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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1888, p. 1

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· TERMS :-tl.50 P.1a .AlnctTM, ....... OUR TOWN .AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS, M. A. J A.MES VOLUME EDITOR A.NJ> P:ROPRIMO:&, -::;::::=::::=:======================:==--o::.=;:.:=:=:i=:~==o::::::=======::::=;:======·.=i==============:::::==============~·aa=========~========================================================= --...., NEW SERIES~ NUMBER 510. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1888. Fr ..tA NJ{ lU . FIF.f~D. n . A . T ..:>Al~RIS '.rER, Solicitor, Notary, &o. XXXIV. N UMBER 19 . COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S 1 -FARMS WANTED~ McOUAIG & MAINWARING, and VICTOR[ A S'l'JtEET, OOBOURG. Q!'ll.ce,- Armour mock, ll:!ng Street. D 2'2, Rave opened out during the p2bst lb J!:state Financial Age'llts, TORONTO, <Jan exchange e. number of well rented houses in Toronto, pa.y'!ng good re.te of interest, for week about first-class free "Vhy let money on deposit per cent. a fe.rmll of mort~e; ·2000 Yards of new Brussels and Tapestry when judicious investment in Toronto pro· perty will realize ten times that amounll MONEY J.;OANED on Farm Property at lowest rates. We can -oifl'er several inV'Ostments in rented housea~central localities, Toronto, paying ten ver cent. ·on amount invested. By notifying us direct or b y leaving notice at STATESMAN OFFiCE. Bowmanville, or with P. TREBILC"OOKi Bookseller. Bowruan· a terviewe !l'lay 'ne arranged with our ville, i· repl"e9'll!ltative, Mr. H. C. SINCLAIR. H 3m. at ! 1;1.A.PLE GROVE. Mies Mary Jeffery h as been home from College for a week on the sick list. - -- o- - The annual meeting of the Sunday School Teachers was poorly attended on Friday night, owing to the i·aiu ; but. it was decided to hold the anniversary ah the usual time, the t hird Sunday in June. Rev. It. Sanderson will prnach here Come and get bargains everyb04ly in Staple a.nd Fancy Dry Goods, next Sunday night on Social AmuseC lothi n g, Gents' Furni ehin gs, e tc. ments. We would like to see a large conIn addition to our general stock, which is unusually large and gregation, especially the dancers and card attrnctive, we have a quantity of Bankrupt stock, which players, present, and w e would alao like to have our esteemed pastor at the same must be sold out e.t onee, co· sisting of Drest1 time recommend a list of amusements for Goods, Shirtings, Laces, Embroide ries, young and olcl that he considers unobTweeds, etc. jectionable. "\Ve must have amusements of some kind, you know. Vlonder what he t hinks of kissing game ~ 1 Service at H.30. Last :Friday being Arbor Day our teacher and 11cholar11 were busy cleaning up the ·chool yard and school house and planting out treee. D:F.XTER. HAMPTON CLOTHINC HOUSE! CLEARING SALE l ----('- --- NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES: CARPET S Co~uch, Johnston &Crydorman One Door West of Post Oftlce, Bowmanville. Bought direct from the celebrated manufa-eti u rers, John Crossley & · . EM· ETERY Sons, ·o f Halifax, Engl.and. Newest d: e signs and colorings and ENIS · no better vaJue anywhere. CR.AN ITE M0NUM REMOVED! ---·--- BED.-LAING Has removed to Mr. McArthur's Store, NEXT DOOR TO IURDOCH BROS, VVhere he will be pleased to meet alLhis old customers and as many new as can make it convenient to call and see through his place where he intends to carry on Millinery, Dressmaking and Tailoring, Under the management of first class hands, with the NEWEST AND BEST MATERIALS suitable ror season and 1oca1ity. · · I GEO. LAING.. Mias Mary Manning, Providence, vras home on Sabbath. Mr. Tyerman, teacher at Haydon visited our scllool last week. Quite a numbet· of the farmers here Clothing m ade t o o rde r right and fit;i onry t im e. can rep<i·r t aeed ing done. Rev. Jolm .Kenner, Che sley, was a All goods a t rock bottom prices c ome and 11ee and )"Oll will b e lie \·e. gtlest at the parsonage laat week. Mr. Jenn Bell, Toronto, was here last week, the gneAt of M:r. J as. Bingham. B4tW!91ANVIl,f.E, Ont. l\lies Mcintyre, of Courtice, h as b 0en · E~'.l'AflLISHEP, 1857. vis.i tin,g her iBister Jan et at Lotus farm. ~ ··-~~··· SUL.INA. ENFIELD. The p roprietor of our east end live ry has pur·diused a new top buggy- a daisy. ALL KINDS OF Mrs. "\Votten, Col um bus, has been Mr. Noah Ba.ker has returned home Me11us. J" uhn & Colin Hamly, of Port visiting friends here. again. Hope, have been here calling on friends. l\lr. John O'Leary has returned from Mr. H. Pascoe has been on the sick Mr. Wm. Cora.u and wife, Leskard, Arthur township. list . were gues·ts at Brot1kside c-.