnng w1thm a do.y of tho EmpP.ror Frederick to the throne. On the that Ch ril!tianity is dying ou t of t his new vain to get relief and had quite given up told that he had a. loaded revolver 11.nd bull- n.etropolis. death of William, Bismarllk telegraphed to world, as i t is, t hey say, dying out of t he old. furt her from the ma rk could not . -~' t' t all hope till a friend told me of your dog ready for any fellow who should. dare It is only a few si~ce Man~alay ~aa Fi ed.eric~ at Sa.!1 Remo that he m~st come t o Anything , .h h res 'fhe a,bovo store is now is a, pos1 10n o supp1y · · d · -B'tt ' I got a bottle at once and I am aak for his darling· t hat the best thmg a regarded as an almost maeceasible mty, Berlin 1mmedrn.tely, or t he Prmce could b eweJI 1mag1!1e. · "1llY one. )\ 0 as e} the public with a first arL icle of Spring 1 1 may see that it is the most v1gor ona a nd ag· and Summei· stoclc, h the B itters made a new wo·1' man could do, and the worst t~ing a :w.oman which white men could visit only at the not ans·Ner for the consn1uences. gressive force at present h a.ving effect upon I have. purchase~ from one. of the best manu: appy f o~:y [ can heartily recommend ever did, was to marry. Sensible ctt:zen 9, lJBril of their Jives. We rarely heard ~rom A respectable, industrious married wo- society. 'W hat it is doing in Canada is I lactnrrn~ establishm ents m Toronto a la rgo ~an ~o any. one troubl ed with liver com· even when fathers and fond, d~ ~ct Iave \ '.l'heb~w's capita.I except_when 0th1 ir:·eh m an named N orthwood, Jivfo.g at Amptni~l ver y ,not or1ous. It · fill" ti I d · h assortment of tine Boots and ShoeJ, also a finei · JS mg ie an w~t n.rt icle in Woman's Slipper s i n all sizes to fit .e~n y rs trul causelessly. Presently he stea.d1e own spons1ble savage astonn?ed the . ':' r wit England, who h u.s four children, one m churcnes, Sunday schools and all the vaned purchaser which you will find to your advant· plamt. ou Y C ARRIE STEPHENS. into calm coherence. some fresh story of ~1:5 &troc~ties. ~our arm3, was charged with damaging t rees that influences of religious life. It is keeping the I ago to examine. '.!'hoy a~e marked in price to _ _____ "It is becaus~ we know men-how coarse years o.go no one woulu nave dieamed .hat i grew in her cottage garden, the damage be. ·h l t · f t 1 "t h 1 "t 9, e ffor t s I have in stock Mens suit the times. Shoes from $1 Summer Good.NewsatHome. In grain many of them are; how 1e~fiahly duriogth<l,present.month the he~d; can trn! ing est imateclat five shillings. Th? hus- '-' o .e com~ ry m a errncn 'Y · and iLs <1clucvemellts. That tt Is <i01ng the up. o,Jso ' Vornim's Mons 1 1t1cl .Miss' Rubbers. inconsiderate are the bsst of them, h.ow of Theba.w s despotmn 'l'.'onld bo J?