>ttage on Master Wm. Dyer is home ogain from Mrs. G. Short, of Courtice, has been Sabbath. visiting here. attending school in 'l'or onto. done in ·the la.test s tyles and mat erials. A large number fr.:.m this appointment Mr. and Mra. D. Acher, of Toron to, There has been a drop in wood. Don't attended the q uarterly meeting at Betharo visiting relatives in this neighbor say a word. esda on Sabb.-th. hood. Mr. R . M. Kirkp:itric k h secured SOOTCH, ENGLISH , GERMAN AND Rev. A. E. Sanderson ga ve a discourse Mrs. Jas. Tapp and family have joined an appren t ice, will have the r ed wagon on Temperanco on Sabbath e vening, or NEW BRUNS WICK on the t rack rigain. her husba nd in New York State. on th.a .Scott Act. M r . Mich ~el Vickery has tahn a trip Mr. Il. B . Mitchell, haviag secured the Mr. 'l'. Gardiner & Sons, are erecting a verandah on the front and west side of through the north-western part of the contract of Mr. Baker's house, h as comMr. 'l'. Creeper's mansion. It will m11ke province. .He is contemplating investing menced operations thereon. IN STOCK. in eome farm land in that directio n. Those interested in b ase ball are re ·-a vast improYement, '£om · Tramps and c1uaoke infest thi~ neighbor- quested to be at Solina, on Saturday .Call and eea our designs and get our The discussion on the Scot t Act vs. estimates before purchasing. Li11:e nse System will tako placo at the hood lately. Some of t hem are very evening next, to practice and or ganizo. _ The rnng aervice a t Zion , on the 2!Hh Division to-morrow night, inatead of impudent. Mr. David Clifford claims to bo the ult. , was indeed a. success The choice - nex t Thursday night, as stated some champion grain 1owor in these parts, hav· anthem;,; aolocted by the ohoir were sun" time previous. 0 Sam and George try to make a ba rgain. ing sown l G acres in 8~ hours. Will in a rti···at!rnl·ly fine manner. anybody else blow after this 1 'l'he S,J 1 ·atio11 Army jubilee w a~ largely Sam: I say, George, do you think we can The1·e was no preaching here las t Sun- a t te:id ed, o u Wedn esday evening last. get it to drive the gal 1 George ; I don't EXACTING know, but I am going to try. Sam: day a fternoon, but Rev. :Salton preached :rhe ~ol?a, trio3 and quarr.ettes were sung 1Jnequalled Gen ae : a good sermon on total prohibition the 111 a h igh key and a ll were delighted. SERVJCI:. Ask for me too for the ~4th. prev i ou~ Sunday. It took effoct. Should the ~. A. again h old a jubilee Oh no, I want it then. "' Mr. J. 1< '. Hurlbut has been making ex- here, no doubt t hey will b e greeted with OOURTIOE. a full l1ouae. tensive repaira to his shop. Frank Rundle and Frank Short are o n Mr and Mrs. Jon. Bray have been OlW.NU. the sick liet, the former with measles, the visiting their daught11rs at Solina. ( From the N ews.) latter with inflammation. NEWCASTLE. ·we hope that those persons who went Mn. P ayne ha.1 given up h er Bakery to Harmony last week to attend a dance Followiog are the presents to Mrs. E. business. will not be diaappointtid next time. Brittain (nee Mias Annie Brown) on the Mr. W . S. Garusby has returned from D. U. C. factory opened ou Monday occasion of her marriage twcJ weeks ago : a visit to Toronto. morning with Mr. A. M. Fowler again in Mr. and Mra. J . Brittain, Bowman ville, Sil· Mr. Frederick Willtamson, j 11 v;· 1 ·t "ug - 1 charge- a g uarantee that A. 1. cheese ver butter cooler. Mr. Harry Jlrittain, Bowmauvillo, Silver Mr, J. B. flall, Havelock, Ont. will be made. Mrs. R. Henry, of Toronto, is viaitlng Richard Lyle who has been cr11zed with cruet. 11.rifik ~was taken by Chief Coleman t o ca~:.· A.If. Farncombe. Newcastle, writing at her father's, Mr. L.A. Gam~by . Cobonrg on Friday last for 21 days. Mr. and Mrs. It. B, Brown. 'l'oronto. sot Mr. Thos. Rill, of Laska.rd, ie abou t THE JEWEJ.. LER, di~hes. lea ving for J\.Ianitollll, to charge of a Poot,..Ri:OO...rd ! · Newcastle Methodist Choir, silver cake baa· flouring mill. Has been appointed sole agent f~ ,./jf:r. Wm. White's young chil<l was ket ~nd dr.;ssing Mrs. Wagstaft"and son, Newcastle, silver 'Fhe other day a little boy of "\Yn1. the celebrated RoCICFORDWATC ~8 b~ried ~n Thursday lKst, the fu~eral serWmtors was r un over by a lumber waoon . ' v1ce11 bemg conducted by the Lieutenant pickle cruet, 0 Misses Sarah and Louisa Bennett. Newcay. and seriouH!y iujured . they are the best American W tcb o J_th11 Salvation 4rmy. tic, silvor cruet, M manufactured and are guaranteed The Ebenezer Stu Base Ball club was rb. Hiram Eddy wen t to C,\Jifornia Mr. and Mrs. Thoe. 'l'amblyn, Newcastle · apd ack last month ; he was j ust four. . , ' reorganized on Friday night with t he fol- alarm clock. f rom the factory as bemgfirs,t-clast4, lowing oilicers: Capt. , A. Werry ; Secy- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Creeper, Haydon, silver teen days from home. H e spent two days in Oalifornia. A quick t rip, Call and examine the m . ... Treas., R. E. Osborne. The club aie napkin r ing. Mr. a nd M1·s. John Douglas, Newcastlo, half N t ·11 h f \. open to a rrange matches with any ama- dozen silver dessert svoona. ow onv1 e c eese ac tory was to open W e have also the finest stock of\ teur clubs. T:&IM. Miss A , Bagan, Newcastle, breakfast cruet. Monday last. On account of the small Mr. and Mre. Brittain, Sr.. Bowmnnvllle, ~umber of co ws giving milk in this sec- · all kinds of W ateh e s, Gold and Mov NT CARSWEI.L ScHooL REPORT :roR . . .. . APitIL, 1888 : Sr. 4th Olass.- ·W Han- half dozen goblets. do?.en dessert diehes and tton, Orono factory wiil no~ open until table linen. · Monday 14:h. S1lver, m the town ot Bowmanv1lle. cock,, L Cawk er, .H C11wk"r, J Salter, E Mr; and Mrs. J. Browu. Newcas tle to.hie In Jewellry, w e have an endless Coq11sh, L Rundle. Jr. 4th Ol>lss- J, linen. ' Mr. Robert ~'e rg uson ha!I gon e to the .· Cl k f l . Balaoo , M. Oke, L Nichol!, H Oke, (B Mrs, R. Barrett, Newcastle, ta.hie lineu. North We11t and British Columbia. He vanetyoc s o al kmds ver y Gay E Coahrane), M Armour. Sr. 3rd Mrs. Heffron, Ncwcaatle, chair ecarf. expects to b o aYray t.wo months. His cheap. ~laee-:'f Morrow, W Salter, M. Tooley, Miss Douglas, Newcastlo. darned net bu2ine1111 will be wperinte nded by Mr. Geo. L. Ferguson. 1' Cornish, A Gay, A Salter, H Tioglti. tidy and pin cushion. Mies N~llle B~ittain, Bowmanvme. hand· In Silverware we have the e"'.:- .Jr. 3rd Ulass- L Lyle, S Ba.Ison, A Ly- painted. pm cu.stnou. The ladies of the Methodist W. F. M . mer, G Tooley, L Skinne1·, H . Hancock. clnsi v e right t o sell for the largest Mlee Allie Lovekin, Ne wcastle, hand-painted S ., gave by reque'!t last Sabbath after· Sr. 2nd Cless- E Cornish, M Michael C toilet bag, noon the program they ga ve on Good Frifirm in the U.S. The quality and Nichols, J Cochrane C Cornish, W . 'ArMr. and Mrs. }' red Chandler, Newcastle day evenin« entitled, " .An evenin" wi ·tli card case o.nd hand paintud panel. ' ,., " muur, R Tingle, W Bunking, G Armour. prices are the best aud lowest in. Mies Jenny M. Smith, Newcastle. tidy nnd our workers in the Indian ~fo1aion l!'ield. " Jr. 2nd Claae-W Cawker, T Ly111e r, S "Hallett' a castle " was burned to the this part. of t.he country, We ask Balson, M Walters, E McDonald. Pree- br-Uwit cup and eauoor. .Mr. Jno. J effry. Bowmanville. oil painting grotmd Qn Fritfay night. 