·ned. to I band was out of work, and there being no same in the U nitd S~ai;es is past all reason- , So ~orne along: fri~a~ s aud brin g YO'!r e11,~h dull af sensibility slew of ~pprehension the outer world by a m1l wa.y. R MI layrng fuel, the poor woman broke off branches t o able question as the follow ing st9.tistics will and you will d ecidedly i;c,t a E. MORRIS, EsQ., - DEAR Srn,- l h~v J all of us when compar.ed vnt h wom~n-1 ha.s recently gone forwa.rd at the rate of a. make a fire for her shivering childr en. !l'he for M the Or dered work ut~nJ:J~~"mg promptly reason to speak well of your Dandelion that wo shudder t o resign o;ir ten<;Jerly. miie and a half a day along ~ valley that woman was sentenced to pay a fine of sho w. In 1886 the fo!low~ng~ most accurate returns can mdwate, was how Thanlrn for the vast favors and soliciting a, Liver and Kidney Bitters. I ha ve b een nurtured girls to them," he said, foelmgly. lies ou t of reach of the Irrn.waay fioods, be· t wenty -five shillings and ten shillings costs t hmga stood in thf) Gro:-.t R <:lp ub!io : con tinnancc GI' the same, troubled for Rome_ time with my Kidney " M?n. u_nderatan~ w~o.t I merm,,l And tween '.!ounghoo a1!d JY~andalay; .and unless or to undergo a month's impr isonment. S~c Minis. Commun'W. I -:I . l -lIC.Ii:S , and :i. friend of mme rec?mrnended them marriage 1s so terr:1bly, 11rrevocable ! some hitch occ~rs, 1~ will b~ p ossible before w as in Bedford j ail for. several days, and m Churchee. terA . nicantP. Si~n of tho Bill: Iloot. to me and I tried them m my case, and "But you married l , the end of April to rnn trams from R~ngoon the meantimo her children collected the Methodistil .. . .......... . .. 32,071 27,542 4 601,410 Tyrone, Aprll 2, 1888. 15-3m Bnptiats ...... .... .. .. .... ~2, 381) 2B,003 3, 729 745 found them t o work like a charm ; there"Yes, and have b~en glad of it, on my to the s eat of money to pay the fin<>. l'reobyter ia n ...... .. ...... 15 902 11.241 1.43 1, 24\J 1 fore I haYe much pleasure in recommend- own account, eved r srntc~. thHad k~own a '.l'JCEllAw·s ~'ALLEN GOVERNMENT. A curious cus·om is still observed on Luther~n . .. . _. .. . .. . .. .. 7, 57'.~ 3. iliJO 930, Sao . h t 0 11 ho are troubled woman's needs an nt1 me en as o now, · Ch h L d 6 Congregat·onal .. ·· .. .. .. ~. 277 4,000 430, 370 !ng t em. a . pers?~ w her delicate senaibilities, her capacity for This new line skirts the hills of the lit tle- ~food F~'iday at Allha!lows m·c ; on on, Episcopal , ............. . .. SAW 3 850 fl G,6 5 l ;H,577 m :my way with then Kid?ey, I love !l.ncl for suffering, I could never ~ave kno\Vn Shan t ribes, o.nd runs thr~rngh many , m obedience to the.will of teter Sy_mondes, Adventists, etc... ..... .... 3,192 1,321 riend·, etc.. . . .. .. . ...... 600 500 82,000 Your~ cruly, had the presumption to offer her marriage miles of dense foresta before it emergea mercer, ~atcd April 24, l c8G. I t is aB fol- F Ger mo.u Enm gclic alChur\:h J · J · JONES. "t h If " tl 1 rge ,, · 11age~ of Upper Burmah, lows : ' The parson a.nd church ward ans 1 Union . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. 5ri3 689 60,000 . , wx myae . Homong 1e a . th G dF · N ewtonv1lle, May 3, 1887· '.!;he moi·e refined the man's nature, the to ent er at last tlJe gates of a. city tl~at ha;s shall e".ei:y year, upon ·. e s_ame oo rI· Chtistiau., ... . . ..... .. .. . , 1,755 1, 349 H2,UOO 1 Christfan Union Churches.. 1,500 l, 200 125,000 . - -- more strongly does he feel what this true been famous aa the abode of almost mcredi- day, ~1v1d e t he same rn1sms m t o t~reescore Sundry small bodies . . . . . . 6 10 35,850 Consumption Surely Cured. hesban.:i and nobleman of God's own making Ible despotism and crnelty. pin~s .'~ pape~s, and when the children of expressed. Yet, d espite his teatimoBy, the Oriental conser vatism is naturally moved Ch_nst s. Hospital . sh~ll come UJ?dcn G.ood .A ggregate........ 111,7-11 83,845 1Z,lfl2,841 To 'rIIE EDITOR : truth abides that the to revolt now and then against these start· Fnia.y as aforesaid, then t:11e aa1 pa1aon T he RJman Catholica have 7,912 churches FREEl\'.lAN;S Please inform your readers that I h ave BESl' EARTHLY IIAPPINl!:S::l ]'OU woiiu N_ lihng tinufovadtil ' onhs. o eTdhweoatueladn~~1oonaete:?;~:~:~ I ~~~dc~m·pc~rti:;d:npspc~~:!~~1:~1n~~thC::~h and 7,658 minist ers, t heir en tire Population a l)Ositive remedy for the above named d' . i th t c es er on y p r l is estimated at 7,200,000; the Jews have WORM P O'W'J]]ERS~ h d 8 0 f ia foun:i in a ju 1c1ous marr age ; a. ' w 11en th y gtse.Kia.r:g is Ignominious- this gift may be thought very frivo ous, yet, diseaso. By its timely me t ouean her choice is wisely made, there are no p e?U· fn toe upJer t~n lower river by the Chinese my mind and meaning being hidden, may, 250 congregations, with a population esti· mated at 300,000; t he New Jerusalem Ate pleP..!la.:oU i;o Con~o.i.n tL.t:.:r o~ hop.,less -e1ise-s lmve been permanently lill>r miserie3 in wedlock; no thorns o~ wh1c~ ro~e!ni::en~n We hear one d ay that a train notwithstanding, be performed, praying God Jn.rgnti,o. I s n nnfaJ znro, tn:d cffcctro:J.l _,---- a<l. I shall be glad to send two bottles she would not A tep wo1·e she to r emam ceh- 1 Gf h · t d th i ty of Bokhara. and to mako all those children happy members Church has 128 societies ; the Udversalists have 934 parishes; Unitarians 1 W5 parishes, FR"E to any of your b t d ISlist.-v;;rm· ell ill C4il dton or,~. It . ' th l h t' f· i ' lure to en o cars as en ere ec ' . C 1I .A ' U d i.... my re me Y "' ' . a e. 1s on1y r oug 1. e w · " · · the next that the Bokhar a.n populace,· of th1~ o.m monwea t 1... m?n. ~ er For a dying oause certainly this is a very readers who have consumption if t hey ter-as the chur?h sei:v1ce puts ~t-;- ~IS· ed at the rapid increarn of the Russians, has d irectwns m tfie same will, eac11 of the sixty encou raging exhibit. will send me their Express and P . 0. creetly" upon t_h1s ?rdmance of ~i~m~ ap tt k d f the newcomers in the boys also r eceives a. new penny. 0 - · - - -- - -- · d Pointment that mev1table sorrow 1s m c1dent a ac e some a d ress. . streets. But such occurrences are ~er~1Y 'l' he P apal jubilee has been a very sa.ttsS :IB · f B d h b' 37 RG spectfolly, D R. 'l'. A. SLOCUM, upT~ itflrst rHuisite in a husbll.nd is that he vfalble tokens of the -pa.ngs of t hat ~rr~s1~· factory celebrat ion t o Leo XI!I. The .u ermg rom Y rop o la. OF CANAD A. Y onge street, Toronto, Ont. hou~~ appreclate t he value of t hat which he j' tible transiormat~on " hich the O:ien ut/ 2 Brussela Gotirier states tha~ the p~.pal coffers L~st D.icember G corge Shcenoo,k er, of Capaal tiatd 01 13 u p, f!H,O!}t>,oao. Rest, $::Go.o& > h d hi ging directly upon thia I gradua.lly nnderuomg. At many P ?tB 1are now in a better condition tha.n for years Orangeburg, S C., was bitteuou ~he hand by 0 w- A("1::.:J.: AM'~ t:s. ";; n\an,d m~ke himself worthy to b~, invasion of Western ide!),S and coi:i~rivanoea, t he Peter 's p ence presented t o Leo ahouud dog. He though~ nothing of it un til Tnis B ank ls p r epar ed to do Leg ltlo .J - '-' m:~cd e ,:ii;, a true noble woman. 