'rhe "ccupant f you to call and e xamine our goods ant every day during the m on th : L Bal· a nd 2 picture tramee. o t h e h ouse, Thoe. Harvey, E1q., w.111 in son,· L Nichols, E Cochrane, M Oke, F Miss Patty, Bowmanvllle, tidy bed aeleep when t he i re broke out and f before buying. Morrow. A Salter, L Lyle, E Cornish, C Mrs, Huebon Bonnett, Newcaetle, B plush k db 1 was awa one v the sound of fallin~ N icbole. Average attend1mce for the tidies. Miss Minnie Bo1·nan, Newcastle, plmh brack· Pl.aster, and had barely ti me t o escape I Spec·: and Eye Glasses, Cases, &c., month, 50. J. H. ALLIN, Teacher. et drape. with a few clothes. I t i11 thouuht to be we carry the leading stock, and Me111rs.John and Simon Penfound have Miss Ger tie Yonnv, Bowman ville, eet toilet the work of an incendiary. '"' matte. purchased a Yery fine thoro'bred H olguarantee every pair for 6 m (;nths, M!asCa.rrieYoung.DowmanYille,80ra citBhion. On t he requ1 11ition of a number of the stein Bull bred by E . J. Burrell, Esq., Mre·Chaa.Young,Bowmanvtlle, knlttedttdy, resident s, the Ree~e, Mr. G. M. Loug, if w ell used. If t h ey l}.reak w e importer snd breeder of Holstein cattle Rev. Mre. Walker, Newcastle, lace he.ndker· caused.a to be issued calling will r e pair them free of charge. Little Fall11, N. Y., and have pie.cod hi~ chief. a meetm!l of. the c1t1zen11 on l<, riday even· for ienice, being kept at Mr. Simon PenMies R. Walker, Newcastle. fa.ncy avron. ing last to d111cuss matters in relation to Call and get fitted properly. found'11 on Lot 33, con. 2, Darlington. Mra. Holmes, Newcastle, feather pillow. the maintenance of law and order es· He ia registered in the D. },, H. Book, pec!ally with ~efere~ce t o cer tain a'epre. Oun REPAIRING DEPARTMENT.-- We and is a handsome animal. Holstein Mra. Darey, Newcastle, jar fruit. Mr; and Mrs. W . Brittain, Toron o, fancy dat10ns committed m our midat of late in can only go over the same old s ay- cows are the test milkers in the world table cover countervane. tb Mr. and Mrs. F . A..;Haddy, Toronto, kitchen e wanton des truction of pr ope1ty. and now that the cheeae industry is being, that we repair W a.tches, Clocks coming eo profitable, farmera ar.e breedutensils. . Scott's Emulsion of Ood L iver Oil Mr, Bert. Brlttam, Toronto. t dozen knives and Hy pop h osph 1t &S and Jewellry in the most skilful ing this class of ca ttle m llch mora exten- and forks. 11ively ~han formerly. Messrs. P enfound Mr. J ohn Bunner, Bowmanville, watter. I I s sold all over t he world. It is far auman n er. We a 1e looke d upon as paid a big s um for t his animal and we . _ . . . . perior t ? Cod L iver Oil, palatable the only reliable Watchmake r in haTe no doubt bu~ their investment will n,, Hutchison 1s selling off at and be· a nd easily digest ed. D r . Martin Miles be a pe.ying one . low coPt: Ladies' Hat s, Gloves, Parasols ~tanto n, Bury B ucks, London, England, this p a rt of the country. M e r e --------·a.nd hosiery below cost. Dress good sat says : "I have prescribed Scott's EmulA SAD PlteiWECr.:....H ow 1 n a ny weary talking can't do the work, b u t tool s, broken down invalids there are t o whom ccist and all other goods cheap . I am eion, and taken it myself. It is palata.ability a.nd ex perience combined life i11 burdensome and whose prospect is positivoly goi ng out of business. Come ble. efficient , a nd can be to'era.ted by a l· sad indeed. Tho mrvous debility and and get bttrgains. Cash paid for eggs. most anyone, cspectally where cod livor can , of which we have plenty. oil it self cannot be borne. general wealmesR of those afflicted with R. H UTCHISON. linget·iug disease is best remedied by the "lllANl' MEN, iUtlNl' M.lll'DS ," but nJJ II.ICU S'l'llJIBOllll C..,.ILDBl!N readJI~ takt1 »r invigoratilig and restor ing proper.ties ef :wd all mhul.!I ugree 1111 t. o the 1ucrits or I.on··~ ' Vorm !IJ>rnp, u pleasc8 the ehll~ 44. B. "B. B. n11rtlocl.: J·1us. ~m1lll 111ul 1111gar-c.o~tcd . l\lld "-"Htroy~ nui wnrnis. eo: uNSA LL'S Granite Works, 'l'YlWNE. Marble and All Wool Tweed, 30c. per yard. English Worsted, 35c. per yard. Prints, 4c. per yard. Towelings, 4c. per yard. Shirtings, 6c, per yard. Cottonade, 12t per yard. Grey Cotton, 4c per yard. White Cotton,6c.per yd. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR coons. F. A. COLE, Hampton. C - ROCK FORD ihaick·Train WATCHES MAYNAR~ -.--· MAY~~~e~~~- -:::--..'.-

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