'L'he Igoes steadily on in spit~ of oppositi.on, ~od XUI. on the occasion of his jubilee }mving a few days >'go, when his iwm became very mate Banking in all its bra.nchea. th . t bo i; too early to impress thu same despatch which announces t mt nmounted to 32,500,000 francs, The m come po,inful and he lost its use. Since then !I Farmers notes d iscount ed; Deposltm I ' :;on~e:t~~?s ming d the t hought t hat purity t he Bokharans are discontented, tells us from Peter's prnce, which since 1870 has violent case of hydrophobia has developed, If y are languid and weak, ,. rn ~ t ruly his that the l of. revenue left to tLe t d R.e h 01s_had sevei·a.I severe convuh_ions, and received and In terest paid on amounts o::i · n thoug ht, mocd - - an d your sppe· 1 and pc~on 1"s ns been the only_ source duty as it is hia sister's. There are, thank FAMOUS OLD OJ.RA.VAN ROUTE Papacy, has smce t iat time never amoun e is .foammgat the m?u th and s~trenng from S5 upwards in Savings B ank D epartment: . . ite voor My Beef, Iron and 'Vine 1s t he tome. be sure, Heavim ! men with hearts and hands as · . R ussia ia raduall to less t~a.n 6,000,000 franc~ !1-nnual~y; Leo thirst. lletwc?n his . coni.:ulsw~a he ber,s DRAFTS As an invigorating tonic it is recognised by clean as thorse of t he saint:Piest wcmll.n · men from Central Asia to .-. h" hw! Many X III. d1eposed l ast year, !ll add1t100, of 1 those around lum to g ive hnn poison or k ill tho Medical profession as the best s~re.ngthen· who scorn coarseneos as loftily as th~y do 1 aband d onecl for thc ne;ton thg [~t ma!s 6, 7000,000 francs fer missionary purposes, h im io.some way. It requires several 1mm {s~ued and Collections mad e in Europe 1 IJnited and Canada. dil!honeaty. upon whose garments there ia apsald .0 ore. eted with the the amount contributed to. the · spe9ial to hold him d own. - - -- - -- - - in those cases wher e weakness ts the result. of not so much as the smell of t he firea of temp· ~~!- eid~:~ter~u7'0~he~ ;~em~~panese form fund "for th~ spregd of t he £~1th" estabhs1:f W. J · ·TONES , µ CHOOSrnG A HUS.BAND. p .; : it~ndJ?oint h DU B THE COOK'S BEST CENTRAL BOOT & SH Of STOR f erst I 't I I I I I I as I 1 " · .. '· I JI · I w.,= STAI~DAH.D BAN K 6 BEEF IRON AND WINE ME ~~~ :e~~l~'ledt~~~fa~~~~~u';;~ke~·~ i:;~:c"i~l~ the Id~c~ eE may~ clubs 01 mir'e.bly calculated t o buil<l up thA !"m~ciated aversion t o what 1s common an unc1ean. in powers of the \<\ Cijtern world, we may · ' ~~t~1:cis, Sold in Bowman ville by Iliggmboth· It has the glorious d~gnity of St, Michaels be.~ure tho.t the leaven is steadily work!ng. than 100,000 franc~. t~~~~~th~~~:~~::~~?i~£:~t ~~fa~~t!r~; ~~t~~n a t~~~~hdi:S!~~ irrrn :uri:Y ~~rRr~~; Wine and tonic powers of Iron, and ~sad· with ~t more wcigh_ t than a womad n 's natural 11 ~~dt~~;!:din~f ~:i~~~~r~!t~!~~c:~~!:~ ~1s~~~!e~~~a~~t~~~~~trT;:tio:!~f eG~:i':iS::Y :~~~sdiplomatic ;elations with tile six let~d· ! 0 thO~~ /::.~~lv,~hfi:°'l.u::::i~ug n!~~ e~:n°~~ 00 .l:l.eligious .r:anatrns n ussia. Miss pierced t ! Clara-AO~,er;~h~~rli had my ears wer en't you d I drea ful y - Agoo GILLE.TY'S PO WD ERED LYE :fecting, and a J1undre<l other u ses. A can eqnals 20 pounds Sal Socla. Sol<l ~' a ll Grocers and D ruggists, Ready foi· use in :1;ny qua ntity·.:iror making Soap, Softe1ung '\Vater, D1s1u- 99 PER CE N T BEST. P UREST, STRONCEST , ll, W. llILLE~li'. li'OllON~O AliII C!!ICAGO. - SPRING- A~~··~'~~~~£\l~~\l~ ~ (5 o- And with its advent MRS.IVE has opened out a fine new stock -of- Laces, Embroideries, Plushes and a lovely stock o~ lAOlfS' f IN E U NUfRWEAR. Ladies in want of a choice of fine Fancy :Ory Goods, please give me a call. - I have them in endless -variety at store, opposite S . A. 13arracks. MRS. IVES. :Bowmanville, March 13, 1888. 12 triumph over t he devil. It is a fact which our Siamese prince "I hate that man!" once said to me a would not perh upa <1.dmit, tha.t these innova· whited a.nd garnished sepulchre, who _co.lied ti"on~ fr om the u ' e"t "reprodncing a marked ' ·· "He se t s effect ~ upon the " h~rself a " '".Of!1~n of ~he,~vor.l o. customs and the intellect ua l himself up, Ill his qmet .ash1on, as a mo~al life of t he people who receive them, When Gibra.lt11or. I told him one of~y best stones the Annamese, during the recent war with at ·a dinner p1 1rty th~ other mght-:-a story France put t ha.t was decidedly piquant and a. litt le ca· ' viare -isb, you know, Everybody i;Is'.' was TIIOUSANDS O ll' NAT1"E CIIRlSTIANS in p11.roxysms of laughter. He set his hand- to the sword, they said they killed the ooll · some face like a marble mask and wouldn't ver ts of the priests, not because they were sea t he point, Somehow he always puts me Romll.n 011.tholics, bull because they were at such a d isadvantage that I could murder Frenchmen. Tne history ,of thes~ missions him aometimes l" which ehe R evue Frun((ttse has iust pub. The wife of a vicious man cannot be happy lished, says that the hundreds of thousands if she rema.ln really virtuous, The_ wife oi of Annamese convert11 are now more nearly one who is foul in imo.gim~tion, heedless and allied t o the Frenr.h iu t heir sy~pathiea, coarse in speech, must sink to hfa level or habitations and customs than to their fellow suffer a cutely, slow martyrdom none the less countrymen. . . . cruel that it is dumb and unsuspected, A striking result of British dommatl~n In THIS rs THE UNROMANTIC SID:& India is t he fact that in the r ecent national of courtship, but in a country ":here there is conference of the Indian peoples the English no privileged Jeisur~ class! b usmeas e~ergy, language was the instrument through whi~.h properly directed, 1s ~prime f:~ctor Ill the t heir deliberations were conducted. Srr sum of wed ded happmeas. Wise common William Hunter says thrt one of the _ most sense en joins the necessity of care in this beneficent in fluences that the two mtlllon r espect, and no woman :'1eed. incur _the sui- native Christians of India are exe:t}ng ia t he picion of mercenary motives Ill m~kll!-g ~ure gr aduo1 improvement in t he cond1t1on of Inthat the ma.n she thinks of marrymgIS hlte- dian women many thousands of whom are ly to support her dec~ntly.· Ro?e lev.ves and now t raining t? earn their ~ive~ih?od by some ambrosia command high prices Ill cur degen· , new form of mdustry. So i t 1s that th~ erate days, however: cheap they may have greatest and best result os Western k;iowl been in t he times of .Strephon and .Chloe, edge and power throughou t the world is t he and t he flowing mmh;1s of Amaryllis must growth of co~mon interests ~nd the devel · be exchanged for the·ta1lor-made cloth gowns opmenn of u mxeraa.l symp;;.t h1es. and furs when the blizz!t.rd is ab road in the land. It coets money to exist, . and if the husbn.nd be inoompeteut t o earn it begpr;v Had :Been an 1ndia:a Fighter. or slavish drudgery closea up the b n de s vista of life. Poverty t hus entailed is of the "Where have you been, P<Lt ?" " " Oi've bin .out sort that set ting its hoof upon t h e cov " . . West foightin' . ·'· Ingins." thresholtl, scares love from his perch in the \ Did yo~ k ill any In~iane · " Sure Oi dunno. 0 1 k nocked one. down · d W edded bliss is not comeetiblc :~: th:~apture of r~wiprocal c!evotion sub~ wi~ a shille~ah ~n' he w~s um~ble.~,o rorne. " "Whyddidt t yo;dfi~ah Iim : d s tantiBl aliment for the human body, as at present constituted. ' ' Bed a , con n . ctgar ea.1er To comps.t.ibility of temper we might ~-d~ pulled me ~ff o,v the blo?dy haythen, ~u~, sympathy of baste, community .of inter~a tsa bego~~a, 0 1 made toothpicks av the Ingrn :a similar bias of intellect and spm t ual desires, nose. were it not that "Like likes u nlike," might be accepted as the rule of matrimonial te· I t Must Have Been Randy to Oarry lectien were we to jndge by what we see every da.v. Love wanders and res~s whitbAbout. ersoever it listeth, and at some m1molcs of Mr. J nstice Gould was t ry ing <t case at congr uous incongruity, 1 ·eferable to no laws Y ork · and, when he had prooeedi:d for known to po.rnnts and friends, we may well about' two hours, he obser ved, "There are stand amazed and dumb. only eleven jurymen in the b ox ; where is With the traditions of generations of the twelth ?" "Please you, my lord, " said wiseacres at her back, and t he accumulated one of t he eleven, " he has gone away about treasures of moralising well· wishere at her some business ; but h o has left his verdict command, our g irl must, in this moat solemn with me." I g " I Miss Clara- a little at fl.s t , bnt I k ept sa.yiog " solitaire,' "solitaire, " "solitaire" t o . ll According to Jl,f. Tsakin, a RussiD.n writer, myself, a,nd before I knew it it was a over. there are fifteen millions of people in the Ilow t o Treat a Sore Throat. country of the Czar who are follower s of fantastic r eligious beliefs. One of t he numerL'.tbalt , of Guelph, r emark ed to a friend : ous sects, called t he Runa,waya, fiy.fromtheir "I've got an l\W ful ~ore t hroat." homes and try to r eturn to the savage s tate " Yon ought to t reat it ." of na ture in desolate woods and steppes. " I did tr eat it at t hree d ifferent saloons, They regard civilization as a curse and c?n· but it don't seem t o do it any good." sider briga ndage a holy duty. R obbmg churches is t heir special delight. '.l'he peo.plB Ilobby- "Ma, tell me what you do up of another sect all ca.11 themselves Chnsts and wora?ip ea9h e~h~r, dancing ~ike der· there behind the minister in church every visbes dur1rg their r ehgwus ceremomes. Tho Sunday!" Ma- " I chant. " Bobby (pouting ) Skoptsys, another sect, believe in self. - " I d on't think you're very polite. Yon mutilat ion. They also expert dancers never let me s n.y ·I shan't, when I don'6 and t umblers. Ano~her sect never BI!eak, w~nt to give anything away." but communicate with each other l;>Y signs. Other fanatics believe in human sacn fice, and not freq uently butcher th eir aons 1 md daugh ters by way ?f ma.~ing peace '!i~h h~a.ven. Uirnliridg~d Many fanatics thrnk t hat em ctde 1s the crowning glory ~ne Souck~off, t he A DICTIOtlARY, high priest of t his precious doctrme, not 118,000 ' Vo rc.18, :woo F. n~rav i ngs, a long ago succeeded in persuad in~ several of GAZETTEER OF THE WORLD, h is followers to cut each other s t,hroat.s, "' of 25,1100 Tit leR, ~nd n \ ln ~· \'N"Y while others burned themselves to death m .f·Jn,alnable BIOGRtlPHIGAL DICTIONARY, Scbnol nml · of ne1 u ly 10,000 Nokd Pc1·soM, t heir own houses. at CHr.r " · --'4---i-----1 R · fri~;:~ne~tl el- ICURE "'When I say CURE I do not mean merely t<> l!top them for a time, and then have them re· turn av.ain. I MEAN A RADICAL C URE. l have made t he disease of FITS! FI'I'S, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, Alife long study. I W.ARRANT myremedy ta CunE t ile worst cases. Becatlse otllers h ave failed is no r eason for not now receiving a ctll'e. Send a.t once!or a treati~ e and :i.FREE BOTTLU Of my I NF,ALLlBLE REMEDY. Give Expre3S and Post Office. It costs you nothing ro1· a. t rial, and i t will cure you. Address Dr, H, G. ROOT, 37 Yonge St,, Toronto, Ont. · EBSTER'S Dictio nary. A Prospective Hcmiekeeper. Clara's intendcd- "Wl1er e is Clara. evening? I don't aee he.r....bout..." . Tommy- " Sister Clam is. out ' in the kitchen 1" · "She is an indu~trions good ·girl. She will make a splon<lid ho~~ekeeper. " ".May be s:J · I dunno. "\\hat are t hey doin g in the kitchen ?" " They are making some c9.ndy w~th wal· du~s init. " ' " Is Clara making i~ ?" "She is helping a little, thl\t 's all.'.' "How so?" . " Mamma can't find the nut cracker, so Cla~a ha3 to crack the walnu ts with her t eeth. " "Ah, so!". H e Ought to be A.shamed of Himself, Old F riend. " Is it possible you have re maiued unmarried all these years, Bella ?" Miss Bella. "Yes; but I have been cont emplating t hat picture of Ruth and Boaz, and have not yet given up all hope. " Old Friend. " Ah, but it will be d iflicnlt to get such a Bo-az Ruth had. " - ...... . f .'frcvitle. --·~.....~ Contain· ROOO more W ords and n cnrly 2000 more Illustration~ Llrnn rn1y otlt01· An1crica11 Djctloun.ry. ALL IN Ofl E BOOK. - ---- To bny Foot Gear for M en, Women, Boys and . Maidens, at . 8honl c l l> o in every sch ool jn tli0 JJomi nion.--. 11+1onthl11, Toronto. Gtowd n Rdwalional ~ · ' Bnst J>1ctiona1·y oftl io Jnngungc.-London 'l'imes. (}. & C. l\IEUlUAlli & CO., P nblish c 1·,, Sl'ri11gficlil, :M:a,ss., U . S. 1~ DA ff*_l Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM! Our N ew S t eck h a.a arrived, and com prises something neat and pretty for Ladies, Good and Ser viceable for M en and Boys, and B oots t hat R Boots for every member of the household. l 'RlJNUS, Y AI.ISES, &ll_SATCHEI.S. IN STO CH J p--Ordered W ork a.nd Repa iring Specialty, aa usu al. a D. DAVIS:

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